GRATITUDE Transformation Magazine

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TRANSFORMATION 4 Thanksgiving: From the Earth to Our Table 14 The Art of Gracious Giving and Receiving 16 Your Own Secret Garden 25 Growing Gratitude 26 Healing Through the Earth Mother SPIRITUALITY 5 The Way It Is: The Baseball Cap 7 Practical Spirituality: The Power of Gratitude 9 Spiritually Speaking: Why Not Reincarnation? 18 Relationships: Gratitude, A Universal Truth 24 Angels & Inspirations: The Waves of Change INSPIRATION 6 Lessons of a Grateful Toe 10 What Movie Are You Watching? 13 Positive Change: The Deepest Valley 20 Allowing Success: The Nature of Appreciation 23 Reflections... The Gift of Life TOOLS & TIPS 12 Ask Dr. ZZ 17 If You Can Feel You Can Heal 21 We All Have Moments HEALTHY LIVING 8 Feng Shui for Conscious Living 22 Healing Through Tai Chi 5

Holy Mole Cartoon

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From the Earth to Our Table a Thanksgiving Prayer of Gratitude

Dear God, Universe, Being, All-That-Is, Creator, Great Force, Life, Spirit, Lord, Almighty, Yahweh, Source, Nameless Formless Essence of All Things (or whatever you personally call it), We would like to take this opportunity to express heartfelt gratitude for all of the blessings in our lives. We know that we experience countless blessings of abundance each and every day and acknowledge that we often forget to recognize them all and feel the gratitude deserved. Today we praise You, this magnificent Life Force that has provided us this bounty today and every day. Today we send love, light, and gratitude to You, all of our loved ones who cannot be here with us, all members of our community, and to all of those who participated in the process of creating the glorious meal that lay before us. Thank you for the clean air that we are breathing and the trees, plants, and water that cleanse and nourish it. Thank you for the seeds, the givers of life that miraculously knew how to take the blessing of water and the love of the sun and transform themselves from tiny nuggets of possibility into the delicious grains we are enjoying or that were fed the turkeys that lay today on our Thanksgiving tables. Thank you to the farmers who sowed the seeds and the generations of agricultural pioneers that have perfected the art cultivating the fertility of Your land. Thank you for these beautiful vegetables, rich with vitamins and minerals to nurture our bodies, and the workers who harvested them. Please bless these men and women and their families with abundance and love on this day, and every day. Thank you for this turkey (or tofurkey) and the circle of life, the cycle of energy, that we consume today, and thank you for the hands that fed, watered, and tended to its needs. Thank you for the sun, the nutrients, and the rains that fed the plants and animals and brought them life.


Thank you for the truck drivers who escorted this bounty and the mechanics and factory workers that helped produce the machines involved with production and transportation. Thank you for the owners and stockroom and sales personnel at the stores who organized and sold use these nutritious goods. Thank you for the family members or friends who lovingly purchased, cooked, and/or delivered this delicious banquet to our table today. Thank you for those who set the table and prepared this lovely setting for us today. Thank you for these amazing people with whom we are blessed to share this moment. Let us not forget the countless people whose time and energy go into creating, not only this meal, but all material comforts and services that we enjoy on a daily basis. Let us rejoice in our collectiveness, knowing that we are deeply interconnected—both in our myriad forms of mutual interdependency and in our Oneness. Let us remember this day, and every day, that we are extensions of Your light, and help us illuminate those we touch and those beyond our reach with our joy, peace, and gratitude. Thank you for this Life we share. Thank you. From the Publishers, Natalie Amsden and Joeel A. Rivera


Gregg Sanderson has a rare view of the metaphysical universe. He traveled the road from Christian Science through Judaism, Agnosticism, Atheism, Living Love, Psychic Development, Spiritualism, Teaching of the Inner Christ, all the way to the International Centers for Spiritual Living where he is a licensed practitioner. He is the author of What Ever Happened To Happily Ever After? and Split Happens – Easing the Pain of Divorce. Gregg’s latest book is Spirit With A Smile — The World According to BOB (www.Transformation-Publishing). Email to


The Baseball Cap

Oh sure, you can knock and it will be opened. Seek and it will be found. Ask and it will be answered. But you could also just say, “Thanks.” That little message from the Universe showed up on my screen one day, and it seemed particularly appropriate for this time of year. So does a parody of “Ol’ Man River” from the musical Show Boat: When I’d treat I’d sweat and strain, Affirm and visualize and treat again (Tote that prayer. Lift that vibe. I’d get a little drunk, but I don’t imbibe.)

Almost as an afterthought, “Oh yes, thank you God.” My thankfulness needed more depth. It’s so easy to overlook the little blessings that can have such a major effect. For example, few things have been as important in my life as one particular baseball cap. Some years ago, we sold our house in California and had no idea where to go next. We had thoughts of Reno, Topeka, Nashville, Lake Tahoe, San Diego, and Indianapolis among others. We only knew it would be another adventure and, needless to say, we were especially receptive to all clues from the Universe. Then Rev. Terry Shea came over wearing a baseball cap with “Nashville” embroidered on it. Think about it. How many people in Nevada City California (pop. 3,000) do you think own a Nashville baseball cap? What could have inspired Terry to wear that particular cap on that particular day? We took it as a sign, and moved to Nashville. I’m glad it didn’t say “Detroit.” Once there, we became active in the Science of Mind church—my Spiritual Suspenders so I wouldn’t have to mess with the Bible Belt—My Ship of Tools to keep me from sinking into the Sea of Sanctimony—My social cornucopia and fountain for all things Metaphysical. Somebody stop me before I metaphor again! We also had the opportunity to take the classes where I earned my practitioner license and Rev. Marla her ministerial credentials. Thence to Clearwater, FL, and on to the New Thought Center for Creative Living. All because Terry Shea wore a Nashville baseball cap on one special day. For all this, a simple “Thanks” seems woefully inadequate. I guess the moral of the story is to be grateful for everything that comes your way just in case it’s another baseball cap.

BOB has a great sense of humor, y’know.



By Kimberly Braun Toe by toe my foot sinks into the cool, damp, crisp grass. Blades poke my sole, making the corners of my mouth curl upward with sweetness, as my eyes melt into the morning sunlit path. The middle toe of my right foot draws my attention. Part of this family at the end of my body, she presses the crunchy blades in a way that tickles and causes joy to shimmer upward. Wow, she looks gleeful! She will be my teacher today, assuredly walking with me, or walking me, through each moment. Hours later, my toes are intentionally spread wide at the end of my flexed foot, organically shining from a spiraled set of legs extended during an asana yoga pose. And there she is, in all her beauty, my middle toe—part of the whole, yet all her own. After this morning rejuvenation, socks and shoes are donned to jump into an action packed day. How eagerly my toes seem to point themselves into my socks. Once there, they wriggle around finding a comfortable niche where there is still room to move. And my middle right toe situates herself smack dab in the center of the anklet. As my shoes follow, she presses down, feeling the texture of the surface below her, a familiar cushioned pad provided just for her, and the rest of her family, in the base of the running shoe. Ready to go! Minutes turn into hours. Brimming with energy, my toes keep me balanced throughout the myriad of details encompassing what we call “work.” She walks with deliberation and certainty into all sorts of new places; we are creating a festival right now called Sarasota Naturally and she gets to encounter all sorts of new toes involved in green living and health and wellness. They are toes walking a similar path in life, all hoping for a healthy existence and following choices accordingly with the brain that controls them.

My toes lead a grateful life, and my middle right toe does not take for granted her exalted position. She is in the center, never needing to endure the brunt of foreign textures that the big toe and the pinky sometimes experience. Things like stickers brushing the side of the foot, or shoes that get worn on the edges. But even if she did, she would still feel grateful, she reflects, since her family is always with her. After the “work,” my toes are still energized (do they ever really get exhausted?!) Willingly we walk the bridge across the bay for exercise, and they carry me swiftly upon hot concrete. We do one lap over, then over again, and again, and then one last time. The monotony does not


dampen their simple, ongoing resolve. Not at all, and my middle toe is quite content in the simplicity of it all, just living. The climax of a great day for my toes is when they are freed from the walls of my gym shoes, which hold them in place for hours on end…Aaaaah, they wriggle in the fresh air as socks are discarded and flip flops are embraced. Now they can really play, maybe they crunch up close when I sit, or spread out wide when I walk…but the real fun is greeting other toes in flip flops. Looking down at my middle right toe I can see her joy in getting close to other toes, under the evening sun, brushed by the cool wind. Sometimes she even gets to nestle with other friends, and what a treat. Every time she this happens she says to herself, “I need to do this more often, reach out and touch others, what a source of bliss it is!” Yes, my toes lead a grateful life. We have teachers with us every moment, and sometimes we don’t even realize that one can be an extension of your own whole with the right perspective. For example, here are some of the lessons I learned from my middle right toe: • All the sensations of life are meant to be felt, and will give great satisfaction, just like the grass was for her. These gifts take us to the deep place within ourselves where true joy can be found. • We shine out as a part of community, always interdependent, just like she did in the yoga pose. • Structure can be fun and give the ability to accomplish great goals if it is used in service, just like the sock and shoe did for her. She took the time to “find her place” and then relied upon it to work and exercise in productive ways. • Where we are positioned in life is a pure gift if we take the time to reflect upon it. Experience needs to be our teacher, and to do this we let go of the limiting ideas we have about ourselves. We are both an individual and a collective—at the same time. It is not an either/ or proposition. • Simplicity is a gateway for continual bliss. My toes found this truth as they walked back and forth over the bridge. Often, we focus on finding the “next best thing,” when what we are doing in the present moment is a source of effortless enjoyment. • Nurturing a freedom of spirit is essential and opens up our playful nature. Gratefulness has qualities of ease and playfulness, as expressed by my middle toe in her flip flop. • Connection is bliss. It is a blessing that can give

new life to us. My middle toe counted her blessings and even resolved to reach out and touch more. Gratitude is multiplied as we expand outward with joy and love. We all have the opportunity to learn from different parts of ourselves, we just need to recognize the true multidimensional nature of our existence in the physical and beyond. What gratitude rushes through my own heart in having such a great teacher with me every day!


