The Voice of the Maltese No. 201

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Issue 201

The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Fortnightly magazine for the Diaspora

a l l e V e g e r c fi f Geo o f o h t a o e h t s take 0th President as the 1 epublic of Malta of the R

President Dr George Vella with his wife Mirian (left) and President Emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro waiving to the crowd from the Palace balcony at St George’s Square after the swearing in. Right: George Vella receiving courtesy calls from Prime Minister Joseph Muscat (top) and Opposition Leader Adrian Delia

Photos provided by DOI

April 9, 2019

The day Malta united behind its President The Voice dedicates this issue to the day, on Thursday April 4 that Zejtun-born doctor, His Excellency George Vella took his Oath of Office from the Speaker Dr AnÄĄlu Farrugia (left) to become the 10th President of the Republic of Malta, an occasion welcomed with great enthusiasm, and an event that united Malta.

(See reports and more photos on pages 2, 3 and 14)

2 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday April 9, 2019

President George Vella pledges to make unity a priority

n Thursday George Vella, 76, was sworn in as the 10th President of the Republic of Malta during a ceremony at the Palace two days after his appointment was approved by Parliament after he was nominated by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat to succeed Marie Louise Coleiro Preca. The investiture day started with a mass at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta. Then the President, accompanied by the country’s dignitaries headed to the Palace in St George’s Square and the Palace where he took his oath of office from the Speaker Dr Anġlu Farrugia. After the swearing in and his inauguration His Excellency Dr. George Vella delivered a speech in which he underlined the need for unity. He said that during his term of office he was making the healing of divisions one of his priorities. Other priorities would be health, education - both academic and vocational - and the environment. By way of appreciation he conveyed his thanks to the Prime Minister who nominated him for the position, and to the House of Representatives for accepting his nomination and placing its trust in him, by con-

Archbishop Charles J. Scicluna congratulating President George Vella and his wife Miriam

sensus, in the name of the people of Malta. He also reserved his special appreciation to his wife, Miriam, and his children “who have enriched my life, and gave me great satisfaction”.

President salutes members of the Maltese Diaspora

Dr George Vella also saluted the members of the Maltese communities in the Maltese Diaspora across the globe. He assured them of his respect for them. He believes that they too, have a contribution to make to the objectives he has. “I know for a fact that our diaspora boasts of talents and competences that can be put to excellent use for the benefit of Malta's enhanced reputation,” the President said. While emphasising that his Presidency would be a silent and impartial one, the President said it was not easy for him to explain and convey the feelings he was experiencing on this occasion and “In all honesty, the overwhelming sentiment is that of profound humility in the face of the onerous task you have entrusted me with, and the daunting responsibilities that it entails,” he said as he pointed out that he felt truly honoured at the prospect of joining the list of prominent personalities who, before him, fulfilled this role and carried out extraordinary work, in the best interest of the Maltese and Gozitan people. He paid homage to the memory of those amongst them who passed away, and wish every blessing and good health to those predecessors who are still with us today. I pledge to take on board all the good they have done, and build, whenever possible, on their accomplishments. He said there were many reasons that led him to accept this high office, the most predominant being that of guaranteeing the well-being of the country and all fellow Maltese. “More importantly, we should aim to achieve the just and equitable distribution

of the fruits of this well-being, and see to it that the burdens of leadership and social responsibility are shared by everyone, depending on the possibilities of each individual,” he said. While not allowing ourselves to think that, thanks to the country's remarkable economic performance, there is no material poverty among our citizens, the said this was indeed a challenge and he is taking it upon himself to keep up the attention placed on those in need, by his predecessor President Emeritus Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca. “It is my belief that the best interests of the individual, the safeguarding of social rights, and the quality of life should prevail – for both Maltese and foreign workers – as well as for the migrants we are under obligation to welcome among us,” he said, adding that the Presidency would continue to lend a sympathetic ear to those facing difficulties, and provide refuge to all those who seek it. On top of these priorities, during my Presidency I promise to work unceasingly to address with absolute attention - the strengthening of national unity. When it comes to unity, he promised that during his Presidency he world work unceasingly to address with absolute attention - the strengthening of national unity. “This unity does not come about by merely wishing for it. We have to work hard to achieve it,” he said. The President also stressed on the need to continue to reinforce those civil liberties for which Malta has striven over the past years, and eliminates all forms of discrimination. He also mentioned the need to fortify women's position in society and in the workplace, and said that in this particular field, one has to guarantee those rights that remain elusive to women to this very day, and without which gender inequality would continue to prevail. *continued on page 3

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Malta has constructive role to play in European and international contexts

Tuesday April 9, 2019

*from page 2

Much as he values the outstanding contribution made by social media to human exchanges, also in support of freedom of expression, he yearns for less abuses on these means of communication as they definitely do not contribute to national unity. The President thanked and saluted those involved in the safeguarding of society and the country, and in the name of the people of Malta and Gozo, he expressed his appreciation and respect to the law enforcers, the Armed Forces of Malta, the Malta Police Force, the Civil Protection Department, doctors and paramedics, as well as volunteers who help out and provide their input whenever it is called for. He wished to see the people united – to celebrate important anniversaries such as those being commemorating this year: 55 years of Malta's Independence, 45 years since the establishment of the Republic, and 40 years since the declaration of Freedom. These are historical events and political achievements that made our country what it is today. This year also marks the 100th anniversary of the 'Sette Giugno' events of 1919. As President, he expects this first expression of unity and political maturity, to manifest itself in the coming weeks, during the elections for the European Parliament. During his term of office, he said he would strive to reduce and if at all possible eradicate, the tensions – some more acute than others – that still exist. He strongly believes that Malta has a constructive role to play both in European and in the international contexts. “Ours is a country that is small in size, but one that knows how to be effective. We can be influential in the same way we were in a

number of instances in the past,” President George Vella said. An emotional Dr Vella concluded by saying that he felt obliged to speak frankly and share his vision on what he wishes to see happening during his Presidency, and also promised to undertake several initiatives for the good of the country, something that would not be possible without the backing and support of everybody. “My wife Miriam and I will be doing our utmost to represent the people of Malta and Gozo with the dignity they deserve. For us to succeed, I ask for God's guidance and for the support of each and everyone of one of you.” After the swearing in ceremony he was joined by his wife Miriam, outgoing President Marie-Louis Coleiro and her husband Edgar on the Palace balcony to salut the crowd that gathered at St George’s Square. Afterwards he proceeded to Floriana where he laid a wreath at the foot of the War Memorial monument (above) before heading to San Anton Palace in Attard to meet the presidential staff.

A generous and upright person T

he respect his fellow Żwieten have forPresident George Vella, a popular family doctor from Żejtun was clearly shown when the residents and schoolchildren waving, Maltese flags and shouting “George Vella” lined up the street outside his home in Zejtun to give him a warm send-off. He is known and respected for his loyalty, integrity, and honesty, Some of them, who used to be his constituents and patients, shed tears of emotion at seeing one of their own being elevated to such a high office. They dePresident George Vella and scribed him as a generous and uphis wife Miriam entering St right person. John’s Co-Cathedral Dr George Vella was born on April 24, 1942. He is married to Miriam nee Grima and is a father to Claire, Elaine, George Jr. He also has seven grandchildren. The President received his education at the Zejtun Primary School and his Secondary Education at the De La Salle College. He was a University student between 1957-1964, furthered his studies in the medical profession in Berlin, Oslo, and Poland and graduated as Doctor in Medicine and Surgery (Malta University). He worked for two years as Houseman at St Luke’s Hospital, was a demonstrator in Physiology and Biochemistry at the University, and as a specialist in family medicine, worked as a general practitioner.

In the 1976 General Election he contested in the interests of the Malta Labour Party but was not elected. However, in January 1978, he was elected in a by-election to form part of the House of Representatives. He was elected once again in 1981-87, lost his seat in the 1987 general election, but regained it in 1992-1996. In 1996 he turned down the nomination for Leader of the MLP, but took up his first ministerial position as foreign and environment minister and also served as deputy prime minister during Dr. Alfed Sant’s premiership. In 1998-2003 he got elected from two Districts and became the main spokesperson on Foreign and European Affairs. He was successful again in 2013 to form part of the Joseph Muscat government and was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs until 2017. He did not contest the 2017 election and retired from active Parliamentary career. In his political career he led many delegations abroad, and attended numerous conferences and seminars, as well as delivered speeches, mostly on environment and on foreign affairs, ina number of countries. As Minister of Foreign Affairs, he met numerous political personalities, and made official visits to various countries, besides leading delegations to conferences and meetings in numerous countries. He is regarded as an expert on Mediterranean affairs. Over the years he contributed hundreds of articles to the Maltese press, and foreign publications, on various topics as seen from the political perspective.

Nota ta’ apprezzament:

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 9, 2019

– Messaġġ mill-eks President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca


abel ma għaddiet ix-xettru lissuċċessur tagħha Dr George Vella, u wara li ħadet sehem fl-aħħar inkarigu uffiċjali tagħha meta mexxiet, u ħadet sehem fit-tqegħid tal-kuruni fuq il-Monument tal-Ħelsien fittifkira tal-40 sena ta’ Malta Ħielsa fil-31 ta’ Marzu, il-President uxxenti l-Eċċellenza Tagħha l-President (issa Emeritu) Marie Louise Coleiro Preca għamlet messaġġ ta’ apprezzament lill-poplu Malti. Hija qalet li kien unur u privileġġ għaliha li tu il-ħames snin ta’ Presidenza kellha l-opportunita` li taqsam mal-poplu bħala waħda minnu, l-esperjenza bħala President tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta. Min-naħa tiegħu l-poplu Malti, u anke l-President George Vella fehmu li tul il-presidenza tagħha Marie Louise Coleiro Preca ħalliet impatt, l-aktar fil-mod tagħha kif tikkomunika ma’ dawk fl-isiferi kollha tal-ħajja, inkluż ittfal li saħqet li kien importanti li tagħti widen tagħhom. Qabel ħarġet għall-aħħar darba mill-Palazz ta’ Sant Anton, il-President emeritu, emozzjonata għall-aħħar, u wara t-tislima li tawha dawk li ħadmet magħhom fil-Palazz tul laħħar ħames snin, qalet li tgħallmet ħafna mingħand kulħadd. Fl-istess waqt ħeġġithom biex iħobbu “r-Repubblika tagħna” qalet, “Viva Malta.” Sadnittant, fil-messaġġ tagħha lill-poplu qalet li tul iż-żmien li okkupat il-Presidenza ħadmet qatigħ biex taqdi d-dmirijiet kostituzzjonali tiegħha għax temmen li d-demokrazija hija “laqwa għodda li preżentament għandna biex niċċelebraw id-dinjità umana u nħarsu d-drittijiet umani u l-paċi fil-komunitajiet tagħna u fis-soċjetà tagħna”. Ziedet tghid li kien privileġġ għaliha li sservi bħala l-President u hi tassew grata lejn ir-rappreżentanti tal-poplu fil-Parlament fejn għall-ewwel darba, minkejja li kienet ġejja min-naħa talgvern, fin-nomina tal-President ta' Malta kien hemm qbil unanimu dwarha, kemm mill-gvern kif ukoll mill-oppożizzjoni. “J'Alla dan il-qbil unanimu jkompli jirrenja għas-suċċessuri tiegħi, għaliex il-President ta' pajjiżna m'għandux ikollu partiti iżda jrid jaqdi lill-poplu b'lealtà u b'kuxjenza u mhux biex jingħoġob,” saħqet. Fi tmiem it-terminu tiegħha, tat ħajr lill-gvern u lill-oppożizzjoni li minkejja li ġieli kienet kritika, aċċettaw b'rispett dak li qalet u apprezzajt li kien hemm anke suġġerimenti li ttieħdu. Tat ukoll ħajr fuq kollox lill-poplu Malti u Għawdxi kollu kemm hu għar-rispett u għall-appoġġ li taha, anke lil dawk dawk forsi anke kkritikawha forsi kultant b'għaġla u mhux bilħsieb għaliex tgħalmet ħafna mingħandhom ukoll. “Tgħallimt minn kulħadd speċjalment meta ġejt fostkom. Tgħallimt mit-tfal u miż-żgħażagħ tagħna. Tgħallimt l-aktar fuq kemm aħna kapaċi individwalment iżda aktar u aktar kemm aħna kapaċi meta nkunu magħqudin u nieqfu ma' xulxin,” żiedet tgħid.

