Transformation Magazine, March 2011

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Events Section Title Real Community Life Transformation

AWAKENING with the Editor


Be Gentle with Yourself True Beauty Revealed Uncluttering Your Mind Rejuvenating Ourselves Anti-Aging, Growing Younger Graphite to Diamonds Our Relationship with Our Past Embracing Forgiveness Connect with the Power Pure Pleasures: Kale & Avocado Salad You Are Not the Only One Be Sure to Make Your Bed Every Morning Diet of the Mind Positive Change Angels and Inspirations Ask Dr. ZZ ego is Desperate, Spirit is Confident Breaking Barriers with Meditation Commit to You The Yoga of Beauty Building True Confidence The Inner Revolution


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I never really understood why we humans use the word “crabby” to describe when someone is grouchy.

I don’t find crabs to be ornery; I see them as confident and determined.

Natalie is a Transformation Coach who has worked with hundreds of individuals seeking to live a life of purpose and genuine relationship with their true selves, others, and their world. She believes in uncovering the core of life challenges and creating change by rewriting our scripts and rewiring our brains. This column addresses the Awakening and the resulting transformations being seen and experienced in our community and within our own lives.

Lessons from a Soft Shell Crab Sometimes insight comes from the strangest places. I was sitting on the dock in the back of my house watching the light reflect on the water and listening to the egrets calling in the mangroves. I was on the tail end of a period of several months in which I had been undergoing intense internal healing. I say healing now, but at the time, from the outside I may have seemed like a recluse, and internally I feared that I had finally gone crazy. I decided to check the crab trap to see what unsuspecting creature I had outsmarted. I carefully puled up the rope, avoiding the sharp barnacles that had begun to grow, and plunked the trap down on the dock finding two small blue crabs not big enough to eat.

Their personalities (if a crab can have one) are proud, as if they know they are feared. And if you’ve ever had a crab grab a hold of something, such the bait you put out or even the tongs when you’re cooking them, you will know that they have a lot of fire in them and they do not let go. I have a healthy respect for crabs and had mastered the art of getting crabs out of the trap without having to get too close. What a sight to see, me jumping around avoiding those little claws as if I was leaping out of the way of an alligator’s jaws. I am amused by their feistiness, and so I decided to get a little stick and play with them. I poked at one of them, but he didn’t respond. I poked at the other one and when I pushed it I realized it was an empty shell – even though it was 100% complete including the legs. How strange. So I poked the other one again and to my surprise it felt squishy, and there was still no response. I poked his claw and was shocked at what happened. His claw bent. For a moment my brain remained suspended in a state of utter disbelief and confusion. It was at least 20 seconds before put the puzzle together: the crab had just shed his entire shell, right there inside my crab trap! I had heard the term “soft shell crab” before, but never had I given thought to what that really was. It is true that we learn something new every day.

This day I didn’t simply receive a lesson in marine biology, I learned compassion for my own vulnerability. Once I knew that the crab had no defenses, I just had to hold it in my hands to see for myself. Oh so gently I plucked him out of the trap, taking care not to scratch his exposed body on the jagged wires of the trap. This fragile little creature just sat there and looked at me. I was in awe of the beauty of what he had done. What bravery it took to completely remove his armor in order to allow himself to grow and transform. Despite knowing the risks of exposing himself, he said “yes” to life and released what was no longer serving him. As I ran my finders across his claws, which were once his primary defense system, I felt


tremendous empathy for his new-found vulnerability. When I was overcome with emotion, I realized that I was not only acknowledging his plight – I was finally embracing my own. For the first time, I had compassion for my own vulnerability. I had been going through a process of releasing old wounds by allowing repressed emotions to surface and transmute. I can only claim partial responsibility for this process. Although I put a great deal of effort into creating the space for healing, much of this emotional processing was happening involuntarily as a response to the tremendous transformation I had recently undergone.

I have found that once you begin to let go and change, Life often take over and runs with it. Holding that delicate crab, once confident and determined and now soft and defenseless, I made peace with my pain. I saw clearly that I was not, in fact, going crazy and I was not weak. I felt empowered knowing that:

True strength lies not in our hard shells, but in our willingness to expose our true selves and embrace the vulnerability of change. I don’t know how long it takes for the newly freed crab to regain its strength, but I imagine it is quite brief and am grateful that he honored me with the blessing of witnessing this window of time. I know that for me it took somewhere near six months. One of the things that inspired me about this clever crustacean was that, although he had the faith to release without allowing the fear of death to stop him, he was smart enough to find a safe place where he could unveil his true inner self in peace. Either that or he had lucky timing; I’m not sure. Another lesson learned:

Sometimes when you feel trapped, you’re exactly where you need to be. I put him back in the trap with his former identity and gently placed them back into the ocean. I said goodbye to the sun as it tucked beneath the horizon of the mangroves and carried myself, gently, back up to peaceful place I had created where I could feel safe to embrace my vulnerability. In order to truly live, you must not cling to your hard exterior or your identity. Instead you must:

Embrace change, risk being vulnerable, and above all, have compassion and be gentle with yourself.

Cover artwork by Jack Alexander This month’s cover features a portrait by Sarasota artist, Jack Alexander. Alexander created this work in conjunction with a volunteer hands-on healing project at the Leper Community of Bali in Lalang-Linggah, Indonesia. Although the left-hand side of the 23-year old subject’s body had been ravaged by leprosy since birth, her right side remained unmarred and beautiful. Despite the ravage of the disease to her left side, the painting captures a remarkable subtlety of beauty on the girl’s right, unmarred side. Miraculously, within 3 months following the completion of this artwork, the girl experienced a total reversal of her condition. The flesh she had lost from leprosy left scars -- much the way a person who has suffered acute acne has scars -- and part of her left ear remained missing. But she no longer suffered the stench and festering boils that accompany the disease. Research suggests that certain Caucasians possess a body chemical that may affect and alter select forms of leprosy. This chemical in Jack’s hands, the girl’s seeing her own beauty in the painting for the first time in her life, and/or these two events in unison effected her healing. For more about Jack, his artwork, and his transformational abilities, visit:


me and now she has left her family without any warning. It’s so sudden and heartbreaking. As I become more grounded, I feel some relief come in. Life isn’t always giving us a bouquet of flowers, is it? No matter how desperate we may feel or how hopeless our lives may seem, the fact remains that loss and sorrow are a part of life. Yet if we do not cling to our sorrow, the next wave of feelings could be joy because life is always changing. The ebb and flow of our experiences lift us up then bring us to our knees with constant reminders to return to our genuine selves. How precious this day is. My husband holds me silently and gives me space to reflect. Being quiet within for these moments lets my inner self surface. As I share myself honestly this intimate moment shows me how safe it is to be my authentic self. Out of the blue, Steve puts on the oldies. As music of the past fills the air, he begs me to lip sync to the song “Big Girls Don’t Cry.” I feel my resistance as he tries to pull me into a playful mood. A part of me wants to stay in misery. At the same time, the song filling the room is also filling me up with sweet memories of the past. I slowly feel a smile rising up into my heart as I begin to shake my booty and dance around like there is no tomorrow. We dance around like giddy little children. He looks at me with the eyes of devotion—it does not matter that my hair is pulled back, I have not a stitch of makeup on, and I am in my sweaty exercise clothes. I feel the love by Frannie Hoffman moving through the moment as he gazes upon me. In his light I feel beautiful. Not because of what I look like, I walk into the house with a cloud hovering over my head. The but because I have held myself in all my humanity. I am feelings within me seem to be sticking to my insides like glue. This stag- not covering up anything within. As I let my authentic self nant energy keeps me from flowing. I know this familiar feeling inside of be seen and held, the hurt I embraced becomes joy. It me needs my attention. always starts within. I am mindful as I start to cut vegetables. Each piece of lettuce reflects colors of green as I take the carrots and begin to grate them. If we can open up to the moment, like a The colors are rich and full of life. Yet my mind wants to loop into insane flower opens to the sun, we will feel the thoughts of doom and gloom. It isn’t pretty inside, and nothing about the warmth shine upon us from the inside. moment feels beautiful. Making the evening meal is my “chop wood and carry water” When we are busy running around surviving the ritual. I use this activity to help me stay present in the moment. Tonight my husband, Steve, is right beside me, doing his part in preparing this best way we can, our defenses keep us closed up. Then meal. He has no idea that I am filled with difficult emotions that are trying life—like the tragic death of a friend—breaks through our defenses, and causes us to face our own immortality. to surface. As I breathe in, I allow them to spill out. These feelings can bring us to our knees, to I still do not understand where they are coming from. My day was wonderful. Each client that walked into my office gave me the gift of where nothing feels beautiful. Yet when we hold ourpresence. I know better than to try to figure this out. I just feel myself as I selves with complete acceptance, we allow the love to move through in ways we can never fully comprehend or continue to prepare dinner. I admit to my husband that I feel funky. even try to express. There is a peace that overrides the fear of being in a world that has no real security. When As I touch the pain with acceptance, we enter inside into the present moment, presence fills tears begin to roll down my face. us up and there is space for the light to enter. Think, for a moment, about the web of a spider. As I make this connection, I recall the sad news from the night This intricate web could not be seen without light shining before. I found out that my childhood friend was killed in a tragic car ac- upon it. It is the sun’s rays that reveal its amazing beauty. cident. I was not in contact with her since I was a young girl but nonethe- Similarly, we can look upon the nearest face again and less her sudden death has rocked my world. She was the same age as again, and never see its loveliness. But when we open



Inspiration ourselves to the light, its beauty is suddenly revealed. The gentleness of our hearts allow us to see and be seen. The body is the receiver and the eyes are the beholder. Life is beautiful again because we went through the darkness with a conscious effort to remember who we truly are and why we are here. I pray to stay conscious and aware of how precious life is. When I look deeply inside and I am still, I can open up like a flower and receive the light of the sun. The fragrance is the essence of my being that touches the world without effort. Look into the mirror and take off the masks you’ve been hiding behind for so long. This courage to trust your own vulnerability will enable you to see your beauty gazing back at you. This is authentic living.

There is no time to waste. Enter inside and taste the flavor of your humanity. Receive yourself just the way you are. With this acceptance allow what wants to move through you honestly. Your uniqueness is the spice of life. Who you are is a part of

a beautiful love story. Your daily life is your temple and when you delight in taking care of yourself, oh what a beautiful life you weave. Your eyes are the window to the soul. See the beauty in all that is in your world. Wake up and go outside and share this light as this power within illuminates others around you.


Frannie Hoffman is a spiritual intuitive, counselor and author. Through her counseling sessions, Circle of Light meditations, writings and seminars, she is deeply committed to inspiring and empowering people. For more than 20 years, she has devoted her life to helping others tap into their own spiritual power so that they can live more authentically. In her book “From Modeling Clothes to Modeling Self” she invites the reader into her personal and honest expression of life and Divine Spirit. and


“If I tithe I should become prosperous. If I pray affirmatively I should be healed. If I meditate I should gain insight.”

Your Mind by Rev. David Owen Ritz “Beginners acquire new theories and techniques until their minds are cluttered with options. Advanced students forget their many options. They allow the theories and techniques they have acquired to recede into the background.” —Lao Tzu

Often, the first step in our journey of spiritual “unfoldment” often is becoming enamored with the variety of techniques, methods, and theories offered as tools for growth. Affirmative prayer, visualization, meditation, and many other methods and processes are useful in learning to create the kind of life we want— but these things alone do not produce success, wholeness, happiness, or illumination. Rather, they serve to build consciousness and acquaint us with spiritual principles, which ultimately produce the desired results. Consciousness is more powerful than any technique or method we may learn at the Center for Positive Living or elsewhere, and theories are wonderful because we can grow greatly as we ponder them and experiment with their principles. However, consciousness alone draws to us the good that we desire and instills right action into our lives. We may use tools to build consciousness, but these implements are always secondary to the power of consciousness. Beginning students of New Thought often fall into the trap of thinking that simply acting out the methods they learn will produce the desired results:


Tithing, prayer, and meditation are tools, and they are used effectively by many people to produce miraculous results. Yet the power to heal and transform is not in those tools. The power is in the consciousness that uses them, and the tools serve us only if we can utilize them to shape our consciousness. If Life always gave us everything we requested, we all would be happy, prosperous, whole, and healthy instantly—just for the asking. It doesn’t happen that way: Life does not give us what we ask for or even what we consciously want.

Life gives us what we are. It pours itself into the mold of our consciousness and changes Its offerings only as we reshape the mold. In today’s marketplace of ideas there is a seemingly endless variety of methods being promoted for getting what we want out of Life. In this regard, we must remember that any method is only as effective as the consciousness we create with it. It works only if it helps us to change who we are. If a tool or method does not take us to a new place in consciousness, then it is, at best, only a preliminary step to the real work and, at worst, a waste of time. Moreover, it is not tremendously important which tools or processes we use to change our consciousness or how long it takes us to reach the next level in our progress. What is important is that we do make advances. The more

we cling to methods and the idea that there is a right way and a wrong way to step forward on our journeys, the more difficult the journey becomes for us and the more distant our goals seem. The mystic Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu said,

“Learn to ‘unclutter’ your mind. Learn to simplify your work. As you rely less and less on knowing just what to do, your work will become more direct and more powerful.” When we begin to see methods for what they really are—tools for shaping consciousness—and come to realize that consciousness is indeed supreme, we can begin to live Life from a place of true wisdom.


Rev. David Owen Ritz is the Director and Senior Minister at The Center for Positive Living (CPL), a trans-denominational spiritual community established in 1982. Its membership is composed of individuals, couples, and families from many different religious backgrounds who have a shared quest for a practical and lifeaffirming spirituality.


so, I suggest trying a cleanse or fast for a short period of time. We need to give our bodies a break from rich, complicated, and processed foods including sugar, gluten, and dairy products. This allows our bodies to rejuvenate and regain a healthy balance. One approach is to embark on a one- to fourday fast that includes eating large amounts of nutritious fruits and vegetables, drinking a lot of water, and replacing breads and baked goods with whole grains such as quinoa or amaranth. We also can fast by eliminating solid foods and drinking water with fresh vegetable and fruit juices. It is highly beneficial to take probiotics (digestive enzymes) while cleansing or fasting to help the gastrointestinal tract function and improve the cleansing process. Probiotics can be taken through supplementation or they can be eaten in fermented foods including kim-chee, kefir, and kombucha. In the cleansing and fasting process, less energy is used for digestion and, in turn, more energy is directed toward rejuvenating the body and mind. As a result, focus increases; skin, hair, and nails become more vibrant; immune functions increase; digestion improves; our inner beauty shines; and we gain insight and spiritual awareness regarding our true inner beings.

by Phoebe Jenkins

You can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present. —columnist Jan Glidewell People like “stuff.” We are experts at possessing it both internally and externally. Whether we collect it or somehow accumulate it, we tend to hold onto our stuff year after year until we no longer know what to do with it. Sometimes we hold onto things because we are convinced we will eventually get around to fixing them or one day we will find a use for them. At times, we keep things because they remind us of precious times or loved ones, and parting with these items seems out of the question. However, there is a saying that goes, “Get rid of the old to make way for the new.” If your life feels inactive and stuck, it might be time to throw out some of that “stuff” and make way for the new. Make amends with the past, say goodbye to that which does not serve you, and spread your arms wide to welcome the new, vibrant energy of your exciting future! Here are two ideas to get you started: 1. Commit to a cleanse or fast. Similar to how we keep rusty bikes, old magazines, random trinkets, and old clothes in our physical homes, we also collect food residues, toxins, old memories, and emotions within our physical bodies. For good mental and physical health, it is important to clean out both the physical body and its surrounding environment. To do


2. Put heart into the cleansing process. Similar to how we cleanse our surroundings and our body of unwanted clutter, we must also cleanse our hearts. When we feel stuck or stagnant in life, we need to discard any useless negative thoughts or habits that we have been clutching. It is important to remember that what we think about we bring about, and when we choose thoughts that empower us rather than enslave us our lives begin to flourish. If our hearts and inner beings are cluttered, there is no room for the joy of life’s opportunities, presents, and surprises. A cleansed heart and unblocked emotional being attracts all the good of each day toward us and allows our desires to manifest into reality. We need to ask ourselves this question every morning: “Today, will I choose thoughts that clutter or empower me?” Healing of the mind, body, and soul begins when our lives are free of stress, disorder, and confusion. When we provide ourselves with a cleansed, healthy body and an empowered attitude, nothing can stand in the way of our dreams. I challenge everyone to embrace a good cleansing, both inside and out, and to see what new experiences await!

•Phoebe • • Jenkins • • •is a•certifi • •ed •Holistic • •Health • •Coach, • • Inten•• Sati Leader, and a member of the American Association for Drugless Practitioners. She received her training to practice Health Coaching at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, where she studied more than 100 different dietary theories. Her passion for holistic health and nutrition dates back to her childhood, when she lived on an organic homestead, grew her own foods, and practiced alternative healing. Currently, Phoebe lives in Sarasota and works as a Health Coach.

Vernal Equinox: Candle-light Benediction for Planetary Rebalancing Sunday Evening, March 20th, 7 pm South Lido Beach State Park (Gulf Side) On the equinox the earth is bathed in equal hours of light and darkness. It is a time of reflection, a time of change, a time of planting or harvesting, beginnings and endings. On this equinox it is particularly important that we seek the Yin and Yang energies come into balance. As uprisings occur around the world, we ask that peace, compassion and kindness be restored into the hearts of all. We pray that the leaders of governments here and afar, listen to the voices of the next generation so that freedoms can be implemented.