Kimberly Braun. M.A., has been devoted to meditation from the age of five, and she spent more than 10 years as a monastic nun in North Dakota and Texas. She completed her Master’s in theology in 2001 in Washington D.C., and is concentrated upon the adult spiritual journey and spiritual companioning. For the past eight years, her work has been focused as a retreat and workshop facilitator, meditation coach, and private consultant. She is also a Reiki Master and fellow seeker on the path to living freely. For more information on her new APP, “Breath and Heartbeat Meditations,” which are available on iPhone and Android, email


Marla Sanderson has been a student of spiritual practice for more than 35 years. She began as Assistant Director of The Next Step, a psychic and spiritual community in a New Mexico ghost town. As workshop leader, teacher, practitioner, and minister, she has led relationship and personal growth workshops, taught psychic development and meditation, Living Love, and the Science of Mind. Marla is available for workshops and speaking engagements. She recently founded the New Thought Center for Creative Living. www.

•••••••••••••••••• The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude isn’t just a nicey-nice idea dreamed up by some holier-than-thou person to make you feel unworthy. It’s the power that will perpetuate more and more good things in your life. Your consciousness creates your world, and your beliefs, thoughts, habits, opinions, attitudes, and outlook make up your consciousness. A few other things—like feelings, character, past experience, etc., have an effect as well. All of this works together to create the life you live. You attract certain conditions, situations, and people into your life based on the creative energy you put out. Good friends, opportunity, loving partners, and wonderful serendipitous events are drawn to those who have a grateful attitude. Said another way, consciousness precedes everything. Gratitude will fill you with the consciousness of that which you desire rather than the consciousness of that which you lack. It

says “I have,” not “I need.” It’s impossible to be grateful and fearful at the same time. The Law of Increase assures us that whatever you are grateful for will multiply. In fact, anything you think about will increase, so gratitude is a solid and positive foundation. Gratitude sweetens the creative energy, and it’s actually fun to develop a habit of being grateful for everything around you. Notice the good things in your life. Appreciate the bed you sleep in, the roads you travel, the meal you just ate, the car you drive—or that you have feet to walk. Notice the beauty around you—the blue sky, the green trees, the sparkling color of that red light that makes the road safe for you to drive. You can develop a practice of appreciating and being grateful for whatever comes your way. Anything can be a gift. It could be an intuitive message, a lesson, or a prompting to raise your expectations. A faltering relationship might have a growth lesson or be a placeholder while things get lined up for that special someone. A silly error on your part could save you from being hired for a miserable job.

Is it a blessing or is it a curse? You get to decide. Life always tends toward something greater. When people say “go with the flow” this is the Flow they’re talking about. But your belief is powerful, and you can negate this tendency in your own life if you’re not careful. Whatever happens, you have the power to call it good or bad. Since the direction of your thoughts will either create something better or something worse, whatever you think about will increase. What follows, then, is up to you. Try being grateful when some seeming negative thing comes out of the blue by declaring that something good will come from this. Expect it. Look for it. And it always does. And that’s something else to be grateful for!


Healthy Living

By Kathy Keh Although feng shui originated in China more than 5,000 years ago, it is used with great success today by people all over the world. However, many mistake feng shui for an interior design approach when, as a conscious practice, it actually encompasses so much more. In essence, Feng shui is a detailed study of the behavior of energy (energy as in Einstein’s e=mc2), and it can be used as an instruction manual to help strategically design our living and workspaces so that we are constantly being infused with healthy and uplifting energy or “chi,” as we call it in the feng shui world.

Feng shui enables us to create an energetic fueling station of sorts out of our homes and offices that consistently feeds and sustains our overall health and well-being. This, in turn, dramatically increases our ability to achieve the personal and professional goals we set for ourselves in life. Feng shui is a tool that empowers each of us to consciously create healthy, joyful, and rewarding lives for ourselves, our loved ones, and coworkers. Although feng shui is an Eastern philosophy, it is also aligned with Western science, which unequivocally states that everything in our universe is energy. As students, we learned that every living and nonliving thing is made out of matter. All matter is a unique combination of atoms that form a liquid, gas, or solid, such as a plant, animal, or human. Each atom is exactly one unit of energy, a nucleus (a proton and a neutron) that has electrons flying around it.

Ultimately we are energy, everything around us is energy, and everything is connected by a unified field of energy. 8

The goal of feng shui is to pinpoint and harness energy that affects us positively, and to pinpoint and balance energy that impacts us negatively. When we are able to identify the exact nature of energy that has settled in various sectors of our homes and offices we can avoid putting ourselves in parts of a building where the energy is not supportive of us, and spend our time in sectors that benefit us. Examples where we knowingly or unknowingly experience feng shui firsthand include when we are surrounded by nature. In a park, a forest, the mountains, or at the beach, the air is typically vibrant and fresh, and the scenery awe-inspiring. In these places we typically feel healthy, invigorated, uplifted, and happy. On the other hand, when we walk through a rundown, neglected neighborhood or a home that is filthy and in complete disarray we tend to feel sad, confused, tired, and hopeless. Now imagine if we are in either of these environments on a daily basis. The quality of the energy around us inevitably influences our overall outlook and ability to function. In these examples, it is obvious how the energy of a place will affect us. However, inside our homes and offices where we spend most of our time it is not always so clear, and this is where the formulas of feng shui are helpful. Knowing how to apply feng shui can be the single most important determining factor between someone who thrives in life versus someone who barely survives. Implementing Feng Shui The successful implementation of feng shui typically depends upon the accurate gathering of several key data points: the exact orientation of a building as it relates to its geographical location; the year it was constructed; the amount of time that has passed since it was constructed; the surrounding streets, buildings, bodies of water, and other land formations; and, finally, our own unique preferences as they relate to orientation while in these buildings. These data points are then run through formulas which reveal detailed information about the different patterns of energy that are present in various sectors of the building, as well as the most ideal compass directions for each of us to face while in those buildings. By looking at a floor plan of a house or office we can position ourselves, our bedrooms, offices, living rooms, and dining rooms in ways that are most beneficial to us, our family members, and our coworkers. Energy sectors and facing directions that are beneficial to us will strengthen both our emotional and physical health. For example, situating ourselves accordingly will actually give us more energy; motivate us to diligently focus on our careers; improve our personal and professional relationships with others; attract opportunities by putting us in the right place at the right time; inspire us to be innovative, creative, and determined about creating positive changes for ourselves; and even help us to study better and to absorb complicated concepts more easily. On the other hand, energy sectors that are not beneficial to us can cause illness; confuse us; increase conflict and aggravation in our daily lives; contribute to bad decision-making about our career or finances; and the list goes on and on. One extremely powerful formula that most classical feng shui practitioners use is “Ba Zhai” (pronounced bah jai) or “Eight Mansion” Formula. It is determined by our birth date, and

guides us as to how we should physically orient ourselves inside of any building. According to this formula, we each have four compass directions that are healthy for us, and four that are unhealthy for us. The goal of this formula is (wherever possible and practical) to situate ourselves so that we face one of our healthy directions in areas of the home or office where we spend a lot of time. Some of the top feng shui consultants in the world will implement only this formula because they believe it has such powerful effects on our experiences in life. Disciplined Thinking Good feng shui also relies heavily upon one more thing—our thinking. This aspect of feng shui is driven by the underlying principles of quantum physics that have scientifically proven over the past several decades that we affect the actual course of events in our lives depending on what we spend most of our time thinking about. No surprise, but our thoughts are also an extremely powerful form of energy, and the quality of our thoughts directly impacts our own lives as well as the lives of people around us. Our ability to discipline our thinking and to be very intentional about sending positive thoughts about our goals and aspirations into the universe is central to good feng shui. Feng shui is an amazing gift that we can give to ourselves that prevents us from living life unconsciously in our spaces, and its use eradicates any notion that we are at the mercy of

a life that drains us and leaves us feeling hopeless. Feng shui is the ultimate expression of living life and conducting business consciously. All one needs is an open mind and a willingness and desire to improve.


Kethy Key is the founder and owner of Feng Shui Sarasota, a company she started after a personal experience using the discipline to reorganize her own home and evalutate her lifestyle. She went to Malaysia to study with Lillian Too, received her Master Practitioner license in Classical Feng Shui, and later went to China to import merchandise for her business. A magna cum laude graduate of UCLA, Kathy has a business background that includes 20 years in the corporate world working in sales and business development for high tech companies. She later received a degree in fundraising administration from New York University and went on to spend 10 years working with nonprofits as a fundraising consultant, where she specialized in managing capital campaigns and helping organizations to measure the performance of their programs. For more information, contact Kathy at 941-400-5730, email or visit

Spirituality the years pass by, I continue to be more and more convinced that it is the only logical reason for the soul’s existence. I ask you to approach this column with an open mind and to ponder the question, “Why not reincarnation?”

Do we experience more than one lifetime? Marcia began her career as a school teacher, working with preschool through inner city high school students. She has worked with all aspects of Metaphysics for over 40 years and specializes in Tarot and Numerology. Marcia’s clients and students are in every state and throughout Europe. Marcia has taught over 400 students to “read” the Tarot for the purpose of self-guidance and to use the powerful symbolism of the Tarot to reach higher levels of spirituality. Her column, Spiritually Speaking, originally ran for 8 years in Attitudes Magazine in the Sarasota area. Email


Thirty years ago I wrote a book titled Why Not Reincarnation? It has never been published. In defense of its “unpublished” status, I remind you that 30 years ago humanity was still in the “dark ages” of metaphysical development. That, combined with the decision to not “self publish,” has kept this manuscript in a pile of undiscovered material. I am not discouraged; however, and I continue to be committed to the study of reincarnation. As

Do we interact with the same people, lifetime after lifetime? Does the “soul” continue to exist even after the physical body ceases to function? Do we “choose” the lifetime that we are experiencing and the people with whom we experience it? I would like to begin by sharing a quotation from Emmanuel’s Book. It was first published in 1985, and there have been two sequels, all of which would be welcome additions to the libraries of those on spiritual quests. Emmanuel is a Spirit Guide (a future topic for this column) of human Pat Rodegast. She goes into a trance state and Emmanuel speaks through her. When asked about the why and wherefore of reincarnation and karma, Emmanuel answered: “The entire world is an illusion spinning nicely through space even though it does wobble a bit. You accept the illusion because you’re good students and you promised to come and to learn. You promised to remain here in the illusion, believing the illusion, until what you have come to accomplish has been done. “Then you can release it. Now, what do I mean by that? I mean that you have all signed a contract before


you agreed to be born again that said, ‘Yes. I will enter this game and I will agree to abide by all the rules.’ That is necessary. “You know how difficult it is to learn in even a human physical classroom when you have refused to believe that the teacher is the teacher, and that the blackboard is there to be written upon, and that what you are being taught has value. So I am here not to promote rebellion but to assure you that what you are studying is necessary. And yet, that the whole thing is only a temporal illusion, that your greater portion exists here in the world of Light and Truth. And that you will come Home.

