The Voice of the Maltese No. 205

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Issue 205

The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Fortnightly magazine for the Diaspora

On Friday, June 7 Malta will be commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the June 7, 1919 uprising (known as Sette Giugno) that is immortalised in Maltese history when the people united to fight for their rights against colonial oppression in the quest for self-determination and the right to lead a dignified existence. Following a series of riots, British troops fired into the crowd, killing three rioters, Wenzu Dyer, Guzeppi Bajada and Manwel Attard. In more protests on the morrow, the marines shot and killed a fourth man, Karmenu Abela. (Turn to pages 2, 3 and 4 for feature in Maltese)

June 4, 2019

Commemorating the100th Commemorating Anniversary of the100th the June 7 1919 Anniversary (Sette Giugno) of the June 7 uprising (Sette Giugno) uprising

(Turn to pages 2, 3 and 4)

Is-Sette Giugno: Mitt sena wara ... 2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 4, 2019

Meta l-Maltin ingħaqdu biex jiksbu drittijiethom

L-erba’ vittmi tal-irvellijiet tad-7 ta’ Ġunju 1919. Mix-xellug: Wenzu Dyer, Carmelo Abela, Giuseppi Bajada u Manwel Attard



har il-Ġimgħa li ġej, 7 ta’ Ġunju jaħbat il-mitt sena mill-irvellijiet li seħħew f’Malta f’din id-data tal1919 li baqgħu magħrufa bħala tas-Sette Giugno, isem bit-Taljan minħabba li f’dawk iż-żminijiet, f’Malta kienet din il-lingwa li tintuża mill-awtoritajiet, u li waqthom filbelt Valletta sfaw maqtual erba’ Maltin li huma mitqiesa bħala patrijotti wara li l-folla qamet kontra t-tmexxija Ingliża titlob bi dritt xi forma ta’ gvern Malti responsabbli mittmexxija tal-Ġzejjer Maltin. L-importanza ta’ dan il-jum ġejja mill-fatt li fis-7 ta’ Ġunju tal-1919 il-poplu Malti warrab fil-ġenb id-differenzi politiċi u ngħaqad kontra l-oppressjoni kolonjali Brittanika bil-għan li jikseb drittijietu. Biex tiġi mfakkra din il-ġrajja, kull sena, u m’għandux jonqos din is-sena fiċ-Ċentenarju, f’Misraħ San Ġorġ fil-kapitali Maltija ssir ċerimonja organizzata mill-Kumitat Festi Nazzjonali li fiha jattendu fost l-oħrajn il-membri Parlamentari li jiġu indirizzati mill-Ispeaker tal-Kamra tar-Rappreżentanti, Anġlu Farrugia u jitpoġġew kuruni fuq il-Monument. Ċerimonja oħra ssir fix-Xagħra, Għawdex Hi okkażjoni li fiha Malta mhux biss tfakkar il-vittmi, imma wkoll il-ġrajja u l-identita` ta’ poplu distint minn kull ieħor. Xi snin ilu dan il-jum tas-7 ta’ Ġunju beda jitqies fil-gżejjer Maltin bħala wieħed millħamest jiem nazzjonali, allura festa pubblika. Fihom jiġu miftakra l-erba’ vittimi, Wenzu Dyer, Ġużeppi Bajada u Manwel Attard li ġew maqtula f’dak il-jum mis-suldati Ingliżi li sparaw fuq il-folla li kienet

L-ewwel laqgħa tal-Assemblea Nazzjonali tal-25 ta’ Frar 1919

qed tipprotesta, u Karmenu Abela li nqatel l-għada mill-marines. Dakinhar Malta diġa` kien ilha madwar 200 sena taħt il-ħakma Ingliża, u minkejja xi tgergir, qatt ma kien hemm żmien li seta’ jikser il-paċi fil-pajjiż. Imma mbagħad faqqgħet l-Ewwel Gwerra Dinjija li fixklet l-armonja li kienu jgawdu l-pajjiżi li għandhom xtuthom jifirxu fil-Baħar l-Abjad, ilBaħar Mediterran. Allura x'wassal għall-irvellijiet tas-7 ta’ Ġunju li spiċċaw jiksbu paġna daqshekk importanti fl-istorja ta’ Malta? L-Ewwel Gwerra Dinjija damet għaddejja erba’ snin, mill-1914 sal-1918. Din kienet miġġielda prinċipalment mill-Ingilterra, irRussja u Franza fuq naħa (l-Alleati) u lĠermanja, l-Imperu Awstrijak u l-Imperu Ottoman fuq in-naħa l-oħra (l-Qawwiet Ċentrali). Diversi pajjiżi ngħaqdu ma’ naħa jew m’oħra u għalhekk saret magħrufa bħala Gwerra Dinjija.

Sena wara li ntemmet l-Ewwel Gwerra Dinjija, minkejja li Malta kienet meqjusa bħala kolonja tal-Imperu Ingliż ma kinetx attakkata, imma kienet intużat bħala bażi navali Ingliża u bħala sptar. Ta’ min jgħid li tul l-erba’ snin tal-gwerra x-xogħol li għamlu l-Maltin biex iduru malferuti fi 30 sptar li ġew imwaqqfa apposta biex jilqgħu lill-feruti tal-gwerra, kisbilha llaqam ta’ Nurse of the Mediterranean (L-infermiera tal-Mediterran). Kif wieħed jista’ jaħseb dan ġab ħafna xogħol lill-Maltin imma minkejja hekk fi tmiem il-gwerra, l-effetti tagħha kienu għadhom jinħassu. It-tbatija ħakmet lillġens Malti li bata wkoll ħafna milliskarsezzi tal-ikel li ġab l-għaks u l-faqar, minħabba li l-prezz tal-qamħ, tad-dqiq u tal-ħobż, l-aktar ikel favorit u li l-Maltin setgħu jaffordjaw, sar jiswa d-doppju biex jinxtara. *għal paġna 4

Is-Sette Giugno: Mitt sena wara ... Tuesday June 4, 2019

*minn paġna 3

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Waħda mir-raġunijiet ewlenin għal dawn il-prezzijiet kienet li minħabba li l-kummerċ Riproduzzjoni ta’ pittura bil-watercolour mill-kollezzjoni privata ta’ Ganni kien naqas u għalhekk naqas ħafna wkoll id- Vella li kien preżenti fl-irvellijiet, li turi raġel li safa ferut waqt l-irvellijiet jiġi dazju minn fuq il-kummerċ, il-Gvern kolon- mdaħħal fiċ-Ċircolo La Giovine Malta fi Triq Santa Lucia fil-kapitali Maltija jali Ingliż ried jirkupra l-ispejjeż, allura fejn kienet qed tiltaqa’ l-Assemblea Nazzjonali. Jidher ukoll raġel ieħor bilminflok id-dazju għamel taxxi ġodda, fos- wieqfa fuq siġġu jxejjer maktur imċappas bid-demm thom ukoll fuq iċ-ċinema u s-suċċessjoni. nazzjonijiet oħra mill-konferenza tal-paci Nazjonali. Il-poplu sar jaf biha u mexxa lBarraminhekk il-Maltin bdew anke jisus- ta’ Versailles. L-Assemblea kellha l-għan li aħhbar biex jerħula lejn il-belt, hekk li waqt pettaw li xi negozil-laqgħa folla kbira janti importaturi L-għada tal-irvellijiet nġabret fit-toroq kienu huma wkoll truppi Ingliżi skjerati biex turi l-appoġġ qed japprofittaw quddiem il-Qorti biex tagħha għall-Asruħhom u jgħollu l- iferrxu l-folla li nġabret semblea u l-ħidma li prezzijiet tal-bżon- biex tipprotesta fil-belt kienet qed tagħmel. nijiet tagħhom. Il-folla saħnet meDawn kienu deta l-ewwel rat ħaċiżjonijiet li ma nut itajjar il-banniżlu xejn tajjeb diera Ingliża u atmal-Maltin u partakkatu u kissritlu ltikolarment malarblu u qattgħet ħaddiema li kienu il-bandiera, u komqed iħossuhom pliet titlef il-konfrustrati u li qed troll meta rat li xi jiġu wżati. Imħwienet oħra wkoll bagħad kien hemm kellhom il-bandiera ukoll il-kwestjoni Ingliża tperper fuq tal-lingwa li kienet il-bjut tagħhom. Intinvolvi l-ilsien negozjaturi Maltin Malti, it-Taljan u lfl-Assemblea ma Ingliż. Żid ma’ kienux jafu bl-irvell dawn l-istmerrija barra l-bini. għall-ħakma kolonIl-kotra bdiet tgara jali, u allura kien hemm l-ingredjenti kollha tfassal Kostituzzjoni (bil-għan li eventwal- l-ġebel u attakkat il-Bibljoteka, l-imħażen ta’ biex jinqala’ l-inkwiet. ment Malta tikseb l-Indipendenza) ħalli negozjanti tal-qamħ u l-istamperija talFil-25 ta’ Frar tal-1919 kienet saret l- mbagħad tgħaddiha lill-Gvern Ingliż ħalli gazzetta li kienet favur il-kolonjalisti Ingliżi, ewwel laqgħa tal-Assemblea Nazzjonali li japprovaha. The Daily Malta Chronicle. Biex tkompli tmexxiet minn Filippo Sciberras li fiha ġiet Imma l-Maltin ftit baqgħu jafdaw lill-In- tagħqad, membri Ingliżi li kienu fil-Union approvata riżoluzzjoni biex Malta tingħata gliżi, u fis-7 ta’ Ġunju fil-belt Valletta ġiet Club fi Strada Rjali bdew jipprovokaw lilld-drittijiet kollha bħal dawk mogħtija lil imsejħa it-tieni laqgħa tal-Assemblea kotra billi jwaddbulhom is-soldi. Kien diffiċli biex il-pulizija Maltija weħidha tikkontrolla l-għadab tal-folla li kienet niżlet Strada Forni, tant li ssejħu ssuldati Ingliżi. Dawn min-naħa tagħhom iddeċidew li l-aktar mod faċli kif setgħu jikkontrollaw lill-Maltin kien billi jużaw larmi, tant li bdew jisparaw fuqhom. Meta l-Assemblea saret taf bl-irvellijiet, wieħed minnhom, il-Konti Alfredo Gatto, ħareġ jipprova jikkalma lill-folla u fil-fatt flaħħar ipperswadihom jieqfu. Imma kien tard wisq biex iwaqqaf lis-suldati Ingliżi milli jisparaw fuq il-folla li ma kinetx armata. Kien hawn li Wenzu Dyer, Ġużeppi BaIt-tqegħid ta’ kuruna jada u Manwel Attard intlaqtu u sfaw maqfejn inqatlu lewwel tula, filwaqt li 50 ruħ sfaw feruti. Il-bqija tlett Maltin fis-7 ta’ tal-folla ssummat u b’xi mod u l-irjus birdu. Ġunja tal-1919 *għal paġna 5

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Is-Sette Giugno: Mitt sena wara ... *min paġna 4

L-għada l-folla reġgħet daħlet il-belt biex tpoġġi kuruni fil-post fejn inqatlu t-tliet Maltin fil-jum ta’ qabel. Għal darb’oħra lmembri Ingliżi tal-Union Club irrepetew ilprovokazzjoni tal-jum ta’ qabel u l-folla reġgħet saħnet. Din id-darba ħarġu l-morini li għal darb’oħra wżaw l-armi tan-nar, reġgħu sparaw bla ħniena u qatlu lir-raba’ Malti f’jumen, lil Karmenu Abela. l-mitt sena mill-irvellijiet tas-7 ta’ Ġunju, f’Malta se jiġu mfakkra wkoll b’musical oriġinali bl-isem ta’ “Sette” fil-Forti Sant’Iermu, b’direzzjoni tal-aħwa The New Victorians. L-organizzaturi spjegaw li xtaqu jaraw kif il-barranin iħarsu lejn din il-ġrajja u għal-


Il-monument tas-7 ta’ Ġunju 1919 fuq il-qabar fl-Addolorata fejn hemm midfuna l-erba’ vittmi hekk se jippruvaw jippreżentaw il-musical minn tliet angoli li sawru l-ġrajja. Il-musical, b’mużika elettronika u kanzunetti oriġinali u żfin, se jsir bi tliet lingwi, ilMalti, l-Ingliż u t-Taljan.

