The Voice of the Maltese No. 200

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The Voice of the Maltese



March 26, 2019

((driven driven by by the the voice voice of of its its readers readers))

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 26, 2019 Then Prime Minister Dom Mintoff walks up to the Freedom Monument at Vittoriosa on March 31,1979 to light the flame

Malta to celebrate 40th Anniversary of Jum il-Ħelsien


alta will be celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Jum ilĦelsien (Freedom Day), one of the island’s five national holiday celebrated annually on March 31. This is the anniversary of the withdrawal of British troops from Malta in 1979 marking the day when Malta ceased being a British colony it had becomewith the Treaty of Paris in 1814. For 165 years, through cycles of war and peace, Malta's fortunes were inextricably linked to those of Britain. This ceased eight years after the Labour Party took office, as on taking power in 1971, the government led by Dom Mintoff indicated it wanted to re-negotiate the lease agreement with the United Kingdom. Following protracted and sometimes tense talks, a new agreement was signed whereby the lease was extended till the end of March 1979 at a vastly increased rent. Then on March 31 1979 the last British troops with-

drew from Malta and for the first time in a millennium, Malta was no longer a military base for a foreign power. The Maltese had already acquired Independence from the British on 21st September 1964, but British forces still retained a presence in Malta, until Freedom Day that is, when Malta became independent de facto. From March 31, 1979 the island belonged entirely to the Maltese. There was no more foreign occupation, no more foreign power, foreign military or a foreign naval base. The Islands remained part of the British Commonwealth. Every year, the official activities commemorating this date revolve around the Freedom Day Monument at Birgu (Vittoriosa), which is dedicated to this occasion, and at the War Memorial in Floriana. On the morning of the actual Day, March 31, the President of Malta the Prime Minister and the Leaeder of the

March 31, 197 9: the end o and a d f an era; a destiny y with a British s the withdra troops w from Malta

Opposition pay tribute on the monument by laying wreaths to mark the end of British rule. Band marches are held at Cottonera and the President inspects a guard of honour. Traditionally, at 12.30 p.m. the Grand Harbour hosts a competitive regatta. In fact this holiday is also often synonymous with this traditional regatta in which many teams from towns with shores overflow on the Grand Harbour go head-to-head for the Regatta Shield. Three days earlier, on March 28, the Prime Minister delivers a commemorative speech and leaders of the Labour Party, society and unions lay wreaths at the foot of the monument. The activities are always very well attended and this year’s celebrations marking the 40th Anniversary that are being organised over a number of days are bound to attract even bigger crowds. In fact celebrations leading to the day have already begun in a number of localities.

Tuesday March 26, 2019


The Voice of the Maltese 3

his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of Q. I am a pensioner, aged 76. I am finding it quite hard to make ends the Maltese in which Marie Louise Muscat from meet financially. I was considering a reverse mortgage but I was advised to subdivide the land of my residential home and sell that half. the Fiducian Financial Services helps our readers This would release around $350,000, which would be very useful. My understand the complexities associated with financoncern is whether I will have to pay any capital gains tax if I did cial planning. If you need more advice send an email to Marie Louise via: this. A. . If you were to subdivide your block of to pay 9.5% superanland this will create two titles and you nuation contributions would have capital gains on the land you on your behalf. They will be selling, as it will no longer be part may have opened a of your residential home. However, super fund on your whether you pay capital gains tax or not behalf and using the depends on when you originally purchased super fund that their your property. If this was before 20 Sep- company is using. tember 1985 then you purchased pre cap- You should ask them ital gains tax and thus you would have no which superannuacapital gains tax to pay. tion fund are they If the property was purchased after this using and what allodate then even though it is your residential cation have they chohome, on the block of land which will be sen. These should all on a separate title you will have capital be part of your workgains tax to pay. The amount of tax that ing conditions and you will have to pay will be one half the you are entitled to know all this. invest up to $300,000 into superannuacapital gain, which will be treated as taxtion. So in your case not only can you reable income and you will have to pay tax Q. I am in the process of withdrawing place the $120,000 but increase it by up on this amount at your marginal tax rate. $120,000 from my account-based pen- to $300,000. This will not be added to sion to renovate my house before I sell your existing account based pension but Q. I am a university student and have it. My son believes that I should double you would need to start a second acfound a part-time job on the weekends. the value for my home once this is count-based pension. I am earning $200 per week and have done. My concern is will I be able to reDo not try to merge the two income been there three weeks already. Am I en- place this money into super from the streams as your original account based titled to superannuation contributions proceeds once I sell the house as I am pension may have conditions that have by my employer, as they have not men- now 73 years old and not working? been grandfathered and not offered to tioned anything concerning superannunew account based pensions. ation? A. A new law came out on 1 July 2018 that if one downsized his or her residen- Q. My father is 82 years of age and A. Yes, as you are earning more than tial home in retirement, whatever their needs to go into an aged care facility. $450 per month your employer is obliged age and working conditions are, they can We have found two homes which will be ideal for him. One home is asking for a refundable accommodation deposit of $550,000 while the other is only asking for $400,000. We are selling his home for $800,000 and he does not have much else apart from his home. Which option would be most advantageous for him?


A. . If you opted to pay the higher refundable accommodation deposit (RAD) your father will be left with $250,000 and he will be treated as a non-homeowner and thus will maintain most of the age pension. If you went for the lower RAD than he will be left with $400,000 and will probably lose a part of the age pension as his pension will be calculated on the Income Test but he could always invest the extra funds which will make up for the loss of pension. He may also have to pay a means tested fee if he is left with the $400,000. You could ask the homes to give you the calculations of what care and accommodation fees he will have to pay and then decide once you get these calculations. . This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Something magical happens each time you enter these city walls. Architectural excellence captivates your visual senses, as every step leads to a landmark of historical value. Walls and pavements that line the grid of narrow streets whisper secrets and mystics to passersby, whilst the air fills up with modern art, live music, and an array of celebrations. The Unesco World Heritage Site could perhaps best be described as a place where history meets the present; where every explorer can find something they love. How will your Valletta story unfold?

Dreams of re-awakening the Maltese identity

Tuesday March 26, 2019



ario Farrugia Borg, the new Consul General for Malta who took up his appointment in January believes that “a consular mission in Melbourne is not like missions in most other countries, for the apparent reason that there is a vast Maltese community in the state of Victoria with their needs for passports, citizenship certificates, powers of attorney, etc., He told The Voice, that the Maltese community is very well structured and active, and its needs must be met. “I love what I do, its a challenge I enjoy.” Mario Farrugia Borg, 48, was born is Malta on July 11, 1970. He hails from the village of Qormi and as most kids on the island, he first took his education at the Qormi Primary School and later attended secondary education at the Liceo Vassalli, also in Qormi and then tertiary education at the Lyceum in Msida. Mario began his working career in 1989 when at age 19 he joined the financial sector at a commercial bank in Malta where he specialised in foreign currency and money transfers before moving to the fund management section. He quit banking in 2012 to join the Maltese civil service. Later he was asked by the newly appointed Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat to join his Private Secretariat, where he stayed for five years. In 2018 Mario Borg served for a short period at the Identity Malta Agency before being seconded to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion. On January 17 this year, he was appointed by the Maltese government to serve in the Diplomatic Corps as Consul General for Victoria, Australia. For a number of years Mario Farrugia Borg was also active in Maltese politics and in 1997 was elected to form part of the Qormi Local Council. In 2004 he also contested the European Parliamentary elections. Before his appointment in Victoria, Malta had already visited Australia on a number of occasions. His first of nine such visits was in February 1989 when he was still only 18, almost thirty years to the day. He told The Voice of the Maltese that he always loved Australia. Like so many other Maltese he too has family living in Melbourne. “Australia was always a household name at home; we spoke of Australia with a certain affection as the country where our loved ones have settled,” Mario said. Mario Farrugia Borg had never worked in the diplomatic field before his current appointment. However, before arriving in Melbourne he already had a good idea of what to expect. He made it a point to thank his most recent predecessors in

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Those selected for the Personality of the Month feature in The Voice magazine provide the fuel that drives the ambition of our Maltese community. They are chosen because of their grassroots involvement, their contribution, and their dedication. This month we have as well a first, a representative from our consular corps from the prominent state of Victoria. This popular monthly feature reflects our ultimate ambition, to be driven by the voice of our readers. Today we focus on...

Victoria, Mr Victor Grech and Ms Joanna Pisani, who, he said, both briefed him very well about the Consulate in Melbourne. He is the seventh Consul-General for Victoria. In Melbourne Mario lives with his partner, Joanne, and four kids, Adam, Mariam, Sara and Grace As a newcomer to our community, he no doubt has noticed that the first generation of Maltese who immigrated into Australia from Malta is getting old. He said, “The second and third generations of Maltese are born here, and while it is understood that they do not, and cannot have the same bond with Malta that the first generation has, it is very worrying to see that there is very little interest in most things Maltese, even the language. Mario is a firm believer in integration, but not assimilation. “The Maltese here need to integrate because this is the country that has offered them a future and a good life; but not to the point of losing their identity altogether. “What makes us Maltese? It is our traditions, our culture, and our language. If we lose these, we would have lost our identity altogether. “During my term here I would really love to contribute towards a re-awakening of the Maltese identity in Australia. That is my dream,” the Consul General concluded.

L-imwiet tat-trabi: Kienet xena komuni fl-imgħoddi

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 26, 2019


llum il-ġuranta qajla tisma’ b’xi mewt ta’ tarbija. Ma ngħidx li ma jsirux iżda għallgrazzja t’Alla, ftit u ftit wisq. Daż-żmien meta tmut tarbija kważi tkun aħbar u xi drabi anke ssir inkjesta bil-maġistrat biex jinstab lgħaliex. Mhux hekk fl-imgħoddi. Niftakar li meta kont tistaqsi lill-familji Maltin kemm għandhom ulied, ħafna kienu wkoll jinkludi malħajjin kemm kien ikollhom ukoll mejtin. Donnu li ma kienx hemm familja Maltija li ma tgħaddietx minn dan il-martirju. Li tara wild ġdid fil-ħajja u f’ħoġrok jieħu laħħar nifsijiet dejjem kienet titqies bħala traġedja kbira u mhux biss ta’ niket. Ara kemm kienu jsofru l-familji Maltin. F’dawn iċ-ċirkustanzi l-ewwel ma kien jiġi f’moħħ il-ġenituri kien li t-tarbija titgħammed malajr kemm jista’ jkun għax inkella jekk tmut bla magħmudija tmur il-limbu! Il-mewt tat-trabi fl-imgħoddi kienet isseħħ għal għadd ta’ raġunijiet. Kien hemm forsi n-nuqqas ta’ iġjene jew nuqqas ta’ mediċini tajba. Li żgur hu li fl-imgħoddi kien hemm nuqqas kbir ta’ tagħlim li jasal għand l-ommijiet. Għaldaqstant ftit li xejn kienu jkunu mħejjija għat-twelid ta’ wild ġdid. Kien ikun hemm ħafna ommijiet jemmnu fis-superstizzjoni u jekk jaraw xi tarbija qribhom li tkun b’xi diżabilità kienu jagħmlu l-qrun fuq żaqqhom. Iżda l-essenzjal kif tieħu ħsieb il-ġuf u dak ta’ ġo fih kien għadu ’l bogħod filħsibijiet tagħhom. Żgur li ħafna jiftakru superstizzjoni popolari oħra marbuta mat-tqala. Fosthom li jekk l-omm tkun tixtieq xi ħaġa mhux tas-soltu, il-qraba tagħha kienu jagħmlu minn kollox biex jikkuntentawha għax jaħsbu li din ix-xewqa tista’ tissarraf f’xi tebgħa fuq ġisem it-tarbija. Każ popolari ħafna hu x-xewqa għall-frawla fl-eqqel taxxitwa … xi problema għall-missier! Minn fejn se jsib din ilfrawla f’Diċembru! Illum forsi ssib xi waħda li għadha kemm tieħu kulur f’xi serra tal-frawli iżda mhux flimgħoddi. Din ix-xewqa kienet tibqa’ ddur fin-nervituri tal-moħħ u meta t-tarbija titwieled, jekk l-omm kienet tara xi tebgħa żgħira kienet tgħid li għax xtaqet frawla u ma sabithiex. Affarijiet tad-dinja l-oħra!

