The Voice of the Maltese No. 161

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Issue 161

The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Fortnightly ora Fortnightly magazine magazine for for the the Diasp Diaspora

August 29, 2017

The ceiling of the Ta’ Giezu church in Rabat, one of the oldest churches (the Franciscan Church of St. Mary of Jesus), in Malta, collapsed in the early hours of the morning of August 23, partially destroying its marble altar. It was empty at the time. The Ta’ Giezu Church was completed during the late 1500s. (See report on page 12)

Kif iċ-ċittadinanza doppja tista’ tħawwadna

2 The Voice of the Maltese



ħalt f’eta’ avvanzata. Ilni naħdem mal-emigrant għal aktar minn sittin sena. L-akbar rebħa, jew aħjar l-aktar avvaz strateġiku li qatt għamilna aħna li kellna l-kuraġġ li nitilqu djul ommna biex nemigraw, kien meta tħabatna, stinkajna u finalment irbaħna ddritt għaċ-ċittadinanza doppja. Kienet kiefra u assolutament bla qalb li tmur l-Awstralja, tipprova tintegra u anke ssir ċittadin biex imbagħad issib li pajjiżek ħadlek lura ċ-ċittadinanza Maltija. Hekk kienet is-sitwazzjoni għal 25 sena sħaħ, jiġifieri minn meta ksibna l-indipendenza sakemm fl-1989 Malta tatna lura ċ-ċittadinanza li konna ċħadna billi Malta ddikjarat li tħares lejn dawk li emigraw bħallikieku qatt ma titlfu dik Maltija. Iva, ħadna lura ċ-ċittadinanza Maltija. Il-Gvernijiet ta’ Malta komplew jirranġaw u jtejjbu l-liġijiet taċ-ċittadinanza sakemm illum tista’ tgħid li mhux l-emigrant biss ħa din iċ-ċittadinanza lura. Fl- 2007 rebħu wkoll id-dritt dawk kollha fil-linja diretta ta’ dixxendenti mwielda Malta minn ġenituri bl-istess mod imwielda, anke jekk dawn ikunu jgħixu barra minn Malta. Iżda meta ċittadin Malti jmur jgħix f’pajjiż ieħor, fil-

Tuesday August 29, 2017

każ tagħna fl-Awstralja, irid jipprova jifhem sewwa jekk xi partijiet mill-liġijiet taċ-ċittadinanza ta’ dak il-pajjiż tkunx xi ostaklu għal dak li jkun irid jagħmel filħajja ġdida tiegħu. Il-ligijiet taċ-ċittadinanza qatt m’huma sempliċi, anzi ħafna drabi huma kkumplikati – donnhom li qegħdin biex jifhmuhom biss l-avukati u lImħallfin. Hemm wkoll regoli u liġijiet minn ċerti pajjiżi oħra li ħafna drabi mank tkun taf bihom għax tirithom jew biżżwieġ inkella minħabba dixxendenza. F’dawn l-aħħar xhur fl-Awstralja qamet kontroversja meta nstab li xi Senaturi u anke memberi tal-kamra tar-rappreżentanti kellhom, jew wirtu xi ċittadinanza barra dik Awstraljana. L-Awstralja tesiġi li biex tkun Membru tal-Parlament Federali l-alleanza tiegħek trid tkun biss lejn l-Awstralja; ma jistax ikollok ċittadinanza doppja. Kif għedt, il-liġijiet konnessi maċ-ċittadinanza huma ħafna drabi kkumplikati, speċjalment fejn tidħol id-dixxendenza. Hawn min jiret ċittadinanza Maltija mingħajr ma jkun jaf għax ikun wiritha mingħand l-ġenituri tiegħu. Għalhekk jaħseb li hu ċittadin Awstraljan meta fil-

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The 30th Annual Dinner Dance Saturday, 14th October 2017 Mandavilla Function Centre 1788, The Horsley Drive Horsley Park NSW rom 7.30 pm: Music by Joe Apap Book early. Donation $65 Contact: Marlene on 02 9631 9295 Organised by the Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) All proceeds to the Don Bosco Missions.

Parliament House f’Canberra

fatt ikollu wkoll ċittadinanza Maltija. Għalhekk hu importanti li jkun hemm spjegazzjoni ċara biex ħadd ma jiġi mqarraq. Wara kollox, fil-liġi, li ma tkunx taf mhix skuża. Tkun ħasra, anzi diżastru, jekk ikollna xi Malti/Awstraljan elett fil-Parlament u wara jinstab li ma kellux dritt għal dan ilpost għax kiser il-liġi minħabba ċ-ċittadinanza doppja. F’dawn l-aħħar xhur żewġ senaturi talpartit tal-Greens tilfu posthom u membru tal-kabinet (National Party) kellu jirriżenja sakemm id-dixxendenza tiegħu bħala Taljan tiġi ġġudikata mill-Qrati. Waqa’ dubju serju wkoll fuq id-deputat Prim Ministru, id-deputata Kap tal-Partit Nationals u l-indipendenti Senatur Nick Xenophon. Il-Qorti Suprema tidher li se jkollha ħafna x’tagħmel biex tiddeċiedi dwar dawn il-każijiet li rrendew il-Parlament Awstraljan fi kriżi serja.

Antoinette Caruana ikkonfermata bħala president tal-La Valette SC - jiġu kkonfermati wkoll l-uffiċjali


ħat-tieni sena wara l-oħra, Antoinette Caruana reġgħet ġiet eletta b’maġġoranza assoluta bħala l-President taċ-ċentru La Valette ta’ Blacktown. Mhux hekk biss, imma talli dis-sena l-laqgħa ġenerali ħatritha b’żdieda sostanzjali ta’ voti. Fl-istess laqgħa ġenerali Godfrey Sultana reġa` wkoll ġie maħtur bħala viċi/president, filwaqt li Frances Fitzpatrick għal darb’oħra nħatret segretarja u Antoinette Mangion l-kaxxiera. Għal din il-laqgħa ġenerali annwali fic-ċentru ta’ La Valette attendew 115 membru kwazi l-istess bħas-sena l-oħra. Imma did-darba, kuntratju għal-laqgħa mqanqla tas-sena l-oħra kollox mexa bl-ordni. Rapport fit-tul u ritratti f’ħarġa’oħra.


Breakaway Travel 94 corner of Main & Campbell Streets, Blacktown NSW ...... for all your travel needs.

A proud sponsor of The Voice of the Maltese Tel (02) 9622 7799

Aktar dwar iċ-Ċensiment tal-Awstralja: 2016

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday August 29, 2017


Analizi ta’ MarkCaruana

i snin ilu kont ktibt dwar iċ-Ċensiment Awstraljan u l-għadd ta’ Maltin li jgħixu fl-Awstralja. Lartikli kienu ta’ interess fost ħafna u llum se naqdi dawk il-qarrejja għatxana għal tagħrif bħal dan billi nagħti din l-informazzjoni f’għamla ta’ mistoqsija u twegiba. Mela: Skont l-aħħar ċensiment tas-sena l-oħra (2016), kemm hu l-għadd totali flAwstralja ta’ Maltin imwielda Malta? Sena Maltin imwielda Tnaqqis tac-Censiment Malta

1981 1991 2001 2011 2016

57,001 53,858 46,980 41,274 37,613

- 3,143 - 6,878 - 5,706 - 3,661

Jidher ċar li f’perijodu ta’ 35 sena (1981-2016), it-total tal-komunita` Maltija fl-Awstralja li twieldet f’Malta naqset b’19,400 ruh. Mis-snin tmenin sallum, l-emigrazzjoni minn Malta għall-Awstralja ħadet rotta ‘l isfel u l-għadd ta’ emigranti ġodda beda jonqos, sena wara l-oħra. Illum, tant huma ftit l-emigranti minn Malta għall-Awstralja li fl-aħħar ħames snin flAwstralja kollha, minn Malta emigraw anqas minn 80 emigrant fis-sena. Biex wieħed japprezza kif illum l-emigrazzjoni għall-Awstralja saret ħaġa talpassat, jinħtieħ li wieħed jagmel paragun ma’ 60 sen’ilu, u jġedded il-memorja ta’ meta, per eżempju, fl-1954, f’sena waħda minn Malta u Għawdex emigraw lejn lAwstralja aktar minn 10,000 Malti. Dak kien żmien ta’ emigrazzjoni talmassa, jew emigrazzjoni bil-goff, fejn kull vapur li jsalpa mill-port ta’ Malta kien ikollu fuqu mhux inqas minn elf emigrant għall-Awstralja,

Maltin minn kull raħal jew belt tal-Gżejjer Maltin. Skont ic-censiment tal-2016, f ’liema Stati fl-Awstralja hemm l-aktar Maltin? L-iStat fejn hemm l-aktar Maltin imwielda Malta huwa f’Victoria (17,873 Malta-born). Warajh jigi NSW (14,481), imbaghad Queensland (2,505), South Australia (1,417), Western Australia (898), ACT (285), Tasmania (111) u Northern Territory (39). Stat fl-Awstralja

Victoria NSW Sth Australia Queensland West Australia ACT North Territory Tasmania TOTAL


2016 Tnaqqis fit-total

24,289 17,873 -6,416 20,209 14,481 -5,728 1,985 1,417 -568 2,792 2,505 -287 1,089 898 -191 355 285 -70 62 39 -23 121 111 -10 50,902 37,613 -13,289

Statistika interessanti hija dik ta’ Western Australia, Queensland u t-Tasmanja. Filwaqt li t-tnaqqis fl-għadd ta’ Maltin mwielda f’Malta naqas f’kull Stat u f’kull Territorju fl-Awstralja, l-għadd ta’ tnaqqis ta’ Maltin f’dawn it-tliet Stati ta’ WA, Queensland u Tasmanja mhux daqstant kbir. Dan jidher li hu riżultat ta’ moviment ta’ emigrazzjoni interna minn Stat għallieħor, l-aktar minn NSW u Victoria għal Western Australia u Queenslanld, fejn fiż-żewġ postijiet, mhux biss hemm ħajja irħas, imma wkoll djar orħos, u anke aktar xemx u ambjent li jħajjru lil min se jkun se jirtira. Jekk wieħed jistudja sewwa din ittabella, jifhem aħjar dak li rrid infisser.

Miċ-ċifra totali ta’ Maltin imwielda f ’Malta jew ta’ dixxendenza Maltija, kemm hu t-total għal kull Stat? Stat fl-Awstralja

Victoria NSW Queensland South Australia Western Australia ACT Tasmania Northern Territory TOTAL

Maltese by Ancestry 2016

73,875 69,490 18,117 6,815 4,554 1,642 656 392 175,555

Interessanti l-fatt li fl-2016 f’Tasmanja kien hemm 111 Malti (imweldin f’Malta) filwaqt li l-għadd ta’ dawk b’dixxendenza Maltija huwa sitt darbiet aktar, b’total ta’ 656. L-istess japplika għall-istati kollha. Fitterritorju tan-Northern Territory, iċ-ċifra ta’ ulied il-Maltin hija ta’ għaxar darbiet aktar (39 Malta-born u 392 Maltese by descent). Statistika oħra ta’ interess hija fl-għadd ta’ Maltin imwielda f’Malta u li baqgħu jitkellmu bil-Malti: Stat fl-Awstralja

Victoria NSW Queensland South Australia Western Australia ACT Tasmania Northern Territory TOTAL

Maltese by Language spoken at home 2016

16,898 12,327 1,357 846 387 153 19 6 31,987

Jekk wieħed jistudja l-għadd ta’ Maltin f’Tasmanja u fin-Northern Territory li għadhom jitkellmu bil-Malti d-dar isib li dan hu għadd ċkejken ħdejn l-għadd totali ta’ Maltin mwielda f’Malta jew ta’ dixxendenza Maltija. Fl-aħħarnett, it-twelid tal-ġenituri Maltin juri l-għadd ta’ ommijiet u l-missirijiet mwielda fil-Gzejjer Maltin: Pajjiż tal-Ġenitur

L-omm imwielda f’Malta Il-missier imwieled f’Malta TOTAL


91,404 100,031 191,435

Hu ttamat li din l-istatistika isservi ta’ xi uΩu g˙al dawk li jippjanaw fejn huma me˙tie©a is-servizzz g˙all-Maltin u wlied il-Maltin.

ese t M al heMaltese t ofthe ceof Voi TheVoice 44The

2017 18,2017 y29, ayJul TuesdAugust Tuesday

S o Something m e th in g m amagical g ic a l h a happens p p e n s e a ceach h tim time e y o uyou e n enter te r th ethese s e c itycity w a walls. lls . A rcArchitectural h ite c tu ra l e x cexcellence e lle n c e c a pcaptivates tiv a te s y o uyour r v is visual u a l s e nsenses, s e s , a s as e v eevery ry s te step p le a leads d s to to a laan landmark d m a rk o f of h is historical to ric a l v a luvalue. e . W aWalls lls a n and d p a pavements v e m e n ts th athat t lin eline th ethe g ridgrid o f of n a narrow rro w s trestreets e ts w h whisper is p e r s e csecrets re ts a n and d m ymystic s tic ta letales s to to p a passersby, s s e rs b y , w h whilst ils t th ethe a ir air fillsfills u p up w ithwith m omodern d e rn a rt,art, liv elive m umusic, s ic , a n and d a n an a rraarray y o f of c e lecelebrations. b ra tio n s . T h The e U n Unesco e s c o W oWorld rld H e Heritage rita g e S iteSite c o ucould ld p e perhaps rh a p s b e best s t b e be d e described s c rib e d a s as a pala place c e w h where e re h is history to ry m emeets e ts th ethe p represent; s e n t; w h where e re e v eevery ry e x pexplorer lo re r c a ncan fin dfind s o msomething e th in g th ethey y lo v love. e . H o How w w illwill y o uyour r V a Valletta lle tta s to story ry u n unfold? fo ld ?

