Trinitarian Magazine Issue 4/2016

Page 61

downs. At times, they can become discouraged or weary by the process. The ongoing support that we provide helps them to keep focus and be committed to their vision of discipleship and growth. Consultations are opportunities for us to reinforce what was taught during the training sessions, helping the church leadership evaluate the health of carecells and talking through some of the challenges they face. Sometimes, we provide suggestions on how they can improve their church/ carecell “infrastructure” to best support church growth. Through these platforms, we intentionally build relationships with church leadership. During my time in Yokohama, I saw the fruit of Pastor Margaret’s committed relationships with church leadership – getting to know them and demonstrating concern for their well-being – that gave her the ability to speak into their lives and minister to them.

HOW DID YOUR EXPERIENCE IN MINISTRY HELP YOU DURING THIS T&C? On this T&C trip, Pastor Margaret and I conducted the “Mastering 5Gs” course for the leaders, sharpening their skills in leading the five Gs of a carecell meeting (Gel, Glorify, Grow, Go, Gear Up). Although we were equipped with a Trainer’s Guide, Pastor Margaret and I had to rely more on our ministry experience because of the dynamic and fluid nature of the course – what we taught largely depended on the issues and questions raised. Moreover, local

leaders were given opportunities to do group role play so that we (the trainers) could provide feedback, improving their ability in using the 5Gs to lead a vibrant and purposeful carecell meeting.

WHAT KIND OF IMPACT DO YOU BELIEVE YOU MADE DURING THIS TRIP? During introductions, I told the class that I was a bi-vocational pastor – holding a full-time job while serving as a Zone Pastor. A number of them came to ask me how I had managed my time, giving me opportunities not only to share “time-management/keepingthe-balance” tips but also to encourage them to rise up and serve God. I believe that my Trinity journey, being discipled from member to pastor through the TCC Cell Church Model, spurred the participants to believe that they, too, can be used mightily by God and bear much fruit!

I believe that my Trinity journey spurred the participants to believe that they, too, can be used mightily by God and bear much fruit!”

HOW CAN TRINITARIANS SUPPORT PASTORS GOING ON T&C TRIPS? Through prayer! Here are some prayer pointers to get them started.

• Protection, good health and strength • Favor with the local leadership and congregation

• Wisdom and prophetic insight during times of ministry

• God’s power and authority as they preach, speak into lives, and build faith

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