Transformation Dec 2010

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Events Section Title Real Community Life Transformation

AWAKENING with the Editor Tipping the Applecart


TOOLS & TIPS Winter Solstice & Lunar Eclipse Winter Wonderland Tea Successfully Navigating the Holidays

8 11 18

HEALTHY LIVING Ask a Colon Therapist


COLUMNS An Apple a Day The Way It Is Practical Spirituality Ask Dr ZZ Spiritually Speaking Enlightened Relationships Ask Your Angels

6 9 12 13 19 21 23


24 28

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Natalie is a Transformation Coach who has worked with hundreds of individuals seeking to live a life of purpose and genuine relationship with their true selves, others, and their world. She believes in uncovering the core of life challenges and creating change by rewriting our scripts and rewiring our brains. This column addresses the Awakening and the resulting transformations being seen and experienced in our community and within our own lives.

•••••••••••••••••• Tipping the Applecart

Nothing stands still in life. Change is constant, inevitable. As you read these words you are moving, growing, changing. This being the case you would think we humans might be more accustomed to the change process. Instead we often live in resistance, or even fierce opposition, to change, and therefore to life itself. There are many reasons for this, but generally the cause is fear brought on by our unconscious attachment to our mind-made identity. By unconscious I mean we’re not aware of it. By attachment I mean a clinging-to, a dependency on. By mind-made identity I mean the who-we-think-we-are; our roles, our beliefs, other’s beliefs about us, our material goods, our accomplishments, our relationships, our failures, what we do for a living – our egos. In other words,

We cling to the circumstances that make up our current life situation because we believe that if they change we will lose part of our “self,” and therefore, we fear change. There are many ways to dismantle this false identity, bring the unconscious into awareness, and break through the fear. But, those are all topics for another day. Today I’m going to discuss why we are seeing unprecedented change going on around us and why so many of us are not only having change forced upon us, but are choosing to ride the wave of change and totally transforming our lives. The Applecart: If you have ever been advised (or heard the idiom) “Don’t upset the applecart,” you are being told not to disturb the way things are done because it might ruin things. In general, we all tend to live by this often unspoken rule. We go about our lives collecting apples and piling them neatly into our carts, taking care not to “upset” the others. The apples here represent all of those aspects of the “mind-made identity” that we discussed above. When the road gets bumpy our primary goal


is to traverse the challenge unscathed – applecart intact. A tremendous amount of our energy goes into sustaining the applecart. When we discover rotten apples we usually discretely tuck them underneath a shiny one, afraid discarding it might cause too great a shift. When we encounter new apples we face them with an intense skepticism; we evaluate whether any new apples will shift the balance within the cart, or perhaps make us question the value of other items in the cart. Even a very appealing, potentially healing new apple - that deep down we know is “just right” - will quickly be passed by if we get even a hint that it might lead to a change in the contents or structure of our applecart.

“God forbid we’d have to shift, change, or adjust. Oh no, no, we mustn’t do that. Anything, but upsetting the applecart.” So, we already agree that life is a continuous change process, and we’ve already acknowledged that humans have a strong tendency to resist this change. However, we left out one important point, and that is that the resistance to make largescale changes – total transformations – is not something unique to humanity. All of the natural world appears to operate the same way. Natural Scientists and Evolutionary Psychologists alike have shown us that all evolution (which simply means passing to a different stage or changing inherited traits) follows the same pattern: extremely long periods of time in which a particular species exists unchanged, followed by a rapid period of evolutionary growth. From fossil records we have been shown clearly that species change and adapt only after pushed to their limits of survival. For instance, fossil records show compelling evidence that at some point(s) fish transformed in order to live on land. Imagine Earth covered in water. The earth’s inhabitants freely roamed the waters until the geologic forces of volcanoes and tectonic shifting (along with other processes) brought more and more of the earth’s land above the surface of the water. As groups of fish found themselves in pools of water cut off from the main ocean, they had to adapt to their new surroundings. As the water evaporated, and wasn’t being re-fed from another source, the fish were pushed to the brink of extinction. Their only means of survival was to evolve to life on land, which they did, growing legs and lungs and stepping foot onto dry land. And once they began this transition it happened rather rapidly. Back to the Applecart: What does this have to do with the applecart? Well, humans are no different.

We wait until we are pushed to the brink of extinction before we are willing to change, to evolve. On a broad scale, many believe humans are pushing our limits and that without rapid, wide-spread change, both internally and in how we interact with our world, we will no longer be able to sustain our current form of existence. On an individual scale (partially in response to this broader change that’s occur-

ring) we are each being pushed toward our personal evolution points. Read last month’s Awakening article online for more thoughts on how and why we are experiencing this greater shift. As the economy continues to crumble, more and more of us are losing our jobs, our houses, our possessions, as well as the mind-made selves and identities that we have wrapped up in such things. Even those of us who haven’t been affected directly are feeling the fear that we might be next or the unease knowing that our world may never be the same. To put it plainly, our applecarts are being upset. Tipped on its side, our apples spill out, destroying their precise arrangement, uncovering the rotten apples that were meticulously tucked out of site – now obvious and exposed, rotting in the sun. How embarrassing. Or not!

So many people are breathing a sigh of relief, often to their own surprise. No longer do they have to spend countless hours obsessing over their apples. No longer do they have to worry that someone might suspect, or even get a glimpse of, their rotten apples. No longer do they feel obligated to pass by apples that don’t neatly fit in their cart. It’s already upset, already “ruined.” So, now there’s nothing to lose. With nothing left to cling to, we finally let go. Once the applecart has tipped, people begin to truly look at what they have been storing. They examine the decay and toss out the ones that no longer serve them – the relationships, the jobs, the locations, the stuff. And just like the fish, once people have reached this point, evolution takes over and kicks it up a notch. Once you start the process of change, more and more of it keeps happening.

Before you know it you have completely transformed. And so is life. If you, too, have found yourself standing in awe of the remnants of your old life, your old identity, and finally in integrity with your True Self, join the club. You are not alone! So, knowing all of this, instead of resisting these changes, embrace them; go with the flow, allow them to transform you, use the confusion, the pain, the newness of change to awaken you to deeper meanings, new possibilities, and the deeper parts of your true self.

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Let’s look at some of the chemicals we blithely bring into our homes, and make a conscious decision to stop using them.

Carol L. Roberts, M.D. is the founder and Medical Director of WELLNESS WORKS located in Brandon and Sarasota. Dr. Roberts graduated from Harvard University and the University of Texas Medical School, specializing in Otolaryngology and Emergency Medicine. She practiced ENT for ten years, followed by eight years of Emergency Medicine. During much of that time, she practiced and taught the principles of healthy living. In 1994, she opened her private practice, WELLNESS WORKS so that she could devote her career to the integration of conventional medicine with natural and holistic healing.

•Change • • •is in• the• air• this • •morning. • • •The• weather • • •here• •in Florida

has suddenly transformed itself from high summer to chilly fall/winter. We find ourselves once again on the holiday express train, the rapidly moving time capsule that uploads us with the arrival of the Jewish High Holidays, and spills us out into January 2nd, where we will try to find a new equilibrium in a new year. In looking forward to the year 2011 (doesn’t that sound like science fiction?) let us envision a cleaner world for ourselves and our progeny.

For example, many of the glue solvents we use in the home can kill our children surprisingly easily. The application of nail enhancers, polish and artificial nails, require a strong solvent to remove them when the color is changed or the nails grow out. This solvent, if swallowed in sufficient quantity (one or two ounces will work) will poison the blood of a toddler in the same way that carbon monoxide does - by making the blood incapable of carrying oxygen. This is not true of the acetone polish removers in every home, but the potent acetonitrile caused its first reported death in 1988. A substitute, nitroethane, as well as nail primers, accomplish this disastrous end even faster. Nail technicians, exposed to potent chemical fumes day after day, are highly at risk for slow poisoning that presents itself as chronic fatigue, or later on, cancer. Is it worth it, just to have the nails of a Chinese emperor? Let’s think of our hands less as adornments and more as the cleverly designed multi-use tools that they were designed to be. No less insidious, although more clandestine, is the conundrum of genetically modified foods (GMO). These have been altered at the genetic level, as in the corn that contains genetic material of a fish, in order to tolerate cold better.

Their are crops that have pesticides built in to the edible parts. There is no way to wash this off, or to prevent it from reaching your children’s DNA. The only safe food seems to be organically grown food. Let’s all eat as much as we can afford of the honest produce of a natural farm. This includes meat and dairy, eggs and chickens, fish and fowl. Many of us would agree that 2010 lived up to the prophecies of “the year of great earth changes”. We witnessed five major earthquakes, two huge volcanic eruptions, one of which stopped Europe in its tracks, massive flooding in Asia, and the shocking disasters of the massive oil spill into our own Gulf of Mexico, bracketed by several tragic mine cave-ins. Mother is shaking herself, with cataclysmic consequences to humanity. Then, as if to say to humanity “Yes, we can!” the spectacle of rebirth and possibilities that the emergence of thirty three miners rising (in the Phoenix capsule), one by one, from their gestational tomb (womb?), through a narrow passage in the earth, elated and comforted us. Let us remember that image, and rebirth ourselves into the new year, and the new attitudes that will preserve our species, the life around us, and the integrity of life on earth. Yes we surely must!



Winter Solstice – New Year The Winter Solstice is the most important time of the year. At this time the light of the sun is diminished and it appears as though darkness will prevail on earth. Yet all cultures, knowing the sun’s light would be reborn on this day, considered it the start of the New Year. There are more religious holidays at this time of year than at any other. Most major religions celebrate holy days filled with light during December. For example: Hanukah (Jews), Devali (Hindus) Christmas (Christians), Kwanzaa (African culture), Yule (Wiccan), Maidyarem (Zorastrian.)

This year, the Winter Solstice of December 21, 2010 is auspicious. Not only is it the longest day of darkness, but it’s also the night of a full Lunar Eclipse, the last eclipse of 2010. By Jo Mooy The Seasons of the Year While most people experience the four seasonal changes of spring, summer, fall and winter, they seldom give a thought to the astronomical, cultural or religious importance of the dates. Yet in ancient times, most civilizations used the sun, moon, planets and stars to record the passage of time. The earliest known Egyptian calendar, influencing the Mayan and the Celtic, was based on the moon’s cycle over a calendar year. Tracking the movement of the sun, moon, Venus and the star Sirius, an intricate calendar system governed the natural rhythms of the earth. According to those calendars, eclipses were noted, fields were planted or harvested and cycles of birth and death were understood. The four major seasons were called Equinoxes or Solstices. On the Equinoxes (which mean “equal night”) the sun hovers over the equator assuring that every place on earth experiences equal hours of daylight and darkness. The Spring Equinox (March 20th) signaled the time to plant seeds for the summer’s growth season while in the Autumnal Equinox (September 21st) the crops were harvested. The Solstices, on the other hand, were times of extreme – either seemingly endless days of light or darkness. The Solstice means “the sun stands still.” During those two days, the tilt of the earth’s axis was either turned towards the sun or away from it. During the Summer Solstice (June 20th) the crops were at their fullest. With the sun high in the sky the longest day of the year was recorded. On the Winter Solstice (Dec. 21st) the opposite occurs. The crops have been long harvested and the fields made fallow. During this time the earth’s axis is tilted away from the sun, so that darkness is on the land for a much longer period of time. During ancient times, the start of each season was a time of celebration, ritual, and ceremony, whether it was planting, cultivating or harvesting the bounty of the earth. Fires were lit, invocations were offered by the priests or priestesses, and a feast of thanksgiving was shared by all. Modern cultures usually don’t celebrate the seasons the way our ancestors did.