To this end, Shahabuddin David Less, Spiritual leader of Rising Tide, will lead a blessing and benediction, rebalancing the energies of discord to one of harmony. With a large drum keeping mother earth’s heartbeat rhythm and the crystal bowls echoing the prayers into the cosmic heavens, we will invoke spiritual guidance for all humanity on this day. If you feel drawn to this sacred ceremony, please join us at 7 pm and bring a candle and a chair. For more information please contact Jo Mooy, 941-355-1414 or

Sound Healing Day Unity of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Rd, April 9th 9-5 pm Sound is the vibrational energy that is the source of all creation and form in the seen and unseen universe. It is the foundational teaching in all religious, spiritual and scientific texts. It affects everything we are and everything we do, though most of us are not conscious of sound beyond what we hear with the ears. Using Sound for healing has been called “the future of medicine” by the great American psychic Edgar Cayce. Jo Mooy and Patricia Cockerill, Certified Sound Healers and Reiki Masters will offer a Day of Sound Healing at Unity of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Road, on Saturday, April 9th from 9-5 pm. Students will experience sound on a physical, psychologi-

cal, behavioral and emotional level. They will witness how sound alters form, liquids and the quantum energy fields. The sacred vowels that align with the chakras will be taught, toned and chanted so that students will personally experience changes in their vibratory fields. Singing voice not required. The cost of the seminar is $60 for the day. Preregistration deposit of $25 is required. For more information please contact Jo Mooy at 941-355-1414 or

Julie Rosenshein: “Making the Shift” Saturday, March 26, 10am – 1pm. Join Julie Rosenshein, The Indigo Doc and author of The Highly Sensitive Kids Guide for this special workshop as she helps to demystify labels such as ADHD and gives you solutions for you and the children in your life. “Making the Shift” is a workshop designed to assist “Indigo, Crystal, & Highly Sensitive Souls” transition smoothly into the New Earth energy. Indigo and Highly Sensitive Children need holistic interventions that can help them heal and honor their inherent gifts. Julie has worked with countless families, children and adults and knows what works! Julie, a gifted intuitive, will share a whole new set of tools and strategies to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. This class is especially designed for adult indigos, parents, counselors, teachers and those on the spiritual path. Receive personal intuitive guidance and insights from “The Indigo Doc” Julie Rosenshein, and some audience members will also receive mini audience readings during the workshop! This interactive experience will be held at Unity Campus: Saturday, March 26, 10 am - 1pm. Tickets are $40 and are available at Wings Bookstore at Unity Campus (4500 4th St N, St. Petersburg, FL, 33703), or by calling 727.522.6657. Learn more at


Growing Younger by Christina Captain Anti-aging is a hot buzzword nowadays, but in some ways the term seems to be against natural life progression itself. We all age, and the key is to pay attention and manage the process well, enabling us to increase our health span—not just our lifespan. This is a choice, a philosophy that must permeate and infuse each of our lives. Every decision we make in regard to what we eat, do, say, and think all must reflect a personal basic philosophy of health and well-being. One important mandate is that we must show concern toward others and consider how what we may say, do and think will affect them and, in turn, the world we live in. For this healthy aging process to begin, one is required to make lifestyle changes that may be difficult and uncomfortable depending on how much personal work has been completed to date. The foundation of self love must be firmly in place in order to be successful in developing a healthy aging process. You may be thinking, “I want to stop or reverse the aging process and maintain my youthful good looks.” Know that the only time we truly stop the aging process is when we die. Then question then becomes:

Can I continue to age chronologically and create a younger biological terrain? The answer is yes! Biological terrain is the environment in which your body, mind and spirit exists, and it can either support these areas or degrade and destroy them. This terrain, if kept clean and properly functioning, actually can become younger despite our chronological ages. Just let that sink in for a bit. We can become younger in body, mind and spirit. Now don’t let my casual style fool you into thinking this is an easy task. In fact this task is quite arduous for some, and it is time consuming and can be costly. Plus, we must maintain people in our lives that support us on all levels for lasting success. Let’s begin a journey to discover some of the ways that we can increase our health spans and allow our biological terrain to become younger. We all need our beauty rest! Adequate rest is a huge part of health; we age the fastest when we do not get the rest we need. To put this concept to the test, the next time you don’t obtain adequate rest look in the mirror and ask yourself, “How old do I feel today?” We all need adequate amounts of clean drinking water. Our bodies are mostly water, and without consuming sufficient amounts we cannot keep our tissues, organs, and skin moist and hydrated.


We should regularly support our bodies with therapies like acupuncture, chiropractic treatments, and massage. These healing modalities can gently guide our bodies into a healthy and harmonious balance. We all need exercise. Exercising the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of ourselves is key in efforts to make biological terrains younger. Recently I re-started the practice of yoga. I find this practice to be a perfect blend of body, mind and spirit. It is just an incredible sensation on so many levels. Cardiovascular exercise and strength training are equally important. Having more muscle than fat increases caloric burn as well as bone density. Exercise also is important in maintaining a healthy weight. We all need clean food sources. Organic, fresh, whole foods are exactly what we should aim to consume. A variety of colored veggies and whole grains is a good start. Also consider decreasing the amount of animal protein consumed each day. If every person in the country eliminated animal consumption just one day per week it would have a major impact on everything from the environment to our water reserves. We all need contemplative time for inner reflection, and meditation is one of the best options. Being able to quiet the mind leads us into a state where we can self heal. Imagine that concept: self healing.

If we are too busy to focus energy on healing, how can we expect to maintain a youthful terrain? These are the foundation blocks we need to begin reversing the age of biological terrain. Anyone can start with these concepts tomorrow, even those who are already living with a disease or diagnosis. Some people buy into a diagnosis wholeheartedly and it becomes them without a doubt. If this describes you, don’t listen to that inner voice, and begin to doubt the fact that you have to live forever with auto immune disease, depression, diabetes, or some other condition. There are people who can help us repair, rebuild and revitalize body, mind, and spirit. Seek out qualified practitioners who have integrity and walk their talk. Interview them, ask around, and get referrals.

Remember, it is only through the unity of a healthy mind, body and spirit that we find the truth, bliss, and peace to support a youthful biological terrain.


Christina Captain, DOM, AP, SLP, FSC is a board certified acupuncture physician and the founder of The Family Healing Center. She earned her degree in Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine from the East West College of Natural Medicine, Sarasota, Florida, where she is now a senior faculty member and advisory board chairperson.


by Donna Pinkston Have you ever noticed that the more people suffer the more spiritual they become? As our situations get more and more difficult, we turn to our higher powers, which may be God, science, Buddha, or some other deity. In other words:

When our situations get too difficult, our minds finally surrender and turn it over to Spirit. Remember the story about the child whose toy breaks and he can’t fix it so he gives it to his father to mend. As dad is fixing it, the boy keeps trying to take the toy back. We tend to do this with our life problems. When situations get too difficult, the mind surrenders and turns it over to a higher consciousness. But as time passes the mind gets impatient and wants to take the problem back and solve


it for himself or herself. As a result, surrendering actually is a momentby-moment decision and process. Suffering as a means to return to Spirit is like wringing the cloth. Think of a washcloth full of water and how the twisting of the cloth brings out the fluid. The cloth is our body. The water is our spirit. We experience difficult situations to release our spiritual essence, and it is one reason that we choose to have a physical experience. When a soul enters a body, the body becomes a vehicle much like a car that is driven around on the Earth plane. After we have reached our destination (for example, achieved our life goal and the experiences we have designed at a soul level) we trade in the vehicles. And like water, our spiritual essence is poured out over the world. M o n k s used to chastise themselves because they understood the concept of suffering and probably relished in the endorphin release that it created. Why would someone do this? Rather than participate in haphazard world events and

random creations of the wringing of the cloth, these monks understood that chastising can be a means of controlled spiritual growth. It creates conscious suffering to make progress on the road in lieu of becoming a random victim to reach the same destination. Here is an analogy to consider: Both graphite and diamonds are pure carbon. When heat and pressure are applied to graphite it converts to diamond. We are the graphite and our experience here in this Earthly dimension is the process of converting graphite to diamonds. The moment the transmutation begins is when we hit our bottoms, our breaking points. So as we go through life and experience pain and suffering, hardships, difficulties, and addictions remember we can use these experiences as stumbling blocks or stepping stones. We can be crushed under the heat and pressure or we can convert ourselves into a precious being that is a valuable contributor to the cumulative s spiritual growth of Earth. The choice is ours. Remember the saying, “What does not kill us will make us stronger.” Graphite is one of the weakest minerals with a moh rating of 2, while a diamond is the strongest mineral with a moh rating of 10.


With 30 years experience in mysticism, Donna holds a BA in psychology and an MA in counseling from the University of South Florida. Her goal has been to bridge multiple realities through Carl Jung’s work with the collective unconscious and archetypal identification. Donna’s studies have focused on ancient mythologies and systems of magic, shamanism, astrology, and the tarot. Donna offers various classes and public ceremonies. She can be reached at 941-993-7478.

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marriage that we can never divorce, and that we will always be deeply committed to, is our past. Why not rekindle those old flames in our relationship and let those experiences live their true purpose? Doesn’t it just feel better to think that a yucky experience had a meaning behind it, even if we do not know what that meaning is yet? Anyone who has ever achieved greatness, whether it was at business or developing a great relationship, has experienced failure or turmoil. Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed., Ph.D. (ABD) holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and is currently completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology. Joeel’s extensive career as a relationship coach includes certifications in P.R.E.P, a 30-year research-based program for couples, Nurturing Father’s curriculum, and Parenting 21st Century. Contact Joeel at


We all have a past, and some would say we all carry baggage. We are quick to think of ways to get rid of the baggage that we perceive as holding us back. However, what if we have gotten it all wrong? What if we are trying to get rid of our road map for life? It’s like asking a boat captain to get rid of the sail on his boat in order to lighten the load. Many people get caught up in this cycle of finding ways to improve their life by repressing or replacing the past. However, the only thing that they are doing is chasing a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. It sounds great in the fable but what if we found out that the pot of gold has always been right where we are standing?

We can never change our past; but we can change the relationship that we have with it. Yes, I said relationship! Because there is no relationship more intimate then the one that we have with our past. This relationship will color the perspective of our future, career, family, friends, and intimate relationships. Everything we do, from the way we communicate to how we trust or show love, is influenced by the relationship that we have with our past. Therefore, the


What separates those who achieve and those that don’t is the way that they view their experience. Perhaps we can gain perspective on our past by understanding the growth of Chinese bamboo. If you ever buy this type of bamboo, and do not understand its growth process, you may get frustrated with the process. In the first couple years the bamboo only has minimal growth. You may wonder what is wrong with the bamboo or what you are doing wrong. However, after about 4-5 years something astonishing happens; the bamboo can grow up to 60 feet in one year. This growth was possible because throughout those early years the bamboo was creating the rooting system that would support this kind of growth. The same thing happens for us.

Every experience, whether positive or negative, creates the rooting system that gives us the foundation on which to build our greatness. Often we focus on how to cut out the roots we don’t like without understanding the value that they have. Much like when we happen across a road block in life, occasionally a root will hit a rocky area that it can not grow through. Unlike us, nature accepts these obstacles, simply stops feeding that root, and finds ways to continue to grow around it. The bamboo does not feel the need to remove part of its foundation or pretend it isn’t there. It also doesn’t spend its life cursing the faulty root or creating a victim story out of it. The relationship we choose to have with these rocks and roots in our past will either empower our growth or hold us back.

How do we change the relationship with our past? • •

First, take a look at the experiences in question by writing them down. Second, for each of these experiences, make a list of the positive results or experiences that have come from (or could come from) them directly or indirectly.

It can be difficult to see the silver lining, such as understanding how anything good came out of victimization. But, even the worst experiences can lead to healing, growth, and purpose. There is no better feeling than knowing that we can help others through their experience and at the same time find a purpose to our pain. Helping another feel that they are not alone, or perhaps even helping prevent someone else from experiencing the same fate, can give be healing and empowering. Once we can truly see the blessing within our experience, or are open to finding them, our relationship with our past is changed for ever. I have come to realize that everything that I saw as a curse in my youth has actually served me, and others, in ways that at the time I could never have imagined. Who would have thought that those perceived curses would turn out to be the biggest blessings in my life?

Your past does not make you who you are; your relationship with your past does.


by Sheri Rosenthal We hear so much about forgiveness, in our churches, on Oprah, in new age magazines, but do we truly understand the big picture when it comes to embracing this concept? We read that if we forgive others and ourselves we are doing our spiritual work and becoming better people, but what does that mean to us? Maybe one of these examples resonates with you. You can forgive that guy you used to date until you run into him someplace, and then you want to inflict revenge on him. You can forgive your parents for your horrible childhood, but as soon as you get on the phone with your Dad you are arguing just like you always have in the past. So, what good is forgiveness anyway?

The key to forgiveness is to forgive from the heart, not from the mind. Knowing in your rational mind that your parents did the best they could to raise you is not enough to constitute true forgiveness. That is why every time you are with your Dad you still argue. If you truly let go of the pain of your childhood, your selfimportance, and your need to be right about your point of view, you would not be taking him personally any more. If you were not taking him personally, you would not be angry, and it would not be necessary to punish him by behaving like an angry child. If you have an emotional reaction in the presence of someone, your heart is telling you that you have not resolved your issues with him or her. In other words, you have not truly forgiven that person. All of this begs the question: How do you forgive?

First, cease lying to yourself. Stop telling yourself stories about why you behave the way you do. Stop blaming your behavior on other people and take responsibility for your emotional reactions. If you could forgive all the people in your life who have hurt or wounded you it would be possible to be in control of your behavior instead of being in reaction to other people all of the time. Imagine living life without experiencing a constant emotional rollercoaster of pain, anger, and jealousy. That would be bliss! Look at your life with clarity. Try to see what happened in your past, not only from your point of view, but also from the other person’s point of view. That doesn’t mean you have to agree with what he or she did or how it was done. All this means is that you can see the whole truth of what happened and that encompasses all points of view, not just your own. Take some time to listen to how you tell the story of your life. Perhaps it would be helpful to journal the story of a particular time in your life that has been challenging. Does it sound like you were victimized by your circumstances? Ask yourself, if someone heard your story would he or she say someone did you wrong or that you are being vengeful and angry? If I say that my husband ruined our marriage, and hurt me, I am only telling part of the story. What about my responsibility for my half of the relationship? When I can see both sides clearly, and have compassion for my husband, I can forgive him. But if I am attached to my victim point of view and blame everything on him, forgiveness will never come. Chances are I will bring my anger and resentment into my next relationship as well.

When you can truly see the other person’s point of view then you can forgive from the heart. True compassion of the human experience is the place from which forgiveness stems. Compassion is an act of love that is free of attachment. Of course, the kind of love I am talking about is unconditional love. Decide to let go of the pain. Once you have seen the truth, you must make the decision to let go of the pain, anger, and resentment you have been holding in your mind. This requires you to take action. If you are attached to your pain, resentment, and self-righteousness, and addicted to your emotional reactions, this will be a difficult step to make. Taking action requires letting go of the very thing you have been holding on to for so many years.


There is comfort in what we find familiar, even if we are experiencing pain and suffering. It takes absolute faith in yourself plus the courage, will, and discipline to let go. But once you let go, it will feel as if the weight of the world has been taken off your shoulders. In this process it is important to forgive not just the others in our lives, but also to forgive ourselves. • • • • • • • •

Forgive yourself for using people in your life to hurt yourself. Forgive yourself for not having clarity, for blaming others, and for not taking responsibility for your actions. Forgive yourself for wounding others and for the anger, jealousy, and hate you directed toward others. Forgive yourself for participating in situations that went against your integrity. Forgive yourself for not respecting yourself. Forgive yourself for not trusting yourself and having faith in your abilities. Forgive yourself for trying to control the people you love. And, of course, forgive yourself for not loving yourself 100 percent just the way you are!

More than once my teacher, don Miguel Ruiz, said:

“In order to merge with spirit your heart must be as light as a feather.” Well, when you have finally detached from the anger, resentment, and pain of your story your heart will feel as light as a feather. Not only that, but for the first time in your adult life you will be happy, truly happy, and your life will reflect the change back to you in every way.

You forgive not because the other person necessarily deserves it, but because you do not want to carry that load around. The bottom line is that you forgive because you love yourself so much that you want to give yourself the gift of personal freedom.


Sheri Rosenthal DPM is a master Toltec teacher and author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Toltec Wisdom and Banish Mind Spam!. Having trained with don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements®, she currently takes students on spiritual journeys works with personal apprentices and enjoys being extremely happy. You can reach her at or and


Nardo’s Naturals Nardo’s Natural is an organic skin care business established by the four Mastronardo brothers. Their products have covered shelves across the Southwest region of Florida and have been the number-one selling skin care line at Spa Oceana located at the world renowned Don Cesar. But how did it evolve? The story begins a few years ago when the oldest of the four Nardo brothers was touring the county hosting a better-health cooking show. During the presentation he accidentally burned himself on a heating element. Realizing that organic oil is also beneficial for skin, he repeated applications to the burned tissues. The result of notable improvement with minimal scarring helped to launch Nardo’s Natural. This prompted him to call upon his brothers to develop a responsible skin care line with products derived from nature. Their mission is to provide a safe alternative for daily skin-health. A few months later, Nardo’s Natural launched their first moisturizer. The powerful coconut oil based product is loaded with antioxidants and is a wonderfully refreshing hydration cream. Nardo’s Natural has since launched several other organic products and continue to grow everyday. Discover more at


Living Healthier and Happier/ CPTG oils Dear Friends, I want to share Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG) ™ essential oils from this company called DoTERRA. DoTERRA manufactures higher quality oils, more pure and potent than any others available on the planet today. DoTERRA meets rigorous standards of a new testing paradigm to be labeled Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade™. There is an empowerment associated with using essential oils for health. I have had dramatic results with CPTG oils. A special client for the oils has restless leg syndrome, a very severe case. I researched DoTERRA Aromatouch blend. Within a short time she was telling me, the kicking had subsided and she was getting rest by using two drops on each leg at night. Another client with neuropathy claims of sensation returning to her feet from using the DoTERRA Lavender. DoTERRA Peppermint has stopped headaches nearly instantaneously. DoTERRA CPTG essential oils are over and above, off the chart, from other oils I’ve used. Over the counter drugs I had used in the past have now been joyfully replaced by these oils. DoTERRA CPTG Essential Oils, essentially for health. Robin Lesia LeBleu, Consultant Call 813-545-1256

The Family Healing Center Announces Appointment of Acupuncture Physician FHC welcomes Lauren Rathvon, a nationally board-certified and Florida-licensed acupuncture physician, to its staff. Rathvon earned her bachelor’s degree from New College of Florida in 2001, and her degree in acupuncture and oriental medicine from the East West College of Natural Medicine in Sarasota 2009. Rathvon is certified in acupuncture point injection therapy, and “Constitutional Facial Renewal,” a modality she studied at Yo San University in Los Angeles. She is also the oriental medicine instructor at Mountain Meadow Massage School in Ruidoso, New Mexico. “I’ve always been involved with enterprises that emphasize a healthy, innovative, and progressive lifestyle,” says Rathvon. “A vital mission of FHC is to help people discover the natural way to health and wellbeing. It’s a perfect fit for me.” Christina Captain, DOM, AP, founder of The Family Healing Center, says the feeling is reciprocal. “We feel privileged to have someone with Lauren’s credentials and reputation join our family.” For more information visit www. or call 941-9511119. FHC is located at 1219 East Ave S, No. 104, in the Midtown Medical Park in Sarasota.

Most of us aren’t aware of our Spirit, yet it’s more real than the physical beings we think of as “us.” What if we could blur the line between the physical and spiritual? How would we do it? We can do it with our minds. Each individual mind is a part of the Infinite Mind, and this is the connection between the spiritual and the physical—the power behind every appearance. You are not just an individual thinking machine running around with a body and memories. You are connected to the whole and others. Whether it is talent, creativity, health, love, joy, prosperity, relationships, a new job, or anything else, each person’s mind always has and always will create its life through its connection to the One. Remember:


• • • •

Spirit is all—the center and circumference of everything that exists, both manifest and unmanifest. It has no enemies, no differences, no otherness, no apartness, no separation from Itself. It is undivided, complete, and perfect within Itself, having no opposites and no opposition. It knows only Its own ability and since It is All, It cannot be hindered in any way, shape or manner. —Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind

No matter what’s going on in your life, there is something all-powerful in you—something that makes you the master of your life—even if you don’t know it’s there. It dwells in the unseen, silently waiting to be recognized. You can turn to it when things outside don’t look so good. It will guide you in all your actions. It will heal you when your body appears to be imperfect. It will restore your wholeness, inspire you, make you prosper, and fill your mind with ideas and solutions. You acknowledge it as some kind of Life Force when it heals your damaged body, and you give it credit for miracles because you don’t understand how it works. You know you have something inside that directs your thoughts, but you may rarely give any attention to its origin.

Your Spiritual Being is perfect in every way. Healthy, wealthy, wise, etc., and the physical being projects from that. But when you connect to things you can see, touch, taste, and sense, you can get into “trouble”—powerlessness, weakness, sickness, and difficult situations. Although these conditions of the body are completely subject to Spirit, most people don’t recognize the connection. It is a bridge of awareness that you should strive to build because if you can be as aware of your Spirit as you are of your body there would be no reason to seek solutions or healing from outside yourself. You would always be whole, healthy, prosperous, and perfect—and nothing would cause upset or disharmony.

When things in your life look a bit scary . . . you are more than those things. When you keep falling into the same patterns . . . you are more than those habits or behaviors. When your relationships are a mess . . . you are more than those connections. When you don’t know what to do with your life . . . you are more than your doubts and uncertainties.

