The Voice of the Maltese No. 160

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The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Issue 160

Fortnightly Fort nightly magazine magazine for for the the Diaspora Diaspora

August 1, 2017

The treasures of Malta

The Grand Master’s Palace in Valletta

The Grand Master’s Palace in Malta’s capital Valletta has been the administrative centre of the Mediterranean island for almost three and a half centuries. The original palace, built in 1571, was the seat of the Grand Master of the Knights Hospitalliers of St John and later, during the British colonial period, served as the Governor’s palace. It was also the home of the House of Representatives of Malta and today it is the office of the President of the Republic of Malta.

The Council Chamber is home to a rare collection of exotic Gobelin tapestries depicting hunting scenes from different continents, its State Dining Room is adorned with portraits of the Presidents of Malta and a painting of Queen Elizabeth II. The Supreme Council Hall has a cycle of twelve frescoes by Mattia Perez d’Aleccio depicting the Great Siege of 1565. The Ambassador’s Hall and main corridors are lined with portraits of European monarchs and Grand Masters.

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 1, 2017

Xi fatti li jo˙or©u dwar il-komunita` Maltija fl-a˙˙ar çensiment tal-2016 LawenceDimech


if di©a` t˙abbar f’The Voice of the Maltese, dan l-a˙har ˙ar©u xi riΩultati mill-a˙˙ar çensiment li sar fl-Awstralja fid-9 ta’ Awwissu tal-2016. Kul˙add jaf li kull ˙ames snin il-Gvern Federali jimbarka fuq ezerçizzju massiçç u ferm importanti biex ikun jaf diversi aspetti ta’ dan il-pajjiΩ fejn ng˙ixu. Iç-çensiment hu importanti biex isiru l-kalkuli mill-Gvern dwar isservizzi tas-sa˙˙a, l-edukazzjoni, isservizzi soçjali u kull aspett ie˙or li jolqotna. B˙ala eΩempju ta’ min isemmi li lGvern ikun irid jaf kemm hawn nies jg˙ixu fi djar, f’appartamenti (flats), fil-kiri, x’inhuma l-etajiet, kemm hawn nies ja˙dmu jew bla xog˙ol u ˙afna statistika o˙ra li l-ebda gvern ma jista’ jg˙addi ming˙ajrha biex jiggverna. Min˙abba f’hekk iç-çensiment hu mhux biss importanti g˙all-Gvern iΩda wkoll g˙alina g˙ax jekk ma nag˙tux lill-Gvern it-tag˙rif li jitlob minna jistg˙u isiru ˙afna Ωbalji li jolqtuna fil-la˙am il-˙aj. L-a˙˙ar çensiment ta’ Awwissu tal2016 qajjem ˙afna kontraversja u ©ab mieg˙u ˙afna tgergir g˙ax is-sistema elettronika li ntuΩat kienet difettuΩa, tant li wara xi ˙inijiet din is-sistema ikkollassat. Çertament li dan hu riΩultat xejn feliçi f’ezerçizzju Nazzjonali b˙al dan. Barra dawn l-iskossi kien hemm dif-

fikutajiet o˙ra g˙all-komunita` Maltija, min˙abba li din id-darba ç-çensiment tista’ tg˙id sar kollu online. Fil-komunita` Maltija fl-Awstra-lja g˙andna ˙afna li ma jag˙mlux uΩu mill-kompjuters, u allura façli li jkun hemm min jinqabeΩ. G˙alhekk dejjem jibqa` d-dubju kemm hija eΩatta l-konkluzjoni ta’ kemm hawn Maltin fl-Awstralja li twieldu Malta u kemm minnhom li jitkellmu bil-Malti fid-dar. Minn dawn l-a˙˙ar riΩultati jidher li ç-çensiment tefa’ ˙afna iktar dubju dwar dan. Li nafu Ωgur li skont iç-çensiment tal-2016 fl-Awstralja, Maltin li twieldu Malta illum g˙andna biss 37,613. Minn dawn, 17,873 jg˙ixu fl-istat ta’ Victoria u 14,481 o˙ra fi New South Wales. L-o˙rajn huma mxerrdin mal-kumplament tal-kontinent Awstraljan. Fiç-çensiment ta’ qabel tal-2016, ji©ifieri tal-2011, l-g˙add ta’ Maltin li jg˙ixu fl-Awstralja imma li twieldu Malta kien ta’ 41,270. Dan ifisser li f’˙ames snin inqasna bi 3,657. Issa, dawk li qalu li jitkellmu bilMalti fid-dar huma ta’ 31,987, jigifieri hawn ukoll kellna nuqqas ta’ 2,409 minn tal-˙ames snin ta’ qabel. Dawn il-figuri li ˙ar©u juru biç-çar nuqqas sostanzjali fl-g˙add ta’ Maltin imwielda Malta u li jg˙ixu fl-Awstralja. Dan kien mistenni g˙aliex l-emigrazzjoni minn Malta lejn l-Awstralja waqfet kompletament. F’dawn l-a˙˙ar 20 sena ftit jew xejn kellna emigrazzjoni minn Malta,

g˙alhekk dawk li waslu hawn fleqqel tal-emigrazzjoni fil-˙amsinijiet illum xja˙u u ˙afna minnhom lanqas biss g˙adhom mag˙na. Niftakru li fit-tmeninijiet fl-Awstralja l-g˙add ta’ Maltin li jg˙ixu flAwstralja imma li tiweldu Malta kien ta’ 58,000. Li jfisser li fl-a˙˙ar 36 sena l-Maltin imwielda Malta naqsu b’madwar 21,000. Li hu nuqqas tassew sostanzjali. Sewwa ng˙idu li l-komunita` Maltija fl-Awstralja mhux biss qed tixjie˙ iΩda qed ftit tosfor bir-rata ta’ madwar tnejn fil-mija kull sena. Izda mbag˙ad sintendi g˙andna lispettaklu l-ie˙or li illum fl-Awstralja g˙andna ˙afna aktar Maltin ta’ nisel Malti, ji©ifieri dawk li ma twieldux Malta iΩda fl-Awstralja minn ©enituri Maltin. Dawn jammontaw ˙afna aktar mis-37,000 li twieldu Malta, jigifieri skont ir-riΩultat tal-a˙˙ar çensiment. Huwa stmat li jekk ng˙oddu wkoll it-tieni ©enerazzjoni, fl-Awstralja hawn 175,557 li huma ta’ dixxendenza Maltija. Nafu wkoll li g˙al ˙afna ra©unijiet strambi mhux kul˙add jimmarka li hu Malti jew ta’ dexxendenza Maltija, g˙alhekk dejjem trid tag˙mel ukoll spazu g˙al dawn innies li jiç˙du l-identita` tag˙hom u lil dawk li ma jimlewx il-formola taççensiment. IΩda ç-çensiment dejjem jibqa` b˙ala stampa li tmexxina biex inkunu nafu fejn qeg˙din u kif nistg˙u nservu a˙jar lill-komunita` tag˙na g˙all-©ejjieni.

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday August 1, 2017


Q. I am 27 years old and have just lost my father a few his is a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese months ago. I inherited $250,000 and wish to invest in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Finanthese funds in a way that I would not be touching them. cial Services helps our readers understand the complexities I was thinking of investing them in superannuation. Do associated with financial planning. If you need more advice you agree with me or should I invest the funds else- send an email to Marie Louise via: where? A. As you are only 27 years old you will the next 12 be unable to touch your superannuation years and your money until age 60 at least. For this rea- age pension son I would recommend that you invest entitlement will these funds in a managed fund out of su- also be higher perannuation and do not touch it. However than if you if in the future you purchase a property and cashed this inneed a deposit on the house, you will be vestment in. able to access these funds. Knowing that you have access to this money you have put Q. My husband and I aside should give you peace of mind. have just got Q. My husband is in an aged care facil- married. We ity and is terminally ill. We had paid a have recently refundable accommodation deposit of bought a house $153,000. We are both on the full pen- and have a you need the money to be paid to you rather sion but we only have around $10,000 in mortgage of $640,000. We both have good than to your superannuation fund if a claim liquid funds. We each have a term allo- jobs, and can still service the loan comfort- was made. The Income Protection insurance cated pension with around 12 years be- ably if I had to stop working for a while to premium is also tax deductible. I would recfore maturity. I was planning to cash his start a family. We are concerned however, ommend you visit an insurance broker so term allocated pension in for liquidity if my husband lost his job through injury that he can advise you accordingly. when he passes away which, as the doc- or sickness as this would completely criptors say, is only a matter of weeks. What ple us. I know that we can get ourselves in- Q. I was widowed two years ago and I do you recommend? sured, but we need to know whether it is live in a small house in Neutral Bay. My better to insure ourselves through our su- house has been valued around $2 milA. . When he passes away you should re- perannuation fund or otherwise? lion because of its locality. I am a penceive the $153,000 from the refundable accommodation deposit in full. This will A. There are different insurances you should sioner and have nothing else apart from provide you with a great deal of liquidity be contemplating on but the most important my house. I am finding it hard to make and it will also then be treated as an asset type of insurance in your case is income ends meet now that my husband passed for Centrelink purposes. protection. You need to protect your income away and I have only my pension as inIf you wish to maintain most of the age and you need to protect both of your in- come. I have been living in this house pension you should consider continuing his comes. I believe that you should have in- for the last 55 years and have a great term allocated pension in your name. This come protection insurance out of deal of memories and do not wish to sell will provide you with ongoing income for superannuation because you are young and it. Can you give my some advice please?


Investing or Retiring? Understand your options. Talk to Fiducian. Marie-Louise Muscat is fluent in Maltese and English and can assist you in: t Wealth Creation t Pre Retirement and Retirement Advice t Maximising Centrelink Benefits t Tax effective strategies in retirement e.g. sale of property t Rearranging finances to minimise ongoing fees prior to entering Aged Care facilities

Call Marie-Louise for a complimentary consultation on: (02) 9231 2133

Marie-Louise Muscat is a representative of Fiducian Financial Services Pty Ltd ABN 46 094 765 134 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence 231103

A. Your house is a very valuable property and you are in a position of using some of the equity in this house to be able to live more comfortably. You are able to get a reverse mortgage from one of the major banks. This will entitle you to a lump sum of money without the need to pay it until such time as your house is sold. In order to make this really worthwhile, you should, say, take a payment of $10,000 and top up your bank account and do this every time you need to top up your bank account. You would not be required to pay any interest as the interest will just build up on the amount that you take out and will all be settled once the house is sold. If you were to take out say, $20,000 a year from this reverse mortgage the value of the house may grow by more than that amount annually. Therefore your beneficiaries would still have the same amount of equity left as inheritance. This document contains factual information only and is not intended to provide any recommendation or opinion in relation to the topic/s discussed. Fiducian recommends that you seek advice from a professional to address any issues that may be raised by this article. Fiducian accepts no liability for any loss suffered by anyone who has acted on any information in this document

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 1, 2017

th Il-faccata ii l-ohra cc VictorVVella (...jid˙ol wara l-kwinti tar-Royal Commission into Child Abuse’ u jiΩvela dettalji li ftit li xejn ˙ar©u g˙all-arja!)


ara li Julia Gillard b˙ala Prim Ministru tal-Awstralja ddeçidiet li twaqqaf il-Kummissjoni kontra l-abbuΩi tat-tfal fit-12 ta’ Novembru tal-2012 kellmet lillKardinal Pell li dak iΩ-Ωmien kien ilmexxej tal-Knisja Kattolika fl-Awstralja. Kif spjegat hi stess fil-ktieb dwar ˙ajjitha, ma ridetx li l-Kummissjoni tie˙u xejra li tidher li se tkun kontra l-Knisja Kattolika. Is-s˙ab kien ilu ©ej. L-aktar li bdew ©ejjin kienu akkuzi kontra saçerdoti u Brothers talKnisja. Dan kien il-biza’ talPrim Ministru, Julia Gillard u li l-Kumissjoni l-Kardinal Pell ssir/tidher b˙ala ‘witch-hunt’ kontra istituzzjoni wa˙da. Ma nafx kienetx tistudja l-kwiekeb jew xi ballun ma©iku imma filfatt hekk se˙˙. Matul l-istorja talKummissjoni, minn jistudja x’©ara f’dawn l-a˙˙ar ˙ames snin, jara li se˙˙ eΩatt dak li Gillard bezg˙et li se ji©ri. Fil-fatt il-midja ˙ar©et bi ˙©arha kontra il-bniedem wie˙ed li kien ilKap ta-Knisja Kattolika, u l-isem talKardinal Pell ©ie assimilit ˙afna, jew g˙al kollox mal-Kummissjoni. Ma rridx niddefendi lill-Kardinal: x’g˙amel jew x’kien messu g˙amel hija kwestjoni legali li g˙adha sejra. Li be˙siebni nag˙mel hu li nag˙ti ˙arsa lejn x’g˙amlet il-Kummissjoni li hi ‘Rejali’ u li suppost hi l-og˙la istituzzjoni ta’ riçerka legali fil-pajjiz. Óarsa lejn il-fatti jistg˙u jg˙inu biex inkunu nafu çerti fatti li se˙˙ew, fil-proçess li nnaddfu s-soçjeta` minn dan il-gwaj. Se nie˙u ftit kaΩi li juru li l-profezija, jew il-beΩg˙at ta’ Julia Gillard se˙˙ew. Fl-istess ˙in naraw kemm il-Kummissjoni kienet u hi pre©udikata kontra il-Knisja Kattolika, li ma tistag˙©ibx, u fl-istess ˙in jidher ukoll li ç-çans li kien hemm li tnaddaf u tnaqqas dawn l-abbuΩi tar mar-ri˙. Filwaqt li l-Kummissjoni qattg˙et 15-il jum tistudja u tikxef l-abbuΩi tal-Knisja Kattolika, g˙amlet nofs ta’ nhar biss tist˙arre© dwar ‘Kni-

sja’ o˙ra, The Uniting Church of Australia. Aqraw x’qal wie˙ed mill-Avukati stess li qieg˙ed iservi fuq il-Kummissjoni: “F’dawn l-a˙˙ar 40 sena li twaqqfet il-Uniting Church, kien hemm, u sirna nafu li kien hemm 2,504 inçidenti ta’ abbuΩi fuq it-tfal, u li se˙˙ew f’istituzzjonijiet u fil-knejjes tag˙ha. Dawn ©raw bejn l-1977, meta twaqqfet din il-knisja sal-lum.” M’hemmx g˙alfejn tkun g˙aref wisq biex tqabbel id-differenza filfiguri mal-kaΩi tal-abbuΩi tal-Knisja jew allegazzjonijet tag˙hom. Ìie allegat li fil-perijodu ta’ bejn l-1950 u 2015 fil-Knisja Kattolika kien hemm 4,445 kaz.

