3BGD 2009-2011

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učvršćivanju grupne kohezije odbacivanjem propozicija formalizovane pojavnosti (refleksija na estetski pojam Faktografski diskurs9, Nezapaženost10 i Šunjata11). Član 7. Svu dokumentaciju kao i ovaj ugovor sve ugovorne strane mogu koristiti po sopstvenoj volji u daljoj promociji sopstvenog rada bez naknadne dozvole drugih strana. Član 8. Ugovor je sačinjen u 24 (dvadesetičetiri) istovetna primerka, od kojih svakoj ugovornoj strani i svakom učesniku u akciji pripada po 1 (jedan) primerak. U Beogradu, u noći između 29. i 30. oktobra 2011. Ugovorne strane:

“outside” observer, and Treći Beograd renunciates totally any aesthetic control over the result of the work of the artist Veljko Pavlović as well as any other possible suggestion in making this document of art. Renouncing control over the document is based on the need for freedom as a prerequisite for the aesthetic experience of “suchness” and appeareance of a “non event”, but also to strengthen the group cohesion by rejecting the propositions of formalized appereance (reflection on the aesthetic concept of Factual Discourse9, Non Observation10, Shunata11). Article 7 All parties can use all documentation as well as this Agreement, according to their own free will, in the further promotion of their own work without additional permission of the other parties. Article 8 This Agreement was made in 24 (twenty-four) identical counterparts, of which each Party hereof and each Participant shall receive 1 (one) counterpart. In Belgrade, in the night between the 29 th and 30th of October 2011. Contracting parties:

_________________________________________ PRAZNA AKCIJA – element teksta izvan demonstarcije (u akcijama KA je često za posmatrače „vreme izvan demonstracije događaja, ono što predstavlja dramatični centar akcije“). 2 DEMONSTRACIONO ZNAKOVNO POLJE – sistem elemenata prostorno-vremenskog kontinuuma, koji su autori svesno uključili u ustrojstvo teksta konkretnog rada. Jedna od dve komponente korelacionog para „demonstraciono znakovnog polja – ekspoziciono znakovnog polja”. Oblikovanje tog odnosa utemeljenog u diskursu KA, zasniva se na elementima događaja, koji se u jednakoj meri mogu odnositi i na jedan i na drugi član korelativnog para („kategorije KA”): hodanje, stajanje, ležanje u jami, „ljudi u daljini”, kretanje na pravcu, „neprimetnost”, svetlo, zvuk, govor, grupa, slušanje slušanje itd. 3 TEŽIŠNA ŠEMA - demonstracioni element događaja, sastoji se od njegovih organizatora i gledalaca. 1


_________________________________________ EMPTY ACTION- element of the text outside of the demonstration (actions of KA are often for the observers “time outside the demonstration of the event, that represents the dramatic center of the action”). 2 DEMONSTRATION SIGN FIELD - the system of the the elements of the time-space continuum, which the authors consciously included in the structure of the text of that particular work. One of the two components of the correlative pair “demonstration sign field - exposure sign field”. The shaping of this relation in the discoursebased KA, is based on the elements of events, which could equally apply to one and another member of the correlative pair (“category KA”): walking, standing, lying down in the pit, “people in the distance”, movement in direction, 1

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