An icon of the Maltese community

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday August 29, 2017


Vincent Pisani

here is no doubt Vincent Pisani stands tall in the annals of the history of the Maltese community in NSW. He is amongst those Maltese migrants who made a success of their settlement in Australia both in business and in community participation. Vincent was born in Kalkara in 1927 but grew up in Gzira. He left Malta for Sydney on the 24th April 1949 on the m/v Misr, an Egyptian vessel of 7,000 tonnages, one of the worst boats to carry migrants to Australia in the late forties. There was a total of 764 Maltese migrants on this sub-standard rust bucket. When Vince made the important decision to migrate, he was already married to Margaret Buttigieg from Sliema. Their marriage took place at the Carmelite Church in Gzira on January 24, 1948. They had their first child in Malta. Six months later mother and child Marcelle arrived in Sydney. Vince and Margaret had five other children in Ausrtralia; George, Valarie, Stephen and twins Vince Pisani with wife Margaret - always by his side - celebrating his 90th birthday Danielle and Rachelle. cian Club, at the His first employment was time closely associwith the car manufacturer ated with the socHolden at Pagewood where cer club. many Maltese found their first He was involved employment. Vince was alas well with The ways an extrovert with a gift Maltese Herald of the gab. When he went to which in early days buy a house the real estate benefitted from his again was impressed and enfinancial advice, couraged him to become a salesman in real estate. and served as Managing Director when this newspaper “This perhaps was one the most important decisions I shared its office in his real estate agency in Newtown. took in my life. It reshaped my life and proved to be In 1965 he sponsored the visit to Sydney of Maltese my vocation,� Vince told The Voice of the Maltese. The entertainers Charlie Clews and Johnny Navarro with fifties was a period of a huge influx of new arrivals shows at the Town Hall on November 21, and later on coming from Malta and many needed accommodation. a visit by comedian John Catania. He formed a partnership with Bill Blackshaw and This enterpreneur also turned his hand to travel and bought the agency Rodgers Realty at Leichhardt NSW. set up an agency. He organised the first charter flight Six months later he bought his partner’s share and to Malta in June 1969 with Martin Air. It attracted 500 took over the agency completely. persons. Vince recalls that in one week he sold 14 homes, Vince was involved in the first visit of the Maltese which prompted him to open estate agencies in NewPrime Minister, Dr Giorgio Borg Oliver to Australia in town and Darlinghurst. 1966 and assisted with the building of the MalteseAs a successful Maltese businessman in the post-war Australian Bi-Centennial Commemorative Memorial era, it was only natural that he would be asked to asat Pendle Hill in 1988. He was also a member of the sist the Maltese soccer teams, hugely popular in the Company Directors Association of Australia, a Justice fifties with thousands attending their games every of the Peace and Knight of the Sovereign Order of St weekend. John (OSJ). In 1958 Vince Pisani formed a long association with Vincent, with his wife Margaret always by his side the Melita Eagles Football Club. He held the position now lives in Caringbah South. He has recently celeof President for 16 years. Melita Eagles became one of brated his 90th birthday surrounded by his children, the best soccer clubs in NSW. grandchildren and his many friends. During his presidency, he was required to assist fiEven at this venerable age Vince and Margaret are nancially, and his intervention kept this super club still seen at various activities of the Maltese commugoing. Vincent was also the President of the Phoeninity.


6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 29, 2017

Enduring Powers of Attorney

Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers


by PaulSant

ave you ever wondered who would make sure your bills would be paid should anything happen to you? Who would look after your financial affairs should you lose capacity to do so yourself? As Australia’s population ages, a growing number of Australians have had to face this question. Inevitably, one of the simplest yet most effective tools of estate planning available to Australians is the Enduring Power of Attorney. Although one would hope that the document never need be used, having it ready to go is the best insurance policy you can have. What is an enduring power of attorney? A ‘Power of Attorney’ is a legal document that allows you to nominate persons whom you trust (referred to as attorneys) to act on your behalf. The attorney is given the authority, to manage your legal and financial affairs, including buying and selling real estate, shares and other assets, operating your bank accounts, and spending money on your behalf. The Power of Attorney would cease to have effect if you were to lose mental capacity. However, an ‘Enduring Power of Attorney’ will continue to operate. In other words the validity of the document endures any loss of capacity by the maker of the document. Who needs an enduring power of attorney? Everyone that owns assets should consider making an Enduring Power of Attorney. Young or old, nobody has a crystal ball in life and this simple document helps you ensure that should the unimaginable happen, you have done all

you can to make it a smooth transition for your family and friends. Please take note – if you would like an Enduring Power of Attorney prepared for you, you must see a solicitor. You cannot send a friend or relative to arrange for the preparation of the document on your behalf. Your solicitor has a strict obligation to identify you personally. What should you consider? When you are ready, it is important that you see your solicitor alone. It is not advisable to take the person you intend on appointing with you, particularly if it is a friend of child of yours. Eventually, they will be required to accept the appointment and sign the document, however your initial conference with your solicitor should voluntary and free from any pressures from lingering family members. Once appointed, the attorney’s power continues even if for any reason you lose your mental capacity to manage your own affairs. Once you lose your mental capacity you cannot revoke this power of attorney. Choosing who to appoint is an important decision. There are two questions you should ask yourself: 1. Is it in your best interests to allow another person to have control over the whole of your affairs, in an unlimited manner and to their absolute discretion? Or do you require conditions or limitations on that power, such as: a. A restriction that the Enduring Power of Attorney can only operate if your attorney provides medical evidence of your lack of capacity to manage your own affairs; or b. A restriction on the types of assets 2. Is the person whom you wish to appoint of your attorney sufficiently trustworthy and responsible? Do they have the requisite skill to deal prudently with your affairs?



Now at: 21 George Street

Parramatta Phone: 8599 8877

Also at: Level 4, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney. Ph: 8355 9999 Email: Maltese Spoken

When executing this document you need to be comfortable with the idea that you are placing someone else in a position of complete control over your affairs, including each and every item of property that you own. They can deal with your assets without first seeking your approval, or even informing you (unless you request information). You need to be confident that you have placed your trust in a person who is capable of meeting your expectations. What happens if you do not have an Enduring Power of Attorney?

It is not always easy to decide on the appropriate person to appoint as attorney. Some people do not have an appropriate person that they can appoint. Ultimately, it is better not to appoint anybody at all rather than appointing somebody unsuitable. If you have a loved one that has already lost the requisite capacity to sign a legal document, and a solicitor refuses to prepare an Enduring Power of Attorney, all is not lost. An application can be made to the Guardianship Division of the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (‘NCAT’). NCAT can appoint a ‘financial manager’. Much like an attorney, a financial manager has the authority to make decisions about financial affairs for someone who is incapable of making these decisions for themselves. The NCAT will only consider making an order appointing a financial manager if: • the person is not capable of managing their affairs; • there is a need for someone else to manage their affairs for them; • it is in the person's best interests to have a financial management order; and • the person has assets in NSW. We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.

Tuesday August 29, 2017

Laqgħa importanti oħra fi Greystanes


aret laqgħa importanti fis-sala talknisja ta’ OLQP ta’ Greystanes meta l-Grupp tal-Anzjani tal-lokalita` ingħaqdu mal-Maltese Welfare ħalli jisimgħu lil Marie Louise Muscat, il-financial adviser tal-Fiducian Financial Services tispjega l-aħħar tibdil li sar filpensjonijiet u s-superannuation. Dawn il-laqgħat dejjem jiġbdu lejhom attendenzi kbar għax jolqtu fil-laħam ilħaj ta’ kull pensjonat. Għalkemm is-suġġett hu xi ftit ikkumplikat iżda s-sinjura Muscat taf tispjega sewwa u titkellem ma’ dawk li jattendu bil-Malti. Il-grupp ta’ Greystanes jiltqa’ kull tieni Tnejn tax-xahar fis-sala San Gorg Preca bejn l-10 a.m. u nofsinhar. Għal aktar tagħrif ċempel 0414 863 123.


Invites you to attend its Annual Music/Literary Award Night in celebrating Victory Day, Festa Maria Bambina & the Maltese Cultural Award On Friday September 8, at 7pm for 7.30pm at the La Valette Social Centre Walters Rd Blacktown The Maltese Cultural Association’s recipient this year is Victor Grech

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 29, 2017

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly tnightly magazine magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address:

Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name and e-mail address of the writer and be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Il-qażba ma ċċaqċaqx għalxejn, imma Charles Mangion minn Ipmhux lakemm tiġġudika swich, Queensland jikteb:


nteressanti ħafna kien l-artiklu ta’ Victor Vella fl-aħħar ħarġa ta’ The Voice of the Maltese fejn kiteb dwar l-abbużi mir-reliġjużi mit-tfal, u għalkemm jibqa’ l-fatt li kull abbuż, anke l-inqas wieħed kontra tfal innoċenti ta' min jikkundannah, il-kittieb ħareġ b’tagħrif li ta’ mim jixtarru. Tassew ma tistax tinjorah. Qatt mhu se naċċetaha bħala skuża li membri ta’ reliġjonijiet oħra għamlu agħar mill-kattoliċi¸iimma naħseb li l-kittieb irnexxielu juri wkoll il-falsita` ta’ wħud minn dawk li jagħmlu l-istħarriġ, tar-Royal Commission. Ma neskludix il-fatt li minħabba li r-reliġjon kattolika hija l-akbar

waħda, anke fl-Awstralja, ħafna aktar lesti jitfgħu għajnejhom fuqha għax suppost li għandha tkun tal-akbar eżempju. Il-provi li ġab il-kittieb ġab biex juri li jista’ jkun li hemm bias huma reali. Imma l-istatistika ma tistax tmeriha, u anke jekk forsi hemm min jemmen, fosthom jien, li d-dnub tal-kattoliċi jitqies akbar minn ta’ sezzjonijiet oħra, jibqa’ l-fatt li jekk ma jiġix ippruvat il-kuntrarju,minħabba lpożizzjoni tiegħu fil-Knisja, l-allegazzjonijiet kontra l-Kardinal Pell huma serjissimi. Veru li l-qawl Malti jgħid li “l-qażba ma ċċaqċaqx għal xejn”, imma jkun xi jkun ilkaż xorta rridu nibqgħu kawti u nistennew x’se joħroġ mill-inkjesta qabel ngħidu jekk il-Kardinal Pell hux il-ħati tal-akkużi.