PeterPaulCiantar Insomma, fejn tidħol is-superstizzjoni marbuta ma’ dan is-suġġett tal-omm waqt it-tqala, l-ommijiet tagħna talimgħoddi kienu minn ta’ quddiem. Imma mbagħad dak li kien l-essenzjal għat-twelid ta’ tarbija ġdida ftit jew xejn kienu jafu dwaru! Lura għas-suġġett tal-imwiet tat-trabi. Meta kienet tmut xi tarbija, is-sagristan tal-parroċċa kien ikun l-ewwel li jiġi mgħarraf. Imbagħad dan, għan-nom tal-familja li tkun għadha taħt xokk kbir, kien imur għand il-mastrudaxxa jordna tebut ċkejken abjad. Wara s-sagristan kien jagħżel erba’ subien (ta’ xi tmien jew disa’ snin) biex jerfgħu t-tebut. Għall-funeral kienu jilbsu l-libsa bajda u b’xemgħa f’idejhom b’ċoff abjad marbut magħha. Kien ikollhom ukoll xalpa bajda minn fuq spallithom tal-lemin għall-ġenb tax-xellug. Mal-id l-oħra kien ikollhom imdawra faxxa bajda li kienet tgħaddi minn taħt it-tebut minn ċappetta għal oħra biex ittebut ma jiżoloqx waqt il-ġarr. It-tfal ta’ dan is-servizz kienu jingħataw xi ħaġa tal-flus u x-xemgħa. Din tal-flus kienet togħġobhom għax bihom setgħu jmorru jixtru xi gandlier jew xi appostlu tat-tafal għal xi knisja ċkejkna tagħhom. Għall-funeral tat-trabi ġeneralment kien jattendi qassis wieħed u abbati bis-sassla tal-ilma mbierek u kurċifiss. Wara t-tebut kien jimxi l-missier u ħut it-tarbija. L-omm qatt ma kienet tieħu sehem fil-funeral li matulu kienet tindaqq il-Frejħa, kif kienet magħrufa l-qanpiena żgħira talparroċċa. Il-Frejħa kienet tkun l-iżgħar qanpiena fost is-sett kollu tal-qniepen. Il-ħoss tagħha kien jinstema’ ta’ sikwit, Naħseb li llum (u m’nalla) jew iġġammjat jew tneħħiet mis-sett ħalli tagħmel wisa’ għal xi qanpiena oħra festiva. Il-Frejħa kienet tindaqq ukoll mill-knejjes jew kappelli l-oħra waqt li jkun għaddej il-funeral tat-tarbija. Biex isabbru ’l-omm meta tmut tarbija, il-ġirien kienu jgħidulha, “dak qiegħed il-ġenna żgur” ... aħna ma nafux. Jew inkella, “dak qiegħed jitlob għalik u għal missieru u ħutu”, jew “għandek anġlu fis-sema - għandek biex tifraħ”. Mur sabbarha lil dik l-omm wara dik it-tbatija kollha biex ġabet it-tarbija fid-dinja! Fl-imgħoddi l-funeral tat-trabi kien isir mid-dar sal-knisja, inkella safejn kien ikun il-karru li jwassal it-tebut saċċimiterju. Dari t-twiebet tal-mejtin kienu jinġarru bil-karru miġbud miż-żwiemel. Iżda l-karru tat-trabi kien ikun differenti wieħed iżgħar u kien ikun abjad. Kien ikun imżejjen kollu anġli tal-kartapesta, u quddiemu kien jimxi l-karozzin bilqassis u l-abbati. Kien xenarju Malti li ta’ spiss kont tara f’Malta fis-snin limgħoddija.

In defence of our Sunday national TV programme

Tuesday March 26, 2019


his is not social media; this is not an echo chamber. This is the Maltese Sunday morning national SBSTV programme. SBSTV has hailed the Maltese programme as one of the most watched programmes on World Watch. It has, however, a long history of hiccups. Before the current satellite transmission, it was forwarded from Malta to SBSTV via post. Many times the programme on Sunday was either overlooked or did not reach the SBSTV offices in Sydney on time. One side used to blame the other. The viewers were frustrated. Protests were organised, and eventually satellite transmission between the two stations was introduced. Even with the latest technology, there are times, thanks haven very rarely, that we switch to our Sunday Maltese TV programme and nothing happens. One such occasion was on Sunday March 3 this year. Many are angry and upset, but few take it further. Marisa Previtera, Community Worker at the Maltese Community Council of NSW, is action-oriented and has written to the SBSTV Audience Relations at demanding an explanation. This is what they said by way of a reply: Thanks Thanksfor forgetting gettinginintouch. touch. Unfortunately, reach us Unfortunately,sometimes sometimesour ourinternational internationalnews newsprogrammes programmesdodonot not reach inustime for their broadcast schedule as they are sent day they to go air. in time for their broadcast schedule as they are the sentsame the same day go they As as long we receive the news time,onwetime, willwe broadcast it. If weit.doIfnot, we to long air. As as we receive theonnews will broadcast we do will to on demand soon asasitsoon becomes to us. to us. not,upload we willit upload it to onas demand as it available becomes available You cancatch catch up up here - news When Whenthe thenews newsisisnot notreceived receivedinintime, time,there therewill willbebea anotice noticeatatthe thebeginning beginningof the timetime slot,slot, andand a replacement news segment from a different origin will of the a replacement news segment from a different origin willbe played in its be played inplace. its place. The very worrying sentence here is that our Sunday programme can be easily shoved to “on demand” denying the viewers that are not Internet literate with their only visual contact with Malta on national TV. This time The Voice of the Maltese did contact SBSTV as we always do on such cases. However, Ms Previtera’s action is commendable and worth reporting.

The Voice of the Maltese 7

George Vella to be sworn in as 10th President April 4


r George Vella is to be sworn in as the 10th President of the Republic of Malta on April 4, that is two days after his nomination would be put to a vote in a special Parliamentary sitting to be convened on April 2. MPs from both the government side that made the nomination, and the Opposition that has said it would be supporting it would be voting unanimously in favour of the nomination. The motion is to be debated on April 2 is to be tabled by the Prime Minister who will also propose another motion of thanks to outgoing President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca whose term ends on the day that Dr. Vella would be sworn in. The nine previous Presidents of the Republic have been Sir Anthony Mamo (13 Dec. 1974 – 27 Dec. 1976) Anton Buttiġieġ (27 Dec. 1976 – 27 Dec. 1981) Agatha Barbara (15 Feb. 1982 – 17 Feb 1987) Censu Tabone (4 April 1989 – 4 April 1989) Ugo Mifsud Bonnici (4 April 1989 – 4 April 1999) Guido Demarco (4 April 1999 – 4 April 2004) Eddie Fenech Adami (4 April 2004 – 4 April 2009) George Abela (4 April 2009 – 4 April 2014) Marie-Louise Colerio Preca (4 April 2014 – Ends April 4 2019)

Further improvements to Maltese Monument at Pendle Hill


The roofed pergola at the Pendle Hill Civic Park. Below: the pergola with the monument in the background before the latest improvement

his year marks the 100 years since the 7th June 1919 uprising in Malta (known as Sette Giugno). It is a milestone in Maltese history that in 1989 was declared as a national day. The Maltese Community Council of NSW also commemorates the anniversary annually at the Maltese Bi-Centennial Monument at Civic Park Pendle Hill. During the years, thanks to the Cumberland Council previously know as Holroyd Council, there have been many improvements around this monument that is dedicated to the history of the settlement of the Maltese community in Australia. The pergola has now been roofed (as indicated in the photo). It is a much-needed renovation as previously inclement weather used to interrupt the event to the annoyance of those attending. Preparations are said to be in progress for a special event marking the 100th Anniversary of the historical event, so keep following The Voice.

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly tnightly magazine magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name and e-mail address of the writer and be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Congratulations and thank you


Michael Borg from Parramatta writes:

think I would be joining thousands of readers in expressing my congratulations to The Voice of the Maltese for reaching the 200th publication. I also wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for the way you keep managing to keep us readers, in particular, those living far from our homeland, Malta, and especially the Maltese living abroad abreast of what is happening in Malta and around the Maltese communities. Each and every issue gives my family and my friends the topics that we dearly love to talk about, primarily concerning our beloved Malta. Since the demise of The Maltese Herald, there had been attempts by some individuals and even some associations to replace

Kannoli bla krema


Joe Ciantar minn The Entrance, NSW jikteb: c-cittadini Maltin ukoll huma cittadini tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Iżda mhux kull cittadini Ewropew għandu l-istess importanza. Dawk tal-Ewropa li jinsabu l-Awstralja huma kannoli bla krema ghax m’għandhomx jedd għall-vot fl-elezzjoni jiet tal-MEPs f’Mejju. M’hemmx skuża li dawn jistgħu ixekklu l-pendlu kif jista’ jigri fl-elezzjonijiet Maltin. Allura għaliex ma’għandniex vot? Nittama li did-darba wħud mill-MEPs ilgodda li jigu eletti, minflok ma jmorru jħammġu isem Malta barra l-pajjiż (u jaqilgħu paga enormi jekk mhux eseġerata) jidhlu f’din il-problema għax bilftaħir tal-UE dwar drittijiet tal-bniedem, liġijiet ugwali, is-saltna tad-dritt, eċċ, qed iħallu miljun bla dritt tal-vot. Din ipokrezija grassa.

it. Some just managed it for a couple of issues but they either failed to last the distance or were, and to a certain point have not been able to hide their agenda, which in some instances only helps to divide instead of uniting the community. Thanks to The Voice, many of my friends and a number of relatives, which I have a great number of in Australia, and also in Canada, have visited Malta to see for themselves the progress our little island has made in recent years. By just reporting the facts you are certainly doing a great service to the readers in countries so far away from Malta, but also to Malta itself. I also wish to thank those correspondents who contribute so much with their advice and their articles that enrich this magazine, that in such a short time has established itself as the best publication directed in particular at the Maltese community in Australia.