“You will come Home. I promise you.” It is not necessary, nor possible, for all humans to accept the theory of reincarnation. Much of the ability to accept would depend on the “limits” we set for ourselves upon consciousness and upon the idea that there is within a human some spiritual essence or “soul” that can somehow survive the death of the physical body. I have spent over 35 years in the study of things that we cannot explain with the physical senses—that which we can see, touch, taste, smell, and hear—seeking for answers to questions that are seemingly unanswerable and I have concluded, for myself at least, that a human being is more than just a physical thing! I believe that the essential self, the soul, of a human survives physical death. Please remember that I do not ask you to accept my beliefs as your own beliefs. I only ask you to consider some of the insights developed from years of personal searching for answers. Webster’s defines reincarnation as: I. rebirth (of the soul) in another body. 2. a new incarnation. 3. the doctrine that the soul reappears after death in another and different bodily form. The idea of reincarnation did not originate in the teachings of the “new age.” The question of immortality has been on the minds of humans since the beginning of time, as we know it, and beyond. Most religions have taught some form of survival beyond physical death. What reincarnation adds is the idea of life before birth, as in birth, death, rebirth. Reincarnation has been a basic part of Judeo-Christian doctrine, as well as a basic part of ancient religions that predate Judeo-Christian doctrine. It was only a handful of power-

ful churchmen who overruled these teachings in order to gain complete power for themselves. Even today, all Rabbinical and Seminary students have Kabbalah in their course of study. The question of reincarnation has also been in the minds of highly intellectual and educated physicians, theologians, astrophysicists, and others considered more a part of the “scientific community” than the “metaphysical community.” Death is an inevitable part of living. Everything that is born must someday die. I was raised a Reform Jew and have always had a belief in a Higher Power, that which I call God. As a younger person, I found it hard to believe that God could create a human, something so perfect and imperfect at the same time, give it years of learning, living, loving, experiencing, and at the time of death, take that being and completely end its existence. Long before my in-depth spiritual study began, I instinctively knew that the “soul,” that which is the very core of the human, continues to function after the physical body ceases to function. Years of studies have only convinced me that my youthful beliefs were correct! I have no concrete “proof” of reincarnation. I am not trying to persuade you to accept the validity of reincarnation. I simply ask you to consider it. Think of how differently we would live our lives if we knew that we were going to come back, in a future lifetime or lifetimes, to continue to learn lessons that we failed to learn in former lifetimes. This process, of course, brings us to karma. “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. The Law of Cause and Effect advises us to be careful what we cause and consider its effect, not only on others, but on our own future incarnations! There are many who would like to believe in reincarnation and many who will declare that they do NOT wish to return to a physical body ever again. I have even met those who have told me that they are convinced that they have learned all of the lessons of their soul and will no longer be required to reincarnate into physical body again. I have not yet met anyone who I believe has completed the reincarnation process. As Emanuel says, “School is not out yet.”

And remember, Knowledge is the greatest power, so walk in the Light.

Inspiration By Alan Cohen Sitting on an airplane in flight, I was listening to an inspiring audio seminar on my iPod. Then the in-flight movie came on. Since I was in a bulkhead seat and the projection screen was just a few feet from me at eye level, it was almost impossible not to watch the movie. So I kept listening to the audio seminar with my ears and my mind, while the movie paraded before my eyes. The film, a predictable teenage romantic comedy, was


easy to figure out even without sound. So while I was primarily focused on the lecture, a lesser part of my attention was tracking the film. Halfway through the movie I realized I was participating in a seminar that transcended the one I was listening to. I was learning how to remain established in a higher consciousness even while the drama of the world unfolded before me—the formula spiritual masters prescribe for a successful life.

We live in a multidimensional universe in which an infinite number of parallel realities exist simultaneously. Some of the realities are wonderful, others horrible; some exhilarating, others annoying; some fascinating, others boring. The reality you live in is determined by what you give your attention to. On one dimension a mindless movie drags on, while on another dimension impeccable wisdom is broadcasting. You get to choose which story you will participate in.

Attention is the most powerful currency at your disposal. Where you place your attention today is a coming attraction of what you will receive tomorrow. You may not be able to control the events that present themselves to you, but you have total control over the vision you use to see them. In that way you gain mastery over your experience. Perspective makes all the difference. It All Depends on How You See It Where we live in the country, sometimes rodents show up. When our little visitors increased in numbers, we got a cat to keep the population down. One morning I woke up and enjoyed an empowering meditation, tapping into a pool of deep inner peace that established the frequency for a great day. Then I walked into the living room and found a dead rat on the rug. After an initial “Arrrgh,” I got a shovel and scooped up the remains. As I headed outside, my partner Dee commented, “I am so grateful the cat is doing her job!” Ah, another way of looking at the situation. We hired the cat for a reason. Why should I complain when she fulfilled her role? Two realities presented themselves as an offering for my choice: a disgusting sight or a job well done. I decided the second option felt better, and the apparent problem gave way to a sense of gratitude. Metaphorically speaking, we all have dead rats on our living room floor, and we all have agents doing their job to keep things running efficiently. The more you complain about the dead rats, the more you find. The more you thank the cat, the more you find to be grateful for. The facts of events are neutral. Your interpretation creates their meaning and subsequently your experience. It’s all about frequency and attunement. The spectrum of visible light we see, as well as audible sound, comprises a tiny, tiny slice of the full spectrum of light and sound. If you think that the only light in the universe is what your eyes can see, or the only sound what your ears can hear, you will not have access to extremely helpful dimensions beyond the obvious. Radio, microwave, and x-rays are just a few of the many unseen realms that enhance our life. The movie of the five senses, rich and amazing as it is, is just one channel among an infinite number available.

broaden his vision; to not be stuck in the narrow-sighted vision that keeps most of humanity embroiled in sorrow and suffering. To discover a new land, Abraham had to use a new way of seeing.

As we pass through this fall, a crucial time on the planet, you and I are being called to a new way of seeing. As old forms and institutions fall away, we must lift up our eyes to more fulfilling movies with story lines that take us where we want to go. If we continue to use the kind of vision that has shown us the old world, the old world will continue. If we use the kind of vision that shows us a new world, the new world will begin. Even if a silly movie is being projected right before your eyes, you can switch your focus to the inspirational lecture downloading. That lecture will guide you precisely as to how to understand the theater of the world, master it, and go beyond it. “In my father’s house there are many mansions.” One airplane, many movies.


Alan Cohen is the author of many inspirational books, including the new popular Enough Already: The Power of Radical Contentment. For more information about Alan’s Hawaii retreats, Life Coach Training, free daily inspirational quotes via email, and other books and programs, visit www., email, or phone 1-808-572-0001.

All healing and world progress comes through visionaries, people who see a brighter, higher, broader, freer movie than the masses are watching. If you are fixated on what is, you cannot discover what could be. To improve the world, beginning with your own life, you must look up. In Genesis 13:14 God told Abram (later Abraham), “Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west.” The instruction was more metaphorical than literal. God was telling Abraham to


single women in Sarasota, and my profile came up. If nothing else, it will give us a chance to spend time together and to get to know each other. He, like myself, is looking for a long-term relationship.

Dr. ZZ’s bold, upfront, directive style plays an inspirational role in the lives of people she touches. Drawing on a non-traditional Ph.D. in counseling and natural healing, ZZ works with shaman elder Jack Alexander (“Golden Feather”), who offers land blessings, shamanic training, Life Purpose readings, and all-faith spiritual guidance. This forum proposes potential solutions on health, emotional, and personal matters.


Question: According to Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, men look for beauty in a woman, and women look for security in a man. In this regard, my husband and I have exchanged roles: he is the handsome one, and I am the provider. This makes for a steamy sexual relationship, but when it comes to paying bills, we have difficulty. I often feel more like his mother than his wife. Is there any hope for a man in his forties who hasn’t yet matured financially? Dr. ZZ: In truth, men are from earth and women are from earth; so you might as well face it. Men value themselves for doing a job well, and women look to a man to give them what they want. A woman’s influence over her mate can also come through her understanding of the male libido since, for all intents and purposes, a man in lust is a man in a state of hypnosis. If you and your hubby feel passion for each other, you’re already one step ahead. There’s hardly any behavioral request a man won’t attempt in exchange for attention, affection, and appreciation. Stay focused on the positive, and your hubby may be trainable. Make precise requests that he can follow, resist the urge to teach or preach, dote on him for sincere attempts to accomplish, and the two of you should be able to keep moving forward. Meanwhile, if you and he would care to pursue this further, please contact me by email and we can delineate more precisely a mutually satisfying “training cycle.” Question: I am a long-term Florida resident with a home and business here. Since the demise of the relationship that inspired me to move here years ago, I have remained single and have not had much of a social life. Aside from interactions with people at work, I do not have many recreational outlets. About three months ago, I met a man online, and he’s due to be passing through here on business next month. Because of the nature of his commitments, he will be staying for only four days in one direction and two in the other. This trip is the reason we met. He did a search on an Internet dating service for


