Transformation Magazine, June 2011

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Section Title

Hope for Best The 100th Monkey: Creating a Shift Mike Dooley’s 21 Ways to Live Your Dreams Harness the Power of Choice Shift Your Relationships Through Forgiveness Aiyana: The Story of a Goddess for a New Era My Daily Palette Out Your ego: See Beyond Appearances Practical Spirituality: A Bigger Mind Partnering with Our Kids Through the Shift Atomic Contrast Yes You Can! Eat Healthy on a Budget The Way It Is: Watch Your Mouth Embracing My Passion Spiritually Speaking: Optimism vs. Pessimism Positive Change: Scratching the Great Itch Gathering at the Choice Point with Gregg Braden Angels and Inspirations: Polarities Coping with Quantum Change Ask Dr. ZZ What Questions Are You Asking?

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Transformation Magazine (941) 479-0323

Advertising: Editor: © Copyright 2011 Transformation Magazine. All rights reserved. Transformation Magazine is published monthly by Transformation Services. The information provided herein is for entertainment and personal development purposes and should not be construed as health care diagnosis or therapeutic service. The publishers do not necessarily agree or disagree with the views contained herein.

The cover art for this month’s issue is by local artist Mike Bowen. Mike’s background in graphic design and illustration and his natural self-taught technique demonstrate his spiritual awareness of the seen and unseen.

My inspiration mainly comes from the ability to create; I believe that everyone has a Godgiven talent to create with an array of forms and media given to us here on this Earth. I urge people of every descent to spend time creating and uplifting, rather than destroying and holding back. If there is one thing I would like to convey through my artwork, it would be inspiration. The story of Hope for Best begins with another piece entitled Red Spirit, which began several years ago. After sitting, unfinished, in the garage for over a year, Mike felt called to complete it, and almost immediately a woman purchased it when it brought tears to her eyes. Another woman, looking to purchase a print of Red Spirit felt strongly that she wanted an original. The new collector wanted an original and told the story about how to her, this piece should represent all women and their determination through the process of breast cancer since she, Melanie “Best”, is a survivor. The artist agreed to paint a new work with this prayer in mind. This image is the result of that vision which came through. It captures an angel (higher-self) breathing life into the female form who represents all women of race, age and color. The artist is donating 10% of all Hope For Best sales to the Susan G. Komen fund in honor of the original intent of the commissioned art. To learn more about Mike and all of his creative endeavors, visit


Natalie is a Transformation Coach who has worked with hundreds of individuals seeking to live a life of purpose and genuine relationship with their true selves, others, and their world. She believes in uncovering the core of life challenges and creating change by rewriting our scripts and rewiring our brains. This column addresses the Awakening and the resulting transformations being seen and experienced in our community and within our own lives.

•••••••••••••••••• The 100th Monkey:

Creating a Shift

In the book The 100th Monkey Ken Keyes, Jr. tells the story of a scientific research study on monkeys that supports the notion that quantum shifts can occur when a population reaches a “critical mass.” This phenomenon is often referred to when one is in need of evidence to support the belief that an optimistic future is possible for humankind. The 100th Monkey empowers us to have faith that if enough people will just think the right loving and compassionate thoughts —

When we reach the 100th human—or whatever number is the tipping point—then suddenly, almost magically, our world will shift. In 1952, on the island of Koshima, Japan, scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys liked the taste of the raw sweet potatoes, but they found the dirt unpleasant. One young monkey found she could solve the problem by washing the potatoes in a nearby stream. She taught this trick to her mother as well as her playmates, who then taught their mothers too. This cultural innovation was gradually picked up by various monkeys, and by 1958 all the young monkeys in the study group learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes to make them more palatable. However, only the adults who imitated their children learned this social improvement. Other adults kept eating the dirty sweet potatoes. Then something startling took place. In the autumn of 1958, a certain number of Koshima monkeys were washing sweet potatoes—the exact number is not known. Let us suppose 99. And later that morning, the hundredth monkey learned to wash potatoes. THEN IT HAPPENED! By that evening almost


everyone in the tribe was washing sweet potatoes. The added energy of this hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough! But note: These scientists later observed a most surprising thing. The habit of washing sweet potatoes then jumped over the sea...Colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop of monkeys at Takasakiyama, Japan, began washing their sweet potatoes too. Thus, when a certain critical number of people achieves an awareness, this new consciousness may be communicated from mind to mind. Although the exact number may vary, this Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon marks the point at which if only one more person tunes in to a new awareness its field is strengthened to the point where the concept or knowledge, for example, is picked up by almost everyone! A blending of biologists’ morphogenetic fields and Carl Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious, this story instills hope that as humans we will one day reach our own critical mass of positive thought on Earth. Today’s science shows us that patterns and fields that are without mass or energy do in fact shape the manifestations of form and energy in our world. The more widespread these fields are, the greater their influence on our physical reality. Unfortunately, after researching the story of the monkeys I found that the way it was told here is not entirely true. The original research findings do not support the idea of an “ideological breakthrough” phenomenon. According to the researchers, the shift that occurred was not an unconscious, spontaneous transmission of information, but rather a shift in culture. There were no monkeys that all of a sudden began washing potatoes. Disappointed? Don’t be. After investigating the source of the 100th Monkey story, I found the truth even more inspiring!

The problem people often have with truth is that it requires us to change. I went back to the original research and found that it did not tell a tale of mystical miracles and unexplainable phenomena. The original research findings instead offer a picture of a shift created by the cultural adaptation—

A phenomenon that has hope of being duplicated by optimistic humans willing to take action instead of sitting idle waiting for the world to change. In the original research there was no mention of the monkeys reaching a certain threshold that imparted the idea of potato washing onto the entire group or beyond. The research found that if monkeys had not started to wash sweet potatoes by the time they became adults, they were unlikely to learn it later. The true findings offer a good example of what Thomas Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions would refer to as a “paradigm shift,” rather than an example of a spontaneous transmis-

sion of ideas. As with human culture, older generations cling to the worldviews of their upbringing. Widespread change, paradigm shifts, and critical mass are reached only once an older generation withdraws from power and a younger generation matures within the new paradigm. I have found no research that supports the idea that holding positive thoughts alone is sufficient in and of itself to change the world. I have to admit, though, that I like the idea of affecting the collective unconscious and our manifest world solely through positive thought—it seems so much easier than trying to change others directly. However, even though the 100th Monkey story does not provide concrete evidence of mind-to-mind universal consciousness shifts, I choose to believe that this phenomenon is happening to some degree behind the scenes. What I like about the true story behind this research is it empowers us to affect the world in a real way.

It doesn’t take 100 “monkeys” changing a behavior and then waiting for the rest of their tribe to get a clue—it takes 100 “monkeys” innovating new ideas and behaviors, teaching them to their peers, and learning them from each other. We are social, collective, interdependent beings! It’s not just our quantum fields interweaving in the beyond-the-physical dimensions of our universe that are responsible for quantum shifts and the possibility of “critical mass.” We are responsible, right here, on earth, where we are intricately connected and dependent on one another to support each other as we evolve! No large-scale paradigm shift—from the ending of slavery to freedom of religion—has ever occurred without a small group of people focusing their intents and actions on their visions for a better world. Together we can create the shift: •

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Choose Your Thoughts: Continue to focus your attention on the positive—on peace, on love, on abundance, on freedom. You would never guess the number of people who are observing you and learning from you, just as the mother monkeys did from their young. Choose Your Actions: Live it! Whatever it is you wish to see more of in the world, be it! Live as an example and walk in the light. Let your light be a beacon of hope for those whose paths you cross. Teach Others: Actively teach others whatever it is that you want to see more of in the world. What was once new knowledge or inspiration to you is still new to someone else, so spread the light!

“You Must Be The Change You Wish to See in the World.” — Ghandi In the end, the true story of the 100th Monkey tells a compelling story of a critical mass being reached through cultural transmission—when one person consciously imprints new thought patterns onto the unconscious of those within his or her reach. This shift is then spread like a positive mind virus as each infected person interacts with both the quantum field and the physical reality of countless other individuals. I believe a critical mass will be reached in which a higher level of consciousness will no longer be the personal experiences of a few but the well-established alternative for all. Maybe it will be due to all of our positive thinking shifting the world through the collective unconscious, or maybe it will be because we communicate positively with others, take inspired action, and lead the way to a better world. Either way, I vote for action. You never know when or how your light will touch that 100th human!

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Live Your Dreams

21 Ways to Live Your Dreams By Mike Dooley

You are here on this earth to thrive and live your dreams. The key is to first understand the mechanics of reality and then choose to take charge of your life. This means being aware of your thoughts, words, and actions and consciously choosing language and an attitude that supports your success. And it means putting yourself in a position to receive all the good fortune available to you. Once you prepare yourself and open the floodgates wide, good things will flow into your life. Here are 21 ways to claim your dreams and your destiny, now.

1. Step Onto Your Path: Follow your heart. Be true to yourself, and ask yourself often what it is you want to be doing, as opposed to what it is you should be doing. 2. Make Balanced Choices: Use your head. But use it wisely. Let there be a mix of logic and heart in all you do. 3. See What’s Possible: Visualize. Call upon the power of your imagination to see your dreams as real, viable, and already a reality. 4. One Step at a Time: Take baby steps. The secret here is that while baby steps may not carry you a long distance, they stir up magic and opportunities along the way. 5. Get Ready for Success: Prepare the way for your inevitable success. Not just for the obvious reasons, but for the optimism, anticipation, and expectation such preparation invokes. This sends a message out into the world that will summon the resources you need to complete your journey. 6. Face Your Fears: Don’t be afraid to go where you’ve never gone. Once you’ve committed and set your course, previously invisible “lions and tigers and bears” will suddenly emerge onto the scene. This is by design— we are lured by our dreams to face our challenges. By doing this we grow and become more of what we are meant to be. 7. Fake It Until You Make It: Splurge, celebrate, and “buy the shoes you have always wanted.” Pretend. Act as if. Indulge to the degree you can.


Not only is this fun for obvious reasons, but it helps to re-circuit your thinking into that of “having arrived.” 8. Circulate and Show Up in the World: Get out more. Be a part of the world. Network. Dance life’s dance. Life’s already good. You just have to get out there and see it for yourself. 9. Reclaim Your Power: Cast no blame or fault. Don’t look for someone else to pin your problems on. Accepting responsibility for your life puts you on the fast track to claiming your power. 10. Take Stock of Your Life: Appreciate everything you already have. You’ve done well for yourself, and by seeing this now you’ll not only begin to savor your accomplishments, you’ll also be reminded of your capabilities. 11. Be the Change: Give thanks for everything you will one day have, as if it is already yours. It’s well-established by mainstream science that the mind helps us create what we want in life by visualizing and imagining it already exists. 12. Give It to Yourself: Love who you already are. Even if you seek to understand your weaknesses, seek and value your strengths. See what’s already good; let your confidence be bolstered. 13. Judge Not: Don’t judge your progress with your physical senses alone. The mechanics of making dreams come true, exist far beyond what we can physically detect, so just because you can’t see the serendipities, coincidences, and people being lined up, doesn’t mean they’re not! 14. Lend a Hand: Help others to achieve their dreams. Lending a hand to others is both a good deed and a way to stay connected to the actions involved with success. Also, it gets you out, thinking, moving and grooving, making friends and having fun. 15. The Greatest Secret of Happiness: Learn to be happy before your dreams come true. There will always be things you want in your life that you do not yet have. The trick, then, is seeing this and learning to be happy “in the pursuit,” rather than indefinitely putting it off.

Live Your Dreams 16. Tune In to You: Honor your preferences. You are one-ofa-kind, and so are the things that thrill you. What makes one person happy may have little to do with what makes another happy. Tune into what you like, and be unaffected with what others prefer for themselves—or what others prefer for you. 17. Keep Your Door Open: It is literally impossible to know where your next great break will come from or to predict the new “partner” who will be your greatest helper and ally, yet they will come and they do exist. If you believe success can only come through a specific path or person, you will unwittingly eliminate all other possibilities. 18. Be Playful and Practice Success: Practice becoming who you are meant to be. Speak among your very closest friends as if you’ve already “been there, done that.” Thoughts become things. 19. Focus on What is Most Important: Don’t get stuck on unimportant details or trying to control the way success comes your way. Visualizing your dreams coming true is an important tool for creating a new reality, but trying to control every detail of your dream come true will drive you crazy. 20. Be Your Own Best Friend: Be gentle on yourself. Friends coach, care, and inspire. Enemies detract, destabilize, and set back. Happily, you get to choose which you’ll be to yourself.

21. Go! Live your dreams today to any degree that you can. Nothing shouts out louder to the world (and to yourself), “Here I come, ready or not!” than the conscious decision to begin joyfully living, here and now. Be a part of the tour that’s been delivered to over 10,000 people on 6 continents, 15 countries, and 60 cities! Join Mike Dooley in Miami on June 4th and Tampa on June 5th as he presents his World Tour III Workshop, “Playing the Matrix and Getting What You (Really) Want.” “The Matrix” reveals the interconnectedness of all your dreams and how they flow together, and when understood it will ultimately help you bring about your greatest happiness and fastest life changes. Come and gain new insights and tools to begin creating the life you’ve always dreamed would be yours! Sign up at:


An international tax accountant turned entrepreneur turned writer for “The Universe,” Mike Dooley lives in Orlando, Florida, where he runs TUT’s Adventurers Club, a philosophical club for the adventure of life, and sends his “Notes from the Universe” to over 375,000 subscribers each weekday. As the New York Times bestselling author of Infinite Possibilities and a featured teacher in The Secret book and DVD, Mike is actively using the concepts and principles he expounds upon to travel the world, speaking on life, dreams, and happiness. For more on Mike, visit his website at

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Empowerment are willing to release the power that the negative pattern held over you by owning that you did it and are doing it now. Now there is energy to invite the new behavior as a replacement of the old. What is the new behavior to replace making excuses? It is accepting responsibility for change.

Action is the willingness to do what it takes to live a new choice.

Byy Linda B Lin inndddaa Williams Wililliliaam ms

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” —Albert Einstein We all have the personal power of choice, and we can use that power to stop the cycles of sabotaging behaviors that often become repetitive programs within our unconscious. To begin the journey of replacing negative behavior patterns and shifting into healthy alternatives we must embrace the “Three A’s,” which are Awareness, Acceptance, and Action. Used together, they establish a repeatable process that can break through the barriers that block us from fulfilling our highest potentials in life.

Awareness is moving from the unconscious to the conscious. This is the first step to reclaiming your power of choice. You know that you are moving in that direction when you are no longer denying that the negative behavior is “just the way I am.” Begin by making a list of the behaviors that you recognize as harmful and hampering in your life and then prioritize them. For example, “making excuses” may surface as your biggest challenge when it comes to moving forward to meet your goals and live your dreams. Once you’ve identified the top offender, the next step is to bring all aspects of the behavior into your conscious awareness by looking at the feelings that come up when you are engaged in this activity. Document the physical responses, emotions, and mental tapes that start running on autopilot when the sabotaging behavior crops up. For example, a physical response to making excuses might be sweating, an emotional response could be inferiority or guilt, and you may be playing a tape that says, “I tried before and it didn’t work” or “I’m afraid to tell the truth because….” Identifying the components of the negative behavior is invaluable so that you can recognize what you are doing, stop the cycle, and be ready to change by choosing to shift into acceptance. At any moment, once you are aware, you can stop making an excuse and accept that you were just making an excuse. The shift is to accept that you were doing the negative behavior—making excuses—again.

Acceptance is removing the resistance to “what is.” Resistance is “yes, but…” Changing a negative pattern of behavior is a process that requires patience and understanding as you observe yourself. Acceptance is the willingness to believe that something is true, and willingness is voluntary. Here you


In this process, responsibility is the self-selected obligation to carry forward an assigned task and take the necessary action to a successful conclusion. One of the biggest challenges is having a blueprint of what you want the outcome to be and how to check along the way to make sure that you are on track. In other words, making a lasting change requires a plan. I recommend using the SMART model of establishing goals and objectives, which have the characteristics of being specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART). Select an area of your life (career, health, etc.) in which you want to make a change and write an outcome in the form of a SMART goal. Then you can monitor your actions. Are the actions leading you toward or away from achieving your goal? Periodic adjustments are part of the process. You also can include affirmations to help you along the way. For the new choice of responsibility to replace making excuses, an affirmation could be, “I choose to respond with consistent actions and be responsible for my changes.” In my workshops, I use affirmations in combination with inspirational imagery from award-winning photographer Herb Cohen to help to reinforce the messages through visual stimulus. Changing your lifestyle is never easy, but even if you only spend 5, 10, or 30 minutes each day in the pursuit of your goals, you will be creating new and inspiring positive habits that will last a lifetime.

The power of choice is an ongoing process.

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.” — Thomas Jefferson You have the opportunity to apply the power of choice at each moment in each day of your life. By accepting that the process will be a series of starts and some steps back and then keeping a clear SMART goal as a guide, you can change any negative behavior into a new positive pattern of living.

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.” —William Arthur Ward.


Linda Williams M.A., has spent the past 20 years focusing on the challenges of the change process, communication skills, leadership development, team building, and time management. As a mediator, she has extensive experience in conflict resolution, problem solving and decision making strategies. For more information on her workshops, including “Breaking the Barriers Through the Power of Choice,” a series of workshops developed in conjunction with photographer Herb Cohen, contact or call 941-400-1270.

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What forgiveness is Not: Many people do not forgive because they have a misconception about what forgiveness truly is. Therefore, let’s go over some of the things forgiveness is not. • • Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed., Ph.D. (ABD) holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and is currently completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology. Joeel’s extensive career as a relationship coach includes certifications in P.R.E.P, a 30-year research-based program for couples, Nurturing Father’s curriculum, and Parenting 21st Century. Contact Joeel at


Shift Your Relationships Through

• •

Forgiveness is an opportunity to start over and refocus our attention on what you desire.

First, Forgive Yourself: Many times in our lives we make mistakes and we have to forgive ourselves for those mistakes. Most people have more resentment toward themselves than anyone else. There are two things that our minds unconsciously do when we feel guilty. One of them is to try to repay or make right our mistake, often excessively. If we feel that there is nothing we can do to make something right, the second option we choose (unconsciously) is to punish ourselves. For example: let’s say that we had a great relationship at one point and we did something to mess it up. Then, what we naturally do is sabotage future relationships as a way of punishing ourselves. In my own life, when my brother passed away I felt a deep sense of guilt because I thought there were so many things that I could have done to change the outcome. Because I couldn’t do anything about it and I did not forgive myself, I punished myself unconsciously by not eating, sleeping, or taking care of myself. I developed ulcers, high blood pressure, and other medical problems. Fortunately, when I came to a place of true forgiveness all my medical issues went away, since I no longer had a need to punish myself. If you feel you are suffering due to an inability to forgive yourself, first ask yourself if there is anything you can do to right your wrong. Often expressing an apology in any form will help you release yourself from your prison. A person does not have to offer forgiveness in response to your apology. You hold the key to your prison, not him or her. Do everything you can and then let it go. If there is nothing you can do to make it better, you gain nothing by living in guilt and regret. If there is a lesson to be learned from the experience, consciously acknowledge the lesson and implement it into your life. Remember that all humans make mistakes and it does not make you a bad person. Also, accept that everyone experiences lessons in life that are crucial for growth. Any “wrong” that you experience was obviously a lesson for you and was most certainly a lesson for the other person(s) as well.

You may believe that forgiveness is challenging, but when you understand who it is truly for—you—then it becomes easier. When you practice forgiveness you will feel empowered. Forgiveness is freedom.

Affects of Unforgivenss: Unforgiveness is like having a resentment virus that slowly eats away at our core, desires, belief systems, and our ability to love. This virus affects every aspect of our lives including


Breaking down the prison and letting the inmate free is one of the best things you can do to truly free yourself and create the life that you want or the relationship that you desire. You may say, “I am not holding any one in a prison,” but in reality everyone creates a prison—and the inmate you are trying to set free is yourself. This prison is created by not forgiving. In fact, many times unforgiveness is the biggest piece of baggage that you can carry. Your baggage could be from a parent, friend, significant other, or coworker that was not there for you, abused you, took advantage of your trust, or harmed you emotionally. Often we hold resentments thinking we are somehow getting the other person back; however they are not affected by our refusal to forgive, we are.