Here in the northern hemisphere, as the Sun “dies,” its light retreats into the longest night of the year. On a full Lunar Eclipse the moon goes dark as well. With all light dimmed on earth that evening, it gives us a chance to go within, releasing the flaws or behavioral characteristics that no longer serve us, and with the rebirth of the sun, focus on our personal transformation. The Ceremony: The Sarasota community is invited to “The Tree” on Siesta Key Beach as we tune into the dark night of the earth, sun and moon. In sacred ceremony we will acknowledge the darkness within us, while summoning light to illuminate our consciousness. Spiritual leaders in the community will guide the ceremony which begins at 5 pm. Ceremonial highlights include Hindu, Celtic, Balinese and Native American blessings intoned to the sound of Gongs. Crystal Bowls will accompany a guided meditation. The Gulf waters will be blessed sending out prayers of healing across the waters of the planet. Drummers and singers are invited to participate. A fire dance will end the evening. What to Bring: Please bring candles in protective holders, any sacred objects that you’d like to place on the altar, as well as chairs or blankets to sit on and flashlights as it will be dark when we leave the beach. Special Collection – Mayors’ Feed the Hungry: The Women’s Meditation Group sponsors an annual collection effort on behalf of the Mayors’ Feed the Hungry Program. This program feeds a holiday meal to needy families in Sarasota and Manatee counties.. $10 feeds one person while $50 feeds a family of four. Attendees are asked to please consider a tax deductible contribution. Checks should be made payable to the Mayors’ Feed the Hungry Program.


Jo has studied at The Association for Research and Enlightenment, The Rosicrucian’s, Builders of the Adytum, Paramahansa Yogananda’s Self Realization Fellowship, Lucis Trust, the Sufi Order International, and Jonathan Goldman’s International Sound Healers Association. Jo writes and publishes an internationally distributed weekly newsletter called Spiritual Connections and facilitates a Women’s Meditation Group in Sarasota. For more information contact Jo Mooy at 941-866-5752 or

sion of our Entity impels and propels it like voltage to the electric current. It’s all there in the room with the power, and in the beginning, the only emotion is bliss — Love without an object. There is the intelligence that directs the power to its ultimate activity. It decides where to apply power and the feelings propel it to its destination where it does what it is directed to do. Gregg Sanderson, The Stand-Up Cosmic, has a rare view of the metaphysical universe. He traveled the road from Christian Science through Judaism, Agnosticism, Atheism, Living Love, Psychic Development, Spiritualism, Teaching of the Inner Christ, all the way to Science of Mind where he is a licensed practitioner at the Center for Conscious Living. He is the author of What Ever Happened To Happily Ever After? and Split Happens - Easing the Pain of Divorce. Gregg’s latest venture is Spirit With A Smile — The Way It Is (Unless It’s Something Else).

• •Last• month • • we• •talked • •about • •Belief • •Systems • • •(B.S.) • •and

how they work. The rest of these columns will present a new belief system that isn’t really new, but is couched in language that might provoke an “Aha” or two, or maybe even an “Oi Vey!” In our material world, stuff is three-dimensional. Everything has length, width, and depth. Think for a moment and you’ll realize there are additional dimensions that make up our reality. Two that occur offhand are Space and Time. Anything that has length, width, and depth must also occupy space and time. Streetttttchhh your mind and consider there may be other dimensions as well. We have emotions which help define our reality here. We also have intelligence which allows us rationality. Could these be additional dimensions? Suppose they extend through other dimensions as yet inconceivable to us? It’s reasonable to assume rocks don’t have emotions, and animals have emotions but not intelligence. Can we figure that these two dimensions, while present in our world could also span into other dimensions? Sure. Maybe we can consider creative power a dimension, or perhaps Life itself. Why not? Although our concern now is with the five dimensions of our physical world, the others are also present, and we can only imagine their extent. Now, before the elastic in our stretched minds snaps us back to limitation, let’s exercise the imagination: Imagine a strange Entity. It has no personality; in fact It isn’t a person. It is neither solid, liquid, nor gas and exists in dimensions beyond our ken. Imagine It in a room about the size of your living room, and to nourish the imagination, we’ll use new dimensions to describe It. Instead of solid, liquid and gas, or length, width, and depth, let them be thought, feeling, and stuff, the world of all the other dimensions we talked about. This Entity is raw power. It has the ability to do anything … anything at all or nothing at all. The power in the leg of a gnat, and the power of a million suns is all the same and all a part of our entity. Think electricity on steroids. Feeling is the Motive Force behind the power. This dimen-

Finally is the substance — the stuff — energy in motion, vibrating like crazy. It’s what the thought and feeling act upon. Imagine our Entity a self-contained sculptor with sheer brilliance guiding the feelings to sculpt the stuff. Now picture this multi-dimensional Entity filling up the whole room. Take a minute to catch your breath and get a picture of this Being in that room. It isn’t doing anything. It’s just being there. It’s “being”, not “doing”. Its only feeling is bliss. Since It’s all that fills the room, there’s nothing outside of Itself to fear, get angry at, or worry about. There’s not even anything to love outside of Itself.

Bliss is all there is — raw love without an object. To help our limited imaginations, let’s take this Whatever-It-Is and create It in our image (it’s been done before). It’s a Being of Bliss, so we’ll call It by the acronym BOB for short. But remember, it’s not really a person. BOB was Thought, Feeling and Stuff all at once, and blissfully hanging out. It knew all there was to know, which was nothing. It had the power to do anything it wanted, but there was nothing to do, and all was bliss because there were no other emotions. “In the beginning was the Word …” but BOB didn’t know any words and didn’t have anything to say anyhow, because nothing was happening. REALLY nothing. Zip! Zero! Nada! It was just hanging out in Its little room. Even bliss gets tiresome after a while, and BOB was bored. It was Brilliance with nothing to think about; Omnipotence with nothing to control; Love without an object; and Stuff without form. Advance a couple of eons and STILL Brilliance with nothing to think about; Omnipotence with nothing to control; Love without an object; and Stuff without form. Can we even begin to imagine the boredom!

Poor BOB — all powerful unlimited power — totally bored out of Its mind. It would be banging Its head against the walls — if It had a head. Then, on the first of Forever, BOB awoke to an idea. As we know, energy can’t be created or destroyed. It can only change form as it vibrates slower or faster. BOB thought, “Hey, I can slow down parts of my own stuff and make things out of Me.” So Thought sent a message to some of the Stuff “SLOW DOWN.” It did, and then there was matter. A whole new room full of form. What a BOB! BOB filled Its room with little stars and planets, and all


sorts of groovy things made out of Itself. Now It had a hobby and wasn’t bored any more, at least for a while. Since everything was still a part of BOB, but slowed down a little, It got to experience being a planet, a star, and even a rock. All that stuff was pretty, but it was only stuff, and let’s face it, a rock doesn’t have a very exciting life.

Put lots of rocks together and they’re still just rocks. After a while BOB got tired of making rocks in Its room. Once again boredom set in. So BOB incorporated another dimension to Its entertainment. It added Feeling, and made things out of Its stuff that also could feel. If It had created vocabulary It would have called the things “bugs” or “fish” or “animals” or “dinosaurs”. They were all made out of BOB stuff but had the extra advantage of feeling. They acted on instinct but provided generations of entertainment for our BOB… But it got boring because it was out of balance. BOB needed to add Thought, the next step; the dimension of mind. Then they’d be just like BOB, only different. This was the tricky part, because BOB’s mind created all the things and planets and animals and bugs and such. What would happen if It created other beings that could also think? They would have to be able to think of anything at all, and Thought is creative. BOB couldn’t limit what they’d think, because it wouldn’t be “thinking” any more. BOB took a chance… (To Be Continued). Next month we’ll find out what happened when BOB bestowed It’s creative ability on It’s latest creation. You can get a sneak preview if you go to and download the “White Paper.” You are welcome to write to Gregg with questions about any aspect of Spirituality. The answers you get may or may not reflect the views of Transformation Magazine. Email to



By Deserie Valloreo Even though our Florida climate is mild, things will cool down as we enter into the winter months. Herbal tea is a great way to warm up and take in some extra vitamins to boost your immune system. One of my favorite blends during this time of year combines the warmth and spice of cinnamon with tart hibiscus flowers and orange peel loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C. This blend can also be added as mulling spices to apple cider and served as a hot beverage at holiday gatherings. In addition to its warmth and tantalizing flavor, it makes the house smell wonderful! Below is the recipe for this great winter tea: • • • •

2 parts hibiscus flower 1 part cinnamon 1 part orange peel 1 part rose hip

To make: pour boiled water over the tea and steep 5-10 minutes; 1 teaspoon of tea per cup of water. Store unused tea in a sealed container until ready to use. Enjoy! Winter is also a time when many people suffer from colds and flu. Here are some natural suggestions to ease symptoms using herbs commonly found in many kitchens and local gardens.

Rosemary is effective for a variety of respiratory ailments. Simmering rosemary and inhaling the steam is effective in opening nasal and bronchial passages. For added effect you can drink the remaining water as a tea. Thyme is a natural antibacterial and is soothing and healing for sore throats and coughs. Peppermint tea works wonders for sinus problems and is also pain-relieving. Additional benefits of using herbs to heal yourself naturally are that you save money, avoid all the excess packaging of commercial products and there are no side effects.

Healthy Holidays! •••••••••••••• Deserie Valloreo is a certified clinical herbalist and founder of Herbal-

Wise. Her knowledge of natural health solutions spans both western and Chinese realms. Deserie designs workshops and natural health offerings that help people create a healthier life for themselves and their family. She frequently donates her time to speak at wellness events in the community to teach people how they can benefit from what nature has provided. 727-384-HERB (4372),


Marla first developed interest in New Thought as the Assistant Director of The Next Step, a Psychic and Humanistic Growth Center in a New Mexico ghost town. This life-changing experience spurred more than a decade of creating and facilitating personal transformation and relationship workshops. She earned her practitioner license through the Sierra Center for Spiritual Living and completed ministerial training at the Nashville Center for Spiritual Living. She is pastor of the Center for Conscious Living in Largo.

•••••••••••••••••• THE MENTAL EQUIVALENT

Each of us is rooted in an Infinite, Intelligent Life - so vast, so cosmic - that there is nothing outside of It. Call it God, call it The Universe, call it Chicken Soup. Something greater than anything we can imagine creates this life we live.

What’s more empowering than to discover that, because of this connection with Divine Intelligence, our thoughts create our world? WE create the conditions and circumstances of our lives through the power of our minds. Whether it be a thing, a circumstance, a state of being, a relationship, a situation, a standard of living, we CAN create the life we desire. But first, we need to acquire a “consciousness” or a “Mental Equivalent.” Consider that what you have right now is on one side of a scale and what you want is on the other. The Mental Equivalent of your desire is brought to life when you tip the scale —when the thoughts you think and the energy you put out is more like the new thing than the old. Once you have that, everything falls into place in your world of affairs and new things happen. When we find ourselves teetering back and forth on the scale, it’s usually because we’ve changed our mind, hesitated, or perhaps procrastinated. We question, we doubt, we lose our sense of commitment and fear takes over.

We feel more comfortable retreating to the safety of what’s familiar. We always manifest our Mental Equivalent. Look around your world. What you’ve got right now you created out


of your Mental Equivalent of yesterday — or maybe last week or last year — or perhaps you’ve been repeating the same patterns for a lifetime. Look at your finances – your relationships – your sense of satisfaction with your life. Do you feel you’ve come a long way or does it seem like you’ve just gone ‘round in circles? We all go ‘round in circles sometimes; and, hopefully, when we find ourselves in familiar territory, we’re circling at a higher level. We do it with more awareness, more experience, more grace than previously, and often we move through things more quickly.

If you really want a change for the better, you must be willing to stretch beyond the familiar and reach for that greater good with your own mind. It can be scary, but if you create what you want in your mind first, and act upon it, you prepare the way for the birth of your new reality. Throw off old restrictions – old patterns, paradigms and parameters - old concepts, habits and ways of being - the things that make up your comfort zone. Don’t allow regret over events or ideas from the past to take up any real estate your mind. Say “no” to thoughts of lack or limitation, fear or doubt. Imagination and visualization are your tools to create a new Mental Equivalent. See yourself in the situation or the lifestyle you want. Spend mental time there. Your mind is your most powerful tool. You can think and dream and visualize your new life into being.