My only concern is that, if the two of us click, I don’t know whether to have sex with him or not. We’ve been verbally intimate via email, and I’m having trouble imagining how such a short visit can possibly develop into anything more that just a fling. Given the small window of opportunity we’ll have to get to be with each other, I don’t know whether to act like we’re strangers or to hop in bed with him and hope for the best. It’s not like we’re next-door neighbors. My financial situation is such that maintaining a long distance relationship will be too costly to consider. I’ve also been out of the loop for so long that I no longer know how people behave these days when it comes to sex. Please fill me in so that I may know what to expect. I have no idea how to approach this or how to handle myself. Dr. ZZ: Whoa, Girlfriend! You’re way ahead of yourself. Let’s see if we can look at this from another perspective. Were you and he to meet during either your last four or five days on a vacation somewhere else, you’d be in a similar situation. Would you forge ahead and have sex, or would you tread softly and take your chances that way? Neither approach comes with an ironclad guarantee of anything else to follow. No matter what you decide, it’s a personal decision—one you will most likely have to make “in the moment” rather than in advance. A point of information I would like to offer is that there are a multitude of shades of gray between the black and while of “all or nothing.” Rather than envision your only options as “act like you’re strangers” or “hop in bed,” you may want to build a resource of other possible ways in which the two of you can interact. Physical intimacy (“into me you see”) does not have to involve sex. Just getting naked and lying in each others’ embrace would be a giant step ahead of email. Especially where pheromones are thought to trigger the primal instinct responsible for “chemistry,” exchanging sweat and body odors with this man alone will work in analogous ways to the way hormones in the body send specific signals from one set of cells to another. You don’t have to push past barriers that you’re not ready to explore on what may well be no more than a long and extended blind date. There’s more to getting to know someone than jumping into bed, and nothing says the two of you can’t get together again in the future if you’re both inclined. My suggestion is that you down shift one gear and approach this opportunity slowly. Give life a chance to weave its magic in your interactions. Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is intended as general information only and is not to be misconstrued as medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, treatment or cure for any condition or ailment. Send queries or comments to All identifying information is kept strictly confidential.

Inspiration Mud & Stars is a metaphor; we all know what it means to see the glass as half empty or half full.

Life is always about choosing a perspective in the present moment.

Randy owns Triple 3 Marketing. He’s a long term advocate for positive change, having owned community magazines since 1999. Randy sold Positive Change Media in April 2009 and took a year off before launching Triple 3 Marketing. In addition to helping business owners, he also provides private coaching. Randy has a masters degree in communication arts from the University of Wisconsin at Madison where he studied persuasion and attitude change. Contact Randy at


Gratitude in the Deepest Valley The soul of gratitude lives in the deepest valley. It’s born within the clutter of our changing circumstances. Even the muck of imperfect lives can’t stop the lotus of gratitude from inspiring us to believe in brighter days. Inspiration in many forms: the gift of mentorship; the blessing of encouragement; the reassurance from a stranger; and even the simple words thank you. My own valleys have taught me much about the origin and legacy of gratitude. When I was five, I was dropped off at a boarding school by my mother; she was too distraught to say goodbye. It was the first time I remember experiencing despair, but the seeds of gratitude were present even then. Life at the boarding school for the next decade was often unreasonable and abusive. It was at a time when some adults believed that sparing the rod spoiled the child. They were skilled and motivated to beat us into becoming model citizens. Some of these adults would be serving prison sentences today, but they are all gone now like dust in the wind. One of my breakthroughs in life was learning how to forgive them unconditionally. It took me decades to feel compassion for their own despair. Today, it would be easy for me to hug all of them and to thank them for their good intentions and moments of kindness. The boarding school succeeded in molding some of the boys and girls to become men and women of character and inner strength. A lot of my determination and resourcefulness was nurtured in that valley more than five decades ago. Sadly, too many of our friends grew up to become addicted to drugs, sex, and anything else that helped them to forget their pain. I wrote a book about my experiences in 1995 titled Mud & Stars. Two men looked out from prison bars: one saw mud and the other saw stars. The book was an accounting of my time at the boarding school from ages five to 15. It took me a year to complete the book, and I acknowledge my therapist for suggesting writing as a tool for helping me access my deeper emotions. The amazing outcome is that I shifted from anger and grief to love and forgiveness as the book evolved. Experiencing this shift became one of the most meaningful experiences of my lifetime.

That’s why most people who almost die unexpectedly shift their view about what’s important. Their sense of gratitude becomes central to their experience irrespective of their circumstances. You won’t find Mud & Stars on a bookshelf because I wrote it mostly for me and loved ones. I ended up distributing about 1,000 copies over the past 17 years. I also mailed the book to the superintendent at the boarding school and all the members of the board of trustees. It caused quite a stir at the time since the school was celebrating its 100-year anniversary. The superintendent, who was my football coach when I was a student, called me a few days after the book arrived. My heart was sprinting as he told me that my book was an embarrassment for the school. He also confessed that some of the abuse still persisted. What happened next shocked me to tears. He asked me if he could buy 200 copies so he could distribute Mud & Stars to every teacher and adult on the staff. Imagine the sense of validation I felt in hearing these unexpected words. The school closed several years ago, but I believe my book touched some decent people in meaningful ways. What more can any of us ask for from anything we create? I reconsidered mud and stars at the end of the book, and here is what I wrote: Two men looked out from prison bars; one saw mud and the other saw stars. The one who saw stars told the other man about the light in the sky. They talked openly about mud, stars, fears, and hopes. When the two men were released they purchased the field of mud and covered it with top soil. They became the most successful farmers in the county. They also taught astronomy at the local college, married wonderful mates and lived happily ever after. This expanded view represents self-acceptance. It also reminds us that gratitude is contagious and it can be taught to others.

Experiencing muck doesn’t mean it has to stick to our souls. It simply means we have walked through deeper valleys like almost every one else. The stars inspire us to see something greater and more expansive. Lifted by compassion, the small acts of gratitude combine to spring upward from the valley floor like a mighty volcano. The irresistible flow of goodwill covers the land of our lives with the conviction that our blessings are greater than our trials. They always are even when we forget. And with your inevitable final breath of life, do your best to remember to say thank you.



By Linda Commito Gratitude is an attitude of loving acknowledgement that comes directly from the heart, a perspective that can help us to become more joyful and fulfilled in our lives. When I was compiling stories for my book Love Is the New Currency (, I found that the exchange of giving and receiving and the belief structures that we hold around this universal cycle can impact our ability to appreciate and have true gratitude for the gifts and opportunities life offers us. For example, negative emotions such as guilt often enter the mix or we start to feel that quid pro quo is necessary. The following two stories provide a new vantage point from which we can see how the flow of generosity and the energy of giving and receiving actually work in our world and, in turn, understand how to better open our hearts to experience the full blessings of love. The Flow of Generosity

Without receivers, there can be no givers.—Linda Maree Giving in any form makes you feel rich, but especially when giving from the heart. The more you give, the better you feel, and so you are likely to give even more. Studies have shown it’s usually the giver who reaps the highest psychological benefit from the exchange. But is this innate or conditioned? Assuming this is a conditioned response, learned through repeated reminders of the “joy of giving,” it seems reasonable that we could also learn to have gratitude for the “joy of receiving.” And if it is an innate characteristic, why wouldn’t we allow others the chance to experience joy by letting them give to us? It may be difficult to receive with graciousness and ease when one has been raised to believe that “it’s better to give than to receive,” or from a puritanical perspective, “you need to work for what you get.” Somewhere along the way, we may have gotten


the message that the more powerful and better position to be in is that of the giver, whereas, the recipient is seen as needier or weaker. As the giver, we choose how, when, and what to give. Oftentimes, the recipient feels an unspoken debt that needs to be acknowledged or paid back, even when they didn’t get what they wanted, needed, or even asked for. In our quid pro quo society, one can’t assume that a gift is given with no strings attached. A newly married young woman was asked by her in-laws to keep a list of the people who gave money and gifts to the couple, which she had planned to do in order to write thank you notes. But when she refused to share that list, her in-laws were furious, saying, “How do we know what to give to them (the wedding guests) later, if we don’t know what they gave to you?” Is it a “gift” if the donor believes that what was given should be paid back in equal measure? We may consider reciprocity an equitable solution to giving and receiving, but even the terminology indicates that there’s an accounting on both sides. When we operate from a qualified need to give back something of equal or greater value, the desire to even the balance sheet diminishes the experience for both people. Most people don’t want to be called a “taker,” with all of its negative connotations. It stems from a feeling of entitlement, a onesided relationship that may offer immediate gratification, but eventually creates a stuck energy. On the other hand, gracious receiving originates from a place of gratitude for the chance to connect at a deeper level. In order to fully and openly receive, we have to feel worthy. We also have to be willing to allow someone to give to us without the compulsion to even the score. Ultimately, the value of a gift lies in what it represents— friendship, love, respect, and caring. When our giving and receiving derive from a source of joy, we create a balance and an equilibrium that is life-affirming. And when people give and receive with an open heart, without expectations, it circulates loving energy that everyone wants to be a part of. Energy of Giving and Receiving

“You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”– Kahlil Gibran Whatever we put out into the world—thoughts, actions, words or energy—comes back to us multiplied. We want to make sure that what we give out or take in is positive, and that it has a circular, rather than a one-way flow of energy. For example, when we refuse to accept gifts from others it blocks the circular flow of energy—there is only an outflow. Ernest Holmes, the founder of Science of Mind stated,

“When the law of circulation is retarded, stagnation results.” That stuck energy can come from negative thoughts, selfmotivated intentions, or the refusal or inability to give and receive

with equanimity. The law of attraction states that what you focus on is what you draw into your life. Sometimes the best way to get more of what you want in your life is to give away whatever you want to receive, whether it is kindness, love, compassion, or your currency of choice. When you give freely and joyfully from your heart, sharing your time, knowledge, resources, and energy, according to the law of attraction, it will come back to you in abundance.

