Transformation Magazine, August 2011

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Section Title

Eliminate Childhood Mind Viruses Can You Feel the Yo? Loving Your Inner Child Understanding Children of Light The Journey of Divorce Out Your ego: ego Helps, Spirit Supports Our Children... Practical Spirituality: Turning on the Light Teenagers of Light The Snapping Turtle The Way It Is: Avoid a Happy Relationship Enlightened Relationships: Dear Dad A New Paradigm Angels and Inspirations Empowering Children Through Literature Spiritually Speaking: Teach Your Children Well Achieving Freedom Through Education Positive Change: Childhood Blessings Holy Mole Cartoon Embrace Your Childhood Nature Angel Babies: A Child’s Call Ask Dr. ZZ Achieving Goals


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EnlightenmentX After three years in Japan studying photography and thirty years of award winning service with newspapers, Randy Dieter knows good pictures! He has held positions as a photojournalist, photo department manager, picture editor and graphics editor and director. His talent has been recognized with more than 250 photo and design awards, some generating international attention. One of his images became the icon for the International Shriners. It is the template for life size statues erected at Shrine Temples, Shriners Childrens Hospitals across the USA and at the International Shrine Headquarters in Tampa. Using the skills of photography, computer savvy, laser engraving, art and design, Randy has created stained glass windows with deep etched photos and frames specifically designed to complement the image. Visit Randy’s gallery or albums where you will find an album of his black and white photos from the 70’s, which were published in his book Do I Know Your Face. View, comment, order note cards or consider commissioning a project. Randy is available and would enjoy the creative process of collaborating to produce a work of art personal to, and exclusively for, you. Randy Dieter 3

“Money is the root of all evil.” Good intention: money does not bring happiness and can cause corruption Conditioned fear: negative association with having money; it turns you into a bad person Potential limits: unconsciously avoiding or sabotaging financial success to avoid the “negative qualities” you believe you’ll develop if you have money Natalie is a Transformation Coach who has worked with hundreds of individuals seeking to live a life of purpose and genuine relationship with their true selves, others, and their world. She believes in uncovering the core of life challenges and creating change by rewriting our scripts and rewiring our brains. This column addresses the Awakening and the resulting transformations being seen and experienced in our community and within our own lives.

•••••••••••••••••• Eliminate Childhood

Mind Viruses

Every one of us exits childhood with our own unique cocktail of patterns, programming, beliefs, habits, preferences, expectations, and mind viruses. Some of these ingrained pieces of our psyche are positive, such as saying please and thank you, brushing our teeth every day, and, hopefully, believing that education is important. However, we also enter adulthood with our share of wounds and neurotic tendencies. At a more subtle level, we are also programmed with certain beliefs and fears that limit our lives—mind viruses. These viruses do not display obvious symptoms, they are common ailments for many people, and we rarely have cause to question their existence. Our innocent, undiscerning child minds are easy victims for these persistent parasites.

Mind viruses are conditioned fears or beliefs that spread from one person to another. They are very contagious and often undetectable. They are “passed down” to us by the attitudes and beliefs of others, including our parents, family members, friends, the media, teachers, and society in general. As long as these viruses remain unconscious (we are not aware of them) the conditioned fears associated with them can be dangerous because they can hold us back from achieving our fullest potential. For example, if we have heard all of our lives that money is the root of all evil then we may unconsciously create situations that limit our financial success. Below is a list of some common “viruses” that we are often exposed to while growing up. They are so “normal” that we rarely question their validity or consider how they affect our belief systems or cause unconscious fears. Of course, to some degree there is truth behind many of them, and those who exposed us to them often had good intentions. Consider which of the mind viruses below may be part of the legacy of your childhood upbringing. If you can see how these beliefs are limiting your life, I encourage you to consider eliminating them.


“Finish your plate. There are starving people in the world.” Good intention: don’t be wasteful with food and have compassion for others Conditioned fear: food scarcity or guilt for having more resources than others Potential limits: overeating and health problems or holding yourself back to avoid feeling guilty over having more opportunity than others “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” Good intention: be intelligent in regards to how you spend your money Conditioned fear: money scarcity; feeling that there is not enough and money is hard to acquire Potential limits: not believing you can have what you want if it involves having money and therefore not going for it “Don’t burn your bridges.” Good intention: keep good relationships with people who may one day be a resource for you Conditioned fear: apprehension to do what you know is right for you if you feel it will make someone disapprove of or reject you Potential limits: not making a change or taking an opportunity when it comes out of fear of disappointing, offending, or otherwise burning a bridge “No pain no gain.” Good intention: the reward is worth the struggle Conditioned fear: the belief that in order to be successful one must suffer Potential limits: choosing not to make changes or go for what you want because you feel it will be difficult or painful, holding yourself back from success, or you may choose to self sabotage the process to make it harder than necessary “Life is hard.” Good intention: accepting that pain and struggle are a normal part of being human Conditioned fear: there is no hope of you feeling at ease or happy in life Potential limits: feeling discouraged and hopeless; accepting difficulties or unnecessary suffering because you believe it is normal or expected “No one ever said life is fair.” Good intention: sometimes things seem unfair, but it is okay Conditioned fear: you will not get what you deserve, and there is no justice in the world Potential limits: you may hold yourself back, feeling like it will not pay off, or you may develop feelings of hopelessness

“Good things come to those who wait.” Good intention: it is important to be patient and it’s worth the wait Conditioned fear: you have to wait a long time to get what you want; it can’t be easy Potential limits: a feeling of impatience due to focusing on the length of time, and not doing something you want because it will “take too long” “You have to pay your dues.” Good intention: it takes effort to get results Conditioned fear: you will have to suffer to be worthy of any payoff Potential limits: feeling unworthy, you may not take opportunities, or you may punish yourself for rewards and accomplishments you receive with ease “Speak only when spoken to.” Good intentions: be polite and don’t interrupt Conditioned fear: apprehension to approach others or to speak up Potential limits: avoidance of activities or circumstances requiring you to be in authority, lead, demand what you want, stand up for what you believe, or speak in front of others “Children are meant to be seen and not heard.” Good intentions: really, there are no good intentions here Conditioned fear: feelings of being unworthy and low self-esteem Potential limits: avoidance of being in the spotlight or anything that would make you feel important or valued “Opportunity only knocks once.” Good intentions: take advantage of opportunities when they come Conditioned fear: a feeling of panic or urgency when decision making Potential limit: taking opportunities that you truly do not feel are right out of fear that they are your only chance at something “The early bird gets the worm.” Good intention: be early and take initiative Conditioned fear: believing that if you’re not the first one to take action you have missed your opportunity; fear of competition Potential limit: you may give up or not go for opportunities if you are not the first to jump on board, such as initiating a new business idea, or resisting taking chances due to fear of competition “The grass is not always greener on the other side.” Good intentions: be grateful for what you have Conditioned fear: feelings of complacency in life, guilt over wanting something better, and fear that if you go for something you want you will regret it Potential limit: You may settle in life and cling to what you currently have out of fear and never follow your true purpose and passion As you can see, some of the most common phrases we have been hearing since childhood are not as innocent or accurate as you might think. They are so palatable that we are all guilty of passing these mind viruses along to unsuspecting victims, even to our own children. Becoming aware of your unconscious programming and evaluating the validity and value of your ingrained belief systems is the first step toward transforming your life.

Only an unquestioned unconscious has the power to limit you. No mind virus can withstand the light of your consciousness. 5


Love Yourself

Loving Your

Inner Child & Transforming Life Patterns

To truly ttransform your life you need to transform your pat patterns and heal your childhood wounds. You ca can learn to deeply relax into your heart and allow yourself to receive Divine Divi support as you revisit, grieve, and re-script the poignant childhood moments that create the painful patterns that we relive today. Below are a four simple tools you can use to love your inner child, heal, and rewri rewrite your scripts. When you love your inner child, new self images miraculously miracu form and project outward, drawing in love, success, health, and an happiness into your life. Affirmations: ti Starting with birth, allow yourself to remember feelings and memories that were painful. Write or say affirmations from your heart that the wounded child has been waiting, often for decades, to hear. “You are so beautiful. I’m glad you were born. I’m glad you are a boy [or girl]. Take all the time you need to get your needs met. It is my joy to be here for you now and always. I will never leave you. I am always here for you. It is safe to explore and ask questions. It is OK to say no. I hear you. I love you.” Often, when people address patterns from their past that do not serve them they say affirmations. This is a good practice; however, if you merely say affirmations the patterns will shimmer a little and then settle into the background. Hence, it’s important to ask for Divine support and to deeply, deeply relax into the heart—then the old, sad, scary, lonely patterns dissolve in tears.

We are all similar to movie projectors, constantly sending images out into our lives of how we value and perceive ourselves.

Until we learn to love our inner child, we project and continue to draw into ourselves patterns set in childhood. Imagine what could happen if people who played out negative films of their early years could fire their internal directors and then rewrite their scripts. Consider the examples below: • An honored community leader who has worked on healing wounds of his own childhood abuse becomes tearfully aware he has done the same to his children. He soon contacts them, begs their forgiveness, and then arranges and supports their therapy. • A renowned teacher who empowers many adults finally becomes able to speak up for her own wishes and needs. • A young man who left home at 15 and is running his own lawn care business at 18 receives group support for courage to escape an abusive father. He is applauded for his willingness to open himself to grieve the past and heal while still in his teens. • A woman who felt nervous when she had guests in her home realizes she no longer needs to hide the alcoholic father the family tried to keep secret 40 years ago.

Writing Exercise: Imagine you are still the child—infant, toddler, preschool, grammar school. Write a note with your non-dominant hand expressing what you need. For example,

“Hold me. Tell me I’m good. I feel so scared and alone. Please, please don’t ever leave me again.” Spoken Exercise: Firmly utter the too long unspoken words out loud.”I feel hurt! Treat me with respect! Show that you love me!” Meditation: As a more advanced technique, you can work on Inner Child Meditation. To contact your inner child, ask your angels to come with you. Feel their soft, warm, infinitely gentle embrace. See their radiance. Hear and feel deep within their wonderful harmonies. Put yourself in the hands of your Higher Power, or God, as you understand him or her. Ask this spirit to radiate a brilliant light into the crown of your head, gradually flowing down like a relaxing waterfall and filling your entire being, muscles, bones, joints, organs, and glands. The light may be white, golden, or purple; it may change as it flows through your center and your bones and blood vessels. Inhale, expanding your belly, ribs, heart; exhale, letting go, softly whispering the word “love.” Allow this light to gradually fill your skull, brain, eyes, ears, neck, shoulders; relaxing, relaxing into the light, each muscle, organ, gland, joint, cell of your being. Then breathe this light out the pores of your skin, forming a huge circle of light under, over, all around you, protecting, healing, guiding you. Ask your angels to come with you as you float down, down, down the clear blue river of time, back through adulthood, teenage years, school age, all the way back to the earliest time you remember. Perhaps you see a beautiful baby, reaching up its little palms to you. Your heart opens. You feel a deep chord of love vibrating between the two of you. Reaching down, you may embrace the infant, feeling


your angels embracing you. “I am here with you. You will never be alone again. Take all the time you need to get your needs met. I love being here with you.” Perhaps you come upon a scene from grammar school or the family dinner table. Let your angels ground and support you. Stand on your feet, “I feel hurt when you treat me this way. Speak to me with respect. See me, hear me, show me love!” Continue to allow memories or images to come to your awareness, acknowledge them, love your inner child, and then let them go. Hold your inner child the way you’ve always wanted to be held. Love your inner child the way you’ve always wanted to be loved. When you are ready, take a deep breath and release. Know the power of seeing this happen in your mind, and let us all visualize every child on Earth born into a home of harmony and love, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Mahalo, thank you with love.

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Author’s note: A new group is forming for people to share the experience of loving their inner child. By sharing these activities in a group, people learn they are not alone and receive from the group the affirmations they have longed to hear their entire lives. Resources used in the group include Homecoming by John Bradshaw, the book Angel Therapy, by Doreen Virtue, and angel meditations by Emily Andrews (see Emily’s column in this publication). Call Megan Gray 727-729-2246 for more information.

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Understanding Children of

Light By Eileen Wood Children are the foundation from which our world is created. Through their eyes, imagination, and innocent wonder there are endless possibilities. Have you ever observed a child down on his hands and knees watching ants to discover what they are all about? Or, have you seen a young girl get excited about very simple yet significant events? If only we can learn to follow their leads as adults.

seen first through their ability to read thoughts and know what is in our hearts through complete emotional empathy. When we know what everyone else is thinking and feeling there will be no more secrets.

In today’s children there is something special, unique and absolutely beautiful.

Having loose ethereal bodies to enable inter-dimensional abilities, Crystal children are vulnerable to influences that push them out of their physical bodies. This may appear as autism, but they are actually highly evolved beings and have an innate understanding of simple energy. Feats that most adults would think impossible may seem like child’s play to humans carrying the Crystal Vibration. For example, it may be quite common for Crystal Children to blow out electrical devices until they become accustomed to the energy. You also will see children with abilities to physically move objects in ways most adults do not understand. Indigo Children are very important in understanding the changes happening at our DNA level. As small children, Indigos are easy to recognize by their unusually large, clear eyes. Extremely bright, precocious children with an amazing memory and a strong desire to live instinctively, this population of the next millennium is comprised of sensitive, gifted souls with an evolved consciousness.

If we pay close attention we too can understand and remember what a child observes. We have many Children of the Light who will be the leaders of the future, including Crystal, Indigo, Star, and Rainbow Children. They are magnificent examples of truth, honesty, connection with the universe, vision, and knowing. They possess an innate wisdom way beyond their years. Their abilities and understanding of math, science, art, and the unspoken language is astounding at times—happening at younger ages than we can imagine. When I watch shows such as “America’s Got Talent” or I hear about a child prodigy, it amazes me constantly how young, talented, and confident these children are. I don’t remember having the strength and passion for the things they do, and it seems to be so natural. In fact, it is. Children of the Light are born with a “wiring structure” that is different from most adults, and they look at the world with a new and fresh perspective. Many of these children are finding it a challenge to fit in.

We must remember not to force them into the box that society has created because it can stifle and suppress their awesome gifts and talents. Children of the Light have specific characteristics. A Crystal Child is extremely powerful and sensitive, even vulnerable. Crystals have inter-dimensional abilities that enable them to cross the lines between alternate realities. They carry an inbred understanding of unity consciousness. To us, this will be


When there are no more secrets, there will be no place for war.

They have come here to help change the vibrations of our lives and facilitate the evolution toward a state of oneness. Indigo Children often have strong self esteem, preferring systems that are not boxed in/rigid and void of creativity. School can be difficult for them due to their need to be around like-minded people, and they often speak what is on their minds without fear. Indigos respect the talents and abilities of each individual, but they understand that these talents do not make any one person greater than anyone else. The play of ego and self-

Children importance has no real place in the life of an Indigo. They are our bridge to the future. Star Children are Starseeds—complete with information and spiritual frequency to help the world when one “cycle of time” is about to end and another begins. Their connection to the mainstream systems of society—religious, political, and economic—doesn’t exist as they understand that these are just systems of a program that is about to change. Most are creative or prefer creative activities because they primarily use the right side (creative, intuitive, higher vibration/frequency side) of the brain. Many prefer to work only in the esoteric fields, such as healing, searching for their own truths, and identifying their souls’ missions through studying systems of higher wisdom, researching extraterrestrial intelligence, writing as a means of clearing issues, and understanding their work here and now on Earth.

They are a major part of the great awakening and the evolution of consciousness through the alchemy of time. They are programmed to find others like themselves based on similar frequencies and predestined agendas they set up before incarnating into physical form. Starseeds are one soul having multidimensional experiences, and some can overcome feelings of longing by remembering how to manifest realities that help them function in physical bodies while doing their work and holding frequency on Earth. Rainbow Children have wonderful gifts that allow them to embrace all beings as one and to see all through God’s eyes.

Their role is to assist all in seeing themselves as a divine aspect of All That Is, and to see through God’s eyes. These children have not previously embodied through the Earth, and they need great assistance to learn how to function in a physical body. It is important that they are recognized and given the support that they need, for without physical support in their lives they shut down to their gifts.

The Indigo Children starting arriving in the 1970’s with the first wave today being between the ages of 35-45 and the second wave (1980’s to late 1990’s) today between the ages of 10-21. The Crystal Children began their arrival in the late 1990’s and will be ages 0-11. The Star Child has always been with us, and have spent many incarnations on earth. Today they are still coming in, but with stronger abilities. A Star Seed child was born between 1925-1960 being between the ages of 51-76- many of the parents and grandparents of todays Children of the Light. The Rainbow Children began in 2000 and continue today with the oldest being 11 years old. Rainbow Children are the third generation of special children that have come to help humanity evolve. Different from the Indigo and Crystal Children, they are born on the ninth dimension, the dimension of collective consciousness. They bring joy and harmony to their families. Rainbow Children are born to smile, and they have huge hearts full of forgiveness. They are about service, harbor no fears, are conceived by Crystal adults, possess no karma, and are totally trusting. If you believe you have one of these children or know a child that may fit one of these descriptions, you will benefit our world greatly by acknowledging them for who they are. Do not label them, suppress their creativity, see them as different, or seclude them from others; rather embrace their uniqueness, learn from their wisdom, and allow them to bring forth what they incarnated to accomplish in this world. That is love, peace, joy and happiness….may we all be so lucky to be graced by the energy and light of these children!


Eileen Wood is an inspirational and dynamic leader in life transformation and healing. She has a Masters of Arts in Transformative Theories and Practices, Reiki Master/Teacher, Life Coach, Spiritual Coach, Aspiring Author and currently training in Massage Therapy. Eileen synthesizes many complementary disciplines including psychology, philosophy, art, history and healing. As a masterful visionary and mystic committed to the highest good and intuitive potential in everyone, Eileen is practical, authentic and natural in her delivery of information and education while bringing balance, life, joy and magic to her clients, students and colleagues. Her intuitive gifts and engaging Spirit inspires a spark that helps to bring others onto a path of health and healing for success in all areas of life. Visit



Change fragile times to be comforted by an attorney who says, “Don’t worry. We will take care of everything—from this point forward let us handle everything including all communication.” I heard those words and indeed felt reassured until I left the high-rise Buckhead office in Atlanta, drove home, and realized my family would be financially and emotionally bankrupt if this divorce was not met with communication, understanding, and compassion.