Maltese community in NSW remembers


he Maltese residing in NSW commemorated the 100 years of Sette Giugno with a moving ceremony at the Maltese Bi-Centennial Monument at Pendle Hill. The President of Malta, HE Dr George Vella was heard delivering an inspirational speech while the keynote speaker was author and broadcaster Victor Vella. The Maltese community was honoured with the presence of the Hon John Sidoti MP Minister for Multiculturalism, Sport, Seniors and Veterans. Also present were MPs Chris Bowen, Michelle Rowland, Julia Finn, Dr Hugh McDermodd, the Mayor of Cumberland City Council Clr Greg Cummings, Clr Lisa Lake, representatives from Merryland RSL and leaders of most of the Maltese associations in NSW. The presence of so many distinguished guests is positive proof that the Maltese in NSW are very well respected. The Maltese Choir under the Direction of Marisa Previtera also entertained the crowd.

Section of the crowd with students from the Maltese Language School dressed in the National Costume

Tuesday June 4, 2019

L-effetti tal-irvellijiet tas-7 ta’ Ġunju 1919


’riżultat ta’ dawn l-irvellijiet, bilgħan li b’xi mod jikkalma s-sitwazzjoni, il-Gvern Ingliż bagħat f’Malta gvernatur ġdid, lil Lord Plumer, u fl1921 ta lil Malta kostituzzjoni ġdida li permezz tagħha l-Maltin kisbu l-jedd ta’ Gvern Malti, magħruf bħala gvern responsabbli (responsible self-government) li kien immexxi mill-Maltin permezz tal-ewwel Parlament Malti li għall-ewwel darba seta’ jagħmel hu liġijiet fi ħwejġu. Allura għall-ewwel darba Malta kellha gvern immexxi minn Prim Ministru u kabinett tal-Ministri. L-ewwel Prim Ministru kien Joseph Howard tal-Partit Unione Politica Maltese'. Ta’ min jgħid li minkejja li Malta issa kellha l-gvern tagħha, fil-kostituzzjoni l-Gvernatur xorta waħda baqa’ ‘l fuq mill-kostituzzjoni u seta’ jirtiraha meta kien iħoss li ħtieġlu jagħmel dan, kif wara kollox seħħ fl-1933, meta l-Gvern Ingliż ħa l-kostituzzjoni lura minħabba li ħass li l-PN, li kien fil-Gvern dakinhar, kien qed jagħmel wisq propaganda favur il-lingwa Taljana. Hekk kif l-Ewropa kienet riesqa lejn itTieni Gwerra Dinjija bl-Italja mmexxija minn Benito Mussolini, il-Gvern Ingliż ra li l-kostituzzjoni kienet tagħti wisq poter lill-Maltin u ħass li dan seta’ jkun ta’ periklu għal Malta bħala kolonja Ingliża. Sebgħin sena wara l-irvellijiet, fl-1989 il-Parlament iddikjara l-jum bħala wieħed mill-ħames festi nazzjonali u fakkar l-okkażjoni b’mod uffiċjali fis-7 ta’ Ġunju tal-1989.

Victor Vella

Infront of the Bi-Centennial Monument. Minister John Sidoti (second left) with committee members of the MCC NSW: (left): George Bartolo (Treasurer & MC), Emanuel Camilleri (President) and Miriam Friggieri (Secretary)

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday June 4, 2019

Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers

Relocation after separation: moving to a different area with your children


by PaulSant

he court’s primary consideration in any proposed relocation order sought, is the same as in all other parenting orders: whether an order for, or against, relocation, is in the best interests of the children. You and your partner may have only just separated, or you may have been separated for years. If you wish to move to an area that would, for example: - Decrease practicality to continue existing parenting arrangements, or reduce the practicality for substantial and significant time if the separation is recent and an ongoing arrangement has not yet been established; and/or - Reduce your former spouse’s time they currently spend with the children; and/or - Increase travel time; then you should obtain legal advice before taking any irreversible steps, such as paying a rental bond, particularly if your former partner may be opposed to the relocation. The best interests of the child will always be the primary consideration over and above the preferences of each particular parent. The Court is only concerned with arguments from each parent as to why a parent should or should not be permitted to move, insofar as they relate to the best interests of the child. In saying that, the court is not obliged to completely ignore parents’ legitimate interests and desires. However, where there is any conflict between what a parent wants, and the best interests of the child, the court will always regard the children’s best interests as more important.

Any proposed new arrangement that will affect a child’s residence or contact with the other parent, including an overseas move, must be shown to be in the best interests of the child. You will need to demonstrate factors that outweigh any resultant decrease of the other parent’s time or involvement with the children. Issues the courts may consider under s60CC of the Family Law Act 1975 include: - Whether there is family support in the proposed area you wish to relocate to; - Long-term stability for the children moving forward (for example, you may be seeking to purchase a property, and cannot afford to do so in a city, but have sufficient funds to buy a property in a smaller town); and - If the area you currently live in is isolated, and as the primary carer for the children, you have little support, it may be that your overall health and happiness would be improved by a relocation to an area where you have family connections. If you discuss a proposed relocation with your former partner, and they disagree, they may commence proceedings against the move you are hoping or planning to make. If you go ahead and move with the children without consulting the other parent, or against their wishes, you will be making a unilateral decision. A court may order you to return with the children if there were not circumstances warranting such actions (such as a risk to



Now at: 21 George Street

Parramatta Phone: 8599 8877

Also at: Level 4, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney. Ph: 8355 9999 Email: Maltese Spoken

your and/or the children’s safety). Courts are only to make coercive orders in extreme circumstances, and alternatives to restricting freedom of movement must be explored, particularly where an order would be made that would cause a primary carer to undertake the role of being primary carer in a place that is not their choice. Mareet & Colbrooke [2019] is a recent decision that has emphasised it is only in rare circumstances that the Court should make orders about where a parent shall live (which directly affect a parent’s right of freedom of movement). A mother had signed a lease and moved interstate to QLD whilst pregnant. She alleged the father had stalked and harassed her. The father made an application and the mother was ordered to reside in a region in NSW so the father could spend time with the child at a contact centre. The mother’s appeal was allowed: the Judge had not considered making orders that the father travel to QLD to see the child, nor of the financial and other burdens on the mother resulting from the ordered move, and other things (including that the area the mother was ordered to move to was not an area in which she or the child had previously resided). If you wish to move and you think your former partner will not be agreeable, we can advise you on a likely outcome and the best way to move forward based on your circumstances. We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 4, 2019

Biggest Morning Tea a huge success

Generosity the aim of the day I

t was indeed an exciting, enormously moving and productive day at the Cancer Council Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. Mandavilla Events Centre at Horsley Park NSW was packed. The stage was decorated with donated gifts of all sorts cleverly presented to attract attention (pictured above). For four-and-a-half hours, from 10 am to 2.30 pm, the action never stopped. The Horsley Park Community Social Group & Friends under the leadership of incredibly popular duo of Theresa Quattromani and Josephine Borg surrounded by an army of volunteers immersed their talents in raising money via the chocolate wheel. They were very successful as they kept the audience donating. Local schoolchildren from Marion School and Horsley Park Public School entertained. Even the Mayor of Fairfield, Frank Carbone turned up with a donation from his Council. The representatives from Cancel Council explained that research work happens because of similar donations Josephine Borg told The Voice of the Maltese that a

sum of around $35,000 was Standing: Josephine raised. She pointed out that Borg Frank Carbone, the success of this fundraisthe Mayor of the City ing is the result of hard of Fairfield NSW. work and the generosity of Front: Theresa many donating the hunQuattromani dreds of gifts that were raffled during the day. “It was our 16th Biggest Morning Tea Fundraiser for the Cancer Council. With this latest effort, we have now raised $334,815.83! We have progressed from a quickly organised event 16 years ago raising $1350.00 to this. “We began by holding our morning teas at Horsley Homestead, but after a few years due to weather conditions, we moved to the Horsley Park Fire Station. Later we moved to the Marion Hall. “For the last four years, Mary and Martin from Mandavilla Hall have opened their doors for us. We are fortunate to have a generous community that has supported us over the years, and of ichela, Malta’s representative at the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest, has been course tireplaced in 14th position in the overall classification, advancing two places after it less hardwas revealed that a mistake had taken place in the final accounting. On the night she working had been called in 16th place. In a statement the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), volunteers” said that the vote of the Belarus Jury had been cancelled after their Semi-Final vote Josephine was revealed and showed the vote had not taken place in line with EBU Regulations. said.

Michela advances two places after error at Eurovision


The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday June 4, 2019

The sound of Skorba at the Great Siege of Malta 1565 T The Skorba quartet (from left): John Robertson, Llew Kiek, John Napier and Andy Busuttil

he sound of Skorba vibrated through the La Valette Social Centre at Blacktown NSW in a unique performance that thrilled a packed hall. We were in fact exposed to exotic medieval Maltese, English and Turkish music performed perhaps by some of the best musicians in Australia. John Robinson on oud, saz and mandolin, Lew Kiek on guitar and bouzouki, John Napier on cello and our own Andy Busuttil, voice, winds percussion received undivided attention and also a standing ovation. Skorba’s music took us to the courageous voyage of the Knights of St John from the island of Rhodes to the island of Malta and the historic struggle of Christianity against the Ottoman Empire, known to all as LAssedju l-KBIR, (The Great Siege 1565). Every piece played was narrated in every detailed by Marisa Previtera and an appropriate audio/visual presentation on the large screen. It is not easy to interpret Skorba’s music

to song but the Maltese Choir did well both on their own with classical Maltese songs as they interacted with Skorba. No doubt at all this was an afternoon for

A section of the audience at the La Valette SC for Skorba’s presentation of The Great Siege of Malta 1565

Photos: Patrick Bartolo

the aficionados of good music. Andy Busuttil, the leader of Skorba, told The Voice of the Maltese that their next project could be performing in Malta. The Maltese Cultural Association in association with the Maltese Australian Youths Committee (MAYC) and the La Valette Centre again co-ordinated the event. It is good to see the Australian/Maltese youths taking an active part in events of this nature. After all music reaches all. Above: the musicians and the organisers of the Skorba event. Back row: (from left): John Robertson, Llew Kiek, John Napier and Shannon Said, Front: Marisa Previtera, Mirian Friggieri, Charles Mifsud and Andy Busuttil

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 4, 2019

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly tnightly magazine magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Israel Folau’s incident: just a storm in a teacup


Joseph Buttigieg from Melbourne, writes:

’m commenting on Ivan Cauchi’s article on Israel Folau’s dismissal from Rugby Union (The Voice No. 204) over his comments on Homosexuals; Israel’s comments are based on the Old Testament text (Leviticus 18:22) which prohibits homosexual acts and specifies the punishment of death in most cases. To our minds the penalty is appallingly cruel and primitive. It is important to recognise that, as the Catechism notes, the Old Testament books “contain matters imperfect and provisional”. They contain God’s temporary provision for a society that as yet had little understanding of the dignity of the person and no infrastructure for maintaining justice and good order in the family and community. Already by the time of Christ, many of these penalties were no longer carried out. Jesus Himself refused to invoke the death penalty in a case where the Law of Moses called for it (John 8:3-11) Christian tradition has always held that the judicial penalties belong to that part of the Law of Moses that has been abrogated by Christ. Leviticus speaks of homosexual acts as “an abomination” but Scripture also uses “abomination” for various forms of ritual impurity, including unclean animals (Deut 14:3), sacrificing a blemished animal (Deut 17:1) and intercourse with a menstruating woman (Lev 18:19,29). Doesn’t it seem, then, that the laws on sexual conduct belong to the category of ritual purity rather than morality? Moreover, the New Testament affirms that the ritual purity laws have been rescinded by

Christ (Mark 7:18-19; Acts 10:15; 15:19-21). I admire Israel’s strong faith and beliefs, but unfortunately he’s a fundamentalist Christian and they believe the Bible word for word and you simply cannot reason with people like that. I think Rugby Australia have overreacted on this issue, Israel doesn’t deserve to lose his four-year contract. This incident should be taken on face value and in my opinion it’s nothing more than a storm in a teacup. Remember the old saying: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Are we becoming a nation of thin skins?