What you get back, though, may come to you indirectly, in unexpected ways, or from people that you don’t know. It may show up in the form of things you need, people that cross your path at the right time, or money that turns up just when you need it. While “giving” is considered a virtue, we often forget that it’s equally important to be able to receive from others, so that they are allowed to participate in the same circular flow of giving and receiving. The other day, my friend Jessie and I were walking into town when I noticed a man sitting on a stool on the sidewalk, with some kind of a folding tray in front of him, against which leaned a sign: VETERAN. Just before reaching him, I searched my purse for the loose dollar bill that I had seen earlier, having left my wal-

let in the car. I couldn’t find it, but I wanted to give him something. I dug deep and found some loose coins in the bottom of my bag. I walked up to him, half apologizing that I didn’t have more to offer. Wearing a torn tee shirt, his weathered, but ruggedly handsome face, broke into a smile as he accepted the change. When I turned to leave, he said, “Wait, I want to give this to you,” and he handed me a scroll. “It’s my artwork.” I was touched by his gracious giving and desire to share something special with me. As Jessie and I walked away I said, “I wish I could at least find that dollar bill.” I reached once more into the purse and there it was. I was so happy to turn around and offer it to him, and we smiled at each other, grateful for the heart exchange. Jessie and I continued our walk to town, and she commented, “Wow, what an awesome experience!” In just a few moments, giver and receiver (and I’m not even sure which was which), as well as the witness were changed. When we got to the car and I opened the scroll, there was a beautiful drawing of a dove, a cross, and a crown of thorns, along with the artist’s story of redemption. And it doesn’t stop there. Jessie admired the scroll, which soon found its way into the gift bag with her other birthday presents.


Linda Commito is the author of Love Is the New Currency. Go to for more information.

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Transformation Words cannot truly express the feeling of becoming one with all creation. Mystics and poets try to describe the beauty of it all yet never to quite touch it through expression. To be it is like finding a jewel in a pile of rocks. It takes your breath away and yet when you arrive; you know in every cell of your being that this is home—your true state of being. Living in this state is what we all long for. The outside world can bring us to the doorway yet the true experience is inward. It is an inside job for sure.

In a holy instant, as we let go and surrender to the ocean of love it will sweep us up or even swallow us whole.

By Frannie Hoffman

I love remembering the time of year when I can open the windows and doors and invite the glorious outside in. The fragrance of jasmine and honey suckle fill the room as the sounds of nature call me to move to the meditation garden I have created. As I sit here in my comfortable chair with my writing pad on my lap, I allow Mother Nature to nurture me. I receive the beauty of all that is blooming in loveliness for me. The colors and shapes of the flowers are lush, reminding me of all of the abundance that is present in my life. I begin to reach into the pots and pluck out the weeds as I acknowledge the thoughts of lack that can hold me back. When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but to have gratitude for the abundance that’s present, the feelings of lack fall away and we can experience the joy in our ordinary day. As I breathe consciously the moment becomes an entryway inward. Dissolving into all that is in the moment allows me to feel or just be with myself without judgment. I come to this place countless times, yet as I enter through my heart I am like an innocent child awakening to a new experience. This is where I anchor in the present moment as it opens me up to receive the spiritual food that brings me life. I bathe in the love as I lose myself in this state of being. I retreat into my own secret garden inside.


To sustain this state is a challenge as life outside continues to pull us away. My open and grateful heart brings me to union with the silent language of spirit that speaks. I listen to what arises up through the moment of complete acceptance. The jewel is held tenderly within the heart. The light illuminates and fills the entire moment with a feeling that lifts me up into higher consciousness. The sounds of the world begin to sing the praises to God. I silently shout out without making a noise, celebrating the very moment of union with the Divine. Here I am filled with all that I need. Here I know that this life is unfolding just as it will—spilling into every part of this journey. As I accept myself with all that is good and bad without judgment, I am allowing my true self to emerge and be the vessel for love to now bathe the world. In all sorts of ways I can be authentically Me. Sharing myself as a beacon of light, illuminating the path that unifies and joins with all I meet. The fullness of the moment gives without conditions as it shares love.

To be love is truly the state of being that heals the past and allows the future to arrive. There is no other day to begin but today, as you bloom like any flower in your garden of life. Let yourself become the fullness of your loving heart and the essence is the fragrance that touches this world like a breath of summertime.


Frannie Hoffman is a spiritual intuitive, counselor and author. Through her counseling sessions, Circle of Light meditations, writings and seminars, she is deeply committed to inspiring and empowering people. For more than 20 years, she has devoted her life to helping others tap into their own spiritual power so that they can live more authentically. In her book “From Modeling Clothes to Modeling Self” she invites the reader into her personal and honest expression of life and Divine Spirit. and www.

Tools & Tips moving from a self help mode to a self loving existence. In self love we know we are completely healed and completely walking within our power without reservation. This means taking responsibility for who we are in our authenticity. Our authentic selves are whole and complete.

“Health and happiness result from being in harmony with our own nature and doing the work for which we are individually suited.” Dr. Edward Bach – Bach Flower Essences How do we heal ourselves and help other? My own personal experience has revealed three approaches:

by Virginia Robichaux

Love is healing, and healing does not occur without love. At some level, everyone can heal because everyone can love. Yes, everyone can love because at a deep level we are all one with the Source. Our journeys and challenges are different, but inevitably all roads lead to the creative force of the universe, which most call God. Everyone can “empathize” or feel what someone else has felt at one time or another. Since we are all one we have all felt, at a higher level, every pain and every emotion imaginable. Therefore, we can and do really empathize with each other at all times. So I set forth the premise that we are all healers. If you can feel you can heal yourself and help others to do the same! I am not the first to suggest the idea of personal healing. I am proposing that we build upon this premise and take advantage of a dramatic energetic change that is happening in our world now. Quite simply, we need to make a courageous leap through love to embrace the responsibility to develop enough self love to become our own healers. This must be the great hope for our future.

People can take the responsibility to do the same things that traditional healers would do to help them when an issue arises. I am already hearing, “Virginia, this cannot be very good for a healer’s repeat business.” Actually, this energy can only return to the giver as the force of any good deed will do. We all have everything we need within to heal ourselves—we just need to recognize our potential. As we approach the dawn of a new era at the end of 2012, we are now at an energetic level where we have shifted from giving lip service to the notion of helping ourselves to truly learning how to love ourselves from our own divinity. We must shift into this new energy by

1. We must become open-minded and willing to heal using any methods available for it to happen. 2) We need to adopt methods such as journaling thoughts and dreams to connect with our feelings and emotions, thereby enabling us to connect with others’ feelings and emotions. As a result, we will no longer feel isolated and alone. We will begin to feel that we are a part of each other, a part of the universe, and one with Source. 3) We must actually heal. Healing is painful, but the rewards are great and profound. All healing is the same at a core level, but we must respect that each person must do his or her own work. We must not take on things for others. However, we must understand what others face and offer our experience, help, and love.

We all have the natural intuitive gifts and abilities to connect to Source energy to heal and receive all that we need. These gifts of the universe are not for a select, gifted few but for all! We are gifted, special, and unique beings from a single God Source. We are connected through love!

•Virginia • • Robichaux • • • •is a•Houston, • • •TX-based • • •Intuitive • • •Me-• dium, Author, Healer and Visionary. Virginia uses her abilities to provide detailed descriptions of past, present, and potential future situations and events. She is also able to see and communicate with loved ones who have crossed over, guides and angels. Virginia’s Visionary work is about producing information to help and empower others and teaching others how to develop and use their own gifts. Contact Virginia at or visit


Spirituality while those countries with the least rank the highest. Part of the challenge that Americans face when in the pursuit of being truly happy is the dream that we have been sold that nothing is ever enough and that we must be in an ever-lasting journey to get more. As a result, many of us miss the Now and subsequently do not honor the blessings that are in front of us. The question is, what do you focus on? Do you express gratitude for the little things that most take for granted? Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed., Ph.D. (ABD) holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and is currently completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology. Joeel’s extensive career as a relationship coach includes certifications in P.R.E.P, a 30-year research-based program for couples, Nurturing Father’s curriculum, and Parenting 21st Century. Joeel is now offering counseling for a limited number of clients. Contact Joeel at

•••••••••••••••••• Gratitude: A Universal Truth

“Thankfulness brings you to the place where the Beloved lives.” — Jalaluddin Rumi, Persian Sufi poet Is gratitude the biggest key or secret to our happiness and well-being? Well that could be argued, but in reality the power of gratitude is a universal belief that is found in modern science as well as ancient societies. Many research studies have demonstrated that people who experience and express gratitude in their lives are significantly happier, have more functional relationships, are healthier, and live a more satisfying life. Buddhists, for example, believe that gratitude is an antidote for the poisons of greed, jealousy, resentment, and grief. Additionally, the Bible states,

“Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God.” (Thessalonians 5:18) While writing this article, I found quotes from a number of belief systems around the world that all share a core conviction in the importance of gratitude. Indeed, there seems to be a universal understanding that gratitude is a key principle of life and happiness, and we can embrace it as a universal truth. Below I will share a limited number is insights from around the world, as to cover them all could fill up a whole magazine.

“Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.” — Hausa proverb from Nigeria It is interesting that the most industrialized countries, with the greatest wealth, often rank lowest in happiness studies,


“Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.” — Native American prayer How can we make room in our lives for better things if we can’t honor and be grateful for the things we have now? It is important to recognize that when we create a space of gratitude we begin to see more clearly all the blessings in our lives and this perspective increases the blessings we receive from others. When we come from a place of gratitude, we actually open our mind to seek more things to be grateful for, and the cycle of gratitude perpetuates and grows stronger. Have you ever met a person who is genuinely grateful for a favor that you have done for him or her, no matter how big or small? How does that make you feel? On the other hand, have you ever done a favor for someone who does not express any gratitude and acts like he or she is entitled to the favor? How does that make you feel? Which person would you most be willing to give to openly in the future? Most people are better at giving then receiving. Part of this is due to the fact that we like to give to others because contribution gives us purpose and meaning in our life. On the other hand, society has created a negative connotation with receiving, which often limits our ability to accept from others. However, the universe wants to give to the people who receive from a place of gratitude. Therefore, the next time someone blesses you with a kind act or gesture, release any negative feelings and openly receive with gratitude, allowing for that flow to carry forward to future blessings.

“A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances. A complaining soul complains even in paradise.” —Baha’u’llah, founder of the Baha’i Faith So, how do you shift your life to always come from a place of gratitude? One place to start is creating a gratitude journal. It can be a small journal that you can carry with you and write down things that you’re grateful for throughout your day. You can also, or instead, use the journal every day before you go to sleep or as you wake up by writing in it 10 things for which you are grateful. Researchers have found that after doing this for just 30 days people report being significantly happier in their life and

actually find more things to be grateful for long term. This may explain why Kazuako Tanahashi (a Zen teacher and translator of Buddhist text) explains that it is essential to practice gratitude every day because

“Your life is a fortunate outcome of the continuous practice of the past. You should express your gratitude immediately.” Writing down what you are grateful for not only changes your perception on a daily level but also changes your brain structure by changing what your mind looks for and focuses on. So even if you are having a challenging moment in your day or life, expressing gratitude can completely shift your experience.