Il-President Emeritus Marie Louise Coleiro Preca fuq il-Monument talĦelsien fil-Birgu waqt iċ-ċerimonja tal-40 sena tal-Jum il-Ħelsien

Sostniet li llum aktar minn qatt qabel temmen li l-Maltin għandna l-abbiltà li nkunu uniċi, u li jekk irridu ħadd fostna ma jħossu waħdu. Li wkoll għandna l-ħila li nsaħħu l-għaqda u saħansitra nġibu l-paċi fost il-ġnus. “Uliedna jixtiequna magħqudin u jridu minn Malta pajjiż fejn ħadd ma jbati u jkun eskluż. Uliedna jriduna nirrispettaw lil xulxin, ma jridux ġlied iżda jridu li Malta tilqagħhom u ttihom is-serenità f'qalbhom u f'moħħhom. Meta ndirizzat direttament liż-żgħażagħ Maltin u Għawdxin ħeġġithom li jkunu l-attivisti ta' Malta valutata għal ħidmietha ġenwina favur poplu inklussiv u reżiljenti, biex jekk Alla jrid, għada tkunu l-mexxejja denji u etiċi tal-pajjiż. Fl-aħħarnett assigurat lilkulħadd li l-esperjenzi kollha “li għaddejna flimkien se jibqgħu minquxin f'qalbi b'imħabba u b'għożża”. Hi nawgurat lil Dott. George Vella kull suċċess fl-irwol ġdid tiegħu bħala l-President ta' Malta, u saħqet li fil-kapaċità ġdida tagħha se tkompli tkun ta' servizz biex ikollna paċi sostenibbli, prosperità inklussiva u well-being ħolistiku fostna bħala l-poplu tal-gżejjer Maltin, fir-reġjun Ewro-Mediterran u lil hinn.

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday April 9, 2019

Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers

Updating pre-2004 Powers of Attorney


by PaulSant

o you have a power of attorney? If so, did you make your power of attorney before 2004? Have you thought about it since? Maybe you should. Generally, powers of attorney made prior to 2004 do not afford the same array of legal protections as the current version of the document. Although they get the job done, they may not be as useful if things go wrong. What happened in 2004? The Powers of Attorney Act 2003 now applies to powers of attorney signed on or after the commencement of the Act (16 February 2004) (“new POAs”). Powers of Attorney made before 16 February 2004 were made pursuant to the Conveyancing Act 1919 (“old POAs”), and do not enjoy the protections and benefits of the Powers of Attorney Act, except in respect of: 1. Making an application to a Tribunal to have the document reviewed or its creation checked; and 2. Applications to recognise Powers of Attorney made interstate and required for use in NSW.

Therefore, as a general rule, the old POAs are not covered by the new regime, and have been left behind. This article will explore the concept of ademption, which is a primary example of how the new and old regimes differ. Ademption relief

Ademption is the implied revocation of a gift in a Will by the person who made the Will, through their future conduct. For example, if Mr. A made a Will and stated that

he would like to give Lucy his coin collection, by selling his coin collection during his life time Lucy’s gift is defeated. There is an added layer of complication that occurs when a Power of Attorney has been appointed during Mr. A’s lifetime. Consider this: 1. Mr. A appoints Max as his attorney and Mr. A then falls ill. 2. Given Mr. A’s ill health, Max becomes responsible for looking after Mr. A’s financial management. 3. Max does not like Lucy very much, and decides to sell Mr. A’s coin collection so that Lucy doesn’t get anything from Mr. A’s Will in the future. 4. Would Lucy be entitled to anything from Mr. A’s estate? The answer depends on whether Mr. A made his Power of Attorney before or after 2004. If Mr. A made his Power of Attorney after 2004, then:

1. The Power of Attorney Act 2003 provides that if a named beneficiary was due to inherit property of the deceased which was disposed of by the deceased’s attorney during their lifetime, then that beneficiary would be entitled to the surplus money obtained by the sale of that property. 2. In the case of Mr. A, Max’s grand plan to exclude Lucy would fail because the money Max received for the sale of the coin collection would have to be paid to Lucy. 3. Therefore, the purpose of the newer law is to protect beneficiaries (such as Lucy) against the ‘ademption’ of testamentary gifts by attorneys (such as Max). Although our example includes a level of malice, often the sale of assets are con-



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ducted in good faith and often the effect of such sales upon beneficiaries future interest are not contemplated at the time of the sale. If Mr. A made his Power of Attorney before 2004, then there is no similar protection in respect of protected powers of attorney under the Conveyancing Act 1919. Assuming the Mr A’s coin collection was incredibly rare and worth many squillions, how would Lucy go about applying for compensation for the sold gift? If Mr. A made his Power of Attorney after 2004, then she would be able to apply to the Supreme Court for orders either confirming the operation of the ademption provisions (explained above) or varying the operation of the proposed section so as to avoid any one or more named beneficiaries gaining an unjust or disproportionate advantage or disadvantage of the kind not intended by the principal. If Mr. A made his Power of Attorney before 2004, then the Conveyancing Act 1919 doesn’t support an application to remedy the effect of the premature disposal of the gift.

What action needs to be taken?

If you have a Power of Attorney that was signed before 2004, you should seriously consider having it updated. The provisions regarding ademption of testamentary gifts are one example of protections that are available under the newer Powers of Attorney Act, and not under the old provisions of the Conveyancing Act 1919. There are many other examples. As always, people who have not signed a power of attorney at all should give consideration to signing one to ensure financial and property matters can be looked after on your behalf should you be faced by ill health in the future. We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.

Is-Sepulkru tal-Katidral tal-Imdina

6 The Voice of the Maltese


la dubju li f’nhar Ħamis ix-Xirka u lĠimgħa l-Kbira Malta u Għawdex jixegħlu bi spettaklu ta’ devozzjoni fit-toroq tagħhom u ħdejn il-knejjes. Dan jidher l-aktar filparroċċi l-antiki, l-aktar f’dawk li minnhom joħorġu l-vari tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira. Għalkemm naqset xi ftit, imma d-drawwa ta’ Ħamis ix-Xirka, b’folol kbar ta’ nies jinvistaw issepulkri f’għadd ta’knejjes jew kappelli, u fittoroq jgħidu r-rużarju u jimmeditaw dwar il-passjoni ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu għadha ħajja sallum. Iċ-ċentru ta’ dawn il-Visti tas-Seba’ Knejjes (kif inhuma magħrufa) huwa dak l-Altar tar-Repożizzjoni li flimgħoddi ħafna kienu jafuh bħala l-Altar tar-Repożizzjoni, is-Sepulkru, li jkun iċ-ċentru ta’ qima fil-jiem tal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa, speċjalment nhar Ħamis ix-Xirka u fl-għodwa ta’ nhar Ġimgħa l-Kbira. Hawn irrid insemmi l-Altar tar-Repożizzjoni famuż ħafna li jintrama kull sena fil-Katidral tal-Imdina. L-isbaħ dehra tiegħu hija nhar Ħamis ix-Xirka bil-lejl. Hu tassew artistiku u antik ħafna. Jinxtegħel wara li tintemm il-funzjoni talKatidral. Nies minn kull rokna ta’ Malta jmorru jarawh u jinvistawh. Dan il-kapolavur, fost l-isbaħ altari ta’ adorazzjoni f’Malta sar fis-seklu tmintax u hu mfassal b’arkitettura Barokka mill-isbaħ u jikkonsisti f’madwar 300 biċċa. Id-disinn oriġinali tiegħu sar fl-1750 minn Pietro Paolo Troisi, li iżda ma laħaqx wettaq ix-xogħol fuqu għax miet ftit wara. Warajh ġie kkummissjonat jagħmel ix-xogħol fuq id-disinn oriġinali ta’ Troisi l-pittur Franġisku Zahra, li filfatt għamel il-pittura u x-xenografija li fih is-Sepulkru. Is-Sepulkru, li hu magħmul minn injam, kartapesta u tila, fih aktar majjistrija ġmielha. Fih ukoll ix-xogħol mirqum b’sengħa kbira ta’ mastrudaxxa li kien l-imgħallem Giovanni Farrugia; filwaqt li l-istatwi tal-kartapesta li hemm fih huma ta’ Saverio Laferla. Il-koppla finta hi magħmula turi il-glorja, qisu sema miftuħ ta’ sħab u anġli imdendlin, impittrin mill-istess Farrugia. L-altar jieħu kappellun sħiħ. Irrid insemmi li x-xogħol kollu sar bl-inizjattiva tal-

Tuesday April 9, 2019

PeterPaulCiantar Kapitlu tal-Katidral ta’ dawk iż-żminijiet, u li l-kapsula fejn jitqiegħed is-Sagrament hija xogħol mill-isbaħ tal-fidda. Ta’ min ukoll jgħid li ħafna knejjes oħra, fosthom dik ta’ Bormla, għamlu sepulkru li jixbah xi ftit lil dak tal-Katidral tal-Imdina, imma dejjem fiċ-ċokon. Sepulkru ieħor li wkoll jixbah xi ftit lil dan hu tal-Knisja tal-Madonna tal-Għar (ilKnisja San Duminku) fir-Rabat li beda jintrama mill-ġdid ftit tas-snin ilu wara waqfa ta’ ħafna snin. Hemm imbagħad altar tar-repożizzjoni ieħor, sabiħ u uniku, li din id-darba jintrama fil-Knisja tal-Karmelitani flImdina. Hu altar uniku f’Malta għax id-dehra tiegħu hija waħda Eġizzjana. Tassew ħasra li llum dan l-altar (differenti minn oħrajn) m’għadux jintrama. Ieħor interessanti u uniku hu dak li kien jintrama filGrotta ta’ San Pawl fir-Rabat li llum jinsab armat is-sena kollha f’waħda mill-kmamar tal-Mużew Wignacourt li hemm biswit il-Knisja ta’ San Pawl. Minbarra t-tiżjin li jkollhom dawn l-altari (gandlieri, xemgħat, anġli jinċensaw u bukketti sbieħ ta’ fjuri; kollox madwar il-kapsula jew tabernaklu bis-Sagrament espost għall-qima) ikun hemm ukoll dik li tissejjaħ il-Borma tasSepulkru. Minn din il-Borma toħroġ riħa l-aktar tfuħ ġejja minn ħwawar li kienu jpoġġu fiha, kollox itektek bil-mod fuq in-nar u kollox moħbi. Forsi l-Borma li kienet tfuħ l-aktar kienet tkun dik tasSepulkru fil-Knisja ta’San Duminku tal-belt Valletta. Hemm kien hemm ajk li kien famuż biex isajjar din ilBorma, u wieħed jittama li r-riċetta tagħha ntirtet minn oħrajn biex hekk din id-drawwa tkompli tfewwaħ dawn id-drawwiet sbieħ marbuta mal-Ġimgħa Mqaddsa.

