The Voice of the Maltese No. 194

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Issue 194

The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Fortnightly Fortnig htly magazine for the Diaspora

This is what


is all about

December 18, 2018

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 18, 2018

Message from H.E. President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca


t is my pleasure to extend Christmas greetings, to the Maltese communities across the world and in particular, the Maltese diaspora in Australia. No matter how far you may be from the Maltese Islands, we are united by the strength of our shared identity. This strong identity is especially evident during the Christmas season, when so many Maltese families come together to celebrate such a joyful time of the year. I believe that all Maltese, no matter who we are or where we live, have been committed to the ide-als of our nation, which include working together, to strengthen a culture of inclusion and peace. In fact, from my many experiences meeting with the Maltese abroad, I have always been so proud of their achievements and successes, and the positive visibility that they give to our islands.

I can confidently say that our Maltese diaspora has always been recognised as bringing a unique contribution, in terms of their hardworking approach and sense of commitment, to contribute to their countries of adoption. I hope that this Christmas season will be a time of wellbeing, of solidarity, and of peace, for all of your families and communities. Wherever we are in the world, I augur that all the people of Malta and Gozo will be united during this special time. On behalf of my family and myself, I wish you a peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Messaġġ mill-Onor. Carmelo Abela Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin u lPromozzjoni tal-Kummerċ


-2018 kienet sena ta’ tiġdid u ta’ avvanzi għal pajjiżna, inkluż fil-qasam tad-dijaspora Maltija. F’dawn l-aħħar 12-il xahar kelli l-opportunità li niltaqa’ ma’ mijiet ta’ emigranti Maltin u nies oħrajn ta’ nisel Malti. Fl-Awstralja, fil-Kanada, fl-Istati Uniti, fi Franza, fir-Renju Unit, fl-Italja, fil-Belġju, u fl-Emirati Għarab Magħquda, fost l-oħrajn, ikkonfermajna għal darb’oħra kemm pajjiżna huwa ferm akbar minn 316 km². Din is-sena li waslet biex tintemm rat ukoll il-ħatra ta’ għadd ġmielu ta’ membri ġodda fil-Kunsill għallMaltin li Jgħixu Barra – ippermettuli hawnhekk insellem u niżżi ħajr lil dawk li servew f’dan il-Kunsill għal snin sħaħ u li issa temmew il-mandat tagħhom. Għamilna l-almu kollu tagħna biex l-għamla lġdida tal-Kunsill tkun aktar rappreżentattiva. Fittixna bilanċ aħjar bejn irġiel u nisa; bejn emigranti tal-ewwel ġenerazzjoni u d-dixxendenti tagħhom; bejn l-esperjenza iebsa tal-ewwel ġenerazzjonijiet u

l-ideat ta’ żgħażagħ ta’ demm Malti li forsi lanqas jafu jlissnu kelma bil-lingwa tagħna iżda li għandhom imħabba indeskrivibbli lejn l-art fejn twieldu nanniethom jew il-ġenituri tagħhom. Il-Gvern hu sensittiv għall-ħtigijiet tad-dijaspora. Bis-saħħa tal-laqgħat tal-Kunsill u tax-xogħol tadDirettorat għall-Maltin li Jgħixu Barra, inżommu kuntatt ma jaqta’ xejn. Fis-snin li ġejjin, anke permezz tal-Ħames Konvenzjoni għall-Maltin li Jgħixu Barra li hija skedata għall-2020, ninsabu diġà impenjati biex nagħmlu dak kollu possibbli sabiex inkomplu nqarrbu lill-Maltin - jgħixu fejn jgħixu madwar id-dinja - lejn xulxin. F’isem il-familja tiegħi u l-istaff tal-Ministeru, nixtieq lill-edituri, il-kontributuri, u l-qarrejja ta’ The Voice of the Maltese Milied ħieni u sena ġdida mimlija ġid, hena, u suċċess.

The Voice of the Maltese will take a break for Christmas and the New Year. This is the last issue for 2018. The first issue of 2019 will be on January 15.

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday December 18, 2018

Messaġġ mill-Prim Ministru ta’ Malta Dr. Joseph Muscat


ull sena li tgħaddi jkollha l-memorji tagħha, hi bħal ktieb b’paġni vojta li waħda waħda jibdew jimtlew b’memorji personali li taqsam mal-familja u ħbieb iżda wkoll b’memorji li jkun għadda minnhom il-pajjiż: is-suċċessi u l-mumenti diffiċli. Fuq bixra personali issa li jien u Michelle għandna t-tfal tagħna qed jikbru, aktar nistgħu nirraġunaw magħhom u l-ħin tagħna flimkien għalkemm ikun ftit, aktar naraw kif nisfruttawh bl-aħjar mod possibbli. Bħala pajjiż, is-sodisfazzjon huwa kbir. Malta baqgħet tikber ekonomikament, iktar mill-pajjizi kollha Ewropej. Miżuri bħal childcare centres b’xejn xprunaw l-ekonomija tagħna biex kellna fost l-akbar ħolqien ta’ impjiegi u laktar livell baxx ta’ qgħad fl-istorja. Is-saħħa ta’ pajjiżna sarrfet bħala kalamita għall-investiment. Illum, il-problema li għandna bħala pajjiż mhux li lMaltin ikunu sfurzati jemigraw biex isibu xogħol, iżda li nsibu persuni barranin biex inlaħħqu mad-domanda taxxogħol li qed jinħoloq fuq din il-gżira. Dan l-andament pożittiv jippermettilna nkomplu nikkonċentraw fuq il-kwalita tal-ħajja, l-ambjent u lħolqien ta’ spażji pubbliċi għall-familji. It-tfal kollha għandhom aċċess għall-mużewijiet b’xejn flimkien ma’ żewġ persuni adulti li jakkumpanjawhom. Għinna lill-familji biex inaqqsu l-ispejjeż tagħhom bi trasport b’xejn għall-istudenti tal-iskejjel kollha - bħalissa total ta’ 38,000 student - bil-ġenituri jiffrankaw medja ta’ €700 għal kull wild fis-sena. Qed inbidlu wkoll il-mod kif tidher Malta. Biex pajjiżna ikompli jattira investiment u turisti f’kull perjodu tas-sena kien jinħtieġ investiment bla preċedent fl-infrastruttura.

The editors of The Voice of the Maltese wish all our readers and their families a wonderful Christmas! May it bring you joy, happiness and all that you deserve. Happy Christmas Also may the New Year 2019 be one of health, happiness, wealth, wisdom, peace and prosperity. Happy New Year

Bħalissa għaddej proġett biex f’seba’ snin isiru mill-ġdid it-toroq kollha ta’ pajjiżna b’investiment ta’ €700 miljun. Dan filwaqt li qed nesploraw industriji ġodda billi għaddejna liġijiet għall-użu u l-produzzjoni tal-kannabis għal skopijiet mediċinali u fassalna l-ewwel qafas regolatorju fid-dinja għad-Distributed Ledger Technology li jirregola teknoloġiji bħall-blockchain. Għaddejna liġijiet storiċi li se jibqgħu parti milistorja ta’ pajjiżna, u se jkunu s-sisien għal Malta ġdida riformista tal-futur, bħall-liġi tal-vot 16. Flelezzjonijiet ta’ Mejju li ġej mat-8500 żgħażagħ se jivvutaw għall-elezzjonijiet tal-Parlament Ewropew. Missejna qlub il-familji bl-emendi fil-liġi tal-IVF biex aktar koppji jistgħu jsiru ġenituri. Jekk Alla jrid is-sena d-dieħla mill-inqas disat itrabi se jitwieldu grazzi għal dan il-pass. Tajna għotja ta’ €10,000 għal koppji li jaddotaw biex jingħataw l-isbaħ rigal li jgħozzu wild ġdid tagħhom. Infetħet il-11–il dar Soċjeta’ Ġusta f’pajjiżna biex persuni b’diżabilita’ jkunu jistgħu jgħixu fil-kommunita b’mod indipendenti. Għas-sena d-dieħla baqaa ħafna x’nagħmlu. Konfortat millfatt li l-familji fl-2019 se jgawdu l-frott tal-baġit li ġie preżentat f’Ottubru li għadda. Baġit li kien it-tieni wieħed mingħajr l-ebda taxxa, r-raba’ wieħed b’żieda fil-pensjonijiet u s-seba’ bi tnaqqis fl-income tax. Baġit lil fih miżuri biex il-familji ikomplu jtejbu l-kwalita’ tal-ħajja tagħhom fosthom bl-ewwel żieda fic-childrens allowance wara 11-il sena. Inħares lejn l-2019 b’ottimiżmu u b’entużjażmu u nimlew paġni oħra mid-djarju għall-2019 bis-suċċess tal-pajjiż u suċċess tal-familji Maltin u Għawdxin kollha. Minn qalbi, f’ismi, f’isem marti Michelle u uliedi, f’isem il-Gvern, nawguralkom Milied ħieni u Sena Ġdida mimlija paċi, barka u mħabba.

Message from the Australian Prime Minister


hristmas is a time for all Australians to gath-er with loved ones, exchange gifts, share stories and remind ourselves about the joy of life. For Christians such as myself, it is also a time for us to savour the message of God’s gift to humanity embodied in the infant Saviour, and to renew our faith. At Christmas, we recall the original Christmas message: “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you”. No matter what our background or belief, Christmas is a season of goodwill and thanksgiving. It is a time to count our blessings, and to remember those who are suffering, not as fortunate, or who are missing loved ones. Across our land thousands of volunteers, charities and churches will prepare meals for those alone and provide gifts for those who might not have enough. In doing so, they are embracing the selfless story of the first Christmas. This year, we particularly remember those communities experiencing the ravages of drought. If there is a gift our country needs: it is rain. My prayer this Christmas is for rain. We remember this Christmas the great blessing of Australia. We live in a nation with peace and security, where people from around the globe, and the globe, and of from walks of life,inlive together harmony. in refrom all walks life,alllive together remarkable markable harmony. There is so much we can be thankful for. Merry C There is so much we can be thankful for. Merry Christmas! The Hon Scott Morrison MP Prime Minister of Australia December 2018

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 18, 2018

More Christmas and New Year messages

The Hon Alex Hawke MP

H.E. Ms Julienne Hince

hristmas is a time for families to come together and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and Australia’s Christian heritage. It is a time to be thankful and to appreciate the blessings of peace and security we continue to enjoy as a nation. Australia enjoys a vast multicultural and linguistic background, making our nation a wonderfully diverse place to live. Despite being one of the smallest countries in the world, Malta and its people have had a significant effect upon Australian society. Over 175,000 Australians have Maltese ancestry with over 35,000 people born in Malta now living in Australia – the largest Maltese community outside of Malta. For Maltese Australians and for many others, Christmas is a special time to reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ and take the holiday season to catch up with family and friends. On behalf of my family, Amelia, Jack, Lachlan, Thomas and I, we would like to wish the readers of the Voice of the Maltese Australia a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.