Think it ‘til you feel it. Soon you’ll notice that you think of yourself in a different way, and things around you start to change. You attract more of the situations that fit your new picture. Ideas, people, and opportunities present themselves. Or maybe you just begin to notice them. People in your life respond in a new way. When it is time for action, you move more confidently if you believe in yourself and where you are going. When you’ve acquired the Mental Equivalent of what you want it is natural and inevitable that you will have it.


I will be happy to consider your questions or comments as subject matter for future articles. Just e-mail them to me at To delve deeper into this wonderful teaching, you’re invited to join us any and every Sunday morning at 10 AM.

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Dr. ZZ’s bold, upfront, directive style plays an inspirational role in the lives of people she touches. This forum offers potential solutions on health, emotional and personal matters. Dr. ZZ earned her doctorate in Natural Healing at Tenrikyo University in Japan. Drawing on non-traditional Ph.D. in Counseling (the spiritual dimensions of psychology), she holds a Reiki Master-Teacher degree and a variety of complimentary certificates in modalities such as Tantra, Hypnotherapy, Intuitive Healing and Applied Kinesiology.


Question: With the holidays upon us, I feel homesick. I am originally from the UK, and I miss my country and family. I have no family to speak of tho’ as my mum died a few years ago. What do you suggest for kicking the holiday blues? Do you have any tried and true tips?

Dr. ZZ: Ah! I know the feeling well. Stress levels increase at

holiday-time, and dwelling on past memories stirs guilt and regret. I’ve been petitioning for decades to celebrate Christmas on February 29; so that we’d have to go through this only once every four years. But, needless to say, my pleas have fallen on deaf ears, and here it is that time of year again. Since you no longer have family, and since you’re missing your mum, you’re obviously ruminating on days gone by. The antidote is to fine-tune your receptors to the present. At each opportunity to contemplate the past or to stretch your ears to hear a Christmas carol, ask yourself if you are adding to, or diminishing from, your experience of joy in the moment. There are no rewards for suffering; so enjoy the memories that are pleasant, and “snap out� of the ones that aren’t. Put a rubber band on your wrist if you care to, and literally snap it while telling yourself, “Stop!� The idea is to train yourself to change the channel on energy-draining thought patterns. There is simply no cheese down the tunnel of gloom. Then, if you get to a point of feeling as if you genuinely want to participate in holiday festivities, check the various local calendars and those on the Internet as there appear to be a variety of activities taking place. Find one or two that interest you, and call a special friend or perhaps a couple of friends with whom to enjoy the season’s offerings. There won’t be any snow in Florida, but there won’t be any sub-zero temperatures either. So, smile at yourself for feeling nostalgic, and build on the feelings of gratitude for the celebration of life that takes place every day of the year.


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Question: My brother refuses to talk to our parents because they disapproved of the choice he made to stay in school. He is being stubborn on this and has distanced himself from us all. I hate to see him miss our family gatherings and the younger ones growing up. How can I bring harmony back to the family? 13

Dr. ZZ: You cannot control another person’s behavior. You can only suggest and persuade. So express yourself to your brother as openly and honestly as possible; then let go of the outcome and enjoy your own interactions with the family. This is not a recommendation; this is the way it is. Question: A friend and her husband recently came to visit

my boyfriend and me in St. Pete. Upon hearing of a legal problem I am having with my ex, who is also her friend, she refused to listen to me and said: “I have no interest in your ‘soap,’ nor have I interest in any legal or financial entanglements any of my friends may find necessary in their process —unless, of course, they wish to schedule a counseling session with me at $120/hour to engage my facilitation.� I never knew her to be a professional counselor. How should I respond?

Dr. ZZ: The only suitable response for a person like this is no response at all. Let your detachment deliver the message: “Excuse my silence, but you’re so rude, I’m speechless.� Such a self-righteous individual deserves to be alone with her own blathering. Friends like this are a dime a dozen. If you’re looking for quality friendship, look elsewhere.

•Please • •send• queries • • •or comments • • • •to ••••••• All identifying information is kept strictly confidential.

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&RQQHFW ZLWK \RXU $QJHOV DQG 'LYLQH JXLGDQFH ZLWK (PLO\ $QGUHZV &RQQHFW ZLWK \RXU $QJHOV DQG 'LYLQH JXLGDQFH ZLWK (PLO\ $QGUHZV Emily Andrews is a certified Angel Healing Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and an Angel Manifesting Master Practitioner. During private sessions and during all events, Emily shares techniques that have helped her become a Gifted Intuitive, Intuitive Channeler, Healer, Manifester, and Angel communicator. She also shares angelic messages that serve as inspiration for healing, and Divine connection. All services are full of joy, exploration, growth, and Divine magic.


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$QJHO *DWKHULQJ Angel Gathering Every 2nd Monday @ 7pm, 12/13/10 (YHU\ QG 0RQGD\ # SP Wings Bookstore *RGGHVV *DWKHULQJ Goddess Gathering Every 4th Monday @ 7pm, 12/27/10 (YHU\ WK 0RQGD\ # SP Wings Bookstore 0HGLWDWLRQ Meditation Every Thursday @ 10:45am (YHU\ 7KXUVGD\ # DP Safety Harbor Rigsby Center



Ask a

Have you ever wanted to learn more about colonics? Do you have questions about your bowel movements, but were too embarrassed to talk with someone about it? We answer all your questions as we have a conversation with licensed Colon Therapist Sue Ontiveros. Can you tell us a little about the history of Colon Therapy? In the early 1900’s, John H. Kellogg, M.D., the lead physician at the Battle Creek Sanitarium for Health used Colon Therapy on over forty thousand patients. Until the 1920’s, it was standard practice for medical doctors to have Colon Hydrotherapy equipment in their offices. As pharmaceutical use increased inoffice Colon Therapy became less widely used. A recent revival in recognizing the advantages of natural methods for healing has caused a renewed interest in Colon Hydrotherapy. Now medical physicians endorse the practice of Colonics as a significant complimentary and primary treatment for conditions affecting the health of patients. You don’t hear much about colonics; why is that? Of all the polite topics of conversation, the state of one’s intestines is probably at the bottom of most people’s lists to talk about. Let’s face it: IBS, constipation, gas, diverticulitis and colon cancer are simply not things we like to discuss. Yet, as the old expression goes, death begins in the colon. Don’t believe it? Ask any coroner. Autopsies often reveal colons that are clogged up to 80 percent with waste material. How is Colon Irrigation performed? Colon Irrigation is the slow inflow of warm purified water into the large intestine or colon. It is a method of cleaning out the bowel and restoring regular bowel habits. This helps to lead to a cleaner body through more efficient elimination of waste. The treatment is gentle and done in a professional manner. You are given a pair of colonic shorts to change into; your dignity is maintained at all times. Therefore, you cleanse the colon? Yes, that is exactly what we do. Toxic material is broken down so it can no longer harm your body or inhibit assimilation and elimination. Even debris built up over a long period is gently removed in a series of treatments. It also exercises the colon muscle. The


build-up of toxic debris weakens the colon and impairs its functioning. What are some of the reasons people seek a Colonic? Waste material consisting of feces, dead cellular tissue, accumulated mucous, parasites, etc. which pose several problems when it sits in the colon. This material is quite toxic; these poisons reenter and circulate in the blood stream making us feel ill, tired, or weak. Impacted material impairs the colon’s ability to assimilate minerals and vitamins efficiently. In addition, a build-up of material on the colon wall can inhibit muscular action causing sluggish bowel movements, and results in many disorders: excess weight, impaired digestion, irritability, skin conditions, bloating, headaches, and fatigue are just some of the symptoms clients seek to relieve. What about constipation? Many health authorities believe that constipation is the number one affliction underlying every ailment. This means that constipation would be the most prevalent ailment affecting the civilized world. It is vital to stress that constipation affects the health of the colon upon which the health of the body, in its entirety, is affected as well! Americans spend billions every year on laxatives, which in time weaken the peristalsis of the colon, leading to the use of more laxatives. Colonics help to tone the colon, rebuilding the muscular contractions so that normal bowel elimination can resume. How long does a Colonic take? Probably 90% of all Colonics take about 30 minutes of actual treatment time. It could be shorter or longer, depending on how quickly your body responds to the therapy. How many sessions will be needed? This is a difficult question to answer; everyone is an individual. Once our licensed colon therapist has seen you, he/she will be able to guide you. There are many factors to consider, but on average four to six Colonics, over a four-week period; is generally needed to cleanse the entire five feet of the colon. Why doesn’t a single colonic completely empty the colon? Please don’t get me wrong, it can! Most people are on a typical American diet consisting of wheat, dairy, and too much meat. We are not a society of water drinkers; therefore, we are in a chronic state of dehydration. Too many are impacted with years of accumulated fecal matter. The objective should not be an empty colon, but rather a well functioning colon. Will it help to lose weight? Most Americans have about 5-10 pounds of fecal matter stored in the colon. One of the simplest ways to lose weight is to cleanse the colon. A pint is equal to a pound, so depending on how many pints are removed; significant weight loss can be achieved. The second way is by the detoxification of the colon. A clean colon aids the liver in its job of detoxifying the body, working on toxins

stored in the fat cells. Cleansing the colon is just the beginning of a new level of health. Combined with a proper diet and exercise regime, it will undoubtedly facilitate weight loss. Is it messy? No. There is no mess or odor as all of the waste is carried out of the body enclosed within a hose, which is directly attached to the plumbing. Does it hurt? This is a question I am most often asked; no it does not hurt! The insertion of the speculum may feel a little strange, but it is small and does not hurt. The main feeling during the procedure is that you are having a bowel movement, which of course you are! You will feel pressure during the treatment, but not pain. Is it safe? Absolutely! All instruments are either disposed of or sterilized between clients. Our digital autoclave system is the same sterilization method used by hospitals. Thousands have received colonics safely. Unlike the regular use of laxatives, colonics are not habit forming and in fact improve colon muscle tone, and peristaltic action. Sue, is there anything else you would like to add? If you have a family history of colon disease, or have been suffering with constipation, IBS, diarrhea, or any of the other disorders we discussed earlier, please know that there is help. It is very upsetting when a client will say “I wish I had known there was help years ago, I have suffered for so long.” This is a very affordable, gentle treatment. Cleansing the colon is essential to good health. Take your first step today toward a healthier life…you will be glad you did. Sue Ontiveros is owner of Essentials for Health, a beautiful colon therapy office located in St. Petersburg, FL. Sue graduated from Sun Coast School of Massage; she then continued her training in the specialized field of Colon Therapy at the Wood Hygienic Institute in Kissimmee, FL. Sue has performed over 8,000 colonics, making her very knowledgeable in her field. Disclaimer: Colon Therapy is not intended to replace the relationship with your primary health care providers and the information provided here is not intended as medical advice.