Happy for Malta’s achievements


Tony Cassar from St Albans writes:

don't want to in any way sound political, and it is not my intention to offend anybody whose political views are perhaps different from mine. But one should be honest and man enough to call a spade a spade when it comes to the political situation in Malta. I happen to follow the Malta scene and update myself by reading a number of Maltese news portals. On a daily basis I also stream Television Malta’s news bulletins, either early morning or on demand during the day. Recently Malta went to the polls to elect its European Parliamentary representatives, six MEPs. The Labour Party achieved a runaway victory by winning four of the six seats on offer. The Nationalist Party managed only two. More than that, the Labour Party won an absolute majority of votes, with just over 54 per cent of votes cast going to its candidates. The Nationalist Party garnered less than 38% registering tits worst ever showing. Under its Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat, Malta has become the envy of Europe. It is achieving success in every sector. I won’t hide the fact that my family in Malta used to support Labour and we still do. Though we cannot vote, we are always happy with its success. Therefore I wanted to express my feelings. I really am happy and very proud of what Malta has become.

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Malta’s best-kept WW2 secret:

Tuesday June 4, 2019

The Lascaris War Rooms


escribed as Malta’s best-kept secret, located some 40 metres under the Upper Barracca and the Saluting Battery in Malta’s capital, Valletta, are the Lascaris War Rooms, an underground complex of tunnels and chambers that housed the British War Headquarters from where the defence of Malta and the war at large was conducted in the Mediterranean during the World War II. The ultra-secret complex contained operations rooms for each of the fighting services including the vital Fighter Control and Radar Filter Rooms from where not only the air defence of Malta was coordinated, but also all air activity and some of the greatest battles fought in the Mediterranean during the war were coordinated. A large Naval Combined Operations Room served for the conduct of inter-service operations. These rooms wee in turn supported by a large collection of offices, telephone and radio rooms and the allimportant crypto rooms that were out of bounds for the majority of the military. In July 1943, the Lascaris War Rooms served as the Supreme Allied Commander’s Headquarters, an advance headquarters for the Invasion of Sicily (Operation Husky) by US General Dwight Eisenhower supported by the British Generals Montgomery, Alexander and Clark, and Air Marshal Tedder and Admiral Cunningham. The operation eventually opened the way for the libera- The activity at the Lascaris War Rooms during World War II tion of Europe. The War Rooms went on being used under different forms by both the British services and NATO up to 1977. The military heritage monument has been restored and is currently managed by the non-government charity Fondazzjoni Wirt Artna – the Malta Heritage Trust that is doing sterling work to preserve such sites. It also organises tours not only to the Lascaris War Rooms but also to the unfinished WW2 Bunker consisting of an enormous underground two-tier rock-hewn military bunker started in 1941 by the Royal Engineers to house a new War Headquarters, which was never finished. It was meant to replace the old War HQ with deeper and more spacious facilities, but pressing war exigencies in Malta and the successful Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943 caused it to be sealed and abandoned. As a result, it survives in an incredible state of preservation giving one the impression that the miners and builders working on it are still there! This unique underground complex was only rediscovered recently by chance in the course of the restoration of the Lascaris War Rooms. Now after over 70 years closed and forgotten it is open for public viewing. Anybody visiting Malta would do well to take the opportunity of joining an exclusive guided tour in English that takes place every Saturday.

The Lascaris War Rooms as they look today

10 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday June 4, 2019

A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: https://ivancauchi.

Ir-raġun tas-saħħa


ħal ma probabbilment tafu, bħalissa għaddejja gwerra filkummerċ bejn l-Istati Uniti u ċ-Ċina, mibdija mill-mexxej belliġerenti tal-ewwel Donald Trump, b'appoġġ politiku wiesgħa, b’tal-aħħar ma joqogħdux lura milli jirrispondu. Il-gwerra tikkonsisti f’li l-pajjiżi jimponu dazji fuq il-prodotti ta’ xulxin meta jiġu importati. Qed nitkellmu fuq valur astronomiku ta’ kummerċ. Fl-2018 l-Istati Uniti importat $539 biljun miċ-Ċina (nofs triljun dollaru!), u fl-istess sena ċ-Ċina importat $120 biljun mill-Istati Uniti. Din id-differenza hija interpretata mill-President Amerikan bħala evidenza li ċ-Ċina qiegħda tieħu vantaġġ mill-Istati Uniti. Issa din l-attività ekonomika tikkonsisti f’deċiżjonijiet indipendenti u kummerċjali minn organizzazzjonijiet privati u/jew statali taż-żewġ pajjiżi, u ħadd mhu sfurzat jixtri mill-pajjiż l-ieħor. It-teorija tal-kummerċ liberu bejn il-pajjiżi hu li prodotti u sservizzi jkunu jistgħu jinkisbu mill-iktar sors effiċjenti, li għandu jwassal għal kwalità aħjar u prezzijiet iktar baxxi, milli kieku kellhom jinxtraw bil-fors dawk magħmulin fil-pajjiż tax-xerrej. Il-problema tal-kummerċ liberu hi li jekk pajjiż A hu iktar effiċjenti minn pajjiż B biex jipproduċi prodotti u servizzi, dawn se jkollhom it-tendenza biex jinħadmu fil-pajjiż A, li allura jħaddem il-kapital tiegħu (flus, magni u ħaddiema) iktar u aħjar milli jħaddimhom pajjiż B li għalhekk jitnaqqaslu x-xogħol fl-ekonomija tiegħu. L-ekonomisti jgħidu li dan inċentiv biex tiżdied l-effiċjenza fejn m’hemmx. Fil-prattika, jista’ jkun hemm raġunijiet soċjali, kulturali, storiċi u politiċi għalfejn dan ma jsirx, u x-xogħol nieqes isir permanenti. Fil-każ tal-Istati Uniti u ċ-Ċina, hemm raġunijiet oħra li wasslu għal żbilanċ fin-negozju. Waħda minnhom hi l-akkuża li ċ-Ċina timmanipola l-munita tagħha r-renminbi. Kritika oħra hija li pajjiżi barranin li jinvestu fiċ-Ċina huma kostretti li jgħaddu l-proprjetà intellettwali tagħhom lil organizzazzjoni fil-pajjiż. Fl-Istati Uniti t-tendenza li dak li tixtri jkun magħmul fiċ-Ċina wassal għal ħafna nies li jkunu bla xogħol, jew bi ftit xogħol. Hemm stati fil-pajjiż li jitqiesu li jiffurmaw ‘ċinturin tas-sadid’, bħal Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio u oħrajn, kollha fil-grigal tal-pajjiż, fejn l-attività industrijali qawwija tal-passat majnat, mibdula b’importazzjoni qawwija minn diversi pajjiżi, ewlieni fosthom iċ-Ċina. Hawnhekk, dan l-effett jinħass bil-kbir, u kien wieħed mill-fatturi li wassal lid-dinja r-rigal ta’ Donald Trump, li waħda mill-wegħdiet tiegħu tkun li din is-sitwazzjoni jirranġaha. Jien jidhirli li l-kummerċ liberu bejn il-pajjiżi żied il-prosperità globali tal-pajjiżi involuti, imma wassal għall-faqar u nuqqas ta’ xogħol ukoll lil ħafna nies, li fl-imgħoddi kienu beżlin u ta’ sengħa, u illum jinsabu bla xogħol. Il-problema hi li l-benefiċċji li seħħew, ġew ikkonċentrati wisq f’idejn l-industrijalisti, in-negozjanti, il-professjonisti u parti mill-

kitba ta’


ħaddiema, imma ma tgawdewx minn kulħadd. It-tort nagħtih lill-klassi politika ta’ ħafna pajjiżi, li moħħhom biss fl-indikaturi globali bħall-prodott gross domestiku (GDP), u ma jieħdu l-ebda inizjattiva meta jaraw indikaturi ta’ inugwaljanza fis-soċjetà qiegħdin jeħżienu. Il-poplu azzjonijiet li jwasslu għal riżultat fejjiedi għandu bżonn. Dan ma jfissirx li l-azzjonijiet ta’ Trump neċessarjament se jwasslu għal dak li qed iwiegħed. L-amministrazzjoni tiegħu, b’appoġġ miż-żewġ partiti ewlenin Amerikani, waħħlet tariffa ta’ 25% fil-bidu fuq kważi nofs l-importazzjoni miċ-Ċina, u tal-aħħar irritalja b’mod simili, u issa s-sitwazzjoni reġgħet eskalat. Taħdidiet biex jintlaħaq ftehim qiegħdin isiru bis-sulluzzu, u s’issa ma wasslu għal ebda riżultat pożittiv. Madankollu l-impressjoni li nieħu mill-attitudni u r-retorika li toħroġ mill-Amerikani, u iktar u iktar minn Trump, hi li din qed titmexxa minn gurilla, l-ikbar wieħed fid-dinja (insomma l-isbaħ għax bjond) jhedded li jista’ jagħmel li jrid, jipprova jbeżża’ billi jħabbat fuq sidru u jġiegħel lin-naħa l-oħra tinnegozja b’denbha bejn saqajha u għalhekk b’inferjorità psikoloġika. Jien ma għandi l-ebda indikazzjoni li ċ-Ċiniżi qiegħdin ipixxu taħthom bil-biża’. Naturalment, is-sitwazzjoni hija delikata, u effett fuq l-ekonomija tal-pajjiż se jkun hemm. Madankollu rridu niftakru li llum iċ-Ċina diġà hija l-ikbar ekonomija fid-dinja, ikbar mill-Istati Uniti u ikbar ukoll mill-Unjoni Ewropeja. Ukoll kienet diġà għarfet li huwa fl-interess tagħha li tnaqqas id-dipendenza tal-ekonomija tagħha fuq l-esportazzjoni, u li hemm bżonn li jiżdied il-konsum intern. Wieħed irid iżomm quddiem għajnejh li l-kummerċ bejn il-pajjiżi, apparti vantaġġi ekonomiċi, iwassal ukoll għal nuqqas ta’ kunflitti bejn il-pajjiżi involuti, għax ikun jaqblilhom li ma jfixklux l-interessi ekonomiċi tagħhom. Jekk mill-banda l-oħra l-pajjiżi jibdew isiru iktar protezzjonisti, u jħarsu biss ‘il ġewwa u mhux iktar ‘il barra, jimpurtahom biss minnhom infushom u xejn affattu minn ħaddieħor, dan iktar hemm ċans li jwassal għal suspetti u ġlied. Iċ-Ċina mhux se tbaxxi rasha. Sal-lum imxiet relattivament birrażan fir-relazzjonijiet barranin tagħha, imqabbla mal-Istati Uniti, li ilha tilgħabha tal-cowboy madwar id-dinja – aħseb biss fl-Iran, il-gwerra fil-Vjetnam, l-invażjoni tal-Iraq eċċ eċċ. Eżempju ħażin ingħataw kemm trid. Imbagħad tiftakar fis-seklu dsatax, fejn qawwa mondjali oħra, dik Brittannika, ukoll kellha defiċit kbir fil-kummerċ maċ-Ċina, fejn kienet tixtri prodotti Ċiniżi, bħall-porċellana, it-te u l-ħarir, u tħallas għalihom bil-fidda. Dakinhar ġietha l-ideja brillanti li ddefiċit issolvih jekk tibda’ tbigħ il-loppju liċ-Ċiniżi, isseddaq iddipendenza tal-poplu għal din id-droga, u titħallas lura bil-fidda. Meta l-imperatur Ċiniż tad-dinastija Qing iddeċieda li jwaqqaf din il-ħniżrija, il-Brittanniċi bagħtulu l-flotta navali tagħha, seħħew l-hekk imsejħa Gwerer tal-Loppju u umiljaw liċ-Ċina, li dakinhar kienet diġà l-ikbar ekonomija fid-dinja, faqqruha u tefgħuha lura mitt sena. Taħsbu li ċ-Ċina se terġa’ tippermetti li tkun umiljata?