Federal Member for Mitchell Ass. Minister for Immigration and Border Protection


H.E. Charles Muscat Malta’s High Commissioner in Australia


n 2018, Malta has continued to progress outstandingly and heightened its profile within the global trade and economic realms. Looking back on Valletta’s tenure of the prestigious title of European Cultural Capital for 2018, the cultural programme has duly promoted and sought to preserve the rich cultural heritage Malta holds within. On a local level, the long-standing ties between the Maltese government, the Maltese communities in Australia and the Australian government were greatly re-committed by the visit of the Hon. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat accompanied by Mrs Michelle Muscat, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion the Hon. Carmelo Abela and Mrs Melanie Abela, the Parliamentary Secretary the Hon. Clifton Grima, and delegation. I had the honour and pleasure to accompany this delegation that hosted meetings with the Maltese communities in Victoria and Southeast Queensland. High-level bilateral meetings were also held with then Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews and Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. In 2018, the High Commission in Canberra organised the performance of “Star of Strait Street”, a stellar musical performance from Malta to Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide through the Cultural Diplomacy Fund offered by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion. I join the Consuls General in sincerely auguring that, in the future, more members of the Maltese communities, especially the younger generations, are encouraged to learn the Maltese language. Together with my wife, Victoria, Deputy HC, the Consuls General, Honorary Consuls, I wish you all a blessed Christmas and a prosperous 2019.

High Commissioner for Australia in Malta

s the festive season is upon us, I take the opportunity to reflect on 2018 as it draws to a close, and the good things to come in the New Year. I have now been in Malta almost two years, and have grown accustomed to the generous and friendly nature of the Maltese people. The beauty of the country, however, continues to surprise me. This year too, Valletta was crowned 2018 European Capital of Culture and became a buzzing hub of international events and performances; and we look forward to cultural exchanges with Australia through the ‘The Canning Stock Route: Yiwarra Kuju’ Indigenous exhibition at Spazju Kreattiv, in May-June 2019. At Government level, we were pleased to shore up Malta’s support for an Australia - European Union Free Trade Agreement ( Two rounds of negotiations took place this year and we look forward to the closer economic links with Malta, which such an FTA will provide. The warm people-to-people links continued to prosper, with a large Maltese delegation attending this years’ Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games. Prime Minister Muscat and Foreign Minister Abela accompanied the Maltese athletes and had the opportunity to meet their (then) Australian counterparts Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop as well as explore business opportunities. I returned to Australia myself in July for mid-term consultations and was able to meet the thriving Maltese communities in Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney, Wollongong and Morwell, which hosts a community of approximately 3000 Maltese and is host to the annual LaTrobe Valley Maltese Festival. We wish Morwell luck in its plans to open the first Maltese museum, which aims to foster links and particularly educate Maltese about their homeland and culture. A local Morwell figure and Honorary Consul for Malta, Mr Mario Sammut has been appointed to the Council for the Maltese Abroad. I send him and the other Australians appointed to the Council, Mr Stephen Gatt, Ms Edwidge Borg, Mr Emanuel Camilleri, Ms Marie-Louise Previtera and Mr Shane Delia, my warm congratulations. And to all of the Australian-Maltese in both our countries I wish you a very merry Christmas and a safe and prosperous New Year.

Tuesday December 18, 2018

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Something magical happens each time you enter these city walls. Architectural excellence captivates your visual senses, as every step leads to a landmark of historical value. Walls and pavements that line the grid of narrow streets whisper secrets and mystics to passersby, whilst the air fills up with modern art, live music, and an array of celebrations. The Unesco World Heritage Site could perhaps best be described as a place where history meets the present; where every explorer can find something they love. How will your Valletta story unfold?

The Prodigal son returns

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 18, 2018

ndy Busuttil was born in Kenya, East Africa in A 1951. His mother and father are both Maltese born. His father, Joe Busuttil, was in the British Army and transferred to Kenya where he was joined by his wife Georgina. Andy spent seven of his earlier years in England and five in Malta prior to coming to Australia on the Flotta Lauro SS Roma in February 1964.


Andy Busuttil

efore coming to Australia, Andy attended St Augustine’s College in Tarxien for one year where he was the dux of the year. On arriving in Australia he attended Fairfield Boys’ High School in NSW up to the HSC and then went on to study Psychology and Sociology at the University of NSW. In the mid 1990’s he furthered his study to achieve a Masters of Higher Education, and completed a Diploma in Frontline Management, Certificate IV in Workplace Training and Assessment and a Certificate III in Information Technology. During his career he has worked in a wide variety of occupations and organisations including in the Public Service, social services, management consultancy and leadership development and in higher education development working with academics to advance their skills in learning and teaching. Andy’s consuming passion is performing music and especially that about our magnificent Maltese Islands and their extraordinary and globally significant history. His band ‘Skorba’ has produced an album of music about the Neolithic Temples of Malta and is currently in the process of recording a second about The Great Siege of 1565. Skorba’s concerts include a visual presentation as well as musical. He takes great delight in playing for both Maltese and non-Maltese audiences and especially delighted when 2nd, 3rd or 4th generation Maltese attend and become deeply enthused about Malta’s culture and heritage and the beauty of their progenitors’ homeland. Andy takes great delight in connecting with Maltese communities whenever he can and has been privileged to deliver a number of addresses representing the Maltese community in Sydney at various functions. He married his wife Denise in 2000 and brought into the marriage two sons, one biologically his and one adopted and was delighted to bring Denise’s son into this blended family. He has two grandchildren by his middle son. His greatest delight is in seeing his sons engage with each other affectionately and as a true family. Andy returned to Malta for the first time in 2016 after being away for 52 years. He wrote an article for The Voice about his experience of being back ‘home’. He said it was a deeply moving experience for him. He was surprised by the extent to which Malta had remained deeply and emotionally embedded in the core of his existence. He had, after all, been living in Australia for by far the greatest part of his 65 years and perhaps didn’t realise just how important Malta was to him.


He reported how overcome with emotion he was when he was standing at passport control at the airport with tears in his eyes. The official in the booth looked at him quizzically and Andy said to him that he had returned after being away for over 50 years. The official extended his hand through the conversation hole in his booth and held Andy’s hand and said ‘welcome home’. Andy told The Voice that was the Malta that he treasured; the warmth and generosity of its people encapsulated in a hand reaching out and welcoming back the prodigal son and taking him back into the fold without question. There was no question of ‘why did you leave us?’ instead the greeting that many Maltese extended to him was one of warmth and recognition of him being ‘one of ours’. The tears flowed freely in response. Andy has since returned for a second visit since emigrating this year, in his own words, “Once again catching up not only on the warmth of strangers but the affection of my extended family was the high point.” “How could anyone going to Malta not be so affected by the many wonders of this tiny set of islands so isolated in the middle of the Mediterranean yet so central to the history of every country in the Western hemisphere?” The prodigal son had returned to find that even more deeply, you could take the boy out of Malta but, in the man, Malta always remains.

Tuesday December 18, 2018


The Voice of the Maltese 7

Q. I am 67 years old and have found a part time job of 15 hours his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the per week. The income is approximately $500 per week. My emMaltese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the ployer is deducting tax from this wage but I have no other taxable Fiducian Financial Services helps our readers underincome as my other income is from an account-based pension stand the complexities associated with financial planthat is all tax-free. I am not on the age pension. Should I ask my ning. If you need more advice send an email to Marie employer to stop taking tax or should I wait to get a tax refund? Louise via: A. The tax taken out of your wage would pension age” this will not only be the minimal amount. Employers be treated as an asset and have an obligation to take this tax out, you will qualify for the full but when you lodge your tax return you age pension of $690.70 should receive all the tax that your em- per fortnight. Your wife will not qualify ployer has paid on your behalf back as a tax refund. As you are working you will for the pension until she is need to lodge a tax return this year, even age pension age. You will though last year you may not have subsidise your living expenses by rolling over needed to. your remaining super into Q. I am currently working and retiring an account-based pension from the workforce in February 2019 and take a monthly paywhen I turn 66. My wife is 60 years old ment from it. This will be and she will not be qualifying for the tax-free income. If you needed money and these risks; especially if you have assets age pension until 67. I have $400,000 in your wife is already retired, she could with- that you are prepared to risk above and superannuation and around $66,000 in draw money from her superannuation fund beyond your principal residence banks and term deposits. at any time tax-free as she is over the age Q. I am 59 years old and have just beOur total assets will be approximately of 60. come redundant. I plan to look for $500,000 counting the car and contents work as I feel I am too young to retire and therefore I will not qualify for the Q. My son is self-employed and needs but in the meantime I wish to go on a full pension. Can you advise what I to borrow $200,000. He has asked us to long overseas trip, as I have not been need to do to qualify for the full pen- be guarantors for him as otherwise the abroad for over five years. Is it possible sion, as we need the full pension to live banks will not agree to lend him the for me to withdraw $50,000 from my money. Do you think this is wise or are superannuation to pay for this holiday comfortably in retirement? we putting ourselves at risk? or do I have to wait until age 65 to A. For a homeowner couple to qualify for the full pension your assets need to be A. If you are your son’s guarantors and make withdrawals from super? below $387,500. I would therefore recom- he finds himself in trouble and unable to A. As you are not at present working and mend that you withdraw $120,000 from pay the bank back, you will need to come over 57 years of age, which is preservayour super fund and invest it in your wife’s to his assistance. Whilst there is always a tion age, you are able to make lump sum name as a non-concessional contribution risk in such circumstances, the chance to withdrawals from your superannuation into superannuation. As she is under “age help your son out now may well outweigh fund. This lump sum is within the limits and therefore you will not have to pay tax on it. However, although the withdrawal will not attract any tax liability, it may impact other tax matters and we strongly recommend you seek personal advice in this situation. Q. My mother has been in aged care for two years. She had paid a refundable accommodation deposit of $450,000. We are now selling her house and we believe this should sell for around $800,000. Will this affect my mother’s age pension? A. . At present your mother’s house has not been treated as an asset by Centrelink. The two years are up and once the house is sold your mother’s financial assets will be above the limit and she will lose her age pension completely. The asset test limit for single non-homeowners is $771,000. The refundable accommodation deposit that she paid is not treated as an asset but everything else is.