Xbiek differenti skont il-knejjes Hawn nistg˙u naraw kemm u kif il-Kummissjoni tal-Ìustizzja biddlet ix-xibka biex taqbad l-abbuΩi, jew iktar biex tqarras u tixli lil xi ˙add u tipprote©i lil ˙addie˙or. Xibka wa˙da g˙attiet 40 sena; l-o˙ra qabdet 65 sena. Tajjeb li insemmi wkoll li l-Knisja Kattolika hija xi ˙ames jew sitt darbiet ikbar mill-Uniting Church! Tajjeb li insemmi wkoll li din ilKnisja Protestanta ©iet iffurmata fl1977 meta ng˙aqdu flimkien tliet knejjes protestanti o˙ra ta˙t l-umbrella tal-Uniting Church. Dawn kienu, il-Presbyterian, il-Congregational u l-Methodist churches. L-onorevoli sinjuri avukati tal-Kummissjoni g˙o©obhom jinjoraw x’se˙˙ qabel l1977, ji©ifieri meta skont l-istatistici l-abbuΩi kienu fl-aqwa tag˙hom, fissittinijiet u fis-sebg˙inijiet. Allura jidher çar li skont dawn ilfiguri tifel jew tifla kienu iΩjed protetti f’istituzzjonijiet Kattolici milli f’o˙rajn. Imma din l-istatistika u lqbil u d-daqs tax-xibka ma nstemg˙u mkien, l-anqas f’dawk il-gazzetti/stazzjonijiet tar-radju li jifta˙ru li huma indipendenti, b˙all-ABC, The Guardian, 60 minutes, the Project, Sydney Morning Herald u o˙rajn. L-Im˙allef McClellan iddefenda lKummissjoni meta qal li din g˙andha dritt li tinda˙al fl-attivitajjiet tal-Knisja Kattolika. Kollox sew. Imma kien messa li l-Kummissjoni wΩat l-istess regoli u kejl, u wkoll listess tiftix fil-fond dwar istituzzjonijiet o˙ra. U x’©ara dwar l-akkuzi kontra l-Je-

Victor V. Vella hovah Witnesses li ‘per capita’ huma tant og˙la minn dawk kontra lKnisja Kattolika u l-Uniting Church? Biex ma nsemmix istituzzjoni o˙ra kbira li g˙al xi ra©uni jew o˙ra ˙add ma jsemmi! Meta tist˙arre© il-proçess kollu talKummissjoni hemm ˙afna x’juri li l-li©i li hi m˙addma minn nies, avolja illawrjati u ta’ krettu, imma mhux dejjem iwarrbu l-inklinazzjonijiet tag˙hom. Nista’ ng˙id l-istess g˙all-©urnalisti li suppost li jag˙tuna analiΩi çara u newtrali ta’ dak li ji©ri. Biss id-detttalji kultant juru mod ie˙or. Meta jkun hemm kaΩ legali fil-qorti, normalment biex issir ©ustizzja, jew almenu tidher li qed issir, joqog˙du attenti li l-Im˙allef/Ma©istrat u l-©urati ma jkunux, jew kellhom x’jaqsmu mal-akkuΩat, biex hekk ma jkunx hemm ‘ind˙il’ personali. Mhux int min int imma x’g˙amilt jew x’g˙amel l-akkuzat! Allura l-Avukata Gail Furness li tg˙in fil-prosekuzzjoni x’qed tag˙mel fil-Kummissjoni meta ˙afna jafu li g˙andha lanΩita ˙oxna g˙all- Kardinal Pell? Tajjeb ukoll niftakru li l-memorja tibda tiddallam, iktar u iktar meta jg˙addi Ω-Ωmien. Li jag˙tik li tit˙awwad iΩjed g˙ax dawn il-kaΩi huma kollha allegazzjonijiet li appuntu huma bbaΩati fuq il-memorja. Kif qal u kiteb il-Kap tal-Kummissjoni stess, l-Im˙allef McClellan, il-memorja hi xi ˙a©a perikoluΩa, g˙ax kif spjega, dak li ©ara jew ji©ri fil-passat jista’ jiddakkar b’˙afna affarijiet o˙ra, l-aktar meta wie˙ed ikun sofra xi abbuΩ. Nag˙laq billi nikkwota l-©urnalista tal-ABC Geraldine Doogue li mhix xi ˙abiba kbira tal-Knisja Kattolika: “IlKnisja Kattolika fl-Awstralja hi likbar istituzzjoni bil-˙idma tag˙ha fil-qasam soçjali u ti©i biss wara l˙idma tal-Gvern… NibΩa’ li fiddiskors li g˙amel Francis Sullivan, (li hu s-CEO tal-Kummisssjoni) iddeçieda li ma jg˙id u juri li hemm xejn tajjeb fil-Knisja. Li qal u jikteb ma jurix l-istorja kollha tal-Knisja.”

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday August 1, 2017

Prime Minister inaugurates the Eternal Flame in Castille


few weeks ago Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat inaugurated the ‘Eternal Flame’ monument, a bronze monument at Castille Square in Valletta, designed by architect Valerio Schembri that commemorates Malta's emancipation from colonial powers. At the inauguration ceremony the Prime Minister said that the Maltese people are currently “living the dream” that the forefathers had fought for – that of an independent and flourishing country. “We were a conquered nation for centuries, but we have now just finished a tenure at the head of the EU Presidency that has been described as a success,” he said adding, “We succeeded because we kept on believing in ourselves.” Muscat said that Malta’s economy is currently booming like never before and that the newly-created wealth is being “distributed to every corner of the country”. He went on to say that while the nation shouldn’t live in the past, it should not forget about it either but rather take lessons from it to keep driving the country forward.

We will be back on August 29 Please be advised that the next issue (No. 161) of The Voice of the Maltese will be published On August 29. During August, most of our Maltese readers will be on holiday, many of them travelling. So particularly those Maltese living abroad who would be visiting their loved ones in Malta, would be more interested on spending time with their loved ones than anything. The Voice will be back with issue No. 161 on August 29

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6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 1, 2017

World’s rarest passport only has three holders


eplacing a lost passport is an absolute pain in the neck, but just imagine trying to explain that you lost one of the rarest passports in the world, this apparently being one of only three passports exclusively granted to the three highest ranking officers by the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. So leaving one on the train would be a big deal. It's hard to find much concrete information about the enigmatic passport granting process of the sovereign order, but Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) does have the power to issue diplomatic passports for its highestranking officer bearers. The chosen few in possession of the prized red book are the grand master, deputy grand master, and chancellor of the Order. Currently, the Internet is kind of swamped with yarns about this rare passport, a concept that seemed to have gone viral in the past few weeks. On the other hand, it is also reliably understood that diplomatic passports are issued to all diplomatic staff, of which there are a few hundred. However, despite the passport’s rarity, you won’t get too far if you are one of the owners. Along with many other countries and territories who have similar rules, including the United Kingdom, United States and New Zealand, don’t accept the passport for travel. In fact, it is understood that only 12 countries recognise the passports, they being, Malta, the Czech Republic, Germany, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia and Slovakia. It is kind of difficult to find official documentation about the restriction of just three passports being issued, but the earliest reference one has been able to find of it came from a commentator, Becky Bbear, in 2012. She said that, “The Order only issues three passports which carry diplomatic immunity." The post went on to say that the order's Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and Chancellor were the lucky three. The Order, a Roman Catholic lay religious Order founded in 1099 in

Jerusalem, was officially recognised by Pope Paschal in 1113 and is one of the oldest institutions in the Christian world. SMOM currently operates as a charitable organisation offering medical aid around the globe, and despite having diplomatic relations with more than 100 states doesn’t control any territory of its own. There are more than 13,500 knights, dames and chaplains in the Order, along with 80,000 volunteers and 25,000 medical employees. As already reported (in Issue No. 158 of The Voice), last June Queensland’s capital, Brisbane hosted the Biennial National Conference that was attended by around 150 Knights and Dames from all over Australia and New Zealand. Two prominent Australian-Maltese business and community leaders, Confrere Paul Zammit and Confrere Paul Sant were among the attendees at the conference.

By the way, the group’s sovereignty is also expressed on licence plates, stamps and coins. Despite losing visa-free admission to one country Germany has retained the No. 1 position as the country with the most powerful passport in the world. It has visa-free access to 176 countries. Sweden also remains static in second place with 175 countries to its credit, and Denmark, Finland, Italy, Spain and the US jointly rank third, with their nationals enjoying access to 174 countries without a visa. The UK, however, has slipped down to fourth, having shared first place with Germany for three consecutive years from 2013–2015. Brits have visa-free access to 173 countries. Syria, Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan sit at the very bottom of the Visa Restrictions Index, each with visa-free access to less than 30 countries worldwide. In total, 48 countries lost ground over the past year, dropping between one and three ranks, and only 42 countries showed no movement at all. Meanwhile, the changing geopolitical climate could well affect the rankings over the next 12 months. Several major events witnessed recently are likely to have an impact on global mobility – including Brexit and the election of US President Donald Trump. Both can be interpreted as steps toward restricting movement and creating barriers to entry. Australia’s passport in classified seventh overall sharing the place with that of South Korea, Malta’s ranks in t0 position with that of Hungary.

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday August 1, 2017

More from the 2016 Census Analysing the electorate of Greenway NSW


he Voice of the Maltese is explaining in parts the 2016 Census, primarily its effect on the Maltese community. In this issue, we are looking at the electorate of Greenway in NSW. Greenway covers an area from Prospect and Girraween in the south to Riverstone (part) and Vineyard (part) in the North. Suburbs and towns include Blacktown (part), Glenwood, Girraween, Kellyville Ridge, Kings Langley, Kings Park, Lalor Park, Parklea, Prospect, Quakers Hill (part), Riverstone (part), Rouse Hill (part), Schofields (part), Seven Hills, Stanhope Gardens and Vineyard (part). It is named after Francis Greenway (1777–1837), an architect under Governor Macquarie. It covers an area of 81 sq km. Greenway is a young electorate. The median age is 34, younger than the median age of Australia as a whole at 38. Greenway is multicultural. Over 55% of Greenway residents have parents who were both born overseas, a total of 94,950 people. The national average for this category is 34.4%. Greenway residents are multi-lingual. 45.5% of households in Greenway have a language other than English spoken at home, more than double the national percentage of 22.2%. The Voice of the Maltese spoke to Michelle Rowland, Shadow Minister for Communications after the release of the latest census. She told us that 4,355 people residing in Greenway identified as having Maltese heritage, with at least one parent born in Malta before emigrating to Australia. In 2011 this number was 4,519 with the population remaining largely the same. In NSW as a whole, 175,557 residents have Maltese heritage, largely comprising first and second-generation migrants. 1,181 people born in Malta call Greenway home, equating to just over 3% of the 37,609 Maltese-born residents living in NSW. The Census results help all levels of government guide the best use of public resources and planning to ensure that areas of growth, including Blacktown and the North West Priority Growth Area, are recognised and receive the services and infrastructure needed. “Greenway has a wonderful local Maltese community, and it has been a privilege to work alongside this community as their local Federal Member. The recent census has provided a snapshot of our growing, vibrant, and multicultural community in Greenway,” Member for Greenway, Michelle Rowland told The Voice of the Maltese. “The census provides crucial data on our pop-

Michelle Rowland BMichelle Rowland is a lawyer, born in Black-

town and raised in Seven Hills. She was educated at Our Lady of Mercy College, Parramatta and the University of Sydney. Rowland was a senior telecommunications lawyer with law firm Gilbert and Tobin in Sydney. She lives in the electorate at Glenwood. Rowland, was a Director of the Western Sydney Area Health Service from 2000 to 2004 and is a former local councillor and deputy mayor of Blacktown and was elected to Parliament representing the Labor Party at the 2010 election.

ulation a n d community in Western Sydney, giving me as a l o c a l Member of Parliament the information I need to fight for our fair share of resources. Greenway is a microcosm of modern Australia, reinforced by the latest Census results", Ms Rowland said.

