vlife magazine - life in the ridge and the pointe - Fall Edition 2011

Page 59

They sat there for a minute, staring, giving the impression of thinking, but at this point it didnʼt matter as much if they were thinking about Steve Jobs, what they were going to eat in an hour, or even what they were going to wear to school tomorrow. The fact is that Jobs had paved their lives in such a way that they didnʼt have to think-- his brand, his inventions, his contributions and sheer proliferation had afforded them the luxury of near-constant satisfaction. Like an intravenous drip. Theirs was Generation i-impulsive, intuitive, instant, integrated and with infinite possibilities. It felt important to me that they understand and appreciate the consequences of someone elseʼs hard work. More than that-- that they take this amazing ball of promise and run with it--what Jobs had set in motion they should continue to achieve. It was also a lesson in heroes. Jobs was not without his faults, but at his essence was a man who believed in... doing. Great ideas demanded no less in action, and his attention to detail made the difference between having good thoughts and “insanely great” accomplishments. Most every child is born with innate curiosity and the willpower to achieve those first steps of life; as parents, it is incumbent upon us to continue encouraging that creativity, that longing to explore our world and to help ensure that our youngsters donʼt lose sight of their own remarkable gifts. Steve Jobs was not born with a computer. He invented one. I got up, tossed the empty box of tissues into the recycling, and asked my kids if they had any questions. “Can I get on the computer, Mom, to research my science project about trees?” David asked. What would Steve Jobs do? “Not right now, honey. Go outside and take a walk-- look around you-- your answers are right there, youʼll see...” Britta Wilder


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