The Voice of the Maltese No. 216

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Issue 216

The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Fortnightly magazine for the Diaspora

November 19, 2019

A beautiful picture of Cittadella, the Medieval fortified city of Gozo with its bastions Cathedral Square and the baroque Cathedral of the Assumption as you have never seen it before.

Photographer George Formosa

The numbers speak for themselves

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday November 19, 2019


by Hon, Evarist Bartolo Minister for Education and Employment

nything that doubles in value over seven years is a worthwhile investment. When you double a country's GDP, the core value of a nation, over seven years it is nothing short of impressive. As Minister for Education and Employment, I sit in the respective council in Brussels with other ministers. They are envious of the opportunity being afforded to me as Minister, because nowhere else has the education budget more than doubled in just under seven years. Many Ministers have faced reductions in their budgets; the few ones doing well have seen incremental increases. The figures speak for themselves. The recurrent budget for education and employment in 2012 was €360 million while the capital budget stood at €40 million, a total of 400 million. Budget 2020 presents a recurrent budget of €650 million and a capital budget of €215 million, a total of €865 million for education and employment. The numbers are simply overwhelming, and they put an even greater responsibility on myself, my colleagues and rity in schools. the rest of government to make sure these huge resources This initiative comes after consulting stakeholders, esat our disposal are spent wisely and efficiently and deliver pecially teachers. Over three years we will invest 6 million value for the group that is putting up all euros in security in schools, starting this money in the first place - taxpayers. from 2020 with €1.2 million. This inGovernment assistance to The University of Malta, under a vestment varies from reception areas Church Schools has risen Labour Government, has seen its to technological equipment. from €45.2 million in 2012 budget increased from €50 million to Since 2015 we've invested a total of €83 million and MCAST from €15 mil€1.7 million in purchasing 288,000 to €95 million in the 2020 lion to €37 million. books. This is a different budget from budget. Over the past eight years we've spent public libraries, with the books specifmore than €112 million on school infraically for schools. This works out at an structure, through FTS, despite the fact that the previous average of €15,000 per school, which basically means rePN Government left an €80 million pending bill. freshing the whole library of every school. When the Nationalist Party talks about how it built a These investments have only been possible because our new school every year, it's important to remember that a economy has grown steadily. Sometimes progress brings Labour Government is actually paying for it. It's nice and problems, which people rightly highlight, but it also means dandy to place an order, it's another thing to actually pay this - more books in schools, more teacher salaries, nicer for it. schools and more tools for the educational experience. The assistance that Government provides to Church It's about balance and sustainability. As I go to the next Schools has also increased considerably. It has risen from EU council in Brussels one thing is for sure: Malta will be €45.2 million in 2012 to €95 million in the 2020 budget. For the only one at the table that has had increases of this the first time this year we have a strong budget for secu- magnitude.


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Tuesday November 19, 2019

The Voice of the Maltese 3


Q. I am 57 years old and my husband is 60 years. I his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Malwork full time but my salary is not very high. My hustese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian band lost his job three months ago and at his age he is Financial Services helps our readers understand the comstruggling to find another. He has a superannuation fund which he was contemplating of touching to sub- plexities associated with financial planning. If you need sidise our income. Can you please advise us on what more advice send an email to Marie Louise via: our options are? defiA. As your husband is 60 years of age he is able to commence an account based nitely reduce your pension and take a monthly pension of at pension If you are least 4% per annum. This income will be being tested on tax-free income and can be used to sub- the asset test you sidise your living expenses. If he finds will lose $45 per employment he can always revert this fortnight each of account back into accumulation, but in age pension while the meantime it would have helped you if you are being tested on the into subsidise your income. Another option is for him to make a come test your small lump sum withdrawal from super- pension will reannuation to top up your bank account duce by around to cover your living expenses. He has $9 each a fortmet a condition of release that is age 60 night. and not working and therefore these opQ. My mother is tions are available to him. a pensioner, 76 year old and has can- She is also able to gift you each the Q. I have just received an inheritance cer. She has been given three months $100,000 and this will not affect her curof $30,000 from my late aunt. My hus- at most. She has an account-based rent age pension as Centrelink are alband and I are currently on a part age pension of approximately $350,000. ready treating this account-based pension. Will this inheritance affect She wishes to cash this in and gift my pension as an asset. As long as your two siblings and myself $100,000 each mother will have enough money to live our age pension entitlement? and leave the other $50,000 in her on until she passes on, this strategy is A. You have not mentioned whether you bank account to cover her daily needs. quite commendable. are being tested on the Income test or the Can she do this? Q. I have two parcels of shares valued Asset test. However you mentioned that you are on a part age pension. This A. Yes, at her age your mother is able to around $45,000 that I would like to means that you have other assets and cash in her account based pension at any give to my two adult children. Can I therefore this $30,000 inheritance will time. This will be paid to her tax-free. do this or do I need to sell them first and then buy them back in their names?


A. You can definitely gift your two children these shares. You do not need to sell them but make what we call off market transfers. You will divide each parcel in two and fill in a transfer form with your name as the seller and their names as the buyer. You will not need to pay brokerage on doing this but the broker may charge you a fee for the preparation of the transfer forms. Although you will not be actually selling these shares but gifting them to your children, you will still trigger a capital gain or a capital loss. This is because the shares are changing owners. If you trigger a capital gain and if you have other income you may have to pay some capital gains tax. If you trigger a capital loss, you can preserve this loss and you can offset it against future capital gains. You do not need to utilise your losses in the same year that you make them. You should see your accountant on this matter. This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday November 19, 2019

Something magical happens each time you enter these city walls. Architectural excellence captivates your visual senses, as every step leads to a landmark of historical value. Walls and pavements that line the grid of narrow streets whisper secrets and mystics to passersby, whilst the air fills up with modern art, live music, and an array of celebrations. The Unesco World Heritage Site could perhaps best be described as a place where history meets the present; where every explorer can find something they love. How will your Valletta story unfold?

A popular and respected lady in the field of financial services

Tuesday November 19, 2019

The Voice of the Maltese 5


ntegrity, trust and experience are what makes our selection for the November Personality of the month stand out from the crowd. Marie Louise Muscat speaks fluently in both the English and the Maltese language. She has addressed many gatherings of the Maltese all over NSW. She is indeed a popular and respected lady in the field of financial services.

Marie Louise Muscat


arie Louise Muscat was born in Sliema on October 10, 1955 to Lina and Anthony Agius. The eldest of three daughters, she attended the Rosary Primary School St Julian’s that was run by the Sisters of the Sacred Heart, and afterwards attended St Louis Grammar School at Ta’ Giorni. Marie Louise later attended a secretarial college and became pay mistress at Malta Wool and Leather at Marsa. After a couple of years, she became a Kindergarten teacher where she remained until she married to Frank Muscat on December 20, 1980. Six weeks later, Frank and Marie Louise migrated to Australia, arriving on February 1, 1981. Marie Louise assumed a secretarial position with Cablemakers Australia, where she worked in the planning department for four and a half years until her first child, Amanda was born in 1985. She then took up a position as a Personal Assistant to the Research and Development and Quality Assurance Departments at Johnson & Johnson P/L in Campbelltown. During this period, her second child, Anthony, was born in 1986. Marie Louise left Johnson and Johnson in December 1991, and after that attained the position of Personal Assistant to Harold


Marie Louise in a family photo with husband Frank, children and grandchildren

Bodinnar of Bodinnars Personal Financial Planners in March 1992. She was his assistant for seven years until she became a qualified financial adviser in February 1999 in her own right. When Harold retired in May 2002, he sold his financial planning business to Fiducian Financial Services where Marie Louise still works to this day. She continues to work full time as a Certified Financial Planner. She has a segment on 89.3 2GLF’s Maltese programme every third Sunday of the month, where she answers financial questions for her Maltese listeners. Every year she gives a seminar organised by the Maltese Welfare (NSW) following the Federal Budget. In addition, she has a very popular monthly article, “Money Talks Q & A” in The Voice of the Maltese newspaper, where she answers her readers’ questions on finance. Marie Louise is also actively involved in her Parish community. She is a member of the Parish Finance Committee, Parish Fund Raising Committee and a member of the Legion of Mary prayer group – a role she has held since 1999 in Australia, and ten years prior to this in Malta. She has enjoyed living in Australia especially as her parents, sisters and their families followed her about four years later. She still loves visiting Malta. Marie Louise is now a grandmother of three, with the latest grandchild being born on October 8 this year. She loves being a grandmother and always prioritises her family amidst her busy schedule.

Balluta Blues 6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday November 19, 2019

– Poezija għas-seklu 21


ista’ jkun li l-ġenerazzjoni żagħżugħa ta’ kittieba u poeti li ħafna baqgħu jirreferu għalihom bħala “Tas-Snin Sittin” u “tal-Moviment”, illum tinsab fl-istadju fiżiku tat-tielet età, iżda l-biċċa kbira minnhom għadhom attivi u ħabrieka fl-oqmsa varji tagħhom, xejn inqas il-poeżija bil-Malti. Dawn kienu l-protagonisti fil-bidla kulturali u soċjo-politika tasSnin Sittin, mewġa żgħira Maltija fit-tsunami kbira dinjija li bidlet għal kollox il-mod kif in-nies tħares lejn ħajjitha u lejn dak kollu li jiġri madwarha, mill-inżul fuq il-qamar eżattament ħamsin sena ilu sal-gwerra u l-kisba ta’ jeddijiet u libertajiet imċaħħda saħansitra matul l-ewwel żewġ diċennji mill-qerda, l-imwiet u ttraġedja umana tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija. Il-poeżija kienet fost il-ġeneri letterarji li l-aktar għaddew minn bidla hekk kif il-kontemporanju, l-innovativ u, kultant, ir-riskjuż u l-esperimentali beda jeħodha mat-tradizzjonali permezz ta’ tematika li ħadet bixra għal kollox differenti. Dan sakemm il-mewġ beda jbatti u l-wiċċ tal-baħar uman reġa’ sab it-trankwillità tant meħtieġa fiċ-ċiklu dejjiemi tal-ġenerazzjonijiet. Charles Flores jirrifletti dan kollu bil-għażla ta’ poeżiji fil-ktieb ġdid tiegħu “Balluta Blues” li għadu kemm inħareġ fis-suq minn Horizons (

F’din il-ġabra provokattiva daqskemm hi romantika u intima, Flores jagħmel użu prattiku millmogħdija li twassal għas-Seklu 21, fissens li għaraf jara jinbtu fih ħsibijiet, tqanqiliet u fehmiet tal-lum bis-saħħa taż-żerriegħa li żera’ matul is-Snin Sittin u Sebgħin u baqa’ jisqiha u jaraha tikber. Il-kontenut f’Balluta Blues huwa l-azzar imdewweb li ħareġ minn forġa li għadha tħammar u tilheġ fuq in-nar tal-ispirazzjoni, lil hinn middħaħen u l-irwejjaħ ristrettivi tal-imgħoddi, biex ingħata l-forma u s-saħħa li ż-żmien biss inissel. Il-messaġġ ta’ Flores mhux tal-bierah, anki jekk sikwit jibkih, iżda tal-lum permezz ta’ versi u lehmiet minsuġin u maħsubin espressament għas-Seklu 21. “Balluta Blues” huwa mżewwaq b’disinni ta’ Gordon Pace Flores li permezz tal-arti kaligrafika tiegħu, kif qal fid-daħla tiegħu għal din il-ġabra eċċitanti l-kittieb u poeta Victor Fenech, “jagħmel il-ktieb artistiku daqskemm riflessjonist.” Fenech iżid: “Żgur li l-arti kaligrafika ta’ Pace Flores, kultant fil-forma ta’ graffiti, drabi oħra fi żwieġ perfett mal-kontenut, mhux biss iżżejjen imma wkoll tikkumplimenta l-kitbiet ta’ Flores bil-forom u l-kuluri varji tagħha.” “Balluta Blues” jinsab għall-bejgħ mill-ħwienet kollha f’Malta.

