Trinitarian Magazine Issue 3/2016

Page 26


How has Trinity helped you grow in your walk with God?

Through the #Jubilee50K Challenge, I have learned to break out of my comfort zone and intentionally look out for the needs of those around me. I am blessed to be a blessing and it is indeed better to give than to receive.”

– Priscilla How

Creative Ministry Trinitarian since October 1994

When I first started the #Jubilee50K Challenge, I was concerned about what people would think about my posts and about me. Along the way, I came across #Jubilee50K posts that really warmed my heart. These became constant reminders for me to look out for people to bless. The #Jubilee50K Challenge has also given me greater boldness and courage to speak about God’s goodness in my life and who He is to me.”

Proclaiming God’s faithfulness and kindness through the #Jubilee50K Challenge opened an avenue for me to share the Gospel with my colleagues. I even led one of them to accept Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior!”

– Jill Ann Arididon

Filipino Ministry Trinitarian since April 2002

Through Incredible Unity by being a part of the #Jubilee50K Challenge

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From the Incredible Unity found in a carecell

– Lee Lexin

IGNYTE Ministry Trinitarian since January 2007

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