In-Nutar Francesco Catania u l-parroċċa tar-Rabat K Tuesday June 4, 2019

ull meta nidħol fil-Mużew Wignacourt fir-Rabat dejjem inħoss bħal leħen jgħidli li f’dan il-mużew hawn parti kbira mill-kollezzjonijiet kbar u importanti li ħalla għall-parroċċa n-Nutar Francesco Catania. Inħoss ukoll bħal dieqa, għax naf li n-Nutar Catania ħalla iżjed xogħlijiet tal-arti għall-parroċċa, imma meta l-parroċċa kienet tinħtieġ il-flus biex tħallas id-dejn marbut mall-bini tas-‘Sala Kappillan Karm Lia’ xi ħadd iddeċieda li jinbiegħu bi rkant xi oġġetti min tiegħu, fosthom pittura li ħalla għallparroċċa Fost il-kwadri imprezzabbli li ħalla u li nbiegħu f’dan lirkant kien hemm ukoll ‘self portrait’ tal-pittur Francesco Zahra. B’xorti tajba għall-inqas, l-’Addolorata’ ta’ Preti u ‘San Ġwann il-Battista’ ta’ Favray qegħdin hemm fil-Mużew. Fost ix-xogħlijiet li ħalla n-Nutar Francesco Catania u li wieħed isib fil-Mużew Wignacourt, pittura sagra (għax dik il-pittura li ma kinetx sagra nbiegħet fl-irkant). Wieħed jifhem li f’dawk iż-żminijiet, il-kultura ta’ mużew tal-knejjes kienet x’aktarx limitata biss għall-arti sagra. Fost xogħlijiet minn tiegħu hemm ukoll, kollezzjonijiet ta’ tpinġija u akkwarelli, inċiżjonijiet (Engravings) anke ta’ żmien ilGran Mastri ta’ Malta, kollezzjoni żgħira ta’ mapep, kollezzjoni ta’ fuħħar ta’ żmien il-Feniċi, Rumani u aktar, għamara millħafna li kellu n-Nutar Catania, fosthom arloġġ Malti, muniti u midalji, fosthom dawk Puniċi u Rumani, u librerija b’kotba Melitensia rari ħafna (għax in-Nutar Catania kien riċerkatur u storiku). Minħabba li n-Nutar Catania (ritratt lemin) kien jaf ukoll il-pittura, għalkemm ma kienx xi artist profound, ħalla wkoll xi abbozzi (sketches) u tpingija tiegħu stess. Missieru Francesco, Antonio kien skultur tajjeb ħafna u fost oħrajn ħadem l-iskultura tat-tużell tal-parroċċa. Xorti ħażina oħra għan-Nutar Catania kienet li ma laħaqx jara b’għajnejh dak li dam snin jaħdem għalih, jiġifieri l-amalgamazzjoni tal-Grotta ta’ San Pawl mal-ProtoParroċċa ddedikata lill-istess Appostlu. Kienet b’inizjattiva tiegħu li reġgħu bdew it-taħditiet mal-Gvern Malti ta’ dak iż-żmien u wara wkoll mal-Gvern Kolonjali biex issir din l-għaqda li kienet tinkludi wkoll ilKnisja tal-Kulleġġ ta’ fuq il-Grotta (il-Knisja ta’ San Publiju), Wignacourt u l-Knisja ta’ San Pawl il-Baħar ta’ ħdejn Il-Gillieru. Tant kienet xewqa kbira tiegħu din, li saħansitra, f’każ li din l-amalgamazzjoni sseħħ, ħalla ammont tajjeb ta’ flus bħala sostenn għall-ħames membri ġodda tal-Kapitlu ta’ San Pawl. L-amalgamazzjoni fil-fatt seħħet, imma wara mewtu. Xewqa tiegħu oħra imma li ra sseħħ kienet dik tas-seperazzjoni tal-Katidral tal-Imdina minn ma’ San Pawl tar-Rabat. Hawn in-Nutar Catania, allura ta’ 30 sena, kien fl-aqwa tiegħu. In-Nutar kien ta’ għajnuna kbira għall-parroċċa u ħadem bis-sħiħ biex din is-seperazzjoni setgħet isseħħ. Hu ħadem ukoll, u kien membru tal-kumitat tal-qniepen il-ġodda għall-knisja tal-parroċċa u saħansitra sponsorja wkoll it-tielet qanpiena, u wkoll kien responsabbli għall-approvazzjoni tal-bini mill-ġdid tal-koppla tal-knisja meta ġġarrfet fl-1923. Il- kontribuzzjoni finanzjara tiegħu biex tinbena mill-ġdid tal-koppla ma kinetx żgħira. Kif qed naraw, Francesco kien benefattur kbir u sa anke ħallas għal xi pittura ta’ Coccoli li hemm fil-Kappellun ta’ San Stiefnu tal-Knisja San Pawl, u għin finanzjarjament fil-bini tassala fi żmien il-Kappillan Lia. Mur għidlu li dak li kien fadal

The Voice of the Maltese 11

PeterPaulCiantar x’jitħallas kellu wkoll jagħmel tajjeb għalih hu b’dak li ħalla wara mewtu! In-Nutar Catania kien ukoll l-id il-lemenija talKappillan Antonio Buhagiar u l-istess mal-Kappillan Lorenzo Spiteri. Kien ukoll membru attiv fil-Każin Banda Konti Ruġġieru u n-nutar fixxiri tal-kazin fl-1943. Tista’ tgħid li kien ikun imdaħħal f’dak kollu li kien iseħħ fil-parroċċa tarRabat, u kien jagħmlu b’imħabba u b’dedikazzjoni kbira. In-Nutar Catania, b’dawk il-mustaċċi kbar u wieqaf (u xi ftit riservat), kien bniedem onest, reliġjuż. Kellu l-uffiċċju tiegħu mad-dar tiegħu stess fi Triq il-Kbira, kantuniera ma’ Triq Cosmana Navarra. Kemm id-dar tiegħu fir-Rabat kif ukoll dik li kellu bħala villeġġjatura ħdejn Il-Gillieru f’San Pawl il-Baħar it-tnejn twaqqgħu biex jagħmlu spazju għal appartamenti aktar moderni. Francesco Catania miet fl-Isptar Santa Katerina, Ħ’Attard, fis-26 ta’ April tal-1960. Kien ittieħed hemm ftit jiem qabel miet. Wara quddiesa funebri tiegħu fil-knisja tal-Parroċċa ta’ San Pawl, fuq xewqa tiegħu ndifen fil-qabar tal-familja li kellha fil-Kappella ta’ San Stiefnu fl-istess knisja. Erba’ snin wara mewtu f’ġieħu, fil-knisja ġie inawgurat monument li nħadem mill-iskultur Joseph Spiteri Sacco, filwaqt li Mons. Professur Edward Coleiro kiteb skrizzjoni qasira bil-Latin li turi li n-Nutar kien benefattur kbir tal-Parroċċa tar-Rabat. Fir-Rabat hemm ukoll triq imsemmija għalih, filwaqt li lLibrerija Pubblika li hemm fuq iċ-Ċentru tas-Saħħa tar-Rabat ukoll iġġib ismu. Insemmi wkoll ktieb bl-Ingliż dwar in-Nutar bl-isem ta’ ‘Notary Francesco Catania (1872-1960) and his collections at The Wignacourt Museum’. Il-ktieb ġie editjat minn Monsinjur Ġwann Azzopardi u ġie ppubblikat fl-okkażjoni tal-50 anniversarju tal-amalgamazzjoni tal-Grotta ta’ San Pawl malKnisja tal-Parroċċa.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 4, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

Let’s work together for Malta Joseph Muscat

tells PN MEPs after landslide victory


he Labour Party managed a landslide victory in the 2019 Malta European Parliament elections with a majority of votes that the party leader and Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said left him “speechless”. He took the opportunity to reach out to the two MEPs from the Opposition PN to work together wth the LP’s Euro Parliamentarians. “We are prepared to work with you; be prepared and work with us as well,” he said. Addressing thousands of Labour supporters gathered in front of the National Labour Centre in Hamrun, the Prime Minister insisted that this was a moment for national unity, and that despite the overwhelming success, “we can’t let this result go to our heads.” He pointed out that the results show that unity has triumphed against the Opposition's divisive message and that it amounted to a vote of faith in the government. “I am telling the members elected on behalf of the Nationalist Party that we are prepared to work with you; be prepared and work with us as well. "Politically I think the message of unity triumphed against a message of the divide. It is a vote of faith in the government and in the movement that leads the government. It is a vote refuting division and refuting those who work against Malta. It is also a vote against the creation of fear about nonexistent issues," he said. Despite the result, he insisted that the government would be keeping its feet on the

ground and listening to people's concerns. "We need to keep our feet on the ground and keep listening to what the people have to say. There were still Labourites and Nationalists who did not vote, and we have to listen to them both, as they have a message to send," he noted. Officially, the Labour Party’s share of votes cast was 141,267 (54.29%), a majority of votes over the Nationalist Party, which obtained 37.9% of the votes, amounting to 98,611votes, being 42,656 votes. This corresponds to Labour winning four seats through incumbents Miriam Dalli (63,438 first count votes) and Alfred Sant (26.592), and the newly elected Alex Agius Saliba (18,808) and Josianne Cutajar (15,603). The PN lost one seat. It now has two MEPs, Roberta Metsola (38,206) and David Casa (20,493), both re-elected. Josian Cutajar became the first MEP from Gozo and also the youngest MEP. In her reaction to getting most first count votes, Labour MEP Miriam Dalli said, "The people have spoken and shown their trust in Joseph Muscat and the work Labour Party MEPs did over the past five years. This is a result that we now need to turn into action, and that should serve as a point of departure." She went on to say, that she has the responsibility to represent her voters in Europe and bring about positive change in their lives and that the trust her voters showed in her highlighted and increased the responsibility she had of representing the

Prime Minster Joseph Muscat joined by his wife Michelle and twin daughters, addressing the crowd in front of the LP headquarters in Ħamrun

Maltese people in Europe in the best Miriam Dalli Alfred Sant way possible. On the losing side, PN leader Adrian Delia gave his reaction late in the day by describing the result as one Alex Agius Saliba Josianne Cutajar of the worst times in the party's history, “but we must not lose heart”. He consoled the party supporters by telling them Roberta Metsola David Casa that the PN remained Malta's secondlargest party and urged them not to give up. He admitted: "The people have spoken and the result is clear. But the PN remains the country's second-largest party and we have a duty to represent the thousands who voted for us. We also thank the thousands who did not vote for us, we have a duty to understand why we haven’t won them over.” The Labour Party had an even bigger victory in the Local Council elections. See:

After Council elections most of Malta is ‘painted red’ on page 18.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday June 4, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

His Excellency President George Vella and his wife Miriam (centre) flanked by the Labour MEPs, Alfred Sant and Josian Cutajar (left) and Miriam Dalli and Alex Agius Saliba at their meeting at the Palace

President Vella tells MEPs to safeguard Maltese interests

Malta Diplomats are urged to further T promote Malta’s candidacy at UNSC


iplomats at ambassadorial level, Honorary Consuls representing Malta in foreign countries and in international organisations, ended their annual four-day meeting in Malta regarding the priorities of Malta’s diplomacy, that the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Carmelo Abela said, served to update the Government’s endeavours in foreign policy. Throughout the four days the diplomats took stock of the challenges and opportunities that may be exploited, including Brexit, and were updated on the Government’s endeavours in foreign policy and in promoting Maltese commercial interests particularly in the sectors of investment, commerce, tourism and financial services. Then Abela urged the diplomats to further promote Malta’s candidacy so that between 2023 and 2024 Malta could gain a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. They were also addressed by His Excel-

lency President George Vella, who along with Minister Abela raised the immigration and the situation in Libya. The President expressed his concern about the instability being created by several conflicting interests, particularly in the neighbouring country, which he described as a chessboard for the political and economic interests of foreign countries that do not care about deaths and suffering, and about the people who are having to abandon their homes. President Vella urged Maltese Ambassadors to speak in favour of values, integration, freedom and unity. Foreign Minister Carmelo Abela stated that the Maltese Government is also concerned about the situation in Libya. He said that Malta would continue to push to arrive at a solution in Libya. “As such, military action will certainly not solve existing problems, but will only further complicate them,” the Minister said.

of understanding between Malta and ESL, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that Malta could become “a central hub in the Mediterranean and Europe for video games and esports,” He said that the vision that was presented by the Parliamentary Secretary

for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation Silvio Schembri would pave the way for growth in this economic sector. The industry currently employs around 200 employees. Malta’s vision for video games development is aimed at expanding the industry’s contribution from 0.1% to 1% of the GDP in 10 years, whilst creating up to 3,000 new jobs.