Gorg Degiorgio minn Kemps Creek NSW jikteb: rajt b’attenzjoni l-artiklu fl-aħħar ħarġa ta’ The Voice ta’ Victor V.Vella taħt ir-ras,‘il-Faċċata l-oħra’. Nirringrazzjah tat-tagħrif li wasslilna, imma mhux sewwa li nippruvaw innaqqsu dak li sar mis-saċerdoti kattoliċi billi nsemmu reliġjonijiet oħra li għamlu agħar. Ma kien hemm l-ebda kruċjata kontra lKattoliċi fir-Royal Commission into Child Abuse. Kulħadd ħa dak li kien ħaqqu. Blebda mod ma nistgħu ntaffu d-diżastru li kellna u għad għandna fil-Knisja Kattolika meta l-istess kardinal jinsab taħt akkuża bħal dik. Min-naħa l-oħra nittama li dan il-kap Kattoliku ma jinstabx ħati.

iff’s Catch from Sydney writes: 've been a bit under the pump during the last month, practically living under a rock like a hermit all over again. I can’t believe there’s just days left to the close of the three-month crowd funding/presales window! As a fair few of you might know, the crowd fund target of £4000 was achieved in just 5.5 days, thanks to a whole bunch of fantastic pre-purchasing patrons, with a fair chunk to spare. It’s particularly incredible when one considers that at this stage of the campaign most budding or published authors are usually lobbying for dear life to reach the initial crowd fund target. So I’ve nothing but heartfelt gratitude to extend to everyone who picked up a copy (or five) of the novel, allowing me to clinch the ‘industry’ path to publication so quickly. I’m so glad that your names will be forever inscribed in this book. Needless to say, the brief time it took to hit crowd fund completely knocked me off my feet since I was meanwhile still carrying out a last proofread of the novel! And Unbound’s structural editor came calling for the manuscript only three days later! Yet it was a lovely problem to have, leaving me to quickly put my skates on and ready the manuscript to send it on to Unbound editorial a fortnight later, on June 11. Thank you all. Ed. Note: James Vella Bardon’s book was featured in The Voice of the Maltese in our issue of June 6th, 2017.

Ejja ma niskużawx il-ħażin li sar għax Heartfelt gratitude ħaddieħor agħar James Vella Bardon author of The Sher-



Maltese DownUnder back on TV

Tuesday August 29, 2017


he popular TV programme Maltese DownUnder is back again on C31 with Marlene Scicluna, the Executive Producer of the programme telling The Voice of the Maltese, “Oh we are so excited about the diverse collection of interviews we have lined up starting in September!” She went on to explain the line-up that would be gracing season 4. It would include a number of artists, actors, musicians, inventors, sports and prominent personalities, entrepreneurs, a former homicide detective, authors, and an interesting migration story linked to the very first Maltese settler in Melbourne. It would also include food and a few interviews related to the Maltese community in Australia. So anybody interested in watching the programme should tune in to C31 (channel 44 in Melbourne) every Sunday at 4 pm. The programme would also have repeats on Mondays at 2 pm and Tuesdaya at 2.30pm. It could also be watched from anywhere in the world via LIVE stream on One could also watch the Maltese DownUnder TV programme on demand. Marlene said that those in possession of a smart TV would be able to access the programme on YouTube, by searching for Maltese DownUnder. She said: “Subscribe to the channel and you can watch the individual segments on demand, on your TV!” Maltese DownUnder also has its own Facebook page and can be reached via twitter on @maltesetv. Its email address is:

The Voice of the Maltese 9

The MDUtv team, Marlene Scicluna (left) and Mark Avellino talk with Chef Sharon Spiteri

Marlene talked to us about financial support, which is so essential for her enterprise, and The Voice of the Maltese. She said: “Production of the show is expensive! We have to pay broadcast fees to C31 and pay our editor. Mark Avellino and I film the interviews. I do pre-production scheduling as well as post-production editing ... all for free! Love alone cannot pay the bills! “But with the 2nd extension by the Federal Government and with the constant great reviews, Mark and I decided to give it another go. The response has been great! Mind you, I still had to work hard to get sponsors on board! I must admit, it’s very frustrating when Maltese businesses don’t back initiatives, like Maltese DownUnder, that now has a proven record of attracting good audiences, both on free to air TV and online! Going by C31 statistics, when the programme was on air, an average of 1500 people watched each episode of the show on C31’s apps for iOS, Android, Smart TVs and the web. To date, they are nearing 11,000 views on our YouTube channel, which we set up not that long ago. Marlene told us that in its first three seasons, Maltese Down Under featured 108 stories in the first 3 sessions. “Mark and I love meeting people! With the vast network of contacts I have built in my 15 years in media in Australia and 30 years altogether, including Malta, my book was brimming with inspiring people but we also opened up to any suggestions by our viewers and on Facebook! “It was such a pleasure featuring soprano Amelia Farrugia, actor Paul Capsis, fashion designer Jason Grech, musicians Nicky Bomba and Fr Robert Galea, international DJ Joven Grech of Tenishia, painter Paul Borg, cabaret artist Danielle Asciak, film director Grant Scicluna, ocean rower Tim Spiteri, children’s author Deborah Abela and of course, the President of Malta, Her excellency Marie Louise Coleiro Preca!” Marlene said.

La Valette Social Centre: Żjara lill-Katidral ta’ St Mary

Qed tiġi organizzata bus għall-Katidral ta’ St Mary ta’ Sydney il-Ħadd 10 ta Settembru għall-festa tal Vitoria. Il-bus titlaq miċ-ċentru f’175 Walters Rd Blacktown fil-12.15 pm, u minn ħdejn il knisja ta’ Greystanes f’Old Prospect Road fin-12.30pm . Għal kull tagħrif u booking cempel 9622 5847. Wieħed għandu jibbukkja kmieni


10 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 29, 2017

A version of this series in kitba ta’ English may be found in IVAN  the author's blog at: CAUCHI https://ivancauchi.

Diskriminazzjoni aċċettabbli?


e nkompli fuq it-tema tal-aħħar żewġ artikli ta' Perspettiva, ċioe iż-żwieġ bejn persuni tal-istess sess. Dan minħabba żviluppi mgħaġġla fl-Awstralja, fejn il-gvern federali ddeċieda li jagħmel stħarriġ nazzjonali dwar dan issuġġett, bil-ħsieb li jekk juri li l-poplu fil-maġġoranza tiegħu jkun favur, mhux jaċċetta li jilleġisla favur imma jippermetti vot liberu fil-parlament. Din kienet bidla sostanzjali fil-politika tal-gvern li jagħmel plebixxit, għax din il-politika m'għaddietx mis-Senat Awstraljan darbtejn u ġiet abbandunata (mhux mingħajr ħafna reżistenza interna fil-koalizzjoni tal-gvern Liberali-Nazzjonali). Din il-bidla ġiet wara li grupp ta' membri parlamentari Liberali, ikbar milli kont qed nistenna, heddew li jressqu privatament abbozz ta' liġi fil-Parlament u jaqsmu l-kamra biex din tgħaddi, bil-kunsens tal-Oppożizzjoni u l-Partit tal-Ħodor. Huwa mistenni li min mill-membri tal-Parlament hu kontra lugwaljanza fiż-żwieġ, diversi minnhom se jivvutaw kontra jkun xi jkun ir-riżultat ta' dan l-istħarriġ. Jidher ukoll ċar li min huwa favur huwa lest jivvota favur mal-ewwel ċans li jiġi, ikun xi jkun ir-riżultat tal-istħarriġ. Dan huwa r-riżultat tal-proċess bażwi li qegħdin iffaċċjati bih, ladarba l-pajjiż mhux se jgħaddi minn referendum, fejn jekk ilpoplu tkellem il-parlamentari jkunu marbutin bir-riżultat. Xtaqt nikkummenta dwar il-kontenut (irrappurtat, għax it-test ma ġiex ippubblikat) tal-abbozz privat ta' liġi ppreparat mill-

Our Lady of Victories, Horsley Park DAYS OF PREPARATION

WEDNESDAY 13 SEPTEMBER, 2017 6.30pm THURSDAY 14 SEPTEMBER, 2017 6.30pm FRIDAY 15 SEPTEMBER, 2017 6.30pm SATURDAY 16 SEPTEMBER, 2017 5.30pm


grupp ta' membri Liberali li jridu li l-miżura ta' ugwaljanza fiżżwieġ tgħaddi. Dan l-abbozz jingħad li jipproteġi lill-qassisin reliġjużi u ċelebranti ċivili li jirrifjutaw li jiċċelebraw iż-żwieġ ta' persuni tal-istess sess. Dawn ma jkunux jistgħu jitressqu l-Qorti akkużati b'diskriminazzjoni, mhux għax ma tkunx saret diskriminazzjoni (li filfatt tkun saret) imma li din id-diskriminazzjoni tkun eżenta mill-kodiċi kriminali.1 Normalment, meta jkun hemm żvilupp ċivili ta' ugwaljanza, id-diskriminazzjoni issir kontra l-liġi. Per eżempju, fl-Awstralja, in-nies indiġeni li kienu ilhom jgħixu hawn għal millinqas erbgħin elf sena, ġew ittrattati brutalment mill-kolonjalisti Brittanniċi, bl-art meħuda bil-forza għall-biedja, bin-nies aboriġeni meqjusin primittivi, anke inqas minn umani, u ttrattati bi vjolenza.2 Illum il-liġi tal-pajjiż tipprojbixxi d-diskriminazzjoni fuq bażi ta' razza, kulur jew dixxendenza.3 Illum jidhirli li ġeneralment in-nies huma kontra d-diskriminazzjoni razzjali, għalkemm eċċezzjonijiet jeżistu, bħall-intervent tal-gvern fin-Northern Territory li huwa kontroversjali għall-aħħar. Fil-każ taż-żwieġ ta' persuni tal-istess sess, jien nistenna li se jkun hemm, jekk mhux maġġoranza, talinqas minoranza sostanzjali li se jkunu deċiżament kontra dan il-pass li għalihom jirrappreżenta bidla fundamentali fil-qafas soċjali, u waħda mirraġunijiet ewlenin għal din il-pożizzjoni tkun it-twemmin reliġjuż tagħhom. Jekk id-dritt taż-żwieġ fil-fatt jiġi estiż għal nies tal-istess sess, naħseb li jkun għaqli li din il-protezzjoni, għal ċelebranti kemm reliġjużi u kemm ċivili, minn proċeduri fil-Qorti ta' diskriminazzjoni tingħata. Jidher li f'dan l-abbozz ta' liġi, dawk il-professjonisti l-oħra involuti fit-tiġijiet (bħall-fotografi, mużiċisti, dulċiera, eċċ) iridu juru xi rabta ma' organizzazzjoni reliġjuża biex ikollhom din il-protezzjoni. Jien naħseb li din il-limitazzjoni hija żejda. Jidhirli li dawn in-nies u organizzazzjonijiet li jipproduċu servizzi fit-tiġijiet jista' jkollhom oġġezzjoni tal-kuxjenza li għandha tkun irrispettata, b'kundizzjoni waħda, jiġifieri li jirreġistraw din l-oġġezzjoni f'reġistru uffiċjali li jkun ppubblikat, ħalli koppji gay li qegħdin ifittxu dawn is-servizzi jkunu jistgħu jevitaw l-umiljazzjoni li jitolbu għal servizz li jiġi rrifjutat f'wiċċhom. Jien persważ li jkun hemm biżżejjed nies fl-industrija tat-tiġijiet li jkunu lesti li jipprovdu servizzi għat-tiġijiet tagħhom. Nawgura li din il-miżura ta' ugwaljanza tgħaddi fl-Awstralja bħal m'għaddiet f'Malta, u wkoll li l-pajjiż jittollera, fil-prattika, il-veduti qawwija taż-żewġ naħat. In-nies mhux se jinbidlu mil-lum għal għada, u li tisforza persuna tagħmel ħaġa kontra l-kuxjenza tagħha mhix sew lanqas. Is-soċjetà bil-mod il-mod tinbidel, u diskriminazzjoni aċċettabbli llum, issir mhux aċċettabbli għada. Ikun għaqli li l-Parlament jirrifletti l-ħsieb tal-poplu li qiegħed jirrrappreżenta, u li jieħu nota ta', u jaġixxi skont, bidliet fis-sentiment tiegħu.