Standards regolatorji maħsuba li jsaħħu d-drittijiet tal-anzjani


’Malta ġie ssiġillat ftehim bejn l-Awtorità għall-Istandards ta’ Ħarsien Soċjali (SCSA), il-Ministeru għall-Familja, Drittijiet tat-Tfal u Solidarjetà Soċjali, flimkien ma’ entitajiet oħra, bil-mira li jiġu salvagwardjati aħjar l-interess ta’ nies vulnerabbli, l-aktar l-anzjani. B’dan il-ftehim, l-SCSA flimkien mal-Kummissarju għall-Persuni Anzjani jistgħu jaqsmu flimkien informazzjoni u jsir arranġament li jassigura li fl-ebda ħin ma jkun hemm xi diskriminazzjoni u abbuż, u jippromwovi opportunitajiet li jilħqu lil kulħadd. Il-ftehim se jippromwovi wkoll l-aħjar prattika ta’ dawk li jipprovdu s-servizzi, l-interessi u l-opportunitajiet għall-anzjani li jinsabu fiċ-ċentru tal-politika talgvern. Is-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Persuni b’Diżabilità u Anzjanità Attiva, Anthony Agius Decelis qal li l-gvern irid jaċċerta li l-anzjani jiġu protetti minn kull forma ta’ abbuż, ħsara, trattament mhux xieraq u abbandun. Il-ftehim se jkun qed ukoll iżid il-kollaborazzjoni biex jiġi żgurat li d-drittijiet tal-anzjani jkunu mħarsa. L-SCSA se tkun tista’ tistħarreġ kwalunkwe` abbuż ta’ drittijiet ta’ persuni anzjani.

Għal bejgħ jew le?

Tuesday November 19, 2019

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Il-Madre Superjura ġejja minn Malta


inħabba l-fatt li s-soru Georgina Sultana OP li tamministra St Dominic’s Home for the Elderly ta’ Blacktown NSW għażlet li tinjora għal kollox lil The Voice of the Maltese, din il-pubblikazjoni blikbar ċirkulazzjoni li qatt kellha l-komunita’ Maltija fl-Awstralja, kellna nfittxu sorsi oħra biex niksbu ttagħrif ħalli ngħadduh lill-qarrejja. Fost l-oħrajna kellimna lill-Madre Superjura ta’ l-Ordni Dumnikana f’Malta, Carmelita Borg OP li taħtha jaqaw ukoll is-sorijiet Dumnikani fl-Awstralja. Mitluba titfa dawl dwar dak li se jseħħ tassew mid-Dar tal-Anzjani ta’ Walters Road Blacktown, u wara dak li ttmexxija fi NSW qalet li qed tfittex sidien ġodda għal din id-dar Madre Carmelita qaltilna li fil-fatt m’hemm xejn li s-sorijiet se jerħu minn idejhom din id-dar. Meta fakkarniha li l-istess sorijiet fi stqarrija semmew il-bejgħ qaltilna li dan kien kollu għajdud (hearsay). Fl-aħħar ħarġa ta’ The Voice żvelajna li madwar seba’ xhur ilu kienet ittieħdet deċiżjoni finali f’Malta li d-dar fi Blacktown kellha tinbiegħ u li s-sorijiet Maltin se jitilqu. Il-Madre sostniet li m’hemm l-ebda deċiżjoni li d-Dar se tagħlaq jew li mhux se tibqa’ titmexxa mis-sorijiet. Fl-istess waqt li qalet li ftit tal-jiem oħra għandha tagħmel żjara lis-sorijiet fi NSW ma ridetx tikkonferma jekk iż-żjara hix se tkun konnessa mal-ġejjieni tad-Dar.

Fil-website tal-Ordni l-Madre Superjura tistqarr li, “fiddinja tal-lum huwa importanti li l-informazzjoni dwar is-sorijiet Dumnikani tkun aċċessibbli għal kulħadd,” għaliex fi kliemha jinħoloq mhux biss interess iżda wkoll kuntatt aktar mill-qrib bejn il-kongregazzjoni u lindividwi minn madwar id-dinja kollha. Hu importanti li l-komunita` anzjana Maltija fl-istat ta’ NSW ssir taf x’se jsir b’din id-Dar u jekk is-sorijiet hux se jibqgħu jipprovdu l-kura professjonali li ilhom għal għexieren sħaħ ta’ snin jagħtu lir-residenti. Sadanittant minn sorsi oħra ta’ min jorbot fuqhom sirna nafu li nħatru aġenti biex jibdew in-negozju talbejgħ, u qed isir kull sforz biex is-sidien il-godda jkunu ta’ religjon Kattolika ħalli almenu tibqa ħajja l-konnessjoni tagħna ma’ l-uniku dar għall-anzjani Maltin fi NSW.

Commemorating Armistice Day he Maltese RSL Sub Branch NSW organised its annual Armistice Day service and T Remembrance Day mass at Mons Depiro House East Sydney where the names of the deceased were read out at the beginning of the mass celebrated by Fr Tarcisio Micallef mssp (pictured above). Another memorial mass was also organised at OLQP Church in Greystanes by the Maltese Cultural Association of NSW where mass was celebrated by Fr Joe Lam, The Choir of the association took part. Other similar functions were held around Australia including the laying of the wreaths at the Cenotaph. Lest we forget.

End of hostilities

Armistice Day is commemorated every year on November 11 to mark the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany at Compiègne,

France at 5:45 am, for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I. It took effect at 11.00 a.m. – the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" of 1918.

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Anybody interested in advertising on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, partcularly among the Maltese diaspora is requested to write for details to:

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday November 19, 2019

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

Morrison wake up before it’s too late

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly magazine fortnightly tnightly magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese


Harry CC, Cairns, Qeensland writes: really hate it when I see the Australian Prime Minister, the leader of such a great nation aligning with US President Donald Trump in more ways than one. From the moment Morrison agreed to help Trump investigate something that does not concern Australia (the so-called Mueller inquiry) the country has been stapled to cartwheeling madness in Washington, which has only intensified as Trump thrashes ever more wildly against his potential impeachment. But to be honest, I don’t really care about Morrison’s behaviour in this case. What makes me really angry is his acceptance of Trump’s reasoning when it comes to climate change. Both are in denial. They fail to accept the science and try to ignore the dangers such as we have been seeing lately, the fires in California (USA) and NSW and Queensland (among others). They don’t want to recognise the dangers or accept that man-made climate change is real and that it poses a great threat to the planet and its inhabitants. A federal govern-

That Echo Chamber


Paul Aquilina from Smithfield, NSW, writes: am intrigued by Facebook. So much energy and so much free for all. It is, and remains, an echo chamber. They are satisfied with hits from the same score of admirers. If they are happy who cares? They are now completely convinced that through social media they can fix all the difficulties we are facing especially the fusion between the generations. Using and pontificating on social media is the easy way, however, the community needs people that are willing to get their hands dirty, to come and face reality. Changes need to be done from inside not from one’s iPhone

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ment laden with climate-change deniers and charlatans gives us no guarantee. Climate change in Australia has been a critical issue since the beginning of the 21st century. The carbon emissions in Australia have been rising every year since the Coalition Government abolished climate change. So Prime Minister, wake up before it is too late!

Is SBS fair and equitable? Tony Sant from St Mary’s NSW writes:

Special Broadcasting Services (SBS) breathes discrimination. It is in a state of chaos. A powerful lobby of the largest ethnic communities runs it. They refuse to conduct surveys to assess who in fact is listening to their radio programmes or viewing their TV programmes. They extended a massive 24-hour radio to a community because they wanted to prevent radicalisation. They gave larger communities 14 hrs. of radio a week. They disrupt, without hesitation ethnic news broadcasts because of sports. The Maltese TV programmes are always on the hit list. They say that multiculturalism at the Federal level is close to death; SBS is administering the last rights.

Piano utter disaster


Michael Brincat-Lisano from Sydney, writes:

have to say prosit, prosit tassew(!), for putting to writing what I am sure a very large number of Maltese both in Malta and overseas feel about the utter disaster that Renzo Piano has inflicted on Valletta. (The Voice of the Maltese November). This has always been il-Pjazza Teatru Rjal but where is the teatru now? On my last visit to Malta a few years ago I felt so upset as I walked by. Yet some are too willing to pay homage simply because Renzo Piano did it. Moreover, it seems to me that the new Parliament House, in a totally different architectural style and sitting right next to what is left of the old theatre is an encroachment. But as you say ma mhemmx x’taghmel (there’s nothing you can do). There is enough room for only one centre of attraction and that is the teatru. Can you imagine a second edifice going up in London’s Trafalgar Square competing with Nelson’s pillar? I feel very strongly about this in more ways than one. Why Renzo Piano? Are there no Maltese architects worthy of delivering a truly Maltese solution? We still suffer from the notion that any expert from overseas - in any field - is necessarily better than what any Maltese can deliver.

From Malta to Melbourne: The story of Olive and Loreto at devastating times of war Tuesday November 5, 2019

The Voice of the Maltese 9

It all started with a movie theatre date in London


his incredible story of a love that started after the devastating war tells a tale of perseverance, struggle and lifelong marriage. It’s not every day we hear about such stories, but when they do come around, they leave us in total awe. Loreto and Olive York’s journey started right after the war, but before we get to that, you need to know a little bit about Loreto. He was born and raised in Malta from 1918 to 1940. His parents, Loretta and Salvatore Meilak were originally from Għajnsielem in Gozo, but in 1917 they moved to Sliema, where Loreto was born. He was the eleventh child, even though four of his siblings died as babies. Olive and Loreto on their wedding day

“He volunteered for the Royal Air Force in Malta and was sent overseas to Alexandria and other parts of the Middle East,” his son, Barry tells OurWedding. “After the War, my dad was stationed with the RAF in the UK and ended up in London. His parents had died in Malta during the War years and Malta was devastated. He felt he had nothing to return to, so he remained with the RAF in London, renting a room in a house owned by a good friend he met in the RAF in West Hampstead, London.” His friend’s wife told him she knew a family who had two lovely unmarried daughters: Vida and Olive and promised she’d introduce him. “He was initially keen on Vida,” Barry says. “However, Olive fell for him at first sight and when he mentioned one day that he had tickets to go to the theatre, Olive quickly jumped in and said, “I'll go”.” “They lived on opposite sides of a railway line. Olive also lived upstairs in her (widowed) mother's house and as my dad's room was also upstairs in the house across the railway line, they would signal each other in the dark of night by turning the lights on and off in their respective rooms. Romantic!” But as you may have noticed, Loreto and Olive are Yorks, but Loreto was born Meilak. Barry tells us that it all came

down to discrimination in London as well as easier spelling for Loreto to change his surname. “He told me that he would try to spell it but would pronounce some Loreto as an RAF letters, such as ‘e’, in the officer in London Maltese way rather than English and would become frustrated and sometimes his senior officers would be annoyed with him for seemingly not knowing how to spell his name. Also, there was occasional discrimination against ‘foreigners’ in London at that time.” “He tried hard to integrate and to speak English properly, though he never lost the Maltese accent. He was fiercely proud of being Maltese and spoke the language fluently. Heaven help anyone who spoke negatively about Malta in his presence!” says Barry. “My mother was a Londoner and never visited Malta and my dad never went back. Most of his siblings migrated to Australia. His brother, Joe, had migrated in 1925 and was working on the Melbourne waterfront. “He nominated us as assisted passage migrants and we sailed to Melbourne from London in 1954. His brother, Mike, emigrated in 1949. Others followed, too,” Barry notes. “I think my father was badly affected by the War, mentally. He could be very charming and jovial but could suddenly change. He had a very quick temper,” Barry says, which is a major component that affected the Yorks’ marriage over the years. Olive believed that “their happy years were in the 1970s, when my father was involved in local politics in Brunswick, Melbourne, and was elected Mayor in 1972,” says Barry. “He continued to work in a factory, but they were a diligent Mayor and Mayoress. He was the first Maltese mayor of an Australian city. “In 1990, they divorced – aged in their 70s. Thereafter, they lived separately but kept in close touch – and both said they had never got on so well! Life can be cruel and so strange,” Barry says. His parents have since both passed – Olive in 2003 aged 87, and Loreto in 2009, aged 90.