Malta vision for video games development

t the launching of Malta’s vision for A video games development and esports, and the signing of memorandum

hree days after the European Parliament elections, President George Vella invited the six elected MEPs at the Palace in Valletta, but only the four MEPs that were elected on behalf of the Labour Party turned up. The two Nationalist MEPs informed him that they had been called for work in Brussels. Meanwhile, President Vella told the elected MEPs that their place at the European Parliament is not an award, but a duty and appealed to them to always work for Malta’s best interest. He highlighted the importance of working on their own personal initiatives while representing the country in Europe and called upon them to keep in mind the needs of the country. He pointed out that what was good for big countries, is not necessary good for small countries such as Malta. He said the election was serene, democratic and transparent, and expressed appreciation of the parity between sexes among the parliamentarians (three men and three women) and that for the first time Gozo is also represented.

Malta enjoys 4th lowest electricity rates in EU


ccording to Eurostat figures for year ending December 2018, Malta enjoyed the fourth lowest electricity rates in the European Union, and the lowest taxes on the rates with the average cost for every 100 kilowatts (kWh) of electricity in Malta being €13.10, whilst the average cost in the EU member states increased by 3.5% to €21.10. The figures show that on average, taxes in the EU are more than one-third – 37% – of the cost of domestic electricity, whereas in Malta the tax percentage of 6% is the lowest. At 64%, Denmark’s are the highest.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 4, 2019

Wara l-Elezzjonijiet tal-MEPs W u l-Kunsill Lokali

ara kampanja elettorali pjutost qasira, għalkemm f’Malta nistgħu ngħidu li lpartiti politiċi qatt ma jieqfu jikkampanjaw, saru l-elezzjonijiet biex jinħatru s-sitt membri tal-Parlament Ewropew u l-kun- Eluf ta’ partitarji tal-Partit Laburista jiċċelebraw ir-rebħa tal-MEPs fil-Ħamrun siliera tal-Kunsilli Lokali. Fir-riżultat aħħari l-poplu Malti ta’ l-vot tiegħu lill-Partit Laburista b’rebħiet kbar fiż-żewġ elezzjonijiet. Kif kien imħabbar minn qabel l-għadd talvoti kellu jsir f’jiem differenti, billi dawk tal-voti għall-membri tal-Parlament Ewropew saru l-għada tal-votazzjoni, u tal-Kunsilli Lokali fuq tlett ijiem, bejn l-erbgħa u l-Ġimgħa li għaddew. Għall-ewwel darba sar użu minn apparat elettroniku biex jingħaddu l-voti li wassal biex għall-ewwel darba fl-istorja politika Maltija, r-riżultat finali ta’ elezzjoni ħareġ, fi żmien ftit aktar minn 24 siegħa; qabel kien ikaxkar għall-jiem sħaħ. Min-naħa l-oħra s-sistema ħarbtet xi ftit lill-partiti politiċi li qabel, wara ftit siegħat mill-bidu tal-għadd tal-voti, kienu jipprevedu kważi bl-eżatt, ir-riżultat finali, nijiet li forsi żammewhom lura, bħall-għoli votanti żdied, naqqas fil-voti u waqa’ taħt issa marru żmerċ. Tant li filwaqt li madwar tal-bini u l-kera. Barra dan ġeneralment il-100,000 ...u fuq kollox tilef membru filtlett siegħat beda jingħad li l-maġġoranza elezzjonijiet li jsiru f’nofs leġislatura jkunu Parlament Ewropew. Mexxejja tal-PN ippruvaw itaffu l-effett tal-PL fuq dak tal-PN kien ta’ madwar diffiċli għall-partit fil-gvern. tat-telfa billi sostnew li tal-inqas il-partit Min-naħa l-oħra r-riżultat kien wieħed 45,000 u aktar tard żdied għall-48,000 u saħansitra wasal għal-51,000, fil-fatt ir- devastanti għall-Partit Nazzjonalista li ma’ ġarrabx it-telfa mbassra fl-istħarriġ riżultat uffiċjali wera maġġoranza għall- minkejja l-ħatra ta’ mexxej ġdid u diversi qabel l-elezzjonijiet.. It-tentativ falla bl-ikrah u ġab miegħu ħidmiet politiċi, mill-aħħar elezzjoni mhux PL ta’ 42,656. Dan fisser li d-differenza bejn iż-żewġ talli ma rnexxilux imur ‘il quddiem, imma saħansitra kritika minn dawk li jappoġġjaw partiti mqabbel mal-aħħar elezzjoni ġener- mar għall-agħar u minkejja li l-għadd ta’ lill-Partit Nazzjonalista. ali kibret b’aktar minn 2,000 vot. Aktar importanti minn hekk il-fatt li did-darba l-Partit Laburista rebaħ ir-raba’ siġġu, kontra t-tnejn tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. emm għadd ta’ raġunijiet li wasslu lill- jivvutaw. Il-partiti kienu konxji li l-votanti (Għall-ammont ta’ voti miksuba mis-sitt Partit Laburista jikiseb rebħa hekk ma tantx huma daqshekk entużjasti li MEPs ara paġna 12. Rapport dwar ir-riżul- kbira, fosthom kif iż-żewġ partiti organiz- joħorġu jivvutaw billi dawn ma kienux tat tal-elezzjoni tal-Kunsill lokali paġna 18) zaw il-kampanja elettorali tagħhom. elezzjonjiet li minnhom jiddependi minn se Dawk li jaħdmu f’dan il-qasam sostnew jmexxi l-pajjiż. Allura kellna appelli konReazzjonijiet li l-kampanja tal-PL kienet ferm aktar or- tinwi miż-żewġ naħat biex kulħadd imur Ir-rebħa konvinċenti għall-Partit Laburista ganizzata minn tal-PN li sa mill-ewwel jixħet il-vot tiegħu. wasslet għal ċelebrazzjonijiet kbar min- jiem tal-kampanja ħa falza stikka bl-ewwel Jidher li l-Partit Laburista rnexxielu jiknaħa tal-partitarji, li għalkemm kienu kważi billboard minħabba żball tal-Malti li sin- konvinċi aktar nies biex joħorġu jivvutaw. ċerti minn rebħa dejjem kien hemm id- tendi l-partit oppost għamel xalata minnu. Dan ġie rifless fil-fatt li l-aktar distretti fejn dubju x’kienet se tkun il-maġġoranza Oħrajn insistew li l-PN bena l-kampanja ħarġu lanqas nies jivvutaw kienu dawk li minħabba l-biża’ li xi nies li jappoġjaw lill- tiegħu fuq in-negattivita u l-biża’, fosthom ġeneralment jappoġġjaw lill-Partit NazPL setgħu ma joħorġux jivvutaw għal raġu- il-biża tad-dħul tal-abort, filwaqt li l-Partit zjonalista, fosthom fl-inħawi ta’ Tas-SlieLaburista ħlief affarijiet pożittivi ma ma, San Ġiljan u San Pawl il-Baħar. Il-kap nazzjonalista Adrian Delia kienx isemmi. Attwalment kien hemm min interpreta njammetti t-telfa Iżda forsi l-akbar effett kien l-imbut- nuqqas bħala bojkott pulit kontra ttar tal-partiti biex in-nies joħorġu tmexxija ta’ Dr Adrian Delia.

X’wassal għal dan ir-riżultat? H

It-tmexxija tal-PN


hemmx dubju li r-riżultat kompla kabbar il-pressjoni fuq it-tmexxija tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, l-aktar fuq il-mexxej tiegħu Dr Adrian Delia biex jirriżenja. Imma dan ma’ l-ewwel dehra tiegħu wara li tħabbar ir-riżultat, stqarr ċar u tond li ma kellux ħsieb li jir-

riżenja. Anzi appella biex in-Nazzjonisti jingħaqdu warajh ħalli joħorġu lpartit mis-sitwazzjoni li jinstab fiha. Imma jidher li hemm fazzjoni qawwija fil-partit li ma tantx hi lesta li tingħaqad wara Delia, anzji qed tagħmel minn kollox biex tuża r-riżultat negattiv ħalli teħles minnu bħala l-mexxej tal-PN. *għal paġna 15

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday June 4, 2019

Il-Firda u riżenja ta’MP

I David Stellini ...irriżenja minn MP

Qed jiġbru l-firem?

r-riżultat tal-elezzjoni kompla joħroġ fil-beraħ il-qasma fil-Partit Nazzjonalista. Dan mhux qed niktbu jien, imma qaluh u qed jirripetuh kontinwament, saħansitra persunaġġi li jappoġġjaw lill-PN u l-midja li x’aktarx ixxaqleb lejh. Hekk insibu lill-editur tal-Indepnedent jgħid: “It is no secret that the Nationalist Party is divided. Indeed ever since Delia’s election to party leader, he has faced one internal problem after another. Yesterday’s election result saw PN districts have the lowest turnout. This is indicative that a portion of traditional PN supporters were not willing to vote PN with Delia as leader.” Saħansitra qed tinġibed l-attenzjoni għall-

*minn paġna 14

Il-ġurnal The Times ikkwota sorsi mill-PN li saħqu li ġaladarba l-Grupp Parlamentari baqa’ lura milli jieħu azzjoni, anke jekk ħafna huma kontra Adrian Delia, l-unika soluzzjoni li fadal biex Delia jitneħħa hi li jittieħed vot dwar il-kap mill-Kunsill Ġenerali. Skont l-istatut tal-PN, il-Kunsill, li jiġbor fih il-fergħat u l-kumitati sezzjonali kollha tal-Partit, jista’ jitlaqqa’ jekk ikun hemm talba minn 150 membru jew aktar. Allura , dejjem skont l-istess gazzetta, qed isir tentattiv biex isir il-ġbir tal-firem meħtieġa ħalli l-Kunsill jitlaqqa’ bil-għan li titresaq mozzjoni għat-tneħħija ta’ Delia. Sadanitant anke f’ġurnali oħra u l-midja soċjali qed jidhru sejħiet għar-riżenja ta’ Delia. Saħansitra dan ġie repetut f’żewġ editorjali ta’ The Times. Fl-Editorjal tad- 29.05.2019: “Dr Delia may choose to ignore the significance of the MEP elections result – we will have to wait until Friday to know what happened in the case of local councils – and not to give weight to the very clear signals being sent. He does so at his own peril though, in this case, he would not only be also doing untold harm to the PN but, more so, to the country and democracy, which need to have a wellfunctioning Opposition to thrive. Striving to give the impression it is business as usual and expecting party supporters to be grateful to him only because the PN did not fare worse is both an admission of utter failure and an insult to the electorate, especially those who voted for PN candidates.” Filwaqt li malli tħabbar ir-riżultat l-istess Editur kiteb: Adrian Delia, and his inner circle of aides and advisers, must now assume full responsibility, declare mea culpa and move on. Every additional day they remain in office is a lost opportunity for the PN to start

preparing for its next big contest: the general election. Temm jgħid: The people have overwhelmingly declared their support to Dr Muscat and his Labour Party. In the process, they dumped Dr Delia and his Nationalist Party. But so did PN supporters who stayed home on polling day. This can only be the end for Dr Delia. Imbagħad f’The Times l-eks Prim Ministru Lawrence Gonzi qal: “there is a sizeable faction of PN voters who decided to vote in a manner that sends a strong message to the PN’s present leader, his advisers and the party officials”. U fil-fehma tiegħu l-pass li jmiss ta’ Delia huwa “to go through an exercise that challenges his leadership” li jfisser li dan jitlob vot ta’ fiduċja.

