Transformation Magazine, May 2011

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Awakening with the Editor: Say No to But I’ll See You Again Finding True Love at Any Age Enlightened Relationships: Communication Create a Miracle Stop Waiting and Start Relaxing Out Your ego: ego Dictates, Spirit Allows Practical Spirituality: A Greater Experience Finding Your Yen Dust Off Your Dreams The Way It Is: The Hero Mindset A Prolonged Imbalance: An End to Suffering Spiritually Speaking: Choices Limitless Giving Live a Limitless Life Angels and Inspirations: Listen Lacking in Nothing Positive Change: My Simple Religion Ask Dr. ZZ Uranus and Its Explosion of Cosmic Drama Don’t Settle for Less

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Transformation Magazine (941) 479-0323

Advertising: Editor: © Copyright 2011 Transformation Magazine. All rights reserved. Transformation Magazine is published monthly by Transformation Services. The information provided herein is for entertainment and personal development purposes and should not be construed as health care diagnosis or therapeutic service. The publishers do not necessarily agree or disagree with the views contained herein.


and have it not turn out successful. “I couldn’t do it because it was too hard, but at least I tried.”

Natalie is a Transformation Coach who has worked with hundreds of individuals seeking to live a life of purpose and genuine relationship with their true selves, others, and their world. She believes in uncovering the core of life challenges and creating change by rewriting our scripts and rewiring our brains. This column addresses the Awakening and the resulting transformations being seen and experienced in our community and within our own lives.

•••••••••••••••••• Eliminate Your Limits: say no to “but!”

As a Transformation Coach I love my clients, just as I love my readers. That is why at times I must use tough love in order to encourage others to dig deeper, look truth square in the face, and make a commitment to change. Either you want to transform your life or you don’t, and I hope you do, which is why I am offering this healthy dose of reality—with love. “But” is the word that usually precedes an excuse. The dictionary defines an excuse as: “self-justification; ‘a defense of some offensive behavior or some failure to keep a promise’.”

“Buts” are simply what you use to self-justify why you are not living the life you truly desire. Below are common “buts” that many of us use. If you are honest with yourself, you will see that these are in fact excuses and not legitimate reasons. The question is, then, why do we use these “buts?” Each “but” serves its own purpose, but ultimately they all help us to remain safe—to stay where we’re comfortable. If you long for a life of fulfillment and meaning, in alignment with who you truly are, ask yourself if you are ready to eliminate “but” from your vocabulary.

It’s time to make the changes you’ve been putting off and live a life without limitations! But, it’s too hard. Is it really too hard? How would you know; have you done it? You have made it through so-called “hard” things before, haven’t you? Continuing to live with what you don’t like is probably harder than making the change. For example, smoking is actually more difficult than not smoking. Why you keep saying “but.” It gives the illusion that what you want is not possible so that you can avoid doing it. It also serves as a good explanation for failure should you attempt to change


But, it’s too risky. There are no risky changes, only risky people. An intelligent decision to change based on sound reason and a deep desire, along with good research and a solid plan, is not risky at all. Changing careers is not risky, but jumping ship on a whim and being poorly prepared certainly makes you a risky person. Make intelligent plans for change, but don’t get stuck waiting for everything to be perfect. It won’t. You may say you don’t know what you want to do, but you do. We all have an intuitive guidance system. Your mind is just muffling your true voice amidst all of its worrying and over-analyzing. Why you keep saying “but.” You choose to fear risk instead of having to face your other fears. For example, fearing risk makes it so you don’t have to fear failure. Fearing risk is safer; if you don’t take the risk you cannot fail, right?

Waiting for the “right” thing to happen is like waiting for all the traffic lights to be green for 5 miles before starting your trip. But, it’ll take too long. What is a “long time” anyway? For that matter, what is “time?” Haven’t you had experiences where “time flew by?” It is more accurate to look at time as an emotion, not a unit of measure. How “long” something takes has nothing to do with how much clock time passes and everything to do with how you feel. So, then why does it feel like it will take so “long?” Because you feel overwhelmed! In reality, time will pass anyway, regardless of whether or not you make the change.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” —Confucius Why you keep saying “but.” It serves as a great way to put off making a decision. This is especially helpful when looking to make a change that involves a commitment. Really, you fear commitment, not time. But, it costs too much. At a practical level this is rarely true. It doesn’t cost too much, you simply aren’t using your creativity! I’ve known people who buy a coffee at Starbucks every day they go to work. At 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year – that would be 250 days of the year at a minimum of $3 a day. These people have a $750/year membership to Starbucks! And they say they can’t afford to go to the gym or take a vacation. At a deeper level it may help to evaluate your attitude towards money in general. Did you grow up around people with the belief that “money doesn’t grow on trees” or that it’s selfish to spend money on yourself? Why you keep saying “but.” You fear money and not having enough. Plus, there’s the added bonus of evoking some level of sympathy from others and joining in with their self-pity about having too little money. It feels good to belong, doesn’t it?

But, I shouldn’t do it. Who says? Not you. The fact that you use the word “shouldn’t” is a signal that your belief about it has come from some outside source—your parents, others, society, etc. Are you going to continue to live your life according to everyone else’s standards? Or, are you ready to take ownership of your own life? Remove “should” from your vocabulary and see how your life changes. Why you keep saying “but.” Simply, you tell yourself you shouldn’t do it because you are either trying to conform and gain the approval of others or you have not yet realize that many of your “shoulds” are actually other people’s beliefs and not your own. But, it’s overwhelming. If you are feeling overwhelmed it’s because you are doing two things: focusing on the negative and thinking too big. It’s important to see the big picture, but you don’t want to “bite of more than you can chew.” Can you eat a big meal all at once? No, you eat it one bit at a time. At the same time, focusing on all the little details that you don’t like will quickly talk you out of changing. Keep your energy focused on what you DO want. Why you keep saying “but.” You are frozen. You are either thinking too big or thinking about too many details that seem negative or undesirable. Break it down into manageable chunks and stay focused on the positive. But, I don’t have time. This is the most commonly used “but,” and it is totally bogus. In “It’ll take too long” we discussed how time is simply an emotion. So, by saying you “don’t have time” you’re saying you feel overextend or inefficient. You may not want to admit it, but you have chosen your life situations. If you are over extended it was your choice. There are three solutions that can help you “make the time.” 1. Organize your life to free up time 2. Eliminate lesser important activities 3. Change your perspective Why you keep saying “but.” It’s a great reason not to take action. We all make time for what is important to us. If something is important to you and you are telling yourself you don’t have the time, you may be avoiding looking deeply at your reasons for both wanting and resisting this change.

“Great things have no fear of time.” —Confucious It may sound harsh, but the reasons you have been telling yourself you can’t change for years are nothing more than excuses. Take the challenge of living a life beyond limits and make the comittment today to say no to “but”!

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.”—Nora Roberts 5


I’ll See You Again

but this morning he is not interested in the show. I feel his struggle as he tries to feed himself and it pushes hard on me. I take his spoon and carefully place the warmed peaches in his mouth. It’s again time to say goodbye, which brings tears to my eyes. My heart is heavy as I focus inward and ask, “Is it okay to leave?” Just days ago my father was on death’s door but yet again he rallied. He has defied all the doctors, nurses, and care givers. His will is beyond anyone I have ever met.

As I stare out of the window, there sits before my father a huge black Raven. My sister calls out “maybe this is a sign that we should not leave?” In dream books the Raven symbolizes fear of the unknown. That is surely true here. I listen inside and allow spirit to lead me. by Frannie Hoffman “No, it is time for us to leave dad now,” I reply. This decision is such a courageous act for both of us. His wish to die at home has come at great sacrifice for all his children. Although we care for our dad with loving, willing hearts, we feel the toll it has taken both physically and emotionally. It was time to trust the messenger, the Raven, to bring us the energy, courage, and strength to move forward, instead of fearing this bird and letting our inner darkness take over. Alone with my father in his bedroom, I look into his eyes and tell him I am leaving. He seems unconcerned. I realize that he thinks that Colleen and I are leaving him to fend for himself. “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is I bring in the care giver and show him that he will a field. I’ll meet you there.”— Rumi not be alone. After she leaves, I take his face into my Sitting in the overcrowded plane, I feel confined and bothered by the hands and mouth the words, noises that seem to get louder and louder. I learned years ago that the distracting noises, like a dog’s incessant barking or my husband’s snoring need not take “I feel sad, I may never see you me away from my inner peace. I shut my eyes and move inside to find solace. I take a deep breath and begin to drink in the sweet presence that is waiting for again.” I cry and I lay my head my connection. upon his chest feeling deeply how When I open my eyes I feel more comfortable.

hard it is to say goodbye.

As I press my forehead against the window, “the sky’s the limit” echoes inside my head. The icy cold window sends shivers up and down my spine while the site of land meeting sky takes my breath away. Just this morning I was at my family’s cabin in Northern Ontario where the earth was covered with a blanket of snow. Outside blue jays, finches, and a black squirrel were eating the seeds placed each morning on the deck. My father likes to sit at the window in his wheelchair and watch these delightful creatures. But last night, dad had difficulty breathing and today he looks weak in spirit and body. Usually he laughs with joy at the frolics of the squirrels and birds


I sink into the warmth of his skin and take in the moment. He looks at me and says, “Oh well.” He looks away and shrugs his shoulders. I want him to grab me, hold me, tell me that I am the greatest daughter and thank me for stopping my life and coming to be with him again and again. I breathe in and feel the truth that my heart brings me. He loves me. I can’t imagine how it would be for me if my child was leaving my bedside during my last days. I am sure I would be much more dramatic. Instead my father speaks

Inspiration the words that he has said over and over again, “Maybe I will get stronger tomorrow.”

As I leave my child hood home, I look around and I am grateful for this time with my dad. I loved cuddling up with him and watching one of his favorite movies of all time, “The Bridges of Madison County.” Tears rolled down his face as he remembers my mother and their life together. A thought enters my mind—I will continue to come back to him until the moment he let’s go to be with my mother. When I arrive home I read up on the Raven. The message on the medicine card confirms for me that I was listening to my inner guidance: Raven is the messenger of the void, the seeking of answers that brings an awakening. It also can bring in the new state of wellness as the Raven is the courier to bring that energy flow. A new state of wellness! Could that be for my dad? The animal cards I have referred to for years tell me that there is the power of the unknown at work, and something special is about to happen. The deeper mystery, however, is how you will respond to the moment. Can you recognize it and use it to further enhance your growth? As I recall the last moments at my father’s bedside, I could have been devastated by his inability to recognize my needs. Instead I felt my saddened heart and stepped into the light of my spirit. Standing strong in the authority of myself I did not need him to be my source. I looked at my father and saw his need: To be loved just the way he was. My connection to spirit was guiding my way and holding me in great love. I looked into his eyes without saying any words. There I was held by a limitless love that touched my heart. I was meeting him in that field that Rumi spoke about. I waved goodbye. Unfortunately, the voice of spirit is not always the dominant voice of the world.

When fear is louder than love, it takes a conscious effort to let the presence of light dissolve the darkness. Fear has no power when we pray to God to be our source. The Raven showed me that I could trust the mystery. This life that continues to be living within my father seems unlimited as I allow unconditional love to help me see the healing taking place for both of us.


Frannie Hoffman is a spiritual intuitive, counselor and author. Through her counseling sessions, Circle of Light meditations, writings and seminars, she is deeply committed to inspiring and empowering people. For more than 20 years, she has devoted her life to helping others tap into their own spiritual power so that they can live more authentically. In her book “From Modeling Clothes to Modeling Self” she invites the reader into her personal and honest expression of life and Divine Spirit. and


Inspiration begin wonderful new phases of life at any age with determination and passion. “You would not believe the energy that June has,” says Rev. Dorothy Ann Jackson, who was co-minister of Unity Church of Sarasota with her husband Donald until their retirement in 2007, when Rev. Elizabeth Thompson took over as Senior Minister. “She would get in her wheelchair and go all over the city on the bus,” she fondly recalls. “She has patience, and she goes wherever she wants to go. She is unbelievable.”

June’s vibrancy and outgoing nature certainly wowed Jim Link, a retired optometrist from Wisconsin who moved into June’s apartment building in late 2003.

Finding True Love

at Any Age by Lisa Clift

June Williams has an eternal flower of optimism in her heart, and it bloomed with love when she least expected it—at almost 70. She also was gifted with an unfaltering zest for living that allowed her to weave a full tapestry of experience over almost eight decades—despite physical challenges that many would consider insurmountable. June was born prematurely with cerebral palsy 1934 at only 3 lbs. 7 oz. She spent part of her infancy in an incubator and her childhood years in New York and Texas bound to a wheelchair. For June, however, confinement has proved to be nothing more than a state of mind that she refused to let limit any aspect of her life, from learning to walk on Canadian (elbow) crutches in high school to attending college to living a fully independent life after her mother passed away in 1999. It was during this prolific late-life season that she moved to a retirement apartment in downtown Sarasota, FL, took on a job as receptionist for Unity Church of Sarasota, and got married for the first time in 2004—all inspirations that prove anyone can


On Christmas Day of that year, June was on the elevator and the door opened and Jim stepped in. “He was a tall, handsome man, and I said Merry Christmas,” says June. “I asked if he was visiting and he said no, so I asked if he had any place to go for dinner that night. He did not. I was having a couple of friends over, and I asked him to join us.” Jim said yes, and he even knocked on June’s door 30 minutes later to make sure he was not imposing. After the gathering, June’s two girlfriends left and a beautiful friendship was born as Jim and June spent the evening together talking. “The next day I told my friends, ‘You rats, you left me alone with a strange man!’” June jokes. Jim, who was then working part-time for a rehab clinic, began inviting June to his small apartment to spend time together, and the couple also started going out on the town together in Jim’s car, with June’s wheelchair in tow. “I told Dorothy Ann that I had feelings for this man that I had never experienced before in my life,” explains June. “I asked her if she thought it would be OK for me to give Jim a friendship ring.” With Dorothy Ann’s blessings and encouragement, June went to a local jeweler in Sarasota and bought Jim a black onyx ring, and she had a diamond placed in it from a piece of jewelry she inherited from her mother. June gave the ring to Jim on Valentine’s Day in 2004.

“You would have thought I gave him the world,” June says, “and we decided to get married. I actually proposed to him!” In a strange twist of fate that followed shortly thereafter, Jim fell from a curb and hit his head on the bumper of a car, an accident that later caused him to have a stroke. As a result, Jim lost his ability to walk. Both June and Jim were in wheelchairs at the time of their marriage, and Jim had to move from the apartment building to an assisted living facility nearby to receive more medical attention.

Regardless of the new challenges, the couple was determined to tie the knot and nothing could stop them from moving forward with their plans.

Inspiration On April 18 of that year, Dorothy Ann and Donald presided over the ceremony at Unity of Sarasota, which was located on Cocoanut Ave. at the time, close to June’s apartment building. “She had on a light orchid pantsuit, and I made the netting for the veil with flowers,” says Dorothy Ann. “June’s aunt sent 300 white roses for the wedding, and a friend of June’s family who was an interior decorator set up the church’s fellowship hall with long tables and made beautiful centerpieces.” After the ceremony and reception, Jim had to return to the assisted living facility in a medic’s car, and the memory of what followed is what both June and Dorothy Ann consider the true highlight of the day. “June and I were the last people at the reception,” recounts Dorothy Ann. “I had a little Toyota, and I followed June home from the hall with all of the gifts in my car.” June was on the sidewalk in her wheelchair slowly making her way back to the apartment building. While Dorothy Ann was in the car the radio started playing “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” a show tune from the 1945 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Carousel. “I turned it up full blast with both windows down, and June’s veil was blowing in the wind,” laughs Dorothy Ann. “I had no idea the traffic was building behind us! A police officer came up and directed the traffic around the two of us.” The only night that June and Jim were ever able to spend together was the one after the wedding because Jim’s

medical condition required that he live in a separate residence with more intensive care. “We had dreams of building a house,” remembers June. “But instead I spent every day by his side in his room holding his hand.”

“I don’t think many people try hard enough at their marriages, but I know I did. Jim was such a gentle and thoughtful man, and I loved him very much.” Jim, a retired veteran, passed away three years after the marriage, and his flag hangs proudly high on the wall in June’s assisted living facility apartment. It is a constant reminder of the brief but wonderful time they spent together—a testament that true love can happen at any age.


Lisa Clift is a writer, editor, and former editor-in-chief based in Sarasosta, FL. An active member of the spiritual community in Sarasota, she is a meditation facilitator and is trained in Theta Healing™ and Quantum Healing.

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That vital factor that makes a partnership work is communication.

Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed., Ph.D. (ABD) holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and is currently completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology. Joeel’s extensive career as a relationship coach includes certifications in P.R.E.P, a 30-year research-based program for couples, Nurturing Father’s curriculum, and Parenting 21st Century. Contact Joeel at


Communication Strategies

THAT WORK! In your relationship, are you living in a dream that you were sold or are you creating the reality that you want? Throughout our lives we are sold two dreams; however, neither of them paints a realistic picture of a truly rewarding relationship. The first dream unfolds when we are little, and we see movies and depictions of fairytale relationships where everything is perfect—happy beginnings and happily ever after. It sells us on the magical prince and princess falling in love and then existing in a state of constant bliss. But what happens in the middle, and does anyone truly live in a constant state of bliss? This dream sounds ideal, so why shouldn’t we believe it? Who doesn’t want to feel like a prince or a princess and have a partner that reminds us of our inner and outer beauty, while at the same time serving as a reflection of our own divine being? On the other hand, as we grow up we are sold a completely different dream. This one tells us that after the initial “pink cloud” of the relationship dissipates, the rest is dysfunctional and a lot of yuck—with some high points in-between. In this dream, it is as if we have two people playing in a sporting event without realizing that they are on the same team. Instead, they are competing for who is right and who is wrong or who holds power. It tells us that that we are lucky to have an okay ending instead of a happily ever after. So what dream is reality to you? Or does there have to be a choice? Well, yes and no. Reality is that you can create the dream you desire. No really you can! However, it all starts with realizing that in a relationship you are both on the same team, and that the team can’t succeed as long as you or your partner don’t commit to the team concept. More about the team concept will be discussed in future articles, but for now let’s focus on one factor that makes a team successful. This team can be a sport, dance, organizational, or an intimate relationship.


Okay, I know you have heard this a million times, but have you ever truly tried to implement some communication strategies in your own life? The following techniques are small steps, and many people dismiss them because of their simplicity. However, why is it that we try to complicate things? Let’s keep it simple. If you use these techniques in your relationship I guarantee that your partnership will improve. Never use the words always or never. If someone ever has told you, “You always do this or never do that,” does it really make you want to listen? No, it feels more like an exaggeration of the truth and can make you feel defensive. It is not effective and won’t help you build a better team; throw the phrase in the garbage. Use “When, What, How” statements. Instead of generalizing with always or never, get specific. This can be for a positive statement or a negative one. Being specific will make the person feel like you are not judging their whole character, but rather looking at a specific behavior.