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 1, 2017

Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

Away but still so much in love with our Malta The Voice of the Maltese ffo orrttn niig gh httllyy m ma ag ga azziin ne e

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name and e-mail address of the writer and be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Louis Calleia, from Harvey, SW writes:


long with many Maltese who like me have been living for a number of years in Australia, our second home, every few years I like to visit my relatives in Malta. That is why I have done once again this summer. However, I can say that I am not in the minority. Last week a group of friends who are also visiting, and who like me also made the trip on their own, met for a buffet lunch in a hotel in the north of Malta. But lo and behold, at the venue we met a group of other Maltese who are visiting Malta not only from Australia, but also from Canada and the UK. It was such a great occasion. We mingled together as a group, talked and laughed and recounted our experiences. We eventually found out that we still have one thing in common despite living away from this lovely island: We still have it at heart and though we were diverse politically when we emigrated in order to find a better future for our families, if it were possible we dearly love to return to Malta for good. Those living in the UK are much luckier than us because they can hop on a plane and in less than three hours they could find themselves on the island. I found out that many of them in fact visit Malta on a regular basis and their kids are frequent visitors to Malta to join other Maltese youths to take part in the entertainment that the locals produce. Some of these youngsters have taken up the option as Maltese and also EU citizens to follow their studies in the Maltese University. Their parents are so proud of them and they have even been pushing them to take up what Malta has to offer and in a few years time, some will be taking up posts in a num-

ber of hospitals, public or private that seem to be mushrooming on the island. Good for them One other thing we found out is that many of those at the luncheon are avid readers of The Voice of the Maltese magazine, which also seems to be getting popular among the locals too. We spent time discussing the last two issues and I can tell you that we all love what you graciously offer us. Soon we might also be sending you some suggestions that we think could further enhance the popularity of the magazine.

Attivita` ta’ min ifa˙˙arha Don Deguara minn Kensington NSW jikteb: tit ilu mort f’Wenthortville NSW g˙allF Folkloric Festival li ©ie organizzat millG˙aqda Kulturali ta’ NSW. Qed nikteb dwaru g˙ax tant ˙adt pajcir mhux biss bilvarjeta` li ©iet ippreΩentata, imma l-aktar g˙ax rajt tant Maltin, ˙afna minnhom li kont ilni ma niltaqa’ mag˙hom snin twal. Na˙seb li kien hemm fuq it-350 persuna fis-sala, kollha fer˙anin, almenu hekk dehru. Impressjonajt ru˙i wkoll bil-˙afna stalls bl-o©©etti tal-arti u s-snajja. Jien dilettant taΩ-Ωfin rock & roll u stajt nara kemm ilMaltin mhux biss huma dilettanti iΩda wkoll Ωeffiena tajbin ta’ dan it-tip ta’ muΩika. Nifra˙ minn qalbi lil dawk kollha li ˙adu sehem u lill-organizzaturi. Óadt pjaçir ukoll ukoll bl-istand tal-Maltese Language Scho-ol ta’ NSW fejn sibt ukoll tag˙rif kif nista’ nabbona fil-magazine The Voice of the Maltese. Stajt ninduna kemm hi popolari din ir-rivista mal-komunta` Maltija, tant li fl-ewwel sieg˙at tal-attivita` l-kopji li kien hemm g˙ad-dispoΩzzjoni tal-preΩenti n˙atfu f’kemm trodd salib. Çert li kieku kellhom aktar biex iqassmu kienu jqassmuhom ukoll.

Il-festa ta’ Santa Marija Joe Portelli North Sunshine, jikteb: Nifra˙ lill-kumitat tal-festa ta’ Santa Marija Assunta li ti©i ççelebrata f’Deer Park Melbourne g˙all-ktejjeb interessanti li ppubblikaw g˙al din il-festa li se ssir bejn 18 u l-20 ta’ Awwissu. Dan ktejjeb tassew sabi˙ mimli ritratti bilkulur u ˙afna ritratti o˙ra tal-istatwi kollha ta Santa Marija f’Malta u G˙awdex. Prosit mill-qalb g˙ax ktejjeb tassew interessanti.

Tuesday August 1, 2017

The Voice of the Maltese 9

U˙ud mill-membri tal-G˙aqda Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco flimkien ma’ Fr J. Briffa (is-sitta mil-lemin) wara nett)

Maltese Maths students excel

Óbieb ta’ Don Bosco NSW orSittin sena SaleΩjan L-G˙aqda ganizzat laqg˙a speçjali g˙all-membri

biex flimkien ifakkru s-60 sena tas-saçerdozju ta’ Fr John Briffa (SaleΩjan) li g˙amel Ωmien twil direttur spiritwali tas-soçjeta’. Il-Membri attendew g˙al quddiesa u wara riçeviment fis-sala Marion Horsley Park. Nifir˙u lil dan is-saçerdot Malti li hu residenti f’Engadine g˙all-˙ajja our Maltese students fared remarkably hekk twila spiritwali u produttiva tieg˙u fost il-Maltin ta’ NSW. well in Malta’s first participation in the final of the 4th International Mathematics Without Borders Tournament in Nessebar, Bulgaria. Despite strong opposition from a field of 16,000 students from 13 countries, aged between eight and 18 who took part in three preliminary rounds, the students managed high scores and in the end won a total of 14 medals, six of them in the final, one of them gold. This tournament offers a platform to students to showcase their exceptional abilities and love for mathematics. It not only encourages a competitive spirit amongst participants, but also provides them with opportunities to work collaboratively and to think in innovative ways. Ten Maltese students participated in all the preliminary rounds, they being, the Autumn Round (2016), Winter Round (2017) and Spring Round (2017). Along with another 1,000 students, Malta’s Mark Azzopardi, Eric Bader, Nicolai Bonello, Daniel Pisani and Matteo Stagno qualified to the final round that was held from June 30 to July 3. Each of the finalists competed in an individual challenge and a team challenge, according to their respective age groups. On their arrival in Malta the students and their local teachers were received by the Education minister Evarist Bartolo who congratulated them on their performance and for obtaining such high placings, both in the individual and the team challenge. The Ministry for Education also thanked educators and parents who embraced this opportunity as together they provided another learning opportunity for the students to grow in their mathematical thinking, develop useful life skills and boost their self-esteem. As the most successful participant among the Maltese students, Eric Bader was awarded the title of Maths Star of the Tournament. He was also presented with a cup and a laurel wreath as his performance was considered to have been amongst the most outstanding in his age group across all participating countries and throughout the tournament.


10 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 1, 2017

Perspettiva Il-vot tal-kuxjenza A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: https://ivancauchi.


ie˙ed mill-aspetti sekondarji li ˙ar©u mill-vot fil-Parlament Malti favur iΩ-Ωwie© g˙al persuni tal-istess sess, kien il-fatt li membru parlamentari wie˙ed ivvota kontra, Edwin Vassallo mill-Partit Nazzjonalista (PN), li g˙amel dan kontra l-istruzzjoniji li rçieva mill-partit tieg˙u. Jidher li kien hemm o˙rajn li kienu kontra imma ddeçidew li jobdu l-istruzzjoni tal-partit.1 Il-membri tal-partit l-ie˙or, il-Partit Laburista, kollha obdew listruzzjoni li jivvutaw favur, g˙alkemm ma smajtx li kien hemm xi ˙add li ma kienx favur din il-miΩura. Tarawha stramba b˙ali li l-vot fil-Parlament kien 66 favur u wie˙ed kontra, ji©ifieri 98.5% favur, u 1.5% kontra, meta fil-pajjiΩ huma 77% li huma stmati li huma favur?2 Kieku l-vot fil-Parlament kien iktar jirrifletti s-sentiment talpajjiΩ, xorta l-miΩura kienet tg˙addi, madankollu dawk it-23% li huma kontra ˙assewhom irrappreΩentati mill-Parlament Malti? Qed ng˙id dan, mhux g˙ax ma naqbilx mar-riΩultat a˙˙ari talvot, ji©ifieri li din il-miΩura tg˙addi, b˙al ma argumentajt fil˙ar©a ta' The Voice li g˙addiet, imma assolutament naqbel ma' Edwin Vassallo li vvota skont il-kuxjenza tieg˙u. G˙alija g˙ajb li m'g˙amlux l-istess l-o˙rajn li wkoll li ˙assewhom b˙al Vassallo. Il-membri parlamentari, lil min nistennewhom jirrappreΩentaw? Lill-eletturi, jew lill-partit? Jien in˙oss li dritt wara li l-vot ikun ing˙add fl-elezzjoni ©enerali, ir-rappreΩentanza tal-poplu tispiçça, u l-membri parlamentari jibdew jirrappreΩentaw lill-partit tag˙hom, u mhux aktar lill-poplu. Anke jekk il-partit jimxi skont il-programm elettorali tieg˙u, huwa meta ti©i biex tivvota favur jew kontra li©i li tressqet fil-konkret fil-parlament li tista' t˙ares lejn id-dettall, u tara fil-fatt jekk din tirriflettix dak li int fhimt li kont weg˙idt lill-poplu. Óafna drabi, inqis li l-membri eletti jkunu qed ja©ixxu ta' pappagalli meta jirrepetu u jit˙ambqu biss fuq il-linji li jg˙idulhom tal-partit, u ta' pupazzi meta jkollhom jivvutaw favur jew kontra l-proposti tal-parlament skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-partit. A˙na robots bir-remowt kontrol irridu fil-parlament, jew nies li juΩaw mo˙˙hom, jafu l-eletturi tad-distrett tag˙hom u impenjati li jirrappreΩentawhom? Jien din il-˙a©a li jkun hemm xi ˙add bil-frosta ji©ri warajk biex jg˙idlek x'tg˙id u x'tag˙mel, hija difett tas-sistema tal-partiti. Fil-prinçipju, huwa tajjeb li nies jing˙aqdu madwar ideja, jew grupp ta' idejat, fejn isibu appo©©, jistg˙u jiΩviluppaw soluz-

kitba ta’


Il-membru Parlamentri Nazzjonalista Edwin Vassallo: Ivvota ‘skont il-kuxjenza’ u kontra dak li ried il-partit tieg˙u

zjonijiet ta' fejda g˙all-problemi soçjali, ekonomiçi u ta' sigurtà ta' llum. Huwa wkoll tajjeb li jkun hemm kunsens, imma li tisforza dalkunsens, bit-theddida ta' xi sanzjoni jew theddid ta' konsegwenzi jekk ma tobdix, g˙alija mhux etiku jew aççettabbli. Naturalment, nifhem g˙alfejn il-partiti i˙ossu l-bΩonn li jimponu d-dixxiplina fuq il-membri tag˙hom f'sistema demokratika, fejn it-twettiq tal-programm elettorali jiddependi fuq voti li jing˙addu u li jridu jkunu iktar mill-voti tan-na˙a l-o˙ra. Madankollu, in˙ossuna komdi nkunu nafu li r-rappreΩentanti tag˙na 'l ˙in kollu b'xi ˙add wara jilwilhom idhom? F'demokraziji madwar id-dinja, qieg˙ed ji©i nnutat f'kuntesti differenti li n-nies mhumiex kuntenti bir-riΩultati li qed jaraw, qed jistaqsu lilhom infushom jekk ir-regoli li l-parlamentari qed jille©islaw humiex favur il-poplu jew il-˙bieb tal-˙bieb, jekk ilpatt li sar mal-eletturi hux mittiefes. Mhux ta' b'xejn li l-partiti tradizzjonali (©eneralment) qeg˙din inaqqsu mill-appo©© tag˙hom, u l-eletturi qed iduru g˙al ˙addie˙or. F'Malta forsi din g˙adha mhix tin˙ass, imma qeg˙din in˙ossuha fl-Awstralja, fl-Istati Uniti, u dan l-a˙˙ar fi Franza. Hemm limitu kemm il-partiti jistg˙u jitbieg˙du mill-kostitwenza tag˙hom qabel dawn jabbandunawhom. Biex ni©u lura g˙al Edwin Vassallo, dan (naturalment) g˙andu t-theddida ta' kastig mill-partit g˙all-isfida tieg˙u g˙all-ordnijiet li irçieva. Jien ma nemminx g˙al nofs sekonda li se jkun hemm konsegwenza g˙al li g˙amel, imma nifhem g˙alfejn isir dan issuspense b˙ala twissija g˙al min fil-futur jaΩΩarda li jag˙mel xi ˙a©a simili. Int imma©ina, kieku kull membru tal-Parlament jivvota skont il-kuxjenza tieg˙u, b'sinçerità skont dak li verament jemmen hu u mhux iktar kif jisfurzawh jag˙mel. X'g˙arukaΩa tkun, hux? Referenzi 1., retrieved 24/7/2017 2., retrieved 10/7/2017