fatt li anke ż-żewġ kandidati li ġew eletti f’isem il-PN attwalment ġejjin mis-sezzjoni li ma tappoġjax lill-mexxej Adian Delia. Biex l-affarijiet jissoktaw jikkomplikaw irwieħhom, jumejn wara li tħabbar ir-riżultat tal-elezzjoni l-kandidat Nazzjonalista u membru parlamentari David Stellini ħabbar li se jirriżenja minn membru tal-Parlament. Stellini kien jaħdem fi Brussell u ġie Malta wara stedina tal-Partit Nazzjonalista biex jikkontesta fid-distrett ta’ Għawdex. Hu sab ruħu fil-Parlament wara li tela’ f’elezzjoni każwali. Fuq insistenza tal-partit anke kkontesta l-elezzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew, u baqa’ l-art. Immedjatament li ħareġ ir-riżultat kiteb fuq Faebook u f’ittra ta’ riżenja lill-ispeaker qal li ħa d-deċiżjoni "fi sfond ta' klima politika li ma' tagħmilx gieħ lillMaltin u l-Għawdxin, fejn il-firda nazzjonali tirrenja fuq l-għaqda li tant hemm bżonn biex dan il-pajjiż jimxi 'l quddiem." Insista li l-istess klima ma tgħinx lil nies ġodda bħalu fil-politika, b'mod partikolari mill-Oppożizzjoni, biex jagħmlu d-differenza "kemm fuq livell politiku, kif ukoll fuq livell personali." “Meta iddeċidejt li nidħol għal din l-esperjenza, għamiltha għax Malta kellha bżonn nies fil-politika li ma' jarawx aħmar jew blu u għax il-Partit Nazzjonalista kellu bzonn nies ġodda li jħaddnu l-għaqda u jagħtu tama lill-Maltin u Għawdxin."

Jinqala’ disgwid ieħor


illi l-MP Għawdxi David Stellini kien ġie elett b’elezzjoni każwali, min jieħu postu ried ikun nominat mill-Partit Nazzjonalista. Allura f’votazzjoni (bi 42 vot kontra 40) il-PN għadda s-siġġu tiegħu lil Jean Pierre Debono. Imma d-deċiżjoni ġiet issa posposta minħabba li qed jiġi kontestat il-mod kif saret l-elezzjoni li ħalliet lill-kandidat Għawdxi Kevin Cutajar li ppretenda l-post wara li kien ikkontesta l-aħħar elezzjoni u wkoll issa s-siġġu ta’ Stellini, barra.

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16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 4, 2019

Palmer says helped Coalition to victory D

espite spending $60 million on advertising throughout the five-week campaign and not picking up a single seat, United Australia Party leader Clive Palmer has claimed he was behind the Coalition's election victory in the recent elections. While his party claimed 3.4 per cent of the election to incumbent national vote, Mr Palmer himself fell well Prime Minister Scott short of the number of votes needed to win Morrison. Veteran politia Senate seat. However, the former senator cian Albo, as he is comknown, was said his campaign was responsible for monly elected unopposed as his Labor's unexpected defeat. “Of course, our Shifty Shorten ads across successor. In his first comments he Australia, I think, have been very successful in suppressing the Labor vote,” he told said “people want solutions not arguments, they ABC. “After all, the final analysis, we've saved have conflict fatigue, Australia from a trillion dollars of extra some reforms require bitaxes and cost.” The final week of the elec- partisan support”. He tion campaign saw Mr Palmer and the vowed to rebuild Labor's United Australia Party boost their efforts vote, saying: “I am up for a hard job. I am up for with more anti-Labor advertising. “Bill Shorten wants to tax us an extra tril- hard work.” His deputy leader will be lion dollars,” Palmer said in one ad. “Tell Shifty he's dreaming - put Australia first Richard Marles. In the new Federal cabiand vote on the United Australia Party.” Meanwhile, after the upset in the nation's net, David Coleman retained his portfolio as general election, Australia's Labor opposi- Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Mition has chosen Anthony Albanese as its grant Services and Multicultural Affairs, and Jason Wood as Assistant Minister for Mulnew leader Previous leader Bill Shorten resigned on ticultural Affairs. Senator Richard Colbeck is now the MinMay 18, immediately after conceding the

Clive Palmer

ister for Aged Care and Senior Australians, Stuart Robert Minister for National Disabilities Insurance Scheme and Minister for Government Services and Senator Anne Ruston for her elevation to Minister for Families and Social Services.

Labor must embrace people of faith


New Labor leader Anthony Albanese

have noticed as I have been around during the election campaign and even in the days since ... how often it has been raised with me that people of faith no longer feel that progressive politics cares about them,” Labor’s frontbencher Chris Bowen MP said while bowing out of the race for the party’s leadership. “These are people with a social conscience, who want to be included in the progressive movement. We need to tackle this urgently. I think this is an issue from the federal elec-

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tion that we haven’t yet focused on”. But former western Sydney State Labor minister David Borger doesn’t believe religion was a huge factor in the results. “People were concerned about policies,” he told SBS News. Labor MP Chris Bowen’s seat of McMahon also recorded one of the region's worst swings against the party, of 5.55 per cent. That compares to the surprising success of the far-right party One Nation in McMahon. One Nation, which wants to curb the nation’s immigration intake, recorded a staggering 8.23 per cent swing in its favour. McMahon is one of the nation’s most diverse seats with just under half of the electorate being born overseas. Meanwhile, Fr Frank Brennan SJ, who was a member of the Ruddock panel to report on the Sex Discrimination Act, said he believes Labor would have been less attractive to some religious people worried about religious freedom in the wake of the samesex marriage plebiscite. “Some religious voters thought Morrison a safer pair of hands for tweaking the exemptions and for steering a Religious Discrimination Act through the Parliament,” he said.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday June 4, 2019

Confession laws: they could interfere with Catholic faith


n a lengthy statement, Perth Archbishop Timothy Costelloe SDB warned moves to legislate to force priests to report child abuse would cause “concern and distress” to many people of faith, while questioning how the plan would work in practice. The West Australian revealed the State Government would introduce laws in the second half of the year to force religious officials to report child abuse, bringing them into line with health workers and teachers. The changes follow recommendations by the child abuse royal commission and would mean priests could be The punters of Fairfield City lost forced to choose be$363 million to club poker matween state law and the chines last year, more than any other canon law of Rome government area in NSW. The rewhich forbids any port by Liquor and Gaming NSW breach in the secrecy revealed that loses at clubs continthat comes with confesued a two-year streak where Fairsion. field City has lost more to club Archbishop Costelloe poker than 98 other local governsaid while everyone unment areas in NSW. derstood and supported The Mayor of Fairfield, Frank Carthe intent behind the bone said the State Government has proposal – to protect allowed Fairfield LGA to have more children – there was a poker machine than all of Tasmania. question as to whether “$1.4 million is lost per day to pokit would work. “This is ies in the Fairfield LGA, and the clearly a matter of faith median individual income for Fairand faith is not shared field is below $400 a week, it is unby everyone,” Archacceptable”. bishop Costelloe said. According to the data, more money “To threaten priests was lost in NSW playing pokies at with prosecution if they popular club Mounties in Mt remain faithful to this Pritchard. The club had 615 pokie teaching is to run the machines as of December 2018. risk of interfering with Cabra-Vale Diggers ranked fifth for the free practice of the club poker machines loses in the enCatholic faith.” tire state, while City of Fairfield Costelloe said it seemMemorial Club ranked 15th. ed unlikely that child

Fairfield City tops for poker machines

would abusers come to confession to tell of their sins. “You don’t come to confession unless you have recognised the sinful nature of your behaviour, are filled with sorrow and shame of it and are determined never to commit such sins again,” he said. He did not say if priests would defy the law. Liberal spokesman Archbishop Timothy Costelloe Nick Goiran said the Opposition supported all recommendations of the royal commission but also questioned how the planned change to the Act would be enforced.

Pell will not appeal his sentence

Cardinal George Pell has been behind bars since February and is due to return to court as we go to press to fight his conviction. But he will not be adding an appeal against the six-year prison sentence handed down by County Court Chief Judge Peter Kidd in March. He was ordered to serve at least three years and eight months of that sentence after being convicted by a jury in December of one charge of sexual penetration of a child and four charges of committing an indecent act with or in the presence of a child. Barrister Robert Richter QC filed an application for appeal in February against the conviction, arguing it should be overturned on three grounds. The Australian Associated Press confirmed an appeal against the sentence would not be added to that application. An appeal against the sentence would have to argue the sentence was “manifestly excessive”. Specialist appeals barrister Bret Walker SC will run the appeal case on June 5 and 6, then three judges will first decide if Cardinal Pell should be granted leave to appeal and, if so, the appeal is scheduled to be heard over two days. Pell’s legal team will first argue the verdicts were “unreasonable” because the jury could not have been satisfied beyond reasonable doubt the Cardinal was guilty, based on the word of the single surviving complainant against “unchallenged exculpatory evidence” of more than 20 prosecution witnesses. They are also set to argue Judge Kidd was mistaken in not allowing the defence to use a video graphic in Mr Richter’s closing arguments, which he said would demonstrate the offending was impossible. A third ground claims there was a “fundamental irregularity” in the trial because Cardinal Pell was not arraigned in front of the chosen jury. If the judges accept the first ground, Cardinal Pell’s conviction would be overturned, and he would be released. A new trial could be ordered if they accept the second or third grounds.

After Council elections most of Malta is ‘painted red’ A

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 4, 2019

fter the overwhelming success in the 2019 Malta European Parliament elections (report on page 12), the Labour Party achieved an even bigger victory in the election for the Local Council Elections, with an unprecedented 18% (47,116) majority (57.6% of the total votes) over the nationalist Party, that practically shows that under Joseph Muscat’s leadership Malta is two-thirds Labour. When counting for the Local Council elections came to a close on Friday, the Labour Party won 47 councils (268 councillors) against the Nationalist Party’s 19 (192 councillors which includes Mdina where no election was held). The Independents polled 5,762 votes. For the second time in five days, as he had done after addressing the LP supporter following the MEPs victory the previous Sunday, Prime Minister appealed one again for unity among the Maltese people. He said, this was a historic victory that consolidated the MEP results. He thanked the PL candidates and volunteers and referred to the PL's LEAD programme, which enticed women to contest elections - saying the result proved this had been a success. For the first time ever, since the start of the Local Councils 25

years ago, the Labour Party PL achieved symbolic victories in Valletta and Siġġiewi, traditionally a PN locality, and also won back Mosta and San Gwann. It also made very significant gains in a number of Labor-leaning areas that had been occupied by Labour. It was the first time since the establishment of Local Councils that elections were held in all localities simultaneously. Mdina was the only locality where residents were not called to vote for their council as only five persons, the same number of councillors needed to form the council presented themselves. Otherwise, the residents of 35 localities in Malta and 14 in Gozo were called upon to elect a total of 459 councilors. This was also the first time that 16-year olds were eligible to vote to elect councilors in their locality. Also for the first time, citizens of EU member states registered as living in Malta had a right to vote to elect local council members at the locality they live in. Almost 80,000 of such voters were registered in the local council's electoral registry. Picture is map of Malta: Red for LP’ Councils, Blue for NP’s

Another Buttigieg to the fore T he name Buttigieg is getting to be very popular, indeed in world politics. We had Anton Buttigieg as President of the Republic of Malta (1976-1981), Pete (Peter Paul) Buttigieg an aspiring politician, Mayor of South Bend USA and candidate for the Presidency of the USA, and now the Hon Mark Buttigieg, the new Member of the New South Wales Legislative Council. Mark Robert Buttigieg is a politician and a trade unionist. He was elected to the New South Wales Legislative Council for the Australian Labor Party at the 2019 New South Wales state election. Buttigieg was born in Sydney on the June 11, 1966 to Maltese parents Victor and Carmen residing in the Sunderland Shire who immigrated to Australia from Malta in the 1950s. His Uncle is John Parmer who had the Spartans Bar in St Geatans Street Hamrun, Malta. He is married to Anna and together they have a son Gerard. Mark's areas of interest include political philosophy and macroeconomics. He also enjoys music, exercise and surfing. He holds an arts degree in political science and an economics degree with first-class honours. He also has a certificate in electrical engineering and an electrical trade certificate from TAFE NSW. He also holds an Arts degree majoring in political science and an Economics degree with first-class honours.