This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 18, 2018

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly tnightly magazine magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name and e-mail address of the writer and be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Wishing all the best for the festive season


Christopher Muscat from Bowen Hills, Queensland, writes:

lease allow me to give my greetings for the forthcoming festive seasons to the production team and all the correspondents at The Voice of the Maltese for the sterling work that you do throughout the year to keep us, the Maltese Diaspora in tune with each other and in particular

Grazzi ta’kollox


’dan iż-żmien tas-sena, naħseb li nkun qed nimxi max-xewqa tal-qarrejja ta’ The Voice li nagħti l-isbaħ xewqat lil min imexxi din il-pubblikazzzjoni. Imma mhux biss. Inħoss li aħna l-qarrejja li minn darna fl-akbar kumdita` nistgħu nitpaxxew b’dak li toffrulna, għandna nkunu grati ferm ukoll lejn dawk li b’kitbiethom jgħollu l-prestiġju ta’ din ir-rivista. Il-pariri li jagħtu kemm Marie-Louise Muscat (finanzi) u Paul Sant (legali) huma imprezzabbli, filwaqt li bil-kummenti varji tiegħu, Ivan Cauchi qed jagħti l-għalf biex il-qarrejja niddiskutuhom u ma nibqgħux passivi. Din xi ħaġa li tassew kellna bżonn. Nogħxa wkoll bl-artikli regolari ta’ Doris Cannataċi u Peter Paul Ciantar li b’ħila juruna x’ġid kulturali għandha Malta. Flimkien mal-oħrajn li semmejt dawn qed jagħmlu The Voice l-aqwa pubblikazzjoni li qatt kellna fl-Awstralja. Grazzi!

Ippruvaw iktbu bil-Malti

Inħeġġu lill-qarrejja li jkunu jridu jiktbu bil-Malti biex ma joqogħdux lura, anke jekk forsi mhumiex daqshekk intiżi filkitba Maltija. Aħna lesti li nirranġaw kitbiethom. Nagħmlu tajjeb li fejn nistgħu nipprattikaw ilsien art twelidna.

with Malta, the birthplace of some of us who have been living away from Malta and of our parents. I get very emotional when I read The Voice of the Maltese as though I was born in the Australia my parents were both born in Malta. Both of them always tried to instil in us siblings the love for Malta as if we too were born there. We are three brothers and a sister. One of my brothers returned to Malta and keeps pushing us to follow in his footsteps and to share with him the prosperity of this tiny island that despite of its small size always manages to make a big splash in the world’s vast oceans and has become respected by world leaders for its important initiatives. With my brother in Malta whenever I can spare the time, I try to visit in order to strengthen my links with the local community and the happy and friendly Maltese people. I wish to end my letter by appealing to all those of Maltese descent, wherever they are, to respect the countries that by way of citizenship have welcomed them, to always remember where they came from and to work hard to lead by example. Never denounce your mark. Wishing all a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year 2019

Maltese organisations are not only in Victoria, Sydney


Ben Agius from Leeming WA writes: refer to the article on page 4 of the last issue of The Voice of the Maltese dated December 4 with regards to Maltese in Australia. While I found the information given very interesting and believe it to be sound and correct, I find that the last paragraph, while correct in stating that many (Maltese) organisations continue to exist in Australia (mainly in Victoria and New South Wales), ignores the fact that such organisations exist in other States of Australia too. It would be helpful, I think if all States where they exist are included in such statements. I also note that the comment about “ethnic Maltese who were born in Egypt and Tripoli” could have been put in a way so as to recognise clearly that they too are members of the Maltese Community in Australia and recognised as such.

Bambin ‘Teżor’ tal-Mużew tassubien fir-Rabat Tuesday December 18, 2018


abib tiegħi, Joseph Muscat, membru tal-Mużew u studjuż magħruf f’Malta fil-qasam tal-presepji u l-Bambini, kif ukoll fil-qasam tal-istorja marittima ta’ Żmien il-Kavallieri f’Malta, tkellem ħafna drabi miegħi dwar is-sbuħija kbira u artistika tal-Bambin tal-Milied li hemm fil-Mużew (Taqsima tasSubien) tar-Rabat. Joseph għamel studji kbar dwar l-istorja tal-Bambini u jaf li minħabba l-pożizzjoni, il-fattizzi u s-sbuħija li taf toffri biss itTarbija ta’ Betlem, l-Bambin tar-Rabat hu meqjuż bħala teżor. Żgur li r-Rabtin speċjalment, kemm-il darba raw lil dan il-Bambin imqiegħed fil-maxtura f’lejlet il-Milied, fil-purċissjoni tattfal tal-Mużew, għaddej ibierek it-toroq tagħna. Nimmaġina li ftit minna anke waqfu quddiemu japprezzaw il-ġmiel ‘naturali’ tiegħu. Dan il-Bambin x’aktarx li nġieb Malta minn Lecce fl-Italja għallħabta tal-1935. Qed ngħid ‘x’aktarx’ minħabba mhux fiż-żgur għax ma nsibu xejn bil-miktub dwar hekk. Iżda fl-istess sena li wasal għand tal-Mużew, ħareġ fil-purċissjoni tal-Milied li ta’ kull sena jorganizzaw il-membri tal-Mużew tas-subien għat-tfal. Id-dilettanti mill-ewwel għarfu s-sbuħija ta’ dan il-Bambin, u baxx baxx ħadu wkoll xi kopji tiegħu tax-xemgħa u tal-kartapesta. Għaldaqstant, b’xorti ħażina, ma nistgħux ngħidu li dan il-Bambin tar-Rabat huwa l-uniku, għalkemm irridu ngawdu l-oriġinal: u fil-qasam talarti, l-oriġinal hu bil-wisq aktar importanti minn kopja. B’dispjaċir ngħid ukoll li xi ħadd għamel xi restawr fis-saqajn tal-Bambin u għalhekk tellef xi ftit missbuħija tiegħu, għalkemm fil-parti l-kbira ż-zebgħa tagħha hija dik oriġinali. Matul is-sena, dan il-Bambin jitqiegħed f’niċċa fissede tal-Mużew li semmejt, f’niċċa maħduma mis-superjur Gejtu Galea li ħafna niftakruh u nafuh sew. Gejtu kien mastrudaxxa tajjeb ħafna, allura poġġa

The Voice of the Maltese 9

PeterPaulCiantar ‘qalbu’ f’din in-niċċa. Fil-jiem tal-Milied, dan il-Bambin jintrama f’post ċentrali fil-Kappella. Naturalment, l-isbaħ dehra tiegħu hi xħin jgħaddu bih fit-toroq f’lejlet il-Milied, mixgħul b’dawl sabiħ sottili, merfugħ minn erbat itfal tat-Taqsima u akkumpanjat mit-tfal ikantaw l-għanjiet Maltin tal-Milied. Din tkun dehra impressjonanti li tfakkrar flgħożża kbira li San Ġorg Preca (il-Fundatur tal-Mużew) kellu lejn it-twelid ta’ Ġesù Bambin. Ħasra li biex fil-purċissjoni l-Bambin joqgħod sod fil-maxtura, ikun imgeżwer f’terħa xi ftit goffa li m’għandhiex x’taqsam ma’ dik oriġinali. Fil-fatt, meta jkun merfugħ fin-niċċa jidher isbaħ għax ikun mingħajr it-terħa miżjuda. Xi devot kien ukoll irregala ġiżirana tad-deheb żgħira lil dan ilBambin, biex tiddendel ma’ għonq it-Tarbija divina. Minħabba fl-importnaza ta’ dan il-Bambin, meta t-temp ta’ lejlet il-Milied ma jippermettix, it-Taqsima toħroġ ieħor minn floku biex ma ssirlux ħsara li tista’ ddgħajjef il-ġmiel kbir li jgwadi dan il-Bambin Teżor fir-Rabat.

10 The Voice of the Maltese


Ħati jew le?

Tuesday December 18, 2018

A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: https://ivancauchi.

kitba ta’



orsi tiftakru l-artiklu tiegħi f’The Voice Nru. 184 intitolata ‘l-Arċisqof Wilson u l-Knisja Kattolika’. Għal min mhux familjari mal-każ, Philip Wilson li dakinhar kien Arċisqof ta’ Adelaide kien instab ħati f’Mejju ta’ din is-sena fil-Qorti Lokali ta’ Newcastle fi NSW li kien ħeba abbuż sesswali li kien seħħ minn qassis ieħor fis-snin sebgħin, u kien ikkundannat sitt xhur ta’ detenzjoni fid-dar tiegħu. Kont semmejt li se jappella mis-sentenza u li dan l-appell seta’ jinqata’ favurih jew kontrih. Fil-fatt, l-appell għadu kif instema,’ u Wilson instab li mhux ħati, b’riżultat li wara erba’ xhur, il-kundanna ta’ detenzjoni tiegħu spiċċat.1 Jiġifieri Wilson ma’ kienx emmnut mill-Maġistrat Robert Stone meta stqarr f’Mejju li ma kienx jiftakar li kien notifikat tal-abbuż mill-vittma Peter Creigh li kien iktar emmnut. Issa f’Novembru l-istess stqarrija ta’ Wilson kienet emmnuta mill-Imħallef Roy Ellis, li ddeskrieva lil Wilson bħala onest u konsistenti, filwaqt li innota inkonsistenzi fix-xhieda tal-vittma Creigh. Allura, Wilson kien ħati jew le? Ejja nibdew minn jekk verament għamilx dak li kien mixli li għamel. La jien, u lanqas ħadd fuq din l-art ma jaf jew jista’ jkun jaf it-tweġiba għal dan, ħlief Wilson innifsu, Creigh u Alla tagħhom. Nistgħu nagħmlu ftit progress jekk inwieġbu jekk Wilson kienx ħati jew le skont il-liġi. Din il-kwestjoni iktar faċli. Minn Mejju sa Novembru 2018, l-eks Arċisqof ta’ Adelaide kien meqjus ħati mill-proċess tal-ġustizzja kriminali u kellu piena ta’ detenzjoni. Minn Diċembru 2018 ‘il quddiem, huwa meqjus mhux ħati mill-proċess tal-ġustizzja kriminali, u li qatt ma kien. Liema deċiżjoni tirbaħ? Din il-mistoqsija wkoll tista’ tingħata tweġiba – l-aħħar waħda. Allura din hi l-aħħar kelma? Probabbli li le, għax il-Kuruna (ilProsekuzzjoni tal-Istat) beħsiebha tappella, li tista’ twassal lillaħħar deċiżjoni tiġi kkonfermata, jew li treġġa lura d-deċiżjoni ta’ qabel! Din naturalment mhix l-ewwel darba li deċiżjoni tinqaleb ta’ taħt fuq, u lanqas mhu se tkun l-aħħar darba, la fi NSW, la fl-Awstralja u lanqas fid-dinja. Fil-fatt, dak hu l-iskop kollu li jkollok il-faċilità ta’ appell, ċioè li jkun hemm iċ-ċans li jekk ikun sar żball f’deċiżjoni ta’ qorti, dan jiġi rrimedjat fit-tieni, u tat-tielet fuq tat-tieni eċċ sakemm jintlaħaq xi limitu tal-appelli. Qiegħdin nitkellmu dwar ir-reputazzjonijiet tan-nies akkużati, tal-abbiltà tagħhom li jiffurmaw parti minn komunità, li jistgħu jitilfu l-libertà tagħhom għal perjodu ta’ żmien, u f’xi pajjiżi, li