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Quarterly Catholic Breakfast Tuesday April 9, 2019


s always, the Quarterly Catholic Breakfast that was held on Monday March 25 at Parliament House was very well attended. Among the guests was Peter Gates from the Plenary Council 2020 who was also guest speaker. Paul Zammit, the Founder and Convenor of the CBG and the rest of the Executive Steering Committee were also pleased to welcome as Guest of Honour Lawrence Buhagiar, the Consul-General for Malta in NSW and a good number of AustralianMaltese who helped make the occasion a memorable one. The next Catholic Breakfast is scheduled for the second week of June. Anybody interested to join the CBG is requested to

contact Paul Zammit through an email at:, at his office on office, tel: 02 9223 4300 or on his Mobile: 0419 444 135.

Ex-serviceman Charles Bonavia to be commemorated at Consular Star Ceremony

Anzac Day 2019

n the invitation of the President, Mr James Brown, and members of the O Board of The Returned and Services League of Australia (New South Wales Branch), the Consul General of Malta in NSW, Lawrence Buhagiar would be attending the ANZAC Day 2019 Consular Star Ceremony at the Anzac Memorial, Southern Forecourt to be held on Thursday 25 April. In keeping with the original intention of the stars lining the ceiling of the Hall of Memory, Mr Buhagiar has also been requested to release a commemorative star representing a service man or woman killed while serving their country or since deceased. As such, he has accepted to personalise his Star into the Well of Contemplation during the ceremony with the name of Charles Emanuel Bonavia (1887-1915), who joined the 11th Battalion in Western Australia after migrating from Malta in 1911. Bonavia had sailed to Egypt and then to Gallipoli where he took part in the landing on 25 April 1915. He went missing on the day and his body was never found.

Above (from left): Syd Borg (FAICD Chairman Australian-Maltese Chamber of Commerce and Managing Director of PCSA Australia, Paul Micallef (Director of Australis Facility Management), Nancy Serg-Borg OAM (Executive Steering Committee member), Rita Zammit OAM (Executive Steering welcoming Committee), Paul Zammit FAICD (Convenor of the Executive Steering Committee), Lawrence Buhagiar (Consul General for Malta in NSW), Peter Gates (Plenary Council 2020), Lucie Farrugia (The Christian Brothers High School, Lewisham), Jeremy Sammut (Director Centre for Independent Studies), Tony Di Stefano (Director Australis Facility Management), and Steve Gatt.

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Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 9, 2019

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The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly tnightly magazine magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name and e-mail address of the writer and be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Ir-Riġenerazzjoni tal-Kottonera, u kif!


Kelinu Muscat minn Bowens Hill, Qld jikteb:

ħadni ġej minn Malta wara xahar mal-mara għand niesna f’Raħal Ġdid li għadhom juru l-akkoljenza Ii l-Maltin tant aħna magħrufin għaliha. Jien minn Bormla, u kburi. Imm’issa ferm aktar kburi b’dak li rajt f’din il-belt li għal ħafna snin kienet mitluqa. Kont ilna tmien snin ma ninżlu Malta, immma qed nippjanaw li ma ndumux daqstant li nerġgħu nqattgħu l-btajjel hemmhekk. Did-darba li wkoll nippruvaw nikkonvinċu familjari oħra li bħalna kienu emigraw lejn l-Awstralja madwar 40-50 sena jew aktar li jakkumpanjawna. Malta sbieħet, imma l-aktar li tgħaxxaqt inżur Bormla fejn rajt belt ġdida u millisbaħ, b’wesgħat miftuħa, l-aktar fejn darba kien hemm dak li konna nafu bħala d-Dock Nru. 1 tat-Tarzna, fejn missieri qatta’ ħajtu jaħdem biex ta lill-familja l-aqwa edukazzjoni li seta’ skont il-mezzi li kellu. Mur għidlu x’bidla saret f’beltna! Waqt li kont Malta nzertajt il-ftuħ uffiċjali tal-bini kompletament ġdid li darba kien żdingat għall-aħħar fuq id-Dock u issa qed

Wegħdi kontra wegħdi


Nenu Falzon minn Brunswick Victoria jikteb: iskanta kif hekk kif tkun waslet xi elezzjoni l-Gvernijiet isibu flus kemm trid u l-wegħdiet jibdew ħerġin minn widnejhom. Jaħsbu li aħna xi qatta stupidi li se nibilgħu kollox? Dawn il-wegħdi jumejn qabel lelezzjoni huma biss propaganda u min jagħmilhom imissu jistħi. Insomma noqogħdu attenti għal dan il-bżar fl-għajnejn.

jospita l-American University of Malta. Stagħġibt kif min ħa ħsieb il-bini bidel ilkruha li kien hemm ma’ bini mill-isbaħ. Din in-naħa, fejn anke sar pont li jgħaqqad it-tlett ibliet, kompla jsebbaħ il-ftuħ int u dieħel lejn l-Isla u l-Birgu. Qed iwassal lil ħafna, li forsi kienu jħarsu bl-ikreh lejn ilKottonera, li jaraw il-potenzjal kbir li toffri, Żgur li meta nerġa’ nżur se nara aktar tibdil u djar antiki jinbidlu f’binjiet moderni. Min qatt kien jobsor li seta’ jkun hemm lukanda lussuża minflok il-Maċina? Tassew ħaqqu prosit min qed jittrasforma l-inħawi b’dan il-mod. Ir-riġenerazzjoni tal-Kottonera tat nifs lit-tlett ibliet.

Thanks MCA (NSW) for the entertainment


Carmen Barbara from Greystanes NSW writes:

y husband Joe and I would like to thank the Maltese Cultural Association for bringing to Australia Ian James Vella known by his stage name as Janvil, a great entertainer, from Malta. Along with Stacey Saliba, they kept us entertained for almost four hours. The audience sang, danced, relaxed and enjoyed the food and drinks bought at an affordable price from the club that is so popular with the Maltese in Western Sydney. Bringing an artist from Malta and Stacey from Adelaide was by no means an easy task. But we could see that with the help of Breakaway Travel and Wenty Leagues as sponsors, it was doable. We will remember the Sunday afternoon, which was jam-packed with non-stop entertainment led by Marie Louise Previtera as MC, very fondly. We hope that this will be an annual event on the MCA calendar.

Good show and initiative


G. Bonnici from Rouse Hill NS W writes: t was pleasant to attend the screening of Love to Paradise, an initiative of the Maltese Australian Youth Committee. However, I noticed at least 90 per cent of those attending were elders. I would have thought the youths would flock to this event. Never mind, it was nice to see the elders responding to a call by the youths. I hope this will be reversed when the current associations hold their functions.

Tuesday April 9, 2019

Malta tfakkar l-40 Anniversarju ta’ Jum il-Ħelsien


-aħħar jiem kienu tassew impenjattivi għal Malta, l-ewwel biċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet li fakkru l-40 Anniversarju ta’ Jum il-Ħelsien fil-31 ta’ Marzu, l-aktar f’riġlejn il-monument fuq l-Għolja tal-Ħelsien fil-Birgu. Hawn saru attivitajiet li fihom ħa sehem il-poplu Malti. Il-Partit Laburist fakkar l-okkażjoni fit-28 ta’ Marzu meta l-Prim Ministru xegħel il-fjamma tal-Ħelsien (taħt) u flimkien ma’ attivisti tal-partit u rappreżentanti ta’ għaqdiet soċjali poġġew fjuri f’riġlejn il-monument, u anke u għamel diskors għall-okkażjoni. Fil-31 ta’ Marzu mbagħad saret it-tifkira uffiċjali ta’ dan il-jum nazzjonali, ukoll fuq il-monument immexxijja mill-President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca. Fiha ħadu sehem, flimkien, il-Prim Ministry Joseph Muscat u l-kap tal-Oppożizzjoni Adrian Delia (li fuq jidhru flimkien mal-President uxxenti f’riġlejn il-monment). Ftit jiem wara mbagħad kien hemm il-ħatra ta’ George Vella bħala l-10 President ta’ Malta (ara paġni 2 u 3).

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Photo: DOI - Omar Camilleri

Starting 2021 Maltese-Australians visiting Europe without a Maltese passport have to register online

10 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday April 9, 2019

altese-Australians entitled to a Maltese passport who have not as yet obtained such a passport are advised to do so if they wish to travel to Malta or any other European country of the Schengen Area. Every Australian passport holder who does not have another passport issued by an EU member state wishing to travel to the Schengen Area will soon need to register online. Starting in January 2021, an online registration will be mandatory for every Australian and the citizens of some other 60+ countries, including Canada and the USA, that want to enter this territory in Europe. In November 2016, the European Commission introduced a proposal on the establishment of a new scheme. This new scheme is called the European Travel Information and Authorisation System (ETIAS). It aims to strengthen borders and improve security, by having a register of those coming to the Schengen countries. The Schengen Area is a territory of 26 countries, 22 of which are members of the European Union. It includes France, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, but not the United Kingdom. Recently a website claimed that the ETIAS is “a visa”, thus sparking confusion among online media and readers. However, the ETIAS is not a visa. It is a travel au-

thorisation similar to the Australian Electronic Travel Authority (ETA), the Canadian Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA), or the US Electronic System for Travel Authorisation (ESTA). The European Union itself reacted to such statements, and pointed out at the ETIAS is in fact only a lighter and more visitor-friendly regime, and not a visa. The EU highlights that, “An authorisation will be obtained through a procedure that is simple, cheap and fast; in the vast majority of cases, an authorisation should be given in a matter of minutes. “The authorisation, the application for which will not take more than ten minutes to fill in and which only requires a valid travel document, will be valid for a period of five years and for multiple travels.” The EU also explains that the ETIAS is nowhere near a regular visa, which requires much more procedures and higher fees. Australian citizens over the age of 18, wishing to travel to any of the Schengen Area countries, will need to pay a fee of €7 for the ETIAS. The authorisation will be valid for five years and multiple entries. However, the permitted period of stay for Australians will still be a maximum of 90 days within six months.

i pjaċir inħabB bru li George Rebħa għal George Vella Vella, sid Breakaway Travel ta’ Black- għalina l-Maltin li town u sponsor ta’ The Voice of the Maltese u magħruf sewwa mal-Komunita` Maltija fi NSW, reġa`ġie elett b’numru ta’ voti għolja bħala Direttur tal-Workers Club ta’ Blacktown. Workers Club hu wieħed mill-ikbar klabbijiet fi NSW, għalhekk hu unur

jkollna persuna hekk prominenti bħala wieħed mid-diretturi. Permezz ta’ The Voice George Vella jixtieq jagħti ħajr lill-membri tal-komunita’ Maltija għall-appoġġ tagħhom.