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By Nikki Ott

“There is no order of difficulty in miracles.” - A Course in Miracles. In your perception, what is a miracle? Is it something that happens through divine intervention, something that happens through thoughtenergy or by magic perhaps? One answer is that it is what you believe it is and the belief makes it so. Your belief in anything is derived from your perception of experiences that have occurred in your life. Perception is an amazing tool that we all possess. In its flexibility, it can bring us peace or unrest. Perception is most useful when we understand we can change it. I have personally witnessed how a change in perception caused a change in my life and the resulting events appeared like miracles. I walked in an intricate maze lined with emotional traps and explosions of joy alike. I learned to navigate emotions using techniques called life skills. We can use life skills as we approach the Holiday Season to navigate unscathed and emerge enriched in January. Many faiths or belief systems attribute this time of year to new life, a chance to make positive changes, opportunity to connect with others, and generally speaking, chaos in the process. So should we pick this time of year to practice new life skills? You betcha! What a better time? There will be relatives and friends with their emotional energy. We will need to navigate the emotions involved in an inability to give what we want to give or perhaps you will indulge your generous heart followed by the regretful result when the credit card bill arrives. This time of year typically presents pressure in unusual ways and exactly how can we emerge in January intact? Here is a simplified version of using the life skill of changing your perception to adjust emotions. Think of your favorite donut. Imagine what the donut feels like in your mouth and the joy it brings. Now shift. Think about the effect that donut will have in your body and the physical discomfort it could create. Shift again emotionally and imagine feeling shameful or guilty for a variety of reasons. One more shift. Go back to pleasure and savor the enjoyment or comfort of the donut. If you followed this example in your mind, your emotions went through varying stages but in the end, nothing was eaten. Did you observe how as you changed your thoughts, your emotions changed? This is how you get through to January. Change your thoughts. There is no order of difficulty. It is not difficult to think differently, yet it can be miraculous. I have had some people ask me, “but how? I am not in control of my thoughts.” To this I say, “You just did it with the donut. It’s the same process.” For example, let’s say that the holidays mean more parties, more traffic on the roads and more time with relatives that make you glad you only see them


on holidays. In other words … anxiety. Your thoughts could be, “I am not very social. I don’t know what to say.” Wash your anxiety with new thoughts by repeating, “I am a good listener. I need only interject when the topic is something I am confident in speaking about so, therefore, quiet is alright.” In place of, “all these idiots out here driving,” choose to repeat, “each person has a place to go and I am simply a better driver. I will allow them to go where they need to and I will bless them in safety.” Breathe in a sigh of serenity. If you have planned well throughout the year by purchasing gifts as you see them on sale and you have little stress knowing you will not need to be in the shopping centers like everyone else, then you have learned a valuable life lesson. If not, well, there’s an idea for next year. How to handle this year, however, is to purposefully inventory your resources and stay within your means. If your resources are light, add words to your gift. They will not cost you anything and they may mean more than the actual gift. Be joyful that you took the opportunity to find a creative way to express how you feel about your gift recipient. As for your relatives, unless you’re blessed with family you absolutely treasure, realize that all things pass. Change your thoughts to appreciation for any aspect you can for your people. Make this year a positive memory you can reflect on when the time has come and your relatives have passed before you.

The life skills of using gratitude and appreciation can transform your world. Creating transformational changes is what this magazine is all about. Someone said to me today, “They (the mysterious they) do not teach us about the mind, body and emotional connection.” Some of the mysterious “they” are right in here teaching you life-changing lessons to absorb. You have found where it is taught. I honor you for allowing me this time to share my lessons with you. Let’s journey together and notice the miracles.


Nikki is certified in Heart of Coaching for the “corporate world” and she says she finds her best results are in coaching people to understand life skills which, in turn, improves performance and helps to contribute to new thinking for her employees. Nikki can be reached at

Section Title a paragraph for a period of time which covers 30 to 35 pages of information. To figure YOUR personal year for 2011:

Marcia began her career as a school teacher, working both with preschool and inner city high school students. She has worked with all aspects of Metaphysics for over 40 years and specializes in Tarot and Numerology. Marcia’s clients and students are in every state and throughout Europe. Marcia has taught over 400 students to “read” the Tarot for the purpose of self-guidance and to use the powerful symbolism of the Tarot to reach higher levels of spirituality. Marcia is now in her 12th season of a local TV show called Metaphysics with Marcia. Her column, Spiritually Speaking, originally ran for 8 years in Attitudes Magazine in the Sarasota area.


1) Take the single digit for your month of birth (Jan.=1, Feb.=2, Mar.=3. Apr.=4, May=5, Jun.=6, Jul.=7, Aug.=8, Sep.=9. Oct.=l, Nov.=2, Dec.=3) 2) Take the single digit of your day of birth (for birthdays from the 1st through the 9th), or derive a single digit by “reducing” a double-digit birthday to a single digit. For example, both the 16th and the 25th reduce to a 7, since 1+6=7, and 2+5=7. Thus, the 10th reduces to a 1, and the 29th to a 2 (2+9= 11, and 1 + 1 =2). 3) Add the two single digits for your month and day of birth to the single digit for 2011, which is 4 (2+0+1+1 =4). The digit for the year 2011 is the same for everyone, a 4. 4) If necessary, reduce the sum of these three single digits in the manner described above to obtain a final single digit. As an example, I was born on June 27th. June is 6, 27=2+7=9, and 2011 = 2+0+ 1+1=4. So 6+9+4=19, 1+9=10, 1+0=1. I am in a number 1 Personal Year in 2011.

As the year 2010 comes to a close, it is time to look to the future and anticipate the year 2011. I am going to use Numerology to show you how to look at the Personal Year vibrations for self and loved ones for the New Year. Numerology is a combination of the Sciences of Astrology and Acrophonology. Acrophonology is an ancient science. It began as a study of the letters found in the Kabbalah, a record of the teachings of the ancient Hebrew mystics. Even in this new millennium, Acrophonology is a lost art and there are very few Acrophonologists. Astrology is a science based on the date, time and place of one’s birth. This knowledge is also found in Kabbalah, in the Book of Numbers in the Old Testament of the Bible. Numerology shows that we, as humans, go through many 9 year cycles in a lifetime, and each year within the 9 year cycle (one of which is YOUR personal year) has its own special needs and gives advice to be listened to as the year progresses.

I always tell my clients and students. forearmed is forewarned. The personal year shows you how to avoid trouble, how to direct your personal affairs, and how to get the best from the experiences scheduled to be lived through during the twelve months of the year. It is possible to know in advance what to expect, what is likely to occur, and especially how to prepare for the experiences and obligations to come. We share the personal year vibration with others who are going through that same personal year, and thus we have compatibilities with all others who arc in the same personal year as ourselves. What I am going to share with you is a “capsule summary” of each of the nine personal years. Much depth and detail is lost when we look at

Remember, in Numerology there are only nine numbers and a zero ... so all must be reduced to a single digit. The rest of the column will be devoted to a brief description of what each personal year means. I have also added the Major Arcana Tarot Cards, for you Tarot Readers, that I believe belong to each of the nine personal year vibrations, and some “key words.” Figure carefully and slowly and ENJOY! #1 Personal Year Major Arcana Tarot Card: The Fool Key Words: Major change and new beginnings. This is the beginning of a new nine year cycle of life. A time to let go of things pertaining to the past (actually, you should have done that last year, during your 9 personal year) in order to take advantage of new opportunities in all areas of your life. A “seize the day” year. A time of beginnings and decisions for a new life cycle. Not an easy year, but a rewarding one. Avoid being impulsive and headstrong. The next 8 years of your life depend a lot on how you handle this one. The Fall of the year is especially important and can open the way to new opportunities. #2 Personal Year Major Arcana Tarot Card: Temperance Key words: Cooperation, diplomacy, harmony, relationships. The happiness and success of this year depends on how well you deal with others. Grow quietly this year and meet delays patiently. This is not a year to force issues! It is a time to cooperate with circumstances, even if you do not feel that things are moving as quickly as you would like them to. A year of new friends, new partnerships, new study, new spirituality. A need for compassion, tolerance, and understanding. A slower pace than the last two years and an opportunity to rest more and renew energies. Around August look for new arrangements, new living conditions, new agreements. #3 Personal Year Major Arcana Tarot Card: The Empress Key Words: Creativity, inspiration, imagination.


This could be one of the happiest years of this 9-year cycle. Your charm is at its peak and you can develop your dreams. This can be a very emotional time where relationships are concerned and you must try to not be overly emotional. This is a year for self expression and an active social life. Be optimistic and cheerful in this year of opportunity and pleasure. Summer and Fall bring quick opportunity and helpful friends. #4 Personal Year Major Arcana Tarot Card: The Emperor and Strength Key Words: Order, system, organization, management, application, work. This is a practical year. A year of evaluating material things. A time to manage well. Stick to things and accomplish goals. A time to put ideas into concrete form. This is a year for building resources for future security. There will be more work than play this year. Avoid carelessness and accept responsibility. Not a time to trust to luck. #5 Personal Year Major Arcana Tarot Card: The Chariot Key Words: Forward movement, progress, change, versatility. There will be more freedom in your life this year, but also an inner restlessness and something pushing from within to make life changes. A good year for travel for both business and personal reasons. You must be prepared for the unexpected and unusual. Be progressive, but beware of burning bridges behind you that should be left to cross back over at some future time. Do not act in haste! This is a time for new study, new friends, and the old and outworn being replaced by the new. Late summer brings opportunity for thrilling change and new freedom. #6 Personal Year Major Arcana Tarot Card: The Lovers Key words: Love, bonding, responsibilities, relationships. A year of the “warm fuzzies.” This is the best personal year vibration for marriage, love, relationships, and service to others. Harmony is important this year, and more is gained by being loving, sympathetic, and generous, than by being selfish and self-centered. Give more generously than you receive. Keep

ideals high and accept responsibility to loved ones and friends. The action of this year is slower than last, but it is only in this way that the ultimate good can be attained. Renew energies this year, as well as relationships. #7 Personal Year Major Arcana Tarot Cards: The Hermit and The Hanged Man Key Words: Psychic and spiritual growth and development, reevaluation, mental house cleaning, self-reflection. This is a sabbatical year and it is very important the “right state of mind” is pursued. Spend more time in quiet pursuits, be introspective and connect with your personal thoughts and intuitions. There will be many interesting and unusual experiences this year, most of which you will have no control over. Your “Guides” are really trying to connect in this year of psychic growth and development. You are truly in the “school of life” and it is a waiting year, but if you are on a high spiritual path, it can be one of the most wonderful and rewarding years of your life. #8 Personal Year Major Arcana Tarot Card: The Wheel of Fortune Key Words: Ambition, opportunity, organization, advancement. A year of physical/material realities. A time to better financial conditions. Be businesslike, efficient, and practical in all dealings. Take care to direct your energies properly. A time to organize and reorganize. This is a business year, and there is mental strain involved, but if properly directed, it should be a year of improved finances. Use good judgment, avoid emotion, make wise decisions, and let Fate and Higher Forces guide you. It is important to try to find time to rest during this period, as the pace of this year is fast and sometimes there do not seem to be enough hours in the day to complete the necessary tasks. #9 Personal Year Major Arcana Tarot Card: Death (a card of changes and transformation) Key Words: Change, endings, renewal, rebirth. This is a completion of a 9-year cycle of your life. If something goes out of your life, let it go, for it is clearing the way for future opportunities. Not an easy year, and not a time to start new things. Tread water and wait for the #1 Personal Year (next year), or at least the Fall of this year, to make major changes. However, change comes suddenly this year and often it is not in your control. Try not to be overly emotional at this time. Keep busy and be generous in your thoughts and feelings. This is such an intense vibration that the “right state of mind” really will help you to make it through the changes that are necessary in order to progress to the next 9 year cycle of life. “Let go and let God.”

I want to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a very happy holiday season and a new year that is filled with peace, health, love, good material conditions and many miracles. Always remember to be “open” to miracles! I ask for the White Light of protection and spirituality to surround you at this time and always.


This is your challenge for your holiday experience. Joeel A. Rivera, M.Ed., Ph.D. (ABD) holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling and is currently completing his dissertation for his Ph.D. in Psychology. Joeel’s extensive career as a relationship coach includes certifications in P.R.E.P, a 30-year research-based program for couples, Nurturing Father’s curriculum, and Parenting 21st Century. Programs conducted by Joeel include: The Relationship Code, Love Smart: Creating Lasting Love, Identifying and Developing Healthy Relationships in Today’s Society, Relationship Rhythm, Back to the Garden: Building Strong Relationships, and How to Avoid Marrying a Jerk or Jerkette.


The holiday season has once again snuck up on us! This is a time filled with a range of feelings and emotions, in a season that we get to spend quality time with friends and family. This season can be a great time for us to truly develop an understanding of some of ourselves and our partners: expectations, communication skills, roles, triggers, and hidden issues that affect our intimate relationship. For the most part society suffers from a great misconception that family and upbringing do not shape our current relationships. So, okay, you’re one of the few that truly gets it and understands this influencing factor, but honestly do you truly think it applies to you? Let me first take a second to explain how conditioning works! Have you ever heard a song, or smelled a cologne or perfume, or tasted something, or heard someone say something that brought you back to a specific point of your life and you could almost relive it? A trigger such as a song can make us feel happy, angry, depressed, courageous, give us confidence, or just make us lethargic. This conditioning can affect every aspect of your being and your capability of creating an enlightened relationship. For example, if your parents used the words “lets talk” right before you got in trouble, then when your partner says “lets talk” it probably creates a wall of resistance, even though they may actually want to talk about something positive. In the same way, within our relationships we have a variety of habits, belief systems, and behaviors (aka baggage) that we have developed from previous relationships, our upbringing, and our family. That’s why it’s important to truly listen and be in tune with your conscious and unconscious emotions, since they are what can give you the answers to what causes your baggage. In other words,

Embrace your emotions and your conditioning, and enjoy the gifts of freedom that they bring.

