Trinitarian Magazine Issue 3/2016

Page 46


moving from to

By Reverend Ong Sek Leang

If you’ve been a Christian long enough, you would have seen or experienced the power of God. Therefore, our struggle is not whether our God is powerful but, rather, why His power appears to be intermittent. Why is it that sometimes we feel the power of God and other times we feel nothing? Why is it that sometimes He turns up and sometimes He doesn’t seem to turn up at all? We need to recognize that the manifestation of God’s power has to do with the state of God’s presence in our lives. His promises don’t need the presence of a guest speaker or a special event to come to pass. Is His presence a mere visitation or is there a habitation of God in our hearts? To understand this, let’s look at the ministry of Elisha and his encounter with the Shunammite woman. 4 6

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