Tuesday August 1, 2017

The Voice of the Maltese 11

It-tenur Joseph Calleja 20 sena ta’ karriera operistika N

har id-19 ta’ Awwissu waqt kunçert kbir fuq ilFosos fil-Furjana t-tenur mag˙ruf Malti Joseph Calleja se jfakkar l-g˙oxrin sena tal-karriera operistika tieg˙u. Folol kbar mistennija jattendu g˙all-avveniment li l-pubbliku se jkun jista’ jsegwih ming˙ajr ˙las. Fil-fatt ta’ kull sena fl-ista©un tas-sajf it-tenur Malti jag˙ti kunçert fil-miftu˙ li ©eneralment dejjem isir fuq ilFosos tal-Furjana. Imma ta’ din is-sena se jkun speçjali, u bix-xieraq, marbut mal-anniversarju operistiku. Dis-sena, fost il-kantanti mistiedna flimkien ma’ Joseph se jkun hemm ukoll tenur ie˙or popolari – it-Taljan bravissimu Andrea Bocelli, ukoll ta’ fama internazzjonali. Minkejja li Bocelli huwa ming˙ajr dawl, xorta rnexxielu jkabbar ir-repertorju operistiku fil-popolarità g˙ax il-Bambin Ωejnu b’le˙en mill-isba˙. Lura lejn Joseph Calleja, niftakar lit-tenur Paul Asciak jg˙idli li f’idejh kellu vuçi straordinarja li g˙ad timxi sewwa ’l quddiem. Minnufih kont staqsejtu min kien imma dakinhar qalli li ma kienx g˙adu l-waqt li jisvelali minn kien, iΩda li aktar tard kellu jintroduçihuli. Kien qed jirreferi g˙al Joseph Calleja li aktar tard kien It-tenur Malti Joseph Calleja stedinna d-dar tieg˙u f’Ó’Attard biex g˙all-ewwel darba nisimg˙u l-vuçi tieg˙u. L-arja impenjattiva tat-teDakinhar Joseph nur - Ah, la paterna mano kien g˙adu Ωg˙ir f’din l-opra ta’ Verdi, Cal(twieled fit-22 ta’ leja fil-veru sens tal-kelma Jannar tal-1978 u ‘qaxxarha’. llum g˙andu 39 G˙ajnejh xeg˙lu bil-fer˙ sena). Kien deher bi x’˙in sema’ dawk l-aptbissima fuq fomplawsi kbar fit-teatru. Minn mu u beda jkanta. fuq il-palk kien ta ˙ajr lil Mamma tieg˙i x’lePeterPaulCiantar dawk preΩenti … imma ˙en smajt! Wara li ˙arstu ssammret fuq Paul spiçça, bil-fer˙ li Asciak li kien ta˙tu fl-ewwel filliera. Rajt kollox u malli ˙assejt kont pront mort ng˙annqu . Paul Asciak qalli minnufih li Calleja kien g˙ad fadallu ntemmet l-opra, Paul b’©irja kbira tela’ fuq il-palk taltriq twila iΩda jasal. Naturalment, jien minnufih kont ste- Astra, b˙alma kowç tal-futbol jo˙rog fil-grawnd wara xi dintu g˙all-programm tar-radju li kont immexxi fuq FM log˙ba importanti li jkun reba˙. Ma nafx x’©ara eΩatt bejn il-kwinti ... iΩda Ωgur li fost Bronja, bl-isem ta’ Siesta. MaΩ-Ωmien, isem Joseph Calleja beda jingrana. Niftakar affarijiet o˙ra Paul qallu, “Prosit Joseph … bdejt it-triq lil missieru Charles (meta kien jitla’ jara lill-ommu fid- iebsa iΩda sabi˙a”. Tassew li Joseph kien beda t-triq iebsa li wasslitu biex dar tal-anzjani ‘Villa Messina’ ˙dejn San Duminku rjidher fl-aqwa teatri operistiçi fid-dinja. Fl-istess sena li Rabat) jag˙tini l-a˙˙ar tag˙rif dwar ibnu Joseph. Niftakru meta qalli li Joseph kien iltaqa’ mat-tenur Calleja deher fuq il-palk tal-Astra g˙all-opra Macbeth, Placido Domingo u li reba˙ l-premju presti©©juΩ Cultur- reba˙ premju fil-Konkors Internazzjonali tal-Kant Hans Arte, konkors internazzjonali tal-opra Operalia mwaqqaf Gabor Belvedere, u fl-1998 reba˙ ukoll il-Konkors Internazzjonali tal-kant liriku Enrico Caruso f’Milan. Sena wara, mit-tenur famuΩ Domingo. Darb’o˙ra missieru qalli li Joseph kellu jirrekordja g˙ad- kif semmejt, rea˙ il-Premju Internazzjonali ‘CulturArte’. F’Novembru tal-2012, l-Università ta’ Malta onorat lil ditta Decca. Niftakar ukoll lit-tenur Asciak, li kien b˙al seqer fuqu, isegwih sal-a˙˙ar nifs tieg˙u. Kien jg˙idli Joseph Calleja bid-Dottorat fil-Letteratura Honoris Causa dwar Joseph u r-riΩultati li kien qed jikseb. Fi ftit kliem, b˙ala g˙arfien tal-kisbiet tieg˙u b˙ala tenur ta’ fama internazzjonali. Irrid ng˙id li Calleja dejjem rabat it-talent kont dejjem infurmat sewwa dwaru. Dan kollu ©ie quddiem g˙ajnejja meta qrajt li fuq il- tieg˙u ma’ pajjiΩu, Malta. Forsi ˙afna jiftakru meta waqt l-a˙˙ar lejla tal-Proms gazzetta FrançiΩa Le Figaro, Joseph Calleja hu msemmi fost l-aqwa g˙axar kantanti operistiçi r©iel fid-dinja. f’Londra fl-2012, Joseph Calleja wie©eb g˙all-a˙˙ar apHawn ˙assejt quddiemi lil Paul Asciak jg˙idli... “Qed tara plawsi kbar lejh billi quddiem it-televiΩjoni f’xandira madwar id-dinja, wera li huwa tassew Malti permezz tasPeter kif kont ng˙idlek sewwa!” Ng˙idilkom ukoll li l-USA’s National Public Radio id- salib bi tmien ponot - is-Salib ta’ Malta - fuq sidru. Anke deskriva lil Joseph Calleja b˙ala ‘arguably today’s finest meta jag˙ti intervisti lil stazzjonijiet barranin, huwa dejjem ikun jixtieq li jintroduçuh b˙ala t-Tenur Malti. lyrical tenor’. Fil-fatt Joseph i˙obb sewwa lil pajjiΩu, u Malta tant Joseph Calleja ra l-mag˙mudija operistika tieg˙u bissehem tieg˙u fl-opra ‘Macbeth’ ta’ Verdi li saret fit-Teatru t˙obbu. Çert li s-Sibt 19 ta ’Awwissu, il-poplu Malti (u Astra tar-Rabat, f’G˙awdex. Dakinhar, f’Mejju tal-1997 anke barrani li se ji©i apposta) se jag˙tih l-akbar ap… 20 sena ilu, kien intepreta l-parti ta’ Macduff. Kellu plawsi fil-karriera brillanti tieg˙u. Ng˙idulu, Grazzi Joseph u awguri f’dan l-anniversarju biss 19-il sena u d-dehra tieg˙u fuq il-palk kienet daqs tenur professjonali. Dakinhar kont fost il-folla nsewgih.. speçjali.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 1, 2017

Roundup of News About Malta

Fruitful visits by President to Chile, Ghana


could do more to further explore their potential, deepen opportunities, and enhance the excellent bilateral relations in the socio, political and economic areas. President Coleiro Preca remarked that while Malta was uniquely placed in a superb geostrategic position in the President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca unveiling centre of the Mediterranean Sea the commemorative plaque at the hospital in Ghana in the presence of Minister for between Africa and Europe, Ghana was fast becoming a reForeign Affairs, Carmelo Abela (left) and her husband Mr. Edgar Preca gional hub for opportunities in other West African markets. This further widened the opportunities for Maltese businesses looking for new markets. She said that while Malta was uniquely placed in the centre of the Mediterranean, between Africa and Europe, Ghana was fast becoming a regional hub for opportunities in other West African markets, which further widened the opportunities for Maltese busiOne of the meetings was with a Maltese nesses looking for new markets. priest by the name of Henry Balzan a forIn fact, Minister Abela and a trade delegamer Óamrun Parish Priest who has been tion from Malta even took the opportunity to serving the Catholic Church in Chile for study the potential, resulting in the signing, over 12 years, the last two as Parish Priest presided over by President Coleiro Preca, of of a town in northern Chile called El Sal- a memorandum of understanding on political vador. Fr Balzan made a 14-hour trip to the consultations between the two governments, Chilean capital to meet with President and agreements between the Chambers of Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca. Commerce of both countries. Another Maltese resident that the PresiSpeaking at a forum on Business Oppordent made it a point to tunities, President Coleiro Preca and meet was EU Embassy of- Ghanaian v/President Mahamudu Bawumia ficial Ruth Bajada. She expressed optimism that the visit would be met her when she was in- fruitful for both countries. vited to visit the Embassy The Maltese head of state also visited the in Santiago. Ms Bajada Hope X Change hospital in Kumasi, which has been working there for was built with donations by the Maltese peothe past two years. ple. On the occasion she unveiled a comIn Ghana the President, memorative plaque and d said that the who was also leading a hospital, known throughout Ghana as the commercial delegation, Maltese hospital, is a miracle of the work, the held bilateral talks with her generosity, the solidarity and the love that the The President in her meeting in counterpart Nana Addo Maltese people are capable of giving. Chile with Maltese priest Fr Henry Dankwa Akufo-Addo and The hospital that caters for thousands of Balzan (right). Centre is the Presi- later expressed her belief patients in a community of 2.5 million also dent’s Chief of Staff Mr. John Camilleri that the two countries flies the Maltese flag.

n the past few days, President MarieLouise Coleiro Preca made two historical state visits to countries on two different continents. First she travelled to South America and the Republic of Chile and then to the Western African country of the Republic of Ghana. In Chile she was accompanied by the Minister for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change José Herrera, and in Ghana with Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Carmelo Abela. Her husband Mr. Edgar Pre-ca also formed part of both delegations. Aside of the official state meetings with the respective heads of state, the President also took part in bilateral talks in both countries. In Chile she also participated in a wreath-laying ceremony, at the foot of the monument dedicated to Bernardo O'Higgins, Chilean independence leader who freed Chile from Spanish rule in the Chilean War of Independence. She was taken round Santiago’s Museum of Remembrance and Human Rights that amongst other objects exhibits instruments of torture that were used during the Pinochet dictatorial regime, and a picture gallery of persons who disappeared during the regime and have not yet been traced since.

It has always been said that there’s no place on earth where one cannot find a Maltese resident, so too in Chile, and during her visit President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca took the opportunity to meet a couple of the few Maltese living there.

Four contestants for Nationalist Party leadership


our politicians will contest the Nationalist Party leadership that is scheduled for September 16. Of the four, only one is currently a parliamentarian, 46-year-old Gozitan lawyer Chris Said. He has been a Nationalist MP for the past nine years and has also occupied the post of Justice Minister. The other three are: Adrian Delia, 47, a partner in a legal firm, who has never occupied any role in the Nationalist Party. He is currently the president of Premier League football club Birkirkara; Alex Perici Calascione, 55, who has been occupying the post of NP treasurer for the last two years and is a member of the Administrative Council He unsuccessfully

contested the June 3 General Elections. Frank Portelli, who is in his 70s, is a former member of the Maltese Parliament. He served for five years in the Nationalist Party during the 1987-1992 legislature. He was NP executive and was president of the The 4 contenders (from left): Chris Said, Adrian executive between 1995 and 1998. He Delia, Alex Perici Calascione and Frank Portelli is also CEO of St Philip’s Hospital. nominees and the top two contenders will On September 2 the General Council of then take part in a run-off election on Septhe Nationalist Party will vote on the nom- tember 16 with paid-up party members choinations for party leadership from the four osing their preferred leader.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday August 1, 2017

Roundup of News About Malta

Giant company relocates Malta post Brexit

In 4 years 18,000 more women join work force n the past four years, 18,000 more women have Ientered the labour market in


tarr Companies, a giant world company in the insurance business, has chosen to come to Malta to operate from after Brexit. Announcing this on Sunday, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said Malta faced harsh competition from other European countries, however, after discussions in his first meeting with the company last November, he managed to convince them to relocate to Malta. He further announced that a Brexit taskforce aimed at attracting to Malta businesses looking to relocate to Europe following Britain’s exit from the 28-country bloc, is to be formed.

MIA predicts 20% increase in passenger traffic


alta International Airport predicts that by the end of this year, around 5.8 million passengers would have gone its terminal establishing a new traffic record for the airport. In the first half of the year MIA has already registered 2,639,712 passenger movements, amounting to an increase of 20 per cent over the same period in 2016. This solid six-month performance encouraged the company to revise its original forecast announced in January, taking into account the growth rate reached so far and other trends.