Grazzi mill-qalb


Josh Caruana minn Rockingham, WA jikteb: itlob iċ-ċans li nifraħ lill-magazine tagħna l-Maltin, l-aktar dawk li ngħixu fl-Awstralja, l-awguri f’għeluq il-200 ħarġa tiegħu. Nagħti wkoll ħajr minn qalbi lil dawk kollha li b’xi mod jikkontribwixxu biex din ir-rivista tikseb livell daqstant għoli, tant li ħafna żgur jaqblu miegħi li bħal donnu li ġabet arja ġdida fostna. L-artikli li minn ħarġa għall-oħra jiġu ppubblikati jgħinu lilna l-Maltin li kemm jista’ jkun nersqu lejn il-pajjiż għażiż tagħna, Malta. L-artikli ta’ stoffa li ta’ kull darba jiġu ppubblikati, kemm jekk ta’ tagħrif ġenerali u xi stejjer umani, jagħtu wieħed x’jifhem li mn’alla għandna din ir-rivista biex aħna lMaltin nersqu aktar qrib Malta. Jinteressawni ħafna wkoll il-kitbiet bilMalti. Iġedduli l-memorji ta’ tfuliti meta tant kont (u għadni) inħobb l-ilsien Malti. Permezz t’hekk ittuni ċ–cans, li nkompli nipprattika l-Malti f’pajjiż fejn l-ilsien Ingliż hu predominanti, u wkoll li b’xi mod ngħin lil ulied uliedi li jsiru midħla tiegħu. Grazzi u j’alla tibqgħu żżommu l-livell tant għoli tal-kitbiet li toffrulna.

Għall-attenzjoni tal-qarrejja

Il-qarrejja li jixtiequ juru l-fehmiet tagħhom dwar xi suġġett huma mħeġġa jagħmlu dan, u li ma jħallux għall-aħħar. Indirizzaw l-emails lil L-ttri għall-pubblikazzjoni indikawhom: Letters to the editor.

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Slaughter by appointment After the massacre at New Zealand ...


fter the horrific terrorist attacks in Christchurch New Zealand on Saturday March 16 targeting mosques that left 50 people dead and anotehr 50 injured, Waleed Aly, a 40year-old Australian writer, television presenter and university lecturer who was born in Melbourne to Egyptian parents, released a video in which he spoke of the need to come together, and criticised those who have previously “demonised particular groups”. The prominent Muslim academic, journalist, commentator and broadcaster and the star on The Project on Channel 10 talked to his audience about his views on the attack. He said that the attack did not shock him – it made him feel “gutted and devastated, but not shocked”. “These won’t be my best words. Of all the things, I could say, that I’m gutted and I’m scared and I feel overcome with utter hopelessness, the most dishonest thing would be to say that I’m shocked. There is nothing about Christchurch that shocks me.” Aly said he wasn’t shocked when six people were shot to death at a Quebec mosque two years ago, or when a man drove a van into a London mosque six months later. And I wasn’t shocked when 11 Jews were shot dead in a Pittsburgh synagogue late last year, or when nine Christians were killed at a church in Charleston.” The attacks in Christchurch — in which an Australian man opened fire on two mosques, which he live streamed on social media — “has been coming”, Aly said. He said went to a Melbourne mosque, as he does every Friday, and knew what those in Christchurch would have felt in the moments prior. “I know how quiet, how still, how introspective those people would’ve been before they were suddenly gunned down. How separated from the world they would’ve been feeling until the world comes in and tore their lives apart. Aly said the gunman, whom Prime Minister Scott Morrison described as an “extremist right-wing terrorist”, had deliberately picked that moment, knowing his victims would be helpless. “This was slaughter by appointment,” Aly said. That’s what made it scary because he and other Muslims would not stop going to mosques to worship. “It feels like fish in a barrel,” he said. Aly spoke about reading the gunman’s manifesto that was shared online before his attacks. He then appeared to read excerpts from it, attacking Islam as a religion of violence and saying that those who are Muslim should expect violence against them. “How do those words sound when I tell you they weren’t part of the manifesto? They were published (on Friday), after the attacks, on an Australian parliament letterhead,” he said although he did not mention him by name. The remarks in fact were those of Senator Fraser Anning released in the wake of the attack, which have been roundly condemned since. Senator Anning has refused to apologise and even doubled down on the sentiments, which essentially blamed Muslim people for the attacks. Aly went on to say that while he appreciated the words our leaders have said, and in particular Scott Morrison’s comments and preparedness to call this terrorism, at the same time, he also recounted how Australian leaders have spoken of Muslims and immigrants in the past. “Don’t change your tune now because the terrorism seems to be coming from a white supremacist. If you’ve been talking about being tough on terrorism for

The Voice of the Maltese 9

years, and (on) the communities who allegedly support it, show us how tough you are now. “Now, now we together. come Now we understand this is not a game. Terrorism doesn’t choose its victims selectively. We are one comWaleed Aly ... gutted but not shocked munity. to tear people apart, demonise partictry to say we “Everything ular groups, set them against each other, that all have consequences, even if we’re not the ones with our fingers on the trigger.” Aly’s powerful five-minute address was aimed at driving home the point that “terrorism doesn’t choose its victims selectively,” and that targeting all Muslims for the acts of terrorists is incorrect because they are as affected by the violence as any other community.

10 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday March 26, 2019

A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: https://ivancauchi.

Iċ-ċensura tal-midja soċjali


kitba ta’


llum qed nikteb dwar suġġett puttost diffiċli. Mill-inqas pjattaforma waħda jidher li ma kellha l-ebda intenLi ġiegħlni naħseb fuqu kien l-attakk orribbli li għadu kif zjoni li tikkoopera.2 sar fi Christchurch ta’ New Zealand, fejn terrorista Awstraljan Il-Prim Ministru Awstraljan Scott Morrison stqarr li jixtieq lil hu allegat li daħal f’żewġ moskej tal-belt u spara lejn il- mexxejja oħra tad-dinja jiddiskutu kif jistgħu jagħmlu pressjoni miġemgħat li kien hemm. Spiċċaw mietu ħamsin ruħ, u jidher li fuq l-organizzazzjonijiet tal-midja soċjali biex vidjos simili ma t-terrorista kellu l-ħsieb li jaħsad iktar ħajjiet li kieku ma kienx jiġux imqassma. imwaqqaf u arrestat mill-pulizija. Kompla li jixtieq li dawn l-organizzazzjonijiet ikollhom sistemi L-allegat terrorista kien supremaċista awtomatiċi li jindunaw bi, u ma jipabjad li qabel ma beda l-maltempata permettux kontenut mimli mibegħda. mdemmija viljakka tiegħu, bagħat Din hija intenzjoni li diffiċli li ma manifest mimli bil-mibegħda kontra ltaqbilx magħha, sakemm m’intix immigranti lill-uffiċċju tal-Prim Minsupremaċista abjad, tobgħod lill-imistru ta’ New Zealand Jacinda Adern u migranti jew xi grupp etniku jew relil diversi organizzazzjonijiet tal-midja. liġjuż u/jew tissimpatizza xi ftit jew Beda wkoll juri l-atti tal-qtil tiegħu dak wisq ma’ dawn il-veduti. il-ħin stess fuq il-pjattaforma Facebook Jien m’iniex minn dawn tal-aħħar, Live. madankollu għandi biża’ wieħed jekk Armamenti kellu diversi, inkluż dawn l-intenzjonijiet fil-fatt jissarrfu wieħed li deher imnaqqax b’riferenza f’realtà, jiġifieri li kumpanniji bħal għall-Assedju l-Kbir ta’ Malta talFacebook, Twitter u oħrajn ikollhom 1565, fejn il-popolazzjoni Maltija u sistemi aħjar biex jiffiltraw ‘il barra l-Kavallieri ta’ San Ġwann kienu Il-Prim Ministru Jacinda Ardern liebsa l-ħiġab kontenut oġġezzjonabbli. biex issabbar l-uġiegħ tal-familji tal-vittmi ħarġu rrabattew l-invażjoni tal-qawIl-biża’ tiegħi hi li gvern wieħed wiet Musulmani Ottomani.1 jista’ jiddefinixxi li kontenut makabru bħal dak li iffaċċjat id-dinja Dan l-att ħasad lil ħafna nies madwar id-dinja, u xi mexxejja fi New Zealand jiġi mwaqqaf minn dawn is-sistemi awtomatiċi, tad-dinja qiegħdin jiddiskutu kif sejrin jirrispondu. u gvern ieħor ta’ pajjiż ieħor jiddeċiedi li kontenut politiku li ma Jacinda Adern għandha l-ammirazzjoni tiegħi għall-kumpas- jaqbilx miegħu huwa oġġezzjonabbli u għandu jiġi mwaqqaf. sjoni li wriet lill-familjari tal-vittmi, fejn marret biex issabbar u Fi kliem ieħor, nara li se jerġa’ jqum il-kunflitt bejn dawk li tisma’ l-uġiegħ tagħhom, waqt li daħlet magħhom bħala waħda jemmnu fil-libertà assoluta tal-espressjoni u dawk li jemmnu fiċminnhom u anke libset il-ħiġab bħala turija ta’ solidarjetà. ċensura f’ċerti ċirkostanzi. Din l-attitudni hija l-oppost ta’ dik murija mill-membru tal-parNammetti li din mhijiex kwestjoni faċli. Naċċetta l-argument li lament Awstraljan Pauline Hanson li xi snin ilu kienet libset il- għandu jkun hemm limiti għal-libertà tal-espressjoni fejn ikun burka fis-Senat Awstraljan b’turija ta’ disprezz lejn it-twemmin hemm xeni makabri, jew ikun hemm min iħajjar xi tip ta’ vjolenza Islamiku. kontra individwi jew komunitajiet, basta dawn il-limiti jiġu deAdern jidher li beħsiebha tiggwida lill-gvern jieħu żewġ passi finiti u maqbula, fil-każ universali tal-internet, bejn kemm jista’ sinjifikanti bħala reazzjoni għal dan l-agħar attakk terroristiku li jkun pajjiżi. Naturalment, dan mhux se jwaqqaf lil xi pajjiż jew sar f’pajjiżha. L-ewwel hu li jiġu proposti restrizzjonijiet ġodda ieħor li jġebbed din id-definizzjoni ‘l hawn jew ‘l hemm. fil-liġijiet tax-xiri tal-armamenti fil-pajjiż, għax il-liġijiet f’dan Nistenna d-diskussjoni li għad tqum dwar dan is-suġġett b’mhux il-qasam jitqiesu li huma laxki bħal ma huma dawk fl-Istati Uniti ftit ta’ tħassib. tal-Amerika. Fil-fatt, l-armamenti tal-allegat qattiel kollha kienu Referenzi nxtraw legalment fil-pajjiż. It-tieni pass huwa l-insistenza ma’ Facebook u pjattaformi 1.ħda oħra tal-internet biex jitneħħew kopji tal-vidjos tal-qtil u written-on-mosque-massacre-gunmansretrieved 19/3/2019 derivazzjonijiet tagħhom. Fil-fatt, fl-ewwel 24 siegħa wara l-at- rifle.704621, 2., Facebook kien diġà neħħa 1.5 miljun kopja tal-vidjos, u christchurch-shooting-video-sheryl-sandberg/10915184, retrieved 19/3/2019 kien baqa’ ħafna xogħol xi jsir.