jitilfu ħajjithom bħala piena. Qiegħdin nitkellmu wkoll dwar nies li sofrew u għadhom isofru bħala vittmi, jew lill-familjari tagħhom li għadhom igħajtu għall-ġustizzja. Il-problema hi li żbalji jsiru jew jistgħu isiru kemm f’deċiżjonijiet tal-bidu, u kemm f’deċiżjonijiet tal-aħħar. X’fiduċja għandna li l-Qorti tal-Appell għandha raġun, jew li l-ewwel Qorti Lokali kellha raġun? U fuq liema bażi għandna din il-fiduċja? Sitwazzjonijiet u deċiżjonijiet li jidhru tant arbitrarji sfortunatament iwasslu għal tnaqqis ta’ fiduċja fil-proċessi ġudizzjarji, pilastru tant importanti fit-tmexxija tal-pajjiż. F’kull deċiżjoni, se jkun hemm naħa tal-każ li jħossu li tkun saret ġustizzja, u n-naħa l-oħra jħossu li le, u min għandu verament raġun nibqgħu ma nafux. Darba kien hemm min offrieli deskrizzjoni ta’ kif jidhru deċiżjonijiet tal-qrati simili, kemm lil osservaturi indipendenti u kemm lil min huwa involut direttament, bħall-akkużati, vittmi, xhieda u oħrajn. Lotterija. Spiss niftakar fiha. Referenzi 1., retrieved 11/12/2018

The Voice of the Maltese 11


Tuesday December 18, 2018

The Tapestries: Conclusion The Flemish Tapestries T in the Conventional

oday’s article concludes the series about the set of Tapestries to be found at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta. They were meant to give a meaning to them and help one to grasp the messages the representation wants to convey.

he fourteen large tapestries that we reviewed in this series depict subjects from the New Testament, or the symbolism that originated from them. In the crib Jesus is God made visible. Jesus’ cross is the perfect expression of God’s love. Only in the mystery of the cross man can discover and encounter God’s love. The cross has become the greatest and most potent sign of God’s love. The crib and the cross are never far from each other. The tapestries were meant to convey a message to the onlooker. After admiring these tapestries, a divine logic can take over the viewer, a gospel mentality may set in, and one begins to see everything with new eyes. These scenes present a cycle of feasts celebrated throughout the liturgical year. They show the central events of man’s salvation: Christ’s birth, death and resurrection. They were intended to grip the imagination of the viewer. There is great artistic celebrity in the description of the spiritual, through the medium of these tapestries. They aim to familiarise believers with the history of salvation and to stimulate them to meditate on these historical events of Jesus. At first glance the beholder is attracted by the beauty of these tapestries and tries to get closer to admire the meticulous work made by hand. He is fascinated by the intricate colours, light and shade effects, swirling figures typical of the Baroque. Many a time their symbolism can lead to realism. All this can eventually move the viewer to a visual reality, and on to a participative experience that can result in exploring a sacred lan-

guage. The message of the tapestries carries a truth bigger than the heart of man; the images show how much God loves man – the ultimate truth of his existence, truth that surpasses human language. Grand Master Perellos left a legacy not only to the Maltese, but also, to all foreigners who visit St John’s Museum. As a defender of faith, he was instrumental in giving such a magnificent gioia with this theological message. These tapestries form part of the glorious heritage of all Christians, and all men and women throughout the ages who follow Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Every scene in the tapestries can relate to man in its own way and the viewer can share the same experience with the artist. It can involve the beholder in the same way as the artist. This is where art can communicate with the onlooker and conveys a message. Vatican Council II in Sacrosanctum Concilium emphasizes that Sacred Art renders a noble service to the liturgy. In today’s largely secular society, man is bombarded with ideas and images that are opposed to the Christian message. One doubts what time man spend daily in prayer and reading the scriptures. Today amid the roar of the rocket launching, the tap tapping of keyboards and the shrilling of cellular-phones, man can hardly concentrate and reflect enough on the Christian message that these tapestries convey. There is no limit to the ways in which God may carry out His saving work. One can assume that not only

Church of the Order of St John in Valletta

The St. Nicholas Festa Committee in Plumpton would like to wish you all a Merry and Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. We look forward to seeing you all in the coming new year.

Dr. DorisCannataci

preachers and theologians can bring out the significance of Christ’s redemption in the world today. That is the thrust of the message of these tapestries, a message of salvation that Jesus wants to convey to man. These tapestries may serve as guidelines for helping people to discover, or rediscover God in their lives. They also have a liturgical function. “Sacred art should continue to be a useful aid to churchgoers who want to concentrate their thoughts on God.” William Dalrymple says that people are religious in terms of sentiment, but have lost knowledge and any awareness of the Christian narrative. He writes: “Think back to the Middle Ages when there was so much iconography in terms of art or sculpture in our cathedrals and parish churches. They were just full of it: you’d see depictions of stories that people knew well, and although they couldn’t read books, they could read a statue, or read a rose window, and know that the guy carrying the keys is St Peter. “Now we have the reverse situation in modern Britain. We have a population which is literate, and which can read, but who just don’t know the stories.” Man’s life on earth can be described as a constant journey to the home of the Father. These Flemish tapestries can be a source of great help both theologically and philosophically to the passer-by who is in a state of pilgrimage towards heaven. Who knows if the message of these tapestries can be a beacon to any onlooker? Even today, it is an accepted fact that an image can convey many messages. In a rather recent issue of The Tablet we find this affirmation: “a picture is worth a thousand catechisms.” These scenes can entice and even propels one into closer relationship with God.


1. VATICAN COUNCIL II, The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium (4 December 1963) VII. 2. NIKOL CAUCHI, For and against sacred art, in The Times (7 March 2003) 10. 3. WILLIAM DALRYMPLE, Lost for words, in Tablet, (3 January 2004) 10. 4. Man of Tatoos, Notebook, in The Tablet (16 January 2010) 18. Re Tattoos on David Beckham

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 18, 2018

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta commemorates 44th Republic Day

For the service of the Republic of Malta DOI-Jason Borg

President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca and PM Joseph Muscat in a group photo after the Investiture Ceremony


s most befitting, the 44th Anniversary of Republic Day (Jum ir-Repubblika), a National Day in Malta, was celebrated with great pomp. The occasion also marked Malta President MarieLouise Coleiro Preca’s final one before the termination of her five-year term next year. She also presided over the Investiture Ceremony at The Palace in Valletta in which a number of people were honoured for services rendered to the Republic of Malta. The day began with a parade by the AFM and the trooping of the colours, which were followed by a large crowd in the streets of Malta’s capital, Valletta. The President also paid tribute to the monument of Malta Repubblika in Marsa and delivered a special message in a speech during which she touched on a number of important issues related to Malta. (See also

extracts from her speech in Maltese on page 15) On this occasion twenty-two people, that included three politicians and a number of personalities known for their voluntary work, received state honours from President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca. The highest award this year went to former European Commissioner and NP politician Tonio Borg. Former Labour MPs John Dalli and Dr Adrian Vassallo were both awarded the medal of the National Order of Merit. Two nationals of other countries were conferred with honours. Baron Emmanuele FM Emanuele di Villabianca got the title of honorary official for his financing research into cancer, and Michio Endo for his commitment to encouraging more tourism from Japan to Malta. During the ceremony, of the National

Precision Group of Companies would like to extend their best wishes for a Holy Christmas and the very best for year 2019 to the Maltese community in Australia

Shaun Bonett CEO & Managing Director

Order of Merit, two received the award on an honorary basis; another was awarded posthumously to Charles Miceli who worked as a printer, and journalist, before moving away from journalism to follow his aspiration of living by helping others, Ten other individuals were awarded the Midalja għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika, one of them on an honorary basis. The honourees included two Maltese Australians, Rigu Bovingdon, for his promotion of the Maltese language, and Frank Scicluna, since 2003 Honorary Consul for Malta in South Australia, and the publisher of a weekly Maltese e-Newsletter in Australia, and Louis John Vella, known for his promotion of the Maltese culture in California in the USA. The three were awarded “Il-Midalja għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika. Among those honoured for service given during their distinguished careers was PC Simon Schembri, a traffic police constable who earlier this year was involved in a terrible traffic accident while on duty. He suffered grievous injuries that included the amputation of an arm, and Clayton Micallef, a former Armed Forces of Malta person with a disability, who has created a lot of awareness about the challenges suffered by people with a disability. Awards were also made to broadcasters Ġorġ Peresso and Albert Marshall, sculptor Ġanni Pace, actress Josephine Mahoney, Qrendi Council Mayor and captain of the Malta XV in Rugby Union, David Michael Schembri, publisher Arthur Gruppetta, Mgr Joseph Farrugia, who was deeply involved in the promotion of Gozo’s culture, Joan Abela, a member of the National Archives Board, and successful entrepreneurs Michael John Binachi and Paul Falzon Sant Manduca.

Tuesday December 18, 2018

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Roundup of News About Malta Malta-Gozo tunnel will be Govt’s greatest infrastructure commitment


he government’s greatest infrastructural commitments in the next few months will be the tunnel between Malta and Gozo, as such, Minister Ian Borg, in charge of Transport, Infrastructure and Capital Projects announced that by the middle of next year, the government would be publishing a tender for the tunnel’s DBMO (design, build, Minister Ian Borg maintain and operate). The tunnel will be around 13.5 km long and extend from the area of Limbordin in Mellieħa to Nadur in Gozo. Describing the project to the Cabinet, Minister Borg described it as one that will transform the lives of Gozitans by facilitating the way in which they can travel between the two islands. It will also mean new employment opportunities and economic growth in Gozo, such as in the service and tourism sectors. The Minister also pointed out the government’s commitment to invest €700 million in national funds in all of the country’s roads, including the 160 roads that were never done before. These funds do not include multimillion investments such as the Marsa Junction, and are apart from this commitment. The Minister stressed the fact that the government’s infrastructural commitment does not stop with roads, but also extends to other sectors such as maritime and aviation, towards the strength-


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ening of these industries that are among the main pillars of the economy. Malta currently has the largest register in Europe and the sixth in the world, with more than 8,300 vessels registered, amounting to more than 77 million gross tonnes, and almost 800 superyachts registered under the Malta flag. The need has arisen for Malta to maximise the use of the Grand Harbour and its other ports, with infrastructural interventions, as well as yacht marinas to be able to welcome the influx of superyachts it is experiencing. This trend is also being reflected in the aviation sector, where the register has exceeded the record of 300 aircraft, with the register growing by 134% in the last six years. Minister Carmelo Abela addressing the Sempre Viva launch

Charlie Cauchi

“Diasporas help form more inclusive societies” inister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Carmelo M Abela highlighted how Diasporas assist in the formation of more inclusive societies resulting in a better future for all, includ-

ing future generations, and underlined the aspects of diaspora that have contributed to the development of societies and enrich the identity and culture of both the host and migrant community. Speaking at the opening of the installation on Maltese diaspora, the launch of Sempre Viva, by artist and filmmaker Charlie Cauchi, part of the closing programme for the Valletta 2018 European Capital of Culture events, Minister Abela said that over the years, it was obvious that Maltese culture binds the diaspora together, “which is evident when one experiences the events organised by Maltese migrants around the world or even when they visit the Maltese islands and engage culturally, in business and other sectors.” Sempre Viva is a three-screen projection of archival material and documentary footage shot in the homes, clubs, workplaces, and neighbourhoods of an intergenerational Maltese diaspora across the UK, the USA, Tunisia and Canada. The project continues the transmedia journey, collecting and disseminating stories of identity, migration and belonging through a collaborative artistic practice. It reveals both personal and collective narratives as it travels the globe seeking tales of what it means to leave home. The findings are broad, and the exchange is informal. He explained that the installation (held over three days at Palazzo Parisio) gives the chance to visitors to explore the question of how culture can be a facilitator of dialogue: a dialogue capable of transcending barriers and expanding the horizon of our understanding of other peoples and places. “We all agree that culture is not a static phenomenon but is forever changing and evolving as it is influenced by intercultural activity”, the minister stated.

