Trinitarian Magazine Issue 4/2016

Page 40





ou have a dream in your heart. You fully believe God put it there Himself, and you’ll stop at nothing to work towards this dream. You determine in your spirit to work hard, keep your eye on the goal, even doing something every day that will make what seems so out of grasp, a reality for which you’ve longed.

pep talk begins. Yet your mind is filled with such self-doubt and fear. You listen to the lies whispered straight into your spirit, things you’ve heard from the past, broken records in your mind.

Enter on the scene – a dream killer.

You slowly swallow every one, believing them to be true.

“You’re not good enough” “You can’t do that.” “Look at what others have done, you don’t even compare.”

You share it with someone you trust, hoping to hear their wise thoughts and encouragement. Instead you find your dream busted to pieces by the time you walk away, with negative, cynical words. They have other ideas and dreams for your life, yours is surely not one of them. And they don’t mind letting you know.

You look at the calendar, contemplating how much time has already gone by, how very busy you are, and how long you really need to make this dream happen. You decide to put it off until tomorrow, because seriously, what’s one more day?

You look in the mirror, reminding yourself you must will to hold on. The

Dashed hopes. Halted dreams. Left sitting in the big pile of washed up

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