This is not a time for war; it is a time for healing. It is important to understand during these periods there can be fears of the future, fears of financial loss, fears of a family being torn apart, fears of being alone, and fears of what family and friends may think as we are going through these difficult times. All of these fears can cause us to lose our footing and our true heartfelt consciousness. Sadly, outsiders can witness the horrible way children often suffer through a divorce. Too often I have seen parents make their children wrong for expressing their thoughts and feelings during these chaotic times. It is as if children’s emotions do not count. Not only do the children not get to vote on their parents’ separation, but they are asked to go along with everything without questions. Too often separated couples are so busy and self-consumed with their own stresses that they fail to recognize what is occurring in their children’s lives. This becomes an easy time for children to be pushed aside, as their mom and dad try to discover their own new lives.

the journey of


Healing your family and renewing your life “I want a divorce,” were the words that began a journey of pain, anger, and sadness that I did not want to take. It was a journey that evoked fears of the future and loss, riddled me with confusion and denial, and poked a hot branding iron into my heart, unleashing unwanted rage. Thankfully it was also a journey of healing, discovery, and vulnerability that ultimately led to forgiveness and love. These types of journeys only can be taken alone. Even with the best of intentions on the part of family and friends, inevitably you are on your own to make decisions affecting all of your relationships. During these times it is essential to seek out methods and assistance to facilitate the process of physical and emotional healing. All too often when people are fearful and angry they will seek out attorneys who exacerbate their fears. It is easy during these


Sometimes as parents we can become so righteous about children honoring their parents we forget to honor our children as well. None of us consciously plan on being divorced once we are married, yet statistics tell us that almost 50 percent of marriages will dissolve within the first seven years. But sadder yet is the 40 percent who remain married but see the relationship decaying like a slow burning fire. That leaves only a small percentage of couples who are actively working together to empower their relationships and fulfill their visions and dreams. In essence, they are a winning team that is consistently working on improving. If indeed you are going through a divorce or considering it there are specific things you should be doing: 1. Begin to see there are no victims here. Like an illness, there probably have been numerous symptoms that have been neglected. Nobody has been tending the garden. 2. Begin to journal about getting in touch with your anger, fears, and sadness. Feeling is healing, and suppressing emotions can cause illness. 3. As you journal, remind yourself of the things you once enjoyed about your partner. Remember that if you do have children that the other person always will be their mom or dad, and ultimately we never divorce our children. 4. Begin to see a vision for your future regardless of how much rage you are feeling at the present time. Begin to say phrases like, “Right now I am so angry, but I am committed to not hold onto this anger, and my desire is to become healthier and forgiv-

Change ing.” Find something to motivate you even in the mist of the storm. For me it was the desire to not have my children suffer through a typical divorce and be a by product of a divorced, dysfunctional family. My vision was seeing our family becoming a healthy, beautiful, united family with a mom and dad who were committed to their well-being. 5. Begin reading about the laws in your state regarding the legalities of divorce. Learning to heal does not mean you are not practical, smart, and wise. 6. Seek out friends and family members who you can share with openly, but who also mirror for you an authentic truth. There are usually no villains, even though you probably feel like the other person is the enemy. 7. Seek out workshops, seminars, and therapists to empower healthy communication and a pathway toward your own self learning and healing. 8. Create the opportunity for your children to see a therapist so that they can express their emotions uncensored, and being guided on a healing path. 9. Seek out a mediating attorney who can represent you both and allow for constructive dialogue while outlining a blueprint for a healthy divorce. 10. Most important is to trust the journey of healing, forgiveness, and love.

Most people will survive through divorce, but few will authentically heal and become more powerful from the process. Divorce is a challenging time for everyone involved. But challenges can define who we are and who we become. It is a time of learning, growing, and discovering aspects about ourselves that essentially we want to improve. The energetic aspects of healing lead to a very different outcome, one in which we feel like we have learned powerful lessons of life that enrich the spirit. The heart will be filled with deeper compassion, forgiveness, and love. The new future begins to look exciting.

As we heal ourselves we become a beacon of light for others to see, and further promote the possibility of a healing world.


Dr. Marty Finkelstein is a holistic chiropractor in Decatur and Conyers, Georgia. He is the author of DIVORCE: An Uncommon Love Story, IF RELATIONSHIPS WERE LIKE SPORTS, MEN WOULD AT LEAST KNOW THE SCORE and THE SEVEN GIFTS. He leads a workshop called “Have The Relationships You Desire.”

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Out Your ego!

knows best how to change the landscape. Bringing our experiences, our filters, to someone else’s life is the height of arrogance. It implies that we know what is best for someone else. It satiates ego’s . . . and wake up to who you really are need to be needed and thought of as a hero. And it offers the opportunity, should our advice not be taken or ego HELPS our wisdom ignored, to absolve ourselves with a hearty, “Well, I tried.” Spirit SUPPORTS Why not try this: Instead of exerting control by telling someone how she can handle a difficult situation, by Staci Backauskas why not ask, “What do you want to see happen here? How can I support you in bringing that about?” According to Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen, one of the earliest pioWho you really are is already united with others neers in the mind/body holistic health movement, in establishing peace and joy. Only ego deigns to think it can be the “help” someone else needs. Where in your life are you trying to “help”? “Helping is based on inequality; it is not a

relationship between equals.” What most of us think of as “helping” is merely ego disguised as benevolence. It’s a way to impose our beliefs and perceptions on others in a way that can be seen as generous. Helping is anything but generous. When we encounter someone who appears to be under duress, ego can kick in and immediately decide what it will take to mitigate it. When we see someone who appears to be suffering, ego is certain it



Staci B is an author and spiritual explorer from Tampa who’s logged over 10,000 hours on the journey of awakening to the truth of who she really is. She has written seven books, including ego: A Primer, and her Out Your ego! column is syndicated both in print and online. Her work inspires others to realize that there is no “answer,” only the next step – and that is enough. Staci is available for ‘ego’ readings at Enchanted Spirits. Visit


Our Children... By Ricky Roberts III

Often times when we think of our children, we think of what we have to teach them. We think of what is best for them and how we may be able to instill our values in their lives. Although it’s important for us to be role models, leaders, teachers, parents, and mentors for our children, it is also important for us to ask: What do they have to teach us? In most cases our children have so much more to offer than we allow them to give. Naturally, they have limitations according to the ways they may be able to articulate or communicate a message according to age, but when we stop long enough to “listen” we will find that they always have something to teach us.

Children do not put limitations on themselves until they learn limiting thinking and perceptions from others. In truth, we are the ones that limit their gifts and abilities with our lack of desire to nurture who they are in truth—teachers to us all. In many cases, we minimize the awareness and understandings that children may have because of the inability they may have to share it with us. I say: Look beyond the words they may use, or not use, and look deeper into the essence of who

they are and the magic that they illuminate in their interaction with the world around them. As adults we become so focused on our careers, goals, agendas, etc. that we forget to be free, play, explore, and seek the things that we are passionate about. Our children embrace their freedoms to walk, play, smile, laugh, explore, and seek the things that will bring them joy and passion. They are not as concerned with this material world as we think they should be and are able to experience each moment with much more excitement than we are. Take the time to observe the children in your life. Open up your heart to the many reminders and lessons they have to show you. If you don’t have a child in your life, go to the park, sit back, and just watch. I trust that you will see exactly what you need to, and realize that our children have just as much to teach us, if not more, than we could ever hope to teach them. Encourage, motivate, guide, teach, lead, and inspire the children of the world, but above all, allow them to motivate, guide, teach, lead, and inspire us just the same.


Ricky Roberts III is an author of three books, “You,” “What Really Matters,” and “Where Did the Gift Go.” He is a youth advocate, mentor, and inspirational speaker whose mission in life is to encourage people to see the greatness of who they are. At the age of 17, Ricky had an epiphany, after being stabbed nine times. From that point on, he has devoted his life to serving his higher purpose. Visit

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Here are two techniques I use: Daily Practice: Sit down quietly for a few minutes and picture yourself filled and surrounded by the brightest, whitest light you can imagine. Marla Sanderson has been a student of spiritual practice for more See it filling you up and take than 35 years. She began as Assistant Director of The Next Step, a little extra time with any ara psychic and spiritual community in a New Mexico ghost town. As eas of concern you may have workshop leader, teacher, practitioner, and minister, she has led reabout your body. Breathe in lationship and personal growth workshops, taught psychic development and meditation, Living Love, and the Science of Mind. She reand imagine the light increascently founded the New Thought Center for Creative Living, attend ing and moving around, filling the Mid-Week Faith Lift service in Clearwater, FL, Wednesdays and blessing every cell and at 7pm. Available for workshops and speaking engagements. system. Work with it in any positive way that comes to you—then see it surrounding your body and extending out in all directions, protecting Sometimes the human mind goes out of and blessing your entire being and all your affairs. Imagine it control, caused by fear, confusion, or some transforming any negative desperate situation. thought patterns or activities in your life and send it out to It just does not want to cooperate. No matter what our loved ones. Take your time training or spiritual practice, I suspect that at some time in our and keep affirming that it is lives we all have felt the inability to reach for a higher thought that transforming all negativity into would comfort us or transform a situation. the positive. I was introduced to the Power of Light early in my spiritual journey, and it has never failed me. For all its simplicity, it’s Metaphysical Quickie: If one of the most powerful transformational tools in my metaphysi- you find yourself in a despercal toolbox when it comes to dealing with fear or panic. ate moment, stop right there, No matter what’s going on—or how distracted or close your eyes if you can, freaked out I may be over something happening around or inside and imagine this same bright me—the Power of Light is something I can grasp. I don’t need a white light. Visualize it any clear head or a handy affirmation. I don’t need someone to guide way you can and expand it me. I simply reach for the light in my own mind, focus on it, and with your mind. It will always immediately feel better. Calmness replaces the negativity, and appear if you focus on it—and I continue increasing the light until I am back in charge of my it will always make you feel thought processes. more peaceful.


Turning on the Light

The beauty of working with light is that we don’t really have to understand anything about how it works in order to use it. We know that when we flip the light switch the darkness disappears. There is no battle and the light is never threatened. Negativity has no power other than what we give it. With no creative power, it has only our fear to drive it. It is nothing but a bad idea and will run out of energy when we stop believing in it.

When I turn on the light, the closet monsters disappear.


Realize that there is a Power for Good that will immediately respond when you turn to It. If, once in a while, you can’t manage to think good thoughts, turn on the light to chase away the closet monsters.


Teenagers of


“I am a loving and loved child of God going th through blossoming levels of perfection.” I believe be it has done more for my growth than anything else I learned For years I always focused on the areas in my life that have learned. measu up to my own or someone else’s picture of perfection. If didn’t measure eve one teen to realize their perfection and know the truth of I can get even sh is, it is worth all the time I have spent. who he or she AU Unity minister in North Carolina used to tell the kids that:

“We are all God in drag” The kids loved it, and it has always been one of my favorite Some lines. Sometimes it takes out-of-the-box thinking and statements for them to hear the message. When teens learn that they are a part of God ther is a part of God in them, watch out! Nothing can stand in and that there the way of a person who knows the truth. The choices and decisions we make while standing in this truth are not controlled by ego. As Wayne Dyer says, ego stands for Edging God Out.

Just by learning to think of God within, teens feel empowered to make positive decisions! Teens are some of the “lightest” beings on the planet, but getting them to embrace that light is dependent upon how they perceive life and their place in it—just as it is for the rest of us. I found this out over many years raising my own son and serving as a head sponsor for First Unity Y.O.U. (Youth of Unity). My time with teens has taught me that one of the biggest issues they deal with is decision making. Most are never given much coaching or support in this area. Instead, they often are controlled by the “tribe,” including other teens as well as parents, teachers, and other ALL-ADULT points of view. And rarely do they hear the question, “What do you think?” when talking to an adult. First, I don’t feel we have done such a bang-up job of running the world that we couldn’t use some new and fresh perspectives from younger generations. Second,

One of the most powerful things any of us can do is to help a child of any age to feel valued and accepted. I can tell you that if you ever get the opportunity to see the joy in a child’s face when he or she remembers the light that is inside you will never forget it and will never want to. Flowers grow through blossoming levels of perfection without the need to be criticized for not being good enough or perfect enough. I believe that God created us just like flowers, with blossoming levels of perfection. Teens deserve to be supported through that blossoming process. I do my best to teach and live from this mantra, which changed my life dramatically:

An important requirement for teens to learn to make choices is for them to feel “safe.” They are safe to speak their truths without being judged. Set simple ground rules for decision making: our choices will never harm or abuse anyone else and our choices are legal. Then allow teens the autonomy to make their own decisions, knowing they will be respected for their choices even if we don’t always agree. One of the things that is exciting about working with teens is that when they make shifts in their BS (belief systems), not only do they have the opportunity to see things differently in their own life, but they can also change the lives of their families for generations to come. Imagine a parent raising a child with the belief that we are all part of God and have the power to do anything. If you think about it, isn’t that what Mary did?

Talk with teens, not to them. Listen carefully and intentionally, as they quite often have a great new idea or perspective to share. See them as loving and loved children of God, and celebrate their perfection. When teenagers truly understand who they are, they can change the world. And I promise that being part of that may provide the most joy you will ever experience on the planet. Try it, you’ll like it.


Guy N. Larsson O.M. L.S.H.C. has been attending Unity and studying & teaching ACIM for 30 years. He is a licensed spiritual healing coach and new thought minister, and energy healer who is committed to helping people to facilitate change in their life. Guy’s practice as Indigo Energy Sculptor helps people create there life more consciously. Guy was a YOU sponsor at First Unity for 7 years and is now back where he belongs. His intention is to help teens live his mantra “I am a loving and loved child of GOD going through blossoming levels of perfection”. Guy knows that to live with this belief, is to experience life in peace, love, joy, and happiness.



The Snapping Turtle The first animal I ever accidentally killed while driving a car was a turtle, a little box turtle somewhere on a highway in southern Illinois. Turtles had been my favorite pets since early childhood. Killing anything, let alone a turtle, felt pretty devastating. From the time of this experience until I moved away several years later, I made it my personal mission to get turtles out of the middle of the road—to save the turtles’ lives. This story is about how one of the turtles saved mine. It was years ago on May 30. I was in a store in Carterville, IL, escaping from the heat and humidity outside, when a clerk exclaimed, “Look! Look at that!” We all ran to the window and saw an extremely large snapping turtle on the grass median that divided the four-lane highway. The turtle was crawling toward traffic. It was a Sunday, and lots of people were out in their cars. I was afraid someone would hit this turtle. The clerk and I both ran out to help it. By the time we reached it, a man and his young son were already there, attempting to get the turtle into a box so that they could carry it into the woods and release it. I had seen many snappers before, in ponds and on the land, but I had never seen one this size! It was dangerous. A snapper’s jaws are extremely powerful, and if one bites you it supposedly holds on until “the skies thunder!” I didn’t have the strength, or guts, to pick up this turtle. I left him in the care of the man and his son. As soon as I was outside, I noticed that something didn’t feel right. It was 100 degrees (literally) and very, very humid as well. The sky was hazy and light, yet I knew it was going to storm. I decided to head home, a 30-minute drive. Ten minutes into the trip, I turned south, and as I did this I noticed really dark clouds.


I had never seen any like these before. I thought to myself, “This is a perfect day for a tornado.” Shortly after I arrived home, a violent thunderstorm hit. We disconnected the television, afraid lightning would come into the house. When the storm had passed and we had reconnected the TV, we saw radar and reports of a tornado hitting the Marion/Carterville area, right where I had been, leaving as many as 300 people dead. It is impossible to tell you of the devastation. Whole blocks of buildings demolished, debris everywhere. All that was left of one fast-food place was the door-frame, still standing. The people who had been inside were never found. If I hadn’t left town when I did, I might not have survived. I think about the turtle, its appearance and the timing. Having a turtle in the road was a perfect way to lure me out of central air conditioning on such a hot day.

The timing was almost to the minute; I left at the last possible instant to get home before the storm. I remember that turtle every May 30. I hope it got home safely, too. I wonder: was it a “real” turtle? Or an angel, manifested in form to save lives? Either way, I’m grateful.


Anne Cederberg is a professional naturalist (nature educator) and nature mystic. She leads programs and workshops to help people feel more connected with nature. Contact Anne at: acederberg@

The Way It Is Could it be that the idea that there’s only one person in the world for you might be a limiting belief ?

Gregg Sanderson, The Stand-Up Cosmic, of Clearwater has a rare view of the metaphysical universe. He traveled the road from Christian Science through Judaism, Agnosticism, Atheism, Living Love, Psychic Development, Spiritualism, Teaching of the Inner Christ, all the way to Science of Mind where he is a licensed practitioner. He is the author of What Ever Happened To Happily Ever After? and Split Happens - Easing the Pain of Divorce. Gregg’s latest venture is Spirit With A Smile — The Way It Is (Unless It’s Something Else). Available for workshops and speaking engagements.


There sure are a lot of people paired off that tells me the odds are much better than that. What if you were to approach money with the same attitudes we learn about relationships? There’ll be only one dollar in the world for you and if you’re lucky enough to find “Dollar Charming” you’d better hold onto it because you’ll probably never find another one. Maybe you can get it to commit to staying in your wallet forever. How silly.

How did we ever get the idea that love was so scarce when it’s the very stuff we’re made of ?

As an instant recap for those new to the BOB concept, BOB is an acronym for the Infinite “Being of Bliss”—The Intelligence, Love, and Substance that created everything out of Itself for Its own entertainment. We’re all made from the stuff of BOB, and the direct connection of our minds to the BOB Intelligence is reinforced by emotion. Our thoughts are BOB’s thoughts, and It creates substance and circumstance in accord with them. When your thoughts and words are positive, so is your life. When your head’s a mess, that’s what you create. Problems come from the “RACE Trap”—another acronym that stands for “Righteousness and Approval Complicate Everything.” When we left off last month, BOB was playing infinite “Whacka-Mole” with our thoughts, bopping each one with a “YES” when it pops up.

Do you think Mr. Right has something to do with “Right”? After all, nobody is looking for Mr. Wrong. Mr. Right has to look right, think right, do right, dress right and smell right. He must have the right job and bank account to match, and come from the right side of the tracks. He must also gain the approval of friends before achieving full status. Once again the RACE Trap enters the picture. Righteousness and Approval Complicate Everything. The same holds true for seekers of “Ms. Right” of course, but because of their BOB-given libidos, men don’t seem to be as choosy. How did we get that way? Can you say, “Cinderella”? Talk about reaching out for limitation! Scrub enough floors and you too may find a fairy BOBmother to send you to the ball where you’ll meet the prince. The story ends before you find out who cleans up after his horse.

How to Avoid Happy Relationships

Do you see now why we say, “All the good ones are taken”? It’s just one more argument for limitation.

How do we limit ourselves by what we say about relationships? We all are taught we need to find Mr. or Ms. “Right.” Somewhere “out there” is your Soul Mate, the only one for you— your Prince (or Princess) Charming. If the planets are properly aligned, and you hit the right bars, and you do everything right, there’s a slim chance that maybe perhaps possibly someday you might find each other and the sparks will fly. Meanwhile, keep on hoping and kissing frogs. How’s that working for you? Think for a moment of all the potential partners you will meet or have met during your “available” years. Perhaps a hundred? Maybe even a couple of hundred? Considering all the people there are in your city, or in the whole country, the odds against finding “the one” are pretty foreboding.

How do you think relationships will be different if we come from an abundant point of view? Perhaps the first welcome casualty of an abundance consciousness would be the dreaded “C” word. If you believe in abundance of love, every “Mr. Right” is “Mr. Right Now,” even if it’s the same person for the rest of your life.

So many seek commitment out of fear of being alone in the future that they mess up their “now” and wind up in the very state they fear. On the other hand, if you can make your present moment happy, you won’t need a guarantee for the future. Coming from abundance is one way to do it. If you approach relationships with a sense of plenty, you won’t be driven by a fear of loss, and you’ll be more fun to be around. Thus, all your relationships will be better without hardly trying. How often have you said (or heard), “This isn’t going


anywhere.” Relationships don’t have wheels. When you live in abundance, it’s already “there,” so you might as well relax and enjoy it. Which brings us to the oft’ desired “C” word—Communication. That wouldn’t be the big deal we make it into because most of the time we don’t share because of fear. I’m afraid we’ll start a fight, or I’m afraid I’ll hurt your feelings, or I’m afraid you’ll leave... All based on righteousness, approval, and scarcity in that order.