Janvil b’wirjiet spettakulari kull fejn mar fl-Awstralja

Tuesday March 26, 2019

The Voice of the Maltese 11


għti vuċi tajba lil żeffien u tkun ħloqt showman jew entertainer. Ian James Vella li jidher fuq ilpalk bħala Janvil jaqa’ taħt din il-kategorija. Flewwel żara tiegħu fl-Awstralja li ħaditu f’Perth, Western Australia, Brisbane, Queensland, Gringila u Wentworthville fi NSW gie kklasifikat bħala wieħed millaqwa li qatt ġew fostna. Fli Starlight Room fil-Leagues Club f’Wentwothville NSW quddiem l-ikbar folla fl-Awstralja żamm lill-udjenza mhux biss ferħana tiddeverti bil-ħafna kanzunetti li kanta izda rnexxielu wkoll idaħħalhom f’kull ma ppreżenta. Għal kważi sagħtejn-u-kwart kanta u żifen biex spikkat il-personalita’ tiegħu ta’ kantant bla pretenzjonijiet żejda. Il-parteċipazzjoni tal-udjenza kienet dejjem il-mira tiegħu. Janvil tant seraq l-ammirazzjoni tan-nisa li bħala cajta l-irġiel bdew petizzjoni biex jixtrulu ċinturin għax kellu diffikulta jzomm il-qalziet milli jiżloqlu. Fil-fatt rajna mhux biss ix-show ta’ Janvil iżda wkoll dak spettakolari ta’ Ian u Tracey Saliba. Il-kantanta żagħżugħa minn South Australia, minbarra li kantat weħida qasmet ukoll ma’ Ian ħafna kanzunetti u saħħret lill-udjenza bħala forsi l-aqwa kantanta mara Maltija li għandna bħalissa fl-Awstralja. Kien kapulavur ieħor għall-Għaqda Kulturali Maltija ta’ NSW li bil-għajnuna ta’ George Vella ta’ Breakaway Travel ta’ Blacktown irnexxielhom iġbulna artist ieħor ta’ kalibru għoli minn Malta. Maria Previtera kienet flaqwa tagħha bħala MC u żammet il-lejla miexja b’ordni. F’Sydney, Ian James Vella żar ukoll il-Maltese Resource Centre f’Parramatta West fejn kellu riċeviment privat biex jiltaqa’ mall-kumitet tal-Għaqda Kulturali u xi ħbieb oħra. Hawn ukoll deher kemm hu persuna ġentili u wera kemm apprezza dak li għamlu miegħu lGħaqda Kulturali, speċjalment il-President Charles Mifsud. Ian James Vella twieled f’H’Attard Malta u għandu 44 sena. Hu miżżewweġ lil Nadine u għandhom tifla Jade Marie u tifel Craig Roy. Ħuwa beda l-karriera tiegħu bħala żeffien u għal ħafna żmien, flimkien ma’ martu għamlu żmien fost l-aqwa żeffiena (Latin American u ballroom) f’Malta. Kemm

Ian J. Vella flimkien mal-membri tal-MCA u oħrajn fil-Maltese Resource Centre f’Parramatta West NSW

il-darba ħa sehem ukoll bħala kantant fil-festival tal-Kanzunetta maltija għall-Ewropa (il-Eurovision) u wkoll imexxi x-show tiegħu The Entertainer fuq it-NetTV.

Il-kantanta brava Tracey Saliba li ħadet sehem fixshow ma’ Janvil

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta President MLCP meets Pope Francis


n one of her final international commitments before the termination of her term, President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca met Pope Francis at the Vatican where she discussed with him peacekeeping and the importance of dialogue and presented him with a copy of the national declaration of harmony signed between leaders of different religions during meetings organised by her office earlier this year in Malta. In their meeting Pope Francis and the President referred to the good relations between both sides and to collaboration between Church and State in favour of the human, social, cultural and spiritual progress of the Maltese people. Migration in the Mediterranean, and inter-religious dialogue were also dis-

cussed. President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca presented the Pope with a Saint Peter and St Paul icon, as well as some typical Maltese products. At the Vatican the President who was accompanied by Malta’s Foreign Affairs Minister Carmelo Abela, her husband Edgar and Malta’s Ambassador to the Holy See Frank Zammit, also met with the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, and Monsignor Antoine Camilleri who assists the Cardinal in his work in the Vatican’s relations with other states. In Rome the Maltese delegation also met and had talks about political and economic relations between the two neighbouring countries, with Italian President Sergio Mattarella.

€123m worth of drug seizures in 13 mths


S&P’s affirms Malta’s rating, positive outlook

International Credit rating agency Standard and Poor’s has affirmed Malta’s short and long-term sovereign credit rating at ‘A-/A-2’ with a positive outlook, attributing the positive rating to Malta’s strong growth performance, recurring current account surpluses driven by its large services exports, and the improving Government budgetary and debt positions, and fiscal management. Welcoming the latest credit rating report, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna said the government is committed to continue safeguarding the country’s success in economic growth and public finances and to continue strengthening the supervisory standards of the financial sector. He said, “Indeed, the credit rating report acknowledges the Maltese authorities’ efforts to strengthen supervisory standards and their cooperation with the EBA to reach this goal.” Standard and Poor’s expects Malta’s headline GDP growth performance to, likely, exceed that of peers at similar income levels and stages of development, adding that this reflects the authorities’ commitment to growth-enhancing policies. The credit rating report notes that Malta’s real GDP growth accelerated to 7.6 per cent on average in the 2014 to 2018 period, and acknowledges that the structural shifts in the economy has created new employment opportunities causing the unemployment rate to decline further to 3.8 per cent in 2018, the lowest in two decades. S&P’s acknowledges that the Government has consolidated public finances and reduced general Government debt relative to GDP. It anticipate macroeconomic policymaking to remain geared toward further fiscal consolidation, and expects the general government balance to remain in surplus over their forecast period from 2019 to 2022 while the debt-to-GDP ratio is expected to fall to 35.0 per cent.

recent drugs haul of just under 290 kilos of cocaine at an estimated street value of €32 million, has brought the total seizure of drug consignments by Maltese customs in 13 months to around 17,000 kilos. The total street value of the seizures amounts to around €123 million. The most recent seizure was the second largest cocaine in 13 months. It follows previous ones of 16,000 kilos of cannabis resin and 633 kilos of cocaine. Thanking Customs, and all concerned in inister for European Affairs the work, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Equality Helena Dalli has said this has shown the strength of the signed and ratified on behalf of country’s credibility and the serious stance Malta the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Disit takes against international trafficking, and crimination against Women (CEDAW). that it is taking a strong stand in the interThis ratification, during the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women national fight against drugs trafficking. follows previous ones intended to bring about substantive equality for men and women The recent consignment, made up of 240 in Malta. packets of drugs concealed in fruit and The Optional Protocol recognises the competence of the CEDAW Committee to prodeep-freeze containers was unloaded at the vide suggestions and recommendations with regard to rights emanating out of Freeport. It was in transit from South (CEDAW), and provides a redress mechanism for the investigation of complaints against America on its way to a destination in cen- State parties to the Convention. tral Europe. Malta’s accession to this protocol is further proof of its intention to be bound by the In order to protect the interests of the in- highest international and regional law guaranteeing the rights of all citizens, including vestigations and strict confidentiality, the those concerning men, women or any other gender. cocaine’s country of origin and the inAdditionally, this ratification is particularly significant and timely as a consultation tended eventual destination were not re- with regard to gender equality mainstreaming legislation and policy is currently open and will come to a close on April 8. vealed.

Eliminating discrimination M against women

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

‘Malta can never be affiliated with terror’

W Gozo’s Lejl imkebbes a huge success


he atmosphere at the Cittadella in Victoria, Gozo was magical when the festival of lights lit up the narrow streets with over 30,000 candles on on the occasion of the first edition of Lejl Imkebbes (A night

Malta’s positive balance of €190m rovisional statistic from the National P Office of Statistics (NSO) indicates that in the last quarter of (October - De-

cember), Malta registered a positive balance of over €190 million in international transactions, which is almost the same level as the last three months of 2017. This surplus is due to the country’s income from transactions in the services sector that ended up with a surplus of almost €886 million.

February storm causes €118,500 of road damage


an Borg, the Minister for Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects said in answer to a Parliamentary question that the gale force wind that swept the Maltese Islands in February caused road damages amounting to €118,500. The Minister said however, that road structures did not incur extensive damages except for two bus shelters that were completely destroyed, road signs that were dislodged, walls that collapsed on roads and crash barriers in one particular road that were dislodged.

hile condemning the terrorist attack in New Zealand in which an Australian extremist gunned down 50 people and injured 50 others in an attack on two Mosques in Christchurch, Malta’s Prime Minister Joseph Muscat denounced the connection that the gunman made when he pencilled 1565 Great Siege, on his automatic weapons. He said Malta’s history was not a history of terror and persecution. He offered condolences to the people of New Zealand on behalf of the Maltese nation and said that the attack could not be equated with Maltese history. “Malta remains a symbol of peace that makes no distinctions and welcomes everyone. Whoever thinks that Maltese history is affiliated with terror and persecution is tremendously mistaken,” the Prime Minister said.

of illuminations) that attracted over 10,000 visitors to Malta’s sister island. The festival offered a breathtaking 360-degree panorama of Gozo’s hills and valleys, villages and churches and a view right across the sea to Malta. Large designs in different parts of the Cittadella illuminated by candles of different colours and sizes created a spectacular evening, while the Cittadella’s museums opened to the public free of charge. They, along with historical enactments a musical programme conducted by some of the islands’ most popular bands, the opening of other public venues of interest, live entertainment and children’s activities proved to be other popular attractions. In addition food stalls offering both Maltese and other food, were set up to make this event truly a night to suit all tastes and ages. Describing the even a success, Minister for Gozo Justyne Caruana said she was highly satisfied with the turn out. She said the vision for Gozo is to turn the island into an all year round destination by organising such cultural activities.

ationalist Party’s Shadow Minister of Health Stephen Spiteri and MEP Francis Zammit Dimech made 30 proposals on behalf of their party that in their opinion could strengthen the fight against cancer. The proposals are listed in a document they said outlines the work needed to fight cancer at a local, national and European level. The proposals include prevention and early diagnosis, research, resources, infrastructure as well as aspects of governance. They said they are in favour of prostate cancer screening on a nation-wide basis. They proposed a national campaign to improve the rate of participation in this screening programme.