If you want to improve your relationship or create an enlightened relationship, one of the best things you can do is put your sociologist, psychologist, intuitive, energy reader, and your inner child hats on.

Go out on this mission and think of yourself as an observer of a native tribe... ...and take a look at some of the patterns, behaviors, and belief systems of you and your partner’s families in their natural habitat. It may sound like a lot of work, but in reality taking these mental notes can be a fun way to truly connect and know those around you in an intimate way. This will give you better insight into yourself and your partner. Consider these questions during the excursion: • Is there tension in the air and if yes, why? • Are there triggers such as comments that make you or your partner react? • Is there a lack of, or abundance of, love and affection? • How is this love and affection expressed? • Are conversations superficial or intimate? • What are some gender roles that everyone plays? • What are some belief systems that are shared? • What are some of the traditions? • What type of relationship do you and your partner have with your mother or father figures? These questions are vital for your research project of knowing your and your partner’s true selves. It will help answer questions such as how we give and like to receive love, how we may communicate our needs, and the expectations that you have for yourself as well as your partner in the relationship.

Research has proven that we choose partners with the same level of dysfunction as us. Actually they say that 80% of families are dysfunctional, so having some dysfunction is normal and can be a great life teacher. The question is, are you truly ready to look at these layers that have been created from your past? If so, share this journey with your partner because one ingredient of an enlightened relationship is mutually releasing the parts of their history that don’t serve them, creating space to enjoy the beauty and the love that is within all of us. My wish for this season for you is to let your light shine and that you may be able to create an enlightened relationship because it is true love that can shift this world.


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Do you need guidance? Our Angel Communicator, Emily Andrews, has guidance from your Angels. Join Emily every month as she shares messages on how the angels and archangels can help you to have a healthier and happier life. Emily answers reader’s questions by delivering messages and guidance from your guardian angels and archangels. Email:


Life is a beautiful journey that we can all enjoy. Yes, we do face obstacles and challenges at times, but we can find comfort in knowing that we are ALWAYS LOVED and GUIDED by our beautiful Angels and the Divine presence.

Before birth our soul is planted within our precious bodies, and we are gorgeous. We all came here with beautiful soul intentions that continually desire to unfold. Some of them require more action than others, some fewer lessons than most, and then there are those that may stay sleeping as their soul does it all. You too have a precious soul intention with gifts and talents to assist you along the way. These soul intentions are your unique blueprints that are made up of a unique energy and a natural design to who you are. As you started to experience life as a child, who you were began to be molded by people’s reactions, expectations, and judgments. Soon you started to change, limit, or alter who you really came to be.

Most of us forget, and completely lose touch with our true nature and soul’s intentions. Our Angels desire to help us re-connect with our soul’s intentions and realize the precious jewel that lies inside us. As they help us in this reconnection they know they are helping us connect to peace and joy, since we are realigning to our unique blueprint. By doing this we are powerfully connecting with our true selves. We shift into a state of being that releases us from trying to be something we are not. A state of being that releases us from blaming ourselves for who we are, but instead celebrating it. Release the illusion that if we can fix our imperfections we can fix who we are. Through openness and truthfulness we can begin to fall in love with who we are, and with this love, life falls into place more effortlessly and our journey transforms into harmony and balance. Our Angels assist us in this harmony, and with their Divine guidance we get to a point in which we remember to live in alignment with our design. Our Angels help us peel away what is not part of our soul intentions, which reveals the underlying

pattern to our inherent energy that has meaning and makes sense. To discover your original design frees your energy and helps you become who you came here to be. Truly look at yourself with love and then you can look at others with love. This love creates a new way in relating with yourself and others. Our souls are pure and radiant sparks of the Divine. They are energetically and collectively interconnected with everything. The light that is our soul is never changing; it is the aspect of ourselves which always offers the truth and clarity. The energy that fuels our soul is love. As we connect to this love we begin to reconnect to the beautiful essence and gifts of our life journey. Our Angels are magnificent helpers that commune with us. They know our soul’s intentions and how they powerfully impact everyone and everything. Our unique intentions impact an aspect of the whole, as we are intricately connected and needed. Our Angels understand our needs and how our individual needs are important links to the whole. They want to help us connect to our soul’s intention, and as we do this they know we can more perfectly connect to the peace and love that is supposed to be part of our experiences. We all have aspects of ourselves that we desire to hide, but do understand that within these parts of ourselves we can also find the treasures to our soul’s intention. As you take steps to face these aspects of darkness within, you can then nurture them with love rather than shame them, so that through this love they can be transformed into enlightened gifts for your journey. As we take this empowering step, we allow ourselves to more fully open to loving and honoring our journey as well as that of others.

Choose to open up to the truth and see past the surface. Choose to see the truth within yourself and all that surrounds you. Through this truth we can see that there is so much more to our life and our surroundings. As you purposely connect to truth you start to see the world differently. In truth you take off the blinders and get to see the whole truth within yourself and others. Things change and instead of noticing the emotions on the surface you clearly recognize the driving forces to the emotions. For example, instead of seeing anger you see true cause of this anger being pain and hurt; instead of greed you notice fear; instead of just sadness and sorrow you easily know there is more to the story. In truth, you know that we are all people with talents, passions, and with so much to offer. You come to understand that the faces that people show us don’t tell us the whole story, and by looking further into whom they are and where they have been, we can open up to the truth of whom they are with love. To connect to the whole story in truth awakens us to harmony, peace, and compassion. In truth, we all clearly see what the Angels and the Divine see – that we are all doing the best we can with our unique talents and gifts, wounds and challenges, and fears and judgments. As the Angels help us through this process we come to eventually see clearly the Divine spark within ourselves and everyone we meet. By recognizing a person’s gifts and light within, we become healers. We become healers as we love and honor people where they are at, regardless of their journey and the false facets of themselves they choose to portray to the world.


Wednesday, Dec. 1 The Passion Test Workshop by Elaine Silver, 2:30pm-5:30pm The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd Suite 201, Sun City Center, FL 33573 Price: $30, Contact: 813-633-9400 The passion test is a leading edge workshop that is fun, interactive, and a productive event. It teaches a simple and direct way of accessing our passion and explains how harnessing our passion brings success and happiness

Thursday, Dec. 2 Sound Ceremony by Robert Austin & Suzanne Alvarez, 7:00pm The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd Suite 201, Sun City Center, FL 33573 Price: $25, Contact: 813-633-9400 Crystal and Tibetan Bowl Concert. Feel the healing sounds of Crystal & Tibetan Bowls, Didgeridoo and other instruments integrate into your body. Bring chair or pillow and mat. Essential Dignities and Debilities in the Astrological Chart, 7-9pm Hampton Inn, 4050 Ulmerton Rd, Clearwater 727-572-7456, Price: $25, $15 members, special student prices Joe Polise presents: are your planets in exaltation? Or in detriment? What does this mean? Learn of a planet’s inherent strengths or fragilities. Basic, essential astrology - and the study of dignities is essential to understanding horary.

Friday, Dec. 3 Guest Reader Deborah Chadwick, 10:30am 5:30pm Elysian Fields, 1273 Tamiami Trail S Sarasota, FL Price: 30 minutes $60 Contact: Deborah is able to communicate to her guides and angels, quickly receiving very specific information for her clients. Deborah brings forth humor and healing to aid her clients in achieving a higher level of understanding and focus.

The Healing Sound Journey with Rosie Warburton and Henry Steffes, 7:00-8:30pm 1608 29th Avenue N, St. Pete, FL 33713 Price: $20 by November 26; $30 by Dec 1., Contact: (727) 826-4754, For those seeking release of fear, deep internal shifts, and profound healing as we head into the holiday season.

Saturday, Dec. 4 Holiday Fair, 11:00am-4:00pm 1857 Curlew Rd. Palm Harbor, fl 34683 Price: Free, Contact: 727-786-8311, 727-793-7458 The fair is Located at Suncoast Waldorf School come join us for an unforgetable afternoon of fun. Yoga for Scoliosis Workshop, 1:00pm-3:00pm. Living Room Yoga, 1608 29th Avenue N, St. Pete Price: $35 a week before class; $45 by Dec 2., Contact: (727) 826-4754. Stacy Renz uses yoga and muscle balancing techniques to improve alignment and reduce pain associated with scoliosis. FACEBOOK PARTY, 10:00am - 5:00pm The Conscious Connection, 306 Orange St Palm Harbor, Contact 727-785-4444 Specials All Day! Product demonstration of our Natural & Organic Skin Care & Make Up. Come on out and meet other Mermaid Mineral Fans! Yummy Organic food @ The Ohana Cafe too! Make a day of it! Relax! Drawing for FREE Try Me Skin Care Set too. Horary Astrology - Ask a Question workshop with Joe Polise (astrologer since 1990), 10-5 Hampton Inn and Suites, 4050 Ulmerton Rd, Clearwater, 727-572-7456, Price: $60, $45 for members Horary Astrology is the art of astrological divination, considered to be the foundational branch of astrology itself. Using astrology to determine the outcome of specific questions, such as ‘Will I Get the Job?’, ‘Will He Return?’ Participants are welcome to bring their own horary questions. Alternative Health Fair, 9-12 Island Bamboo Garden, 6540 85th Ave, Pinellas Park, Price: FREE, 727-748-9017 Learn about holistic, alternative health and meet local practitioners that can help you improve your health naturally. Demos, talks, products!

Sunday, Dec. 5 The Process of Advanced Prosperity, 1:00 pm Unity Church of Sarasota 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, Price: Free Will Offering, The #1 prosperity seminar in the nation offered for one


afternoon only is open to the public. It’s not just a highly entertaining four-hour seminar; it’s what each participant will do after. Advanced Prosperity is a total life style change for permanent mastery of plenty, wealth, and even opulence. Holiday Music Fest and Benefit, 10am to 6pm The Marketplace, 3951 34th St S, St Pete Price: Donations, Contact: Rachel 727-641-2227 Live music and entertainment, kids holiday crafts, Santa Clause arrival and Santa photos, raffles, prizes, and more! Proceeds to benefit One Universe Ministries Food and Clothing Pantry.

Tuesday, Dec. 7 Connecting to Your Angels TeleSeminar, 7-8pm Virtual, Phone Conference Price: FREE, Connect with your angels with special guest Emily Andrews. Learn more about the angelic realm and your divine guides.

Wednesday, Dec. 8 Evening of Devotional Song in light of Saint Mary, 7:00 PM Unity Church of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, FL 34231 Price: $10.00 Love Offering, Contact: An inspiring night taking you deep into your own being through ancient chant, music of Hildegard of Bingen and Spanish cantigas all in honor of Mary. This acappella duo will be joined by Rev. Elizabeth Thompson for three part harmony for several songs. Dances of Universal Peace, 7:30-8:30pm Unitarian Universalist Church, 3975 Fruitville Road (bet Beneva & McIntosh) Sarasota 34232 Price: $5 donation,, 941-544-8405 All are welcome to join in chanting sacred phrases, moving together in circle & partner dances; a moving, social meditation. Every 2nd Wed. Today - Winter Solstice. Chakra Energy Sessions, 10:30am - 5:30pm Elysian Fields, 1273 Tamiami Trail S Sarasota, FL Price: 30 minutes $45, Contact: See your Chakra & Aura Colors change on the screen. Discover how your colors shift when you hold certain crystals or stones. See how energy from Suzanne’s hands affects your aura and chakras.

Friday, Dec. 10 Guest Reader Sherry Lord, 10:30am - 5:30pm Elysian Fields, 1273 Tamiami Trail S Sarasota, FL Price: 15 min $35 • 30 min $50 • 60 min $85 Contact: Sherry Lord can see angels, guides, and auras as well as channel loved ones who have crossed over. Sherry is a versatile channel who can answer your questions, both business and personal, and help you on your spiritual path.

