Trinitarian Magazine Issue 2/2008

Page 54

! d e t c Conne

y il m a f r i e h t t c e n n o c y e h t w o h e r a Trinitarians sh and friends just by making caring and connecting . fe li y a d y r e v e ir e h t f o a part

Through a gathering We met Phuong, a Vietnamese lady, at our cell member’s house blessing. Actually we cell folks were tempted to keep to ourselves as it takes extra effort to get to know new people and there were many sophisticated pre-believers there, some of whom were high flyers in the financial world. They also seemed to know each other very well, so it was not easy to talk to them. Nevertheless, a few of us stepped out of our comfort zone and made the effort to talk to Phuong.

N dl ll rejoiced! j i d! Sh i d us ffor Needless to say, we all She jjoined carecell and has started on New Beginnings,

• We then invited her to our section’s Chinese New Year celebration. She came and enjoyed herself

the nurturing material for new Christians and newcomers.

very much, and she got to know many of our cell folks.

God has taught us that when we step out in

• Next we invited her to witness two of

obedience, He moves mightily! We also learnt the

our cell members getting baptised.

power of teamwork in reaching out to our friends,

She came to church but said she was

as Phuong came as a result of the efforts by two

not ready to receive Jesus yet.

carecells - Tessarina and 342 Champions - to keep in

• We kept praying for her and believing

touch with her

God to touch her. Praise God for the marvelous way He is working! We At Easter she came but did not respond to the altar

are truly encouraged!

call. However, when asked later if she wanted to


receive Jesus, she said that she already had as she

Rosita Fernandez, adjunct lecturer

prayed along with Pastor Dominic when he said the

324 Champions

sinner’s prayer.

West, Trinity@Adam

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