Is-solitu artiklu popolari ta’ kummenti dwar ġrajjiet kurrenti, Perspettiva ta’ Ivan Cauchi mhux qed jiġi ppublikat f’din il-ħarġa imma jirritorna fil-ħarġa ta’ wara din, il-202 tat-23 ta’ April

Fr Edwin Agius 50 years a priest

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Tuesday April 9, 2019


n March 22 a packed congregation at St Bernadette’s Church, North Sunshine, Victoria estimated to have been around 500, attended a special thanksgiving Mass to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Fr. Edwin Agius’s priesthood. Fr. Edwin, MSSP, concelebrated Mass along with 18 other priests. During it he delivered a homily in which he recalled his early years as a child in Malta and his call for the priesthood, and spoke about his ongoing work among the Community. The priest recalled a very moving experience when years back he baptised a baby girl born with a brain defect that the doctors said had no hope of surviving. He prayed on the child to MSSP founder Mons Joseph De Piro and as she arrived in the hospital she started to move her legs and later opened her eyes. Her doctor later said that although he was not a Christian, he believed that it must have been a miracle as he had lost hope of her surviving. To the surprise of everybody, Fr. Edwin invited this child who was in the congregation now a lovely young lady, besides him. Fr. Edwin was born in Birkir-kara Malta on June 18, 1944. At age 12 he felt the call

for the priesthood with the MSSP. He studied at San Aloysius College and started his novitiate at St Agatha in Rabat, Malta on October 1, 1961. He studied philosophy and theology. He was ordained a priest on March 22, 1969. He spent some time teaching at St Paul’s Missionary College before he was requested to resume mission in Australia on February 22, 1971. Ten years later he returned Fr. Edwin Agius celebrating the Anniversary of his priesthood to Malta to take charge of the MSSP Obituary novices, and after six years got chosen to form part of the General Council of the MSSP and also became Director of St Joseph Institute in Santa Venera. Six years later he returned to Australia where he served as Ass.Parish Priest at St Bernadette’s Parish, North Sunshine and then became its Parish Priest. In 2004 he became Rector at the MSSP Home in Parkville and still serves as Chaplain of the Maltese Community in Melbourne and also looks after the spiritual needs of the Italian Community. He is also Chaplain in hospitals where most of the time he is “on call”. The MSSP Provincial, Fr. Ivano Burdian spoke highly of Fr. Edwin to the congregation and then gave him a special blessing. We wish him ad multos annos. Report, photos: PaulVella

Korrezzjoni u apologija.

*Fir-rapport dwar il-kunċert ta’ Janvil li sar f ’Wentworthville NSW, fil-pagna 11 tal-ħarga Nru. 200, irreferejna għall-kantanta Maltija li wkoll ħadet seh-em fih, bħala Tracey. Fil-fatt dik kienet Stacey Saliba. Jiddispjaċina għal dan in-nuqqas. L-edituri Part of the congregation at the St Bernadette’s Church, North Sunshine, Victoria for Fr Edwin’s celebration

George Zahra (1943-2019)

It is with deep sadness to announce the death of GEORGE ZAHRA, 76, the President of the Hamrun Association with club premises at Marsden Park NSW. George was born in Qormi and emigrated to Australia on board S.S.Roma in 1965. He lived in Glenwood with his wife Josephine (married in Marsa February 1965). They have four children and ten grandchildren. George held the position of President of the Hamrun Association for the last five years and was always proud to say that during his presidency the club had become the sole owner of the land at Marsden Park. George Zahra was awarded the Quiet Achievers’ Award in 2016. RIP!

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 9, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

Government proposes an increase of 12 women MPs


nder a government proposal aimed at achieving gender equality the number of female members of parliament could be set to increase by 12, the government has announced. The measure will come into effect if the number of MPs in the general election from the under-represented sex amounts to less than 40% of the total. The 12 would be added to the number of MPs elected through the current electoral system The proposed reform was put to a monthlong public consultation that started on March 26. The reform will also include other measures aimed at mainstreaming gender issues in parliament as well as making the institution more family friendly, and statefunding of political parties that choose to include more members of the under-represented sex on their party list, as well as a reform of the electoral commission. Launching the public consultation on the proposals, Reforms Parliamentary Secretary Julia Farrugia Portelli said she wanted to send a message to women that if she – a woman and mother to a young girl – could have a career in politics, so could all other women.

She pointed out that she was well aware of the challenges preventing w o m e n from taking such a step, ranging Prime Minister Joseph Muscat with from genParliamentary Secretary Julia Farruder stereogia Portelli launching the proposal types that often made women feel like their place one which is fair and embraces inclusion was not in politics, to more practical con- in the clearest possible manner. As things siderations like having to juggle politics stand now, from a total of 67 members in and raising children. Parliament only 10 are women. She believes that in spite of this reality, He said that what was being discussed “small shock to the system” could turn was the introduction of “positive measthings around. ures” aimed at increasing equality and diPrime Minister Joseph Muscat who had versity of thought within the country’s been advocating for such a measure said highest institution. that what the government was proposing The proposed mechanism would inwould “define us as a people”. crease, rather than reduce representation He added that the government was pro- in parliament, he said. posing these changes because it believed The proposals were published in a conin an equally represented society, and in sultative document

€35m SRT investment creating 350 new jobs A

Toly doubles sales so expands investment


aving doubled its sales to €100 million in four years, target achieved two years before forecast Toly Group that leads viation servicing company SR Technics has announced it is expanding even further its operations from its headquarters in its operations in Malta and would be spending €35 million on building a brand Malta where it has been operating since new modern multi-bay hangar facility for narrow and wide body aircraft at Malta In1971, aiming that in six years’ time its sales ternational Airport across some 30,000 square metres that would include workshop will increase to €250 million. space and create 350 new jobs. The Toly Group that has also has plants in The company that has been operating in Malta for eight years said that the new “narrow China and South Korea, has chosen to inbody maintenance” hangar, including workshop space,would be focused on providing vest and continue services for the Boeing 737 and the Airbus A320. building on its operaAfter visiting a temporary hangar set up by SR tions by an investing Technics at the Safi Aviation Park to ease the tranin a €20 million in a sition until their new site was finalised, Economy new state-of-the-art Minister Chris Cardona said that in SRT, the govmanufacturing plant ernment had found the right partners to be able to in Bulebel, spanning help the sector grow, and that investment would over 20,000sqm. be instrumental in bolstering Malta’s aviation portChairman and CEO folio. of the Group Andy He added that aviation was a sector experiencing Gatesy expressed the rapid growth worldwide, and that significant incompany’s pride of vestment will be needed in all areas of aviation to its heritage in Malta ensure it will be ready to meet long-term demands. and put down their This meant Malta would have a bigger role to play success in the core as the industry continues to swell. With the support of the Maltese Government, SR Minister Chris Cardona values of people, Technics will hire and train approximately 350 new (left) with SR Technics passion, pride and which employees in various positions, such as B1 and B2 General Manger Arthur creativity, engineers, structure mechanics and technicians to Magri at the ground mimic exactly the core values of the join the highly skilled and motivated workforce to breaking ceremony Maltese nation. service existing and future customers.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday April 9, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta Attard, Birkirkara and Ħamrun old railway stations to be renovated


hree old railway station buildings in Birkirkara, Attard, and Ħamrun are to be renovated and made accessible to the public, thereby valorising Malta’s cultural and historical local assets. This will be an investment of €1.2 million in EU funds. The projects are aimed at preserving the buildings and turning them into a railway attraction. The Birkirkara railway station would even be turned into a museum housing restored memorabilia from the railway and replicas of structures from Malta’s railway past. Making the announcement, Parliamentary Secretary for European Funds and Social Dialogue Aaron Farrugia said the project would contribute towards the diversification of Malta’s image from the long-standing reputation of sun, sea and sand destination, attracting various types of tourists to different localities on the island. The objective of the project is to have a more competitive cultural tourism product, by exploiting the potential to attract more visitors that the niche segment of cultural tourism has.

The old Ħamrun railway station

Malta to participate in the Two Shores Summit M

alta is to participate in the upcoming Summit of the Two Shores (Le Sommet des Deux Rives) on June 24 in the French city of Marseille on the initiative of French President Emanuel Macron. This initiative seeks to generate new momentum in the Western Mediterranean through an inclusive and open agenda that gives an important role to the region’s particularly active civil society. It will consist of a meeting of the Heads of State and Government and a regional dialogue with prominent

civil society representatives. Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion, Carmelo Abela pointed out that Malta has always been a location of dialogue, tolerance, cooperation, trade, and exchange of cultures in the Mediterranean. He explained that this approach is not just a matter of consequence but is rooted in a strong and principled belief that peace, stability, and prosperity in the region represent Malta’s and the region’s vital interests. “Hence, Malta has, over time, consistently supported any initiative that seeks Minister Carmelo Abela talking to the to enhance media about the Two Shores Summit collaboration in the region,” he said. Minister Abela said that Malta w o r k s hand in hand with M e d i t e rranean or-

ganisations such the Union for the Mediterranean, the Anna Lindh Foundation, the 5+5 Dialogue, and the MED 7, and has always looked favourably upon collaboration on projects of clear and significant success when it comes to Euro-Mediterranean and Mediterranean issues. As such, April 24-25, Malta’s capital, Valletta, is hosting one of the five regional civil society fora that are being organised in preparation for the Sommet des Deux Rives, focusing on ‘Youth, Education, and Mobility’. In each of the five fora, Malta is to be represented by a man and a woman with Professor Simone Borg acting as chef de file, which fits in perfectly with the vision of the government to give women every opportunity to engage in key leadership and decision-making roles. “Together with other personalities from the nine other Mediterranean countries, these participants will have the opportunity to propose a number of initiatives that will be presented to the Heads of State and Governments in Marseille for their endorsement. These will then be translated into real and tangible projects,” Minister Abela said.