Get in the habit of recognizing that there is something greater in you than the conditions and circumstances you see around you. You will discover that you actually are: • • • •

The master of more than the conditions in your life. Greater than the feelings you have when those feelings aren’t so good. Greater than the “programmed self” that you have created out of past experience. An outlet for creativity, harmony and wonder.

The Infinite Mind is all-powerful, all-creative, all-knowing, and everywhere present. It affects every area of your life, every part of your being, and every part of the Universe. You don’t have to be all “puffed up” with holiness to recognize it, use it, or live it. You use it all the time, whether you know it or not. It always has been this way. What you see in your world is Spirit coming into form. It’s molded by your beliefs and thoughts. When you break your thought habits and take charge of your thinking, life becomes a conscious creation and you are the one who decides the kind of life you want to live. You become the master of your circumstances.

Something “greater” is already in you. Recognize its presence as the source of all things. Claim your joy! Celebrate your dreams!


salad taking over your dinner plate. There is no denying that we all need to consume more veggies, so we may as well enjoy them in the process. The spring season is a wonderful time to bring more fresh, organic greens into your life, and I encourage you to try introducing a kale salad into your diet at least once a week. Start with this simple recipe as a guide and then play around with other combinations of veggies, spices, seeds, and nuts to find your favorite creation. Natalia is the chef/owner of Glowing Temple, a raw and living foods inspiration, creation, and education service. A long time foodie, Natalia discovered the excitement of the raw lifestyle, from its gourmet dishes to its endless health and beauty benefits. She creates recipes focusing on local, seasonal ingredients and never compromises when it comes to organics. Natalia is the author of Pure Pleasures: Luscious Live Food Recipes from the Glowing Temple Kitchen, filled with 75 of her hottest recipes. Visit for more inspiration.

• •My•ultimate • • •healthy • • eating • • •solution • • is•to•be•prepared • • so

that I can throw together nourishing meals in minutes. If I take the time to shop, wash greens, and chop veggies all before I become hungry, I truly have succeeded. When dinner time rolls around, tossing together a filling and delicious salad is now a breeze. Deep green kale salads are one of my favorite ways to introduce newcomers to raw food. They are surprisingly pleasurable! With a little help from one magic ingredient (salt!) and a bit of handy work, tough leaves of kale can be transformed into tender, flavorful ribbons, ready to soak up a tasty marinade. Tossed with nutty hemp seeds and rich avocado, you may find this hearty side


serves 2 as an entree 1 bunch of Lacinato kale, stems removed 3 tablespoons cold pressed olive oil 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice ½ teaspoon Himalayan salt 2 cloves of garlic, minced 2 tablespoons red onion, diced 2 tablespoons hemp seeds 1 ripe avocado, cubed ½ cup cucumber, diced Stack the kale, a few leaves at a time, and cut into very thin ribbons. Place in a large bowl and sprinkle with ½ teaspoon of salt. Using your hands, massage the salt into the kale, squeezing and tossing until the kale begins to wilt. Add the olive oil, lemon, garlic and onion to the bowl and continue to massage with your hands as the kale will soften more and shrink down in size. Lastly, add the hemp seeds, avocado, and cucumber and toss gently. Taste for salt and add another pinch if desired. Enjoy the deep green pleasure!

that what they are telling me is not something that I have not heard or personally experienced before. I try to make them smile and usually say, gently,

“Been there, done that, got the tee shirt.”

Marcia began her career as a school teacher, working with preschool through inner city high school students. She has worked with all aspects of Metaphysics for over 40 years and specializes in Tarot and Numerology. Marcia’s clients and students are in every state and throughout Europe. Marcia has taught over 400 students to “read” the Tarot for the purpose of self-guidance and to use the powerful symbolism of the Tarot to reach higher levels of spirituality. Marcia is now in her 12th season of a local TV show called Metaphysics with Marcia. Her column, Spiritually Speaking, originally ran for 8 years in Attitudes Magazine in the Sarasota area.

•••••••••••••••••• You Are Not the Only One One of the questions that I am most often asked is where I get the material for this column. I have been writing Spiritually Speaking every month, for many years now and my topics come from various sources. I try to focus on what my readers request information on. Those requests come from email and face to face contact. There are times when I decide what the topic of the month will be. I am a great lover of music and the other day I was listening to the late, great Roy Orbison when the idea for this month’s column began to take form. The song was not one of Roy’s “monster” hits but one that I have always found rather profound in its simplicity. The title of the song is The Only One. It speaks of a person going through a romantic crisis and feeling as if he/she is the only one who has ever experienced this kind of pain. I will quote a few lines and I know that every reader will relate to them all.

“Everyone you knows been through it.. ...but no consolations gonna come ... you’re the only one. You’re the only one with a broken heart. You’re the only one afraid of the dark. You’re the only one in a crowded room. The only one that feels the gloom. You’re the only one who’s all alone. You’re the only one whose love is gone. You’re the only one who’s given in. You’re the only one who will give again “ As a spiritual adviser of many years, I can assure you that 90% of my clients feel as if they are the only one’s who have ever experienced such pain and confusion regarding any the “big four” areas of questioning: love, health, money and career. When the “situation” is revealed to me, I try to let my client know

Major Arcana Tarot Card, The Wheel of Fortune, teaches that life is like a wheel. There are times when one is on top of the wheel and everything is going quite well. There are times when one is at the bottom of the wheel and nothing is going well. There arc other times when one is either in the process of going up or going down. It would be wonderful if we were always “up” on the wheel of life but totally impossible. When we “contracted” to enter a new incarnation, we knew that there would be lessons to learn, lessons that we had avoided or failed to learn in lifetimes past, and we were not promised that all the lessons would be easy, pleasant, or fun. So many of my clients and students declare that they would not have chosen the experiences of this lifetime, but I have to assure them that according to Metaphysical doctrine, they did exactly that! The conclusion is that if we were always on top of the wheel of life we would fail to learn the lessons that we need to learn. We are sometimes put in a position of being flat on our backs to force us to look up. However, we humans all encounter these difficult experiences and there is nothing that you are experiencing that others have not experienced.

You are not the only one. We then must ask “how can we endure these most difficult of times?” The answer is in “looking up” and connecting spiritually. Easy? No! Possible? Yes! Major Arcana Tarot Card, The Star, teaches that Strong Spiritual Forces surround us at all times and will always be with us, whether we are aware of their presence or not. Rest assured that life is much more pleasant when we realize that “they”are there. What are Strong Spiritual Forces? The name/s that you give them is strictly up to you. God? Guardian Angels? The Great Oz? The White Light? The Christ Light? The Universe? The name is just something that we as humans need to relate to but be assured “they” are there! We are reminded that even in times of deepest depression, we are not alone. Spiritual connection is the source of all Inner Strength and can lead us through the darkness of the difficulties that surround us, to the Dawn of Spiritual Understanding. We must recognize that it is far beyond our own understanding to comprehend the intellect of the Super Conscious. Our earthly/mortal minds are simply are not capable of going there while bound to a physical body. We are never alone with our doubts and fears but when we lack faith, we find ourselves totally alone and unable to cope with the times in life when we are “down on the wheel.”

Spiritual Connection and Faith do not change the difficult situations that we endure but really do make them easier to deal with. 23

In the event that the reading of this column has made you curious about whether or not there is something UP there, so much the better. If you are shaking your head and saying, “we realize that Marcia is sincere in her beliefs, but she sure has some strange ideas.� The choice is yours. Either way, when you are dealing with the major, difficult changes that life is bound to put in your path, remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

And remember, Knowledge is the Greatest Power, so Walk in the Light.


“Thunder, Be Sure to Make Your Bed Every Morning”

by Susan Fernandez

When you are seriously depressed, getting up in the morning can be the worst time of the day. For me it was the time when I was most afraid. I didn’t know exactly what I was afraid of, but it turned out that I was afraid of losing my connection to God. I was having a crisis of spirit. This shorthand description seems a bit glib right now, but it took me a very long time to figure this out. One of the things that helped me deal with getting up in the morning was something I had read in a book by Mary Elizabeth Thunder, “Thunder, be sure to make your bed every morning.” Grandmother Grace Spotted Eagle, a Lakota elder, said this to Thunder when she was teaching her adopted daughter to walk the path of the pipe.

“You need to keep your own space and personal life clear of dirt and clutter,” Thunder wrote. This quote was a lifeline for me during my time of neardrowning in depression. I translated Thunder’s idea into “Susan, be sure to take your walk every morning.” Even on mornings when I had not an atom of energy, I made myself get up, have coffee, go outside, and take a walk around the block, or even just to the end of the block. I often wondered if I would see a hawk on my walk and

not feel any joy about it. Hawks mean a lot to me. There are lots of them in our backyard. In “Little Big Man,” one of my favorite movies, the Indian chief greets his adopted white son, when the son returns after an absence, “It is good to see you, my son. My heart soars like the hawk.” My depression began with panic attacks. When I was in a grocery store I would get lightheaded, especially if my list was long. “Just get a few things, and go back later,” a friend suggested. In my tai chi class I would get dizzy doing some of the simple warm-up exercises, such as following my hand as it moved slowly in an arc on my left or right. So, sometimes I left class early. Driving to any kind of appointment was difficult because a couple of times I got dizzy on the interstate. So, I figured out routes that took me along streets and highways where I could pull over. And friends gave me rides. Many an early morning I wanted to call 911. On one such morning, in a desperate phone call to my therapist, she convinced me that the emergency room was a place of last resort. It probably wouldn’t be able to treat panic disorder very well. I would get sucked into a medical model and might not be able to get out easily. The staff would check my heart to rule out a heart attack and possibly give me medications for the wrong thing. Instead, she arranged for me to go straight to her office, and she told me where to find the key if I got there first. Another thing that helped ease the panic was hearing TV host Montel Williams talk about his struggle with Multiple Sclerosis. Soon after he got a diagnosis of that complicated


disease and on a day when he was in considerable physical pain, he was walking in one of the squares in New York City. He decided to commit suicide and fell, on purpose, in front of a taxicab. He wasn’t seriously hurt. The cab driver rushed out, devastated that Williams might be hurt. Williams changed his mind about suicide.

“What right do I have,” he asked, “to cause this kind of suffering to another human being?” I am lucky. I have a condo that I inherited on a nearby island. I have been spending more and more time there alone. One of the books I took with me was Mary Sojourner’s Solace. She talks about her fear of being alone as she was driving to a cabin her family had stayed in when she was growing up. I was “heading up into ragged Adirondack pines, toward a black lake and three days of a freedom that seemed more like death.” On another visit, later,

“I was certain that I was being exiled into much more of my own company than I had ever wanted.” This comforts me, to hear of another’s struggle with fear of loneliness. My sister, who has lived on this island for many years, helped me feel less alone during the first days. She brought crystals to my condo and suggested taking a prayer walk, where you put out your intention to heal and notice what the Universe offers up to you—a shell, a feather, a piece of wood. “It works whether you want it to or not,” she said. I found a couple of nice pieces of driftwood and, on two separate days, half a conch shell. They didn’t match, but that wasn’t the point. They were two parts of a broken heart. These items reminded me of “a stone, a leaf, an unfound door.” Thomas Wolfe’s Look Homeward, Angel was an important book for me when I was in high school. There is a very small library in the complex of my condo. It was on a weekend. No one was in the building. I let myself in and glanced into the section with the “W” authors. I knew it even before I grabbed the book. He was back, my old friend Eugene Gant, whose own story of loss and love fills the pages of that classic novel.

These synchronicities helped me to see that my own feelings of loss of connection with Spirit were part of a grand plan. I may not be quite so alone.


Susan Fernandez is a writer living in Bradenton.

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Diet Of The

Mind by Satya Winkelman

How judgmental are you when it comes to your body? Do you avoid mirrors altogether or glance at your reflection with disdain? Maybe you’re comparing yourself to an image from your past, or listening to your mind chatter on with its “should’s” and “ought to’s” trashing your present self? Many of us believe it is best to be trim and athletic looking. But, we’re not as young as we once were. It’s not so easy to find the time now for all the things we need to do to stay as good looking, as thin, or as energetic as we used to be. And with help from our aging-phobic society, our mind can go very easily into self-rejection, filling our heads with belittling comments, admonishing us for all of our imperfections. As children, when adults thought we were less than perfect, we were punished, even if the punishment was just a harsh voice. Now our self-sabotaging inner dialogue has taken the place of punitive parents. We know that perfection only lives in the dictionary, yet we continue to beat ourselves up about not having it.

Self-acceptance has to start in the present, and not “some day when”

Some day when we get to our ideal weight or have that beautifully buffed body. Self-acceptance begins by seeing ourselves apart from the mind’s ruling reprimand. When we discipline our mind to choose a mindset of accepting ourselves as we are now, and realize that we are all perfectly imperfect, the self-condemnation stops. We become free to be and to do today what is good for our future, even if that future is imperfect.


Satya Winkelman, M.A., C.P., is a board certified psychotherapist, an international effectiveness trainer for Fortune 500 companies, a facilitator of Wise Women Workshops and a ceramic artist. She is the author of a self-help workbook using her own art as guideposts for change in “Through The Fire: A Woman’s Guide To Transformation” Web site:


Randy owns Triple 3 Marketing based in Sarasota. He’s a long term advocate for positive change having owned a couple community magazines since 1999. Randy sold Positive Change Media in April 2009 and took a year off before launching Triple 3 Marketing. In addition to helping business owners, he also provides private coaching. Randy has a masters degree in communication arts from the University of Wisconsin at Madison where he studied persuasion and attitude change. Contact Randy at

• •In•1986, • •I was • •a young • • executive • • • •recruiter • • •in Los • •Ange-

les. I decided to become a so-called head hunter when I realized it would be a unique way to learn about the art of business. I eventually placed more than 120 senior executives with clients throughout the US and some of these men and women became mentors. I interviewed a man one afternoon that impressed me as much as anyone I had ever met up to that point. He was a candidate for one of my clients which explains why I was spending time assessing his experience. I sensed this man was atypical in his insights about life and human nature. He was sharp like a lot of other people I was meeting, but he also displayed a quiet confidence that stood out. During our conversation, he told me that he had made a conscious effort to expand his mind by reading as many books as possible. He said he had read 3,000 books and that prompted the question of which book was the most influential? He acknowledged many titles including the Bible, but he told me that Three Magic Words by U. S. Anderson (1917-1986) had the greatest impact. I bought the book on my way home and read it over the next several days. The principles opened my mind to a new way of thinking and living. Many of you are familiar with the movie and book The Secret produced and published several years ago. This work synthesizes much of the teachings found in Anderson’s book. Anderson even wrote about what he called The Secret Doctrine and explained how mankind was evolving toward spiritual oneness. He noted this in 1954, while adding that:

Attaining universal consciousness and mastery over material things was within our grasp. What’s important about The Secret and other similar books is they provide evidence that consciousness is evolving to a tipping point of positive change. More people than ever are ready to think differently about their relationship with themselves, other people, nature, spirit, and this amazing thing we call life.


This awareness includes an understanding that each of us has the capacity to create reality through the conviction of our thoughts. An associated idea is we are interconnected, not just as citizens of a nation or members of a particular family, but as integral parts of a universal whole that’s much greater than our differences. What makes these ideas noble is that they offer hope in our quest for peace, happiness and security. I would go a step further to say These ideas are the only hope for humanity, given our history of conflict and our conditioned state of fear. The not so secret secret postulates a cause-and-effect relationship between our prevailing thoughts and our outer experiences. God, or what Anderson refers to as the Universal Subconscious Mind, responds to our prevailing thoughts regardless if they are positive, negative or ambivalent. This helps explain why many positive-minded people soar and why many negativeminded people struggle. A steady diet of positive thinking and acting is compelling even in the face of skepticism and some derision. Ironically, most of us have been misled to believe that our circumstances are the cause, when they are actually the effect. In truth, it is our core beliefs and thoughts that largely determine our experience of reality. This is the secret revealed and something worth pondering.

Many people understand this intellectually, but few of us live the truth at a level of conviction. The reason is two-fold. First, for centuries humans have been taught they are inadequate and unworthy. Second, keeping people fearful, ignorant and distracted is an effective way to manipulate them. It takes time, wisdom and determination to change the way we perceive ourselves and other people. It might also require disconnecting from some aspects of our culture. It is no accident that a growing number of Americans no longer watch television, engage in social media or practice business and politics as usual. Many Americans are rethinking what it means to be a consumer and a global citizen. These are the people worth paying attention to. Even in the face of a profound lack of civility, I’m optimistic about the long term future of humanity.

We are in an age where more people than ever are asserting the freedom of their creative genius. This is the engine that’s shifting consciousness in a positive direction. I know it may seem like a far off dream at times, but look more deeply into your heart when you feel discouraged by aberrant behavior and hostility. Remember, much of the angst you are witnessing is the howling of an ancient mindset lost in the cave of an uncertain future. Let your light shine brightly wherever you go.



Join Emily every month as she shares messages on how the angels and archangels can help you to have a healthier and happier life. Emily answers reader’s questions by delivering messages and guidance from your guardian angels and archangels. To ask your Angels a question, attend one of Emily’s local events or email


We are so loved and cared for. I have been having such powerful experiences with the Angels. The experiences didn’t just occur during meditation, but during my day to day moments. During my Angelic interactions, they shower me with Wisdom and words of truth. They want to do the same with you. As I was working on finalize my booklet, they kept waking me up at night giving me information they wanted included. In this month’s issue, I am sharing an excerpt from my booklet in which the Angels shared guidance and love. Enjoy! Dear beloved one, We are connecting to your essence. We connect with you daily. We inspire you through the loving essence that is you. We surround you with our light in moments of distress and we surround you with our light in your moments of joy. Trust in the presence that is so near and dear to your heart and mind. We know your fears, your lusts, and your desires; we know the outcomes for each path that you can take.

Connect to our love and allow yourself to receive our guidance based in light and in truth. Dear one, know you are precious beyond description; you are so treasured and pure. Your light is like a beacon waiting to emerge in this world of darkness. Let your light connect to ours and

be empowered within our love and Divine essence. Trust in your journey and the adventure you’ve embarked on. You are here with a mission, a mission of love and Divine inspiration. You are here to see the truth within all the situations, and connect to the truth within all individuals. Leap to the actions that bring forth dominion over your truth and surrender the actions that hinder your growth and Divine creation. Embark on this journey of truth, and know you are guided in all ways. Celebrate your life and accomplishments, since they are what give you a glimpse to whom you are capable of becoming. The mere mistakes that have been part of your past are just memories to be altered, the perception you place on their strength determine their impact on your present times.

Delve into the essence of your power and beauty and know you have come for this and more. You are a light within and throughout, let the light be that which you connect with and embrace. Release the toxins of your mind in truth and in surrender. Know all will be provided and all will be endowed in the light, if you just trust in your Divine Essence. Retribution of thy fear is merely an illusion, not founded in truth; let your light eradicate the doubts that invalidly parade your subconscious and conscious mind. Love thy life and its perfection; know it well in its recognition of Divine perfection. You are loved and special; you are revered and admired. You are a jewel within the realm of this reality. You are universal and true. Dear beloved, know you are loved. Elevate your consciousness to that of light and purity.

We support your endeavor and breathe our light into your creations. Significant trials are centers of truth and transformation. Bloom in the rock and in the soil. Bloom in the oblique and in the strong. You are being carried and supported through this lifetime and in more. Thus know all is well and Divinely guided. Connecting to us is simple. Trust in what comes and surrender to what is. Know that us Angels guide and protect you. Trust you ARE connecting with us. Trust in our Divine presence. We are near and on guard, with love, light, and healing. We see the order of the all and we send this daily your way. The light of God is Universal and complete. It is everlasting and sincere in its perfection.