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat (right) with Mr Hussain Sajwani

Dubai-based property developer eyes Malta


iven the favourable tax climate, Malta’s vibrant tourism sector, and its historical appeal as business-friendly investment location, giant Dubai-based property developer DAMAC Properties that has been at the forefront of the Middle East’s luxury real estate market since 2002, is considering expanding its operations to Malta. Concluding a recent tour of the island where he had a private meeting with Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat during which the two discussed the increasing growth of tourism in the Mediterranean country, company Chairman, Hussain Sajwani said, "Malta presents an ideal mix of investment benefits that make it a very attractive place for luxury and hospitality developers looking to expand into the EU zone. The company, that is known to deliver luxury residential, commercial and leisure properties across

the region, including the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Lebanon and the United Kingdom, believes that Malta presents an ideal mix of investment benefits, and “thanks to favourable tax incentives for foreign investors as well as a stable government and leadership that continue to drive economic growth through the tourism sector, Malta is a destination that we are keeping an eye on as we continue to explore expansion opportunities there.” Making its mark at the highest end of stylish living, DAMAC Properties has cemented its place as the leading luxury developer in the region, having delivered over 18,500 homes, with a development portfolio of more than 44,000 units at various stages of progress. This includes 13,000 hotel rooms, serviced hotel apartments and hotel villas that are managed by DAMAC Hotels & Resorts.

Malta. Education and Labour Minister Evarist Bartolo said this was the result of a new strategy for women jobs. He added that the next step would be for more women to become entrepreneurs with their own business. Figures just issued indicate that the number of employed women has reached almost 90,000, which is an increase of 20% over 2012. Meanwhile, Economy Minister Chris Cardona said there was more need for women in the entrepreneurial sector and to show their capabilities and creativity, which is so beneficial to the economy of the country.

Unemployment down to 2,432


he number of persons seeking employment during June dropped to 2,432. The figure is 1,000 less than the corresponding month last year. Figures released by the National Statistics Office, NSO, show tht unemployment has dropped in all categories except for the under 20s.

The next issue of The Voice of the Maltese is set for August 29

MP makes kidney donation Malta to serve as headquarters for GCTP


van Bartolo, 47, a newly-elected Parliamentarian on the NP ticket, who in his own words, has a large phobia of needles, blood and anything to do with hospitals, was praised for his altruism by the Speaker of the house of Representatives Dr Anglu Farrugia, for a noble gesture he made by donating one of his kidneys to an unknown patient. His reaction to being told that that the kidney he donated is functioning was “like being told that he had just had a child. The recipient is a 31-year-old man.

he Chairman of the Constituent Council of the Global Council for TolerT ance and Peace (GCTP) Ahmed bin Moh-

ammed Al-Jarwan, together and his accompanying delegation paid a working visit to Malta to formally register the distinct interest of his organisation to establish its headquarters in Malta. On behalf of the government, former Minister for Foreign Affairs George W. Vella welcomed the interest of the GCTP to establish its headquarters in Malta. He

positively noted the GCTP’s objectives to act as an international space and a global platform to serve the ideals of tolerance, peace, and high humanitarian objectives. The GCTP also aims to launch in the short term a major international award to contribute to the protection of international peace. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, who also received the delegation, commended the aims of the Global Council since they reflected Malta's foreign policy objectives.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 1, 2017

Il-festi reli©juΩi Maltin


˙alissa ninsabu fl-aqwa talista©un tal-festi... festi li huma parti essenzjali millkultura Maltija. Attwalment fi st˙arri© li sar dan l-a˙˙ar dwar liema attivitajiet kulturali jie˙du sehem fihom il-Maltin u lG˙awdxin, instab li l-aktar attivita` kulturali popolari fostna hija dik tal-festi. Infatti f’dan list˙arri© instab li l-og˙la perçentwal u l-akbar attendenzi ntla˙qu fil-festi parrokkjali b’attendenza ta’ 67%. Imma hawn forsi wie˙ed jistaqsi, kemm attwalment il-festi huma attivitajiet kulturali u, fuq kollox, kemm dawn il-festi qed jil˙qu dak li suppost hu l-akbar valur tag˙hom, il-valur reli©juΩ? Bla dubju li fil-festi Maltin ilvalur kulturali fejn wie˙ed jista’ jammira t-tiΩjin, ix-xog˙ol artistiku, kemm fil-knejjes kif ukoll fit-toroq tal-belt jew ra˙al fejn tkun qed ti©i ççelebrata il-festa, ma jonqosx. Lanqas ma tonqos il-laqta’ muΩikali, dik ferrie˙ija u mondana barra l-Knisja, fejn il-baned iffer˙u lis-semmieg˙a bil-marçi, u siltiet broijjuΩi, u dik aktar lirika fil-Knejjes. U t-tiΩjijn mhux limitat biss g˙at-toroq u l-knejjes iΩda wkoll jinfirex fil-kaΩini u ddjar li g˙al jiem il-festa’ jkunu m˙ejjijin flaqwa tag˙hom. Matul it-triqat tilma˙ twieqi mΩejna bid-damask u b’xi statwa, aktarx replika tal-istatwa li to˙ro© purçissjonalment mill-Knisja. Sintendi ma jonqsux il-bnadar fuq il-bjut li, fejn hemm aktar minn banda wa˙da juru biç-çar liema banda tappo©©ja dik ilfamilja. Kul˙add jimpika min g˙andu litwal arblu u l-ikbar bandiera. F’çerti r˙ula

jispikkaw ukoll il-bnadar ta’ pajjiΩi barranin li jindikaw li xi membri ta’ dik il-familja

jew ba˙˙ru nkella g˙amlu xi Ωmien jg˙ixu f’xi pajjiΩ b˙ala emigranti.

...u fil-knejjes?

ejjem intqal li l-qofol tal-festi g˙andhom D ikunu ç-çelebrazzjonijiet fil-Knejjes… u hawn jibda t-t˙assib.

Il-˙e©©a biex il-Knisja fejn tkun qed issir ilfesta tkun imΩejna mill-aqwa g˙adha hemm, bid-damask a˙mar jiddomina fil-Knejjes kollha. Ma janqsux l...u Ω-Ωg˙aΩag˙ jifir˙u aqwa linef tal-kristall, bukketti tal-fjuri, artali u jferr˙u. Addijo l-ilmill-isba˙, x’aktarx b’xi bies tradizzjonali, issa statwi, gandlieri u o©lbies ˙afif, sajfi ©etti o˙ra tal-fidda. G˙all-okkaΩjoni lanqas ma jonqos l-aqwa lbies tas-saçerdoti, xi orkestra u kor maghruf. IΩda mbag˙ad sfortunatament, bil-mod il-mod qed naraw l-attendenza g˙aç-çelebrazzjoni f’çerti parroççi kulma tmur tonqos, u t˙ares madwarek x’aktarx tara nies ta’ çerta eta’. Óafna Ωg˙aΩag˙ aktar

jimpurtahom miç-çelebrazzjonij ta’ barra, u mhux li jisimg˙u xi pani©ierku (diskors ta’ tif˙ir lill-qaddis jew qaddisa tal-festa) li ma jispiçça qatt. G˙ax filwaqt li l-kleru qed ji©i m˙e©©eg li jillimita l-omelija tal-quddiesa tal-Óadd g˙all-ftit minuti, donnu m’hemm ebda regola kemm idum il-pani©ierku. Sa˙ansitra Ω-Ωmien ©ab bidla wkoll fl-ilbies tal-festa, kemm tal-knisja minn ©ewwa u kemm minn barra. Sa ftit ilu waqt il-quddiesa tat-transulazzjoni (lejliet il-festa) u dik pontifikali (tal-jum talfesta filg˙odu) kont tilma˙ kwaΩi l-ir©iel kollha b’libsa ntiera, u n-nisa bl-aqwa lbies. L-ir©iel irew˙u l-palju (li llum skarsa) u nnisa jag˙tu kemm jifil˙u bl-imreww˙a. Illum, minkejja li l-Knejjes kollha g˙andhom il-fannijiet (u˙ud sa˙ansitra l-arja kkundizzjonata) ftit hemm postijiet fejn tara nies lebsin eleganti b˙al ma kienu jag˙mlu qabel. DaΩ-Ωmien in-nies qed tmur g˙all-ilbies kaΩwali, sa˙ansitra f’çerti postijiet anke b’tee-shirts u lbies tassew sajfi. U fejn qabel ˙afna kienu jΩanΩnu xi libsa ©dia issa jag˙mluha g˙al xi tie©.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday August 1, 2017

Il-festa nbidlet ... u bil-kbir

˙alkemm G nistg˙u ng˙idu li baΩi-

kament ir-ritwal tal-festi ftit li xejn inbidel: ilfesta baqg˙et iΩΩomm l-istess mod kif issir ilpurçissjoni u rritwali marbutin mag˙ha, il-˙ruq tan-nar tal- art u tal-ajru, il-marçi tal-baned matul il-jiem tal-festa, eçç. IΩ-Ωmien, b˙al f’kull settur ie˙or bidel il-mod kif ji©u ççelebrati l-festi. Per eΩempju semmejt in-nar. Il-murtali u lkaxxi nfernali baqg˙u iΩda f’˙afna kaΩi llum dawn spiççaw fi spettakli mhux biss ta’ murtali kkuluriti li jpaxxu l-g˙ajn imma wkoll b’akkumpanjament muΩikali. Kollox im˙addem bi preçiΩjoni billi tintuΩa l-a˙˙ar teknologija tal-kompjuter, li fuq kollox

jag˙mel il-˙ruq tan-nar anqas riskjuΩ g˙al min jisparah, g˙ax spiçça l-bΩonn li wie˙ed jixg˙el il-miçça b’xi suffarell, li pos-tu ˙aditu lkey- board talkompjuter. Illum post issanti tal-patrun/a tal-belt jew ra˙al ˙aduh stampar tal-patrun fuq bnadar Ωg˙ar, tee shirts u anke maggijiet (xellug)). Ìieli x-xbieha tal-patrun/a fuq na˙a tat-tee shirt tkun akkumpanjata minn xi reklam fuq in-na˙a l-o˙ra. Sa˙ansitra l-uçu˙ sa spiççaw fuq il-bottijiet tal-kunserva billi kumpanija li tag˙mel dal-prodott, biex t˙ajjar lil min jixtri l-prodott tag˙ha, ˙ar©et konsenja ta’ bottijiet tal-kunserva bl-uçuh tal-patruni ta’ parroççi (ta˙t) ta’

Is-sehem taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙

˙alkemm hemm min jg˙idlek li G huma l-anzjani u dawk ta’ çerta eta’ li g˙adhom iffisati fil-festi, u li maΩΩmien hemm il-periklu li malli dawn jispiççaw il-festi jie˙du daqqa ta’ ˙arta, il-fatti juru xort’o˙ra. Attwalment g˙ad g˙andna bliet u r˙ula fejn il-festi huma b’sa˙˙ithom, u kemm kemm wie˙ed ma jistax jg˙id li l-mod kif qed ji©u ççelebrati juri li attwalment dawn qed jisoktaw jikbru. Hu propju fejn iΩ-Ωg˙Ωag˙ jag˙tu sehemhom fejn l-aktar li l-festi qed ji©u ççelebrati bil-kbir.

In-Negozju la dubju li l-festi ji©©eneraw negozju kbir. Dan jibda ferm qabel il-festi g˙ax B dak li jkun ja˙seb kif se jΩejjen id-dar, ja˙seb g˙all-ikla tal-festa, u g˙ax-xorb mhux biss g˙al tal-familja, imma wkoll g˙all-mistednin. Sintedni t-tiΩjin tal-Knejjes u tat-toroq ji©©enera wkoll çertu negozju, kif jag˙mel in-nar tal-art u tal-ajru.... u tasal il-festa.. Fejn qabel kont forsi jsib xi mejda jew

Malta u G˙awdex (b’kollox 32) fosthom ta’ Santa Liena ta’ Birkirkara, il-Bambina tax-Xag˙ra G˙awdex, Santa Marija u San Ìor© t’G˙awdex, is-Salvatur ta’ Óal Lija u o˙rajn.