Security remains key challenge for Europe


inister for Home Affairs and National Security Michael Farrugia said that the barbarous attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand and Utrecht in the Netherlands reflect how security remains a key challenge for Europe. Addressing the Dialogue about Radicalisation and Equality (DARE) policy forum on counter-terrorism and security held in Malta, Minister Farrugia said that regardless of the permanent territorial losses of Da’esh in Syria and Iraq, member states must not underestimate the level of threat posed to Europe by this terrorist group and others alike such as Al Qaida. He added that there are still concerns

about the possible use of violence by individuals driven by extremist ideologies in pursuit of their beliefs. Whilst the overall capability of these groups to direct attacks across Europe has been reduced, their motivation to do so particularly by influencing vulnerable individuals and communities remains high. He maintained that when one reflects deeply on the recent terrorist attacks in Europe, there is no more convincing argument than that which suggests that countering terrorism requires a comprehensive approach. This is the Maltese Government’s policy in this area. It remains mindful of the potential risks that surround us and are continuously

adopting a preventive approach. Minister Michael Farrugia said that Malta continues to support and contribute to the EU-wide initiatives, common practices and awareness-raising programmes. Minister Michael Farrugia

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 9, 2019

Jum impenjattiv l-għada tal-ħatra


l-President ta’ Malta l-ġdid, l-ET George Vella ma ħax ħin wisq wara wara ċ-ċelebrazzjoni l-ħatra l-Ħamis, tant li l-għada l-Ġimgħa beda b’ħidmietu u anke ta aktar ħjiel dwar l-aġenda tiegħu f’laqgħat ta’ kortesija li kellu, mal-grupp parlamentari tal-Gvern immexxi mill-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat (fuq) kif wkoll mal-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna u l-President Emeritu Eddie Fenech Adami. Is-Sibt imbagħad għamel żjara uffiċjali f’Għawdex, ħa sehem f’ċerimonja ta’ tqegħid ta’ kuruna fi Pjazza Indipendenza, iltaqa’ mal-Ministru għal Għawdex Justyn Caruana, mal-membri Parlamentari Għawdxin tal-PN, kif ukoll mal-pubbliku li tah merħba, u ltaqa’ ml-Isqof Mario Grech. Fil-laqgħa mal-grupp parlamentari qalilhom li lest jgħaddi l-esperjenza tiegħu lillMinistri u Segretarji Parlamentari biex jgħinhom jieħdu l-aħjar deċiżjonijiet, u wkoll ikun punt ta’ referenza u boxxla morali tas-soċjetà. Min-naħa tal-Prim Ministru qal li ddiskors inawgurali tal-President Vella ispira lil ħafna nies fosthom lill-Membri Parla-

mentari tal-Gvern u żied jgħid li fil-President se jkollhom persuna b’esperjenza kbira li tista’ ttihom direzzjoni ċara fit-teħid tal-aħjar deċiżjonijiet. Intant, fil-laqgħa malArċisqof Charles Scicluna u l-Isqof Awżiljarju Joseph Galea Curmi l-President George Vella ddiskuta fost l-oħrajn irrelazzjonijiet bejn l-istat u r-reliġjonijiet. Min-naħa tiegħu l-Arċisqof ta ħajr lill-Presi- Il-President George Vella fil-laqgħa mal-Arċisqof Chardent tad-diskors tiegħu les Scicluna (nofs) u l-Isqof Awziljarju Joseph Curmi waqt il-ħatra u qal li apprezza ħafna d-diskors fejn wiegħed lill-istat Malti tal-għajnuna kollha li jagħti ħidma sfieqa favur il-ħajja u għall-għaqda lill-Knisja fil-qasam soċjali u edukattiv. Wara l-laqgħa bħala tifkira, l-Arċisqof fil-pajjiż. Zied jgħid li bħalma hu d-dover tal-knisja Scicluna ippreżenta lill-President statwa l-isqfijiet iwiegħdu l-koperazzjoni tal- ta’ San Ġorġ Preca. Knisja ma’ dak kollu li hu ħidma tal-istat. Laqgħa ma’ Eddie Fenech Adami Ħa wkoll l-opportunita` biex jagħti ħajr l-istess jum Il-President George Vella għamel ukoll żjara ta’ kortesija lillPresident Emeritu Eddie Fenech Adami fid-dar tiegħu f’Birkirkara (taħt) minħabba li Fenech Adama, li għandu 85 sena, ma setax jattendi għaċ-ċerimonja talĦamis għax jinsab indispost.

Il-President George Vella flmkien mal-Ministru Justyn Caruana waqt iċ-ċerimonja fi Pjazza Indipendenza f’ Victoria, Għawdex


The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday April 9, 2019


ilwaqt li f’dawn l-aħħar xhur ilviċi-Prim Ministru u Ministru talIntern Taljan, Salvini sikwit jizzika lil Malta dwar l-emigrazzjoni, mhux l-istess il-President Taljan, Sergio Matterella. Dan, meta bagħat jifraħ lill President lET George Vella, appella biex tissaħħaħ, bi ħsieb u ħrara, il-kollaborazzjoni bejn


iż-żewġ pajjiżi fil-konfront ta’ sfidi qawwija li qed jaffronta r-reġjun talMediterran, b’mod speċjali l-immigrazzjoni.

Fl-ittra tiegħu, Mattarella jiddeskrivi lillġens Malti bħala ħabib tal-Italja waqt li jfakkar ukoll fir-rabta bejn iż-żewġ pajjiżi grazzi għall-qrubija ġeografika kif ukoll nisġa folta ta’ ġrajjiet storiċi komuni u kuntatti kontinwi fuq livell ta’ soċjetà ċivili kif ukoll dak ta’ ċittadini individwali.

Iċ-ċajt tal-Ewwel ta’ April L

-ewwel ta’ April hu magħruf għaċ-ċajtiet li jsiru bi stejjer ivvintati li maż-żmien spiċċaw anke jidhru fil-midja. Attwalment illum iċ-ċajtiet personali naqsu sew u żdiedu dawk li jidhru fuq il-ġurnali u mezzi l-oħra tax-xandir. Għalkemm ħafna joqogħdu attenti li ma jibilgħux xi storja li tkun ħlieqa, xorta hemm ħafna li jaqgħu. L-ewwel ċajta li niftakar fil-mezzi tax-xandir kien meta żmien twil ilu kont Londra, u fuq il-BBCTV ma’ sbieħ-il jum nara għalqa ma tispiċċa qatt, suppost fl-Italja, miksija bi spagetti spuntati lesti għal qtugħ. Ħafna mill-Ingliżi li ma tantx kienu midħla talgħaġin Taljan, niżżluha sa griżmejhom. Imma niġu għal Malta fejn issa d-drawwa li jkun hemm xi storja finta fl-ewwel ta’ April daħlet sewwa fil-midja Maltija. Ħali naraw x’ippruvaw ibbelgħulna, u mhux wieħed u tnejn waqgħu fin-nasba. Malta today: Tory MP wants Theresa ċċelebrata bil-kbir fil-Belt fl-10 ta’ Frar. May to revoke Malta’s George Cross over L-istorja ma tantx twemment għalkemm Brexit offence kien hemm min ikkumenta li xtaq li din lB’dan it-titlu dan il-ġurnal ħabbar li Al- istorja ma dehritx fl-1 ta’ April għax kienet istair Dodding MP Konservattiv Ingliż, taqta’ ix-xewqa ta’ ħafna Maltin. minħabba dak li għaddej minnu bħalissa r- Net: Liġi biex jinqata’ ċ-ċajt tal-1 ta’ April Renju Unit minħabba Brexit kien ressaq fil-midja mozzjoni biex minħaba r-rwol tal-Prim Dan l-istazzjon qal li l-Gvern mhux se jitMinistru Malti, Joseph Muscat fil-kwesttollera iżjed ċajt ta’ l-1 ta’ April u li dan joni ta’ Brexit il-Gvern Ingliż jirtira lGeorge Cross mogħti lil Malta stqarrewh magħhom diversi sorsi mittaqsima tal-investigazzjonijiet kriminali, għall-qlubija fl-aħħar gwerra. Filwaqt li ngħataw dettalji dwar il-moz- bil-Pulizija jikkonfermawlhom li ntalbu zjoni, intqal li permezz tal-Kummissarju mill-Ministru responsabbli biex jibdew Għoli ta’ Malta f’Londra l-Gvern Malti ip- jieħdu passi fejn jidħol ċajt goff u eċċessiv protesta mal-Gvern Ingliż dwar dan u li soltu jsir f’dan il-jum. Qalu li milli jidher id-deċiżjoni tal-Gvern sostna li l-mozzjoni hi affront għas-sovrama kinetx se tolqot biss lill-kmamar ta’ lnita’ Maltija u appella lill-Prim Ministru Ingliż, Theresa May biex tuża’ l-influwenza ahbarijiet, gazzetti u programmi fil-midja, imma skont is-sorsi tas-CID jistghu jeħlu tagħha biex il-mozzjoni tiġi rtirata. Filwaqt li kien hemm min emmen l-is- l-ħabs anke ċittadini komuni li jivintaw torja, ma damx ma kien hemm xi ħadd li ċajta fuq facebook. Żiedu jgidu li din kienet miżura drastika daħal fuq l-internet biex jara dan l-imparti minn pjan ikbar tal-Gvern li qed jipbierek MP min kien u sab li fil-House of Commons ma kien hemm ħadd b’dak lisem... u l-istorja taret mar-riħ. Malta Independent: Noisy petards set to be banned as from 2020 Dan i-ġurnal ħa spunt mill-ħafna diskussjonijiet li jqumu kull meta joqorbu lfesti tal-parroċċi u ħabbar li l-istaġun tal-festi li ġej kien se jkun l-aħħar wieħed li fih jistgħu jiġu sparati l-murtali tal-ħoss, dawk li l-iktar li jqajjmu kritika minħabba l-ħsejjes kbar li jagħmlu. Intqal li fil-ġimgħat li ġejjin kienu se joħorġu għall-konsultazzjoni sett ta’ regolamenti ġodda dwar il-murtali, bil-mira tkun li dawn r-regolamenti jidħlu fis-seħħ mal-wasla tal-festa ta’ San Pawl li tiġi

prova jikkontrolla l-fake news wara sensiela ta’ artikli li tagħhom sfaw fil-mira personaġġi lokali popolari kif ukoll ilGvern stess. Illum: Għawdex indipendenti? Referendum sal-aħħar tas-sena. Dil-gazzeta ta’ nhar ta’ Ħadd ħarġet bl-istorja li grupp ta' esperti Għawdxin se jressqu dokument ta' 100 paġna dwar Għawdex u fost oħrajn se jippropponi li sal-aħħar tassena jsir referendum biex l-Għawdxin jiddeċiedu d-destin tagħhom, jew ma' Malta jew isiru indipendenti, ħolma ta' bosta, imma l-biża' ta' ħafna oħrajn. Intqal li l-kabinett ma kienx mistenni jagħti l-appoġġ tiegħu għal dan id-dokument, għalkemm dan il-grupp ta' esperti jsostnu li referendum xorta jista' jsir mingħajr l-approvazzjoni tal-Gvern.