Credit: Images: Barry York

Barry York flanked by mum Olive and dad Loreto

10 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday November 19, 2019

A version of this series in kitba ta’ English may be found in IVAN  the author's blog at: CAUCHI https://ivancauchi.

Aħjar mingħajr reliġjon? D

an l-aħħar inzertajt programm fuq fuq panel ta’ tnejn jew tlieta min-nies l-istazzjon tar-radju ABC RN, jitkellmu favur mozzjoni, u l-istess amKristjaneżmu b’dan it-titlu (mingħajr il-punt inmont jitkellmu kontra, u jittieħed vot talterrogattiv). Biex ngħidilkom id-dritt, udjenza fil-bidu u fl-aħħar tal-programm għalkemm bħal ma tafu jien kritiku mhux biex jinstab jekk kienx hemm min bidel ilIslam ftit ta’ parti tat-twemmin u tal-prattika talfehma tiegħu u jekk iva f’liema direzzjoni. Knisja li nappartjeni għaliha, ħassejtni L-iktar argumenti li laqtuni kienu l-lista Ġudaiżmu xxukkjat li wieħed jista’ jasal jagħmel ta’ ġlidiet, gwerer jew azzjonijiet li saru stqarrija bħal din. matul iż-żminijiet li kienu ispirati, talu Naturalment naf li hemm ħafna persuni inqas f’parti minnhom, minn twemmin rem ż i Budd huma ateji (jiġifieri n-nuqqas ta’ twemmin liġjuż. Ħind uiżm li Alla jew xi entità suprema teżisti, jew itIlkoll nafu b’ħafna eżempji minn dawn: u twemmin li Alla ma’ jeżistix), anjostiċi il-ġlied bejn il-Protestanti u l-Kattoliċi fl(jiġifieri li l-eżistenza jew le ta’ entità divina ma tistax tkun ip- Irlanda ta’ Fuq (Insara), il-qtugħ tal-irjus ta’ min ma jħaddanx itpruvata) jew oħrajn. twemmin tiegħu (Musulmani), il-ħruxija tal-Buddisti Għalkemm mhux kull reliġjon għandha Alla jew allat, li wieħed tal-Myanmar kontra l-popolazzjoni Musulmana Rohingya li jargumenta li aħjar bniedem ma jkollux reliġjon daħħalni daqs- spiċċaw mingħajr stat, l-okkupazzjoni Lhudija tal-artijiet talxejn f’qoxorti, mhux l-inqas għax f’ħajti dejjem rajt it-tajjeb li Palestina u oħrajn. jista’ jitwettaq, u fil-fatt jitwettaq, minn nies ta’ ispirazzjoni reFuq livell inqas, imma xorta gravi, wieħed jista’ jżid id-diskrimliġjuża jew organizzazzjonijiet direttament reliġjużi (ta’ kull tip). inazzjoni kontra minoranzi, bħal immigranti li aktarx ikollhom Dan nagħmlu mingħajr ma niċħad lanqas għal sekonda l-iskandli twemminijiet differenti min-nies stabbiliti (jekk mhux indiġeni) u l-ħniżrijiet li jistgħu jitwettqu, u fil-fatt jitwettqu, minn nies ta’ tal-post, jew dawk li jkollhom orjentazzjoni sesswali differenti; ispirazzjoni reliżjuża jew organizzazzjonijiet direttament reliżjużi it-twarrib ta’ persuni li jkunu bidlu l-fehma tagħhom u li fil-fatt (ta’ kull tip inkluża tiegħi), ċaħda li sfortunatament issir minn xi jispiċċaw maqtugħin minn rabtiet kulturali u soċjali minbarra wħud li l-fidi tagħhom ma tistax tiġi deskritta ħlief għamja. dawk reliġjużi. Il-programm fil-fatt kien repetizzjoni ta’ xandira li kienet saret Naturalment, din id-diskriminazzjoni kollha tkun ġustifikabbli fl-2008 mis-sensiela Big Ideas, li l-format tiegħu jkun dibattitu mit-twemmin. Jien ngħid għalija, jekk irrid inkun sinċier ngħid li dan kollu huwa minnu. Madankollu qatt ma aċċettajt, u miniex se nibda issa, li dawn l-azzjonijiet jew attitudnijiet huma neċessarjament rappreżentattivi tar-reliġjon li dak li jkun jgħid li jħaddan. Jekk wieħed ikollu għajnejn u widnejn miftuħa, u lest li jisma’, jinduna li f’kull reliġjon ikun hemm dibattitu sħiħ jew jaħraq, kultant fil-moħbi, dwar kif għandhom ikunu interpretati kliem u avvenimenti li jkun miktuba fil-kotba mqaddsa, u dan mijiet jew eluf ta’ snin wara li jkunu nkitbu. Per eżempju, it-terroristi Islamiċi jsemmu li l-Quran jippermetti l-qtil ta’ dawk kollha li mhumiex Musulmani, u rajna r-riżultat viljakk ta’ dan it-twemmin. Mill-banda l-oħra, fergħat aktar konvenzjonali tal-Islam jistqarru li din hija perverżjoni tal-messaġġ, li kien inkiteb waqt żmien ta’ persekuzzjoni tal-Profeta u kien jidentifika biss ħames tribujiet partikolari. Eżempju ieħor li semmejt huma l-Buddisti ta’ Myanmar, u l-parteċipazzjoni tagħhom fil-kriżi tar-Rohingya, bil-qtil ta’ ħafna minn talaħħar u t-tkeċċija tagħhom lejn il-Bangladesh f’dawn l-aħħar snin. Il-Buddiżmu huwa tradizzjoni reliġjuża mill-inqas assoċjata malvjolenza, wara li l-Budda kien ikkundanna l-qtil jew il-feriment ta’ persuni oħra. Allura kif nista’ nara lil min ipparteċipa f’dan il-massakru tar-Rohingya bħala rappreżentattiv tal-Buddisti? Le, it-twettiq ta’ azzjonijiet ħżiena ta’ wħud, anke ta’ ħafna, anke meta mistqarr f’isem reliġjon, ma jirriflettix fuq ir-reliġjon, imma jirrifletti biss fuq min iwettqu. Biżżejjed nara tant opri tajba li jitwettqu minn oħrajn b’ispirazCatholicCare home care services can help zjoni reliġjuża – il-karità, id-dedikazzjoni għal kawżi b’riżq lseniors to enjoy living independently in umanità, il-ġlieda kultant erojka kontra d-diskriminazzjoni u their own home with comfort and favur il-batut, u ħafna drabi dawk li jibbenefikaw minn opri bħal dawn ma jkollhomx l-istess fidi. confidence. Ma rridx nimplika li dawn l-azzjonijiet pożittivi huma l-preCall CCareline to find out more. rogattiva biss ta’ min huwa reliġjuż. Nagħraf li min m’għandux CatholicCare CCareline 131819 reliġjon ukoll jista’ jkollu umanità sensittiva, ikun ġeneruż, u jagħmel ġid fis-soċjetà. Min iħaddan reliġjon ma għandu xejn inqas minn dan.

CatholicCare Home Care Services

Do you know any seniors in our community who could use a little help at home?

Il-benefattur tal-Knisja ta’ San Pawl tar-Rabat Mons Savatore Manduca Tuesday November 19, 2019