Use the three magic words: WHEN, WHAT, and HOW it made you feel. For example: Yesterday (when something happened) when you left your cloths on the floor (what they did) it made me feel like you didn’t notice or appreciate the effort I put into cleaning (how it made you feel). This sentence clearly tells your partner what makes you feel good instead of expecting them to guess. Try to focus on the positive whenever possible. You and your partner want to make each other feel good. As soon as people feel negativity the automatic reaction is to turn on protection mode, not just because they don’t want to be viewed a certain way but because they don’t want to view themselves in a negative way. I’ll give you a perfect example: If you want your partner to help more around the house don’t focus on the times he or she does not help, focus on when your partners does, and make him or her feel good about it by stating your appreciation. For example: Last night (when) when you washed the dishes (what) I really appreciated it because I was tired (how you felt). Your partner would be more willing to do the things that please you if that person feels a genuine recognition of what he or she has done and that it meant a lot to you. However, what tends to happen in relationships is that people point out the negative more than the positive, which of course means they get more of the negative. Make a feel good sandwich. Whenever there are negative situations that you need to address with your partner, soften it by making sure that the negative is in the middle of a positive sandwich. Start with some positives—such as things that you appreciate about him or her—

this reminds your partner that you are looking at the team and that you see that person’s light more than anything. Afterward, state specifically the behavior that negatively affects you. Don’t focus too much on it, and then finish it with another positive statement. Make commitments to improve the relationship. Make some time to create a list of ways that you and your partner can make a better team. Each of you should offer ideas of what you can do that will make the relationship better, rather than pointing out what the other person should do. Remember it is a team effort, and if you feel like you have nothing to change you are not being realistic—we all can improve in some area of our lives. Commit to one or two small changes you will each make each week. Encourage the small steps that your partner makes by recognizing and affirming his or her efforts. Remember that changing ingrained patterns can take time, so commit weekly to new efforts you are willing to make or re-commit to old ones you still need to work on. Don’t try to be right or just prove a point. Think, “Is it going to matter in a month or a year?” “Is the problem significant enough to impact our relationship as a whole or is it petty.” “Is the problem more important than the team?” Learn to stop yourself from engaging in unproductive arguments that only deteriorate relationships. Listen.

A little secret of problem solving in relationships is that most problems get solved by just listening. Believe it or not, most people just want to feel heard, whether you agree or not. When people feel heard and understood most problems just disappear. Seriously, it is that magical. So, how does your partner know you are listening? Paraphrase what your partner is saying. In other words, repeat it in your own words. Validate his or her feelings by letting your partner know you understand what those feelings are, even if you don’t agree with the reasons. For example: So what you are saying is that you feel (fill in the blank). Make “I” statements. Don’t make it about how bad his or her behavior is; make it about your feelings. Instead of “You always ignore me when I talk because you’re always on the computer,” rephrase it as an “I” statement. Don’t forget to drop the word “always” and use the three magic words. “When you were using the computer last night (when) and you didn’t respond to what I was saying (what), I really felt insulted and that the computer is more important than I am.” Remember, your partner will most likely be your greatest teacher and student in your life. The biggest challenge you have as a student is letting go of your ego and being open to the experience that life has created to teach you. All it takes is your willingness to listen. If you want happiness and success in your relationship all you have to do is start thinking as a team and your potential is limitless.



Create a by Rena Greenberg According to Webster’s Dictionary, a miracle is an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing or accomplishment—an occurrence manifesting divine intervention. A survey from the Pew Forum on Religion showed that a vast majority of Americans, nearly 80 percent, believe in miracles. So what are miracles? Do you think of a miracle as a religious phenomenon such as the Virgin Mary’s ability to conceive Jesus, as is taught in the Christian faith? In the Jewish faith, we also hear a lot about miracles such as the one told at the Hanukah holiday—where the oil in the lamp that should have only lasted for one night burned for eight nights, giving the Jews an opportunity to be victorious against their enemies.A miracle also is the spectacular beauty of a sunset, restored health when there was no hope of recovery, and the awe of seeing a baby birthed into this world. However, according to the Classic spiritual book A Course in Miracles,

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” Marianne Williamson said,

“We are not afraid of our weakness, rather we are afraid of our greatest strength.” Set the bar a little higher and step into your greatness and potential.

The first step to creating a miracle is making a decision to change. Until we consciously decide that life the way we’ve been living it is no longer acceptable, nothing is really going to change for us. Whether it’s in the area of relationship or food and weight, if we want things to be different than they are, we must get to a point where we decide that the level of pain that we’ve been experiencing is too great, and that we are going to start walking down a new road. We may not even know what that new road is going to be, but we must consciously decide that we will no longer walk down the old road, no matter what we are feeling or no matter what is happening.

The third step to creating a miracle in our lives is activating imagination. The subconscious part of the mind doesn’t know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined. When we imagine what it would be like to live a life healthy, happy and at our ideal weight, or being in a loving, joyful relationship, our subconscious mind accepts this idea and begins to turn it into reality. Recently I met a woman who upon discovering what I do, which is to help people lose weight and improve their lives with self-hypnosis, said to me, “That would never work for me.” When I asked her, “Why not?” she told me that after her children were born she had gained some weight so she put a picture of herself when she was thinner on her refrigerator. “But it didn’t work,” she said, “I didn’t lose any weight.” I asked her whether, when she saw the photo of herself on the fridge, she said to herself, “I’ll never look like that again,” or if she imagined how it would feel to be thinner, healthier, and happier. She laughed and said that she thought that she’d never look like that again. I encouraged her to try something different: Every time she walked by the picture of herself when she was thinner, I suggested that she close her eyes and really embody her younger self. I told her to feel what it felt like to be thinner, imagine what it would be like to button up those skinny jeans, to feel lighter, to move her body, to push food away and feel good. She agreed and the next time I saw her she commented on how delighted she was with the change she felt within herself when she activated the power of her imagination.

The second step to creating a miracle is having the faith that change is possible. Wayne Dyer said, “You’ll see it when you believe it,” and that is the truth. Until we believe that we experience a new possibility in our lives, we won’t be able to have one. Michelangelo, one of the greatest artists of all time was asked, “How did you carve the beautiful statue David out of a lump of stone?” Michelangelo replied, “David was already there in the rock, I simply carved

The fourth step, which is taking right action, happens effortlessly when we do the first three steps with sincerity. When we take the time to decide to make a change in our life (no matter what), to have the faith and belief that it’s possible to succeed, and we imagine living the life we desire, the subconscious mind will naturally send us the urges to start behaving in a new way.

A miracle is nothing more than a change in perception. That’s right, a miracle is simply a shift in perception…a shift from hate or anger to love…a shift from fear to faith…a shift from doubt or despair to hope. I love this definition because it is empowering! If a miracle is nothing more than a shift in perspective, why can’t you and I create miracles? Well I believe that we can, and I have discovered four steps to creating a miracle in our lives.


away everything that was in the way.” It’s the same thing for you and me. That happy relationship is already there waiting for us. Living healthfully at our ideal weight is already possible. We simply need to carve away everything that stops us from experiencing what we desire. Michelangelo also said—and I love this quote—

We’ll automatically find ourselves treating partners a little better, listening more, communicating more effectively, being more generous, less critical and kinder. In the area of health, we’ll find ourselves preferring healthier foods, eating less and increasing activity, effortlessly.

A Course In Miracles tells us that you and I are the Miracle Makers. Stop waiting for the heavens to part and for life to miraculously change. Instead if we make a decision, have faith, imagine a better life, and take right action we will watch your lives become the miracles they were meant to be.


Rena Greenberg is the Author of The Right Weigh (Hay House Publishing) and The Craving Cure (McGraw-Hill). She has a private hypnotherapy practice in Sarasota, specializing in Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery. She can be reached at 800-848-2822 or visit www.




Tools & Tips


Relaxing! by Laura Barrette

Life has become so busy that many of us feel rushed and stressed throughout the day. Some of these feelings arise from the annoyance of always waiting for the next activity. When you are in a mindset of “waiting,” you are not present. If you are at a stop light, in a checkout line, or at a Doctor’s office you are in a traditional “waiting” situation.

By switching your state of mind to being present, you can relax and enjoy these few minutes of non activity. In a busy day, these periods will give you a much needed opportunity to take a break. Many people have experienced the agitation of waiting while stopped at a red light; for some reason there seems to be a lack of acceptance when it comes to traffic. Logically, they know that red lights, detours, and accidents are a normal part of traffic. Yet, when faced with a couple of minutes at a red light, they feel irritated and dwell on how long the lights are, how many lights are on their route, how a car in front of them should have gone through the yellow light so that they could have sped through the intersection before it changed red, and so on. Sometimes they even start to verbalize derogatory names about other drivers. In these fleeting moments, instead of finding peace and relaxation, these drivers work themselves up into fits of anger. When you find yourself in a situation such as this, it is time to stop waiting and start relaxing.

When you are in a waiting situation, give yourself a break! • • •

Take a few deep breaths. Slowly inhale, feeling the air expand your lungs. Then feel the tension leave your body with each exhale. Think of an affirmation of gratitude for these few moments of tranquility that you are about to experience. “This is wonderful! I am so grateful for these few minutes of peace.” Bring your attention to your surroundings. Engage your senses and be aware of sights, sounds, and smells. Get out of your head and reconnect with the world.

Start actively relaxing when you would normally find yourself waiting. It’s time to reclaim these precious times of your day! Begin to experience the peace and serenity that you can enjoy in these same few minutes. This is one simple step to enjoying life.


Laura Barrette Shannon, author of “Awakening Perception” lives in Largo with her husband and two dogs. She is currently working on her next book, “Be Happy Now: Simple Steps to Enjoying Life”. You can read her daily blog at

Use this time to take a few deep breaths, feel your body, hear the music of life, and be aware of the details around you. When you bring your attention to your physical body and its surrounding environment, you are forcing your awareness outside of your head. This is an automatic tension reliever because nothing can bother you when you are present in the moment.


Out Your ego! . . . and wake up to who you really are

by Staci Backauskas


How often have you said things like this? If my business partner were more organized, it would make my life easier. Things would be so much better if my friend could just be on time. My world would improve if my spouse just wouldn’t watch so much TV. I’d feel really good if my mother-in-law would remember my birthday.

Ego loves dictating who others should be. It morphs two of its favorite faces—judgment and justification—into one big drama. In doing so, two things occur. First, it often keeps us involved in relationships that are not a true reflection of who we really are. Directing energy into the effort of “changing” someone, or complaining about the fact that they won’t “change,” keeps us attached. And being attached makes it much more difficult to see that we may need to move on. When you let people be who they are, you see things honestly and empower


yourself to make a choice as to whether or not you want to be around them. Secondly, not offering the other person unconditional acceptance is really a reflection of our inability to offer it to ourselves. It’s so much easier to find fault or ways to improve someone else’s life. But that energy prevents us from focusing on ourselves—identifying what we could surrender, what we need to change to be more at peace. Loving someone unconditionally allows us to see the relationship and ourselves clearly. That’s not always fun. The good news is that the return is worth the investment. Although it may be painful for awhile, the willingness to accept others for who they are allows us to let go of who we aren’t so we can be more of who we really are.

•••••••••••••••••• Staci B is an author and spiritual explorer from Tampa who’s logged over 10,000 hours on the journey of awakening to the truth of who she really is. She has written seven books, including ego: A Primer, and her Out Your ego! column is syndicated both in print and online. Her work inspires others to realize that there is no “answer,” only the next step – and that is enough. Visit www.

Marla Sanderson has been a student of spiritual practice for more than 35 years. She began as Assistant Director of The Next Step, a psychic and spiritual community in a New Mexico ghost town. As workshop leader, teacher, practitioner, and minister, she has led relationship and personal growth workshops, taught psychic development and meditation, Living Love, and the Science of Mind. She recently founded the New Thought Center for Creative Living, which will hold its first Mid-Week Faith Lift service in Clearwater, FL, on Wednesday, May 11.

•••••••••••••••••• Realize a Greater Experience of Life “Never limit your view of life by any past experience.” —Ernest Holmes

Regardless of what you’ve been through in the past, or what you’re going through now, your future has infinite possibilities for improvement. If you want the mate of your dreams, a lot more money, greater health and vitality, or anything else you can imagine, you need to stop limiting your future by the past.

“We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” The spiritual part of us is perfect and always will be. It’s the “human” part we’re still trying to figure out. If everything is perfect in the spiritual realm, how do we get into difficult situations? When we understand the Law of Cause and Effect it becomes clear. Cause and Effect: The power of the mind creates the outer experiences, conditions, circumstances, and situations in our lives. If we’re always broke, sick, or in some kind of hot water, there’s a pattern of thinking within us that’s causing the problem. Thoughts become things—the good ones and the bad ones. Let’s take a closer look at three parts of this puzzle— Truth, Fact, and Fiction. What does TRUTH look like? It’s the Truth of God, Spirit, the Universe. It has many names but is always perfection. It looks like harmony, love, and abundance.

When our thinking is based on Truth, we create positive, happy experiences in our lives.

We look around our world and recognize every situation as a “FACT.” We admit it. It’s a fact, all right. My business is booming (or not) … my relationship is happy (or not) … I’m getting what I want (or not)—all facts. Never mistake a fact for Truth. A fact may be what’s happening; however, if it’s limiting, harmful or painful, it’s definitely not Truth. Our minds are the filters through which Truth tries to express. Facts change. Truth does not. Every fact has a mental cause because our mental energy is always creating, whether we want it to or not. It’s a Spiritual Law. The “facts” in our world show us what we’ve created with our thoughts so far. When we focus our thinking on Truth (health, peace, perfection…) we create positive FACTS. When we focus instead on lack, judgment, or unworthiness, we create unpleasant experiences, or negative FACTS. FICTION is the story we make up to explain or justify the FACTS in our world. “That’s because … it always happens … it’s ‘gonna’ get worse …” whether spoken or unspoken. When we form opinions and beliefs about ourselves and how the world is, we are creating fiction—and we continue to create similar situations over and over because those very opinions and beliefs mold our thinking. We don’t want to allow allow any “fact” to pull us down where we can wallow in self-pity and fear.

If we retell or relive our story of woe, we will create another sad and sorry situation and another and another, proving once again how unfair things are or how unworthy or how right we are. When we relive the drama or reaffirm our harmful opinions, we add negative mental energy that perpetuates the unpleasant events in our outer world—sometimes for years. Retelling a dramatic story to all your friends tends to carry the situation down and down until, eventually, a new thought comes to you about it. Sometimes it’s a friend telling you to snap out of it. We can stop using our opinions, problems, and dramas to create fiction out of fact. We can break the cycle. When we see an unpleasant “fact” in our life, we can look it in the face and know it isn’t necessarily true.

We can reach for a higher idea in the realm of Truth that is more constructive than the belief that created the situation. There is always a spiritual concept or attribute of Truth that will free us. When we bring our beliefs in line with the Truth, things change for the better.

It’s not just a good idea. It’s the Law.


Join Marla at the NEW Mid-Week Faith Lift service on Wednesday, May 11 in Clearwater at the Unitarian Universalist Church.



Finding Your Yen by Jenny Gallagher

second reason is because Yen was my high school nickname, and from my experiences since that time forward I have created a method for limitless living that I am going to share with you. Below are some tips to help you live a more limitless life, which are excerpted from my new book Yen Path: Taking Steps Towards What You Want in Life: Create Awareness: As you gain more clarity about your yen, you can move into action with that information. This can lead you in new directions on your journey, or you may discover that the awareness itself was enough. In coaching we call this reframing. You may feel stressed out because of your job or family commitments, but after you pause you will remember why you committed to these things. Staying connected to who you are and why you do the things you do keeps you motivated as you continue on your path.

A yen is defined as a strong desire or inclination, a yearning or craving. Most people dismiss their desires because they believe they don’t have the resources to achieve them, such as time or money. I often hear “I can’t because…” Believing you can’t is a limiting view, and it will leave you feeling unsatisfied with life. Yes, you may be busy and you should continue to be dedicated to your commitments but you can—and should—think of yourself too. This is not selfish; on the contrary, it will help you to become more selfless. If you feel refreshed and inspired, for example, you will become more giving at home and more productive at work. Living a limitless life is about saying yes to all possibilities! I use the word yen for two reasons. First, most people already have strong feelings about words like goals, plans, desires, and dreams. You personally may like having a goal, but that word may make you think of homework. It also may conjure up a dream that you think is impossible to accomplish or silly. As a life and wellness coach, I am aware that the word I choose may turn you off so I have selected one that I believe is limitless and not ingrained with meanings for most people. Therefore, hopefully you can assign your own personal definition to it. The


Center: Centering before movement is not only an important aspect of a yoga practice, it also is critical in all that you do. Sometimes pausing to take a few deep, gentle breaths is enough. It also is important to understand your thoughts because they can be confusing and even contradictory. In yoga you learn that the mind is not the master because your thoughts literally can shift quickly from one direction to the total opposite end of the spectrum. For example, one moment you may think, “I want to get physically fit,” and the next, “I want a piece of pie.” If you are centered (knowing who you are and what you want), you will make wise choices. Therefore take time to gain clarity around your yen and live in alignment with that vision. Begin the process by writing a list of the things you desire and how you will accomplish them. Imagine and consider “who you need to be” to help you make the right choices. Another good idea is to find a mastermind partner and keep each other motivated and accountable. Motivational books and movies or a life coach can help as well. Balance: Have you ever noticed that sometimes you can handle a lot and other times you flip out over the smallest things? The latter happens when you are experiencing a lack of balance, which usually results from not tending to yourself physically and mentally. When you become busy, it is very easy to stop taking care of yourself—and this state can be detrimental to living a limitless life. Good nutrition, sleep, gentle forms of exercise, and

reconnecting with nature will help when you find yourself in this unbalanced state. These self-care measures provide a sense of ease in all that you do and will improve your self confidence and ability to be successful. Action: You can dream or plan indefinitely, but the only way to create positive change is to move into action. Remember it is a journey, and you need to take it one step at a time. Creating action items allows you to break down your yen into manageable and tangible pieces. For example, if you want a new job you may discover you need to learn new skills first. Hence, your first step may be going back to school or taking a class. These are just a few ideas, and I encourage you to think of other ways to follow your yen. If you believe now is not a good time to implement change, remember a big part of following your yen is feeling good about knowing what you want and that you can make it happen. The sky is the limit, and I give you permission to believe in yourself.


Jenny Gallagher is a certified life, wellness and business coach; registered yoga teacher; and author. Her books include Four Steps to a Better Life (2007) and Yen Path: Taking Steps Towards What You Want in Life. Her mission is to foster and encourage positive thought and action. For more information go to, and

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Dust Off Your

Dreams by Annalene Hart

The challenge and the gift of these present economic times is that the onus of progress returns to the individual. The unstable job market creates a vacuum for invention, innovation, and creativity. In short, you become your own “natural resource!” While employment is scarce, this provides an opportunity to consider and evaluate your own skills and talents to segue into creating a valuable and viable service to offer in the marketplace. Now is a perfect time to dust off those dreams that have been shelved for years. Do any still grab your fancy? If so, what is it that sparks your imagination and interest? A major clue to identify one of your gifts is to recognize what activity or skill leads you into the timelessness. When you are so absorbed that you lose track of time, this can be an indicator that you are tapping into something that you naturally love to do, and most likely have


an aptitude for! If you are still not sure what that might be, retrace what your interests were as a child and young adult. Protect your sacred dreams so they may flourish. Protect them from boots that crush dreams prematurely, so that they never see the light of day. Discouragement and doubt can stunt many dreams from being realized. The only way to fail is to give up too soon! An authentic dream that comes from the heart is meant to be fulfilled. Why else would it wish to be expressed through you, the perfect instrument? Keep an idea book of all your inspired ideas! Daydream these ideas and allow your imagination to run wild! Have fun with the process. Remember, there are no limits to your imagination. Whatever you can imagine, it is a possibility waiting to be created and divinely orchestrated. As Albert Einstein so wisely stated:

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” May imagination dance in your garden of dreams coming true.


