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Each custom-designed deck of Just Ask 1 2 3 cards offers 53 thought-inspiring questions and a Directions card. A lovely organza gift bag is included to hold the cards for selecting.


Just Ask 1 2 3 is a fun pathway to conversation, kindness and connection!

Only $15.95

Deck 1 Easing In – playful questions to break the ice & have fun!

Deck 2 Getting Closer – thought-provoking questions to get to know each other better . . . including ourselves.

Deck 3 Deepening Conversation – Insightful questions that invite sharing experiences and reflections on life and relationships.

Deck 4 Daring to Divulge – Provocative questions that spark deeper conversations and encourage meaningful connections.

JustAsk123.com & LoveIstheNewCurrency.com