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At TISB we believe it is important to ensure that our students have a mathematical mindset By having a mathematical mindset students see their role in understanding and making sense of the mathematics that they are doing. Therefore, our approach centers on developing a deep understanding of mathematical concepts and their applications This approach goes beyond memorizing procedures and formulas and instead focuses on helping students make connections, think critically, and apply their mathematical knowledge in various contexts Here are key elements of the concept-based inquiry approach in mathematics:

Focus on Big Ideas: We prioritize essential mathematical concepts or big ideas. These concepts serve as the foundation for understanding various mathematical topics and are transferable across different mathematical situations

Real-Life Contexts: Mathematics is presented in meaningful and relevant real-life contexts This helps students see the practical applications of the concepts they are learning, making mathematics more engaging and applicable to their lives

Problem-Solving Emphasis: Problem-solving is at the core of the lessons. Students are encouraged to tackle authentic problems, apply their understanding of concepts, and devise strategies to find solutions

Open-Ended Tasks: Students are given open-ended tasks and problems that allow for multiple approaches and solutions. This fosters creativity, critical thinking, and the development of mathematical reasoning

Hands-On Manipulatives: Manipulatives and concrete materials are used to facilitate understanding of abstract concepts They help students visualize mathematical ideas and build a strong conceptual foundation.

Alongside developing number sense and mental mathematics, students also learn topics such as measurement, data handling, geometry, and pattern Across our year levels, there is a progression of mathematical learning Students will progress through the concepts at different rates and teachers will provide materials and support to enable students to progress to the next concept with understanding. Mathematics approaches used at TISB involve a combination of number sense routines, mini-lessons, practice and problem-solving.

The diagram shows all the essential components in a mathematics lesson Lessons are differentiated in order to cater for the different rates of progress. We endeavor to raise the enjoyment of Mathematics through dedicated events such as Math Day and by promoting international competitions such as SASMO (Singaporean & Asian Schools Math Olympiad.)