The Voice of the Maltese 11

if tidħol fil-Knisja ta’ San Pawl fir-Rabat mill-bieb tal-ġenb (ta’ Triq il-Kulleġġ), issib il-Kappella ta’ San Stiefnu, u bla ma trid ħarstek dejjem tmur mill-ewwel fuq monument sabiħ u ta’ valur artistiku kbir li hemm f’din il-kappella tal-Monsinjur Salvatore Manduca. Wieħed għandu għax jifhem li la hemm il-monument talMonsinjur fil-kappella, hu sinjal ċar li qiegħed hemm għax kien tassew jixraqlu li jitpoġġa hemmhekk. Kont naf li Monsinjur Manduca minn flusu għamel tajjeb għall-ispejjeż PeterPaulCiantar tal-altar maġġur tal-knisja parrokkjali (u ta’ aktar xogħlijiet) imbagħad ksibt aktar tagħrif dwaru mingħand Monsinjur Ġwann Azzopardi, studjuż u riċerkatur tal-knisja. Sirt naf li l-monument huwa xogħol l-artist Giuseppe Ta’ min isemmi li ħafna membri tal-Familja Manduca Valenti u li kien ikkummissjonat minn ħu Mons. Manduca kienu benefatturi kbar tal-Parroċċa u tal-Fratellanza tasstess, Don Vincenzo Manduca. Ta’ min jgħid li Dan Sagrament; fost dawn kien hemm il-Mons. Salvatore li Valenti huwa l-istess skultur li ħadem San Publiju li kien ukoll President tal-Fratellanza għal tliet snin, u ħuh hemm ħdejn il-bieb Don Vincenzo li kien ewlieni tal-Katidral. prokuratur tal-istess Ħadem ukoll iż-żewġ Fratellanza għal wieħed evanġelisti li hemm fuq u tletin sena. il-presbiterju tal-altar Fl-1884, Monsinjur Salmaġġur tal-Katidral. vatore Manduca kien ilIrid jingħad ukoll li benefattur ewlieni tal-alValenti ħadem il-Monutar maġġur li hemm ment tar-Reġina Vittorja illum. Dan hu altar sabiħ li hemm fil-belt Valletta. bl-irħam abjad li ħa post Qed ngħid dan biex dak ta’ qabel li bħalissa wieħed jifhem l-imporjinsab fil-Kappella ta’ tanza ta’ dan l-artist li San Stiefnu, biswit ilħadem il-monument ta’ Monument ta’ Mons. Monsinjur Manduca. Salvatore Manduca Monsinjur Manduca stess. kien ġie ordnat saċerdot Monsinjur Manduca f’Mejju tal-1835 u miet għamel tajjeb ukoll fl-età ta’ 72 sena, fl-1885. għall-irħam tal-art talHuwa kien joqgħod fi presbiterju u tal-kor. Strada Reale, ir-Rabat. Ta’ min ukoll isemmi li Kellu diversi ħatriet impittura sabiħa oħra ta’ portanti fil-knisja u kien Mons. Salvatore Mandmagħruf bħala bniedem uca, xogħol il-pittur ġeneruż u li jgħin ħafna Żebbuġi Lazzaro Pisani, lill-foqra u lill-batuti. tinsab fis-sagristija talGħall-bidu l-monument Knisja tal-Parroċċa. li hemm fil-Kappella ta’ Fuq wara tal-altar maġSan Stiefnu kien maħsub ġur hemm kitba li turi li li jsir għall-Katidral fejn x-xogħol tal-pavimentar Mons. Manduca dam isfil-presbiterju u l-kor ervi għal tletin sena. Ma kien għamel tajjeb għalikienx sar hemmhekk hom il-benefatur Mons. għar-raġuni li fil-Katidral Salvatore Manduca. hemm biss monumenti Mhux ta’ b’xejn li kien ta’ isqfijiet tad-Djoċesi. daqsant popolari. Għalhekk hawn kienet Għall-funeral tiegħu Pittura tal-Monsinjur Salvatore Manduca fisnibtet l-idea li dan ilmir-Rabat għall-Katidral sagristija tal-knisja ta’ San Pawl fir-Rabat monument tant sabiħ tal-Imdina kellu diversi isir fil-Knisja San Pawl dinjitarji prominenti, minħabba li l-Monsinjur kemm ekkleżjastiċi kif kien benefattur tagħha. ukoll dawk tan-nobbiltà. Fil-fatt, meta r-Rabtin Wieħed irid ukoll jifsaru jafu li dan il-monument se jitpoġġa fil-Knisja San takar li Monsinjur Manduca kien ta’ nisel nobbli. Pawl laqgħu l-aħbar bil-ferħa u qisuh bħala unur kbir. Kien hemm preżenti wkoll nies foqra għax kienu ħafna B’hekk il-Monument sar l-ewwel wieħed ta’ din ix-xorta minnhom li sabu l-għajnuna mingħand dan il-monsinjur fil-Knisja San Pawl fir-Rabat. li jinsab midfun fil-Katidral tal-Imdina.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday November 19, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta Malta attracts Korean students to undergo aviation maintenance training at MCAST


he Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, MCAST, has reached an agreement with two private companies, EOS Projects and the American aviation company, Wasinc International, and the South Korean government for students from South Korea to start training in the aviation sector at MCAST. As of the start of next year, the Government of South Korea would send students to Malta not only to study but also to carry out their practice with companies on aircraft

maintenance. After staying in Malta, they will be in a position to work in Malta and also the possibility of returning to their country where they can support the aviation industry. EOS Projects’ CEO, Captain Eric Abela confirmed this was an initiative by MCAST and the Malta Enterprise to support to the aviation sector in Malta. It managed to attract the South Korean government, which has provided a fund for South Korean students to be able to study and work abroad.

Austrian President and Mayor commend Malta’s achievements


S part of his visit to Austria where on Saturday he inaugurated the Maltese crib on the site of the Vienna University, President George Vella had a meeting with the Federal President of the Republic of Austria Alexander Van der Bellen The Presidents of Malta (left) and Austria at the Hofburg who underlined the two countries’ attachment to multilateralism. President Van der Bellen commended Malta on its economic performance and low unemployment figures and expressed satisfaction at the intensification of economic relations through business-related events, as well as the stronger exchanges being registered in the academic and scientific fields. President Vella expressed his agreement on the excellent state of bilateral relations, and added that the two countries share regional priorities such as stability in the Western Balkans, the future of the European Union, EU enlargement, and Brexit. The two Presidents discussed developments in the region, and President Vella referred to Malta’s hope that Libya returns to stability through an inclusive political dialogue. Changing international dynamics in the security and defence fields was another issue discussed. Reference was also made to pressing global matters such as climate change and migration. They both agreed that these issues warrant increased European and international attention. Earlier, President Vella and Mrs Miriam Vella were received by the Mayor and Governor of Vienna Michael Ludwig and other dignitaries at the Vienna City Senate. The Mayor mentioned Malta’s profile as mediator between East and West, and its exemplary role on how small countries can contribute tangibly to international affairs. The Mayor added that despite apparent geographical differences, the two countries share several common characteristics.

An investment of €153m in 26 cannabis projects

Malta Enterprise has already approved 26 projects in the field of medicinal cannabis with a capital investment of more than € 153 million within a 18 months since the law on medicinal cannabis was introduced. Making the announcement at the first summit on medicinal cannabis held in Malta the Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Business Chris Cardona said that Malta is becoming the first country in the European Union with a regulatory framework for medical cannabis The summit aimed to ensure that Malta builds a strong network to better understand how this industry is expected to deliver greater value to the local economy and be more visible in other countries thereby being able to deliver on its priority of manufacturing this product and exporting it to the EU

Accelerating careers for UoM students in video game development

The University of Malta and GamingMalta have signed an agreement aimed at accelerating careers in the video game development sector, through which, 50 University of Malta students will be receiving certification of the Unity Game Engine programming, a programme that is sought after within the esports and video game industry. Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation Silvio Schembri who presided over the signing of the agreement said that this is an important step forward as “Education is at the core of our vision for the esports and video game development industry. The programme is to add valuable prestige to the excellent educational programmes already provided at Post Grad M.Sc and Doctorate levels by the Institute of Digital Games’. Through the Unity certification, future game developers are being offered a complete package, sound theoretical foundations, intensive practical sessions based in Unity’s own experience, an industry valued certification whilst equipping these students on their way to a successful and bright future within the industry. Prof Alfred Vella, the rector of the University of Malta said that the agreement is a sign of University’s commitment to serve the students, tomorrow’s workforce that will be an essential part for Malta’s economic growth.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday November 19, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

Improving the quality of life in the Cottonera area


overnment has launched a public consultation strategy for the Cottonera area aimed at increasing the quality of life, enhancing the environment and increasing commerce in the area made up of Birgu, Bormla, Isla and Kalkara. The strategy document is made up of a number of proposals intended to improvement and regenerate the Cottonera area. At the end of the consultation period a Foundation would be established to implement the project. It was learnt that the strategy has been designed following consultations with residents, groups and associations, Local Councils and the Church. They all maintained the necessity of infrastructural improvements, regeneration, an increase of parking facilities and an increase of services and greater connectivity between Cottonera and Valletta. A lot of developments have been made in recent years that have brought many improvements but a lot more needs to be done.

New, secure ePassports for Malta

Minister Joe Mizzi (right) receiving the award from Mr Nasser Kamel

Malta water project first to get UfM recognition


or the first time, a Maltese project has been given the Union for the Mediterranean recognition. The EU-Med organisation, UFM, gave its endorsement to Malta’s LIFE-IP Water Project, he Maltese people are to be mainly stand out for its new se- which aims to improve water management in coastal and island the bearers of a new techno- curity features. It will further communities. UfM’s endorsement, which is a highly influential organisation logically advanced and highly prevent document forgery and secure ePassport that combines the fraudulent use of other peo- that brings together EU and Mediterranean countries, establishes Malta’s project of Mediterranean importance and highlights the travel with culture and heritage. ple’s identity. At the launch of the new ePassThe gradual rollout of the new replication potential of the project’s results in other countries in port, Parliamentary Secretary ePassports will occur over a the region. It is also a key project that can support the developfor Reforms, Citizenship Julia span of years. New ones will be ment of the UfM’s Water Agenda for the Mediterranean being Farrugia Portelli said that the issued on a new application or closely built on the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems nexus. Minister for Energy and Water Management Joe Mizzi received new ePassport has an intricate the renewal of a passport. Existimagery used in the inner visa ing travel documents will re- the award at a ceremony at the head offices of the Union for the pages that depicts Malta’s long main valid and fit for travel until Mediterranean Barcelona, Spain where he also met and discussed with Nasser Kamel, Secretary-General of the UfM the importance and colourful history, and will their expiry date. of the LIFE-IP project, not only for Malta but for the Mediterranean region as a whole within the framework developed under the UfM’s Water Agenda. Minister Mizzi explained that this endorsement encourages the project to further contribute to on-going regional coopera€4million investment in a medical model introduced in Europe. robot at Mater Dei Hospital will help “While the technology will not be trialled tion, partnerships and synergies between surgeons perform key-hole surgery with in Malta, it still remains amongst the most the member states, and the establishment of pin-point precision. It will also provide cutting-edge pieces of equipment one can the regional water agenda. Secretary-General Kamel recognised the physicians with 3D imagery of the opera- find in Europe’s health centres,” Fearne tion, allowing for more delicate procedures said. He added that despite the robot facil- importance of the role played by Malta in to be undertaken. itating the surgeons’ work, their expertise the region particularly in the water sector. The AI technology will also relieve pres- would still be required to carry out procesure off surgeons and help them to extend dures. their concentration, further minimise blood Other AI techloss during surgery and eventually also nology at Mater shorten patients’ hospital stays. Dei includes a The robot will initially be used to perform medicine robot a prostatectomy. It would start being used that helps doctors on around 35 patients a year who normally and nurses pretravel abroad to undergo prostate related scribe the right surgery. medicine and the It would eventually also be utilised to per- right dosage that form operations on the liver, and for gynae- would potentially cology-related and ENT (ears, nose and eliminate all throat) procedures. human error that Health Minister Chris Fearne said that of could result in inthe 10,000 hospitals on the continent, only toxication from Health Minister Chris Fearne 500 have to date introduced the machine. dangerous chemiintroducing the medical robot The Mater Dei robot will be the 890th such cal combination.


