Brianna Series

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TheBr i anna

T h eBr i a n n a1 7 159. 39m2t ot alar ea

HomeDi mens i ons 10. 5m wi dt h 19. 0m l engt h


2 2

Ma k ei t y o u r o wn . . . Per s onal i s edOpt i onsAv ai l abl e

2 1

1 2

But l er ’ sPant r y PowderRoom

T h eBr i a n n a1 9 173. 21m2t ot alar ea

HomeDi mens i ons 10. 5m wi dt h 20. 2m l engt h


2 2

Ma k ei t y o u r o wn . . . Per s onal i s edOpt i onsAv ai l abl e



1 2

But l er ’ sPant r y PowderRoom

T h eBr i a n n a2 2 203. 43m2t ot alar ea

HomeDi mens i ons 11. 3m wi dt h 19. 9m l engt h


2 2

Ma k ei t y o u r o wn . . . Per s onal i s edOpt i onsAv ai l abl e 1




1 2 3

RumpusRoom But l er ’ sPant r y CoatRoom



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www. t r ueval uehomes. com. au

TheBr i anna Mi ni mal ,y etpl ent i f ul ,t heBr i annas er i esenc ompas s es al l ofy ournec es s i t i est oc al l i ty ourown.Thi si deal l ay outal l owsy out oenj oyopenpl anl i v i ng,whi l s t pr ov i di ngac omf or t i nges c apet ot hebedr ooms .You wi l l bes ur et of al l i nl ov ewi t ht heBr i anna,i ti spi c t ur e per f ec tf ort hefi r s thomeowner .

Copyri ght© 2017,al lpl ansareprot ect edbycopyri ghtandareownedbyTrueVal ueHomesPt yLt d.Phot ographsmaydepi ctfixt ures,f eat ures,f urni shi ngsandl andscapi ngnotsuppl i edby TrueVal ueHomes.Reproduct i oni nwhol eorpartoft hi sdocumenti sf orbi dden.TrueVal ueHomesandi t sl ogoareregi st eredt rademarksofTrueVal ueHomesPt yLt d® (ABN:95139577469).Formorei nf ormat i onont hepri ci ngandspeci ficat i on ofournewhomespl easecont actaTrueVal ueConsul t ant .Al li nf ormat i oncont ai nedwi t hi nt hi sbrochurewasaccurat eatt het i meofpri nt i ng,Mar ch2017

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