Tidbits Grand Forks - October 8, 2015

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DIFFERENCES: 1. Container is missing. 2. Hair is shorter. 3. Belt is missing. 4. Suspenders are missing. 5. Sign is missing. 6. Cash register is smaller. © 2015 King Features Synd., All rights reserved.

J.K. ROWLING (continued):

• The second and third books in the series followed in 1998 and 1999. When the fourth book, Goblet Answer: Dell. of Fire was released in 2000, its first-day sales were nearly as much as the A VERY LARGE NUMBER first year’s sales of the second book, Prison• er Edward KasnerDuring was a mathematician. In 1938 of Azkaban. its first 48 hours in the he was asked to come up with a name for a U.S., three million copies of Goblet were sold, very large number: the numeral one, followed breaking all records. by a hundred zeros. He asked his two young nephews they wouldThe suggest. • The sixthwhat bookname in the series, Half-Blood Prince, went on sale in 2005, with sales • Nine-year-old Milton suggested U.S. a name outnine of million the funnies. A in cartoon character of copies the firststrip 24 hours. The named Barney wasbook, very popular. Milton chose seventh and final The Deathly Hallows, Barney’s last in name forbreaking the number. was released 2007, all previous re• cords Kasnerwith announced thebooks new name for day. the big 11 million the first The numberhave in hisnow nextbeen book,translated altering the spelling. books into 65 languages. • Sixty years later, Larry Page and Sergey Brin developed a new internet search engine. Other • Rowling sold the film rights to Warner Brothers search engines searched each webpage and and the first of eight films premiered in 2001. It ranked them according to how many times a took 10 years to complete filming of theand sespecific term appeared on the them, but Page ries. first movie was toengine be directed by SteBrinThe designed their search to search for ven Spielberg, but he declined the offer. It was the specific term and then find out how many his thought series shouldtobethat animated links there that werethe that led back page, whichwith resulted in a better films, American actorsearch Haleyengine. Joel Osment Harry Potter. specifically • voicing They decided they Rowling needed had a name that demanded that the principal cast bethe British. reflected how many websites search engine was searching. They took the name • The eight-film series garnered 12 total Oscar of Edward Kasner’s very large number, only nominations, but strangely enough, won no they misspelled it slightly, so it ended up being awards. series over the $7.7cartoon billion spelled The exactly the grossed same way worldwide, more than the first 22 James Bond character Barney spelled his last name. What’s films combined, and six Star Wars movies. it called? (Answer at the bottom of page) COMPUTER • J.K. Rowling is ranked FACTS as the 12th richest theGates United Kingdom, an esti• woman In 1981inBill said, “640 kb with of memory mated worth of approximately $1 billion. ought to be enough for anybody.” • Moore’s Law states that computer performance Thanks doubles every for 18 toReading 24 months, Tidbits! and ever since 1971, this has been true. • HP, Google, Microsoft, and Apple were all started in garages. .COM Answer: Google, Of Gfrom rand Fgoogol. orks • East Grand Forks





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Quiz Answers

1. Robert Frost 5. Roberta 2. Mr. T in Flack 6. Dead Poets Rocky III. 3. Dan Blocker Society; from TV show John Keating 7. 38 Special, Bonanza. 4. Sheryl Crow in 1985



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Sports Answers 1. St. Louis’ Bob 5. 4: Tony La Russa, Doug Gibson, 1968 Rader, Jim 2. Never Fregosi, and 3. Russell Wilson Jeff Torborg (38 games) 4. Pat Quinn


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