Pacesetters 2016

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You hold in your yearboo h k – Pac ands the lates t edition esetters of TCA 2016. College Over th ’s annu e years al , TCA C with the oll ologica l and m ege has sough with pu inisteria t rpose a to equip ls nd desti of God ny. We kills needed to men and wom up are ove en move fo their ch on the lives of rjoyed rward urc ou their fait hes and natio r graduates as to hear of the ns. It is h and o g th race ey return so enco bedienc eternal to se uraging e to the fruit. to witne rve Gospel ss how has ena bled the Just as m to be Paul att ar ri that TC buted h A Colle ge has is victories to G is only beco od, by through the grace of o me the instituti it is not by ma ur n’s on th than pic e pages of this Lord (1 Corinth it is today. Ra effort tures an ther, it ians 15 yearboo :10). As d faithfuln k you go ess of G words. Rather, , know that ea ch artic od in bri our hop victory le is mo and bre e is tha n re t akthrou ging TCA Coll gh. ege to g you will see th e re ater lev The ed els of itorial te am wou alumni, ld lik m of exce en and women e to extend h eartfelt llence b whom h th ut also that all a culture ave not only e anksgiving to current o stablish and futu of love ed a cu ur by build re stude ltu ing a co nts can Finally, mmunit re call fam we wish y ily. to cong the suc ratu ces accomp sful completio late the gradu n of the a lishmen ir studie ting students ts prepari o s ng the w and pray for God’s p . We rejoice in n ay for m resence your inistries to He has Togethe called y go before you r, as on , ou into. e for the prize of family, let us c ontinue the high (Philipp to c ians 3:1 alling o f God in “press toward 4) the mark Christ J esus.”

Elaine T eo Shu





2016是新亚 学院最新的 年刊。 这些年以来 ,新亚学院 所 持守的理念 这两方面装 就是要在神 备弟兄姐妹 学教育与事 ,以便引导 杆前进。当 工训练 他们向着上 毕业生回到 帝给他们的 自 己 的教会和国 充满着上帝 命定和标 家继续的事 的恩典。看 奉,他们的 见他们对福 果子,真叫 生命 音的信心和 人喜乐和鼓 顺服得以结 舞。 出永恒的 就如保罗认 定得胜来自 上帝,学院 蒙上帝的恩 今日的成功 典才能成的 并非人的功 (林前15: 们希望您看 劳,乃是 10)。当您 到的不仅是 阅览这年刊 照 片 实,把新亚 和文字,而 时, 我 学院带到更 是更希望您 大的成就和 能看到上帝 突破。。 的信 编辑团队衷 心的感谢我 们所有的校 统,也塑造 友,不仅建 了一个现在 立了卓越与 和将来的同 爱的传 学们称之为 家的群体。 最后,我们 要恭贺即将 毕业的学长 因他们的成 学姐们顺利 就,我们同 完成学业。 欢庆。代祷 你们的服侍 中愿上帝与 铺好道路。 他 们同在,愿 让 我 在基督耶稣 们一家人齐 上帝为 里从上面召 心“ 向着标 为来得的奖 杆直跑,要 赏。”(腓 得神 3:14) 张舒慧,主编

Hui, Edit

or Fron t BacFroRntow : 郑:杰郑杰 k Ro Row ,E,Elaine Teo : Ra: Ray BackwRow laine ymo mo Lim T eo , Toni Er nd nd (Dea(De imStu n ofan Lof , n ts), 邹敬杰 Stud Toden ents i Er ), 邹 敬杰



Congratulations to the graduating class of 2016! The regalia you wear today represent the completion of your academic journey in TCA College. As you enter into a new season of life and ministry, I exhort you to exchange your graduation robes for garbs fit to plow for a mighty harvest, moving forward as people filled with passion. I exhort each of you to have a spiritual hunger for more of God as you cultivate a passion for the Spirit, the Word, and the Harvest. Passion for the Sprit – In ministry, there will be situations and challenges that seem so much bigger than us. Instead of shrinking back in fear, persevere with the knowledge that God has given us “an advocate to help [us]” (John 14:16) – the Holy Spirit. Hunger for the power and presence of the Holy Spirit and expect to receive new revelation. Passion for the Word – When describing the armor of God, Paul writes that we are to arm ourselves with the sword of the Spirit – the Word of God (Ephesians 6:17). Though your time of formal study may be over, remain diligent in studying the Word and expect that He will grant you new wisdom. Passion for the Harvest – In addition to armor, Paul also writes that we are to “…clothe [ourselves] with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience...” and “…to “put on love, which binds them all in perfect unity.” (Colossians 3:12, 14) Though a sword can win wars, it is love that wins hearts to Christ. Remain sensitive to the needs of others – the lost, the hurting, and the brokenhearted – so that you are able to lead them to the ultimate provider: Jesus Christ. May you remain strong in the Lord and filled with passion for the things of God. 6

