Philippe Van Snick - Dynamic Project

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2003 B Philippe Van Snick lives and works in Schaerbeek, Brussels. T H / — Nomadische Landschappen [264], 2001-2003. Series of ten W works, of various formats, acrylic and vinyl on canvas, with

slightly curled or cut-off edges, glued on panel. Each of the canvases is divided in two horizontal colored planes. From 2003 : nr. 8 : (39,5 × 44,5 cm). nr. 9 : (34 × 38 cm). nr. 10 : (36 cm × 43 cm). — Plis / Plooien [267], 2003, acrylic on canvas, folded, glued on panel, (38.5 × 45.5 cm). — Territoire de Voyage [289], 2003, maple, (183 × 71 × 71 cm). All parts can be disassembled. EX — Charlie’s place, London, Fordham at Annely Juda Fine Art,

29.5 – 19.7.2003. [266] Ph. Van Snick exhibits Monochrome déstabilisé-re Ag, 1980, and exhibits the various parts of the work in the space along with the works of the other participating artists. In his contribution to exhibition brochure, Ph. Van Snick writes :

The ten fragments make another figure in 2003.

[English in original]

— Gelijk het leven is. Belgische en internationale kunst uit de collectie, Ghent, SMAK, 28.6 – 14.9.2003. Farewell exhibition of conservator Jan Hoet. Of Ph. Van Snick : Eclips II [87, 99], 1978. — Daniel Göttin, Jan van der Ploeg, Philippe Van Snick, Brussels, CCNOA, 28.11.2003 – 18.1.2004. Ph. Van Snick realizes Promised Land [265], 2003, in the Project Room. The work consists of Territoire de Voyage [289, 295], 2003, opposite of a mural : white wall on which a horizontal rectangle divided in two horizontal rectangles : lower part painted pale blue, upper part painted white (on white). — Chaque jour l’art à Liège change le monde. Quinze artistes dialoguent avec la collection de la Cera Foundation, Liege, MAMAC, 20.12.2003 – 8.2.2004. A / — Duif – Duiven, 2003, photographical assignment from ED Cera, Leuven, for a campaign image.

Used for cover of Decennium. Kunst in België na Documenta IX. L’art belge et l’après-documenta IX, Ludion / Cera, Ghent[264]  Nomadische Landschappen, 2000-2003 Top to bottom: nr. 8, nr. 9, nr. 10



2000 - 2010

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