The Voice of the Maltese No. 109

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The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Issue 109

o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e

September 1, 2015

The Mosta Church (and the Dome) in all its glory for Santa Maria

An aerial view of the Mosta Church, the famous Dome and and the facade (below) all dressed up on the occasion of the feast of Santa Maria (August 15)

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Xokk jew xokkijiet?

Tuesday September 1, 2015 Kitba ta’ VictorV.Vella Victor V. Vella M.A, eks g˙alliem (tal-IngliΩ u l-Istorja) fl-iskejjel sekondarji fi NSW, kittieb u xandar. Kien kontributur regulari fuq il-gazzetta The MALTESE HERALD. Kien ukoll segretarju

˙all-ewwel li f’Malta da˙al it-televiΩjoni kien xandir mill-istazzjon Taljan tar-RAI. F’wie˙ed mir-reklami fuqu kien jing˙ad hekk: Ixorbu r-Ramazzotti….(xorb ta’ dak iΩ-Ωmien b˙all-Wincarnis) g˙ax jag˙millek tajjeb … jikkalmak 'contro il logorio della vita moderna'. Dak kien izjed minn sittin sen’ilu. Illum irridu iΩjed mir-Ramazzotti biex jikkalmana dwar il-'©enn' tad-dinja moderna. Sirna ne˙ilsu minn problema u nsibu mew©’o˙ra li tkaxkarna mag˙ha. Bhalissa fl-Awstralja qeg˙din nisi- nies kif ja˙sbuha, l-hekk imsej˙a mg˙u u naqraw - kont se ng˙id opinion polls jew ir-referenda. U dawn, kif rajna x'gara fl-Irlanda di©a` xbajna nisimg˙u u naqraw - u naraw diskussjonijiet dwar iΩ-Ωwie© ftit ilu jistg˙u ji©u mag˙©una skont tal-gays. IΩjed u iΩjed wara dak li kif jaqbel. Allura fl-Irlanda x'gara? Se nifli u nanalizza ftit x'gara wara se˙˙ fl-Irlanda u wkoll id-deçiΩjoni tal-Qorti g˙olja tal-Amerika, in-nar l-kwinti, eΩattament biex inkunu nare©a` qabad sewwa u nisperaw li ma fu x'©ara u nkunu m˙ejjija ….mhux ndumux ma nisimg˙u li l-li©i g˙ad- insiru nafu l-verita` g˙axar snin wara b˙al ma se˙˙ fil-kaΩ taldiet. Naf li l-affari hi aktar komplikata Grecja!! Tajjeb li nag˙ti ˙arsa lejn il-kif u lminn hekk. Imma billi ninsabu fi Ωmien li minn jg˙ajjat l-iΩjed jirba˙, g˙aliex din il-kampanja biex iΩ-Ωwie© ftit li xejn hemm çans li”t-tradiz- tal-gays jew lesbjani ji©i meqjus zjoni” tirba˙. Anzi min iΩomm mat- legalment b˙ala Ωwie©. L-ewwel hemm il-fattur popolari: tradizzjoni