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” —William Arthur Ward With that said, writing or expressing to yourself what you are grateful for is essential, but to fully receive and give the full benefits of gratitude you must openly express gratitude to the people for whom you are grateful. The more specific you can be with that person the better. For example, if you are in a relationship and you tell your partner that you are grateful for him or her being in your life it makes that individual feel special, but if you tell him or her specifically what and why you are grateful for it will make that individual feel more valued and more inclined to do or express the things that you truly appreciate. Most importantly, if you want to change your surroundings or your reality it is essential that it start from within. As you shift to an existence of gratitude it will serve to help shift those around you to experience and express their own gratitude.

“When you are grateful fear disappears and abundance appears.” —Anthony Robbins Now, I want to take the time to express gratitude to the love of my life, Natalie, for being such an amazing light to this world as well as my world. Also, I would like to express gratitude to my daughter for continuously teaching joy and unconditional love, and my mom, dad, sister, brother, and the rest of my family for their love, compassion, and support. I also want to thank all my friends and everyone that takes the time every month to read this column. I am honored that you share your time and space with me and hope that I can continue to serve and at some level plant seeds that may impact your life.


Inspiration of love and appreciation, you truly feel like you can “fly like an eagle…!” The more consistent you are with this practice (In my case, I put appreciation in writing because I have found it easier to stay focused), the more you’ll notice that life sends beautiful people, opportunities, and experiences to appreciate! Remember, as fellow Divine beings, it is also OUR NATURE to soar!

Terez Hartmann is the President/CEO of ALLOWING Your Success & BEYOND!, LLC, author of the book ALLOWING Your Success!, a professional Keynote Speaker, Retreat and Workshop Facilitator, Coach, Recording Artist, Show Host and Singer-Songwriter. For more about Terez, access to FREE Allowing resources and “Words, Music, Adventures & BEYOND for LETTING Good Happen and ENJOYING the Journey!” visit To order her book, ALLOWING Your Success! visit

•••••••••••••••••• The NATURE of APPRECIATION

As I soar thousands of feet above North America in a beautiful silver bird gazing out at the shapes, textures, and colors below, I can’t help but smile to myself. Yes, we humans are wonderfully intelligent and resourceful. However, in my opinion many of our greatest inventions would never have been even a glimmer in our eyes had we not first looked skyward to the birds in flight; witnessed the grace and speed of jaguars, impalas or mustangs; or marveled at the many different ways and means nautical creatures circumnavigate our oceans and waterways. Have you noticed that when you mirror the many positive aspects of nature, your life also seems to flow better? Have you noticed when you take a moment to breathe like a dolphin coming up for air, play like a squirrel bouncing from tree to tree, or keep your roots firmly planted in what nourishes you like the trees, you stress less and enjoy the journey more? It’s true that we humans came into this plane of existence with an expanded ability to create, grow, and sort through more details than our animal friends. But isn’t it nice to know when we do get a little out of balance that the Great Mother and all her inhabitants seem to serve as a beacon to show us the way back to our humanNATURE and the being part of Human-BEING?

YOU have the power to “Fly like an eagle…” From the time I was a small child I’ve been fascinated by the idea of flying. I always look forward to being in an airplane, I can’t wait to ride “Soarin’” in Walt Disney’s Epcot Center as many times as I possibly can, and I even did an indoor skydiving experience once (which was WAY cool!). Perhaps one day I’ll get the guts to try hang-gliding or some other form of human-ish flight, but in the meantime I discovered a way that we ALL can fly high—whether or not we choose to leave the ground: Feel and express deep love, bliss, or appreciation and gratitude! Have you noticed that when you are dancing in those high-flyin’ emotional states, you physically feel lighter and more buoyant and often use words like being “high on life,” “flying high,” or “light as a feather?” Yes, I know it’s a stretch, but when you think about what flying truly represents (joy, freedom, fun, and ease) and you spend a few minutes focusing on thoughts


Recalling Human-NATURE can be one of the shortest (and surest) paths to APRRECIATION and ALLOWING Success! Let’s face it, I know I’m a weird bird and writing down appreciation may come a little easier to me than some, but even the bright-and-shiny hummingbird girl has an out-to-lunch moment from time to time! As much as I may love my human friends and life overall, sometimes reaching for thoughts of appreciation can be a bit more challenging when I’ve experienced a funky moment with a fellow homosapian or during a time of unexpected contrast. Whether you are having a “moment” or dig the concept of putting appreciation in writing but find it a bit of a struggle, take heart and consider the ideas below. When you attempt to jump into appreciation by diving headfirst into a subject that is hard to feel good about because there is ample downward momentum gathered around it and the Law of Attraction is simply doing what it does, shifting into gratitude/appreciation on that subject—or even at all—can feel like the proverbial uphill-in-the-snow scenario. When you change the subject and focus on something that has no resistance attached to it, such as the beauty and ease of the natural world, you stop feeding the funk, lighten up, and jump on the fast track to feeling better. Yes, you can eventually get back to an attitude of gratitude by digging for the good stuff, but why crawl when you can fly with a little help from Mother Nature! Think of how a tiny hummingbird seems to float in midair as it happily sips the nectar from a nearby flower or feeder. Hear the hum of its wings and its sweet chatter. Think of catching your first glimpse of mountains, the ocean, fall foliage in full blaze, or some other natural wonder as you walk, cruise, roll, sail, or fly into a new landscape—especially for the very first time. WOW! Think of your favorite furry, feathered, or scaled pet and how much love, fun, and entertainment it adds to your life! How do these thoughts or ideas make you feel? I would guess, at the very least, that you feel lighter or are smiling a little wider—and by virtue of the Law of Attraction—you ARE already, in this moment, on your way back to a vibration of APPRECIATION and ALLOWING Your Success! The Bottom Line on The NATURE of APPRECIATION A great quote from Einstein that speaks volumes is: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” But once you plug back into the circle of life and start feeling better, you are then in a position to discover solutions, get back to your true NATURE of APPRECIATION and remember that it really IS ALL good! “I get by with a little help from my [furry/feathered/ scaled] friends…”—The Beatles (with a little help from Mother Nature!) Thank you, Great Mother Earth!

Tools & Tips I have learned the hard way that not recognizing those feelings is detrimental to one’s health in so many ways. It is so important to acknowledge a challenging moment, to see it, accept it, and allow it to be what it is. Then we can flow into deciding who and what we wish to be in relationship to the experience during that point in time. It makes sense. After all, how can By Tia C. Wahl you decide who you wish to be in relationship to a moment that you While it is my intention to be inspired in each and every moment of my life to create refuse to see, be in, or accept? who and what I wish to be in this world, my plans don’t always work out the way I have them in mind. Often, I find that there are gaps between those moments of inspiration, and I have to find If we don’t gratitude for those not-so-pleasant instants and the value they offer as growth opportunities. acknowledge the Case in point: The other day my truck had some trouble and I almost didn’t make it to work. I did make it, and for that I was grateful. Then, I almost didn’t make it home. Once again, existence of the I did make it home, and I was grateful. However, it was a bit of a rough time. My truck was havmoment, we forfeit ing serious issues; I was driving down the road at 15 mph because that is as fast as it would go our opportunity to without potentially blowing up the engine. I needed my truck to get back and forth to work, and I didn’t have the money to fix what ails it. create what we truly In the midst of trying to figure out how to keep my car moving, I opened my mail to a desire in it. shut-off notice from the electric company. I kept moving forward. I spoke to my son’s father, who is a mechanic, and he walked me through a process of spraying grease up into my transmission It’s okay to have a moto patch the problem. Then I needed to take some pictures to show him. I have a small SUV, ment, to hang your head, to which sits fairly low to the ground, so there isn’t much space underneath. Having truck parts that pray, to surrender, and to allow close to my face, and my body, gave me a bit of anxiety as I crawled around under the carriage. the universe to recreate a better During this process, I thought about my finances and my electric bill...and I could feel outcome. We can be awe-struck the weight slowly building. I crawled out from underneath my truck, hung my head, and said a by a moment or we can choose prayer of surrender. I let go of it, to the best of my ability, so that the problems could work them- to allow it to strike us down. The selves out without my attachment to them. choice is up to us. Later that night, I had a chance to process the events of the day, and I remembered to be inspired to create who and what I wish to be in relationship to my experiences. Then the next day I remembered to be grateful for what happened. I really do see life as being full of opportuniTia C. Wahl developed and offers ties, even when those opportunities appear to be disguised as problems. a coaching concept that utilizes


I must remember that each moment is perfect and that Spirit and my Higher Self are always guiding me to my Highest Good because it is my intent to be guided in such a manner. I often hear spiritual and personal growth thought leaders talk about becoming one with the moment and flowing with it. I couldn’t agree more. Yet, on the spiritual path, on my way to remembering most of the time to be inspired by the moment, on my way to remembering most of the time to accept each moment and become one with it, on my way to remembering to stay present and have gratitude, I have those times when everything seems to start weighing heavy on my soul, and I hang my head. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does I need to recognize these are the subtle growth opportunities that most people don’t acknowledge or talk about.

In these moments, we need to remember that it is okay to feel heavy, but we must not get attached to that heaviness and get stuck in it.

spirituality and creativity, along with other healing modalities, to help guide people on their healing journeys back to wholeness. Tia is currently studying Holistic Healthcare with a concentration in Mind Body Transformational Psychology and an emphasis in Spiritual Studies at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Her goal is to provide a loving, compassionate, and safe space in which to facilitate the healing of others through the use of creativity, coaching, hypnotherapy, nutrition, and intuition. Contact Tia at .

Feel it and acknowledge the feeling of it. Sometimes that is all a feeling needs: to be recognized, to be voiced, and to be heard, so that it can be processed, healed, and let go.


