Trinitarian Magazine Issue 2/2008

Page 76

Friends, Foes and Lovers

Would you become friends with The Boss? How about sex before marriage? These provocative questions were posed at the forum and talk-show which were the focus of the Combined Districts Young Adults Gathering on 4 April 2008.

By Kevin Kwang, Tan Rou’en and Gillian Ang

ramifications it might have. While

towards non-disclosure.

the reasons varied in content, the panelists had no qualms in

At the end of the evening, Pastor

befriending their superiors, even

Dominic Yeo took to the stage

if it might cause envy or gossip

to share some of his thoughts

with their colleagues.

on the complexity of office relationships between opposite

But it was, perhaps, the second

genders. He shared candidly of his

question which created a bit

own response to the blog entry

more of a stir, when the question

scenario, calling it “professional

Working Adults

of making friends with the

will”, where we, as Christians,

The working adults had a forum

opposite gender was broached.

have to “set the motivation of

discussion that revolved essentially

A blog entry depicting a scenario

both heart and mind right” and

around friendship in the workplace.

where a man and a woman,

exercise discipline and

It was facilitated by Pastor Larry

who spent most of their time

practicality in averting

Lee, and joining him were 6 young

working together on a project,

the allure of attraction.

working adults, who were the

began to wonder if they had

panelists for the evening.

feelings for each other. The catch: one of them was married. The


Would you become friends with

audience was then invited to

The Boss? This question kicked

discuss among themselves their

off a thought-provoking session

personal reaction to the scenario,

as Pastor Larry asked if the panel

particularly if it happened to

and audience were for the idea

them. While some chose to be

of befriending their bosses,

upfront to their partners about

and what some of the possible

the feelings, others leaned

Young Adults

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