The Voice of the Maltese No. 124

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The Voice of the Maltese (dri ve n by the vo ice of its rea der s )

Issue 124

o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e

March 29, 2016

Easter and the Feast of the Risen Christ

(see page 4)

The feast of the Risen Christ at La Valette Social Centre in Blacktown, NSW (photo Brian Decelis)

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 29, 2016

The Voice talks to the Federal Minister for Social Services

Australia’s old age pension and the Maltese A

s promised our readers, The Voice of the Maltese has further investigated the payment of Old Age pensions overseas and the international social security agreement with Malta. We took the case to the Minister for Social Services and member for Pearce in Western Australia, the Hon Christian Porter MP, as this falls within his portfolio responsibility. In his reply, the Minister pointed out that the proposed change does not affect pensioners paid under the Agreement on Social Security between Australia and Malta. He said that people in Malta who claim an Australian pension under the Agreement are paid a proportional rate from the date they claim or become eligible, whichever is later. People in Australia who are paid under the Agreement will continue to be paid the same rate if they depart Australia temporarily for up to 26 weeks (their pensions are calculated differently in that the pension they receive from Malta is directly deducted from their Australian pension entitlement). Australia currently has social security agreements with 30 countries, including Malta. The change to the rate of pension paid overseas will apply to all pensioners who leave Australia who have unlimited portability and are paid under the portability provisions of the Social Security Act 1991. If the legislation is passed, it will affect all such pensioners whether they are going to Malta or any other country. The Minister continues to say that Australia’s social security system differs markedly from the pension contributory systems that operate overseas. The Australian Age Pension is a payment made from general tax revenue and is based on the concepts of resi-

Hon Christian Porter MP


retirement costs of a person should be fairly distributed between where a person has lived or worked during their working life.

dence and need. Having worked and paid tax in Australia does not automatically entitle a person to receive an Australian Age Pension. Age Pension recipients who travel overseas have indefinite portability of their pension. Under current social security law a person who travels overseas must have 35 years Australian Working Life Residence (AWLR) to retain their basic (means-tested) rate of pension for longer than 26 weeks. AWLR is the number of years a person has lived in Australia between the age of 16 and Age Pension age. From January 1, 2017, subject to the passage of legislation, the period that Age Pension, and a small number of other payments with indefinite portability, can be paid outside Australia at

the basic (means-tested) rate will reduce from 26 weeks to six weeks. After six weeks overseas a pensioner, with less than 35 years AWLR, will have their rate of pension adjusted according to their AWLR. For example, a person with 17 years of AWLR would receive 17/35ths of the pension they would receive if they stayed in Australia. Pensioners who depart Australia before January 1, 2017 will continue to have their pension rate adjusted after 26 weeks based on their AWLR. Subsequent travel to overseas will have the new six-week rule applied. This change only affects the rate a pensioner receives after six weeks overseas. The Age Pension, and a small number of other payments, will continue to be payable overseas indefinitely. The Minister adds that it is reasonable to expect that people who receive an Australian pension, while they are overseas, have spent a large portion of their working life in Australia and contributed to the Australia economy and community. The retirement costs of a person should be fairly distributed between where a person has lived or worked during their working life. This change, according to the Minister for Social Services will reinforce and strengthen the residence based nature of Australia’s social security system. The Government believes it is unreasonable for Australian taxpayers to pay pensions to people outside Australia without regard to their period of residence in Australia, for anything other than short absences. Further information on the 2015-16 Budget measure can be found at the Department of Human Service Internet site:

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The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Those honoured: (from left: Back row): Mary D. Pocock, Mary R Muscat, Jerry J Zarb, Edward Vella; (front): Vittoria Teuma, George Zahra, Jane Vella, Antoinette Mangion, Felicity Gravina, Josephine Bugeja and Liliana Taliana

Eleven seniors honoured at Quiet Achievers Night


he importance of volunteering was paramount in the minds of the organisers when they presented the 16th Annual Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition at the Annunciation Hall at St Dominic’s Age Care Facility in Blacktown NSW. Eleven more persons from across NSW were honoured for their contribution to the general community as volunteers. To receive this much-treasured award, one has to be over 60 years old, not having been honoured before by Government instrumentali-

Assoc. Professor Stephen Gatt

ties and a resident of NSW. While praising governments for their assistance to aged and persons with lifelong disability, Lawrence Dimech, the President of The Maltese Welfare (NSW) said that certain initiatives fall short and may not be culturally specific enough, therefore some duty of care becomes part of our responsibility. He made a strong appeal for more volunteers saying, “We can make a contribution to lessen the suffering of others; making a contribution and making a difference, they should be linked. It is something that everyone can do in their own life”. Assoc. Professor Stephen Gatt, the Chairman of the Board of St Dominic’s spoke highly of the contribution of Maltese Welfare to the Maltese community while remembering that when he migrated to Sydney he was the recipient of valuable assistance that was important in a new land for all this family. On behalf of Maltese Welfare he also presented to each and every person honoured on the night with a framed inscription as a memento. Sister Giorgina Sultana, the superior at St Domenic’s was thanked for her assistance and presented with a bouquet of flowers. Amongst those honoured was Vitto-

ria Teuma a 90-years-old Gozitan who was described as a shining example of perseverance in hardship and resilience, typical of her generation. The others were Josephine Bugeja (Girraween), Felicity Gravina (Kings Langley), Antoinette Mangion (Blacktown), Mary Rose Muscat from Seven Hills, Mary D. Pocock (Kellyville), Liliana Taliana and Edward Vella (Greystanes), Jane Vella (Wentworthville, George Zahra (Glenwood) and Jerry J Zarb (Bateau Bay). Marlene Dimech and Frances Montesin explained to the audience both in English and Maltese why each person was nominated. Nathalie Gatt was the MC reminding all that this annual event is made possible by the assistance received from the Fiducian Financial Service The first part of this celebration was taken up by a very entertaining performance by the Choir of the Maltese Cultural Association under the direction of Marisa Previtera singing popular Maltese and English songs, very much appreciated by all. The Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition has now been established as one of the highlights of the crowded calendar of events organised by the Maltese community in NSW. (Photos by Rita Kassas)

A section of the crowd present at the Quiet Achievers Night of Recognition

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Kabbru l-©wiena˙; insew il-bejta ori©inali F Kummenti ta’ Victor V. Vella BA, MA

id-diskors li l-President tal-Kumitat tal-Maltese Welfare, is-Sur Lawrence Dimech g˙amel fl-okkaΩjoni tas-16-il-preΩentazzjoni tal-Quiet Achievers Award dis- sena (ara rapport fil-pa©na 3), tkellem b'çerta nostal©ija u wkoll dubju dwar il-futur tal-organizzazzjoni. Din l-g˙aqda, b˙al ˙afna li g˙andna fil-komunita` Maltija ta’ NSW, wara 50 sena ta’ ˙ajja g˙addejja min kriΩi. Il-membri xjie˙u u dan ng˙idu bir-rispett kollu; b'danakollu g˙adhom ja˙dmu kif uriet is-serata. L-imma li dejjem turi rasha hi li l-membri qeg˙din jonqsu u li qed isibuha diffiçli biex isibu membri ©odda, preferibbilment izg˙ar. Li Ωgur li nisma’ min jg˙id: “Xejn ©did”, g˙ax nista’ ng˙id li kull g˙aqda Maltija fl-Awstralja tinsab fl-istess ilma bl-istess 'imma' thawwad lilma . Tista’ tfittex ˙alli ssib ra©uni g˙al dan. Na˙seb l laqwa wa˙da hi dik li insej˙ulha 'entropy' ji©ifieri li xi ˙aga tispiçça bil-mod il-mod. Nifhem li dan mhux prospett sabi˙ g˙all-g˙aqda li tkun ilha sejra s-snin, kibret u ssa˙˙et u qdiet dmirha f'˙afna aspetti tal-emigrazzjoni. Din g˙addejjin minnha kif di©a` g˙edt ˙afna mill-organizzazzjonijiet li g˙andna. Mhix ˙a©a kbira li l-˙sieb itir lejn art twelidna u naraw kaΩini u istituzzjonijiet o˙ra li jg˙ixu jew jag˙lqu il-mitt sena u jkomplu. L-organizzazzjonijiet tal-emigranti huma differenti min˙abba l-fatt li huma tal-emigranti. Minflok ma ng˙addu l-bakketta lil ta’ warajna …ta warajna ma nsibuhomx g˙ax telqu…. g˙ax ˙arbu u sabu bejta o˙ra u saru Maltin-Awstraljani fil-veru sens tal-kelma. Iva jista’ jkun li baqg˙alhom, u naf li ˙afna baqg˙alhom sinjali ta’ identita` Maltija. Imma mhix qawwija u entuΩjaΩmata biΩΩejjed li tag˙mel sagrificcju u torganizza u tirsista fil- u g˙all-komunita`. It-tieni u t-tielet ©enerazzjoni kabbru l-©wiena˙ u tant fet˙uhom li nsew ftit jew wisq il-bejta ori©inali. Kont se nghid 'tajjeb u ˙aΩin'. Mill-ewwel daqqa t’g˙ajn, speçjalment fl-g˙ajnejn ta dawk li ˙admu f'dan il-qasam, tal-a˙˙ar, ji©ifieri il- '˙aΩin' jispjega a˙jar dak li ©ara, g˙ax li titlef l-identita` mhix ˙a©a sabi˙a. Min-

na˙a l-o˙ra, min-na˙a tal-individwu, Ωgur li l-o˙ra, jigifieri 'it-tajjeb' jirba˙. Sa çertu pont tista’ tqis dan, b˙ala 'achievement' konkret tal-g˙aqdiet tal-emigranti Maltin. Li l-˙idma tag˙hom matul dan l-a˙˙ar 50/60 sena swiet biex ˙afna mit-tfal tal-emigranti ˙adu posthom f'soçjeta` o˙ra, dik Awstraljana. Jidher çar ukoll li l-g˙aqdiet tal-emigranti qdew il-missjoni tag˙hom. Dan ng˙idu fis- sens li meta beda l-La Valette, jew ilBanda Our Lady Queen of Peace, inkella l-g˙aqda talwelfare, jew il-Maltese Community Council u ˙afna o˙rajn, twaqqfu biex joffru pont bejn il-pajjiΩ l-antik u dak ©did. Bit-twaqqif u bil-˙idma ta’ dawn irnexxielna no˙olqu 'launching pad’ g˙as-soçjeta Awstraljana g˙al ˙afna emigranti, fi zmien meta kien hawn nuqqas tal- g˙ajnuna l-iΩjed soçjali min-na˙a tal-Gvern. Bil-konkluΩjoni li veru li biΩ-Ωmien ˙afna mill-g˙aqdiet li g˙andna g˙ad jispiççaw. U jkolli ng˙id li dik hi l-verita` avolja n˙oss nota ta’ dieqa meta ng˙idha! Din mhux a˙bar tajba g˙ax ˙add ma j˙obb u jixtieq jara xitla li kibret u qieg˙da tati Caption to front page: frott tmut bilmod il-mod. Biss g˙andna nkunu kburin b'dak li rnexxielna nag˙mlu, ji©ifieri li mhux biss ˙loqna l-pont li di©a’ semmejt imma aster Sunday is regarded by the fuq kollox bilCatholic Church all over the ˙idma tal-g˙aqworld as its most important celebradiet tal-Maltin tion. All rejoice to the commemorairnexxielna no˙tion that Christ is Risen – Christ olqu wkoll niçça triumphant over death – that is deg˙all-kultura scribed in the New Testament as Maltija fit-tempju multikulturali having occurred on the third day tal-Awstralja. after his crucifixion. It is also the

The Maltese Welfare (NSW) committee 2016: Back (from left): Lawrence Gatt, Lino Vella, Emanuel Camilleri. Front: Nathalie Gatt, Marlene and Lawrence Dimech, Frances Montesin, Doris Grima and Rita Kassas.