When you overcome the need to be right, there’s nothing to fight over. When you overcome the need for approval, you can communicate more directly, and when you overcome feelings of scarcity you don’t have to worry about being alone. Everything works better. It’s fair now to ask, “How do I overcome those things?” to which I reply, “What the heck do you want from a magazine column?” The best I can do in 800 words or less is point a direction. Future columns will address those situations and lots more, so camp out by your favorite magazine rack for the next issue of Suncoast Transformation or read it online. Meanwhile, come to the Mid-Week Faith Lift Wednesday. (www. There you’ll find out about our workshop in August, Spiritual FUNdamentals based on BOB. At this writing, date and place aren’t yet firm, but sign up for our mailing list and we’ll tell you all about it.


Having Fun

Can You Feel the

Yo? By Susan Danner Fernandez I just rediscovered the “Spirit of Yo,” a simple, fun-loving state of being. Anyone remember the Smothers Brothers’ 1960s TV skit “The Yo-Yo Man”? If you don’t remember, you can find it on YouTube. There are several versions, but my favorite is the one where Dick narrates and Tom does the moves to a catchy rock tune. “Is the yo-yo man ready?” Dick asks. Tom’s hips stop, angled to the right. “Yes, he’s ready. He’s in the spirit of yo.” Tom does his tricks, and we see how good the spirit of yo can look. The Smothers Brothers, who are no longer performing, combine clips of their controversial history in TV with new songs. They were the first performers to parody folk music. One year they lost their TV show because the network didn’t approve of their antiwar material. At a recent performance at the Van Wezel Theater in Sarasota, FL, the yo-yo man was as good as he ever was. While I was in Eugene, OR, on a family visit, my grandson Jason and I were looking for yo-yo lessons on the Internet. He wanted to know how to do Round the World and Walk the Dog, and my skills were rusty. The truth is that I had never known how to do those tricks. I decided that all of us needed brand new yo-yos—my treat. So four kids—Jason and a friend, both eight; Diego, five; Mia, three—and two adults piled into the family van and headed to a toy store. When we came in, the look on the face of the young woman on duty in the shop can only be described as “stricken.”

Oh, come on, I thought. You work in a toy store. Surely you have seen kids come in. I assured her that we knew what we wanted and wouldn’t mess up any of the displays. “Show us the yo-yos, please.” When I bought my first yo-yo at Murphy’s, a dime store in Columbus, IN, it was made of wood, and there was no fancy packaging. This was in the 1950s. I could try the yo-yo out right there at the counter. It was probably a Duncan. My second one had a row of three fake diamonds on it. I was moving up in the world of yo. We picked out our yo-yos, and I bought an extra in case anyone’s turned out to be a dud. We were able to unwrap them on the way home only because Jason had brought his pocketknife. I shuddered when I saw packaging that I knew was destined for a landfill. Can you still be green in the world of yo? It turns out that yo-yos are designed for tall people. Jason and his friend had no trouble with theirs, but five-year-old Diego figured out that standing on a couch or a footstool helped. I considered shortening the string, but that might affect the yoyo’s balance. Better not mess with physics, I thought. By the end of my visit both boys had mastered several new tricks, not, however without some frustration. We had just watched the movie “Surf’s Up.” When the young penguin surfer can’t get the board he has built to work, the older penguin surfer tells him, “It has to be fun. It won’t work unless you are having fun.” It’s the same in the world of yo.

You have to be having fun. I recently returned to Columbus for a visit and took a visitor’s tour of the historic architecture in that small town. I passed the ice rink where I got my first job teaching skating. I passed the hospital where my two sons were born. I passed the four different houses in which my family had lived during their 60 years in Columbus. And guess where the Duncan yo-yo factory is now located?

The world of yo has come full circle for me. Susan Danner Fernandez is a local writer. Contact Susan at:


when I fell you would remind me that it was a blessing in disguise and that it would serve to pave my path. I won’t deny that at times I resisted those words, but I could not resist the seed that you placed in my life and the way you would water and create the soil to make it grow through your modeling and words of support. For instance, you never asked me to do or act in a way that you could not replicate as an example for me. Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed., Ph.D. (ABD) holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and is currently completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology. Joeel’s extensive career as a relationship coach includes certifications in P.R.E.P, a 30-year research-based program for couples, Nurturing Father’s curriculum, and Parenting 21st Century. Contact Joeel at

•••••••••••••••••• Dear Dad:

Bendicion! I have heard that we all have guardian angels that bless our lives and watch over us. However, I feel fortunate that my angel has been with me in a physical reality, since my guardian angel has been you. I feel extremely grateful and blessed to have you in my life. You are not only my father, you are a soul companion. There are no words or actions that can express to you how much of an impact you have made on who I am today. I remember as a child how much I wanted to be like you—putting on your clothes even though they were several times my size.

I still mold myself and my life around what I saw in you. I remember how you would stop to help any stranger, whether it was with kind words, giving of your time through manual or mental labor, or even monetary gifts when you could. It was not your words that impacted me, it was your actions that demonstrated to me what was truly valuable in life. I also remember as a child walking with you along the rivers in Puerto Rico in amazement of how well you knew the plants and animals—to the extent that you knew when it was going to rain just by observing the changes in nature. It is as if you are one with nature. At the same time, I remember when we moved away from you, to Florida, in elementary school and the pain and confusion that the experience brought. But unlike other fathers, you made sure to instill the values that you saw as important and, at the same time, made sure we knew how much we were loved. Although you come from a generation that did not value the expression of emotions, you would call and, most importantly, write to me often to tell me how much you loved me and missed me.

You also expressed your belief in my potential and instilled light in my darkest moments. You gave a purpose to my pain and reminded me that within my fear was the same loving, caring child that was one with his surroundings and who had a higher purpose to serve others. Even when I strayed, you were consistent with your message. When I achieved a milestone you celebrated with me, and


You did not try to force a belief system of who I should be; instead, you empowered me to search for my own truths. I admire you for many reasons, including where you came from and who you are. Last summer we took a journey into our family roots by going to where you grew up. It was amazing to walk to the end of the road and then have to hike up the mountain for 30 minutes to get to where your home once stood. How could you have grown up without running water or electricity, and with 13 brother and sisters, depending on nature and still go to graduate school and make many contributions to society. Most importantly, how could you make that transition and maintain the true value and importance of how you treat others and nature? Last summer when we were on your land in the mountains fixing a plantain tree that had fallen, I remember looking at you, through ignorance, asking why we would spend all this time and energy standing up one plantain plant when it would only die after it finished producing the few plantains that it had on it; you had so many of them and could only eat a small percentage of the crop. At that point you looked at me and said that those couple of plantains can help provide food for a neighboring family that may need something for dinner. I see now that you grow many vegetables, fruits, and herbs just to provide for others. This is done not out of financial necessity. You do it to honor what you can do for others, altruistically, without expecting something in return. How can I have been so lucky to be born with a father who let me make mistakes, empowered me through his words, demonstrated the truths about life through actions, and served as a constant reminder of the light that we all have within us? As a child I wanted to be like you, and as a father I hope to make the same impact in my daughter’s life that you have made in mine. Thank you for being you and for the blessing that you have been in my journey and the lives of many. And, thank you for maintaining our traditions and connection between the extended family through family reuiniuns and celebrations. I am eternally grateful. Love you, Joeel A. Rivera I write this letter, not only to tell my father how grateful I am for him, but as a reminder for all of us who are parents, play a parental role, or just want to be a better person to those around us and to nature. Our actions, not our words, are what will have the largest impact in our life and the lives of those around us. Children do not hear words, they see behaviors, and those behaviors will create roots in the tree that they call life. They may stray away at times, but those roots will be what supports their growth into adulthood and determine whether their lives blossom or decay.

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A New


By Rena Greenburg

Why does this have to happen to me? Why do I have to face this challenge? Do you sometimes hear yourself asking these types of questions, either aloud or silently? Whether you are struggling with a health condition, an addiction to unhealthy foods or alcohol, or even difficulty in a relationship, you may find yourself pondering the meaning of these hurdles in your life. “Why couldn’t my life run more smoothly?” you may wonder. You may even lament the happier existence you could be experiencing if only this particular scenario wasn’t playing out in your life. When we are in the midst of discord in our lives, it can be very difficult to see a bigger picture. But most of us can agree that when we do gain perspective after an unpleasant incident has occurred in life we often find that there was a hidden gift. In time, even though our losses can leave a void or a tender spot in our hearts, we often can see grace in even the most upsetting past incidents. For example, when I got sick at a young age, it felt like it was one of the worst things that could have happened. Losing all my energy was a blow that was very difficult to accept. However, from my current vantage point, looking back onto that period in my life I can see the many blessings that were part of that experience, and how through that illness a brand new world opened up to me—the world of healing at the levels of body, mind, and soul. Getting sick in my early twenties opened up a whole new world of learning for me—one that I would never have delved into without the motivation of wanting to be well.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could gain this perspective on the challenges we face today without having to wait 20 years? Is it possible to find a gift in having a health situation that completely compromises our lifestyle? How can we find a new way to look at our struggles with food and our weight when the reflection in the mirror daily reminds us that we are losing the battle? When a spouse disappoints us, what value can we possibly extract? If we only see our life condition through the limited perspective of the conscious mind, the temptation may be to just give up, get busy with something else, or look the other way by distracting ourselves with our addiction of choice—whether it be


overeating, drinking, watching television, or smoking cigarettes. When viewed through the lens of our conscious, rational, analytical mind, our “problems” often cause us to feel hopeless, stuck, or even desperate. If we shift our focus from the problem by bringing our awareness to a greater aspect of ourselves, we don’t have to wait several decades to gain insight and new understandings. However, it’s not through the conscious mind that we can access this greater self within because the limited nature of the analytical mind can’t grasp that which is vaster than itself. To reach our wider, deeper, wiser, spiritual self—our infinite and expansive soul—we must be willing to go beyond the terrain of limited, conscious thinking.

We reach the world of the soul by becoming aware of inner space. This is the space between our thoughts, the silence behind all sound and the feelings and sensations in the body. As we open our awareness to a more complete sense of ourselves, we can deepen our connection to our core by focusing on the center of our chest. This metaphorical heart is the doorway to the world of our deep, wise subconscious mind. When you narrow your focus to your breath flowing in and out of your chest, while at the same time opening yourself to the feeling sensation of the space that surrounds you, you can begin to experience an expanded sense of yourself. The more you practice connecting with your deeper self—your True self—the more you can connect with the intuitive hunches that will guide you towards your next logical step, regardless of what is going on in your outer world. Connecting with your deep self helps you to listen to the inner guidance that is propelling you forward on your life’s journey.

The seeming obstacles are only there to nudge you forward towards discovering your greater nature. If we look at every facet of life as being there to help us advance into more of who we truly are—our deeper self—then we won’t feel tossed around by the inevitable challenges we face in life. Rather than view our personal problems as a wall to bang up against, we can find that these same challenges give us a doorway to walk through where we can discover more fully how we are choosing to live, to breathe, to think, to eat, to hold ourselves (posture), to move, to believe, and to listen. These obser-

Empowerment vations need not be labeled good, bad, right, or wrong. Noticing our choices, preferences, and mode of operation simply allows us the opportunity to make the changes necessary to support our greatest growth. We are challenged because the subconscious mind that runs on automatic programming has made conclusions based on our past life experiences that limit us. When we have a “problem” such as being sick or find ourselves struggling with addiction or relationships, we are forced to take a look at our paradigm and make shifts.

It may not necessarily be easy, but it’s a path to freedom from the habitual responses to life that no longer serve you. As you delve into your greater self, be prepared to uncover many gifts. Accessing your deeper, wiser, spiritual, expanded self connects you with the longings of your precious, limitless, timeless soul.

As painful as they can be, life’s bumps and bruises give us an opportunity to grow, but we have to say yes, and be willing to discard that which limits us from the past.

Choosing to respond to this new situation differently— with new thoughts, new inner pictures, deeper breathing, greater self-awareness, and taking healthier actions—will lead us toward a more desired outcome than just blindly following the habitual behaviors to which we’ve become accustomed. Every thought, emotion, and behavior has a consequence, not just in the outer world, but on ourselves. It’s making those connections that allow us to truly heal and begin to honor ourselves. Rather than wondering, “why me?” when things aren’t going the way we want, we can take a deep breath, open our awareness to everything in our peripheral vision, increase our feeling-sensation perception, connect with our heart, and ask,

“What can I learn about myself today that will be useful for me tomorrow?”


Rena Greenberg is the Author of The Right Weigh (Hay House Publishing) and The Craving Cure (McGraw-Hill). She has a private hypnotherapy practice in Sarasota, specializing in Gastric Bypass Hypnosis Surgery. She can be reached at 800-848-2822 or visit

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Emily Rivera Andrews is a certified Angel Healing Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and an Angel Manifesting Master Practitioner. Emily shares techniques that have helped her become a Gifted Intuitive, Intuitive Channeler, Healer, Manifester, and Angel Communicator. To ask your Angels a question, attend one of Emily’s local events or email emily@


It is a commonly held view that once you become spiritual or enlightened to the truth of your soul you become more capable of shutting off the stressors of the world, your mind, and your life. This is not an accurate impression. Spirituality doesn’t necessarily mean you shut things off or out.

It is important to recognize our vulnerability regardless of our state of consciousness This allows us to grow into a healthy awareness of who we are aiming to be within all our moments, until our last breath. Our life is a journey, one that contains experiences that inspire us to cultivate our minds, body, and spirit. These experiences range from and within extreme polarities—and it’s a wise man or woman who captures their moments and pays attention to them. Within these moments we can determine whether or not we are in harmony with the Divine and the truth of our souls. If we find ourselves in dissatisfaction, we can then spring into creation, the desire for something to be different, and move accordingly. At some level and during different times of our life we all experience stress, dissatisfaction, fear, loneliness, and vulnerability. Everyone does; there are no exceptions. Even the Gurus and wisest of people experience these human emotions.

It’s what we do, think, and express during the presence of these emotions of disharmony that determines the level of peace and clarity to which we can connect. The key to life is not to shut things off or out of our experience, but to connect to a clarity that enables us to deliberately choose where we will be in relationship to the circumstances. Challenges are an inevitable part of life. We can learn to make more honoring choices that will enable us to make things better for ourselves, but inevitably challenges will arise. It is part of the human condition, part of what our soul is here to do. It’s through all our experiences that we grow, love, and connect. Donald Walsh eloquently reminds us in his children’s


book, The Little Soul and the Sun: A Children’s Parable Adapted from Conversations With God, that our souls came to this life experience to express different aspects of the light. To do so we need to understand that at some level we have to experience that which represents the opposite of light and through this contrast we are inspired to express that which is more aligned to our higher truth—that we are part of the light that is God/Divine/ Source. Our body, mind, emotions, and spirit serve us by helping us become aware of whether or not we are in alignment or misalignment with our light and God/Divine/Source. It’s about reaching a state of clarity in which we can be aware and strong enough to deliberately position ourselves where we want to be, regardless of the circumstances and their extremes. In this process, we should not expect perfection at all times and at all levels, but recognize that within imperfect experience we can choose to be better whenever the opportunity presents itself. It’s an understanding that we will fail, we will feel weak, we will feel disconnected, but that:

We are the masters of our moments and we can choose differently if we are not where we would like to be. There are things in life we have no control over, especially when it comes to others and how they behave towards themselves, us, and people in general. Everyone has their own path to take, their own light to awaken, and we can learn to work with ourselves and that which is out of our control by intentionally finding purpose in our experiences and using our energy to grow in strength, clarity, wisdom, love, and compassion. An honoring intention is to be clear on what we desire and who we desire to become, within our moments of peace as well as within our moments of stress. By doing this, we can face the array of emotions that arise from our circumstances. This enables us to process and heal that which needs to be processed and healed, while embracing that which heightens our experience of love, joy, and peace. We all have an emotional life that enables us to connect to experiences, people, and thoughts. It’s important to connect to our emotional needs and express them. To do the opposite can lead to our peril, since it can cloud our judgment towards ourselves, our lives, others, and life’s purpose.

Our emotions need to be honored, as they are here to serve. When we feel discontentment and hold a facade that “all is well” and “it shall pass” without taking the adequate steps to process the emotions arising, we are choosing to run from emotions that may be revealing grief, fear, insecurity, and/or vulnerability.

Our weakness is where our strength lies.

However, if we can’t be strong enough to face and process our weaknesses then our strengths will always reflect our greatest weaknesses because they will be attempts to cover up and create a facade that may be convincing to others or even ourselves. This, in turn, fuels an unhealthy cycle of running from what is needed. This is about reminding us to look, to feel, to be. It’s about tuning in from moment to moment and maintaining an awareness that enables us to be here, in the now. It’s about processing all our emotions, regardless of their extremes. At all times we are surrounded, inspired, guided, and loved by the Divine. The Divine expresses itself in a variety of ways including Angels, guides, loved ones, Masters, and our higher selves. These aspects of divinity connect to us and inspire us through synchronicities that help us awaken, heal, love, and connect. Cultivate your connection to the Divine. Honor the intuitive faculties of your soul and enjoy the love that is forever extending itself to you. A wise character named Spirit of the West in the animated movie Rango said,

“No man can walk out of his own story.” The Divine has a beautiful story unfolding within you. Enjoy and honor all the aspects that are a part of your story because each is unique and an unfolding of your soul’s evolution.

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Fran Orenstein, Ed.D. Understanding how children learn to cope with life Children learn by observation, imitation, and rehearsal, until the behavior becomes ingrained in their psychological makeup. What happens when a child is different and exists on the fringes of the social order? Perhaps he has no role model to emulate, no one to listen who understands, or she cannot find the words to express her feelings. Some children act out inappropriately and become the class clown or bully. Others seek friends who will get them into trouble, such as gangs or the wrong kids because they need to feel accepted. Others retreat into their own world and become ‘loners’. We all need to feel accepted and acknowledged. Everyone needs affirmation, positive feedback and love. Children’s lives disrupted by the breakup of the family through divorce, death, jobs or military service, lose the security of a stable home-life and seek family elsewhere.

Did you ever read a fiction book that spoke to your life experiences?

Solving A Mystery My books, for ‘tweens, ages 9-14 speak to the issues that face children in today’s world. The number one rule for writing for older children is never, ever preach. There are lessons, but they are subtle and evolve slowly over the life of the story. Another rule of writing for older children is that:

The child characters must resolve their own problems with only peripheral help from adults. In The Mystery Under Third Base, the first book in a mystery series, the main character, Willie, the smartest kid in town, skips two grades and at ten, is in seventh grade. Emotionally, he’s a child, academically he’s beyond his current classmates. Willie can’t relate to twelve-year-olds, so he becomes a loner. He reads science books, lurks in adult scientific chat rooms, and hides away in an abandoned storm cellar. His family can’t communicate with him and he is the butt of teasing and school bullies. Then Huby appears and knows things he can’t possibly know. What is he? As the recurring character in the series, Huby appears just when life is becoming unbearable for the protagonist. Conceived as an angel, he might be an alien, a spirit, whatever the reader wants him to be, which is never revealed. Huby helps Willie resolve a problem that creates friendship, brings Willie stature and respect and takes him to a whole new level emotionally. The Mystery of the Green Goblin introduces Alex, age 12, whose father has been MIA for six years. His mother works three jobs, and his older brother is disinterested. Alex turns to the town rejects, Trash and Mungo for friendship, but his innate goodness prevents him from going along with their petty crimes. Enter Huby. Alex ignores this weird new boy and his strange predictions until he is suspected in the death of his math teacher and needs the help of his classmates and Huby to prove his innocence.

