Trinitarian Magazine Issue 2/2008

Page 61

Bring a friend, connect that friend… for who knows, you might change the course of your friend’s life forever! Our Leadership Team pastors spill the beans on who brought them to church and set them up for a date with Destiny.

Wilson Teo

My sister invited me to Trinity in 1985 when I stagnated in

my spiritual walk. She had been coming to Trinity for a few months and shared with me her wonderful experience in Trinity. That got me all excited to come and see it for myself. On my first visit, I felt the presence of God in a way which I had not experienced before. That kept me coming back to enjoy the vibrant and intimate worship with God. I started attending classes and cells, which further integrated me into the life of the church. The people in the Trinity were very warm and friendly, and helped me to feel part of this large family. I decided to get water baptised in Trinity and have been a member ever since!

When I was in school, a friend tried to share the

Lam Ee Lin Someone invited one of

gospel with me while we played table soccer together.

my friends to Trinity, and he invited a whole group

Talk about care and connect! This brave soul was

of us! We all decided to come together –

none other than Pastor Dennis Lum Although I didn’t

I guess you could call it the friendship factor,

receive Christ then, I did two years later.

or the herd instinct! For a long time, we stuck together as a group, attending church and growing But he

together. We enjoyed the worship and the sermons.

wasn’t the

Gerald Tan

one who

A brother from


Trinity connected

me to

with our whole

Trinity; it

group, often

was my

stopping to talk to


us and encourage us. I thank God

Here’s what happened: I got saved in another church,

he did, for he

but when my parents got saved in Trinity, I moved

was the one who

over to join them. I was very introverted, and did

encouraged me

not have a single friend. I was happy just to keep to

towards water

myself and attend service with my family. Later, I did

baptism and finally saw me water baptised.

some reverse ‘care and connect’ by inviting Dennis

I continued to grow in Trinity, and later, I started

over to Trinity. Now, I had a friend!

serving as a Sunday school teacher.

Wanting to serve in any way I could, I volunteered to

I would say the friendship element definitely

be a sound man for the youth ministry. I must have

played a part in helping me settle into church.

been good at it, because they later put me in charge

But once I settled in, it was connecting with God

of it. Perhaps this goes to show that serving helps

that helped me grow further and deeper. Now

a person get connected and settled into church!

that’s the ultimate connection!


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