Feast of the Risen Christ (L-irxoxt) E

culmination of the Passion of Christ. In Malta, many towns and villages manifest the day in festive mood as young people carry the statue of the Risen Christ signifying the last act of the Passion of the Christ - Christ triumphant over death. This time all will rejoice to the commemoration that ‘Christ is Risen from the Dead'. The feast – a tradition - is also celebrated in a number of localities and centres in Australia catering for the Maltese community, particularly at the La Valette also a hive of activity throughout the Holy Week, that culminated with the feast of the Risen Christ (il-festa tal-Irxoxt) that on Sunday, once again attracted large crowds including young people and families, with their kids . Tradition also dictates that children carry their Easter pastry (figolla) to be blessed by the statue of the Risen Christ.

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Malta Int International ernational Fireworks Fire works Festival


X Terra T riathlon XTerra Triathlon


28/03-02/04 31/03-03/04 01/04-09/04 02-03/04 03/04 15/04 16/04, 23/04 & 30/04 18/04 22-24/04 24/04 27/04-10/05 01/05 09/05 30/05 03-05/06 07/06 07/06 08/06-11/07 10-12/06 18-19/06

World ISF Badmint World Badminton on Championships for for Schools Annie Mac presents Lost Lost & Found Malta International Int ernational Spring Orchestra Festival Malta K Karate arate Federation Competitions Competitions XTerra XTerra Triathlon Triathlon George Cross Commemoration ommemoration Ge orge C ross C International Fireworks works Festival Malta Int ernational Fire Mechanised Fireworks works Festival Malta Me chanised Fire Weekend Opera+ W eekend Gozo zo Half Marathon Go Malta International International Music Festival &C Competition ompetition Labour Labour Day The Valletta Valletta Green Green Festival Gozo Gozo Ultra Race Race Earth Garden Earth Sette Giugno Sette Xaghra Gozo Gozo Figs Festival, Xaghra of the Victoria Victoria International International 19th edition of Arts Festival Arts Ghanafest Ghanafest – Malta Mediterranean Mediterranean Folk Music Festival Agricultural Agricultural Fair, Fair, Nadur, Nadur, Gozo Gozo

28/06 29/06 10/07-03/08 10/07 -03/08 15-17/07 15-17/07 22-24/07 25/07-05/08 25/07 -05/08 July 06-30/08 15/08 27-29/08 27-29/08 07/09 16-18/09 21/09 27/09 01-02/10 08-09/10 08-09/10 08-09/10 09-11/10 09-16/10 October October October October

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6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Toulouse to Valletta (2): In the second part of this article, ANDY BUSUTTIL continues to point out the relationship between the cities of Toulouse in France and Malta’s capital, Valletta and strongly believes they qualify to be ‘sister cities’. Read on to find out why.

La Valette’s Birthplace deserves A special place I In Our Homeland

n 1530 after eight years of searching for a new home the Knights reluctantly accepted Malta from Charles V of Spain and settled into a new life there. They immediately set about building splendid forts in strategic locations, especially around the magnificent natural harbour. They knew the fortifications would be essential to their own defence since they realised that their continuing attacks on Muslim shipping and the pilgrims sailing to Mecca for the Hajj would attract the ire of the Ottoman rulers. As indeed it did! Skip forward to 1565 and Suleiman the Magnificent, pushed to the point of rage by three events, which proved too much for him. All of these events were engineered and carried out by Mathurin Romegas, the most audacious and noteworthy of the Christian corsairs of the time. In the first event, Romegas attacked and captured a large Turkish carrack that carried great wealth belonging to the Ottoman Emperor’s chief eunuch, Kustir Aga. This apparently caused a great deal of both anguish and uproar in Suleiman’s court. The Ottoman ruler was just not used to this indignity being meted out to his fleets. The second was Romegas’ attack on the ship that carried the old nursemaid of his daughter Mihrimah, a product of his relationship with his favourite wife, the Russian born Roxellane. Mihrimah, it is said, held substantial influence over her father and was herself, extremely wealthy. The third event was the capture by Romegas of the Sanjak of Alexandria. The Sanjak was the military and administrative commander of Alexandria and highly regarded by Suleiman. Among these three significant events was also the

fact that Romegas had, over a period of five years, destroyed something like 50 Turkish galleys and freed thousands of slaves. Enough was indeed enough for Suleiman who, pushed energetically by his daughter, decided to launch an attack on the Knights and consequently the Islands of Malta. By this time the former Grand Master of the Knights, De Lisle Adam who had led the Knights out of Rhodes, had passed the ultimate position in the Knights to La Sengle who in turn passed it on to Jean Parisot de La Valette. It was La Valette who was to oversee the final preparation of the Island fortifications in anticipation of an Ottoman attack. It was also La Valette who was to

lead the defence of the Islands wherein between 40,000 and 60,000 of the best Ottoman troops were to be held off and eventually defeated by somewhere in the vicinity of 260 Knights, 500 regular soldiers and around 4,000 irregular Maltese troops. La Valette was feted for his magnificent planning and strategic capacity and his personal strength and bravery in the defence of the Islands. The capital city of the Islands was named in his honour, the name that still stands to this day, Valetta. Valetta stands on the point just below and now including Mt Scibberas and guards the entrance to the harbour through Fort St Elmo.

*Continued on page 5

The name of Joseph Valette (circled) on the role of honour of the residents of Toulouse showing that he may have been descended from the La Valette family

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday March 29, 2016

sum €1.2m A starting point that has led Record raised for Puttinu to most of modern Malta’s T structure, social geography *from page 4 It is at this point that we need to skip back in time to circa February 1495. It was at this time that La Valette was born in the South West of France, in Quercy, which was within the wider territory governed by the city of Toulouse. This particular fact, while known by historians, for some reason seems to have been somewhat lost on the population of Malta. It is common knowledge that La Valette was the Grand Master at the time of the Great Siege. It is common knowledge that Valletta was named after him. However, little has ever been said about the place of his birth. It is at this time that we fast-forward to September 2015 and a trip that I undertook to parts of Toulouse to see if I could find evidence of La Valette’s birth or some acknowledgment of the fact that his family had come from this area. There are two pictures attached to this story. Both of them were taken at the Eglise de Notre-Dame de la Dalbade in Toulouse. The first (on page 4) shows part of the role of honour of local inhabitants who had given their lives during the First World War. The name ‘Joseph Valette’ is clearly shown. It would be no coincidence that this name would be descended from the La Valette family of the Toulouse district. The second photo (above) is the most exciting as it shows the carved stone scroll commemorating the fact that, in

a line of Grand Masters of the Order who originated from the Toulouse district, Jean de La Valette’s name can be clearly seen. What excited me the most was that this is a part of Malta’s history, a starting point if you will, that led to so much of modern Malta’s structure and social geography. It was the place where the life of a patriarch of such significance to Malta, the Ottoman Empire and indeed the history of the Western World at the time had begun. I firmly believe that Toulouse, as the birthplace of La Valette and as the city that celebrates him as a treasured son, deserves a special place in the life of our homeland. Would it not be a magnificent gesture for the administrators to get together and negotiate sisterhood between these two magnificent and historically rich cities? Nothing would warm my heart more than to see these two cities, both of them resplendent in architecture dating back to the early 16th century and earlier, become related in principle today. La Valette provides the historical bridge for this to occur and one could be forgiven for thinking that a gesture such as this would hold such significance for both cities and for those whose lives were so impacted by this remarkable historical figure. Source: 'Romegas, The Wolf Of The Sea' (2015) by Joseph-Stephen Bonanno B.A. (Hons.) (Melit.) Published online:

he generosity of the Maltese for a good cause came to the fore once again on Friday when a record sum of €1,202,773 was raised in less than four hours in aid Puttinu Cares during the “telethon” on TVM’s Xarabank programme. Another €100,000 were also raised for the same cause during a walk from Mellie˙a to Senglea in the night between Thursday and Friday. This money will help Puttinu Cares achieve its projects of helping those needing medical treat The funds will go towards the cost of the construction of more apartments in England to be used as shelter by relatives of kids and others needing medical treatment in the UK. Puttinu already owns over 30 apartments used in this way.

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8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

Appreciating The Voice of the Maltese

Paul Mercieca from Southern Cross, WA writes:

The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address:

Each time I receive The Voice of the Maltese I don’t rest before I can read it all, or most of it anyway. But I also start wondering what could have been if we had such a publication in print. This is the kind of magazine/newspaper one would have wished for from the outset. Here I wish to thank all those who during the years went out of their way to produce The Maltese Herald and helped us Maltese who were trying to settle in this vast continent after deciding to leave tiny Malta to make a future for ourselves in Australia. Of course, that newspaper had its shortcomings compared to the giants of the trade. How could it compete with the Murdochs and the empires of Australia's major newspaper publishers, News Corp Aus-

tralia, Fairfax Media, APN News and Media, and Seven West Media, to mention just a few. However, The Herald still served its purpose. We were proud that our ethnic group had something that it could call its own. Times change and small might be nice but this is not enough in today’s world. The demise of The Herald was a great blow to most of the Maltese community, although I have been assured that not everybody seemed to appreciate what we had. Perhaps one other fault could have been that for lack of new blood, manpower and finance the publication had become amateurish and the only way was down. The Voice as it is now could have saved us. Therefore all of us must do our utmost to appreciate this modern magazine and the people behind it, and also to make sure that it is here to stay.

Give us the vote!

Tony Zammit from Glenwood NSW writes:

Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:

do not agree with Charles N. Mifsud Ithat(The Voice - March 15) when he said Malta should not give the right to all

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Maltese citizens to vote in the general elections. Are we Maltese citizens or are we second-class citizens? You take away the right of the vote from a citizes and I ask you; what else has he got? The world today is a global village and with the wonders of technology people are instantly informed of what is happening in

While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

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Malta. They should have never given us citizenship if they continue to deprive us of the vote.

Il-vot lill-Maltin ta’ barra jifred

Stan Portelli from Glenroy Victoria jikteb:

eta nistudjaw sewwa d-dritt tal-vot g˙all-Maltin li jg˙ixu barra naslu biex M nikkonkludu li dritt huwa dritt u çittadin g˙andu jkun çittadin ta’ veru, iΩda l-komunita` Maltija lesta biex tibda tid˙ol fis-sa˙na u l-intensita` tal-kampanja politika Maltija? A˙na lesti biex ninqasmu politikament? Dan g˙ax jekk jing˙atalna d-dritt li nivvutaw, malvot ti©i wkoll il-battalja parti©jana. Lil min se tivvota blu jew a˙mar, NP jew LP? Nistaqsi, minn fejn hi ©ejja din it-talba biex ikollna l-vot? Çertament li mhux mill-komunita` g˙ax Ωgur li ˙add ma jrid li jkollna fostna l-konflitti partig©jani li jwasslu g˙al qasma sfrenata fil-komunita` Maltija-Awstraljana, u çert li wkoll fost il-Maltin l-o˙ra li jg˙ixu f’artijiet o˙ra mag˙rufa fejn hemm komunitjiet qawwija Maltija.. G˙alkemm personalment nixtieq li kieku kelli ç-çans li nivvota g˙all-partit li dejjem ˙addant, imma jien aktar ng˙oΩΩ il-˙biberija u s-sliem bejnietna li ˙allejna gΩiritna biex nibnu dak il-©ejjieni li forsi ma stajniex nibnu fi Ωmienijiet mg˙oddija f’Malta. Iva n˙oss li kieku kellna l-vot jifridna jista’.