I’m talking about fiction that sends a message directly to your heart. Books and stories can also do that for children. They read about a boy or girl going through many of the same things they are experiencing and can relate to that character. The character takes on a realism that enables the child to understand his own problems and put it in perspective according to his own level of comprehension. Picture books begin the process of self-empowerment. The Little Engine That Could is a prime example of a weak engine that believed in herself and succeeded. Fairy tales exemplify empowerment. Hansel and Gretel fooled the witch and escaped through their own ingenuity. Beauty overcame her fear of The Beast, which resulted in love. Fairy tales abound with Princes on quests, overcoming obstacles through their own bravery and cunning. Modern fantasy and mystery books like Harry Potter, Conquering Adversity Percy Jackson, and Nancy Drew place kids in situations that Fat Girls From Outer Space addresses real-life problems they must resolve through their own prowess with minimal affecting kids today. Frederica, age 11, hates herself. She’s obese, help from adults. bullied, starting puberty and entering intermediate school. With her


Learning two new friends, Freddy overcomes these problems through talent and inner strength. Fulfilling a quest How do fantasy adventure novels help children achieve self-esteem?

Children need a sense of power to grow and get through the tribulations of childhood. This gives them a strong feeling of self-worth and success. With this grounding they can move into adulthood knowing that they can overcome impediments along the way. Fantasy adventure places a child in a difficult and sometimes improbable situation. Through his own prowess, intelligence, and strength, he must overcome insurmountable obstacles and fulfill a quest. This power and accomplishment makes this genre so endearing to kids. In two fantasy adventures from The Book of Mysteries series, ordinary boys, age 12, fulfill quests in the fantasy worlds where they are transported by a weird bookseller. In The Wizard of Balalac the boys unmask a wizard to remove the curse from a fiery dragon, before it destroys the town. They must overcome fear and use their inner strengths to resolve the problem. The Gargoyles of Blackthorne transports the boys to Gothica where they must retrieve the magic scepter of the king that keeps the country safe and thriving. To accomplish this they must

stop the evil queen mother who has enchanted stone gargoyles that attack the kingdom every night. Again, the boys accomplish feats that might have seemed daunting, but recognize that they really have the power to fulfill the quest. Translating fiction into reality

While the average child understands the difference between reality and fantasy, it is the underlying, hidden message that jumps from the printed page to the child’s brain. He can think through the steps to reach the solution. She is powerful and smart like the heroine. My challenge to you is to use the power embodied in stories to empower children.


Fran Orenstein has a BA in Education, an MEd. in Counseling, and a doctorate in Child and Youth Studies. She has written and presented papers on education, gender equity, and violence prevention. A disabilities advocate for 30 years, Fran was a rehabilitation counselor and created the NJ Coalition on Women and Disabilities. Currently retired, she lives in Florida and writes full-time. A published, award-winning poet and short story writer, Fran also writes books for ‘tweens and YA historical romance fiction. Her books are available at all on-line bookstores, at Circle Books in Sarasota and at The Chakra Center in Sun City Center. Visit






I do not advocate withholding the truth from children, but I think parents need to be careful what their children are seeing and hearing.

Marcia began her career as a school teacher, working with preschool through inner city high school students. She has worked with all aspects of Metaphysics for over 40 years and specializes in Tarot and Numerology. Marcia’s clients and students are in every state and throughout Europe. Marcia has taught over 400 students to “read” the Tarot for the purpose of self-guidance and to use the powerful symbolism of the Tarot to reach higher levels of spirituality. Her column, Spiritually Speaking, originally ran for 8 years in Attitudes Magazine in the Sarasota area.


Teach Your Children Well “Teach Your Children Well” is the title of one of my favorite Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young songs from the early 70s. Now that I have dated myself and all the rest of you that remember that song, I would like to address the meaning of that title. Long before I was a teacher of Metaphysics, I was a school teacher. I taught for many years and my teaching experience included young people of all ages—preschool, elementary school, junior high school, and high school, as well as Sunday School. Children are and have always been a very important part of my life. As the world moves at such a fast pace in the 21st century, the lack of spiritual exposure that the majority of children and young adults are receiving saddens me. The necessity of both parents working and so little free time has shown that less families are attending church or synagogue and a large number of children are not attending Sunday School or having training in religious tradition. I am not advocating a formal religious upbringing, but I do believe that children should be exposed to some form or forms of spirituality. Children are just as subject, if not more subject, to feelings of fear, panic, and depression as are their adult counterparts. The world has become a very scary place and the negative news is everywhere. I remember when I was a child, before cable television, constant news programming, cell phones, and video games. Life was so much less stressful in those days and yet, as children, we still needed something to believe in, something to cling onto. I remember air raid drills in school and how frightened this little Cancerian child would feel during them. I was taught at an early age to pray and pray. I would, and it made me feel better. At my advanced age, I now use the word meditation in place of the word prayer, but as Shakespeare said, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” So, where am I going with this? I am in hopes of reaching some parents with some suggestions on how to help their children to cope with our unstable world.

It is not necessary to have the news on all the time, very little of it is good anyway, and war updates can be listened to when the young ones are in bed. It is also necessary to be careful what you and other adults discuss in front of children. It may look like they are not listening, but they are hearing every word you say. Children have fertile imaginations and you can believe me when I tell you that their over-active minds will perceive things much worse than they already are. I always like to tell personal stories, and here is one from my youth that exemplifies how this can happen. When I was about nine years old, I remember my grandmother standing by a window, looking out at the night and saying, “It is time for another way: more people will be killed, the world is in serious trouble, it may be the end of the world.” I have never forgotten that sinking feeling that I had when I would hear her say that. It lives in my memory even today. She had no idea that her words were affecting me in such a traumatic way! Children hear everything you say and that goes for quarrels, worries about money, job worries, etc. Try to spend quality time with your children talking of happy and peaceful things and keep the “adult conversations” for the adults in the family.

It is important to talk to our children and explain to them that there are many things happening in our world over which we have no control. Let them know that worry about things that are out of their control cannot change circumstances or make things better. Worry is a useless activity, and often it escalates children’s anxiety. Assure them that you will listen to anything that they want to talk about, and encourage them to express their fears. Parents are the most important people in young children’s lives, and they need to know that they can talk to them about anything. Learn to LISTEN to them, and help them to feel secure in the family setting. Parents and children that develop good communication skills from early childhood will keep those skills into teenage and adult years.

Even if your family does not believe in organized religion, family activities that are spiritual in nature can and should be included in the home. Studies have proven that children respond to spiritual music, yoga, meditation, and discussions about God/Higher Forces. In this fast paced world, quiet family time together needs to be planned. There is beauty and spiritual awareness in a quiet walk on the beach, a sunset viewed together, a picnic, listening to music, and in so many other inexpensive ways. The key word


in all of these activities is TOGETHER. Tell them that you love them! Don’t just assume that they know this because you feed and clothe them. Let your children know that no matter what happens in this world, they have YOU. It isn’t enough to take the big family vacation to Disney World each year; together time has to be a consistent part of daily life. A child comes into this world like a blank slate, and what is written on that slate will affect them for the rest of their lives and also dictate what they will pass onto their children. So, “Teach Your Children Well.�

And remember, knowledge is the greatest power, so Walk In The Light.

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Classes and Events will resume in the Fall Here’s a Preview: .PWJF /JHIU t “YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE� Presented by Louise Hay 4FQUFNCFS t Q N t “YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE� Class Facilitated by Margit Anderson #FHJOT 0DUPCFS t 'JWF 8FFL $PVSTF t Q N t College of Metaphysical Studies “THE MAYA MYSTERY/2012� Instructor t Barbara Calabrese #FHJOT 0DUPCFS t 8FFL $PVSTF t Q N t 1SF QBJE SFHJTUSBUJPO BTTVSFT ZPV B QMBDF $MBTT 4J[F JT -JNJUFE


r 32



Achieving Freedom Through


By Sonia Muslima Razaqyar

Editor’s note: In an issue focusing on children, I am proud to share the words of this young woman’s commencement address, which was delivered at Hillsborough Community College’s (HCC) graduation ceremony this spring. The insight and wisdom or our youth will define our future directions in thought, governance, and global relations. Thank you, Sonia, for sharing your light.

I want to take a few minutes of everyone’s time to talk about the importance of education and its power to guide us towards freedom. Freedom is the one goal we have all been trying to achieve, via different paths—some of which are to be praised, while the majority of which lead us into a state of delusion. I come from a country that has been continuously devastated by war. The people of Afghanistan have been fighting for their freedom against foreign invasions for centuries. My family lived through the Russian Invasion, the civil wars, and the Taliban invasion in the 1990s. These long years of relentless violence have left an impression on the minds of many people in Afghanistan that the only way to achieve freedom is through war. In fact, following the daily news shows us that such an ideology, the ideology of violence and offense, is shared by many throughout the world. But today, I want to share with you my view of the true way of achieving freedom. Through my studies of history, I learned that each civilization since the dawn of humanity has sought freedom as one of the ultimate meanings of being a human. Upholding this tradition of humanity, I began my quest of seeking my right to acquire freedom. It took me some time to understand the vast range of possible meanings for the word “freedom.” Today, I find myself focusing on Albert Camus’ definition of “Individual Freedom.” Camus believed that “Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better.” Following the footsteps of Camus’ understanding of freedom, I struggled to free myself of all the constraints, impediments, and burdens that would limit my development as a human being. Such a conception of freedom helped me realize the innumerable effects of education that make it a powerful driver for the development of individuals. Formal education has had a formative effect on my mind, character, and abilities. Each class I took was a liberating force. My ethics class helped free my character of moral and ethical inconsistencies; whereas my sociology class helped me understand societal issues. My chemistry class raised my appreciation for the importance of polarity, diversity, and bonding; whereas my calculus class introduced me to a world of

infinite possibilities. However, not everyone in today’s world is lucky enough to have access to such phenomenal opportunities. I, myself, didn’t have these opportunities back in Afghanistan. Let me tell you this, there are millions of people just like you and me out there in this world who are thirsty for knowledge and hungry for an education that is, because of their circumstances, beyond their reach. This is because we live in a world where the greed for wealth and power has lead to the presence of a group of people whose insatiable materialistic hunger has resulted in depriving the majority of people of their freedom, including the most basic human right of a decent education. Sadly, some of these megalomaniacs are world leaders. Husni Mubarak is a perfect example of such a leader who ruled Egypt for 30 years without opposition. In order for these leaders to stay in power without opposition, they have had to convince us that the only way we can remain free is if we annihilate and suppress others. This is simply not true. As insignificant as my opinion can be, I am sharing with you my understanding of true freedom; an understanding that I obtained through my education at HCC; an understanding that freedom can only be gained through education. HCC offered me the opportunity to be more free than I ever thought I could be and made my education relevant to an ever globalizing world. Through my education at HCC,

I realized that education, not war, is the real way we can obtain true freedom. Abraham Lincoln said “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” The only time any of us will feel truly free is when we do everything in our power to educate. Through education we can free the world. My dear fellow students, the only chance for our world to be free and for its inhabitants to be in harmony is to put down the guns and condemn violence and to pick up the pens and fight ignorance and intolerance. Finally, if I am to search for a dream that shall always tie me to this amazing day, it would be one where the sun of education and knowledge shines through every dark alley in this world and into the lives of our fellow humans. Again congratulation graduates. I honor you all and I wish you all good luck, not that any of you would need it.


SPECIAL EVENT Yoga for Addictions and Recovery Retreat This program has come together because of a need in our society today. There are many people suffering with addictions. We are a group of passionate professionals who have come together with open hearts to share our own stories, and provide you with tools and support to empower you to take charge of your life, to be the master not the slave to your mind and habit, to guide you from bondage to freedom. There are many levels of addiction. This program is open to all who have a desire for a better life and the willingness to show up for you. Central to this program is the ancient system of yoga. Contrary to popular belief that yoga is just another form of exercise, it is a rich system of self development. It teaches us to look deeply into our selves and understand all the aspects of our being; the egos continual desire for satisfaction and momentary relief of suffering, leading us ever further from the truth of who we really are. Yoga encourages us to examine our behaviors and actions, and develop a healthy relationship with ourselves and the world. The physical exercises develop the body as a temple for the spirit to reside, strong and flexible, a Strong spine, and a strong mind. If you are in a situation where you are ready to take charge of your life and are willing to show up for yourself, we would love to talk to you. Check the website for further information.

SPECIAL EVENT Souldrama: Become the Director of Your Own Life Souldrama, the seven-stage process of transformation and growth, is coming to southwest Florida. Designed to move clients and individuals through their rational, emotional and spiritual intelligences, it also serves to remove blocks that prevent individuals from living in the present and awakening their higher purpose. Beginning in September, Director Connie Miller will offer supervision and the rare opportunity for professional and personal growth with this twoyear training program in the action methods of Souldrama. These ongoing monthly training groups will offer 8 CEU hours for mental health professionals (MHP) per session, allowing MHP to refresh current skills and learn new techniques when working


Spotlights/Events with challenging client cases. Action methods in psychodrama, sociometry and Souldrama are invaluable complements to a counselor’s skills and can be used with individuals or groups. It is not necessary to be a counselor in order to join this group. The focus of each session will be on the supervision of participants, sociometry, group processes and directing psychodramas. A family luncheon will facilitate sharing and collaboration within each group session. For registration information, please call Delphine Herman at 941-962-3306, email , connie@souldrama. com or visit

Community Spotlight *** Offering Psychic Classes*** The Enchanted Forest at 3015 16thst N in Saint Petersburg, Fl, is much more than a metaphysical store, it is a safe, comfortable, healing community center in which you can explore and experience what ever you are drawn to-books, jewelry, psychic readings, classes, etc. You will find many different types of stones and crystals, oils, homemade soaps, and books. We offer psychic readings as well. We have made the energy positive, high and safe so that you will feel nothing but good when you enter the door. Cissy Mercer bought Enchanted Forest in May of 2007 “This is my dream, my baby”, according to Cissy, and Audrey Riley came in as a partner in June of 2007. We have always stuck to the saying of “follow your dreams” and that is just what we are doing!! Come on in, you will be met with friendliness, a smile and love and light, we enjoy meeting new people along with all of our near and dear regular customers. See us at, 727-823-9291

Community Spotlight Shift Happens Radio! Fridays, 8-9pm EST on WTAN-AM 1340 TAMPA BAY or Listen or WATCH Online. All shows will be available online after they air! Shift Happens Radio..what will you see and hear? We will address questions regarding “The Shift” in everyone’s world today. Have you shifted... or are you in limbo? Is it time now? Or, perhaps this is another layer you

are shedding... thus you are experiencing a SPECIAL EVENT new revelation... another Shift! We will talk with and about Angels, Pamper Yourself From the FEET UP! Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression, to mention a few... Let’s talk EFT, Laughta Yoga, Wednesday, August Meditations and the varieties of Science and 10th, 9 AM – 12 Noon Technology... and questions concerning worlds $20.00 per person before what history has recorded. Sarasota Bath & RacAre we more than the physical we quet Club, 2170 Robinsee? And.. let’s not forget the physical... for hood Street , Sarasota, some will already be aware of food choices... (941) 306-4113 we will talk pro’s, con’s and how-to’s of healthy living... gardening tips... visits from the experts. “Learn Healing Therapies You Can Do At Home” AND... we will talk with You! We want to hear • Holistic Medical Treatment for Your Feet YOUR STORIES... what was the moment... (Medi-Soak) “THE SHIFT” in your life? • Healing Reflexology and Acupressure Want to be a guest? Advertise? Visit: Point Techniques • Qi-Gong Breathing for Better Sleep • Nutritional Food Therapy to Release SPECIAL EVENT Stress in Your Body • How to Prepare a Tasty & Therapeutic Energy Healing Class Series Smoothie (& sample) • Awesome Prizes & Giveaways sponsored Spiritual seekers and by Simons, VEG, Longevity Wellness healers: learn the LightClinic and Bath & Racquet Club! works Healing Method, a comprehensive system of Divine Energy RSVP REQUIRED – CALL TODAY (941) 923Healing. These classes 9355. For details on ‘PAMPER YOURSELF help you heal yourself FROM YOUR FEET UP’ and all of our informaand loved ones, and/or tive upcoming wellness events visit us at: acquire skills for use in your healing practice. In the two-day Intro to the pH Miracle Lifestyle foundational class, you learn to read energy Tuesday, August 23rd, 7:00 - 8:30 PM bodies, channel healing energy, and deepen Presented by Wellness Coach and Nutritional Miyour connection to Source. Strengthen your croscopist Jennifer Naylor - Learn the amazing contact with Guides, Angels and Lightbeings. secrets of healing with the alkaline diet and lifeLearn how to safely facilitate energy work. Cre- style of the New Biology as discovered by worldate sacred space for healing sessions and for renowned research scientist and best selling author, Dr. Robert O. Young. $10.00 per person your life. The Level One class is a prerequisite to all other classes. Higher-level classes cover Community Spotlight advanced techniques including trauma release, soul fragment retrievals, past life healing, alignNEW LOCATION: Cozette’s Boutique ing life paths and soul contracts, and receiving healing from future lives. Cozette’s BouEveryone can do this. The classes tique & Enchanted lovingly lead you through the learning process. Notions @ 667 Central Ave N. HAS Level One: The Foundation; August 20 & 21, MOVED to our new 2011, 10am-5pm, $250; Hampton Inn, Bee Ridge, shop just a few steps Sarasota away from our current Higher-level classes: location. We invite you to visit us as we unveil Level Two: Letting Go of the Past; September 24-25 our new visions for 2011. Level Three: Using the Power of the Future; OcBe the first to get one of a kind stylish tober 15-16 new fashions straight from Paris & other eclecLevel Four: Lightbeing Connections; November tic countries. Be “Just a Little Wicked,” Book a 19-20 reading with Christy or let Cozette show you Space is limited. To reserve your how to fashionably stop traffic. space, contact Lynn McGonagill: www.lightCome visit our new beautiful location,, at 645 Central Ave N. in St Petersburg! 941-921-3613.


minded them of their own childhood. The depth of their emotions touched me. That’s when I fully understood the meaning of my sermon. Every one is on a path of transcending their pain—especially difficult relationships defined by unrequited love or some form of abuse. Every one has the same opportunity to let go of guilt and shame to embrace their humanity on the path to now.