Dr Hugh McDermott MP State Member for Prospect For issues concerning:

Ageing and disability - community services -education - environment - health - housing - planning - Police - transport - water

P: (02) 9756 4766 E:

2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164

16 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday April 9, 2019

The Federal Budget

ederal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg delivered the first surplus budget in 12 years, plus a raft of pre-election sweeteners, on the back of strong coal and iron ore exports. Prime Minister Scott Morrison could call a federal election for May 11 or 18. The Treasurer in his first budget announced that the government will double the $530 tax break it gave last year to workers who earn between $48,000 and $90,000, ensuring a $1000 boost for about 4.4 million on low and middle incomes. There will also be tax relief for those earning as little as $37,000 and as much as $126,000. “The budget sets up Australia for the next decade,” Mr Frydenberg said in Canberra. “It builds a strong economy and secures a better Australia for every Australian, and we do that without increasing taxes. “The surplus is no accident. It’s the product of rePrime Minister Scott Morrison and Treasurer Josh Freydenberg sponsible decisions and an economic plan that is working.” dress two dominant drivers of poverty and disadvantage in AusLabor has already flagged it will deliver its own economic state- tralia – the soaring costs of basic housing and below-poverty-level ment later in the year if, as polls suggest, it wins the election – ren- income support payments. dering the budget mostly redundant. The St Vincent de Paul Society National Council says the federal Budget surplus means little to the growing number of families and single people living in entrenched n the March 26 issue of The Voice of the Maltese we highlighted the issue of the poverty. It expressed concern that the Maltese TV programme on SBSTV. On Sunday March 3 we had no viewing at Budget continues to ignore the plight of the all. Then On Sunday March 31 SBSTV without any explanation, gave us only 15 most disadvantaged. It said it fails to adminutes. We understand that there was a problem with the transfer of the file from PBS (Malta). When the file eventually arrived in Sydney again, half of the programme was erased by mistake. These things can happen but what must follow is an explanation on the day of the transmission by SBSTV. he Australian Demographic Statistics Stop treating the Maltese community with contempt. report by the ABS tells us that Chinese born people are now the second biggest migrant group, edging out New Zealanders for the first time. A surge of Chinese arrivals in recent years saw the number fter announcing he will not be step- and that he had rise to 606,450 as of 2017- up 220,000 ping aside from the NSW Labor lead- reached the decision compared to the same time in 2011. ership, Michael Daley (pictured right) has after consultation While there were marginally more New backflipped on his vow to recontest the with his colleagues Zealanders than Chinese in 2016, the Chi- leadership following the federal election. and his family. nese arrivals are now the second largest The former NSW opposition leader an“I intend to remain migrant group, behind the English who nounced he would not be putting himself the Member for number 997,830. forward in the upcoming leadership ballot Maroubra. I have spoken to the Interim Leader, Penny Sharpe and have advised her that I will be taking leave over the next few weeks to spend time with my family. “This is the right and proper thing to do. It is in keeping with the spirit of the state Labor Party’s caucus rules requiring a rank and file election of the leader,” he said, claiming he did not want to be a distraction. Deputy NSW Labor leader Penny Sharpe has taken the role of interim leader. According to reports, Ms Jody McKay is one of the key frontrunners to replace Mr Daley, alongside the former president of NSW Young Labor, Chris Minns.

We are made in China


The never-ending saga on SBSTV I

Michael Daley to step down


While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday April 9, 2019

Cutting migration Respect for aged care residents intake is wrong N


he Morrison Government's proposed cut to Australia’s permanent migrant intake by 30,000 in order to ease congestion sends the wrong message to the Australian community. The debate around congestion was an issue of infrastructure investment, not one of migration. FECCA the peak, national body representing Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds welcomes the Morrison Government’s infrastructure spending commitments in the Federal Budget.

“These commitments are a recognition of the need to invest in infrastructure in order to keep up with population growth in Australia’s major cities. However it is extremely important that following the atrocities in Christchurch political leaders not conflate the issue of congestion with migration. To do so is not only erroneous but irresponsible. “Care must be taken at this time to reassure Australians from ethnically and culturally diverse backgrounds that they belong and are welcome in Australia.”

ursing homes must respect residents’ religion, customs and sexuality under a new Charter of Rights to be launched by the Federal Government. Residents will have the right to “live without abuse and neglect” and to “complain free of reprisal’’, following a string of scandals that led to the royal commission into aged care abuse. The charter – to be signed by every nursing home and resident by the end of this year – spells out the rights of residents to “safe and high-quality care and services’’. Residents have the right to “have my identity, culture and diversity valued and supported’’. The simplified 14-point charter does not mention religion, but it is detailed in an explanatory memorandum and outlined in new quality standards. “Care recipients have the right to be treated in a way that values them as a person,’’ the memorandum states. “This includes respect for their culture, values, beliefs, religion, spirituality and sexuality.’’ Federal Aged Care Minister Ken Wyatt said aged care providers would have to provide a personally signed copy of the charter to every resident, who would co-sign or ask someone to co-sign on their behalf. “We’re standing up for our most vulnerable senior Australians and we won’t tolerate anything less,’’ he said.

Change to workplace laws proposed


Federal Labor government would change workplace laws to ensure the minimum wage for Australia’s low-paid workers is a “living wage”. Announcing the policy, federal Labor leader Bill Shorten said the living wage policy would directly benefit about 1.2 million Australians. “A living wage should make sure people earn enough to make ends meet, and be informed by what it costs to live in Australia today – to pay for housing, for food, for utilities, to pay for a basic phone and data plan,” Mr Shorten said. Under the first stage of the Labor plan, the Fair Work Commission would be asked to determine what a living wage should be. In doing so, the commission would take submissions from community organisations, business representatives and unions. It would also consider Australia’s social wage – the amount of tax people pay, and any family tax benefits or other transfers they receive. The second step would be for the Fair Work Commission to consider the time frame over which the increase should be phased in, taking into account the capacity of businesses to pay, and the potential impact on employment, inflation and the broader economy. Further public submissions would be taken on this before the commission deter-

mined a fair and responsible phasing in of a living wage. The first living wage case would take place as part of the next annual wage review after the legislation passes parliament, with wage increases to be phased in from the July 1 after that review. The living wage would not automatically flow through to award wages, but rather only apply to those receiving the national minimum wage. There would still be an annual wage review to determine award

wages. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said recently the minimum wage would be hard to live on, but pointed out most Australians were paid above award rates. Under the Coalition Government, the minimum wage has gone up each year at a faster rate than inflation and wage growth across the economy. The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has submitted to the Fair Work Commission calling for a living wage.

18 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday April 9, 2019

The ‘ftira’ to be submitted to be part of the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list

that will keep broadening and strengthening this important element from Malta’s local culture. “This is all part of this Government’s strategy, where through a number of specific initiatives, we further strengthen and promote our culture on an international and national level,” the Minister said. He went on to say that such recognition would lead to more national pride with regard to the country’s intangible cultural heritage, whilst the ever-increasing number of tourists would be able to experience more of Malta’s culture’s different facets. For the process to be initiated the government appointed a National Intangible Cultural Heritage Board in order to receive nominations from the local communities and a National Intangible Cultural Heritage Inventory was created. To-date seven elements have been included in this inventory. Out of these seven, it was decided that the ftira and its Maltese culinary art – which is definitely one of the main elements that represents the country’s national identity – is to be submitted for UNESCO’s consideration to form a part of this global list. The process required the involvement of those who work in this field, meaning bakers, in particular those who still bake the ftira in an artisanal manner. The general public’s support has also been sought, as for a nomination to be submitted there must be the public’s involvement and approval for the element in question to represent the country to form part of the world’s heritage. This element has been chosen as UNESCO stresses that the community must put the nomination forward. The interest shown by the community and bakers that have a link to it has surpassed all other nominations. Minister Bonnici has further encouraged organisations and the local community to cherish Simple but so delicious ... Malta’s local intangible heritage, so that in the the Maltese ftira topped with coming years more elements from the country’s special Maltese and other cultural heritage are nominated for UNESCO’s mediterranean ingredients consideration.

he Maltese government, through the Culture Directorate, would be submitting the Maltese ftira (flattened sourdough bread) and its culinary art as the first local element to be part of the UNESCO intangible cultural heritage list. The traditional flatbread is mainly famous in Gozo, but not only, topped with special Maltese and other mediterranean ingredients has come to be known as Gozitan ftira or Ftira Għawdxija, but it is served all over Malta and Gozo In 2017, Parliament approved that Malta should ratify the UNESCO convention on intangible cultural heritage. Through this ratification, it can now propose intangible elements from Malta’s culture to be submitted for UNESCO’s consideration for them to be part of the world’s heritage. Minister for Justice, Culture and Local Government Owen Bonnici said Malta would not stop with the submission of Malta’s application to the UNESCO board, but would definitely intensify in the coming months, where it will see a number of initiatives

Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija

Tuesday April 9, 2019

The Voice of the Maltese 19

ktar regoli u tagħrif uffiċjali dwar kif wieħed għandu jikteb il-Malti skont kif A maħruġ mill-Kummissjoni fi ħdan l-Akkademja tal-ilsien Malti f’Malta. Dan hu żieda mat-tagħrif li diġa’ tajna f’għadd ta’ ħarġiet li għaddew. Jittratta dwar L-Or-

tografija ta’ Neoloġiżmi Anglo-Sassoni u Rumanzi fil-Malti. Wara li rajna l-ewwel tliet regoli li fuqhom tfasslu l-aġġornamenti u l-forom tal-ortografija, f’din il-ħarġa se nkomplu b’aktar regoli. Ċ. Regoli Partikulari