View Holiday Events Online: www.SuncoastTransforma-

Saturday, Dec. 11

Tuesday, Dec.14

CARE Dogwash, 10 am to 2 pm Give A Dog A Bone, 6170 N US Hwy 41, Apollo Beach Price: $5 wash, $5 Nail Trim Cynthia 813-641-3734 Fund raiser dog wash/ nail trim event with proceeds to go to Critter Adoption & Rescue Effort (CARE) in Ruskin to help homeless dogs and cats.

Aromatherapy ‘Scent Event’ w/Aurora Perfumes!, 6:45pm Hosted by: Structural Energetic Therapy(R) Center of Brandon, 125 Central Drive, Ste. B (please call to RSVP & for directions) Price: FREE!, Contact: 813-856-4738 ext. 1 Aurora Perfumes makes customized perfumes & body products for men and women using quality essential oils, not synthetic chemicals! Let us make one for you!

Chair Massage with Kathi Hewitt, 12pm - 4pm Elysian Fields, 1273 Tamiami Trail S Sarasota, FL Price: 15 minutes $15 Contact: Stop in and let yourself enjoy a few minutes of relaxation and massage with Kathi Hewitt, LMT. We provide the massage chair – you bring your back and neck, and receive a quick treatment for relaxation or to relieve discomfort at a very affordable price. Quantum-Touch & Spiritual Healing, 10 am - 5 Event Date: Two-Day Event, Sat-Sun, 12/10-12/11 Tree of Life Personal Enrichment Center (by The Villages) 920 Rolling Acres Rd, Suite 1 Lady Lake Price: Call for special price w/o course credit Contact: 352-369-3029 In learning these healing techniques we can use them to self-heal and assist others. For pros and lay persons. 12 FL hands-on and NCBTMB CEU hours for LMTs. Digital Aura/Chakras Photo with Sparrow, 10:00 am - 2:30 pm The Chakra Center 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd., Suite 201, Sun City Center Price: $30/30 minutes - $50/60 minutes Contact: Doni 813-633-9400 Find out what color energies You are Resonating. Using the Biopulsar Reflexograph, Sparrow combines experience and multiple knowledge systems, to interpret your energy system. Receive photo with summary of chakra %. Understand chakra functions - Know Your Chakras, Know Yourself.

Sunday, Dec. 12 12-12 FIREWALK, 3:00 PM-10:00 PM 18800 Aripeka Road, Aripeka Florida, check for full directions Price: Love Donation($10-$50), Contact: Check out for furthur details! Join us for an unforgetable event and learn how to joyfully free your mind of fear, self-limitation, and judgement through our firewalk. Be part of the global transformations. Only The Love is Real!

Monday, Dec. 13 Natural Solutions for Optimal Blood Pressure & Circulation, 10:00am to 4:00pm Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies, 901 Central Ave, St Petersburg. Price: $100, Contact: RSVP: 727-551-0857 This course provides information you can use to keep your blood pressure in check naturally. Learn how to enhance your diet, lifestyle and supplement choices to positively impact your circulatory system.

Conscious Parenting TeleSeminar, 7-8pm Virtual, Phone Conference Price: FREE, Conscious Parenting means two things - raising your children in a way that encourages their spiritual development, and parenting “conscious” children - such as Crystal and Indigo children and those with autism and ADHD.

Wednesday, Dec. 15 Herbal Skincare Workshop, 6:00pm-9:00pm Acupuncture & Herbal Therapies, 901 Central Ave, St Petersburg Price: $60.00, Contact: or 727-384-HERB (4372) Learn how to make natural skincare products. Receive a step-by-step workbook and samples to take home. Advance Registration Required.

Sarasota Songbird, Mindy Simmons and historian, troubadour, Bill Schustik combine their talents in a Holiday Concert filled with history and sacred song to Celebrate the Christmas Season. Join us Saturday, December 18th at the Unity Church of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Road. Doors open at 6:30.

Tuesday, Dec. 21 Winter Solstice Gathering, 6:00pm 667 Central Avenue, St Petersburg, Florida 33701 Price: $15, Contact: Cozette or Christy (727) 823 2333 / Join us in celebration of the coming year. A time for rebirth and transformation. Connect to spirit thru music, candles, meditation and more. Call or email for details.

Friday, Dec. 24

. Christmas Eve Yoga w/ Linda Consalvo, 10-11:30 1608 29th Avenue N, St. Petersburg, FL 33713 Price: $15 by Dec 17; $20 by Dec 21, Contact: (727) 826-4754 Re-center before your holiday festivities. Reconnect with yourself and Unity Consciousness. Living Room Yoga, Yoga for all levels with Yoga Nidra. Register at for more information today!

Thursday, Dec. 16 Herbal Tea Party, 6:00-7:30pm The Sanctuary, 5111 Central Ave, St Petersburg Price: Suggestion Donation: $5-$10, Contact: RSVP: 727-384-4372 Herbal Tea Party - Create your own tea blend! See, taste and smell herbs for optimal blood pressure. Bring your favorite mug or teacup.

Saturday, Dec. 18 Love of Rumi, 7:30PM Rising Tide International, 5102 Swift Rd Sarasota Price: $15/$10 Students no one turnied away, Contact: 941 445-2208 Celebrate Rumi’s “wedding Night” with the Beloved (God). Inspirational reading of the poetry of Rumi. Reader, Peter Rogen with traditional music accompaniment Chair Massage with Suzanne Baden, 12pm - 4pm Elysian Fields, 1273 Tamiami Trail S, Sarasota, FL Price: 15 minutes $15 Contact: Stop in and let yourself enjoy a few minutes of relaxation and massage with Suzanne Baden. We provide the massage chair – you bring your back and neck, and receive a quick treatment for relaxation or to relieve discomfort at a very affordable price. Holiday Concert, 7:00 PM Unity Church of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Road, Sarasota, FL 34231 Price: $10 advance, $12 at the door Contact:


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, 6:30 PM Unity Church of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Rd Sarasota Price: Love Offering Contact: Join us for some good will and good fellowship as we celebrate the joy of this season with a special celebration of Christmas music, prayer and candle lighting.

Friday, December 31 World Peace Meditation, 7:00am Location: Center for Conscious Living, 6152 126th Avenue, Suite 501, Largo FL 33773 Price: Free, Contact: 727-538-0900 Unite with 500+ million people worldwide as we join together in consciousness for a new era of love, forgiveness, understanding, and peace on Earth. White Stone Ceremony - Burning Bowl, 7:00PM Unity Church of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota Price: Love Offering Contact: Join us for a service of release, and rededication to cultivating a thriving consciousness.

Saturday, Jan. 1 Yoga to Set Intentions for the New Year with Stacy Renz, 11-1pm and 2:00pm-4:00pm 1608 29th Avenue N, St. Pete, FL 33713. Price: $20 by Dec 24; $25 by Dec 29Contact: or call (727) 826-4754 Transformative New Year’s ritual! Use yoga, meditation, and a burning ritual to gain clarity about what you want to let go of and what you want to draw into your life in 2011. Please pre-register.

Monday, Jan. 3 Prevention Plus Health Screening, 9:00am A Path to Wellness, 6405 9th St. N.(MLK) St. Petersburg, FL 33702 Price: Price Varies per Service, Contact: Dr. Christopher Jackson, 727-329-9637 or 1-888-667-7587 In less than 1 hour you can avoid life-threatening disease by participating in accurate, affordable ultrasound screenings. Schedule with a company your peers know and trust.

Thursday, Jan. 6 Solar Return Techniques, 7-9pm Hampton Inn on Ulmerton In Clearwater Price: $25, $15 members Laura Nalbandian, 2nd generation Seattle astrologer. The Solar Return chart is a powerful and expressive tool for understanding the issues of the “solar year” (birthday to birthday). Laura will use students’ charts to demonstrate. The Keys to Keeping Your New Years Resolution TeleSeminar, 7-8pm Virtual, Phone Conference Price: FREE, Discover why new years resolutions don’t work.


Learn the keys to making lasting change. Don’t have THESE same problems next new years!

Friday, Jan. 7 500-HR Yoga Teacher Certification in Yoga Therapy 1608 290th Ave., St. Pete FL (727) 826-4754. Life Balance Yoga Therapy 300-hour advanced training program begins January 7, 2011. Visit under “teacher training”. You must have your 200-hr cert. to apply.

Saturday, Jan. 8 Karmic Astrology: Lunar Nodes and Aspects to the Nodes, 10-5 Hampton Inn on Ulmerton in Clearwater Price: $60, $45 members Laura Nalbandian – leading Seattle astrologer. Lunar nodes through the signs and houses, using examples.

Friday, Jan. 14 Change Your Mind, 9am to 4pm (two-day event) Don CeSar Beach Resort, St Pete Beach Price: $249, Contact: A powerful, energizing event to help you think better, feel better, and live better. Hosted by Ken Block of the platinum-selling band, Sister Hazel!

Angel Gathering, Every Second Monday, 7:00 pm Wings Bookstore 4500 4th Street North St Pete Price: Love Offering, Contact:, (813) 758-1139, Connect with your Angels & Archangels. During each gathering, Angelic beings are channeled & discussed. Participants are guided through powerful exercises, to encourage the Angelic connection.

Tuesday Laughter Yoga, 10:00am The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd Suite 201, Sun City Center, FL 33573 Price: $5 Contact: 904-687-6972 Every Tuesday, Laugh your way to better health. You only need the ability to breath and the willingness to laugh for better cardiovascular health, pain relieve, and sleep. Available for private and corporate parties 5-Element Healthy Living - Open Forum, 12-2 Location: Dutch Retreat, SCC Village Plaza, Suite 104 (US301 South / SR674) Price: Free, Contact: Every 2nd Tuesday, Take charge of your own health by decreasing disturbances that can lead to ailments. Join me in an exploration of balancing our Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood Elements.

A Course in Miracles, 8-9:30 pm Location: call for details Price: Free, Contact: 941-323-1418 Conscious Parenting Workshop, 11-3:30 Every other Tues evening, A Course in Miracles Center for Conscious Living, 6152 126th Ave #501, discussion group from 8-9:30 pm every other Largo, FL Tuesday evening in a private home in Sarasota. Price: $35 for individual, $50 for couple Facilitated by Joan Haber, OMC Learn how to recognize your child’s natural Wednesday talents and gifts. Discover your child’s nature and personality. Explore the common misconceptions Restorative Yoga, 3:00pm surrounding hyperactive and challenging children. The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd Uncover the purpose and power of Indigo, Crystal, Suite 201, Sun City Center, FL 33573 and other spiritually gifted children. Price: $5, Contact: 904-687-6972 Gentle stretching and breathing floor exercise designed to restore flexibility and soothe the body, mind, and spirit. All levels welcome no prior experience needed. Weekly Event

Saturday, Jan. 15


Essential Oils for the Health of It, Every 2nd Monday, 3:30 pm The Chakra Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach, Ste 201 Sun City Center, FL 33573 Price: Free, Contact: Robin Lesia LeBleu, 813545-1256 Learn how to use Certified Pure Theraputic Grade Essential Oils instead of over the counter drugs for common ailments, DoTERRA, Gift of the earth.

Grief Support Group, 6:30 to 7:30 pm Unity Church of Sarasota, 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, FL 34231 Price: Free, Contact: 12/15/2010 Third Wednesday of each month, Join Rev. Amy Zehe and others looking for support, understanding and compassion during the grieving process.

Self Realization Classes, 5:45 pm to 6:45 pm Location: Sarasota Gnostic Center, Clark Rd Goddess Gathering, Every last Monday, 7:00 pm Sarasota Wings Bookstore 4500 4th Street North St Pete Price: Love donation, Contact: (941) 228-9208 Price: Love Offering, Contact: emily@livingtoinDescription: Experience Gnosis.Learn the secret, (813) 758-1139, practices used through the Ages. RelaxationGathering empowers women to align with the Concentration-Inner Change-Guided MeditationGoddess within. Celebration includes belly dancing Chakra Activation-Astral Projection Tarot, and & exercises to assist women embrace the feminine much more… energy that desires to express fully!