Randy owns Triple 3 Marketing based in Sarasota. He’s a long term advocate for positive change having owned a couple community magazines since 1999. Randy sold Positive Change Media in April 2009 and took a year off before launching Triple 3 Marketing. In addition to helping business owners, he also provides private coaching. Randy has a masters degree in communication arts from the University of Wisconsin at Madison where he studied persuasion and attitude change. Contact Randy at


Childhood Blessings

Several years ago I had an opportunity to deliver a sermon at the Unity Church in Bradenton. I’ve given similar guest sermons at the Center for Positive Living in Sarasota and other churches in this region of Florida. It can be a bit nerve wracking when the call comes, but it’s also a privilege and blessing to share a message that has the potential to inspire others. I decided to do something different that beautiful morning in Bradenton. I would share the first part of my sermon without uttering a word. My plan was to use only my hands, arms, body movements, and facial expressions. The interesting part of this decision is that it was made only a few hours prior to my walk to the pulpit. For me, the leap of faith was an opportunity to trust that my intentions would help me connect not only with my audience, but also myself. My pantomime lasted several minutes, and then I spent the rest of the talk commenting on how the challenges of my childhood had blessed my life. Powerful blessings like learning to forgive and to love by opening my heart. I knew that most people in the room would relate to the unspoken part of my sermon because the journey to reconciliation is universal. Following the service, I stood at the back of the church to individually greet people as they departed. It was fascinating for me to hear the varied remarks about my sermon; so much so I started to wonder if they were responding to me or someone else. That’s one of the most interesting dimensions of human communication;

Each of us co-creates the messages we hear based on our unique experiences. A few of the guests had tears in their eyes when they told me how much my comments (and non-verbal display) re-


I used to think that victims of childhood pain were the minority, but it’s actually the opposite. Almost everyone is in some level of recovery and that includes people with the most idyllic upbringings. Each of us can relate to the pain of being alone, discredited, alienated, or disrespected. It’s all part of being human and the basis for mutual respect and compassion. The pain of our life experiences also provides us with the opportunity for unprecedented growth. It’s not always easy, but the choice is available in almost every situation no matter how bleak and dispiriting. Pain is the transformative foundation for our development as unique individuals offering us the potential of sweet resurrection. The difficulties associated with our early years nurtures our attributes and other assets like rain nurtures flowers. What happened to us is not as important as how we respond to our various challenges today and then again tomorrow. Our success and even our greatness are defined by the free choice of our attitude and our ensuing actions. Do we remain asleep to our victimhood or do we stir to something more positive?

Do we harbor wasted resentment or choose forgiveness in pursuit of a brighter day? For me, the challenge of being from a broken home and growing up in a strict boarding school was difficult at times. It also inspired the development of a character I’ve come to treasure. I honor my inner strength and all the qualities that enrich my life. I have long forgiven the adults of yesteryear acting out the pain of their own humanity. Their disconnection from love has deepened my bonds with life and the people I cherish.

I doubt I would have the same awareness and serenity I do today without all of my experiences—good and bad. I’ve also learned that being mindful of the pain and challenges of other people, spoken and unspoken, is a fast boat to conscious living. That doesn’t mean suffering fools easily. It’s about being aware of the restorative potential of human nature and helping to ease the burden of others. It’s easier for us to notice and appreciate young children, but how about those children hiding behind the masks of older faces? This month, try to sense the happy child in everyone you encounter. Look deeper now. Can you discern that carefree mischief maker looking back at you in the mirror? Maybe he or she is asking you to come out and play on this wonderful summer day.


Consciousness the energy of spirit. I get excited about information, so I take it all in and discern what feels right for me on a personal level. I hope you are doing the same because when you follow your heart life becomes less entangled and more free flowing.

“It is now recognized that the theories of quantum mechanics are the most absolutely proven theories in all of science. So that all of sudden, we really must own the reality of this new world, a world based on energy not on matter.” —Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief

Embrace Your Childhood Nature By Ami Fountain

When we are first born, our warm cocoon of protection thrusts us outward into physical reality, and the experience of life once again starts its full-circle cycle. Now, with the earth’s accelerating Shift in Consciousness, it is becoming more and more difficult to stay bound by limitations—those belief structures that have hidden us away and kept us small, holding us back from realizing our own divinity and the pure essence of our childhood nature. We are indeed awake, whether we like it or not, and the shrouds that have hidden the truth are being thrown off! The age of empowerment is Now, and we are seeing it all around us, both in the world and in our individualized selves. As we reconnect with our divine nature, our light shines brighter and we resonate at increasing frequencies. The lower frequencies—such as doubt, shame, suffering and fear—cannot remain as higher vibrations take hold. Our souls are reaching through our beings to crack open our hearts and allow the light to shine through brilliantly. Regardless of who you are, there is always the opportunity to look outward and then switch to the inward vantage point. This is the simple process of recognizing your individuality and also seeing the world from inside yourself as a part of a whole. It’s not an either/or situation but one of “both.” Indeed we are individuals, but in fact we are also a part of a whole living organism. We are a part of a species which inhabits the earth, within a vast universe. We sway and dance with life, through interaction. The rhythm is the breath of The Creator. We are engulfed within it, and we each have our specific and important energy to add, making the whole complete and following the current discoveries of modern quantum physics. Quantum physics is a complicated and perhaps uninteresting subject for many. Yet it reveals methodologies that liberate


I navigate through life guided strongly by how I feel. I notice the serendipitous sign posts and move in the direction of that flow. However, it has taken most of my life to arrive at a place where I can trust those feelings because my mind always wants to dominate or argue against my heartfelt intuition. I had to stop looking outside of myself and searching for what I “thought” was true because thought itself is structured, and the mind cannot fully grasp the vastness of our “energy-selves.” To carry more of our diving light, we must let go of the structured information we have obtained throughout life. In its place, we must learn to trust the higher self/spirit/vibrational sense of our being and expand from the core. June and July of this year delivered amped-up frequencies, and as we move through August we now have the opportunity to release the feelings that have been hindering us at a vibrational level, including the things, happenings, memories, people, etc., that no longer serve us. Notice them and let them go, and know they are moving out. We must experience the feelings during the process, but we can rest assured that once we move through the uncomfortable transition if we truly release it will be the last time we must feel the pain. Don’t hold back! Reminders of Childhood As we rise up into higher awareness, spending time with children has its advantages. In past articles, I have talked about the “new kids” and some of the higher vibrational characteristics they display. For example, one fantastic trait my son embodies is the capability to loudly express large amounts of energy. He can move intense amounts of emotional energy in just a couple of minutes and then go back to being a joyful, fun-seeking child. It is clear to me that as this occurs he is quickly and effectively releasing intense vibrational densities that are coming up in his life. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. (Have you heard this before?) This helps us to understand that there is indeed more than meets the physical eye. The more we can loosen our grip on what we think life is about and open our hearts, the closer we all move to freedom. Childhood, especially our own, has the answers to what we really desire and enjoy in life. Remembering and reliving the innocence of our early years can help give birth to new, free-flowing creative expression—the independence of our will that will allow us to be the biggest we can be in this world. Children reflect everything we have inside ourselves and what we now have rising to the surface.

If we chose to foster a relationship with our younger generations there is great opportunity for growth. This reflection offers a sense of love and harbors joy beyond our woes, no matter how hard it is to look at it them or feel their emotional flavors. Children also help us to endure through unconditional love. Children have a tendency to touch into the tenderness of our hearts, melting away the defenses we place around ourselves. When we are most vulnerable, we are open, available for the new to come through. Being awake, aware, and experiencing the rising consciousness, or whatever you want to call it, is creating an opening into the vibrational, or quantum, aspects of ourselves. This can free us to become children at heart once again. The truth is that We Are All the new children! We are conscious beings of light, waking to this universal aspect of our reality. Let the children remind us who we already are at our soul level.


If you liked this article, you will find a lot more content in the book Higher Vibrational Living: Live the Energy Dynamics for a Greater Parent~Child~Humanity Connection. Ami offers workshops in Sarasota and can be reached at or



A Child’s Call By Patricia McGivern Upon awaking on a sunny spring day in 1995, I had no way of knowing that the course of my life would change in one pivotal moment. Had anyone suggested that my path would lead me to where I am today—working as a hypnotist specializing in past-life regression and the author of Angel Babies, a book about spirit communication with early loss babies—I would have vehemently shaken my head in disbelief. No, I was a stay-athome mother of two young children following a 17-year career in the corporate world, not a sharer of deeper truths. Or so I thought. But:

On that day I heard from my miscarried baby, a baby I had lost four years earlier, and my life was forever altered. I loved the quietness of our home when my six-yearold, Kylie, was at school and my busy three-year-old daughter, Meghan, napped. Although a rare indulgence for me, I’d manage to squeeze in a nap myself on some days. So it was on that day years ago. I was slowly waking up from napping, in that in-between state, when I heard an urgent and excited child’s voice next to me exclaim, “I’m right here! I’m right here!” My eyes flew open, and my body jolted to a tingly full alertness. From the tone of the small voice, I had the feeling I was in trouble for getting caught lying down on the job. I turned my head in the direction of the voice. I expected to see Meghan beside my bed, near my head, but found I was alone in the room. Puzzled by why her voice sounded so close to me when she wasn’t there, I thought she must be out in the hallway, behind the closed bedroom door. “Meghan?” I called out to her. “Mommy’s right here, honey,” I assured her. I imagined her sitting in the hallway, propped against the door, still half-asleep, holding her blanket. Still lying on the bed, I called, “Come to Mommy, sweetheart,” waiting for her to come and snuggle with me. Again she didn’t answer. Why hadn’t she opened the door and come to me as she usually did? Why did her voice sound so close when she wasn’t even in the same room? I waited. “Meghan, Mommy is right here, honey,” I said, hoping to coax her toward me. Resolved that she wasn’t moving until I did, I went to the bathroom and splashed water on my face. “Meghan?” I called out again. Silence filled the house. For someone who sounded so exasperated trying to let me know


she was right here, why wasn’t she answering me? It was unlike her not to come to me. I dried my face and peeked around the doorway. Meghan wasn’t in the hallway or within sight. Where could she be? I hadn’t heard her familiar little footsteps patter off anywhere. In fact, I hadn’t heard her say anything after she most assuredly let me know she was up and I wasn’t. I quickly looked for her in the living room and kitchen as I became more puzzled over her whereabouts. “Where in the world did she go?” I asked aloud as I stood completely still. The answer immediately popped into my head. Meghan is still asleep upstairs. I knew the words hadn’t originated from me. The hair on the back of my neck stood up, and goose bumps covered my arms. I knew with certainty that I had heard her little child’s voice right next to me in the bedroom. How could she still be asleep upstairs? I bolted up the stairs, taking them two at a time. As I turned the corner to look into her bedroom I found her in a deep sleep, sprawled on her pink princess bed. I stood almost paralyzed as I tried to discern how I could have heard her voice next to me when she was upstairs asleep. Neither the radio nor the television was turned on, and no one else was in the house. I paused, trying to assimilate the information and dissect what I’d heard. The voice was clear and insistent—and exasperated—almost as though I were a complete idiot for not noticing the obvious. If it wasn’t Meghan I heard, I asked myself, just who had been calling? As quickly as I asked the question, I heard the answer in my mind. It wasn’t Meghan’s voice you heard. It was the baby you lost. Every hair on my body stood on end as I stared at Meghan’s sleeping form. I sucked in a short breath. The answer did not come from me. My eyes slowly moved from Meghan to the image of me in the hallway mirror. I swallowed hard. I would experience years of communication after that day, and through my worldwide research learned of others experiences whether through the dream state, while in meditation, through coincidences, near-death experiences, psychic mediums, visions, hypnosis, hearing or even a subtle sense of presence. The communication always brought great comfort.

I learned that my baby, Dillon, chose not to come for my greater good. His loss propelled me on a spiritual journey and gave me healing with my father, through a vision.

He told me one of my life’s missions was to write a book called Angel Babies, “to help heal the mommies who’ve lost their babies.”

For years, Dillon’s loss felt only tragic. But now I see that him coming, even briefly, was a gift. The love survived. Sometimes the baby’s communication prepared the parents for the baby’s loss, and other times the communication was so simple as to let the parents know they are watching over them. There are many reasons the babies chose not to come and all have to do with either the baby’s soul growth or that of the parents/family. The soul can return to us again in another baby. There is no blame.


Patricia is in private practice in Dunedin, FL . Through hypnosis she helps parents connect with their lost babies. Endorsed by Raymond Moody, M.D., near-death pioneer and author of Life After Life, Angel Babies explores spirit communication with early loss babies, validating those who’ve had experiences, providing enlightenment to those who haven’t, and opening doors to anyone on the greater path of understanding the soul. Anyone who has lost someone will find comfort in this book. She can be reached at (727)992-9262.

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subject. This leaves me feeling pretty fraudulent because it’s as if I am paraphrasing myself.

Dr. ZZ’s bold, upfront, directive style plays an inspirational role in the lives of people she touches. This forum offers potential solutions on health, emotional and personal matters. Dr. ZZ has a doctorate in natural healing and a non-traditional Ph.D. in counseling. She works in conjunction with shaman elder, Jack Alexander (“Golden Feather”) who offers Life Purpose readings and all-faith, community-based spiritual guidance at The Teahouse at Asian Arts in Sarasota. For more, see


Question: I’ve been depressed for quite awhile now, and I think I’m bulimic. I know I have very low self-esteem, and I tend to cry very easily. I often get anxious and upset over little things. Lately I’ve been having trouble concentrating and making decisions. I get tired very easily and almost always have a headache. I can’t remember when I started to overeat and then vomit, but it’s been at least nine months this time. I only do that at the most twice a week when my husband isn’t home. I’m 29-yearsold, have a good husband and a nice house (though I don’t like where we live and would like to move). I really don’t know what to do. I should be happy, but I’m not. I’ve lost interest in sex as well as other things I once enjoyed, and quite often think it would be better if I were dead. I need to know if I should try to get help and, if so, from whom? I would really appreciate any advice you can give me. Dr. ZZ: There must be more to your story hidden in your past—underlying features about yourself that you don’t accept. It’s as if you think that you are living a lie, and that you don’t deserve all the good things you have. Something is draining the pleasure out of your experience. Because of it, you punish yourself. The key is to deal with your secrets openly by sharing them with the right people. That will help take the sting out of them and enable you to start feeling good about yourself and your life. Tell your doctor everything. He or she may be able to direct you to a counselor or to an eating disorders group. Don’t let this go until it turns into a crisis. Writing to this column was a good first step. Now keep the process going, and develop a team of supporters. Question: I’m 34 and have been in psychotherapy for two years. Most of my problems have to do with dysfunctional patterns that were set up in an abusive household when I was a child. I find that I need to have complete control over what I say. Frequently, I have many internal conversations about what I want to discuss before I actually bring it up. In doing this, I manage to disassociate myself from any emotion attached to the


Recently, I became frustrated in therapy and started acting out. I moved around, changed seats, attacked the process and verbally abused my therapist. Then, about a month ago, I was doing a writing exercise and I let myself be swept up in what I felt. The anger that consumed me was so unreasonable and so frightening that I was physically and mentally exhausted afterwards. During my last appointment, I came clean about what I do and how frightened I am to let any particular emotion grip me. Now my therapist feels that I (we) need to find a way to have those emotions come out in therapy. I have no clue how to do this. I need some sort of preparation. I’m frightened about letting these emotions air. Is there anything you can suggest for me to do in preparation before therapy and suggestions for how to emote this stuff in therapy? Dr. ZZ: Therapy provides a chance to try out new ways of interacting with another person and to test new ways of expressing your feelings. This means taking emotional risks that often contradict a lifetime of experience, showing pieces of yourself that you may never have revealed to anyone before. No wonder it’s scary. Because no one likes to reexperience terrible emotions from the past, it elicits all the resistance you describe. These feelings can threaten to overwhelm you when they come up. It’s hard, frightening work, and it takes a brave person to undertake it. A therapist’s office provides a safe environment to do this work. The fact that you are exhausted and scared shows that you are making excellent progress. Therapy can be a slow process, however, and you can’t rush it. There will be times of forward motion and times of retreat. There’s no way to prepare yourself for it in advance, nor is there a formula for expressing your emotions. To establish such strategies would be to control your expression and, in doing so, you would defeat the purpose of therapy. Hang in there and go with the flow. The key to learning to love yourself in this and any process is to accept yourself especially when you’re not accepting yourself. All information provided in this article is intended as general information only and is not to be misconstrued as medical or psychological advice or as diagnosis, treatment or cure for any condition or ailment. Send queries or comments to All identifying information is kept confidential.



Achieving Goals

Often times we don’t realize that we are our biggest obEvery day spend a few minutes visualizing stacles to achieving success or making major changes in our lives. We wonder why we are not receiving what we most desire. how it feels to already have what you want. We spend our time wishing or hoping for a miracle, and when that miracle doesn’t come fast enough for us or dissipates, we This will keep you focused on reaching the goals infeel defeated, lonely frustrated, or angry with ourselves. stead of the pain you may feel on the way there. What we may not know is that we need to have a plan of action to overcome these roadblocks. Ask for help. Most people are reluctant to ask for assistance in achieving the desired outcome of their goals. Trying to do it all yourself is a huge mistake. Who can help you? On the A goal without action is only a daydream. A weight loss goal, it could be a spouse, or partner who can help well written and motivating goal with action to keep you motivated, or it can be as simple as an online forum is a life purpose. where you post your goals and your plan….and ask the other participants to keep track of your progress. How is this possible—getting what I want?

You need to have a layer of accountability to Define your goal. It starts with defining your goals, and someone to help insure you will stay they must be specific. This, of course, means you say exactly how much you want to earn and when, for example. Perhaps the course. you want to lose a specific amount of weight, or you may want to manifest that perfect relationship. Regardless of the objective, Achieving goals is not easy, but by defining your goals, in this process you need to set milestones along the way to the believing in them, setting a plan for action, and asking for help, longer-term goal. Let’s take losing weight as an example. Say the the road to achieving them will be worth the journey. goal is to lose 25 pounds. It may be to lose 5 pounds this month on the way to your larger goals.


Believe your goal. Have you ever wondered why New Year’s resolutions don’t work for some people? If you just see your goals as things you’re hoping to accomplish, then it’s no wonder you eventually give up and quit on them. A goal has to be something you believe….and it has to be real to you. I invite you to sit down and imagine it as real today—see it happening.


Elena C. Jones is an author, motivational speaker, Reiki master healer, spiritual life coach, mentor, teacher, and spiritual counselor. She is the founder of Alma Quest and the first Creating My Intentions conference, which will take place on Saturday October 15, 2011 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Tampa, FL. For more information please visit or

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Friday, July 29th Special New Moon Women’s Meditation

Rising Tide Spiritual Center, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota. Cost: A love offering of $5 to Rising Tide is suggested. Contact: Jo Mooy at 941-355-1414 Every sound changes us at the emotional, physical and spiritual levels. Entering into an understanding of sound and silence, while experiencing it at the inner levels, introduces us to real communication with our souls. Using the human voice, Patricia Cockerill & Jo Mooy will use the sounds and tones of the human voice in a New Moon Women’s Meditation. No singing experience is required. This is a meditation of heart sounds. After the meditation there will be a question & answer discussion on the Georgia Guidestones, called America’s Stonehenge, and on the Sound Chambers of Joseph Rael. Meditation instruction begins at 6:30 with the Sound session starting at 7 pm. The discussion follows at 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, July 30th Garner Cowen will be doing reading 10am-3pm THE CHAKRA CENTER, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd, Suite 201, Sun City Center. Cost: 30 minutes, $45.00. For appointment call 813-633-9400. Garner has been a clairvoyant and clairaudient psychic for over 20 years. He channels St. Clare of Assisi. Garner is skilled at offering readings using a wide variety of Tarot cards, angel cards and even a regular playing card deck. Garner’s empathic abilities further guide him in his readings.