14 The Voice of the Maltese


insabu qrib il-festi tal-Milied u l-Ewwel tasSena… imma fil-fatt x’se nkunu propju qed niċċelebraw? Suppost il-festa tat-twelid ta’ Ġesu’ Bambin, il-feddej tal-poplu ta’ Alla, mhux hekk? Imma llum kemm qed isir dan, meta saħansitra dażżmien anke l-isem bdejna nibdlu u minflok il-festi tal-

Tuesday December 18, 2018

Milied u tal-Ewwel tas-Sena bdiet dieħla l-frażi “Festive Season… biex donnu nevitaw għal kollox li nsemmu l-Milied. Żgur li wieħed ma jistax jiċħad li saret bidla kbira bejn dak li jiġri llum u dak li kien iseħħ, mhux ngħid fl-eqdem żminijiet, imma mhux ħafna snin ilu?

Il-Festi sbieħ tal-Milied u dak li jġibu magħhom S

Il-presepju fil-monasteru tas-Sorijiet Benedittini talKlawsura fl-Imdina

Nibdew mill-jiem tal-festi? nin ilu l-bidu tal-festi tal-Milied u lEwwel tas-Sena kien x’aktarx jaħbat mal-Festa tal-Kunċizzjoni, fit-8 ta’ Diċembru, meta jibdew jinxtegħlu t-toroq, in-nies tibda’ taħseb għar-rigali tal-Milied, fid-djar jintramaw il-presepju, eċċ. Illum il-ħajja nbidlet għal kollox... bilkemm inkunu għadna fakkarna l-għeżież mejtin tagħna fil-bidu ta’ Novembru meta ma jibdiex jitfaċċa l-ewwel tiżjin tal-Milied il-ħwienet jintlew b’dak kollu li wieħed

jinħtieġ għal-Milied u bilkemm ma nibdewx indoqqu l-kanzunetti tal-Milied. Sal-bidu ta’ Diċembru t-tiżjin ikun fl-awqa tiegħu u nibdew naraw il-mixgħeli fit-toroq. Saħamsitra dis-sena rajna dak il-presepju li sentejn ilu minn Għawdex spiċċa jżejjen Pjazza San Pietru fil-Vatikan, jiġi armat fil-fetħa enormi li hemm qabel ma wieħed jidħol fil-Belt Valletta, fil-Pjazza tat-Tritoni Ix-Xiri: Jekk niġu għax-xiri l-istess... ilħwienet jagħmlu minn kollox biex iħajjru lin-nies jixtru kemm jifilħu. F’dawn l-aħħar snin ivvintajna, jew aħjar ikkupjajna l-Black Friday, li It-tiżjin fi Triq ir-Repubblika jekk inhi sewda għal fil-kapitali Maltija Valletta kulħadd, żgur mhix għal talħwienet għax dawn joffru ftit tar-roħs biex jiġbdu aktar nies. U jidher li din illixka qed taħdem sew, għax skont il-figuri mħabbra, f’dan il-jum il-bejgħ jitla’ mas-smewwiet. Din is-sena kellna saħansitra min raqad wara l-bibien tal-ħwienet biex jakkwista xi ħaġa li xtaq bi prezz imraħħas... u ċerti ħwienet spiċċaw biex minn Black Friday għamlu Black Weekend ħalli jkollhom ċans tlett ijiem ikabbru n-negozji tagħhom. It-Tiżjin: Fl-imgħoddi ċċentru ta’ kull tiżjin f’jiem

il-Milied kienet il-maxtura bil-bambin Ġesu u madwaru l-Madonna u San Ġużepp, xi baqra u ħmara jekk ikun fi grotta (magħmula mill-kartapesta - karta mdellka bil-kolla tat-tqieq u ilma). Jekk fi presepju ikun hemm ferm aktar pasturi.. dawn ma kienux aktar tat-tafal, imma ta’ xi kwalita` ta’ materjal artifiċjali. Anke l-presepju tal-kartapesta illum qed jitwarrab u nagħmlu presepji b’diversi materjali, laktar tal-jablo. Illum, filwaqt li l-presepji għall-wiri baqgħu hemm... u x’aktarx li saru aktar sofistikati u attraejenti, iżda ma għadhomx iċ-ċentru tat-tiżjin fid-djar u l-pjazez. Illum post dawn ħaditu s-siġra tal-Milied, iddwal ilellxu, u mitt ħaġ’oħra. Tgħaddi mittoroq u fit-twieqi tara s-siġra tal-Milied, ġmiel ta’ dwal. F’xi gallerija tilmaħ xi Christmas Father taparsi mxabbat, imma rari li tiltaqa’ ma xi bambin f’maxtura. Ikel: F’dawn il-jiem ħafna jinsew id-dieta’, u jinsew ukoll ċertu mard għax il-Maltin magħrufa kemm iħobbu żaqqhom u jis-, piċċaw jigguffaw fl-ikel. Kultant wieħed ma jistax jagħmel ieħor għax tant ikun mistieden ikliet u riċevimenti u jekk ma jmurx jinqata’ mill-familja u min sħabu. Dan il-lukandi u r-ristoranti jafuh sew għax qabel il-Milied jibdew iqassmu lmenu biex iħajjru lill-klijenti, imma flok joffru prezz aħjar mis-soltu, għax jafu li se jkollhom ħafna klijenti, japprofittaw rwieħhom u jisparaw il-prezzijiet ‘l fuq, u minkejja dan il-klijenti jiffullaw u jibbukjaw kemm jista’ jkun kmieni li ma jmurx li jibqgħu barra. *ikompli f’paġna 18

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday December 4, 2018

Il-President u Jum ir-Repubblika


miem din is-sena, qed iqarribna lejn tmiem ieħor... it-terminu tal-Presidenza tal-ET Marie Louise Coleiro Preca, u propju waqt iċ-ċerimonja talgħoti ta’ midalji ta’ Ġieħ ir-Reppublika f’Jum ir-Repubblika li ġie mfakkar nhar it-13 ta’ Diċembru, il-President ħabbret li dan kien l-aħħar diskors tagħha bħala President ta’ Malta f’okkażjoni bħal din. Stqarret li kienet privileġġjata u onorata li kellha din l-opportunità li taqsam il-ħsibijiet tagħha dwar dak li l-kuxjenza tniggiża dwaru. Il-President qalet li għall-ewwel darba l-ħatra ta’ President ta’ Malta, kien hemm qbil unanimu dwarha kemm mill-Gvern, kif ukoll mill-Oppożizzjoni, u awgurat li dan il-qbil unanimu jkompli jirrenja għas-suċċessuri tagħha, “għaliex ilPresident ta’ pajjiżna, m’għandux ikollu partiti, iżda jrid jaqdi lill-poplu b’lealtà u

b’kuxjenza, u mhux biex jintgħoġob,”qalet. Tat ħajr lill-Gvern u lill-Oppożizzjoni li minkejja li ġieli kienet kritika, aċċettaw b’rispett dak li qalet, u apprezzat li kien hemm anke suġġerimenti li ttieħdu.

Nixtiqulkom il-Milied it-tajjeb u sena ġdida mimlija bil-ferħ u s-sigurta`

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a safe and joyous New Year.

(02) 4573 8222

Ritratt DOI: Omar Camilleri

Żiedet tgħid, “Irrid nagħti ħajr lill-ħaddiema kollha, fid-diversità tas-setturi ekonomiċi u soċjali, tal-ġid u s-servizz bla qies, li jagħtu lil pajjiżna b’ħidmiethom. Irrid nagħti ħajr lil dawk kollha li qed joħolqu impjiegi dinjitużi u ta’ kwalita` f’pajjiżna. Irrid nagħti ħajr linnies tan-negozju Maltin u Għawdxin, li qed jieħdu b’serjetà r-responsabbiltà soċjali tagħhom, b’riżq is-soċjetà Maltija. “Irrid nagħti ħajr, fuq kollox lill-poplu Malti u Għawdxi kollu kemm hu, għarrispett u l-appoġġ li tani. “Nagħti ħajr ukoll lil dawk fostna li anke kkritikawni, forsi kultant b’għaġla u mhux bil-ħsieb, għaliex tgħallimt ħafna minn għandhom ukoll. “Tgħallimt minn kulħadd, speċjalment meta ġejt fostkom.” Ta min jinnota li fost li rċevew il-medalja għall-Qagħdi tar-Repubblika kien hemm tliet emigranti Maltin: Rigu Bovingdon u Frank Scicluna (mill-Awstralja) u Louis John Vella (mill-Istati Uniti.)

Issa tieqa tal-azzar?


l-ħolm dwar it-tieqa tad-Dwejra ma jieqafx. Lil hinn mis-sobgħa għat-telf ta’ din it-tieqa, uħud iħarsu lejn x’jista’ jsir biex it-telfa tinbidel fi gwadann. Smajna u qrajna kemm-il proposta dwar x’għandu jsir biex tingħata ħajja ġdida lil dan il-lokal. L-aħħar proposta ġejja minn arkitett Russu, Svetozar Andreev li qed jipproponi li t-tieqa tinbena mill-ġdid bil-qisien tattieqa oriġinali, imma did-darba flok tal-blat tkun prinċipalment – tal-inqas il-faċċati li jidhru – tal-azzar. Il-pjan li t-teiqa ma tkunx biss għad-dehra, imma sservi wkoll bħala post fejn isiru lesebizzjonijiet billi fis-saqaf u s-saqajn tattieqa jkun hemm ħames sulari bi swali fejn isiru dawn l-esebezzjonijiet, filwaqt li f’kull sular, permezz ta’ show bil-laser jingħata tagħrif dwar il-Gżejjer Maltin.