aktarx jitlef g˙ax illum irridu nisimg˙u b'ideat ©odda, ideat pereΩempju hawn fl-Awstralja hawn li huma differenti, li mhux bilfors bejn is-60 u t-72 fil-mija li jridu lbidla. Hemm ukoll dak li nsej˙ulu huma l-ideat tal-mo©©oranza. L-aqwa li huma ideat ta’ nies li jafu il-'wedge' politics’, li ddeffes feles jiktbu, u jirragunaw kif jaqblilhom. bejn l-partiti. G˙ax billi ftit hemm Huma ideat li jaqg˙u ta˙t l-umbrella differenzi bejn iΩ-Ωew© partiti li tal-liberta`. (U bejnietna, il-liberta` g˙andna, allura meta jsibu xi kwestkul˙add i˙obbha, g˙ax ˙add ma jrid joni b˙al din, jag˙fsu fuq it-taranti irbit, l-aktar u l-aktar dak l-irbit, il- g˙ax appuntu skoprew differenza, fuq xiex jistg˙u ji©©ieldu u jillatikaw. kontrolli li kellna dari). Allura dawk tat-tradizzjoni ma Hemm ukoll il-fattur kummerçjali li tantx g˙andhom appo©© jew cans li jidher fl-appo©© tal-kumpaniji kumjinstemg˙u, g˙ax l-ideat ©odda, taj- mercjali g˙ax jistg˙u 'jaqilg˙u lira' bin u ˙Ωiena, qeg˙din fil-kamp l- jew ewro ..b˙al ma se˙˙ fl-Irlanda. ie˙or. Hemm ukoll il-fatt li saret moda inÌejt insemmi tajbin u '˙Ωiena… ternazzjonali u billi l-Kummissjonijiet kliem li illum tilfu it-tifsira g˙ax tal-Jeddijiet Umani (Human Rights) tlifna r-riga u r-rigla çomb. Baqa` ma tantx g˙andhom x'jag˙mlu da˙lu biss it-termometru …dak li jkejjel in- fil-kampanja wkoll; naturalment favur g˙ax da˙˙lu 'id-drittijiet talbniedem'. Dan kollu se˙˙ fil-kampanja tarreferendum tal-Irlanda. Kien hemm minn ˙a xokk bir-riΩultat. Min-na˙a l-o˙ra kien hemm ˙afna li stennew dak li ©ara, avolja dak li se˙˙ ma tantx juri xi demokrazija matura. Jekk nag˙tu ˙arsa lejn ir-riΩultat nifthemu iΩjed. Ir-riΩultat kien, skont l-g˙ajta, li fir-referendum li Guaranteed cheapest rates sar, 62 fil-mija tal-popolazzjoni vvuAll vehicles in NRMA tat favur. Dan jidher riΩultat sod u road Service appo©© kwaΩi assolut. Biss meta Low holding Deposit mbag˙ad t˙ares lejn dak li se˙˙ Discount for weekly rentals tassew jid˙ol id-dubju. Is-62 fil-mija mhumiex tal-popolazShuttle service to the Airport zjoni jew dawk li jistg˙u jivvutaw, Phone: 9622 2208 Mob: 0418 405 271 imma hi 62 fil-mija ta dawk li vvu102 Kildare Rd Blacktown NSW 2148 taw. Dawk li vvutaw kienu 60 filmija biss tal-votanti eli©ibbli u allura