Monday, August 1st ROSE CENTER 4TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 1st Week of August. The Rose Center 2020

Rose Street Sarasota. Contact: Karen Whatley. We are discounting a different treatment every day, August 1st-5th! Call 941-894-3777 to see which treatment is discounted M-F: Detox Foot Bath, Zyto Balance Scan, more!

Tibetan Bowl Workshop, 7pm

Open Mind Den, 9331 Tamiami Trail North, Naples, Contact: 239-514-0001, $35 Robert Austin will Instruct you How to Play the Tibetan Bowls and Their Healing Techniques Upon the Body. Find Your “Spirit Tone”/ The Bowl that Speaks to You ! BYOB (bowl) Bring your own or use one of Roberts. Bowls available for purchase.

Wednesday, August 3rd Potions & Tinctures 7pm

The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers. Price: $30 RSVP Contact 239-939-2769 Learn the difference between the two and how to create your own for specific purposes. You will have an opportunity to create one or the other from selected recipes in this class. All materials are included.

Friday, August 5th How to communicate with spirits for the budding Medium. 7Pm, The Labyrinth 12995 S.

Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers. Contact: 239-9392769. Cost: . $30 RSVP. In touch with spirits? Want to learn how to effectively communicate and discern energies from spirit? Let Guisela the medium show you how to improve on your talent.


Saturday, August 6th

Monday, August 8th

Vital Reflexology 9:00am-4:00pm

Psychic Fair 12-4pm

Last Resort Clinic 12945 Seminole Blvd Bldg 1 Suite 7 Largo. Price: $200 Contact: Marlene Hudson 727 797-1787 Reflexology with Aromatherapy, learn how to apply pure essential oils on the reflexes for enhanced healing. 12 CE’s for LMT’s

Sanctury of Light 5114 Trouble Creek Road NPR Price: 15min/$20 30 min/$30 60 min/ $60 Contact: 727-945-1879. Come and share the loving energy of Spirit and our Gifted Readers and Healers! Monthly Event

E>S>P> Fiesta 10-3pm

Drum Circle w/ Heather 730pm

Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave North St. Pete Price: $10 or 3 for $25 Contact: 727-545-1122 Doors open at 9:15Am to register for Readings. Come meet our gifted readers and reconnected with loved ones from the Spirit World! Monthly Event


Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave North Price: $10 Love Donation Contact: 727-545-1122 Come share our drums or bring your own! A great way to help raise the vibration! Every 2nd Monday

Tuesday, August 9th

10am-12pm. Celestial Circle 1219 Florida Ave Palm Harbor. Price: $25.00 Contact: 727-785-1960 Hands-On Experiential! Come and experience the deep relaxation & energy balancing qualities of crystals. Workshop will include the practice of laying stones for empowerment and harmony, techniques in chakra & aura cleansing, charging, cleansing & programming your crystals. You’ll also have an opportunity to lie on a crystal bed and experience the energies. Bring your own crystals, if you don’t have any, some will be available for you to use during the workshop, or you can purchase your own in our store. A handout giving complete overview of the workshop will be provided. The Witch’s Brew Cafe is right next door too where you can grab some lunch & enjoy their amazing smoothies and ice cream.


Mantra Meditation - Dr. Raj Markose 10 am - 11:30 am Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami

Digital Aura Photo/Chakra Readings, 2–7pm

6:30pm-8:30pm. Celestial Circle, 1219 Florida Ave, Palm Harbor. Price: $50.00 Contact: 727-785-1960. Transmute consciousness and clear blockages, restore vibratory harmony, and awaken through soul level healing. Cost includes training, certification, & booklet.

Conscious Creating 101 7 pm to 8:30

Daytex 10300 49th St N. (us 19 & 49th. st N) Clearwater. Price: $28.00 or $8.00 Contact: Guy N. Larsson 727-657-3337. Create the life you desire. Learn how to more consciously direct your sub-conscious creative process

Wednesday, August 10th

Trail, Venice. Price: $20 Contact: angelministriesfl. org Raise your Vibration! Learn mantra meditation effortlessly, using powerful mantras to reduce stress, achieve clarity of thought, increase creativity and manifest healing.

Individual Sessions with Sparrow, Alafia River Aura Imaging. At The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Sun City Center. Cost: $30 for 30 minutes, $45 for 60 minutes Contact 813-633-9400 for appt., or walk-ins welcome. Includes Photo, interpretation of aura colors/chakra functioning, with some balancing techniques

Angel Ministries College Graduation 11:30 am Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail, Venice

Tarot – part one – 7pm

Contact: Join us as we honor our students of Angel Ministries who have attended classes and workshops throughout the year.

Psychic Fair 12-8pm

The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers. Price: $30 Contact: 239-939-2769 Learn the meanings of the cards and how to utilize this wonderful tool. A Rider Waite deck is required. Part Two on 8/17. RSVP

Enchanted Earth 733 SR 580 Dunedin Thursday, August 11th Price: $1 a minute Contact: 727-216-6594 Come and share the Spirits as we help you to recon- Intro to psychic development with Deborah nect with loved ones! Monthly 7pm. The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers. Contact: 239-939-2769 Cost: $30 RSVP Experience the Sri Lankan Drumming and Learn the foundation of psychism, as well as informaDance troupe 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm tion and exercises to determine what your psychic Sarasota Orchestra, 709 Tamiami Trail, Sarasota talent is. Cost: Donation : 15.00 or more Contact: 941-3023383. The show is a blend of folk and traditional COSMIC TELEPATHY & THE HIGHER SELF dances rooted in Sri Lankan cultural belief and cus- 7pm-9pm Celestial Circle 1219 Florida Ave Palm toms. A drum fusions between Latin, African drums Harbor. Price: $15.00 Contact: 727-785-1960 with Sri Lankan traditional drums. A delightful journey Everyone is capable of telepathic communication! We of the senses. will focus on heart-opening clearing and alignment techniques for these centers of communication. All Sunday, August 7th are welcome!

YogaShakti in Tarpon Springs, Friday, August 12th 9:45-10:45AM 2625 Keystone Rd,Tarpon Springs. Contact: 727-937-4744.www.yogashaktion- Gong meditation 5:30-6:30 p.m. Offering two new classes. Children’s yoga on sundays starting August the 7th from Cost $35 per month or $10 per session. A community yoga class for all levels starting in August on wednesday from 6:30-7:30PM. Cost $5.

Prana Yoga Center, 3840 S. Osprey Ave. Sarasota Price: donation Contact: Joy Harnam Kaur Yackley Relax and renew to the sound of the gong; the premier instrument to help bring inner and collective peace to humanity. Every second friday of the month

Women’s Full Moon Meditation 6:30 pm Rising Tide Spiritual Center 5102 Swift

Road Sarasota. Price: $5 love offering Contact: Jo Mooy@ 941-355-1414. Kirtan call & response chanting offered at the Full Moon Women’s Meditation at Rising Tide. Healers complimentary services at 6:30.

Saturday, August 13th Aromatherapy Class 9:00am-4:00pm

Last Resort Clinic 12945 Seminole Blvd Bldg 1 Suite 7 Largo. Price: $200 Contact: Marlene Hudson 727 797-1787 Is offered in association with Somo Ka which is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB # 450691-08) as a continuing education.

Psychic Awareness Sampler with Toni Winninger. 10 am to 5 pm. Davis Hall at Sarasota Center of Light (formerly Shrine of the Master Church). Cost: $75. Toni will teach how to work with universal energy for healing, psychometry and divination – the use of pendulums, dowsing rods and various forms of muscle testing. She will also introduce thought transference, remove viewing, how to meet your spirit guides and transfiguration. This will be a fascinating workshop.

Sound & Vibration: Energy Medicine & Sound Healing 13th & 14th Saturday

12pm-6pm; Sunday 10am-5pm. Yoga Shakti, Tarpon Springs, Fl.. Price: $175 by 8/9; $200 after Contact: 12 CE for LMT’s; 828.333.0888 or Sound Healing immersion w/demos & practice sessions. Toning auric field, chakras & meridians has an immediate effect in altering brain chemistry & influencing our health.

Psychic Fair 10 am to 3 pm

Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail, Venice Price: $15 for 15 minutes Contact: Tarot, Mediumship, Astrology, Palmistry. Insight for those searching, questioning and seeking answers. Private Readings $15 for 15 minutes. Free Healings and Refreshments.

Tarot Reading Workshop with Justin Martz 10:00 AM to Noon Creekside Gems

& Minerals 5914 Trouble Creek Rd. New Port Richey. Price: $20.00 per person Contact: Lisa @ Creekside Gems & Minerals (727) 845-5451 Tues thru Sat 10 AM to 6 PM Bring your tarot deck along for a hands-on workshop. We’ll start with a recap of the 78 cards, move into a demonstration of various readings in theory and then pair up. Every second Saturday

PSYCHIC FAIR 11-5pm Sat 12-4pm

Sun 8/13 & 8/14 Celestial Circle 1219 Florida Ave Palm Harbor. Price: Readings just $15.00 for 15min cash or $20.00 credit/debit. Contact: 727-785-1960 Stop in for a psychic reading, shop in our new store and enjoy some goodies at The Witch’s Brew next door.

The UFO and Paranormal Group 1:15 –4:15. Central Library 1301

Barcarrota Blvd. Bradenton. Cost: Free will donation only. Contact Jackie 941792-0308. Exploring the Spectrum video by Dr. John Ott about effects of natural and artificial light on biological body processes and shows time-lapse photography. Afterwards Lee Louden will speak about Frequency, what is it and how do we measure it? What is meant by a frequency range? What does it all mean to us human beings?

Developing Your Infinite w/ Drew & Tamara Overlee 2-4:30 pm Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave North St. Pete. Price: $65.00 Contact: 727-545-1122. Drew Overlee is a Full Trance Medium, Tamara is an Author and Counselor. Come and inspire your soul to grow

Sunday, August 14th Shaman Journey Experience 2:30-5:30pm Rising Tide International,

5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota. Price: $20 Contact: Rev. Zan Butterflydeerwoman. Like a guided meditation enhanced by the heart beat of the mother rum. An evolving experience into your own shaman’s dream, for healing and guidance.

SPA Yoga 4-5:30pm

Longhouse Yoga, 2321 49th Street S., Gulfport. Price: $15 Contact: Heather Albright 727.430.1015. A relaxing yoga session for unwinding during the holidays. Sound therapy, oils, aroma therapy, eye pillows etc with 30 min guided meditation.

Monday, August 15th Natural Skincare Workshop St Pete 6-9pm

Cost $60. Contact: www.HerbalWise. net or call 727-384-HERB. A hands-on learning experience where you learn to make herbal remedies for healthy, vibrant skin. Participants learn how to make a cleanser/exfoliator, a steam, a mask, a toner and a moisturizing cream. Receive a step-by-step workbook and samples to take home.

Who Am I Really? with Toni Winninger. 7:30 pm to 10 pm. Davis Hall

at Sarasota Center of Light (formerly Shrine of the Master Church). Cost: $30. This is an interactive seminar on the “Journey of the Soul” exploring the purpose of the soul and how the energy of 2012 is influencing life on Earth. Soul contracts, soul groups and twin souls will also be explained. Private channeling sessions can be scheduled with Toni for the days of August 12, 15, 16 and 17 and held in the Education Center at 2770 Browning St. Please call the office at 941-953-6620 to schedule. The channeling sessions with the Masters are 60 minutes long, cost $90


and are to be paid for in advance. The sessions can be paid for by mailing a check made out to SOM and sent to 2710 Browning Street, Sarasota, FL 34237 or by dropping payment off at the church office at the above address.

Tuesday, August 16th Yoga For Addictions and Recovery Retreat

09/16,17,&18, 9am- 5pm Daily (4pm Sun) Yoga Moves 1045 9th Ave St Pete Fl 33705 Price: $450 by August 15th, $480 after Contact: Denise Glueck 727 251 8868 /Soraya 727 688 2443, Description: Enjoy 3 days of Restorative Yoga, stress reduction, meditation, sound therapy, and journaling, while breaking old patterns and opening to a new and free you.

Wednesday, August 17th Introduction to Home Remedies, St Pete

2-3pm. Cost $20. or call 727384-HERB. Are you looking for natural alternatives to manage your health and home? Attend this introductory class on incorporating natural home remedies into your life.

3rd Wed. Reiki Share 7-9pm

Rising Tide International, 5102 Swift Rd. Sarasota Price: Suggested offering $5 Contact: Rev. Zan Benham 941-922-7839. Reiki Masters of all lineages to come together to share, expand, enhance and brush up on their REI KI. Wear comfortable clothes. Every 3rd Wednesday

Thursday, August 18th Abundance Wheel with Carolyn 7pm.

The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers. Cost: $50 RSVP Contact: 239-939-2769 In this monthly class, Carolyn will help you work with the five elements to manifest your most prosperous life. Learn how to bring in more money, time, and resources by breaking down blocks that limit your growth potential.

Friday, August 19th Messagfe Circle 5:30pm - 9pm

Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave North St. Pete. Price: $10 Contact: 727-545-1122 Come receive three messages from Spirit for an evening of upliftment! Monthly Event

Yoga Nidra 7-8pm

Longhouse Yoga, 2321 49th Street S., Gulfport Price: $10 Contact: Heather Albright 727.430.1015 A method of deep relaxation beneficial for releasing stress and negative thought patterns.

Séance with Guisela the medium at 7pm

The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers. Cost: $30 RSVP for space is limited. Contact: 239-939-2769. Join Guisela the medium and participate in a séance. Receive messages and contact departed loved ones.


HARMONY METAPHYSICAL CHURCH-2517 W Henry Ave,TAMPA. Price: $10.00 Contact: WWW. IAMHARMONY.COM or 813.872.0295. Come join our Psychic Circle at Harmony. Reservations HIGHLY recommended, as these circles sell out quickly! Reserve YOUR spot online or via voicemail.


Saturday, August 20th Reflexology Class 9:00am-4:00pm

Last Resort Clinic 12945 Seminole Blvd Bldg 1 Suite 7 Largo. Price: $200 Contact: Marlene Hudson 727 797-1787 Is offered in association with Somo Ka which is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork (NCBTMB # 450691-08) as a continuing education, open to everyone. Learn Reflexology!

Sadja Tuning Fork: Healing With The OM Vibration 20th & 21st Saturday & Sunday 9:30am6pm. Longhouse Healing Arts Centre, Gulfpor2321 49th Street S., Gulfport. Price: $250 by 8/12; $275 after Contact: 15 CE’s for LMT’s; 828.333.0888 or Tuning fork vibrations directed by the practitioner along meridian, chakra, trigger point & nerve pathways clears & aligns subtle currents in the physical body & auric field.

Lightworks Healing Method Level One:The Foundation

August 20-21, 10 to 5. Hampton Inn, Bee Ridge and I-75. Price: $250 for the weekend Contact: www. 2 days. Spiritual seekers and healers: experience life as victor, not victim. Learn to facilitate Divine Energy Healing; sense subtle energy; connect to Spirit Guides.

Sunday, August 21st Introduction to Home Remedies, Lutz 1-2pm. Cost $20. or call

727-384-HERB. Cost $20. or call 727-384-HERB. Are you looking for natural alternatives to manage your health and home? Attend this introductory class on incorporating natural home remedies into your life.

The UFO and Paranormal Group 1:30-4:30

Asia Restaurant 6844 14th St. West, Bradenton. Contact: Jackie 941-795-0308 Discussion about the characteristics of the sun sign Leo (July 24 through August 23) and the sun sign of Virgo (August 24 through September 23). Men and women in both sun signs have differences. Buy your lunch to keep our room free of charge.

Natural Skincare Workshop, Lutz 2:30-5:30pm Cost $60. or call

727-384-HERB. A hands-on learning experience where you learn to make herbal remedies for healthy, vibrant skin. Participants learn how to make a cleanser/exfoliator, a steam, a mask, a toner and a moisturizing cream. Receive a step-by-step workbook and samples to take home.

Wednesday, August 24th Natural Skincare Workshop, St Pete 1-4pm.

Cost $60. or call 727-384HERB. A hands-on learning experience where you learn to make herbal remedies for healthy, vibrant miami Trail, Venice. Price: $30. Elka Boren works with skin. Participants learn how to make a cleanser/ exfoliator, a steam, a mask, a toner and a moistur“Source Energy, using advanced healing processes, she can remove root blocks, shifting clients to higher izing cream. Receive a step-by-step workbook and samples to take home. energy frequencies, bringing forth clarity

Cutting Past Emotional Cords / Chakra Cleaning 10:30 to 12:30. Angel Ministries, 2269 Ta-

Cutting Past Emotional Cords / Chakra Cleaning 10:30 to 12:30. Angel Ministries, 2269 Ta-

miami Trail, Venice. Price: $30. Elka Boren works with “Source Energy, using advanced healing processes, she can remove root blocks, shifting clients to higher energy frequencies, bringing forth clarity

Reiki III, Part 1, Attunement Class

12:30-5:30pm, Rising Tide International, 5102 Swift Rd. Price: $111 Contact: Rev. Zan Benham 941-9227839. The third in a four class series towards a REIKI III Master Healer attunement and certificate. Those students with REIKI II certification may participate. Yoga for Scoliosis with Stacy Renz 1-3:00pm. Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Ave N, St. Pete. Price: $35 by 8/13; $45 afterwards Contact: 727-826-4754 Jane Arnold or Stacy Renz. Find relief from discomfort or pain from scoliosis and learn techniques to take to your regular yoga classes with Stacy Renz, Yoga Therapist & Occupational Therapist

Trance Seance w/ Rev Debbie & Dr Lydia Webster 3pm. Anahata 945 Central Ave Naples

Price: $25.00 Limited seating RSVP Contact: 239262-0811. Come and join Rev Debbie Dienstbier and Dr Lydia Webster a Dr from the 1800 to bring through loved ones from the World of Spirt! Monthly Event

Usui Reiki Master Class 7pm

The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers. Cost: $50 Contact: 238-939-2769 Learn advanced energy work, Master Symbols, chakra diagnosis and crystal grids to enhance the reiki experience. Certification and attunement with this class. Pre-requisite reiki One and Two.

Thursday, August 25th Reiki healing circle 7pm

The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers. Cost: Free Contact: 238-939-2769 Join experienced and gifted reiki healers for an evening of energy work.

Angel Therapy and PTSD 7-8:30 PM

Please make your reservations. Angelic Comfort 6989 Seminole Blvd Seminole. Price: Love Offering Contact: Certified Angel Practitioner Kelli Jenkins 727-479-8944 or Betty Minimi 727-239-0330 Angel Therapy and PTSD presented by Kelli Jenkins, Angel Therapy Practitioner. 4th Thursday

Conscious Creating 101 7 pm to 8:30

Daytex 10300 49th St N. (us 19 & 49th. st N.) Clearwater. Price: $28.00 or $8.00 Contact: Guy N. Larsson 727-657-3337. Create the life you desire. Learn how to more consciously direct your sub-conscious creative process

Friday, August 26th

The UFO and Paranormal Crystal and Tibetan Bowl Concert @ 7:00 Group 1:15-4:30pm. South Manatee Library 6081 26th Street, PM Health and Harmony Center, Fort Myers,

15951 McGregor Blvd, Contact for Reservation: 239-433-5995. $20. Bring A Pillow and A Blanket and Let the Sounds Integrate into the Body!