€4million investment on new robot to assist surgeons at Mater Dei A

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday November 19, 2019

Taħfer u tinsa? I

l-mistoqsija fit-titlu hi dik li ħafna staqsew wara li l-Arċisqof Mons Charles Scicluna għamel pass xejn mistenni f’Jum it-Tifkira tal-mejtin meta bierek il-parti taċ-ċimiterju tal-Addolorata L-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna“fil-Miżbla” fl-Adfejn kienu jindifnu dawk li dolorata jbierek il-qabar ta’ Ġuże`Ellul Mercer kienu meqjusa maqtuha mill-Knisja, inklużi trabi li tal-oqbra jirrap- waqa’. mietu qabel ġew mgħampreżenta t-tberik ta’ L-Arċisqof qal li l-Knisja hi umana, u mda. Hi n-naħa msejjħa kull qabar li hemm, tiżbalja, iżda bħall-umani taf ukoll tam“tal-Profani”, li kellha enhu ta’ min hu. metti fejn tiżbalja u titlob maħfra. Għaltratura għaliha ħdejn Żied jgħid li fost l- hekk talab maħfra għall-ħitan li nbnew miżbla, li n-nies spiċċaw eluf ta’ Maltin u bar- fl-imgħoddi fiċ-Ċimiterju tal-Addolorata isibuha bħala “il-Miżbla” ranin midfuna biex jifirdu nies li mietu f’paċi mal-knisja Attwalment din il-parti hawnhekk hemm minn ma’ oħrajn. baqgħet maqtugħa millnies, li bejn dawk li “Nixtieq nitlob maħfra tal-ħitan li bnejna kumplament taċ-ċimiterju mietu f’paċi mal- biex nifirdu l-mejtin tagħna,” qal, u kompla għal ħafna snin u kien biss Knisja u huma kien li l-insara huma fid-dmir li jiftakru fihom u fi żmien Gvern Laburista, hemm ħajt, li llum jitolbu għalihom. fl-1972, li mabaqax isir kollu tal-Knisja. Ma naqsux difin fiha. dawk li sejjħu li għamel lF’din il-parti taċArċisqof bħala “just a PR stunt ċimiterju ndifnu għadd ta’ to ‘score political browniepersuni li fi tmiem il-ħamIr-reazzjoni għal dalsinijiet u fis-sittinijiet flġest kienet ġeneral- points’, or to redeem the wounded reputaĠuże`Ellul Mercer aqwa tal-konflitt bejn ment waħda pożittiva, tion of the Catholic Church in general.” James Debono artikolista tal-Maltatoday il-Partit Laburista u l-Knisja Maltija kienu bl-istess Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat ta stampa differenti meta kiteb: “Perhaps jappoġġjaw lill-Partit Laburista. Fost dawk jrodd ħajr lill-Arċisqof għall-ġest. “Nirby blessing the ‘mizbla’ graves, Scicluna is hemm midfun dak li kien id-Deputat Prim rikonoxxu li kien aġir kuraġġuż ħafna talMinistru u Deputat Mexxej tal-Partit Arċisqof... it-tieni nett nirringrazjah u eyeing a chance to redeem himself in the Laburista, Guże Ellul Mercer, li kien ukoll t-tielet nett li nkunu aħna li dejjem noħorġu eyes of Labourites who see red whenever kittieb magħruf tal-Ilsien Malti l-id tal-ħbiberija,” sostna l-Prim Ministru. he dares criticise Muscat’s government.” Dan billi fil-bidu tal-karriera tiegħu bħala Qabel ma mar u bierek din il-partit taċIżda r-reazzjoni dwar x’se jiġri issa li sar Arċisqof, Mons Scicluna ġieli għamel ċimiterju u saħansitra poġġa bukkett tal- dan il-ġest kienet waħda mħallta. fjuri fuq il-qabar ta’ Ellul Mercer, Parti mill-midja, u dawk li kkummentaw, kummenti, ħafna drabi permezz ta’ tweets l-Arċisqof qaddes fil-kappella taċ- sostnew li dak li seħħ issa għandu jintesa’. li tqiesu bħala kritika għall-Gvern Labuċimiterju, u waqt l-omelija, saħaq li t-tberik Kien hemm min sostna li t-tort ma kienx rista. Ma naqsux bħas-soltu xi kummenti estremisti li mhux ta’ min jirrepetihom, filwaqt li oħrajn sostnew li kienu lesti li jaħfru, imma mhux li jinsew. Tant li kien hemm min sostna li dan il-perijodu kellu jiġi nkulż: “fil-kotba tal-iskola bħalma qatt m’għandek tinsa x’ġara fiżżminijiet ta’ qabel”. Ħasra li kontroversja spiċċat kontra Vassalli u oħrajn għax riedu jedukaw lill-poplu bħal ma ġara lil Manwel Dimech u lil Mintoff. “Le qatt ma għandha tiġi minsija għax il-poplu sofra. Il-ħelsien għadu mhux komplut.”


While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

* ikompl f’paġna 15

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday November 19, 2019

“Ġest ta’ min ifaħħru” *ikompli minn paġna 12

jarju Mons Emmanuel Gerada li kien wassal għall-ftehim bejn ilKnisja u l-Partit Laburista, li kien assista għat-twaqqih tal-ħajt li kien jifred iż-żewġ partijiet taċ-ċimiterju u talab fuq l-oqbra ta’ dawk midfuna hemmhekk. Min-naħa l-oħra il-Professur Joseph Pirotta filwaqt li faħħar ilpass tal-Arċisqof qal: “Archbishop Scicluna’s action (for this positive act is no mere gesture), will hopefully bring closure not only to family members of those directly involved but also contribute towards closing a social and political wound that has festered much too long,” Sostna li kien meħtieġ li wieħed issa jammetti li “that the wrongs of the 1960s were not one-sided”. Imbagħad sostna li dan il-perijodu m’għandux jintnesa: “It was an unhappy period of our history from which we should draw appropriate lessons, concentrate on not forgetting them, while forgiving and forgetting each other’s errors of judgement.” Naqbel li għandna naħfru, imma ma nistgħux inħassru l-istorja, għax dak li ġara ħadd ma jista’ jreġġgħu lura u fuq kollox milliżbalji tal-passat nistgħu nitgħallmu biex ikollna futur aħjar.

Min-naħa tiegħu l-Avukat Joseph Micallef Stafrace, li minħabba li kien membru parlamentari f’isem il-Partit Laburista dak iż-żmien kien spiċċa biex kellu jiżżewweġ fis-sagristija, f’intervista ma The Times stqarr: “Though years ago L-avukat Joe Micallef Stafrace Archbishop Joseph Mercieca had apologised, Mgr Charles Scicluna’s unexpected gesture went a step further and was the boldest step ever.” Barra minhekk, f’artiklu f’It-Torċa l-avukat semma li “t-2 ta’ Novembru ta’ din is-sena kellu tifsira partikolari” meta bla mistenni waqt il-quddiesa fil-kappella tal-Addolorata l-Arċisqof talab ilmaħfra għal dak il-ħajt “li kien jifred il-parti konsagrata minn dik mhix konsagrata fiċ-ċimiterju fejn indifnu dawk li fi żmien il-kwestjoni politiko reliġjuża tas-sittinijiet ġew imċaħħdin ninn In memoriam difna reliġjuża”. Stafrace kompla jgħid li fit-tqegħid tal-kuruna ta’ ward fuq il-qabar ta’ Ellul Mercer jara “l-Laburisti kollha li fl-elezzjoni tas-sena 1962 u dik tal-1966 kienu milquta mid-dnub il-mejred, as he was known was born in jet. Dan jien ma nistax ma nħossux u nħossu aktar meta nifMsida Malta on February 1, 1948. takar fil-Parlamentari antiki li m’għadhomx magħna.” He migrated to Australia as a child but Saħaq ukoll li, “il-ġest tal-Arċisqof kien wieħed ta’ min returned to Malta, married Lilian in ifaħħru bla ebda riserva”. 1970 and returned to Sydney. They Attwalment l-ewwel pass kien ittieħed mill-Isqof Awżilhad three children, David, Nancy and Jacqueline, and five grandchildren, Isabella, Danniella, Lachlan, Emily and Lennox. Fred was involved with the La Valette il Fr David Muscat ġieli semmejtu u llum se nerġa’ Centre in the early stages and the wara li minkejja l-kritika li saritlu xorta baqa’ West Sydney United SC. RIP. għaddej, kemm fuq il-gazzetti, wkoll fuq il-programm tat-TV Xarabank bi stqarrijiet dwar diversi kwestjonijiet li jmorru kontra l-attitudni u dak li tippriedka ita was born at San Lawrenz, l-Knisja. Gozo. She married George Borg in Dun David, fost l-oħrajn qed jappella biex l-immigranti January 1951 and was widowed on jintbagħtu lura l-Libja, u saħaq li persuni omosesswali January 3, 1990. She migrated to m’għandhomx jieħdu sehem f’ċelebrazzjonijiet u funSydney, Australia in 1964. zjonijiet Kattoliċi. Loving mother and mother-in-law to Minkejja diversi kummenti u saħansitra lista ta’ mistoJoseph & Mary, Emmanuel & Karyn, qsijiet mill-gazzetta ‘illum’, l-Arċisqof u l-Kurja ma Lawrence & Geraldine, Mary & Frank, wieġbu għall-ebda waħda, ħlief li rreferew għat-tagħlim Anthony & Michelle, Louis & Angle, tal-Knisja “li huwa ċar, u biex wieħed jifhem u japprezza Francis, Andrew, Maureen, Margaret t-tagħlim tal-Knisja għandu jsegwi dak li jgħid il-Papa u and Glen; grandmother of 22 and great dak li jgħid l-Isqof.” Kif ukoll li “Mhijiex prassi tal-Kurja grandmother of 28. Forever in our li tikkummenta dwar laqgħat u kuntatti bejn l-Isqof u shearts. RIP. saċerdoti tiegħu.” Il-kwistjoni tal-qassis saħansitra ssemmiet mill-Prim Ministru, li bla semma ismijiet, qal li kien kellem lillArċisqof għax ma kienx kuntent li l-Knisja ma kienetx lbert E. Vella of Toronto peacefully ħadet passi sodi kontra min qed ixerred il-mibegħda konpassed away on November 9 at the tra l-barranin. age of 77. Loving husband of Therese for Jidher li finalment din il-pressjoni wasslet biex skont 50 years and devoted father to Edward, The Times, l-Arċisqof jibgħat għal Fr David u ġibdlu lKaren (Styvens) and Mark. Survived by attenzjoni dwar id-diskorsi tiegħu li kienu meqjusin li his brother Victor and his cherished sister jmorru kontra l-immigranti. Isabelle. Fondly remembered by his Madanakollu meta mistoqsija dwar din l-aħbar il-Kurja nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. wieġbet xott, xott li “mhijiex prassi tal-Kurja li tikkummenta Albert will be remembered for his dedidwar laqgħat u kuntatti bejn l-Isqof u s-sacerdoti tiegħu.” cation to the Maltese community. For many years he was the senNaħseb li jkun żball kbir jekk din il-laqgħa ma saritx, ior vice president of the Bank of Valletta in Canada. His funeral għax kif jgħid il-Malti, hemm iċ-ċans li dak li jkun miswas held on November 16 in Scarborough, Ontario. seba’ jieħu l-id.

Alfred Taliana (1948 -2019)

Fr David Muscat imwissi



Rita Borg (1939-2019)


Albert Vella (1942-2019)


16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday November 19, 2019

Bushfires and floods all over


SW remains in a state of emergency. Bushfires have ripped through more than one million hectares in New South Wales and have claimed four lives. Many properties are being lost during catastrophic bushfires extending across 1,000 kilometres.

In Queensland, heavy winds have for days been whipping fire fronts. It is this time of the year with bushfires and floods in specific areas across Australia. It is difficult to keep our readers up to date, as these events have been changing from day to day.

This is a vast continent; floods and bushfires are the norm. If any our readers are concerned about family, friends and people you know, they should get in touch with the Malta High Commission in Canberra or the websites of the rural fire services.