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Alfred Fenech honoured posthumously by NSW


Mr. Alfred Fenech, the late president of the MCC of NSW

n a special tribute for his work among the Maltese community and his role serving on a multitude of committees including mainstream Australian service providers, Mr. Alfred Fenech OAM, the late president of the Maltese Community Council of NSW, was honoured with inclusion into the prestigious NSW Honour Roll. This posthumous inscription marks the legacy of those people who have made a lasting contribution in NSW that extends beyond their passing. Alfred’s brother, Victor represented the late MCC president. The award was presented at the 5th Premier’s Harmony Dinner held at the Grand Pavilion - Rosehill Gardens

Parramatta NSW that showcased the cultural diversity and unity of the State of NSW. The diversity of costumes worn on the night dazzled the audience of 1300. In his speech the Premier of NSW, Hon. Mike Baird MP, praised the hard work and dedication of ethnic groups and how multiculturalism has made Australia what it is today. He said that 23 per cent of people in NSW speak a language other than English at home, 45 per cent of people in NSW were born overseas or have at least one parent born overseas, and that New South Wales is one of the most culturally and linguistically diverse states in the world. The event had the atmosphere of a carnival, with members of several ethnic communities performing on stage and showcasing their cultural heritage. The Maltese community was well represented by the Maltese Community Council of NSW, the Illawarra Multicultural Communities Council, the Maltese Language School of NSW and Skola Maltija ta’ NSW.

Join us on The Voice of the Maltese facebook page:

Some of the members of the maltese community who attended the cermony. From left: Anthony and Mary Pace Feroud, Theresa and Emanuel Camilleri, Mark Caruana, Victor and Annette Fenech, and George Bartolo

Find us on: thevoiceofthemaltese/

10 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Perspettiva 'Dal-misteru g˙arkupptejna Ejja mela naduraw' Hekk niftakar kont inkanta Qabel 'l-festa nimmarçjaw

A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://ivancauchi.blogs


kitba ta’


Mara g˙andha rwol speçjali Wie˙ed minnhom fost l-o˙rajn Inkubatur g˙al dil-˙ajja Ssostni, tmantni u ©©orr

Dan x'misteru rrid insemmi? L-ewwelnett, qabel it-tnejn Dan kif ©iet fis-se˙˙ id-dinja Meta qabel m'kien hemm xejn?

Wara d-dinja ©iet il-˙ajja Dana Ωgur miraklu kbir Proçess twil, diffiçli ˙afna Jien niskanta meta jsir

Fl-a˙˙ar waslet il-©urnata Meta kellu jsir il-˙las Tbatija kbira, jekk ra©el Ûgur li qatt ma tajt dal-kas

Stejjer g˙andna kemm irridu L-iktar l'naf tal-Ìenesi L-abori©'ni g˙andhom tag˙hom L-E©izzjani u l-Mawri

G˙ad ftit wisq li nistg˙u nifhmu Kif in˙laqna l-bnedmin Qabel dan, fuq biljun sena Kif mix-xejn il-˙ajja bdiet

Ìenituri dlonk fer˙ana Ma jafux mnejn se jibdew Óajjithom sejra tinbidel Rqad imnaqqas se jaraw

U˙ud minna ferm jitmas˙nu Liema wa˙da hi t-tassew Jikkwotaw minn ktieb jew l-ie˙or Skont il-ktieb li jkunu flew

Imma Ωgur nibqg˙u mistag˙©ba Nosservaw il-fatt ise˙˙ 'N˙arsu ta˙t il-mikroskopju Embrijun qieg˙ed ife©©

Responsabbiltà hekk tibda Óalli jikbru sew l-ulied Isibu l-potenzjal tag˙hom Jeg˙lbu l-ilmijiet tal-wied

O˙rajn jg˙idu l'kollha ˙Ωiena Miti, invenzjonijiet Dak li jg˙odd hu li jitkejjel M'hemmx lok g˙al twemminijiet

B'mezz naturali jew mg˙ejjun Bniedem jag˙ti daqqa t'id Biex ˙lejqa t'Alla tin˙oloq Qalb miftu˙a, 'kk Alla jrid

Dal-misteru hekk jitkompla Dawk iΩ-Ωg˙ar isiru kbar G˙aΩliet tag˙hom jibdew jag˙mlu Kull jum, sena, lejl u nhar

Ng˙id g˙alija mistoqsija Trid tag˙milha fejn suppost Ilg˙aliex? tmur lil tal-ewwel Kif? tmur lil tat-tieni post

X'wa˙da din, dan x'qed ji©rilu Jinqasam, g˙al darba tnejn Isir ballun kollu tikek Lest biex jaqbad, hemm g˙alfejn

Fl-a˙˙arnett, imma mhux l-inqas Hemm post g˙al ringrazzjament Lil dak Alla, kbir, potenti L'wie©eb g˙at-turufnament

pettaklu reli©juΩ u avveniment ferm mistenni meta l-istatwi talÌimg˙a l-Kbira jo˙or©u mill-knisja ta’ Horsely Park fi NSW kif S ilhom jag˙mlu mill-1987. Il-Knisja kif inhi illum inbniet fl-1993.

Wara li g˙al kwaΩi 50 sena mmexxija mis-saçerdoti Maltin Missjunarji ta’ San Pawl (MSSP), fl-a˙˙ar snin telquha mill-kura tag˙hom. Ir-ritratti ta’ Patrick Bartolo juru xi statwi kif ukoll il-kor tal-G˙aqda Kultural Maltija ta’ NSW li ˙a sehem waqt il-purcissjoni, okkaΩjoni li g˙aliha jattendu eluf ta’ Maltin o˙rajn ta’ kull nazzjonalita` minn kull na˙a tal-Awstralja. Din, u purçissjoni simili ssir f’Bacckus Marsh f’Melbourne saru attrazzjonijiet mhux biss religjuzi imma wkoll turistici.

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Tuesday March 29, 2016

L-istatwa storika ta’ Sant’Agata fil-Knisja ddedikata lilha fir-Rabat F

ost id-drawwiet Maltin hemm il-qima lejn il-qaddisa Sant’Agata li tag˙ha hemm statwa Ωg˙ira hekk kif wie˙ed jid˙ol fil-knisja Ωg˙ira iΩda gustuΩa ddedikata lill-istess qaddisa fir-Rabat f’Malta. Dil-Knijsa qeg˙da eΩatt fuq ilkripta u l-katakombi li wkoll huma maghrua b˙ala ta’ Sant’Agata. Kif wie˙ed jid˙ol Ωgur li l-attenzjoni tieg˙u tmur lejn l-istatwa storika tal-qaddisa li ng˙atat il- martirju f’Katanja u li skont it-tradizzjoni g˙exet proprju f’dan il-post fir-Rabat. L-istatwa ta’ Sant’Agata g˙olja madwar metru u nofs, hija tal-ir˙am abjad u qeg˙da fuq pedestall maqtug˙ ottagonali fuq l-artal. Il-qaddisa tidher bilqieg˙da fuq si©©u indurat, iΩΩomm salib u palma f’idha l-leminija, u ktieb miftu˙ fuq ix-xellugija. Fuq il-faççata tal-pedestall hemm Ωew© an©li bilwieqfa jΩommu plattin bl-isdra fih u tnalja fuqhom - Sant’ Agata hija l-patruna tal-mard tas-sider. Dawn, naturalment huma simbolu tal-martirju tal-qaddisa. Fit-truf tal-pedestall hemm ukoll erba’ statwi ta’ qaddisin nisa. IΩ-Ωew© an©li jpo©©u l-kuruna tal-martirju fuq ras il-qaddisa jag˙tu dehra aktar impressjonanti lil din l-istatwa. Fil-ktieb tieg˙u Sant’Agata, Fr. Victor Camilleri MSSP jg˙id li m’hemm lebda tag˙rif bil-miktub dwar l-iskultur li ˙adem l-istatwa u lanqas dwar meta saret, jew fejn in˙admet. IΩda lawtur Taljan Nino Urzì, fil-ktieb tieg˙u Viva Sant’Agata - Storia Immagini Esperienze Devozione jg˙id li din l-istatwa hija tal-famuΩ Antonello Gagini li twieled f’Palermo, fi Sqallija, fl-1478 u miet fl-1536. Tajjeb wie˙ed isemmi li fil-Knisja Ta’ ÌieΩu fl-istess lokal hemm ukoll xog˙ol ie˙or ta’ Gagini, statwa talMadonna ΩΩomm il-Bambin. Fil-fatt, meta wie˙ed iqabbel din l-istatwa ma’ dik ta’ Sant’Agata jinteba˙ li jinxtieb˙u ˙afna, ˙lief li l-Madonna hija wieqfa. Ma’ dan il-˙sieb ta’ Urzi jaqbel perfettament Fr. Victor Camilleri, studjuΩ tal-istorja, l-aktar dik marbuta mal-kunvent tieg˙u ta’ Sant’Agata. Tajjeb ukoll wie˙ed isemmi li din listatwa ta’ Sant’Agata hija konnessa ma’ ©rajja storika ta’ Ωmien il-Kavallieri f’Malta, u hawn forsi li l-qarrej aktar jinteressa ru˙u.

Dehra tad-dekorazzjoni mill-isba˙ li ddawwar listatwa ta’ Sant’Agata

mill-Patruni ta’ Malta. Mill-©did nid˙lu fil-knisja ta’ Sant’Agata. Din qeg˙da f’idejn il-patrijiet tas-Soçjetà Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl (li huma wkoll mag˙rufa b˙ala l-Patrijiet ta’ Sant’Agata) li ©ew imwaqqfa minn Monsinjur ÌuΩeppi De Piro. Il-˙arsa tag˙na ma tiqafx biss fuq l-istatwa ta’ Sant’ Agata, imma wkoll ma’ dak li jdawwarha, u hekk naraw dekorazzjoni mill-isba˙ li saret mir-Rabti u dekoratur mill-aqwa Mikiel Fsadni. Ming˙ajr dubju li din iddekorazzjoni tal-hekk mag˙ruf b˙ala apside u l-kolonnar marbuta mal-arma tal-Gran Mastru Cotoner jag˙tu dehra aktar maestuΩa lill-faççata ta’ din il-knisja fuq ©ewwa. Id-dekoratur Fsadni (18691961) wettaq diversi xog˙lijiet ta’ dekorazzjoni, mhux biss f’din il-knisja iΩda wkoll fi knejjes o˙ra, b˙al dawk Ta’ ÌieΩu, San Dumniku, San Mark u dik ta’ San Pawl firRabat, u knejjes u palazzi o˙ra.

PeterPaulCiantar L-istatwa ma˙ru©a fuq is-swar tal-Imdina f’attakk tat-Torok Jing˙ad li fuq xewqa ta’ soru Benedittina tal-Imdina, il-Balliju Adorno, flimkien mal-Kavallieri ta’ San Ìwann, nhar it-Tnejn 20 ta’ Lulju 1551, ˙adu din l-istatwa ta’ Sant’Agata b’purçissjoni solenni g˙al fuq is-swar tal-belt tal-Imdina li kienet qed ti©i attakkata bl-aktar mod a˙rax mit-Torok. Imma minkejja dan, din il-Belt antika baqg˙et ma ntreb˙itx. L-istoriku Bosio, li kien jg˙ix fi Ωmien dil-©rajja mirakoluΩa, isemmi sew din it-taqbida. Naturalment hawn ukoll insemmu li Sant’Agata hija wa˙da

Naturalment, hemm ˙afna x’wie˙ed jikteb dwar l-istorja ta’ din il-knisja u l-istatwa ta’ Sant’Agata, iΩda nsemmi din l-ispeçi ta’ kurΩità. L-inforra tal-libsa ta’ Sant’Agata fl-istatwa tag˙ha tal-ir˙am, illum il-©urnata hija ta’ kulur a˙mar rjali, iΩda Fr. Victor Camilleri jg˙id li x’aktarx li ddekoratur Fsadni kien biddel il-kulur ori©inali (blu) g˙al dak tal-lum. Fil-fatt, Fr. Camilleri jg˙id li jekk wie˙ed jifli sewwa dan il-kulur tallum jara wkoll xi tikek blu ta˙tu. X’aktarx li Mikiel Fsadni biddel il-kulur ori©inali biex il-©did jarmonizza sew mad-dekorazzjoni li hu stess g˙amel mad-dawra tal-istatwa maestuΩa ta’ Sant’Agata.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Roundup of News About Malta

Dr Joseph Muscat (first right) with, (from left): Spanish Premier Mariano Rajoy, Italy’s Matteo Renzi, Germany’s Angela Merkel, Uk Prime Minister David Cameron, French President Francois Hollande, and EU’s high representative Federica Mogherini.

