3BGD 2009-2011

Page 53

Zemunizacija Trećeg Beograda

Zemunisation of Third Belgrade ZMUC


Na Dan oslobođenja Zemuna, akcija “Zemunizacija Trećeg Beograda”, počinje 22. oktobra 2011. dolaskom ekipe ZMUC-a čamcem iz Zemuna do Krnjače - ukoliko vremenske prilike dozvole.

On the day of liberation of Zemun, action “Zemunisation of Third Belgrade”, starts on 22nd October 2011 with arrival of a ZMUC team with the boat from Zemun to Krnjaca - if weather conditions permit.

Pod sloganom “Živi kao stoka, radi kao konj, umetnost za bakšiš”, Zemunci će se predstaviti ZMUC proizvodnjom i koncertom Gorana Nikolića Orgea, uz istarsko vino i srpsku rakiju.

Under the slogan “Live like cattle, working as a horse, art for the tip,” Zemunians will present ZMUC with artistic production and with a concert of Goran Nikolic Orge, with Istrian wine and Serbian brandy.

Akcija “Zemunizacija Trećeg Beograda” organizovana je uoči intenzivnog desetodnevnog programa beogradske nezavisne kulturne scene “Na sopstveni pogon”, u kojem oba umetnička kolektiva učestvuju sa posebnim programima.

Action “Zemunisation of Third Belgrade” was organized on the eve of the ten-day intensive program of Belgrade independent cultural scene in “The selfpowerd,” in which both art collectives participating with special programs.

ZMUC je umetnička radionica i privatni kulturni centar namenjen angažovanim kulturnim sadržajima. Postoji kao atelje od 2005. godine, a već 2006. postao je jedino mesto u Zemunu koje neortodoksnom umetničkom praksom svakodnevno komunicira sa komšijama, lokalnom zajednicom, a više puta godišnje sa “lokalcima” iz regiona i sveta.

ZMUC is the art workshop and private cultural center dedicated to the engaged cultural contents. ZMUC exist as a studio since 2005, and already in 2006 became the only place in Zemun with unorthodox artistic practice that communicates daily with neighbors, local community, and several times a year with the “locals” from the region and the world.

ZMUC čine ljudi - svi koji ga uporno podržavaju i koji dobrovoljno rade u njemu, a među njima su Dragana Nikoletić, Pavle Ćosić, Goran Lakićević Laki, Goran Orge Nikolić, Miloš Stefanović, komšija Joca, najveći kritičar ZMUC-ove proizvodnje, Sloba Sačulatac, Rama i Ekrem, parking majstori koji sve vide...

ZMUC are people - which persistently supporting and who voluntarily working in it, among them are: Dragana Nikoletić, Pavle Cosic, Laki Lakićević Goran, Goran Nikolic Orge, Milos Stefanovic, Joca neighbors, the greatest critic of ZMUC’s production, Sloba Saculatac, Rama and Ekrem, parking masters who see everything...


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