Academy that, he said, is a great opportunity for our younger generation to familiarise with the industry and embark on a new career. He said that given the iGaming industry’s rapid paced nature and accelerated growth, the industry requires a continuing and unremitting sourcing of leading talent to remain at the top of its game. He added that in view of the 20 applications received by the MGA

Since announcing the first edition of the accredited award in iGaming course, The iGaming Academy has been inundated with positive responses from students and the course was fully booked within a week from the launch. The iGaming courses are aimed at students looking to take the first step towards a career in iGaming or gain a greater understanding of the industry.

PN proposals to combat cancer


Malta launches iGaming Academy ilvio Schembri. Parliamentary Secretary from iGaming companies requesting a MalS for Financial Services, Digital Economy tese license, the academy has to make sure and Innovation has launched the iGaming that the supply meets the demand.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tluq minn l-Iskola


fortunatament. meta mxebbħa ma pajjiżi oħra tal-Unjoni Ewropeja Malta, għandha rata ta’ tluq kmieni mil-iskola akbar mill-maġġoranza tal-pajjiżi tal-UE. Infatti Malta qegħda fin-naħa t’isfel tal-klassifika, li jfisser li t-tluq milliskola qabel iż-żmien sew il medja tal-UE. Tajjeb li meta ngħidu tluq kmieni milliskola, ma nffisrux li tfal jitilqu malli jispiċċaw il-Primarja kif kien isir snin ilu... imma li żgħażagħ jtemmu l-karriera skolastika tagħhom meta jtemmu l-kors sekondarju tagħhom (l-Edukazzjoni obbligatorja f’Malta hi sa 16-il sena) jew qabel ikollhom bejn it-18 u l-24 sena. L-Awtoritajiet Maltin ilhom jippruvaw inaqqsu dan it-tluq biex jilħqlu l-mira talUE fejn dan ikun ta’ madwar 10% . L-aħħar figuri li juru li għad għandna 17.7% - kważi wieħed minn kull ħames studenti – li jitilqu qabel iż-żmien. Dan ir-riżultat ġab kritika qawwija millOppożizzjoni, imma min-naħa tiegħu lGvern wieġeb, li filwaqt li xejn mhu kuntent bis-sitwazzjoni l-fatti juru li bilħidma tal-Gvern u bl-introduzzjoni ta’ ċerti servizzi u korsijiet, il-Gvern irnexxielu jnaqqas sewwa t-tluq tal-istudenti mill-iskola qabel iż-żmien, tant li statistika tal-Eurostat ippubblikata fl-2018 turi li pajjiżna ra l-akbar progress mill2014 ’l hawn. Ir-rata ta’ 23.8% fl-2010 tal-early school leavers niżlet għal 17.7% fl-2017 li jfisser li pajjiżna ma baqax fl-aħħar post fejn għal għadd ta’ snin konna staġnati. (ara l-istampa tal-istatistika fuq)

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Fula f ’qargħa! I

r-ras tal-artiklu (fula f’qargħa) hi espressjoni li aħna l-Maltin nużaw, forsi llum ferm inqas minn qabel, biex nirreferu għal xi ħaġa li rari tiġri... rari ssir. Ċerti affarijiet fix-xena Maltija veru li rari jsiru, għax tant il-politika qed tifridna li sfortunatament tisma’ b’affarijiet li ma jitwemmnux.. bħal dik li smajt lil waħda tgħid li meta ġiet biex tkellem lil ġuvni li llum iżżewġitu, l-ewwel ħaġa li fittxet kien dwar x’partit politiku jħaddan. Ma nemminx li hawn ħafna li jagħmlu

bħal din, imma ma naħsibx li din l-unika waħda. Ħafna mill-Maltin u l-Għawdxin żgur li kapaċi jegħlbu dawn is-sitwazzjonijiet u jirraġunaw anke jekk ma jaqblux politikament. Iżda meta niġu għal ċerti azzjonijiet il-firda tinħass sewwa u għalhekk meta jkun hemm ċerta koperazzjoni bejn persunaġġi ġejjin minn partiti politiċi opposti dawn jispiċċaw fit-titli tal-midja. Fl-aħħar ġimgħat kien hemm żewġ okkażjonijiet bħal dawn. L-ewwel meta lViċi-Prim Ministru u Ministru tas-Saħħa żar il-binja tal-Kunsill Lokali tal-Belt (fejn qabel kien hemm l-Premier) biex jattendi għal konferenza stampa. Fi tmiem din il-konferenza stampa, meta Chris Fearne mar għas-solita bibita, sab jistennih birthday cake għax dakinhar kien għalaq sninu... u dan il-ġest mhux mistenni kien ġie mħejji mis-sindku Nazzjonalist tal-Kunsill LokaRosianne Cutajar u Ryan Callus li tal-Belt, Christian Micallef li fuq Facebook kiteb "il-politika għandha tgħaqqad u mhux tifred." Kliem sabiħ, imma kemm nipprattikawh? (again relected) It-tieni okkażjoni kienet meta fuq inizjattiva tad-Deputat Rosianne Cutajar u t-tim State Member for Prospect tagħha, bl-appoġġ tad-Deputat tal-PN Ryan Callus, inġabru flus għad-Dar talFor issues concerning: Ageing and disability - community Providenza. Iż-żewg membri parlamentari kif ukoll madwar tlett mitt biker inġabru services -education - environbil-muturi kmieni filgħodu f’Hal Qormi ment - health - housing - planning biex f’xemx tiżreġ jerħulha għar-rotta ta’ Providenza Bike Ride li ntemmet id-Dar - Police - transport - water tal-Providenza. Hawn ingħataw merħba sabiħa mir-residenti u l-ħaddiema tad-Dar. P: (02) 9756 4766 J’Alla dan l-ispirtu ta’ ko-operazzjoni E: minflok konfrontazzjoni fil-qasam poli2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164 tiku jissokta jikber.

Dr Hugh McDermott MP

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Lejn Metro f’Malta


ilwaqt li l-polemika dwar il-mina bejn iż-żewġ Gżejjer kompliet tiskala, fejn saħansitra rajna l-Għaqda tal-Istudenti Universitarji Għawdxin tibdel il-pożizzjoni tagħha minn waħda favur il-mina għal waħda kontra, issa tħabbar dak li jista’ jwassal għal proġett ieħor kbir li għandu x’jaqsam mat-trasport.. dak ta’ taħt l-art. Infatti jidher li l-pjani għal dal-proġett, li fil-verita’ ftit kien jingħad dwaru, huma fi stat avanzat, għax għadu kif tħabbar li Trasport Malta ressqet applikazzjoni quddiem il-European Union Intellectual Property Office għat-Trademark bl-isem Metro Malta. Id-diskussjoni fuq il-ħtieġa ta’ sistema ta’ trasport tal-massa qamet flaħħar ġimgħat wara l-proposta tal-Pertit Konrad Xuereb li qed jipproponi sistema ta’ metro li tkun estiża wkoll għal Għawdex permezz tal-mina. Dan l-aħħar, il-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat saħaq li l-istudji dwar ilproġett tal-metro jinsabu fi stadju avvanzat.

wara t-tħassib dan l-aħħar ta’ L-ewwel qliegħ għall-Air Malta Sxiadanittant, entitajiet dwar dan il-proġett tal-mina ta’ Għawdex li ilu jiġi ppjanat snin twal, fi ħall-ewwel darba fi 18-il sena, u stqarrija l-Ministeru tat-Trasport, Infrastrutgħal 18-il sena f’għeluq il-45 sena mill-ew-wel tura u Proġetti Kapitali qal li l-proġett ta’ titjira tagħha, il-linja nazzjonali


tal-ajru l-Air Malta rreġistrat qliegħ. Dan ġie svelat meta waqt il-laqgħa ġenerali annwali ġie ppreżentat ir-rapporti finanzjarji għas-sena li ntemmet f’Marzu tal-2018. Ilqliegħ hu ta’ €1.2 miljun. Fis-sena ta’ qabel, l-Air Malta kellha telf ta’ €10.8 miljun.

Vot lil George Vella


ixtiequ nagħmlu appell lill-membri tal-Blacktown Workers Club biex jaqdu dmirhom u jmorru jivvutaw filBiennial Club’s election. Min hu intitolat li jivvota jista’ jagħmel dan kemm fil-klabb ewlieni, kif ukoll fli Sports Club mill-Hamis 28 ta’ Marzu sat-Tnejn 1 ta’ April bejn l10 am u s-7 pm. L-appell hu biex il-Maltin kollha li huma membri jivvutaw l-ewwel lillmagħruf neguzjant Malti li tant jgħin lill-komunita` Maltija, GEORGE VELLA tal-Breakaway Travel.

Il-mina... studju bir-reqqa

Filwaqt li ntqal fir-rapport li d-dħul talAir Malta żdied b’aktar minn €5m, waqt li l-kumpanija rnexxielha tnaqqas l-ispejjeż bi kważi €7 miljun, il-Ministru għatTuriżmu Konrad Mizzi qal li dawn ir-riżultati nkisbu wara li l-linja nazzjonali tal-ajru għażlet strateġija ta’ tkabbir b’żieda fir-rotot. Ġiet irreġistrata żieda fid-dħul ta’ €5.3 miljun li ġew l-aktar miż-żieda ta’ 11% talpassiġġieri li ġarret l-Air Malta u minn żieda ta’ 2.8 fil-mija tat-titjiriet. L-Air Malta rnexxielha wkoll tnaqqas l-ispejjeż tal-operat b’€6.5 miljun grazzi għal sistemi aktar effiċjenti fl-użu talfjuwil, fil-kirjiet tal-ajruplani u fl-ispejjeż tal-manutenzjoni. Għaddejjin taħditiet mal-Airbus biex lAir Malta ġġib ajruplan 3-20Neo għal titjiriet fit-tul biex tibda ttir ukoll lejn pajjiżi bħall-Indja.

Jasal s’hawn W

konnettività permanenti bejn Malta u Għawdex, li jgawdi l-appoġġ u l-mandat demokratiku tal-maġġoranza tal-Maltin u l-Għawdxin, qed jitwettaq bl-akbar reqqa u attenzjoni, fl-aħjar interess tal-pajjiż u skont ir-regoli tal-ippjanar u l-ambjent ta’ Malta u tal-Unjoni Ewropea.

ieħed mill-aktar sindki Maltin li ilu fil-kariga huwa John Boxall (fuq) li ilu jmexxi l-Kunsill tal-Birgu għal dawn l-aħħar 25 sena... u għadu fit-tellieqa għax tħabbar li se jikkontesta mill-ġdid fl-elezzjoni tal-Kunsilli ta’ Mejju li ġej. Boxall huwa magħruf għall-ħidma kbira tiegħu f’favur il-belt li jmexxi... u r-riżultat tal-ħidma kulħadd jarah, għax illum il-Birgu hu post li qed jattira kemm Maltin u barranin, kemm bħala post turistiku, kif ukoll residenzjali. Hu wkoll post msemmi għallindafa. Kif qal is-Sindku nnifsu snin ilu “Lanqas konna nafu xi tfisser scamel. L-użanza tagħna kienet li meta tkun ħiereġ mill-Birgu, qrib il-pont tal-Cafe Riche, titfa’ l-borża hemm u kollox jitgerbeb fil-foss.” Iżda dan kollu nbidel bil-koperazzjoni tar-residenti mal-Kunsill biex iżommu t-toroq xummiema. U s-Sindku dejjem għajnejh miftuħa għal min jazzarda jħammeġ tant li saħansitra ammetta li: "Jekk borża taż-żibel ma tkunx kif suppost jew xi ħadd joħroġha mhux fil-ħin stabbilit, inġibha hawn, niftagħha u jekk insib xi kont tad-dawl, tat-telefon jew tal-ilma se neħodha lura għand sidha" Ma naħsibx li ssib tant Sindki li lesti jaslu s’hawn!!!!!!!!!!