You are the essence of God, as we too are the essence of the Divine. The loving force that has thus created you has breathed in your life, love, and profound inspiration. Your separation is merely an illusion, since there is no place where God is not. We are aligned to this truth and desire to inspire this alignment within yourself. The desired transformation into light is already present within your core, awaken to this core and allow the light to penetrate your reality. It will transmute your ill interpretations to the all-powerful truth that is you.

It elates our beingness as you embark in this adventure of re-awakening. It delights our essence that you have chosen to embrace the truth. Know you’ll be supported in magnificent ways and you’ll fully recognize that you have never been alone, but indeed surrounded and provided for in love and in light. Angels sing at your arrival and in your connection. We sing praises to our God as we further infuse with your light and your Divine essence. Our gratitude is purely created as we connect with you in a more intimate way. Our beingness is to support your expansion. As you expand, we expand and the cycle of expansion perpetuates to all the realms and realities in current circulation. Divine truth is here, and embraced in this truth awaits your realized self and its Divine perfection.


Dr. ZZ’s bold, upfront, directive style plays an inspirational role in the lives of people she touches. This forum offers potential solutions on health, emotional and personal matters. Dr. ZZ earned her doctorate in Natural Healing at Tenrikyo University in Japan. Drawing on non-traditional Ph.D. in Counseling (the spiritual dimensions of psychology), she holds a Reiki Master-Teacher degree and a variety of complimentary certificates in modalities such as Tantra, Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Healing and Applied Kinesiology and now resides in Sarasota.


Question: My wife’s father lives with us, and now her 45-yearold brother is going to be coming to stay shortly. Whenever he quits a job, has been on drugs, has love problems…or has nowhere else to go, he shows up on our doorstep. My wife has told him several times that he can’t stay with us, and that we don’t have the room, but he is the kind who will just come over and not leave, and what can you do? I can’t kick him out on the street, but I don’t want him here either... Her father lives here rent-free and allows his son to stay with us. He says, “He’s my son” and gives him money to rent another place, but the son just takes the money and spends it instead on girls he is dating at the time. Then, he is back here, living with us when the money runs out. Her father totally ignores the fact we don’t want his son here. As much as it breaks my wife’s heart, and as much as I love her, I hate having her brother living here for even a week. Heck! I can’t stand having him here for a night. My wife told her father that her brother’s being here is messing up our marriage. Her father just shrugs his shoulders and says, “He is my son. What if he was your son? How would you feel?” If her father is so worried about this fool, he should move out of our house, and get a place with his son. It’s rude to say, but true. Dr. ZZ: You don’t seem to be asking a question as much as you are pleading a case. Still, I’m going to give you my opinion because you obviously need it: Sometimes, the only way to stop people from walking all over you is to get up off the ground, say no, and mean it. This is your house, not your father-in-law’s. You have every right to decide who lives there with you, and your father-in-law has no say in the matter unless you ask for his opinion. You need to put your foot down, and your wife needs to back you up on this. The two of you need to set your priorities straight. Your primary responsibility is to yourselves and your marriage. If your father-in-law doesn’t like the way you run your household, then he can move out and find another place for himself and his son. I agree with you completely, but it’s up to you to take charge

Tell YOUR Story!

Do you have an inspirational or transformational story? Our readers would LOVE to hear it! Your experiences may be just what someone else needs to hear to motivate, inspire, and empower them along their journey. Send us an article or tell us your story and we will help you write it! See your name in print! 33

and draw the line with your father-in-law once and for all -- otherwise this family is going to continue to walk all over you. Question: My 11-year-old son skipped school with a friend and turned off his cell phone so that I would think he was in school. When the school called to inform me that he did not show up that day, my initial reaction was to panic. All these crazy thoughts went through my head at once. My first thought was that something terrible had happened to him on his way to school. As it turned out, we found him not far from the house, playing near a pond with a friend. I grounded him from having a life for one month and took away all his privileges: no video games, no computer, no TV, and no going anywhere that’s fun. The end! The problem is with his paternal grandmother. She feels that even though he is grounded, I should still allow him to go to her house on weekends. I feel that she is undermining my punishment. She must feel that she has to come running to his rescue because “mean mom” grounded him. She has done this with her own son his whole life. Whenever he gets in trouble, mommy comes running to his rescue. Now he is 30 years old and still continuing on with the same pattern. I don’t want my son to grow up thinking the same thing. I want him to know that when he makes a bad choice, he has to suffer a consequence. If the punishment is tough enough the first time he does something wrong, maybe it will prevent him from doing it again. I want my son to grow up to be a better man than his father, and his grandmother is taking him on the same path that created her own immature, helpless son. Dr. ZZ: When a child is grounded, it means that he or she is not allowed to visit anyone. Period. That’s it, no exceptions—except possibly for activities that he doesn’t like, such as going to church. He does NOT get to go to Grandma’s house, so that he can be spoiled. You’re his mother, and you have the ultimate authority. He’s your son; you make the rules. The sooner everyone knows this, particularly your son, the smoother your household will run. Without engaging in finger pointing, calling attention to Grandma’s faults, or debating the merits of her way versus your way, simply tell her that you are sorry, but your son is grounded this month, and she will have to wait until next month to have him visit. Ignore the reasons why she may feel that coming to the rescue makes her the good guy and you the bad guy, and don’t back down. Then, like you said, the next time your son contemplates mischief, he’s apt to think twice.


Please send queries or comments to All identifying information is kept strictly confidential.


Out Your ego! . . . and wake up to who you really are

ego IS DESPERATE Spirit IS CONFIDENT by Staci Backauskas Thinking about that bill you can’t pay makes your pulse quicken. Pondering the relationship you feel trapped in or the car that won’t start causes your mind to race. It just takes one thought to start the chain effect, and before you know it you’ve imagined disastrous scenarios and convinced yourself of their inevitability.

After you’ve tumbled down the rabbit hole of desperation, the inclination is to search for the “way out.” You want so badly to believe that if you repeat a statement like, “I have everything I need” over and over that the very thing you need will magically appear. The problem is you’re still acting desperate, even though you’ve changed direction somewhat, and that means that ego is still playing out. Besides, how can you not feel hypocritical when you affirm that you have all you need in the midst of needing something? “Where?” ego screams. “I don’t see any money—or a better relationship or a new car.”

The key is allowing ego to remind you of who you really are instead of giving it permission to convince you of who you are not. The quickest way to do that is to access the confidence of Spirit that says, “You do have everything you need, but right now it might not be in the form you want.” You might not have a pile of money—or the perfect relationship or a new car—in front of you in this moment, but when you operate from the place of Spirit’s confidence, you soon become aware of the steps that will move you in that direction. Accessing that confidence opens you to generosity, a connection that is the next step on your path toward experiencing what you need. Don’t mistake “having” for “experiencing.” You do already have everything you need and the confidence that Spirit supplies moves you toward experiencing it when you choose to align with who you really are.


Staci B is an author and spiritual explorer from Tampa who’s logged over 10,000 hours on the journey of awakening to the truth of who she really is. She has written seven books, including ego: A Primer, and her Out Your ego! column is syndicated both in print and online. Her work inspires others to realize that there is no “answer,” only the next step – and that is enough. Visit

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Each time a veil of illusion is lifted, more light shines through.

with Meditation by Amanda Main

Over time, many of us have created barriers to protect ourselves from disappointment and heartbreak. Unfortunately, these barriers have only managed to isolate us. As spiritual beings having a human experience, isolation equals hell. It is the feeling that we are separate, not only from each other but from Source. However, in reality we are individual expressions of Source energy, and we are very much one with each other. Sometimes we have fleeting moments of clarity in which we realize this truth. Sadly, these times often are few and far between. The amazing revelation is that we have the potential within ourselves to experience heaven on Earth in this lifetime! The walls that we have built around us are not solid and permanent—and we don’t need a sledgehammer or wrecking ball to bring them down. Think of them as soft and flowing. Although they may be thick, we need not climb over or trudge around. The easiest way to break through is to simply lift one veil at a time.


This is how we will know we are on the right path. For example, we will gain more clarity and inspiration with every layer that is removed. This can be a very exciting process as lifting the veils can lead us to fulfill our greatest potentials. It is at this point when events seem to flow in a synchronistic way and begin to unfold perfectly in our daily lives. So, how do we lift the veils of illusion that keep us from the truth? Surely, there are as many ways to do this as there are people on the Earth. In my personal life, I have found that a regular meditation practice is one of the best methods to draw up the shades. Don’t get me wrong—I am not at the “heaven on earth” point; however, I have begun the process and in doing so I have found a great peace. I advise new students that if they meditate for 5 minutes a day they will feel like new people in 3 weeks—guaranteed! Although their circumstances may not change, their perspectives will. Ideally, we should aim to work ourselves up to 20 minutes of meditation in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening. This is a lofty goal, but don’t let it be a deterrent. It may take 10 years to get to that point, but rest assured that a lot of spiritual growth will happen along the way. I practice a no-excuses approach to meditation: I always remember that I don’t need any equipment and that any amount of time will do just fine. “Just sit” is a great mantra to use getting started. Plus, there is a wealth of information on and techniques for meditation available through the Internet, magazines, and books. Attending a meditation class or group at least a couple of times a month also will strengthen any athome practice through exposure to like-minded people and a disciplined setting. We sometimes hit a wall or mental block, and it is good to have a support system in place so that we don’t give up when things inevitably get uncomfortable. Plus, the feeling of being accountable to something or someone helps on days when it is hard to concentrate and sit.

Making a commitment to 5 minutes a day for three weeks to change your life for the better. This is a small investment to make to start lifting the veils and living the incredibly rich and full lives we were born to live. Remember, all you need to do at first is “just sit”. Namaste.


Amanda Main is Certified Reiki Master Teacher and Licensed Massage Therapist from Sarasota with many years of experience. She has had success treating many conditions with massage and Reiki. She also has certifications in Yoga and meditation and has studied Ayurveda and Aromatherapy. Visit

mitments to others. In most cases, everything that we devote so much of our energy and focus toward is outside of who we are To truly serve our highest good in our commitments, we must first learn to commit to ourselves. Take a moment to center yourself where you are, right now. How do you feel about your life? Is there anything that you can do to improve it? If so, what keeps you from taking action to do it? Are you living your truth? Are you on your path? How rooted are you in your spiritual development, whatever that means to you? Are you seeking your higher purpose? Do you know how much potential you truly have? If we are not fully committed to materializing our fullest potential, we can never be fully committed to anything or anyone. Before you can be the best employee, husband/wife, mother/father, community/team/church member, teacher, student, etc., you must first know who you truly are at your best. When we allow ourselves to commit fully to our own beings, we will come by Ricky Roberts III to know the essence of why we’re here, and in that meaning we will find our true connection to our own personal definition of GOD. In the process, may our hearts Often times when we think of commit- be filled with joy! ment, we think of our commitments to our jobs, relationships, children (if we have them), and/ Ricky Roberts III is an author of three books, “You,” “What Really Matters,” and “Where or teams, groups, and committees upon which Did the Gift Go.He is a youth advocate, mentor, and inspirational speaker whose mission we serve. Although these commitments are in life is to encourage people to see the greatness of who they are. At the age of 17, Ricky valuable, they need to be an extension of our had an epiphany, after being stabbed nine times. From that point on, he has devoted his commitment to ourselves. It’s not the other way life to serving his higher purpose, and started appreciating each an every moment as the around, where we are an extension of our com- gift it is, in the amazing journey known as “life.” Visit



“Mudras develop awareness of the flow of vital energy (prana) in the astral body, and allow the practitioner to gain conscious control over it.” The beauty mudra, varuna mudra, is a water mudra, restoring moisture to the skin, while detoxifying the blood and liver. To engage in this practice, get comfortable sitting upright and join your little finger to the tip of your thumb while relaxing your other fingers. For a more intense version, bring the tip of the right pinky finger to the base of the right thumb, and rest the thumb over the pinky. Cup the right hand with the left, bringing the left thumb to rest over the right thumb. Close your eyes and take 10 slow breaths, keeping your awareness in your hands. Using mantras is also a simple method of reminding us of our radiance, as they are sacred phrases or words that can occupy the space usually taken up by our swirling thoughts. They serve as protection against the tornados of the brain. Instead of repeating to ourselves assumptions about our worth, for example, we can inwardly intone a positive, healing thought to break the cycle of habitual negativity. The beauty the mantra calls on Shiva—the god of change and the forces of truth and beauty—to assert the divinity of our humanity. Though only roughly translatable from the Sanskrit, Satyam Shivam Sundaram basically means “Truth is God and God is Beauty.” However, one translation, which is a bit less accurate, resounds more with me: by Britt Dienes My favorite of the Niyamas, or personal observances, which is one of the eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga, is santosha, or contentment with the now. Commitment to this mindset requires full surrender to life as it is:

Somewhere in the stark simplicity of deciding to abide contented no matter what, we allow peace and space to grow. Santosha teaches us to accept before we seek to change, tuning us into the natural equilibriums and quiet beauties of our body, mind, and life. In this context, it is the healthiest lens to discuss the yoga of beauty, a practice anchored by sense withdrawal, called pratyhara, and designed to draw focus inward to a silent center. A mudra is a powerful yet easy way to regain contact with your lighter side. They are hand or body positions designed to redirect energy and attention to a certain part of the body or specific intention. According to Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, a scientist and yogi,


“I am truth, I am tranquility, I am beauty.” Use the mantra with the mudra, and try repeating it in sets of three to clear the past, present and future of whatever prevents you from connecting with your inner gorgeousness.


Britt Dienes is a writer, teacher, yogi, and designer who lives in Sarasota with her two snow dogs. She journeyed her way to yoga after a childhood spent on the ice and in ballet studios. In yoga, she found a safe and sacred space to heal her injuries while learning to heal the physical and emotional pain of others. She received her MA in Literature from USF and her Yoga Alliance certification from Fred Busch at Miami Power Yoga. She teaches at Ringling College and yoga at Soul Sanctuary, Sarasota and Nelda’s Yoga on Venice Island. Her yoga-inspired clothing line, Tantric Pirate, can be found online and at select studios.

It is not feeling that you have to prove yourself, withdraw, or earn love. In essence, true confidence is returning to the state you were in when you came into this world, a state of love and openness—while maintaining the wisdom you have gained from the life you’ve lived. Regardless of your past, you can start over and embrace the innate confidence that was your birthright. Have you ever see an insecure baby? No! A baby knows he or she is supposed to be here and doesn’t question his or her value. The truth is that you have value just because you are here, alive, and breathing in this moment. That’s it. It is not because of what you say or do but because you are here alive and breathing.

You don’t need to earn love—you ARE love!

Building True


by Rena Greenberg

Imagine what your life would be like if you could feel good in your own skin in every situation. Often when we think of confidence, we think of the things we need to do to build our image. Perhaps we decide we need to master a skill, whether it be parenting, gardening, or having a worthwhile career. Sometimes we think that we need to improve our physical appearance in order to gain acceptance. Although these endeavors can be quite satisfying, enriching, admirable and helpful to us, the confidence gained from these outer changes may not be true confidence and may only be temporary fixes. Another type of false confidence that you may aspire for is a method to break through social anxiety. Often it’s the seeking of this type of confidence that will drive a person to drink alcohol, smoke marijuana or even eat certain sugar-rich foods. The goal, subconsciously, is to block out the pain of life, and the craving is for freedom and a feeling of aliveness. The problem with these methods is evident: They are but a mere illusion of true confidence. So what is true confidence?

True confidence is the sense that you are worthy to be exactly where you are in this moment.

The walls we build. If this is true, why does life so often feel uncomfortable and limiting? Most people don’t feel the sense of freedom that they were born with because over time they have erected walls around themselves. Does a baby get embarrassed because he or she is crying, laughing, spitting up, going to the bathroom or expressing deep joy and love? No. But, unfortunately, people soon begin to feel pain as they grow. For example, mommy doesn’t come to feed you right away, so you put up a brick, trying to block out the unpleasant feelings of frustration and hunger. Then, a little later you get teased on the school bus. You put another brick in our wall. Your best friend in kindergarten betrays you. Another brick goes into the wall. Your older brother or sister hurts you. One or two bricks go up. Dad and Mom don’t come to your rescue. More bricks go up. When people replay mental movies about the injustices they have incurred due to the insensitivity of those closest to them, they tend to turbo charge their wall-building skills. Each time these scenes are replayed on their mental movie screens, the bricks begin going up higher and thicker. Soon they are surrounded by bricks of pain, shame, hurt, and guilt. Seeking a solution. If the film reels are rolling in your head, the perceived “solution” could be anything that gives you a sense of momentary relief. You may turn to food, alcohol, drugs, being overly social, being busy, withdrawing, or over exercising to help distract yourself and increase a false sense of confidence. As mentioned, these pursuits lead to the relentless pursuit of false confidence, an added predicament in which you don’t want other people to become aware of your shortcomings for fear that the love you do have could be withdrawn. So on top of wanting to have confidence so you can feel good in your own skin, you desperately seek to become confident as a way of becoming more appealing to others. For instance, it could be creating an attractive appearance and a fit body, excelling in a respectable career, marrying a good-looking and successful spouse, showing off, or taking pride in your smart and creative children. Building true confidence. Luckily, the true confidence that is your birthright does not need to be earned, just as a tree is not only valuable in its fruit-bearing season.


Even in the winter when its branches are bare, a tree maintains its intrinsic value. It doesn’t have to apologize for taking up space or for going through a season with no fruit or leaves. In the same way, even if you were stripped of all the outer fixings of your life including your material possessions, productivity, the knowledge you have acquired, and the relationships you have developed and nurtured—your essential confidence remains. True confidence is feeling that you are supposed to be exactly where you are and who you are. Think of a beautiful garden filled with flowers of every possible color, size, and shape. Each one adds something glorious, and yet each one makes space for the other to also express its unique beauty.

One flower’s exquisiteness does not take away from another’s. In the same way, your right to exist, breathe, and express yourself and be fully alive does not impinge on your neighbor’s entitlement to do the same. Taking down the wall. Once you acknowledge to yourself that you desire true confidence and that nothing outside of you can give you the long-term safety and freedom you seek, you will have motivation to take down the wall. Once you see that what hurts the most is not the lack of love coming to you but the lack of love you are able to fully receive and give unconditionally (due to the wall that is supposed to be ”protecting” you), your motivation to tear it down will strengthen. Make a conscious choice to look at your wall and take it down. Every time you notice yourself becoming defensive, angry, compulsive, or withdrawn, ask your inner subconscious mind to show you what’s underneath that feeling or urge. Find a photo of yourself as a baby. Close your eyes and bring that image deep into your heart. Feel what it would be like to be filled with that innocence and love again. Never mind the hurts that caused you to put up the wall in the first place. What if you don’t need that wall anymore? What if you are safe and protected exactly as you are in this moment? Know that everything happened exactly as it was supposed to unfold to get you to the point you are at right now in this moment. Breathe. Affirm:

“I am alive. My life is good! I am confident. I exist. I embrace my aliveness!”


Rena Greenberg is the author of The Right Weigh (Hay House) and The Craving Cure (McGraw-Hill). She leads weight loss seminars at hospitals throughout the U.S. and has a private hypnosis practice specializing in weight loss, smoking cessation, and self-empowerment in Bradenton and Sarasota. Rena can be reached at 941-3493366 or visit


by Aluna Joy Yaxk’in Life has been a major roller coaster ride these past few weeks. We are feeling and witnessing a inner revolution of duality. Our inner and outer worlds are transforming right before our eyes. I can feel the light flooding back into the collective at such a huge rate that I can hardly contain myself. Today the world is beginning to be re-born. It might be a bit premature to say this . . . but kids . . . we did it! The first domino has fallen, prompting not just a “trickle down effect,” but an avalanche into a new world where the masses will be unified, and each will be honored. Freedom, truth, and integrity, love and peace are pouring down on this new emerging dimension, and we all get to be a part of history in the making. This is such an amazing time to be walking on this earth. We have been waiting for this for a long time. Of course my excitement and exhilaration comes from the recent good news of Egypt obtaining freedom in only 18 short days. I am in absolute awe of the power of what a unified collective can do.