Annalene Hart is a Life Mastery and Creativity Coach with 16 years experience in the field. She is also an artist and writer. She can be reached at 941-966-6190. Visit:

The Way It Is

Gregg Sanderson, The Stand-Up Cosmic, of Clearwater has a rare view of the metaphysical universe. He traveled the road from Christian Science through Judaism, Agnosticism, Atheism, Living Love, Psychic Development, Spiritualism, Teaching of the Inner Christ, all the way to Science of Mind where he is a licensed practitioner. He is the author of What Ever Happened To Happily Ever After? and Split Happens - Easing the Pain of Divorce. Gregg’s latest venture is Spirit With A Smile — The Way It Is (Unless It’s Something Else).


Previous columns introduced the concept of BOB, the Being Of Bliss—The impersonal Intelligence, Love, and Substance out of which It creates everything. We are expressions of BOB, and It experiences life through each of us with the single operational tenet, “Thoughts become things.” (Get the full background at http://www. Click on my name next to the article).

Then somebody invented some “rules for living” that don’t work. We call them RACE rules: Always be right and work to please others. RACE is another acronym—Righteousness and Approval Complicate Everything. We left off last month talking about heroes, BOB’s favorite form of entertainment. The heroes are those who work their way through the RACE rules in varying degrees of realization and find the cardinal rule—the ONLY rule: Thoughts become things. They look at life in a very special way. The Hero Mindset Have you ever seen an unhappy winner? Of course not. It follows then, if you want to win at the game of life, be happy. Misery is for losers. Yet there’s the famous quotation by Henry Clay, “I would rather be right than President.” Well, there are a lot of things I’d rather be than president … but that’s beside the point. There’s only one important thing to remember about that: Henry Clay is dead. Students of Logic 101 will denounce the above reasoning, and they will be right. If you disapprove of my non sequiturs, I must confess: I don’t care. I’ll be happy anyhow. So who’s the winner?

Yes, it’s nice to be right, but it’s not a path to happiness. Once you’ve made it to happiness, being right doesn’t matter. Love matters. It’s the feeling you get when you give up the attachment to being right. The positive energy you radiate when you’re happy is the energy of Love. You aren’t worried about being right or getting anybody’s approval.

Once filled with Love, you then create your life in the best possible way. It’s the deep-down sense of “I’m OK even if you disapprove of me,” and “I’m OK even if my logic is absurd.” “OK-ness” is the emotional foundation for creativity and happiness. BOB doesn’t care whether one part of It sees things differently than another, in fact it’s fine with It if everybody has a different experience. Variety is the spice of BOB. We’re just a bunch of little kids here to entertain BOB as we play in the sandbox of life. Is BOB having fun? Of course It is. It now has millions ... nay BILLIONS of units of Its own creation right here experiencing this game in millions … nay BILLIONS of different ways, from the horrors of the tortured to the ecstasies of the lovers; from the beauty of the symphony to the ugliness of the battlefield; from the naiveté of the followers to the mendacity of the leaders; from the generosity of the givers to the greed of the takers; from the sanctimony of the teacher to the gullibility of the student; from the piety of the priest to the guilt of the sinner; from love to hate and everything in between. Now, THAT’S entertainment! You can choose how BOB entertains Itself through you. Your life can be a horror story, adventure, drama, romance, or sitcom. The more love you enjoy, the more choices you have, and the closer you are to the essence of BOB. So what’s your part in all this? Simple.

Your mission, your ONLY mission is to enjoy life as much as you can and use the creative power of BOB to make it more fun for everybody else, too. BOB will like that. So will we. Some may say my point of view is blasphemy, and they could be right. I’ll take the sitcom. Speaking of sitcoms, it might be time to bring up the idea of worship. BOB, being unconditional Love, doesn’t know ego, so how do you think all those praises and hosannas affect It? That’s right. Not a bit, although there’s no doubt It finds it entertaining. How do you think It responds to words and thoughts like “I’m a miserable sinner” or, “I know my limitations” or “I’m unworthy?” Probably in the only way It can respond: “YES, you’re miserable” or “YES, you’re limited” or “YES, you’re unworthy.” Remember, thought is creative and the word adds power to the thought. Add emotion, and voila! BOB always says, “YES.” On the other hand, “Hallelujah, I’m saved” or “BOB loves me” or “I’m going to Blissville” get the same responses: “YES, you’re saved,” or “YES, I love you,” or “YES, you’re going to Blissville.” It all works. Think happy thoughts, and that’s the experience you create. See? BOB…Bliss… Unconditional Love… has no concept of “right” or “wrong.” It’s only what you create with your thoughts, and it’s all OK. It also has consequences, and they all come together to entertain BOB. Now, here’s the kicker! No matter what you create, eventually you’ll create something else. After all, we all are eternal beings (like BOB), and eternity is a long, long time. It will


come to pass for everybody that they’ll realize the creative power of their thoughts and play different games to entertain BOB in other ways. Let’s take that one step further. There’s no such thing as salvation. There’s only thinking and doing something else. There’s nothing to be saved from, other than what you think, and what you think also will save you. If you want to think you’re saved, do so. You will be. If you want to think you’re damned, do so. You will be. Someday within the circumstances you create you will have suffered enough and then what? You’ll do something else... and we’ll all eventually do something else and something else and something else. Eternity takes a while, y’know. The heroes are those who discover and use the creative power of their thoughts—the ones who realize that thought powered by emotion is the creative force in the universe and the ones who take charge of their thinking. They create happy lives for themselves and for the glory and entertainment of BOB. Eventually, we all are heroes. For some, it just takes a little longer than others. What do you think? Next month, we’ll examine all this on a practical level. Now that we’ve laid the theoretical groundwork, it’s time to put it into practice. Don’t miss next month’s exciting column, tentatively titled, “Watch Your Mouth.” In the meantime, join us at the Mid-Week Faith Lift at the Unitarian Church in Clearwater. It happens Wednesday, May 11th from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. It’s the start of something new, different, and thrilling! Check the ad in this issue and visit us at



A Prolonged Imbalance:

Finding an End to Suffering

by Jeffrey Jordan

Jeffrey smiling with his friend Bambi, the Chemo pole.

couple weeks ago I learned through her fiancée that she had given me a 50 percent chance of surviving.

It seems there is no doubt more pressing than one regarding health.

I left the hospital with a wicked case of stage-four cancer and the thought, “Well, I didn’t think that would happen.”

Once it starts, especially as we get older, we begin to ignore things or become hypersensitive to those pesky health problems. They can throw us off our normal mojo of life. Health is just one more thing that our conscious minds must protect us from as we age. Why would I say it that way? Protect us from our health. As the story goes, I was vivaciously adventuring my way through life. Then last year things started to show up. A shoulder that never really recovered from an isolated fall skiing, an increasingly bothersome pain in my hip that gave me a little hitch in my gitty-up, and shortness of breath going up a mountain that didn’t qualify for gasping. They’ll go away, I said to myself. However, the next month they hadn’t gone away. Next I was camping and sailing my friend’s racing dingy in Italy. The adrenaline and pure fun of spinnaker flying on a sailing trapeze was far too much for me to resist. Even as this list of symptoms began to include night sweats and diarrhea, I kept the awesome pizza coming and waves splashing in my face. The weekend cries of laughter gave way to the promise to my friends of a visit to my local doctor in Austria. After a little scan and scoping, the doctor-in-charge apologized to me and told me I had lymphoma. I thanked her for telling me what was going on, gave her a big hug, and reassured her I would be alright. Just a

I live to tell another story. The tale of my treatment is the typical rollercoaster ride, both physically and mentally. However, the thing that makes it impossibly interesting is my lack of suffering. Except for my memory missing large portions of hazy days in the hospital, restrained to my bed on Morphine, my treatment was fairly peaceful because there is something I have—a little tool—that I picked up nearly 20 years ago. I tripped across Dr. Frank Kinslow, and he was teaching a small group of people about the endowed gift of our “Beingness.” This gift is a real jewel, especially as I perpetually ride the ups and downs of normal life and the education of kicks and knocks. I’m still riding, and that’s ok, as I’ve always enjoyed a feisty horse. Anyway, this tool is Pure Awareness, as Dr. Frank calls it. I was born with it and so were you. Pure Awareness isn’t to be confused with our conscious mind and ego, which are the consummate worriers about control and the future. They are ready to protect us from any danger, including our health. My conscious mind now identifies that I’m experiencing lymphoma, some sort of prolonged imbalance (chronic illness). Sometimes I see my Ego worrying, ready to protect me from my health. But the remedy is close at hand. Exactly what would Ego do to help me when the next rounds of Chemo come?

How will that worry transform into a body of armor to protect my healthy, helpful cells? From my perspective Ego inhibits my health. My Ego and life, it seems, have co-conspired against me. They teach me to accept one experience as the next and all subsequent experiences by placing labels on them and producing preconceived judgments on things and situations. The way I see it, labels and judgments are attachments to preconceived notions about things. They limit my thinking and even the possibilities to experience something new and beneficial to my life. Attachments are like addictions. When I have an addiction to a chemical, person, place, or thing it’s because of the feeling I expect to get. This feeling could be any experience from perceived love to peacefulness to security, or anything else I enjoy. It’s whatever I expect I get out of it that will make me feel good. Even exercise and good food can create these kinds of addictions. I may get a great euphoric feeling from the serotonin and other chemicals that are released from running 10 miles, but if I don’t feed and care for my body properly it won’t be long before health symptoms show up from the exercise. The same goes for emotions and the psychological aspects of my life, such as beliefs that don’t support me, attachments in an unhealthy relationship, or feelings surrounding past events that stir up regret or guilt. For example, statements such as, “I should have done more for them while they were alive.” As I release my labels, judgments, non-supportive beliefs, and attachments by accepting life more as it is, I have learned that the suffering of disappointment and preconceived ideas/ expectations of an outcome are alleviated. I then can move more freely toward what I prefer to have in my life—a healthy balance.


Unbounded by the controlling Ego, Pure Awareness becomes aware of “what only is,” and this can include “nothing.” As humans, we can only perceive/experience through our senses 3 percent of the Universe. That leaves in our minds 97 percent “nothing.” Quantum Physics and spirituality are trying in many ways to describe to us how “nothing,” through interactions with infinite possibilities, becomes everything. So everything that “is” apparently comes from “nothing” or, as Dr. Frank terms it, Pure Awareness. Physicist David Boehm, Einstein’s proclaimed intellectual son, named Pure Awareness the Implicate Order, and some call it Grace. This is about as concise as I can describe these concepts, so far. I have spent a lot of time doing nothing and being in Pure Awareness these past months—reaping the benefits of the inherent reordering that it gives my body. This Implicate Order/ Pure Awareness may have saved my life, along with the help of my family, friends, the staff of nurses, doctors, and drugs. My point is that a person experiencing Pure Awareness experiences creation only as it is. Regardless of whether bad things happen, judgments or labels fall away, and only the observation and unconditional acceptance of life as it is remains.

This is an end of suffering the beginning of limitless possibilities. My time doing nothing, in this sense, is simply observation of what is there without an effort to change it. Allow the release of labeling and judging and the attempt to solve medical health problems. Maybe we don’t really need any of these things, are they all games for our minds? Even though surrender sounds like doing nothing, it’s giving up. And that is really doing something big, to give up. My version of surrender became the effortless notion of observation, through Pure Awareness and peace. Yes, of course, peace, in all of its beautiful schizophrenia; love, joy, stillness, purity, bliss, unbounded ness, oneness, and nothing! These are Eufeelings, as Dr Frank calls them, any unconditional euphoric feeling which can not be made, they just are. Two months into my illness I lay in bed at 4:00 am wide awake from the post-chemo steroids. Dr. Frank had asked me earlier what I learned from this cancer experience. Among a list of my wise cracks I wrote him this:

“Even when my body is decaying, my spirit does not feel this pain. It feels only sorrow for my body that is suffering.” “Eufeeling” is the resting place of that sorrow.


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Jeffrey is a life experiencer. He has a degree in International Business, and is life educated having traveled extensively in Europe. He enjoyed being in crazy remote areas of Serbia and delighted in the many alternative thinkers he found in the former Yugoslavia. As a sailing Captain, he was reduced to the small feeling of what it may be like as a molecule of water, from bobbing around in storms 1,000 miles from shore. He is a Quantum Entrainment group facilitator and practitioner experiencing a prolonged imbalance recovery, with one foot in the western medicine world, and one foot out.

nothing. We all enter a new incarnation with the ability to attain Cosmic Consciousness, to fill our lives with all things or nothing. This is why our choices are so important. As you think, so you are. As humans, it is common for us to allow other people to make our choices. From the day of our birth we go through a conditioning process that consists of other people’s rules, regulations, and choices that are made for us. Marcia began her career as a school teacher, working with preschool through inner city high school students. She has worked with all aspects of Metaphysics for over 40 years and specializes in Tarot and Numerology. Marcia’s clients and students are in every state and throughout Europe. Marcia has taught over 400 students to “read” the Tarot for the purpose of self-guidance and to use the powerful symbolism of the Tarot to reach higher levels of spirituality. Her column, Spiritually Speaking, originally ran for 8 years in Attitudes Magazine in the Sarasota area.



The choices we make today can limit, or free, our tomorrow. Our lives are filled with choices. From our first breath to our last, we are making decisions that will profoundly affect us. A young child begins the choice process by deciding which toy to select for playtime or which flavor of juice he or she would prefer for a snack. As the child advances, the choices may include which shirt to wear to school or which movie to select from the choices offered by the parent. These seem like very elementary decisions to an adult, but to the child they are just as important as many of the future life decisions to be made. As the child matures, the decisions become more complicated: Who to invite to the birthday party, which homework assignment to begin first, etc. The childhood decisions are not what we would consider lifechanging, but as children progress into the teen years and beyond, the decisions really do affect their futures in profound ways. The majority of people do not really think beyond the moment of choice to the future consequences of their decisions. It is possible to train ourselves to look beyond the choice of the moment, to envision how the current choice may directly impact our future and the future of those whose lives are connected to our own. The Buddha said,

“It’s better to take one step in the right direction than ten thousand in the wrong direction.” The Buddhist masters tell us, “Be careful. What you think is so, and what seems to be so, may not be so.” If we can consider those two statements before making our choices, we can free ourselves from the world of illusion and begin to make the choices that will give us the freedom to live happier and more productive lives. Major Arcana, Key 0, The Fool in the Tarot Deck, talks to us of choices. His number is 0 and “zero” can contain all things or

It is easy to just drift along and let others do the thinking and selecting for us. We are then rewarded by the parents, the teachers, the religious leaders, the government authorities, etc., who tell us what good and well-behaved children/followers we are. Many of us are brought up to believe that it is wrong to enjoy life too much. In general, religions and governments have a tendency to control their followers. While the purpose of religious teachings may be to get “all the cows in the barn,” the purpose of metaphysical teachings it to get “all the cows out in the pasture”. The barn is not a creative place and the entire idea of metaphysics is to encourage creativity and self-expression. One must realize the greatness of Self before that greatness can be expressed. In reality, we can be emancipated. We can choose to analyze and overcome this conditioning and learn to think for ourselves. However, we must choose to make that decision. Yet another choice. Metaphysical study states that people are able to create their own realities. We are taught that we enter a new incarnation with many lessons that must be learned—lessons that we may have failed to learn in past lifetimes and have chosen to work with in the current one. This is called “karma.”

My students often ask me how they can have free choice when karma and destiny are affecting an entire lifetime. There are many situations in life when we find ourselves at a fork in the road where there are two or more directions we can choose to take and still fulfill our karmic lessons. When we find ourselves facing these decisions we must try to select the path that will lead us to the best possible outcome. Our destiny may lie before us, but we have the free will to make our own decisions. We must learn to think of what effect our actions will have on others, before we act, knowing that we do have responsibilities to others in our lives, as well as ourselves. We also must try to understand “what comes around goes around,” and our choices will come back to us in this lifetime or in a lifetime to come. The Bible says, “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” An example of how we can choose to fulfill a karmic lesson would be the following. A woman meets a man and feels an immediate attraction to this person. A student of metaphysics would know that this feeling of “knowing” a perfect stranger is a result of having known this individual in one or more past incarnations. The friendship continues to grow and the need to interact becomes stronger and stronger. This would be an ideal situation except for one thing—the man is


married! The woman now has a choices including to attempt to break up the marriage, to become a close friend, or to learn the lesson of ending the friendship. Any choice would fulfill the karma in this relationship. Destiny has brought the two together once again, but they have the free will to decide how to fulfill the karma.

Life demands that we respond to many things, but the way we respond is our choice. The choices you make will directly affect your future. Choose wisely. And remember, Knowledge is the Greatest Power, so Walk in the Light.


Buddhist Meditation and Teaching &WFSZ 8FEOFTEBZ t Q N t

Mystic See “Come as you are . . Be who you are� 6OJRVF (Ję 4IPQ t &OMJHIUFOFE #PPL 4UPSF $FOUFS PG #FJOH

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Spotlights/Events Community Spotlight Engineer Pursues A Path to Wellness When Dr. Christopher Jackson, Ph.D., D.O.M., was an adolescent, he chose to become vegetarian. With a limited understanding of food and nutrition at the time, he made poor choices and became ill with low energy, chronic fatigue, and very dark circles around his eyes. Realizing he needed to do something for his health, he turned to nutrition books and recovered using nutrition and vitamin therapies he developed for himself. Nutrition remained a hobby even while he studied and worked in electrical engineering and technical management, during which time he lost several close family members to diabetes and other disorders. After prompting by friends and associates who felt that he had the hands and talent of a healer, he made a career shift and personal transformation toward wellness. After many years of additional graduate work and practicing with an Australian naturopathic clinic, now he runs his own primary care Natural Medicine practice in St. Petersburg. He applies GMP quality herbal medicines from around the world, FDA-registered orthomolecular (nutritional) medicines, FDA-regulated homeopathic oral and injectable medicines, acupuncture, manual therapies, stress counseling, guided imagery, deep breathing techniques and more. Dr. Jackson’s focus is truly on the needs of each individual and the underlying causes of each person’s health issues. A Path to Wellness, 6405 9th St. N. (MLK), St. Petersburg, FL 33702. (727) 329-9637

Community Spotlight Nature’s Pharmacy and Spa Sisters Cindy Fultz and Linda Jordans have recently opened a Healthy Boutique at 2140 9th Ave

North In St Petersburg. Their shop features a large selection of organic herbs, teas, natural lotions & soaps, tea pots, books, essential oils, and few fun items such as handbags & jewelry. There is a tree that stands in the middle of the shop inhabited by handmade, one of a kind trolls.