Rev Dominic Yeo

祝贺2016年的毕业生们! 你们今天所穿上的礼袍代表着你们已经完成了新亚学院的学术之旅。当 你们走进生命和事工的新季节时,我劝诫你们把毕业礼袍转换成适合开 垦伟大丰收的装备,并且带着热忱向前迈进。我劝勉你们每一位在培养 对圣灵、神的道和丰收的热忱时要拥有一份对神更深的属灵渴慕。 对圣灵的热忱— —在事工当中,会有很多的情况和挑战看上去比我们 还要大。与其在恐惧中退缩,不如坚持我们的认识,神已经赐给我们“ 一位保惠师来帮助我们”(约14:16)— —圣灵。渴慕圣灵的大能和 同在,期待接受新的启示。 对神的道的热忱— —当描述到神所赐的军装时,保罗写到我们当以圣 灵的宝剑来装备我们自己— —神的道(弗6:17)。虽然你正式的学习 已经告一段落,但是你仍要保持勤奋学习神的道,并期待祂会赐给你新 的智慧。 对丰收的热忱— —除了军装以外,保罗也写到“存怜悯、恩慈、谦 虚、温柔、忍耐的心,”然后“要存着爱心,爱心就是联络全德的。” (西3:12、14)虽然宝剑可以打赢战争,但却是爱赢得人心归向基督。 对他人的需求要保持敏感— —失丧的,受伤的,心碎的— —以至于你 可以带领他们回到根本的供应者面前— —耶稣基督。 但愿你们在主里继续刚强,热衷于神的事情!





In Acts 1-2, we read how the outpouring of the Holy Spirit led to the birth of the early church. It was this power that brought three thousand people into the Kingdom after Apostle Peter’s Pentecost sermon. Subsequent chapters of Acts demonstrate the missional outreach of the early church – preaching the Gospel from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. The early church was consumed with the passion to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. The supernatural phenomenon that took place within the early church is still happening today. The Holy Spirit continues to empower men and women for the work of the ministry as the Gospel is preached all over the world. Thousands continue to enter the Kingdom each day. Like the book of Acts, I believe that your lives will be chapters that God will write to show the world of His power. As you graduate from TCA College, I pray that you will: • Continue in the footsteps of the early church disciples, empowered by the Holy Spirit to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ; • Encounter the supernatural power of God in the ministry with signs and wonders following the preaching of His Word; and • Be consumed to live a missional life to bring the Gospel to the ends of the earth. May your life and ministry be an inspiration to all of us at TCA College, especially to those who will follow after your footsteps in obeying God. 8

Rev Dr Wilson Teo

MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN School of Creative Arts Congratulations to all the graduating students for completing this part of the journey in your lives. Our greatest joy is seeing each of you constantly allowing Him to work in and through your lives, passing on what you have learned to the next generation. We at TCA College are proud of you. One word that best describes our world today is “busy.” Life is getting busier. The demands and expectations in performing are greater than ever before. With so much to do and so little time, it is so easy to get caught up with being busy. However, we read that “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” (Luke 5:16). Jesus, despite his busy ministry, deliberately pulled away to seek the Father’s will. These intimate moments with God were precious times when He rested His body, refreshed His soul, and drew strength for the work ahead. The example of Jesus seems so counterintuitive but DrAndrew A. Bonar, a noted Scottish author, reiterates this truth. “In order to grow in grace, we must be much alone. It is not in society that the soul grows most vigorously. In one single, quiet hour of prayer it will often make more progress than in days of company with others. It is in the desert that the dew falls freshest and the air is purest.” As you forge forward in serving the Lord faithfully, let us not forget the most important thing: to spend time with Him. Let us make this our utmost priority by basing our service on relationship and not on ritual. I firmly believe that the more we pull away the more we are able to pull through. Bloom wherever you are planted. May you keep shining for Jesus. Rev Dr Paul David


MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN School of Theology (English) Congratulations to the graduates of 2016! You have come to the end of your journey at TCA College and I believe the time has been fruitful and rewarding. On behalf of the faculty team at the School of Theology, thank you for allowing us to sow and invest in your life. It has been our privilege to have journeyed with and grown with you. As pastors and leaders in the church, we are called to shepherd the flock that has been entrusted to us (1 Peter 5:13). Timothy Witmer expands on this in a discussion on pastoral theology and I believe it is useful for us to reflect on this. As undershepherds, we are first called to know the sheep under our care. That means we can never be distant from their lives. We need to walk with them, know their hopes and dreams, fears and concerns, struggles and victories. Second, we must preach and teach that God’s people heart, and actions. God’s eternal truth, do so.