Malta PM in meeting with top 5 Euro leaders


oseph Muscat joined a meeting hosted by David Cameron together with Germany’s Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, Italy’s Matteo Renzi and Spanish Premier Mariano Rajoy. Also in attendance was the EU’s high representative Federica Mogherini. At the meeting, Cameron pressed upon his counterparts to extend their action against people-smugglers in the Mediterranean and to send military ships into Libya’s territorial waters. In a statement, Malta’s PM said he cautioned for the EU to be prepared to keep Libya on the road to governmental stability. On its part Britain wants to help the new Libyan government take action closer to the coast and deter criminals who have kept their activities in inland waters to evade capture, Cameron’s office said. Cameron said Britain was willing to send Royal Navy ships to the Mediterranean and has extended the mission of HMS Enterprise until the summer to show its commitment to blocking off smuggling routes from North Africa to Europe. Earlier, in bilateral talks with Cameron in London, Muscat also discussed the situation in Libya and reiterated the importance to be given to regional stability together with the issue of immigration in the Mediterranean.

The British PM said that the absolute priority was to implement the political agreement for Libya to combat terrorism and begin work on the country's economy. With Britons voting on whether to stay in or exit the European Union in a referendum on June 23, the two leaders also discussed the future of the United Kingdom in the EU. Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, who will take over the EU presidency for the first half of 2017, was reported saying at the Chatham House think-tank in London, that Europe needed a balance between countries that preferred a federal Europe and those that wanted a Europe of nations. For economic and also political reasons, the EU needed the UK and vice versa. He warned the UK that they will not be trusted if they leave the EU AFP further reported Muscat saying that “acrimony and resentment" would follow if Britain voted to leave the European Union. "The UK would need to be treated as a friend, but not as family. Relations would be

polite but not intimate. The UK would be respected but not trusted," Muscat said, adding that "Negotiating an exit arrangement for the UK would be perceived a time-consuming distraction. " “EU leaders would be keen to show to their national audiences which might warm to the idea of leaving the union that such a process” would be very ugly, painful and costly," Muscat said. Because Malta is part of the Commonwealth, a group of states that are mostly exBritish colonies, Maltese citizens resident in Britain are eligible to vote in the referendum. According to data from 2014, there are 27,000 Maltese-born residents in the United Kingdom. Dr Muscat, who is the new Chair-in-Office of the Commonwealth attended the celebration of the Commonwealth at Westminster Abbey, and in the presence of Her Majesty The Queen, Head of the Commonwealth delivered a reading.

Archbishop Mercieca dies aged 87 than a month, Malta has mourned ported in the last issue), on March 21 the Iitus.then lessAfter death of a second Archbishop emer- Church announced the death of Archthe death of Paul Giglio (re- bishop GuΩeppi Mercieca at the age of 87.


Mons Mercieca was born in Rabat, Gozo on November 11, 1928 and was ordained a priest in 1982. He was consecrated as a bishop on September 29, 1974 and following the death of Michael Gonzi, on November 29, 1976 became the third Gozitan priest in a period of 100 years to be appointed Archbishop of Malta. Mons. Mercieca, a soft-spoken kind of person will be remembered for his reform in the administration of the Curia in the 70s, and the meeting in Malta for the first time in 300 years, of the Diocesan Synod. Mons. Mercieca (left inset) visited Australia in 1986 and sat for the photo (arrowed) along with committee members and supporters of Melita Eagles at the Melita Stadium, in South Granville, NSW

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Roundup of News About Malta Celebrating Commonwealth Day 2016

‘Commonwealth thrives because its member countries want it to’


s part of the celebrations marking Commonwealth Day 2016, the Minister for Foreign Affairs, George W. Vella participated in a treeplanting ceremony at the Barrakka Gardens in Valletta where he planted a tree to commemorate Commonwealth Day 2016, which this year was celebrated under the theme, “An Inclusive Commonwealth”, as well as Malta's Chairmanship-in-Office of the Commonwealth 2015-2018. Later he also hosted a Vin d’Honneur at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, which was attended by ambassadors resident in Malta and other distinguished guests. The Malta editor of The Voice of the Maltese also attended. In a speech for the occasion, the Minister said that the day rekindles the satisfaction of the successful Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) that was hosted by Malta last November; a CHOGM that has spearheaded the way towards bringing about a truly revitalised Commonwealth. He said that as Chair-in-Office of the Commonwealth until 2018, Malta is determined to see the Commonwealth continues moving forward on a more assertive and more influential course, ensuring that the organisation is injected with a new lease of life. He said the Commonwealth embraces countries with a long standing democracy, as well as ones with young democracies, all equally recognising the inalienable right of their citizens to participate in democratic processes.

“The link that binds these very different countries together is that all Commonwealth countries accept the Queen as the symbol of their free association and, therefore, as Head of the Commonwealth the formula that was first set out in the London Declaration of 1949; but - as I have realised from my own experience what goes beyond the formality is the strong feeling of kinship that exists between Commonwealth countries and makes them a family of nations,” Minister Vella said. He believes today the Commonwealth continues to thrive because all these different countries want it to, because they have shared values, shared interests and because they find it a useful forum in which all members have an equal voice, and which model is not replicated anywhere else in the world. “We pride ourselves on a Commonwealth that at its core, promotes the values of tolerance, respect, understanding, equity, fairness, and where each member state weighs in at par and has an equal voice. I feel very strongly that the theme of Inclusiveness compliments that of Global Value and will provide ground to build on the latter.” George Vella concluded his speech by saying that while we sometimes have different viewpoints, we are committed to the

Malta world’s 30th happiest he United Nations has classified Malta in 30th place out of 157 countries in its T report on the World’s Happiest Countries. That is seven places better off than last year when it ranked 37th.

The report, the fourth since 2012, is the result of a survey made on the basis of GDP per capita, healthy years of life expectancy, social support (as measured by having someone to count on in times of trouble), trust (as measured by a perceived absence of corruption in government and business), perceived freedom to make life decisions, and generosity (as measured by recent donations). Malta has performed better than France, Italy and Spain, while Denmark has ranked first. The others ranked above Malta are, Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Canada, Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, Israel, Austria, United States, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Germany, Brazil, Belgium, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, Singapore, United Kingdom, Chile, Panama, Argentina, Czech Republic, United Arab Emirates and Uruguay. The report, published in support of the High Level Meeting at the United Nations on happiness and well-being was compiled by independent experts ahead of the UN's World Happiness Day on March 20th. Burundi ranked last.

Lorenzo Vella

same goals. “Together, we draw strength from this mutual support. Commitment to common goals brings collective gain. On Commonwealth Day 2016.”

Maltese couple caught up in the Brussels terrorist attacks; man is injured

orenzo Vella, 30, who works in the L IT section of the Maltese embassy at Dar Malta in the Belgian capital, Brus-

sels is still recovering from a back injury he sustained during the terrorist attack on March 22nd at the Zaventem airport on a day during which three explosions, two at the airport and another at a metro station left 28 people death and over 270 injured. Lorenzo, who was at the check-in with his pregnant wife Cheryl before boarding a flight to the US for a holiday, was only about 10 metres away from the first blast. He was hit by a metal object in his back and suffered 'fractures in the spinal chord'. He managed to get out of the airport terminal with the help of his wife. Describing the attack at the terminal, Lorenzo said that following the first blast he and his wife ducked fearing that shooting could follow. Instead, there was a second explosion and along with many others, and he with the help of his wife they left the building. On the way out they witnessed a lot of people on the ground, many of them seriously injured, a lot of blood and broken glass. Ouside the terminal building military perosonnel helped them board a coach that took them to a military hospital for treatment. Cheryl was held for observation in a maternity ward. Now they are back home.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 29, 2016


ons ÌuΩeppi Mercieca, lArçisqof li mexxa d-djoçesi Maltija g˙al tletin sena ˙alliena fit-22 ta’ Marzu. Hemm ˙afna x’jing˙ad dwar Mons Mercieca, li lArçisqod preΩenti sejja˙lu “The man for All Seasons.” Meta ©ie ma˙tur Isqof AwΩiljarju biex jg˙in lill-Arçisqof Gonzi, kien hemm min ˙aseb li ˙dejn il-predeçessur tieg˙u, Mercieca kien ta’ karattru dg˙ajjef u ftit li xejn assertiv. Dan forsi min˙abba l-mod kif kien jippreΩenta ru˙u, l-umilta’ kbira li kellu, kif ukoll il-fatt li kien jitkellem minn ta˙t l-ilsien. Fuq kollox dan kien tfaçça minn imkien, billi ftit li xejn kien mag˙ruf fid-djoçesi Maltija. Meta mbag˙ad ˙a post l-Arçisqof Gonzi kien hemm min ˙aseb li ftit li xejn kien addatat g˙al dawk iΩ-Ωminijiet. Kienu Ωminijiet meta l-Prim Ministru Dom Mintoff kien fl-aqwa tal-isforzi tieg˙u biex ida˙˙al riformi lajçi f’Malta, li w˙ud minnhom, fosthom iΩ-Ωwie© çivili, kienu meqjusa minn ˙afna b˙ala konfront lillKnisja Maltija. IΩda dawk li kienu ja˙sbu hekk g˙arralhom g˙ax l-Arçisqof Mercieca fejn kien hemm bΩonn Ωamm iebes u wera xi jsarraf. Biss fl-istess waqt, iΩ-Ωmien wera wkoll li Mercieca kien g˙araf u aççetta li Ω-Ωminijiet kienu qed jinbidlu. G˙araf id-differenza bejn Knisja u Stat u minflok il-konfront g˙aΩel iddiskussjoni. KaΩ çar ta’ dan kienet meta r-relazzjonijiet bejn Knisja u Stat kienu niΩlu fi stat tassew baxx dwar il-kwestjoni tal-Iskejjel,

L-Arçisqof Charles Scicluna jbierek il-©isem mejjet tal-Arçisqof Emeritu GuΩeppi Mercieca

“Man for All Seasons” liema kwestjoni setg˙et façilment tie˙u lil Malta lejn iΩ-Ωminijiet tas-sittinijiet. Biss Mons Mercieca g˙araf jo˙ro© blunuri minn din is-sitwazzjoni billi ressaq proposti lill-Prim Ministru Mintoff li wasslu g˙al soluzzjoni finali, b’Mintoff innisfu (skont l-ex-President Ugo Mifsud Bonnici) jistqarr “huwa qassis twajjeb ˙afna, u huwa diffiçli li wie˙ed jo˙odha kontra tieg˙u”. Dan kien ukoll il- bidu ta’ relazzjonijiet

Óolqu paniku -effett ta’ dak li se˙˙ fil-Bel©ju kellu L wkoll l-effett tieg˙u f’Malta, mhux biss g˙ax Malti safa’ midrub f’dan l-inçident, iΩda wkoll g˙ax minkejja l-assikurazzjoni tal-Gvern li s’issa Malta ma kellha l-ebda tehddida ta’ attakki millISIS, xorta l-poplu qieg˙ed b’g˙ajnejh miftu˙a g˙al dak kollu li jista’ jinqala’... Imsomma çertu tensjoni qeg˙da hemm. Dan ˙are© çar minn Ωew© inçidenti li ©raw f’Ma;ta propju l-g˙ada tat-tra©edja ta’ Brussel. L-ewwel inçident se˙˙ fil-belt Valletta, meta xi ˙add g˙amel rapport lill-Pulizija tal-lokal li fi Triq Ûakkarija kien hemm pakkett sospettuΩ. Il-Pulizija mmedjatament g˙alqet din it-triq sakemm il-membri tal-Armatta ççekkjaw il-pakkett u sabu li ma kien hemm ebda periklu. Kull ma kien fih kienu ©ugarelli. L-inçident l-ie˙or se˙˙ ftit tal-˙in wara fil-Park and Ride tal-Marsa meta barrani rikeb il-karozza tal-linja u skont ix-xufier dan qallu li kien qed i©orr bomba.