Resentment is like taking poison and expecting someone else to die. So what is forgiveness? Webster’s Dictionary defines forgiveness this way: “To give up resentment against; stop being angry with; pardon; give up all claim to punish; overlook; cancel a debt.” Therefore forgiveness is releasing the feeling that the other person owes us something. What happens when that debt is never paid or forgiven? Do we just carry it with us for the rest of our lives? Many times we do! Who is it truly hurting? Us or them? When we release that feeling we are freeing ourselves and the baggage that we carry.


Forgiveness is NOT: Reconciliation with the person. Forgiveness is NOT: Living in denial about a person’s action(s) and pretending something did not happen. Forgiveness is NOT: Allowing the person to do the same behavior over and over again. Forgiveness is NOT: Having no consequence for a behavior. Forgiveness is NOT: Having the pain magically go away. The pain may take a long time to heal (although it often does go away).

career opportunities, relationships, and even our mental and physical health. In fact, people that have problems with forgiveness tend to have more physical maladies such as high blood pressure, migraines, anxiety, and even heart disease, to name a few. It’s believed that about 80 percent of illness can be cured or changed mentally, and forgiveness is a major part of this process. Steps to Forgiveness: 1. Write it down: Make a list of people you need to forgive and what you want to forgive them for. Include what you need to forgive yourself for. 2. Reflect: Acknowledge the pain that the lack of forgiveness (on your part) has caused you and how it currently impacts your life. Is it more painful than the actual experience? 3. Apologize: Express your apology through a letter, email, phone call, or in person. (Remember not to be attached to the results since this is about you, not them. Do not expect to be forgiven.) 4. Express grievances: If there are items on your forgiveness list that you have never addressed with the person, approach them about it. There may be a misunderstanding behind the situation, or you may receive an apology. (Again, do not be attached to the outcome. Express yourself for its own sake.) 5. Learn the lessons: What are some things that you can learn from the situations? Are there any positives that have or can come out of the experiences? What lessons could the other person(s) have learned? 6. Let go: Release any expectations from anyone else. This includes expectations of forgiveness or apologies from others or changes in others’ behaviors. Forgiving doesn’t mean accepting unacceptable behavior, but if the person does not change it is your responsibility to do what’s right for you, even if it means cutting ties with the person. 7. Reprogram your mind: Create an action plan on how to shift your resentful thoughts when negative feelings come up. Even once you forgive old mental patterns may be retriggered. Write down what you will tell yourself to remind yourself of your forgiveness and refocus back to your true desires. 8. Live and be free! Forgiveness is about personal power. A life well lived is your best revenge; therefore take your power back and focus on your desires. Don’t do it because, “You’ll show them,” Do it because you want to live your life with freedom and passion. Forgiveness is often an opportunity to learn, grow, and heal. We may even find that the negative experiences were blessings in disguise if we can create a place for forgiveness and acceptance in our hearts. Forgiveness is 100 percent your responsibility. Only you can unlock the door to your prison and shift your life from limitation to freedom.


Inspiration On my path to enlightenment we will journey through the past, experience pain, sorrow, awakening, and ultimately joy. Goddesses from all cultures will awaken, as I have called on them with the help of light workers and messengers alike to be my guides. There is no one goddess who will lead me on my journey, as those who linger in time and space will come forward now as they are called upon for their symbols of wisdom. As a young and newly transformed goddess, I wish to awaken everyone on this earthbound journey to cherish and celebrate life. I ask you to observe my epiphany and magical metamorphosis and learn the reasons for our existence, to love, cherish, direct, empower, and support one anBy Jean Harper other. We are all connected as humans, animals, plants, water, and “Mother” earth. Hear my silent prayer, heed my quiet call, when the dark and blue surround you. Step into my In the words of a friend, who sigh, look inside the light, you will know that I have found you—Aiyana, goddess of earthly light you will meet if you join me on my journey,


The Story of a Goddess for a New Era

The mystery of the divine feminine speaks to us from within her creation; she is not distant in heaven, but present within us.

She is the divine, returning to remind us of the real wonder of what it means to be alive. We have forgotten her, just as we have forgotten so much of what is sacred, and yet she is always a part of us. Today more than ever, she needs to be celebrated, not just as a myth, but a spiritual image, something that belongs to our blood and breath. In Her Words. My name is Aiyana, it means eternal flower and I represent the goddess in each and every one of you. Some believe that a goddess is a supernatural being, but like you, I cry, I feel pain, I laugh, and I rejoice at the rising and setting of the sun. I am believed to be directly linked to one of the seven daughters of Eve. I am of Native American legacy and the first to call America my home. My story is best told and expressed through dance and music, and I hope you have an opportunity to hear me soon. I am thought to be a fictional goddess, created by a woman who wants to do her part to produce a peaceful, egalitarian, and an aesthetically beautiful world. Is this true or am I one that was created by the blessings of light that have been cast out into the Universe by all of you on earth? Was I created to be an entity for peace, a sower of love from hatred, a beacon of light in darkness? The journey of my life is a story for all to hear, and it begins with the sound of the heartbeat. The heart is the center of our being, and we must be open to the heart connection that we share with all people through love. I close my eyes to see the world, and the world is transformed from pain and ignorance to eternal joy and beauty. Maybe I will dream forever, but with you my dreams will be the dawn of a new day. My hope, out of the endless days and nights of eternity, is that we will never let go of what is real and possible for each and every being and that we will never be lost again. There is a place for you and for me, and today we are needed for change to occur.


“Mother Earth is pleading for us to stop her bleeding, to leave behind our greed, begin to plant new seeds, the time has come.” I echo her words and agree, yes, the time has come! The lessons I have learned, like many of you, have been difficult, and I understand the cries of trial and tribulation. The teachers along my path have been role models, and I have learned and continue

to learn from these legends of wisdom. As a young goddess searching for the light, the path, the fifth dimension or nirvana, I realized we are all on a similar path in a changing world and we must wake up before it is too late. I believe all beings everywhere will shine together and become a beacon of light for our generation and future generations. We are all diamonds in the sun, every one of us. I call on the goddess Isis, the ideal mother and wife as well as the matron of nature and magic. She is the warrior goddess whose undying love for her husband gave birth to her virtuous character. It is she who will lead me with a spirit of strength and faith. Aphrodite awakens to show me and the world the one thing we cannot live without and in its absence, the world will flail; love is the answer to the earth’s woes. Hecate appears to lead me from fear rising to a higher spiritual plane, teaching me to believe in myself and to trust those who have come before me and lived in integrity with compassion and love for all beings. The earth goddess Gaia sings the song of the earth and praises all who respect her and value her resources. It is through these spirits and the angels who surround us that my journey will become your journey. My story has a title, Heartbeat, Where the Great Mystery Begins, and it is a story of metamorphosis both individually and universally.

Do you ever wonder what your purpose is and why you have been given this life you live? We all have a purpose and a significant role to play. I, as I was created, believe in a world without war, where all people will live and come together to create paradise on earth. Now is the time, we must be the change we desire.

Life is a journey and the path we take molds and forms our character by the way we choose to live each day. In a world of unemployment, recession, war, and foreclosures isn’t it time we come together and help one another? The time has come, instead of hatred and anger leading us to anarchy, we can change our course. We can choose to witness peace, solidarity, and love for all beings. Stand up and feel and find the power of your inner faith, open your heart in the name of love and devotion, believe in a world where light will guide us and we will make heaven on earth. Loka Samastha, Sukhino, Bhavantu—may all beings everywhere find peace and happiness.


Jean Harper is the founder of Moxy Women, an organization that was formed in honor of her late sister Ann. The mission of Moxy Women is to inspire, celebrate, support and empower women to find, keep, and share their moxy or courage by offering events and stories that support this mission. Heartbeat…Where the Great Mystery Begins, a music and dance production about the story of Aiyana will open on June 18th at the Palladium Theater. For more information about the production go to:


By Frannie Hoffman

I consider myself an artist. As a child I wanted to be an art teacher because I loved to draw and paint. When I was asked by my 4th grade teacher to stand before the class and share with the other children what I wanted to be when I grew up, I searched inside my heart and found what I believed would be my calling. I never truly became an art teacher in the school system. Instead I inspired my own children to create in their own ways. I opened my home to their friends as we did after school programs creating in all kinds of art forms. For years I held meditation circles, helping others to open up to the energy within, that helps one to see themselves in the light of truth. I just wanted to share what had inspired me to get in touch with creation within. To help another to change their thinking to support their hearts helped me to live on purpose.

Life seems to set us up with our own palette of experiences. We have so many choices in how we perceive what is in front of us. We can move inside and feel it all and allow the resistance to melt away as the light begins to shine the colors of new opportunities and ideas. Here each of us can paint another picture of ourselves and the life we desire to live. Drawing, painting and writing seem to be what inspired me to create from the insides of myself and communicate what I am feeling. I don’t always fulfill my own wishes as life pulls me in all sorts of directions. Yet, whenever I choose to sit down with myself and be open to what I am feeling as I ground myself in the energy that begins to flow through me, I want to express this life that seems to be touching every cell of my being. Meditation is a way to soften what we think we are seeing. It helps us to let go of the looping mind that wants to create from the past. As we are aware of our breath and breathe consciously in to the body, we can let go of what is hanging on so tight. We can feel the comfort of spirit holding us up as we surrender deeper into what calls our name. Then, without control, we become an opening. The senses come alive and the voice of silence whispers softly to our hearts. There is a comfort here for we realize how we have been distracted from our deepest calling to just be here now. We feel at home once again within the chambers of our heart. Listening deeply we begin to see with more clarity. This is the food that gives life. When I allow myself to move inside in this way, it feels like I am communicating with a higher state of being that is present within me whenever I am with myself for more than a few minutes. To deeply connect to the stillness within me is like paddling down the river at my cottage in Northern Ontario, as every stroke of the paddle brings me to where I will anchor myself to the shore as I pull my boat up on the rocks. Here is where I can sit in silent pleasure. Listening to what calls me inward as the voices of spirit dance all around me, and within, like a familiar song.


Inspiration This day is always for me. To paint on the canvas of my mind and heart. To deliver myself into the flow of the river of life that is unfolding before my very eyes. What will I see? How will I meet the world that gives me back to myself, again and again? I have so many choices as how to participate with the day. I could easily be pulled into another’s drama and how easily this happens because I care for so many. Yet, for me, I do know that I can observe the outer experiences that unveil themselves at every turn. With compassion my heart can hold another as I share what is spilling out of me as love and understanding. It is a world filled with challenges and struggles. It is a world where there seems to be one battle after another and sometimes the heart closes to hope in the darkness of all of the tomorrows. I see it all around me and sometimes it is overwhelming and all of the joys are hidden by the pain and suffering of another or of our own conflicts within the mind. It isn’t for me to fix the world. Why would I be so arrogant to think that it has to be changed? I think this would be an endless task. I choose to believe that it is my own state of being that desires to be brought back into balance. The world will continue to be as it is and for me it can be a great reflection from moment to moment. It is wonderful indeed when I can change my focus to create from what feels good inside of me. To find that sweet spot within my heart that always calls me home to what is flowing with great ease. It is where I create from and begin to see with the eyes of truth. Here I breathe deeply to understand that all is moving in its own way to become something. It is out of my hands and put into

the hands of God who always knows so much more than me. Just take a look around you. Look at the way the sun reflects on the trees. See the colors of the leaves and the flowers bursting out in the early morning light. Drink in the sounds of nature creating at its very best as we bow to the One who paints this incredible backdrop for our day to unfold. And for you my friend, it will unfold. We can’t imagine what will be given today; this new day opens you up to so much more. A day that holds the mystery. I pray for peace and call forth the ever present hand of God to touch you in ways that take your breath away. To see that every part of life has a gift to share with you and may it help you see and feel the love that creates worlds. Today I paint a picture in my heart that fills me up with the power that moves me from the inside to the outside. In the authority of my spirit I stand strong in the knowing that all is well within my mind as I grow fully into the light of this new day that joins my heart with all humanity.


Frannie Hoffman is a spiritual intuitive, counselor and author. Through her counseling sessions, Circle of Light meditations, writings and seminars, she is deeply committed to inspiring and empowering people. For more than 20 years, she has devoted her life to helping others tap into their own spiritual power so that they can live more authentically. In her book “From Modeling Clothes to Modeling Self” she invites the reader into her personal and honest expression of life and Divine Spirit. and


Out Your ego! . . . and wake up to who you really are

ego BELIEVES APPEARANCES Spirit SEES BEYOND APPEARANCES TO THE TRUTH by Staci Backauskas When I was a little girl, I believed with all my heart that my friends lived in households that resembled The Walton’s—a bit boisterous, but filled with laughter and comradery. Yes, there were disagreements, but they always knew they would be resolved with love, and at the end of the day, everyone would say, “Good night, John Boy.” I believed this because I wanted to. More than anything, I wanted to live in a space where I felt safe and loved. And my little girl perception was that I didn’t and my friends did. Fast forward 20 years. Like moths from a musty closet, the truth flew out as time pried the door open in the lives of those around me. Alcoholism. Adultery. Violence. Abuse. Apparently no one lived in the Walton’s house but the Waltons. Ego will convince you that what you see is the truth so somewhere down the line it can make you feel bad. That’s its job.


But the perception of appearance usually has very little to do with the truth. How many times have you started a job or begun a relationship only to discover that what you initially believed was not real? How often have you walked away from an experience wondering how you even allowed yourself to get involved? Trusting appearances is an ingenious setup, devised by ego, to create disappointment and occasionally devastation. Believing something because you want to doesn’t make it so, but it sure gives ego a wide berth to make you miserable. When you enter into newness of any kind, ask to be shown what lies beyond the appearance – up front. Why give ego any wiggle room to create suffering?


Staci B is an author and spiritual explorer from Tampa who’s logged over 10,000 hours on the journey of awakening to the truth of who she really is. She has written seven books, including ego: A Primer, and her Out Your ego! column is syndicated both in print and online. Her work inspires others to realize that there is no “answer,” only the next step – and that is enough. Visit


Rev. Frederick J. Eikerenkoetter, II (Rev. Ike) was a wildly successful minister in New York City. He flaunted his wealth with his Rolls Royces, and when he talked about green he was talking about money. He told stories about his childhood when he was always getting into things, trying something outlandish, opening up possibilities, and asking too many questions. He was quite a handful for his parents. Exasperated, one day his mother said to him, “Son, the problem with you is you’ve got a big mind!” Indeed, you can have a “bigger life” if you have a bigger mind. This “bigger life” can mean more prosperity, success, and creative self-expression—more love, friends, laughter, and fun. Whatever you imagine as your ultimate possibility for good is yours when you acquire the “consciousness” that creates it. (Oh dear—have I said this before?) You wouldn’t deliberately seek out a small life or an unhappy one. It’s only when you believe you can’t have more that you’ll settle for so little. Rev. Ike had a big mind that wouldn’t be dissuaded. How do the rest of us get one?

Why is our society fascinated with people who have a “big” life? Headlines in every supermarket line shriek about the lives of entertainers, royalty, and the privileged as though our own lives aren’t quite good enough. While I’m deeply concerned that we are encouraged to subscribe to this value system, it is true there is always a healthy “bigger life” each of us can live.

PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE If we’d known from birth the effect our thinking has on our lives, I’m sure we would have figured out how to apply it to make a better life. But we didn’t know and just fell into limited thought habits. That’s the irony of it. We look and look “out there” for what will make us happy, and all the time the secret isn’t in what we’re looking at—it’s what we’re looking with (our minds).

Marla Sanderson has been a student of spiritual practice for more than 35 years. She began as Assistant Director of The Next Step, a psychic and spiritual community in a New Mexico ghost town. As workshop leader, teacher, practitioner, and minister, she has led relationship and personal growth workshops, taught psychic development and meditation, Living Love, and the Science of Mind. She recently founded the New Thought Center for Creative Living, which will hold its first Mid-Week Faith Lift service in Clearwater, FL, on Wednesday, May 11.

Make the Shift to a Bigger Mind

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Make the Shift to Thinking that Expands Your Life. Limited thinking comes from a belief in “not enough.” You’ve probably had plenty of role models to learn from—your immediate family, neighbors, leaders, or just your surrounding conditions. Limited thinking fosters pessimism and dead ends. Expansive thinking believes there’s more than enough. You recognize the limitless source of all things— and endless possibilities for creation. The spiritual part of you knows you are connected to an infinite creative power waiting for you to open your mind, your heart, and your life to it. All creativity comes from expansive thinking. The more you discard old concepts and open your mind to a broader range of possibilities, the greater the life you can create for yourself. Consider these mental approaches to life in the area of money or supply: Limiting thinking tells us that money’s hard to get, that we don’t deserve better. It promotes the idea of shortages and resents “those who have,” as though they are depriving the rest of us of our due. Let’s face it—if we resent wealthy people, we probably won’t be among them. Do we think the world needs more poor people? On the other hand, expansive thinking knows there’s always enough and there’s always a way. An open mind will tune in to ideas and opportunity, follow through on them and act with generosity. Thought without limits creates a brighter future. And that’s just one aspect of life. Take a look at love or creativity from both approaches and see what you notice in your own life. Are you limited by fear of loss, narrow-mindedness, or past experiences?

Do you have a stake in your point of view that keeps you from living a bigger life? Whether or not we completely approve of our materialistic society, there are obvious signs of progress all around us. We no longer live in caves. We enjoy many comforts and advantages. And while people may boycott stores, products, or TV shows for various reasons, very few of us want to return to the cave lifestyle. Once exposed to progress, people don’t really want to go back to a life of limited thinking. Expansive thinking is creative. It’s filled with possibilities. It costs nothing, needs no props, and it’s available to everyone. The Infinite Source of positive possibility always responds to us when we shift our thinking. Again, practice, practice, practice.

Think good thoughts and you will get good results. Got something better to do? In the next few articles, we’ll explore other mindsets for creating a bigger life. Not someone else’s life – your big, beautiful, perfect life.


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Parenting Partnering with our Kids

As We Live Through The Shift By Ami Fountain “The Shift” in consciousness is upon us! Our “Awakening” is all the buzz, but what does that exactly mean? From my perspective, we are shifting into a greater awareness of our energetic selves, which is the Spiritual aspect of the human being. Realizing we are human and Spirit integrated, is where our story becomes even more ex-


citing. Children play an integral role in this process and they are simultaneously helping raise the overall vibration of the planet. As they add their energy to the mix, changes in the game are inevitable. Their pure essence comes into this world, as a piece of The Shift that is in progress, bringing with them a higher vibrational frequency that radiates the pure love energy we all are. For some of us, this is where self transformation and parenting go hand-in-hand. At times it may not be intended, but it is indeed occurring. As soon as those little people enter our lives, we change! This transition is not always smooth, but we always have the choice of how we feel about the experience. Children always bring an availability to see the higher conscious path. You may or may not have heard of a high vibrational child, or even know what that means, but high vibe children are here to assist in the world’s transformation, as well as have an individual experience themselves. How this meets the needs of our own personal work, is pretty simple, yet not overtly obvious. What exactly is high vibrational anyway? Let’s get slightly scientific to soothe the mind, and spiritual to allow the soul to shine. High vibe is basically higher on the frequency scale; the scale consists of faster moving wavelengths which are measured along with slower, more dense, movements. We are all multidimensional, vibrational beings, living in a world made up of light, sound and matter within diverse layers of energy. In all practicality I’ll use the analogy of the radio dial, or T.V. Station, when we are “tuned-in”, we are resonating at certain frequencies. Either way, there is no “good” or “bad”, just “high” and “low”. We have a daily array of experiences which include interactions with people, which can be measured on the frequency scale. How you gauge this is through your ability to sense what you are “feeling”. The feeling can be light an airy or dense and heavy, as well as everything in between. To me “high vibe”, is a fancy term for, “highly sensitive”. We can use the feelings we have to gauge which direction is best for us to go. A high vibrational individual experiences the world through feeling, or rather sensing. With predominant use of the right brain, one feels/senses their reality while the left brain

“thinks” their way through the world and much of the time about how they feel. Here’s a good example I think most people can relate to. Can you recall a time when you could feel someone staring at you? It is a sense that doesn’t really have a label, but it is undeniable, you have a knowing that someone’s focus is on you. You turn to lock eyes with them and your sense is confirmed. You felt the vibration of their focus! Much of the time logic turns your focus towards what you “believe” away from how you are feeling, as a form of protection to stay the same. Explaining away your heart’s innate knowing. Beliefs can act as a hindrance to your hearts messages. We are often given the opportunity to make a shift. When we are faced with choice, if we can turn towards how we feel in our heart, hence “listen to your heart” (which is also our intuition), more often than not we end up happy with the results. Thinking alone can get messy and confusing with inner conflict being inevitable. Sensing what is true to you and acting upon it, is a higher vibrational way of living. Using the whole brain, with the two working together, is an empowered recipe for balance. Our ability to think along with our kid’s ability to sense puts this into action.

