Salimar proxecto volandeira

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3.6. Bibliografía. >>


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Paul, J. D., A. R. Brand, et al. (1981). “Experimental cultivation of the scallops Chlamys opercularis (L.) and Pecten maximus (L.) using naturally producing spat.” Aquaculture 24: 31-44.


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Ramonell, R., G. Román, C.P. Acosta y M. Malvar (1990). Captación de semilla de pectínidos en colectores : resultados de la campaña de prospección en bueu (ría de pontevedra, galicia) en 1988. Actas III Congreso Nacional Acuicultura.


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Román, G., M.J. Campos, C.P. Acosta, J. Cano (1999). “Growth of the queen scallop (Aequipecten opercularis) in suspended culture. Influence of density and depth.” Aquaculture 178: 43-62.


Román, G., M.J. Campos, J. Cano, C.P. Acosta, P. Iglesias and O. García (2002). “Reproductive and reserve storage cycles in Aequipecten opercularis (l., 1758) In galicia, nw spain.” Journal of shellfish research vol 21, nº 2: 577584.


Iglesias, P., A. Louro, et al. (2010). “Settlement of queen scallop Aequipecten opercularis on artificial substrates in Aldán, Ría de Pontevedra, Galicia, Northwest Spain.” Journal of Shelfish Research 29, Nº 4: 827-832.


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Magnesen, T and K. Redmond, 2011 Potential predation rates by the sea stars Asterias rubens and Marthasterias glacialis, on juvenile scallops, Pecten maximus, ready for sea ranching. Aquacultue International.

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