Saturday, August 27th Psychic Faire 10am-4pm

The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers. Cost: 25min for $25 Contact: 239-9392769. Choose from an assortment of wellestablished and gifted healers. Tarot readers, Palm reader, soul chart progression, Oracle cards, full chart astrology analysis, rune caster, DNA and psychic cord cutting, two Mediums, chakra cleansing and alignment, and Shamanic Journeys.

Learn How to See Aura’s 10 am-12 pm

Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail, Venice Price: $20 Contact: Join renowned Psychic Medium Richard Blanchard in this FUN & EXCITING fully interactive workshop about Aura’s.

West, Bradenton. Cost: Free will donation. Contact: Jackie 941-7920308. A video Akashic Records and the Illusion of Time by Kevin Todeschi. Past + Present + Future = NOW. What is time? Do our past lives, present life, and future lives all occur at the same time. Afterwards Carol Camp presents new information about the pineal gland and its placement within the brain.

A YogaBiz Coaching Workshop Leah Fulford 1:30-5:30 Living

Room Yoga, 1608 29th Ave N, St. Pete. Price: $140 by 8/13; $165 afterwards Contact: (727) 826-4754 Jane Arnold or Stacy Renz www. Leah will guide you on your path to getting your next 3 private yoga clients! Includes workshop & 2 1 hr follow-up coaching calls & CEU’s. Register at www.

Beginners Introduction to Tarot with Justin Martz. 10:00 AM till Noon. Creekside Gems & Minerals 5914 Trouble Creek Rd. New Port Richey. Price: $25.00 per person Contact: Lisa @Creekside Gems & Minerals (727) 845-5451 Tues thru Sat 10AM to 6PM. In this class we explore the 78 cards of our modern popular Tarot, their history and various practical applications. Every 3rd Saturday

Pot Luck Dinner 7pm

Sound & Vibration: Energy Medicine & Sound Healing 27th & 28th Saturday 11pm-

Last Sunday Sacred Drumming 4-5:30pm. The Labyrinth at Unity of

6pm; Sunday 10am-5pm. Clearwater, Fl. Price: $175 by 8/18; $200 after Contact: 12 CE for LMT’s; 828.333.0888 or Sound Healing immersion w/demos & practice sessions. Toning auric field, chakras & meridians has an immediate effect in altering brain chemistry & influencing our health.

Digital Aura Photo/Chakra Readings

11am - 7pm, Individual Sessions with Sparrow, Alafia River Aura Imaging. At Mystikal Scents, 9545 E. Fowler Ave., Thonotosassa. Cost: $30 for 30 minutes, $45 for 60 minutes Contact: 813986-3212 for appt., or walk-ins welcome. Includes Photo, interpretation of aura colors/chakra functioning, with some balancing techniques


Circle, 1219 Florida Ave, Palm Harbor. Price: $40.00 Contact: 727-785-1960. Internationally known Rev. Janet Reynolds & her Spirit Guide Blue Feather will be doing a gallery presentation and bringing messages from the spirit world. Patricia McGovern will guide you into a past life to help you understand specific relationships in this life. This can be very healing. Workshop also includes gift bags & handouts. Refreshments will be available next door at The Witch’s Brew.

Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Avenue North St. Petersburg. Price: free/ bring a dish to share Contact: 727-545-1122. Come meet our family and join in our fellowship! Monthly Event

Sunday, August 28th

Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Rd. Price: Suggested offering $5 Contact: Rev. Zan Butterfly Deerwoman 941922-7839. A fire circle with chanting and drumming . BYO chairs and water and extra drums to share. All are welcomed, seasoned drummers and new ones. Last Sunday

Wednesday, August 31st Tea Leaf Reading – The Art of Tasseography. 7pm The Labyrinth 12995 S. Cleveland Ave #108, Ft. Myers, Cost: $30 RSVP Contact: 239-939-2769. Learn how to read the tea leaves for yourself as well as others. Also receive a free tea leaf reading for yourself during this class. A tea party with extras! All materials included.


Ongoing Events Monday Healing with The Masters 7pm to 8:30pm Every 4th Monday, STARTING ON MAY 23, After Hours” at Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th Street N, St. Petersburg. Price: A love offering will be received; please give as you are guided. Join Emily Andrews for an evening of connecting with Ascended Masters, Teachers and Guides as she intuitively shares their Divine messages and serves as a conduit for their healing energy. Connect to Divine Wisdom that lovingly and powerfully encourages us to expand, while giving us guidance on how to become the highest versions of ourselves. Join us for an evening of transformation, healing, and true understanding! Please bring writing materials and arrive early, as the doors will close promptly at 7 pm to honor sacred space. A Journey Within” Soul Service 7pm Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin Price: $10. Love Donation Contact: Kathy 727286-6279. COME FEED YOUR SOUL! Rev Debbie Dienstbier & Alania will be holding a weekly service includes Guided Meditation, Soul Sermon, Messages from Spirit. Private Readings Available. Qi Gong w/ Nicholas Lee Every Mon & Fridays 8pm. The Martial Way 9488 Seminole Blvd. Price: pre register / on going Contact: 727-507-1834. Description: Master Nicholas Lee will help teach you the Art of Healing breathe to help assist with your Vibrational Healing.( Many techniques). Also available for private healing sessions Angel Gathering, Every Second Monday 7pm, Wings Bookstore 4500 4th St. N. St Pete Price: Love Offering, Contact: emily@livingtoinspire. com, (813) 758-1139, Connect with your Angels & Archangels. During each gathering, Angelic beings are channeled & discussed. Participants are guided through powerful exercises, to encourage the Angelic connection. Emotional Freedom Technique & the Law of Attraction 7-9pm First & Third Monday (July 3rd Monday only), Unity of St Petersburg, 6168 1st Ave N, St Pete $10 suggested love offering, Juanita 727-360-5028, Megan 727-729-2246, WANT TO FEEL COMFORTABLE IN YOUR BODY? LEARN TO EASILY RELEASE OLD FEELINGS OF ANGER, FEAR, SADNESS, GUILT AND RETURN TO YOUR LOVING COMFORTABLE-IN-YOUR-BODY YOU. Creation Coaching 12pm to 5 pm Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin, Fl. (by Sea Riders) Price: $128.00 to $28.00 Contact: Guy Larsson 727-657-3337. Experience Creation Coaching, Indigo Energy Balancing Aura Chakra Balancing. Mondays & Fridays weekly

Tuesday Learn Voyager Tarot w/ Joe

August 11-Sept 8 (7-10pm) Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave North St. Pete. Price: RSVP Contact: 727-545-1122. Come and begin your journey with the world of Tarot! Joe is amazing and gives great understanding in opening the doors to your Gift! Discovering the True Self Rev. Barbara Calabrese, 7- 8:30pm, Starts: 02/01, 7 week course every Tuesday, Mystic See 411 West Dearborn St Englewood, Price: $75,, An accredited course through The College of Metaphysical Studies. Do you want to meet a wonderful person? Experience positive thinking for your highest potential. Living the Question 7 - 9 pm Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road, Sarasota. Price: $40.00 includes materials Contact: Rev. Amy Zehe. Each question, every thought, and all discussions lead to a deeper understanding. Find the deeper part of us that will walk with every step on your path. Tuesdays Aug 2 - 23

Self Realization Classes, 5:45 - 6:45 pm

Sarasota Gnostic Center, Clark Rd Sarasota Price: Love donation, Contact: (941) 228-9208, Experience Gnosis. Learn the secret practices used through the Ages. Relaxation-Concentration-Inner Change-Guided Meditation-Chakra ActivationAstral Projection Tarot, and much more. Mid-Week Faith Lift 7pm – 8pm Every Wednesday starting May 11, The Unitarian Universalist Church, 2470 Nursery Road in Clearwater. Music, meditation and interactive discussion are designed to bring out the best in your life through the conscious use of Spiritual Laws.


Intuitive readings with Staci B, 12 to 6 Enchanted Spirits, 712 Broadway, Dunedin, Contact: Kathy 727-286-6279, Quickly resolve an issue that is disturbing your peace with a reading from Staci B using her “Out your Ego” cards.

Intuitive readings with Alania 11 to 6 Enchanted Spirits 712 Broadway Dunedin Contact: Kathy 727-286-6279 Let the light and beauty surround you while your Spirit Guides show you the way to your highest potential.

Loving Your Inner Child with Angel Support 10AM. St. Pete. Price: Love Offering Contact: Megan Gray 727-729-2246 pre register. Description: Return to Love w/ a Safe Supportive Group. Rescript childhood messages in theta state. We use the book Homecoming by John Bradshaw New Group Forming!

Sun City Center Circle of Love discussion group meets at 11am. THE CHAKRA CENTER, 137 S. Pebble beach Blvd, Suite 201, Sun City Center Cost: No fee but love donations appreciated. Contact: 813-633-9400. Group is open to the public, just bring an open mind and a loving heart. We will be discussing everything Metaphysical, each week will be different.

Meditations/Readings/Healings w/Tony Fernandez, 7pm, Anahata, 945 Central Ave, Naples, Price: $15, 239-784-9519

Wednesday Trance Circle w/ Rev. Debbie Dienstbier 4:00pm Enchanted Spirit 712 Broadway Dunedin, Price: $20.00, Contact: 727-286-6279, Come join our psychic circle and connect with your loved ones and guides from the world of Spirit. Rev. Debbie works with Dr. Lydia Webster who was a Dr. in the 1800’s. FREE REIKI HEALING CLINIC 4 pm to 7 pm Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail, Venice, Contact: Our Reiki Masters tap into the divine source of energy to balance and heal your being. Relax and enjoy renewing and enlightening experience. Wednesdays

Class Series 2012 & More! 6:30 - 8 PM Location: Harmony Metaphysical Center, 2517 W. CHI KUNG MEDITATION GROUP 6pm-6:30pm Henry, Tampa, Price: $15 per class Contact: www. Celestial Circle, 1219 Florida Ave, Palm Harbor or 813-872-0295 727-785-1960. Price: $5.00. Come join us. We have a Anticipation or Apprehension? End of the world? weekly 30 minute Chi Kung meditation for empower- Come have fun exploring the myths, facts, & prophement and clarity of intuition. Cost just $5.00 cash. cies concerning 2012 & other ancient mysteries every week!. Every Wednesday evening.


Prayer and Meditation Service 7:30 pm - 8:15 pm Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, Price: Love Offering Contact: Rev. Elizabeth Thompson, Join us for a forty five minute prayer and meditation service every Wednesday evening beginning at 7:30 includes music, meditation and a candle/ prayer lighting ceremony. Every Wednesday Evening

Healing and Message Service 6:30 pm Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail, Venice Contact: Celebration service with inspirational speakers & messages from the Angels.Healing, prayer, music & meditation.Enjoy the connection to the Angels in a fun and uplifting energy. Folk Herbalist class 6:30 to 8:30 Enchanted Spirits 712 Broadway Dunedin Price: $18 to $28 Contact: Kathy 727-286-6279 Gathering Wisdom from a Flower, six- week herbal healing classes. Every Thursday evening for the month of July Ask and It Is Given: Law of Attraction in Action 7-9pm, Location: Unity of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Rd. Price: $10 Contact: Rev. Zan Benham 941-922-7839 Focus is on the practical application of the principles of the Law of Attraction and Allowing using the many works of Hicks/Abraham. New students welcomed. Joyful Yoga with Megan, 6-7pm Fossil Park Rec. Center, 6635 Dr. MLK Jr. St. N., St Pete, 727-893-7756, $25/mo or $7/class. 1st Class FREE, Breathe light and love through your body and spirit while enjoying deep yoga stretching. Megan 727-729-2246

Rock Your World 7:00pm Alternative Health Therapy 1201 Sheridan Rd Clw., Price: Love Donation Contact: 727-449-9090, Discussing and exploring the tools of Conscious Evolution. Open to the energy of the Crystal World. share and learn. Limited Reservations. Attention Crystal & Rock Hounds, 7-9pm Alternative Health Therapies, 1201 Sheridan Road Clearwater, Price: $3.00, 727449-9090, Discussing and Exploring the tools of Conscious Evolution through the energy of Crystals and Stones.B,Y.O.C. to share and learn!

Friday “A JOURNEY WITHIN” Soul Service w/ Rev. Debbie Dienstbier, 3-4:15 PM; The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Suite 201, Sun City Center, Price: $10 Love Donation Contact: 813-6339400, Come feed your soul! Reverend Deb’s weekly service includes a Guided Meditation, Soul Sermon and Personal Messages from Spirit. Private readings also available. Free Belly Dance Class Fridays 6 – 7pm, Hip Expressions Belly Dance Studio, 1108 62nd Ave N, Saint Pete, Price: FREE, 727.459.8558 www., Discover how belly dance is great spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Join the belly dance community – be strong, be sexy, belly dance!

Saturday Dream workshop with John 10 to 12 Enchanted Spirits 712 Broadway Dunedin Contact: Kathy 727-286-6279, Dreams are your link to your divine. Do you know how many millionaires were created because they paid attention to their dreams. What are yours saying to you? Beginners Introduction to Tarot with Justin Martz 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Every Fourth Saturday, Creekside Gems & Minerals 5914 Trouble Creek Rd. New Port Richey. Price: $20.00 Contact: Lisa Monk (727) 845-5451. In this class we will explore the 78 cards of our modern popular Tarot, their history, and various practical applications.

other healing modalities such as crystal bowls, tuning forks, toning and drumming. All modalities are welcome! LOVE DONATION 10.00 Attunements with certificates for Reiki level 1 or 2 ~ 25.00 Reiki Master 100.00

Sunday One From The Heart Healing Sessions 9:30-10:15 A.M., 4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota (Knights of Columbus Bldg ), Price: FREE,, CSA Healing Practitioners offer 15 min. sessions to bring about a state of mind that responds in the reflection of Wholeness, Peace, and Love Sunday Worship Service 10:30am Healing Share w/ Rich Davis 1-3pm Temple of Love & Healing 3700 40 Ave North St. Pete. Price: $10 or 3 for $25 Contact: 727-545-1122. Using many healing modalities/ Anyone needing healing may attend! Every Sunday with the exception of the first week of August. Mystical Faire / Psychic Faire, 1pm-5pm 2nd Sunday, Anahata Holistic Healing & Spiritual Center, 945 Central Ave., Naples, Free Entry, (239) 262-0811, A fun way to sample the eclectic offerings we have at discounted prices. Tarot Readings, Cord Cuttings, Henna Tattoos, Sound Therapy, Reiki, Hypnosis & More. Sunday Worship Service 10:30am CENTER FOR METAPHYSICAL FELLOWSHIP, 2044 Bispham Road, Sarasota. Start your Sunday with a smile at our 10:30am worship service. Hands on healing, inspirational talk, special music and spirit messages. 941-2668435 www.cmfsarasota.orgnn Sunday Spiritual Service 10:30 am - and 6:30 pm Angel Ministries, 2269 Tamiami Trail, Venice. Contact:, Description: Healing and Prayer Service and Messages from the Angels. Receive inspiration and healing energy from our healers, speakers, music, and meditation. All are welcome!

Daily New Services at the Dutch ReTreat Dutch ReTreat Massage, Village Plaza, 16621 US301 South, Wimauma, Natural Nails & Skin Care - Call Dee (941-228-6306), Auto Accident Massage Therapy, PIP insurance accepted Call Deb (813-763-0340)

Reiki Share with the Horses, 6pm-9pm New Port Richey, Price: 10.00, Contact: 727-207-5056, Rene Trebing & Debbie Dienstbeir will be hosting a weekly Reiki share amongst the giant oaks with the horses. A second table will be set up inside. After 7pm Debbie will be available for private readings beside the fire. We utilize


Naturopathic/Holistic Medicine Family Healing Center, Dr. Christina Captain,

Dom, 1219 East Ave S #104 Sarasota, 941-951-1119,,, FHC is an integrative, alternative health care practice, incorporating traditional western ideology with Eastern & other holistic strategies. Integration of East meets West allows the center to provide specialized treatment for a wide range of health problems.

Wellness Works, Dr. Carol Roberts M.D.

1322 Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34243 941-358-1071, We offer our patients an evaluation, treatment, and education based on the holistic model of body-mindspirit. To recognize that the best form of treatment is determined by the individual need and preference to incorporate education to maintain the body and the mind.

Alternative Health Therapies

1201 Sheridan Rd., Clearwater, 727-449-9090,, Acupunture, Prolotheraphy, Mesotheraphy, Massage, Acupressure, Reflexology, Veterans Support, Classical Homeopathy, Anti Stress Support, Chinese Herbal Therapy. A Path to Wellness, LLC Dr. Christopher Jackson, Ph.D., DOM, AP 6405 9th St. N. (Dr. MLK Jr. St. N.), St Pete, 33702, www.apathtowellnessllc. comHolistic physician focused on the cause, treating body, mind, and spirit. Natural medicine from around the world with western naturopathic and eastern medicine combined.

Acupuncture Physicians Longevity Wellness Clinic

2106 Bispham Rd, Sarasota, 941-225-2338, Experience 21st Century ZYTO Technology integrated with the ancient Healing Arts of the Orient and find the Longevity and Wellness solutions you deserve!

Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic of Ruskin

203 W. Shell Point Road Ruskin, FL 33570 813-645-8168 fax 813-645-8169, Dr. Ken is also a certified Thought Field Therapist, Reflexologist, Hypnotherapist, Meridian Response Technique, and retired psychologist. Light Therapy for myofascial pain, fibromyalgia, joint pain, bruising, fracturs, muscle problems, and wounds.

Higher Education East West College of Natural Medicine

3808 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, 941-355-9080, EWC strives to be the leading provider in Oriental Medicine education, by training practitioners who embody the highest level of professionalism and provide quality and compassionate healthcare.

Everglades University

6001 Lake Osprey Dr, Suite 110, Sarasota, 888-785-8689, Earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Alternative Medicine! Small classes. Herboloy, Naturopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Feng Shui, Nutrition, Detoxification and Healing, Ayurvedic Medicine and more!


Energy/Spiritual Healing The Longhouse, A Healing Arts Centre

2309 49th Street S., Gulfport 727.322.5766 • We offer a variety of complementary health practices by licensed and skilled practitioners such as relaxation and neuromuscular massage, Reiki, CranioSacral Therapy, Somato-Emotional Release, Shiatsu and Reflexology.

(EFT) Emotional Freedom Techniques & The Law of Attraction

Enchanted Spirits

712 Broadway, Dunedin, 727-286-6279 NEW earthbound shop offering books, gifts, private readings, and a variety of classes!

Enchanted Earth

733 Main Street, Dunedin, 727-216-6594 kim@, Merry Meet,a truly magical place for all your spiritual needs. Readings,healing,and classes are offered.

The Power of One

Unity of St Pete 6168 1ST AVE N. St Pete. 727-360-5028 or 727-729-2246 Juanita Christy & Megan Gray, MA, Private and group sessions. Juanita, EFT Certified Coach has practiced meditation for over 35 years. Megan has 28 Years experience of coaching and Yoga Therapy.

238 W Tampa Ave, Venice Center Mall 941-488-6714, Intuitive readers, energy workers, stones, crystals, soy flakes, art work, meditation and mantra meditation, fresh cut flowers, psychic fairs at the end of each month on Saturdays.