View Holiday Events Online:

Thursday Restorative Yoga, 11:00am The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd Suite 201, Sun City Center, FL 33573 Price: $5, Contact: 904-687-6972 Description: Gentle stretching and breathing floor exercise designed to restore flexibility and soothe the body, mind, and spirit. All levels welcome no prior experience needed. Weekly Event Reiki Share, 4:30pm-6:30pm The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd Suite 201, Sun City Center, FL 33573 Price: Love donations, Contact: 813-633-9400 12/09/2010 First Thursday of every month. Come and experience the ancient Universal Life Force energy. Transfer healing techniques that reduces stress and promotes healing. Every one is welcomed.

Friday Restorative Yoga, 9:00am Location: The Chakra Center 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd Suite 201, Sun City Center, FL 33573 Price: $5, Contact: 904-687-6972 Gentle stretching and breathing floor exercise designed to restore flexibility and soothe the body, mind, and spirit. All levels welcome no prior experience needed. Weekly Event Hatha Yoga, 10:30 am The Chaka Center, 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd, Suite 201, Sun City Center Price: $5, Contact: 813.633.9400 Weekly, One hour class focusing on breathing, balance, stretching and restoration. Easy beginner class geared toward those in the mature stage of life. Women’s New Moon Meditation, 6:30 pm Rising Tide Spiritual Center, 5102 Swift Road Sarasota Price: $5 love offering to Rising Tide Contact: or 941-866-5752 12/03/2010 monthly event, Women’s New Moon meditation. Smudging, & sacred space @ 6:30 pm. Meditation starts at 7 pm. Complimentary healings 6:30-7 pm. Women’s Full Moon Meditation, 6:30 pm Rising Tide Spiritual Center, 5102 Swift Rd Sarasota Price: $5 love offering to Rising Tide Contact: or 941-866-5752 12/17/2010 Monthly event, Women’s Full Moon meditation for planetary healing, peace & harmony. Smudging, & sacred space @ 6:30 pm. Meditation starts at 7 pm. Complimentary healings 6:30-7 pm. Free Belly Dance Class, Fridays 6 – 7pm Hip Expressions Belly Dance Studio, 1108 62nd Ave N, Saint Petersburg, FL Price: FREE, Contact: , 727.459.8558 Description: Discover how belly dance is great spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Join the

belly dance community – be strong, be sexy, belly dance! Quantum Super Wave Relaxation (By appointment) 300S. Duncan Ave. Suite 291E Clearwater Price: $1.00 2 Minutes, Contact: Sandy Moon 727-458-9616 Every Friday, Destress and relax. Catch the Wave! On a Quantum Super Wave Bed, Space Age Technology.

Saturday What is Laser Therapy for Pain & Acupuncture, 11:00-12:00pm 2903 Dr. MLK ST N, St. Pete Price: Free, Contact: (727)8985900 or Free Evaluation. Learn how quickly (from the first treatment $65) you can permanently reduce & heal pain. We combine 2 therapies resulting in fast results. Limited space call to reserve. Every Saturday Hatha Yoga, 10:30am The Chakra Center 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd Suite 201, Sun City Center Price: $5, Contact: 904-687-6972 Easy & very gentle yoga for the mature yogi. Safe class for all beginners. Traditional type of class with some standing posses gentle stretching & focus on breathing. Live Local Music, Time: Varies Café Central- Espresso Bar & Bistro, 449 Central Ave, Suite 101, St Petersburg Price: Free, Email:, Every Day Crepes & Food Specials along with fresh weekend events including live performances by local performance artists, DJs & live bands playing cool and relaxing music.

Sunday Sunday Celebration Service, 10am Center for Conscious Living, 6152 126th Avenue, Suite 501, Largo FL 33773 Price: Love offering, Contact 727-538-0900 Sunday Service with life-affirming message. We are a New Thought center offering spiritual tools to improve our personal lives and make the world a better place. One From The Heart Healing Sessions, Sundays, 9:30-10:15 A.M. 4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota FL (Knights of Columbus Bldg ) Price: FREE Contact: CSA Healing Practitioners offer 15 min. sessions to bring about a state of mind that responds in the reflection of Wholeness, Peace, and Love.

Lessons of Life, Sunday,s 10:30 A.M. 4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota FL (Knights of Columbus Bldg) Price: FREE Contact: Spiritual but not religious, join our loving community for Guided Meditation and Inspirational Messages for every challenge and circumstance in your life. Expand Your Awareness and Reduce Stress with EFT, 2-4pm A Path to Wellness, 6405 9th St. N Price: $15, Contact: Dr. Christopher Jackson, 727-329-9637 Every sunday, Make a move toward freedom from holiday stress and the emotional burdens of financial and family challenges with Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Turn off the noise.

Other Tom Baptist Contact:, 813-899-4588 Listen to the soothing, distinctive sounds of Tom Baptist -’Tampa Bay’s Smoothest Vocalist’ performing Jazz, Blues, and more. Check website or Face Book listings for times and venues.


Alternative Healing/Holistic Practitioners A Path to Wellness, LLC Dr. Christopher Jackson, Ph.D., DOM, AP 6405 9th St. N. (Dr. MLK Jr. St. N.) Holistic physician focused on the cause, treating body, mind, and spirit. Natural medicine from around the world with western naturopathic and eastern medicine combined. Advanced Chiropractic Dr. Heather Haverfield & Dr. Rich Rogan 110 West Shell Point Rd., Ruskin, FL 33570 813-841-1118, Wellness based practice offering Chiropractic, Hair analysis, Detox foot bath, Reflexology, Standard Process supplements, nutritional council, Erchonia Cold Laser therapy, traction, electric muscle stimulation and ultra sound. Advanced Integrative Bodywork Joanne Muir 2010 Pine Terrace, Suite B, Sarasota, Fl, 34231 813 857-5394, Using unique integrative methods of bodywork, Joanne works to facilitate her clients in finding freedom, focus, balance, integration, in the subtle and structural body systems. Alafia River Aura Imaging Sparrow Slo’an... Knowledge that transforms... Riverview, Florida, 813-601-1276 Aura Photos, Research, Workshops, and Counseling --- Certified Aura/Chakra Analyst, Ayurveda Practitioner, and Reiki Master. Utilizing the Biopulsar Reflexograph, Sparrow combines personal experience with multiple knowledge systems to interpret your aura photo. Reviewing chakra functions and body/mind frequencies, She assists with conscious transformation of your energy system. The Conscious Connection 306 Orange St, Palm Harbor, (Ozona) 727.785.4444, Our highly talented and passionate practitioners will ensure your experience to be personal, peaceful and awe inspiring. Feel the difference and lift your Spirit in the healing presence of the positive aura of The Conscious Connection®. Spiritual Consulting, Massage, Spa Treatments, Detox, Ayurveda, Yoga, Energy Work, Cafe and more!


Essentials for Health Colon Therapy Sue Ontiveros LMT, CT 5710 4th Street North Suite 4 St Petersburg 727.906.6675, We specialize in colon therapy, nutrition, and detoxification. Colon therapist, Sue Ontiveros, has performed over 8,000 colonics making her well qualified in her field. Medical Qi Gong Practitioner Lynne Nichols 813-957-6855, Strengthen and regulate the internal organs, the nervous system, and immune system. Relieve pain, regulate hormones, and purge deep seated emotions to promote wellness. The imagination leads the mind, the mind leads the Qi. Wellness Works Dr. Carol Roberts M.D. 1322 Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34243 941-358-1071, We offer our patients an evaluation, treatment, and education based on the holistic model of body-mind-spirit. To recognize that the best form of treatment is determined by the individual need and preference to incorporate education to maintain the body and the mind. Lumina Healing Ctr. for Laser, Acupuncture & Massage Oscar Hernandez 2903 Dr. MLK St. N St. Petersburg, FL 33704 (727)898-5900, Laser + Acupuncture will reduce & heal PAIN from day one (2 full therapies for $65), One hr. Hot Stone deep tissue massage $25, Herbal, Vitamin injections $25, facials. Acupuncture & Wellness Clinic of Ruskin 203 W. Shell Point Road Ruskin, FL 33570 813-645-8168 fax 813-645-8169 Dr. Ken, a Board Certified Acupuncture Physician, is also a certified Thought Field Therapist, Reflexologist, Hypnotherapist, Meridian Response Technique, and retired psychologist. Light Therapy, the quantum series Light Therapy system is for myofascial pain, fibromyalgia,joint pain, bruising, fracturs, muscle problems, and wounds. It Accelerates all types of healing.

HerbalWise Deserie Valloreo St Petersburg, FL 727-384-HERB (4372) HerbalWise empowers you to take control of your health naturally through hands-on herbal medicine-making workshops, individual consultations, and our own line of herbal remedies.

Quantum Acupuncture Sandy Moon 300 S. Duncan Ave Suite 291E Clearwater Fl 727-458-9616 Take a ride on the Quantum wave a space age Technology that incorporates ancient healing and knowledge. This new technology helps you relax and destress in minutes as well as provide you numerous healing qualities. Call Today!

Energy Sound Healer Robert Austin 941-822-9046, Discover the healing properties of crystal and Tibetan Bowls. Available for private sessions, concerts and workshops.

Garden of Eve Studio Eve Torres, LMT/Colonic Therapist 7754 66th Street, Pinellas Park 727-748-9017, Specialists in detoxification therapies: colonic hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage, ear coning, ionic foot detox, nutritional supplements and therapeutic massage.

Artists/Musicians Jack Alexander, 941-359-9222 Alexander’s artworks adorn the homes of such recognizable celebrities as actor Dustin Hoffman, Archbishop D. Tutu of South Africa and diplomats and dignitaries worldwide. Clients, decorators, contractors and collectors call him a “master” at his craft and credit his images, murals, faux-finishes and architectural concepts as having healing properties. Tom Baptist 813-899-4588 Now available “Dream Suite” CD all original piano excursions for relaxation & meditation.”Island Astrology Music 1” Original Steel Drum compositions keyed to the 12 Zodiac signs.

Books and Gifts The Chakra Center 137 S. Pebble Beach Blvd Ste 201, Sun City Center 33573 813-633-9400, Offering spiritual books, crystals, readings incense, jewelry, gifts and more. Full array of classes and workshops for enlightenment. Laughter yoga classes. Where light seekers gather. Elysian Fields Books & Gifts 1273 S. Tamiami Trail Midtown Plaza Sarasota 941-361-3006, Award winning store in Sarasota where something wonderful is always happening! Books, music, jewelry, crystals, incense, candles, clothing, personal care & greeting cards. Intuitive Readers daily. Harmony Stones By Therese, 941-953-5049 This one of a Kind Calligraphy on stone art seen in out door markets, the annual Asian Festival at Selby Gardens and Wellness Fest in Sarasota is created with Intention for Inspiration and healing. Call to order your Holiday Gifts or to create your personal Healing Garden or indoor Sanctuary using all the earth elements. Miracles Metaphysical Bookstore 1950 2nd Ave. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33713 727-822-3157 Miracles offers humanitarian and environmentally conscious merchandise; plus free information cards about many products. Ask for your ‘Frequent Shopper Thank You’ card. Free Wi-Fi. Heavenly Things, Inc 216 First Avenue N (Jannus Landing) St. Pete 727 822 8938, We provide an assortment of unique art pieces, mystical objects, spiritual music, encouraging books, happy gadgets, popular relaxing products, fine arts & crafts, aromatherapy, essential oils, jewelry, altar pieces, tarot cards, semi-precious gemstones, incense and much more.

View Holiday Events Online:

Mermaid Minerals 306 Orange St, Palm Harbor 727-785-4444, Our product formulas are infused with natural earth made ingredients. We left out toxic chemicals and preservatives to bring you quality products to protect and preserve your skin. Cozette’s Boutique and Enchanted Notions Cozette Roche and Christy Sheppard 667 Central Avenue St Petersburg (727) 823 2333, Electic Fashions and Accessories with a flair. Organic handcrafted gauges and body jewelry. Metaphysical stones, candles, incense books and tarot card readings by Christy.