Current events as shown us what we can accomplish in a short time if we simply stick together within a common goal. Because of these recent events, I feel even MORE assured that our peaceful transition into a wonderful new world is at hand. We have had our first major example that this is true. We have earned our renaissance, rebirth, regeneration, and reawakening. This new day is possible because of many brave ones who have gone before us in the fight for love, peace, truth, human rights and equality. My hero short list . . . Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Jeshua, the Beatles . . . even Woodstock and all the flower power hippies! Now I have to add to the growing list . . . a young google employee armed with social media that has catalyzed Egypt’s version of the Berlin Wall. We all know now that even an entrenched and well-established regime of darkness has no control over us. Freedom is possible for one and all. The happenings of these past 18 days felt like Gandhi on steroids. He would be so proud. It was spectacular.

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the decision that something else is more important than fear. ~ Ambrose Redmoon As this peaceful revolution was going on in Egypt, I have to admit that a not so peaceful inner revolution was going on inside of me. A revolution began to awaken something inside of me. I was taking a long over-due retreat, yet my body was having huge panic attacks. I felt agitated, my chest hurt, my heart was racing, I could not sleep, and I was out of sorts. I felt that I was losing it. Alongside the horrific panic that I was feeling, I also

felt a deep calm . . . almost too calm. I was confused how my body could be reacting one way and my spirit/soul another. In the middle of the night . . . lying there sleepless again, I had a revelation. I remembered something that I already knew, but just remembered. This panic was the primal survival energy of my genetic code, DNA, and the programs of this mortal body. On the complete polar opposite side of this was my eternal higher self that lives in timelessness and knows that all IS, and will BE, well. This was the clearest I have ever experienced my higher self. I know that if I am feeling this now, then many of you are too, as we all connected, if we like it or not. What happens to one happens to all at some level. This inner revolution has been essential in helping us get in touch with our polar opposites. Now that we are becoming clearer about the light inside of us, we are also seeing the dark ego dissolving away, kicking and screaming all the way. It is the end of our inner dark regime! How cool is that! Now we have the ability to make better choices . . . choices from love and trust instead of fear and hate. I choose living from my higher self. Hey, I want to feel good, safe and happy. Don’t you? Living from the higher self is certainly more comfortable and stress free. The higher self is like the quiet peaceful place in the center of the storm, a peaceful retreat that we can go to anytime . . . or even better, we can stay there 24/7!

As we learn and grow through this inner revolution, we will need to support each other. It will be important to allow everyone their personal unique way of dealing with their inner revolution. It is easy to let the fear talk through us in these times, instead of the love in our hearts. So we need to forgive ourselves when we fall short of our spiritual expectations. I hope we can all be as authentic and real as possible rather than always trying to be perfectly spiritual. After all, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Each one of us has a different way of learning, understanding and waking up, but we do have the same destination. So don’t get all in a bunch if fear grips you for a time. Hey, I get wigged out sometimes too. :) It is human and part of the normal process of waking up. It is the catalyst that helps us wake up. I can’t help but feel the magnitude of the importance of this inner and outer revolution and what we have and will learn from it. It will be vitally important as the new world (and Egypt) transforms around us in the years to come.


ALUNA JOY YAXK’IN is an internationally known author, spiritual life coach, sacred site guide, alternative historian, ordained minister and modern mystic. Aluna considers herself a Spiritual Archaeologist using her Clairvoyant/Clairsentient gifts to read ancient history of sacred sites. She is the author of “Mayan Astrology”, “The Mayan Daykeeper” and “The Mayan Time Decoder”. Visit www. or e-mail:


Tuesday, March 1 Jeffrey Hollander; 12:30 – 4:30 PM The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Suite 201, SCC, RSVP $40; includes materials, 813-633-9400, Learn how to achieve 100% alignment with GOD; confirm the alignment is complete and total. Learn to create Power Blessings and harmony in our lives.

Thursday, March 03 Six Week Psychic Lecture Series w/ Carol Ann Liaros & Guests, 10:30 – Noon The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Suite 201, Sun City Center Price: $5 per session or $25 for series, Contact: 813-633-9400 or visit Chakra Energy Sessions, 10:30am - 5:30pm Elysian Fields 1273 Tamiami Trail S Sarasota 30 minutes for $45,, See your Chakra & Aura Colors change on the screen. Session includes a photo snapshot of full body chakras with a summary printout of chakra colors. Look Young, Feel Young with Essential Oils, 3/3 & 3/4 7:00 - 9:00 March 3; St.John The Divine Episcopal Church, 1015 Del Webb E. SCC, March 4: Crowne Plaza Hotel, 10221 Peincess Palm Ave, Tampa Free, Raffles for free product Contact: Robin Lesia LeBLeu 813-545-1256 or Bucky Devling 813-416-6776, A celebrated event for DoTERRA Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG). Learn therapeutic uses of these oils and bring holistic healthcare home.

Friday, March 04 Friday Fiesta, 5:30- 9pm Temple of Love and Healing 3700 40 Ave North St. Peteresburg, Price: $10 or 3 for $25.00 Contact: 727-545-1122, Description: Friday Fiesta come and meet our readers many to choose from

Saturday, March 05 Lightworks Healing Method Level One: The Foundation 10am to 5pm ,3/5 & 3/6 Hampton Inn, Bee Ridge Road Price: $250, 2 days. Spiritual seekers and healers: experience


life as victor, not victim. Learn to facilitate Divine Energy Healing; create sacred space; connect to Spirit Guides. Amethyst BioMat Sessions, 10:30am - 2:30pm Elysian Fields 1273 Tamiami Trail S Sarasota 25 minutes $35, RELAX & RECHARGE with a power nap on the FDA approved, amethyst crystal BioMat, proved to have numerous health benefits for body, mind & spirit. All’s Faire, 12pm-5pm The Longhouse, Inc. 2309 49th Street S. Gulfport Price: FREE, Contact: Community Healing Arts Faire: Meet and greet Longhouse practitioners, mini services (Reiki, Massage, Intuitive Counseling, The Odyssey) available at discounted rates. Stonewater Studio Jewelry for Wellness 12pm to 5PM, Sugden Regional Park 4284 Avalon Drive in Naples. Peggy Sealfon will be exhibiting as part of the Hodges University Diversity Festival Book Signing with Dr. Carol Roberts,1pm - 3pm 203 W Shellpointe Rd, Ruskin, FREE, Contact: Irene Ortiz, Weight Loss Seminar and Book Signing Event with Dr Carol Roberts presenting her new book “Good Medicine - Return to Common Sense” Book signing, Memoirs of a Medium at 1pm. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers , Cost: Free, Contact 239-939-2769 Meet and greet with Guisela the medium, author of her new book “Memoirs of a Medium”. Guisela will have copies of her book available for signature and purchase. Don’t miss this opportunity to meet a truly gifted medium.

Sunday, March 6 Deborah King “Be Your Own Shaman!” 1:30 -5 Unity Campus, 460 46th Avenue N, St. Petersburg. Price: $25, Contact: Wings Bookstore 727.522.6657. Step into the mystery that’s calling you! This knock-your-socks-off workshop will open your hidden shamanic powers as you, a natural-born healer, learn to become your own shaman. You’ll learn all about the extrasensory skills you naturally have to heal whatever ails you, and to heal others as well. Join Deborah King for an intense experi-

ence and learn ancient techniques that transport you into the world of the invisible. You can become your own shaman! The event will also include a book signing with Deborah King (Hay House author of Truth Heals and Be Your Own Shaman). Lauren Lane Powell, 12:30 PM Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, $25 Love Offering, Harmonies of Healing Sunday, March 6 12:30 to 3 pm/ Monday, March 7 Toning Circle 7 to 9:30 pm/ Wednesday, Prayer & Meditation Service 7:30 pm Intro to Wicca 2pm The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Price: Free Contact: 239-939-2769 This is a continuing weekly series on Wicca. Classes include but not limited to: concept of Deity, Altars, Holidays, elements, sacred space, herbs and oils, candle magick, spells – how to, ritual, and questions and answers.

Wednesday, March 09 Tarot – part one – 7pm The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Price: $30 Contact: 239-939-2769 Learn the meanings of the cards and how to utilize this wonderful tool. A Rider Waite deck is required. Part Two on 3/16. RSVP

Thursday, March 10 Crystal Essentials with Julie at 7pm The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Cost: $20 RSVP Contact: 939-2769 This is a series of one class per month for 6 months to learn how to incorporate Feng Shui, Aromatherapy, and Chakra work all in one handy tin! Julie will combine essential oils and crystals, along with hand outs for using this amazing technique. Oils will be available for sale at reduced price for this class.

Friday, March 11 Evolutionary Tarot Readings, 10am to 4pm Hilton Garden Inn, 8270 No Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, Price: $15 and up Contact: Edith A. Cheitman, PhD. (941) 358 6812 With forty years of experience as a tarologist and Jungian psychotherapist, Edith Cheitman, Ph.D. will be offering her usual insightful tarot readings at Bead Time’s Wholesale Show. With particular

emphasis on the healing uses of tarot to promote the evolutional changes which are crucial for all of us during these times of profound planetary shifts, Edith brings her loving eye to your challenges and assists you in developing strategies to meet them. Bring a friend. Pick up some terrific bargains and good insights. For details or to make and appointment call (941) 358-6812.

of profound planetary shifts, Edith brings her loving eye to your challenges and assists you in developing strategies to meet them. Bring a friend. Pick up some terrific bargains and good insights. For details or to make and appointment call (941) 358-6812.

Shamanism Class, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Creekside Gems & Minerals 5914 Trouble Creek Rd. New Port Richey, $120.00 per person, Contact: Lisa Monk, Truly an exceptional opportunity to attend a shamanism experience with Jeff Wheeler. Call for details & to register in advance. Very limited class size.

Tarot & Tea, 10:30 am - 12:00pm Sarasota , Price: $20 Contact: Pam 941-921-3821, Sunday, March 13 Join with Wise women to explore your full potential using Tarot. Understand where your are and what steps Vibratory Transformational Activation WorkSPICE Meetup with Inez at 7pm to bring greater fulfillment. Limited 10. shop, 10am-6pm, Anahata 945 Central Ave. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Naples, $125 Contact: www.AnahataNaples. Ft. Myers, Cost: RSVP $10 Contact: 239-939Feng Shui Readings 10:30am - 5:30pm com/carrie, Taught by Reiki Master Carrie Sopko. 2769, Sassy-Phenomenal-Inspired-Conscious- Elysian Fields 1273 Tamiami Trail S Sarasota Awaken your true potential & expand your awareEmpowered Woman Meetup. Join Inez in Price: 15 minutes $25, 30 Minutes $45, 60 minutes ness. Empower yourself to heal yourself & others. exploring how you can achieve your highest $85, Contact: Level 1 of 3. and best dreams. Learn the steps to connectCheryl Grace will help you see the world with a fresh ing to your intentions and resolutions to ensure approach using her intuitive skills, and the time proven Shaman Journey Experience 2:00-5:30pm success. principles and wisdom of Feng Shui. Rising Tide International 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota Price: $20.00 Contact: Rev Zan ButterflyDeerSaturday, March 12 Crystal Light Healing 12-3pm woman, A guided meditation enhanced by the The Power of One 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice heart beat call of the mother drum. A journey into DNA Activation with Multidimensional Centre Mall #258. Venice, Price: 30min/$30 Contact: the own shaman’s dream, for guidance, expansion Sound & Music 9:30am-5:30pm 941-488-6714, Kathy and Karen are Certified Nurse and healing. Longhouse Yoga 2321 49th Street S D. GulfEnergy Healers who have assisted many in finding port, Price: $85 Contact: www.visionarymusic. their life path, lifting old blockages, and clearing and ANIMAL TOTEMS CLASS 4:00pm com, A transformational sound healing experibalancing chakras with the use of Crystal Light Heal2O44 Bispham Rd.,Sarasota ence, facilitated by JoAnn Chambers, includes ing Technique. By placing crystals on each chakra Price: $10 donation Contact: TR Courtney catered lunch by Vida de Cafe, limited space, and clearing them of any debris, it gives the person Nine power animals or totems guide us daily. pre-registration required. a sense of well being. During the session, Kathy and Join Yvonne Graham for a fun way of finding the Karen receive spiritual messages to aid in healing. animal and clan you belong to. Reserve call 941Health Expo, 11am to 7pm Mystikal Scents 9545 E. Fowler Ave Tampa Benu: the Archangel Gabriel Workshop, Saturday 266-8435. Price: FREE, Contact: 813-986-3212 and Sunday 1 pm to 4 pm Kabbalah - An Introductory, 7pm-8pm Description: Come Share a day of Healing and Shrine of the Master Church 852 S. Tuttle Ave, Anahata 945 Central Ave. Naples enlightenment..Many Readers and healers will Sarasota, $50 Contact:, be available 941-953-6620, Benu, the Archangel Gabriel, will chan- Price: Free Contact: Susanna 262-0811 nel through Karen Cook to bring forth wisdom from the The timeless principles of Kabbalah are for everyone who will not settle for second best. Psychic Fair 10 AM till 4 PM angelic realm. It’s an incredible system of logic and a precise Universal Harmony Church. 5903 Seminole technology. Blvd, Seminole, Reservations available on line Pendulum Workshop at 2pm. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. MyMonday, March 14 ers, Cost: Free Contact: 239-939-2769 Evolutionary Tarot Readings, 10am to 4pm Learn how to choose, cleanse, program, and ‘charge’ Angels ~ A Kabbalah Center Seminar 8pm Hilton Garden Inn, 8270 No Tamiami Trail, your pendulum. Learn how to use your pendulum Anahata 945 Central Ave. Naples Sarasota, Price: $15 and up, Contact: Edith A. more efficiently for divination, energy work, chakra Cheitman, PhD. (941) 358 6812 diagnosis, and finding lost objects. Free charts will be Price: $26 Contact: Susanna (239) 262-0811 This seminar will provide you with the methods With forty years of experience as a tarologist available with this workshop. needed to constantly attract the assistance of and Jungian psychotherapist, Edith Cheitman, positive angels. Ph.D. will be offering her usual insightful tarot Flower Essence Workshop, 1-4pm readings at Bead Time’s Wholesale Show. Temple of Love and Healing 3700 40 Ave No St/ With particular emphasis on the healing uses Petersburg, Price: $25.00, Contact: 727-545-1122 of tarot to promote the evolutional changes Description: Robin Hill workshop to teach the art of which are crucial for all of us during these times Flower Essense great healing tool...RSVP


Drumming Circle w/Jimbo Talbot, 7pm Temple of Love and Healing 3700 40 Ave No. St. Peresburg, Price: $10.00, Contact: 727-545-1122 Description: Come share your energy w/Jimbo Talbot chanting and drumming ..Drum provided come join the fun!

Tuesday, March 15 Sacred Women’s Retreat - Now I Become Myself: Walking the Edge of Authenticity 04/15/2011 - 4/17/2011 Friday at 6pm thru 12:30 on Sunday (with breaks throughout), St. Pete Beach, $325.00 Before March 25 or $375.00 After March 25, Women gathering in sacred space to explore, integrate, express and celebrate our authentic selves through are, meditation and movement. This retreat is an invitation to live your question, to fall into the void and mystery and expand into your authentic self. The weekend journey is designed to allow a soulful, artful exploration of shadow, nonaffirming belief systems and fear-based protective layers and move into the possibility of discovering and embracing your inner resilience, essential beauty and the celebration of life’s feast through circle ceremony, guided meditation, mask-making, painting and collage, expressive theatre, journal writing, storytelling, sacred movement and gentle yoga. For more info please visit:

Thursday, March 17 Usui Reiki Level One at 7pm. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, $50 RSVP 239-939-2769, Learn hands

on healing with channeled universal life force energy. Learn how to connect with the energy, energy scanning, diagnosis of chakras with pendulum, crystal grids, symbols, and more. Certification and attunement included with this class. Reiki Share 7 PM.. Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th St. N, St. Pete, Love Offering. Join our circle of Reiki practitioners and community members to welcome this relaxing, restorative energy into your life! No prior experience with or knowledge of Reiki is necessary. A love offering is appreciated. Arrive early to ensure entry to this “After Hours” event, as the doors will close promptly at 7:00 PM to ensure sacred space.

Friday, March 18 Séance with Guisela the medium 7pm The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Price: $30 Contact: 239-939-2769 Join Guisela the medium and participate in a séance. Receive messages and contact departed loved ones. RSVP for space is limited. Friday Message Circle, 7:30pm Temple of Love and Healing 3700 40 Ave No. St. Pete, Price: $10.00 for 3 messages, Contact: 727545-1122, Description: Message Circle come and share your energy. Receive 3 messages from our gifted readers

Saturday, March 19 Practical Application of The Four Agreements, 9am-9pm 3/19 & 3/20 Nature’s Island Retreat 18800 Aripeka Road, Aripeka. Price: $150 per person bring a friend special $200 for both Contact: 727-378-5101 A dynamic weekend workshop in the Practical Application of The Four Agreements. We are honored to have Sacred Pipe Carriers and honored elders of The Heart of the Dove Medicine Lodge Laura Haney Largent of the Toltec Eagle Night Lineage Apprentice to Don Miguel Ruiz for 15+ years and her life mate, Dennis Fire Eagle Largent. Student of Master Tlakaelel, the head of the Toltec Nation Sacred Fire Keeper and Lodge Leader. Share these important teachings which will hold us in good stead for the coming changes of 2012 and beyond. (We request that you Please read the book before attending. For further details visit Homeopathic remedies for Emergencies Feb 19-20 9:30 to 5:30 Doubletree Guest Suites Tampa Bay 3050 North Rocky Point Drive West Tampa Price: 175.00 Contact: Dr. Hakeem Lewis at, Dr Robin Murphy , ND is a naturopathic physician who has been teaching and practicing Homeopathy for over 30 years. He is an internationally recognized author and teacher Stonewater Studio Jewelry for Wellness March 19 10AM to 5PM March 20, 11AM to 4PM, Peggy Sealfon will be exhibiting at World Wellness EcoFest at Warm Mineral Springs, North Port.


Aura Photography 10:30am - 5:30pm Elysian Fields 1273 Tamiami Trail S Sarasota Price: $25 Contact: Experience Aura Photography with Suzanne Baden using exciting new digital photo technology! The upgraded equipment creates amazing photos and videos of your Auric Field! Reiki II Attunement Class 12:30-5:30pm Rising Tide International 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota Price: $111.00 Contact: Rev. Zan Benham The 2nd of a four part class series towards a Reiki III Master Healer Attunement and Certificate for Reiki I practitioners. www. PSYCHIC EXPERIENCE WORKSHOP 12pm– 5pm. 3/19 and 3/20, ANAHATA Spiritual Center 945 Central Ave, Naples, Price: $150.00 Contact: ANAHATA at (239) 262-0811 This workshop will focus on your own natural ability to recognize and use spiritual energy in order to give and receive messages from beyond. Reservations required, space is limited Children’s Etiquette Class! 2-4 PM. Price: $25 (family discounts available), Karen Leonetti 941-349-7536, Do you want your 5-12 year old child to brush up on their P’s & Q’s? Sons or daughters are invited to attend a Child’s Etiquette Class with Karen Leonetti CDA,CDS. Karen is a fun, fresh food expert and educator. Must be pre-paid, Space is limited. The Power of Energy Dance 2:30-5:30pm Longhouse Yoga 2321 49th Street S. D Gulfport Price: $20-$40 Suggested Donation Contact:, ree style dance to a variety of music in a safe and relaxed space. HerbalWise Solutions for Menopause 4:00-6:00pm, Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Ave N, St. Pete , Price: $30 by Mar 12; $40 by March 17 Contact: Stacy Renz or Jane Arnold 727-826-4754 An interactive information session where you learn diet, lifestyle and botanical solutions for addressing menopausal symptoms. www.livingroomyoga. biz or call (727) 826-4754.