Alafia River Aura Imaging

Gfits of Harmony Bookstore

Riverview, Florida, 813-601-1276 Aura Photos, Research, Workshops, and Counseling — Certified Aura/Chakra Analyst, Ayurveda Practitioner, and Reiki Master. Utilizing the Biopulsar Reflexograph, Sparrow combines personal experience with multiple knowledge systems to interpret your aura photo.

2517 W Henry Ave, Tampa,Fl 33614 813.872.0295, “Like Minds, Different Paths, One Place”. Unique jewelry and gifts, music, aromatherapy, incense, stones and crystals, oils, books, divination cards,clothing and much more!

Energy Sound Healer, Robert Austin

941-822-9046, Discover the healing properties of crystal and Tibetan Bowls. Available for private sessions, concerts and workshops.

8805 Tamiami Trail North #130, Naples 239.821.2266. Handcrafted gemstone jewelry and highly therapeutic Integrative Relaxation programs (lectures, classes and workshops) for individuals and businesses to help you live a fuller, more balanced life.

Indigo Energy Sculptor

Miracles Metaphysical Bookstore

St. Petersburg- Palm Harbor - Sarasota 727-657-3337, CREATION COACHING- A proven way of consciously direct your manifestation utilizing Indigo Quantum Bio-Feedback to balance energy and remove blocks.


Stonewater Studio

1950 2nd Ave. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33713 727-822-3157, Miracles offers humanitarian and environmentally conscious merchandise; plus free information cards about many products. Ask for your ‘Frequent Shopper Thank You’ card. Free Wi-Fi.

Mystic See, 941-921-3613, Sense subtle energy, channel divine frequency, retrieve soul fragments, link to past and future lives, connect with Spirit Guides & Angels.

411 West Dearborn Street Englewood 941.473.3816, An enlightened gift and book shop and spiritual empowerment center offering Intuitive Readings, massage, classes, meditation and special events to enhance our daily living.

Mystic Faire

Heavenly Things, Inc


The Lightworks Healing Method

Sarasota Municipal Auditorium, 801 Tamiami Trail N, Sarasota, 239-949-3387 Region’s largest psychic fair! Hundreds of vendors, psychics, and healers, great food, door prizes, $5 cover, free lectures, July 23, 11-7

Finding Joy Through Transformation, Weekend retreat coming July 29-31. We facilitate transformation, you find your joy! Are you ready to discover your true, authentic self? Break through limitations? Open your heart?

Bookstores/Learning Elysian Fields Books & Gifts

1273 S. Tamiami Trail Midtown Plaza Sarasota 941-361-3006, Award winning store in Sarasota where something wonderful is always happening! Books, music, jewelry, crystals, incense, candles, clothing, personal care, greeting cards.

216 First Avenue N (Jannus Landing) St. Pete 727 822 8938, Unique art pieces, mystical objects, spiritual music, encouraging books, happy gadgets, popular relaxing products, fine arts & crafts, aromatherapy, essential oils, jewelry, altar pieces, tarot cards, semi-precious gemstones, incense & much more.

The Chakra Center

137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd Ste 201, Sun CIty Center 813-633-9400, Offering spiritual books, crystals, readings incense, jewelry, gifts and more. Full array of classes and workshops for enlightenment. Laughter yoga classes. Where light seekers gather.

Anahata ~ Holistic Healing & Spiritual Center, 945 Central Ave., Naples 239-262-0811, An eclectic offering of services, staff members, and products. Naples’ ONLY eco-friendly metaphysical store. You can Skype with our psychics & attend LIVE classes online.

The Way of Positive Change

3006 Del Prado Blvd S, Ste C, Cape Coral, 239-5410227, GRAND OPENING! Readings, healing, crystals, herbal blends, incense, oils, jewelry & more!

Artists/Musicians Jack Alexander, 941-359-9222, His artworks adorn the homes of actor Dustin Hoffman, Archbishop D. Tutu of South Africa & diplomats & dignitaries worldwide. Clients, decorators, contractors and collectors call him a “master” and credit his work as having healing properties.

Gifts/Supplies Creekside Gems & Minerals

Spiritual Coaching

Megan Gray 727-729-2246 Motivation, releasing blocks. EFT, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. M.A. Counseling 1983.

Alma Quest

Elena C. Jones,, St Pete 727321-3366, Sarasota 941-907-0525 Spiritual Life Coaching, Ministerial Services, Reiki Sessions, Spiritual Counseling, Readings, Classes, Creating My Intentions Conference.

Integrated Mindset, LLC, Cindy Snowball

941-524-1022, Health and Wellness Life Coaching. Find your life path through I See Your Dream Job coaching using numerology, astrology and intuition. “Intrigue the mind, nourish the spirit and energize the body.”

Trouble Creek Rd. New Port Richey 727-845-5451, Super-Natural Treasures is what you’ll find here at Creekside. Amazing rocks everywhere you turn. Large selection of organic teas & tinctures, books, tarot cards, wands, etc..

Higher Vibrational Living

Underground Crystals

Alternative Healing & Holistic Practitioner,, Wholesale minerals of all kinds!

Business/Personal Services Moxy Women

St. Petersburg,, 727-8223590, Find, keep, and share your moxy! Join the online community of Women Taking Care of Business!

Professional Proofreading, Susan Barton

407-382-0313, 15 years of professional experience. Polish your materials and solidify your image with a professional proofreader. Friendly, timely, extremely accurate.

Triple 3 Marketing

Randall Moore, 941-321-2984 Help your business enhance relationships with customers, strategic partners, and media professionals. We provide integrated marketing solutions, quality advertising, and practical communication tools that support your goals.

Interiors by Rene, Venice

518-312-8433, Interior decorating using ecofriendly materials, green designs, and feng shui to create an environment that promotes feelings of safety and comfort and encourage expansion and growth.

In the Flow Solutions 787-235-8788 Intuitive ideas, innovative solutions, venues of possibilities and the best course of action strategies to manage your business and get your life in Divine Order.

Counseling & Life Coaching Lightharts Coaching

Venice Holistic Center, 251 Tamiami Trail (on the Island) 941-966-6190, Individual, group and phone coaching sessions, Intuitive readings, Reiki, Past Life Regressions, Commissioned Soul Paintings, Spirit-minded Business Seminars, Angelic painting. 941-706-2210 We provide Life coaching, parent coaching, resource materials, tools and support as you ascend to higher vibrational frequencies of consciousness, which then leads to a higher vibrational way of life for you! Zan Benham, 941-922-7839,, Spiritual counselor, Reiki Master and teacher, Hypnosis, Regressions,shamanic practitioner, shaman journeys, soul retrieval,intuitive readings, classes, all for your expansion, empowerment and healing.

Victoria Hawkins, 727-793-7458 Intuitive art sessions, psychotherapy, mandala art workshops, private or small group yoga, therapeutic space clearing.

Churches/Spiritual Centers Unity Campus, First Unity & Wings Bookstore, 4500 4th Street North, St Petersburg FL

727-527-2222, Unity Campus is a spiritual community that teaches a positive, practical and progressive approach to spirituality.

Unity Church of Sarasota

Rev. Elizabeth Thompson, Minister 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, Florida 34231 941-955-3301, Unity is a positive approach to life, seeking to accept the good in people and all of life.

Center for Conscious Living

6152 126th Avenue, Suite 501, Largo, 727-538-0900, We are a Science of Mind New Thought center offering spiritual tools to improve our personal lives and make the world a better place.

Universal Harmony

5903 Seminole Blvd. Seminole fl. 727-392-7725, Our philosophy and mission is to present spiritual truth in a “universal” manner and to emphasize “harmony” in the individual path of Life-and-Living.

Harmony Metaphysical Church and Spiritual Life Center

2517 W Henry Ave Tampa, 813.872.0295, www. At Harmony we’re dedicated to spiritual growth and transformation so that people of all denominations can find the tools to realize and express their Divinity.

Radiance of Sarasota

2868 Ringling Blvd Sarasota, FL 34237 941-927-6797 or 941-362-0440 Experience Inspiration & Wellness in All Areas of Your Life! Come to Radiance of Sarasota and BE Well! Heal the Body, Quiet the Mind, Balance the Emotions, Open to Your Inspiration

Center of Spiritual Awareness

4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota (Knights of Columbus Bldg), 941-926-7828 We welcome you with open arms and open hearts, to a warm, loving, divine fellowship of “The Spirit”, honoring diversity, nurturing creativity and celebrating community.

New Thought Center for Creative Living

Rev. Marla Sanderson, Meets at: Unitarian Universalist Church, 2470 Nursery Road in Clearwater, 727-475-8991,, Realizing a Greater Experience Of Life For All Through Practical Spirituality. “Mid-Week Faith Lift” every Wednesday 7pm, includes meditation, music and interactive discussion. Apply spiritual laws to daily life.

Temple of Love & Healing

3700 40 AVE. N., St.Petersburg 727-522-7133, Our metaphysical church is helping the community to open hearts and minds to an enlightened path. Weddings,Baptisms, Classes,Book Store

Sanctuary of Light Healing & Spiritual Center, 5114 Trouble Creek Rd., Newport Richie, 727-9472641 or 727-945=1879 We believe in the free will of all people to worship the God of their understanding in an atmosphere of love,unity and caring.

Sarasota Center of Light 852 S. Tuttle Ave Sarasota, 941 953-6620, Metaphysical Spirituality embraces spiritual teachings of all world religions. Sunday morning services include vibration healing and Sunday evening services include messages from Spirit loved ones.

Center for Metaphysical Fellowship

2044 Bispham Road Sarasota, FL 941-266-8435 Start your Sunday smiling at our 10:30am service. Hands on healing, inspirational talk, special music and Spirit messages. Healing Share 2nd and 4th Tues 7:00pm.

Healthy Eating Mi Pueblo Mexican Restaurant Organico

8405 Tuttle Ave Sarasota, 941-359-9303, www., Organic Vegan & Living Food menu and a Traditional Mexican menu. Healthy whole food catering to special dietary needs including gluten free and dairy free options with all the flavor of Mexico.

Whole Foods Market - 1451 1st Street, Sarasota - (941) 955-8500, The expertise and advantages of a farmer’s market, a specialty wine and cheese market, a grocer, an old-fashioned butcher, a fishmonger!


Heartmade Gluten-free Sweets & Treats

Lisa Stoler 727-686-3767, Heartmade’s handmade biscotti is delicious and contains only natural, gluten-free ingredients. Perfect for holiday parties and holiday and corporate gifts!

Healthy Hut Market, Restaurant, Cafe

595 Corey Ave., St Pete Beach 727-363-hhut (4488), At the Healthy Hut, our mission is to add one more choice for a healthy lifestyle to your daily commute, bringing you the highest quality products and services in the pursuit of a life well lived seeking maximum human longevity and quality of life.

Mabry’s Market

5129 E State Rd 674 Wimauma Fl 33595 813-957-3148, Specializing in organic herbs, fresh produce, farm eggs, naturally raised meat, dried herbs and spices, fresh bread and other locally produced product.

Essentials for Health Colon Therapy Sue Ontiveros LMT, CT, 5710 4th Street North Suite 4 St Petersburg, 727.906.6675,, We specialize in colon therapy, nutrition, and detoxification. Colon therapist, Sue Ontiveros, has performed over 8,000 colonics making her well qualified in her field.

The Psychic’s Psychic Bill Linn, Psychic/Medium 727-527-5797, PO Box 21704, St Petersburg, FL Radio and TV personality, rated #1 in accuracy. Psychic readings, spirit readings, aura readings, telephone readings.

Garden of Eve Studio Eve Torres, LMT/Colonic Therapist 7754 66th Street, Pinellas Park, 727-748-9017, www., Specialists in detoxification therapies: colonic hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage, ear coning, ionic foot detox, nutritional supplements and therapeutic massage.

Living to Inspire, Emily Andrews

Massage/Body Work

(813) 758-1139, Intuitive Coaching, Angel Readings & Healing Sessions, & Past Life Readings. Workshops: Awaken your Intuition, Connect with your Angels, Connect with your Past Lives, Intuitive Parenting, & Meditation.

Cynthia Castillo

The Chakra Center 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd. Suite 201 Suncity Center 33573 Deb van Raalten, LMT MA#55854 813-645-4979, SCC Village Plaza, Suite 104 (US301 S / SR674), CALLING ALL ANGELS! Rev. Cindy uses her life (813) 763-0340,, Manual experiences to help guide you in the here & now. Lymph Drainage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Connect with your angels, Intuitive readings. Health & Wellness Release, Amethyst BioMat, Bamboo Fusion, Hot Stones, Reflexology & Organic customized EsAnthony Fernandez, Medium doTERRA, CPTG Essential Oil sential Oils, Natural Vitamins, Minerals, Herbals & Anahata, 945 Central Ave, Naples Robin Lesia LeBleu, P.O. Box 230, Parrish, FL 34219, Botanicals. Psychic, spiritual reading, phone reading, group 813-545-1256, classes and meditations, angelic healing and mesDoTerra, Certified Pure Therapeutic grade, Essential Past Life Regression sages, crystal healings, private meditations in your Oil. Holistic health care at home. CPTG essential oils, home. Gift certificates available. with their healthful properties, vs Over The Counter Forever Souls, Elissa Bentsen drugs. 941-706-3583, Spa and Beauty Elissa Bentsen is a certified hypnotist who trained Ochunsoino’s Spiritual and Natural Health with Dr. Brian Weiss and was inspired by the work of Mermaid Minerals 203B W Shellpoint Rd, Ruskin, Fl 33570 Dr. Michael Newton, a specialist in Life Between Life 306 Orange St, Palm Harbor 813-649-4789, www. Regression and Soul Trauma Healing. Discover your 727-785-4444, Dedicated to all natural vitamins, supplements, organic soul’s past to heal the present. Our product formulas are infused with natural earth products supplying a diverse selection of spiritual and made ingredients. We left out toxic chemicals and Pets metaphysical products to the community. preservatives to bring you quality products to protect and preserve your skin.


Cynthia Kasper Hypnotherapy

Cindy Kasper, Clinical Hypnotherapist 5104 N Lockwood Ridge Rd, Ste 301 Sarasota 9418937932, Change your life with hypnotherapy. Resolve issues with weight, smoking, anger, fear, anxiety, sadness, chronic pain, cancer and insomnia. Enhance sports performance, motivation and self-esteem.

St. Petersburg Hypnosis Center

Tamara Shadday C.Ht., 3530 1st Ave. N. Suite 105 St. Petersburg, 727-452-5630,, Create Transformation and Positive Life Changes With Hypnosis. Weight Management, Smoking Cessation, Prosperity Thinking, Stress Reduction, Release Fear, Change Habits, Increase Confidence, Stop Procrastination, Sleep Better, Set Goals. Reprogram the Subconscious Mind Today. FREE Consultation with Tamara.

Detox and Cleansing Oasis Natural Therapies, Inc.

955 E. Del Webb Blvd. E #101, Sun City Center, 813309-3039, Colon Hydrotherapy (L.I.B.B.E. Open System) L.I.F.E. Biofeedback, BioMat Farinfared Therapy, IonCleanse Detox Footbath, Cleanse your body of toxins and reclaim your health!


Dutch Retreat Massage & Wellness Clinic

Give a Dog a Bone

6170 N Us Hwy 41 Apollo Beach Fl. 33572 813-641-3734, We strive for the best products at the best prices! We carry only all natural dog and cat food/treats. Our products contain human grade meat, fruits, and vegetables with no by-products. We also bake all natural bones & cakes in the store daily.

Readers/Intuitives A JOURNEY WITHIN, Rev. Debbie Dienstbier

The Chakra Center 137 S. Pebble Beack Blvd. Suite 201 Sun City Center 33573 727-433-3896, Trance Medium, Clairvoyant, Healer. Over 20 years experience. Available Friday at the Chakra Center Sun City by appointment. 3pm Fridays “A Journey Within” Soul Service.

Intellectual Metaphysics, Marcia Bender

Nancy Homes Holmes, Esthetician

941-416-7409, Voted A Natural Awakenings Favorite Anti-Aging Practitioner for 2010. Bellanina Facelift Massage Specialist & Seminar Instructor. Face and Body Treatments that Refresh, Rejuvenate, and Relax

Mediation/Yoga/Martial Arts Womens Meditation Group

Jo Mooy, 941-866-5752,, Women’s guided meditations on the New & Full Moons for global and personal healing. Healers offer complimentary energy services. Sacred space, chanting, silence, at Rising Tide Spiritual Center.

The Way Of Martial Arts

9488 Seminole Blvd. Seminole Fl. 33772 727-507-1834, Tai Ji, Qi Gong, Meditation, Tae Kwon Do, Chinese Boxing, Weapons

941-924-1721, Over 40 years in all aspects of Metaphysics and specialization in Tarot and Numerology. Marcia has taught over 400 students to “read” the Tarot. Currently Yoga Moves Accepting Students. 1045 9th Avenue N, St. Petersburg, 727-251-8868 We strive to uphold the Carla Mary ancient healing art of Hatha Yoga. Class size is, 941-729-5142 941-320-2687, small to ensure more personal guidance from our Connecting the tools to heal the mind body Spirit experienced teachers. Our therapeutic approach Spiritual/Intuitive Readings; Channeled, Psychic, emphasizes self-care and self-healing. Medium, Reiki, CranioSacral, Healings, Massage Therapy, Classes MA#35225

Diagnostic: Blood, Saliva and Urine Laboratory Testing Hair Analysis Stool Analysis Applied Kinesiology Toxicity and Nutritional Analysis Affordable Laboratory Testing


Save Face.

Christina Captain DOM, AP, SLP

Acupuncture Electro Acupuncture Auricular Acupuncture Lifecare Counseling Wellness Coaching Nutritional Planning Chinese Herbs Homeopathy Allergy Elimination Jaffee-Mellor Technique Acu-point Injection Therapy B-12 Injections Stop Smoking Treatment Weight Loss Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation Detoxification Programs Saliva Hormone Testing Hormone Balancing Supplement and Medication Review

Lauren Rathvon DOM, AP

Three individualized natural treatments that effectively rejuvenate and increase your facial skin’s vitality for a healthier, more youthful appearance.

1. Natural Bio Rejuvenation: Firm up sagging skin and reduce wrinkles with affordable all natural homeopathic bio-injections. Great results in only six sessions.

2. Acutron Rejuvenation: Gentle microcurrents stimulate acupuncture points for enhanced production of elastin and collagen to reduce tired lines and wrinkles at the deepest levels. Includes color light therapy treatments to restore natural vibrancy. Great results in only six sessions.

3. Mei Zen Rejuvenation:

Specific body acupuncture technique that treats skin internally and externally, promoting a younger, more vibrant face. Great results in 10 – 20 sessions.

See For Yourself.

Visit for more information, client photos and testimonials. For a free consultation, call Christina Captain, DOM, AP or Lauren Rathvon, DOM, AP at 941/951.1119.

ANNUAL COMPLEMENTARY CARE PACKAGES AVAILABLE You and your whole family can enjoy the benefits of regular complementary care all year! For more information, go to:

Weight Loss Seminar August 18th, 6pm

Facial Rejuvenation Seminar August 25th, 6pm 941/951.1119 to RSVP for either.

Convenient Downtown Office Location: 1219 East Avenue South, Suite 104 at the Midtown Medical Park. 941/951.1119 ~ ~ 55


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