Trinitarian Magazine Issue 2/2008

Page 30

Children are among God’s many blessings, but they are not the only blessing.

isolation, and resolution. Look at Hannah

friends and support groups.

(1 Samuel 1); she exhibited almost all of these. Remember: children are a gift, not the gift. When Unfortunately, infertility is a grief cycle within a

people quote verses about children being blessings

grief cycle: the monthly cycle of hope and despair

from God, it’s easy to feel you’re being punished.

interrupts the greater grief process, often leaving

Of the thousands of infertility patients we have

couples wondering if they will ever stop hurting.

talked with, I’ve met only one person who told me she’s never wondered whether God was punishing

Spouses grieve differently. Because infertility

her (She was an atheist.) Children are among God’s

occurs during the childbearing years, it’s often the

many blessings, but they are not the only blessing.

first major loss husbands and wives experience as a couple. It can be a shock to discover they grieve

Read up and speak up. As believers, our bodies

differently. Many researchers have concluded that

are temples of the Holy Spirit. So we must manage

gender-based differences significantly complicate

them well. Christian ethics here require thought

the crisis. One sociologist observed that, in

and investigation. Will the clinic show respect for

general, “Wives saw their husbands as callous and

your convictions? (Most will.) If you do high-tech

unaffected by infertility while husbands saw their

treatments, will you limit the number of potential

wives as ‘overreacting’ and unable to put things

embryos to those you are willing to carry to term?

in perspective. While wives felt their husbands

Take responsibility for your treatment.

were unwilling to talk about infertility, some husbands wondered what there was to talk

Let God strengthen you. This is most important.

about.” In another study, half of the infertile women

Keep asking yourself, “Do I believe God is good?”

said their infertility was the hardest thing they

and “Will I trust Him?” Resist the temptation to cry

had ever experienced; only fifteen percent of their

out, “My stupid body!” Know that God made you

husbands said the same thing.

fearfully and wonderfully in love, mysterious as His reasons may be. When Job hurt, he fell on his face

Yet it’s not always she who feels more pain; in some

and worshipped. Worship your Creator in your

marriages, he does. And infertility is not a “woman’s

pain. He cherishes you and bears your hurt. You’re

problem.” Its causes are about evenly split between

not alone.

the genders. Reprinted with permission. This article first appeared


One solution to the emotional disparity is for both

in HomeLife. Sandra Glahn, Th.M., is adjunct professor,

partners or the one feeling more emotional pain to

Christian Education and Pastoral Ministries, at Dallas

connect with a support group or find an Internet

Theological Seminary (DTS). Together with Dr William

buddy. Some psychologists estimate that even

Cutrer, she has co-authored other books which explore

happily married couples should expect only about

the spiritual, marital, emotional, medical, and ethic

25 percent of their support to come from their

issues surrounding infertility. More articles on this topic

spouses. The rest must come from family, church,

can be found on

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