feed our sheep. Our role is to the whole counsel of Scripture so will be transformed in their mind, We must never shirk from declaring even when it may be unpopular to

Third, we need to lead our sheep. Our leadership must always be motivated by love and the well-being of our people, continually pointing them towards God’s purpose and destiny for their lives. Finally, we need to protect our sheep. Protection includes praying over our church members and walking with those who are lonely, wounded, or hurting – restoring them to full health. To all graduates, my prayer is that you will truly be undershepherds that know, feed, lead, and protect God’s flock in your care. 12

Rev Dr Dennis Lum

主任信息 神学系 (中文部) 最近读到了一篇非常有趣的新闻报道。在英国,有一所大学,校方因健康和 安全的理由,决定禁止毕业生丢四方帽的传统。校方的发言人在采访中提出 有必要作这样的决定是因为不断发生学生被坠落的四方帽弄伤的事故。但为 了不让毕业生因无法捕捉到毕业时丢四方帽那关键的神圣镜头,他们想了一 个两全其美的方法,由专业摄影公司,来指导学生作假动作,然后采用电脑 科技,把丢在半空中的四方帽的画面加入,形成完美的照片。 这份报导给我两个反思。第一,对在新亚学院的神学生而言,毕业典礼上, 什么是最完美的镜头?参加了几次的新亚学院的毕业典礼后,最难忘,也觉 得最美的时刻就是当毕业生穿着毕业袍,戴着四方帽,来到祭坛前的祷告。 有的跪着,有的高举双手,有的把手放在胸前,有的默默流泪,有的激昂的 祷告,但每个人都来到神的面前,在他们人生的一个新的起点,领受神的赐 福。这就是新亚毕业生,毕业了,最完美的镜头!第二,对新亚学院的毕业 生而言,毕业了,最代表性的动作会是什么?在新亚的这段日子,每次有 机会和学生对话时,我常常向学生强调不管在这里读书需要多长的时间,都 一定要享受整个学习的过程。因为,有好成绩固然值得被赞赏,但更重要的 是,毕业了,生命有没有被改变。而被神深深的改变后,带着这样的生命去 影响其他的生命,才是新亚毕业生,最代表性的作为。盼望每个毕业生,都 能捕捉到那最完美的镜头,准备好,为神在这个世代成就神的使命!







2016年9月2日,新亚师生们怀着期待的心,迎来了欢呼雀跃的日子 — — 联谊日。 早晨,明媚的阳光伴随着师生们一同踏上前往滨海湾花园的旅程。 一路上,车厢中师生们谈笑风生,欢乐激动的气氛弥漫了整个车厢。 到达目的地后,这体现新亚师生情谊的活动正式开始。大家并不畏惧 炎炎烈日,一边体会花香美景,一边勇闯游戏关卡,笑声此起彼伏。 游戏过程中,每个小组的成员相互配合,相互鼓励,取长补短,尽力 发挥出自身的聪明才智,他们的努力使得彼此之间更加默契。也借此 机会,让每个人亲近自然,欣赏上帝所创造的花草树木,并记录下这 美好的瞬间。 时至当午,烈日依旧,师生相聚树荫下享用午餐,彼此服事,畅快 交流。时间转瞬即逝,经过团队的颁奖,师生们带着祷告中的祝福, 在欢声笑语中,结束了这日的旅程。 陈哈慧


Tan Poh Pueh, Petrina Master of Arts in Counseling

Lam Jun Ting, Clifford Master of Arts in Counseling

Makinen Maria Orvokki, Faith Bachelor of Theology

Thank God for granting my desire to rejuvenate my heart and recharge my mind with new perspectives through further education. The last two years of intensive training at TCA College marked an incredible milestone in my life. Under the good care of professional trainers and faculty, my vision has been broadened, my skills and capacity enhanced, my understanding of God, self and others enriched. All glory to God!

My 2 years in TCA came and Áew by as quickly as the waves rush and recede from the shore. Many months on, in my new job and calling, I thank God for every moment spent in TCA College. The arduous pace of study, the constant challenges and situations the lecturers placed me in, all served to equip and prepare me to be a counselor. Together with like-minded classmates, all of us focused on preparing ourselves to be used by God. TCA will always be a college that I’m proud to have passed through.

The time I spent in TCA has been a rewarding journey of discipline and learning. I never wanted my degree to be a mere piece of paper, and that is precisely what it is not. TCA has not only shaped me academically, but prepared me for life-long ministry with the insightful lessons and colorful memories that I get to keep with me. Thank you TCA, and everyone else who has made my education here possible!



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