“We connect with our children through our hearts” A child’s way of sensing the world helps us to feel more of the heart’s vibrational communication. This time in history continually offers room for growth and expansion beyond where our mind will allow us to go. It is in our hearts that our children touch, connect and help us to see where we can put ourselves back together. We begin to “Re-Member”, the pieces of our original essence, literally reconnecting the wires of our physical being, to then hold more of the light of our Spirit. The pure, unconditional, empowered, peaceful vibrant flow of “the Love that we Are” results with this conscious reconnection, Children express their own individuality which brings out both our joy and frustration. This is the higher conscious shift that is always available.

Hand-in-hand as we journey together... The best thing about children is that they have not grown out of Being a child. The ‘vibration of child’ exists in all of us and is available to come out and play at any moment. Kids bring us to the lighter side of life, find enjoyment in the mundane and relish in wonder. They cherish the small things and thrive in simplicity. When we take the option to let go of the seriousness that the adult world thrusts upon us and to notice the beauty in life, our universal purpose is set free. This isn’t always easy, but the more we tap into high vibrations = what feels good (in spite of what anyone else thinks) we are taking the high road of joy! Rather than be the dictators of their lives, we can take their hand in partnership, to experience the joys of the world with them. Guiding and while being led.


If you liked this article, you will find a lot more content in the book Higher Vibrational Living: Live the Energy Dynamics for a Greater Parent~Child~Humanity Connection. Ami offers workshops in Sarasota and can be reached at or




CONTRAST By Alan Cohen

I was invited to present a seminar in Hiroshima, Japan, the city devastated by the atomic bomb in 1945. As I approached the city’s train station via the bullet train, I felt uneasy, wondering if the psychic shadow of the holocaust would linger unto this day. To my surprise, Hiroshima Station felt light and airy, passersby friendly and upbeat. At my initial encounter, the place actually felt more peaceful than the dozens of other cities in Japan I have visited. As my host drove me through Hiroshima’s streets, I was impressed by the comeliness of the area. Rivers wended beneath many bridges, banks highlighted by cherry blossom trees in full bloom. Families picnicked by the riverside as children laughed and played. Was this the same city instantly burned to a crisp by the world’s most dire single act of man-made destruction? At the center of Hiroshima resides a lovely manicured park, dedicated to the intention that peace prevail on earth. Manicured green commons create a soft backdrop to fountains and a waterfall.

At one end burns an eternal flame set atop a simple altar where people from all over the world pray and leave flowers as a symbol of their wishes for peace. There my host told me that various seers at this site have explained that in the wake of such massive destruction through warfare, the desire for peace has magnified to an extraordinary degree. Hiroshima has become a nexus for many gatherings in the name of world harmony. Recently, His Holiness the Dalai Lama was joined by Bishop Desmond Tutu and another Nobel peace laureate, Betty Williams, for a conference, ceremony, and prayer to further world peace. As much as the name Hiroshima was once synonymous with decimation, the name is now being associated with healing. Abraham (of Abraham-Hicks) underscores the value of contrasts such as this.


Negative events generate intense motivation for their opposites. When you get what you don’t want, you are more highly motivated to create what you do want. A bad marriage moves you to have a better one. Physical illness amplifies your intention for wellness. A business failure induces you to generate more success. When you experience what is clearly ‘Not It,” the next questions are “What is It?” and “How can I get It?” A few blocks from the peace park stands a small monument indicating the exact spot where the atomic bomb fell. That spot now has a grocery store on one side of it and a parking lot on the other side. The street is busy and unless you notice the stone slab you might overlook it altogether. That night as I lay in bed in my hotel room a few blocks from the monument, my mind was spinning. I had no box in which to file such an experience. I was about to go to sleep a few hundred yards from the epicenter of where an atomic bomb once exploded. When the bomb went off, it instantly reduced to ashes practically everything in a 20-kilometer radius. Yet now there stood parks, hotels, stores, restaurants, apartments, and people in the midst of a vital, colorful life. What was the truth about this place on the globe? How did I fit into it? What could I learn from it? I was slipping back and forth between parallel realities. In one, a huge mushroom eclipsed the sky, signaling the beginning of humanity’s ability to wipe itself off the face of the earth with one careless press of a button. In another reality life was blooming in glorious, productive ways, love was clearly present, and the greatest respect for peace on Planet Earth prevailed.

On some level I was being prompted to choose which reality I would live in. The more I focused on the idea of an ominous megalithic cloud overtaking life with all its evil consequences, the more unsafe and depressed I felt. When I looked out the hotel window and saw Hiroshima’s main promenade with people driving, walking, talking, laughing, and listening to iPods, I felt encouraged.

Then I recognized that I serve far better to focus on life rather than death. All things change. Nothing is always one thing or one way. Before I went to Hiroshima I spent a week in Tokyo. Considering the radioactive pollution from the Fukushima nuclear plant, I thought, “I’m looking forward to going to Hiroshima to get away from the radiation.” While at first this felt like a bad joke, later I realized the profound lesson of juxtaposition.

Life rushes to replace death and healing seeks to erase wounds. As the bumper sticker says, “Nature bats last.” Human beings can do an act as heinous as dropping an atomic bomb on their brethren, and horrific as that act is, life will return. With the exception of one skeleton of a building now used as a tourist attraction, Hiroshima has been resurrected. Not just as a city, but as a city of determined peace. You and I, too, have had our moments of pain, destruction, and perhaps even decimation. Yet those experiences always give way to life, and sometimes even greater life.

May we all learn from the contrast in our lives, individually and collectively, so that we may build parks of beauty over the ashes of war. As A Course in Miracles tells us, “The holiest spot on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love.”


Alan Cohen is the author of many popular inspirational books, including his newest book of uplifting messages, A Daily Dose of Sanity. Listen to Alan’s weekly radio show Get Real on Hay House Radio at, and join him for Life Coach Training beginning September 1, 2011. For more information about Alan’s books, programs, or his free daily inspirational quotes via e-mail, visit, e-mail info@, or phone 1-808-572-0001.


Healthy Living


By Cylleria Johnson

America is in the midst of a major health crisis, and more people are beginning to realize how important it is to eat healthy and make better choices. People across the nation are becoming conscious of the reality that our food supply is tainted with antibiotics, hormones, and chemicals; however, at the same time, many justify buying and eating conventional foods because they believe that eating healthy and organic can be quite costly.

What do you do when you want to be healthy but also need to watch your budget? Prioritize your purchases—choose to buy the most important foods organic. Start by getting all of your meats, dairy, and eggs organic so you can be sure that they are free of antibiotics, pesticides, and added hormones. Eggs are a great source of pure protein and also budget-friendly: a dozen organic eggs cost only about $3. Even after washing, peaches, nectarines, apples, strawberries, cherries, pears, peppers, celery, lettuce, spinach, potatoes, and coffee are found to have a high amount of pesticide residual, so it would be wise to buy organic and avoid this “dirty dozen.” Another great way to save money is to eat a few vegetarian meals a week. Meat and fish average a higher cost per pound than beans and tempeh, which are tasty sources of vegetarian protein that are much more cost-effective. I recommend tempeh over traditional tofu as a soy option because tempeh is fermented and therefore much easier for your body to digest. Even my parents have become tempeh lovers after they tried my tempeh tacos and reubens! Pack your lunch! Buying lunch can become very expensive, averaging $10 a meal. Eating lunch out everyday means you’ll be spending $2,500 a year—and that doesn’t count your morning latte! Instead, buy organic deli meat and bread—usually for much less than $50 a week. Also try a tasty veggie option such as hummus or avocado with tomato, lettuce and some


sprouts for a satisfying healthy alternative. Eat according to your blood type and body type and you will feel less hungry and have more energy. Most likely, you will eat smaller, more nutrient-rich meals and that means less money out of your pocket. For example, I am a Type O and do well with a protein and veggie diet. Carbs are not great for Os, so I only make them about 30 percent of my diet. When I eat a lot of carbs, my energy crashes, and I reach for sugar and snacks. Do the breakfast experiment and try a different breakfast food for a week and document how you feel right after you eat and two hours later. Try a protein smoothie, cereal, eggs, and fruit for a different breakfast each day. This will give you an idea of what foods work best for your body and blood type. Most importantly, don’t stress out about it. Do the best you can and enjoy life. Every little bit you do to incorporate healthier options into your life will bring you one step closer to radiant health!


Cylleria Johnson is a Certified Health Coach trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She is coaching people who are looking to improve their overall health and happiness. Together you will design a healthy and flexible lifestyle that works perfectly for you and your budget. You can contact her at and visit her website at

The Way It Is

Gregg Sanderson, The Stand-Up Cosmic, of Clearwater has a rare view of the metaphysical universe. He traveled the road from Christian Science through Judaism, Agnosticism, Atheism, Living Love, Psychic Development, Spiritualism, Teaching of the Inner Christ, all the way to Science of Mind where he is a licensed practitioner. He is the author of What Ever Happened To Happily Ever After? and Split Happens - Easing the Pain of Divorce. Gregg’s latest venture is Spirit With A Smile — The Way It Is (Unless It’s Something Else).


Let’s Go and Let BOB. Our previous columns laid the groundwork, and it was fun in the abstract. You can catch up on the website,

Now for the good news: It’s a Power, It’s real, and you can use It. Like It or not, right now BOB looks out through your eyes, feels your feelings, and thinks your thoughts. What does It see? Does It look out on a beautiful world? Does It see a drama or conflict? Perhaps real tragedy? Maybe a sitcom or possibly just humdrum routine? That’s OK, too. To BOB, it’s just another view of Paradise. What does It feel? Love? Joy? Fear? Anxiety? Worry? Guilt? Anger? Contentment? Boredom? Bliss? All that is OK, only some are more fun than others. What does It think? Anticipation? Judging? Planning? Wishing? Thanking? Hoping? Judging? Condemning? Praising?... Ooops… I said “judging” twice. I wonder why? BOB sees, feels, and thinks exactly what you see, feel, and think because it’s all real! There is such an Entity, It is infinite; It is powerful; It is intelligent and you (and I) are a part of it. Do you realize what that means? It means our thoughts are creative, too. It means our dreams can translate into form if we just get rid of the RACE stuff in the way (RACE = Righteousness and Approval Complicate Everything). It means the happier we can live our lives, the greater the blessings of BOB are bestowed upon us… or more accurately, the greater the blessings of BOB we bestow upon ourselves. Watch Your Mouth

“Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they’re yours.”—Richard Bach, The Messiah’s Handbook The limitation you speak is the limitation you get. If we don’t speak or think limitation our lives will truly be unlimited. It isn’t easy. See? There goes another one. Why can’t it be easy? Because I just said, “It isn’t easy.” My little mind hears and sends

the message to BOB which says, “Right, it isn’t easy.” The spoken word is one of the most powerful tools we use to create our lives. It’s also most easily heard by our minds, which then send the e-mails to BOB, which create whatever life or limitations we request. What comes out of the mouth also goes in the ears, and the ears have the mouth outnumbered. Just as we knocked out the walls of BOB’s room, so must we knock out the walls of our limitations to enjoy the infinitude of goodies available to us. Suppose, for example, I decide to put my hard-earned money into a risky business. It would be stressful, but I could become filthy rich. Look how the modifiers limit my creation: • I limit my avenues of abundance as I call my money “hard-earned.” • I limit my success as I call my business “risky.” • I limit my enjoyment as I call situations “stressful.” • I limit my income and self-respect as I call wealth “filthy.” Couldn’t I put that money that comes to me so easily into an exciting business and breeze my way to vast wealth? Why not? BOB doesn’t care. It just says, “Yes.” “Picky, picky” you may say, but so does BOB. It picks up every thought and word and delivers the goods—or the “not-sogoods” if that’s what we say or think about. Righteousness and Approval Complicate Everything

Why, then, do we create all this limitation for ourselves? The answer boils down to one friendly old acronym, RACE. Those RACE rules we adopted, when we thought we needed rules. If we don’t actually live the unlimited life at our command, there must be a reason. There is, but we’d rather mask it with excuses. Because of RACE rules, we need to get those around us to agree and approve of our limited selves. It’s also likely that our friends face the same restrictions, and we may want to stick with them to “belong.” Nothing bugs the limited mind as much as somebody who has made a change for the better. We can usually find some degree of self-righteous justification or need for approval beneath the limitations we unconsciously accept. All the egos then get together to create RACE Consciousness, that muck of limited thinking we have to wade through to be sure what we create is best for all. Let’s take another analogy. To make it easier to picture, we’ll go back to the BOB room, filled wall to wall, floor to ceiling with BOB. Now picture in the room a little game of Whack-a-Mole—the game where air pressure makes moles pop out of holes and you try to hit them with a mallet before they disappear. BOB plays Whack-a-Mole with us. Our thoughts are the moles, and BOB’s mallet is YES! We pop up with a thought/request/statement and quick as a wink BOB hits it with the YES! “I’m prosperous.” YES! “I can’t afford it.” YES! Since we live in a world of appearances, we can’t expect to deny 24/7 what’s right in front of our eyes. Yet often our requests are granted, so there must be something else that makes a difference. All moles are not created equal, and the equivalent of the air pressure that makes them pop up is the emotional charge


behind the thoughts. For our purposes there are only two emotions: love and fear. We do all we can to stimulate the positive feelings we call love. BOB won’t be fooled. You’ll get a “YES” to what you REALLY believe. If a claim of “I am abundant” is negated by a fear of lack, what do you think will get the “YES?” If fear of being alone contradicts, “I have a wonderful, beautiful, exciting, super-duper, loving relationship,” whom do you think you’re kidding? Whack! Whack! YES! YES! Naturally, when we go back and forth like that, there’s a lot of starting and stopping. BOB doesn’t care, It just whacks YES! It does get kinda hard on the mole after while, though. Once again, let’s remove the walls and expand BOB and the game board out to infinity. Now, there are an infinite number of moles and BOB has an infinite number of YES! mallets for infinite whacks! Still, since all us moles are connected under the table, it’s easy for BOB to move things around so we all get what we ask for, but it’s helpful to give our requests as much emphasis as we can. Thus we speak our word. We hope BOB will hear us above the din as we make more din. So what’s the answer? It’s the same as it’s always been: “Tune in next month.” (Yeah, I know that’s mean, but if I were to say “Show up any Wednesday at the Mid-Week Faith Lift” I might be accused of shameless self-promotion, especially if I mention it’s at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Clearwater and starts at 7:00 pm, and I would think of sending you to to find out more.)


Transformation What happened next is something you can never anticipate. I spent the busiest year of my real estate career mourning the death of my father.

I saw these upheavals as a call to reevaluate my life and look deeply at my priorities, my dreams, and the meaning of it all.

Embracing My

PASSION By Lisa Stoler

One day while I was talking with a friend, I mentioned that I believe we are “constantly reinventing ourselves.” She thought it was the most novel thing that ever came out of anyone’s mouth. I don’t know about that, but I do know that reinventing myself was only one step away from inventing my dream career. I had a very successful career as a real estate agent. I found that I was really good at building relationships – I adored my clients. After coaching them through the home-buying process, I would cook for them in celebration and gratitude, inviting them to my home or bringing them food.

Sharing my love through food has always been a major component of my life. Just before the real estate market started to turn, my life underwent a series of changes and challenges that made me question not only my career aspirations, but the completeness of my life. First, I underwent a series of knee surgeries. The time in recuperation gave me time to think. “I’m successful in my career and I find it fulfilling,” I thought, “But it isn’t my passion. So what’s missing?” It turns out that my knees were only the beginning of a series of health crises that would rock my world, the most terrifying of which being my husband suffering a heart attack, twice. Focusing my energy on health and healing caused me to slow down the pace of my life. I consider myself a spiritual person, and I have always seen the bumps in the road as positive. I recognize that there is always a message contained within the pain, although I don’t always like the message. This time, my message was to slow down.

Ultimately, I decided that my fruitful career had run its course. I walked away with a skill set to negotiate contracts and build relationships, as well as a deep knowing that I simply had to live a life of integrity, in alignment with my passions and my true self. I just wasn’t sure yet what that meant. Then, I went under. I got quiet and stayed at home – cooking, meditating, and praying. To keep myself occupied, I decided to help my sister who had just started a health insurance company. For six months I filled my time by taking this opportunity to be close to family. It wasn’t what I truly needed in my life, but it was another chance for lessons and messages. Working with health insurance was an eye-opening experience. What I saw shocked and horrified me. It was heartbreaking to see so many people who were very ill and had no health insurance. At times I felt as if there is a third world country that’s hidden beneath the surface in this country where people don’t even have their basic necessities. I stopped this job and walked away with a new set of skills, and then I went into a deep depression. I started cooking with a vengeance. I didn’t work for six months, during which time I was diagnosed as being gluten intolerant and had to adjust to life without wheat. My close friends became very concerned about me, and one of them sent me a gluten-free baking book to cheer me up. “Work your way through it, Lisa,” she said, “heal yourself”. Then she asked me,

“If there was anything you could do what would it be?” I was stumped for a moment, and then declared, “I guess I would cook!” Cooking brings me great joy and brings pleasure to those I care about. Even as a real estate agent, my favorite part was giving of myself by cooking for my clients. So, I started cooking my way through the book. I came across a recipe for gluten-free biscotti and it was delicious. I thought I’d really found something there! While visiting church with my mother, I came across the book “Writing Down Your Soul” in the bookstore. I started writing letters to God.

“God, I think I should be cooking. I think maybe I have a gift”. Before I knew it, life started conspiring to start me on my new path. Once again I began reinventing myself. I put it out to the Universe that I would need a commercial kitchen. Shortly after, the Universe answered and a space was provided for me to work and create in. With a kitchen in place, it was time to think of a name. During my husband’s two heart attacks, I had to learn a great deal about the heart. That combined with my love for cooking and the love that I put into my biscotti, lend naturally to my decision of “Heartmade Sweets”. My father was a chef and my parents ran restaurants. They discouraged me from cooking or owning restaurants because they saw it as


such difficult work. Now I see that I am coming full circle, realizing that this is who I am. I know I am on my path, but sometimes I still ask myself “What in the world have you gotten yourself in to?” It sounds like an easy thing to ask, “What is my passion?,” but I think there has to be a reality check. Passion isn’t about what you’re good at. I’m good at many things that are not my passion. You have to be honest with yourself.

It’s not about being good at something; it’s about what makes your heart sing. This is not a story of overnight success. This is a story of me honoring my passion. I am happy to say that Heartmade Sweets Biscotti has been extremely well received. My biscotti are carried in several local locations including coffee shops, health food stores, and a major health food chain with 12 outlets nationwide. It looks like I will be kept busy, as I am working my way into all 12 locations. As word spreads, orders are starting to come through my web site as well, and I’m only just beginning. I wish I could say that Starbucks keeps calling me to have my product in their stores, but the most valuable part of my business is not monetary.

The value lies in sharing what I love with the world and knowing that I don’t need employment or a robust economy to create my dream job. It took discovering my passion to transition to being self-employed, but it also took allowing myself to be vulnerable to the idea that it can be scary to take the leap of faith into the unknown. The rewards are great if you can trust. It’s not a matter of self-esteem; it’s a matter of trust and faith. I have faith in myself, yes, but I have much more faith in God. I also have a tremendous network of people who support me. Just after I started Heartmade Sweets I began journaling every day, which helped me gain clarity as my journey unfolded and it kept me in conversation with God. I was given as a gift, the book “Eat, Pray, Love” which reminded me much of the adventures of life and learning that I experienced earlier in my own life. In the book, she used Japa Mala Beads which are prayer beads for mantra meditation. I felt inspired and purchased a string and have worn them nearly every day since. When things get tough, I stop and run my fingers along the beads to remind myself that there is a bigger picture. Things can get scary at times, but after all of the paths my life has led me down and all of the challenges I have overcome, I have come to understand that I need only four things to succeed: Passion, faith, support, and an eagerness to learn and grow.


