3BGD 2009-2011

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skoj šumi sa druge strane reke i naravno ka delu placa na samoj obali gde se očekivalo najveće okupljanje i stanara i budućih posetilaca. Planovima je predviđena zasena galerijskog prostora koja treba da razreši nepovoljnu tehničku okolnost. Orjentacija prostora na spratu je takođe ka jugu i reci, kao i sa otvorima kojima se prati pristup objektu na zapadnoj strani. Tokom 2010. godine presahla su sredstva za gradnju, pa je Udruženje donelo odluku da otvori galerijski prostor početkom 2011., nezavisno od nedovršenog objekta u celini, da bi se krenulo sa radom. Ovaj je potez uticao da se čitav projekat kvalitetnije osmišljava i realizuje jer je i sama funkcija prostora postala jednako zanimljivi work in progress kao i projektovanje i gradnja. Trenutno stanje objekta oslikava jednu fazu u njegovoj realizaciji, pa se sama arhitektura kuće ne može čitati kao celovita. Ovo nije ometalo rad Galerije tokom 2011. i ona je funkcionisala sasvim prirodno i pored okolnosti da nije u celini završena. Ono što je, u izvesnom smislu, nadgradnja funkcionalističkog koncepta kuće predstavlja jedan niz elemenata koji je projektovan tako da pomogne samoodrživost, u osnovi, nekomercijalnog i samim tim gotovo utopijskog projekta. Ravan krov je predviđen za ugradnju solarnih ćelija, a prizmatična struktura kuće sadrži otvorene i vidne delove konstruktivnog sklopa koji treba da postanu strukture opkrojene pocinkovanim žičanim rasterom za nošenje mase biljnog zelenila, tako da se kuća vremenom u celini utopi u prirodno pošumljeno okruženje. Ove bi strukture skrivale kompletnu klimatizaciju objekta.

for the gallery, a club, depots and utility rooms. These modifications caused keeping only the outside access to the floor, but the double height of the gallery allowed the part of the ground floor to extend through two functional floors with accompanying facilities. Of course, the southern orientation of the gallery is not a very favorable but it was necessary in order to open the facility toward the river and the fantastic views towards “Karaburma” (one of Belgrade`s suburbs), and “Zvezdara woods” across the river and of course the part of the plot on the very coast where the largest gathering of residents and future visitors was expected. The plans predicted to overshadow the gallery space in order to resolve the technically unfavorable circumstance. The orientation of the space on the floor is also toward the south and the River, and with openings that monitor access to the building on the west side. During 2010 the funds for construction dried up , so the association decided to open a gallery space in early 2011, regardless of the fact that the building was unfinished as a whole, in order to start working. This move affected the quality of the design and implementation of the whole project because the function of the space itself has become the work in progress, just as interesting as the design and construction. The current state of the building reflects one phase in its implementation and thus the architecture of the house itself can`t be read as complete. This fact did not interfere with the work of the Gallery in 2011 and it has worked quite normally despite of the fact that it’s not fully completed. What is in a certain sense, the upgrade of the functionalist concept of a house is a series of elements designed to help self-sufficiency of an essentialy noncommercial and therefore almost utopian project. The flat roof is designed for the installation of solar cells, and the prismatic structure of the house contains open and visible parts of the constructive components component that should become structures lined with a zinc wire grid to carry the mass of vegetation, so that with time the house would blend in the natural wooded environment. These structures would hide the complete airconditioning of the building. The ground floor section contains a minimalized yet functional space of the club that can simultaneously be used as an office space, as well as a space for the permanent exhibition and gift shop or collection of artworks for sale.


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