Trinitarian Magazine Issue 3/2016

Page 101

Seth Asher Kok • Ministry Expression (ME) Sound • What sacrifices do you have to make to serve in your ME? I have to wake up earlier so that I can report on time. I also leave service later because our team has to wash the microphone sponges and coil up the cables. That means I have less time to be with friends after service. • What do you enjoy must about serving?

Katriel Choo • Ministry Expression (ME) Praise Team • What sacrifices do you have to make to serve in your ME?

I get to learn how to operate and manage the sound board. More important, I believe it is an honor to serve God. I want to serve just as Christ came to serve and I know He is pleased with me when I do.

What sacrifices? (laughs) I don’t have to give up any thing to ser ve! • What do you enjoy must about serving?

• What advice would you give someone who is thinking of serving? God is pleased when we serve and you can learn a lot through serving!

I have fun and I enjoy serving. I like RBG the most because I get to control the big screen and press the mouse and buttons! • What advice would you give someone who is thinking of serving? It’s easy and fun to serve! We should serve in God’s house.

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