Why Labor lost the last general election


Clive Palmer was blamed for playing a role in the Labor leader's demise. The campaign review also found the relatively high number of Christian voters in Queensland electorates contributed to the party’s nightmare result in the state. “The groups of voters Craig Emerson (Left) and Jay Weatheril who swung most strongly against Labor were self-described Chris- come voters who do not like or follow poltians and economically insecure, low-in- itics. These voters are heavily represented in Queensland,” the review found. This was the result of the much-anticand demands explanation from SBS when it ipated review led by Party elders Craig fails to deliver as on Sunday, November 3. Emerson, former MP and Jay Weathhe continuing saga SBS vs. the Maltese In a letter of protest, Ms Previtera said that erill, former S.A. Premier. The review community continues unabated. In 2013 for SBS a basketball playoff was more impormakes 60 findings and 26 recommenMaltese radio airtime was savagely cut from tant than the Maltese TV news. The Maltese dations for change to put the party on nine to two hours, the largest for any ethnic community is being discriminated against all track to win at the next election. community. the time. She added that many Maltese viewers Bill Shorten again took responsibility On many occasions, the community expe- still cannot access Channel 31 as most age-old for his role in the May defeat against rienced blank TV screens, as programmes pensioners have older TV sets; so cannot just Prime Minister Scott Morrison. “The did not arrive on time. SBS never gave any upgrade. Put us back on Channel 30, she asks. May result was a shock and surprise explanations on air. Now with satellite transThe twice-weekly broadcast of the Maltese but it was not a landslide and if Mr missions, we are faced with a new bogey. news that keeps the Maltese community Morrison continues to disappoint The Voice of the Maltese is always at the connected with its homeland is keenly folLabor is in swinging distance of formforefront at keeping our readers abreast with lowed, so much so, that the Australian meming Government,” he said. “There are what is happening. bers of the CMLA have now asked the many players on a team but as captain Marisa Previtera, a member of the Council Government to suggest to the Public Broadof that team, I take responsibility for of Maltese Living Abroad and welfare offi- casting Service (PBS) in Malta to introduce the policies taken to the election. But cer of the MCC NSW also has a keen eye sub-titling. we must learn the lessons of defeat.”

abor lost the last Federal election because of a weak strategy that could not adapt to the change in Liberal leadership, a cluttered policy agenda that looked risky and an unpopular leader," the review reads. “No one of these shortcomings was decisive but in combination, they explain the result.” It bluntly stated “Bill Shorten's unpopularity contributed to the election loss”, but clarifies none of its conclusions should be taken as a personal reflection on the former leader. The $60 million advertising blitz from

SBS and the Maltese


Tuesday November 19, 2019

The Voice of the Maltese 17

What Australians think about religion


eventy-one per cent of Australians told the ABC’s Australia Talk National Survey that religious discrimination happens “occasionally” or “often” in this country. Ironically, this is a point on which the devout and the heathen are in agreement. According to Annabel Crabb the ABC’s Chief Political Writer (pictured right) even among Australians with no religion, 68 per cent agreed that there is discrimination, as did 74 per cent of Catholics, 72 per cent of Protestants and 74 per cent of “other religions”. Still, we’d rather the devout kept quiet But a broad majority of Australians – 60 per cent – would prefer that people keep their religious views to themselves. This was a view held most strongly, as you might imagine, by nonreligious respondents, of whom 73 per cent wished not to hear the religious opinions of others. But even a slim majority of Catholics – 53 per cent – agreed that it was better to keep religion a private affair. Protestants were more inclined to support full disclosure; only

Australia's highest court agrees to hear Cardinal Pell appeal


he High Court of Australia decided that Cardinal George Pell, the 78-year-old who is currently serving a six-year jail term for child abuse convictions will have his appeal heard next year. It is rare for the High Court to grant an appeal. The decision keeps Pell’s chances for an early release from prison alive. He has been in prison since March this year. He is within his rights to apply for bail, but the chances of bail being granted are very slim. The most senior Catholic to be found guilty of child sex abuse crimes was not in the Canberra courtroom when the decision was handed down, nor did he appear via video link. The Vatican had repeatedly refused to comment on the case before Pell had exhausted all of his legal avenues for appeal. The Victoria Court of Appeal in August rejected Pell’s appeal in a 2-1 ruling. He was sentenced to six years in prison in March and is no longer a member of Francis’ Council of Cardinals or a Vatican official.

Stop cruelty to horses


nce heralded “the race that stops a nation” and so much part of Australian life, the country’s most prestigious horse race, the Melbourne Cup with $8 million in prize money, was this year staged urrounded by controversy. In the state of Victoria, it is a public holiday, but some Australians are turning away from the 158-year-old institution and saying “nup to the cup” angry about the treatment of former racehorses, following a two-year investigation into the treatment of discarded racehorses and a spate of horse deaths during previous cups. Since 2013 six racehorses have died as a result of the Melbourne Cup, a fact pushed by animal welfare groups encouraging punters to boycott the event. The Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses said 122 horses had died on Australian tracks in one year

39 per cent of them felt religious views should be private. And people from other faiths were divided on the question: just shy of a majority – 47 per cent – agreed religion should be a hush-hush affair. If you’re wondering why all religious respondents besides Catholics and Protestants are grouped together, it’s because only those two faith groups provided a large enough sample to isolate in a statistically reliable fashion. According to the 2016 Census, 2.6 per cent of Australians follow Islam, 2.4 per cent are Buddhist, 1.9 per cent are Hindu and 0.4 per cent are Jewish. Catholicism is the leading single religious group, claiming 23 per cent of the population, while 13 per cent identify as Anglican and 16 per cent as “other Christian”. Australia is not a country in which religious belief is the dominant determinant of identity, social status or indeed even social activity. When given a list of eight attributes and asked which was most central to the respondent’s sense of self and identity, Australians placed religion stone-cold, motherless last.

Equal pay for the Matildas new pay deal for Australia's national women's football team is being widely hailed as a landmark moment in women's A sport. Under the new agreement, the pool of money for the Matildas and Socceroos would be equal - with all commercial revenue brought in by both sides split evenly. Former Socceroo Craig Foster said that means it's about so much more than the match fee players receive. “This is about a whole of game agreement, all of the commercial arrangements, all of the sponsorships and indeed performance conditions, so it's very much a holistic approach,” Foster said. “This is the result of a long term commitment strategy and advocacy by the players It has been a slow march to equal pay at the elite level. The Matildas were formed back in 1978 but in those early years were forced to pay their own way to play the game they loved. At one stage, the national women’s team even posed nude in a controversial calendar to raise funds and awareness. It's not the first equal pay deal for a women's national team. Norway has paid its women's team the same as the men's since 2017. The plan to split revenue would be a genuine leap forward. It is a great victory for equality

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday November 19, 2019

Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija u dawk li matul is-sekli ħadmu għall-iżvilupp tal-ilsien Malti

Il-kittieb li se niktbu dwaru f’din il-ħarġa kien Patri poeta Karmelitan li twieled il-belt Valletta. Dan kien Patri Anastasju M. Cuschieri li d-data tat-twelid tiegħu hi xi ftit konfuża. Hemm

min jgħid li twieled fil-21 u min sitt ijiem wara, fis-27 ta’ Jannar. Imma s-sena tibqa’ l-istess, l-1876. Huwa ġie mgħammed bħala Pawlu fil-parroċċa ta’ San Duminka fil-kapitali Maltija.

Poeta, filosfu, teologu, storiku u senatur


’żogħżitu Pawlu (wara Patri Anastasju) kien magħruf bħala bniedem għaref u jħobb jstudja. Fil-fatt tul ħajtu ħafna jqisibuh bħala filosfu għaref, teologu studjuż, oratur kbir, storiku u senatur. Minn kmeni fi ċkunitu wera inklinazzjoni lejn ilknisja u wara li temm l-iskola elementari u liċeali fil-25 ta’ April 1891 daħal jifforma parti mill-Ordni Karmelitana. Sena wara, fit-28 ta’ Awwissu għamel il-Professjoni Sempliċi u ġie mibgħut Ruma jistudja l-filosofija u t-teoloġija fl-Università Gregorjana. Huwa kiseb id-Dottorat fil-Filosofija fl-Universita` Gregorjana ta’ Ruma fl-1902. Is-sena ta’ wara, fl-eta` ta’ 25 sena nħatar Professur tal-Filosofija fl-Università Rjali ta’ Malta fejn għamel 13il sena, sal-1939. Kemm dam professur għamel użu ferm tajjeb tad-doni li tah Alla biex seta’ jiggwida ż-żgħażagħ. Ħafna minnhom kienu baqgħu jfaħħruh għallmod kif kien iwassal it-tagħlim tiegħu. Jingħad li d-dehen ta’ dal-poeta Karmelitan, imħallat mal-mod ħlejju li bih kien jgħallem, imlew qlub l-istudenti li għal ħafna snin wara baqgħu jżommuh fost għalliema maħbub u rrispettat. L-għerfu kien ukoll magħruf barra l-pajjiż u ssemma fir-Rivista di

Filosofia Neo-Scolastica ta’ Milan fl-Italja. Għal darbtejn, mis-26 ta’ Novembru 1906 sal-14 ta’ April 1910, u mill-1 ta’ Settembru 1913 sas-26 ta’ Ġunju 1916, Patri Anastasju nħatar Provinċjal talOrdni tiegħu. Għal darbtejn oħra, flewwel żewġ legislaturi ta’ Gvern Malti fl-1921 u tal-1932 kien Senatur tal-Partit Nazzjonalista f’isem il-gradwati tal-Università. Matul it-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija, minħabba t-twemmin politiku tiegħu l-Gvern Kolonjali In-

Il-Malti Intermedju u Il-Malti Avvanzat 1

gliż kien żamm għajnejh fuqu. Anastasju kien beda jikteb il-poeżija bil-Malti fl-1909, tliet snin qabel Dun Karm. L-ewwel poeżija tiegħu kienet, Fil-Festa tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu. Fl-1959, ħakmitu marda kiefra li ħallietu pparalizzatu għal tliet snin sħaħ. Fis-17 ta’ Lulju 1962, amministrawlu laħħar Sagramenti, imma baqa’ sejjer lura u ġimgħa wara, l-Erbgħa, il-25 ta’ Lulju, jum qabel miet San Ġorġ Preca, miet fil-preżenza tal-patrijiet sħabu. Fil-letteratura Maltija Patri Anastasku baqa’ l-aktar magħruf bħala Poeta Malti dehen ta’ ismu, fost l-akbar poeti Maltin tal-Madonna u tal-Ilsien Malti. Ħafna poeżiji tiegħu dwar il-Madonna, huma fost l-aqwa fil-letteratura Maltija. Kien poeta Romantiku (fil-kontenut) u klassiku (fil-met- rika). Maż-żmien il-poeżiji ta’ Cuschieri… qajjmu ħeġġa kbira fost il-kittieba talMalti li għal ftit kienu nsew il-versi ta’ kull poeta ieħor. Il-versi bil-Malti ta’ Cuschieri dlonk dehru bħala l-isbaħ mudelli ta’ poeżiji letterarji fil-kotba tal-Qari għat-tfal tal-Iskejjel Sekondarji u għall-istudenti ta’ l-Università ma’ poeżiji oħra” Ħamsin sena minn mewtu l-Posta ta’ Malta fakkret lill-Patri Anastasju Cuschieri, b’timbru speċjali.