Ix-xufier immedjatament waqqaf ilkarozza, talab lin-nies kollha biex jinΩlu mill-karozza u jitbieg˙du minnha. Karozzi o˙ra li kienu fil-qrib ukoll twaqqfu u niΩΩlu l-passi©ieri. Sadanitant issejj˙et l-Armata li wara spezzjonijiet infurmat lill-pubbliku li ma kien hemm l-ebda periklu. G˙all-ewwel intqal li dan l-inçident seta’ nqala’ billi x-xufier ma kienx fehem sewwa lill-barrani. IΩda fil-fatt l-g˙ada dan il-barrani - çittadin ta’ 31 sena millMaçedonja bl-isem ta’ Dimitar Mircheski – tressaq il-Qorti u ammetta li kien qala’ dan il-paniku billi qajjem paniku u kiser il-paçi pubblika. Fil-fatt il-proskuzzjoni kienet talbet lillQorti li ttih sentenza ta’ pri©unerija. Huwa g˙amel apolo©ija lill-poplu Malti u lil dawk kollha li ©ew effetwati mill-azzjoni tieg˙u. Huwa kellu j˙alli Malta fi tmiem il-©img˙a li g˙addiet. Il-qorti sabitu ˙ati u wa˙˙litu tliet xhur ˙abs sospiΩi g˙al sentejn.

tajba bejn il-Kap tal-Knisja ta’ Malta u lPrim Ministru Malti. Ir-relazzjonijiet bejniethom tant tjiebu li meta, wara l-mewt ta’ Mintoff, Mons Mercieca ©ie mistoqsi dwar l-eks-Prim Ministru Malti, wie©eb hekk: “Mintoff g˙amel il-parti tieg˙u u jiena g˙amilt il-parti tieg˙i. B˙al kull bniedem, huwa kien jixtieq il-©id, iΩda hemm min jesprimih mod u hemm min jesprimih mod ie˙or. Jiena ppruvajt nag˙mel il-parti tieg˙i b˙ala isqof u hu dejjem g˙amel il-parti tieg˙u... “Dan l-a˙˙ar mort narah. Kont mort nara persuna l-isptar u sirt naf li fl-istess kamra ta’ din il-persuna kien hemm ilPerit Mintoff. Jiena avviçinajt lil min kien mieg˙u u g˙edtilhom li xtaqt narah. Hu qalilhom ‘g˙idulu jid˙ol.’ Óadt pjaçir inkellmu u din ix-xi ˙a©a fil-fatt irrepetiet ru˙ha g˙al tliet darbiet jew erbg˙a. “G˙edtlu l-bambin i˙obbok… beda jid˙ak. Ma kienx seta’ jitkellem ˙afna. Peró dejjem spiççajna b’dan it-ton sabi˙ u kalm. Jiena meta rajtu ˙adt pjaçir narah u hu ˙a pjaçir bija. Dan l-a˙˙ar mort rajtu d-dar tieg˙u stess. Mort ˙dejh fejn is-sodda. Kellna relazzjoni tajba g˙ax kieku ma kienx ida˙˙alni fid-dar tieg˙u.” Dan kliem li juri l-umanita’ kbira li kellu l-Arçisqof Emeritus Mons GuΩeppi Mercieca.

Bdil fil-Óin tas-Sajf

Minn nhar il-Óadd li g˙adda 27 ta’ Marzu, b˙al fl-Ewropa kollha, Malta bdiet tosserva l-Óin tas-Sajf (Summer time) billi fis-2am. garret il-˙in b’sieg˙a ‘l quddiem. Il-˙in tas-Sajf fiΩ-Ωona Ewropeja jintemm fit-3.a.m. tat-30 ta’ Ottubru. Fl-Awstralja l-Óin tas-Sajf jintemm nhar il-Óadd li ©ej fis-2am).

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2

I l - q a g ˙ d a Bidla fis-sistema? politika G

ari li nikkumenta dwar l-istess su©©ett R f’Ωew© ˙ar©iet wara xulxin. G˙al darb’o˙ra mhux se naΩΩarda nikkummenta dwar dak li qed ji©ri fix-xena politika Maltija partikulari g˙ax tant ˙er©in stejjer ta’ kuljum, biex ma ng˙idx ta’ kull ftit ˙in, li sakemm dan l-artiklu ji©i ppublikat, tant jin˙olqu sitwazzjonijiet ©odda, li Ωgur nispiçça biex dak li nkun ktieb, kif jg˙idu l-IngliΩi jkun “out of date” Li hu Ωgur hu, li kulma jmur qed noqorbu biex il-klima politika f’Malta qed issir bil-wisq aktar s˙una milli kienet lejliet l-elezzjoni li g˙addiet. Qed noqorbu lejn stat fejn il-poplu se jibda jiddejjaq jisma’, jara u jaqra dwar il-politika. Ag˙ar minhekk nistg˙u qed noqorbu lejn sitwazzjoni fejn din il-klima tibda tag˙mel ˙sara lill-ekonomija tal-pajjiΩ. Dan di©a` qed jing˙ad minn xi kummentaturi u sa˙ansitra kellna lill-Malta Developers Association (MDA) li fi stqarrija wriet it-t˙assib tag˙ha dwar is-sitwazzjoni politika attwali fissens li b˙alissa Ω-Ωew© partiti ewlenin g˙ollew il-livell tal-konfrontazzjoni bejniethom daqs li kieku l-elezzjoni ©enerali qeg˙da wara l-bieb. L-MDA issotni li sitwazzjoni fejn tin˙oloq inçertezza bla bΩonn tasal biex tnaffar l-investiment ©did f’Malta kemm tal-Maltin stess kif ukoll tal-barranin. G˙alhekk appellat liΩ-Ωew© partiti politiçi ewlenin ta’ Malta biex inaqqsu l-livell ta’ konfrontazzjoni bejniethom – li xi minn daqqiet qed jersaq lejn l-isteriΩmu – u jkomplu jaqdu d-dover tag˙hom ming˙ajr ma jg˙ollu t-temperatura bla bΩonn g˙al wa˙da daqs li kieku waslet elezzjoni, meta din tidher li g˙adha ’l bog˙od. B’hekk ji©u evitati l-effetti negattivi fuq l-andament tal-ekonomija tal-pajjiΩ, kif dejjem ji©ri kull meta tasal kampanja elettorali. Jekk tassew iridu jpo©©u l-©id tal-pajjiΩ qabel l-interess tal-partiti nnfushom, na˙seb li l-partiti jag˙mlu sewwa jekk jag˙tu widen g˙al din is-sej˙a. Fuq kollox il-˙sara li ssir taf tkun dejjiema u g˙alhekk taffettwa lil kwalunkwe partit kemm jekk inhu fil-Gvern issa, u anke jekk ikun fil-futur.

˙alkemm f’Malta uffiçjalment g˙andna tlettt partiti politiçi, g˙al ˙afna snin il-poplu dejjem g˙aΩel sistema ta’ bipartiti – Ωew© partiti. Jista’ jkun li dan ©ara mhux biss min˙abba li lPartit Laburista u dak Nazzjonalista huma Ωew© partiti bi tradizzjoni, iΩda wkoll g˙ax g˙andhom organizzazzjoni b’sa˙˙ita, filwaqt li l-Alternattiva’ Demokratika qatt kellha organizazzjoni daqshekk effikaçi u fuq kollox, il-finanzjament me˙tie© biex partit jimxi ‘l quddiem. Jista’ jkun ukoll li l-poplu jemmen li b’Ωew© partiti ç-çans ta’ Gvern stabbili huwa ikbar. IΩda li qed ji©ri issa jista’ jkun li jwassal biex il-preΩenza tat-tielet partit fil-Parlament Malti jsir realta’. Dan qed jidher mhux biss minn çerta kitba li tidher fil-midja, iΩda wkoll minn attivita` ta’ çerti nies biex jitwaqqaf moviment politiku ©did. Fl-a˙˙ar ˙ar©a di©a` semmejt l-inizjattiva ta’ l-eks membru Laburista Marlene Farrugia. Issa tfaçça wiçç ie˙or ©did fejn tid˙ol il-politika, Salvu Mallia, bniedem mag˙ruf sewwa fuq it-Televizjoni billi fost kollox jippreΩenta diversi dokumentarji dwar lokalitajiet diversi f’Malta u G˙awdex. F’intervista li kellu mal-©urnal ta’ kul nhar ta’ Óadd, l-Illum, Salvu sostna li lmoviment li qed ja˙seb dwaru b˙alissa huwa moviment biex tinbidel is-sistema elettorali. Dan billi g˙ax skont hu: “Inutli li to˙ro© g˙all-politika sewwa b˙ala individwali u anke b˙ala t-tielet partit, g˙ax kif inhi s-sistema elettorali m’g˙andek çans qatt tirba˙ si©©u fil-parlament. Ûied jg˙id: “Hi sistema antidemokratika fejn min hu b’sa˙˙tu jista’ jwassal ilkelma u min hu Ωg˙ir, lanqas ˙in fuq itteleviΩjoni ma jkollu daqs il-kbar. Nassigurak li Ω-Ωg˙ir g˙andu xi jg˙id aktar mill-kbir. L-aktar entità li g˙andha tkun vanta©©jata, hi Ωvanta©©jata g˙ax ilpoplu qed jisma’ biss lil min g˙andu lflus biex iwassal le˙nu. “Nemmen li l-partiti g˙andhom ikollhom capping g˙all-kampanja elettorali, li ma tkunx aktar minn €20,000 biex ila˙˙aq mieg˙u kull çuç li jrid jo˙ro©

Çedoli g˙all-PN Aktar ‘il fuq tajt wie˙ed x’jifhem li l-Alternattiva Demokratika finanzjarment ma tistax tla˙˙aq mal-Partit Laburista u dak Nazzjonalista fl-infieq dwar il-kampanji elettorali. Imma ma jfissirx li l-Partit l-kbar, speçjalment dak Nazzjonalista m’g˙andhomx ilproblemi finanzjarji tag˙hom. Jing˙ad li fi tmiem l-elezzjoni li g˙addiet il-Partit Nazzjonalista kien mg˙obbi b’madwar 5miljun Ewro dejn. Attwalment minn dakinhar ‘l hawn il-Partit Nazzjonalista ˙a diversi miΩuri biex jipprova jaqta’ d-dejn, li fosthom kien hemm it-