Healthy Living Health professionals are recognizing that regular practice of Tai Chi can improve balance, coordination, flexibility, fitness, physical and mental strength, concentration, and bone density.

By Mary Gemming, Ph.D. It does not seem like it was more than seven years ago that it happened. We received a call from my husband’s mother, Joan. Sounding very faint, she whispered, “Come quickly. Something happened to your father.” I will never forget what came next. My husband’s father, Ed, had a stroke. Unknown to us, Joan’s Alzheimer’s disease had progressed, and she waited so long to call 911 that they could not do much for Ed. While rushing to the East Coast of Florida, we got caught in a gigantic traffic jam on I-4, not able to get to an alternate route. All roads were blocked in every direction. After we finally got to Daytona Beach, we found Joan in a confused state, trying to hide all personal papers. Nevertheless, we went to the hospital and were told that Ed did not have long to live. We had a lot of urgent decisions to make for him and arrangements to make for Joan because she was slipping fast. It would be difficult to express how much stress we were under. This was where my Tai Chi training was put to the test. I started doing my Tai Chi exercises every day. I don’t know what I would have done without the relaxing effect of this practice.

One of the many benefits of Tai Chi is that it reduces stress. 22

The History of Tai Chi Tai Chi, a practice dating back thousands of years, integrates the mind and body. In everyday life, our minds and bodies are accustomed to moving at a fast pace. However, through focus in Tai Chi, the mind and body have the chance to move together, which is why they call it “moving meditation.” What is so wonderful about Tai Chi is that all ages can enjoy it. There are many styles of Tai Chi, ranging from “Tai Chi for Kids” to “Tai Chi for Arthritis” and advanced styles such as the Chen style. I was trained in the Sun style, which is one of the easiest methods to learn. I learned the Sun style taught by Dr. Paul Lam, a medical doctor from Australia and world leader of Tai Chi for health improvement. Dr. Lam, a Tai Chi practitioner for 36 years, was inspired to help others after he was able to overcome osteoarthritis with Tai Chi. Several events impressed me after dedicated practice of Tai Chi. Before Tai Chi, my height had shrunk by two inches, but after regular practice, including spinal stretches, my height came back to normal. When I felt arthritis in my knees, I found the pain had lessened with the practice of “Tai Chi for Arthritis.” Each week I find new discoveries of what Tai Chi can do for the body. Recently, I began personal training with a woman who had a stroke. With regular practice of the gentle Tai Chi for Health movements, she has been able to get movement back in her arm and leg affected by the stroke. Even more amazing, my husband’s cousin was once in a wheelchair. After learning the “Tai Chi for Arthritis” form while sitting down, she was able to move out of her wheelchair and advance to walking with a walker. Into Practice To give you an opportunity to see the benefits of Tai Chi for yourself, I would like to share a simple but effective movement that we do in our warm-up exercises at Shapes Fitness, where I teach. We call it “Gathering Chi,” which means life energy. Standing relaxed with your feet apart at shoulder width and parallel, your arms relaxed, palms facing upward by the hips, breathe in slowly. Lift your arms and hands forward and upward to about shoulder height. Then turn your palms downward, exhale slowly, lower your hands downward, pressing down in front of the midsection of your body. Bring the hands upward again starting by the hips and repeat several times, inhaling as the hands come up and exhaling as the hands come down, as if moving through water or heavy air. And here is something for you to think about:

The Chinese say, “Do this movement l,000 times each day and you will heal all infirmities.”

I have a lot for which to be grateful when I think of the gifts from this ancient Chinese form of exercise. My hope is that more people continue to learn how Tai Chi can transform their lives.


ing Treasures of Peace and Mystical Secrets of the Stars. Mary teaches Tai Chi at Shapes Fitness at University Park in Sarasota, FL, and she also offers limited private training and consultation. For class times at Shapes, call 941-359-0224 or email Mary directly at

Mary Gemming, Ph.D., has been teaching and counseling students to trust their inner voice and manifest a more positive life since 1978 in New York State and Florida. She is the author of Discover-


Ricky Roberts III is the author of three books, an internet-radio host, youth advocate, inspirational speaker, and founder of YOU ARE VALUED, an organization devoted to promoting the value of the individual. His volunteer work includes Life Rolls On – a surfing program for individuals with spinal cord injuries and Surfing for Autism – a surfing program for individuals and families affected by autism.

•••••••••••••••••• The Gift of Life

I recently had an inspiring conversation with my friend Jerry. I have known him for more than 20 years, and Jerry has been homeless for the majority of this time. He is always a joy to speak with and has given me great words of advice over the years. The last time I saw him, about six months ago, he had just gotten out of the hospital. He was having issues with his kidneys. After we got past small talk, I asked about his health. He replied, “Good. I haven’t had alcohol in over six months.” He kept going. “I may not have a Land Rover, but I have these two Infinities [pointing at his feet] and they get me around just fine.” I smiled. “I feel you there,” I said. He then looked at me intently and said with deep conviction and sincerity, “As long as I wake up, crack a few jokes, make a few people smile and laugh, I am a happy man.” I have heard many people say, “I am just happy to be alive.” “I am grateful to be here.” But Jerry’s conviction was deeper than most I have seen. I felt his sincere gratitude for life. Do you live with gratitude for the gift of life you are given? Do you find joy in life no matter what it may bring you? Are you grateful for the obstacles you face, trusting they are bringing you to your greatest good?

Often times we get so distracted with the focus of our next accomplishment, planned destination, or the material possession we may want to acquire, we forget to give thanks for the breath of life we are blessed to experience. Everything that we see around us is an extension of life. Without the opportunity to be here, we wouldn’t see any of it. We wouldn’t know the feeling of love. We wouldn’t be able to appreciate the divine creations of our world, natural and unnatural. We wouldn’t have the obstacles to teach us and guide us, no matter how hard they may seem. Nothing in our material world would exist if it didn’t have a place to materialize in this thing we call life. Life is the greatest gift of all; without it nothing else matters.

Years ago I was stabbed nine times. The night in the emergency room changed my life on many levels. The one thing that impacted me the most was the reality that there is a choice for each one of us to be here that is bigger than us. I call it God, you call it what you will. There was a choice to keep me here years ago, as there is in every moment I am still here. In the same way I am given life you are too. Every moment that we are here is a gift. The more we are able to experience life with deep and sincere gratitude the more we will realize the true nature of our existence with a sense of peace, joy, and abundance, in all aspects of our life. Take a few moments to think about what you aspire to do, have, and experience. Reflect on them with trust and surrender, knowing your path is divinely guided and your desires granted. Now let them all go. Feel the essence of your existence, your life, knowing that it is perfect just the way it is.

Say, “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have this life.” “I am grateful to not only experience this magical existence but to be an extension of it.” In Gratitude – Ricky Roberts III


Spirituality nize is that through change we experience gifts and opportunities that lead to the unfolding of our true selves. The unfolding of our soul’s potential. The unfolding of miracles.

“All in divine harmony, all in divine timing.” —the Angels Emily Rivera Andrews is a certified Angel Healing Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and an Angel Manifesting Master Practitioner. Emily shares techniques that have helped her become a Gifted Intuitive, Intuitive Channeler, Healer, Manifester, and Angel Communicator. To ask your Angels a question, email or visit www.

•••••••••••••••••• Riding the Waves of Change

As I look out into the day, I’m reminded how reality, as most of us know it, is in a state of drastic and noticeable transition. We each are perpetually in a condition of growth and change. It is an innate desire to thrive, grow, and experience the world around us. Our bodies naturally express this truth, though changes in our skin, cells, and organs. Every one of us completely regenerates our skin every seven days and every single cell in our skeleton is replaced every seven years. Just like our bodies, our states of mental and spiritual consciousness are meant to experience change and expansion. That’s why we are here. Our souls incarnated in these bodies to learn, experience, and expand. We set the intention to be present within our circumstances, since within each circumstance we are divinely prompted when and how to continue, change, or create something new.

“Change occurs in waves,”—the Angels These waves may carry strong and palpable surges of energy that create rapid shifting. These waves may feel tumultuous, overwhelming, invigorating, and/or exciting. During other times the energetic intensity of these waves of change are subtle, gentle, and may be filled with ease. Regardless of how they appear, they are continually flowing our way. Just like the passing of time, the aging of our bodies, the changes in season, the experience of change is inevitable. We are each unique embodiments of perpetual change. The truth that I would like to encourage us all to recog-


Global changes are occurring all around us, and regardless of what label we give these changes, they are all unfolding within a greater space of harmony that at times it’s hard for us to fully conceive. The same harmony is expressing itself within us through the cycles of change we are experiencing right now. To be part of this harmony on a conscious level that our total mind can comprehend, we need to silence our active minds and allow our intuitive centers to navigate. Transition is inevitable for us all, and it is unfolding on many levels. Some can easily recognize and anticipate this shift of consciousness, while others find themselves in a state of confusion as they grasp to control their reality as they see it. We are all being encouraged to offer our special contribution to the collective’s energy within this global change. This contribution can manifest itself in many ways, as it will be unique to each individual. Some of us may be inspired to share prayers and intentions of love and healing, while others may be inspired to take action to create positive energy and influence within the changes. Regardless of the type of inspiration that manifests through you, know and recognize that you are a unique and crucial thread to the web of transition unfolding. A significant voice in the response that will ultimately unfold within the masses We are also being encouraged to remain available to the expansion of mental capabilities that will enable different forms of communication, self expressions, and connection. These will include things like telepathic communication, telekinesis, transcendental vision, and more. For some this may seem farfetched, but know that regardless of your perception on these seemingly impossible things, they will be abilities that will be available to us all. I trust that the transition you may be currently experiencing is enabling you to see the magnificence available within you and all around you. Always know that angelic presences will be lovingly guiding you through it all from a place of admiration and non-judgment. May love, light, and the joy available within change inspire your mind, body, and spirit. Namaste


By Tracey Locke Some people say grace before meals. My mom used to wear a bead bracelet designed to move the beads each day as you count your blessings. At the beginning of this year, we tried having our children write down what they were grateful for each night before bed. The intention was to make a tree out of a year’s worth of little gratitude notes as our Thanksgiving center piece. Each night, each family member put their note or leaf in a chest along with a one dollar coin. As a family, we planned on picking a charity to share the treasure with for the holidays. I’ve seen the same concept done with a jar. Instead of hanging the papers on branches, guests pass the jar and read the notes out loud during the turkey day feast. Somehow, our busy, unpredictable schedules got the better of us and our treasure chest went untouched. A few days missed during a vacation turned into weeks without a word of thanks. We tried again. But a few late nights rushing around to get everyone tucked in to bed turned into months of neglect. Why is something so simple and so life changing so easy to forget? Before I could teach my children the importance of being grateful, I had to develop the habit for myself. I read Deborah Norville’s Thank You Power: Making the Science of Gratitude Work for You. Norville shared story after story where gratitude created opportunities beyond imagination. She reinforced what everyone intuitively already knows to be true.