Lisa is the joyful , self- taught owner of Heartmade Sweets & Treats, a baking company catering to the needs of the gluten- free community. Lisa handcrafts her baked goods, instilling her love of baking in each and every product. Gluten- intolerant herself, she strives to make gluten-free sweets that mirror or surpass, in taste, their traditional wheat based counterparts. To learn more about Lisa or Heartmade Sweets please visit :


Marcia began her career as a school teacher, working with preschool through inner city high school students. She has worked with all aspects of Metaphysics for over 40 years and specializes in Tarot and Numerology. Marcia’s clients and students are in every state and throughout Europe. Marcia has taught over 400 students to “read” the Tarot for the purpose of self-guidance and to use the powerful symbolism of the Tarot to reach higher levels of spirituality. Her column, Spiritually Speaking, originally ran for 8 years in Attitudes Magazine in the Sarasota area.

•••••••••••••••••• Optimism vs. Pessimism: Is your cup half full?

There is something about a birthday that causes me to become reflective. I have been writing this column for many years now and it seems as if June’s installment is always slanted toward something that is on my mind due to the impending birthday. Human nature, being what it is, tends toward being somewhat pessimistic when another birthday comes up so quickly after coming to grips with the last one. The older a person gets, the more quickly the years and months seem to fly by. When a person is very young a year can seem to be an eternity, especially when it is the couple of years before one is legally able to obtain a driver’s license. Somewhere in the mid-twenties to the early thirties time seems to spin out of control and the more years that pass by, the faster they go until it really seems that one birthday begins immediately after the celebration of the last. (Notice that I used the word celebration to refer to a birthday.) Life should be a celebration and an optimist attempts to celebrate a new birthday and the wonders that the upcoming year will bring, while a pessimist simply looks at the fact that another year is gone and they are that much closer to the final one. This month we will take a good look at whether we are optimistic or pessimistic, which is best for us and our personal well-being, and most important, how can we become more optimistic? We need to start at the beginning and define the terms. Old habits die hard and former school teacher that I am, I will go to Mr. Webster for the official defining of these terms. Optimism: The doctrine that the existing world is the best possible. The belief that good ultimately prevails over evil. The tendency to take the most hopeful view of matters or to expect the best outcome in any circumstances. Practice of looking on the bright side of things. Pessimism: The doctrine that the existing world is the worst possible. The belief that the evil in life outweighs the good. The tendency to expect misfortune or the worst outcome in any circumstances. Practice of looking on the dark side of things.

We have a choice of whether to go through life as an optimist or a pessimist. There are very few people, if any, that are totally optimistic. It would be impossible to be “up” all the time, as we learn the lessons in a lifetime. Chaotic situations arise in all lives and if not in our own lives in the lives of those around us. On the other hand, I really have met people that are almost totally pessimistic. These are people that are so negative that very little makes them happy. The study of Metaphysics teaches us that our attitude really does affect the outcome of situations that are affecting our lives. An example of this, and I know that every reader has experienced this one, would be the simple act of getting in the car and setting off for a destination. If you know that you are going to get stuck in a lot of traffic, get stopped at every red light, and have slow drivers in front of you... well then... that is exactly what will happen and the drive will be miserable. If you know that you will have a trouble free trip and if you send that message to the universe... guess what... you will make most of the traffic lights on green and will arrive at your destination refreshed and on time. Doubt me? Try it. You have often heard me say, “As you think, so you are.” The optimistic driver is a whole lot happier and less of a danger on the road than the pessimistic one. A pessimist is a worrier. I ask you,

When did anything become easier or better because you worried about it? Think this through carefully and you will realize that most of what you worried about didn’t happen anyway or was not as bad as you worried that it would be. Your excessive worrying did absolutely nothing to change the negative situation anyway. The optimist hopes for the best and usually gets it, and when dealing with a negative situation doesn’t spend night after sleepless night anticipating the devastating outcome. Optimists aren’t always happy, but they always think that they might be soon! There are many things that one can do to be more optimistic about life. One of the worst things a person can do is nothing. Boredom and being dissatisfied with life are certain to make one pessimistic. There have been studies done that prove that optimists live about seven years longer than pessimists. An important factor in being optimistic about life is enjoying one’s work and career and there is nothing more depressing than the dread of getting up and going to work. People are actually retiring at a much older age than in years past and not just because they feel they need the money. A person needs to feel that they are doing important work and that they are a vital member of society. I would suggest that you work on the spiritual as well as the physical. A person with a good balance of the mind, body, and spirit is always more optimistic than their bored, inactive, and negative counterpart. While we are talking about what can be done to make life more pleasant and ourselves more optimistic, take a good long look at the people with whom you spend your time.

Nothing brings a person down more than surrounding oneself with negative people! 29

I really do believe that some people are just more positive than others. Some people are true optimists and don’t have to work extremely hard to be that way. I also know that a person with a pessimistic character can work on being more positive. Examine your life and change some of the attitudes and thought patterns that need to be changed. I promise you that you will be happier when you work on seeing your glass as half full... not half empty. As for me, I plan to really enjoy this birthday month and look forward to the next with joy and anticipation.

And remember, knowledge is the greatest power, so Walk In The Light.


Mystic See “Come as you are . . Be who you are� 6OJRVF (Ję 4IPQ t &OMJHIUFOFE #PPL 4UPSF $FOUFS PG #FJOH

Based on You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L. Hay

Margit Anderson, MS, CPC* Certified Heal Your Life Teacher and Certified Health and Wellness/Life Coach


3FW 1BUUZ 3VUI .TD % t +VOF t Q N t

Buddhist Meditation and Teaching &WFSZ 8FEOFTEBZ t Q N t Private Intuitive Readings available daily 1MFBTF DBMM .ZTUJD 4FF UP SFHJTUFS GPS PVS FWFOUT “He who would know the secret of both worlds, will find that the secret of them both is LOVE.� Farid Ud Din Attar


r 30




Randy owns Triple 3 Marketing based in Sarasota. He’s a long term advocate for positive change having owned a couple community magazines since 1999. Randy sold Positive Change Media in April 2009 and took a year off before launching Triple 3 Marketing. In addition to helping business owners, he also provides private coaching. Randy has a masters degree in communication arts from the University of Wisconsin at Madison where he studied persuasion and attitude change. Contact Randy at

•••••••••••••••••• Scratching the Great Itch

Human beings have spent a vast fortune in the eternal search for meaning. Imagine the aggregate treasure spent on books, courses, classes, programs, workshops, seminars, retreats, encounters, excursions, DVD’s, counseling sessions, and other products and experiences that deepen our sense of who we are and why we matter. Every master, religious leader, human potential teacher, and success merchant in the history of the world has focused on the search for meaning for a very good reason. It’s the holiest grail of the human experience. Nothing itches more than our desire to discover our purpose in life. So what do we do about the great itch? Here are five pearls of wisdom for your consideration. Follow your passions. This may seem obvious, but I’m amazed at the number of people I’ve coached over the years that discount the power of their essential interests when exploring their purpose. Part of my coaching is reminding them that they deserve to do the things they love and helping them develop a plan for living their passion without excuses. We usually perform best doing things that inspire and interest us. Change at least 10 percent of your beliefs. This is a reminder not to take your self too seriously. Yes, some beliefs are worth arguing about and fighting over, but many others are ripe to be modified or discarded. Challenging our beliefs gives us space for new insights and epiphanies about how we see ourselves, other people and various issues. Change your vocabulary. It’s difficult to find deeper meaning if we don’t feel good about ourselves. That’s why our self-talk and communication with others is integral to our self-esteem and social effectiveness. I’m referring to the journeys from I can’t to I can, from I’m stuck to I’m free, from there is not enough to there is plenty, from I’m not worthy to I’m loveable, from I’m not good enough to I’m more than enough, and from self-doubt to


self-confidence. While not an inclusive list, these shifts in lexicon enhance human potential leading to a deeper sense of purpose. Focus on helping others. Nothing shifts our perspective more than the choice to help someone else. I’m going to give you an exercise that if done faithfully will open your heart chakra in a meaningful way. Pick a day over the next week when you are willing to spend four consecutive hours at a public location such as your closest downtown area. Your not so impossible mission, solo or with a friend, is to spend this time offering a spontaneous helping hand or brief words of encouragement to people you encounter. One option is to walk the length of the street smiling and greeting everyone you meet. Communicate with a little gusto so other people feel your goodwill. One of the troubling things happening in our modern culture is that we are so busy texting and tweeting that we have forgotten the fine art of being human. You know little things like smiling, hugging, exchanging pleasantries, and acknowledging strangers in a way that leaves an impression. These positive choices are precious for people who are feeling discouraged or disconnected; decent people we walk and drive past so easily on our way to our next important destination. This is not just about focusing on the obvious person in need. Everyone takes turns feeling discouraged and disconnected. Did you see the movie The King’s Speech? The poignant story of a king with a stuttering problem being helped by a common man deserves its many accolades. All of us play both parts in life – king and commoner – and our nobility is always defined by the moments we reach out to help others. Think and feel big. Our perception about life begins and ends with our thoughts and feelings in each moment. That’s a big endorsement for being positive most of the time. It’s important to stretch our thoughts and feelings to give our spirit room to soar above our immediate circumstances. This is the quickest way to escape the limited boundary of our ego self. Sometimes I feel a touch of despair when I think about the humanity of billions of lives on this small blue planet struggling to survive, let alone find meaning. My sensitivity is heightened by an appreciation for history and a hope that humanity is evolving to a higher level of awareness; a genuine transformation. What are your own big thoughts and feelings? Spend time with this question; it may spark a shift toward positive change. Focus on the reasons why your vision matters because that’s where your motivational energy lies.

Advance bravely in the direction of your dreams and don’t fear the dark places because even the monsters know you’re divine. And finally, remember there is no greater reward in life than to be admired by the people you love. I’m an everyday hero to my son Bryan and that means more to me than winning any worldly prize. So what do we do about the great itch that comes from our search for meaning? We scratch it of course and not so hard that it hurts; just a gentle scratch to gain a bit of comfort for ourselves and everyone we touch.


Spotlights/Events SPECIAL EVENT Mystic Faire comes to Sarasota! 1st Annual Sarasota Mystic Faire! Saturday, July 23, 11am7pm at the Sarasota Municipal building in Sarasota (801 N. Tamiami Trail). Join over 70 psychics, mediums, energy healers, massage therapists and merchants and just as many exhibitors - making it the largest psychic fair in SWFL! Do you have questions? Need some direction in your life or are you just curious about the “Other Side”? It’s the 6th year of bringing together the community for this empowering event, however it’s the 1st year for Sarasota. The psychics and healers are a wonderful, talented group of individuals committed to the healing and the spiritual growth of all. Many are local and some come from as far as Texas to offer their services. Each healer and psychic sets their own fee for their services, the average cost being $20 for 15/20 minutes. There will be free lectures throughout the day. Event coordinator, Candyce said, “I felt the need to organize a really large psychic fair, make it a huge psychic celebration with the beautiful energy of all of the exhibitors and take it mainstream and take a little of the mystery out of the world that I live in. It’s a glorious thing to feel the loving energy that’s here on this day.” The cost is $5 to enter and upon entrance you will receive one raffle ticket. An hourly raffle of wonderful gifts donated by the exhibitors of the faire will be held and more tickets can be purchased to benefit local charity, Freedom Waters Foundation. For more information you can email Candyce at, call 239-9493387, or visit Sponsored by TRANSFORMATION MAGAZINE!

SPECIAL EVENT New Reiki Class Series Rev. Zan Benham, Reiki master since 1998, announces the start of a new Reiki series toward a Master Healer Attunement and Degree. The class schedule is as follows: REIKI I ~ June 25, 2010 REIKI II ~ July 23, 2010 REIKI III, Part 1 ~ August 20, 2010 REIKI III, Part 2 ~ September 17, 2010


All classes are on SATURDAYS, from 12:30 - 5:30PM and are held at Rising Tide International, 5102 Swift Rd. in Sarasota, Fl. All classes are $111 each. Payments can be made with cash, check, or with credit card on the “Products†page of Zan’s website, at REIKI is an ancient form of hands-on healing dating back before 620BC. It was brought to the West by Dr Mikado Usui, in 1922. The word REIKI means REI “Divine Source or Higher Power” and KI “Life Force Energy.” The study of REIKI is one of alignment with this KI (Qi, Chi, Mana, Prana, Orenda, Ruach,) through the use of symbols handed down from one REIKI Master to another. This is a powerful venue for healing, cleansing and balancing body, mind, emotions and spirit. For information and registration contact Rev. Zan, or 941922-7839.

Community Spotlight SielosRx Organic Skin and Health Care SielosRx was founded by Moses Medina, a Tampa resident, over 10 years ago. He heard about an OldWives-Tale using herbs to restore receding hair lines. For years he shrugged it off as too good to be true. As his forehead began to expand, he decided to give this “concoction” a try. Within weeks he saw the restoration process begin. After extensive research, he discovered combining certain herbs a one-two punch can be delivered. Saw Palmetto cleans the hair follicles of DHT. Allium increases blood flow to the area. This was the beginning of the Organic SielosRx Herbal Shampoo and Conditioner System. Reducing the symptoms of Psoriasis, Eczema, & Rosacea was next on his list. Moses combined Tea Tree Oil, which provides anti-itch & anti-inflammatory properties, Grape Seed Oil’s reconstructive virtues, Allium, & Aloe Vera to accelerate the restoration of the skin. He formulated an Organic, Herbal Cleanser and Lotion alternative to those seeking relief from Psoriasis, Eczema, & Rosacea. View the before and after photos. Health food Stores in Tampa carry SielosRx, and can be purchased on his website. Enter “Transformation” in the comment section of your order, & receive a FREE travel size kit.

SPECIAL EVENT TRANSFORMATIVE LIFESTYLE – Education is the Key to Health and Longevity! Dr. Pamela Shuhui Robbins, Clinical Director of the region’s premier holistic health clinic is pleased to announce the Clinic’s Wellness Class Schedule for June: Two dynamic presentations designed to offer proven ways to add LIFE to your days…Not just DAYS to your life. What value is Longevity without Wellness? June 9th: Men Wellness Seminar: “Increase your drive, bring back the youthful you!” If you feel your sex drive is not the same as it once was; If you feel fatigued; If your muscles ache and/or you have prostate concerns this is a DON’T MISS SEMINAR! Dr. Pamela Robbins will be addressing these real problems with real world solutions for real men. 7:00 – 8:30 PM RSVP Required. $10.00 pp June 23rd: Get Energized! Get Optimal Health! Learn how to jump start your battery for a fuller healthier life! Are you dragging long before bedtime? Difficulty concentrating?, Sleep issues (not enough or too much)? Bothered with gas or other health issues? Dr. Pamela Robbins and Coach Jen Naylor will show you the road to renewed ENERGY and OPTMAL HEALTH! Regain your Spark! 7:00 – 8:30 PM RSVP Required. $10.00 pp. All participants leave with a FREE GIFT, and great tips for healthier and happier lifestyles! RSVP – REQUIRED (address/phone below) Longevity Wellness Clinic, 2106 Bispham Road, (In Gulf Gate – ½ Mile South of Stickney Point Road, just south of US 41) More Info: 941-923-WELL (9355)

Community Spotlight NEW LOCATION: Cozette’s Boutique Cozette’s Boutique & Enchanted Notions @ 667 Central Ave N. HAS MOVED to our new shop just a few steps away from our current location. We invite you to visit us the first week in May as we unveil our new visions for the Spring of 2011. Be the first to get one of a kind stylish new fashions straight from Paris & other eclectic countries. Be “Just a Little Wicked,” Book a reading with Christy or let Cozette show you how to fashionably stop traffic. Come visit our new beautiful location at 645 Central Ave N. in St Petersburg!

SPECIAL EVENT Jami Lin’s Enlightening Afternoons

“Empowered Women lead the Change they want to see in the world. BE the Change!” June 26: 1-5 pm. at Boca Royale (restaurant) 1601 Englewood Road, 34223. This Solstice, join 6 seasoned and expert presenters inspire Personal Discoveries within you. Explore and apply Powerful Secrets: 1 .Benefit with current Astrology Trends, 2. Create a Nurturing Sanctuary for Deeper Love, Increased Money, and Greater Bliss, 3. Reduce your BUT!, 4. Manifest your Heart’s Desire with Powerful Language. 5, Transform Intentions into Reality, 6. Look Younger Skin Care, and 3 SURPRISES (for starters)! Mark your calendar around every Solstice/Equinox for “Enlightening Afternoons” (each at different venues throughout Sarasota county and diverse presentations with life-enriching secrets)! Visit for presentation descriptions, expert’s bios, videos, photos & testimonials. FREE Raffles & Gifts! / Love Donations / RSVP required: 941-276-8689

SPECIAL EVENT TRANSFORMATION SERIES Finding Joy Through Transformation Retreat Participant Testimonial: “We are products of our environment and our minds, both of which lead us to some rather peculiar and often repeating patterns of behavior that do not serve us. I’ve always wondered why we do this to ourselves, and I finally got an answer and a solution at Joy Nichole’s Finding Joy retreat. WHAT ARE IMPRINTS? Joy says, “They are our emotional map, the deep-seated beliefs and values stored in our brains. In spite of everything we know, our imprints govern our life at the subconscious level.” The great thing I learned and experienced is that these imprints can be rewired in our brains! Do yourself a favor and delve deep into Finding YOUR Joy. I guarantee it will strike a nerve, many of which will be very, very raw indeed. The techniques used are nothing less than life changing. Never judgmental, never preachy, and never overly technical, Finding Joy is one of those rare workshops that will make you think and re-evaluate who you really are and what you truly want. All the tools are there, you just need to find the courage and attend the retreat. Trust the process. Your life will be forever transformed.” Visit and SEE PAGE 11


The Shift Yet, there have been many cycles, or ages, and mankind has survived them all. None of the prophecies Braden has studied foretells how this age will end, and he believes we can still affect its outcome if we each make the right choices.

“It takes a strong Being to navigate this time between the old falling away and new things that have not yet replaced them, and not get lost to fear,” Braden said.

gathering at the

choice point by S.C. Francis

“Fear not the future, weep not for the past.” —Percy Bysshe Shelley “You’re on deck,” my new classmate verbally nudged, his eyes riveted to the podium half an amphitheater away. It was still morning of the first day of graduate school, and already it seemed like the day was on steroids. As I walked the gauntlet of the next graduating class’s politely expectant faces to tell them how I’d come to join their esteemed ranks—hopefully without communicating my own surprise—I considered his encouragement. A Navy pilot whose surname happened to follow mine alphabetically, he would have been trained to sense a nanosecond’s hesitation. It struck me that every time he approached his plane on the carrier’s deck, there might be some opportunity to turn back, but none likely to succeed. Sometimes, you just have to go forward. Facing the unknown was a major theme of best-selling author Gregg Braden’s recent workshop at Unity of Naples Church in Naples, Florida, which I was blessed to attend. Braden, known as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality, spoke to an intimate audience for a day and a half about the premises underlying his new book due out this fall, Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny and Fate. Sequestered on Unity’s verdant campus, he covered a lot of ground, energetically building on themes from his earlier books (see to explain the “tipping point” at which he believes humanity has now arrived, and what we can do about it as individuals, and collectively. Braden opened by observing that many of today’s crises, from climatic, to economic, to political, are triggered by cycles—big waves of energy—that can be traced to the way the earth orbits, tilts and wobbles in its travels through space.