They also offer workshops on a variety of topics such as herbal medicine making & Quantum Touch Video Workshops. They do Energy Scans. As well as a 24 hour urinalysis which is a screening to help you answer these important questions: “Are you digesting the food you eat?” “Are you absorbing and using the nutrients you’ve digested? “Are you getting rid of the body’s wastes?” Then design a protocol for your diet and digestion and nourish stressed organs. The shop has a homey, casual atmosphere and Cindy and Linda are always friendly and willing to help. You can call 813-417-1551 for information or just stop by and say Hi. Open 10530 Tuesday & Wednesday, & Saturday, 10-6 Thursday & Friday

Community Spotlight SielosRx Organic Skin and Health Care SielosRx was founded by Moses Medina, a Tampa resident, over 10 years ago. He heard about an OldWives-Tale using herbs to restore receding hair lines. For years he shrugged it off as too good to be true. As his forehead began to expand, he decided to give this “concoction” a try. Within weeks he saw the restoration process begin. After extensive research, he discovered combining certain herbs a one-two punch can be delivered. Saw Palmetto cleans the hair follicles of DHT. Allium increases blood flow to the area. This was the beginning of the Organic SielosRx Herbal Shampoo and Conditioner System. Reducing the symptoms of Psoriasis, Eczema, & Rosacea was next on his list. Moses combined Tea Tree Oil, which provides anti-itch & anti-inflammatory properties, Grape Seed Oil’s reconstructive virtues, Allium, & Aloe Vera to accelerate the restoration of the skin. He formulated an Organic, Herbal Cleanser and Lotion alternative to those seeking relief from Psoriasis, Eczema, & Rosacea. View the before and after photos. Health food Stores in Tampa carry SielosRx, and can be purchased on his website. Enter “Transformation” in the comment section of your order, & receive a FREE travel size kit.

Community Spotlight HerbalWise Helps You Help Yourself Naturally HerbalWise, a St. Petersburg based company, empowers people to take control of their health naturally though educational workshops, private consultations, and herbal remedies. HerbalWise workshops and remedies address a number of health concerns. Classes and products focus on things like alleviating anxiety, fatigue, indigestion, hormone imbalance, blood pressure, pain and inflammation. HerbalWise gives people the power to heal themselves naturally without unwanted side effects. Visit HerbalWise at or at the Saturday Morning Market in Downtown St. Petersburg for medicinal herbal teas, liquid herbal extracts, or to sign up for a workshop. Owner and Founder, Deserie Valloreo, is a natural health educator and advisor. Her background is in herbs and oriental medicine. She is a member of the American Herbalist Guild (AHG), Florida Herb Society, and the Florida State Oriental Medical Association (FSOMA). Contact: 727-384-HERB (4372)

SPECIAL EVENT Risoldi Family Chiropractic Total Health Makeover Health and Wellness Symposium. Dr. Risoldi and Eric Mabie, founder of Bodies By Design, will discuss the 5 essentials of Maximized Living. - Maximized Mind - Maxmized Nerve Supply - Maximized Quality Nutrition - Maximized Oxygen and Lean Muscle - Minimized Toxins If you would like to participate in the symposium, the cost is $20 with a FREE book “Cruise Ship or Nursing Home” by a New York Best-Selling author, Dr. Ben Lerner. Pre-registration required. Space is limited. Please call us at 727-797-9900 to RSVP. There will be lots of natural and holistic products and services. FREE admission.

Spotlights/Events SPECIAL EVENT Center for Conscious Living Ministerial Celebration; 4/22, 10:00 AM. Center for Conscious Living, 6152 126th Ave., Suite 501, Largo In celebration of Rev. Martin Preston’s first official service as the new Minister of the Center for Conscious Living, we are having a potluck luncheon after the Sunday Service, Sunday May 22. Come and wish Rev. Martin well in his new endeavor. Price: only the dish that you bring to share. The Center for Conscious Living teaches a New Thought philosophy that incorporates affirmative prayer, meditation, healing, visioning, and other spiritual tools to help you lead a spiritual life, think positively, and love deeply. As a member of our community, you’ll find the spiritual tools to transform your personal life and make the world a more peaceful, harmonious, and prosperous place. Contact: Helen Wall (727)538-0900, or Shirley Bruccolere (727)726-4619 so that we are prepared for you.

Community Spotlight The Teahouse at Asian Arts True to its name, The Teahouse at Asian Arts offsets its exotic Asian concoctions with a Silk Road-inspired ambience of traditional Asian artwork and decor right down to the mah jongg you can play at your table while waiting for your food. Your journey to the East can begin with items from the appetizer menu, such as crabmeat dumplings or yodofu, a tofu and vegetables mix that comes with dipping sauce and a clean bill of karma. From there you’ll be free to pick your entrees from a massive menu of sandwiches and wraps, specials such as Hannah’s wasabi mussels in miso broth, and soups and dumplings, which come in beef, crab, and vegetarian variations. End your excursion with two sweet desserts, such as a warm pear crumble or a sticky toffee to-die-for cake. The Teahouse at Asian Arts will delicately hose down dirty palates with an Around the World flight of five

infused sake shots; seasoned sake-sippers, meanwhile, can order an eight-ounce carafe of their preferred varietal. For added fun, a seasoned chiromancer can give you a palm reading that determines your earthly possibilities and exactly how many Shriner cars will be involved in your death tomorrow.

SPECIAL EVENT Awaken Your Spiritual Connection Workshop May 28, 9 to 6. Brought to you by Transformation Magazine Join us as we elevate our lives through awakening our spiritual connection! Join these transformational and inspirational teachers and healers as we connect, balance, cleanse, awaken, gain clarity, release, heal, and receive Divine guidance. This interactive, intensive workshop will leave you feeling rejuvenated, empowered, and connected! During the sessions, you will: • Learn how to connect to your angels and guides to receive divine guidance • Balance and cleanse your energy body to align with your power • Explore past life regression to gain clarity and release blocks • Awaken your true self and develop your personal intuitive gifts • Relax to the healing energy of sound bowls and raise your vibration • Receive messages, encouragement, and guidance from the other side, the angels, and Spirit Plus, as a special thank you, all of our teachers and healers will be offering FREE mini-sessions following the event! • Get to know the presenters and ask questions • Receive messages from Spirit, loved ones, guides, and angels • Explore the power of sound vibrations for healing • Experience the healing and relaxing amethyst BioMat • Receive guidance and tips to release blocks and deepen your connection

SPECIAL EVENT EATING FOR A HEALTHY, DYNAMIC and TRANSFORMATIVE LIFESTYLE! We are what we eat! Dr. Pamela Shuhui Robbins, Clinical Director of the region’s premier holistic health clinic is pleased to announce two dynamic seminars on tips for healthy, dynamic and transformative eating for your entire family! In May, as part of Women Celebrating Their Feminine Power Month Dr. Robbins, and Coach Jennifer Naylor are proud to offer these two exciting presentations: May 12th: Food Preparation ~ Love Your Body/Love Your Food. Does this sound familiar, “What shall we eat tonight?” How about foods that deliver transformative energy? Come learn about juicing, salads, tasty homemade dressings and delicious entrees for longevity & wellness. $10.00 pp May 26th: Tea & Herbs for the Body & Soul. Which tea is right for me? What should I buy? Come experience the transformative power of teas from around the world. Learn the right teas for you and your family that will spice and sooth your lives. $10.00 pp All participants leave with a FREE GIFT, and great tips for healthier eating! Longevity Wellness Clinic, 2106 Bispham Road (In Gulf Gate – ½ Mile South of Stickney Point Road, just south of US 41). More Info: 941-923WELL (9355)

Community Spotlight NEW LOCATION: Cozette’s Boutique

Cozette’s Boutique & Enchanted Notions @ 667 Central Ave N. HAS MOVED to our new shop just a few steps away from our current location. We invite you to visit us the first week in May as we unveil our new visions for the Spring of 2011. Be the first to get one of a kind stylish new fashions straight from Paris & other eclecFor more information about the tic countries. Be “Just a Little Wicked,” Book a speakers and to register for the event, visit: reading with Christy or let Cozette show you how to fashionably stop traffic. or call 941-479-0323. Come visit our new beautiful location at 645 Central Ave N. in St Petersburg!




Giving by Jeffrey Gitterman

In the conventional sense, philanthropy means “love for mankind, usually demonstrated by giving money to, or doing work for, other people.” When it comes to financial philanthropy, most people who give generously are those who already consider themselves wealthy. As a financial advisor, I’ve seen this time and time again, and this makes sense to a certain degree. If you can’t support your own family and pay the daily bills, you probably won’t be writing $10,000 checks to even the most worthy of causes. A few years ago, I went on a trip to a Land Rover training school in North Carolina. It was quite an experience. You get to drive a car that is smarter than you are when it comes to driving on rough terrain. The instructor told me, “If you’re going downhill and you start losing grip, don’t brake.” I thought he was kidding, but he wasn’t. He explained that with this car, you actually had to step on the gas, which is so contrary to everything we are usually taught. If you’re flying down a hill and you start losing control, your natural tendency is to step on the brake. But in this car, the trick was to do the opposite. The tires would then grab onto the dirt, engage, and provide the stability and grounding you needed. Giving also sometimes seems counterintuitive, but it tends to work in the same way. Just when your instincts tell you to try to hold on to as much as you can get, experience has taught me (sometimes the hard way) that you have to do com-


pletely the opposite, and find a way to give. This may sound like a simple principle, but it is one that often goes against so many of our deeply imprinted habits. Contrary to what many of us believe, giving is not just an afterthought to success. It is, in my experience, the very key to true success, fulfillment, and lasting happiness.

When I think about giving, I don’t just think of it in terms of money. I also think about it in terms of our time, energy and attention. From firsthand experience, I’ve definitely learned that simply being concerned about my own selfish needs and desires is a certain recipe for unhappiness, while being of service and giving to others is where true fulfillment is found. My understanding of the power of giving came about many years ago, when I was just starting out as a financial advisor. One of the initial appointments that I’d have with any new perspective client is what we call in the industry a “fact-finding session.” The idea is that you are there simply to get information and gather data like their Social Security number, date of birth, place of work, the kind of house they lived in, income, assets, and so on. One day, I was getting out of my car and about to walk into a prospect’s house to try and sell some insurance. I was way behind on my bills, and my mind was going on and on about how much I needed the sale. Desperation poured out of me as I caught my reflection in the car window. I stopped and looked hard at that reflection and said to myself,

“Who would want to buy anything from you? Look at how desperate you look!” I decided in that moment that I needed to drop my desperate, needy attitude and walk into this prospect’s house with the attitude of someone who was looking to give without expecting anything in return. I dropped my worry about having to make a sale, and began to listen very deeply to what these perspective clients really wanted and needed. And as I approached more clients this way, my meetings started to transform and my success as a financial advisor grew exponentially.

Although it sounds like a bit of a cliché, I was able to see firsthand as I was going through my own crisis around wealth and success that the more I gave to others the more I received in return. I quickly began accomplishing more in the world and my income grew substantially. In addition to starting my own financial firm, I also became the chairman of the advisory board to The Autism Center of New Jersey Medical School, and started a fundraiser that we now hold every year, which to date has raised over $1 million for autism research.

Nowadays, my frame of mind going into any meeting is how am I needed here? Often, I go into business meetings and when the other person comes in, I can see that they are largely focused on what they are going to get out of it. And such a person expects to meet someone on the other side of the table who is coming with the same mentality, who is going to fight for “what’s in it for them.” But if you are able to approach this kind of situation with an unconditional mentality of giving, it completely defuses the situation and provides a better opportunity for a win/win outcome.

Unfortunately, too many of us spend our whole lives waiting to get something from the world so that we can show up as the person we always knew we could be. Deep in our hearts we think there’s something missing. But when we flip that mindset, we can discover that by becoming a giver rather than a taker, we can change the world, literally, one person at a time.


Adapted from Beyond Success: Redefining the Meaning of Prosperity. Jeff Gitterman is the CEO of Gitterman & Associates Wealth Management, LLC ( and co-founder of Beyond Success ( a consulting firm that brings more holistic values to the world of business and finance. Jeff has been featured in Money Magazine, CNN, Financial Advisor, New Jersey Business Journal, Affluent Magazine and News 12 New Jersey. In 2004, he was honored by Fortune Small Business Magazine as One of Our Nation’s Best Bosses.




When we adhere to the limits we create for ourselves, it manifests into a reality that is contrary to the one we’re here to experience.

by Ricky Roberts III

However, when we believe in the limitless potential of all that we are, we will see life in a way that words cannot explain. People could have told me everyday that I deserved more, that I was worthy of greatness, and I am meant to live a life of infinite possibilities, filled with peace and joy. However, it was not until I saw it for myself, until I felt my worth within, that it became real to me. In truth: You are a beautiful being of light and love, a divine creation. There is nothing that your heart desires that you don’t deserve. Although I believe this to be true for each of us, I acknowledge that my words are just that, words. There is nothing that I can say or do to make you see your own greatness and that you deserve in your life. That awareness is within you, it’s a part of you, it is you. You are the one who chooses whether or not to open up to it. Be mindful of the limitations that you may be putting on yourself. I invite you to embrace the greatness in who you are, in this moment, on to the next. In honoring that, you are living the limitless life you deserve.

LIMITLESS LIFE Where do your limits come from? What keeps you from living your life to the fullest? Is it fear, doubt, your beliefs, the way you view yourself, or simply accepting a less than ideal life for yourself? There are no limits to what you can achieve, do, and/or be a part of. There are infinite possibilities in your life, if you choose to seek them, and/or allow them to enter your world. As a young person I had a belief that I was not good enough, that the world didn’t have anything to offer me, and I didn’t have anything to offer it. There were people who deserved to be happy, were worthy of love, and were meant to be happy. I acknowledged that I was not one of them. I began to except this as my reality. By seeing that as my life, I not only created a false belief system, but I established limitations on what I would get or not get out of my time here on earth. The more I believed in these limitations, the further away I moved from experiencing the essence of who I am.

There are no limits to the wonders that this life has to offer you... LIVE YOUR TRUTH!


Ricky Roberts III is an author of three books, “You,” “What Really Matters,” and “Where Did the Gift Go. He is a youth advocate, mentor, and inspirational speaker whose mission in life is to encourage people to see the greatness of who they are. At the age of 17, Ricky had an epiphany, after being stabbed nine times. From that point on, he has devoted his life to serving his higher purpose. Visit








or highest good? What patterns is your mind revealing that need to be stopped? Body: Which foods or drinks in your diet is your body saying are depleting to you? Which emotions, memories, anger, or fears is your body—through pain or exhaustion—letting you know need to be processed and healed? Which activities is your body encouraging you to expand or stop? Join Emily every month as she shares messages on how the angels and archangels can help you to have a healthier and happier life. Emily answers reader’s questions by delivering messages and guidance from your guardian angels and archangels. To ask your Angels a question, attend one of Emily’s local events or email


Our lives are colored with Divine messages. Spirit speaks to us through colors, symbols, dreams, nature, other people, movies, and many other things. The question is: Are you listening? For the month of May, LISTEN! Listen to the breeze, listen to the sounds that serenade your ears, and listen as the Angels share their words of love. If you are reading this article, the Angels want you to know that they will be speaking to you this month in a more deliberate way, if you are ready to listen. So listen, rest, and take in a deep breath, and allow yourself to feel your Angel’s touch as he/she lovingly speaks the words it has been wanting you to hear. As I listen to the Angels, they lovingly remind me how each and every one of us are loved and cared for. They remind me of the perfection within all our moments, and how critical it is for all of us to honor our soul’s truth and to fully embrace the Divinity within our spirit. We do this by taking time in silence. In this silence we can hear our body, mind, and spirit sharing their needs and how each is serving our highest good in the best way possible. Listed below are some of the things your mind, body, and spirit may help you address in these moments of silence: Mind: What thoughts are crossing your mind that need to be expanded? What thoughts need to be released and replaced with more empowering ones? What thoughts are making you aware that you have a belief that is not aligned with your truth

Spirit: What honoring impulses are you following through on? What intuitive insights are you honoring? What is your life purpose? How is your spirit serving others and sharing love? What things, activities, places, or people bring you joy and peace? What things, activities, places, or people deplete your being? What ideas is your spirit wanting you to express and move into action? In which ways is your spirit trying to remind you of your Divine Spark?

Silence opens the portal for you to listen to yourself as a whole, not in the fragmented ways that most of us are used to. Every month has a birth flower. Like birthstones, each flower has a special significance. Like people, each birth flower is unique, filled with significance and amazing stories. Lilies are May’s birth flower. They are flowers that expresses purity of the heart, majesty, and honor. The Lilies’ symbolism is in perfect alignment with this month’ s message. Let your mind, body, and spirit step into the expression of this flower. Connect to the purity of your heart, the majesty of your soul, and honor your truth. Let this month also be a time in which you choose to assume that everything happening to you and all around you has a purpose and reason for being. The synchronicity of the Lilies’ message and the message shared by the Angels is a perfect reminder of the beautiful flow of life. For the next 31 days let the famous words of Bobby McFerrin ring true, “Don’t worry, be happy...” as you choose to connect to the message the Lilies have carried to you from Spirit. Honor yourself, honor your truth, honor that which wants to fully help you connect to your highest good; and most importantly listen and follow through when needed.


Angels’ words of love and wisdom: Celebrate your Life!! It is precious and unique in every way. Let go of the things that lack the joy that you crave. They can be detrimental to your health. Sickness is quickly expanding in the nation, due to the lack of contentment. The world needs your joy as it struggles to sustain itself within all the pollutants created by your minds and your actions. See it as a global call to better living. When you take steps to live a more fruitful experience, you awaken a global renewal. Every pattern you break matters, every improvement you make empowers, and every goodness you offer expands. Understand this, your life matters to us all. Degree of impact is irrelevant, since the smallest of impacts creates positive change. Seek the clarity that lies dormant within your soul. It is ready to be heard and followed through with. Descend from the high towers of your society and see the possibilities. Delve into it, and the rest will follow. Silence the voice of fear. Silence the voice of doubt. Seeing yourself as worthy of love, fulfillment, and joy can dissipate the biggest of obstacles. Trust in the infinite wisdom that breathe you to life. Trust in the miracle of your life. There is a great purpose to your journey. An important aspect of the whole. Let us aid in your discoveries. Let us further create light in your path. We will illuminate the journey for easier travel. Discover the truth by listening to your soul. Discover the truth that is you. Wishing you love, light, and beauty in all your moments. Lots of love and blessings to you. Namaste.






Lacking in Nothing by Carol Wentz Randaci, DOM

There are many pathways to limitless living and many defining moments along the way. The one characteristic analogous to each path is that the journey is one ultimately traveled alone. It looks different for each of us, but regardless of what or how we choose to express and experience the journey, it is a sacred dance between the seen and unseen worlds, between inner and outer expressions. The dance takes place on a very narrow precipice, but with all the room in the world. It is a series of observable experiences, one born out of the other—yet all woven into one fabric.