L Le eo o ’’ss Ve Ve h h ii c cll e e R Re en n tta a ll ss

ta ‘La Valette Social Centre, flewwel snin ta’ ˙ajtu. Kiteb u ppubblika g˙add ta’ kotba, fosthom GÓERUQ, WERAQ u WARD, tlett kotba biex titg˙allem il-Malti. Óare© ukoll g˙add ta cd’s b˙al, TFULITI FIL-MELLIEÓA u TFULITI MAN-NANNA, impressjonijiet dwar il-˙ajja ta’ wara l-gwerra f’Malta u wkoll 4 cd’s dwar XI JÛOMMNA MILLI NIKBRU u X’JGÓINNA NIKBRU. G˙al dawn l-a˙˙ar erba’ snin Victor qed ukoll jinstema’ imexxi il-programm bil-Malti tal-Maltese Community Council, 2GLF (89.3 FM) f’certi Ódud, … mill-11 sa nofsinhar.

x'˙in tag˙mel is-somom jigi li r-riΩultat kien 36 fil-mija tal-votanti li appo©©jaw il-li©i u mhux 62 fil-mija tal-popolazzjoni. Din il-propaganda u t-ta˙wid fissomom ©rat ukoll fid-deçiΩjoni talQorti Suprema tal-Amerika. L-g˙ajta kienet li 'l-li©i g˙addiet'. Kollox sew: imma ftit li xejn smajna li lQorti Suprema m’g˙andhiex dritt li tag˙mel li©ijiet. Dik hi prerogattiva tas-Senat u tal-Parlament. Barra minhekk l'hekk imsej˙a 'li©i' g˙addiet b'vot wie˙ed, ˙ames im˙allfin ivvutaw favur u erbg˙a kontra. Jigifieri ma tistax tg˙id li lma©©oranza kienet assoluta! Se nag˙laq b'parti mid-diskors li g˙amel l-Im˙allef Suprem tal-Amerika, Chief Justice Roberts. Dan qal: “Dan il-Qorti mhux Parlament. A˙na m’g˙andniex dritt niddeçiedu jekk iΩ-Ωwie© bejn il-gays hix idea tajba jew le. Skont il-kostituzzjoni Amerikana a˙na l-Im˙allfin g˙andna biss id-dirtt li nwettqu l-li©i,mhux li nag˙mluha. “Id-deçiΩjoni li ˙adna mhix legali imma hi att li juri forsi x'na˙sbu u x'nixtiequ. B˙ala riΩultat ta’ dan a˙na ˙assarna l-li©ijiet dwar iΩΩwie© ta’ ˙afna stati u li dan jista` j©ib taqlib s˙i˙ f'istituzzjoni (ji©ifieri taΩ-Ωwie© u tal-familja) soçjali li kienet il-pedament tas-soçjeta` tag˙na g˙al eluf ta’ snin…. kif kienet g˙annies tad-deΩert ta’ Kalahari fl-Afrika kif ukoll tac-Cinizi Han, tal-Karta©eni u tal-Aztecas tal-Amerika t'Isfel. Dawn id-dettalji 'ta wara l-kwinti' ma tantx dehru fil-midja. B˙alma lanqas smajna bil-fatt li l-Parlament tal-Awstrija (mhux tal-Awstralja) ivvota kontra l-li©i taΩ-Ωwie© tal-gays (110 kontra 26). Imma isimg˙u din: smajna ©miela li fil-GΩejjer ta’ Pitcairn b'popolazzjoni ta’ 481 (iva 481) il-li©i g˙addiet… Iva smajna …u kif!! Nota: Il-fehma murija f’dan l-artiklu u f’o˙rajn li jing˙ataw spazju f’dan il-magazine, kif ukoll l-ittri tal-qarrejja mhux neçessarjament jirriflettu jew jaqblu mal-fehmiet tal-Edituri. Huma biss il-fehmiet ta’ min jiktibhom.

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Malta celebrates Jum il-Vitorja (Sept.8) he 8th of September Victory Day, better known in Malta as Il-Vitorja. It is a commemoration of one of Malta's most important historical days. It's a National Day with Malta celebrating the end of the Great Siege in 1565, the end of the French occupation of Malta in 1800 and the fall of the Fascist regime in Italy in 1943. This day represented both the stopping of bombardments by the Italian air force during World War II, and the day when the Italian Navy was brought to Malta to remain moored at St. Paul's Bay until the end of the war. During the morning of Victory Day, there are usually a number of State Ceremonies, including a parade by the Armed Forces of Malta. Then during the afternoon people, particularly coming from the towns surrounding the Grand Harbour, flock to the best spots on the shores of these towns to follow the traditional regatta


in the Grand Harbour. The National Regatta as it is commonly known is an incredibly contested rowing boat race, with the participation of six towns (districts) surrounding the Grand Harbour, they being, the four towns in Cottonera, that is, Bormla, Birgu, Isla and Kalkara, Marsa, and BirΩebbu©a. Sometimes the Marsamxett Regatta Club also takes part. In the evening on the same day, thousands of people normally join the celebrations of the feast of Our Lady as a Child (or Our Lady of Victories/Maria Bambina), that is celebrated in Naxxar, Senglea, Mellie˙a in Malta, and Xag˙ra in Gozo where processions with the statue of Our Lady of Victories/Maria Bambina take place in the decorated streets amidst amazing fireworks.