Sunday, March 20 Goddess Celebration, 2:00-5:00 pm Pelican Pointe/Venetian Rm, Price: Love Offering/ RSVP thru site, , Explore Sacred Inner-Self and Sisterhood with each new Personal Discovery: Create Heart’s Desire, Deepen Intuition, Soak in Sound, Bring out your Xenia Warrior & Manifest Inte

Monday, March 21 Inspiring Your Journey – A Group Session for Women 7PM Price: Love Offering.Contact: “After Hours” at Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th St. N, St. Petersburg. Choose to inspire your life! Awaken Yourself to a New Way of Being during this session for women designed to ignite and inspire your full potential. Each session is guided uniquely by Spirit, and will be facilitated by Andi Schenbeck. Attend this “After Hours” event at Wings Bookstore receptive to what The Divine has in store for you! Arrive early as the doors will be closed promptly at 7PM to ensure sacred space.

Tuesday, March 22

ties. The keynote speaker will be Dene Peterson, Founder of Elder Spirit, a cohousing community, founded in 1995. Sponsorship opportunities available. Creating Community Everywhere 8:30am – 4:30, Girl Scout Gulf Coast Event and Lunch included. Conference Center, Price: Lunch included. $35 Firewalk, 5:00pm - 9:00pm before March 22 / $45 “at the Door” Contact: Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road 941-400-1270 or Price: $49.00 Contact: Rev. Denise Oyler Coffee/Registration/Exhibits at 8:00 am. This Firewalking is transformational. Whether you choose interactive forum will bring people together to explore different community models. Topics will to walk across the coals or not your life will change. include creating community where you already Rev. Denise creates a safe and sacred space. live, establishing a housing model with shared living space, and forming new cohousing com- Creative Manifestation Playshop 10:30 - 1:30 pm, Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Procmunities. The keynote speaker will be Dene Peterson, Founder of Elder Spirit. Sponsorship tor Road Sarasota, Price: $30 Contact: opportunities available. Learn how the power of envisioning and reinforcing through simple creative explorations activates the flow Meditations for spiritual health at 7pm. of opportunities for inner and outer wealth! The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Price: $30 Contact: 239-939-2769 Learn essential visualizations and meditations Pot Luck Dinner, 7pm for optimum spiritual health. A must for all heal- Temple of Love and Healing, Price: free Contact: 727-545-1122, Come and meet our family.... ers and light workers. RSVP bring a dish or just come! Bullying Workshop 7 - 9 pm Julie Rosenshein: “Making the Shift” Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, Price: $10 per person $20 per family 10am – 1pm, Unity Campus, 460 46th Ave N., St Pete, Price: $40 Purchase Tickets: Wings Bookstore Contact:, Help your children know how to respond to bullying and what they or 727.522.6657. Join Julie Rosenshein, The Indigo Doc and author of The Highly can do about it. Explore the causes and soluSensitive Kids Guide for this special workshop detions and be the change. signed for adult indigos, parents, counselors, teachers and those on the spiritual path. “Making the Shift” is a Wednesday, March 23 workshop to assist “Indigo, Crystal, & Highly Sensitive Souls” transition smoothly into the New Earth energy. Alchemy: Class one – Intro at 7pm Julie, a gifted intuitive, will share a whole new set The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, of tools and strategies - Receive personal intuitive Ft. Myers, Price: $30 Contact: 239-939-2769 Ever wonder what the heck alchemy is and how guidance and insights from Julie and some audience members will also receive mini readings during the to start? This alchemy class will meet once a month, with this month’s intro answering these workshop! very questions and more. Discover the history Owning & Honing Your Intuition 10am - 12pm of alchemy, the contributors to this sometimes confusing path, and how you too can ‘turn base Sarasota, Price: $20 Contact: Pam 941-921-3821 Gain greater access to intuitive guidance and what is lead into gold’. Serious students only please blocking you. Understand discernment and what voice is speaking – ego or heart. Limited 10 Friday, March 25 Laura Katleman-Prue:The Skinny Thinking Experience, March 25,26,27 Time: 3/25 6-8:30pm; 3/26 12:30-7:30pm; 3/27 9 am-noon, Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Avenue N, St. Pete, Price: $195 by March 18; $225 by March 23; For Fri only $15 early pay; $25 late pay, Contact: Stacy Renz or Jane Arnold (727) 826-4754 Learn the steps to achieving a thin, healthy body for life without worry or struggle with Laura’s holistic approach. Essentially Eckart Tolle and Byron Katie meet food.

Saturday, March 26 Creating Community Everywhere 8am to 4:30 pm, Girl Scout Gulf Coast Event and Conference Center. 1470 Cattleman Road Price: $35 before March 22 / $45 “at the Door” : 941-400-1270 or Coffee/Registration/Exhibits at 8:00 am. Program at 9:00 am. Explore different community models. Connect with others who desire a deeper sense of community. Topics include creating community where you already live, establishing a housing model with shared living space, and forming new cohousing communi-

with Justin Martz Saturday, March 26th 6:30-8:30 pm. Call for details & to register. Check for available dates/classes.

Sunday, March 27 Eliza Rey: “Intuitive Tools 4Kids” 1:30 - 3:30pm Unity Campus, 460 46th Ave N., St Pete. Cost: $25 and include a signed copy of Eliza’s book Purchase Ticket: Wings Bookstore, 727.522.6657, Intuitive Tools 4Kids (IT4K) is a program created for parents and children to encourage methods of developing a child’s intuition, creativity, and self esteem. Eliza Rey is an expert in dealing with this topic based on her 27 years as a children’s occupational therapist and her background as an intuitive. Eliza is also a writer of inspirational writings including her most recent book Daysee The Delinquent Angel. Join Eliza for this workshop to learn more about how you can support your child’s natural intuitive abilities in a loving way, allowing their innate gifts to naturally emerge, grow, and develop! Shamanic Sound Journey w/ Scott Simon 4-6pm, Enchanted Earth 733 Main Street Dunedin Price: $15.00 Contact: 727-216-6594 Bring your mat and pillow and enjoy a Shamanic Journey of Chanting and Music, WORKING WITH YOUR PENDELUM CLASS, 4pm, 2044 Bispham Rd. Sarasota, $10 donation Contact: 941-266-8435, Join Susan Houliston to understand the energies behind the pendulum, and how to use your energies for the pendulum to answer your questions. $10 donation.

Psychic Faire 10am-4pm The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Price: 25min for $25 Contact: 239-939-2769 Choose from an assortment of well-established and gifted healers. Tarot readers, Palm reader, soul chart progression, Oracle cards, full chart astrology analysis, rune caster, DNA and psychic cord cutting, medium, chakra cleansing and alignment, and Shamanic Journeys. Past Life Regression Workshop, 1-4pm Enchanted Earth 733 Main St. Dunedin Price: $45.00 Contact: 727-216-6594 Explore 2-3 lifetimes in an experiential past life regression w/ Patricia McGivern who studied w/ Brian Weiss Free Talk & Book Signing, 3pm Elysian Fields 1273 Tamiami Trail S Sarasota Price: Free Contact: Intuitive healer Peggy Rometo talks about her book The Little Book of Big Promises, an inspiring journey to uncover your life’s path. A Beginner’s Introduction to Tarot, 6:30 to 8:30pm Creekside Gems & Minerals 5914 Trouble Creek Rd. New Port Richey, Price: $40.00 Contact: Lisa Monk (727) 845-5451, A Beginner’s Introduction to the Tarot


Monday, March 28 Making Herbal Products for Massage (Earn 3CEU), Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies, 901 Central Ave, St Pete, Price: $60 Contact:727384-HERB (4372), Add value and differentiate your massage offerings by incorporating the therapeutic benefits of herbs. Receive a step-bystep workbook and samples to take home. Cost $60. FSMTA and NCBTMB approved. Register at Advance Registration Required.

Saturday, April 2 Gary Renard: From Victimhood to Power 10AM – 5PM, Unity Campus, 460 46th Ave N., St Pete., Tickets are $95 in advance ($125 after April 1st). Contact:, 727.522.6657. Spend the day with Gary Renard, the best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe, and Your Immortal Reality as he explains in a new way how you can gain total mastery over the experience of your life. Ultimately, you can claim your own identity of perfection, and release forever the false ideas of lack and inadequacy. Specific techniques will be taught that the workshop participants will be able to use for the rest of their lives to undo the ego and experience their true reality as immortal and invulnerable. Gary will teach these principles in a humorous and enlightening way, and he will share information from the Ascended Masters that are his teachers. Gary will also be discussing material from his 3rd book, “Love Has Forgotten No One”. AYURVEDA FOR AMERICANS 10:00 - 3:00 The Chakra Center, Sun City Center, Cost is $48 Contact: 813-633-9400, A 5 hour Workshop with Sparrow Slo’an, of Alafia River Aura Imaging. Come explore the philosophy of Ayurveda, the Science of Life, the ancient holistic medical system, from Vedic knowledge - Learn how to destress and detox with understanding of foods, herbs, and cycles. INCLUDES AN AYURVEDIC LUNCH. RSVP

Thursday, April 7 Astrologer Jane Lasser “Chiron and its Gifts” 7-9pm, Contact: for more information., Learn how Chiron’s movement in the heavens affects love, marriage, fertility, and finance. Celebrity and audience charts will be examined. Bring your natal chart to the meeting. Ms. Lasser is a frequent presenter for Chicago area NCGR research groups.


Saturday, April 9 Day of Sound Healing 9 am - 5 pm Unity of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota Price: $60 Contact: Jo Mooy 941-355-1414 Change your vibrational frequencies through sound. Explore the seed vowels & discover how toning can heal the body and spirit with certified Sound Healers Jo Mooy and Patricia Cockerill.

Sunday, April 17 Deborah King “Be Your Own Shaman!” 1:30 to 5 pm, Unity Campus, 460 46th Avenue N, St. Pete., $25. Ticket Purchase: Wings Bookstore, 727.522.6657, or Step into the mystery that’s calling you! This knock-your-socks-off workshop will open your hidden shamanic powers as you, a natural-born healer, learn to become your own shaman. You’ll learn all about the extrasensory skills you naturally have to heal whatever ails you, and to heal others as well. This experiential workshop develops your personal power and self-knowledge and leads to self-mastery. Join Deborah King for an intense experience and journey into the mysterious realm of the mystic. Learn ancient techniques that transport you into the world of the invisible. You can become your own shaman! The event will also include a book signing with Deborah King (Hay House author of Truth Heals and Be Your Own Shaman).

Friday May 6 Eileen Nauman: How to Pick a Successful Surgery Date Location to be determined. Contact: Eileen will go through her rules for determining the best time to have an operation. Planetary direction (retrogrades) and its affect on the outcome of a surgery will be discussed. Void-of-Course moon plays a part in the formula. The transit of the Moon through all twelve zodiac will be discussed in order to determine the best time for such an operation.

Saturday May 7 Eileen Nauman Beginning Medical Astrology 10-5, Location to be determined. We will use Eileen’s formula, the Med-Scan, to study a natal chart and interpret it medically. Participants will be taken on a step-by-step journey towards understanding which zodiac sign rules each part of the body or body system. Eileen has been a practicing medical astrologer since 1970. She is a best-selling author and homeopathic and alternative medicine therapist.

Ongoing Events Monday Metaphysical Mondays! $20 Readings! 10-4:30pm, The Power of One 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice, Price: $20 Contact: 941-488-6714, Full Tarot and Crystal Readings just $20 all day at The Power of One! Every Monday Tarot Readings with Allison 10-4:30pm The Power of One 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice, Price: Full Reading $30 Contact: 941-488-6714, Allsion has been a Psychic Intuitive since a child. Her clairvoyant ability brings a deep emotional touch to her readings. She also does Life Purpose Numbers.(Come on Mondays and get a Full Reading for just $20) Every Monday and Friday Emotional Freedom Techniques & the Law of Attraction 7pm-9pm Unity of St. Pete 6168 1st Ave N. ST Pete Price: $10 Suggested Love Offering Contact: Juanita 727-360-5028 Megan 727-729-2246 Learn how to align the subconscious mind with the conscious let go of limiting beliefs. Become the vibration that attracts what you truly Desire. First & Third Monday Creating Bliss in the Midst of Your Transitions 7:00-8:30 p.m, Unity of St Pete at 6168 1st Ave. N. Price: . Love offerings gratefully appreciated Contact: Lillie at 787-235-8788, 727-344-1515 www., 4-week class provides proven spiritual wisdom and support to understand and manage life altering transitions (divorce, job loss, business downsizing, relocation, new relationship, etc.) Mondays March 7 to 28. Book is available at the Bookstore. Angel Gathering, Every Second Monday, 7pm Wings Bookstore 4500 4th St. N. St Pete Price: Love Offering, Contact:, (813) 758-1139, Connect with your Angels & Archangels. During each gathering, Angelic beings are channeled & discussed. Participants are guided through powerful exercises, to encourage the Angelic connection. Goddess Gathering, Every Fourth Monday, 7pm, Wings Bookstore 4500 4th St. N. St Pete Price: Love Offering,, (813) 758-1139, Gathering empowers women to align with the

Goddess within. Celebration includes belly danc- Meditations/Readings/Healings with Tony Fernaning & exercises to assist women embrace the dez 7pm, Anahata, 945 Central Ave, Naples, Price: feminine energy that desires to express fully! $15, 239-784-9519


Holistic Moms Network Monthly Meeting 7pm-9pm, Whole Foods Lifestyle Center Laughter Yoga, 10:00am, Location to be Price: Free for first meeting, then membership ($45) Announced, Sun City Center, Price: $5 Contact: requested Contact: Roxanne Jorgensen 904-687-6972, Every Tuesday, Laugh your way D.L. Dell’Armo will show how Zero Balancing and to better health. You only need the ability to Trager Approach help alleviate physical and emotional breath and the willingness to laugh for better patterns that stem from the mind-body relationship. cardiovascular health, pain relieve, and sleep. 1st Tues of every month Available for private and corporate parties Self-Healing with Dr. Salli Lau 10am-12pm Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, Price: $10 Love Offering Contact: Dr. Sallie Lau, Learn proper nutrition and how to choose supplements for your individual needs. Natural alternatives to chemical/drug medicines. Prevent disease and promote healing from the most common to the most dreaded/fear diseases. March 1 to April 19 Tarot and Psychic Readings with Frannie 10-4:30pm, The Power of One 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall#258. Venice, Price: 15min/$25, 30min/$45, 60min/$85 Contact: 941-488-6714, Frannie has been a psychic and intuitive reader for over 20 years. She uses the Tarot, and Psychometry, along with her channeling abilities to connect with those who have passed, as well as your Spirit Guides. 5-Element Healthy Living, Open Forum, 12-2pm, Dutch Retreat, SCC Village Plaza, Ste 104 (US301 South / SR674), Price: Free, , Every 2nd Tuesday, Take charge of your own health by decreasing disturbances that can lead to ailments. Join me in an exploration of balancing our Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood Elements HEALING SHARE, 7pm 2nd and 4th Tues 2044 Bispham Rd., Sarasota, Price: love offering Contact: TR Courtney, Join Yvonne Graham for meditation and opportunity to receive hands-on spiritual healing and send mental healing to others. Discovering the True Self Rev. Barbara Calabrese, 7- 8:30pm, Starts: 02/01, 7 week course every Tuesday, Mystic See 411 West Dearborn St Englewood, Price: $75, An accredited course through The College of Metaphysical Studies. Do you want to meet a wonderful person? Experience positive thinking for your highest potential.

Wednesday Meditation with Jill 10-11am Every Wed. and Sat., The Power of One 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice, Price: Suggested donation $20 Contact: 941-488-6714, Whats happening spiritually in your life? Share experiences and knowledge in this fun, uplifting, interactive group. Explore and grow individually and collectively through the wisdom of spirit. Followed by a guided healing meditation and channeled messages and information. Jill offers a lifetime of experience connecting quickly and clearly to spirit.

Guided Meditations w/ Judy Taylor, MhD, 5-6:30 PM, The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Suite 201, Sun City Center, Price: $10 a class Contact: 813-633-9400,, Communicate with your higher self, Ascended Masters and more. These 1 ½ hour sessions designed to teach you methods you can use at home. Self Realization Classes, 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm Sarasota Gnostic Center, Clark Rd Sarasota Price: Love donation, Contact: (941) 228-9208 Experience Gnosis.Learn the secret practices used through the Ages. Relaxation-Concentration-Inner Change-Guided Meditation-Chakra Activation-Astral Projection Tarot, and much more. Hypnosis for Weight Loss with Stacy Renz First 4 Wed of March 6-7:15pm Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Avenue N, St. Pete Price: $75 per month if register one wk before series begins; $85 afterwards, Contact: Stacy Renz or Jane Arnold, 727826-4754, Strengthen your resolve with affordable hypnosis support! Let’s relesae that holiday weight and then some! Register at www.livingroomyoga. biz or call 727- 826-4754

Wonderful Wednesday’s 11am – 4 pm, Miracles Metaphysical Bookstore Thursday 1950 2nd Ave. N. St. Pete: 727-822-3157 Beginning in January, Miracles Bookstore will start offering a 20% Spiritual Economics: True Prosperity Prinoff special on Wednesday’s. In addition, during Januciples from the Soul 6:30-8:30 p.m. ary, receive a small gift with your first purchase. 651 58th St. North #17, St. Pete. Price: $25 each / $90 all. Contact: 787-235-8788 Tarot, Psychic and Picture Readings with Jill, Learn and experience the principles that are transEvery 11:30-3pm Wed. and Fri. The Power of One 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre forming the way people do business and change their lives. 4-wk workshop leading us into the new Mall #258. Venice, Price: 15min/$25, 30min/$45, economy. Facilitator: Lillie Cintron, MBA, In the 60min/$75 Contact: 941-488-6714 Flow Solutions, March 10-31. Jill offers a lifetime of experience connecting quickly and clearly to Spirit. Her picture Readings take you Reiki Share, 4:30pm-6:30pm within yourself where blockages or emotions may be Velora Peacock, Sun City Center, Price: Love dohindering your spiritual growth, there she can then nations, Contact: 813-633-9400, First Thursdays, begin the healing process. Her Tarot and Psychic Readings bring connection with divine wisdom to give Come and experience the ancient Universal Life Force energy. Transfer healing techniques that you what you need to hear in this moment. reduces stress and promotes healing. Every one is welcomed. Healing Circle 4-5pm 1st Wed. of each month The Power of One 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice, Price: $10 Contact: 941-488-6714 Transformational Breath by Carrie Sopko 6:30pm, Anahata 945 Central Ave. Naples, $10Journey into your healing experience with a guided meditation. Work with energy as a group, then pair off $25 Contact: to experience both the giving and receiving of Univer- Unlock your hidden potential! Release behaviors and patterns. 6:30- lecture for newbies ($25). 7pm sal Life Force Energy, opening and connecting with begins Just Breathing portion (love donation). your guides and increasing your psychic awareness. BYO blanket, pillow. No experience in energy work is required.