Business/Personal Services Professional Proofreading Susan Barton 407-382-0313, 15 years of professional experience. Polish your materials and solidify your image with a professional proofreader. Friendly, timely, extreemly accurate.

Relationship Therapist Helen Dahlhauser 727-692-6326, As a therapist who has helped hundreds of couples make the decision to stay or leave, I have developed a relationship process that can help you learn, heal, and make the best possible decision for your unique situation.


Center for Conscious Living 6152 126th Avenue, Suite 501, Largo 727-538-0900, We are a Science of Mind New Thought center offering spiritual tools to improve our personal lives and make the world a better place. Universal Harmony 5903 Seminole Blvd. Seminole fl 727-392-7725, Our philosophy and mission is to present spiritual truth in a “universal” manner and to emphasize “harmony” in the individual path of Life-and-Living.

Center of Spiritual Awareness 4889 Fruitville Rd , Sarasota (Knights of Columbus Bldg) 941-926-7828 We welcome you with open arms and open hearts, Healthy Eating to a warm, loving, divine fellowship of “The Spirit”, honoring diversity, nurturing creativity and celebrat- Healthy Hut Market, Restaurant, Cafe ing community. 595 Corey Ave., St Pete Beach 727-363-hhut (4488), Unity Church of Sarasota At the Healthy Hut, our mission is to add one Rev. Elizabeth Thompson, Minister more choice for a healthy lifestyle to your daily 3023 Proctor Road Sarasota, Florida 34231 commute. To do it to the best of our ability, bring941-955-3301, ing you the highest quality products and services Unity is a positive approach to life, seeking to acin the pursuit of a life well lived seeking maximum cept the good in people and all of life. human longevity and quality of life.

The Go-Giver Gary Loper 727-374-7652, Learn the 5 Laws of Stratospheric Success that will shift your focus from getting to giving. Build better relationship (personal and professional) through giving! Marcia’s Creative Solutions 813-980-0298, Awaken to a space of harmony & balance... Professional Organizer for home, bills taxes and more. Need help to sort, organize and unclutter? Call me today!

Counseling & Life Coaching Integrated Mindset, LLC Cindy Snowball 941-524-1022, Health and Wellness Life Coaching. Find your life path through I See Your Dream Job coaching using numerology, astrology and intuition. “Intrigue the mind, nourish the spirit and energize the body.” Transformation Life Coaching Joeel A. Rivera & Natalie Amsden 941-479-0608, At TLC, we recognize the importance of balancing family, career, relationship, and personal priorities. Enlightened relationships, your true career/purpose, conscious parenting, creating change. Intuitive Coaching Velora Peacock The Chakra Center 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd Suite 201, Sun City Center, FL 33573 904-687-6972, Readings, intuitive coaching, energy, session, animal spirit card readings, past life regression, Awaken to your true potential. M.S. in Parapsychic Science.


Café Central- Espresso Bar & Bistro 449 Central Ave, Suite 101 St Petersburg (727) 290-9863, We offer hugeselection of: crepes, hot paninis, soups, sandwiches, cheese and meat platters, along with full coffee bar, sorbets, frappes, wine, beer, etc. We also proudly display local art and feature live performances. Promo: Bring This Page and you will get 10% off Heartmade Gluten-free Sweets & Treats Lisa Stoler 727-686-3767, Heartmade’s handmade biscotti is delicious and contains only natural, gluten-free ingredients. Perfect for holiday parties and holiday and corporate gifts! Gateau O Chocolat Emmanuel Roux 727-251-1879, Heaven’s official chocolate cake! Now available on Earth and online. Organic, gluten free, luxurious, flourless. For good friends, nice relatives, best clients, and YOU! Health & Wellness doTERRA, CPTG Essential Oil Robin Lesia LeBleu P.O. Box 230, Parrish, FL 34219 813-545-1256, DoTerra, Certified Pure Therapeutic grade, Essential Oil. Holistic health care at home. CPTG essential oils, with their healthful properties, vs Over The Counter drugs. Ochunsoino’s Spiritual and Natural Health 5129 F SR 674 Wimauma, FL 33598 813-649-4789, www. Dedicated to all natural vitamins, supplements, organic products supplying a diverse selection of spiritual and metaphysical products to the community.

Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Velora Peacock The Chakra Center, 137 S Pebble Beach Blvd Suite 201, Sun City Center, FL 33573 904-687-6972, Self empowerment techniques to reduce stress and allow the body to focus attention on a natural course of healing. Finding solutions to self sabotaging behaviors lead to peace of mind & control of negative behaviors. IMDHA Certified. St. Petersburg Hypnosis Center Tamara Shadday C.Ht. 3530 1st Ave. N. Suite 105 St. Petersburg 727-452-5630, Create Transformation and Positive Life Changes With Hypnosis. Weight Management, Smoking Cessation, Prosperity Thinking, Stress Reduction, Release Fear, Change Habits, Increase Confidence, Stop Procrastination, Sleep Better, Set Goals. Reprogram the Subconscious Mind Today. FREE Consultation with Tamara.


Massage Dutch Retreat Massage & Wellness Clinic Deb van Raalten, LMT MA#55854 SCC Village Plaza, Suite 104 (US301 S / SR674) (813) 763-0340, Dutch Retreat offers Handcrafted Wellness: Manual Lymph Drainage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Amethyst BioMat, Bamboo Fusion, Hot Stones, Reflexology & Organic customized Essential Oils, Natural Vitamins, Minerals, Herbals & Botanicals.

Give a Dog a Bone 813-641-3734 6170 N Us Hwy 41 Apollo Beach Fl. 33572 We strive for the best products at the best prices! We carry only all natural dog and cat food/treats. Our products contain human grade meat, fruits, and vegetables with no by-products. We also bake all natural bones & cakes in the store daily.


Living to Inspire Emily Andrews (813) 758-1139, Intuitive Coaching, Angel Readings & Healing Center for Conscious Living Sessions, & Past Life Readings. Workshops: 6152 126th Avenue, Suite 501, Largo Awaken your Intuition, Connect with your Angels, 727-538-0900 MEETING SPACE AVAILABLE – Spiritual center in Connect with your Past Lives, Intuitive Parenting, Largo looking for compatible “tenants” to share our & Meditation. sanctuary on regular or occasional basis. ReasonIntellectual Metaphysics able rates. Marcia Bender 941-924-1721, Sacred Lands Over 40 years in all aspects of Metaphysics and 1620 Park Street N, St. Pete, (727) 347-0354 specialization in Tarot and Numerology. Marcia Sacred Lands Preservation and Education, Inc. is has taught over 400 students to “read” the Tarot. Currently Accepting Students. a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving land that has historical and archaeological significance. Sacred Lands hosts a variety of programs PSYCHIC Consultant Specialist and events many of which are here at the mound Mrs. Dixon site which is theSunset from our dock! location of 4403 57th St W., Bradenton 34210, 941-795-8978 Tarot and Palmistry Readings. Find that which is an ancient Tocobago village. lost, who/when you will marry, solve your problems. Immediate results. Associations/Clubs

Facilities/Meeting Rooms

Astrology Association of St. Petersburg 4050 Ulmerton Rd, Clearwater, 727-572-7456, Website: Oldest continuously running astrology group in the state; we invite profession astrologers and educators from across the world to speak, in order to advance the knowledge of astrology – the world’s oldest science. Prior to the meeting, we invite you to come and talk astrology. Meets 1st Thursday.

Readers & Intuitive Wisdom From Above Rev. Emma Rosa 813-677-6314, 813-843-8961 Spiritual Advisor, Reiki Master, Classes on developing your gifts, Phone consultations, Angel Reading, Medical Intuitive, Palm Reading. Honor your creator! Everything in divine order.

Past Life Regression

Apollo Beach Yoga Julie Chavanu 118 Flamingo Rd, #C Apollo Beach, FL 33572 (813) 422-2336, We offer classes 7 days a week, Gentle Classes to Vinyasa style. Meditation and Breathing classes coming soon. NEW STUDENTS 1st Month Unlimited Classes: $25.

Forever Souls Elissa Bentsen 941-706-3583, Have you ever visited a place and experienced that you have been there before? Have you ever met some one for the first time and instantly felt you already knew them? Chances are these are clues to your past life and they can provide valuable insight and information that can help you in this lifetime.

Pets Advanced Animal Chiropractic Dr. Heather Haverfield 813-841-1118, Animal adjusting with Erchonia cold laser therapy to help improve your pets function and reduce pain. All treatments are done while working with your Veterinarian.

Mediation and Yoga

Womens Meditation Group, Spiritual Connections Jo Mooy, 941-866-5752, Women’s guided meditations on the New & Full Moons for global and personal healing. Healers offer complimentary energy services. Sacred space, chanting, silence, at Rising Tide Spiritual Center.

View Holiday Events Online:

Underneath the glitter and bows... Lost among the parties, the chatter and the noise... In the hurry, the rush, the stress, and the crowds... Has anybody seen Christmas? If Jesus came home for Christmas, his birthday celebration, would he find it? He’d find lots of music, gift giving, and people breaking bread together – this is good. But if Jesus walked into a mall, it’s likely he wouldn’t be any more impressed than he was when he came upon the money lenders in the temple desecrating a house of prayer. He would see people hurrying past each other without a word of greeting, carrying bags filled with toys that will amuse a child for a few hours and then become filler on a shelf. He would see merchants vying for the credit dollars of people who already have too much but can’t seem to get enough. He would see children in long lines to sit on Santa’s lap and tell him about all the presents they want for Christmas; children who have culturally learned to have a sense of entitlement. But he would also see parents who, with love in their hearts and children in tow but no money in their pockets, could only window gaze and dream--onlookers to the materialistic maw of Christmas. O come all ye faithful. And if he walked into a neighborhood and peeked in windows, it is unlikely that he’d be any more moved than he was when the spirit of evil tempted him in the desert. He would see people making lists for card sending, based too often more on who has sent them cards than on who they want to send wishes to, and he would see people sitting in their decorated homes not knowing or caring who their neighbor is next door. O holy night. If finding Christmas means finding the world Jesus tried to teach us to create, then I’d have to say he wouldn’t find it. Jesus was a man of action who went out doing acts of good to people who were shunned by the establishment; sitting with them, dining with them. He went outside the safe circle of what was acceptable to offer compassion and healing, looking for the divine in the most unpromising of people. Today he would instead find still too many people who are cast out into a lonely manger. But what if finding Christmas means finding one moment, one shining moment, that embodies that undefinable presence in the manger? What if finding Christmas means modeling a little less after the Magi (who set the gift-giving pace with their frankincense, myrrh and gold) and a little more after the shepherds (the ones who had the time and the space to experience wonder and hear the good news and just what it was that the angels were singing)? I heard of one such moment while talking with a young man who told me about an evening with his wife. As they went into a restaurant for dinner, they noticed a man with a terribly scarred face panhandling in front of the restaurant. His wife asked the waiter if he knew the man in front of the restaurant. Indeed he did, and said the man was often there, a veteran with serious war wounds, both physical and psychological. The young man’s wife asked the waiter to take a menu to the veteran, ask him what he would like for dinner, and include the cost on their bill. Now if I

stopped the story right here, it would be a lovely enough moment of generosity—the kind of story that makes the essence of Christmas shine. But the waiter didn’t just hand the man a container of food. The waiter took the small outside table and moved it inside to a bit of free space in the restaurant. He carefully covered the table with a cloth, brought out a place setting, invited the man into the restaurant, and then served him the fish and chips. If Jesus came back, would he find any of us knowing Christmas in this way? Finally, I can say YES. Each time we choose kindness, any time we share the abundance that is ours with those who have less, whenever we acknowledge another, whenever we make room in our heart to receive another for who they truly are, we create the world that Jesus spoke of. And upon seeing this, Jesus would be able to say again, and know it to be true, “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.”

O star of wonder, star of light, star with royal beauty bright, leading... still proceeding, guide us, oh guide us.



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