Referenzi 1. proposal/newsstory/7c5084 4bfb9715a901de414b8368c5d0, retrieved 21/8/2017 2. Recognition of Aboriginal Customary Laws; Australian Law Reform Commission Report 31; para 22 3. Racial Discrimination Act 1975; Australian Commonwealth

The Voice of the Maltese 11

L-irrekordjar fl-imgħoddi ta’ marċi ġodda tal-banda King’s Own għal San Duminku

Tuesday August 29, 2017


la dubju li waħda mill-isbaħ attivitajiet marbutin mal-Festa ta’ San Duminku fil-Belt Valletta li ġeneralment, l-aktar fl-imgħoddi, kienet issir fil-jum tagħha, fis-6 ta’ Awwissu - kif seħħ did-darba wkoll - hija tal-irrekordjar tal-marċi l-ġodda tal-banda mgħrufa King’s Own. Kienet okkażjoni mill-isbaħ li tiftaħ il-festa. L-irrekordjar kien isir xi ġimgħa qabel il-festa fis-sala ta’ fuq tal-każin fl-aħħar tas-snin sittin, sebgħin u tmenin tas-seklu l-ieħor. Fis-snin 60 u fil-bidu tas-70, din il-banda kienet taħt iddirezzjoni tal-Maġġur Anthony Aquilina. Għall-irrekordjar tal-marċi l-ġodda, (dak iż-żmien għarRediffusion, u aktar tard Xandir Malta), is-sala ta’ fuq talkażin sal-gallerija u t-taraġ ta’ ġewwa, kienu jkunu mballati bil-partitarj, saanke mal-bar. Saħansitra kienu jiġu minn Għawdex biex jisimgħu l-marċi. Fuq quddiem tal-partitarji, f’roqgħa għalihom ħdejn larkivju tas-soċjetà, kont tara lil tal-kumitat immexxijin minn wieħed mill-veterani u dilettant kbir tal-marċi s-Sur Manuel Anastasi. Miegħu kien ikun hemm ukoll xi patrijiet Dumnikani, fosthom Patri Beneditt, u Ġużeppi Frendo (id-delegat tal-banda) jitħabat u jdur għarqan xraba, jara li l-ħtiġijiet huma kollha hemm u l-banda ma jonqosha xejn. Mal-bidu tal-irrekordjar kien jaqa’ skiet perfett. Kien jibda r-l-irrekordjar bl-Innu ta’ Kalaroga ta’ Caruana. Warajh, marċ wara marċ, u s-siegħa tgħaddi f’ħakka t’għajn. Fl-aħħar kien imiss il-final, l-Innu tal-Banda King’s Own u l-innu tal-eks Surmast tagħha Francesco Gobet. Mal-aħħar battuti tiegħu s-Surmast Aquilina kien idur lejn il-mikrofonu mwaħħal fl-għoli, u jipponta lejh tisfira qawwija minn bejn subgħajh t’idu l-lemija. Kien idamdamha sala. Hawn kulħadd kien jinfexx f’ċapċip kbir u għajjat ta’ ‘Viva San Duminku’ u ‘Viva l-Banda King’s Own’. F’dawk iż-żminijiet il-marċi l-ġodda tal-banda King’s Own kienu bħal vetrina għall-baned l-oħra tal-irħula. Kienu jagħżlu li jkunu jridu jdoqqu minnhom iżda setgħu jagħmlu dan biss sena wara li jkun ilhom jindaqqu mill-King’s Own. Barra hekk, il-banda La Stella tar-Rabat Għawdex kienet tagħżel xi marċi (tlieta jew erbgħa) missett il-ġdid biex iddoqq dawn il-marċi s-sena ta’ wara flimkien mal-banda King’s Own tul Triq ir-Repubblika tal-Belt Victoria, f’lejlet il-festa ta’ San Ġorġ. Din tal-marċi l-ġodda għall-Banda King’s Own kienet xi ħaġa ta’ kull sena. Dawn kienu jindaqqu għall-ewwel darba f’lejlet il-festa ta’ San Duminku fil-marċ ta’ filgħodu li kien jibda eżatt mat-tokki tat-tmienja ta’ filgħodu; bis-Surmast Aquilina jidderieġi l-‘Omaggio’ ta’ Gobet, iddedikat lill-banda.


Wara kien jindaqq ‘L-Innu ta’ Kalaroga u minnufih jibdew il-marċi l-ġodda, b’għadd sabiħ ta’ dilettanti u partitarji, ħafna minnhom minn barra l-Belt, li sa kienu jfallu x-xogħol biex imorru jisimgħu dawn il-marċi. Għallokkażjoni kien jitqassam ukoll programm bil-lista talmarċi. F’dawk iż-zminijiet, għal din il-banda kienu jiktbu lmustaċċuni, l-aħjar kompożituri tal-marċi ta’ dawk iżżminijiet, bħal Vincenzo Ciappara, Louis Bongailas, Angelo Pace, Angelo Pullicino, Ġużeppi Ciappara, Pawlu Schembri (li kien is-surmast tal-allievi tal-istrumenti tarramm tal-banda) u naturalment il-Maġġur Anthony Aquilina b’marċi bħal ‘Balfrendozan’, ‘Melita’, ‘Ċensina’ u tant u tant oħrajn. Lejn tmiem is-snin sittin jien stess, dak iż-żmien żagħżugħ ta’ 20 sena, mimli enerġija, tħajjart nikteb. Donni li ġejt aċċettat għax inzerta li l-ewwel marċ, ‘Tirenos’, kien ingħoġob. Kellu daqsxejn ta’ stil differenti minn tassoltu. Kont dħalt sewwa fil-qalba tal-kompożituri talmarċi u komplejt għal għoxrin sena nikkomponi marċi għall-banda King’s Own. Il-marċi kienu jindaqqu fuq ir-Rediffusion wara nofsinhar ta’ jum il-festa li dak iż-żmien kienet tinzerta f’xi jum matul il-ġimgħa. Kien ikun diffiċli titrasmetti l-marċi, minħabba li ridt tneħħi xi programm mill-iskeda biex ixxandar siegħa marċi. Imma l-kap tal-programmi tar-Rediffusion ta’ dak iżżmien Victor Aquilina, dejjem għaraf l-importanza li jdoqq il-marċi l-ġodda tal-King’s Own għax f’jum il-Festa ta’ San Duminku s-semmiegħa kienu jistennewhom bilħerqa. Kien tassew ipaxxihom. Taħt: Għall-irrekordjar mir-Rediffusion tal-marċi l-ġodda għallfesta ta’ San Duminku mill-Banda King’s Own is-surmastrijiet ilġodda kienu jattendu biex jisimgħu l-marċi tagħhom jiġu rrekordjati. Wara kienu jiġu mistiedna mill-kumitat għal riċeviment fil-każin. Fl-istampa s-surmastrijiet fl-1969. Mix-xellug: Louis Bongailas, Angelo Pace, Paul Schembri, Anthony Aquilina (li kien is-Surmast Direttur tal-Banda), Vincenzo Ciappara, Peter (Ritratt ta’ Raymond Cremona) Paul Ciantar u Angelo Pullicino

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 29, 2017

Roundup of News About Malta Fitch Agency upgrade will encourage foreign investors to Malta, PM Muscat says


n the past few days, International rating agency Fitch announced it had upgraded Malta’s long-term rating to 'A+' with a stable outlook, noting that the country was fast reducing its debt and increasing its GDP. The news was highly welcomed by Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat who hailed the upgrading as a testament to the government’s “strong economic strategy”. Dr Muscat said the news would help to increase foreign investment while giving the government the confidence to introduce its first batch of electoral pledges. Malta’s return to the 'A+' category comes less than four years after Fitch had downgraded the country to 'A'. The Agency cited significant fiscal slippage as the reason for the September 2013 downgrade.

Increase in direct foreign investment


oreign direct investment (FDI) flows in Malta in last year reached over €161 billion, showing an increase of €9,500 billion over the previous year National Statistics Office (NSO) figures show. According to the NSO, 98% of the investment resulted from activities by insurance and financial services companies. At the same time, investment by Maltese companies abroad has resulted in an increase of almost €5 million to more than to €62,000. The Malta Government’s deficit that has been dropping every year for the past few years, is now down to €105 million according to July figures released by the National Statistics Office. This is the result of the government bringing in more money from VAT and income tax due to the record high employment.


banknote substrate-maker in the world, that would cement the two sides’ further collaboration to train and equip students, apprentices, and employees, Chris Cardona, the Minister for the Economy, Investment and Small Businesses said noted the positive outlook predicted by Fitch Rating.

In his reaction, the Prime Minister said that agencies such as Fitch are not interested in what political parties or newspapers say, but look at the facts. He said they have independent analysts. Fitch, he added, has reached the conclusion that the way Maltese Government has been running the country’s finances has given them the confidence to raise the rating. He went on to say that the result was part of a strong economic strategy that included manufacturing, gaming and financial services. Meanwhile, during the signing of an MoU between MCAST and US Crane Currency, the largest, privately owned,

Minister Chris Cardona (left) and Crane Currency HR Mr Scott Smith at the signing of the ageeement with MCAST

He said that the economic transformation the nation is experiencing has given rise to new sectors and demands on Malta’s workforce. He added that maintaining productivity and employability in the face of such changes is essential to ensure continued economic growth.

PM bans ‘ship of hate’ entry into Malta M

altese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat refused entry to Malta of the C-Star vessel, branded by the European Parliament as a 'ship of hate' whose mission was to stop asylum seekers reaching Europe. Muscat said that irrespective of the country's own clear position on migration; it would not lend any support to extremist groups like Defend Europe and its anti-humanitarian mission. He said he would not allow Malta to be used by racists.

The C-Star a ship chartered by an extremist group calling itself Defend Europe had requested information regarding Maltese procedures should the boat require services in Malta, but was refused entry by local authorities with the PM saying, “we took the conscious decision not to let our country be used by far-right groups who are in a racist, almost Nazi, way dealing with the issue of illegal migration.” “We have been strong on a European level on migration where we have a clear politics which also factors in the humanitarian and security side of the issue.” He insisted the government’s position was one that understood the plight of migrants and was mindful of the need to help, while also understating that it could not act a sieve - once again adding that it could not allow extremists who did not represent the country to use Malta.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday August 29, 2017

Roundup of News About Malta 50 years since Malta pioneered UNCLOS

Ceiling collapses over altar of historic Malta church


he ceiling of one of Malta’s oldest church, the Ta’ Giezu church (the Franciscan Church of St. Mary of Jesus) in Rabat, collapsed on August 23, partially destroying its marble altar. It collapsed in the early hours of the morning. It was empty at the time. “Thank God,” it occurred at that hour and no one was hurt, Franciscan prior Father Martin Coleiro, told the media. He went on to say that the church is often busy and full of people during daylight hours. The ceiling debris was found covering much of the marble altar when the church was opened for early morning Mass. Ronald Pisani, the artist who made the marble altar in 1989, said that the front part of the altar is at a minimum three-quarters lost. Ta’ Giezu Church was completed during the late 1500s and over time underwent numerous renovations.


proposal tabled by Malta 50 years ago (August 17, 1967) that resulted in the adoption of the 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), was recalled by Prof David Attard, Director of the International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) during a meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade Promotion, Carmelo Abela. Due to this initiative, Malta is considered to be the pioneer of The late Arvid Pardo UNCLOS and its outcomes At the time, through its first Permanent Representative to the UN, the late diplomat Dr Arvid Pardo, Malta formalised the proposal to the UN’s Secretary General, giving birth to doctrine that states that the seabed, ocean floor and sub-soil, are ‘the common heritage of mankind’, only to be used and exploited for peaceful purposes and the benefit of mankind as a whole. The famous three-hour speech delivered by Dr Pardo at the UN’s 1515th meeting of the General Assembly on November 1 triggered the later negotiations of UNCLOS, and other legal developments subsequently earning Dr Pardo the title ‘Father of the Law of the Sea’. Minister Abela and Prof Attard agreed to work together to organise a commemorative event marking the anniversary of Dr Pardo’s speech and the adoption of the resolution that states: “The examination of the question of the reservation exclusively for peaceful purposes of the sea bed and ocean floor and the sub-soil thereof, underlying the high seas beyond the limits of present national jurisdiction, and their use of resources in the interests of mankind.” Minister Abela and Prof Attard also discussed possible initiatives that Malta could undertake to further strengthen international maritime law.