harles Daniel Saliba flimkien ma’ Adrian Muscat għadhom kif niedew, Il-Malti Intermedju u Il-Malti Avvanzat 1, żewġ kotba li jikkumplimentaw is-sillabu l-ġdid tal-Malti fil-livell Intermedju u dak Avvanzat rispettivament. Il-Malti Intermedju jkopri s-sezzjonijiet kollha tal-karta tależami u jinkludi: · pariri kif jitwieġbu mistoqsijiet dwar il-qari · noti fuq il-lingwistika · noti fuq il-poeżiji u r-rumanz imniżżla fis-sillabu · pariri kif għandhom jinkitbu komponimenti tal-ogħla livell · tweġibiet mudell f’għamla ta’ komponimenti · ħames karti mudell tal-eżami orali u dak miktub Il-Malti Avvanzat 1 ikopri s-sezzjonijiet tal-ewwel karta tależami u jinkludi: · pariri kif tikteb komponiment tal-ogħla livell · pariri kif jitwieġbu mistoqsijiet dwar il-qari · spjegazzjoni fid-dettall tal-karti tal-eżami · pjan ta’ kif għandu jitqassam il-ħin tal-eżami · noti fuq il-lingwistika · ħames karti mudell tal-eżami orali u dak miktub Fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin se jitniedu wkoll, Il-Malti Avvanzat 2 and

Il-Malti Avvanzat 3, żewġ kotba li jħejju lill-istudenti għat-tieni u t-tielet karta tal-eżami tal-Malti fil-livell avvanzat. Dawn il-kotba huma meqjusa bħala għodda siewja għal kull min jgħallem, jamministra jew jitgħallem il-Malti fil-livell Intermedju jew dak Avvanzat skont is-sillabu mill-2021 ’il quddiem. Għal aktar tagħrif dwar kull ktieb wieħed jista’ jżur is-siti: jew

Ħarsa lura lejn ġrajja ta’ 75 sena ilu u l-Pellegrinaġġ tal-Kunċiżżjoni The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday November 19, 2019


aħda mill-aktar festi għal qalb ilMaltin, u partikolarment ilBormliżi hi tal-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni li tiġi ċċelebrata bil-kbir fit-8 ta’ Diċembru. Imma jista’ jingħad li did-darba l-festa ġiet aktar kmieni, inkella li se tkun saret doppja, wara dik ta’ dan l-aħħar bl-istess statwa f’Birkirkara. Bejn it-3 u is-Sibt li għadda 16 ta’ Novembru saret it-tifkira tal-75 sena anniversarju mill-Pellegrinaġġ Nazzjonali ta’ meta fitTinei Gwerra Dinjija, minħabba li Bormla kienet taħt attakk mill-ajruplani tal-għadu il-Kapitlu ta’ Bormla iddeċieda li bħala protezzjoni jieħu l-vara fil-Bażilka ta’ Birkirkara. Ittieħdet f’pellegrinaġġ. Dil-memorja ġiet imġedda bil-kbir għal kważi ġimagħtejn sħaħ. Kollox beda filgħodu tas-Sibt 3 ta’ Novembru meta l-istatwa reġgħet bdiet il-vjaġġ u twasslet fil-Bażilka ta’ Birkirkara permezz ta’ pellegrinaġġ ieħor. Fi triqitha lejn Birkirkara twaqqfet f’żewġ parroċċi oħra, tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu filFgura u tal-Kunċizzjoni fil-Ħamrun.

F’Birkirkara l-vara ntlaqgħet bil-brijju. Ġiet imdawwra mat-toroq akkumpanjata minn folol kbar u l-baned ewlenin tal-lokal. Minn dakhinar lokkażjoni tal-anniversarju baqgħet tiġi mfakkra f’kull ġurnata b’għadd ta’ attivitajiet oħra, l-aktar liturġiċi, immexxija mill-kapitli taż-żewġ parroċċi, fos-

Il-presepju Malti issa armat ukoll if Vjenna


l-Presepju tradizzjonali Malti li diġa`ġie esebit f’żewġ pajjiżi differenti minbarra f’Malta fl-aħħar tlett snin, għall-festi tal-Milied ta’ din is-sena jinsab armat fil-kapitali tal-Awstrija, Vjenna biex b’hekk l-artiġjanat Malti jkun ukoll jista’ jitpaxxa f’wieħed mill-aktar pajjiżi popolari fil-festi tal-Milied. Minħabba l-kundizzjonijiet tat-temp li wieħed jista’ jistenna f’dawn il-jiem fl-Awstrija u wkoll iċ-ċokon tal-post fil-villaġġ tal-Milied fil-kampus tal-Universita ta’ Vjenna, il-presepju li ġie armat u inawgurat mill-President ta’ Malta George Vella fi tmiem il-ġimgħa li għaddiet ġie modifikat. Il-presepju, xogħol l-artist Għawdxi Manwel Grech kien ġie armat għall-ewwel darba fi Pjazza San Pietru fil-Vatikan fl2016. Fl-2017 kien ġie esebit fil-Pjazza tan-Nattivita f’Betlem u s-sena l-oħra ġie armat fi Pjazza Tritoni fil-belt Valletta li kienet qed tiċċelebra t-titlu tal-Belt Ewropeja tal-Kultura, Valletta 2018. Fiċ-ċelebrazzjoni ħa sehem ukoll KorMalta b’għanjiet tradizzjonali tal-Milied. Il-kor ħa sehem ukoll f’attivitajiet oħra filkapitali Awstrijaka, fosthom fil-knisja ta’ Votivkirche, li hi mmexxija minn qassis Malti.

thom f’purċissjonijiet li fihom ħadu sehem nies minn kull strata tal-ħajja. Saru wkoll attivitajiet oħra, fosthom serata bittema, ‘Birkirkara fi żmien it-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija’ li fiha ngħadu esperjenzi talPellegrinaġġ u ntwerew xi siltiet awtentiċi tal-ġrajjiet marbuta ma’ dan l-avveniment storiku. L-istatwa baqgħet filBażilka ta’ Santa Liena sas-Sibt li għadda filgħodu. Wara li ġiet imqaddsa quddiesa l-istatwa nħarġet mill-Bażilka biex ġiet imdawra mat-toroq tal-lokal, ingħatat qima mill-folla u xi persuni distinti, trikkbet fuq trakk u qabdet it-triq lura lejn darha proprja, f’Bormla. Fi triqitha għaddiet, u twaqfet għall-qima fl-parroċċi ta’ Fleur-de-Lys, Santa Venera, San Gejtanu l-Ħamrun, tat-Trinita’ Mqaddsa l-Marsa, u Kristu Re f’Raħal Ġdid. Mal-wasla f’Bormla ntlaqgġet b’entużjażmu kbir mid-devoti Bormliżi li issa bdew iħejju biex jissoktaw bil-festa proprja ftit inqas minn tlet ġimgħat oħra, forsi wkoll akbar minn qabel.

Have you been conned lately? Scams on our phones and social media are robbing us blind How many times did you receive bogus telephone calls, messages or emails? We need to fight the scammers NOW You want to know how? Detective Senior Constable Shawn Schussler Financial Crimes Squad, State Crime Command Will be the main speaker at the: Information Session Wednesday, 27th November at 7.30 pm. Organised by

Maltese Welfare (NSW) Inc.

to be held at the St George Preca Community Hall, OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Rd Greystanes on the Free entrance, English/Maltese spoken. All welcome. Light refreshments For more details call: 9631 9295 or 0412 204 470

Sponsored by

(02) 9231 2133

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday November 19, 2019

SKORBA instill a strong sense

A musical and visual presentation of the Great Siege of Malta 1565

of pride into a Maltese audience


ast Saturday (November 16), a large crowd was regaled with the band Skorba’s production, a musical and visual presentation of the Great Siege of Malta 1565 that was performed at the Maltese Community Council of Victoria on the invitation of the President of the Council Marlene Ebejer. It was a great success with the Maltese members of the audience leaving with a great deal of pride in their homeland and a deeper understanding of how our tiny homeland has impacted on the history of the world. Among the audience was Simone Cremona who gave her impressions of the concert to the Voice. She said it was a great audio-show that through its evocative music and lyrics, as well as a slide show of images, described the events leading up to the Knights of St John’s occupation of Malta and the Great Siege from the perspective of the common people. The show was interwoven with the story of two fictional childhood characters, friends Eduardo Bonnici and Salvinu Camilleri who, through a very common twist of fate, ended up on opposite sides of the conflict when, during a raid the Ottoman Turks capture one of them. Their story and that of their family is the cornerstone of this musical presentation. The narrative was great, and there was clearly much work and research put into the development of the slide show. The musical score was so engaging, with

highly skilled musicians alternating a range of classic and folk instruments and contributed so heavily to the emotions created through the story line. Andy Busuttil, who led Skorba, was able to instil a strong sense of Maltese pride into each and every one of the audience, linking the account of the Great Siege, which we all know so well, to other instances of Malta’s role in other significant events in history. The band 'Skorba' was formed by Andy Busuttil, a Maltese immigrant in Australia who arrived there in 1964. It has been presenting musical documentaries about significant events in Malta's history and has been rapidly gaining a great reputation among Maltese organisations in Australia.

Photo: Patrick Bartolo

What makes this concert so compelling is the combination of original music composed by the band members, a narrative that explains each song and tune within the context of the overall story, and a visual presentation on a large screen. Skorba is currently presenting the story of The Great Ottoman Siege of Malta with an emphasis on how the events of that time affected the Maltese people themselves. The story of the Siege is always portrayed from the perspective of the Knights of St John. However, Andy believed that there was a powerful story in the sub-text of the siege that needed to be told. Skorba is being invited to perform for Maltese, as well as non-Maltese, events around Australia.

14-year-old Eliana to sing for Malta at JESC

Malta will be taking part in the seventeenth edition of the annual Junior Eurovision Song Contest to be held on November 24 and organised by Telewizja Polska (TVP) and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). Malta is to be represented by 14-yearold Eliana Gomez Blanco with the song, "We Are More". Maltese living in Australia especially and those living in other countries members of the EU eligible to vote are being requested to consider extending support for Malta’s representative at the Junior Eurovision Contest. Eliana was chosen to carry Malta’s flag by a jury and public vote during a national selection held in summer. She started her singing career since the tender age of six, wherein she participated in various festivals both locally and abroad and never looked back until she reached one of her dream goals to participate in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest.

Eliana will be interpreting the song WE ARE MORE, with the lyrics by Rachel Suter, Jonas Thander, Joe Julian Farrugia and Kevin Lee, and composed by Jonas Thander and Rachel Suter. The song carries a message urging youths to be positive and not give up. It is a two-language mix, English with some verses in Maltese. Malta needs to exploit every opportunity to promote Eliana’s song and Malta in this highly popular junior festival. It needs a strong vote from Australia. The EBU’s voting system is 50%/50% televoting and juries. Nineteen countries will participate in the contest, with Spain taking part for

the first time since 2006. Watch and Listen Eliana Gomez Blanco’s song for Malta here Australia will be represented by 14-year-old Jordan Anthony. He will compete with the song, "We Will Rise".

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday November 19, 2019


round and about

by Charles Spiteri

Students launch new book


new book, part of the project Linja Nota – Ilwien u linji li sawru ħsieb, was launched at the Bishop’s Conservatory secondary school in Victoria (above). The project is sponsored by the Arts Council Malta as part of the Kreattiv initiative. Following a concert by the travellers at the school, all students were asked to give their own personal interpretation to the music. The art students who illustrated them then brought the interpretations to life. The book, with the same name as the project, is a collection of illustrations, together with lyrics.