Various traditions, from Rabbinic to those of the Mayans and Hopis, agree that we are rapidly approaching the end of a cycle. 36

The outcome, while predicted, is not preordained. here is a stretch of years between cycles, when the former cycle has not yet ended and before the new one has begun. Braden calls this the “Choice Point,” and calculates the present point began in 1980 and will end in 2016. He asserts this is a key time when small choices we make as individuals can mold our collective direction, just as small changes made to a rocket’s trajectory at the beginning of its orbit can greatly affect where it eventually lands. He encouraged a conscious choice:

“Choose love, not fear; cooperation, not competition.” The key to choosing well is getting in touch with the intelligence of our hearts, according to the author. He facilitated a meditation to help achieve this, one inspired by the Institute of HeartMath’s Quick Coherence® Technique (described in detail at heartmath. com). This meditation helps to create a “coherent,” or poised state by connecting our brains to our hearts, which in turn, connect us to our world. Consciousness is the missing link between us and our world, Braden continued. We are participants in reality, not mere observers. All life is connected through the magnetic fields of earth, and we are connected to these fields by the magnetic field in our hearts. Our hearts communicate with “the Field” through the language of emotion, not words, and strong collective emotion has been proven to affect it. He remarked,

“The human heart is where the action is.” I considered all this while listening to Braden play the flute to his fiancée’s keyboard accompaniment. My gaze drifted to the gardens just outside the large glass windows framing Unity’s sanctuary. There, reflecting the golden afternoon sunlight as it peacefully flew from one plant to the next, was the largest yellow butterfly I had ever seen. I thought about what it symbolized: rebirth into something beautiful following a struggle to emerge from restriction; light and airborne following an earthbound existence; new begin-

The Shift nings. I compared its metamorphosis to humanity’s opportunity at this Choice Point. Would the caterpillar be afraid, I wondered, if it knew of the struggle it would have to endure to emerge from its dark cocoon? Would it allow that fear to keep it from fulfilling its destiny? Could any entity that has known only crawling ever imagine that one day—very soon—it could experience the joy of gliding on a breeze? I was reminded of my pilot classmate. He would not have allowed fear to prevent him from experiencing the joy and exhilaration of flying. In fact, recalling his eagerness at our first class assembly, he probably would have been first onto the flight deck. Why, then, would any of us allow fear to keep us from our collective destiny?

Like the caterpillar, we may find a different existence ahead, with much struggle on the way, but which may well be better. Just as I was concluding that this Armageddon was going to be just fine, the author’s next point snapped me out of my reverie. He indicated:

Each cycle begins with a seed event that will repeat again and again until a change occurs, and every cycle ends with a Choice Point— the opportunity to heal that event so we don’t carry the pattern forward.

It is the same in our personal lives; consider, he suggested, betrayal. Now, it’s personal. I began to see why we’re more prepared than we might have thought to effect global change through our individual choices. Could the idea that seed events repeat until a shift occurs parallel what many of us have observed in our own lives: that patterns repeat, triggering personal choice points when we must recognize, face, and deal with the underlying issues? It seems almost as though the education we have received on a micro level in our own personal lives has been to prepare us for this macro moment, so that we will now be aware, able to recognize and disrupt undesirable patterns, and proactively co-create a new reality. We are ready to graduate and consciously influence the outcome of this critical juncture. We’re all on deck now.

It’s choice time. S.C. Francis is a local writer. S.C. Francis and the publishers of Transformation Magazine will be interviewing Gregg Braden about his newest book Deep Truth: Igniting the Memory of Our Origin, History, Destiny, and Fate. Visit in early July to listen to the recording for free. Braden’s new book will be released in October.








Join Emily every month as she shares messages on how the angels and archangels can help you to have a healthier and happier life. Emily answers reader’s questions by delivering messages and guidance from your guardian angels and archangels. To ask your Angels a question, attend one of Emily’s local events or email

•••••••••••••••••• Polarities Within Ourselves and All That Is

There are polarity extremes within all situations, circumstances, and individuals. This applies to our true nature and our shadow self. We are all capable of either extreme. The majority of people run and avoid the shadow extreme, unaware that they need to embrace this part of themselves to better connect to the other end of the polarity. To connect to the higher truth of thy self, we begin by processing the emotion of our present and past, with continual integration into our future. Know that both are needed in order to understand the extremes. Without one there can’t be the other. Begin by connecting to the light within you and the light within all. Then move onto connecting to the shadow, with the intention to process and release the possibilities of it being part of your full reality. You choose through free will what side of the poles of polarity you will align yourself with. Choose wisely in the knowledge that all is well regardless of your location in the polarity of things.

The process for enlightenment requires the process of sincere integration of both polarities that are part of our awareness.


Integrating the self in light and truth leads us to better understand the darkness within ourselves and others. Through this understanding we can better choose where to be within the two possible extremes. Understand all is well and in Divine order. You are already aligned to the truth and its entirety. By knowing this you are awakened in a way that aligns you to the light of things and maintains your ability to stay connected to the extremes of light and pure divinity. The true self knows the truth; the soul knows the power within its grasp and understands this fully. All is well within the all of your reality, but perceptions are the guide to integrating the experiences of your life into a more plausible reality of what can be, rather that what has been. Understand the truth of your higher and integrated self as pure and Divine. It is the part of you that embraces the lows and self-doubts and transmutes them into the light and the perfection within the all. Know fear is just an illusion.

Fear lets you know that you are aligned to a different extreme than the one you desire or the one that would best be sought after. Our angels are allies in connecting to the truth, our allies in helping us to understand and know the power within our own truth. Know that as we elevate into the extreme of what is, you reach a level in which you aren’t merely guided but are co-creating in the light as conscious beings of light and Divine essence of the all that is and is to come. You are integrating the powerful force of the all into the being that you have chosen to be. The angels are part of the self within the all of light and the light you can connect to; you too are integrating the whole that there is. Trust you are being guided in light and selfunderstanding. Trust you are a channel of the same light that the beings of light consist of. Trust that you have the potential to choose whatever you want to be, your perceptions and desires, and your needs. Your level of understanding these truths leads to the transformation you seek in the light. Your soul knows of the light within itself, a light that is already present and ready to express its myriad of potentials and possibilities. Transcending the reality of illusions you might have created is the goal of it all. By doing this you get to a full understanding of what reality

is and can be. Know that what is in you is already perfect and divine. Connecting to this truth is priority.

Understanding that the polarity of things and experiences are for you to experience so that you can choose the one that serves your light, the light within others, and the light within all there is. Understand the light is for you to cherish and choose as you learn to fully integrate the all that is you. Fear no evil and see no evil in your surroundings, because within it all is the potential of light and you can choose what potential to connect to and enlighten within yourself. Truth is real within the light of the all and the all in the light. Desires are a lack of understanding all that is you and that all is at your disposal for enjoyment and gratification. You choose to what extreme you partake in every pole imaginable. Choose joy and peace, love and perfection, and embrace all which is not those, for it will guide you to the higher realms of reality and understanding. Truth is healing in all ways and manners. Connect to the truth of what you desire by connecting to your power and your strength. Connect to the grandiose aspect of yourself that is already in all dimensions and whom can manipulate reality in a more auspicious way than ever before. Know your potential and embrace the light of your

potentials, as you also embrace the lack of potential. Through this embrace you awaken to the understanding of duality within all. A duality in which you have the power to choose and create within the extremes of this reality. When the opportunity presents itself to choose between trust and fear, or any other polarity, choose the higher of the two. By doing so you choose to serve the good within yourself and the good within others in a loving and transformational way.

And so it is in the all of the all, amen. Love and blessings, Emily and the Angels

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Help us raise money for Multiple Sclerosis research while tasting some of this summer’s top-notch wines at easy-to-swallow prices. Receive your wrist band, wine glass and pay your entry fee the night of the event at Customer Service.




Coping with

Quantum CHANGE By Bob Reck

A “quantum change” arrives in your life—an event or mindset shift so dramatic that your life is transformed. How you think, what you do, how you react — everything — changes! It leaves you breathless. Such changes make you wonder if you’re still the same person, and as they begin to unfold they often make you ponder how you’ll cope with emerging situations. Whether or not you experience a change as being this significant is unpredictable. Researchers are still uncertain why some people are paralyzed or traumatized by certain quantum changes, while others experience them as transformational events. These revolutions can come from an internal epiphany or from some outside event, even one that has been in process for awhile. Internal quantum changes may appear as sudden awareness or enlightenment, often in a spiritual context. For instance, you suddenly see your life in a whole new perspective, or see a tough situation clearly for the first time. External quantum changes can occur when you land a challenging new job, couple with a new life partner, welcome the birth of child, or undertake a major relocation to a new home and lifestyle. I once was promoted to a new job in a foreign country that included taking my family. I seriously underestimated the impacts of the quantum changes associated with a new job, home, friends, and country, despite the desirable nature of the assignment. Sometimes, a large-scale change involves an unwanted transition or loss in your life: a loved one dies or leaves, you must move from a place you’ve held dear, a prized job evaporates, or you’re forced to change where and how you fit in the world. One door shuts and another opens—good and bad. Your feelings can go either way. Any one of these examples and many others too numerous to list are disruptive changes in our lives; a few of them together could be felt as catastrophic.

What you want to do is embrace the changes and move on with your life, hopefully a better and more enlightened person. But this is easier said than done. Many sages teach that if you can change your thinking you can change your life. Perhaps it was even this change of thinking that got you into the arena of quantum change. So what do you do? Here are seven things to help you cope with or even move beyond a significant change in your life.


1. Accept that change is a normal part of life and that long-term stability is an illusion.

Expect to feel uncomfortable from time to time as you evolve. Your core goals, values, and priorities are constantly rearranging. For example, we know that mature men place increased emphasis on spirituality and family, whereas earlier in their lives wealth creation and adventure were much more highly valued. Thus, taking time to understand the “inner you” will be time well spent in coping with change. Allow the event to be a period to slow down and listen to your inner voices and your intuition. Vernon Howard, spiritual mystic and author, said:

“Change is never a loss, it is change only.” 2. Focus on the benefits of the transition you are in the process of making. Too easily the negatives or losses from a change distract you, even during a change that you started to make that initially had nothing but positive attributes. While it’s healthy to acknowledge what you’re leaving behind, reground yourself in the “good stuff” so you can move forward. One of my friends, even while grieving the loss of her husband, cheered herself on by planning trips that he would have never gone on. She was redefining her life to include travel and nurture her own growth and self-confidence. 3. Acknowledge your emotions. Express your feelings, both to yourself and to your friends. Take a deep breath. Don’t expect to rush through the change process unscathed. Take time to adjust to the changes as you go. Give yourself permission to feel peculiar as you find new ways to do things or find new friends. Reflect and meditate. Many people find that journaling or blogging helps in the expression process. As you express, you’ll find that the fears and negative thoughts will have less power over you 4. Pamper yourself. Reward your positive behavior in this change process. Do something fun and openly tell yourself that this is

my reward for making this change. Pat yourself on the back. When my family was immersed in the high-stress foreign assignment I mentioned earlier, we often would go to a popular spot so we could have fun, enjoy Europe as tourists, and unwind. 5. Allow yourself to grieve for your previous life. Grief is part of change. Commonly cited stages in the grief cycle are denial, anger, bargaining, exploration, and acceptance. Allow yourself time to go through the stages and end in healthy acceptance of the result. Quantum changes, including the loss of partner, home, or job, often require over a year to go through the grief cycle, and possibly longer if multiple changes occur simultaneously. Beware of hanging up in one stage, however; one woman I know still wallows in anger over a divorce of decades earlier. Seek help if you can’t move on. 6. Network. Find family and friends that will help you through your transition, particularly those who will accept you as you are and not make judgments about your past or over advise your future life options. Don’t be afraid to ask for help as you leave the “old” behind and move forward. Some of these people may even be able to assist you in the transition. Mentors and counselors often play this role. 7. Stay healthy. Change produces stress, and stress often produces unhealthy physiological manifestations in the body. One classic study found that as changes piled up on a person, the likelihood he or she would contract a major illness rose exponentially. For this reason, study and implement all the good “stress reduction” techniques you can think of, particularly exercise, eating sensibly, allowing time for adequate sleep, and avoiding alcohol or drugs to help you cope. Personally, I find a meditative walk a daily practice that helps with all types of change and stress. I’m sure that you can think of a few more suggestions to help cope with quantum change, and there certainly are a number of additional avenues that can help you through the process. For instance, many people find that a creative outlet such as painting or crafts can help when going through a personal change. Just remember that a quantum change can happen when you least expect it, so having a defined process identified to deal with internal and external shifts will prepare you when you need to take that leap into the unknown.


Dr. Bob Reck is a semi-retired international management consultant and executive coach from Sarasota. He has been a consultant for many of the world’s largest firms, helping both companies and their managers to create and migrate through large-scale change. He also has taught at several New England colleges, lived and worked in Europe, and became a commercial pilot, an artist, and a photographer among other endeavors. He invites comments and commentary on his articles. Contact Bob at


that what he has done is completely unacceptable, and that you won’t tolerate it. At his young age, acting like a bully has its source in the same mindset as that of a criminal. Fueled by anger and an underlying sense of bitterness, it fosters the belief, “I’m better than you, therefore I have the right to mistreat you.”

Dr. ZZ’s bold, upfront, directive style plays an inspirational role in the lives of people she touches. This forum offers potential solutions on health, emotional and personal matters. Dr. ZZ earned her doctorate in Natural Healing at Tenrikyo University in Japan. Drawing on non-traditional Ph.D. in Counseling (the spiritual dimensions of psychology), she holds a Reiki Master-Teacher degree and a variety of complimentary certificates in modalities such as Tantra, Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Healing and Applied Kinesiology and now resides in Sarasota.


Question: I am unable to go to work without having an anxiety attack. It gets so frustrating when I am unable to control my emotions. I have been taking anxiety medication, but it doesn’t seem to correct the problem. I can’t go to the doctor, the dentist, or stand in line at the bank without feeling panic. I’ve been thinking of just staying home where I won’t have any problems, but then I contemplate all the things that I will miss out on in life. I persevere, but it gets so nerve-wracking that I just want to give up. Can you please help?

Question: I am a single woman in my 40s who came to Florida last year on vacation. Since then I have been extending my stay and have been here much longer than planned. At first it was because I was having such a wonderful time. I was dating a number of different men, one much younger than I who said he loved me and wanted to marry me. Recently though, I have tested positive for HIV twice; and I am feeling too ashamed, slightly suicidal and too humiliated to go home. I can’t face my family. Can you please help me handle the madness I’ve created for myself?

Dr. ZZ: Good for you for not giving up. Though staying at home may work as a temporary Band-Aid, it leads to a dead end in the long run. Life is about having new experiences. Even anxiety is better than not feeling at all. We all get anxious from time to time when we perceive danger, feel out of control and/or lack confidence that we can master a certain situation. Most of us get over it by dealing with the circumstances assertively and keeping our presence of mind. The trick is to accept and float on top of the anxiety rather than to trying to run from it. To diffuse negative feelings, try joking, doing deep breathing relaxation exercises, or getting involved in a conversation. Slowly, your anxiety should dissipate if you focus on your breath and allow life to flow.

Dr. ZZ: HIV positive is a tough diagnosis to accept. So let’s clarify at least one point: Your dilemma is not that you “can’t” face your family; your dilemma is that you won’t. Your family is not the one having to endure the repercussions of HIV; you are. Loving and caring for yourself to the best of your ability may require putting yourself in the company of people who sincerely love you—not just those who say they do for ulterior motives. It may be an interesting experiment to go home and face your fears. If the situation proves difficult, you can always leave again. Right now, you don’t have that choice. You’re being much too hard on yourself to allow for preferences.

Question: Recently I overheard my 12-year old son on the phone with one of his friends. I’ve raised him to be courteous and respectful of other people’s differences, but he was merciless in making fun of another boy. He called him a “loser” and a “sissy” and talked about putting glue on this child’s seat at school. He said he intentionally shoved the boy in the cafeteria. I had no idea my son would do such things, or that he may be a bully. But the proof seems self-evident, and I’m not sure how to handle it. If I tell my son I overheard his conversation, he’ll think I was snooping. How do you suggest I approach it? Dr. ZZ: The first thing you need to do is confront your son. It doesn’t matter that he may accuse you of snooping. You’re the adult. Paying attention to his behavior is your job. Tell him firmly


Behind almost every tough exterior lies a weakling with low selfesteem. Something about the boy your son is picking on most likely presents itself as a threat. Whether the other child is the teacher’s pet or a whiz in math, chances are your son feels inferior to him in some overwhelming way. If you can discuss with him what about the other child triggers his own sense of inadequacy, you will be one step ahead in helping to create a solution. Your son may need to cultivate a new interest or develop pre-existing skills so that he can feel secure enough within himself not to act out in frustration and hostility. The winning position is one of, “I’m okay; you’re okay.”

Guilt and stress may also be compromising your body’s defense system at a time when you need it most. Any potentially terminal disease is scary, but you’re judging yourself far too harshly to allow for healing. The best approach for managing AIDS often involves changes in diet, a controlling of sexual urges, and the development of a strong inner relationship of self-love and selfacceptance. If you continue to fear your transformation, there is no way you will be able enjoy your life—no matter how long or short it may be. So be gentle with yourself and allow for forgiveness. In this sense, forgiveness is letting go of all hope for a better past. Resistance to forgiveness is what keeps us stuck. Accept your diagnosis, allow yourself to hit bottom, and find the trap door out of this from there.

Change Your Mind

What Questions Are You Asking? There’s a road in front of you, and it has a fork in it. One way leads to moments of pleasure with a backdrop of pain, and the other path goes to a place that contains moments of pain resting on a foundation of deep peace, love, and contentment. Naturally, if you were asked which road you would prefer, without hesitation you’d most likely select the one leading to deep pleasure and serenity. The choice is not between a dirt path off to the right and a street lined with gold on the left; the selection is between the ego-mind-personality and our essential Self at our Core. The basic difference is that, although the ego-mind-personality can be kind and generous, it is basically looking out for the fulfillment of its own pleasure. Its statement is, “You scratch my back, and I’ll scratch yours.” It seeks to be secure, to have Power, and to be liked and admired—and all of its actions (and thoughts) spring from these desires. Ironically, grasping at intangibles or material desires often leaves the ego-mind unfulfilled and wanting more. When it comes to food and/or substances, this aspect of ourselves is a bottomless pit, seeking to fulfill a search for never-ending pleasure. This quest very likely leads to a distorted body image and compromised health. But even these results often do not deter the ego-mind, as it truly believes it will find fulfillment in the next seductive sensation. In other areas of our lives, it’s not always obvious where following the ego-mind will lead us. For example, the ego-mind can be negative and judgmental and feed us thoughts of doubt and condemnation about ourselves and others—yet we don’t always make the connection between these thoughts and our subsequent behaviors and feelings. In this scenario, we may notice that we feel depressed or out of sorts and not even remember yesterday’s resentments or unresolved fears. When following the path of the ego mind, we are destined to arrive at a place of pain, because by its very nature the ego-mind is misleading us into believing that we are separate, alone, and special in a negative way. Fortunately, there is another choice, and it is certainly the road less traveled. It is the conscious decision to follow the essential Self—at our Core. When we follow the guidance of our essential nature, although we certainly still experience the pain and uncertainty of life, at the backdrop is pure peace and

a knowing that we are connected with all of life, behind all the drama of separation and the angst of the self. Our Core nature is one of unity. Following the longing of the Core Self—our heart— will always take us to love, goodness, forgiveness, and a place of peace and fulfillment where all of our needs are met.

We no longer feel that insatiable craving for something more, but instead become filled with the spaciousness and freedom found in pure, spontaneous gratitude. On a practical level, how do we know which path we are choosing? One way is to notice the questions we are asking ourselves. The questions of the ego-mind always lead to pain, never produce concrete productive answers, and generally keep us spinning in the questions for endless amounts of time, while at the same time distancing us from others, sapping our energy, and generally knocking the wind out of our sails. Questions of the ego–mind include: What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with him or her? Why do I keep eating like this? Why does ___________ treat me so badly? Why did I have to have such a dysfunctional childhood? Why am I so lazy and weak-willed? When will I ever learn? How could I have been so stupid? Why do I have such rotten luck? Will I ever get better? Why is my life so hard? Notice how drained asking these questions feels. The questions of the Core Self—our Essential Nature, on the other hand, lead to feelings of peace and freedom within. They boost our energy level and give us strength and hope for the future. Questions of the essential Self include: What can I learn from this? Can I be strong despite what’s going on around me? What do I want? Is this thought or action going to bring me closer to what I want or pull me further away? What thought or action can I take right now that will bring me closer to the outcome I want? Can I let go of the past and be here in this moment now? How can I serve MYSELF and others best? What gifts do I have to share with other people? What is my highest calling for today? How can I make today better than yesterday? How can I nurture myself today? Can I love and accept myself right now even though I


feel _________? What noble traits did I acquire through the difficulties I have faced in the past? What noble traits can I acquire now through the difficulties I am facing in the present? What are the blessings around me? How can I open more to receive the love that is here for me? How can I nurture and care for my body more? How can I give love with no thought of getting anything back? What is the highest expression of myself? Can I let go of the myth of perfection? Notice that just asking these questions enhances a sense of hope and fulfillment. We may look at the second list of questions and wonder why we should be so altruistic when in fact all we really want is to be happy—to enjoy life. Perhaps based on our life experiences we believe that if we don’t take care of ourselves no one else will, and we must make our No. 1 priority looking out for ourselves. That may be true, but the secret is that by identifying with our Core Self—our true Essential Nature—and asking the questions that help us to align with this greater aspect of our being—we are ultimately destined to achieve greater happiness. Although the ego-mind wants us to believe that in order to get what we want we need to listen to its suspicious and negative voice, the truth is that when we listen to that voice we end up spiraling down into an abyss of darkness. The wants and demands and cravings of the ego can NEVER be fulfilled so we end up spinning our wheels and feeling desperate, clutching at life greedily. The only way to truly have what we want is to let go of the grasping and surrender to the Essential Self. This means to take a break from all of our useless questioning about why life is the way it is and why we are the way we are. Just drop it all. There is an ocean of forgiveness, love, freedom, peace and joy that we can jump into at any time—and we need to make this plunge over and over since we are going to experience the tugging of both places within, as long as we are alive. Ask yourself now:

“Can I drop this story about myself, my character, and my life, and start asking myself questions that take me higher?” Feel the energy of life rushing to fill you. Take a deep breath in and say “YES!” – Is it OK that you can’t figure it out?