A life where limits do not exist is born in the moment of liberation when we realize we have always been unlimited and totally free. It is only the restrictions we accept or put upon ourselves that keep us in bondage. In one day’s time, for example, the conscious mind is tumbled about by novel distractions, unable to stay in one place. Usually the mind is running in various directions; its rays are scattered, busy with multitasking and perpetually concerned with physical welfare. Material existence usually takes precedence over an interior life, and we are lead further and further into the realm of maya, form, desire, struggle, expectations, judgment, pain, suffering, and disillusionment. Our minds are instruments that translate our worldly condition, which is not who we really are. We have fallen so far into the realm of reason that we seek out unanswerable questions, thinking that we can think our way into realization. But realization is a shift; it is a gift of experiencing life in a new way and then having the understanding of our experiences.


in that moment the prison of self-importance and self-identity created the world of pain and suffering. It limited existence to “your” existence and “my” existence. It created the state of duality and the cycle we now find ourselves in. The way out of the cycle is to go back to before self-recognition and separateness began. The universal life force pervades all but it has no individuality or personality. All of life is universal life, the consciousness before consciousness. It has nothing to do with an individual. It is the process of giving up the sole identity of separateness where we find our limitlessness. To eliminate the illusion of the individual we take up meditation. Meditation comes in many forms. The purpose of meditation is to experience a time outside of ourselves. Outside of me and mine, you and yours. It becomes a time of respite where we are free. Free from worry and thinking. A time to contemplate life as infinite, undivided, ever present, ever active, where we fall in step with this existence. It is the place between thoughts and words. In the space between this and that where the true sphere of consciousness exists. It is existence without fear, the fear that was created with the projection of identity. This state only will come to an end when we find that all trepidation, suffering, confusion, struggle, and conflict are derived from within the realm of fear. It is through observation and questioning that the prison doors of fear are unlocked. Beware though. By asking these questions we move into the realm of the sacred mystic journey. Asking the questions: “How do I know I exist,” “Why am I here,” “What is the purpose of a human life.” These are no longer questions but are invocations to the divine realm to enter life and proceed with the mystical magical journey.

When lost in the mind, we give up our intuition as our guidance system.

The laws and causes of this creation, illusionary or not, are beyond our imagination or capacity of knowing.

The mind cannot reach the realm beyond the one in which it exists. The only pathway between the two is the guidance of the heart. The mind is actually incapable of living in present time because it only interprets and translates. It is always analyzing data from the past to project into the future. In present time there is no accumulation of data to decode since it is spontaneous consciousness. All knowledge sprouts from the thought ‘I am.” It was in the moment of seeing oneself as separate from others that knowledge and self-awareness arrived. It was

It is like trying to explain the other side of the world to an ant. It has no way of comprehending. Its developmental state does not allow for this type of knowing. We cover up the world that is with the world we want it to be, and when it is not what we want it to be we suffer. When we give up the world of the

imagination cloaked with perception, opinion, and expectation we lose the chains that bind us to our own personal limits, and life my friend is limitless. We are already there and we lack nothing.

Make yourself grow to immeasurable immensity, out leap all body, outstrip all time, become eternity, and you will understand God. Having conceived that nothing is impossible, consider yourself immortal and able to understand everything, all art, all learning, and the temper of every living thing. Go higher than every height and lower than every depth. Collect in yourself the sensations of all that has been made, of fire and water, dry and wet; be everything at once, on land, in the sea, in heaven; be not yet born, be in the womb, be young, old, dead, beyond death. And when you have understood all these things at once—times, places, things, qualities, quantities—then you can understand God.


Carol Wentz Randaci, DOM, is an Acupuncture Physician, Energy Therapist & Shamanic healer offering meditation classes, Medical Qi Gong treatments and distant energy transmission. She hosts ‘The Way To Wellness’ on WSLR-fm 96.5. She can be reached at or 941-284-8894


Randy owns Triple 3 Marketing based in Sarasota. He’s a long term advocate for positive change having owned a couple community magazines since 1999. Randy sold Positive Change Media in April 2009 and took a year off before launching Triple 3 Marketing. In addition to helping business owners, he also provides private coaching. Randy has a masters degree in communication arts from the University of Wisconsin at Madison where he studied persuasion and attitude change. Contact Randy at

•••••••••••••••••• My Simple Religion “This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples and no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.” — Dalai Lama

eto. Each of these buildings is amazing as a physical structure and museum for extraordinary collections of art and artifacts. They are also a powerful symbol of the importance that religion, in whatever form, holds in our lives and in our world. In my life, however, I’ve learned that the grandest temples are not structures at all. They are our precious moments among trees, mountains, and waterways of our life-sustaining earth. The solitude of early morning hours and the companionship while watching a beautiful sunset stand significantly higher to me than the tallest man-made steeple. No need for complicated philosophy. The ideals of all the major religions are beautiful, although unfortunately they are often misconstrued and misused. We need more love and less fear, and that’s a great moral challenge for everyone who believes that religion matters. The notion of an uncomplicated philosophy reminds me of another nugget of wisdom from the Dalai Lama.

We are all the same human beings with the same potential to be good or bad. The important thing is to try to increase the good and reduce the bad. I believe these simple words are more relevant than all the dogma ever written.

Our own brain, our own heart. Yes, this means thinking and feeling for ourselves. Popes, rabbis, priests, pastors, mullahs, lamas, and gurus can all contribute value to our lives, but they One of the reasons I respect the Dalai Lama is that he stand no closer to God than anyone else. speaks from his heart. His poignant description of a simple religion has greater value to my life than all of the Holy books and The most spiritual people I’ve ever encountered cathedrals in the world combined. were not behind a pulpit or on a stage. It’s difficult not to contemplate religion when considerLook to your left and you may see a saint ing the theme of limitless living. The dogma of religion is central impersonating a maid or a truck driver. You with much of the political discord and human conflicts today and throughout history. At the same time, it is the higher potential of will know them from their deeds. religion that may hold the key to our potential for genuine unity and our survival as a species. I’ve always been a maverick, so the idea of anyone else Most of us grew up within some kind of religious orienta- interpreting the meaning of God and his or her messages seems tion as Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, or another system odd to me. I trust my own interpretations based on my experiof beliefs. The traditions and symbols behind these associations ences and intuition. are an integral part of social conditioning with deep roots spanI’m also content not having answers. For me, much of life ning so many generations. is a mystery and that includes where we come from and where we I grew up as a Protestant and became baptized into the go after our bodies quit functioning. I’ve never met a person who Methodist Church when I was 13. I chose to become a Methodist has the answers to these central questions and I’m okay with that. because the cutest girls at my boarding school were Method- For me, the mystery makes life richer and more interesting. ists. My memory of this religion in the 1960s is that the sermons were boring and the songs were mostly sad. I’m sure things have The philosophy is kindness. We all know what this means, changed to keep up with modern times, just as my relationship which explains why it’s such a powerful idea. Kindness is being with religion has changed to match my evolving consciousness. aware of the feelings that other people have. It’s living a life of dignity and compassion. It’s remembering the importance of a No need for temples. My son Bryan and I visited some of the smile or an open hand extended in friendship. It’s making a differmost beautiful cathedrals in the world last year during our trip to ence in small ways and being civil even in the face of ignorance Italy. They included St. Peter’s in Rome, St. Mark’s in Venice, or hostility. This is the way of the peaceful warrior; the foundation and other Duomos in Milano, Pisa, Florence, Sienna, and Orvi- for positive change.



don’t stop until 10 pm. A day of not drinking with him consists of only a couple of beers before dinner. I’ve been out of the loop for so long, I don’t know if this is normal. Please give me your opinion.

Dr. ZZ’s bold, upfront, directive style plays an inspirational role in the lives of people she touches. This forum offers potential solutions on health, emotional and personal matters. Dr. ZZ earned her doctorate in Natural Healing at Tenrikyo University in Japan. Drawing on non-traditional Ph.D. in Counseling (the spiritual dimensions of psychology), she holds a Reiki Master-Teacher degree and a variety of complimentary certificates in modalities such as Tantra, Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Healing and Applied Kinesiology and now resides in Sarasota.


Question: I consider myself to be a pretty positive, loving person, but lately I have been criticizing my best friend’s behavior a lot. It’s not like me to find fault and to make sarcastic remarks, but I’m finding myself unable to stop. How can I turn this around before it becomes a pattern? Dr. ZZ: There are several possibilities for the attitude you describe. One of them is stress; as stress levels rise, so does intolerance of other people’s differences. A second possibility is fear; although you may like your friend, you may also fear rejection and use criticism to guard against being hurt. The third possibility involves your own rigid standards; if you criticize yourself severely for not being perfect, you will tend to do the same with others. Perfectionism is a disease that takes discipline to overcome. The solutions are simple but not easy. No.1: Reduce your stress level. No. 2: Build self-esteem. No. 3: Lovingly shift your focus from what you don’t like about yourself and your life to what you like and want. Criticism, judgment, and condemnation are all based on one’s inner self-impression of not measuring up. It is difficult to stop this pattern when the mirror in your friend is continually reflecting “you” back to you. To build the muscle to overlook your own seeming imperfections, develop a habit of positive affirmation. First thing in the morning, give yourself upbeat, positive suggestions; then take a mid-day break, and do the same. Again, at night—just before falling asleep—monitor your thoughts and direct them toward blessings. Positively reinforcing yourself in this way will develop the inner space necessary for overlooking the seeming imperfections in others, including your friend. Question: Having married at 16, I was divorced with three kids by the time I was 23. Since then, as a single mom, I have led a rather sheltered life. Up until a couple of months ago, I had no idea what “Happy Hour” was. Now I am dating a sensitive, caring man who treats me like I am the center of the universe. When we’re together, we drink a lot. Often we start before noon and


Dr. ZZ: Normal is a state of commonality. This man’s behavior may be normal for him, but it doesn’t have to be for you. Ask yourself how you feel about his drinking, how you feel the morning after an all-day binge, and how your children feel while seeing the two of you drink so much. You may have been out of the loop, but you’ve always been a mom. Your children will give you insight as to your own feelings. In a nutshell, there are three kinds of drinks in the world: before dinner drinks, during dinner drinks, and after dinner drinks. A wise person will have no more than one drink from each of TWO of these categories. This centers drinking around food. If you have one drink before dinner, and one with your meal, you then stop drinking. Likewise, have only one drink after dinner whether or not you’ve had one with your meal. You may want to suggest this to your boyfriend and see how he responds. I would advise that you do early in the relationship—before drinking becomes a potentially life-threatening problem. If this fellow is an alcoholic, he will most likely not recognize it in himself. Alcoholism is sly, cunning, and baffling; only the “alcoholic” can decide for himself or herself whether the term applies. If this man’s love is real, he should be willing to express his healing through following an AA 12 Step program. To address your concern simply: It is not normal for a person to drink like a fish. Question: I’ve got myself in a terrible predicament by trusting a long-time friend who isn’t following through on help she offered. After I injured my back, she offered to move me to Florida; so that I could recover, live rent-free, and get my life back. Now I’m struggling to keep a grip because she has done nothing for me. She is self-centered and lacking self-awareness. She even managed to get me to loan her the only money I had. When she gets paid I see none of it, and I’m left alone in her apartment, in an unfamiliar location, with nobody to talk to and nobody to help me. Normally, I cry a lot when I’m depressed, but lately I haven’t cried. I feel numb. Can you give me any advice on finding the strength to deal with this? Dr. ZZ: Let me see if I have this straight: You hurt your back, and a friend told you she would give you a new lease on life. This makes little sense as no one else can do that for you. If someone else could, I wonder what they would get out of it. Perhaps now is a good time for you to sit down and examine what it would take for you to revitalize your own life. Find strength in the fact that millions of people with chronic back pain get on with the business of living independent lives. If it was a mistake to move in with your friend, then find a way to move out on your own. You may find that the significance of your situation changes dramatically once you get out on your own two feet and start living a productive existence.


Uranus and Its Explosion of Cosmic Drama Notice the unfolding drama, awakening, and unrest in the Middle East. It is as though the participants seek independence almost to the point of self-destruction! Let me describe a planetary shift in the universe—of which you are a part—that is at least somewhat directly responsible for all of this activity. Uranus— the planet of awakening and surprise and freedom—just changed position, and this alteration in the sky has synchronistic affect on inhabitants of Earth. Every one of you has some sector of your own astrological chart and some place in your own life that is energized with a similar impatience and emergence. Every one of you is undergoing renewal and taking risks in your own personal arena. The tremendous activity rush and need for the feeling of movement and change is underscored by other participating planets. Uranus in Aries is hurried along by Mars and widened in scope by Jupiter, frustrated and/or given lesson by Saturn and intensified by challenging aspect from Pluto. All these planets— except for Mars, which burns out of here 10 days into May—are in the cardinal signs all of April and all of May. If you are Aries or Libra, or Capricorn or Cancer, you are specifically affected. But every person has all of these signs holding court at some location in their personal astrological birth chart. There is something you are working on with consistent attention, vibrancy, and passion. Uranus has an 85-year cycle. The last time Uranus entered Aries was in 1928. Che Guevara—South American revolutionary—was born this year, Amelia Earhart piloted a plane across

the Atlantic and, purportedly, the sliced bread maker was first put to use. Penicillin was discovered. This Uranus transit saw the Dow reach its peak and then crash and there was a worldwide economic crisis. Vatican City declared its independence from Italy. 7-up was invented and the Academy Awards began. Uranus stays in a sign about seven, eight years. It was in Pisces since 2003 and just entered Aries. Wow! The first degree of Aries packs some wallop! This is the beginning of Spring, the commencement of the zodiac. For some—in their personal chart—the Aries point is where people get going in their personal affairs. Let me suggest some small way each sign may experience these new energies. All the suggestions will not apply, as astrology delineation is a very personal craft. Please seek out a professional astrologer for a look at your specific growth challenges. But the following will give some general ideas of the current and dynamic cardinal planetary invasion. For Aries natives, the insistency involves self-expression, assertion, awakening, and a grabbing of the horns of life. There is a need to break free of all reins. This will not be accomplished without a lot of reinvention and either direct confrontation or—at the least—lots of dialogue. Taurus has lightning-like dream incidents of ‘knowing.’ Lately, they have been protected. Legal and/or contractual issues loom. Chronic health conditions may have emerged in the past year and they could be connected with fears. Dreams reveal lots. There is huge new understanding. Uranus requires Gemini to assimilate a lot of inconstancies and unexpected behavior from authorities. Income from the employer lacks steadiness. Relationships with lovers and children can be joyous, interspersed with astonishing upheaval and work. All financial matters are deeply complicated. Cancer people may wonder who they have been bedding with all these years! While at the office there is challenge enough and renewal and excitement—albeit aggravating but not tiresome—at home the bear waits by the cave, unresponsive and surly and somehow extraordinary in depth. Home may be hard. What is going on with Leo is a consciousness revolution. Leo entertains sudden new interests and life expressive paths. While there is potential for much to discover, there too can be tendency to fail to assimilate views and sensitivities of others. Work can feel all oppressive.


Virgo people can have tremendous leaps on psychological levels. Intimate relationships reach new highs and lows. There is potential for extraordinary growth creatively. Their enemy is their own soaring libido and their doubt of the extremely personal expression they require. Libra is impatient with their partner and/or the way they partner. They seek revolution in day-to-day discourse and they are less likely to be acquiescent. They may be alternately grumpy and pleasing. They seek balance between assertion and consent. Their personal life explodes. Scorpio may opt for an alternative health regimen. They are bored with work if there is any kind of repetition, and this month is a grand time to ask for respite from that. If there is sickness, look to some excess for the cause and look to the unusual for a cure. Trouble with siblings. Sagittarius wants to create! And this can mean babies! There is compulsion to gamble one’s resources for the sake of feeling alive. There is all kinds of deck shuffling with regard to romance and values, contests over when to give and how to wait to receive. Capricorn natives will find that their home life has changed while they were at the office! The most private, personal needs awake and demand to be acknowledged! Capricornians may move and/or share their home with others or they may take their home to the office; they struggle to focus on work. Uranus-ruled Aquarians will respond by an attempt to streamline communication. However, this may come across to others as a distinct staccato. They are involved more in their neighborhoods, perhaps in a leadership role. They will battle self-doubt and explore inventive ways of community living. Pisces has to figure out a new method for evaluating themselves and their worth, their pocketbook, their relationship with personal resources and how they obtain money. The transformative tool may come from their boss’ abbreviated purse.


Louise Raterman is a professional astrologer with almost three decades of experience. She has a degree in Geography and uses astrology as a scientific tool for understanding the human psyche and for healing and growth. She is president of the Astrology Association of St. Petersburg ( She teaches and has lectured throughout Florida and gives market readings in order to demonstrate and democratize the science. Her writing has been published in the Mountain Astrologer. Email Louise at



Don’t Settle for Less by Donna Pinkston

If you “settle for” something that is exactly what the universe will give you. Just as in job hunting, if you accept what is offered an employer will not give you anything additional, such as a higher salary or benefits—unless you negotiate for it. Take this concept further: Do you settle for the first relationship that comes along, even if you don’t click with the person? Do you settle for the first job that is offered to you if you cannot make ends meet on the pay and better positions are available? Once you settle for less than what you need, or what your heart desires, it is like shaking hands with the universe. Your hand is grasping the thing for which you settled, so it is not in an open and receptive position to receive something else, something more in alignment with your soul’s grand plan. If you accept a relationship with someone you don’t enjoy being around, for example, you will never notice if your soul mate comes along. It’s the same with that unappealing job. Once you settle for it, you stop looking for a better position, one that fully lets you express your creativity and talents.

pabilities and the value you can offer to the company. You barter back and forth until an agreement is met. You also can negotiate with the universe concerning manifestations and what you want to accomplish and obtain in life. How do you know if you are settling for less than what your heart desires? You need to look at what is motivating your decisions. How does your decision in a particular situation make you feel? Does it feel right? Does it make your heart sing?

Your intuition always knows what is right for you at a soul level, but you may not always listen with your human mind. Now is the time to turn up the volume and listen to the sounds of the universe and your soul. These notes are the music of manifestation, and you are the instrument that plays the tune of your own life.


With 30 years experience in mysticism, Donna holds a BA in psychology and an MA in counseling from the University of South Florida. Her goal has been to bridge multiple realities through Carl Jung’s work with the collective unconscious and archetypal identification. Donna’s studies have focused on ancient mythologies and systems of magic, shamanism, astrology, and the tarot. She can be reached at 941-993-7478.

What you settle for in life says a lot about your position in regards to faith. If you have faith, the universe can provide you with an unlimited bounty. On the other hand, a lack of faith will result in settling for accomplishing less than you came into this world to achieve. Moreover, if you make decisions solely from the human level of thinking, you will create glass ceilings because the mind and ego have limits. They can create a sealed box that keeps you from opening up to the power of your higher self and the source of all that is.

To receive more from the universe, you need to let consciousness come through your being and help you to make decisions. Additionally, the universe ups the ante, just like when you negotiate for a job and the employer desires your skills. If you refuse the first salary offered, the company will come back with a better deal—if you have faith and confidence in your ca-


Saturday, April 30

Wednesday, May 4

Psychic Fair 10am – 2pm The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Bch Blvd, Sun City Center, 813-633-9400 Price is $25.00 for 20 minutes or 3 sessions for $68.00. Choose from gifted Trans Mediums, Spiritual Healers, Card Readers. Plus Aura Readings and Jin Shin Jyutsu/Bio Mat. Special guest Crystal Bowl Sound Healer. Robert Austin will be doing. 30 minute and 1 hour sessions and he has an array of bowls for sale. Special crystal assortment too. Come join the fun.