Active Meditation, Every 2nd and 4th Thursday, 7PM, Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th St. N, St. Pete Price: Love Offering. Active meditation is the process of witnessing while being engaged in activity, helping to release stress, rebalance the mind and purify the body. During this “After Hours” event, Leigh will guide you in cultivating the silent witness within you. Please bring a meditation pillow or yoga mat. Arrive early, to ensure entry. Joyful Yoga, 6-7pm Fossil Park Rec. Center, 6635 Dr. MLK Jr. St. N., St Pete, 727-893-7756, $25/mo or $7/class. 1st Class FREE, Breathe light and love through your body and spirit while enjoying deep yoga stretching. Ask and It Is Given: Law of Attraction in Action 7:00-9:00pm, Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Rd. Sarasota, Price: $10.00 Contact: Zan Benham, Understanding and practically applying the principles of the Law of Attraction through the works of Abraham/Hicks. Enhances clarity, wellbeing, joy, creativity, prosperity. ROCK YOUR WORLD 7:00pm Alternative Health Therapy 1201 Sheridan Rd Clw., Price: Love Donation Contact: 727-4499090, Discussing and exploring the tools of Conscious Evolution.Open to the energy of the Crystal World. share and learn.Limited Reservations.

Friday “A JOURNEY WITHIN” Soul Service w/ Rev. Debbie Dienstbier, 3-4:15 PM; The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Suite 201, Sun City Center, Price: $10 Love Donation Contact: 813633-9400, Come feed your soul! Reverend Deb’s weekly service includes a Guided Meditation, Soul Sermon and Personal Messages from Spirit. Private readings also available.

Women’s Full Moon Meditation 6:30 pm 03/18 04/15 Every other Friday, Rising Tide Spiritual Center 5102 Swift Road Sarasota, Price: $5 love offering for rising Tide Contact: Jo Mooy 941-3551414, Women’s Full Moon meditation for planetary healing & peace. Smudging & sacred space @ 6:30 pm. Meditation starts at 7 pm. Complimentary healings 6:30-7 pm. Rising Tide 5102 Swift Rd. Call Jo Mooy 941-866-5752. $5 suggested love offering. Women’s New Moon Meditation 6:30 pm 04/01 Every other Friday, Unity of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, Price: $5 love offering for Unity of Sarasota Contact: Jo Mooy 941-355-1414 Women’s New Moon meditation for planetary healing & peace. Smudging & sacred space @ 6:30 pm. Meditation starts at 7 pm. Complimentary healings 6:30-7 pm. NOTE: Location change to Unity of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Rd, Sarasota for this meditation only. Call Jo Mooy 941-866-5752. $5 suggested love offering. Witch Craft 101 w/Naviae 7-9pm March 4 - April 4 Friday, ENCHANTED EARTH 733 Main St. Dunedin, Price: $15 each week Contact: 727-2166594, Learn about working w/the elements,Wheel of the Year,GOd Goddess using hearbs and crystals Spells and much more! Spiritual Trance Dance, 8PM- 10PM Every 2nd Friday, Prana Yoga & Healing Center 3840 South Osprey Avenue Sarasota,$5-$20 donation, or 941.726.3262 or, Journey through music,sound & movement while blindfolded in a safe & sacred space. Dance also includes sound healing with live didgeridoo, chanting, & toning.


Free Belly Dance Class, Fridays 6 – 7pm Hip Expressions Belly Dance Studio, 1108 62nd Ave N, Saint Pete, Price: FREE, 727.459.8558, Discover how belly dance is great spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Join the belly dance community – be strong, be sexy, belly dance!

Crystal Readings 10am-4pm Every Saturday, The Power of One. 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258, Venice, Price: Full reading $30 Contact: Tami 941-488-6714 Tami connects with her Guides, Angels, and Crystal Spirits, giving a reading very different from that of Tarot. Open yourself to Spirit and their messages!

Women’s New Moon Meditation 6:30 pm 03/04 Every other Friday, Rising Tide Spiritual Center 5102 Swift Road Sarasota, Price: $5 love offering for rising Tide Contact: Jo Mooy 941-355-1414 Women’s New Moon meditation for planetary heal-

Crystal Vibrations 101 10-11am 1st Saturday of each month, The Power of One 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice, Price: $10 Contact: 941-488-6714 Crystals and their healing properties have been



ing & peace. Smudging & sacred space @ 6:30 pm. Meditation starts at 7 pm. Complimentary healings 6:30-7 pm. Rising Tide 5102 Swift Rd. Call Jo Mooy 941-866-5752. $5 suggested love offering.

used in every culture for thousands of years. Learn how to choose and connect with crystals. How to keep them clear and happy. How they can help you in everyday life. Learn how crystals themselves can tell you things about yourself, and how you can work with them to remove emotional blockages and connect with your Guides and Angels. Tami will then give everyone a mini crystal reading! Duo Reiki Healing – 11-3 pm. Feb, 12 & 26 Papillon 212 W Virginia Ave Punta Gorda. Price: $45/30 minutes, 941.205.2800, Thirty minute sessions with Certified Nurse Energy Healers, Kathy & Karen. Using a combination of Vibrational Healing, Reiki, Crystal Light Therapy, Chakra Balancing and Clearing along with Intuitive Spiritual Messages. Call to book you appointment as spaces are limited. Psychic Readings from 11 -2 PM The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Suite 201, Sun City Center, Price: $45 for 30 min 813-633-9400 or visit, Walk-ins welcome or call for appointment. Intuitive & Wellness Fair, Every 3rd Saturday 11:00am - 4:00 pm, Om Gaia Wholistic Center 312 12th St West (Old Main) Bradenton, Start the year off with CLARITY! Various Readers and events! Get a reading by Transformation Columnist Emily Andrews. The Magic of Mantras 11:30-12:30pm 1st and 3rd Sat. of each month, The Power of One 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice, A mantra is a group of sound vibrations which have an effect on the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies. Each week you will learn 3 different and very powerful mantras along with their meanings. Raj, a master grounded in 30 years of practice, will help you feel the vibration of these ancient sounds to attract great healing and spiritual forces. Psychic Fair 12-5pm Last Saturday of each month, The Power of One 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice, Price: 15min/$15 Contact: 941-488-6714 Heres your chance to experience all of our wonderfully gifted and unique readers at The Power of One. Tarot and Psychic readings with Frannie; Tarot, Psychic, and Picture Readings with Jill; Tarot readings with Allison; and Crystal Readings with Tami.

Psychic Fair 1st Saturday 12-8pm Enchanted Earth 733 Main Street Dunedin Price: $1 per min./20 min minimum Contact: 727-216-6594, Come meet our readers Lori Newlove,Naviae, Celestial Raine,Tea Leaf Reader Marilyn Mackey Mystical Faire1pm-5pm Anahata 945 Central Ave. Naples, Price: Free Entry Contact: A fun way to sample the eclectic offerings we have at discounted prices. Tarot Readings, Cord Cuttings, Henna Tattoos, Sound Therapy, Energetic Healing, Hypnosis & more. Every 2nd Saturday

Sunday One From The Heart Healing Sessions 9:30-10:15 A.M., 4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota (Knights of Columbus Bldg ), Price: FREE, www., CSA Healing Practitioners offer 15 min. sessions to bring about a state of mind that responds in the reflection of Wholeness, Peace, and Love

Join our new Rover Rewards Club Price: FREE Contact: Give a Dog a Bone (813) 641-3734 or Stop by and get your Rover Rewards Card to recieve 10% off your entire purchase one a month! Prevention Plus Health Screening A Path to Wellness, 6405 9th St. N. Price Varies per Service, Dr. Christopher Jackson, 727-329-9637 or 1-888-667-7587 In less than 1 hour you can avoid life-threatening disease by participating in accurate, affordable ultrasound screenings. Schedule with a company your peers know and trust. Learn the Spiritual message of Rumi Port Charlotte/Punta Gorda. To be arranged Price: donation Contact: Arsalaan 941 445-2208, Would you like to read and discuss Rumi Poetry? I have 20 years experience, and would like to share. Interested.? Let me know. Date: Not yet arranged

Daily New at Mabry’s Mabry’s Market 5129 S.R. 674 Wimauma Contact: Susan Bishop, Local Grass-fed & Grass Finished Beef. Steaks, Ground Beef, Stew Meat, Meaty Soup Bones. Hot Homemade Soups crafted daily using our fresh seasonal vegetables. Crystal Readings with Tami, 10-4:30pm The Power of One 238 W. Tampa Ave. Venice Centre Mall #258. Venice, Price: Full Reading $30 Contact: 941-488-6714, Tami connects with her Guides, Angels, and Crystal Spirits, giving you a reading very different from that of Tarot. Tami channels messages she receives from the chosen crystals that help you achieve growth on your spiritual path, receive past life information, become aware of blockages that help your life journey, and learn what spiritual gifts that your guides would like you to develop. (Come in on Mondays and Readings are just $20)

Sunday Celebration Service, 10am Center for Conscious Living, 6152 126th Avenue, Suite 501, Largo, Price: Love offering, Contact 727-538-0900, Sunday Service with life-affirming message. We are a New Thought center offering spiritual tools to improve our personal lives and make the world a better place. Sacred Drumming 4-5:30pm Last Sunday of each month, Unity of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Rd. Sarasota, Price: Suggested offering $5 Contact: Rev Zan ButterflyDeerwoman A fire circle with chanting and drumming the last Sunday of each month. Please bring your own chairs and water and extra drums to share. All are welcome Sarasota Rumi Enthusiasts: Rumi Poetry Study 4:30 - 6:00, First and Third Sundays Rising Tide International 5102 Swift Rd Sarasota Price: Donation Contact: Arsalaan 941 445-2208, Learn the Spiritual message of Rumi by discussion with sincere souls. Poetry and Turkish tea provided. Bring a friend and an open heart.

Throughout the Month Monthly Seminar Series on Common Health Issues, A Path to Wellness, 6405 9th St. N. (MLK), St. Pete, 33702, (727) 329-9637, Diet, nutrition and other holistic and natural approaches to reverse and/or prevent common health conditions will be presented.


and find the Longevity and Wellness solutions you deserve!

Naturopathic/Holistic Medicine Family Healing Center, Dr. Christina Captain, Dom, 1219 East Ave S #104 Sarasota, Fl 34239 941-951-1119,, FHC is an integrative, alternative health care practice, incorporating traditional western ideology with Eastern & other holistic strategies. Integration of East meets West allows the center to provide specialized treatment for a wide range of health problems. Wellness Works, Dr. Carol Roberts M.D. 1322 Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34243 941-358-1071, We offer our patients an evaluation, treatment, and education based on the holistic model of body-mind-spirit. To recognize that the best form of treatment is determined by the individual need and preference to incorporate education to maintain the body and the mind. A Path to Wellness, LLC, Dr. Christopher Jackson, Ph.D., DOM, AP 6405 9th St. N. (Dr. MLK Jr. St. N.) Holistic physician focused on the cause, treating body, mind, and spirit. Natural medicine from around the world with western naturopathic and eastern medicine combined. Alternative Health Therapies 1201 Sheridan Rd., Clearwater 727-449-9090, Acupunture, Prolotheraphy, Mesotheraphy, Massage, Acupressure, Reflexology, Veterans Support, Classical Homeopathy, Anti Stress Support, Chinese Herbal Therapy

Acupuncture Physicians East West College of Natural Medicine 3808 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota 941-355-9080 EWC strives to be the leading provider in Oriental Medicine education, by training practitioners who embody the highest level of professionalism and provide quality and compassionate healthcare. Longevity Wellness Clinic 2106 Bispham Rd, Sarasota, 941-225-2338, Experience 21st Century ZYTO Technology integrated with the ancient Healing Arts of the Orient


Lumina Healing Ctr. for Laser, Acupuncture & Massage, Oscar Hernandez 2903 Dr. MLK St. N St. Petersburg, FL 33704 (727)898-5900, Laser + Acupuncture will reduce & heal PAIN from day one (2 full therapies for $65), One hr. Hot Stone deep tissue massage $25, Herbal, Vitamin injections $25, facials. Quantum Acupuncture, Sandy Moon 300 S. Duncan Ave Suite 291E Clearwater Fl, 727-458-9616 Take a ride on the Quantum wave a space age Technology that incorporates ancient healing and knowledge. This new technology helps you relax and destress in minutes as well as provide you numerous healing qualities. Call Today! Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic of Ruskin 203 W. Shell Point Road Ruskin, FL 33570 813-645-8168 fax 813-645-8169 Dr. Ken is also a certified Thought Field Therapist, Reflexologist, Hypnotherapist, Meridian Response Technique, and retired psychologist. Light Therapy for myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, joint pain, bruising, fracturs, muscle problems, and wounds.

Energy/Spiritual Healing The Longhouse, A Healing Arts Centre 2309 49th Street S., Gulfport 727.322.5766 • We offer a variety of complementary health practices by licensed and skilled practitioners such as relaxation and neuromuscular massage, Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy, Somato-Emotional Release, Shiatsu and Reflexology. Reiki Center of Venice 116 Corporation Way, Venice 941-497-7795 Reiki training-all levels-all ages. NCBTMB , BOC and FL Massage Ce’s. Full and Half day workshops. Crystal and Chakra Healing courses and sessions. (EFT) Emotional Freedom Techniques & The Law of Attraction Unity of St Pete 6168 1ST AVE N. St Pete. 727-360-5028 or 727-729-2246 Juanita Christy & Megan Gray, MA, Private and group sessions. Juanita, EFT Certified Coach has practiced meditation for over 35 years. Megan has 28 Years experience of coaching and Yoga Therapy.

Alafia River Aura Imaging Riverview, Florida, 813-601-1276 Aura Photos, Research, Workshops, and Counseling — Certified Aura/Chakra Analyst, Ayurveda Practitioner, and Reiki Master. Utilizing the Biopulsar Reflexograph, Sparrow combines personal experience with multiple knowledge systems to interpret your aura photo. Energy Sound Healer, Robert Austin 941-822-9046, Discover the healing properties of crystal and Tibetan Bowls. Available for private sessions, concerts and workshops. Sound Body Wholistic Health Center 5530 1st Ave N,St. Petersburg, FL 33710 727-388-1444, A wellness center dedicated to the exploration and practice of healing with sound and music. Private sessions, CEU courses, books, CD’s, instruments and more.

Detox/Colon Therapy Essentials for Health Colon Therapy Sue Ontiveros LMT, CT, 5710 4th Street North Suite 4 St Petersburg, 727.906.6675,, We specialize in colon therapy, nutrition, and detoxification. Colon therapist, Sue Ontiveros, has performed over 8,000 colonics making her well qualified in her field. Garden of Eve Studio Eve Torres, LMT/Colonic Therapist 7754 66th Street, Pinellas Park, 727-748-9017,, Specialists in detoxification therapies: colonic hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage, ear coning, ionic foot detox, nutritional supplements and therapeutic massage.

Herbal/Nutrition HerbalWise, Deserie Valloreo St Petersburg, 727-384-HERB (4372), HerbalWise empowers you to take control of your health naturally through hands-on herbal medicine-making workshops, individual consultations, and our own line of herbal remedies. Natural Products for Healthy Living Free consultation by appt. Call 813-763-0340 Protect your Heart w/ pharmaceutical grade Omega-3s.Lower Cholesterol Naturally with plant Sterols & Stanols. Antioxidants, Immune Support, Digestive Health & more. Cleaning

Products: safe for you, your home, your planet.

Artists/Musicians Jack Alexander, 941-359-9222 His artworks adorn the homes of actor Dustin Hoffman, Archbishop D. Tutu of South Africa & diplomats & dignitaries worldwide. Clients, decorators, contractors and collectors call him a “master” and credit his work as having healing properties. Kirtan Sacred Sounds, Suzanne Alvarez 813-785-7993,, Suzanne is available for singing at Weddings, parties, or Kirtans. Sings Folk to Broadway. BA Theater in Arts. FireflyHalu Handcrafted Art Also available at The Chakra Center and Art Center Manatee, Sculptural, Functional and Inspirational Art by Sandy Z. Duran including chakra pendants, stained glass incense holders and more. Every piece, always inviting the light!

Bookstores/Gifts/Learning Cozette’s Boutique and Enchanted Notions 667 Central Avenue St Petersburg (727) 823 2333, Electic Fashions and Accessories with a flair. Organic handcrafted gauges and body jewelry. Metaphysical stones, candles, incense books and tarot card readings by Christy. Elysian Fields Books & Gifts 1273 S. Tamiami Trail Midtown Plaza Sarasota 941-361-3006, Award winning store in Sarasota where something wonderful is always happening! Books, music, jewelry, crystals, incense, candles, clothing, personal care & greeting cards. Intuitive Readers daily. Heavenly Things, Inc 216 First Avenue N (Jannus Landing) St. Pete 727 822 8938, We provide an assortment of unique art pieces, mystical objects, spiritual music, encouraging books, happy gadgets, popular relaxing products, fine arts & crafts, aromatherapy, essential oils, jewelry, altar pieces, tarot cards, semi-precious gemstones, incense and much more. Papillon 212 W Virginia Ave, Downtown Punta Gorda 941.205.2800 An inspirational book and gift shop, under new ownership, offering gemstones, salt lamps, candles, incense, aromatherapy, unique jewelry, greeting cards, workshops & classes. Intuitive readings daily. Enchanted Earth 733 Main Street, Dunedin 727-216-6594 Merry Meet,a truly magical place for all your spiritual needs. Readings,healing,and classes are offered. Special Events & Gatherings are held throughout the year!

The Power of One 238 W Tampa Ave, Venice Center Mall 941-488-6714 Intuitive readers, energy workers, stones, crystals, soy flakes, art work, meditation and mantra meditation, fresh cut flowers, psychic fairs at the end of each month on Saturdays. Stonewater Studio 8805 Tamiami Trail North #130, Naples 239.821.2266. Handcrafted gemstone jewelry and highly therapeutic Integrative Relaxation programs (lectures, classes and workshops) for individuals and businesses to help you live a fuller, more balanced life. Creekside Gems & Minerals Trouble Creek Rd. New Port Richey 727-845-5451 Super-Natural Treasures is what you’ll find here at Creekside. Amazing rocks everywhere you turn. Large selection of organic teas & tinctures, books, tarot cards, wands, etc.. Wally’s Natural Wonders LLC. 600 N. Armenia Ave, Tampa, 813-874-3131, One of the oldest Lapidaries in the area. Crystals,Gems,Jewelry,Lapidary Supplies, Metaphysical Supplies, Gem Cutting & Polishing Mermaid Minerals 306 Orange St, Palm Harbor 727-785-4444, Our product formulas are infused with natural earth made ingredients. We left out toxic chemicals and preservatives to bring you quality products to protect and preserve your skin. Miracles Metaphysical Bookstore 1950 2nd Ave. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33713 727-822-3157, Miracles offers humanitarian and environmentally conscious merchandise; plus free information cards about many products. Ask for your ‘Frequent Shopper Thank You’ card. Free Wi-Fi. Mystic See 411 West Dearborn Street Englewood 941.473.3816, An enlightened gift and book shop and spiritual empowerment center offering Intuitive Readings, massage, classes, meditation and special events to enhance our daily living. The Chakra Center 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd Ste 201, SCC 813-633-9400, Offering spiritual books, crystals, readings incense, jewelry, gifts and more. Full array of classes and workshops for enlightenment. Laughter yoga classes. Where light seekers gather. Anahata ~ Holistic Healing & Spiritual Center 945 Central Ave., Naples 239-262-0811, An eclectic offering of services, staff members, and products. Naples’ ONLY eco-friendly metaphysical store. You can Skype with our psychics & attend LIVE classes online...