Mark Buttigieg

Before entering politics, at 15 Mark began an Electrical Apprenticeship with the then Sydney County Council and later became an electrical systems operator then training manager with Energy Australia, now Ausgrid. He was also an organiser for the NSW Branch of the Electrical Trades Union of Australia (ETU) and a councillor on

the Sutherland Shire Council. Mark joined the Electrical Trades Union (ETU) in 1982 and the Australian Labor Party (ALP) in 1993 and has had extensive involvement with both the political and industrial wings of the Labor movement. He stood for the ALP in the Division of Cook at the 2004 and 2007 Federal Elections.

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday June 4, 2019

Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija u dawk li matul is-sekli ħadmu għall-iżvilupp tal-ilsien Malti

Il-ħsieb wara din il-paġna hu biex il-qarrejja, l-aktar dawk ilMaltin li jgħixu barra u li kif inhu xieraq jinteressaw ruħhom dwar l-ilsien Malti, jiksbu għarfien ukoll dwar dawk in-nies li matul iż-żmien taw sehem għall-iżvilupp tal-ilsien Malti, kemm

mitkellem u wkoll miktub. Minbarra li nippubblikaw dak li qed isir jew sar biex jitkattar l-għarfien għall-Malti, qed inġibu wkoll il-bijografiji ta’ xi personalitajiet li taw sehemhom fl-oqsma tallingwistika u l-letteratura Maltija. Illum:

E.B. Vella: l-awtur magħruf għas-sensiela ta’ kotba Ġabra ta’Ward


ost il-qarrejja ta’ dan il-magazine li qabżu s-60 sena u li fi tfulithom kienu jattendu l-iskejjel elementary (illum) Primarji f’Malta, żgur li jiftakru filkotba fis-sensiela ‘Ġabra ta’ Ward’ li kienu jsaħħru lill-istudenti żgħar bis-sempliċita` tal-ktibiet fihom u li kienu sors importanti ta’ tagħlim tal-ilsien Malti. Dawn kienu xogħol Emanuel Benjamin Vella, magħruf aktar bħala E.B. Vella. Emanuel twieled il-Mosta fl-20 ta’ Ġunju 1898. Kien il-kbir fost seba’ wlied ta’ Klement u Karmela neè Azzopardi. Huwa beda t-tagħlim tiegħu fl-Iskola Elementari talGvern fil-Mosta u ta’ età żgħira, flimkien ma’ zijuh Dun Ġammarì Azzopardi, kien imexxi l-ewwel ċentru tad-duttrina Nisranija li waqqaf fil-Mosta il-Qaddis Malti, Dun Ġorġ Preca. Wara li temm b’suċċess kors fil-Kulleġġ St Mary fl-Ingilterra, ta’ 23 sena, laħaq għalliem tal-iskejjel. Kien ukoll l-ewwel Malti li rnexxielu jikseb il-Board of Education Certificate li bih seta’ wkoll jgħallem fl-iskejjel elementari mal-Imperu kollu Ingliż. Huwa studja wkoll l-ilsna orjentali flUniversità ta’ Londra. Meta ġie lura Malta, bħala surmast, ngħata f’idejh għadd ta’ skejjel elementari, fosthom ta’ San Pawl il-Baħar, Ħaż-Żabbar, ilBirgu u Ħal Tarxien. Wara nħatar Spettur tal-Iskej-

jel u fost iddmirijiet tiegħu kellu li jara kif kienu qegħdin jiġu mgħallma għadd ta’ suġġetti, fosthom l-ilsien Malti. Kien imexxi kors ta’ taħriġ fil-Malti għas-surmastrijiet taliskejjel u kien jorganizza lklassijiet ta’ filgħaxija għall-impjegati taċ-Ċivil. Kien ukoll jgħallem il-Malti fil-Liċeo l-Ħamrun jorganizza wkoll korsijiet filgħaxija fl-Ingliż għal dawk il-Maltin li xtaqu jemigraw. E.B. Vella kien membru tal-Għaqda talKittieba tal-Malti (li minnha tnisslet lAkkademja tal-Malti) u stampa għadd ta’ pubblikazzjonijiet bil-Malti. Fit-tletinijiet, b’kollaborazzjoni ma-kittieb u poeta Għawdxi Ġorġ Pisani, ippubblika sensiela ta’ kotba ta’ qari bil-Malti għal kull sena tal-iskejjel primarji tal-Gvern, blisem Ġabra ta’ Ward li damet tintuża fliskejjel sas-snin sittin tas-seklu l-ieħor. Minbarra t-tagħlim tal-Malti, E.B. Vella kien jisħaq ukoll dwar it-tagħlim tal-Ingliż b’mod professjonali, tant li ppubblika l-ktieb The Teaching of English in Our Primary Schools. Kellu ħafna għal qalbu l-istorja ta’ Malta u kien jgħin lil Sir Temi Zammit fit-tiftix arkeoloġiku, l-aktar flinħawi ta’ madwar raħal twelidu, il-Mosta. Vella kien jieħu interess fl-istorja ta’ rħula Maltin oħra u kiteb għadd ta’ kotba dwar xi rħula Maltin u

fihom daħħal tagħrif li kien jikseb minn tiftix li jkun għamel hu stess. Fosthom dawn insibu: ‘Ħaż-Żabbar u l-Ġrajja tiegħu’ (1926), ‘Iż-Żejtun u Marsaxlokk’ (1927), ‘L-Istorja tal-Mosta bil-Knisja tagħha’ (1930), ‘L-Istorja ta’ Ħal Tarxien u ta’ Raħal Ġdid’ (1932) u ‘L-Istorja ta’ Birkirkara bil-Kolleġġjata tagħha’ (1934). Kien ta bidu wkoll għall-kitba tal-istorja tal-Imdina iżda ma laħaqx lestiha. E.B. Vella miet qasir il-għomor fl-eta ta’ 48 sena fit-2 ta’ Mejju 1946, fid-dar tiegħu, biswit il-Knisja tal-Mosta. Kien miżżewweġ lil Priscilla u kien missier ta’ tlett itfal, Euphrosyne, Eustace u Reginald, li bħalu, kollha kienu jħobbu wkoll il-mużika. Bħalu wkoll, Reġinald kien surmast taliskejjel tal-istat u awtur, fosthom damma ta’ proża bil-Malti. Bħal missieru, miet qasir il-għomor fis-sena 1968. Wara l-mewt ta’ E.B. Vella, il-Poeta Nazzjonali Dun Karm Psaila, ddedikalu sunett, li fih jiddiskrevih bħala: ‘Malti Tassew! Malti fil-qalb, ħabbejtha – Lil din l-art ċkejkna fejn tneħidt tarbija’. (Ħajr lill-Akkademja tal-Malti)

Jgħallmu l-Malti lir-residenti barranin


nizjattiva ta’ min ifaħħarha hi dik tal-Kunsill Lokali ta’ Tas-Sliema li uża fondi Ewropej biex iwettaq proġett li jgħin fl-integrazzjoni ta’ residenti barranin billi jgħallimhom l-ilsien Malti u dak Ingliż. Il-kunsill ħadem flimkien mal-

Kulleġġ Santa Klara u mal-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu. Waqt iċ-ċerimonja tal-għoti taċ-ċertifikati lill-istudenti, il-Ministru talEdukazzjoni Evarist Bartolo faħħar ix-xogħol li sar u apprezza l-mod kif ilkunsilli qed jisfrutta dawn il-fondi

Multicultural politicians in PARLIAMENT DIVERSITY Australia 20 The Voice of the Maltese


JarniBlakkarly (SBS News)

Tuesday June 4, 2019

oliticians often say Australia is the most successful multicultural country in the world - but it would seem the country’s growing diversity is failing to make its mark in the corridors of power. The newly elected 46th parliament will likely have little more cultural diversity than the previous one, according to figures compiled by the Parliamentary Library and SBS News.

45th Parliament 73 women

46th Parliament 81 women

73 born overseas

73 born overseas

4 Indigenous Australians

5 Indigenous Australians

8 with a non-European parent

9 with a non-European parent

Where there has been change, is in the The number of MPs born overseas in in the new parliament. the new parliament is down from 23 in “Parliament is essentially a white number of women who will take their the previous parliament, to 22, across club, it is essentially a white boys club place in parliament, with at least 81 the House of Representatives and Sen- ... The dynamic of change which is women having confirmed to have won ate. While the number of MPs with one sweeping through the Australian com- seats in the Senate or the House of Representatives. or more parent This is compared to 73 from a nonfemale MPs in the previEuropean ous parliament. There background are 227 seats across both rose slightly, houses of parliament. from eight in The number of Indigethe previous nous Australians in parparliament to liament will also likely nine in the increase from four to five new one. with the return of TasSome of the manian Senator Jacqui notable exiting Lambie. MPs include During her first stint in the Liberal’s Parliament, Ms Lambie Tony Abbott, used her maiden speech born in EngFrom left: Mehreen Faruqi, Dave Sharma, and Penny Wong in 2014 to reveal her family land and Lucy Gichuhi, born in Kenya. As well as munity more widely is very apparent connection to Tasmania’s Indigenous Labor’s Lisa Singh whose parents were at the state level, but the federal level it population. Professor Jakubowicz said he believed seems to have been squeezed out,” he born in Fiji. the Section 44 controversies and dualSome of the newly elected MPs from told SBS News. The figures on multiculturalism for citizenship concerns may be a barrier diverse backgrounds include Liberal’s Dave Sharma, born in Canada to an In- the 45th Parliament come from the Par- for multicultural Australians who are dian father; the Green’s Mehreen liamentary Library and were accurate thinking about getting into politics. Faruqi, born in Pakistan; and the Lib- as of April 2019. “I think people from ethnically diData for the new parliament is com- verse communities who might want to eral’s Gladys Liu, born in Hong Kong, who picked up the closely fought Vic- pared with the previous figures and make a run might be fairly intimidated available public biography information by the sorts of hoops needed to jump torian seat of Chisholm. According to the 2016 census 28.5 per of all new incoming MPs on their offi- through,” he said. cent of Australians were born overseas. cial websites. He also added that until the major SBS News has reached out to both the parties change their internal processes While the United Kingdom remains the largest country of origin within that, Labor and Liberal parties to confirm and begin pre-selecting diverse candiChina and India are in second and the birthplace of several new members dates in winnable seats, little would who haven't mentioned their place of change. third place respectively. UTS sociology professor Andrew birth on their official websites. “The idea is that the parliament rep(Analysis are based on the likely results, resents the range of the Australian peoJakubowicz said he wasn’t surprised parliamentary diversity hasn’t grown with some Senate results still to come) ple … that isn’t happening,” he said. Zali Steggal

Jacquie Lambie

Lucy Gichuhi

Lisa Singh

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday June 4, 2019

SBSTV explains the channel changes C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s


he Voice of the Maltese always stands foursquare with the Maltese community. When the SBSTV announced changes to the popular Maltese TV segments on Thursdays and Sundays, we told SBSTV that we seem to be always on their hit list when it comes to changes. After a number of weeks, the SBS management has responded officially to our complaints. In our issue of May 21 The Voice of the Maltese had already published information regarding the reason for the change of channels. Special Broadcasting Service has confirmed that we are correct: the SBS Viceland audience on Channel 32 is being advised of the need to switch to SBS Viceland on Channel 31 before 17 June. They do understand our frustration about the change, but the move is to accommodate a new SBS World Movies

Community Wheels Inc.:

Connecting you with your community

Community Wheels is your local community organisation that provides door-to-door transport services to eligible people (+65 yrs old) to: * attend medical appointments * go shopping (including assisting clients with shopping bags) * meet a friend for a chat or coffee, and *go on bus tours etc. Available in the Parramatta City Council and parts of Cumberland Council areas. For information call: 88681400

channel that will launch on July 1 and broadcast hundreds of movies in languages other than English. All international 'World Watch' news services will move from Channel 32 to Channel 31. The broadcast times for the Maltese news will remain the same and the service will still be available via SBS On Demand. SBS has been broadcasting ‘on-air’ advisories at the start and at the end of each World Watch bulletin on SBS Viceland to prepare audiences for the SBS World Movies channel. The advisory also points to further information on the SBS website: the following link includes details of the

AUSTRALIAN HC on facebook & twitter

he Australian High Commission’s in Malta has its own Facebook page, T while the High Commissioner has a Twitter account. Both can be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: The Commissioner’s Twitter handle:

Please Note

Anybody interested in advertising on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, partcularly among the Maltese Diaspora is requested to write for information to:

change and steps to implement

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Learn Maltese!

Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.

Teachers urgently needed - Paid positions

For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 or Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

La Valette Social Centre

La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847

Every Thursday: Maltese Respite Care Service 10.15 a.m.: Mass in Maltese in the Main Hall Morning Tea and Lunch, Bingo and Boċċi Everybody is wlecome Every Saturday: Kitchen and Bar open from 5.00 p.m. Traditional Maltese cuisine, rabbit, ravioli and pastizzi; Boċċi from 6.00 p.m. Live Dj from 6.00 p.m. Bingo starts at 8.00 p.m. with jackpot from $100 to $500 DJs Emanuel Grech and Sam Mifsud (alternate Saturdays) Last Saturay of month: Għana Night with Saver Bonanno and friends ___________________________________

MASS TIMES: Saturday: St Francis Chapel: 5.30 p.m. Sunday: St Dominic’s Chapel: 9.00 a.m.

Our Lady Queen of Peace Band is organising heavily subsidised music lessons for all ages 8 and up, at any level. Lessons will be arranged for small groups or private tuition for anyone interestd in learning a concert band instrument with the aim of becoming a Band Member To register your interest or for more information

Antoine - 0405 233 144 -; Roderick - 9670 2020

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday June 4, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n

MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.

On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)

Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.

SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month

in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips

Join us and make new friends.

Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each

Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.

VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

L-MCCV qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għal għalliem/a tal-ilsien Malti Min japplika jrid ikollu għarfien sew tal-Malti, miktub u mitkellem.

Dan xogħol volontarju (bla ħlas).

Min hu interessat jibgħat lapplikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lil: Għal tagħrif ieħor ċemplu fuq 0412 115 919. Ħalli nnumru tat-telefon u nċemplulek lura.

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee

Main events for 2019

Sunday June 30: L-Imnarja Sunday October 20: Fete Saturday Nov. 9: Dinner Dance Sunday December 1: Feast

Events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Sports on 2 pages Hibs’ defender named Footballer of the Year Tuesday June 4, 2019


Andrei Agius being presented with the 2018/19 Footballer of the Year award by MFA President Norman Darmanin Demajo

ibernians and Malta international defender Andrei Agius has won the 2018/19 MFA Footballer of the Year Award for his achievements and consistency throughout the Football season. He won the prestigious award ahead of a stiff challenge from Valletta trio Steve Borg, Henry Bonello and Rowen Muscat, and Hibs’ teammate Jack Grech. Agius emerged on top in a poll among coaches, captains and officials of the 14 BOV Premier League teams, coaches of the Malta FA Technical Centre and a panel of football journalists. He was presented with the award at 2019 MFA Awards by outgoing MFA president Norman Darmanin Demajo

Two tough games for Malta in Euro 2020


alta will be playing the next two matches in Group F of the Euro 2020 qualifying campaign in a few days’ time. On June 7 the national team will travel to Sweden and three days later (June 10) hosts Romania. The latter match will be the only time the two nations would have met. Currently Malta has faced two teams in the 2020 competition starting with a 2-1 home victory over Faroe Islands and then following with a resilient performance in a 2-0 home defeat against Spain. As he prepared the squad for the upcoming

matches, national coach Ray ‘Zazu’ Farrugia dmitted that the next matches are difficul but pointed out that Malta needs to keep moving forward. He said that both Sweden and Romania are strong teams entertaining high hopes of challenging for qualification to next year’s European championship. Farrugia is relying on most of the players who were part of the squad for the opening qualifiers. Malta's next opponents Sweden have beaten Romania and drawn with Norway and have four points. Romania have three.

who will be stepping down at the end of his current term in a few days’ time. He has held the position since 2010. Others to be honoured on the night included the Birkirkara midfielder Matthew Guillaumier, named Best Young Player, and Haley Bugeja who also won three awards – Women’s League Best Player, U-19 Women’s League Best Player and top scorer of the senior women’s league. Hibernians’ coach Stefano Sanderra was the Best Coach and while Valletta’s Miguel Angel Alba Best Foreign Player of 2018/19.

Cyclist Alex Smyth repeats success


altese-Australian cyclist Alexander James Smyth (Carnegie Caulfield CC) repeated his success in the Malta Cycling Federation Road Race national championship when he won the second round of the Elite category on the Ta’ Pinellu circuit on Sunday May 26. He finished the seven laps (42 km) in 01:21.44, ahead of Alessio Galluppo (Agones SFC) and Christian Formosa (The Cyclist CC) and now leads the overall classification with a maximum 400 points.

Kevin Muscat quits Melbourne Victory


fter 14 years as a player, assistant coach and coach, Kevin Muscat has announced he has quit Melbourne Victoria. His departure follows the team's high-profile losses in the Asian Champions League (ACL), and last Wednesday’s home loss by 3-1 to Sanfrecce Hiroshima. Fighting back tears as he confirmed his departure, Melbourne Victory’s foundation captain and longest-serving coach, said that his, was not a decision made overnight or taken lightly. He said, “I believe the time is right for me to refresh and, in time, seek a new opportunity after giving everything I've got emotionally and physically to Melbourne Victory over the last 14 years." Wiping away tears, as he was bringing his 14-year association with the club to an end, Muscat said, “Although this is an emotional time, I'd like to look upon it as

a time of celebration. Celebrating what we've built together, celebrating what we've achieved together, celebrating 14 strong years together, and also the success that we've made together.” Kevin Muscat arrived at the club in 2005, setting the tone for Victory's participation in the ALeague. No club has won more titles than Victory, although arch foes Sydney FC matched their haul of four championships a fortnight ago when they defeated Perth Glory in the grand final. As a player Muscat took the Victory to a premiership, two championships, in 2007 and 2009, and the team's first FFA Cup title and masterminded the 2015 and 2018 triumphs as coach. Melbourne Victory CEO Trent Jacobs

Kevin Muscat announcing his departure from Melbourne Victory said the club and Muscat had both agreed it was "the right time for the true club legend and the club to part ways".

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Sports on 2 pages

Tuesday June 4, 2019

Malta return with 27 medals (six gold); two less than 2017 T Games of the Small States of Europe Montenegro 2019

he 18th edition of the Games of the Small States of Europe (GSSE) wrapped up in Budva, Montenegro on Saturday with Malta totaling 27 medals, two short of the last edition two years but two more gold than in San Marino. Malta ended up with six gold medals 12 silver and nine bronze. The most successful athletes were athletes Lisa Marie Bezzina – who was given the honour to be flag-bearer in the closing ceremony on Saturday – and Maltese-Australian Jordan Gusman. They each won two gold medals, in the 5,000 and 10,000 metres; Gusman also won silver in the in the1500m. It is the first time that Malta has two gold medals in long-distance running. Two shooters, Eleanor Bezzina in the Air Pistol 10m, and Gianluca Chetcuti in double trap won the other gold. Shooter Gianluca Chetcuti retained the gold medal in the double trap that he had won in the San Marino Games. Wiliam Chetcuti won two silver, one by finishing second to Gianluca in double trap, and in the trap event. It was William’s fifth medal in double trap in GSSE games. His total is three gold and two silver. Triple jumpers Paul Grech and Claire Azzopardi won silver in their respective categories. Elaine Genovese and Francesca Curmi won the silver in the doubles event in Tennis. Genovese also won bronze in the Singles. In athletics, Malta won 10 medals - four

Liza Marie Bezzina

gold (two each by Bezzina and Gusman, three silver through Azzopardi, Gusman and Ian Paul Grech, and three bronze, won by Paula Grech, Ian Paul Grech and Damien Mizzi. The swimmers also claimed 10 medals, three more than in the previous Games. Andrew Chetcuti won three, all silver. The girls won four, two by Alexandra Mcgonigle and Maya Azzopardi, and two in the relays. Malta competed in eight disciplines, winning medals in five. The disappointments were in Basketball, where the Maltese girls, gold medallists in the previous Games failed

Goalkeeper rescues point for Green Gully


NPL Vic Men Heidelberg 1 Green Gully 1 fter a scoreless first half dominated by Green Gully, it was the home team Heidelberg that took the lead in 60th minute when Tom Cahill scored. Earlier in the second half a Nick Kalmar effort for Gully struck the crossbar. It took Gully until the 83 minute to draw level through Teeboy Kamara. Goalkeeper Jerrard Tyson saved a penalty and again came to the rescue late on to rescue a well-deserved point for the Greens NPL 3 NSW


Green Gully 2 Altona Magic 4 *Green Gully suffered a home defeat hey did not look likely to lose after leading for most of the time. They had the majority of the play in the first half and took a deserved 40th minute lead from an Alex Salmon. They held the advantage until the 70th minute when they conceded the equaliser. Six minutes later Altona took the lead but Gully drew level from a Salmon penalty in the 80th minute. The visitors finished the game the stronger and scored two more.

It’s now 10 defeats from 13 for Parramatta Eagles

Camden Tigers 2 Parramatta Eagles 1 his was Parramatta Eagles’ 10th defeat fin 13 outings. The defeat leaves them three points above the bottom team.Victor Anyimba scored their goal on 38 minutes, after the hosts had taken the lead. Before half time the Tigers scored what proved to be the winner.

Parramatta FC 1 Bankstown U FC 2 *Parramatta suffered another home defeat. They conceded after only 11 minutes and then Bankstown doubled their lead on 66 minutes. Justin Micallef reduced the deficit but luck was not on their side when they struck the crossbar in the 90th minute.

Jordan Gusman

to win any this time. Beach volley and Table Tennis also returned to Malta empty-handed. Athlete Charlotte Wingfield who won two gold in San Marino returned home emptyhanded.

State League 1 North-West

Unlucky loss for George Cross


N. Sunshine Eagles 4 CS George Cross 2 he cards were certainly not fall in the Georgie’s favour after a 4-2 away loss. Following a turbulent week that saw a coaching change and the loss of several players, the Georgies conceded after only four minutes through an own goal. The Eagles made it 2-0 from a penalty. George Slefendorfas got one back before the break, but the hosts again converted a penalty for 3-1. Francesco Stella revived the Georgie’s hopes on 60 minutes for 3-2, but the Eagles wrapped it up with a fourth goal. CS George Cross 1 Whittlesea Utd 1 *The three-game losing streak came to an end for George Cross following this one-all draw against Whittlesea United. This was a very good game of football with plenty of good football, but the game will be overshadowed by two unfortunate incidents. The first when the Georgies winger Dominic Swinton suffered a broken arm. The second involved an all-in player skirmish close to the player’s benches. George Cross led 1-0 at half time with a wonder goal from 40 meters out by Francesco Stella. Whittlesea levelled 20 minutes into the second half and though the visitors looked the more threatening George Cross held out for a share f the points.

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