Super Brain Yoga & Pranic Healing 7pm Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, Price: Love Offering, Contact: Rev. Elizabeth Thompson. With elegant simplicity and practical wisdom, Master Stephen Co shows you how to harness the healing power that exists in every human being, Deepak Chopra XXXXXXXXX

Sunday, May 1 Third Year Anniversary Celebration. 12pm to 5pm. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Price: Free. Contact: 239-939-2769, To thank all of our loyal customers: mini readings, raffles, refreshments and surprise gift!

Thursday, May 5 Slow Food Tampa Bay Meeting 7:00pm At Studio@620 Dr. Gary Mormino will speak - “In America, the bread is soft but life is hard”: Italian Immigrants and Food”. www.slowfoodtampabay. org,

Friday, May 6

Eden Energy Medicine Foundations Program, 5:30 pm, May 12-15, 2011, Well Within Natural Medicine, (727) 522-6515,, Located at Dolphin Beach Resort, 4900 Gulf Boulevard, St. Spirit Art Workshop w/ChristineMarie Pete Beach, (727) 360-7011, www.dolphinbeach. 1-3:30 pm, Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway com, Join Melanie Smith, AP for a transformative Dunedin, Price: $65.00 includes materials experience in Energy Medicine at the Dolphin Beach 727=286-6279, Description: Open up to your Resort in St. Petersburg, Florida. This program own intuition as you learn to create spirit art! will empower you to better understand your own energies to prevent and heal emotional and physical Tuesday, May 3 blocks that often manifest as illness. The Program is designed for individuals who want to expand Intro to Wicca 7pm. their skills to build a resilient energy system for The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, themselves, family and friends. It is also powerful for Ft. Myers, Price: Free. Contact: 239-939individuals wanting to incorporate energy medicine 2769. This is a continuing weekly series on into an existing professional practice. Wicca. Classes include but not limited to: concept of Deity, Altars, Holidays, elements, Women’s New Moon Meditation, 6:30 pm sacred space, herbs and oils, candle magick, Rising Tide Spiritual Center 5102 Swift Rd Saraspells – how to, ritual, and questions and sota, Price: $5 love offering, Contact: Jo Mooy@ answers. 941-866-5752, Women’s New Moon Meditation for planetary healing. Sacred space set at 6:30 pm. Ultrasound Scans - Thyroid, Cardio, Healers available. Carotid, Abdomen, 9-1pm A Path to Wellness, 6405 9th St. N. (MLK), Séance with Guisela the medium at 7pm. St. Petersburg, The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Price: $35 individual scan - $169 six areas Myers, Price: . $30 RSVP for space is limited. Dr. Chris Jackson 727-329-9637 or Preven- Contact: 239-939-2769. Join Guisela the medium tion Plus 1-888-667-7587 and participate in a séance. Receive messages Cholesterol, Hemoglobin A1c, and other and contact departed loved ones. bloodwork; Ultrasound for Aneurisms and malfunctions: Thyroid, Echocardiogram, Banquet – Eileen Nauman: How to Pick a SucCarotid Arteries, Abdomen, Aorta and more cessful Surgery Date, 7pm (cocktails 5:30), Hilton Bayfront, St.Pete, Eileen will go


through her rules for determining the best time to have an operation. Planetary direction (retrogrades) and its affect on the outcome of a surgery will be discussed. Void-of-Course moon plays a part in the formula. The transit of the Moon through all twelve zodiac will be discussed in order to determine the best time for an operation.

Saturday, May 7 Dance Camp for Daughters and Mom’s 10-1 pm Unity Church of Sarasota, Annex Building, 3023 Proctor Road, Sarasota Price: $175 for Daughter and Mom with Workbook. Call: Marilu at 941-306-1825, Learn what the Stars know. Theatrical Makeup, Social Graces for big events. Hot Latin Dances, Cha Cha, Rumba, Salsa. Class is limited. Enroll NOW. Readings with Deborah 10am to 3pm. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers $30 RSVP Contact: 239-939-2769. Eileen Nauman Beginning Medical Astrology, 10-5, Hilton Bayfront, St. Pete., We will use Eileen’s formula, the Med-Scan, to study a natal chart and interpret it medically. Participants will be taken on a step-by-step journey towards understanding which zodiac sign rules each part of the body or body system. Eileen has been a practicing medical astrologer since 1970. She is a bestselling author and homeopathic and alternative medicine therapist. Book Signing w/ Patricia McGivern 1-2:30pm, Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin. 727-286-6279, Book signing with the author of Angel Babies,Patricia McGivern. Books available at the store The Magic of the Faery Kingdom w/Karn 3-5pm. Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin, Price: $35.00, 727-286-6279. Come learn about The Magic Faery Kingdom w/Karn. A great Mother & Daughter/Son event. Psychic Fair, 12:00 Noon ENCHANTED EARTH 733 Main Street Dunedin Price: 1 per minute 20 min minimum Contact: 727 216 6594, Description: A place where Magic Happens! Come meet our Gifted readers: Naviae,Lori Newlove, Miss Clelstial Raine & Marilyn Mackey.

Reiki Share with the Horses 6pm-9pm, New Port Richey, Price: 10.00 Contact: 727-207-5056, Rene Trebing & Debbie Dienstbeir will be hosting a weekly Reiki share amongst the giant oaks with the horses. A second table will be set up inside. After 7pm Debbie will be available for private readings beside the fire.We utilize other healing modalities such as crystal bowls, tuning forks, toning and drumming. All modalities are welcome! LOVE DONATION 10.00 Attunements with certificates for Reiki level 1 or 2 ~ 25.00 Reiki Master 100.00 more info: 727-207-5056 Aura Photography with Suzanne Baden 10:30am - 5:30pm, Elysian Fields 1273 Tamiami Trail S., Sarasota, Price: $25 Contact: 941-361-3006 See yourself in Living color! Suzanne Baden uses exciting new digital photo technology that creates amazing photos and videos of your Auric Field! UFO and Paranormal Group of West Florida 1:00 - 4:30 pm, Braden River Library 4915 53 Avenue, East, Rt. 70, Bradenton. Price: Free will donation Contact: Jackie Church-Miller 941-792-0308. David Willcock video one hour. Presentation by Sharon-Elizabeth James discusses her interdimensional connections she experienced on her trip to Bolivia.

for Mothers Day! Gift Certificates available for 2 wonderful healing packages: Package #1) One Energy Healing/ or Tarot, or Crystal Reading, a single rose, and a rose quartz crystal for $20. OR...Package #2) One Energy Healing, One Tarot or Crystal Reading, a single rose, and a rose quartz crystal for $40. Moms are special, let her know just ‘how’ special with a gift from the Power of One. (Store hours are Monday through Saturday 10-4:30)

Monday, May 9

Friday, May 13 Spiritual Trance Dance 8PM- 10PM Blindfolded & 10PM-12PM Without Blindfolds Attend one or both sessions. Prana Yoga & Healing Center 3840 South Osprey Avenue Sarasota, Price: $20 at the door $11 in advance includes both sessions. Contact: or 941.726.3262 or Journey through music,sound & movement in a safe & sacred space. Dance also includes sound healing with live didgeridoo, chanting, & toning. Event is held once a month

Drumming with Jimbo Talbot 7;30pm-9pm, Temple Of Love & Healing, 3700 42 Ave No. St, Petersburg, Price: $10.00 Love Candle Magick 7pm Donation, 727-545-1122, Come join Jimbo talbot in our drum circle....drum provided for you The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Price: $30 RSVP Contact: 239-939and no experiecnce needed!! 2769. Learn how to use candles for blessings, manifestation, and healing. This class incorpoTuesday, May 10 rates essential oils and herbs. You will be able to prepare a candle for personal use. All materiChakra Energy Sessions with Suzanne Baden, 10:30am – 5:30pm, Elysian Fields 1273 als are included with the class fee.

Introduction to Lightworks Healing Method 3-5 pm, Moving Toward Stillness Wellness Center, 928 S. Tamiami Trail, Osprey, Florida Price: love offering Contact: Lynn McGonagill 941-921-3613 Spiritual seekers and healers: learn about this method of divine energy healing. Receive energetic transmissions; perform exercises to meet your Spirit Guides.

Tamiami Trail S., Sarasota, Price: 30 minutes Saturday, May 14 $45 Contact: : , 941-361-3006, Sessions include a full body chakra photo with a summary printout of chakra Lecture: Why we Believe, and Why it Matters colors. Also available upon request - DVD video May 14 & 21 9:30-11:30, Center for Positive Living, 330 S. Pineapple Ave., Suite 210, Sarasota of your session for $10. Price: $35 - 2 session Contact: CPL office (941) 366-0275, Learn how religion impacts your Wednesday, May 11 daily life, regardless of whether you are or are not a believer; and why it matters. What will Tarot – part one – 7pm you learn? By means of lecture and discussion, The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Price: . $30 Part Two on 5/18. RSVP Carol B. Green, author of “Spiritual TransformaContact: 239-939-2769. Learn the meanings of tion in America”, will help us to better underthe cards and how to utilize this wonderful tool. stand the historic, scientific, political and cultural influences that permeate religious practice in A Rider Waite deck is required contemporary America, and the subsequent impact on our lives. Thursday, May 12

Hu Dost at Rising Tide International 8pm Rising Tide International 5102 Swift Road Sarasota, Price: $15 Contact: Pamela Fetterman@941-321-8107 Rising Tide International is pleased to welcome back the musical duo Hu Dost for an intimate evening of sensuous, soul searching and heart wrenching performance.

Food Preparation ~ Love Your Body Love Your Food. Longevity Wellness Clinic. Sarasota. Info: 941-923-9355. What shall we eat tonight? Foods that deliver more energy? Come learn about juicing, salads, tasty homemade dressings and delicious entrees for longevity & wellness. Participants leave with recipes for stronger bodies. $10. Limited seating.

E.S.P. Fiesta 10-3pm Temple of Love & Healing 3700 42 Ave No. St, Petersburg, Price: $10 or 3 for $25. 727-545-1122, Doors open at 9AM come join our talented Readers and open to the gifts of Spirit. A great day of fellowship!

Gathering Wisdom from Flowers 6:30-8pm, Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin, FREE RSVP, 727-286-6279, Spend the evening with folk herbalist, Willow LaMonte.

Sunday, May 8 Mothers Day Special! Gift Certificates! 10-4:30pm, The Power of One. 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice, 941488-6714, Give your mother something truely healing


Tarot Reading Workshop 10:00 to 12:00 P.M. Location: Creekside Gems & Minerals 5914 Trouble Creek Rd.New Port Richey Price: $20.00 Contact: Lisa Monk, Bring your Tarot deck along for a hands-on workshop. We’ll start with a recap of the 78 cards, move into a demonstration of various readings in theory, and then pair-up for actual readings.

critic of conventional beliefs, a radical progressive and anti-war activist, a pioneer in science fiction, a time travel

Yoga for Scoliosis Practice with Stacy Renz, 1-3pm, Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Ave N, St. Pete, Price: $35 a week before class; $45 afterwards. Contact: Stacy Renz or Jane Arnold at (727) 8264754, Manage the pain associated with scoliosis with Divine Guidance: Connecting to the yoga stretching and strengthening appropriate for your Angels and Ascended Masters 9:00 to 3:00 curve. We will hold this class again on June 4. pm, First Unity of St. Petersburg 460 46th North, St. Petersburg, Friendship Hall. Join Sunday, May 15 Emily Andrews, Angel Healer Practitioner, as she shares these messages and assists Psychic Sunday 11:00AM - 3:00PM you to connect in a powerful way so that you The Teahouse at Asian Arts 5437 Fruitville Road, can establish clear communication. This is Sarasota, Price: $15 for 15 minutes Contact: Hanan experiential event, in which you’ll learn nah Gibbons. Join us for a Sunday afternoon filled and practice exercises that help create, with divinations and revealing readings. Visit one or clear, and enhance your communication with all of our readers to discover what the possibilities The Divine and the rest of the Spirit realm. are for you and those in your circle, including your You will be guided through meditations pets - Featured Readers: Marilyn English Gypsy and processes that have all been Divinely Card Reader, Kay Simon Aura Photography ($25 inspired. Tickets are $44 per person, and can per photograph) Jacquelyn Chinese Astrologer, be purchased online at www.WingsBookJack Shaman and Medicine Card Reader,, at Wings Bookstore, or by calling house Hannah Palm Reader and Taoist Style Card 727.522.6657. Reader, And Others including a Pet Intuitive. Stop by The Teahouse at Asian Arts and book your apPhychic Faire, 11-7pm pointment ahead of time. Appointments are booked Mystical Scents 9545 East Fowler Ave in 15 minute increments. Tampa, Contact: 813-986-3212, A day of Healers and Readers! Come share a day of MEDIUMSHIP DEVELOPMENT CLASS, fun and Spirits! Many Classes also available. Part 1 & Part 2, 3:00pm to 5:00pm 2044 Bispham Rd, Sarasota, Price: $15 each part Pet readings 10am to 3pm. Contact: 941-266-8435 for reservations The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Part 1, May 15 & Part 2, May 22. Medium Richard Ft. Myers, Price: $20 RSVP Contact: 239Blanchard will guide students to develop their intui939-2769. Want to know what your pet is tive skills.Center for Metaphysical Fellowship. www. thinking? It may surprise you! PSYCHIC FAIR 10 AM TO 3 PM Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail, Venice Price: $15 for 15 minutes Contact: Rev Pat Charnley 941- 284-9459 Tarot, Mediumship, Astrology, Palmistry. Private Readings . Free Healings and Refreshments UFO and Paranormal Group of West Florida , 1:00- 4:30 pm, Central Library 1301 Barcarrota Blvd. Downtown Bradenton, Price: Free Will donation Contact: Jackie Church-Miller 941-792-0308, Rod Rawlings speaks about Mark Twain aa free-thinking


Thursday, May 19 Lotions and Potions Apothecary 7pm. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Price: Free Contact: 239-939-2769. Learn how to mix your own personal blend of body butter, massage gel, or aromatherapy oils using all natural ingredients. Introduction to Divination w/ Miss Celestial Raine, 6:30pm Enchanted Earth 733 Dunedin, RSVP, Contact: 727-216-6594, Come and join us for a workshop on the ancient art of divina-

tion. Learn to attune and connect with Spirit & Mother Earth using various ancient tools of power. Reiki Share w/ Alania, 6:30-8:30pm Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin Price: $10.00, Contact: 727-286-6279 Description: Traditional Reiki Share w/ Alania -Come share your energy!!

Friday, May 20 Spring Mini-retreat 9:30 am – 11:30 pm RSVP online at Call Rev. Maria Pierre, 813-293-9410 Speakers: Catarina de Hoyos Gilbert, Unity Minister in Training. Come enjoy relaxation, fun, friendship, lunch following. Women’s Full Moon Meditation 6:30 pm Rising Tide Spiritual Center 5102 Swift Rd Sarasota, Price: $5 love offering Contact: Jo Mooy@ 941-866-5752. Women’sFull Moon Meditation for planetary healing. Sacred space set at 6:30 pm. Healers available. Reiki healing circle 7pm The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Price: Free Contact: 239-939-2769. Come join experienced and gifted reiki healers for an evening of energy work Friday Message Circle, 5:30-9pm Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave North Price: $10, Contact: 727-545-1122 Description: Receive three messages from our Gifted Readers an evening of enlightenment!

Saturday, May 21 Quantum Entrainment® Basic Workshop 9:30am – 5pm, Holiday Inn Sarasota Airport,, 877-357-0750, This is a one day training where you will be taught the basic Quantum Entrainment® Process by originator Frank Kinslow. You’ll engage in exercises to experience the “secret” of instant healing and be performing QE on others by lunch break. You will learn how to heal physical and emotional disharmony in yourself and others, heal at a distance, and use QE as a powerful meditation while performing daily activities.

Lecture: Why we Believe, and Why it Matters, May 14 & 21 9:30-11:30, Center for Positive Living, 330 S. Pineapple Ave., Suite 210, Sarasota, Price: $35 - 2 session Contact: CPL office (941) 366-0275. Learn how religion impacts your daily life, regardless of whether you are or are not a believer; and why it matters. What will you learn By means of lecture and discussion, Carol B. Green, author of “Spiritual Transformation in America”, will help us to better understand the historic, scientific, political and cultural influences that permeate religious practice in contemporary America, and the subsequent impact on our lives. SPIRIT MAPPING 10AM-2PM The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd Ste 201, Sun City Center, $55.00 includes supplies Contact: 813-633-9400 A creative workshop directed by artist, Shirley Patterson. Symbolically map Your souls journey in Time, using colorful paint on canvas, ready to hang. No art experience necessary. REIKI I CERTIFICATION 10 am to 3 pm Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail, Venice Price: $50 Contact: Rev Pat Charnley 941-2849459. Join Reiki Master Rev Ed Ruhl, Attunements to free the flow of Reiki healing energy, meet your guides. Rose Center Open House Celebration 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM, The Rose Center 2020 Rose Street, Sarasota, $5 donation for All Faiths Food Bank or $5 in non-perishable food goods. Contact: Diane Stewart, Come meet our new therapists. Enjoy acupuncture, intuitive healing, chiropractic treatment, and yoga demonstrations. Chair massages! Refreshments, entertainment, prizes. Children’s Etiquette Class! 2-4 PM. Price: $25 (family discounts available), Karen Leonetti 941-349-7536, Do you want your 5-12 year old child to brush up on their P’s & Q’s? Sons or daughters are invited to attend a Child’s Etiquette Class with Karen Leonetti CDA,CDS. Karen is a fun, fresh food expert and educator. Must be pre-paid, Space is limited.

‘charge’ your pendulum. Learn how to use your pendulum more efficiently for divination, energy work, chakra diagnosis, and finding lost objects. Free charts will be available with this workshop.

Sunday, May 22 Quantum Entrainment® Master Workshop 9:30am – 5pm, Holiday Inn Sarasota Airport,, 877-357-0750 This Master Workshop takes Quantum Entrainment® to a new level. Actually, you will learn refined Quantum Entrainment®. You will learn to apply Quantum Entrainment to finances, relationships, groups, world peace and learn how to teach children to do QE. The Quantum Entrainment® Basic workshop is a prerequisite for this workshop. A Spiritual Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe 1:00 pm, Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, $20 Suggested Love Offering Contact: Rev. Amy Zehe, Explore paths of enlightenment available beyond today’s churches, temples, and synagogues. For any spiritual seekers who want a deeper spiritual life. Shaman Journey, 2:00-5:30pm At Rising Tide International, 5102 Swift Rd. $20 ~ Zan ButterflyDeerwoman 941-922-7839 Like a guided meditation enhanced by the heart beat of the mother rum. An evolving experience into your own shaman’s dream, for healing and guidance

Thursday, May 26 Tea & Herbs for the Body & Soul Longevity Wellness Clinic. Info: 941-923-9355. Which tea is right for me? What should I buy? Come experience the teas from around the world. Learn the right teas for you and your family that will spice and sooth your lives. Participants leave with a special gift. $10. Limited seating. Reiki Master Class 7pm. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Price: RSVP $50 Contact: 239- 9392769, Learn advanced energy work, Master Symbols, chakra diagnosis and crystal grids to enhance the reiki experience. Certification and attunement with this class. Pre-requisite reiki One and Two. Tea Leaf reading w/ Marilyn Mackey, 6:30pm Enchanted Earth 733 Main Street Dunedin Price: $25.00, Contact: Kim 727-216-6594 Description: It’s all in the leaves come join Marilyn and hear what the leaves have to tell you! Spark your intuitive abilities!