Salvu Mallia... issa politiku? g˙all-politika, g˙ax id-demokrazija dik hi, ‘demos krazia’, tmexxija mill-poplu.” U Salvu huwa fiduçjuΩ li, “kif jirnexxili ng˙aqqad erba’ min-nies li ja˙sbuha b˙ali, u no˙olqu dan il-moviment, ninsab çert li se jkollna nofs Malta mag˙na.” Mistoqsi jekk hu jemminx li hemm bΩonn it-tielet partit, wie©eb hekk: “Hemm bΩonn mhux biss tlieta, iΩda erbg˙a u ˙amsa. Beppe Fenech Adami f’laqg˙a mal-istudenti dan l-a˙˙ar qalilhom, li t-tielet partit jo˙loq instabbiltà politika. U jien ng˙idlu li jekk irid stabbiltà politika perfetta, dan isibha biss filpajjΩi dittatorjali. G˙alkemm a˙na g˙andna dittatura politika wkoll, g˙ax g˙andna Ωew© partiti li daqqa jerda’ dak, u daqqa jisraq l-ie˙or. Dik hi dittatura.” U quddiem din l-attivita’ politika, iddiri©enti tal-Alternattiva Demokratika, li s’issa kien meqjusa b˙ala t-tielet partit politiku Malti, qalu li t-twelid ta’ partit ©did ma jfissirx t-tmiem tal-Alternattiva, anzi jista’ jfisser qawmien ©did billi huma lesti li jiffurmaw parti minn dan ilmoviment ©did. Sadanitant sar mag˙ruf ukoll li saret laqg˙a bejn Salvu u Marlene Farrugia fejn iddiskutew it-twaqqif ta’ moviment politiku. Tg˙id g˙ad naraw dan il-moviment jitwieled.... u fuq kollox li, wara elezzjoni o˙ra, naraw deputati tal-Parlament li m’humiex parti mill-Partit Laburista jew dak Nazzjonalista?

tnaqqis ta’ ˙addiema mill-midja Nazzjonalista, kif ukol il-bejg˙ ta’ kaΩini, fosthom dak ta’ San Ìiljan li jing˙ad li minnu l-PN da˙˙al man-nofs miljun Ewro. Biss l-aktar miΩura nnovattiva f’dan ir-rigward, kienet dik li t˙abbret ftit tal-jiem ilu li fiha dan il-Partit joffri çedoli lil dawk li jixtiequ jisilfu flus lill-PN. Kull çedola hija ta’ €10,000 li jitpo©©ew g˙al g˙axar snin bl-img˙ax ta’ 4%, biex b’hekk min jikseb dawn iç-çedoli, jing˙ata flusu lura wara 10 snin u tal-€10,000 li jkun po©©a, jirçievi lura €14,802 Skont il-Partit Nazzjonalista din hija qabΩa’ ta’ kwalita’ fil-mod ta’ kif ji©u ffinanzjati l-partiti politiçi f’Malta. Issa naraw kemm se jkunu dawk li jag˙mlu din il-qabΩa u jakkwistaw dawn iç-çedoli!!!

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 29, 2016

A quick glimpse at Australia

A double-dissolution election possible


he Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull has hailed the passage of electoral voting reforms as "a great day for democracy" - clearing another major obstacle to a possible July 2 federal election. It was a marathon 40hour debate, with one continuous 28-hour sitting. The Coalition, with the support of the Greens and independent senator Nick Xenophon, pushed through the bill against Labor and crossbench opposition shortly after 1.30pm by 36 votes to 23. Shortly after the Senate vote, the bill passed the House of Representatives by 81 votes to 31, with some Labor members, including Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, not present for the final count. The debate was one of the longest considerations of a single bill in the past 26 years. The Senate sat all through the night to approve the laws, which will allow voters to allocate their own preferences above the line on the Senate ballot paper. If they choose to vote below the line they won't

have to number every box. As well, group voting tickets have been abolished, a measure introduced to address the rise of micro-parties and preference whisperers that have seen senators elected with as little as 0.5 per cent of the primary vote. The senate chamber at Parliament House in Canberra Mr. Turnbull being supported by Liberal Democrat said there was nothing more important than David Leyonhelm. They are both facing proper parliamentary representation that re- potential political dead. They also admit flected, "as far as possible the will of the that the challenge had a 50-50 chance of Australian people. For too long, the Senate success. Senator Day said “the Liberal voting system has been disturbed by back- Party, Nationals, Greens and Independent room deals, by preference whisperers, by Nick Xenophon teamed up to get rid of inthe manipulation of dependent senators and minor parties and micro parties - such that is undemocratic”. that the will of the Later on, the PM announced that unless Australian people has the Senate, in the proposed sittings for been frustrated," he three weeks from April 18 approves the told Parliament. Australian Building and Construction Senators Bob Day Commission and the Registered Organisaof Family First will tion Bill there will be a winter double-dislaunch a High Court solution election. In that case the budget challenge. He is will be on May 3.

Aussie banks at the top The facade of Federal Parliament House in Canberra

nalysis by the Reserve Bank of Australia shows that AusA tralia’s major banks have cemented their place as the most profitable in the world after raising interest rates despite large drops in their cost of funding By end of 2015, return on equity (ROE), a major measure of profitability, for the big four banks averaged about 15 per cent, beating Canada’s banks on about 14 per cent and well ahead of US and European banks, which all had ROE below 10 per cent. The Reserve Bank said if the major banks had absorbed the cost of an additional $21 billion in capital they raised to cover the extra capital requirements, their ROE would have been about 1.2 per cent lower, which would have brought them roughly in line with the Canadian banks. The non-major banks' average funding costs were about 1.05 per cent higher than the majors' between 2009 and 2011. They are now about 0.75 per cent higher.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday March 29, 2016

A quick glimpse at Australia

Unemployment falls to 5.8 %


Nailing granny to the floor


report by the Institute of Actuaries of Australia finds that changes to the age pension asset test and relief from stamp duty would help retirees fund a more comfortable retirement by unlocking the roughly $1 trillion of housing wealth owned by over 65s, Australians aged over 65 suffer the second highest relative income poverty rate of the wealthy countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development. Relative income poverty is defined as having an income less than half the national median equivalised household income. The Actuaries' report says. " Our retirees are asset rich but income poor," Accessing part or all of their housing wealth will assist many individuals to meet their retirement needs." Report author and partner at PWC, Catherine Nance, said older Australians were acutely aware of the financial penalty they face by selling the family home. The family home is not included in the age pension asset test, but money released through a reverse mortgage or by downsizing, and moving to cash, does, reducing the amount of pension a person receives. "Typically people want to stay in their homes as long as possible, but they eventually get to the point where they simply can't. We know anecdotally that people are very driven by the age pension when they're making that decision." Ms, Nance said it was not unheard of for children, hoping to maximise their inheritance, to encourage their parents to remain in the family home, even if it no longer suited their needs. “Sometimes the family can be driven more by self interest. Sometimes the children are very reluctant, even if the parent is going into aged care, they're reluctant

for the family home to be sold even if it could mean better quality of aged care,” Ms Nance said. While not the norm, such pressure could in some cases be considered "elder abuse" by children. At the same time, however, many children are also a common source of unpaid labour for their parents, and could expect to inherit some money as recompense. “What you have is an implied cross-generational contract, which says if you look after me I'm going to leave my house to you. That happens a lot and it's a very valuable thing we don't want to impede, otherwise the elderly would have to go out and buy those services.” Ms. Nance said many baby boomers, and their forebears, could boost their standard of living if penalties that apply to selling the family home were removed. “Tax policies for years have encouraged people to save via their home. That's great, but it's a highly illiquid form of savings and there are impediments to people using that asset better.”

n improvement in the jobless rate was recorded in February as it dropped from 6 to 5.8 per cent. This was achieved because a net 27,000 people gave up looking for work and dropped out of the labour force survey. However, most of the improvement was due to fewer people seeking work. The Australian Bureau of Statistics, ABS, survey showed that only 300 new jobs were generated across the nation in February and almost 15,900 new full-time jobs were offset by a fall of 15,600 in part-time jobs, which compared with economists' expectations of a net 13,500 gain. The number of people in work increased by only 6,600 positions since November. This follows a three-month period when the survey showed 125,000 jobs were created - an outcome many financial market economists found difficult to believe. National Australia Bank economist Tapas Strickland said the outlook was also worrying in Western Australia, where there has been no employment growth since June 2014. The state’s unemployment rate of 6.1 per cent is not out of line with the rest of the country, but it is rising while the number of people participating in the workforce is falling. However, Western Australia’s weakness is being offset by a recovery in the larger labour market in Queensland, where the annual rate of jobs growth has increased from 0.1 per cent in July to 2.1 per cent in the year to February. Mr. Strickland said the strength of tourism was offsetting the weakness in mining in the state. He noted Seek was recording strong growth in job advertisements in tourist regions such as Cairns and the Gold and Sunshine coasts.

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Email: Twitter: @mrowlandmp

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Malta’s HC attends Commonwealth Day reception alta’s High Commissioner to Australia, Charles M Muscat on March 15 attended the Commonwealth Day reception hosted by Mrs. Vicki Dunne,

Speaker of the ACT Legislative Assembly and President of the ACT Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. He was also invited to give a short speech in response to the Speaker’s welcome in which he spoke about last November’s Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) held in Malta, and about this year’s theme of “An Inclusive Commonwealth”. The High Commissioner emphasized that “Inclusiveness” is paramount to “Adding Global Value”, last year’s theme, as the latter cannot be achieved without the former. The link is evident and it is through this link that the Commonwealth can pursue its goal of making the Commonwealth relevant to its citizens and globally. The Reception was also well attended by High Commissioners and members of the diplomatic corps, members of Parliament and other distinguished guests.

HC’s spouses meet Iranian counterpart Meanwhile, Mrs. Victoria Muscat, the Maltese HC’s wife (from left), along with other spouses of Ambassadors in Canberra attended a reception for Mrs. Maryam Imanieh Zarif (centre), spouse of Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif. The reception coincided with the two-day visit by the Iranian Foreign Minister in Australia, the first ever by a senior Iranian minister in 13 years. Addressing the gathering, the Iranian talked about the “Situation of Women in Iran and its development”. The Gardening Workshop addressed by Doris Mejlak (standing) close to Marisa Previtera

East meets West for gardening tips E

ight times Grand Champion, and now a Judge of the Holroyd Gardens Awards, Doris Meilak once again held a Gardening Workshop for the Maltese Seniors of Greystanes and Daceyville NSW. She shared her wealth of experience in gardening knowledge with timely advice on all aspects of looking after the garden. The large group listened attentively to every piece of information that Doris shared with them, with such topics from making your own garden sprays, to the importance of under-

standing the natural cycle of the insects in the garden and the role they play in a well cared for garden. Doris shared with the group that looking after the garden helps one to stay active and can be enjoyable and relaxing. Doris also said, “You are doing the garden, not just for you, but for others to enjoy”. The group members asked Doris questions about problems they experience in their own gardens, and were happy to hear how to fix them. An enjoyable morning full of information and advice also gave the op-

portunity for our Eastern Suburbs members to socialise as well as to participate in an educational workshop. This Gardening Workshop was organised by The Maltese Community Council of NSW and is part of its ongoing Day Groups programme for the Maltese Seniors of NSW.

(Anyone wishing to know more about these Maltese Seniors Groups, is advised to contact the Welfare Officer, Marisa Previtera on 0414 863 123).

