1 minute read


Educational Access And Attainment

Children in Unbound’s sponsorship program are required to set and pursue educational goals on the basis that expanded access to education reduces global poverty. Past evaluations found that 75% of sponsored children reach or exceed national averages for educational attainment.


Unbound sent $226,412 to 245 entrepreneurs in 2022 to support small businesses through our Small Business Accelerator grants. Likewise, Unbound parents globally have created 159 cooperatives, totaling well over $3 million in assets and empowering members to take control of their livelihoods.

Relationships And Community Building

Through parent support groups, a culture of “parents helping parents” is encouraged. Members learn they can depend on one another during difficult times. Fellowship found within support groups for elders helps banish feelings of loneliness and underappreciation in that vulnerable population.

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