Help to community from the clubs of Holroyd

The recipients of the grants at the Merrylands Bowling Club NSW Coordinated by Holroyd City Council work together on building a strong comand funded by Holroyd’s four major munity. clubs, Merrylands Bowling Club, MerryThis year’s successful grant applicants lands RSL, Guildford Leagues and were presented with their cheques at a Wenty Leagues, the scheme offers finan- presentation ceremony held at the Merrycial assistance to community groups and lands Bowling Club. is a way for Council and local clubs to The Maltese Community Council of NSW sought and successfully managed to get a grant for the senior group they sponsor at Greystanes, and another for their Centre. In a separate but similar ceremony at the Mounties Club at Mt Prichard the Maltese Fairfield Active Ageing Group was also assisted. Marisa Previtera the MCC Development Officer said, “we work extremely hard to attract funding. It is a very delicate and competitive process but they know we use the money wisely and for the benefit of our community”. Marisa Previtera, Lillian Taliana, Emanuel Camilleri, Freda Micallef, and From left: Marisa Previtera, Lawrence Dimech, Clr Greg Cummings Lawrence and Marlene Dimech collected Mayor of the City of Holroyd, Emanuel Camilleri and Lillian Taliana the grants.


t is a well-known fact that most of the not-for profit organisations would not survive if it weren’t for grants that are available from governments, councils and other entities. Each year, more associations seek assistance from the Clubs for the Holroyd Club Grants scheme.

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4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 1, 2015

A call for the youths of the world:

Jesus is the only way


rom time to time The Voice of the Maltese likes to keep in touch with Fr Robert Galea, the young Maltese Catholic priest, singer and songwriter, affectionately known as Fr Rob, who migrated to Australia from Malta in 2007, who is doing wonderful work with the youths around the world. We last featured Fr. Rob in the December 9, 2014 (issue No. 90) of The Voice in an article titled: Australia’s pastor of pop is Maltese. When we caught up with him again recently he told us, “I have, by the grace of God, ministered to over 200,000 teenagers across Australia, Europe, North America and India. It has been quite an adventure to witness thousands of these thirsty souls reach out and find joy in Jesus. The more I connect with the global Catholic Church the more passionate I become about proclaiming Jesus as the only Way, Truth and Life”. Fr. Robert, 34 on November 14, whose aim in life is not to top the charts but to convince young people they are loved unconditionally, is currently working in Bendingo, in the state of Victoria. He told us, “It's hard to imagine that there was virtually no active youth ministry here in the Sandhurst Diocese five years ago. Today StrongerYouth is one of Australia's largest and fastest growing youth ministries. “Our incredible team continues to work to give these teenagers across Victoria (Sandhurst & Melbourne Dioceses), Perth and Tasmania, an opportunity to know,

love and serve Jesus and His Church”. Fr. Rob likes to say that first and foremost he is “a Christian, then I'm a priest and then I'm a musician.” Only four years after his ordination, he is already being credited with re-energising Fr. Robert Galea also talked about his parish life. “It has been eight months since my arrival here at St Kilian's, Bendigo, in the state of Victoria. I have been so blessed to serve and be surrounded by such a beautiful people. The youth and young adult ministry continue to grow as we prepare to open our first Stronger Youth Centre within the parish grounds”. He has released eight music projects, More of You (April 2004), Closer (UK release, February 2006), What A Day (January 2008), Divine Mercy Chaplet (fea- (turing Gary Pinto and Natasha Pinto] (August 2010) Reach Out (January 2011) and a live concert DVD and live CD entitled, Fr Robert Galea, Reach Out Live (July 2011), Glorify Mass Setting (August 2013), and Something About You (January 2015). He has also written a number of songs for various campaigns and international conferences. After being selected to sing in the international version of the official 2008 World Youth Day song "Receive the Power" along with pop idol Brinzas Sebastian and acclaimed soprano Amelia Farrugia amongst others, Fr. Rob entered the realm of the cast of musicians having performed in some key events before Fr. Rob: “My eyes are Pope Benedict XVI often closed when and an estimated singing as I address 500,000 pilgrims my audience of One” in Sydney. He completed his seminary studies in Melbourne in 2010, and is currently serving as an assistant priest at St Kilian's Church, Ben-dingo in the Dio- cese of Sandhurst, Victoria, Australia. One of his early ventures in NSW was to entertain at the annual Quite Achievers – Night of Recognition held during Seniors’ Week by The Maltese Welfare (NSW) at the Annunciat-

