Trinitarian Magazine Issue 2/2013

Page 101

What has been a most meaningful experience for you and your family when serving God? CK: The smiles and appreciation from each church attendee strengthens me. I'm also heartened that my family understands that service to God is a privilege and that rewards may not always be in the form that the world recognizes. R: Once when I was serving as a traffic marshal, a driver shouted at me in the presence of others as he demanded for a parking lot. But when he saw me around four months later, he extended a brotherly handshake to me and thanked me for serving God! That was memorable! I'm also heartened that my commitment to serve God has impacted my children. Both of them are serving diligently in their ministries with awe and excitement. It’s a joy seeing them rushing to church to serve! Any advice for the fathers out there who are serving or considering serving God? CK: Don't wait for the right moment! There will always be a reason not to serve. Take heart that the struggles you face are not unique to you. We are all running the same race with the same challenges. Only be strong and courageous. God knows your heart and destiny! R: There are many Ministry Expression choices in our church that you can try out to serve God. You will be surprised how you can bless and touch others just by serving them.Your commitment to serve is an act of obedience and God will surely bring heaven into your household! As I look back, I can see God’s blessings upon my family – a challenging but rewarding career for my wife, an obedient and God-trusting daughter and a Godfearing son. T

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Ng Chee Keong

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