Mhux kollox ward u Ωahar fortunatamet, il-festi m’g˙adhomx dak li kienu. Bil-mod il-mod, ˙afna S nies aktar qed iffittxu dak li ji©ri barra mill-knisja, milli ç-çelebrazzjoniet reli©juΩi. X’aktarx li l-marçi huma lakbar attrazzjoni kemm g˙al dawk li sempliçament joqog˙du j˙arsu, u dawk li attwamlment jie˙du sehem. Fost l-aktar li jie˙du sehem fil-marçi huma Ω-Ωg˙aΩag˙, u hu propju huma li jo˙olqu l-akbar briju bil-kant u Ω-Ωfin, jew a˙jar qbiΩ tag˙hom, b’g˙add ta’ tfajliet jie˙du l-okkaΩjoni biex jie˙du rikba minn fuq spallejn il-©uvintur. S’hemm kieku kollox sew. IΩda sfortunament dan il-briju kultant jit˙assar b’çertu kant u kliem ta’ tmaqdir, kultant sa˙ansitra nsulti fil-konfront tal-kaΩin jew il-festa opposta. Veru li spiçça dak l-inkwiet ta’ dari fejn kien ikollha tinda˙al il-pulizija (fi tfulitna niftakru anke l-uΩu tal-kavallerija waqt il-festi), iΩda xorta l-festa g˙andha tkun xi ˙a©a li tferrah mhux li tmaqdar u titg˙ajjar. Inwkiet ie˙or huwa x-xorb, u kultant sa˙ansitra s-sess u d-droga. Hawn min jsostni li g˙add ta’ ©uvintur, u adulti jinqdew bil-festa biex jixorbu ΩΩejjed, jie˙du d-droga u jag˙mlu atti li xejn m’huma ta’ ©ie˙. Fil-fatt fi studju li sar xi Ωmien ilu nstab li fil-festi anke tiΩdied l-prostituzzjoni u l-kriminalità.


Ωda kollox ma kollox u t˙ares kif Ihomt˙ares lejhom, na˙seb li l-festi g˙andaktar poΩittiv milli negattiv.

tnejn tal-qubbajt, illum issib toroq b’gabana wa˙da wara l-o˙ra jbieg˙u dak kollu li wie˙ed jixtieq jiekol, kiesah jew s˙un. Ma jonqsux il-karettuni u tilari armati b’©ugarelli g˙at-tfal.. u li kultant i˙ajru anke lil kbar. Insomma ssib suq s˙i˙. Fejn qabel, l-aktar fl-ir˙ula, biex tixrob xi ˙a©a kont tid˙ol ©o xi ˙anut tax-xorb, illum kull ˙anut, kull kaΩin, kemm jekk tal-banda, tal-futbol jew politiku, jarma l-imwejjed fuq barra, fit-triq, u joffri mhux biss xorb u ©elati, iΩda wkoll diversi kwalitajiet ta’ ikel, bil-pizza forsi l-aktar popolari wara l-pastizzi tal-©obon u l-piΩelli.

Minkejja li g˙edt aktar ‘il fuq, xorta jibqa’ l-fatt li l-festi jattiraw in-nies lejn il-Knejjes, g˙alkemm u˙ud aktar biex jaraw il-Knisja u t-tiΩjijn tag˙ha milli biex jitolbu. Il-festa hija mezz biex in-nies tissoçjalizza u tal-inqas g˙al ftit jiem twarrab ilklassi, fejn il-˙addiem tal-id jit˙allat ma’ dak tal-pinna, fejn in-na©©ar jit˙allat malavukat, fejn g˙al mument wie˙ed tintnesa d-distinzjoni tal-klassi, li g˙alkemm bilmod qed tonqos imma g˙adha hemm, u meta wkoll tintnesa’ l-firda politika. Fuq kollox il-festi juru li l-poplu Malti j˙obb jiççelebra, i˙obb juri l-fer˙ tieg˙u, u j˙obb iferra˙.

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 1, 2017

A quick glimpse at Australia

Australia wants seat on the UN Human Rights Council


ustralia, Spain and France were competing for two vacant seats on the United Nations Human Rights Council, with the winners to be decided by a vote of all United Nations member countries in October. But France will postpone its bid until 2021. Unless there is a late candidate, Australia’s two-year long campaign will result in being elected later this year. Australia and Spain will still need to win the majority-approval of the UN General Assembly in October, but Professor Donald Rothwell from the Australian National University points out the UN will have little choice but to approve the bids unless another applicant materialises.

The Turnbull government has been pushing hard for a place on the HRC, with former Liberal minister Philip Ruddock flying around the world as the country's Special Envoy on Human Rights in a bid to shore up votes. Foreign Minister Julie Bishop’s office would not comment on reports of France's withdrawal but said Australia's bid would continue. Australia has made a series of “pledges” to the United Nations as part of its HRC bid. It promised to hold a referendum to recognise Indigenous people in the Constitution, campaign to end violence against women and girls, and advocate for the protection of journalists and freedom of speech amongst other issues.

Increase in full-time jobs

igures released by the Australian BuF reau of Statistics show that Australia has achieved its ninth straight month of job

gains, with 14,000 new jobs added to the economy in June. Full- time employment grew by 62,000 jobs while part-time employment decreased by 48,000. Full-time jobs have now increased by 115,4000 positions in the past two months – the strongest streak of full-time job gains in 29 years. The unemployment rate has held steady at 5.6 per cent, which remains near its lowest level in four years. NSW and Victoria did the heavy lifting in trend terms, adding 11.600 and 7300 jobs respectively. Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull welcomed the figures but warned sustained economic growth was not guaranteed, “Tomorrow’s prosperity can only be delivered by today’s reforms. So when we consider how we change the world in which we live, we can’t hide under the doona,” he said.

Australia aims to be a major arms exporter D

efence Industry Minister Christoper Pyne (left) said he would like to see Australia “design, build and export ships, vehicles, (and) missiles” with the 200 billion Australian dollars the government has set aside for defence over the next decade. “My ambition and the government's ambition is to reverse the current situation,” Pyne told Fairfax Media, “There's absolutely no reason why we can't be as capable as Italy, Germany, France, Great

Britain.” Currently, Australia is the world's sixth largest importer of defence goods, while it is the 20th largest exporter. Pyne said that within two decades, Australia should be exporting arms at similar levels to Germany, Britain and France, behind the United States

and Russia as the world's largest defence hardware exporters. Pyne said that creating a competitive arms industry would do wonders for the alliances which Australia holds with key Middle Eastern nations such as the United Arab Emirates (UAE). “Why wouldn't we want to cement our relationship with a country like the UAE, which shares many of our values in terms of the geopolitical issues that we face through things like defence exports?” Pyne said.

Dual citizenship creates havoc

ederal Minister for Resources and Northern Territory Senator F Matthew Canavan (Nationalist Party) has resigned from the cabinet as he may have contravened section 44 of the Australian Constitution dealing with dual citizenship. He will remain in Parliament while the government makes an urgent application to the High Court to determine the matter. The government argues that because Senator Canavan's registration as a citizen was obtained without his consent, his Italian citizenship is invalid and he is not in breach of section 44 of the Constitution, which prevents dual nationals from serving as federal MPs. It emerged that Canavan’s mother had signed him up for Italian citizenship without his knowledge. The government has no plans to change section 44 of the Constitution, which has now claimed three political scalps this month - Senator Canavan and former Greens' Senators Larissa Waters and Scott Ludlam. The current ambassador for Malta to China, John Aquilina a former parliamentarian had to renounce his Maltese citizenship when this matter of dual citizenship was raised during his time in the NSW Parliament.

While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday August 1, 2017

A quick glimpse at Australia

Costly offshore detention L

ast year a report by Save the Children and Unicef found Australian taxpayers had spent as much as $9.6 billion on offshore immigration enforcement since 2013, while a Parliamentary Library report released in 2016 found Manus Island had cost taxpayers about $2 billion since it was reopened – more than $1 million for each of the 2000 people who have been imprisoned there. The Gillard government's moves to reopen the Manus Island detention centre in late 2012 saw Australia spend $358.77 million on operating and capital costs for the two centres. Those costs dramatically increased to $1.1 billion in 2013-14, following Mr Rudd's pre-election announcement and the Abbott government's election on the back of promises to turn back asylum seeker boats and significantly ramp up border protection. In 2014-15, the two offshore centres cost taxpayers $1.31 billion, increasing to $1.38 billion in 2015-16. Last financial year the cost fell to $980 million as the number of detainees reduced. In June, the government agreed to pay $70 million in compensation to about 1900 asylum seekers currently or formerly held on Manus Island, considered one of Australia's largest ever human rights court settlements. About 1200 people remain in the two offshore processing centres, the most recent figures from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection show. The department told Senate estimates the nationalities of those being held in detention or in the community on Manus in-

The Manus Island detention centre

cluded nationals from Iran, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Iraq and Afghanistan. There were 233 people found not to be refugees at the end of May, of which 193 were living within the processing centre including six who were receiving medical treatment in Port Moresby. A further 32 had returned to their country

of origin voluntarily, while six had been returned against their will. The department said at the end of April, the average time spent in onshore detention in Australia for people found to be stateless was 836 days. The longest period in onshore detention was 1345 days, more than three and a half years.

UN accuses Australia of breaking deal on refugees I

n a statement completely at odds with the Turnbull government's public position that no refugees now in offshore detention would set foot in Australia, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said the agency had agreed to help administer the deal between Australia and the United States on the understanding there would be exceptions for vulnerable people with family ties in Australia. The angry statement accusing the Turnbull government of failing to honour the understanding has led to an extraordinary public standoff between the UN agency and Immigration Minister Peter Dutton, whose office dismissed the UN claim, saying the government had been clear about its position all along. “Last November, UNHCR exceptionally agreed to help with the relocation of refugees to the United States following a bilateral agreement between Australia and the US,” UN commissioner Filippo Grandi (pictured left) said in a statement. “We agreed to do so on the clear understanding that vulnerable refugees with close family ties in Australia would ultimately be allowed to settle there.” He said that the UNHCR had “recently been informed by Australia that it refuses to accept even those refugees. An understanding was clearly reached over a number of months, and over a number of meetings, including with Minister Dutton himself.” A spokeswoman for Mr Dutton said that “the position of the Coalition government has been clear and consistent: those transferred to [regional processing centres] will never settle in Australia”. When pressed further on details of the meetings with UNHCR she said the office had nothing further to add.

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 1, 2017

Parti mill-folla li attendiet fir-Red Gum Hall

Festival Folkloriku li kien suççess kbir


-G˙aqda Kulturali Maltija ta’ NSW ippreΩentat lejla speçjali b˙ala parti mill-hekk mag˙ruf b˙ala l-Locale Festival Program talKunsill Lokali ta’ Cumberland. Il-Maltese Folkloric Festival (Festival Folkloriku) li ppreΩentaw fir-Red Gum Centre f’Wenthworthville kien suççess kbir, tant li ©ibed lejh x’aktarx wa˙da mill-akbar folol li rajt ta’ Maltin f’sala wa˙da f’dawn l-a˙˙ar Ωmienijiet. Is-sala kienet ippakkjata u g˙al iktar minn sitt sieg˙at gew ippreΩentati attivitajiet varjati, fosMarisa Previtera bil-kor tal-G˙aqda thom kant, Ωfin u daqq, fil-waqt li l-premijiet li Kulturali ta’ NSW warajha. Inset: Ilbdew ˙er©in mill-hekk mag˙rufa b˙ala ç-Chocokantant/muziçista Charles Muscat late Wheel, kienu popolari daqs il-konfetti. Wara kollox kien hemm ukoll xi w˙ud dilettanti li ppreΩentaw ix-xog˙lijiet tag˙Xag˙ra Association of NSW Inc hom g˙all-wirja tal-arti u s-snajja Fr Charles Sultana’s NSW tradizzjonali Maltin. Biex iΩid fid-divertiment, ˙adu sehem Programme August - September 2017 ukoll g˙add ta’ kantanti Maltin fosSt John the Evangelist Parish, Riverstone 164, Garfield Rd East, Riverstone thom il-popolari Charles Muscat. Kien Morning Mass times: Tuesday-Saturday: 8:30 am hemm ukoll final bil-kbir mill-kor talFriday Evenings times: 7:30 pm (August:18th, 25th September: 1st, 8th, 22nd) G˙aqda Kulturiali. F’kumment li tat lil The Voice of the except Friday, 15th September 6:30 pm at Horsley Park Maltese Marisa Previtera, l-organizzaSaturday vigil Mass times: 6:00 pm (August 19, 26, September 2, 9, 23, triçi ta’ dan il-festival folkloriku, qalet, except Saturday September 16 at 5:30 pm “ksibna suççess g˙ax sibna ko-operazSunday Mass times: 7:00am & 9:00am: August: 20, 27, September: 3,10,17, 24 zjoni minn g˙aqdiet o˙ra speçjalment ta’ San Nikola. Kul˙add ©ibed ˙abel In addition, Sunday September 3: 5:00 pm at Riverstone, September 10: wie˙ed. Grazzi lil kul˙add. L-atten3:00pm at St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney, September 17: 3:00 pm Horsley Park, denza tqawwilna qalbna” Sunday 24: 3:30 pm @ Greystanes. Confessions: Saturday: 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm Malti ie˙or qalilna, “dawk li dejjem imaqdru lill-komunita` u jg˙idulna li Thursday, August 31 10:15 am Mass for the Elderly who meet weekly for respite @ La Valette Social Centre morna l-ba˙ar ˙adu lezzjoni o˙ra Saturday Sept. 2 7.30 p.m La Valette Social Centre to meet the Maltese community who socialise there g˙ax din l-attivita` uriet li l-komunita` Sunday Sept. 3 6:30 pm Hamrun Club to meet the Maltese community who socialise there Sunday Sept. 10 2:30pm Rosary g˙adha b’sa˙˙ita u attiva ferm. Fejn St Mary’s Cathedral 3:00 pm Concelebrates Mass & says homily @ St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney - Annual kienu dawk li dejjem igergru u jiltill late Celebration by the Maltese Community of the feast of the Nativity of Our mentaw?” Lady. Afterwards to Dinner. Bus will be organised, for bookings or any information refer to contacts below Il-festa tal-Imnarja tidher li hi popoSaturday Sept. 16. 7.15 p.m Guest of Honour @ Annual tal-Vitorja Dinner Dance, Balmoral Function lari ferm mal-komunita` Maltija ta’ Tal-Vitorja Din/Dance. Centre, 49 Balmoral Road, Blacktown. For any tickets refer to contacts below NSW, tant li erba’ g˙aqdiet differenti Sunday Sept. 17 2.00 p.m. Procession on church grounds with Statue of Our Lady of Victories. Horsley Park Festa 3.00 p.m. Concelebrates Mass @ Horsley Park Church - Our Lady of Victories. organizzaw attivitajiet li g˙alihom atTuesday Sept. 19 7.00 a.m. Bus Outing to the Entrance tendew il-mijiet. G˙alkemm din talSunday Sept. 24. 3.30 p.m. ConCelebrates Mass at Our Lady Queen of Peace Church - Festa Greystanes g˙aqda kulturali ma kienetx parti Festa at Greystanes mill-Imnarja imma wkoll kellha xi Enquiries: Ray/Josephine Bigeni: 9627 4182 or 0439 974 182, 0448 100 034 M'Anne Teuma: 4579 6771 konnessjonijiet.