Business/Personal Services Professional Proofreading, Susan Barton 407-382-0313, 15 years of professional experience. Polish your materials and solidify your image with a professional proofreader. Friendly, timely, extremely accurate. (Transformation Magazine is proud to use Susan for all of our proofreading!) Triple 3 Marketing Randall Moore, 941-321-2984 Help your business enhance relationships with customers, strategic partners, and media professionals. We provide integrated marketing solutions, quality advertising, and practical communication tools that support your goals. Marcia’s Creative Solutions 813-980-0298, Awaken to a space of harmony & balance… Professional Organizer for home, bills taxes and more. Need help to sort, organize and unclutter? Interiors by Rene, Venice 518-312-8433, Interior decorating using ecofriendly materials, green designs, and feng shui to create an environment that promotes feelings of safety and comfort and encourage expansion and growth. In the Flow Solutions 787-235-8788 Intuitive ideas, innovative solutions, venues of possibilities and the best course of action strategies to manage your business and get your life in Divine Order.

Counseling & Life Coaching Intuitive Coaching, Velora Peacock 904-687-6972, Readings, intuitive coaching, energy, session, animal spirit card readings, past life regression, Awaken to your true potential. M.S. in Parapsychic Science. Integrated Mindset, LLC, Cindy Snowball 941-524-1022, Health and Wellness Life Coaching. Find your life path through I See Your Dream Job coaching using numerology, astrology and intuition. “Intrigue the mind, nourish the spirit and energize the body.” Relationship Therapist, Helen Dahlhauser 727-692-6326, As a therapist who has helped hundreds of couples make the decision to stay or leave, I have developed a relationship process that can help you learn, heal, and make the best possible decision for your unique situation. Higher Vibrational Living 941-706-2210 We provide Life coaching, parent coaching, resource materials, tools and support as you ascend to higher vibrational frequencies of consciousness, which then leads to a higher vibrational way of life for you!

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Rev. Marla Sanderson 727-475-8991, Spiritual counseling for harmony in personal life and relationships. Available for weddings, celebration of life services. Alternative Healing & Holistic Practitioner Zan Benham, 941-922-7839, Spiritual counselor, Reiki Master and teacher, Hypnosis, Regressions,shamanic practitioner, shaman journeys, soul retrieval,intuitive readings, classes, all for your expansion, empowerment and healing. Spiritual Coaching Megan Gray 727-729-2246 Motivation, releasing blocks. EFT, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. M.A. Counseling 1863.

Churches/Spiritual Centers Center for Metaphysical Fellowship 2044 Bispham Road Sarasota, FL 941-266-8435 Start your Sunday smiling at our 10:30am service. Hands on healing, inspirational talk, special music and Spirit messages. Healing Share 2nd and 4th Tues 7:00pm. Radiance of Sarasota 2868 Ringling Blvd Sarasota, FL 34237 941-927-6797 or 941-362-0440 Experience Inspiration & Wellness in All Areas of Your Life! Come to Radiance of Sarasota and BE Well! Heal the Body, Quiet the Mind, Balance the Emotions, Open to Your Inspiration Center of Spiritual Awareness 4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota (Knights of Columbus Bldg), 941-926-7828, We welcome you with open arms and open hearts, to a warm, loving, divine fellowship of “The Spirit”, honoring diversity, nurturing creativity and celebrating community. Shrine of the Master 852 Browning St, Sarasota 941 953-6620, Metaphysical Christianity, embraces spritiual teachings of all world religions. Sunday morning services include vibrational healing and Sunday evening services include messages from Spirit loved ones. Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 AVE. N., St.Petersburg 727-522-7133,

Our metaphysical church is helping the community to open hearts and minds to an enlightened path. Weddings,Baptisms, Classes,Book Store Sanctuary of Light Healing & Spiritual Center 5114 Trouble Creek Rd., Newport Richie 727-947-2641 or 727-945=1879 We believe in the free will of all people to worship the God of their understanding in an atmosphere of love,unity and caring. Center for Conscious Living 6152 126th Avenue, Suite 501, Largo, 727-5380900, We are a Science of Mind New Thought center offering spiritual tools to improve our personal lives and make the world a better place. Unity Campus, First Unity & Wings Bookstore 4500 4th Street North, St Petersburg FL 7275272222, Unity Campus is a spiritual community that teaches a positive, practical and progressive approach to spirituality. Unity Church of Sarasota Rev. Elizabeth Thompson, Minister 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, Florida 34231 941-955-3301, Unity is a positive approach to life, seeking to accept the good in people and all of life. Universal Harmony 5903 Seminole Blvd. Seminole fl 727-392-7725, Our philosophy and mission is to present spiritual truth in a “universal” manner and to emphasize “harmony” in the individual path of Life-and-Living.

Healthy Eating Mi Pueblo Mexican Restaurant Organico 8405 Tuttle Ave Sarasota Fl 34243 941-359-9303, Organic Vegan & Living Food menu and a Traditional Mexican menu. Healthy whole food catering to special dietary needs including gluten free and dairy free options with all the flavor of Mexico. Whole Foods Market - 1451 1st Street, Sarasota - (941) 955-8500 At Whole Foods Market, you will find the expertise and advantages of a farmer’s market, a specialty wine and cheese market, a grocer, an old-fashioned butcher, a fishmonger and a team of chefs making the finest quality global cuisine…all under one roof. Gateau O Chocolat, Emmanuel Roux 727-251-1879, www. Heaven’s official chocolate cake! Now available on Earth and online. Organic, gluten free, luxurious, flourless. For good friends, nice relatives, best clients, and YOU!


Heartmade Gluten-free Sweets & Treats Lisa Stoler 727-686-3767, Heartmade’s handmade biscotti is delicious and contains only natural, gluten-free ingredients. Perfect for holiday parties and holiday and corporate gifts! Healthy Hut Market, Restaurant, Cafe 595 Corey Ave., St Pete Beach 727-363-hhut (4488), At the Healthy Hut, our mission is to add one more choice for a healthy lifestyle to your daily commute, bringing you the highest quality products and services in the pursuit of a life well lived seeking maximum human longevity and quality of life. Mabry’s Market 5129 E State Rd 674 Wimauma Fl 33595 813-957-3148 Specializing in organic herbs, fresh produce, farm eggs, naturally raised meat, dried herbs and spices, fresh bread and other locally produced product.

Health & Wellness doTERRA, CPTG Essential Oil Robin Lesia LeBleu P.O. Box 230, Parrish, FL 34219 813-545-1256, DoTerra, Certified Pure Therapeutic grade, Essential Oil. Holistic health care at home. CPTG essential oils, with their healthful properties, vs Over The Counter drugs. Ochunsoino’s Spiritual and Natural Health 203B W Shellpoint Rd, Ruskin, Fl 33570 813-649-4789, www. Dedicated to all natural vitamins, supplements, organic products supplying a diverse selection of spiritual and metaphysical products to the community.

Hypnosis Cynthia Kasper Hypnotherapy Cindy Kasper, Clinical Hypnotherapist 5104 N Lockwood Ridge Rd, Ste 301 Sarasota 9418937932, Change your life with hypnotherapy. Resolve issues with weight, smoking, anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, chronic pain, cancer and insomnia. Enhance sports performance, motivation and self-esteem. Hypnotherapy, Velora Peacock 904-687-6972, Self empowerment techniques to reduce stress and allow the body to focus attention on a natural course of healing. Finding solutions to self sabotaging behaviors lead to peace of mind & control of negative behaviors. IMDHA Certified.

Massage/Body Work Dutch Retreat Massage & Wellness Clinic Deb van Raalten, LMT MA#55854 SCC Village Plaza, Suite 104 (US301 S / SR674) (813) 763-0340, Manual Lymph Drainage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Amethyst BioMat, Bamboo Fusion, Hot Stones, Reflexology & Organic customized Essential Oils, Natural Vitamins, Minerals, Herbals & Botanicals.

Facilities/Meeting Rooms Sacred Lands 1620 Park Street N, St. Pete, (727) 347-0354 Sacred Lands Preservation and Education, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving land that has historical and archaeological significance. Sacred Lands hosts a variety of programs and events at the mound site which is the location of an ancient Tocobago village.

Associations/Clubs/Networking Holistic Network Tampa Bay Building communities & strengthening lives! Inspire a healthier you in 2011! Feel Healthier and stay connected. Join the Holistic Network today! Receive discounts with over 65 Bay Area health and wellness providers. Grocery Home Delivery 727-238-7703, A great way to network, help people work from home..cover gas and other personal expenses . Call or text!

Past Life Regression Forever Souls, Elissa Bentsen 941-706-3583, Have you ever visited a place and experienced that you have been there before or met someone and instantly felt you already knew them? Chances are these are clues to your past life and they can provide valuable insight and information that can help you in this lifetime.


crossed over. Over 20 years experience. Available 20 WEST SPA Friday at the Chakra Center Sun City by appoint20 west Wentworth St. Englewood. ment. 3pm Fridays “A Journey Within” Soul Service. 941-475-0020 or email We work form “inside out”. Offering newly exShamans Blessings panded services including colonics, facials, baths, 3465 Bonita Beach Rd, Suite 4, Bonita Springs & massages. Services customized to meet your (239) 947-0000 individual goals and schedule, 7 days a week by Tarot, shamanic reiki, chakra balanding, cord cutappointment. tings, life activations, energy balancing, elemental balancing, aura healing, house blessings and more! Nancy Homes Holmes, Esthetician 941-416-7409, Intellectual Metaphysics, Marcia Bender Voted A Natural Awakenings Favorite Anti-Aging 941-924-1721, Practitioner for 2010. Bellanina Facelift Massage Over 40 years in all aspects of Metaphysics and Specialist & Seminar Instructor. Face and Body specialization in Tarot and Numerology. Marcia Treatments that Refresh, Rejuvenate, and Relax has taught over 400 students to “read” the Tarot. Currently Accepting Students. Mediation and Yoga Living to Inspire, Emily Andrews (813) 758-1139, Intuitive Coaching, Angel Readings & Healing Sessions, & Past Life Readings. Workshops: Awaken your Intuition, Connect with your Angels, Connect with your Past Lives, Intuitive Parenting, & Meditation.

Apollo Beach Yoga, Julie Chavanu 118 Flamingo Rd, #C Apollo Beach, FL 33572 (813) 422-2336, We offer classes 7 days a week, Gentle Classes to Vinyasa style. Meditation and Breathing classes coming soon. NEW STUDENTS 1st Month Unlimited Classes: $25.

Cynthia Castillo The Chakra Center 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Suite 201 Suncity Center 33573 813-645-4979, CALLING ALL ANGELS! Rev. Cindy uses her life experiences to help guide you in the here & now. Connect with your angels, Intuitive readings

Womens Meditation Group, Spiritual Connections, Jo Mooy, 941-866-5752, Women’s guided meditations on the New & Full Moons for global and personal healing. Healers offer complimentary energy services. Sacred space, chanting, silence, at Rising Tide Spiritual Center.

Anthony Fernandez, Medium Anahata, 945 Central Ave, Naples Psychic, spiritual reading, phone reading, group classes and meditations, angelic healing and messages, crystal healings, private meditations in your home. Gift certificates available.

Give a Dog a Bone 6170 N Us Hwy 41 Apollo Beach Fl. 33572 813-641-3734, We strive for the best products at the best prices! We carry only all natural dog and cat food/treats. Our products contain human grade meat, fruits, and vegetables with no by-products. We also bake all natural bones & cakes in the store daily.

Wisdom From Above, Rev. Emma Rosa 813-677-6314, 813-843-8961 Spiritual Advisor, Reiki Master, Classes on developing your gifts, Phone consultations, Angel Reading, Medical Intuitive, Palm Reading. Honor your creator! Everything in divine order.


SpaRenity, Day Spa and Wellness Center 810 53rd Ave. West, Bradenton 941-727-7711, An Oasis of Relaxation and Rejuvenation. Skin care, make-up, hair removal, nail care, chinese medicine, massage, body treatments, day packages and more!

A JOURNEY WITHIN, Rev. Debbie Dienstbier The Chakra Center 137 S. Pebble Beack Blvd. Suite 201 Suncity Center 33573 727-433-3896, Trance Medium, Clairvoyant, Healer. I am open to communicate w/guides and loved ones who have

Spa and Beauty

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Video Renaissance Simon’s Coffee House Gulfgate Produce East West College of Medicine Southgate Circle Massage APOLLO BEACH Sarasota Specialty Apollo Beach Yoga Pharmacy Give a Dog a Bone Radiance of Sarasota PINELLAS PARK Curves Kadampa Meditation Garden of Eve Studio Any Time Fitness Center Victory Martial Arts Academy GULFPORT Rosemary Birthing Home PORT CHARLOTTE Apollo Beach Chiropractic Zen Bodyworks Harmony Health Center The Longhouse on 49th Street, Port Charlotte Natural Selby Public Library Foods Stella’s Deli and Gelato Sarasota Emporium BELLAIR BLUFFS Java Nirvana Cafe Sarasota School of Massage PUNTA GORDA Bellair Food Mart Beach Bazaar Therapy Papillon The Apothecary Women’s Meditation Group Yoga Sanctuary BONITA SPRINGS Bistro du Monde Shamans Blessings INDIAN ROCKS BEACH State Street Spine, Natural RUSKIN Holistic Medicine for the Healing Center Acupuncture and Wellness BRADENTON Whole Family Smoothie King Advanced Chiropractic Om Gaia Special Nutrition GNC All Manatee Libraries INDIAN ROCKS BEACH Stephen Plumlee, Marriage Ochunsoino Good Earth Natural Foods IRB Yoga and Family Therapist Hydro Harvest Farm Blue Room Gallery Siesta Key Massage Dani’s Seafood Shanty SpaRenity LAKEWOOD RANCH Shrine of the Master Purple Coconut Hair & Spa Eduardo’s Cantina Center for Metaphysical SAFETY HARBOR Elements Therapeutic Massage Country Pancake House & Fellowship Bailey’s Naturals Restaurant Mandala Med-Spa & Yoga Oak & Ivy BRANDON Good Earth Natural Foods Shala Safety Harbor Library Wellness Works Massage Experience Siesta Crimson Moon Spa & SET Center of Brandon LARGO Key Boutique Chuck’s Natural Food Center for Conscious Living Captain Curt’s Crab and Mystic Goddess Oyster Bar SANIBEL CLEARWATER Largo Library Ringling Museum/Asolo Sanibel Yoga College of Metaphysical StudChantilly Health & Wellness Theater ies Carol’s Clippers Hair Clinic Jan’s Closet SARASOTA Wellness Worx Hollands Associates Sarasota Massage School Whole Foods Market Total Nutrition Center Heads or Tails Pet Grooming Carlson Studios The Granary Alternative Health Therapies Longevity Wellness Clinic Pathways to Health MADEIRA BEACH ST PETE BEACH Sarasota Healthplex White Orchid Gulf Beach Public Library Healthy Hut Market Family Healing Center One Flew South Decor & More Perfect Circle Yoga The Blue Owl Natures Food Patch NAPLES Rosemary Court Yoga & Anahata Holistic Healing & ST PETERSBURG Massage DUNEDIN Spiritual Center Gulf Gate Wellness Center Taoist Tai Chi Serendipity Café The Salt Cave Rubin Health Center Integrated Path Enchanted Earth Nature’s Garden Island Gluten Free Bakery Miracles Bookstore Awaken Organic Skincare Love Yoga Center Acupuncture and Herbal Han’s Chinese Medicine Pure Harmony Therapies Unity Church of Sarasota NEW PORT RICHEY FIrst Unity Church Center for Spiritual ENGLEWOOD Angelic Touch Light Center Hip Expressions Dance Awareness Mystic See Sanctuary of Light & Healing Studio Gabriel Center 20 West Spa Flow Yoga Heavenly Things Mind Spa Earthy Goodz St. Petersburg Florida Elysian Fields Village Gifts & Gallery NOKOMIS Hypnosis Center Rising Tide International The Open Studio Rhythm Inlet Essential Acupuncture and Aurora Therapeutics Food is Love Herbs Sarasota Healing Arts Advanced Hearing Solutions OSPREY Wings Bookstore SuperValue Nutrition Loving Light Yoga Healing Hands Nature’s Finest Foods Prana Yoga and Healing Vino Loco Essentials for Health Wellness Works Elsie Quirk Library PALM HARBOR Temple of Love and Healing Cafe A La Mode Oak Trail Book Store Big E’s Sweets & Gourmet Unity Church of St Witches Brew Cafe Petersburg Coffee Consciousness Blossom Living Room Yoga. ANNA MARIA ISLAND/ HOMES BEACH Body & Sol Spa Vitamin Sea Health Store


FORT MYERS The Labyrinth Alive and Well, a Holistic Center Health and Harmony Center Masters of Healing & Light The Mystical Moon Bonita Springs Joyful Yoga

Vegetarian Restaurant Conscious Connection Serenity Now Unity Church of Palm Harbor YB Normal

Central Cafe & Organic Cupcake Spot Emilio’s Bistro, Bakery & Bar Graphi-ko Gallery Bohemia Cafe The Enchanted Forest Royal Palms Natural Nail Peoples Spiritualist Church Leafy Greens Healthy Being Wellness Center Messineo’s Gourmet Market Tranquility Wellness Spa A Path to Wellness, LLC Acupuncturist Dr. Jack Silverman, DOM Chiropractor R. Douglas Reitz, DC Ray Wunderlich Center Course In Miracles Alternative Therapy Center Thomas Chines Medicine Sound Body Holistic Health Cozette’s Boutique The Clip Joint SEMINOLE Universal Harmony Church Sunshine Health Foods SUN CITY CENTER Chiropractor, Ron Latronica The Chakra Center doTERRA, Robin Le Bleu TAMPA Harmony Spiritual Life Center and Bookstore Angel Heart New Age Gifts Wally’s Natural Wonders VENICE Dr Qinghong Han Chinese Medicine The Power of One Reiki Center of Venice Serenity Eyewear Boutique Ciao Bella Salon WIMAUMA Dutch reTreat Massage Maybry’s Market

And more! Over 50 new locations since February! Ad YOUR business to this list and receive a free online listing in the Distributor Directory.

Diagnostic: Blood, Saliva and Urine Laboratory Testing Hair Analysis Stool Analysis Applied Kinesiology Toxicity and Nutritional Analysis Affordable Laboratory Testing

Treatments: Acupuncture Electro Acupuncture Auricular Acupuncture Lifecare Counseling Wellness Coaching Nutritional Planning Chinese Herbs Homeopathy Allergy Elimination Jaffee-Mellor Technique Acu-point Injection Therapy B-12 Injections Stop Smoking Treatment Weight Loss Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Detoxification Programs Saliva Hormone Testing Hormone Balancing Supplement and Medication Review

Expert Care, Twice as Nice. The Family Healing Center and Christina Captain, DOM, AP, SLP, FSC proudly welcomes Lauren Rathvon, DOM, AP as a associate in Oriental Medicine to her practice. The Family Healing Center provides expert care where the most effective healing techniques are employed with compassion, integrity and sensitivity to each patient’s unique needs and health goals. We foster patient enrichment, involvement and responsibility in achieving their individual vision of health.

Now Accepting New Patients. Visit for more information, or call the Family Healing Center at 941/951.1119 for a free consultation.

ANNUAL COMPLEMENTARY CARE PACKAGES AVAILABLE You and your whole family can enjoy the benefits of regular complementary care all year! For more information, go to:

Convenient Downtown Office Location: 1219 East Avenue South, Suite 104 at the Midtown Medical Park. 941/951.1119 ~ ~



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