Gradwati fil-Gżejjer Maltin 14 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday August 29, 2017

– Għawdex fuq quddiem

ħawdex jinsab fuq quddiem fejn jidħol l-għadd ta’ dawk li jiksbu Diploma, Degree jew Masters. Infatti għal kull 1,000 persuna ta’ popolazzjoni, il-gżira Għawdxija kellha b’11.9 jiggradwaw fi grad ta’ Baċellerat u 8.6 f’livell ta’ Masters. Wara Għawdex jiġi l-Punent ta’ Malta, li jinkludi fih lokalitajiet bħal Ħ’Attard, Ħal Balzan, Ħal Lija, l-Iklin, isSiġġiewi, Ħad-Dingli, ir-Rabat, Ħaż-Żebbuġ, l-Imdina u l-Imtarfa. Min-naħa l-oħra l-inqas ammont ta’ gradwati għal kull 1,000 persuna kienu ġejjin min-naħa t’isfel tal-Port-il Kbir, jiġifieri, il-Belt, il-Furjana, il-Kottonera, il-Marsa, il-Fgura, Ħaż-Żabbar, Ħal Luqa, Raħal Ġdid, Santa Luċija u Ħal Tarxien. F’din iżżona, kien hemm 6.9 u 3.5 minn kull 1,000 li gradwaw b’Degree u Masters’ rispettivament. L-istħarriġ juri wkoll li hemm aktar nisa milli rġiel li jiggrawaw. Dan hu aktar viżibli f’Għawdex. Hekk li fil-livell ta’ De-

gree, in-nisa kienu jammontaw għal madwar ħamsa minn kull 1,000, filwaqt li lirġiel kienu jlaħħqu ftit inqas minn erbgħa kull 1,000. Dan filwaqt li l-ammont ta’ nisa f’Għawdex, jiżboq lil dawk f’Malta, f’kull livell. Meta wieħed iħares lejn il-lokalitajiet, listatistika turi kif il-Mosta, Birkirkara, Ħ’Attard, in-Naxxar u San Ġwann huma l-lokalitajiet li minnhom l-iktar li jiggradwaw studenti mill-Università ta’ Malta. Min-naħa l-oħra, il-Mosta, Birkirkara, Ħaż-Żabbar, San Pawl il-Baħar u nNaxxar huma l-ħames l-iktar lokalitajiet li minnhom jiggradwaw studenti millMCAST u l-ITS.

Refuġju f’Għawdex

Ħafna drabi partijiet bħan-naħa t’isfel tal-Italja, Sqallija u gżejjer oħra jiġu mpenġija bħala li huma aktar konservattivi u jżommu lura quddiem il-bidliet u l-iżvilluppi li kontinwament iseħħu madwarna. Minn xi daqqiet anke xi Maltin għandhom iħarsu bl-istess lenti lejn Għawdex, fejn il-ħajja għadha aktar kalma minn Malta, u fejn għad hemm rqajja fejn wieħed jista’ jitbiegħed mill-agħagħa tan-nies. Iżda jidher li min-naħa l-oħra l-Għawdxin huma aktar lesti li jaċċettaw nies li jkunu għaddejjin minn ċerti diffikultajiet. Mhux darba jew tnejn wieħed jisma’ b’Maltin li sabu refuġju f’Għawdex biex jeħilsu minn ċerti ilsna u ħars ikrah. Fost dawn wieħed isemmi kemm Għawdex ta refuġju lil xebbiet li nqabdu tqal, fi żmien meta li xebba toħroġ tqila mingħajr ma tagħraf raġel kien xi ħaġa ta’ stmerrija. Għalkemm jidher li hemm xi każi fejn dan għadu jiġri, illum insemmi storja li laqtitni ta’ tifla ta’ disa’ snin li l-ġenituri tagħha sabu kenn f’Għawdex biex propju jagħmlu ħajjithom u ħajjet din it-tfajla aktar feliċi. Jidher li mat-twelid din it-tifla attwalment ġiet irreġistrata bħala tifel, biss sa minn meta kellha ħames snin bdiet tħossa skomda li

While visiting Malta Stay at:

Fis-sena skolastika 2014/2015, kien hemm 3,557 student ġdid li daħal flUniversità ta’ Malta, li jindika li kien hemm żieda ta’ 15.1% meta mqabbel mal-ammont ta’ studenti li daħlu erba` snin qabel, fl-2010/11. Tul l-istess sena, in-nisa ddominaw il-korsijiet fillivelli kollha, b’59.5% tal-gradwati jkunu fil-fatt nisa. Dan ma jistax jonqos meta fl2015/16 fl-Universita` kienu jattendu 11,599 student, 57.2% minnhom nisa. Il-fatt li l-Għawdex jinsab quddiem fejn jidħlu l-gradwati hija tassew interessanti meta tqis id-diffikultajiet kbar li għandhom studenti Għawdex billi fil-maġġoranza tagħhom dawn iridu jattendu għall-korsijiet tagħhom fuq il-kampus talUniversita`ta’ Malta fl-Imsida, li jfisser sforz qawwi għal dawk li jivvjaġġaw kuljum bejn Malta u Għawdex, u spejjeż mhux ħażin flimkien ma piżijiet oħra (fosthom ħin biex isajru, inaddfu, eċċ) għal dawk li matul il-ġimgħa jgħixu f’xi appartament f’Malta.

tissejjaħ bl-isem ta’ Lucian. Wara parir professjonali dwar il-problema l-ġenituri bdew isejħulha bl-isem ta’ tifla – Luce. Iżda dan ma solviex ilproblema għax xi tfal bdew issejħulha Luk. Meta l-familja marret tgħix Għawdex jidher li s-sitwazzjoni tat-tifla tjiebet billi ġiet aċċetata bħala tifla tant li tħalliet tieħu sehem f’attivitajiet sportiva bħala tifla u saħansitra rebħet it-tiġrija tal-200 metru. Iżda meta ntbagħtet Malta tirrappreżenta lill-iskejjel Għawdxin, tpoġġiet fit-tiġrija mas-subien u sejħulha bl-isem ta’ tifel. Sintendi dan kien stress fuq it-tifla li stqarret li matul it-tiġrija ma waqfitx tibki. Imma jidher li l-problema ta’ din it-tifla ġiet issa solvuta. Fl-2015, il-Gvern għadda liġi dwar irreġistrazzjoni ta’ dawk transgender li tagħmilha possibbli biex dawk li jkunu flistess sitwazzjoni ta’ din it-tifla jmorru quddiem il-Qorti jitolbu li jiġu magħrufa uffiċjalment skont is-sess li jħossu li huma. Fil-fatt f’Lulju li għadda, wara proċess fil-Qorti ta’ Għawdex għall-ġid tat-tifla, ġie deċiż li kellha tkun magħrufa uffiċjalment bl-isem ta’ Lucinda Agius Lautier. Insomma din il-familja sabet ir-refuġju tagħha f’Għawdex, fejn saħansitra ġie nnutat li fl-ambjent il-ġdid għamlet saħansitra progress ġmielu fl-istudji tagħha u talinqas qed tmur l-iskola aktar bil-qalb fejn sħabha qed jaċċettawha ta’ li hi.

The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

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Pont bejn Tas-Sliema u l-belt Tgħid se tibqa’ biss ħolma?

Tuesday August 29, 2017


ekk wieħed jmur fuq in-naħa ta’ Marsamxett fil-kapitali Maltija jilmaħ quddiemu x-xatt ta’ Tas-Sliema tefa’ ta’ ġebla lbogħod minnu, distanza ta’ madwar 400 metru li wieħed faċilment jista’ jimxiha kieku ma kienx hemm ilbaħar jifred iż-żewġ lokalitajiet. Iżda jekk wieħed jitħajjar mill-belt imur Tas-Sliema, hemm ġibda mhux ħażin, dejjem jekk ma jfettillux jaqbad il-lanċa li taqsam mill-belt għal tas-Sliema u viċi-versa. Daqs sittin sen’ilu, ċertu Vincenti Kind ħareġ blidea li ssir cable car bejn iż-żewġ lokalitajiet. Imma mhux ħareġ biss bl-idea, ilGvern Kolonjali ta’ dak iż-

żmien ma qabilx mal-proposta u din ġiet abbandunata, sakemm ġie maħtur Gvern Malti, li għal darb’oħra saritlu l-istess proposta. Fil-fatt il-proposta tressqet quddiem il-Kabinet u Vincenti Kind stqarr ma The Times (fl-1964) (ara lemin) li kien hemm possibilta’ li l-proposta tiegħu tiġi aċċettata. Biss, fil-fatt dan il-proġett baqa’ fuq l-ixkaffa. Issa, sittin sena wara tfaċċa perit Malti, Conrad Xuereb, li attwalment huwa bbażat fl-Ingilterra, li ħareġ bilproposta li jinbena pont pedonali

The Voice of the Maltese 15

(jista’ jintuża biss bil-mixi) bejn il-ponta ta’ Tigne f’Tas-Sliema, u l-Port ta’ Marsamxett (fejn il-gun post.) Il-perit ikkalkula li dan ilpont jiġi jiswa madwar tmien miljun Ewro u jħaffef sew il-komunikazzjoni bejn Tas-Sliema u l-belt Valletta. Dan ikun ifisser ukoll inqas taffiku u fl-istess ħin ikun attrazzjoni turistika. Tgħid din id-darba lħolma se sseħħ?

Kampanja sħuna u mqanqla għal Kap ġdid tal- PN


ull min żamm ruħu aġġornat dwar dak li kien qed iseħħ waqt il-kampanja elettorali li għaddiet, żgur li jaf kemm l-artikolista Daphne Caruana Galizia fl-artikli u l-blogs tagħha kienet ħarġet qatta bla ħabel kontra l-Partit Laburista u kemm ilPartit Nazzjonalista rikeb fuq il-kitbiet tagħha, fosthom fil-kwestjoni tal-Panama, l-Egrant, l-allegazzjonijiet dwar il-Ministru Chris Cardona, eċċ. U kif min-naħa Laburista nfetħu għadd ta’ libelli kontra lartikolista. Iżd’issa li għaddiet l-elezzjoni, u ninsabu waqt kampanja tassew sħuna bejn l-erba’ kandidati għat-tmexxija tal-Partit Nazzjonali, jidher li l-istess artikolista ddefset ukoll f’din l-elezzjoni u fetħet il-kanuni tagħha fuq żewġ kandidati: it-Tabib Frank Portelli u l-Avukat Adrian Delia. Il-qiegħa tant saħnet li Portelli sostna li lPartit Nazzjonalista tilef l-elezzjoni minħabba li qagħad għal dak li qalet Caruana Galiza, filwaqt li Delia fetaħ għadd ta’ libelli kontriha. U jidher li dak li tikteb il-bloggista qed ikollu effett sewwa fuq dan il-kontest, għax fl-ewwel dibatitu li sar bejn l-erba’ kandidati fuq it-TV tal-istazzjon Televeżiv talPN), l-aktar li ddomina d-diskussjoni kienu l-kitbiet tagħha. Mhux biss iżda l-PN kellu wkoll jiskrutinja lil Delia dwar l-allegazzjonijiet minkejja li diġa` hemm kunsilliera li vvutaw (għax mhux se jkunu Malta fit-2 ta’ Settembru meta suppost il-kunsill se jagħżel tnejn mill-erba’ kandidati biex imbagħad ilmembri it-tesserati tal-Partit jivvutaw fuqhom fis-16 ta’ Settembru.