Tuesday August 1, 2017

The Voice of the Maltese 19

A dive, wine & dine adventure in Malta I

reland’s best selling daily newspaper Irish Independent, that also has its own news portal, this month carried an article about Malta as a tourist destination by diving enthusiast Jane Doran. Titling the article: Travel: Wine & Dive in Malta, the journalist admits that when she visited the island ten years ago she did not know much about the culture, the landscape, the food or the people as her only reason for visiting was to practice her sport of diving in the blue, clean waters surrounding the island. She further admits that to her shame, on that trip to Malta she was not too bothered to take interest in the island’s other attractions. But Jane Doran exploring the P31 shipwreck (Photo Mark ‘Crowley’ Russell) now she is. Doran said that the combination of dives - the P31 shipwreck and the Maltese food in Mellieha Bay, and the warm Mediterranean, great visi- Comino Caves - and three shore dives that on seeing her face when her lobbility and abundance of reefs, ship- - Cathedral Cave, the Inland Sea and ster ravioli arrived, a local laughed and said, “light lunch to the Maltese wrecks, caves and sea life have earned the world-renowned Blue Hole. On March 9 this year until then is lunch in the sun”. She adds that the Malta, and its little sister island Gozo, a reputation as one of the top dive Malta's top tourist attraction, the Maltese do not do small portions. spots in Europe; “an underwater Dis- 100ft limestone arch Azure Window, They do, however, do great food. near Dwejra Bay in San Lawrence colHer description of Maltese food is neyland if you like”. But things changed. “Alas, my dive- lapsed into the sea after heavy storms. amazing. “Maltese food is rustic with buddy-to-be's tumble down a flight of It was one of the most famous land- a focus on fresh ingredients; its long ancient steps in the pretty capital Val- marks in Europe having also featured history of colonisation bringing an letta and the resultant broken leg, in numerous films and TV series. Mal- electric mix of Mediterranean flavours scuppered my plans. A miserable tese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and colours. There is a very strong Siweek confined to a hotel room being called it "heartbreaking"; the nation cilian influence. I loved gbejniet, the local sheep or goats’ cheese, and the a reluctant nursemaid followed. I mourned, she said. But Jane admits that all was not lost, national dish of rabbit stew”. never got to paddle, never mind dive. She also had her fill in a Gozo restau“I finally read my guidebook (there however, as in the same area lays anwas nothing else to do) and learned other tourist attraction: the Blue Hole, rant, a former winery and also tasted about everything I was missing above that she describes as a circular, sink- the wine, saying that when it comes to Maltese wine, the island’s great sewater: the beautiful land and hole of stunning colour. “It's a wonderful place to swim, cret is that is has fantastic, high-qualseascapes, medieval towns and villages, monolithic tombs, superb snorkel or just lay about and also ity, reasonably priced wine. “You've beaches and Mediterranean-with-a- happens to be one of the best dive never drunk it or seen it in an off-litwist cuisine. She then visited Valletta sites on the planet. It is such an invit- cence because the Maltese keep it all and when she got the opportunity to ing-looking dive site - the prettiest, for themselves.” In her opinion, the Maltese are one return to the archipelago to dive, she bluest, most light-filled water I have seen.” of the biggest wine drinkers in the was rather excited. This is how she describes it: A choral world, with some estimates indicating Jane Doran writes: “I flew into Valletta but took the half-hour ferry trip garden; an underwater archway; a consumption works out at two bottles the next day to Gozo, the smaller, less fantastic eight-metre swim-through per day per person. Back to diving, she explained how populated island. Things move slowly called the chimney; crystal-clear visiin Gozo; you get a sense not much has bility, a cave and diverse marine life - physically tiring and stressful it could changed since the middle of the last this dive ticked every underwater be dragging wetsuits on and off. “My mind was slightly frazzled from century. It has a hazy, lazy, wild theme park box there is and has been beauty and is dotted with sleepy vil- made even better by the sad collapse navigating through shoals of jellyfish and the low-level anxiety of knowing lages and megalithic temples older of the 'window.' Its remains - huge glowing white if I surfaced in the wrong place in than the Egyptian pyramids. In Gozo she went for self-catering, at chunks of limestone yet unsullied by Cathedral Cave I risked death by boat a five-bed converted farmhouse in the sea and its creatures - are every- propeller. So, a glass of wine, or two, Xaghra, a tiny village in the centre of where; a breathtaking sight. Experts at the end of the day was very welthe island, home to the UNESCO indicate the limestone will take about come” The Irish writer concludes that MalGgantija Temples that are considered a year to become discoloured by to be the oldest freestanding structures algae, so don't leave it too long to ta makes a wonderful holiday for the more adventurous wine-lover. Explorstrap on a tank. in the world. She continues to say that diving ing the unknown adds excitement The huge numbers of dive sites around the islands mean there is a looks like a gentle enough pursuit but, and a sense of the unexpected. “There good choice of schools, so she dived during an average dive a person are five major wine producers, all ofwith one of them in Marsalforn, the burns around 800 calories. So , but fering some form of wine-tasting tour. closest thing to a seaside resort in luckily for them they were in the right “Wining and diving, it's the perfect combination for a week away - just Gozo. They did six dives: a 'getting to place. She received valuable advice about don't do it at the same time.” know you' one at Xlendi; two boat

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 1, 2017

Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija ktar regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti. Dan skont Akif ma˙ru© mill-Kummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja tal-ilsien Malti f’Malta. IL-PARTIÇIPJU JEW AÌÌETTIV REGOLA 26 (tkompli) Verbi li ma jmorrux g˙alkollox ma’ din ir-regola: (1) Il-verbi neqsin (torox) tal-g˙amla ta’ radd, sadd, ˙att li fl-Imperattiv jag˙mlu rodd, sodd, ˙ott. Is-sura ewlenija ta’ dawn il-verbi hija radad, sadad, ˙atat mixruba f’dik ta’ rodd, sodd, ˙ott. L-Imperattiv ewlieni tag˙hom huwa ardad, asdad, a˙tat li minnhom jo˙ro© l-a©©ettiv jew partiçipju mardûd, masdûd, ma˙tût fejn il-vokali a jew o tal-Imperattiv ti©i li g˙all-˙lewwa tal-le˙en titbiddel f’o˙ra u g˙alhekk ng˙idu misdûd, b˙al minxur flok monxur (minn onxor). Fuqhom, minn mess, g˙odd, ˙oΩΩ niktbu mimsûs (flok mamsûs), mag˙dûd, ma˙ΩûΩ. Hekk ukoll minn ˙ass ng˙idu u niktbu ma˙sûs. (2) Il-verbi neqsin (mo˙fijin) tal-g˙amla ta’ sab, ©ieb, Ωied, sar li fl-Imperattiv jag˙mlu sib, ©ib, Ωid, sir u g˙alhekk ma jsawrux il-partiçipju fuq il-g˙amla tal-verbi s˙a˙. IΩda minn sib, ©ib, Ωid, sir, big˙, nag˙mlu misjub, mi©jub, miΩjud, misjur, mibjug˙ u mhux msiub, m©iub, eçç., imma bil-vokali tal-le˙en bejn l-ittra m u l-ewwel konsonanti tal-g˙erq u bil-konsonanti j b˙ala t-tieni wa˙da tal-kelma flok il-vokali twila î. (Ara s-Sitt Regola

u d-Disg˙a u Tletin Regola tal-Ewwel Taqsima, u l-G˙add 22 para. (2) tat-Tieni Taqsima). Verbi ta’ din il-g˙amla li g˙andhom l-ewwel konsonanti g˙, isawru l-partiçipju passat fuq il-verbi s˙abhom imnisslin. G˙alhekk il-verbi g˙ab, g˙am, g˙er, g˙ex jag˙mlu lpartiçipju passat mg˙ajjeb, mg˙awwem, mg˙ajjar, mg˙ajjex. Imma g˙en jag˙mel meg˙jun. (3) Xi verbi tax-xebh tal-g˙amla ta’ wiret, wiΩen, wa©a(g˙), wiled, jimxu fuq it-tiswir tal-verbi s˙a˙ u jag˙mlu l-partiçipju passat mirut, miΩun, mi©ug˙, milud. Ma’ dawn hemm il-verbi wasal, waqa(g˙), wasa(g˙), we˙el li jimxu fuq is-sura tal-verbi mnisslin u jag˙tu mwassal, mwaqqa(g˙), mwassa(g˙), mwa˙˙al. Óa li ©ej minn a˙ad jimxi fuq il-verbi s˙a˙ u jag˙mel me˙ud. (4) Verbi neqsin li g˙andhom l-a˙˙ar konsonanti jew la˙˙ar Ωew© konsonanti wa˙da mill-ittri neqsin. Ara: fela(j), mela(j), qara(j), ˙ema(j), g˙ama(j), g˙ena(j), dag˙a(j) u mag˙hom tâ (minn ag˙ta(j)), kif ukoll tewa, lewa, sewa, xewa, li g˙andhom il-partiçipju passat mifli, milwi, moqri, mo˙mi, mog˙mi, mog˙ni, midg˙i, mog˙ti, mitwi, milwi, miswi, mixwi u mag˙hom g˙ewa li jag˙mel mog˙wi. Aktar regoli u tifsir fil-˙ar©a li jmiss

Il-Wind and Percussion Festival g˙al Settembru 20-24 ˙adu kif tnieda f’Malta l-hekk mag˙ruf b˙ala l-International munità tag˙hom. Huwa fa˙har lit-tim li qed ja˙dem biex i©ib G Wind and Percussion Festival organizzat minn seba’ kaΩini flimkien din il-proposta u joffri dan iç-çans siewi ta’ tag˙lim imtal-banda li flimkien qed jg˙inu f’dan il-pro©ett u li se jsir bejn l- mirat li jil˙aq 100 student. Erbg˙a 20 u l-Óadd 24 ta’ Settembru. L-attivta’ g˙andha tag˙ti iççans liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ li jattendu workshops muΩikali ma’ muΩiçisti internazzjonali mag˙rufa fl-oqsma rispettivi tag˙hom. Is-Segretarju Parlamentari g˙aΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙, Sport u G˙aqdiet talVolontarjat Clifton Grima sa˙aq li l-involviment taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ filkaΩini tal-banda permezz ta’ tag˙lim tal-muΩika hu mezz importanti g˙ax bih ji©u m˙e©©a jsiru çittadini attivi u jikkontribwixxu fil-ko-

Il-pro©ett irçeva fondi mill-A©enzija Ûg˙aΩag˙ permezz taliskema t-Ta˙ri© MuΩikali taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ fil-kaΩini tal-banda. Il-Festival se jinkludi: - Lezzjonijiet individwali, jew lezzjonijiet fi gruppi Ωg˙ar g˙al attenzjoni individwali; - Xog˙ol ta’ ensemble; - Ta˙didiet u lectures dwar strumenti speçifiçi u o˙rajn ta’ natura aktar ©enerali relatati mal-muΩiçisti u l-prestazzjonijiet; - Parteçipazzjoni f’konferimenti b˙ala solisti Xag˙ra Association of NSW Inc (b’akkumpanjament piano) jew b˙ala ensembles. Kull sena f’Malta, l-A©enzija Ωg˙aΩag˙ flimkien malAnnual Tal-Vitorja Dinner Dance g˙aqda tal-kaΩni tal-baned torganizza l-iskema ta’ ta˙ri© muΩikali taΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ fil-kaΩini b˙ala parti mill-ProSaturday, 16th September gramm ta’ Emançipazzjoni tag˙ha. G˙al dan il-g˙an permezz ta’ din l-iskema 25 kaΩin tal-banda ©ew mog˙tija Guest of Honour: Fr Charles Sultana fondi. L-g˙an ewlieni hu li jipprovdi g˙ajnuna finanzjarja lill(Parish priest of St. Laurence parish, Gozo) kaΩini lokali ˙alli jo˙or©u b’inizjattivi u proposti li j˙e©©u Come join us at Balmoral Function Centre, liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ jitg˙allmu strument muΩikali u/jew itejbu sservizzi tat-tag˙lim li di©à qed jing˙ataw, u jo˙or©u b’iniz47-49 Balmoral Rd, BLACKTOWN jattivi sostenibbli u innovattivi.

from 6:30pm onwards 5-Course meal, beer, wine & soft drinks, tea/coffee Entertainment by Roc-A-Tac & Giuseppe Verdi Brass Band Contact: Josephine/Ray: 9627 4182 or 0439 974 182; Mary Anne Teuma: 4579 6771

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday August 1, 2017

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW


Learn Maltese!

