uLethbridge Spring 2020 Convocation Program

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On behalf of the entire Board of Governors, I congratulate you on this exciting and momentous milestone. You have each played an essential role in shaping uLethbridge history and we extend our very best wishes for your future. During this time of uncertainty, you have shown tremendous adaptability in creating opportunities to connect with your learning in different ways, and this skill will carry you far into your career. I hope you reflect upon your time at the University of Lethbridge fondly and continue to foster the spirit of life-long learning. Fiat Lux! Kurt Schlachter (BSc ’00), Board of Governors’ Chair

On behalf of the Students’ Union, I offer my sincerest congratulations to you on your accomplishments. Graduating is no small task, and convocation represents the culmination of all the commitment and dedication that you have put towards your time here at the University of Lethbridge. This time was not only put towards your classes and work, but the many shared experiences and connections you have made with your colleagues, cohorts, and friends. I thank you for the part you have played in our collective student experience here, and I look forward to what new and amazing things you will achieve now that this chapter of your life has come to an end. I wish you nothing but the best in your journey onwards. Jonathan Diaz, ULSU President

I am thrilled to be congratulating this group of graduates as the significance of successfully completing your university training is profound and must be celebrated. A traditional convocation would find you nervously anticipating the walk up the hill in gown and cap, hearing your name called as you crossed the stage, and posing for pictures with your family. Graduating during a pandemic has altered this tradition but should not take away your sense of accomplishment. I urge you to share your joy and happiness of your graduation and enable your support system to mirror this pride and joy. You are the testament to the benefits of student growth and education at uLethbridge and should be proud of your learning endeavors. A huge congratulation! Noëlla Piquette Chief Marshal and Associate Professor, Faculty of Education

We’ve been with you every step of the way — from your first school tour to your last assignment. We’ve seen you up at 7 a.m., stressing before a test, and we’ve helped you celebrate the end of a long day with a drink. Now you’re graduating, and the Coffee Company couldn’t be more proud to have accompanied you on this journey — ­­ as your cheering squad, your fueling station, the cup of comfort in your hand. Come back and visit often, and best of luck in your future endeavors! And, most importantly, never settle for crappy coffee.

On behalf of Iikaisskini: Indigenous Student Centre, we wish to extend our congratulations to the newest Alumni of the University of Lethbridge! Whether we were regularly connected or silent supporters in your corner, we recognize the sacrifices you have made and adversity you have overcome. May your journey of lifelong learning propel you to great, new, wonderful heights of achievement in the years ahead. The world is a great place to explore so trust that you can achieve anything you set your minds to! You have proven resilient with determination and perseverance. We wish you luck and congratulate you on behalf of all of us at Iikaisskini and friends throughout uLethbridge. Lindi Shade, Manager, Iikaisskini: Indigenous Student Centre


JT and the staff at the Campus Coffee Company

Graduate students, your dedication and hard work have culminated in a spectacular accomplishment to be genuinely proud of. The knowledge you have gained and imparted to others and the lasting connections you have made at uLethbridge highlight the unique and diverse community that you have been, and will continue to be, a part of. We congratulate you on your accomplishments thus far and look forward to what the future holds for each of you. Lauren Zink Graduate Students’ Association President

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