3BGD 2009-2011

Page 16

Heterotopija umetnosti Nemogući status

Heterotopia of Art The impossible status

Milorad Belančić

Milorad Belančić

Kakva umetnost je moguća danas, u uslovima u kojima se ona više ne osvrće na iluzije klasičnog i modernog razdoblja? U klasičnom razdoblju bila je, ponajpre, reč o služenju velikoj, hegemonoj slici Sveta, dok se u modernom razdoblju iluzija profilisala kao avangardno kreta­ nje (ili prednjačenje) u pokušaju bilo preoblikovanja bilo destrukcije hegemone slike Sveta. Avangardno kretanje je, na kraju, težilo potvrdi pune artisitičke samoprisutnosti i autonomije. Apstraktna, ne-figurativna umetnost bila je, bez sumnje, najizrazitiji pokušaj da se svet umetnosti zatvori u vlastite okvire i da se, na taj način, predstavi kao samome sebi dovoljan. Kraj tih verovanja doveo je do negativne izvesnosti: cilj umetnosti više nije, niti može da bude:

What kind of art is possible today, in circumstances where it does not look back upon the illusions of classical and modern period? In the classic period, it was, foremost, all about serving the large, hegemonic picture of the World, while in the modern period the illusion profiled itself as avant-garde movement (or precedence) in the attempt to either reshape or destruct the hegemonic picture of the World. The avant-garde movement, in the end, strived towards the confirmation of full artistic self-presence and autonomy. Abstract, non-figurative art was, doubtlessly, the most prominent attempt to close the world of art into its own framework and thus present itself as self -sufficient. The end of those beliefs lead to a negative certainty: the purpose of the art is no longer, nor can it be:


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