9. Vokali ‘i’ jew ‘u’ mkarkrin Xi kliem li daħal mill-Ingliż, fih il-vokali ‘i’ jew ‘u’ mkarkrin. Dan m’għandhom qatt jieħdu j jew w warajhom, imma għandhom isegwu r-regoli normali tal-Malti. Bħalma niktbu ‘tmun, snin, inklina, studja’ hekk għandna niktbu ‘stim (steam)’, ‘tim (team)/timijiet’, ‘skuter (scooter)’, ‘snuker (snooker)’, ‘illidja (led)’. 10. Kliem li fl-ilsien barrani jispiċċa b’konsonanti waħda iżda fil-Malti jinħass b’konsonanti mtennija Kliem bħal dan għandu jinkiteb b’konsonanti mtennija u jsegwi l-forom tal-Malti ‘stann, ingann, ġenn, semm, malinn’ – allura, niktbu ‘plagg (plug), magg (mug), klabb (club), gass (gas)’, u l-plurali tagħhom ‘plaggijiet, maggijiet, klabbijiet, gassijiet’. Nota: F’xi kliem li jinkludu wħud minn dawn daħal ilplural Ingliż‘s’. Dan ortografikament ma joħloq l-ebda diffikultàbiex jinkiteb fil-Malti. 11. Ismijiet Proprji Barranin (a) Ismijiet proprji barranin għandhom jibqgħu jinkitbu bħal fl-oriġinal. Jgħodd anki għal ismijiet li għandhom sura għalina fil-Malti, jekk min jikteb iħoss din il-ħtieġa (George/Ġorġ, Arthur/Turu, Joseph/Ġużepp, eċc.̇). L-istess jgħodd għal ismijiet ta’ oġġetti bi trade mark – Fanta, Kinnie, Blue Label, Coca Cola, eċċ. (b) Ismijiet ta’ pajjiżi li ma ħadux għal kollox sura Maltija għandhom jibqgħu jinkitbu bħall-oriġinal jekk aħna llissnuhom bħall-oriġinal – ‘New Zealand’, ‘Manchester’, ‘New York’, iżda ‘Iċ-Ċekoslovakkja, Ir-Russja, L-Iżvezja, Londra, l-Alġier, Ġibiltà, l-Indja, l- Awstralja, il-Kanada’. (ċ) Meta jkollna nżidu l-vokali tal-leħen ‘i’ bejn isem proprju li għandu jinkiteb bħall- oriġinal (jew reklam) u l-ar-

tiklu, din inżiduha skont ir-regola tal-artiklu tal-Malti imma nżommu wkoll l-ittra kapitali tal-kelma fl-oriġinal. Għalhekk għandna niktbu l-iSpell, l- iStergene, l-iSprite. (d) Aġġettivi mnissla minn nomi proprji jżommu l-ittra kapitali – futbol Ingliż, ikel Taljan, film Amerikan. 12. Dupplikazzjoni ta’ xi konsonanti f’nofs ta’ kelma li warajhom insibu konsonanti oħra Il-Kummissjoni studjat xi kliem li jaqa’ taħt din il-kategorija, u ma setgħetx tiġi f’konklużjoni; kliem bħal riduplikazzjoni/ridupplikazzjon, publikazzjoni/pubblikazzjoni, eċċ. M’għandna l-ebda regola fil-Malti li twaqqa’ żewġ konsonanti bħal dawn, u ħafna drabi dan il-kliem fonetikament jieħu t-tixbiha ta’ kliem Malti li jsegwi l-istess forma (farrkuhom, irkopptejn, eċċ.). Terġa’, ġie stabbilit uffiċjalment li l-kelma ‘repubblika’ tinkiteb bil-konsonanti ‘b’ mtennija. Jidher li hi meħtieġa iktar għajnuna biex din l-ambivalenza tinqata’ darba għal dejjem. 13. Plurali ta’ kliem li jispiċċa b’vokali aċċentata Il-plurali ta’ kliem bħal dan għandu dejjem ikun ‘jiet’ u qatt ‘jjiet’ eż. diffikultajiet, universitajiet, virtuwijiet, bluwijiet.

*Fil-ħarġa li jmiss nittrattaw l-aħħar tagħrif dwar ir-Regoli Partikolari u l-għeluq, u nagħtu wkoll tagħrif dwar il-Biblijoteka Nazzjonali ta’ Misraħ ir-Repubblika fil-kapitali Maltija Valletta

Love and enchanting scenery from the Maltese islands


t was a pleasant afternoon at the movies. The collaboration between the Maltese-Australians’ Youth Committee (MAYC) and the La Valette Centre at Blacktown NSW to screen Love to Paradise is to be encouraged. The film by Maltese-Australian filmmaker and director Julian Galea was shot entirely in Malta and Comino. It shows unique and enchanting scenery of old and new. It has a moving script with strong dialogue about two foreigners meeting in Malta and falling in love with each other and Malta.

Julian Galea

Julian Galea, a filmmaker and producer of Galea Pictures was born in Australia of Maltese parents. He is also an actor. His version of the taxi driver with a Maltese-Australian accent was hilarious but somewhat factual. After the show, Julian took part in a Q&A session with the audience and also announced his next production, a follow-up film called Made in Malta. It was nice to see MAYC active once again and getting such huge support from the older community.

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 9, 2019

A well attended MW Seminar T

Paul Sant addressing the seminar

here was a very good response to the most recent Information night organised at the, OLQP Church in Greystanes titled The Joys and Challenges of Grand Parenting prompting Lawrence Gatt from the Maltese Welfare (NSW), the organisers, to tell The Voice of the Maltese, “we are most pleased with the response we got to a subject not dealt with before in our regular seminars. We attracted more than 50 persons”.

Il-MCF iqassam €11.8m


atul l-2018 il-Fondazzjoni tal-Malta Community Chest Fund qassmet €11.8 miljun (żieda ta’ 54% fuq is-sena ta’ qabel meta kienu nġabru €1.023) f’għajnuna lil aktar minn 16,000 persuna. Intqal li f’ħames snin inġabru iżjed minn €25 miljun biex setgħu jiġu mgħejjuna nies fil-bżonn. Il-Fondazzjoni mwaqqfa mill-President ta’ Malta Marie Louis Coleiro Preca li għad kif temmet it-terminu tagħha, żiedet l-għajnuna finanzjarja lill-persuni b’diżabbilità u pazjenti li kellhom bżonn kura speċjalizzata, b’iktar minn 72%.

Paul Sant, Maltese solicitor and a regular contributor to this magazine who was the main speaker on the night, spoke about the legal and social responsibilities when dealing with inheritance, separations, and rights of both parties and related matters. The discussion was lively with many questions asked, proving that this is a subject that needs exploring. Carmel Gauci, a counselor in matters relating to child counseling, depression, bereavement, and other related matters, spoke about the rights of children and stressed that their needs must always come first. Maltese Welfare (NSW) was formed in 1977, and they are synonymous with Carmel Gauci the dissemination of information to the Maltese community by holding fre- and they would “think outside the box quent seminars on matters that are rel- for future subjects as a community well informed is a community respected”. evant to our community. MW secretary, Frances Montesin said they were encourejjem insibu gruppi ta’ Maltin anzjani li jiltaqgħu flimkien aged by the peob’mod regolari biex iqattgħu ftit ħin flimkien socjalment. ple’s response to such seminars Dan l-aħħar kelli l-pjaċir li nżur grupp ieħor li l-membri tiegħu jiltaqgħu fil-kumpless tal-knisja OLQP ta’ Greystanes fi NSW. Meta tkellimt ma’ Jessie Gatt li ilha tmexxi dan il-grupp għal madwar 18-il sena (fil-fatt il-grupp bdietu Sr Maryanna Grima xi snin qabel), qaltli li jiltaqgħu kull nhar ta’ Ħamis. Filwaqt li darba fix-xahar jorganizzaw ħargiet għal lokalitajiet differenti. Aktar ma nżur dawn il-gruppi ta’ anzjani aktar ninduna kemm għandna bzonn nindukrawhom u nżommuhom infurmati b’dak li jkun qed jiġri madwarhom LawrenceDimech

Dejjem flimkien, dejjem Maltin


The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday April 9, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

La Valette Social Centre

La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown 2148 Tel. 9622 5847’ Email:


Il-kumitat taċ-Ċentru ta’ La Valette ħabbar dan il-programm: Il-Ħamis 11 ta’ April: fl-10.30am: L-istazzjonijiet tat-Triq tasSalib fis-Sala taċ-Ċentru. Il-Ġimgħa 12 ta’ April: il Festa tal Madonna tad-Duluri. Fis6.30 pm: Quddiesa fil kappella. Wara l-purċissjoni bil-vara tad-Duluri għas-Sala taċ-Ċentru u jsir il-kant bil-Malti tal-istazzjonijiet tat-Triq tas-Salib. Il-Ħamis 18 ta’ April: Ħamis ix-Xirka: Fis-7.00 pm: Quddiesa fis-Sala li tinkludi l-funzjoni tal-ħasil tar-riġlejn. Il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira 19 ta’ April: Fit-3.00 pm: Ċelebrazzjoni tal-Passjoni ta’ Sidna Gesu`Kristu fis-sala taċ-Ċentru. Is-Sibt Qaddis 20 ta’ April: Fit-8.00pm fis-sala taċ-Ċentru issir quddiesa waħda BISS, dik magħrufa bħala l-Vigil Mass. Ic-Centru jiftaħ ir-Ristorant għall-ikel fl-4.30pm. Ħadd-il Għid 21 ta’ April: Fl-10.15 am: Issir il-quddiesa fissala taċ-Ċentru, filwaqt li wara tinħareġ il-purċissjoni bil-vara tal-Irxort fost id-daqq tal-marci. Kulħadd hu mistieden u mħeġġeġ li jġib it-tfal miegħu.

MSSP Maltese Chaplaincy Sydney Progamm tal-Għid:

L-Erbgħa 10, il-Hamis 11 u l-Ġimgħa 12 ta’ April (10.30 am): Eżerċizzi spiritwali fil-parroċċa ta’ Our Lady Queen of Peace Greystanes. Jipriedka Fr Lonnie Borg MSSP. Issir quddiesa, priedka u barka sagramentali. L-Erbgħa 10, il-Ħamis 11 ta’ April (6.00pm): Eżerċizzi spiritwali fil-parroċċa ta’ Horsley Park Our Lady of Victories. Jippriedka Fr Lonnie Borg MSSP. Ikun hemm quddiesa, priedka u barka sagramentali.

Il-Kommemorazzjoni tad-Duluri ta’ Marija Santissma

Il-Ġimgħa 12 ta’ April (7.00pm): Fil-kappella ta’ San Pawl De Prio House Stanely Street Sydney, quddiesa b’tifkira tad-Duluri ta’ Maria Santissma. Il-komunita` hi mħeġġa tattendi għal din it-tifkira u għal kull mhu se jiġi organizzat biex tiġi ċċelebrata l-festa talGħid il-Kbir, il-mewt u l-qawmien ta’ Sidna Gesu Kristu.

Good Friday Activities 2019 Our Lady of Victories Parish, Horsley Park

Wednesday 10 to Friday April 12 (6.00pm): Lenten mission in Maltese with Fr John Taliana Friday April 12 (from 7.00pm): The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows begins with a mass, followed by the Stations of the Cross outside and a procession with the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows back into the Church. Friday April 19: Good Friday: Help is greatly needed early in the morning to install outdoor equipment necessary for the procession such as PA systems, lights and barricades. 1.00 pm: Start of Church service. The Church can only hold a certain amount of people, so come early. 2.30pm: The Maltese Cultural Association NSW Choir begins performing traditional dirges and hymns, alternating with Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band which will play funeral marches. 3.00 pm: The procession. All participants should be present by 2.00pm to change and prepare for the procession, rain, hail or shine. There is the possibility that costumes would be available to wear, especially for adults. For more information call Fred Cauchi on 0407 914 051.