Ìensna... ... L-istorja tkompli...”

is presenting:

A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.

Teachers urgently needed - Paid positions

For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

Featuring 28 of Malta’s talented singers, a superb choir, an orchestra and two bands. This will be followed by a Live Stage Play by the Cittadini Theatrical Group. On Sunday August 20 at 2:00pm at the Wentworthville Leagues Club, Smith Street, Wentworthville. Adults $12 and children under 12 years $8. For bookings call Dorothy Gatt on 9636 1834, Monica Ledger on 9896 0712 or Charles N Mifsud on 0421 662 298. Proudly sponsored by The Wentworthville Leagues Club and Breakaway Travel of Blacktown.

La Valette Social Centre Saturday activities

La Valette Social Centre 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847

Masses at the Chapel: 5.45pm and 6.15pm. Centre is open for dinner from 5.00pm. Entertainment by Sam Mifsud or Manuel Grech. G˙ana: last Saturday of every month. Bingo: starts at 8.00pm Winter and 8.30pm Summer. Bocci, Raffle, members’ lucky door prize - dinner for two Membership is only $7 a year. We also have other activities that we advertise on the radio, church bulletins and The Voice of the Maltese.


The best family gathering of the year:

Events: August- December 2017

The 30th Annual Dinner Dance

Aug. 25 – Fri. Feast Mass at Croatian Church Ardeer. Aug. 26 – Sat.: Dinner Dance at Melrose Tullamarene. Aug. 27 – Sun.: Feast at Croatian Church/Hall Ardeer. Sept. 9 – Sat.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Sept. 23 – Fri.: Family function at Klabb G˙annejja Maltin St Albans. Oct. 14 – Sat.: GM meeting at Albion (2.p.m). Oct. 22 – Sun.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Nov. 12 – Sun.: BYO Function at Errington Hall, St Albans. Dec. 16 – Sat.: Xmas Function at Melrose Tullamarene.

Mandavilla Function Centre 1788, The Horsley Drive Horsley Park NSW From 7.30 pm: Music by Joe Apap Book early. Donation $65 Contact: Marlene on 02 9631 9295 Organised by the Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) All proceeds to the Don Bosco Missions.

Saturday, 14th October 2017

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee Main events for 2017 Sunday October 15: Fete Saturday Nov. 11: Dinner Dance Sunday December 3:

St Nicholas Feast For more information: Joe Fenech 0412 009 957 or PRO Emm. Vella 045 677 064

For issues concerning: Ageing and disability - community services education - environment - health - housing planning - Police - transport - water

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 1, 2017

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 1011am. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3.

The SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2 Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-Óadd 11.00 am: l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on: In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta)


˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, il-qarrejja huma m˙e©©a biex x’˙in iridu jistg˙u jid˙lu filwebsite tal-istazzjon Malti: Din bil-Malti u bl-IngliΩ. Il-website hija a©©ornata tul il-jum kollu g˙alhekk wie˙ed jista’ jie˙u stampa çara tal-©rajjiet li anke jkunu qed ise˙˙u dak il-˙in stess.

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast

Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month: Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.

Maltese of Bankstown

Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357

IL-MALTESE BOWLERS SOCIAL GROUP TA’ NSW Jistiednu nisa u r©iel Maltin li j˙obbu l-lawn bowls biex jing˙aqdu mag˙hom, jie˙du sehem fil-log˙ob u jag˙mlu ˙bieb ©odda. • Jilqg˙u wkoll lil dawk li jridu jitg˙allmu jilag˙bu dan l-isport, li jing˙ataw lezzjonijiet b’xejn. • Jilag˙bu log˙ba darba fix-xahar fir-Rosehill Bowling Club u klabbs o˙ra. • G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lis-segretarju, Tony Pace-Feraud (0400 376 607) jew email lil: Il-logħba li jmiss se ssir nhar ilĦadd 13 ta’ Awwissu fis-1:00 pm fir-Rosehill Bowling Club.

Australian High Commission on facebook; HC on twitter


he Australian High Commission’s in Malta now has a new Facebook page, and the High Commissioner a Twitter account that could both be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: usHCMalta/ The Commissioner’s Twitter handle is: Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday August 1, 2017

Sports on two pages Malta to host 2017 World Snooker C’ships T he International Billiards and Snooker Federation (IBSF) has chosen Malta to organise this year’s World Amateur Snooker Championship, the premier nonprofessional snooker tournament in the world. It will be held between November 21 (the opening ceremony) and December 2. The organisers would be the local

Two-time world champion Pawlu Mifsud

Billiards and Snooker Association in conjunction with SportMalta. It will be the third time Malta would be hosting the Championships during which events would be held for three different categories, Men, Ladies and Masters is expected to attract players from 50 different countries The IBSF World Snooker Championship tournament was first held in 1963. In the first two tournaments, the title was decided alone on group stages. From 1968 until now, the group stage was followed by a knock-out stage. The tournament has been held annually since 1984. However, 2005 IBSF World Snooker Championship was cancelled, due to an earthquake in Pakistan where the event was due to be held. Instead in February/March 2006, a new tournament with the name IBSF World Grand Prix was held in Prestatyn, Wales as the qualification for a place on 2006/2007 World Snooker Main Tour, although the winner wasn't called World Champion. The first time Malta hosted the championships was in 1978. That year Cliff Wilson from Wales won the title. Another Welsh player, Neil Mosley won the next time the

event was hosted in Malta in 1992 Malta won the event on two occasions, both of them by Paul Mifsud, the first time in 1985 In Blackpool, the UK when he beat Dylwin John (Wales) by 11-6. Mifsud again won the following year in Invercargill, New Zealand by beating another Welshman, Kerry Jones 11-9. On two other occasions Maltese players were losing finalists. In 1976 Paul Mifsud lost to the eventual winner, Dough Mountjoy (Wales) in South Africa by 11-1. The in 1987, Joe Grech lost 11-4 to yet another Welsh player, Darren Morgan, by 11-4. Another player of Maltese descent brought the honour to Australia in 2002 when Steve Mifsud won the title in Cairo, Egypt, by beating Tim English 11-6. A number of IBSF champions have gone on to successful careers in the Pro ranks, notably Jimmy White (1980), James Wattana (1988), Ken Doherty (1989), Stuart Bingham (1996), Marco Fu (1997), Stephen Maguire (2000) and Mark Allen (2004). Both Ken Doherty (in 1997) and Stuart Bingham (in 2015) have gone on to win the professional World Snooker Championship.

New format with 14 teams for 2017/18 Premier League season The Maltese Premier League season kicks off on August 18 with the first four matches of the 2017/18 football season on the same day. The first game will be between Birkirkara and Floriana. the other three to follow will be, Tarxien Rainbows v. Óamrun Spartans; newly-promoted Lija Athletic vs GΩira United, and defending champions Hibernians against St Andrews. The opening day wraps up on the 19th with the ties between Balzan and Naxxar Lions, Valletta vs Mosta and Sliema Wanderers vs promoted Senglea Athletic. As of this season the championship will run on a new format with 14 teams. The teams would be playing on a two-round league basis and a towards the end of the campaign,

when it comes to relegation, there would be play-off between the team finishing third from bottom against the team finishing third in the lower division The teams would by vying for a new League trophy that is being manufactured by world-renowned trophy maker and silversmiths Thomas Lyte of the UK who also manufactured the FA Trophy last year. The new trophy would be ready in September. The 2017/18 season promises to be quite an interesting one as most of

the clubs have strengthened their squads, mostly by recruiting a number of foreign players, that makes one wonder how on earth they can keep up with their payrolls when they get very little gate money. Fourteen more teams will form the First Division with two teams getting promoted automatically and two relegated automatically. The Second Division will be made up of thirteen teams, again with two teams promoted automatically and two relegated automatically. The remaining twelve teams will play in the Third Division with two teams promoted automatically. In all divisions a play-off between the team finishing third from bottom against the team finishing third in the lower division would be played.

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 1, 2017

Sports on two pages

Marc Rzatkowski beats Andrew Hogg with a header to pave the way for FC Salzburg’s 3-0 victory over Hibernians and qualification into the next round of the Champions League

Hibs, Valletta down and out


s expected, the Maltese football clubs’ participation in the UEFA club competitions has come to an end. Seeing to that were FC Salzburg of Austria and Utrecht of Holland who eliminated the last two Maltese surviving clubs, Hibernians from the Champions League and Valletta from the UEFA Europa League. In the second qualifying round of the respective competitions both Salzburg, against Hibernians, and Utrecht against Valletta proved to be of a higher strata as early as the first legs in Malta. Then made doubly sure of their superiority in the return ties. Having lost their first leg tie on their home ground in Malta by 3-0, Hibernians could not offer more than feeble opposition to FC Salzburg in Austria. They conceded another 3-0 defeat for an aggregate loss of 6-0. Salzburg took only 11 minutes to add to their first leg tally. They scored through a

Marc Rzatkowski header and Gulbrandsen added a second eight minutes later. Goalkeeper Hogg kept the score down but was then beaten for a third time five minutes from time by Kreuzriegler. In the UEFA Europa League Valletta might have entertained some home for the return against Utrecht following a scoreless tie in Malta, but in the end they lost 3-1, the same aggregate score. At the Mandemakers Stadium in Waalwijk, Utrecht dominated from the start and drew ahead on 18 minutes from Sean Klaiber. Valletta stayed in it for 76 minutes as an away goal could have sufficed to put them through to the next round. But Utrecht made sure of qualification with two goals by Zakaria Labyad (76 and 83min). Santiago Malano’s goal on 88 minutes proved just a consolation for Valletta.

Sunshine George Cross, Green Gully doing great NPL2 (Rd 22): Sunshine GC 3 Ballarat 2 Rd 23: Brunswick C. 1 Sunshine GC 4 here’s no stopping Sunshine George Cross of late and two more victories in their last two outings helped them to strengthen their position in fourth place in the league ladder. They are now only one point behind the thirdplaced team. On Saturday playing at Brunswick City SC they dominated the opposition after taking a one goal interval lead. Goals by Anthony Laus (2), Adam Hodor and Daniel Anagnostopoulos. *Late goals decided Sunshine GC’s victory at the Chaplin Reserve over Ballarat on Day 24, with Daniel Anagnostopoulos scoring twice in added time to add to Tedros Yabio’s 84th minute tally. Ballarat scored theirs through 79th-minute substitute Antonelli


NPL 1 (Rd 21): N. Geelong W 1 Green Gully 5 Rd 22: Melbourne K. 1 Green Gully 2 t is really great to see that even the other ‘Maltese’ club in Victoria is doing great. their latest victories also helped them consolidate their fourth position. The Gully scored a goal in each half, through Dylan Smith (35th), and Matthew Breexe (84th). The Knights sandwitched one in between then in the 77th minute. * In their previous match on Day 23 Green Gully let their hair completely down away from home to beat Geelong 5-1. They won with doubles from Wade Dekker (6th and 28th) and Matthew Breeze (43th and 82nd) Nicholas Krousoratis (92nd). Vidanoski scored for the losers on 38 minutes

A spirited performance but 14th straight loss I O n Saturday on Day 20 of the PS4NPLNSW, Parramatta again played second fiddle, but at least this time they showed some fight and only went down 1-0 away to Hakoah who scored the only goal from a free kick on 74 minutes by Dean Bereveskos. It was enough to hand Parramatta Eagles their 14th straight defeat. Parramatta coach Marshall Soper described the performance of the team that had five 17-year olds out “encouraging”. He said, “We're making steady progress, without question – off the field, we are making good progress. It was a good, solid team performance as well.” The performance was certainly much better than the previous week’s when Parramatta lost 5-0 at the Melita Stadium to goals by Nikas, Slime (2), Shin and Vranic.

DAY 20

Hakoah v Parramatta Blacktown v Rockdale APIA v Manly U Sydney U v Sydney O Bonnyrigg v Wollongong Sutherland v Sydney FC

1-0 1-1 5-0 1-2 1-2 4-3

DAY 19

Parramatta v Sydney U Manly U v Blacktown Sydney O v APIA Rockdale v Bonnyrigg Sydney FC v Hakoah v Wollongong v Sutherland

0-5 2-1 1-2 2-1 1-1 3-0

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