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16 The Voice of the Maltese

Same sex marriage

Tuesday August 29, 2017

- A voluntary postal vote


he PM Turnbull attempt for a plebiscite legislation failed for the second time to pass the Senate, as expected. The government is satisfied it can now legally conduct a voluntary postal ballot without legislation.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten

Finance Minister Mathias Cormann believes the government has a legal and constitutional way forward to commission a non-legislated, voluntary postal vote, he said. This will cost $122 million and will resolve the issue by the end of the year. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten labelled the Liberals' decision “ridiculous” and said he was “disappointed for so many Australians that their prime minister has yet again let them down”. The ballot would be voluntary, and conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics between September 12 and November, with a result to be declared by November 15. If Australians return a majority “Yes” vote, the government will facilitate debate on a bill to legalise same-sex marriage before the end of the year, but MPs will not be bound to respect the will of the people. That means same-sex marriage could be legalised by December 7, the last day Parliament sits this year. But if the majority

Archbishop says Yes vote


of Australians vote “No”, the government will refuse to allow a vote in Parliament. Same-sex marriage advocates vowed to challenge any voluntary postal vote in the High Court, having obtained legal advice indicating it would be invalid without supporting the legislation. But Senator Cormann insisted the legal validity of a postal vote, facilitated by the ABS, was "undoubted". Senator Cormann said. The total cost would be $122 million, slightly cheaper than the $170 million compulsory attendance plebiscite.

Confession above the law

threatens religious freedom T

iring an opening shot in the Church’s campaign for a vote for same sex marriage, the Archbishop of Sydney, Anthony Fisher OP has laid down battlelines for the No case by linking the redefinition of marriage to broader community concerns about issues such as the contentious Safe Schools programme. The attack by Archbishop Fisher pitches the Church in a heated battle against Labor and key backers of the “Yes” campaign, who say there is no need Archbishop Anthony Fisher for same-sex marriage to be accompanied by stronger religious protections for faith-based institutions. Archbishop Fisher also rejected arguments the legalisation of same-sex marriage would not have broader consequences. “In other parts of the world that have legalised same-sex marriage, those who believe in traditional marriage have been harassed or coerced into complying with the new view of marriage. It would be extremely naive to think that won’t happen in Australia.” Labor's Mark Dreyfus rejected arguments the change would impinge on personal and religious freedoms. “This is about giving LGBTI couples equality before the law. Nothing more, nothing less. Religious freedom is not under threat … any suggestion it is, is nothing but a scare campaign.”

Minister Mathias Cormann

he royal commission on child sex abuse is calling for reforms that, if adopted by governments, would see failure to report child sex abuse in institutions become a criminal offence, extending to information given in religious confessions. Melbourne Archbishop Denis Hart (pictured below) said he would risk going to jail rather than report allegations of child sexual abuse raised during confession. The Archbishop said the sacredness of communication with God during confession should be above the law. “I believe [confession] is an absolute sacrosanct communication of a higher order that priests by nature respect,” he said. “We are admitting a communication with God is of a higher order,” he said. “It is a sacred trust. It’s something those who are not Catholics find hard to understand but we believe it is most, most sacred and it’s very much part of us.” But if someone were to confess they had been sexually abused or they knew of someone who had been, Archbishop Hart said it would be adequate to encourage them to tell someone else outside of confession. For example, he would encourage a child to tell a teacher, who is already mandated under law to report. Meanwhile, Attorney-General George Brandis’ response to the commission’s recommendations were, “important issues of religious freedom” to consider. (See also article by Prof Cauchi on page 18)

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday August 29, 2017

Migrating to Australia by occupation T

he Department of Immigration and Border Protection has issued the list of occupations which Australian employers will be able to sponsor to meet skill shortage in the year 2017-18. The revised list which has been further slashed after removing 218 occupations in April this year, is now divided into two parts, Medium and Long-term and a short term Skilled Occupation list. The Temporary Work visa (subclass 457) allows skilled workers to come to Australia and work for an approved business for up to four years after it is granted if the nominated occupation is listed on the Combined list of eligible skilled occupations or this period is required due to international trade obligations. If the nominated occupation is not on the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skill List, two years after it is granted. In order to secure a 457 visa, an applicant must be sponsored by an approved business. Businesses are permitted to sponsor overseas workers if they cannot find an

Australian citizen or permanent resident to do the skilled work. English language requirements have also been revised for overseas workers wanting to be in Australia on 457 visas. Australia has announced the new skilled occupation list for the immigration intake programme for the year 2017-18. The new occupation list takes effect on Saturday, July 1, 2017. Applicants for General Skilled Migration are required to nominate an eligible occupation from the Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List. Applicants for the following visas can nominate an occupation from the MLTSL Subclass 189 (Skilled—Independent) visas; and Subclass 489 (Skilled—Regional (Provisional)) visas by applicants who are not nominated by a State or Territory government agency; and Subclass 485 (Temporary Graduate) visas. The new MLTSSL has 178 occupations that can be nominated for skilled migration to Australia.

Bigotry stripped bare


stunt by Senator Pauline Hanson wearing a burqa to the Senate chambers (upper house of the Australian Parliament) has triggered a firestorm over religious freedom. The stunt united all sides of politics in condemnation. Attorney General George Brandis visibly angry and at one point close to tears said that “I am not going to pretend to ignore the stunt that you have tried to pull today by arriving in the chamber dressed in a burqa,” drawing applause from members of the Senate. |”We all know that you are not adherent of the Islamic faith. I would caution and counsel you with respect to be very, very careful of the offence you may do to the religious sensibilities of other Australians. We have about 500,000 Australians in this country of the Islamic faith, and the vast majority of them are law-abiding, good Australians.” The Senator from Queensland made a name for herself by in 1990 declared that Australia was being swamped by Asians and recently advocated an end to immigration especially Muslims.

Source SBS Shamsher Kainth

The never-ending war in Afghanistan

A Pauline Hanson’s burqa stunt in the Senate

Each year, the Department of Education and Training advises the Minister for Immigration and Border Protection on the composition of the skilled occupation list. The suitability of occupations for inclusion on the SOL is assessed through a twostep process. The first step involves identifying occupations that are most susceptible to supply constraints and are likely to warrant government intervention to address these constraints.

ustralia is likely to send more military help to Afghanistan beyond the present commitment of 300 training and advisory forces after US President Donald Trump vowed “we are not nation-building again, we are killing terrorists”. A further request is not regarded as certain, however. Defence Minister Senator Marisa Payne stressed Australia was already making a “very considerable contribution” to the fight against various Islamist groups around the world but said the government would discuss potential increase. Australia has followed American in

Australian PM Malcolm Turnbull in Afghanistan

every war. The Australian Defence Forces have about 270 troops training and advising in Afghanistan and has already committed to sending another 30, though it is waiting to co-ordinate with NATO and the US before sending those additional forces. In the past, Australian special forces soldiers have carried out raids to kill or capture high-value Taliban targets. US forces are still carrying out these raids.The Australian contribution to the never-ending war in Afghanistan, began in 2001. 41 AFD personnel were killed.

The secret of the Confessional and duty to report T

18 The Voice of the Maltese

he well-publicised incidents involving catholic priests engaging in paedophilic practices have raised the issue of whether priests should be obliged to reveal the identity of any paedophile that confesses to such Profs. MauriceCauchi crimes. To most Catholics the very idea Moreover, it has been well established of priests breaking the seal of confession that the Courts can order a medical pracis an outrage, something unheard of. The titioner to divulge confidential informaCatholic Church condemns such a practice under the threat of excommunication. tion obtained from their patients, and this has been now well accepted. In many countries in Europe the secret So the question arises: is the Catholic of the confessional is still honoured and Church above the law? Should priests be respected, and most courts in Europe obliged to reveal any secret that comes to (with some exceptions, like the UK) and their attention during confession? America will not demand that priests diIt is argued that the damage to children vulge information obtained from the conthrough the practice of paedophilia can fessions. be so overwhelming, not infrequently What is the duty of ordinary citizens leading to suicide, that the need to ensure with respect to reporting of crime? In that paedophiles are caught early to preAustralian legislation, any person who vent them from practicing their malevobecomes aware of the sexual abuse of lent habits must trump any other children is duty bound to report this to consideration, including the laws of the the police, and criminal charges can be catholic church. levelled against anyone who does not reBut are priests in the confessional comport such incidents.

Il-Maltese Bowlers ta’ NSW jxolju


ara għoxrin sena ta’ xogħol fejjiedi, The Maltese Bowlers NSW mhux se jkomplu. Dan sar magħruf minn stqarrija maħruġa mis-segretarju talklabb, Tony Pace-Feraud li kien ilu jokkupa l-kariga sa minn Settembru tal-2006. Id-deċiżjoni tax-xoljiment ittieħdet fl-aħħar laqgħa annwali li saret f’Rosehill Bowling Club, bir-raġuni tkun in-nuqqas serju ta’ attendenza u parteċipazzjoni fl-avvenimenti assoċjati mallogħba. Il-klabb, permezz tas-segretaru kien ukoll joħroġ fuljett, li issa dan ukoll se jieqaf. Il-Maltese Bowlers kienu twaqqfu mill-mikbi Moses Mifsud. Ix-xogħol tiegħu komplieh Victor Fenech u membri oħra tal-kumitat li ħadmu tul dawn l-aħħar 20 sena. Tony Pace-Feraud qal lil The Voice of the Maltese li madankollu, skont Joe Saragozza dan hux se jeffettwa l-parteċipazzjoni tal-Maltin fil-lawn bowls tal-Commonwealth Games li se jsiru fi Queensland f’April tas-sena d-dieħla. It-tħejjijiet għadhom għaddejjin anke wara t-telfa ta’ John Zammit minn Melbourne li tant ħadem biex itejjeb is-sehem tal-Maltin f’dan l-isport. Jidher li hemm għadd mhux ħażin ta’ Maltin li huma lesti li jirrappreżentaw lil Malta fil-Commonwealth Games. Sadanittat, il-Kumitat Olimpiku Malti ħatar lil Wilfred u Rosemarie Mula minn NSW biex jirrappreżentaw lil Malta fl-Awstralja. Il-fergħa Awstraljana tal-Maltese Lawn Bowls Federation qed iżżomm kuntatt mal-World Bowls u hemm il-ħsieb li tiġi organizzata kompetizzjoni internazzjonali f’Malta fil-lukanda Mellieħa Bay, jiġifieri l-uniku lokal f’Malta fejn hemm il-faċilitajiet għal-logħob tal-Lawn Bowls.

Tuesday August 29, 2017

parable to the average person, or even a medical person who becomes aware of a crime of any kind? The average person reporting a crime is not usually threatened with any serious outcomes. Such reporting is normally held confidential and the whistleblower can continue with his or her normal life. On the other hand, the priest who divulges confessional secrets comes under very severe censure by the Church, including the possibility of excommunication - a very serious outcome. So the priest who has the misfortune of confessing a paedophile may find himself in the dilemma of choosing between going to prison rather than begin excommunicated - not a happy choice. The Bishop of Melbourne has already stated that in such an eventuality. He would rather go to prison.

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday August 29, 2017

Donazzjoni ta' kotba liċ-Ċentru tal-MCC f’Parramatta


rian Decelis u l-familja tiegħu li għamlu parti mill-komunità Maltija għal dawn l-aħħar 10 snin, marru lura f'art twelidna, f’Malta f’Lulju. Lil Brian rajnieh jagħti l-kontribut tiegħu bl-involviment fil-Maltese Welfare (NSW) u reċentement anke fiċ-ċentru ta' La Valette. Kien ukoll kontributur regolari ta’ The Maltese Herald u dan il-magazine, The Voice of the Maltese. Kemm lil bintu Joy u wkoll lil martu Lorraine rajnihom jagħtu l-kontribut tagħhom lill-komunità. Lil Joy kemm-il darba rajniha u smajniha tkanta bil-Malti liebsa bil-kostum tradizzjonali, filwaqt li fost ħafna affarijiet oħra, Lorraine kienet xandara fuq il-programm tal-Kunsill Malti fuq 2GLF. Kif iddeċidew li jirritornaw lura Malta għal kollox, il-familja Decelis ġentilment għażlet li tagħmel donazzjoni sostanzjali ta' kotba tal-Melitensia liċ-ċentru Malti ta’ NSW, u dawn issa jinsabu fiċ-ċentru f’Parramatta biex jitgawdew mill-komunità.