Saturday, May 28

Awakening Your Spiritual Connection Workshop ~ 9am-6pm at the DaySpring Conference Center in Ellenton (just 30 mins to Sarasota & St Pete). Join Emily Andrews (Angel Practioner), The Publishers of Transformation, Elissa Bentsen (Past Life Regression), Robert Austin (Sound Bowl Healing), and Rev. Debbie UFO and Paranormal Group of West Florida Dienstbier (Trans Medium) for a day of spiritual 1:30-4:30 pm, Asia Restaurant 6844 14th awakening! Develop your intuitive gifts, open Street, West at 69th Avenue, Bradenton to communication from the divine, and explore Price: Buy your lunch Contact: Jackie Churchpast lives! PLUS, receive free readings and Miller 941-792-0308, Discussion about having healing sessions! You will leave with a renewed an interdimensional experience. What is the fifth and awakened connection to your deepest dimension? What is the fourth dimension? Are self, answers, and inspiration to empower your we there? How will we know? personal journey! Tickets are $69. Register or by Tuesday, May 24 calling 941-479-0323

Amethyst BioMat Session with Cylleria 10:30am – 2:30pm, Elysian Fields 1273 Tamiami Trail S., Sarasota, Price: 30 minutes $30 Contact: : 941-361-3006, RELAX & RECHARGE with a 30 minute session on the FDA approved, amethyst Pendulum Workshop 2pm. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. crystal BioMat, and experience numerous health benefits for body, mind & spirit. Myers, Cost: Free Contact: 239-939-2769 Learn how to choose, cleanse, program, and

When Food Was Sacred Seminar with Dr. Anna Less. 05/28/2011 and 05/29/2011 9am to 5pm. Rising Tide International 5102 Swift Road Sarasota, Price: $160 before May 7th; $175 after Contact: Aisha. In this interactive seminar Dr. Less will explore how traditional cultures used food to experience awareness and connection by preparing food and eating together.


Beginners Introduction to Tarot with Justin Martz 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. Every Fourth Saturday. Creekside Gems & Minerals 5914 Trouble Creek Rd. New Port Richey. Price: $20.00 Contact: Lisa Monk (727) 845-5451 In this class we will explore the 78 cards of our modern popular Tarot, their history, and various practical applications. Psychic Faire 10am-4pm The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Price: 25min for $25 Contact: 239 -939-2769, Choose from an assortment of well-established and gifted healers. Tarot readers, Palm reader, soul chart progression, Oracle cards, full chart astrology analysis, rune caster, DNA and psychic cord cutting, medium, chakra cleansing and alignment, and Shamanic Journeys. Pot Luck Dinner, 7pm Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave North, St Petersburg, Free, 727-545-1122, Come meet our family for an evening of fellowship! Bring a dish or just come and share! “Why Sage and Smudging?” 1-2 pm Miracles Bookstore, 1950 2nd Ave. N., St. Petersburg, Price: Love Offering Contact: 727-822-3157 Explaining the reasons and methods for blessing and cleansing our physical space. From Ganesh to Hanuman: with Linn Sennott 1:30-4:00pm, Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Ave N, St. Pete, Price: $30 by May 21; $40 by May 26 CEU’s available Contact: Stacy Renz or Jane Arnold at (727) 826-4754 www.livingroomyoga. biz, Learn the history and qualities of each God and Goddess, understand how they relate to yoga

practice and experience their energies through chanting and movement. Chakra Energy Sessions with Suzanne Baden 10:30am – 5:30pm, Location: Elysian Fields 1273 Tamiami Trail S., Sarasota, Price: 30 minutes $45 Contact: : 941-361-3006, Sessions include a full body chakra photo with a summary printout of chakra colors. Also available upon request DVD video of your session for $10. You Are the Star Dance Camp Enrollment 11- 12 Noon, Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, Price: $170.00 for Daughter & Mom with Workbook Contact: Marilu Thornburgh, Everything you need to know to be a star. Walk like a model, dance like a star. Classes begin June 4th for four Saturdays. UFO and Paranormal Group of West Florida 1:15 - 4:15 pm, South Manatee Library 6081 26th Atreet, West, near South Florida College, Bradenton, Price: Free Will donation Contact: Jackie Church-Miller 941-792-0308. The Philadelphia Experi,ent movie will be shown by Lee Louden. This film gives a good account of the disappearing ship and the sailors radiation.

Sunday, May 29 When Food Was Sacred Seminar with Dr. Anna Less, 05/28/2011 and 05/29/2011 9am to 5pm, Rising Tide International 5102 Swift Road Sarasota, Price: $160 before May 7th; $175 after Contact: Aisha. In this interactive seminar Dr. Less will explore how traditional cultures used food to experience awareness and connection by preparing food and eating together.

Last Sunday Sacred Drumming 5:30pm At the Labyrinth at Unity of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Rd, Price: Suggested offering $5 Contact: 941-922-7839 Rev. Zan Butterflydeerwoman . A fire circle with chanting and drumming . BYO chairs and water and extra drums to share. All are welcomed, seasoned drummers and new ones. Last Sunday of each month

Saturday, June 4 Introduction to Lightworks Healing Method. 3-5 pm, Garden of the Heart Yoga Center 1501 Edgar Place, Sarasota, Price: love offering www.lightworksmethod. com 941-921-3613. Spiritual seekers and healers: learn about this method of divine energy healing. Receive energetic transmissions; perform exercises to meet your Spirit Guides.

Thursday, June 30 Vedic Astrology Sessions with Dr. Harre Harren 11AM-4PM, The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd, Suite 201, Sun City Center. Price $85.00 Contact: By appointment 813-633-9400. Dr Harren is a Music Therapist, Healer and Vedic Astrologer from India. 1 hour IndividualVedic Astrology Birth Chart Sessions. Healing Power of Sacred Chants and Indian Music Therapy talk, 6PM, The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd, Ste 201 Sun City Center, Price: $30.00 Contact: 813-633-9400. By Dr. Harre Harren, Kirtan Chanting and Healing CONCERT

Friday, July 1 Vedic Astrology Sessions with Dr. Harre Harren 11AM-4PM, The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd, Suite 201, Sun City Center. Price $85.00 Contact: By appointment 813-633-9400. Dr Harren is a Music Therapist, Healer and Vedic Astrologer from India. 1 hour IndividualVedic Astrology Birth Chart Sessions.

$100.00 2)) New Packages Purchased in May 2011 with a )5(( % 6KRW




Ongoing Events Ongoing Events Monday Crystal Vibrations 101 with Tami 10-11:30am Every First Monday. The Power of One. 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice Price: $10 Contact: 941-488-6714 Crystals and their healing properties have been used in every culture for thousands of years. Learn how to choose and connect with crystals. How to keep them clear and happy. How they can help you in everyday life. Learn how crystals themselves can tell you things about yourself, and how you can work with them to remove emotional blockages and connect with your Guides and Angels. Tami will then give everyone a mini crystal reading! Intro to Law Of Attraction Continued 7-9pm Every Mondays. Center for Positive living, 330 S Pineapple Ave. #210 In downtown Sarasota Price: $12 Contact: Rev. Zan Benham -941922-7839. Understanding and practically applying the principles of the Law of Attraction through the works of Abraham/Hicks. Enhances clarity, well-being, joy, creativity, prosper. Psoriasis Eczema & Rosacea Herbal Solution Seminar, 7 PM - 8 PM Every Monday Night, 5008 W Linebaugh Ave Ste 43, Tampa Price: Free Contact: Cynthia M. Nature has answers to reduce the symptoms of psoriasis, eczema, & rosacea. SielosRx combined organic herbs in a lotion for this reason. Healing with The Masters 7pm to 8:30pm Every 4th Monday, STARTING ON MAY 23, After Hours� at Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th Street N, St. Petersburg. Price: A love offering will be received; please give as you are guided. Join Emily Andrews for an evening of connecting with Ascended Masters, Teachers and Guides as she intuitively shares their Divine messages and serves as a conduit for their healing energy. Connect to Divine Wisdom that lovingly and powerfully encourages us to expand, while giving us guidance on how to become the highest versions of ourselves. Join us for an evening of transformation, healing, and true understanding! Please bring writing materials and arrive early, as the doors will close promptly at 7 pm to honor sacred space.

Angel Gathering, Every Second Monday 7pm, Wings Bookstore 4500 4th St. N. St Pete Price: Love Offering, Contact:, (813) 758-1139, Connect with your Angels & Archangels. During each gathering, Angelic beings are channeled & discussed. Participants are guided through powerful exercises, to encourage the Angelic connection. Emotional Freedom Technique & the Law of Attraction 7-9pm First & Third Monday, Unity of St Petersburg, 6168 1st Ave N, St Pete $10 suggested love offering, Juanita 727-3605028, Megan 727-729-2246, Learn how to align the subconscious mind with the conscious. Let go of limiting beliefs. Become the vibration that attracts what you truly desire. Tai Chi w/ Rick, 7-9pm Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin Price: $60 for the first month/$75 for subsequent months 8 classes included Come learn Tai Chi w/ Rick...learn to be balanced and enjoy your new path in Life!!

Tuesday Tarot and Psychic Readings with Frannie 12-4:30pm Every Tuesday by appointment The Power of One. 238 W. Venice Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice. Price: 15min/$25, 30min/$45, 60min/$85 Contact: 941-488-6714 Frannie has been a psychic and intuitive reader for over 20 years. She uses the Tarot, and psychometry, along with her channeling abilities to connect with those who have passed, as well as your spirit guides.

Discovering the True Self Rev. Barbara Calabrese, 7- 8:30pm, Starts: 02/01, 7 week course every Tuesday, Mystic See 411 West Dearborn St Englewood, Price: $75,, An accredited course through The College of Metaphysical Studies. Do you want to meet a wonderful person? Experience positive thinking for your highest potential. Meditation & Healing Circle 7:00pm Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 2044 Bispham Rd. Sarasota, Price: Love Offering Contact: 941266-8435, Join us for a guided meditation and receive hands-on spiritual healing. Meditations/Readings/Healings w/Tony Fernandez, 7pm, Anahata, 945 Central Ave, Naples, Price: $15, 239-784-9519 Holistic Moms Network Monthly Meeting 7-9pm, Whole Foods Lifestyle Center, Price: Free for first meeting, then membership ($45) requested Contact: Roxanne Jorgensen, D.L. Dell’Armo will show how Zero Balancing and Trager Approach help alleviate physical and emotional patterns that stem from the mindbody relationship. 1st Tues


Trance Circle w/ Rev Debbie Dienstbier May 11 & 25, 4-5:30pm, Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway, Dunedin, Price: $20.00 727-286-6279. Come join our Psychic Circle and connect with your loved ones and guides from the world of Spirit.Rev Debbie works with Dr Lydia Webster who was a Dr. in the 1800s Spiritual Empowerment 10 am - 12 pm Belly Dancing w/Ariel, 6-7pm Every Wednesday, Unity Church of Sarasota Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, Price: $5 Love Price: $15. individual class or $55. for 4 classes Offerings, Steps toward enlightenment and Contact: 727-286-6279, Come join Ariel with the spiritual empowerment. Discussion on teachart of learning belly dancing! ings covered in Keep a True Lent. This is not a seasonal practice but a life-long journey. Meditation and More 5-7PM Every Tuesday, The Chakra Center, 137 S AFTERNOON MEDITATION, HEALING & Pebble Bch Blvd, Sun City Center SPIRIT MESSAGES Every Wed and Thurs 6 week class $75.00. Contact: 813-633-9400 2:00pm to 4:00pm, Center for Metaphysical FelPrice includes a 30 minuteSoul card reading. lowship, 2044 Bispham Rd. Sarasota Expand your psychic abilities with Judy Taylor, Price: Love Offering Contact: 941-266-8435 Dr. of Metaphysics. Experiential class followed Relax, meditate, receive a spiritual hands-on by guided Meditation. You will be auto-writing healing and a message from loved ones or your own channeled messages and guidance guide. Arrive and leave on your schedule. www. from above. Call to register.


Ongoing Events Readings w/Rev Debbie Dienstbier 11-6pm, Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin, Price: $2 per min./20 minute minimum Contact: 727-286-6279, Trance Medium, Clairvoyant available for private readings connect to loved ones and guides from the other side.

empower. Bring a massage table if you have one and wear comfortable clothes.


Joyful Yoga with Megan, 6-7pm Fossil Park Rec. Center, 6635 Dr. MLK Jr. St. N., St Pete, 727-893-7756, $25/mo or $7/class. Free Reiki Healing Clinic 4 to 7 pm 1st Class FREE, Breathe light and love through Every Wednesday, Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail, Venice, Price: Love Offering Con- your body and spirit while enjoying deep yoga stretching. Megan 727-729-2246 tact: Rev Pat Charnlet 941-284-9459 Let our talented and experienced team of Master Creator, 6-8:30pm healers’ help you relax and heal. Healers both experienced and wishing to learn are welcome. Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin. $20.00, 727-286-6279, Learn to become a Master Cretor w/Alania. Self Realization Classes, 5:45 - 6:45 pm Sarasota Gnostic Center, Clark Rd Sarasota Readings w/Alania Price: Love donation, Contact: (941) 228-9208 11-6pm, Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway DuneExperience Gnosis. Learn the secret practices din, Price: $2 per minute/20 min. minumum used through the Ages. Relaxation-ConcentraContact: 727-286-6279, Alania is a gifted Clairtion-Inner Change-Guided Meditation-Chakra Activation-Astral Projection Tarot, and much more. voyant come and share her energy! Wednesday Evening Prayer Service 7:00 pm Every Wednesday, Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota Price: Love Offering Contact: Rev. Amy Zehe Join us for a forty five minute prayer and meditation service every Wednesday evening beginning at 7:30 includes music, meditation and a candle/prayer lighting ceremony. Mid-Week Faith Lift 7pm – 8pm Every Wednesday starting May 11, The Unitarian Universalist Church, 2470 Nursery Road in Clearwater. New Thought Center for Creative Living holds its weekly service. Music, meditation and interactive discussion are designed to bring out the best in your life through the conscious use of Spiritual Laws.

Messages Of Love, 6-8pm Enchanted Spirits 712 Broadway Dunedin Price: $20.00, Contact: 727-286-6279 Description: Join in a Sacred Circle w/Alania. We will welcome the guidance, Love, Support, and Healing of our Family in Light. Bring your open heart and receive a Channeled Message! Healing and Message Service 6:30 pm Every Thursday, Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail, Venice, Price: Love Offering Contact: Rev Pat Charnley 941-284-9459 Metaphysical gathering with inspirational speakers, meditation, and messages from spirit. We invite you to share in the peace, love and healing presence.

Limited Reservations.

Friday “A JOURNEY WITHIN” Soul Service w/ Rev. Debbie Dienstbier, 3-4:15 PM; The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Suite 201, Sun City Center, Price: $10 Love Donation Contact: 813-633-9400, Come feed your soul! Reverend Deb’s weekly service includes a Guided Meditation, Soul Sermon and Personal Messages from Spirit. Private readings also available. Beautiful Spirit Spa Day w/ ChristineMarie 11-6pm. Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin, Price: prices vary. Services available: Chakra clearing and balancing,Spiritual coaching and counseling,Intuitive readings w/ ChristineMarie. Free Belly Dance Class Fridays 6 – 7pm, Hip Expressions Belly Dance Studio, 1108 62nd Ave N, Saint Pete, Price: FREE, 727.459.8558, Discover how belly dance is great spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Join the belly dance community – be strong, be sexy, belly dance! Guided meditation & Usui Reiki Circle 7-8pm, Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin, Price: gratitude offering Contact: 727-286-6279, Reiki -Shiki & Raku Kei Lineage w/ ChristineMarie. Come and share your energy in the Circle


Healing Circle 9-10am Every Saturday The Power of One. 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Ask and It Is Given: Law of Attraction in Ac- Centre Mall #258. Venice, $10 941-488-6714 tion 7-9pm Every Thursdays, Unity of Sarasota, Journey into your healing experience with Soul Speaks 7 pm to 9 pm a guided meditation. Work with energy as a Every Wednesday in May, Angel Ministries, 2269 3023 Proctor Rd. Price: $10.00 Contact: Rev. group, then pair off to experience both the Zan Benham -941-922-7839, Understanding Tamiami Trail South, Venice, FL 34293 giving and receiving of Universal Life Force Enand practically applying the principles of the Price: $50 for all 4 weeks Contact: Rev Pat ergy, opening and connecting with your Guides Law of Attraction through the works of Abraham/ Charnley. Join personal empowerment and communication coach Krista Kane for 4 weeks of fun Hicks. Enhances clarity, well-being, joy, creativ- and increasing your Psychic Awareness. No experience in energy work is required. and interactive classes, each Wednesday in May. ity, prosperity Reiki Share For All Reiki Masters 7-9pm 3rd Wednesday of each month Rising Tide International 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, Price: Suggested offering $5 Contact: 941-922-7839 Rev. Zan Benham, An opportunity to exchange Reiki and attune, expand and


Rock Your World 7:00pm Alternative Health Therapy 1201 Sheridan Rd Clw., Price: Love Donation Contact: 727-4499090, Discussing and exploring the tools of Conscious Evolution. Open to the energy of the Crystal World. share and learn.

St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market 9:00 am to 2 pm, Al Lang Stadium parking lot at First Av S and First St. Fresh from the farm organic vegetables and fruits. Sweet blueberries just in. Live music, great food, and handcrafts.

Ongoing Events Belly Dancing w/ Ariel, 10:30-12:30pm Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin Price: $40. Contact: 727-286-6279. Belly button party workshop with Aerial Health Fair 10- 5pm Every Second Saturday, The Power of One. 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice, Price: Love offering Contact: 941-488-6714, Come share a day of healing with well established, gifted Spiritual Healers and Channelers of many unique modalities. Shamanic Healing with Mic McManus, Crystal Light with Kathy and Karen, Reiki with Raj, Energy with Tom, Ancient Egyptian Healings with Tami, Tarot with Allison, Crystal Readings with Tami. Reduce stress, promote healing, receive messages, and open yourself to receive the love and healing you so deserve. Psychic Fair 10-5pm Last Saturday of each month, The Power of One. 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice, Price: 15min/ $15 Contact: 941-4886714, Heres your chance to experience all of our wonderfully gifted and unique readers at The Power of One! Tarot and Psychic Readings, Crystal Readings, Palm Readings, Handwriting Analysis, Mediumship with well established readers such as Frannie Nichols, Dorothea Pederson, Allison Atkinson, Tami Morgan, and guest Medium, Robert Stevens from Michigan (tentative).

Beginners Introduction to Tarot with Justin Martz 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. Every Fourth Saturday, Creekside Gems & Minerals 5914 Trouble Creek Rd. New Port Richey Price: $20.00 Contact: Lisa Monk (727) 8455451. In this class we will explore the 78 cards of our modern popular Tarot, their history, and various practical applications.