STEDINA: Ċelebrazzjoni tal-Għid 2019

(fil-Kappella ta’ San Pawl Mgr De Piro House Stanley Street East Sydney)

Fr Tarcisio Micallef MSSP, iċ-Chaplain tal-Komunita` Maltija ta’ Sydney qed jistieden lill-komunita’ Maltija għaċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet li se ijsiru b’tifkira solenni tal-passjoni, il-mewt u ‘l-qawmien mill-mewt ta’ Sidna Gesu` Kristu.

Il-Hadd 14 ta’ April: Hadd il-Palm: Id-daħla solenni tal-Mulej f’Gerusalemm. Isir it-tberik tal-palm u wara, fl-10 am quddiesa fil-kappella. Il-Hamis 18 ta’ April (7.00 pm): It-tifkira tal-ikla tal-Mulej: Quddiesa solenni. Wara jsiru s-Seba’ Visti tas-Sepulkru. Il-Ġimgħa 19 ta’ April (2.30 pm): Il-Via Sagra. 3.00 pm, il-funzjoni tal-passjoni ta’ Sidna Gesu Kristu. Is-Sibt 20 ta’ April (7.00 pm): Il-funzjoni tas-sahra tal-lejl qaddis, tal-qawmien tal-Mulej mill-imwied. Il-Hadd 21 ta’ April: Il-Jum Qaddis tal-Qawmin tal-Mulej. 9.45 am: quddiesa, tal-Għid Imqaddes. Se jattendu Maltin minn Melbourne li ġejjin għall-okażjoni. Wara kulħadd mistieden għal kikkra kafe`. F’isem is-Socjeta Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl, Fr Tarcisio Micallef, jixtieq l-Għid it-tajjeb lil kulħadd. Jagħti wkoll ħajr lil kull min jattendi għallfunzjonijiet ta’ mat-tul is-sena, l-aktar il-priedki tar-Randan. Għal kull tagħrif: Fr Tarcisio Micallef tel: 9380 8398

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday April 9, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n

MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.

On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)

Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.

SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month

in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips

Join us and make new friends.

Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each

Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.

VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

The Maltese Cultural Association (NSW)

Invites the community to The Way of The Cross in Maltese on Tuesday 16 April @ 7.00pm. at OLQP Church Greystanes NSW Service to be led by Frank Zammit accompanied by the MCA Choir. Afterwards light refreshments served in the Parish Centre. Contact Marisa Previtera 0414 863 123.

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee

Main events for 2019

Sunday June 30: L-Imnarja Sunday October 20: Fete Saturday Nov. 9: Dinner Dance Sunday December 1: Feast

Events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Sports on 2 pages

Tuesday April 9, 2019

Respectable (!) result in defeat against Spain

Malta’s Juan Carlos Corbalan (15) and Kyrian Nwoko in action for Malta against Spain


n the EURO 2020 qualifiers, three days after beating the Faroe Islands by 2-1, at the same venue in front of a sell-out crowd at the National Stadium at Ta’Qali, Malta’s National football team lost 2-0 to mighty Spain. It was a result that on paper at least, could be regarded as a respectable result. On the day Malta lost to two Alvaro Morata goals one on either side of half time. Other than that, despite their dominance throughout the game, the Spanish players’ created very few scoring opportunities and their coaching staff expressed concern for their lack of goals. They had expected a resounding victory with a much more convincing scoreline considering they had set a record of ball possession for the national team in a competitive match, according to Spanish sports daily Marca a whopping 83.5 per cent of the time. Spain also completed 874 passes to the 197 by Malta.

PMESC player Odisho victim of double shooting


arramatta Melita Eagles SC are in mourning after the death of their senior player John Odisho, 25 (above), who was the victim of a brutal double shooting in Sydney's Five Dock on April 2. John, who returned to the Parramatta Eagles, was considered a key signing for the club’s 2019 season. With deep sadness, on behalf of his board, club president David Frendo, shared the devastating news and has offered their heartfelt condolences to John’s family, his friends and to all personnel involved with John during his time at the club.

Coach full praise for Malta players


alta coach Ray Farrugia praised the team’s resilience, determination and its tactical organisation against “one of the best teams in the world,” Spain. He was not surprised with the way the match unfolded. He said, “although we suffered the possession I think tactically we were really good”. Farrugia believed the first goal could have been avoided and pointed out that apart the two goals, Spain didn’t create a lot of chances. “Spain were by far the better team but considering our limitations, we played very well tactically and I’m happy about that,” he said. He admitted there was room for improvement plus the fact that he was introducing more young players. “In the present moment we will suffer a bit until we get them (young players) going and they understand better what we want from them. But the future looks bright.” The coach also said that he was quite happy with the fistness level of the players, which, he said, also reflects positively on the work of the local clubs.

Madison to represent GC at Netball


o the delight of Rosemary Sacco, her granddaughter, Madison Conwell, a young indoor netball player has been chosen to represent Queensland at the U/23 Mixed Nationals to be held on the Gold Coast in May this year. This follows the teenager’s achievement at the Zones competition last October where she represented the Gold Coast. Her fine performance led to her being selected to represent Queensland in the top Under 23 mixed indoor netball team for 2019. It was an extraordinary achievement as she competed against players who are two, three and even four years older than her. After a very busy 2018, this year could be as hectic. However, it will help her to gain more experience and to keep improving in the sport. In May last year Madison first represented Queensland in the Under 19 mixed indoor netball national competition and qualified to represent Australia in October 2018. Madison, who in 2015 had represented Australia in the Under 16s ladies competition, was then selected again to represent Australia in South Africa in the Under 19 mixed indoor netball team. She formed part of the Australian team that won the silver medal at the 6s competition (New Zealand game) where they only lost in the grand final. Madison then competed in the 7s competition (Australian game) where she won a gold medal with her team. No wonder her nanna and,rest of the family and friends are so proud of her. PaulVella

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Sports on 2 pages Bormla claim Regatta victory

Tuesday April 9, 2019

Bormla supporters are all smiles as they celebrate their 12th victory in the Jum il-Ħelsien traditional Regatta at Grand Harbour. On the day they not only won the Shield in the Open event, but also that for Category B. Bormla managed four wins out of the five contested in the open event for a total of 80 points. Senglea followed with 34. Bormla won Category B with 64 points, six more than Senglea. Birżebbuġa won the only women’s race ahead of Senglea.

Photo: DOI 0 Omar Camilleri

Valletta slip and Mixed fortunes for ‘Maltese’ clubs in Victoria the opening 45 minutes. Once the home 4 Pascoe Vale 0 Hibs regain lead GreenfineGully hat-trick from Alex Salmon helped team took the lead on 47 minutes there was


hree matches from the end of the Premier League in Malta Hibernians have regained the top position in the league ladder one point ahead of Valletta after the defending champions dropped five points in their last two outings. They unexpectedly lost to Flaoriana in Rd 22 and then on Sunday were held to a draw by Gzira in the programme’s top match. On their part Hibernians too dropped points in a draw in the previous round against Mosta, Results - Day 23 but on Saturday Valletta v Gzira U 1-1 bounced back by Hibernians v Birkirkara 3-2 beating Birkir- Sliema W. v Qormi 3-2 kara at the death. Ħamrun S v Senglea 2-2 As a result of Balzan v Tarxien 2-0 Birkirkara’s loss, Floriana v Mosta 3-3 Sliema leapfrog- Pieta H. v St Andrews 3-1 ged over them Results - Day 22 into fourth as the Valletta v Floriana 2-0 battle for a Hibernians v Mosta 1-1 fourth-place fin- Gzira U v Pieta 5-2 ish hots up with Birkirkara v Sliema W. 1-0 Ħamrun and Bal- Ħamrun S v Qormi 2-1 zan also retaining Balzan v St Andrews 1-0 interest. 2-2 Tarxien v Senglea

Hyundai A-League Results

Results - Day 24

CC Mariners v Perth G Sydney FC v Melbourne V Adelaide v Wellington P. Melbourne C v Brisbane R. Newcastle J v W. Sydney W

0-3 2-1 3-1 4-1 3-2

Day 23

0-2 Perth G v Melbourne V Brisbane R. v Sydney FC 1-3 CC Mariners v Adelaide 0-1 W. Sydney W v Melbourne C 3-0 Wellington P. v Newcastle J 4-1


Green Gully to their best win so far when they demolished Pascoe Vale 4-0. Gully led at the break through a 26th minute goal from Salmon, and after half-time it was one way traffic with Gully piling on the pressure to score three more three goals from Jordan Hall (56 minutes), and a brace from Salmon (67th & 81 minutes). South Melbourne 1 Green Gully 1 *In the previous match at the John Cain Reserve in Northcote a draw was a fair result. The Greens went ahead on 24 minutes when Alex Salmon, but it didn't take Hellas long to level through Sylaidos (25th minute). The rest of the game was dominated by the respective defences. Back-to-back defeats for GC Clifton Hill 3 George Cross 2 aroline Springs George Cross suffered their second successive defeat, 3-2 to bottom team Clifton Hill. Jake Francis put the Geordies ahead (10th minute) but by the 40th Clifton Hill asserted their superiority to take a 2-1 lead. George Cross levelled before the break from a free-kick by Yuji Kin, but on 56 minutes conceded a soft shot at goal that lost them the game. Sydenham Park 2 George Cross 0 *George Cross lost their first match of the season by going down 2-0 to Sydenham Park. The Georgies had a good first half and were unfortunate not to take the lead in


never any doubt about the result. Sydenham lifted a gear while the Georgies disappeared from the scene. The George Cross defence is quite solid, but the attack is rather toothless.

Comfortable victory after two defeats for Parramatta Eagles


fter two setback, a 3-1 away loss to Stanmore Hawks FC in Round 4 and then bowing out 2-1 in midweek in the FFA Cup to fellow NPL3 club SD Raiders FC, Parramatta Melita Eagles managed a very positive result last Saturday beating Western NSW Mariners FC at Bathurst by 5-2. A minute’s silence was observed in memory of Eagles player, John Odisho, who tragically lost his life earlier in the week at the age of only 25 (see page 23). It wasn’t the best of starts for Parramatta, when the home side took the lead after 10 minutes, but they levelled the score 10 minutes later through Ahmad Elrich, and then added two more through Victor Anyimba (26th minute), Yasser Al-Taay (36th) for a 3-1 lead at the interval. The losers reduced the arrears form a penalty after half time. The Eagles piled on the pressure from then on and scored two more goals through Anyimba (69th), and to the delight of the small group of Eagles supporters, who travelled two and a half hours to this match substitute Zac Watters wrapped up the scoring with an overhead kick.

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