Focus on what you don’t have and you live in scarcity. Focus on what you do have and you attract abundance. The former Today Show host takes note of the small things like the beauty in a sunrise or the kindness of a stranger who lets her cut through traffic. Norville also keeps a notebook in her purse and then rereads her little grateful reminders when she is feeling stressed. If she wrote the book today, she might recommend an app for your phone to journal. My take away from this book was to start a gratitude blog. I called my blog 50,000 Thoughts because a study by the National Science Foundation found that the average person has 50,000 thoughts per day and the vast majority of those thoughts are the same ones you had the day before. The idea is to add

some new grateful thoughts to my recurring playlist. After a few months of struggling to write a blog post once a week, I came to a realization. For me, the opposite of living in gratitude is living in guilt. I was filled with it. My guilt stemmed from constantly feeling I didn’t have enough time or I was not using my time wisely. I was living in scarcity. I was the mom who physically was at my son’s football game but mentally on to the next task. No wonder our sweet little gratitude tree withered.

How can you be grateful for something when you’re not there in the moment to enjoy it? Things needed to change. I read another gem of a book called The Art of Extreme Self Care by Cheryl Richardson. Richardson gave me the idea to come up with an absolute no list. The list forces you to identify things not worth spending time on anymore. Richardson’s list included things like: supporting businesses that don’t share her values or engaging in other people’s conflicts if she couldn’t take action and help. My list included things like: making choices out of obligation and giving unsolicited advice. Her other helpful idea was identifying priorities. That meant shifting from a daily to-do list mindset to creating a schedule that allotted time for things that made me happy, like exercise and writing.

This fall, instead of losing leaves, our gratitude tree is springing to life again and filling in nicely. I am teaching my children to say thanks, but they have since taught me to feel thankful. By being more present, I am witnessing the splendor of their childhood. You can see my 12year- old son’s sincere appreciation for nature when he spots an unusual fish or insect. You can hear the genuine enthusiasm in my 4-year-old daughter’s voice when she declares, “This is the best day ever” while flying a kite. They didn’t need to read a book to be reminded of life’s simple pleasures. No prioritizing schedules or developing habits or journaling are necessary for them to live in the moment. Our crafty tree of thanks appeared to stop growing for a while, but it was really propagating enough acorns to fill a forest. A seed of gratitude sprouted into the rediscovery of my passion and purpose, writing. Another seed found some sunlight in my


children’s smiles. It is growing into a year-long personal development experiment called Be More Childlike. I am blogging my way to a book about consciously trying to be all the things that come naturally to my children. Optimistic. Aware. Enthusiastic. Intuitive. Each month, there is a different focus. November’s focus is childlike gratitude, back to the roots of where this whole new life of abundance first started.


Tracey Locke spent 13 years working as a television reporter and three years as a publicist. These days she writes about what inspires her, her children. For more on how one ordinary woman is trying to live an extraordinary life, visit http://bemorechildlike.


By Parvati I have always felt a strong connection to the Earth, to Nature as a whole, and to unseen energies. I am by far not alone in this bond. Many are acutely aware that our planet, a living organism, is now going through a healing that affects us all because we are literally part of her. During the summer of 2010, while I was living in Toronto, Canada, the unusually hot global weather patterns led me to cancel a pending Asian music tour and travel to the North Pole in September to raise awareness of the quickly melting polar ice caps. At the top of the world, I performed and shot video for four of my songs, becoming the northernmost performer ever to help raise awareness of our planetary interconnection, our need for conscious awakening, and our ecological responsibility. At the North Pole, in gratitude to our Mother Earth, I did energy work and puja for the planet chanting the Sri Lalita Sahasranamavali (the Thousand Names of the Divine Mother), an ancient Sanskrit chant. I prayed with all my heart and said to the Earth, “Mother, I know you are suffering. If I can help alleviate your burden, take anything on, let me know.”


Our Prayers are Always Answered We never know how our prayers will be answered, but they always are, and sometimes not in a manner we expected. On March 11, 2011, before I learned that a tsunami had devastated Japan, I got up to walk downstairs to my meditation room after an unusually turbulent night’s sleep. On the way, I found my pelvis knocked off kilter and my legs numb and not fully functioning. It was the middle of the Canadian Music Week conference, and I pushed myself to the bookings I had, getting in and out of cars by lifting my legs with my hands because they would not fully move on their own. I figured this strangeness would pass, just as it had mysteriously arrived. But when I returned home after a day of meetings, mind-altering pain shot suddenly and violently through my spine. My mind went blank from sheer trauma. Paralyzed from the waist down, I would remain fully bedridden for three months, unable to move for even the most basic functions. Doctors at the hospital insisted I had been in a car accident, but I repeatedly said there had been no physical impact. After an ominous diagnosis of a damaged spine and spinal cord, I was given a 50/50 chance of dancing again, and spinal surgery was recommended.

In my core, I did not believe that surgery was the way for my healing. Sent home, I dove deeply into myself and surrendered to the Divine Mother in a way I had never done before.

Other than a couple of friends who carried me weekly on a spine board for healing visits to a gifted biodynamic osteopath, I told no one of my situation. I went deep inside my inner healing cave. Nature Heals What followed was a rearranging of everything I knew. For me, this was a time of “karma fast forward,” where I was challenged to let go of that which no longer served me and to learn to absolutely trust a Higher Power for everything—even the basics we take for granted, like walking. In order to heal, my intuition said I needed to be willing to see my current physical body and the state it was in as a reflection of my limited state of consciousness, which is temporary and imperfect.

only was I being affected by the vibrational potency of the ancient Sanskrit chants; exactly a year previous to when I produced the album, I had been in bed, in agony, with that severe spinal injury. It was as though this musical work channeled the fruits of my inner transformation. At worst, the creative process felt like taking dictation. At best, I was dancing with the Divine through sound. It was an exhilarating creative process. We are One Earth Family The Divine Mother is the planet. She is the body that is born and dies. She sustains us. She is eternal and beyond it all. We are the planet. When the Earth cries, so do we. When she moves, so do we. We are carried by an inexplicable force that moves through our cells, that animates our souls, that literally keeps us alive.

I needed to find gratitude for this situation and receive it as divine Grace.

Nature loves us in a way we cannot comprehend.

I needed to be willing to suspend judgment of how healing occurs and enter into a field of utter possibility, sensing that all of reality is plastic, malleable, and guided by the immense and perfect force of Nature, which is beyond understanding. After months of cultivating these attitudes in intensive meditative surrender and absolute trust in the Divine Mother, slowly a miracle occurred: movement returned to my toes, legs, then hips. After learning to roll on my stomach from side to side then push myself up to crawl, by June 1, 2011, I stood again for the first time since the injury. In the months that followed through the summer of 2011, I had to learn to put one foot in front of the other in a whole new way. As soon as I tried to “do” something that was directed by my mind, I was cattle-prodded by searing pain through my spine and had to stop. The universe had put blinkers on my psyche, and the only way I could move was to deeply listen to an inner impulse that arose from within my body. This impulse rose like a wave through my being and movement effortlessly followed. I did not feel like “I” was doing anything. I did not understand what was happening, but I knew this was working and there was no bargaining with an omniscient power that was clearly in charge. With grace and with the loving and tireless support of friends and my amazing partner Rishi, who lived every moment of this with me, by the end of October 2011 I was back on stage singing and dancing in rapturous surrender headlining the St. Pete Yoga Festival in Florida.

We cannot comprehend it because it is not of our egomind, which knows only to divide and separate. By surrendering to Nature’s intelligence, I was called on the North Pole journey. By surrendering to Nature, I was also healed and experienced what doctors call “a medical miracle.” To walk: We take it for granted. But it is a miracle. Through the injury, I saw how even the impulse to move is grace, a force beyond will. We think we are the doers, but the “me” does nothing.

Chants for the Divine Mother As soon as I was able to sit for any period of time, I moved into my music studio to create new material in praise of the Divine Mother. The album and show I now tour was born: “YIN: Yoga In the Nightclub,” songs that combine fierce dance grooves and lush electronic soundscapes, featuring traditional Sanskrit chants devoted to my guru Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, also known as Amma or Mother ( As I wrote, engineered, produced, arranged, and mixed the tracks, I was literally brought to my knees again and again. There was something powerfully different about this album. Not

Grace is always moving through us, even when we don’t see it. Healing only happens in the state of absolute surrender and trust in the whole. When we think “we” are healing, we interfere. There is no doing. Because of the grace of free will, we can amplify or interfere with Nature’s communication pathways. Nature will keep on creating and evolving, with or without us. It does not need our “help.” It needs our respect and service. I saw from my journey to the North Pole, and from the healing that followed, that we must reverentially get out of Nature’s way in order to fully thrive as spiritual beings in this material world. We are the planet and she is our Divine Mother.


Parvati Devi, known as the “Positive Possibilities lady,” is a Canadian musician/yogi/activist who encourages those who listen to her music and attend her shows and workshops to believe in the revolutionary notion of possibility. Spearheaded by her independent hit “Yoga in the Nightclub,” Parvati currently tours her show “YIN: Yoga in the Nightclub” through the United States, inspiring audiences to find the Divine everywhere. She has also toured a show called “Natamba,” which has been described as “Madonna meets Cirque du Soleil.” While on tour, she teaches workshops on YEM: Yoga as Energy Medicine and provides inspirational talks and individual counselling. For more information on her visit to Florida in early November, please visit or


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