– MarisaPrevitera

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Deborah Abela launches:

Teresa A New Australian M

arch 24 was an important date for Deborah Abela at The Children's Bookshop, Beecroft. That is where and when she launched her new kids' book about Maltese migration after WW2, titled Teresa: A New Australian, the story of a young girl and her family who, like the author’s dad, survived the war and sailed to Sydney. Inspired by a true story, her own family’s story of survival, Deborah manages to write her first historical fiction novel, one of courage, bravery and a very determined little girl, who was only four when the bombs began to rain on Malta. Over the next three years Teresa’s island home became the most heavily bombed place of WW2. Teresa is a true account of how Deborah’s grandmother, whom she describes as “An amazing woman.’’ gave birth to her father Amante “Monty’’ Abela in 1942. Ms Abela said she was inspired to pen the book because, while Maltese schoolchildren were familiar with their nation’s role in the war, many were not taught what happened to survivors who es-

Debbie in her traditional Maltese dress at the successful launch of her latest book, Teresa

caped the country. “No one knows what happened after the war,’’ she says. It is the latest in a new, exciting series about young kids who leave their homes to make a new life in Australia. With the country destroyed and starvation rife, Teresa’s father decides to leave for Australia, to its promise of peace and a brighter future. He arrived in Australia in 1950 and lived in Leichhardt but eventually followed most of the Maltese community to settle in Sydney’s west. He raised Deborah and her siblings in Greystanes. When it comes to the novel, even though Australia offers so much, everything feels strange and new for Teresa. She desperately misses her family and friends in Malta, especially when she is bullied for simply being different. Like her Nanna, Teresa is determined to make Australia her home. Thanking Deborah for her project, in his comments about the new book, Jackie Hawkes, Teacher/Librarian said, “Teresa gives us a wonderful character who shares her family's journey through the excitement, frustration and joys of becoming Australian.” Deborah has become a seasonedauthor, popular and well liked. She knows what the kids are after and gives it to them. She is also so professional in the way she presents her projects, all seven of her books thus far and gives the impression she is very meticulous to achieve what she is after, the enjoyment of the kids reading her stories. Deborah herself was born in Sydney, but has also lived in London

and has travelled all around the world. After finishing a teaching degree, she went to Africa where she was caught in a desert sandstorm, harassed by monkeys and thrown in jail…twice! She produced and wrote a national kids’ TV show before leaving to write over 20 novels, including Max Remy Superspy and Jasper Zammit (Soccer Legend) and got the kids talking about them. All those before Teresa. We were also quite struck by the desgins of the covers of each of her books. Deborah has won a number of awards for her books including the USBBY Outstanding International Book Awards & KOALA, YABBA CROC, Aurealis & Speech Pathology awards and the Maurice Saxby Award for Services to Children's Literature. She got other awards, too numerous to mention here Reading, writing, bushwalking, cooking, yoga, learning new things, bike-riding, travelling and swimming are the favourite things she likes to do. She has some writing tips for those who have the skill for it. “Practice, Practice, Practice! You can only improve with practice. No violinist or dancer or trapeze artist was ever brilliant at their first attempt. Like any skill you have, you can only improve with practice. No violinist or dancer or trapeze artist was ever brilliant at their first attempt.” She adds: “If you’re excited about what you’re writing about, hopefully that excitement will be infectious and your reader will love what you’re writing too.”

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Tag˙rif dwar il-kitba Maltija


il-˙ar©a tal-lum se nissokaw bir-regoli u tag˙rif uffiçjali dwar kif wie˙ed g˙andu jikteb il-Malti. Dan hu ma˙ru© mill-Kummissjoni fi ˙dan l-Akkademja talMalti. Qed ippubblikaw Ωew© regoli o˙ra. It-TIELET REGOLA

Kull le˙en ta’ konsonanti g˙andu dejjem jitfisser bis-sura tal-istess ittra. G˙alhekk l-ittra ç qatt ma g˙andha tidher flok il-k u lanqas il-k flok ilq u lanqas il-q flok il-k. Ikteb karta u mhux carta; klamar u mhux clamar; kçina u mhux ccina u lanqas chcina; kwienen, kwiekeb u mhux qwienen, qwieqeb; qattus u mhux kattus. Hekk ukoll littra h fil-le˙en tag˙ha f’hena, deher, tidher, fiha, fih, tixbiha, tixbih, qatt ma g˙andha tidher flok l-˙ ta’ ˙ar˙ar, sa˙˙a, xi˙a, sabi˙ u niktbu harhar, sahha, xiha, sabih. Ma g˙andna lanqas ninqdew blittri c u g ming˙ajr punt flok l-ittri ç u © (bil-punt) quddiem il-vokali e u i: ma g˙andniex, ng˙idu a˙na, niktbu: cempel, circ, gellewΩ, giΩi flok çempel, çirç, ©ellewΩ, ©iΩi. Hekk ukoll l-u flok il-w: uie˙ed flok wie˙ed; l-i flok l-j, ii©bor flok ji©bor, iena flok jiena. G˙alkemm dawn la˙˙ar ittri jag˙tu le˙en wie˙ed ma g˙andhom qatt joqog˙du u jidhru bis-sura ta’ ittri vokali ˙lief meta jaqa’ fuqhom l-aççent, kif ji©i mfisser ‘il quddiem. Xi ittri konsonanti fit-tiswira talkelma jbiddlu l-le˙en tag˙hom u g˙alhekk mhux dejjem jidhru biex ifissru le˙en wie˙ed. Ta˙t ir-regola li ©ejja dawn il-konsonanti jibqg˙u bis-sura ta’ g˙erq il-kelma.

(3) Il-konsonanti k (ca, che, chi, co, cu Taljani), f, s, t, x, quddiem ittri konsonanti qawwija j˙axxnu lle˙en tag˙hom u jin˙assu b˙allittri s˙ab-hom g, v, Ω, d, ©, ng˙idu a˙na b˙al gbîr, gbâr, vdal, v’©ie˙, Ωdieri, iΩboq, ©bajt, imnisslin minn kiber, fadal, f’©ie˙, sidrija, sebaq, xaba’ u li g˙alhekk skont din ir-regola g˙andhom jinkitbu kbir, kbar, fdal, f’©ie˙, sdieri, xbajt, isboq. Hekk ukoll niktbu tbatija u mhux dbatija, billi tt hija ittra li tridha l-grammatika biex taqdi t-tiswira tal-kelma b˙al

Fil-˙ar©a li jmiss nittrattaw regoli o˙ra

Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb Il-konjugazzjoni tal-Verbi (Mudelli)

ejn g˙andha x’taqsam il-konF jugazzjoni tal-verbi, Illum se ng˙addu g˙al tliet eΩempji o˙ra fejn g˙andha x’taqsam il-konjugazzjoni tal-verbi. Dawn ukoll huma meqjusa fost dawk

IR-RABA’ REGOLA Kull konsonanti ta’ g˙erq il-kelma, g˙alkemm tbiddel il-le˙en tag˙ha fit-tiswir tal-kelma, g˙andha dejjem tidher s˙i˙a fis-sura tag˙ha ewlenija. (1) Il-konsonanti li jitbiddlu fil- le˙en ta’ xulxin huma: Konsonanti qawwijin: b, v, d, Ω, ©, g, g˙, h. Konsonanti rotob: p, f, t, s, ç, x, k, h. (2) Il-konsonanti b, d, ©, Ω quddiem konsonanti ˙afifa jew meta ja˙btu fl-a˙˙ar tal-kelma jrattbu l-le˙en tag˙-hom li jkun donnu dak tal-ittri s˙abhom: p, t, ç, s: g˙alhekk minn bieba u bit˙a, in˙ossu u jidhrilna li g˙andna niktbu: biep u ptie˙i; minn da˙al, t˙alt; minn ©ifen, Ωebbu©: çifen, Ωebbuç; minn Ωifen, ˙obΩa, qabΩa: sfin, ˙obs, qabes; minn ˙adida, ˙adit; minn kelba, kelp. G˙alhekk mur mar-regola u ikteb: bieb, btie˙i, d˙alt, ©fien, Ωebbu©, Ωfin, ˙obΩ, qabeΩ, ˙adid, kelb.

fil-kelmiet tnissila, trobbija. Hekk ukoll niktbu tgawdija u mhux kif tinstema’ fil-widna dgawdija. (4) Il-konsonanti h u g˙ meta ja˙btu fl-a˙˙ar tal-kelma jrattbu l-le˙en tag˙hom u jinstemg˙u b˙al ˙ u g˙alhekk il-kliem ta’ ©ens mara (femminil) fiha, biha, rawha, ˙dejha, qatluha, jin˙assu fil-maskil b˙allikieku g˙andhom jinkitbu fi˙, bi˙, raw˙, ˙dej˙, qalu˙. Hekk ukoll ji©ri li jinkitbu ˙aΩin kelmiet b˙al dawn: maqtu˙, dmu˙, qlu˙, merfu˙ minflok maqtug˙, dmug˙, qlug˙, merfug˙, li biΩ-Ωieda tal-vokali a jsiru maqtug˙a, demg˙a, qalg˙a, merfug˙a. IS-SILLABA JEW IT-TAQSIMA TAL-KELMA Is-sillab, fil-Malti, tista’ tkun vokali we˙idha jew vokali flimkien ma’ konsonanti wa˙da jew iΩjed. Ara: u, ma’, ta’ min, minn, kelb, ©ild, rajt, xbajt, rbatt, mort, sajd.

qatta’ qattg˙u Jiena Inti Huwa Hija Ahna Intom Huma

nqatta’ tqatta’ jqatta’ tqatta’ nqattg˙u tqattg˙u jqattg˙u

Jiena Inti Huwa Hija Ahna Intom Huma

qattajt qattajt qatta’ qattg˙et qattajna qattajtu qattg˙u

mag˙rufa b˙aa Mnisslin. Se ji©u wkoll ittrattati fl-IMPERATIV u dak INDIKATIV, fl-Imperfett (li juri g˙emil li g˙adu ma twettaqx), u il-Perfett (li juri g˙emil li twettaq).

Verbi Misslin QASSAM GÓALLEM MOD IMPERATIV ˙alli ˙allu MOD INDIKATIV IMPERFETT n˙alli t˙alli j˙alli t˙alli n˙allu t˙allu j˙allu PERFETT ˙allejt ˙allejt ˙alla ˙alliet ˙allejna ˙allejtu ˙allew

g˙atti g˙attu ng˙atti tg˙atti jg˙atti tg˙atti ng˙attu tg˙attuu jg˙attu g˙attejt g˙attejt g˙atta g˙attiet g˙attejna g˙attejtu g˙attwu

(Fil-˙ar©a li jmiss nag˙tu eΩempji ta’ aktar Verbi)

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday March 29, 2016

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Óamrun Association Ltd ABN: 22 080 314 156 Readers can also request a printed Il-Hamrun Association qed torganizza copy of The Voice of The Maltese SERATA OÓRA ta’ GÓANA fil-klabb stess nhar il-Óadd 3 ta’April fl-4.30 p.m.) ( magazine by post Se jie˙du sehem: l-aqwa g˙annejja ta’Sydney

n response to a number of inquiries, Iadvice The Voice of the Maltese wishes to that we can now supply hard

copies in colour of our magazine to our readers at a price. So anybody interested in acquiring copies of the magazine can communicate with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post. As the cost of postage varies from state to state, one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details.

The Cittadini Present...

Iz-Zija ta’ Karlu Sunday April 10 at 2.00 p.m. at Wentworthville Leagues Club

For tickets call: Monica: 9896 0712 or 0414 859 386 Doris: 9636 2295 Joe Borg: 9624 2280 or 0490 053 512 Donations: $12 Kids: $6,00

bl-akkumpanjament ta’ daqqaqa u kittaristi G˙alhekk nappellaw lid-delettanti u l-publiku in©enerali biex ma jitilfux din il-lejla tradizzjonali Maltija. Il-klabb ikun jifta˙ mit-3.30 p.m. Ikun hemm ikel Malti mill-kçina, u xorb. G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lil: George: 0407 434 651 jew Christ: 0431 457 868, inkella l-klabb: 9838 1111.