Sunday One From The Heart Healing Sessions 9:30-10:15 A.M., 4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota (Knights of Columbus Bldg ), Price: FREE,, CSA Healing Practitioners offer 15 min. sessions to bring about a state of mind that responds in the reflection of Wholeness, Peace, and Love Sunday Worship Service 10:30am Every Sunday CENTER for METAPHYSICAL FELLOWSHIP 2044 Bispham Rd. Sarasota, Price: Love Offering Contact: 941-266-8435, Start your Sunday with a smile at our 10:30am worship service. Hands on healing,inspirational talk, special music and Spirit Angel Ministries Morning Service 10:30 am / Evening Service 6:30 pm Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail, Venice Price: Love Offering Contact: Rev Pat Charnley Spiritual Celebration Service with inspirational speakers, messages from spirit, prayer, music and meditation. Every Sunday

Intuitive & Wellness Fair, Every 3rd Saturday, 11:00am - 4:00 pm, Om Gaia Wholistic Center 312 12th St West (Old Main) Bradenton, Start the year off with CLAR- Mystical Faire / Psychic Faire, 1pm-5pm ITY! Various Readers and events! Get a reading 2nd Sunday, Anahata Holistic Healing & by Transformation Columnist Emily Andrews. Spiritual Center, 945 Central Ave., Naples, Free Entry, (239) 262-0811, A fun way to sample the The Magic of Mantras with Raj eclectic offerings we have at discounted prices. 11:30-12:30 Every Third Saturday, The Power Tarot Readings, Cord Cuttings, Henna Tattoos, of One. 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall Sound Therapy, Reiki, Hypnosis & More. #258. Venice, Price: $10 Contact: 941-488-6714 A mantra is a group of sound vibrations which Dream work Class w/ John, 4-6pm have an effect on the physical, mental, and Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin spiritual bodies. Each month you will learn 3 RSVP, Contact: 727-286-6279 different and very powerful mantras along with Join us on Sundays to learn to open up to the their meaning. Raj, a master, grounded in 30 meanings of your dreams! years of practice will help you feel the vibration of these ancient sounds to attract great healing Throughout the Month and spiritual forces. Thermography 5-10 Yr Earlier Detection & Psychic Fair 1st Saturday 12-8pm No X-Rays. Regularly Scheduled, 9am-1pm, Enchanted Earth 733 Main Street Dunedin A Path to Wellness, 6405 9th St. N. (MLK), St. Price: $1 per min./20 min minimum Contact: Petersburg, Price: $200. Contact: Dr. Chris 727-216-6594, Come meet our readers Lori Jackson. Thermography is 90% effective Newlove, Naviae, Celestial Raine,Tea Leaf and detects before cancer is present - 1 in 5 Reader Marilyn Mackey cancers are overlooked with mammography (x-rays) which only detects if already present Class GPS Navigation Codes for Your Soul 12-1 pm, Every Saturday, Harmony MetaphysiJoin our new Rover Rewards Club cal, 2517 W. Henry, Tampa, Price: $15.00 weekly Price: FREE Contact: Give a Dog a Bone (813) Contact: Harmony @ 813-872-0295 or www. 641-3734 or Stop by and get your Rover Rewards Card to reClasses are inspired downloads concerning the ceive 10% off your entire purchase one a month! greater ‘cosmic design’ for our existence while here on the Earth plane. Potluck lunch afterwards

Seminary Program Available Thought about becoming an interfaith minister? Learn about boundless spirituality and joyful service Set up your individual meeting with Rev. Maria Pierre. www.EsperanzaInterfaithCenter. com revmpierre@EsperanzaInterfaithCenter. com. 813-293-9410 Soldiers’s Angels Event Date: TBA, Contact: Cynthia Scott 727-588-1538, Volunteers needed to help fund raisers for pinellas county soldiers! A non profit to help send care packages and neccesities to our soldiers at war!Open your heart and join!

Daily New Services at the Dutch ReTreat Dutch ReTreat Massage, Village Plaza, 16621 US301 South, Wimauma Natural Nails & Skin Care - Call Dee (941-2286306), Auto Accident Massage Therapy, PIP insurance accepted - Call Deb (813-763-0340) Tarot Readings with Allison10-4:30pm Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. The Power of One. 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice. Price: $45 Contact: 941-488-6714. Allison has been gifted in clairvoyance since a child. Along with her Clairvoyant, and Clairaudient abilities, she combines traditional Tarot with Native American Tarot , bringing deep insight into the areas in question. Other days and times available by appointment. (Metaphysical Mondays! Full reading every Monday just $20) Ancient Egyptian Healings with Tami 104:30pm. Monday through Saturday by appointment. The Power of One. 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice. Price: $45 Contact: 941-488-6714. “Sekhem is a system of healing and enlightenment taught and used in the ancient temples of Egypt over 5000 years ago. Through ancient techniques and practices like Egyptian energy, Crystals, and essential oils, Amunet offers a powerful healing experience, releasing emotional blockages, opening yourself to spirit, and beginning the process of healing both the emotional and physical bodies. Tami also does chakra and aura clearings for just $15 Crystal Readings with Tami 10-4:30pm Monday through Saturday. The Power of One. 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice. Price: $30 Contact: 941-488-6714 Tami connects with her Guides, Angels, and Crystal Spirits, giving you a reading very different from that of Tarot. Tami channels messages she receives from chosen crystals that help you achieve growth on your spiritual path, receive past life information, become aware of blockages that help your life journey, and learn about spiritual gifts that your guides would like you to develop. Open yourself to what your Guides and Angels want you to know. By appointment or walk-in. (Come in on Mondays and get the reading for just $20) Available for events and parties.


Energy/Spiritual Healing Reiki Center of Venice

116 Corporation Way, Venice 941-497-7795 Reiki training-all levels-all ages. NCBTMB , BOC and FL Massage Ce’s. Full and Half day workshops. Crystal and Chakra Healing courses and sessions.

(EFT) Emotional Freedom Techniques & The Law of Attraction

Unity of St Pete 6168 1ST AVE N. St Pete. 727-360-5028 or 727-729-2246 Juanita Christy & Megan Gray, MA, Private and group sessions. Juanita, EFT Certified Coach has practiced meditation for over 35 years. Megan has 28 Years experience of coaching and Yoga Therapy.

Sound Body Wholistic Health Center

5530 1st Ave N,St. Petersburg, FL 33710 727-388-1444, A wellness center dedicated to the exploration and practice of healing with sound and music. Private sessions, CEU courses, books, CD’s, instruments and more.

Counseling & Life Coaching

Center for Conscious Living

6152 126th Avenue, Suite 501, Largo, 727-5380900, We are a Science of Mind New Thought center offering spiritual tools to improve our personal lives and make the world a better place. Unity Campus, First Unity & Wings Bookstore 4500 4th Street North, St Petersburg 727-527-2222,

Bookstores/Gifts/Learning Heavenly Things, Inc

216 First Avenue N (Jannus Landing) St. Pete 727 822 8938, We provide an assortment of unique art pieces, mystical objects, spiritual music, encouraging books, happy gadgets, popular relaxing products, fine arts & crafts, aromatherapy, essential oils, jewelry, altar pieces, tarot cards, semi-precious gemstones, incense and much more.

Detox/Colon Therapy Essentials for Health Colon Therapy

Sue Ontiveros LMT, CT, 5710 4th Street North Suite 4 St Petersburg, 727.906.6675,, We specialize in colon therapy, nutrition, and detoxification. Colon therapist, Sue Ontiveros, has performed over 8,000 colonics making her well qualified in her field.

Lightharts Coaching Venice Holistic Center, 251 Tamiami Trail (on the Island) 941-966-6190, Coaching Sessions, Business Sessions, IntuiHerbal/Nutrition tive Readings & Parties,Angelic Communications, Soul Paintings, Inspirational & EntrepreHerbalWise, Deserie Valloreo neurial Mini-Retreats. Patrick J. McGeever, LCSW, MSW, MPH

Doctoral Degree Candidate, 941 587-3107 Licensed Clinical Social Worker/Reiki III Master. Individual, Marriage/Couple/Family, Group Therapy and Reiki offered by appointment.

Spiritual Coaching

Megan Gray 727-729-2246 Motivation, releasing blocks. EFT, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. M.A. Counseling 1983.

Readers/Intuitives Carla Mary 941-729-5142 941-320-2687, Connecting the tools to heal the mind body Spirit Spiritual/Intuitive Readings; Channeled, Psychic, Medium, Reiki, CranioSacral, Healings, Massage Therapy, Classes MA#35225

Churches/Spiritual Centers Shrine of the Master

852 Browning St, Sarasota 941 953-6620, Metaphysical Christianity, embraces spritiual teachings of all world religions. Sunday morning services include vibrational healing and Sunday evening services include messages from Spirit loved ones.


St Petersburg, 727-384-HERB (4372), HerbalWise empowers you to take control of your health naturally through hands-on herbal medicine-making workshops, individual consultations, and our own line of herbal remedies.

Health and Wellness Health Savings Plans 19615 Pine Tree Road Odessa, 813-417-5623 Take control of your healthcare options. Small business owners can realize tax benefits while controlling costs.

Healthy Eating Healthy Hut Market, Restaurant, Cafe 595 Corey Ave., St Pete Beach 727-363-hhut (4488), At the Healthy Hut, our mission is to add one more choice for a healthy lifestyle to your daily commute, bringing you the highest quality products and services in the pursuit of a life well lived seeking maximum human longevity and quality of life.

Artists/Musicians FireflyHalu Handcrafted Art Also available at The Chakra Center and Art Center Manatee, Sculptural, Functional and Inspirational Art by Sandy Z. Duran including chakra pendants, stained glass incense holders and more. Every piece, always inviting the light!

Facilities/Meeting Rooms Sacred Lands

1620 Park Street N, St. Pete, (727) 347-0354 Sacred Lands Preservation and Education, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving land that has historical and archaeological significance. Sacred Lands hosts a variety of programs and events at the mound site which is the location of an ancient Tocobago village.

Mediation and Yoga Apollo Beach Yoga Teacher Training

118 Flamingo Drive, #C, Apollo Beach, 813-4222336, “FIND YOUR VOICE” Yoga Teacher Training, RYT 200-Hour Program. Learn to teach classes, deepen your practice, find your yoga voice. Bacus, Niki, Massage Therapist (53116)

Sarasota, 941-726-9806 Yoga presence, amethyst biomat, best oils and lotions, experienced massage therapist, reiki, CALL NIKI 941-726-9806 Womens Meditation Group, Spiritual Connections, Jo Mooy, 941-866-5752,, Women’s guided meditations on the New & Full Moons for global and personal healing. Healers offer complimentary energy services. Sacred space, chanting, silence, at Rising Tide Spiritual Center.

Massage/Body Work Structural Energetic Therapy® Center of Brandon 125 Central Drive, Suite B, Brandon

813-856-4SET (4738), SET provides relief from acute/chronic pain. SET’s cranial/structural techniques make lasting changes in the body, starting w/the 1st session! You Really CAN Feel Better!!

Advertising Directory Locate Your County

S Sarasota

M Manatee

P Pinellas

H Hillsborough

C Collier/Lee


55 41 22


Naturopathic/Holistic Medicine Family Healing Center, Dr. Christina Captain, DOM, 1219 East Ave S #104 Sarasota, 941-951-1119, Wellness Works, Dr. Carol Roberts M.D., 1209 Lakeside Drive Brandon, 813-661-3662, Alternative Health Therapies, 1201 Sheridan Rd., Clearwater, 727-449-9090,

48 39


Acupuncture Physicians Longevity Wellness Clinic, 2106 Bispham Rd, Sarasota, 941-225-2338, Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic of Ruskin, 203 W. Shell Point Road Ruskin, 813-645-8168,

27 19


Higher Education East West College of Natural Medicine, 3808 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, 941-355-9080 Everglades University, 6001 Lake Osprey Dr, Suite 110, Sarasota, 888-785-8689,

20 47 16 34 2


Energy/Spiritual Healing The Longhouse, A Healing Arts Centre, 2309 49th Street S., Gulfport, 727.322.5766 • (EFT) Emotional Freedom Techniques & The Law of Attraction, St Pete., 727-360-5028/727-729-2246 Juanita Christy & Megan Gray, MA Alafia River Aura Imaging, Riverview, 813-601-1276 Energy Sound Healer, Robert Austin, 941-822-9046, Quantum EntrainmentŽ, Dr. Frank Kinslow, 941-587-8009,



Herbal/Nutrition Chantilly Health and Wellness, 12199 Indian Rocks Rd, Largo, 813-245-0314,



Artists/Musicians Kirtan Sacred Sounds, Suzanne Alvarez, 813-785-7993,

32 22 26 24 26 30 31 24 7 45 16


Bookstores/Learning Centers Elysian Fields Books & Gifts, 1273 S. Tamiami Trail Midtown Plaza, Sarasota, 941-361-3006, The Power of One, 238 W Tampa Ave, Venice Center Mall, 941-488-6714 Creekside Gems & Minerals, Trouble Creek Rd. New Port Richey, 727-845-5451 Miracles Metaphysical Bookstore, 1950 2nd Ave. N. St. Petersburg, 727-822-3157 Mystic See, 411 West Dearborn St, Englewood, 941.473.3816, The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd Ste 201, Sun City Center, 813-633-9400, Anahata ~ Holistic Healing & Spiritual Center, 945 Central Ave., Naples, 239-262-0811, Shamans Blessings, 3465 Bonita Beach Rd, Suite 4, Bonita Springs, (239) 947-0000 Enchanted Spirits, 712 Broadway, Dunedin, 727-286-6279, The Enchanted Forest, 3051 16th St. North, St Petersburg, 727-823-9291, Enchanted Earth, 733 State Road 580, Dunedin, 727-216-6594, Gifts



34,36 C

13 46


Mermaid Minerals, 306 Orange St, Palm Harbor, 727-785-4444, Stonewater Studio, Gemstones & Wellness, 8805 Tamiami Trail North #130, Naples, 239.821.2266 Underground Crystals, Wholesale Minerals, 727 623 1206, Wholesale Himalayan Crystal Salt Products, Evolution Enterprises, LLC 877-868-7979,

48 19 30


Business/Personal Services Spirit Coupon, Save money, feed your spirit! Triple 3 Marketing, Randall Moore, 941-321-2984, Interiors by Rene, Venice, 518-312-8433,

24 44 46 41 14 9


Counseling & Life Coaching Integrated Mindset, LLC, Cindy Snowball, 941-524-1022, Ami Fountain, Children's Meditation Classes, 941-706-2210 Megan Gray, EFT, Attraction, Yoga, Counselor, 727-729-2246, Life Transitions Coaching, L. Michele Frith, 941-592-5874, Alternative Healing & Holistic Practitioner, Zan Benham, 941-922-7839, Alma Quest, Rev. Elena C. Jones, 727-321-3366,,


Advertising Directory Locate Your County

S Sarasota

M Manatee

P Pinellas

H Hillsborough

C Collier/Lee



31 18


Psychotherapy Spiritual Psychotherapy, Barak Ilana Asher, LCSW, 941-525-0906, Victoria Hawkins, LCSW, Psychotherapy, Art, Yoga and more, 727-793-7458,

37 39 33 30 37 43 13


Churches/Spiritual Centers Radiance of Sarasota, 2868 Ringling Blvd Sarasota, 941-927-6797 Center of Spiritual Awareness, 4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota (Knights of Columbus Bldg), 941-926-7828, Temple of Love & Healing, 3700 40 AVE. N., St.Petersburg, 727-522-7133, Unity Church of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, 941-955-3301, Universal Harmony, 5903 Seminole Blvd. Seminole, 727-392-7725, Unity of St Petersburg, 6168 1st Ave North, St Petersburg, 727-344-1515, New Thought Ctr for Creative Living, Unitarian Universalist Church, 2470 Nursery Road, Clearwater, 727-475-8991,

56 34 15 19


Healthy Eating Mi Pueblo Mexican Restaurant Organico, 8405 Tuttle Ave Sarasota, 941-359-9303, Whole Foods Market, - 1451 1st Street, Sarasota - (941) 955-8500 Heartmade Gluten-free Sweets & Treats, Lisa Stoler, 727-686-3767, Mabry’s Market, 5129 E State Rd 674 Wimauma, 813-957-3148

45 50 48


Health & Wellness Oasis Natural Therapies, P955 E. Del Webb Blvd. E #101, Sun City Center, 813-309-3039, Ochunsoino’s Spiritual and Natural Health, 203B W Shellpoint Rd, Ruskin, 813-649-4789, Universal Ideas, LLC, David B. Durand, M.D., 5445 Matthew Ct., Sarasota, 941-554-4064,

31 13


Hypnotherapy Hypnosis for Positive Change, Tamara Shadday, C.Ht., 727-452-5630, Cynthia Kasper Hypnotherapy, 941-893-7932,,

11 49


Massage/Body Work Dutch Retreat Massage & Wellness Clinic, Sun City Center, Village Plaza, Suite 104, (813) 763-0340, doTERRA, CPTG Essential Oil, Robin Lesia LeBlue, Parrish, FL, 813-545-1256,

42 5


Associations/Clubs/Networking The Astrological Association of St Petersburg,, Moxy Women, St. Petersburg,



Past Life Regression Forever Souls, Elissa Bentsen, 941-706-3583,



Pets Give a Dog a Bone, 6170 N Us Hwy 41 Apollo Beach, 813-641-3734,

37 26 35 47 37 43


Readers/Intuitives A JOURNEY WITHIN, Rev. Debbie Dienstbier, 727-433-3896, Intellectual Metaphysics, Marcia Bender, 941-924-1721, Living to Inspire, Emily Andrews, (813) 758-1139, Cynthia Castillo, The Chakra Center, Sun City Center, 813-645-4979, Anthony Fernandez, Medium, Anahata, 945 Central Ave, Naples Jack Alexander, The Tea House at Asian Arts, 5437 Fruitville Rd, Sarasota, 941-359-9222,



Spa and Beauty Nancy Homes Holmes, Esthetician, 941-416-7409,



Mediation and Yoga Womens Meditation Group, Jo Mooy, 941-866-5752,,


Lose 20 Pounds in 30 Days...



Christina Captain DOM, AP, SLP

Blood, Saliva and Urine Laboratory Testing Hair Analysis Stool Analysis Applied Kinesiology Toxicity and Nutritional Analysis Affordable Laboratory Testing

Acupuncture Electro Acupuncture Auricular Acupuncture Lifecare Counseling Wellness Coaching Nutritional Planning Chinese Herbs Homeopathy Allergy Elimination Jaffee-Mellor Technique Acu-point Injection Therapy B-12 Injections Stop Smoking Treatment Weight Loss Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Detoxification Programs Saliva Hormone Testing Hormone Balancing Supplement and Medication Review

Lauren Rathvon DOM, AP

Miss your skinny jeans? We can help you lose weight! At the Family Healing Center we know that “one size does not fit all.” Combining the principles of Oriental Medicine, homeopathy, nutrition and conventional lab testing, our experienced acupuncture physicians will individualize a plan that puts you in control of your weight loss. Call 941/951.1119 now to register for our free informational seminar on April 19th at 6PM.

Now Accepting New Patients. Visit for more information, or call the Family Healing Center at 941/951.1119 for a free consultation.

ANNUAL COMPLEMENTARY CARE PACKAGES AVAILABLE You and your whole family can enjoy the benefits of regular complementary care all year! For more information, go to:

Weight Loss Seminar May 26th, 6pm 941/951.1119 to RSVP

Convenient Downtown Office Location: 1219 East Avenue South, Suite 104 at the Midtown Medical Park. 941/951.1119 ~ ~



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