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 18, 2018

Gay students vote deferred Licence to shoot


ustralian Secret Intelligence Service officers will be able to use “reasonable force” to protect other people while working abroad, under legislation passed by parliament. Foreign Minister Marise Payne said current arrangements led to absurd situations like spies not being able to use weapons to defend innocent people threatened by a terrorist or kidnapper, even if it was happening in front of them. “As the world has become more complex it's clear that the legislation that governs ASIS operations also needs to evolve,” Senator Payne told the upper house. “Changes to Australia's national security requires ASIS to operate in hazardous circumstances overseas, especially when operating against terrorists, violent extremists and other threats.” But ASIS officers won't have free rein, with the final approval for the use of the new powers resting with the foreign minister. The last expansion to ASIS powers occurred in 2004, in response to the September 11 terrorist attacks three years earlier.


M Scott Morrison and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten have failed to secure a deal to protect gay school students from discrimination after clashing over how best to preserve the core freedoms of faith-based educators. The issue has been deferred until February when Federal Parliament resumes. Mr Shorten said the deferral of the issue was a “sensible course of action” to help secure a better legislative solution that would balance the competing rights of students and schools Defending its decision to reject a conscience vote on a bill proposed by Mr Morrison, Labor said it had obtained legal advice showing that it would “replace one form of discrimination with another”. The Morrison bill would have ensured that any “teaching activity” undertaken “in good faith by the doctrines, tenets, beliefs or teachings of a religion” would be protected from a discrimination claim under the Sex Discrimination Act. The delay paves the way for another round of lobbying on both sides; with the Church arguing Mr Morrison's “compromise” bill did not go far enough to protect religious freedom. Melbourne Archbishop

Powerful passports of the world ustralia’s passport is in seventh place, Australia’s is now 7th A along with Malaysia, Slovenia, New Zealand enjoys visa free-travel to Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia and Latvia.

Australians can travel to 109 countries visa-free and get automatic entry visas on arrival from 52 nations. The black travel documents of New Zealand travellers come in at a respectable sixth place. In equal footing with holders of Icelandic and Maltese passports, travellers can enter 162 countries without a prearranged visa.

112 countries, with automatic entry visas granted by 50 further countries on arrival In a surprise shake up, the United Arab Emirates now has the world’s most powerful passport with access to the greatest number of countries visa-free. Singapore, which now shares the number two spot with Germany, was the first passport from Asia to top the passport power list.

While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

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Peter A. Comensoli (pictured left), who is also the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Conference delegate for religious freedom said. “It provides more protection to religious schools than the alternative, but is not an adequate solution to the challenge of how to balance the rights of students and schools.”

Labour vows to abolish TPV ore than 10,000 asylum-seekers M who arrived in Australia under the border policies of the Rudd and Gillard governments would be given a pathway to citizenship under a Shorten government. The pledge to end Labor’s boat arrivals hangover by offering the remaining asylum-seekers permanent residency through the abolition of temporary protection visa system came as The Australian established that the cost of managing the ongoing caseload of applicants had reached more than $2 billion. Figures obtained by The Australian from the Department of Home Affairs showed that, at the end of last month, 10,600 asylum-seeker cases, of the 30,000 inherited by the Coalition in 2013, remained pending. Bill Shorten (above) the Opposition Leader said, “We will work as the government has to maintain strong borders; turning boats back where it is safe to do so; we are committed to regional processing, full stop. But what I also believe is that, after fiveplus years, this government should have done more to resettle people elsewhere around the world than they have, and that’s what we’ll do’. This would give immediate permanent residency with full work and welfare rights to the remaining asylum-seekers, regarded by the Morrison Government as illegal arrivals because they travelled by boat. It would also end the last remnants of Labor’s 2008 policy. The government says TPVs were a vital deterrent in stopping people-smuggling operations and preventing them from restarting. Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton said the cost of the legacy caseload would keep growing with a third of the outstanding cases since 2013 still to be processed. “Labor’s reckless border failures have cost our country dearly,” Mr Dutton said. “Cleaning up the dreadful mess of 50,000 illegal arrivals is costing us hundreds of millions of dollars a year, and will for years to come.”

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday December 18, 2018

ACC&I: migrants not to blame for infrastructure shortfalls T

he Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has released a policy that highlights the boost migration gives to the businesses. It is urging them to recognise the benefits of migration and stop blaming migrants for infrastructure and transport shortfalls. The statement recommends federal, and state governments recognise the comparative advantage migration has given Australia when making new population policies. It also argues Australia's migration program could be refined so it can become more re-

sponsive to skill and labour needs. Those changes should include extending employer-nominated migration to all skilled occupations and ensuring visa fees, and charges are internationally competitive, the chamber believes. ACCI chief executive James Pearson said governments had become too caught up with the idea of constricting temporary

skilled migration. “Politicians would never tell people to stop growing their businesses and employing more people because of strains on infrastructure, so they should not do so for migration. That would be letting the tail wag the dog. They have also been feeding perceptions that migration has been the cause of congestion in Sydney and Melbourne,” he said.

Ex-Archbishop has conviction quashed


ewcastle NSW District Court judge, Roy Ellis upheld former 68 years old Archbishop Philip Wilson's appeal against his conviction saying there was reasonable doubt the clergyman had committed the crime. Judge Ellis said suspicion was not a substitute for proof beyond reasonable doubt. The judge on Thursday also threw out an appeal by the NSW Director of Public Prosecutions against the leniency of magistrate Robert Stone's decision that Wilson should serve 12 months of home detention. When sentencing Wilson to home detention, Mr Stone said the clergyman had shown no remorse or contrition for the cover-up and his primary motive had been to protect the Catholic Church. The prosecution case was that Wilson was told by two altar boys

in 1976 that they'd been abused by paedophile priest James Fletcher, but the clergyman did nothing about it. It was alleged he subsequently failed to go to the police after Fletcher was arrested in 2004 for abusing another boy. He was forced to resign as archbishop of Adelaide in July after becoming the most senior Catholic clergyman in the world to be convicted of covering up child sex Archbishop Philip Wilson abuse. The magistrate who found Wilson guilty rejected claims the clergyman - who is suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer's disease - could not remember the two altar boys telling him about the (See also commentary in Maltese on page 10) abuse in 1976.


Office: 230 Prospect Highway, Seven Hills Phone: 9671 4780 Email: Michelle, @MRowlandMP Authorised by Michelle Rowland MP, Australian Labor Party, 230 Prospect Highway, Seven Hills NSW 2147

hile the child abuse royal commission shone a much-needed light on clergy assaults against children, adults who have also been the victims of sexual misconduct by priests say they are yet to be properly recognised. Survivor advocates call these adults the “ f o rg o t t e n ones”. Some are women – or men – who that is part of even an apparhave been sexually assaulted by ently consensual relationship. The Age revealed that in the clerics from whom they’ve sought spiritual direction. Oth- Melbourne Archdiocese, only ers spent years in apparently 38 women have had their comconsensual adult relationships. plaints against Church personHowever, at the heart of this nel upheld since 1996. It has debate is whether true consent paid out $1.5 million – roughly is possible when there’s such a $39,400 per person. In the Archdiocese of Brisdisparity in power. Research presented to the royal commis- bane, 21 allegations of sexual sion claims that the number of misconduct involving Church women sexually abused by personnel have been received clergy is four times the figure and accepted as genuine, but no figures on compensation were for children. Inextricably tied up with this given. Sydney, Adelaide and is the Church’s own require- Perth archdioceses did not proment for priests to remain celi- vide statistics on such combate, and the shame and secrecy plaints.

Forgotten victims of clergy misconduct

18 The Voice of the Maltese *ikompli minn paġna 16

Għalkemm l-ikla tal-Milied fil-familja baqgħet popolari f’dawn il-festi, bdejna wkoll mexjin lejn żmien fejn il-familja tagħmel l-ikla flimkien, f’xi ristorant jew lukanda. Minn banda jintefa’ piż biss fuq il-but u mhux fuq l-omm jew in-nanna, li jridu jħejju l-ikla, u forsi jispiċċaw ukoll ikollhom jaħslu l-platti. Ċelebrazzjonijiet: Sintendi l-Knisja tagħmel minn kollox biex tibqa’ żomm lil Ġesu Bambin fiċ-ċentru ta’ dawn il-festi u għahekk iżżejjen il-knejjes u żżomm il-funzjonijiet reliġjużi marbuta ma dan iż-żmien. Attwalment huwa hawn li forsi nżammet laktar it-tradizzjoni Maltija tal-Milied. Nibdew mill-purċissjoni bil-bambin li bdiha Dun (illum San) Ġorġ Preca. Din baqgħet issir fil-biċċa ‘kbira tal-ibliet u l-irħula. Mill-funzjonijiet fil-Knejjes, l-aktar waħda popolari hi l-quddiesa ta’ nofs il-lejl talMilied. Waqtha baqgħet tispikka l-priedka tat-tifel, għalkemm f’dawn l-aħħar snin bdew jiddaħħlu bniet ukoll. Imma fejn qabel, dawk li jattendu x’aktarx kienu jikkuntentaw li fi tmiem il-quddiesa jieħdu l-imbuljuta (xarba/ikla magħmula minn taħlita ta’ kokotina u qastan mqaxxar),

Tuesday December 18, 2018

Il-festi tal-Milied

illum spiċċajna li mill-quddiesa mmorru niġru f’xi lukanda għal early breakfast... li fil-verita` jtaqqablek il-but mhux ħażin. Tbaħrid: U sintendi t-tbaħrid ma jonqosx u postijiet ta’ divertiment ikunu mifqugħa binnies, l-aktar żgħażagħ, li wħud minnhom sfortunatament imorru lil hinn minn xorb u ikel raġjonevoli u forsi anke jispiċċaw ħażin. Minħabba f’hekk, filwaqt li ħafna jkunu jiddevertu u jixxallaw, il-membri tal-Korp talPulizija u tal-Armata jkunu fl-aqwa talħidma tagħhom jippruvaw jevitaw id-disgrazzji u sintendi jżommu d-dixxiplina, li kultant toqros anke finanzjarment li min jikser il-liġi billi jixrob u jissogra li jsuq. Saħansitra f’dawn il-jiem anke l-isptarijiet iħejju sew għal xi inċident. Rigali u Ġbir: Il-festi tal-Milied minn dejjem kienu marbuta mar-rigali. Imma rrigali li kienu jingħataw fi tfulitna huma bogħod minn dawk tal-lum meta f’ċerti każi l-flus minfuqa f’rigali jlaħħqu somom kbar... mhux ta’ b’xejn li l-festi tal-Milied huma ‘barka’ għan-negozjanti, kemm tarrigali, tax-xorb u tal-ilbies.