Brian Decelis (fin-nofs) flimkien ma’ Emanuel Camilleri, president tal-MCC NSW, u l-viċi president Mark Caruana wara lpreżentazzjoni tal-kotba

Obituary: Paul Sammut (1932-2017) a full and productive life


celebration of the life of Paul P. Sammut was held at Our Lady of the Sea Catholic Church in Miranda NSW where family, friends and business acquaintances paid their last respect to a hugely respected and popular Maltese-born multi-award winning builder and developer. Paul was born in Zabbar, Malta and migrated to Sydney in 1951. He built over 200 prestige homes in many parts of NSW. In 1995 his twin sons Allen & John founded the well known Sammut Developments to continue in the footsteps their father. “He was our role model and the driving force for all our many achievements and awards. His guidance, strength, work ethic and honesty is his legacy,” Allen Sammut said in a very moving eu-

Xagħra Association of NSW Inc Fr Charles Sultana’s NSW Programme August - September 2017

St John the Evangelist Parish, Riverstone 164, Garfield Rd East, Riverstone Morning Mass times: Tuesday-Saturday: 8:30 am Friday Evenings times: 7:30 pm (August:18th, 25th September: 1st, 8th, 22nd) except Friday, 15th September 6:30 pm at Horsley Park Saturday vigil Mass times: 6:00 pm (August 19, 26, September 2, 9, 23, except Saturday September 16 at 5:30 pm Sunday Mass times: 7:00am & 9:00am: August: 20, 27, September: 3,10,17, 24 In addition, Sunday September 3: 5:00 pm at Riverstone, September 10: 3:00pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney, September 17: 3:00 pm Horsley Park, Sunday 24: 3:30 pm @ Greystanes. Confessions: Saturday: 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Thursday, August 31 10:15 am Saturday Sept. 2 7.30 p.m Sunday Sept. 3 6:30 pm Sunday Sept. 10 2:30pm St Mary’s Cathedral 3:00 pm till late

Saturday Sept. 16. 7.15 p.m Tal-Vitorja Din/Dance. Sunday Sept. 17 2.00 p.m. Horsley Park Festa 3.00 p.m. Tuesday Sept. 19 7.00 a.m. Sunday Sept. 24. 3.30 p.m. Festa at Greystanes

Mass for the Elderly who meet weekly for respite @ La Valette Social Centre La Valette Social Centre to meet the Maltese community who socialise there Hamrun Club to meet the Maltese community who socialise there Rosary Concelebrates Mass & says homily @ St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney - Annual Celebration by the Maltese Community of the feast of the Nativity of Our Lady. Afterwards to Dinner. Bus will be organised, for bookings or any information refer to contacts below Guest of Honour @ Annual tal-Vitorja Dinner Dance, Balmoral Function Centre, 49 Balmoral Road, Blacktown. For any tickets refer to contacts below Procession on church grounds with Statue of Our Lady of Victories. Concelebrates Mass @ Horsley Park Church - Our Lady of Victories. Bus Outing to the Entrance ConCelebrates Mass at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church - Festa Greystanes

Enquiries: Ray/Josephine Bigeni: 9627 4182 or 0439 974 182, 0448 100 034 M'Anne Teuma: 4579 6771

logy. Paul is the husband of Victoria and father to Allen and John, father-in-law to Nicole and Michelle and grand father to Stephanie and Julian. He passed away on August 6, aged 84 years. For many years, Paul Sammut was very active within the Maltese community of NSW. He served as President of the Phoenician Club and as director of the Parramatta Melita Eagles FC. Farewell and rest in peace, the community is very proud of your achievements.


Other Obituaries and anniversaries

t is with deep sorrow to announce the death of Anthony George Micallef from Wentworthville NSW born in Malta on 3rd November 1924. He passed away on the 16th April 2017. Married to Josephine, father and grandfather. Anthony was one of the original organisers of OLQP Greystanes Festa Committee and also director of the La Valette SC at Blacktown.


th anniversary of Luciano Pollacco, born 29th March 1935, died 19th August 2008, husband to Rafaela, daughter Sylvia and husband, Geoffrey, son Jeffrey and wife Maria. Four grandchildren Jonathon, Timothy, Andrew and Adrian. Sister and brother and all families in Australia, Malta and England. Family. RIP.


Happy Birthday

appy birthday to Maria Meli who would have been 100 years old on the festa of Santa Maria. Born at Mosta on 16 August 1917 and passed away at Wentworthville NSW on 24th October 1993. Married to Romeo, mother to Marlene Dimech, Carmen Cachia, Joseph, Charles (both deceased) and Frank Meli. Much loved by her children, their spouses, grand children and great grand children. The Voice of the Maltese in Australia will publish on request births, deaths and anniversaries. Contact us on:

20 The Voice of the Maltese



Malta football icon

Tuesday August 29, 2017

Joe Cilia dies aged 79

he death was announced on August 5 of former Malta international footballer and coach Joe Cilia two months short of his 80th birthday. Joe was regarded as a true gentleman of the game and a stalwart of Maltese football who graced football stadiums in Malta and Australia from his position as central defender. One of Joe’s greatest attributes was that he was a family man. He was also an active member of the MalteseAustralian Association in Malta and regularly used to be joined by all the members of his family at its functions. Two years ago Joe lost his wife Mary whom he adored for being so patient with him throughout his long career. He sorely missed her. Regarded as an icon in the football clubs of Rabat, the club where he started his football baptism at the age of 17, Valletta, in one of their best ever eras, and Melita Eagles in NSW, Australia, where he spent an eight-year spell and is still affectionately remembered for his contribution to the club in its hey days. In NSW he also won all the honours one could hope for in the game of football, both individually and as a team. Joe, Malta’s Footballer of the Year on two occasions, in 1957/1958 and in 1963-1964, not only won all the top individual honours that Maltese football had on offer, but also helped his clubs win several honours. Joe joined Valletta from Rabat at age 19 in the 1956/57 season. He made his first impact on the game in the 1958-1959 football season helping Valletta win their Joe Cilia (centre) flanked by The Voice editors Lawrence first League Championship title after a lapse of 11 years. Dimech (left) and Joseph Cutajar during a MAA function With Joe Cilia in the side, Valletta won the championship again the Melita Eagles Player of the Year, and was also selected to play the following season and repeated the feat in 1962/63. Joe himself in a Foreigners’ team against the Australian Selection that was then preparing to take part in the 1974 World Cup. used to consider the 1958-1963 era as Valletta’s strongest. A cartilage and hernia operation cut short his career as a foot‘Gentleman Joe’ also played in Malta’s first international football match against Austria at the Stadium in Gzira in February 1957. baller in Australia. They kept him out of football for eight months. He was the only player representing Valletta in that team. That He returned to football in 1972 by turning out for Sunderland in turned out to be a memorable match. Malta narrowly lost by 3-2. English football. The UK adventure did not last long. He returned to Malta and A few years later, also at the Empire Stadium, he was in the Malta played for two more years with Valletta. team that beat Denmark 3-0. In his career Joe also had spells with Vittoriosa, Qormi, St After his spell with Valletta, Joe left for NSW where Melita Eagles engaged him as player coach. At the time the Eagles had a Patrick, Floriana, Sliema, Valletta, Rabat, Birkirkara, Hibernians large following with crowds averaging between four and six thou- and Zurrieq and coached several clubs in Malta, most notably Valsand. In his second year, and also with the help of Austrian inter- letta, Rabat Ajax and Hibernians. Joe is survived by his three sons, their wives and his grandchilnational Karl Jaros, the Eagles won promotion and he himself was dren voted Best Player of New South Wales (second division). Never to be forgotten. May he rest in peace. During his spell, on two other occasions he was also voted as

Għaliex it-8 ta’ Settembru hu magħruf bħala Jum il-Vitorja

aħda mill-aktar festi nazzjonali għal qalb il-Maltin hija tal-Bambina W – it-twelid tal-Verġni Marija - f’Jum il-Vitorja, fit-8 ta’ Settembru, festa pubblika li tfakkar il-ġrajja ta' zewġ assedji fuq il-gżejjer Maltin.

Il-monument ta’ Jum il-Vitorja fil-belt kapitali Maltija, Valletta li jkun il-qofol taċ-celebrazzjoni fit-8 ta’ Settembru

Bħala l-festa tal-Bambina tiġi wkoll iċċelebrata bil-kbir fl-irħula tal-Isla, in-Naxxar u l-Mellieħa f'Malta, u fix-Xagħra f'Għawdex. Bħala storja, nistgħu ngħidu li fl-1565, wara iktar minn tliet xhur assedju, l-Ottomani li kienu qed jassedjaw lill-Birgu u lill-Isla rtiraw u telqu minn dik ix-xaqliba tal-gżira. Jingħad li dan kien l-aħħar jum tal-Assedju l-Kbir. Fis-7 ta’ Settembru, jum qabel il-Bambina kien wasal Malta l-Gran Soccorso, l-għajnuna minn Sqallija għal Malta, li tat daqqa ta’ ħarta lit-Torok. Fl-1943, l-Italja kienet irtirat mit-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija, u daret kontra lĠermanja, li qabel kienet alleata tagħha. Dan wassal għat-twaqqif tal-bumbardamenti min-naħa tat-Taljani fuq Malta, u t-tmiem tal-gwerra għall-Maltin. F’dan il-jum, li fil-pajjiż hu festa pubblika. isiru festi u ċerimonji nazzjonali. Barra minhekk il-jum jiġi mfakkar ukoll fl-isports bit-tiġrijiet tad-dgħajjes, bil-magħrufa Regatta Nazzjonali, tat-8 ta’ Settembru bejn id-distretti li xtuthom jifirxu fuq il-Port il-Kbir.

Fonzu l-Fenek Tuesday August 29, 2017

Children’s Favourite rabbit in Malta and beyond


any must still recall the visit to Australia last year of Her Excellency the President of Malta Marie Louise Coleiro Preca. During her visit to Melbourne, Australian children of Maltese descent from the Maltese Language Teachers Association of Victoria played homage to her by singing to her the Fonzu l-Fenek song in Maltese. Fonzu has not travelled overseas yet, however, his songs and books have. The event in Victoria was perhaps one of the highlights of the achievements of this fictional rabbit created in Malta by Suzanne and Michael Piscopo. “We have it on good authority that Fonzu was over the moon to hear about it and he drank a whole jug of carrot juice to celebrate!” they told us. Suzanne and Michael told The Voice of the Maltese that it all started in 2011 when they wanted to come up with a mascot for a project they were working on. The project was intended to promote healthy living among Maltese children through Maltese language resources. From the three options designed by Michael, over 200 primary school children voted for Fonzu l-Fenek to be their mascot – though Lola n-Nannakola (the ladybird) and Miċu l-Qattus (the cat) were not far behind. Eventually they and a fourth character Benna l- Baqra (the cow) joined the group now lovingly known as Fonzu and friends. Asked to explain to us who Fonzu exactly is, they said he is simply a fictional rabbit created to foster a love of healthy living and healthy eating among schoolchildren. “Key messages he disseminates are to eat fresh, local, traditional foods that are healthy; to eat foods that protect the natural environment and to safeguard the wellbeing of others; to be physically active daily and to enjoy a variety of sports; to enjoy the Maltese natural and historical landscape; to read a variety of books and do some reading every day. Suzanne and Michael have worked for the past six years or so on creating educational material for teachers with these messages; from students’ workbooks and teachers’ handbooks, to PowerPoint presentations, to board games. Fonzu and friends are also protagonists in a number of short stories that have been published in local children’s magazines Sagħtar and Tfal Missjunarji. But perhaps Fonzu is best known for the Fonzu l-Fenek song, composed by Michael himself and performed by the well-known Maltese artist Phyllisienne Brincat, who also produced and recorded

the song. Since its launch in 2012, the Fonzu song video on YouTube has been played (and probably sung and danced to) over 600,000 times. It is very popular with Maltese children and educators in Malta, but according to Fonzu’s creators, it is also popular in Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom. Even people from Arabicspeaking countries like Morocco, Tunisia and Saudi Arabia have posted on the song’s video commenting about its catchy tune and the similarities in the language. “Fonzu’s friends’ songs are also popular and they all have their own educational messages. They include Lola n-Nannakola and her love for globetrotting and Ħobż biż-Żejt, Miċu l-Qattus and his love for experimenting and drinking milk, and Benna l-Baqra and her love for reading.” Fonzu is often invited as special guest at morning assemblies in schools in Malta where he participates in a session on healthy living animated by Suzanne, which typically ends with lots of singing, dancing and clapping. He also attends public events such as local village days, animal welfare events, science fairs and fund-raising activities for good causes. At these events, one or more of his animal friends sometimes accompanies Fonzu. The rabbit also has his own Cooking Club, originally organised as one of the activities held within the President of Malta’s Secret Garden. Here children used to prepare healthy and tasty snacks – one traditional Maltese and one similar recipe from a foreign culture. He also has a regular Insajru bil-Għaqal ma’ Fonzu l-Fenek page on the Tfal Missjunarji magazine with step-by-step pictorial recipes suitable for children, and also published a simple recipe book with additional healthy recipes. Most of the material mentioned can be accessed free of charge online at the Fonzu l-Fenek website, Fonzu videos are also available on YouTube and children can write to Fonzu at and he will reply to them personally! Recently, and on the request of early

