2 minute read

Have a Healthy Relationship with your body

10 ways to have a healthy relationship with your body

By Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie, M.D., Diplomate American Board of Obesity Medicine


1.It’s not your fault. Body weight regulation is more complicated that “calories in” vs “calories” out. Weight regulation is based on “energy intake” vs “energy expenditure.” A wide range of factors-genetic, hormonal, mental, social, and environmental- impact your energy balance and help determine your weight beyond just food and exercise.

2.Be aware of cultural bias when being screened for obesity. Your target “healthy weight” may be incorrect if your doctor or healthcare clinician didn’t adjust your non-obesity cut off level based on your age, race/ ethnicity, and sex.

3.Black women, in general, have more lean muscle mass compared to Caucasian women which can lead to an incorrect diagnosis of obesity prematurely in Black women. Therefore, the BMI, Body Mass Index, standard which is used to determine when you classify as having obesity (excess body fat), needs to be adjusted based on race & ethnicity.

4. Your body favors its highest weight and tries to stay at that weight.

5. Each time you lose weight and regain it makes it harder to lose it the next time.

6. Rapid weight loss, i.e. more than 8lbs/ month, slows your metabolism and can lead to rebound weight loss.

7. The best “diet” is a well-balanced eating plan filled with nutrient rich foods that you can stick to long term.

8. Sleeping less than 7hrs or more than 9hrs is associated with developing obesity.

9. High stress levels for more than a week are associated with weight gain and obesity.

10. People who lose weight with support tend to keep their weight off longer than 1 year. Seek help on your weight loss journey.

Tammy B creations is a one of a kind, handmade crochet doll maker. Each doll is cretaed to your specifics, unique, and are made to last. Growing up, black dolls were rarely seen and lacked true representation. Today Tammy B Creations creates dolls, one stitch at a time, that promotes self love and acceptance of who we are.