Fejn fl-imgħoddi jidħlu t-tfal kien hemm l-istrina biex jingħataw xi ħaġa tal-flus minn qrabathom. Saħansitra kellna wkoll listrina tal-ħbieb mal-Jum tat-Tlugħ is-Sema ta’ Sidna Ġesu Kristu, u ssir it-tifkira tatTre Maġi, nhar it-Tre Re Il-ħbieb kienu jagħtu r-rigali lil xulxin. Illum ħafna minnhom sparixxew u l-kelma strina saret aktar marbuta mal-ġabra li ssir ta’ kull sena mill-Fondazzjoni Malta Community Chest fund biex minn dak li jidħol jiġu mgħejjuna dawk li minħabba l-mard ikollhom isiefru. Din mhix l-unika strina; il-partiti politiċi wkoll jieħdu l-istrina mingħand il-partitarji. Anzi jiftħu l-istaġun tal-ġbir ta’ fondi, u nnies ma tiddejjaqx tagħti. Fil-fatt il-Partit Laburista ġabar €803,174 filwaqt li dak Nazzjonalista ġabar ftit inqas – €670,632 – kważi €1.5 miljun. Wara, fl-Ewwel tas-Sena nistennew ġbir min-naħa ta’ Dar il-Providenza u għaqdiet oħra. Imsomma fi żmien qasir il-poplu Malti jkun ikkontribwixxa miljuni ta’ Ewro, u filwaqt li jiddeverti, il-poplu Malti ma joqgħodx lura milli jgħin lil ħaddieħor.

Is-serje ‘Taghrif dwar il-kitba Maltija tkompli fil-ħarġa li jmiss

Rita Zammit OAM and Paul Zammit FAICD wish all our friends in the Australian-Maltese community a Merry Christmas 2018 and a healthy, safe and prosperous 2019

Charlene Trestrail wins MCCV Maltese Cultural Scholarship

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday December 19, 2018


he winner of the 2018 MCCV Maltese Cultural Scholarship is Charlene Trestrail, a third generation Maltese. Who has lived most of her life in Melbourne, where her grandparents played a key role in helping her connect with her Maltese heritage. The aims of this Scholarship award, a grant of $1000, are to encourage young persons' interest in Maltese culture. The Scholarship is to assist the winning candidate to visit Malta to participate in various cultural activities and appreciate the Maltese culture at first hand. Charlene is expected to stay in Malta for a minimum of three weeks, and on her return write a blog/newspaper article about her stay in Malta which will be printed/broadcast in the Australian/Maltese media, and make a presentation to the Maltese Community Council of Victoria about her cultural experience in Malta. On her return from Malta Charlene

Did you know that... ‘Jingle Bells’ – the popular Christmas song was composed by James Pierpont in America. It was, however, written for thanksgiving and not Christmas. It was the first song sung by astronauts Tom Stafford and Wally Schirra in space, on December 16, 1965. ...The three traditional colours of most Christmas decorations are red, green and gold. Red symbolizes the blood of Christ, green symbolized life and rebirth, and gold represents light, royalty and wealth. ...The Christmas wreath was originally hung as a symbol of Jesus.

will be expected to continue her interest in the Maltese Community. In particular, she will be expected to take part in efforts to generate interest in Maltese culture among Maltese-Australian youth. Charlene has always been fascinated with all things under the ocean; a passion that led her to graduate as a marine scientist from the University of Melbourne. She is currently working towards her PhD, which involves researching the effects that plastic pollution has on marine life. Charlene teaches biology subjects at RMIT University, and volunteers as a mentor to encourage secondary school students to explore science-related careers. During her visit to Malta in 2019, Charlene will be connecting with her family members living on the island, and explore, both her family history and the rich ancient history of the Maltese islands. She also hopes to improve her Maltese language skills, which started with classes at the MCCV. As a keen SCUBA diver, Charlene also plans to explore Malta’s unique marine life and historical shipwrecks up close, and meet with marine scientists at the University of Malta to learn about their scientific research. She is also looking forward to exploring Gozo, and try her hand at traditional lace-making. Charlene is interested in meeting other young Maltese-Australians in

Australia Day Celebration Time: 4:00pm to 6:00pm Entry & Parking Free Light Refreshments

Organised by the

Maltese Community Council of NSW

Sunday 20th January 2019 Holroyd Function Centre Waratah Room 17 Miller Street Merrylands

All welcome to join the Maltese community celebrate Australia Day in their adopted country

Charlene Trestrail

Melbourne, and hopes to establish a group that will help Maltese-Australian youth connect with each other, and enjoy shared activities. Anybody interested in being part of a group that connects one with other Maltese descendants, is requested to get in touch with Charlene by emailing


(Coordinator MCCV Maltese Language classes)

The President and committee of the Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) extend a sincere thank you to the Maltese community for their support during 2018 and wishes one and all a VERY HOLY CHRISTMAS and a PEACEFUL NEW YEAR

20 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday December 18, 2018

Hope and thanks-giving in the Lord

ear all, here we are once again to exchange greetings at this time of the year. It is a custom to deliver our best wishes to each other at the time of Christmas and the New Year but I think that we agree that this has to be much more then a custom. These greetings, coming from our hearts, have to be sincere expressing our well wishes for each other. It is the Lord who teaches us all to be always sincere in what ever we do and say. Although we are far away from each other, we bless all those who work hard in the means of communication and technological inventions as it is for the hard work of these people that we can overcome all distances and communicate instantaneously. What a wonderful world!! Sometimes we are more inclined to curse the darkness then to count our blessings. We are blessed in these times with these wonderful inventions and with the help of technology we

are more one in spirit. I urge you to keep this spirit of unity that makes us feel one big family of Maltese both living on our Island home and abroad. We all have got Maltese roots. This does not keep us from appreciating and integrating with others coming from different countries and cultures. We all contribute to creating a better world, which world is enriched by all our contributions coming from the heart. We come from a very small nation, but that has a generous heart. This is what makes one really big. Let us live up to this characteristic that has been with us since the time of St. Paul. It was through God’s providence that permitted the ship on which he was sailing to reach Rome was shipwrecked on our shores. This event has been inscribed in the Bible, the most defused book, in all languages, in the world. How blessed we are that we have

Il-festa ta’ San Nikola għad-39 darba

been mentioned with honours in such a book! Please convey to all, this message of unity and appreciation of each other. Let us look forward for the coming year and make it a point to work hard to keep bearing and living to the utmost according to our Maltese characteristics. This is what should make us most proud and be witnesses of our convictions, of generosity, hard working and easy people to mingle with. We wish you all the best for Christmas and the New Year. Mgr Fr Alfred Vella, (Director,Malta Emigrants’ Commission)


’hemmx dubju li l-Għaqda ta’ San Nikola fi Plumpton hi ferm attiva. Kull sena, il-kumitat u l-membri jorganizzaw żewġ fieri, l-Imnarja, dinner dance, u l-Classic Care and Bike show kif ukoll il-festa ta’ San Nikola fil-parroċċa tal-Good Shephard fi Plumpton. Dis-sena kienet id-39 darba li saret il-festa. Din bdiet b’quddiesa u priedka fil-knisja minn Fr Vincy Decosta OFM Cap. Huwa tkellem dwar ħajjet San Nikola (Santa Claus) u wara saret purċissjoni bl-istatwa mill-knisja sa quddiem is-sala fejn kien hemm il-Banda Our Lady Queen of Peace kif ukoll il-kor tal-Għaqda Kulturali Maltija.Dawn irnexxielhom iżommu lil dawk prezenti flispirtu tal-festa ala` Maltija. Fl-aħħar kien hemm ukoll wirja ta’ logħob tan-nar. Inżammet ukoll id-drawwa li preżenti għal dawn il-festi tradizzjonali jkun hemm il-Konslu Generali ta’ NSW, Lawrence Buhagiar li kien akkumpanjat minn martu u bintu, kif ukoll membri prominenti tal-komunita’. Wieħed ta’ min jagħti ħajr lill-President tal-Għaqda, Emmanuel Vella u l-kumitat tiegħu li jorganizzaw l-okkażjoni b’għaqal u Il-kor tal-Għaqda Kulturali Maltija waqt il-festa

tant jieħdu ħsieb lill-mistednin matul il-festa li tradizzjonalment, f’Malta, San Nikola huwa l-patrun tas-Siġġiewi.

Din hi l-aħħar ħarġa ta’ The Voice of the Maltese għall-2018. Issa se nagħmlu l waqfa għall-festi tal-Milied u l-Ewwel tas-Sena. L-ewwel ħarġa għall2019 tiġi ppubblikata fil-15 ta’ Jannar.


The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday December 18, 2018

hristians the world over celebrate Christmas in honour of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Various Christmas traditions have been associated with the celebration of Christmas, and different cultures celebrate different ways. The unifying factor is the historical fact that Jesus was born, c. 5 BC. The angel who ap-

We celebrate Christmas with carols and choirs because they are expressive of joy and follow the examples of Mary and Zacharias and Simeon and the angels, all of whom extoled the Lord in poetry (Luke 1–2). We celebrate Christmas by decorating evergreen trees with stars and angels and

peared to the shepherds the night of Jesus’ birth said, “I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord” (Luke 2:10–11). We celebrate Christmas because, as the angel said, the birth of Jesus Christ is “good news.” Good news is meant to be celebrated. In fact, the angel said the news of Jesus’ birth would cause “great joy” and would be “for all the people” – the joyful celebration would be universal. People around the globe would be glad for this occasion. We celebrate Christmas because, as the angel said, “A Saviour has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.” The three titles the angel applies to Jesus are important. Jesus is the Saviour who delivers us from sin and death (Matthew 1:21). He is the human Messiah (or Christ) who fulfils the Law and the Prophets, showing that God is faithful (Matthew 5:17). And He is the divine Lord who has entered our world: the Almighty has taken on human flesh; God and man have been fused together in an indivisible, eternal bond; God is truly with us (Matthew 1:23). In celebrating Christmas, we celebrate the Saviour, because we needed deliver-

tinsel because of the eternal life Jesus brings (John 4:14) – and stars and angels and beauty were all associated with Jesus’ birth. In celebrating Christmas we celebrate the love and condescension of God. God does not tell us to find our own way out of the mess we get into. He did more than shout down happy thoughts to us from heaven. No, He came down to where we were and got us. That’s what Christmas is all about – God’s coming down to rescue us, to do whatever it took to deliver us from sure death. We celebrate Christmas because it was at Christmastime that the Rescuer of all mankind came to save us from the hopeless situation we were in. God did not stay in heaven; He came down to where we are.