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Liberal/Nationals win NSW


NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian with her Armenian-born father Kirkor

ollowing the re-election of the Liberal/National coalition, Gladys Berejiklian became the first women to be elected as Premier of NSW, that with 7.95 million residents has the highest population of any state in Australia. At time of wrapping up the current issue of The Voice of the Maltese, it was too early to predict a majority or a minority government. Quite a number of seats are still on a knife edge. It was disappointing for the Labor Party under Michael Daley, its new leader since November 2018. This was one of the tightest state contests ever with 5.3 million voters. The polls

Fewer migrants to Australia


he number of permanent migrants accepted into Australia each year is expected to be capped at 160,000, 30,000 fewer than previous targets. The federal government is set to slash Australia's annual migration intake as Prime Minister Scott Morrison denies concerns about congestion are driven by racism. PM Scott Morrison said managing population growth is a practical challenge and has nothing to do with issues arising out of the far-right terrorist attack. “It shouldn't be hijacked by other debates about race or about tolerance or these other issues. We've seen what happens when these important practical debates are hijacked by these other extremist views, which occur from both the right and from the left, and I'm determined to not see the serious population growth management issues taken off course, to be hijacked by those who want to push other agendas.” He warned against “mindless tribalism” and allowing debates on border protection and migration to be “hijacked” by people seeking to use them as a tool to divide. “Just because Australians are worried about traffic jams and quality of life especially in a sprawling city like Melbourne, does not mean that they're anti-migrant or racist,” he said. Opposition leader Bill Shorten said he didn’t take issue with the policy itself, but took issue with the timing of it in the wake of the terrorist attack in Christchurch. “The dog whistling by political leaders about immigration and asylum seekers must stop,” Mr Shorten said.

closed at 6 pm on Saturday, and Labour conceded defeat at 9.45pm. Berejiklian is hoping to win one more seat to allow the Coalition to govern in its own right for its third term. By Saturday night the Coalition had 46 seats - the Liberals 34, and the Nationals 12 - short of the 47 seats needed to form majority government in the 93-seat parliament. Labor had 35. The final vote count is expected to be completed by April 12. The two State politicians that used The Voice of the Maltese during the campaign, Dr Hugh McDermott in Prospect and Julia Finn in Granville were both re-elected.

Cardinal Pell ‘may not live to be released from prison’


ardinal George Pell has been sentenced for historical child sexual abuse crimes, with the judge admitting the cardinal “may not live to be released from prison”. “Facing jail at your age in these circumstances must be an awful state of affairs for you,” Chief Judge Peter Kidd (right) told the County Court of Melbourne. Cardinal Pell, 77 years old who had already spent 14 days in jail ahead of his pre-sentencing, was sentenced to six years for the crimes, with a non-parole period of three years and eight months. In handing down his sentence, Judge Kidd ran through the submissions from Cardinal Pell’s counsel relating to the difficult time the Cardinal would undoubtedly have in prison. “Life in prison will be more onerous for you than other prisoners in the general population and indeed other sexual offenders because of your notoriety and the animosity to which you are likely to be exposed,” Judge Kidd said, referring to submissions from Cardinal Pell’s defence. The prosecution accepted that, at first, Cardinal Pell’s time in prison would be “more burdensome than that of other prisoners”. Despite that, Judge Kidd rejected the Crown’s submission that Pell’s experience in prison would be like any other person in protective custody. The Cardinal will be registered as a sex offender for life. He could be in prison until at least 2022. Prime Minister Scott Morrison urged While visiting Malta Stay at: Australians to support survivors of child sexual abuse ahead of the verdict. The Diplomat Hotel, He told reporters, “I would just ask Australians today to get around those who 173 Tower Road Sliema have been victims of child sexual abuse. “Let them know we know it happened, that we want to help you be stronger and to survive what is the most abominable you could think that could happen to an individual with a breach of trust. “For me, it’s about those against who this abuse was directed and acted upon. It’s the most abhorrent thing I can think of.”

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Terrorist attacks took place on March 16 at or near the Al Noor Mosque at Christchurch in New Zealand where 43 people were killed, and at the Linwood Mosque, where seven were killed.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

One person subsequently died at Christchurch Hospital. Muslims had gathered at the mosques for Friday prayers. Some of those killed were children.

Peace, Salaamu alaykum


he New Zealand bishops released a message, addressed to the nation’s Muslim community, via social media. “We hold you in prayer as we hear the terrible news of violence against Muslims at mosques in Christchurch,” the bishops wrote. “We are profoundly aware of the positive relationships we have with Islamic people in this land, and we are particularly horrified that this has happened at a place and time of prayer. “We are deeply saddened that people have been killed and injured, and our hearts go out to them, their families and wider community. We wish you to be aware of our solidarity with you in the face of such violence.” The bishops signed off their message “Peace, Salaam.” A message sent by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, on behalf of Pope Francis, said the Pope was “deeply saddened to learn of the injury and loss of life caused by the senseless acts of violence” at the mosques. “He assures all New Zealanders, and in particular the Muslim community, of his heartfelt solidarity in the wake of these attacks.” He also offered prayers and blessings to those injured, those grieving, those who died and emergency personnel. Australian Catholic Bishops Conference President Archbishop Mark Coleridge sent a message to Christchurch Bishop Paul Martin SM to extend condolences and offer prayers after the “unfathomable act of evil”. In Sydney, Archbishop Anthony Fisher led an interfaith service at St Mary's Cathedral, He was joined by Grand Mufti Ibrahim Abu Mohammed and leaders from other faiths, as well as Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Labor's Tanya Plibersek, New South Wales Governor David Hurley, Premier Gladys Berejiklian and Opposition Leader Michael Daley. The leader of the Federal Opposition, Bill Shorten said time was

Muslims leave one of the mosques after the attack “running out” to learn lessons from people being radicalised. “We’ve got to get the balance right. Social media is a marvellous tool, but it cannot be used as a swamp in which wrongdoers can hide and crawl out to do even worst things”. The Ethnic Communities’ Council also condemns in the strongest possible terms the events in Christchurch. Multiculturalism is an ongoing project. We remind ourselves that no one is safe or exempt from Terrorism. What happened in New Zealand was Terrorism. The Ethnic Communities’ Council of NSW wishes to offer its sincerest condolences to the New Zealand community and also to the communities of Muslims in Christchurch. And just as those Muslim leaders condemn the actions of Islamic terrorists around the world, so should non-Muslim leaders condemn these actions. Meanwhile Prime Minister Scott Morrison emphasised the need to defend freedom of religion by protecting Australians at their places of worship by announcing grants. The grants will range in size from $50,000 to $1.5 million and will be made available for safety measures such as closed-circuit television cameras, lighting, fencing, bollards, alarms, security systems and public address systems. The funds will be available to protect places of worship such as churches, mosques, synagogues and temples. (Also read Slaughter by Appointment on page 9, and Censuring social media on page 10)

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Jiġu rrestawrati s-swar tal-Furjana


aqt li rrefera għall-importanza li Malta tissokta ttejjeb il-prodott kulturali lokali permezz tat-tisħiħ ta’ wirtna, li jifforma parti intrinsika mill-bażi tal-identità Maltija bħala pajjiż, il-Ministru għall-Ġustizzja, Kultura u Gvern Lokali Owen Bonnici ħabbar qed isir investiment ta’€1,600,000 ħalli jkunu rrestawrati total ta’ 18,800m kwadru mil-fortifikazzjonijiet storiċi tas-Swar tal-Furjana li jħarsu lejn ix-Xatt ta’ Marsamxett. Waqt żjara li għamel fuq is-sit ta’ dawn il-fortifikazzjonijiet, ilMinistru qal grazzi għal dan l-investiment, is-sit li sejjaħlu “formidabbli għall-glorja tiegħu biex jiġi verament apprezzat minn kulħadd, il-gvern impenja ruħu jkomplu jinvesti fis-settur kulturali, għall-benefiċċju tal-membri tal-komunità Maltija, kif ukoll għall-ġenerazzjoni żagħżugħa. Dawn il-fortifikazzjonijiet magħrufa bħala s-Swar tal-Furjana kineu nbnew biex jipprovdu aktar protezzjoni għall-art ta’ quddiem il-Belt Valletta, fl-għonq tal-promontorja. Kienu ġew iddisinjati mill-inġinier Taljan Pietro Paolo Floriani, li għalih issemmiet il-Furjana, waqt il-Maġistratura tal-Gran Mastru Antoine de Paule. Bħala storja ta’ min jgġid li aktar tard fis-seklu 17, kien hemm inġiner ieħor, Antonio Maurizio Valperga li ddisinja r-ritirata, li ġiet mibnija ta’ dak li hu magħruf bħala s-Sur ta’ San Salvatore. Dan sar bħala soluzzjoni biex jiġu kkoreġuti d-difetti tal-fortifikazzjonijiet li jħarsu fuq il-Port ta’ Marsamxett. Valperga proġetta wkoll is-Sur La Vittoria biex jipprovdi forma difensiva. Parti oħra mis-swar tal-Furjana fuq Sa Maison