The Voice of the Maltese 21 Fonzu l-Fenek ... kids warm up to him

childhood educators, Suzanne and Michael started producing colouring-in books that teach the Maltese alphabet and basic vocabulary around different themes. They include abċ ma’ Fonzu l-Fenek 1Ikel u Xorb, abċ ma’ Fonzu l-Fenek 2 - IlKċina, abċ ma’ Fonzu l-Fenek 3 - Annimali and abċ ma’ Fonzu l-Fenek 4 Is-Sajf. These are available for sale in Malta and Australia, but can also be shipped anywhere in the world. For more information on Fonzu and friends and the educational resources one can contact Suzanne Piscopo on

Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija Minħabba nuqqas ta’ spazju, għal din il-ħarġa ta’ The Voice of the Maltese kellna niddiżappuntaw lil għadd kbir ta’ qarrejja li jsegwu f’kull ħarġa l-paġna bl-artiklu mis-serje popolari ta’ Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija. Is-serje se tkompli filħarġa Nru. 162 li jmiss u li tiġi ppubblikaay fit-12 ta’ Settembru

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 29, 2017

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW

A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Learn Maltese! Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.


Jixtiequ jfakkru lill-Kommunita` Maltija, li dis-sena il-festa tradizzjonali tal-Vittorja se issir nhar il-Ħadd 10 ta’ Settembru. Fis-2.30 p.m. tibda l-purcissjoni fejn jingħad irRuzarju, u wara tibda l-quddiesa kkonċelebrata

fil-Kattidral ta’ St Mary’s f’College Street Sydney.

Il-familji li għandom xi tfal jew żgħażagħ li jridu jilbsu kostum Malti jew tal-preċett, ħalli jimxu fil-purċissjoni fil-Kattidral, għandom iċemplu lil Antoinette Mascari 9899 1938. Grazzi lil kull min dejjem attenda din il-festa.

Antoinette Mascari f/r

Fr Tarcisio M icallef M SS P

Teachers urgently needed

(Chaplain for the Maltese Community in the Archdiocese of Sydney)

- Paid positions

For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

Il-Fathers Maltin

La Valette Social Centre Saturday activities La Valette Social Centre 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847

Masses at the Chapel: 5.45pm and 6.15pm. Centre is open for dinner from 5.00pm. Entertainment by Sam Mifsud or Manuel Grech. Għana: last Saturday of every month. Bingo: starts at 8.00pm Winter and 8.30pm Summer. Boċċi, Raffle, members’ lucky door prize - dinner for two Membership is only $7 a year. We also have other activities that we advertise on the radio, church bulletins and The Voice of the Maltese.

ST HELENA MALTESE/AUSTRALIAN S.C. Events: August- December 2017

Sept. 9 – Sat.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Sept. 23 – Fri.: Family function at Klabb G˙annejja Maltin St Albans. Oct. 14 – Sat.: GM meeting at Albion (2.p.m). Oct. 22 – Sun.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Nov. 12 – Sun.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Dec. 16 – Sat.: Xmas Function at Melrose Tullamarene.

Bus tour to Canberra

On Sunday October 1 the Maltese Community Council of NSW is organising a bus tour to Canberra, visiting the National War Memorial. Bus departs 8.00 a.m. from the MCC Centre, 59b Franklin Street Parramatta West.Tickets: $40 per person. Lunch not included. Lunch stop will be at the Hellenic Club.

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Main events for 2017

Sunday October 15: Fete Saturday Nov. 11: Dinner Dance Sunday December 3:

St Nicholas Feast For more information: Joe Fenech 0412 009 957 or PRO Emm. Vella 045 677 064

Horsley Park Community Social Group & Friends 10-day Adelaide Tour

Mon. October 9 - Wed. October 18 Tour includes: 10 days 5 star coach touring travelling through three States: NSW, Sth Australia and Victoria; 9 Nights accommodation; 9 Breakfasts; 3 Lunches; 9 Dinners; Morning or Afternoon Tea; two Cruises; Wineries For further information and itinerary contact: Theresa 0402 178 781 or Josephine 0402 040 954

Anybody interested in advertising on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, partcularly among the Maltese diaspora is requested to write to

For issues concerning:

Ageing and disability - community services education - environment - health - housing planning - Police - transport - water

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday August 29, 2017

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Tune In to Radio and Television

The SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2

Maltese Radio Programmes

MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 56 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3.

Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM.

Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet

(On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am)

Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt.

Web streaming on: In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

ħalkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tagħha, G il-qarrejja huma mħeġġa biex x’ħin iridu jistgħu jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti: Din bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż. Il-website hija aġġornata tul il-jum kollu għalhekk wieħed jista’ jieħu stampa ċara tal-ġrajjiet li anke jkunu qed iseħħu dak il-ħin stess.

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips

Join us and make new friends.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month: Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.

Maltese of Bankstown

Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357

Comedy by Iċ-Ċittadini The Ċittadini will be presenting a b brilliant comedy on Sunday October 29 at Wentworthville Leagues Club at 2 pm. For tickets phone:

Monica: 9896 0712 0414 859 386 Joe Borg 96 242 280 Julie 96 367 679

Donation: $12; kids: $6.00 *Next year: Country singer Marisa D’Amato from Malta

Join us on Facebook:

https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Australian High Commission on facebook; HC on twitter


he Australian High Commission’s in Malta now has a new Facebook page, and the High Commissioner a Twitter account that could both be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: usHCMalta/ The Commissioner’s Twitter handle is: Greystanes Maltese Seniors

Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

24 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday August 29, 2017

Malta ready for World Cup clash wth England


ith less then 10 months to go until Russia 2018 gets underway, the battle for places in various groups intensifies, but Malta, as always, is only making up the numbers with no hope in the world to ever standing a chance of becoming a protagonist. The same in the current edition as the national team prepares to face England on Friday September 1 in an international competition 46 years after the two sides met way back in 1971. That was at the Empire Stadium in Gzira in the European Championship. Malty lost 1-0

On Friday to the delight of football fans, Malta hosts England once again, in Group F of the qualifiers for next year's foremost competition, the FIFA World Cup. It will be the first of two qualifiers for Malta in three days. Next, on September 4 the national team will play at Hampden Park against Scotland, a return to the 5-1 defeat in September last year. A sell-out crowd of around 20,000 spectators – including over 4,000 English fans - is guaranteed. One hopes that the locals would outsmart the visitors in their support of the national team as they urge on

the Maltese players for a result that we could be proud of. Malta national team coach Pietro Ghedin has retained the core of player who have featured regularly in this world Cup campaign, during which Malta has not yet managed a point from six qualifiers and has a record of six defeats from as many outings. The match is the return tie to the one played October last year and which Malta the lost 2-0.

Premier League: Disastrous season ends in Malta Three on maximum points relegation for Parramatta T

he 2017/18 Premier Football League in Malta that kicked off a fortnight ago is now in recess for national team commitments with Malta taking part in two 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifiers (see main story). The Championship, in a new format with 14 teams, promises to be a very balanced affair and with only two matches played only three teams enjoy maximum points. They are defending champions Hibernians, Valletta and Gzira United. Birkirkara’s fans are the most disappointed as their team has only managed a point from its two fixtures, while Balzan also received an unexpected setback going down to St Andrews. Results so far:


arramatta FC (formerly Parramatta Melita Eagles) would want to forget the 2017 football season fast. It was by far their worst season in the club’s glorious history spanning 61 years. At the end of the campaign they have been relegated from the NSW Premier League (NSW NPL1) having finished the season last without registering a solitary win on the pitch. The only three points for a win were obtained after a protest against Wollongong. Granville District Association will now need to get their act together as this once great football district deserves a top football team. In their final team at the Melita Stadium on August 13, Parramatta lost 2-0 - a goal in either half - to Bonnyrigg White Eagles, to finish the season on just six points, eight less than the team above them, Sydney FC. In a team that could not manage one win in a whole season, Stefan Giglio stood out. Signed only nine games into the season proper, in his short stint at Parramatta FC, the 24-year-old Stefan, born in Baulkham Hills son of a Maltese mother from Mdina, Malta, was twice chosen in the NSW NPL1 “Team of the Week”. He was also twice taken out the “Save of the Week”. Stefan was signed from North Shore Mariners FC but played previously with Marconi Blacktown City and APIA. The youngster told The Voice of the Maltese that on a visit to Malta in 2013 he spent two weeks training with the Under 21 Malta squad under Ray Farrugia. He had also been approached by a number of clubs, particularly Hamrun Spartans to stay in Malta. He declined all the offers, but playing in Malta is still on his mind. Although having been part of a traumatic season, he still has the utmost respect for the tradition of the club and its connection with the Maltese community. Parramatta FC also introduced Dylan Ellul a 20-year-old promising player making three first grade appearances. Dylan is

Stefan Giglio

George Ellul’s grandson. Meanwhile, APIA Leichhardt Tigers clinched the 2017 PS4NPL NSW Men’s Premiership for the first time on the final day of competition, a final round (August 13) that lived up to expectations with the premiership battle going down to the wire. At the end of a hard fought 1-1 draw with Rockdale City Suns APIA got the point they needed to secure the title. Apia have also secured their ticket to the 2017 PS4NPL NSW Men's grand final with a comprehensive 5-0 drubbing of Rockdale City Suns, becoming the first side to qualify for this season's deciders. They are now only one match away from winning a historic Premiership and Championship double. Their opponents will be decided on Saturday as Rockdale take on Manly Utd who shocked competition favourites Blacktown City FC. Despite leading the competition for most of the season, Blacktown could not turn their recent run of pool results and were eliminated after a 2-0 loss to Manly.

DAY 1 Birkirkara v Floriana. Gzira Utd v Lija Ath. Hamrun S v Tarxien R. Hibernians v St Andrews Balzan v Naxxar L. Valletta v Mosta. Sliema W. v Senglea. A. DAY 2 St Andrews v Balzan. Floriana v Tarxien. Hibernians v Hamrun S. Valletta v Senglea A. GZira Utd v Birkirkara. Mosta v Lija Ath. Slide a W. V Naxxar.

1-1 4-0 4-1 4-0 2-0 1-0 2-2

3-2 5-0 1-0 1-0 2-0 3-1 5-1

George Cross, Green Gully lose last ties

The teams in the Victoria State leagues Sunshine George Cross and Green Gully wrapped up their league campaigns with disappointing losses. In the PS4 NPL Green Gully SC lost their final league match at home against Pascoe Vale 1-2 to finish in fifth position in the league ladder with 45 points. In PS4 NPL 2 West, Sunshine George Cross also ended the campaign with a disappointment having lost their final game at Melbourne City by 4-0. They also lost two more points in their previous game, a 1-1 at home to Whittlesea Rangers. They ended up the league in fourth position with 46 points, 19 below table toppers Northcote City.

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