Blue Mountain Sound and Skorba


wishes all my Maltese brothers and sisters a happy Christmas.

Christmas from a Biblical perspective

ance. We celebrate the Christ in whom all of God’s promises are “Yes” and “Amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20). We celebrate the Lord who in humility took on “the very nature of a servant” for our sakes (Philippians 2:6–8). We celebrate Christmas with gift-giving because of the “indescribable gift” that God gave to us (2 Corinthians 9:15). We celebrate Christmas by stringing lights because the Light of the world has come to us (John 1:4; Isaiah 9:2).

Some fun facts about Christmas hristmas is celebrated in many countries all over the world and in a wide variety of C ways. Many of the customs and decorations we use to make the holiday special have developed in interesting ways and their origins may be hidden in history. Here are a few interesting facts about Christmas. 1. The image of Santa Claus flying his sleigh began in 1819 and was created by Washington Irving, the same author who dreamt up the Headless Horseman.

2. Rudolph the Reindeer was created by the Montgomery Ward department store as a marketing gimmick to encourage children to buy their Christmas colouring books. The original Rudolph did not have a red nose. In that day and age, red noses were seen as an indicator of chronic alcoholism and Montgomery Ward didn’t want him to look like a drunkard.

3. Between the 16th and 19th centuries global temperatures were significantly lower than normal in what was known as a “little ice age”. Charles Dickens grew up during this period and experienced snow for his first eight Christmases. This “White Christmas” experience influenced his writing.

4. The Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square is donated to the people of London every year by the people of Oslo, Norway in thanks for their assistance during World War II.

5. In 1914 during World War I there was a now famous Christmas truce in the trenches between the British and the Germans. They exchanged gifts across a neutral no man’s land, played football together, and decorated their shelters.

Il-management ta’ Limestone Cafe jixtieq Milied ħieni u Sena Ġdida mimlija riżq lill-klijenti Maltin tiegħu. Grazzi tal-appoġġ

Lokal: 119 Railway Terrace Schofield NSW Tel: 0433 488 967

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday December 18, 2018

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s THE S UT HERL AND & S t. G EORG E MALT ESE G ROUP(S YDNEY NS W)

Wish you ALL a Happy Christmas & a prosperous New Year. We are a Social Group. We meet once a month every First Wednesday of the Month at Miranda 10.a.m-noon for interesting and informative meetings. We also organise Outings regularly. For info: Charles on 0421 662 298

STEDINA Il-Fathers ta' Stanley Street East Sydney jistiednu lill-komunita` Maltija għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Milied nhar it-Tnejn 24 ta’ Dicembru fil-Kappella ta' San Pawl De Piro House 19 Stanley Street East Sydney Fil-11.30 pm nibdew il-kant u xi għanjiet tal-Milied, immexija minn Fr Tarcisio Micallef MSSP u John Beale. F'nofs il-lejl tibda l-quddiesa fejn ikun hemm il-priedka tal-Milied, mit-tfajjel Adam Cilia. Wara kulħadd mistieden għal kikra kafe` jew te`. Aktar tagħrif: Fr Tarcisio Micallef MSSP 9380 8398. F'isem il-Fathers Maltin, Fr Tarcisio Micallef jixtieq il-Milied qaddis, barka u Sena Ġdida 2019, mimlija b'hena u riżq, filwaqt li jagħti ħajr lil kull min matul l-2018 ikkopera mas-Socjeta Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl u s-saċerdoti Maltin. Grazzi lilll-midja Maltija tal-appoġġ. Rev Fr Tarcisio Micallef MSSP

(Chaplain for Maltese Community Archdiocese of Sydney).

La Valette Social Centre

Christmas Show and New Year’s Eve activities

La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown

Saturday December 22: 4.30 p.m.: Mass at the Chapel. Enjoy a meal at the Centre’s dining room 6.00 p.m.: Christmas Carols Show in the Hall

After the show more Singing & Dancing by the Mifsud Brothers. Featuring singers: Joe Galea, Natasha, Adrian, Victor Mifsud, The Mifsud Brothers, Carmen Cauchi, other singers & you. Bring the children’s presents with names on them for Santa to distribute Come and let us all together sing and enjoy this special evening

Entrance for this show is free

More info from: Frances/Antoinette 9622 5847 Greg: 0411 517 187; Sam: 0438 113 356

Buffet Dinner: Monday December 31 (doors open 7.30 p.m.) 2 bottles of wine on each table and free soft drinks Entertainment by Joe Grima and the Tirolean echoes and floor show by Kathleyn Vella

**$500 Travel Voucher** donated by Breakaway Travel to be raffled

For bookings: Frances 0412 320 432; Antoinette 9671 2992, Centre: 9622 5847 TICKETS: Members $55; Non-members $60. Children (12 and under - half price

The Maltese Welfare (NSW) extends best wishes for a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year to all the people of goodwill. Our membership for 2019 is now open. Please contact : 02 96319295

On behalf of the Maltese Community Council of NSW, we wish the Maltese Community a very happy, holy and safe Christmas. May the spirit of Christmas bring family and friends together and fill your hearts and homes with peace and love. We look forward to continuing our work supporting the Maltese Community in the New Year ahead. May God Bless you all Best wishes from the MCC President and Committee Best wishes from the MCCV

Wishing all the readers of ‘The Voice of the Maltese’ a very merry Christmas and a prosperous new year. We sincerely hope that the festive season brings you and your families much joy. All the best from the Maltese Community Council of Victoria.

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday December 18, 2018

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n

MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.

On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)

Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.

SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month

in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips

Join us and make new friends.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors

Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.

Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.

VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

Maltese Association - Hobsons Bay Inc.


COME AND JOIN US FOR A NIGHT OF FUN MONDAY 31ST DECEMBER at 7.00 p.m. at our centre SPIT ROAST B.Y.O. OR BUY FROM BAR D.J. MIGHTY ANDREW COST $30.00 For details and tickets, tel: Joe: 0400357001 Carmen: 0413386714

Australian High Commission on facebook; HC on twitter

he Australian High Commission’s in T Malta has its own Facebook page, while the High Commissioner has a Twit-

ter account. Both be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: The Commissioner’s Twitter handle:

24 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday December 18, 2018

The Eagles have landed once again


n issue No. 190 (October 23) we raised expectations with hundreds of former Maltese supporters of Melita Eagles Sports Club (now Parramatta FC). It appears that with the new personnel elected in the recent Annual General Meeting the club may finally have found the people who can return the Eagles back to their glory days. David Frendo, a 38-year-old Australianborn of Maltese descent who has taken over the helm of Parramatta Melita Eagles SC has promised, that with the help of the new board of directors, they coud bring back pride and winning ways to this one of the most successful football clubs in NSW. David told The Voice that he is aware that the task ahead is not an easy one, however, there is a wave of enthusiasm resulting in securing a new coach and the signing of a number of new players for the next season. The new board is a mixture of old and new, with George Ellul, Tony Buttigieg Ron Grima and Mark Tanti re-elected at the AGM. Anthony Teuma has been elected as secretary. The treasurer's position is yet to be confirmed at the next Board meeting Stephen Ellul was given a unanimous vote of thanks for his past leadership carried with distinction. Choked with emotion, he said he is part of a family that is so proud of being synonymous with the club. Melita have named experienced Tony Basha as their new technical director/foot-

Adam Catchpole

Members of the new board of directors. From left: Mark Tanti, David Frendo, Stephen Ellul (former president), Anthony Teuma and George Ellul ball operation Manager, while Adam Catchpole has been assigned the role of assistant Malta first team coach. Adam has a pretty impres- Premier sive resume`, having recently arrived in Australia from the Tottenham Hotspur Academy, Football where he spent four years. He is also a qualt the end Day 13 ified tactical analyst. of a lustre- Gzira U. v St Andrews 2-1 In the past few weeks the club also signed less final, Val- Sliema v W. Pieta H 3-0 three players of Maltese descent for season letta edged out Birkirkara v Senglea 2-0 2019. They are, Stephan Giglio, who had de- Balzan 2-1 to Floriana v Tarxien 4-0 clined offers from a list of rival NPL clubs win the sea- Mosta v Qormi 2-0 in NSW and interstate has resigned, the son’s first do- *Hibernians v Balzan evergreen Patrick Gatt who has decided to mestic trophy, *Valletta v Ħamrun S return ‘home’ for possibly his final season, the BOV Super *To be played Monday and Justin Micallef who spent two seasons Cup. It is the Day 12 playing in Spain’s Third Division. 12th time they Gzira U. v Mosta 3-3 Another signing is Adrian Epifanino, a for- won the tro- Hibernians v Senglea 2-0 mer Blacktown City FC junior. He joins the phy to make it Valletta v Tarxien 7-0 club from Rydalmere Lions. With his skill treble honours Balzan v SliemaW. 3-1 and energy in the centre of midfield, this year after Ħamrun S v Pieta H. 3-2 he could be a menace for opposition the League Birkirkara v Qormi 2-1 teams. and FA Trophy Floriana v St Andrews 0-0 Former Socceroos and Fulham star, double at the end of last season. Ahmad Elrich, has also re-signed for Meanwhile, if all goes according to plan season 2019, prompting Tony Basha, for Hibernians when they meet Balzan to say, “Elrich was a priority signing on Monday, they could finish the first for the club”. The club is very happy part of the Premier League, and start the he will finish his career at the Eagles. New Year in the top position, a spot The new board has embarked on a they gained in the previous round folmassive drive to attract new mem- lowing Gzira’s slip in a 3-3 draw against bers and is appealing to the old faith- Mosta. At the weekend Gzira regained the poful to renew their membership. Melita Stadium is situated in Everley sition but with one more game played. On Monday Valletta wrap up their first Street South Granville. For more inforPatrick Gatt mation, one should call: 0404 080 854. round commitments against Ħamrun.

From left: Ahmad Elrich, Stephan Giglio and Adriano Epifanino


Valletta win Super Cup

Melbourne V. lead A-League


elbourne Victory’s form keeps improving and successive victories have put them ahead of all other teams in the A-Legue League ladder where they currently enjoy a one-point lead over Perth Glory – 18 to 17. RESULTS Day 8 Newcastle J v Perth Glory 0-2 Champions Sydney Brisbane R v Melbourne V 2-4 FC managed to over1-3 come the previous W. Sydney v Sydney FC 0-2 round’s setback and Adelaide v Melbourne C Wellington v CC Mariners 2-0 are back in contention, but their gap with the Day 7 Perth Glory v Melbourne C 1-0 leading team is now 1-0 four points. Adelaide Melbourne V v Adelaide Sydney FC v Wellington P 1-3 fell further behind W. Sydney v CC Mariners 2-0 after their home defeat Newcastle J v Brisbane R 2-0 against Melbourne C.

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