Ir-restawr jinkludi wkoll il-bastkun ta’ Xatt it-Tiben. Sabiex jipproteġi s-sur il-ġdid, Valperga ħoloq anke arcone filġenb tas-Sur San Salvatore, magħruf bħala l-Arkata ta’ Barbara , imsemmijja għall-perit Malti Barbara li ddisinjahom. Din larkata partikolari hija waħda mill-aktar fatturi arkitettoniċi interessanti f’dawn il-fortifikazzjonijiet. Fl-arkata hemm passaġġ li jagħti għal kontro-mini. Dawn kienu maħsuba biex f’każ ta’ irtirata jiġu sploduti u b’hekk ma jkux hemm aċċess għas-swar. Il-proċess ta’ deterjorament esperjenzat fuq dawn il-fortifikazzjonijiet huma b’riżultat ta’ għadd ta’ fatturi, fosthom li kienu esposti, u kellhom l-orjentazzjoni, il-kontaminazzjoni mill-melħ, attakki bijoloġiċi fuq il-ġebla, nuqqas ta’ manutenzjoni, għeruq ta’ siġar fil-ġebel, difetti strutturali u l-installazzjoni ta’ materjal miżjud. Il-fortifikazzjonijiet sofrew ukoll minn bombi li waqgħu f’din iż-żona fit-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija li fil-fatt kienu wkoll fattur ieħor importanti li minħabba fihom saret daqshekk ħsara lill-fortifikazzjonijiet. Wieħed għadu jista’ jara sal-lum konċentrazzjoni qawwija ta’ marki ta’ xrapnel tal-bombi u telf ta’ materjal. Ix-xogħol fuq ir-restawr beda lejn l-aħħar tal-2015 u huwa mistenni li jitlest sa’ Ġunju li ġej. Sar iffukar fuq ir-restawr tal-uċuħ, il-partijiet superjuri u pjattaformi. Meta ġie spjegat x’forma ta’ restawr qed isir, intqal li dan ġeneralment jibda b’tindif, li jinkludi t-tneħħija ta’ veġetazzjoni minn mal-ħitan, ftuħ ta’ fili u t-tneħħija ta’ tikħil, l-aktar dak li għandu bażi ta’ siment. It-tindif sar u qed isir b’galbu kbir bl-użu ta’ metodi differenti li jneħħu qoxra sewda u t-tkabbir bijoloġiku. Wara mbagħad isir it-trattament tat-tessut deterjorat, tikħil, l-istabilizzazzjoni ta’ uċuħ tal-ġebla li nqalgħu, kif wkoll ittqegħid jew bini mill-ġdid ta’ biċċiet nieqsa mit-tessut tal-franka. Skont il-Perit Jean Frendo responsabbli mir-restawr qed ukoll jintuża rock bolting bit-tqegħid ta’ vireg tal-istainless steel ħalli tiġi stabbilita l-istruttura. Barra fuq dawn is-swar qed isir ukoll xogħol ta’ restawr fuq swar oħra filFurjana li jħarsu fuq ilPort il-Kbir.

Tuesday March 26, 2019 High Commissioner Charles Muscat during his visit to the MCCV. (from left): Andrew Gatt (MCCV Secretary), Fr. Edwin Agius MSSP, Antoinette Ciantar (MCCV Treasurer), Marlene Ebejer (MCCV President), HC Charles Muscat, Antonia Camilleri (MCCV Ass. Secretary), Mario Farrugia Borg (Malta Consul General) and Victor Borg (MCCV V/President)

The Voice of the Maltese 19

High Commissioner for Malta visits Victoria M

alta’s High Commissioner in Australia, Charles Muscat visited Victoria March 11-15, during which he paid a visit to the Consulate General of Malta in Melbourne where he met new Consul General Mario Farrugia Borg and renewed acquaintances with members of the consular staff there. The High Commissioner and the Consul General were also interviewed by on SBS Maltese Broadcast in Australia Mr. Joe Axiaq, and then they both visited the Maltese Community Centre in Parkville where they met Ms. Marlene Ebejer, president, and the other newly appointed executive of the Maltese Community Council of Victoria (MCCV).

On the third day of his visit the HC, once again accompanied by Mr. Farrugia Borg, paid a visit to the Maltese Community in La Trobe Valley, Morwell, and the Honorary Consul for Malta, Mr. Mario Sammut. Present at the meeting were Mr. Russell North, Local Member of Parliament, Melina Bath, State Member of Parliament, Councilor Dale Herryman, representing the Mayor, Mr. Laurie Patton, representing the La Trobe Valley Authority, and Dr. Christian Lee, Chairperson Gippsland Ethnic Council. Former Federal Member of Parliament,

Charles Muscat and Mario Farrugia Borg with Mr. Peter Paul Portelli, the President of the Maltese Cultural Centre of Victoria in Albion (extreme right) at a Maltese lace makers class.

Mr. Robert Sercombe, introduced HC Muscat to the Hon. Richard Wynne MP, Minister for Multicultural Affairs. Charles Muscat and aired his concerns over census reports that showed a decline in the number of Malta-born people living in Australia and the possible adverse effect that this information would have in the allocation of local services to the Maltese as an ethnic group. He also pointed out to the Minister other issues relating to the Maltese diaspora. Charles Muscat and Mario Farrugia Borg also visited the Maltese Cultural Centre of Victoria in Albion, where Mr. Peter Paul Portelli, the President, and other members welcomed them. The local Għanejja group performed a number of Ghana (spirtu pront) and the Malta Own Philharmonic Band played the Maltese and Australian National Anthems. Maltese lace makers gave an excellent show of their work on the trajbu and pillows. This visit demonstrated the High Commissioner’s sincere desire to assure the different Maltese Communities in Victoria of his unequivocal support and to encourage them to unite as one people with common interests and goals. Is-serje dwar Tagħrif dwar ilKitba Maltija titkompla filħarġa li jmiss (Nru 201)

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Robbery at George Cross Falcons A Community Centre

group of Cringila community centre volunteers at the not-for-profit George Cross Falcons Community Centre were left shaken after two masked intruders robbed them of their hardearned cash during a brazen and opportunistic Monday-morning attack on March 18. A full report of the robbery was published on the Illawarra Mercury news portal that quoted the Centre’s volunteers saying that at first they thought the intrusion was "a practical joke", but quickly realised the disguised duo's presence was something more sinister. When the masked men entered the community centre via a door off Lake Avenue at about 8.30 a.m. there were about eight people preparing for a weekly seniors' lunch event. They do this for people among the Illawarra community, to have somewhere to go on a Monday. Elizabeth Walker, 62, office worker and volunteer said, “We were all doing our Monday morning chores ... we were buttering bread, making coffee and then two men walked in. We really thought it was a practical joke because they came in, they were very composed and they were very softly spoken. That’s why we didn't register what they were really here for.” She went on to say that one of the intruders, whom she described as “the boss”, told volunteers not to put their hands near their pockets or try and reach for a mobile phone, “otherwise there'd be trouble”. The younger of the two men was “very nervous” and ordered everyone into the kitchen, Mrs Walker said. She went on to say that the one she called “The Boss” went straight to the centre’s president and asked him to show him where the safe was and to empty it. He proceeded to empty it. “A couple of us still thought it was a joke and said 'you've got to be joking', but the boss, he was very serious - that was when we knew it wasn't a joke,” Mrs walker said. Mrs Walker said they were all in shock, and collapsed after being overcome by anxiety. The ordeal was “all over in about five minutes, if that”. The masked duo fled then took off in a silver-coloured sedan. No one was injured. However two volunteers were treated for shock. The amount of cash stolen was unknown. Mrs Walker said leaving the entrance, through which the duo entered, open was "normal procedure on a Monday" so people could come inside and take a seat. It has been just completely random for six years, and never entered anyone's mind about getting robbed. Mrs Walker said the "horrible act" would take some time to get over. They don't deserve to have this happen to us. They just make the money to provide the food for the people.

Tuesday March 26, 2019

“It'll take us a while to get over it because even our volunteers are not young, Some of the volunteers are in their 80s, therefore it would take a while for them to get over it

George Cross Falcons Community Centre treasurer Mary Borg (left) and volunteer Elizabeth Walker. Mary's mother, 82-year-old Polly Magro, and Elizabeth were at the centre when it was robbed.

Tenor Joseph Calleja honoured in Florida alta-born Joseph Calleja, 41, M one of the most acclaimed and sought-after tenors interna-

Picture: Adam McLean

tionally was honoured by the mayor of Naples in Florida, Bill Barnett who presented him with the key of the city and proclaimed 21st of March as Joseph Calleja Day! On the same day, the Maltese tenor he Maltese-Australians’ Youth Committee (MAYC) in collaboration with La Valette performed at Social Centre are screening Love to Paradise at 3pm on a solo concert March 31. in the city Maltese Australian writer and director Julian Galea shot the film that was described as unforgettable. entirely in Malta. It revolves around a passionate love story beJoseph Calleja shared the news with his tween American tourist Giovanni (Myko Olivier) and local MalFacebook followers, saying: “So this haptese artist Carmen (Marysia S. Peres), a confrontation with the pened yesterday in Naples Florida. I was truth, and a choice between Giovanni’s career and the love that given the “key” to the city and the 21st of changed him forever. March was officially declared as “Joseph The cinematography showcases the natural splendour of the Calleja” day! Maltese Islands, whilst detailing the passion, excitement and exAccompanying the post was a photo of a perience of a couple surrounded by the breath-taking archipelago. written declaration by Naples' mayor, For those who have wanted to appreciate the beauty of the The presentation of the key is an old tradiMaltese Islands and connect with the heritage of their homeland, this film is for you! tion that symbolizes the access, freedom and Afterwards Julian would be available for a Q and A session. Come along and make the respect that the city has towards Joseph the most of this opportunity to engage with a Maltese Australian filmmaker who is Calleja. As of now, March 21 would be flourishing in the industry and putting Malta on the map! known in the city as Joseph Calleja Day.

Maltese film Love to Paradise free screening, with Director Q and A T

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday March 26, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

La Valette Social Centre

La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown 2148 Tel. 9622 5847’ Email:

PROGRAMM GĦALL-ĠIMGĦA L-KBIRA u L-GĦID Il-kumitat taċ-Ċentru ta’ La Valette ħabbar dan il-programm:

Il-Ħamis 11 ta’ April: fl-10.30am: L-istazzjonijiet tat-Triq tas-Salib fis-Sala taċ-Ċentru. Il-Ġimgħa 12 ta’ April: il Festa tal Madonna tad-Duluri. Fis-6.30 pm: Quddiesa fil kappella. Wara l-purċissjoni bil-vara tad-Duluri għas-Sala taċ-Ċentru u jsir il-kant bil-Malti tal-istazzjonijiet tat-Triq tas-Salib. Il-Ħamis 18 ta’ April: Ħamis ix-Xirka: Fis-7.00 pm: Quddiesa fis-Sala li tinkludi l-funzjoni tal-ħasil tar-riġlejn. Il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira 19 ta’ April: Fit-3.00 pm: Ċelebrazzjoni tal-Passjoni ta’ Sidna Gesu`Kristu fis-sala taċ-Ċentru. Is-Sibt Qaddis 20 ta’ April: Fit-8.00pm fis-sala taċ-Ċentru issir quddiesa waħda BISS, dik maħrufa bħala l-Vigil Mass. Ic-Centru jiftaħ ir-Ristorant għall-ikel fl-4.30pm. Ħadd-il Għid 21 ta’ April: Fl-10.15 am: Issir il-quddiesa fis-sala taċ-Ċentru, filwaqt li wara tinħareġ il-purċissjoni bil-vara tal-Irxort fost id-daqq tal-marci. Kulħadd hu mistieden u mħeġġeġ li jġib it-tfal miegħu.

L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bisservizz tagħha dwar l-aħbarijiet u tagħrif ieħor, imma l-qarrejja xorta huma mħeġġa li jidħlu filwebsite tal-istazzjon Malti: biex isegwu l-aħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż. Il-website hi aġġornata tul il-jum kollu.

