Trinitarian Magazine Issue 2/2008

Page 65

God asked Abram to leave the Ur of the Chaldeans.

impact our nation. I believe that God is about

This was a flourishing sea port with extensive trade.

to touch every Trinitarian so that corporately,

In fact, it was the most magnificent city in the world

Trinity will impact our nation for God’s glory.

at that time, very prosperous and progressive, with

I also believe that God will establish you in your

great commerce. It was also a centre of farming with

business so that you will stand out and impact

very fertile ground, and a manufacturing centre to

the nation, and the church will experience that

boot. They had it all! Who would want to leave a

blessing as well.

place like that? And especially when you don’t even know where you are supposed to go!

2 “I will bless you” – Personal blessing I believe that God is about to bless us with

God also asked Abram to leave his father’s household,

a personal blessing. We are blessed to be a

which included his father’s treasury. His father Terah

blessing, to be a source of blessing. God’s

was very wealthy. The wealth Abram stood to inherit

personal blessing will rest on us. Kings like

could probably feed his family for generations. Yet

Darius, Nebuchadnezzar and the Pharaoh paid

God told him to leave all that security. Why? Human

attention to people like Daniel, Nehemiah and

affection needs to give way to divine grace when

Joseph because they recognised that God

we follow the Lord in faith and obedience.

was with them and they were blessed of God. I believe that God will bless you richly with a

God wanted to bless Abram, but Abram’s response

personal blessing this year. It could be a blessing

was key. He needed to respond in faith. Because

in your relationships, in your finances or in your

Abram responded in faith and obedience, he later

physical health.

became the father of the nation of Israel. 3 “I will make your name great” – Reputational


Blessings God wants to give you.


I believe there are four blessings that God

In the first blessing, the word ‘make’ in the

wants to restore and release to you as part of

phrase ‘make you into a great nation’ means ‘to

the Abrahamic covenant:

establish’. But here, in this blessing, the word ‘make’ in ‘make your name great’ means ‘to

1 “I will make you a great nation” – National

enhance and grow’. God promised to establish


Abram as a nation, and then to enhance and

This means that God will establish us as a great

grow his name and reputation.

nation. The blessing of God in our lives will


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