Talks at Il-Ħaġar resume


he series of talks at il-Ħaġar museum in Victoria resumed after the summer break with a talk by Douglas Gresham (pictured top), who reminisced about his relationship with his stepfather C.S. Lewis. Mr Gresham, actor and author, also related personal episodes form his life.

A new statue of St Francis of Assisi at Għajnsielem


he Franciscan Friars of Għajnsielem inaugurated a new statue of St Francis of Assisi by Michael Cutajar Zahra. The statue was carried to the church from Għajnsielem Square accompanied by the St Joseph Band. Tripoli Bishop George Bugeja blessed the statue

The Nadur song festival


he Nadur song festival, organised by the Mnarja Philharmonic Society (left), was held recently at the MBC Theatre. There were 26 singers who participated in four categories and Team Netta dan-cers. Lelio Spiteri presented the programme.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday November 19, 2019

Last post ceremonies December 28 for Waldemar Beck and Charles Bonavia


joint last post ceremony to commemorate Private Charles Bonavia and Private Waldemar Beck will take place on December 28 at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. Private Beck and Bonavia were two of the three Maltese Anzacs in Gioconda Schembri’s book 'Three Anzacs from Malta, a true story of friendship, love, and loss.' Mrs Lea Harding, Charles Bonavia’s niece and Mrs Barbara Barter, the niece of Waldemar’s fiancée, plan to attend. The Last Post Ceremony is held 364 days per year in the Commemorative Area of the Memorial. Each ceremony tells the story behind just one of the names on the Roll of Honour. The format of the ceremony will be: A Memorial MC commences the ceremony with a brief introduction. Private Charles Bonavia Private Waldemar Beck The National Anthem is played. A piper plays a lament during which visitors lay wreaths at the Upon arrival, if wheelchair access is needed, one should use the base of the Pool of Reflection lift entrance that is situated to the left of the front steps leading A uniformed Defence member volunteer reads the personal story straight into the Commemorative Area. The Defence member reads the Ode Where an image is available, it would be displayed beside the A bugler sounds the Last Post Pool of Reflection. Families and groups often like to take photoThe ceremony concludes graphs of their group in front of the image and the Pool of ReflecAnybody wishing to lay a wreath during the ceremony needs to tion. It would be best if this were done between 4.00pm and confirm via and include the ap- 4.20pm. Once the ceremony concludes at 5.15pm, the museum proximate number of attendees if known, and then present to the will close and visitors will be asked to exit through the front gates. Front Desk in the Orientation Gallery no later than 4:20 on the The ceremony is to be broadcast live each afternoon via the afternoon of the ceremony, and Memorial’s website ( at approximay arrange to bring the wreath or floral tribute; or is welcome mately 4:55pm. In addition to this, visitors are more than welto use one of the Memorial’s ornamental wreaths. Cards would come to appoint a family member to film or photograph the be provided to write one’s own personal tribute to attach to the ceremony. The ceremony will also be live-streamed on the Auswreath – the next day, these cards are collected and then archived tralian War Memorial website. in the collection in perpetuity. For any further enquiries, one should contact Ms Caterina The Visitor Services staff will ensure that you and your family Agostinetto (, or phone: 02 6243 are briefed. 4550).

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at 10 am.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Daceyville Maltese Seniors Meets the last Wednesday of the mon-th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular bus trips. Join us, make new friends.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month: Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Maltese of Bankstown Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month in the Bankstown CBD area. Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357

Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. *(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday November 19, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s * Do you speak Maltese fluently? * Are you in high school and want to study Maltese for your HSC? * Are you an adult learner looking for an opportunity to challenge your Maltese language skills and cultural knowledge?

Free Entry

A must see documentary about one of the most significant events in Malta’s history. This is the true story of

“Sette Giugno”.

Discover the facts and events that led to the uprising of 1919. Why did Maltese citizens rampage and riot against the British? Who were the innocent victims and how did these events change the course of Malta’s future? This documentary, courtesy of PBS Malta, (in Maltese with English Sub-Titles) is presented by:

The Maltese Cultural Association of NSW

When: Sunday, 24th November Time: 2pm Where: La Valette Social Centre

175 Walters Road, Blacktown For more details please contact Mr Charles Mifsud: 0421 662 298

Please Note:

Anybody interested in advertising on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, partcularly among the Maltese diaspora is requested to write for details to:

AUSTRALIAN HC on facebook & twitter

he Australian High Commission’s in Malta T has its own Facebook page, while the High Commissioner has a Twitter account.

Both can be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: The Commissioner’s Twitter handle:

L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tagħha, imma l-qarrejja xorta mħeġġa biex jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti: għallaħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż Il-website hi aġġornata tul il-jum kollu.

Then consider enrolling in the Higher School Certificate HSC/VCE

Maltese community language schools across Australia are engaging in a recruitment drive to ensure that Maltese remains to be rightfully offered as a subject for generations to come.

The Maltese HSC, VCE and SACE are at risk of suspension due to their very small candidature. You will be invited to an information meeting about course requirements and enrolment procedures. A commitment to commence studies must be made by November 2019. To register your interest contact:

NSW: The Maltese Language School of NSW Akkademja Maltija ta NSW - skolamaltijasydney - Jane Borg 0411 478 233 Saturday School of Community Languages - Charles Galea 0400 485239 Dwejret il-Malti – Blacktown VIC: Maltese Community Council Maltese Language Classes - – (03) 9387 8922 Victorian School of Languages (03) 9474 0500

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee

Remaining main event for 2019 Sunday December 1: Feast

Event are at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW

La Valette Social Centr e Carols by Candlelight Show

La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847

Saturday Dec. 14 @ 6.30pm at Main Hall: Featuring singers: Joe Apap, Natasha Tatarinoff, MCA Choir directed by Marisa Previtera, Victor Mifsud and kids from Maltese Language Scool of NSW There will be a pageant about our traditional Maltese Christmas and a Christmas message. Nannu Santa will be coming to La Valette, so bring a present for your children with their name on it so Santa will give it to your kids. ENTRANCE IS FREE: For more information: Antoinette: 9622 5846; Greg: 0411 517 187; Agnes: 0432 714 735 ____________________________________________ Come & enjoy the spirit of a Maltese Christmas

Kids are needed to dress for the Christmas Pageant

For safety reasons: Candles (battery operated will be on sale for $1 each

24 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday November 19, 2019

Floriana drop first points but retain four-point lead

Alvaro Morata paves the way for Spain’s easy win with the first goal



Malta footballers humiliated in Spain

alta suffered a humiliating 7-0 defeat against Spain in its penultimate Group F EURO 2020 qualifiers in Cadiz, so Monday they needed to regain some pride, individually and for the national team as they faced Norway to wrap up up their commitments. (Match at Ta’ Qali National Stadium kicked off late for us to include the result). From the outset Malta sustained a lot of pressure from Group winners Spain. They conceded first after 23 minutes from an Alvaro Morata goal and were pushed back to stay on the receiving end, yet managed to keep the score down to just 0-2 before the interval, after Santi Cazorla’s goal. Spain kept up the pressure on the change-over and play was confined almost entirely to Malta’s half of the field. They missed several chances before adding to their tally on the hour through Pau Torres, and in the blink of an eye scored a fourth by Sarabia. Substitute Olmo scored a fifth (68th min) and three minutes later Moreno added Spain’s sixth. Jesus Navas scored the seventh goal after 85 minutes. In the end Spain had 33 attempts on goal to Malta’s one, which wasn’t even on target..

n the last round (10th) of the Premier League before the international break, Floriana dropped their first points when Hibernians held them to a 2-2 draw. However, they still managed to hold on to their four-point lead as Gzira lost their Malta’s Premier League unbeaten run by getting beaten 1-0 by Sirens who RESULTS - Day 10 in turn replaced them in Floriana v Hibernians 2-2 1-0 Sirens v Gzira Utd the runner-up position. 1-0 The Floriana v Hibs Valletta v Senglea game was the round’s top Sliema W. Ħamrun S 2-0 5-0 game. That Floriana man- Balzan v Mosta aged to pass the ordeal is Birkirkara v Sta Lucia 2-0 proof enough as to their Gudja U v Tarxien R 3-2 Day 9 match improvement. Meanwhile Sirens are Gudja U v Birkirkara 3-2 establishing themselves as the revelation side of the campaign in their first-ever season in the Premier. Another newly-promoted side, Gudja United made history of their own by winning their first match among the elite, against Birkirkara. They then followed that up with a back-to-back win over pointless Tarxien. Balzan, Birkirkara and Sliema Wanderers somewhat improved their points tally with victories, but Sliema’s position remains precarious bottom but one.


Two defeats for U/19s

alta’s Under-19 football team produced a disciplined performance in their opening match against hosts Italy at the UEFA Under-19 Championship Group 6 Qualifier in Misano that they lost 2-0 with a goal in each half. In the second match the Maltese youths go down by 3-0 against Slovakia

Football remains Number 1 in NSW


he latest AusPlay survey released by Sport Australia confirmed football’s position as the No. 1 organised club-based participation sport in NSW, with more than 516,000 participants enjoying the game. Both Football NSW (FNSW) and Northern NSW (NNSW) once again achieved healthy registrations for 2019 as the game continued to blossom across all sporting codes. Overall numbers indicated that from June 2019, 1,853,600 people played football across the nation comprising 1,084,200 adults and 769,400 children. There was an impressive 18.2% growth in the number of children aged 14 years or under. A delighted Football NSW CEO Stuart Hodge said AusPlay Data also highlighted football as the number one sport in the country. “Football plays such an important role in our communities, providing significant physical and mental health benefits, helping the fight against obesity, promoting social cohesion and multicultural inclusion. Football NSW once more continues to experience exceptional growth with 11% growth over the past five years for the winter season. This is undoubtedly due to the phenomenal work of our Associations and Clubs. “Summer football has also grown significantly with 60,000 players registered showing a record number of females, referees and coaches in the game. These stats further strengthen football’s case as a yearround sport for participants and with the additional growth in Futsal, puts an increasing strain on facilities of all types. “Grant sources such as the NSW Asian Cup 2015 Legacy Fund and Lets Light Up Football have assisted associations and clubs in improving their venues but a lot more has to be done to keep up with

high demand which will further increase football’s popularity. “As our game continues to grow and develop, we face several challenges including an increase in participation and population along with pressure on facilities with added demands for drainage and lighting and amenities, as some clubs are stretched to accommodate the player demand in their area. “Football continues to partner with all levels of government to provide support with funding participation programs and infrastructure upgrades, but as the Hyundai A-League, Westfield W-League and National Teams popularity increases within Australia and Internationally, the demand to participate in football will continue to surge.” Northern NSW Football (NNSWF) CEO David Eland congratulated the thousands of volunteers at the grassroots throughout Northern NSW for providing opportunities for people of all ages in their respective communities to enjoy football. “More people played football in 2019 in Northern NSW than in any other season. The number of players participating in traditional clubbased competitions has increased by 14% since 2015 and the number of registered female players has soared by a staggering 23% during the same period. “NNSWF’s new strategic plan identifies Inclusion and Diversity and Women and Girls as priorities. It’s therefore vital that all levels of government support our efforts to increase the number of people pursuing healthy and active lifestyles by investing more in football facilities which are safe, welcoming and fit for purpose.”

To find out how you or your child can play football, log on to:

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