Our Lady Queen of Peace Band is organising heavily subsidised music lessons for all ages 8 and up, at any level. Lessons will be arranged for small groups or private tuition for anyone interestd in learning a concert band instrument with the aim of becoming a Band Member

To register your interest or for more information

Antoine - 0405 233 144 - Roderick - 9670 2020 -

Good Friday Activities 2019 Our Lady of Victories Parish, Horsley Park

Preparations for the Good Friday Procession in Horsley Park, NSW are well underway and the Organising Group wishes to advise readers/listeners of upcoming important dates and activities. Thursday April 4 (from 6.00pm): Helpers are needed to transport and arrange statues in the church. Friday April 5 (from 7.30pm): Helpers are needed to organise and prepare other procession objects in the church. The Last Supper exhibition is also organised. Sunday April 7 (from 3.00pm): Children and youth are invited to try on and collect costumes for the procession in the Church Presbytery Wednesday 10 to Friday April 12 (6.00pm): Lenten mission in Maltese with Fr John Taliana There is the possibility that there will be costumes available to wear, especially for adults. For more information call Fred Cauchi on 0407 914 051.

*More in the next issue of The Voice

Grand Parenting has become an important part of our later life. What are the Legal and Social obligations? Can we become part or full-time grand parents? Ways to understand each one’s role within the family unit. These and other relevant questions will be discussed at our next Information night

The Joys and Challenges of Grand Parenting Wednesday March 27 at 7.30pm at St George Preca Rooms, OLQP Church Old Prospect Road, Greystanes MAIN SPEAKERS: Solicitor Paul Sant & Counsellor Carmel Gauci Discussions will include looking after (or caring) for children by uncles, aunties etc All are welcome - Free admission – Light refreshments. English/Maltese spoken For more information phone (02) 9631 9295

Community Wheels Inc.

Connecting you with your community

Community Wheels is your local community organisation that provides door-to-door transport services to eligible people (+65 years old etc.) to: * attend medical appointments * go shopping (and assisting clients with their shopping bags) * meet a friend for a chat or coffee, and *go on bus tours etc. Available in the Parramatta City Council and parts of Cumberland Council areas. For information call 88681400

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 26, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n

MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.

On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)

Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.

SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month

in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips

Join us and make new friends.

Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each

Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.

VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

L-MCCV qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għal għalliem/a tal-ilsien Malti Min japplika jrid ikollu għarfien sew tal-Malti, miktub u mitkellem.

Dan xogħol volontarju (bla ħlas).

Min hu interessat jibgħat lapplikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lil: Għal tagħrif ieħor ċemplu fuq 0412 115 919. Ħalli nnumru tat-telefon u nċemplulek lura.

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee

Main events for 2019

Sunday June 30: L-Imnarja Sunday October 20: Fete Saturday Nov. 9: Dinner Dance Sunday December 1: Feast

Events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Sports on 2 pages

Tuesday March 26, 2019

The Maltese Special athletes/coaches with PM Joseph Muscat and his wife Michelle (front centre) when he visited the Games

Malta’s ‘Special’ athletes return with big smiles and 40 medals


aving successfully taken part in the Special Olympics World Games in Abu Dhabi (March 14-21), the 28 Maltese athletes along with their coaches returned home to a hero’s welcome at Malta’s International Airport and all smiles after a most successful participation at the end of which they won 40 medals, 12 of them gold. They also won 13 silver and 15 bronze. It was performance that was highly commended by Malta’s Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and his wife Michelle, Marigold Foundation who also spent a few days with the team in Abu Dhabi giving them their support. The Prime Minister said that that after making a break in economy, it was now time for Malta to improve the quality of life. He argued that sport was a big part of that, and said that faced with true commitment the government was ready to double its budget on sport. Philip He said Malta’s performance at Gruppetta the Special Olympics “is a testament to our commitment to integration,” and that his government was working on improving the quality of life of disabled people, even promising to increase the allowance for disabled persons. After the Flame of Hope of the first Special Olympics World Games held in the Middle EastNorth Africa Region, the largest humanitarian and multisport event in 2019 was extinguished at the Zayed Sports City Stadium the Maltese contingent was able to celebrate its best ever participation.

No wonder Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and his wife Michelle, chairman of the Marigold Foundation praised the athletes on their stellar performance. At the Games the Maltese won gold medals in athletics, cycling, bowls and swimming and silver and bronze in the other five disciplines they competed in. Philip Gruppetta was the most successful athlete with three gold in bowling. The bowlers won four more gold medals. The Maltese athletes who were among 7,500 athletes from 190 countries around the world at the Games were able to celebrate their best ever participation. At the end of the closing ceremony the baton was handed over to Sweden, who will host the Special Winter Games in 2021. The grand finale was open to the public for free. It proved to be a celebration of the athletes, coaches, volunteers and a hint at the legacy of the Games. It was smiles all round during a smaller version of the opening ceremony while a small parade consisting of two athletes and a coach from each country (some 600) waving to the crowd entered the stadium. India finished the Special Olympics World Games with a rich haul of 368 medals, which included 85 gold, 154 silver and 129 bronze. It’s a record haul for the country that fielded a 284-member team. Our search for the final medals table proved fruitless. Later we learned why. The answer came from Timothy Shriver, Chairman of Special Olympics. When a question was put to him about who had topped the medals table he said that they don’t maintain a medals table. He said: “This is not about countries, it’s about people, it’s not about one nation defeating another just talk to the athletes, what is their message, ‘I had a good time, I played, I trained, I competed, I won a medal.’ That’s it.”

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Sports on 2 pages

Malta kick off campaign with a win

Photos Dominic Aquilina

Nwoko turns away after putting Malta ahead (left), and Mifsud in his 137th for Malta


Tuesday March 26, 2019

Valletta back in sole command


alletta made hard work out of beating Mosta 1-0 in Round 21 of the Premier League in Malta, but it was enough to give them all three points that allowed them to regain sole command of the league ladder after Hibernians dropped points for the second successive game in their 2-2 draw with Sliema Wanderers. The most important outcome of the results in this midweek programme was that Valletta ended up enjoying a two-point lead - 50 to 48 - over Hibernians. Results - Day 21 ThirdHibernians v Sliema W. 2-2 placed 1-0 Valletta v Mosta Gzira fell 0-0 f u r t h e r Gzira U v Balzan b e h i n d Ħamrun S v Birkirkara 1-0 2-0 Floriana v Pieta f o l l o w - Tarxien 2-1 v Qormi ing a Senglea v St Andrews 5-0 scoreless draw against Balzan while Ħamrun Spartans beat Birkirkara 1-0 to leapfrog over them in fifth place, a point behind Sliema. Balzan come next three points behind neighbours Birkirkara in seventh. The struggle for survival sees Qormi (on 13 points), and Pieta (on 10) occupying the bottom spots.

alta began their Euro 2020 qualifying campaign at the National Stadium last Saturday with a 2-1 victory in their Euro 2020 Group F qualifier over The Faroe Islands. It was a hardearned but deserved win that ended a 13-year wait for a home competitive victory. Malta paved the way for their second win in Seven minutes into stoppage time Faroe Islands seven matches against the Faroe Island with a pulled a goal back through a Jakup Thomsen well-executed headed goal headed goal Kyrian there was no more time for them to even build Nwoko in his fourth appearance for the national another attack. team. It gave new heart to the crowd of around This was coach Ray 'Zazu' Farrugia’s first vic7,000, and to the players who rarely score in tory since taking over the national team. competitive matches. It also set the tune for Malta’s next home match on Tuesday (26th) against Spain. After taking the lead the locals raised their with a 0-0 scoreless away draw at Banyule. game and played probably their best football Green Gully 2 Port Melbourne 0 in an international since the 2-1 win over *Green Gully returned to winning ways with The Georgies dominated the first half and Hungary in the European Championship in a home 2-0 victory over Port Melbourne. could have led comfortably at the break. October 2006. They had to wait until the 45th minute to Good goalkeeping from City's keeper, poor Malta kept up the pressure throughout the take the lead when they were awarded a finishing and desperate clearances prevented first half and came very close to adding to penalty kick that English import Alex them from scoring. Banyule grew into the the advantage. Salmon tucked away. In the second half Port game in the second half but the Cross defence On the change-over, Malta seemed more in- Melbourne exerted a lot of pressure on the was solid with goalkeeper Ryan Gauci outtent on preserving their lead but on13 min- Gully goal and went close to equalising sev- standing. Both sides hit the upright, but deutes the game took a twist when Andrei eral times, but they took none of their fences were well and truly on top in this Agius was sent off on 62 minutes for han- chances, and after surviving the onslaught game. A good result for the Georgies. dling the ball on its win into goal. A penalty the Greens seal the win with an another goal Sydney Univ 3 Parramatta Eagles FC 1 was awarded but goalkeeper Henry Bonello by Alex Salon on 87 minutes. * After their Round 2 match against Inter produced an outstanding save to deny HenLions FC was washed out Parramatta FC driksson from the spot. Green Gully SC2 Avondale 5 Malta played the rest of the game with a nu*Green Gully suffered a heavy 5-2 home Melita Eagles travelled faced Sydney Univ. merical disadvantage, but kept their cool and defeat that must have set alarm bells for SFC and under pouring rain, and despite aton 76 minutes they managed to earn a them. For Avondale this was their sixth win tacking for most of the match, luck was not penalty that was converted by Steve Borg. in the trot that was paved with a goal from on their side as they lost 3-1, with Scott a freekick from former Gully player Boland Tonkin getting a hat-trick for the victors. The Eagles were let down by missed Rugby: Malta win in Cyprus after 20 minutes. Andy Brennan equalised chances, a few defensive errors, and some levelled for Gully within 10 minutes, but alta’s national rugby team hamcontroversial refereeing decisions, including mered Cyprus in Paphos by 37 pts by half-time Avondale added two more the penalty through which the hosts took the goals to take a strangle hold of the match. to 10 to register an important away victory Green Gully came out firing after half-time lead on 12 minutes. Morteza Safdari levin the Europe Conference 1 South. and Fletcher scored with a header, but in elled for the visitors on 56 minutes but Parthe 78 minute Ahmad's strong run ended ramatta’s joy was short-lived as two minutes Hyundai A-League Results with a fourth goal for Avondale and with later the University regained their two-goal Day 22 t the end of Round three minutes remaining Stefan Zinni's lead, and then an error in mid-pitch gave the 0-2 chance to Tonkin to net his and his team’s 22, Perth Glory held Adelaide v Perth G added a fifth. Sydney FC v Melbourne C 0-2 third goal. on to their comfortable Melbourne V v Brisbane R. 2-1 The Eagles twice had appeals for penalties Banyule City 0 CS George Cross 0 nine-point lead over Syd- Wellington P. v W. Sydney W 3-1 ney FC (51 to 42) * George Cross kicked-off the league season tuned down. Newcastle J v CC Mariners 2-3

How ‘Maltese’ clubs fared in Aussie leagues


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