Rena Greenberg is the Author of The Right Weigh (Hay House Publishing) and The Craving Cure (McGraw-Hill). She has a private hypnotherapy practice in Sarasota, specializing in Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery. She can be reached at 800-848-2822 or visit


Thursday, June 2

Rd, Sarasota, Price: $5, Jo Mooy@ 941-866-5752, Women’s New Moon Meditation for planetary healing. Sacred space set at 6:30 pm. Healers available.

Psychic Development w/ Voyager Tarot 4 week class, 6/2-6/23, 7-9pm, Temple of Saturday, June 4 Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave N, St. Petersburg, Price: $45 per paid or $10 a week, 727545-1122, Psychic Development VIA Voyager Readings with Deborah, 10am to 3pm. $30 RSVP The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave Tarot w/Joe Zias. Can use any Tarot Deck #108, Ft. Myers 939-2769 “Creating and Holding Sacred Space” with Alania, 6:30 to 8:30, Enchanted Spirits, Buddha Birthday Celebration, 4-6:00pm Unity Church of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Road, 712 Broadway, Dunedin, Price: $15 Sarasota, Price: suggested donation $10.00 Kathy 727-286-6279, You’ve heard about 941-751-6950, The program includes chanting, sacred space, but what is it really ? Alania will teach you all about creating and holding dhamma talk, music, meditation, bathing of baby Buddha, followed by Asian vegetarian dinner Sacred Space in this class.

Friday, June 3

more about Edgar Cayce. This new meeting will explore some the many healing techniques he recommended. We will learn about the foods he suggested we eat. Past Life Regression: Learning from the Past, Healing for the NO, 1pm Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 2044 Bispham Rd, Sarasota,, 941- 266-8435 or 941-706-3583, Reservations suggested. $20, Join Board certified hypnotist Elissa Bentsen for an informative talk that will examine the theory and practical uses of exploring past lives. Through citing case histories and providing a group regression experience, Ms. Bentsen will focus on the emotional, physical and spiritual benefits of investigating what has occurred in a past life. Find out how this knowledge can bring insight and healing to current life experiences.

Yoga for Scoliosis Practice, 1:00-3:00pm Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Ave N, St. Pete, Price: Manifesting and Abundance - Theta Heal- $35 a week before class $45 afterwards, Register at or call Stacy Renz or Jane ing Group Session with Pamela Lord Sunday, June 5 Arnold at (727) 826-4754, Yoga for Scoliosis Practice 6 – 8PM. Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th St. with Yoga Therapist and Occupational Therapist, N, St. Petersburg, www.WingsBookstore. Stacy Renz. Manage the pain associated with scolio- Energy Medicine & You! 5 PM. com, Price: $44. Theta Healing is a form of “After Hours” at Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th St. sis with yoga stretching and strengthening. Divine healing that works through a Higher N, St. Petersburg,, Consciousness to shift unconscious beliefs Price: Love offering. Please join Joyce Claflin, Mantra Meditation with Dr. Rajan Markose to a state of pure creation in alignment with Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, 10-11:30 am, Angel Ministries 2269 Tamiami Trail our true nature. Beliefs that we may not for an introduction to Donna Eden’s Energy S., Venice, Price: $20, www.angelministriesfl .org even be aware of such as, “I am not worthy” 941-284-9459, Learn mantra meditation effortlessly, Medicine. She will share the steps for “The or “I am afraid to be rich” can be operating Daily Energy Routine” so that you can begin using powerful mantras to reduce stress, achieve the background of our consciousness and practicing this technique to bring more wellhealing and clarity of thought, increase creativity affect what we are creating and experiencness into your life! The method is comprised and personal productivity. ing on a daily basis. Identify, eliminate and of simple techniques that enhance your life change these limiting beliefs to powerfully by reducing stress and anxiety, strengthenHurt People, Hurt People Krista Kaine, 1:30-4 pm transform your life experience with regard ing the immune system, alleviating pain, and Angel Ministries 2269 Tamiami Trail S., Venice, to money, wealth, success and abundance. enhancing your intellectual processes. Please Price: $25, www.angelministriesfl .org 941-284Max 20 participants so reserve your space in bring writing materials and arrive early. A love 9459, Gain understanding of why people behave advance. offering will be received; please give as you the way they do in hurtful circumstances. Gain Séance with Guisela the medium at 7pm. clarity, insight and compassion to learn forgiveness are guided. $30 RSVP for space is limited. The Labyrinth of others in its purest form. “SpiritArt” workshop with ChristineMarie 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers 1 to 3:30 pm, Enchanted Spirits, 712 BroadIntroduction to Lightworks Healing Method 939-2769, Join Guisela the medium and 3-5 pm, Garden of the Heart Yoga Center 1501 Ed- way, Dunedin, Price: $65 which includes participate in a séance. Receive messages gar Place, Sarasota, Price: love offering 941-921- materials. Kathy 727-286-6279, “SpiritArt” and contact departed loved ones. workshop will teach you how to capture the 3613, Spiritual seekspirits of those you love in pastels. You will ers and healers: learn about this method of divine ESP Fiesta, Monthly Event create 3 pieces in the workshop. 5:30-7pm, Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 energy healing. Receive energetic transmissions; perform exercises to meet your Spirit Guides. Ave North St. Petersburg, Price: $10 or 3 for Monday, June 6 $25.00, 727-545-1122, Come meet our talUFO and Paranormal Group of West Florida ented Readers.An evening of enlightenment! The Infinite Way–Joel Goldsmith Record2:00 -4:30 pm, Braden River Library 4915 53rd ings 7PM. “After Hours” at Wings Bookstore, Avenue, East, Rt. 70, Bradenton, Price: Free Will Women’s New Moon Meditation, 6:30 pm 4500 4th St. N, St. Petersburg, www.Wingsdonation, Jackie Miller 941-792-0308, Let’s learn Rising Tide Spiritual Center, 5102 Swift

45, Price: Love offering. Immerse your consciousness in Truth during this “After Hours” session that will include a recorded lecture by Joel Goldsmith and a silent meditation. Joel’s work, “The Infinite Way” transforms your consciousness to a remembering that there is only One Presence and Power operating in your life: The Divine Grace, Love and Wisdom of God. This illumination enables you to walk without fear and rest in the peace of God’s Presence. A love offering will be received for this event; please give as you are guided. Upper Pinellas African Violet Society 1st Mondays, 7pm, Palms of Largo 400 Lake Avenue NE Largo, Price: free, 727-433-3896, Come and learn about African Violets and how to care for them. We share the large variety of Violets with each other and the knowledge of how to care for them!

Tuesday, June 7 Intro to Wicca 7pm. Free. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers 939-2769, This is a continuing weekly series on Wicca. Classes include but not limited to: concept of Deity, Altars, Holidays, elements, sacred space, herbs and oils, candle magick, spells – how to, ritual, and questions and answers. Reiki Share w/Levana Spencer 6/7 & 6/21, 6:30pm, Enchanted Earth 733 SR580 Dunedin, Price: Gratitude Offering Contact: 727-216-6594, Description: Join us in a relaxed & inviting atmosphere for an evening of amazing energy work.

Thursday, June 9 Crystal Essentials with Julie at 7pm. $20 RSVP The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers 939-2769, This is a se-


ries of one class per month for 6 months to learn how to incorporate Feng Shui, Aromatherapy, and Chakra work all in one handy tin! Julie will combine essential oils and crystals, along with hand outs for using this amazing technique. Oils will be available for sale at reduced price for this class.

Intuitive Arts Fair, 11:00am - 5:00pm Elysian Fields 1273 Tamiami Trail S., Sarasota, 941-361-3006, Price: 30 minutes $35, Astrology, Psychic, Tarot 30 minute readings! Purchase 2 or more readings & receive a 10% discount on store merchandise! First come, First served.

June 9th: Men Wellness Seminar 7:00 – 8:30 PM RSVP Required. $10.00 pp – Longevity Wellness Clinic, (941) 923-9355 “Increase your drive, bring back the youthful you!” If you feel your sex drive is not the same as it once was; If you feel fatigued; If your muscles ache and/or you have prostate concerns this is a DON’T MISS SEMINAR! Dr. Pamela Robbins will be addressing these real problems with real world solutions for real men.

UFO and Paranormal Group of West Florida 1:15-4:30 pm, Central Library 1301 Barcarrota Blvd. Bradenton, Price: Free Will donation, Jackie Church-Miller 941-792-0308, Judith Snow shows the film An Angel for May”. This is about young Tom and his dog who happen upon a portal to the past.

Guest Reader: Deborah Chadwick, 10:30am – 5:30pm, Elysian Fields 1273 Tamiami Trail S., Sarasota, 941-361-3006, Price: 30 minutes $60,, Deborah Chadwick is an Intuitive Reader, Healer, and Spiritual Consultant. With regular playing cards, Deborah is able to receive specific information for her clients.

Friday, June 10

Psychic Fair, 10 am to 3 pm Angel Ministries 2269 Tamiami Trail S., Venice, 941-284-9459, Tarot, Mediumship, Astrology, Palmistry. Private Readings $15 for 15 minutes. Free Healings and Refreshments. Tarot Reading Workshop Every 2nd Saturday, 10:00 am to Noon, Creekside Gems & Minerals, 5914 Trouble Creek Rd., New Port Richey, Price: $20.00, Lisa (727) 8455451 Tues. thru Sat. 10 am to 6 pm, Bring your Tarot deck along for a hands-on workshop. We’ll start with a recap of the 78 cards, move into a demonstration of various readings in theory, and then pair-up.

Abundance Wheel with Carolyn 7pm. $50 RSVP The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers 939-2769, In this monthly class, Carolyn will help you work with the five Sunday, June 12 elements to manifest your most prosperous life. Learn how to bring in more money, time, and Introduction to Home Remedies, 1-2pm resources by breaking down blocks that limit 116-118 Flagship Drive, Lutz. See website for your growth potential. more dates and locations. Cost $20. www. 727-384-HERB, Attend this Gong Meditation, 5:30-6:30 p.m. introductory class on incorporating natural home 2nd Fridays, Prana Yoga Center, 3840 S. remedies into your life. The Sydney Center for Osprey Ave. Sarasota, Price: donation, Joy Creative Learning. Yackley (Harnam Kaur) 941-812-8695, Relax to the sound of the gong; considered the premier HerbalWise Medicine-making for Men’s instrument for this time on the planet to help Health, 2:30-5:30pm, The Sydney Center for bring inner and collective peace to humanity. Creative Learning,. See website for more dates and locations. Cost $60. Saturday, June 11 727-384-HERB, A hands-on learning experience where you learn to make herbal remedies that Aura Photography 10am to 7pm. address common male health concerns. Receive $45 RSVP The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland a step-by-step workbook & samples to take Ave #108, Ft. Myers 939-2769 home. Cost $60. Advance Registration Required. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity for your aura photograph, along with explanation of the Monday, June 13 state of your aura. Guest Reader: Christine Caruso, 10:30am – 5:30pm, Elysian Fields 1273 Tamiami Trail S., Sarasota, 941-361-3006, Price: 30 minutes $55 & 60 minutes $85,, Christine Caruso is a Clairvoyant, Medium, Energy Worker, and Intuitive Consultant who reads stones in the tradition of the Q’ero people of Peru.

Drumming w/ Jimbo Talbot, 7:30-9pm Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave. North St. Petersburg, Price: $10.00, 727-545-1122, Come play our drums! Sing,Chant,Dance and Drum a great evening to raise your energy!!

Tuesday, June 14 FREE Webinar – Herbal Healing for Men. Noon and 6pm, 727384-HERB, Beginner’s Intuitive Development 101, 7-9pm, Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave North St. Petersburg, Price: $60 pre pay or $12 per week, Rev Karmene Lusis is teaching Beginner’s Intuitive Development 101. Helping you to open your psychic doors. Lithomancy Workshop w/ Miss Celestial Raine, 7-8pm, Enchanted Earth 733 SR580 Dunedin, Please pre register, Contact: 727216-6594 - Divination w/Crystals

Wednesday, June 15 Chakra Energy Sessions with Suzanne Baden, 10:30am – 5:30pm, Elysian Fields 1273 Tamiami Trail S., Sarasota, 941-3613006, Price: 30 minutes $45,, Sessions include a full body chakra photo with a summary printout of chakra colors. Also available upon request - DVD video of your session for $10.

together to share, expand, enhance and brush up on their REI KI. Wear comfortable clothes.

Thursday, June 16

Tarot – part one – 7pm $30 Part Two on 6/23. RSVP The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers 939-2769, Learn the meanings of the cards and how to utilize this wonderful tool. A Rider Waite deck is required. HerbalWise Solutions for Men’s Health, 7:30-9:30pm, Cost $30. The Sydney Center for Creative Learning, 116-118 Flagship Drive, Lutz. See website for more dates & locations. 727-384-HERB, Learn diet, lifestyle, and botanical solutions for common men’s health issues. Receive a workbook for developing your own action plan and steps on how to incorporate concepts into your daily life.

Friday, June 17 Introduction to the Lightworks Healing Method with Lynn McGonagill, 6 - 8PM. Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th St. N, St. Petersburg,, Price: $25. Do you want to awaken your potential to heal your own life and the lives of others at the deepest levels? In this two-hour class, you’ll receive a basic understanding of the Lightworks Method: an energy work process that allows you to act as a catalyst for the healing power coming from the Divine to the individual. Learn how you can receive Divine healing to improve any facet of your life. “The purpose of the Lightworks Method is to help people live the life their soul has planned: to meet life’s challenges as the victor, not the victim,” Lynn McGonagill is the founder and teacher of the Lightworks Healing Method. Suggested Love Offering: $25. Space is limited.

The Empowerment Series with Stacy Renz 7:30-9pm, Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Ave N, St. Pete, Price: $120 by 6/8; $135 by 6/13, Stacy Renz PYT, ERYT500, CCHt (727) 826-4754, Series includes discussion, gentle yoga, and meditation to help you discover how, why, and when you give your power Reiki healing circle 7pm away & how to get it back. 6/15 - 7/20/11. Free. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers 939-2769. Come join experienced and Full Moon Ritual, 8pm gifted reiki healers for an evening of energy work. Enchanted Earth 733 SR580 Dunedin, Price: Gratitude Offering, Contact: 727-217-6594 Guest Reader: Sherry Lord, 10:30am – 5:30pm Description: Step into our Circle share your Elysian Fields 1273 Tamiami Trail S., Sarasota, energy and give thanks!! 941-361-3006, Price: 15 minutes $35, 30 minutes $50 & 60 minutes $85, http://elysianfieldsonline. 3rd Wed. Reiki Share, 7:00-9:00pm com, Sherry Lord is a gifted Channel who can see Rising Tide, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, Price: angels, guides, and auras as well as Channel loved Suggested offering $5, Rev. Zan Benham -941- ones who have crossed over. 922-7839, Reiki Masters of all lineages to come

Psychic Circle, 7:30 PM till 9:00 PM Universal Harmony Church, 5903 Seminole Blvd. Seminole, Message Circle, 7-9pm Temple of Love & Healing, 3700 40 Ave North S. Petersburg, Price: $10.00, 727-545-1122, Receive 3 Readings from our gifted Readers! Women’s Full Moon Meditation, 6:30 pm Rising Tide Spiritual Center, 5102 Swift Rd, Sarasota, Price: $5 love offering, Jo Mooy@ 941-866-5752, Women’s Full Moon Meditation for planetary healing. Sacred space set at 6:30 pm. Healers available. Rising Tide 5102 Swift Rd. Jo Mooy 941-866-5752

Saturday, June 18 Pendulum Workshop at 2pm. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers 939-2769, Learn how to choose, cleanse, program, and ‘charge’ your pendulum. Learn how to use your pendulum more efficiently for divination, energy work, chakra diagnosis, and finding lost objects. Free charts will be available with this workshop. This workshop is free. Crystals & Gemstones at 4pm. Free. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers 939-2769, Learn how to choose, clean, and charge your gemstones as well as how to use them. Also learn about crystal grids. Message Gallery, 7:00pm Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 2044 Bispham Road, Sarasota, Price: $15 donation, Join medium Jay Higgins for a special evening of messages from loved ones in Spirit, and from personal guides. Reservations 941-266-8435. Experience Yoga Nidra with Linn Sennott 1:00-3:30pm, Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Avenue N, St. Pete, Price: $40 by 6/11; $50 by June 16, Register at or call Stacy Renz or Jane Arnold at 727-8264754, Be sure to register early for this popular class with this much loved teacher. Experience one of the deepest forms of meditation practice that can lead to profound change.


Learn to Lead Yoga Nidra 3.5 CEU’s 1:00-4:30pm, Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Avenue N, St. Pete, Price: $50 by June 11; $60 by June 18, Register at www.livingroomyoga. biz or call Stacy Renz or Jane Arnold at (727) 826-4754, Experience this deep form of yoga meditation, learn the theory behind it, and learn how to deliver an effective and safe Yoga Nidra experience to students, clients & patients. Psychometry Workshop by Rev Phyllis Stewart 10:30 to 1 pm, Angel Ministries 2269 Tamiami Trail S., Venice, Price: $25, 941-284-9459, Learn to sense or “read” the history and energy of an object and its owners using touch. Bring an object or two to class for participation. GROWING GREEN!! Sustainable Urban Gardening Gathering. 10am til 2pm, Gulfport Casino 5500 Shore Blvd. S. Gulfport, Price: FREE, Contact Crea 541.227.6655 peaceful., HELP EDUCATE AND BUILD A BRIDGE OF COMMUNITY SUPPORT. FREE Event on Sustainable Urban Gardening. With live music and simple, healthy, living marketplace. Pamela Jo Hatly, PA practices land use, real estate, and environmental law, and will describe how local governments have promoted this national trend and how Gulfport and nearby cities can participate. Panel discussion with local organic food growers/suppliers, animal rights activist and more. Seeds, edible plants, summer harvest swap encouraged. Vegan refreshments provided by Peaceful Plate, and the CommunityTable. Contact us ASAP to volunteer, be a panelist, and or reserve a space in our marketplace.

Monday, June 20 Inspiring Your Journey, 7 – 8:30 PM. “After Hours” at Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th St. N, St. Petersburg,, Price: Love offering. Choose to inspire your life! Awaken Yourself to a New Way of Being during this session designed to ignite and inspire your full potential. Each session is guided uniquely by Spirit, and will be facilitated by Andi Schenbeck. Attend this “After Hours” event at Wings Bookstore relaxed and receptive to what The Divine has in store for you! Arrive early as the store closes at 7PM to ensure sacred space. Visit or call 727.522.6657


for more info. A love offering will be received, please give as you are guided.

Tuesday, June 21 Summer Solstice Ceremony, 7 pm The Tree at Siesta Key Beach, Price: Free, Jo Mooy@ 941-355-1414, Summer Solstice Ceremony at Siesta Key Beach with a guided meditation accompanied by flute. Reiki Box names honored and released in fire ceremony. Jo Mooy 941-355-1414 Minfulness, 7 - 9 pm June 21 through July 19, Unity Church of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Road, Sarasota, Price: $40 includes materials, Elizabeth Thompson 941-955-3301, Mindfulness is a three legged stool that includes your heart intention followed with inspired action. Join Rev. Thompson for this whole life enrichment series.

