Tidbits Grand Forks May 8 Issue

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Fans of the 1939 classic The Wizard of Oz will recognize the familiar phrase, “Lions and tigers and bears, oh, my!” uttered by Dorothy. Here is some interesting info about each of Dorothy’s fears.

• It was Danish physicist Niels Bohr who made the following sage observation: "The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." • It was in 1954 that the first TV dinner was introduced. • When Walter Chrysler started his own automobile manufacturing company in 1925, after having been employed by Buick and the Overland Motor Company, he insisted that all of the cars turned out by his company be oversized. It seems that Chrysler was a large man and wanted to be sure he could fit comfortably into any of the models produced in his name. • You might have heard that the band on the doomed ocean liner Titanic played music on the deck while the ship sank. But you probably don't know what song they were playing at the very end. According to witnesses, it was a popular British waltz called "Autumn."

• If you're planning a trip to Sweden, keep this point of law in mind: In that country, it's illegal to teach a seal to balance a ball on its nose. • In 1983, a Polish director named Zbignew Rybcyznski won the Academy Award for Best Animated Short. After he had been presented with his award, he stepped outside to smoke a cigarette. When he tried to re-enter, a security guard wouldn't let him in because the guard believed anyone wearing sneakers with a tuxedo couldn't be an attendee of the august Academy Awards. Incensed, Rybcyznski kicked the guard and landed himself in jail. • Pigeons have the distinction of being only birds that don't have to raise their heads to swallow when they drink water. * * * Thought for the Day: "Luck is the residue of design." -- Branch Rickey © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc.

• The cats live in groups called prides, surprisingly, usually led by the females. A pride might have as many as 40 lions, and the females stay in their mother’s pride their entire lives. • A lion’s diet is most large animals, such as zebras and wildebeests. The females are the primary hunters in the pride. • Very vulnerable to extinction, there are only about 3,200 tigers existing in the wild today. In just over 100 years, the world has lost 97% of its wild tigers. • Whereas the lion is a social animal, tigers are solitary and typically hunt alone. They are massive animals, with the male Siberian tigers weighing up to 660 lbs. When their prey is bagged, the tiger might eat up to 88 lbs. of meat at one time. Their large size doesn’t slow them down, however, as tigers can reach a running speed of up to 40 mph and can swim distances of up to 3.7 miles.




by Samantha Weaver

• Lions are found primarily in Africa, from the southern border of the Sahara down to South Africa. Although we often refer to lions as “King of the Jungle,” they actually dwell in a prairie grassland habitat. They’re the second in size of the “big cats,” after tigers. A male lion is about 10 feet in length, usually weighing between 330 and 550 lbs. Its tail adds another 2 or 3 feet to its length. At its shoulder, an adult lion stands nearly 4 feet tall. Its roar can be heard nearly 5 miles away.


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