Horsley Park Community Social Group Invite you to celebrate our


Saturday April 30, from 7.00pm at Mandavilla Event Centre, Horsley Park Proceeds of the evening will go towards our fundraising for the Cancer Council Entertainment to be provided by Joe Apap $65.00pp for three course meal, beer, wine and soft drinks, tea and coffee Bookings Contact: Theresa 0402 178 781 or Josephine 0402 040 954

Santa Marija Assunta Association Inc. ABN 37 392 857 341

Assoc. No. A00105015

P.O. Box 26, St Albans. Victoria 3021 Please address all correspondence to the Secretary


Special Guests: Joe Galea and Ronnie Borg and Tony Fenech


Direct from Malta

848 BALLARAT RD, DEER PARK, Vic. - 6.30 - 11.30pm

November 2016:

Marie Rose Mallia and Renato Brisbane Nov. 5; Melbourne Nov. 11, 12, 13 Sydney Nov. 20 (La Valette Blacktown)

Music entertainment by:



ENQUIRIES CALL: Bill DeGuara: 9366 9956; Frank Mintoff: 9363 5325; Doris Bonello: 9745 9934; Christine Attard: 9364 5049; Joe Attard: 9361 1396; Frank Galea: 9314 4231

The Voice: the most popular by far

he Voice of the Maltese online T magazine is by far the most widely read publication among the Maltese Diaspora, with subscribers from Australia, Canada, the UK England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ieland), Ireland Rep., Belgium, France, Italy, India, the Caribbean island of St Kitts & Nevis. But not only. It is also gaining popularity in Malta and it keeps growing with every issue.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Community News Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Saturdays 6 to 8 a.m. Martese Caruana presents Nostalgia Music; Sundays from 10.00 11.00 am: Il˙na Maltin. Both available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Listen to John Borg & Glenn Cassar every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet - ON DeMAND


Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil11.00 a.m. ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. VIVA MALTA VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on:

L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2

Day Care Maltese Groups meetings in NSW

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast

Have to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandilo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm.

Maltese of Bankstown

Group meet 3rd Wednesday of the month at New BCRG offices 15 Kitchner Parade, Bankstown NSW (opposite RSL Club). Every other 3rd Thursday they have an outing. For enquiries call Sam 9534 2357

L-a˙barijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

kemm bil-Malti u wkoll bl-IngliΩ

G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja huma m˙e©©a wkoll biex x’˙in iridu jid˙lu u jsegwu l-a˙barijiet ta’ Malta, kemm bil-Malti u Il-website tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bl-istejjer u l-©rajjiet li jkunu qed ise˙˙u f’dak il-˙in.

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee

Forthcoming events: SUNDAY July 3: Lejla Fil-Buskett & Car Exhibition. SUNDAY OCTOBER 16: Fiera SUNDAY December 4: The Feast of St Nicholas For further information contact: The President - Joe Fenech – 0412 009 957; or the Public Relations Officer - Emmanuel Vella – 0405 677 064

Kull qalb trid o˙ra iex tipproduçi magazine b˙al dan, li B wara kollox hu frott tal-passjoni li g˙andna biex inwasslu t-tag˙rif lill-

Maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin˙tie©x biss xog˙ol u ˙in, imma wkoll spejjeΩ. Biex jittaffew u˙ud mill-ispejjeΩ nippruvaw insibu sponsors ˙alli jg˙inuna. G˙ad m’g˙andniex biΩΩejjed minnhom, imma bdejna, u ta’ min jag˙tihom ˙ajr. Kull qalb trid o˙ra, g˙alhekk in˙e©©u lill-qarrejja biex i©ibu dan quddiem g˙ajnejhom u kemm jista’ jkun juΩaw is-servizzi u/jew jixtru l-prodotti ta’ dawk li qed jirrek-lamaw/jisponsorjaw fil-magazine.

Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm. Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining, so come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with the assistance of Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday March 29, 2016

Community News Apple Picking Bilpin Springs Orchard

La Valette Social Centre Saturday Activities

175 Walters Road, Blacktown. Tel. 9622 5847

Email: Website:

Masses at the chapel: 4.45pm and 6.15pm 5.00pm: Centre opens for dinner Entertainment by Sam Mifsud or Manuel Grech Ghana: Last Saturday of every month. Bingo starts at 8.00pm Bocci, raffle, member’s lucky door price - dinner for two Membership is on $7 a year We also have other activities which we advertise on the radio and church bulletins

Sunday 17th April Adults: $25.00; Children - $15 Pick up points: 9.00am: Blacktown Workers Club or at 9:15am: Near Greystanes Church

For bookings contact committee members: Lina 9629 4046 or Doris 0419 420 915 Organised by The Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day Committee

The Maltese Community Council of NSW is conducting a computer class at Maltese Resource Centre 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill 2145 NSW every Friday between 10.00 am-12.00 For more information contact Em. Camilleri: 0409 744 376


The Malta Community Chest Fund

MALTESE CHARITY DINNER DANCE Saturday July 23, 2016 6.30 p.m. - 11.30 p.m.

Grand star receptions 499 Grieve Parade, Altona North. vic 3025

Tickets: Adults $65 Children $40 includes 4-coure meal, soft drinks, beer & wine

maltese music - maltese brass band - raffle tickets silent auctions & major grand auction enquiries & tickets: contact daniel 0404 096 560; lourdes 0402 813 179; joe 0420 547 696. email: (donations also welcome) Proudly sponsored by:

Invites You to attend...

The 39th Anniversary of the opening of THE MALTESE CULTURAL CENTRE

On Saturday April 30. Admission from 6.30pm for 7pm start. Dinner is included: Complimentary Glass of Champagne with orange, nuts and crisps, bread roll and butter on tables, Antipesto on Entry. Main course to be advised later, with platers of fresh Fruit for Dessert. From 10.45 pm help yourself coffee/tea and cakes. Beer, wine, soft drinks available from the licensed bar of The Maltese Guild for very cheap prices.

Entertainment by The God Fathers Band Admission: Members $25.00; Non-Members $35; Children $15.00 Book from Joe Briffa: 8254 6988 or 0421 791 327; Mary Craus: 8281 2329 or 0420 699 617; Rita Bornhoeft: 8248 1008 or 0401 860632. Otherwise talk to anyone from the committee.


APR. 30 – SAT.: Mother’s Day/Feast of the Cross Function at Melrose Receptions, Tullamarine MAY 14 – SAT.: Get together St Albans. MAY 15 – SUN.: Half yearly meeting – Parkville. JUN. 18 – SAT.: Get together at Holy Eucharist. AUG. 26, 28 (FRI & SUN): Feast masses at Croatian Church, Ardeer. AUG. 27 – SAT.: Dinner Dance at Melrose, Tullamarine SEPT. 17 – SAT.: Get together St Albans. OCT. 23 - SUN.: General meeting at Parkville. OCT. 29 - SAT.: Get together St Albans at Avondale Heights. NOV. 12, 13 (SAT & SUN): Concerts with Renato & Mary Rose Mallia (Also featuring the Cittadini from Sydney) DEC. 17 – SAT.: Xmas function at Melrose, Tullamarine.

METD OUTINGS - 2016 17th April – Apple Picking – Bilpin $25/pp - $15/child including morning tea 14th August – St Maria Festa – Central Coast $35/pp including 5 morning tea 11th September – Il-Festa tal-Vitorja – City $25/pp 5th October - 23rd Anniversary Luncheon Please support the Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day Committee by attending our fund-raising activities outlined above. For more info, call one of the members: Lina: 9629 4046; Doris: 0419 420 915; Maggie: 9621 3125; Maria:0431 800 720 email: PO Box 93, Kellyville 2155

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 29, 2016


Malta in drab home draw with Moldova


alta's national football team figured in a drab scoreless draw in a friendly international at the Ta’ Qali Stadium on March 24 against Moldova, but coach Pietro Ghedin was quite satisfied with his players’ performance. The respective defences largely dominated the lack lustreless match with play mostly confined to midfield and the drawn result reflected the balanced game encounter. Goalkeeper Henry Bonello in action above (photo by Chrstine Borg), had a good game in his second start for Malta while Andrei Agius was the pick of the defenders with a sound display. He also cleared off the line in a rare Moldova attack.

Eagles disappoint in 5-1 defeat at Manly arramatta Eagles’ impressive start to P the NPL NSW football season did not last that long as they suffered their first

loss on the third day, a disappointing 5-1 defeat at Manly. This followed a disappointing scoreless home draw against DAY 3 APIA in a game of Manly U v Parramatta 5-1 missed scoring op- APIA v Bonnyrigg portunities on the Blacktown S v Hakoah 1-2 0-4 Blacktown C v Sydney O 4-2 second day. Rockdale v Wollongong Against APIA the Sydney U v Sutherland 2-1 4-2 Eagles had the betDAY 2 ter of the exchan- Parramatta v APIA 0-0 ges, hit the post Sutherland v Blacktown C 3-4 Bonnyrigg v Blacktown S 1-2 from Josh Symons’ Sydney U v Wollongong 2-1 effort, and even Sydney Oly v Manly U 1-1 missed a penalty Hakoah SC v Rockdale 0-2

Australia A-League


five minutes from time that was awarded when an APIA defender handled Gosue Sama’s goalwards bound shot; then the keeper denied Marco Sama by saving his shot from the spot. On Friday Parramatta’s woes in front of goal and poor defence were there downfall. They lost so many chances, including a twice-taken penalty by Daniel Rezo, and hit the post on two other occasions. They paid dearly for their misses as Manly took a two-goal interval lead with goals by Parkhouse and Cooper, then added three more on the change-of-ends through Pandurevic, Cooper again and Berti before captain Josh Symons scored the consolation tally at the death.

Brisbane bank on WSW’s loss to regain lead

n odd-goal home win over Sydney FC and Western Sydney Wanderers’ 2-0 defeat in an end-to-end contest at AAMI Park against defending champions Melbourne Victoryhelped Brisbane Roar regain sole command of the League ladder. The points almost assure Kevin Muscat’s team a chance to

play in the A-League finals, as with just two games to go they enjoy a six-point lead and a better difference of six goals over Sydney FC. The other five to play in the final stage (though the order could change), will be, Brisbane Roar, Western Sydney W., Melbourne City, Adelaide United and Perth Glory.

Latest results Day 25 Melbourne V v West. Sydney Brisbane R v Sydney FC Melbourne C. v Wellington P. Adelaide v Central Coast Newcastle J v Perth Glory

2-0 2-1 3-0 4-2 1-2

Day 24 West. Sydney v Adelaide Melbourne C v Brisbane R. Wellington Ph v Perth Glory Melbourne V v Newcastle J Central Coast v Sydney FC

0-0 3-1 1-2 1-1 2-2

Malta’s Premier League Football

Valletta widen gap to six pts


ue to the national team’s international commitments, only one match was played the past fortnight. Valletta won their 10th game on the trot, while their nearest challengers dropped points in drawn ties, so they managed to improve their standing and extend their lead to over defending Hibernaisn to six points. Despite having to fight hard against Mosta Valletta won 2-1, while defending champions Hibernians could only manage a 1-1 draw with Pembroke so their gap with the leaders has widened considerably. Balzan failed to bank on Hibs’ slip. Had they beaten Sliema they would have shared the runner up position, but as it turned out Sliema held them to a 3-3 draw. Birkirkara on the other Standing P Pts hand kept their hopes for Valletta 28 45 a top-four finish thanks Hibernians 28 39 28 37 to a comfortable win Balzan over relega- tion threat- Birkirkara 28 36 Floriana 28 33 ened Naxxar. Tarxien R. RESULTS: Round 28 Valletta v Mosta 2-1 Hibernians v Pembroke 1-1 Balzan v Sliema W. 3-3 Birkirkara v Naxxar l. 4-0 Floriana v Qormi 3-1 Tarxien R. v St Andrews 3-2

Mosta Sliema W Pembroke Naxxar St Andrews Qormi

28 28 28 28 28 28 28

29 19 18 17 7 7 5

Nap hand win for Green Gully; heavy defeat for George Cross

n Victoria, on Day 5 of the PS4 NPL, INorthcote Green Gully had a 5-0 home win over City, but Sunshine George Cross suffered a 4-0 away defeat in the NPL2 West against North Geelong WFC

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