Thursday, June 23

Beginners Introduction to Tarot w/ Justin Martz Every 3rd Saturday, 10:00 am to Noon, Creekside Gems & Minerals 5914 Trouble Creek Rd. New Port Richey. Price: $25.00, Lisa (727) 845-5451 Tues. thru Sat. 10 am till 6 pm. In this class we will explore the 78 cards of our modern popular Tarot, their history, and various practical applications. Reiki I Attunement Class, 12:30-5:30pm Rising Tide International, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota, Price: $111, The first of four classes towards a REIKI III Master Healer degree. REIKI is an ancient form of practice and initiation into hands on healing. Pot Luck, 7-9pm Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave north St. Petersburg, Price: FREE, 727-545-1122, Come Meet our family bring a dish or just Come!

Sunday, June 26

Jami Lin’s Enlightening Afternoons, 1-5 pm Boca Royale (restaurant) 1601 Englewood Road, Englewood, Love Donations / RSVP required: 941-276-8689, “Empowered Women lead the Change they want to see in the world. BE the Change!” This Solstice, join 6 seasoned and expert presenters inspire Personal Discoveries within you. Explore and apply Powerful Secrets: 1 .Benefit with current Astrology Trends, 2. Create a Nurturing Sanctuary for Deeper Love, Increased Money, and Saturday, June 25 Greater Bliss, 3. Reduce your BUT!, 4. Manifest your Heart’s Desire with Powerful Language. Psychic Faire 10am-4pm 5, Transform Intentions into Reality, 6. Look The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Younger Skin Care, and 3 SURPRISES (for Myers 939-2769, Choose from an assortment starters)! Visit for of well-established and gifted healers. Tarot presentation descriptions, expert’s bios, videos, readers, Palm reader, soul chart progression, photos & testimonials. FREE Raffles & Gifts! Oracle cards, full chart astrology analysis, rune caster, DNA and psychic cord cutting, medium, Open House/Arts & Crafts Show, 2-4pm chakra cleansing and alignment, and Shamanic Lutheran Apartments, 550-1st Ave. So., St. PeJourneys. 25min for $25 tersburg, 727-896-3197 or luthapts@knology. net, Price: Free. Extraordinary galleries showLearn the Tarot - Rev Trevor, 10 am to 3 pm case musical & artistic talents of women and Angel Ministries 2269 Tamiami Trail S., Venice, men (62+) living in downtown St. Petersburg. Price: $40, 941Refreshments served. All welcome. This non284-9459, Gain insight and understanding to profit, independent living facility for moderatethe meaning of the cards, learn layouts, and income elders welcomes all persons regardless awaken your intuition using the Tarot. Lots of of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. fun and hands on participation. Get Energized! Get Optimal Health! 7:00 – 8:30 PM RSVP Required. $10.00 pp – Longevity Wellness Clinic, (941) 923-9355, Are you dragging long before bedtime? Difficulty concentrating?, Sleep issues (not enough or too much)? Bothered with gas or other health issues? Dr. Pamela Robbins and Coach Jen Naylor will show you the road to renewed ENERGY and OPTMAL HEALTH! Regain your Spark!

Ongoing Events Last Sunday Sacred Drumming Last Sunday of each month, 4-5:30pm Labyrinth at Unity of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Rd. Sarasota, Price: Suggested offering $5 Rev. Zan Benham -941-922-7839, A fire circle with chanting and drumming . BYO chairs and water and extra drums to share. All are welcomed, seasoned drummers and new ones.

Wednesday, June 29 Usui Reiki Level One at 7pm. $50 RSVP The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers 939-2769, Learn hands on healing with channeled universal life force energy. Learn how to connect with the energy, energy scanning, diagnosis of chakras with pendulum, crystal grids, symbols, and more. Certification and attunement included with this class.

Thursday, June 30 Vedic Astrology Sessions with Dr. Harre Harren 11AM-4PM, The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd, Suite 201, Sun City Center. Price $85.00 By appointment 813-633-9400. Dr Harren is a Music Therapist, Healer and Vedic Astrologer from India. 1 hour IndividualVedic Astrology Birth Chart Sessions.

Ongoing Events Monday Healing with The Masters 7pm to 8:30pm Every 4th Monday, STARTING ON MAY 23, After Hours” at Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th Street N, St. Petersburg. Price: A love offering will be received; please give as you are guided. Join Emily Andrews for an evening of connecting with Ascended Masters, Teachers and Guides as she intuitively shares their Divine messages and serves as a conduit for their healing energy. Connect to Divine Wisdom that lovingly and powerfully encourages us to expand, while giving us guidance on how to become the highest versions of ourselves. Join us for an evening of transformation, healing, and true understanding! Please bring writing materials and arrive early, as the doors will close promptly at 7 pm to honor sacred space.

MEDITATION & HEALING CIRCLE Every 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 7:00pm, Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 2044 Bispham Road, Sarasota, Love Offering, Join us for a guided meditation and receive hands-on spiritual healing. 941-266-8435 Intuitive readings with Staci B, 12 to 5:30 Enchanted Spirits, 712 Broadway, Dunedin, Contact: Kathy 727-286-6279, Quickly resolve an issue that is disturbing your peace with a reading from Staci B using her “Out your Ego” cards. Dream workshop with John, 7:15 to 9 pm Enchanted Spirits, 712 Broadway, Dunedin, Price: $15, Contact: Kathy 727-286-6279 Dreams are your link to your divine. Do you know how many millionaires were created because they paid attention to their dreams. What are yours saying to you ? Belly Dancing with Arielle, 6 to 7 pm Enchanted Spirits, 712 Broadway, Dunedin, Price: $15 per class or $55 for a month Contact: Kathy 727-286-6279, Come and celebrate being a woman. Learn belly dancing to activate the feminine energies within you.

Angel Gathering, Every Second Monday 7pm, Wings Bookstore 4500 4th St. N. St Pete Price: Love Offering, Contact:, (813) 758-1139, Connect with your Angels & Archangels. During each gathering, Angelic beings are channeled & Wednesday discussed. Participants are guided through powerHealing Power of Sacred Chants and Indian Mu- ful exercises, to encourage the Angelic connection. Trance Circle w/ Rev. Debbie Dienstbier sic Therapy Concert, 6PM, The Chakra Center, 137 4:00pm, Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway S. Pebble Beach Blvd, Ste 201 Sun City Center, Emotional Freedom Technique & the Law of Dunedin, Price: $20.00, Contact: 727-286Price: $30.00 813-633-9400. By Dr. Harre Harren, Attraction 7-9pm First & Third Monday, Unity 6279, Come join our psychic circle and Kirtan Chanting and Healing CONCERT of St Petersburg, 6168 1st Ave N, St Pete $10 connect with your loved ones and guides from suggested love offering, Juanita 727-360-5028, the world of Spirit. Rev. Debbie works with Dr. Fundamentals of Astrological Interpretation. Megan 727-729-2246, WANT TO FEEL COMLydia Webster who was a Dr. in the 1800’s. 7-9pm Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave North FORTABLE IN YOUR BODY? LEARN TO EASILY St. Petersburg, Price: $60.00, 727-545-1122, JoRELEASE OLD FEELINGS OF ANGER, FEAR, Self Realization Classes, 5:45 - 6:45 pm anna Gerard will help you understand astology 101 SADNESS, GUILT AND RETURN TO YOUR LOV- Sarasota Gnostic Center, Clark Rd Sarasota ING COMFORTABLE-IN-YOUR-BODY YOU. Price: Love donation, Contact: (941) Friday, July 1 228-9208, Experience Gnosis. Learn the Kundalini Yoga, 7:00-8:30 a.m. secret practices used through the Ages. Vedic Astrology Sessions with Dr. Harre Harren Location: Prana Yoga Center, 3840 S. Osprey Relaxation-Concentration-Inner Change11AM-4PM, The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Ave. Sarasota, drop-in/$15 8/$88 Guided Meditation-Chakra Activation-Astral Beach Blvd, Suite 201, Sun City Center. Price Contact: Joy Yackley (Harnam Kaur) 941-812Projection Tarot, and much more. $85.00 By appointment 813-633-9400. Dr Harren 8695, A blissful blend of postures, mantra, and Mid-Week Faith Lift 7pm – 8pm is a Music Therapist, Healer and Vedic Astrologer meditation. All levels, beginners welcome! Every Wednesday starting May 11, The from India. 1 hour IndividualVedic Astrology Birth Unitarian Universalist Church, 2470 Nursery Chart Sessions. Tuesday Road in Clearwater. Music, meditation and interactive discussion are designed to bring Saturday, July 23 Discovering the True Self Rev. Barbara Cala- out the best in your life through the conscious brese, 7- 8:30pm, Starts: 02/01, 7 week course use of Spiritual Laws. Sarasota Mystic Faire, 11am-7pm every Tuesday, Mystic See 411 West Dearborn 801 N Tamiami Trail, Sarasota Municipal Building St Englewood, Price: $75,, Price: $5, Contact: 239-949-3387 or email An accredited course, An amazing event! Over 75 through The Colpsychics, healers and merchants. Get your queslege of Metaphysical tions answered at the largest psychic fair in SWFL Studies. Do you want Free lectures. to meet a wonderful person? Experience Friday, July 29 positive thinking for your highest potential. Finding Joy Through Transformation Retreat July 29-31, Meditations/Readfindingjoy.html, Are you ready to discover your true ings/Healings w/Tony authentic self? Tap your natural abilities, create Fernandez, 7pm, a meaningful life, transform your relationships, Anahata, 945 Central permanently locate and eliminate the false beliefs Ave, Naples, Price: that block your joy! $15, 239-784-9519


AFTERNOON MEDITATION, HEALING & SPIRIT MESSAGES Every Wed and Thurs, 2:00pm to 4:00pm Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 2044 Bispham Road, Sarasota, Price: Love Offering, Join Susan Houliston to relax, meditate, receive a spiritual healing and a message from loved one or guide. Come & go on your own schedule. 941-266-8435 Reiki Healing Clinic, 4 pm to 7 pm Angel Ministries, 2279 Tamiami Trail S., Venice, Price: Free/Love Offering, Contact:, Our healers tap into the flow of energy from the Divine source to balance to help promote healing and relaxation.Healers and beginners are welcome to participate and learn.

com/naples-art-of-allowing/ or 239-595-1587.

Thursday Meditation Session with the Swami Krishna Bharti - 2nd and 4th Thursday, 7PM at Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th St. N, St. Petersburg, Price: Love Offering. Meditation is the journey within as the only way OUT is IN. The Swami Krishna Bharti will lead seekers to go beyond the mind and into pure awareness, making a direct connection with the ultimate source. The Swami Krishna Bharti has practiced meditation for over 20 years. He is from India and studied Yoga in Bihar in India and the Himalayas. In each session the Swami Krishna Bharti will guide and teach you to go beyond thought, beyond thinking about not thinking and into pure awareness. Bring a meditation pillow and yoga mat. Arrive early, as the store will close at 7 pm to ensure sacred space. A love offering is appreciated.

Metaphysical Yoga with Erinn Earth Wed 6:15 pm & Thur 10 am, Unity Church of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Road, Sarasota, $10 Love Offering, Contact:, Yoga is a holy endeavor, a gentle way of bring- Reiki Share - 3rd Thursday, 7PM ing our biology & psychology into alignment with Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th St. N, St. Petersburg, Price: Love Offering. Are you curious our perfect spiritual self. about Reiki energy healing, and want to give it a try? Are you a Reiki practitioner looking to share Witch Craft 101, 7-8pm your gifts with others? Join our circle of Reiki Enchanted Earth 733 SR580 Dunedin, Price: practitioners and community members to wel$10.00 each class, Contact: 727-216-6594 come this relaxing, restorative energy into your 13 week series of Witch Craft, Paganism, Magick, working w/elements. Altar construction, life! No prior experience with or knowledge of Reiki is necessary. A love offering is appreciated. Candle Magic, God & Goddess Mythologies, The Wheel of Life. Tarot Workshop w/ Rev Lori Newlove, 6:30pm, Enchanted Earth 733 SR580 Dunedin, Mid Week Prayer & Meditation Service 7:30 pm, Unity Church of Sarasota, 3023 Proc- Price: $15. each class, Contact: 727-216-6594 Pre Register 9 week workshop. This class gives tor Road, Sarasota, Price: Love Offering a concise,easy to understand way of learning Contact: Rev. Thompson, Join us every Wednesday evening beginning at 7:30. Service Tarot. Lori has 30 years exp. as a reader & 17 includes music, fifteen minute meditation and a years exp. as Teacher in Tampa Bay. candle/prayer lighting ceremony. Joyful Yoga with Megan, 6-7pm Fossil Park Rec. Center, 6635 Dr. MLK Jr. St. Art of Allowing - Video Skype Call, 7pm N., St Pete, 727-893-7756, $25/mo or $7/class. Price: $10, Contact: Gwen Peterson, Gwen has facilitated the Art of Allowing gathering in Naples 1st Class FREE, Breathe light and love through your body and spirit while enjoying deep yoga for 3 yrs. This is an Abraham-Hicks group that stretching. Megan 727-729-2246 is open to all who are looking to move forward with their life experience. The new Skype Video Rock Your World 7:00pm conference call gives the opportunity to gather from many locations at once. The call is limited to Alternative Health Therapy 1201 Sheridan Rd Clw., Price: Love Donation Contact: 727-44910. The Skype download is FREE and requires the newer version to participate in the video part 9090, Discussing and exploring the tools of Conscious Evolution. Open to the energy of of the call. To register for the call and directions the Crystal World. share and learn. for attending, please go to: http://www.meetup. Limited Reservations.


Intuitive readings with Alania, 11 to 6 Enchanted Spirits, 712 Broadway, Dunedin, Contact: Kathy 727-286-6279, Let the light and beauty surround you while your Spirit Guides show you the way to your highest potential. Attention Crystal & Rock Hounds, 7-9pm Alternative Health Therapies, 1201 Sheridan Road Clearwater, Price: $3.00, 727-449-9090, Discussing and Exploring the tools of Conscious Evolution through the energy of Crystals and Stones.B,Y.O.C. to share and learn! Spiritual Metaphysical Celebration 6:30 to 8:15pm, Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail S., Venice, Price: Love Offering, Contact:, Worship service with inspirational speakers and messages from Spirit. Healing, Prayer, music and meditation. Enjoy the connection to Spirit in a fun and uplifting energy. Ask and It Is Given: Law of Attraction in Action, 7-9pm, Unity Of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Rd, Sarasota, Price: $10, Contact: Rev. Zan Benham 941-922-7839, Understanding and practically applying the principles of the Law of Attraction through the works of Abraham/Hicks. Enhances clarity, well-being, joy, creativity, prosperity.

Friday “A JOURNEY WITHIN” Soul Service w/ Rev. Debbie Dienstbier, 3-4:15 PM; The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Suite 201, Sun City Center, Price: $10 Love Donation Contact: 813-633-9400, Come feed your soul! Reverend Deb’s weekly service includes a Guided Meditation, Soul Sermon and Personal Messages from Spirit. Private readings also available. Free Belly Dance Class Fridays 6 – 7pm, Hip Expressions Belly Dance Studio, 1108 62nd Ave N, Saint Pete, Price: FREE, 727.459.8558, Discover how belly dance is great spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Join the belly dance community – be strong, be sexy, belly dance!

Saturday Intuitive & Wellness Fair, Every 3rd Saturday, 11:00am - 4:00 pm, Om Gaia Wholistic Center 312 12th St West (Old Main) Bradenton, Start the year off with CLAR-

ITY! Various Readers and events! Get a reading bring about a state of mind that responds in the by Transformation Columnist Emily Andrews. reflection of Wholeness, Peace, and Love Sunday Worship Service 10:30am Every Sunday Psychic Fair 1st Saturday 12-8pm Enchanted Earth 733 Main Street Dunedin Mystical Faire / Psychic Faire, 1pm-5pm Price: $1 per min./20 min minimum Contact: 2nd Sunday, Anahata Holistic Healing & 727-216-6594, Come meet our readers Lori Spiritual Center, 945 Central Ave., Naples, Free Newlove, Naviae, Celestial Raine,Tea Leaf Entry, (239) 262-0811, A fun way to sample the Reader Marilyn Mackey eclectic offerings we have at discounted prices. Tarot Readings, Cord Cuttings, Henna Tattoos, Beginners Introduction to Tarot with Justin Sound Therapy, Reiki, Hypnosis & More. Martz 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. Every Fourth Saturday, Creekside Gems & Minerals 5914 Sunday Worship Service, 10:30am Trouble Creek Rd. New Port Richey Center for Metaphysical Fellowship, 2044 Price: $20.00 Contact: Lisa Monk (727) 845Bispham Road, Sarasota, Price: Love Offering 5451. In this class we will explore the 78 cards Start your Sunday with a smile at our 10:30am of our modern popular Tarot, their history, and worship service. Hands on healing, inspirational various practical applications. talk, special music and spirit messages. 941266-8435 Reiki Share with the Horses, 6pm-9pm New Port Richey, Price: 10.00, Contact: 727Sunday Spiritual Celebration, 10:30am & 207-5056, Rene Trebing & Debbie Dienstbeir 6:30pm, Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail will be hosting a weekly Reiki share amongst S., Venice, Price: Love Offering, Contact: www. the giant oaks with the horses. A second table, Healing and Prayer Service, will be set up inside. After 7pm Debbie will be and Messages from Spirit. Receive inspiration available for private readings beside the fire. and healing energy from our healers, speakers, We utilize other healing modalities such as music, and meditation. All are welcome. crystal bowls, tuning forks, toning and drumming. All modalities are welcome! LOVE DONA- Healing Share w/ Rich Davis, 1-3pm TION 10.00 Attunements with certificates for Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave North St. Reiki level 1 or 2 ~ 25.00 Reiki Master 100.00 Petersburg, Price: $10.00, Using many healing modalites- Anyone needing healing may attend. Intuitive readings Saturdays and Sundays, 11:00 to 6:30 on Throughout the Month Saturday and 12:00 to 4:30 on Sunday Enchanted Spirits, 712 Broadway, Dunedin, Join our new Rover Rewards Club Contact: Kathy 727-286-6279, We offer a variPrice: FREE Contact: Give a Dog a Bone (813) ety of readers over the weekends. Please call 641-3734 or, Stop the shop to see who will be reading. by and get your Rover Rewards Card to receive 10% off your entire purchase one a month! Psychic Fair, 12-8pm Enchanted Earth 733 SR580 Dunedin, Daily Price: $1. minute/ 20 minute limit, Contact: 727216-6594, Enchanted Earth has some of the New Services at the Dutch ReTreat most insightful Readers that can help guide you Dutch ReTreat Massage, Village Plaza, 16621 on your Journey of self discovery. US301 South, Wimauma, Natural Nails & Skin Care - Call Dee (941-228-6306), Auto Accident Sunday Massage Therapy, PIP insurance accepted Call Deb (813-763-0340) One From The Heart Healing Sessions 9:30-10:15 A.M., 4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota Intuitive Readings (Knights of Columbus Bldg ), Price: FREE, THE CHAKRA CENTER, 137 S. Pebble Beach, CSA Blvd, # 201, Sun City Center, by appointment 813Healing Practitioners offer 15 min. sessions to 633-9400. $45.00 for ½ hour or $2.00 minute.

Community Resources Naturopathic/Holistic Medicine Family Healing Center, Dr. Christina Captain, Dom, 1219 East Ave S #104 Sarasota, 941-9511119,, dr_captain@, FHC is an integrative, alternative health care practice, incorporating traditional western ideology with Eastern & other holistic strategies. Integration of East meets West allows the center to provide specialized treatment for a wide range of health problems.

Wellness Works, Dr. Carol Roberts M.D.

1322 Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34243 941-358-1071, We offer our patients an evaluation, treatment, and education based on the holistic model of body-mind-spirit. To recognize that the best form of treatment is determined by the individual need and preference to incorporate education to maintain the body and the mind.

Alternative Health Therapies

1201 Sheridan Rd., Clearwater, 727-449-9090,, Acupunture, Prolotheraphy, Mesotheraphy, Massage, Acupressure, Reflexology, Veterans Support, Classical Homeopathy, Anti Stress Support, Chinese Herbal Therapy.

Acupuncture Physicians Longevity Wellness Clinic

2106 Bispham Rd, Sarasota, 941-225-2338, Experience 21st Century ZYTO Technology integrated with the ancient Healing Arts of the Orient and find the Longevity and Wellness solutions you deserve!

Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic of Ruskin

203 W. Shell Point Road Ruskin, FL 33570 813-645-8168 fax 813-645-8169, Dr. Ken is also a certified Thought Field Therapist, Reflexologist, Hypnotherapist, Meridian Response Technique, and retired psychologist. Light Therapy for myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, joint pain, bruising, fracturs, muscle problems, and wounds.


Higher Education East West College of Natural Medicine

3808 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, 941-355-9080, EWC strives to be the leading provider in Oriental Medicine education, by training practitioners who embody the highest level of professionalism and provide quality and compassionate healthcare.

Everglades University

6001 Lake Osprey Dr, Suite 110, Sarasota, 888-785-8689, Earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Alternative Medicine! Small classes. Herboloy, Naturopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Feng Shui, Nutrition, Detoxification and Healing, Ayurvedic Medicine and more!

Reiki Center of Venice

116 Corporation Way, Venice 941-497-7795 Reiki training-all levels-all ages. NCBTMB , BOC and FL Massage Ce’s. Full and Half day workshops. Crystal and Chakra Healing courses and sessions.

Energy/Spiritual Healing The Longhouse, A Healing Arts Centre

2309 49th Street S., Gulfport 727.322.5766 • We offer a variety of complementary health practices by licensed and skilled practitioners such as relaxation and neuromuscular massage, Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy, Somato-Emotional Release, Shiatsu and Reflexology.

(EFT) Emotional Freedom Techniques & The Law of Attraction Unity of St Pete 6168 1ST AVE N. St Pete. 727-360-5028 or 727-729-2246 Juanita Christy & Megan Gray, MA, Private and group sessions. Juanita, EFT Certified Coach has practiced meditation for over 35 years. Megan has 28 Years experience of coaching and Yoga Therapy.

Alafia River Aura Imaging

Riverview, Florida, 813-601-1276 Aura Photos, Research, Workshops, and Counseling — Certified Aura/Chakra Analyst, Ayurveda Practitioner, and Reiki Master. Utilizing the Biopulsar Reflexograph, Sparrow combines personal experience with multiple knowledge systems to interpret your aura photo.


Energy Sound Healer, Robert Austin

941-822-9046, Discover the healing properties of crystal and Tibetan Bowls. Available for private sessions, concerts and workshops.

The Salt Cave

4962 Tamiami Tr. N. Naples 239-403-9170, Come experience a “cave” of Himalayan pink crystal salt! Make your Halotherapy sesion appointment today.

Workshops/Events The Lightworks Healing MethodTM, 941-921-3613, Sense subtle energy, channel divine frequency, retrieve soul fragments, link to past and future lives, connect with Spirit Guides & Angels.

Mystic Faire

Sarasota Municipal Auditorium, 801 Tamiami Trail N, Sarasota, 239-949-3387 Region’s largest psychic fair! Hundreds of vendors, psychics, and healers, great food, door prizes, $5 cover, free lectures, July 23, 11-7

Finding Joy Through Transformation, Weekend retreat coming July 29-31. We facilitate transformation, you find your joy! Are you ready to discover your true, authentic self?

Bookstores/Learning Elysian Fields Books & Gifts

1273 S. Tamiami Trail Midtown Plaza Sarasota 941-361-3006, Award winning store in Sarasota where something wonderful is always happening! Books, music, jewelry, crystals, incense, candles, clothing, personal care, greeting cards.

Enchanted Spirits

The Power of One

238 W Tampa Ave, Venice Center Mall 941-488-6714, Intuitive readers, energy workers, stones, crystals, soy flakes, art work, meditation and mantra meditation, fresh cut flowers, psychic fairs at the end of each month on Saturdays.

Shamans Blessings

3465 Bonita Beach Rd, Suite 4, Bonita Springs (239) 947-0000, Tarot, shamanic reiki, chakra balanding, cord cuttings, life activations, energy balancing, elemental balancing, aura healing, house blessings and more!

Stonewater Studio

8805 Tamiami Trail North #130, Naples 239.821.2266. Handcrafted gemstone jewelry and highly therapeutic Integrative Relaxation programs (lectures, classes and workshops) for individuals and businesses to help you live a fuller, more balanced life.

Miracles Metaphysical Bookstore

1950 2nd Ave. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33713 727-822-3157, Miracles offers humanitarian and environmentally conscious merchandise; plus free information cards about many products. Ask for your ‘Frequent Shopper Thank You’ card. Free Wi-Fi.

Mystic See

411 West Dearborn Street Englewood 941.473.3816, An enlightened gift and book shop and spiritual empowerment center offering Intuitive Readings, massage, classes, meditation and special events to enhance our daily living.

Heavenly Things, Inc

216 First Avenue N (Jannus Landing) St. Pete 727 822 8938, Unique art pieces, mystical objects, spiritual music, encouraging books, happy gadgets, popular relaxing products, fine arts & crafts, aromatherapy, essential oils, jewelry, altar pieces, tarot cards, semi-precious gemstones, incense & much more.

712 Broadway, Dunedin, 727-286-6279 The Chakra Center NEW earthbound shop offering books, gifts, private 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd Ste 201, SCC 813-633-9400, readings, and a variety of classes! Offering spiritual books, crystals, readings incense, jewelry, gifts and more. Full array of classes and Enchanted Earth workshops for enlightenment. Laughter yoga classes. 733 Main Street, Dunedin, 727-216-6594 kim@ Where light seekers gather., Merry Meet,a truly magical place for all your spiritual needs. Readings,healing,and classes are offered.

Anahata ~ Holistic Healing & Spiritual Center, 945 Central Ave., Naples

In the Flow Solutions 787-235-8788 239-262-0811, Intuitive ideas, innovative solutions, venues of posAn eclectic offering of services, staff members, and sibilities and the best course of action strategies to products. Naples’ ONLY eco-friendly metaphysical manage your business and get your life in Divine store. You can Skype with our psychics & attend Order. LIVE classes online.

The Way of Positive Change

3006 Del Prado Blvd S, Ste C, Cape Coral, 239541-0227, GRAND OPENING! Readings, healing, crystals, herbal blends, incense, oils, jewelry & more!

Artists/Musicians Jack Alexander, 941-359-9222, His artworks adorn the homes of actor Dustin Hoffman, Archbishop D. Tutu of South Africa & diplomats & dignitaries worldwide. Clients, decorators, contractors and collectors call him a “master” and credit his work as having healing properties.

Kirtan Sacred Sounds, Suzanne Alvarez

813-785-7993,, Suzanne is available for singing at Weddings, parties, or Kirtans. Sings Folk to Broadway. BA Theater in Arts.

Gifts/Supplies Creekside Gems & Minerals

Counseling & Life Coaching

Lightharts Coaching

Venice Holistic Center, 251 Tamiami Trail (on the Island) 941-966-6190, Individual, group and phone coaching sessions, Intuitive readings, Reiki, Past Life Regressions, Commissioned Soul Paintings, Spirit-minded Business Seminars, Angelic painting

Leslie Green

727-381-8089, Move beyond your limitations. All paths begin with your heat. Core Health, Parenting, Relationships, Coaching.

Alma Quest

Elena C. Jones, St Pete 727-321-3366, Sarasota 941-907-0525 Spiritual Life Coaching, Ministerial Services, Reiki Sessions, Spiritual Counseling, Readings, Classes, Creating My Intentions Conference.

Integrated Mindset, LLC, Cindy Snowball

Trouble Creek Rd. New Port Richey 727-845-5451, Super-Natural Treasures is what you’ll find here at Creekside. Amazing rocks everywhere you turn. Large selection of organic teas & tinctures, books, tarot cards, wands, etc..

941-524-1022, Health and Wellness Life Coaching. Find your life path through I See Your Dream Job coaching using numerology, astrology and intuition. “Intrigue the mind, nourish the spirit and energize the body.”

Underground Crystals,, Wholesale minerals of all kinds!

Business/Personal Services Moxy Women

St. Petersburg,, 727-8223590, Find, keep, and share your moxy! Join the online community of Women Taking Care of Business!

Professional Proofreading, Susan Barton

407-382-0313, 15 years of professional experience. Polish your materials and solidify your image with a professional proofreader. Friendly, timely, extremely accurate.

Triple 3 Marketing

Randall Moore, 941-321-2984 Help your business enhance relationships with customers, strategic partners, and media professionals. We provide integrated marketing solutions, quality advertising, and practical communication tools that support your goals.

Interiors by Rene, Venice

518-312-8433, Interior decorating using ecofriendly materials, green designs, and feng shui to create an environment that promotes feelings of safety and comfort and encourage expansion and growth.

Churches/Spiritual Centers Unity Campus, First Unity & Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th Street North, St Petersburg FL

7275272222, Unity Campus is a spiritual community that teaches a positive, practical and progressive approach to spirituality.

New Thought Center for Creative Living

Rev. Marla Sanderson Meets at: Unitarian Universalist Church, 2470 Nursery Road in Clearwater 727-475-8991, Realizing a Greater Experience Of Life For All Through Practical Spirituality. “Mid-Week Faith Lift” every Wednesday 7pm, includes meditation, music and interactive discussion. Apply spiritual laws to daily life.

Unity Church of Sarasota

Rev. Elizabeth Thompson, Minister 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, Florida 34231 941-955-3301, Unity is a positive approach to life, seeking to accept the good in people and all of life.

Universal Harmony

5903 Seminole Blvd. Seminole fl 727-392-7725, Our philosophy and mission is to present spiritual truth in a “universal” manner and to emphasize “harmony” in the individual path of Life-and-Living.

Radiance of Sarasota

Spiritual Coaching

Megan Gray 727-729-2246 Motivation, releasing blocks. EFT, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. M.A. Counseling 1983.

2868 Ringling Blvd Sarasota, FL 34237 941-927-6797 or 941-362-0440 Experience Inspiration & Wellness in All Areas of Your Life! Come to Radiance of Sarasota and BE Well! Heal the Body, Quiet the Mind, Balance the Emotions, Open to Your Inspiration

Higher Vibrational Living

Center of Spiritual Awareness 941-706-2210 We provide Life coaching, parent coaching, resource materials, tools and support as you ascend to higher vibrational frequencies of consciousness, which then leads to a higher vibrational way of life for you!

Alternative Healing & Holistic Practitioner

Zan Benham, 941-922-7839, Spiritual counselor, Reiki Master and teacher, Hypnosis, Regressions,shamanic practitioner, shaman journeys, soul retrieval,intuitive readings, classes, all for your expansion, empowerment and healing.

Psychotherapy Victoria Hawkins, 727-793-7458 Intuitive art sessions, psychotherapy, mandala art workshops, private or small group yoga, therapeutic space clearing.

Spiritual Psychotherapy

Barak Ilana Asher, LCSW 941-525-0906, Living the joy within! Individuals, couples & groups, sliding scale.

4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota (Knights of Columbus Bldg), 941-926-7828, We welcome you with open arms and open hearts, to a warm, loving, divine fellowship of “The Spirit”, honoring diversity, nurturing creativity and celebrating community.

Temple of Love & Healing

3700 40 AVE. N., St.Petersburg 727-522-7133, Our metaphysical church is helping the community to open hearts and minds to an enlightened path. Weddings,Baptisms, Classes,Book Store

Sanctuary of Light Healing & Spiritual Center, 5114 Trouble Creek Rd., Newport Richie,

727-947-2641 or 727-945=1879 We believe in the free will of all people to worship the God of their understanding in an atmosphere of love,unity and caring.

Center for Conscious Living

6152 126th Avenue, Suite 501, Largo, 727-5380900, We are a Science of Mind New Thought center offering spiritual tools to improve our personal lives and make the world a better place.


Shrine of the Master

852 Browning St, Sarasota 941 953-6620, Metaphysical Christianity, embraces spritiual teachings of all world religions. Sunday morning services include vibrational healing and Sunday evening services include messages from Spirit loved ones.

Center for Metaphysical Fellowship

2044 Bispham Road Sarasota, FL 941-266-8435 Start your Sunday smiling at our 10:30am service. Hands on healing, inspirational talk, special music and Spirit messages. Healing Share 2nd and 4th Tues 7:00pm.

Healthy Eating Mi Pueblo Mexican Restaurant Organico

8405 Tuttle Ave Sarasota, 941-359-9303, www., Organic Vegan & Living Food menu and a Traditional Mexican menu. Healthy whole food catering to special dietary needs including gluten free and dairy free options with all the flavor of Mexico.

Whole Foods Market - 1451 1st Street, Sarasota - (941) 955-8500, The expertise and advantages of a farmer’s market, a specialty wine and cheese market, a grocer, an old-fashioned butcher, a fishmonger!

Heartmade Gluten-free Sweets & Treats

Lisa Stoler 727-686-3767, Heartmade’s handmade biscotti is delicious and contains only natural, gluten-free ingredients. Perfect for holiday parties and holiday and corporate gifts!

Healthy Hut Market, Restaurant, Cafe

595 Corey Ave., St Pete Beach 727-363-hhut (4488), At the Healthy Hut, our mission is to add one more choice for a healthy lifestyle to your daily commute, bringing you the highest quality products and services in the pursuit of a life well lived seeking maximum human longevity and quality of life.

Mabry’s Market

5129 E State Rd 674 Wimauma Fl 33595 813-957-3148, Specializing in organic herbs, fresh produce, farm eggs, naturally raised meat, dried herbs and spices, fresh bread and other locally produced product.

Health & Wellness doTERRA, CPTG Essential Oil

Robin Lesia LeBleu, P.O. Box 230, Parrish, FL 34219, 813-545-1256, DoTerra, Certified Pure Therapeutic grade, Essential Oil. Holistic health care at home. CPTG essential oils, with their healthful properties, vs Over The Counter drugs.

Ochunsoino’s Spiritual and Natural Health

203B W Shellpoint Rd, Ruskin, Fl 33570 813-649-4789, www. Dedicated to all natural vitamins, supplements, organic products supplying a diverse selection of spiritual and metaphysical products to the community.


Hypnosis Cynthia Kasper Hypnotherapy

Cindy Kasper, Clinical Hypnotherapist 5104 N Lockwood Ridge Rd, Ste 301 Sarasota 9418937932, Change your life with hypnotherapy. Resolve issues with weight, smoking, anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, chronic pain, cancer and insomnia. Enhance sports performance, motivation and self-esteem.

St. Petersburg Hypnosis Center

Tamara Shadday C.Ht., 727-452-5630, www., Stop smoking, release weight, stress, sleep better, relationships, self esteem, forgiveness, frustration, changing habits, goals, free consultation.

Detox and Cleansing Oasis Natural Therapies, Inc.

955 E. Del Webb Blvd. E #101, Sun City Center, 813-309-3039, IonCleanse Detox Footbath, L.I.F.I. System Biofeedback, Colon Therapy, Lymphadic Detox Therapy, Cleanse your body of toxins and reclaim your health!

Massage/Body Work Dutch Retreat Massage & Wellness Clinic

Deb van Raalten, LMT MA#55854 SCC Village Plaza, Suite 104 (US301 S / SR674), (813) 763-0340,, Manual Lymph Drainage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Amethyst BioMat, Bamboo Fusion, Hot Stones, Reflexology & Organic customized Essential Oils, Natural Vitamins, Minerals, Herbals & Botanicals.

Intellectual Metaphysics, Marcia Bender

941-924-1721, Over 40 years in all aspects of Metaphysics and specialization in Tarot and Numerology. Marcia has taught over 400 students to “read” the Tarot. Currently Accepting Students.

Carla Mary, 941-729-5142 941-320-2687, Connecting the tools to heal the mind body Spirit Spiritual/Intuitive Readings; Channeled, Psychic, Medium, Reiki, CranioSacral, Healings, Massage Therapy, Classes MA#35225

Living to Inspire, Emily Andrews

(813) 758-1139, Intuitive Coaching, Angel Readings & Healing Sessions, & Past Life Readings. Workshops: Awaken your Intuition, Connect with your Angels, Connect with your Past Lives, Intuitive Parenting, & Meditation.

Cynthia Castillo

The Chakra Center 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Suite 201 Suncity Center 33573 813-645-4979, CALLING ALL ANGELS! Rev. Cindy uses her life experiences to help guide you in the here & now. Connect with your angels, Intuitive readings.

Anthony Fernandez, Medium

Anahata, 945 Central Ave, Naples Psychic, spiritual reading, phone reading, group classes and meditations, angelic healing and messages, crystal healings, private meditations in your home. Gift certificates available.

Spa and Beauty Mermaid Minerals

306 Orange St, Palm Harbor 727-785-4444, Our product formulas are infused with natuForever Souls, Elissa Bentsen ral earth made ingredients. We left out toxic 941-706-3583, Elissa Bentsen is a certified hypnotist who trained chemicals and preservatives to bring you quality with Dr. Brian Weiss and was inspired by the work products to protect and preserve your skin. of Dr. Michael Newton, a specialist in Life Between Nancy Homes Holmes, Esthetician Life Regression and Soul Trauma Healing. Dis941-416-7409, cover your soul’s past to heal the present. Voted A Natural Awakenings Favorite Anti-Aging Practitioner for 2010. Bellanina Facelift Massage Pets Specialist & Seminar Instructor. Face and Body Treatments that Refresh, Rejuvenate, and Relax Give a Dog a Bone 6170 N Us Hwy 41 Apollo Beach Fl. 33572 Mediation and Yoga 813-641-3734, We strive for the best products at the best prices! We carry only all natural dog and cat food/treats. Womens Meditation Group Jo Mooy, 941-866-5752,, Our products contain human grade meat, fruits, and vegetables with no by-products. We also bake Women’s guided meditations on the New & Full all natural bones & cakes in the store daily. Moons for global and personal healing. Healers offer complimentary energy services. Sacred space, Readers/Intuitives chanting, silence, at Rising Tide Spiritual Center.

Past Life Regression

A JOURNEY WITHIN, Rev. Debbie Dienstbier

The Chakra Center 137 S. Pebble Beack Blvd. Suite 201 Suncity Center 33573 727-433-3896, Trance Medium, Clairvoyant, Healer. Over 20 years experience. Available Friday at the Chakra Center Sun City by appointment. 3pm Fridays “A Journey Within” Soul Service.

Diagnostic: Diagnostic:

Slim Waist , Lose 20 Pounds . Fresh Face in 30 Days...

Treatments: Treatments:


Christina Captain DOM, AP, SLP

Blood,Saliva Salivaand and Blood, UrineLaboratory LaboratoryTesting Testing Urine HairAnalysis Analysis Hair StoolAnalysis Analysis Stool AppliedKinesiology Kinesiology Applied Toxicityand and Toxicity NutritionalAnalysis Analysis Nutritional Affordable LaboratoryTesting Testing Affordable Laboratory

Acupuncture Acupuncture ElectroAcupuncture Acupuncture Electro Auricular Acupuncture Auricular Acupuncture Lifecare Counseling Lifecare Counseling Wellness Coaching Wellness Coaching NutritionalPlanning Planning Nutritional ChineseHerbs Herbs Chinese Homeopathy Homeopathy AllergyElimination Elimination Allergy Jaffee-MellorTechnique Technique Jaffee-Mellor Acu-point InjectionTherapy Therapy Acu-point Injection B-12Injections Injections B-12 Stop Smoking SmokingTreatment Treatment Stop WeightLoss Loss Weight AcupunctureFacial Facial Acupuncture Rejuvenation Rejuvenation DetoxificationPrograms Programs Detoxification Saliva Hormone Testing Saliva Hormone Testing HormoneBalancing Balancing Hormone Supplementand and Supplement MedicationReview Review Medication

Lauren Rathvon DOM, AP

Summer is here and we know that it’s a time of rejuvenation. The Family Healing Center helped you create a slim waist and now we can help you refresh your face. Let us customize a facial program that’s tailored to your specific needs and goals. By supporting the health of your entire body and using the most effective in modern facial rejuvenation techniques, we can help create a beautiful glow from your toes all the way to your nose. Call 941/951.1119 now to register for our free facial seminar on June 23th at 6pm.

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