– Fr Robert Galea

Fr. Rob delivering an homily during mass ion Hall in Blacktown NSW in Mar- ch 2010. Fr Robert Galea is also serving as a chaplain to the Catholic College and local LaTrobe University campus. He has a significant evange- gelistic and outreach ministry, speaking and singing at schools, conferences and churches around Australia and the world. He and his team currently minister to over 200,000 young people each year. In 2008 Fr Rob, together with the late Maltese born, Bishop Joe Grech, founded the Stronger Youth Programme - a series of youth retreats, rallies and small groups that are run around the Sandhurst Diocese, and in Perth and South Australia. Explaining why he sings with his eyes shut Fr. Rob says: “I'm naturally shy. My eyes are often closed when singing as I address my audience of One. Whether in front of a few people or tens of thousands, I always sing to the God I love.” Commenting on today’s youths: “This young generation has the power to change the world for Love. My role is to help them believe it!. So blessed to be able to use the language of music to reach to the hearts of people!” Fr. Robert Galea can be reached at 121 Knight Street Shepparton, VIC 3630, or stay in touch with him on social media: @FrRobGalea; and

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Youths invited to participate in CHOGM’s Commonwealth Youth Forum in Malta Young People from around the Commonwealth aged between 18 and 29 are being invited to participate in the Commonwealth Youth Forum (CYF) that is being held in Malta between November 21 and 24 as part of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), and is jointly organised by the Commonwealth Youth Council (CYC), the Youth Affairs Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat and the Government of Malta. The forum, that will be a part of CHOGM - to be hosted by Malta November 27-29 aims to achieve cross-cultural connection and learning between participants and consensus on policies to address the challenges and opportunities facing young people. There are many different ways in which one can participate in the forum that would be offering a unique opportunity for

youths to discuss the future of the Commonwealth and have their say about it. The Forum is one of the four for a held just before CHOGM to help set the agenda

for the actual meeting between the Heads of Government. The themes for discussion are the product of vast consultations carried out with national youth bodies from countries across the Commonwealth. The event brings together youth leaders from across the Commonwealth to exchange ideas and share experiences, build skills and networks, identify the most vital challenges and opportunities facing young people today, and make recommendations to decision-makers at the highest level The CYF programme also includes the election of the CYC Executive, the holding of a General Assembly, cross cultural interchange, a cultural programme and the opportunity for participants to do voluntary community work. Those interested can apply online at: https/ a/youthforum/application until September 30.

Successful Reskeon's Father’s Day Luncheon he Reskeon Seniors Group was T one of the first senior groups to organise a luncheaon for Father’s Day, that in Australia is celebrated in September. Around 130 members attended. After the initial greetings and a toast to the fathers present, the attendees were treated to a five-course meal and entertained by DJ Tony. President, Salvina Vella, delivered a short message and wished all fathers present a good day. She also asked for prayers for the fathers who are no longer living. She was a bit emotional on this occasion having lost her father a few weeks before. The reading of birthdays and wedding anniversaries of those celebrating these events around this time, Antida and Jim Galea who were celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary were presented with a lovely bouquet of flowers. This was followed by the presentation of trophies for the winners of the Men's Bocci competition by Bocci competition organiser, Mr An-

gelo Farrugia. The winning trophy went to Frans Bonavia. Tarcisio Xuereb (who was unable to attend) was first runner-up and Richard Killeen, second runner-up. Another presentation was First Aid Certificates, to Maria Carabott and Doris Schembri who successfully completed their First Aid course. The function wrapped up with the

Reskeon theme song, music by the late Laurie Armato and lyrics by Dr Clemente Zammit. Finally thanks to Mrs Salvina Vella, for working so hard to make this luncheon the success it turned out to be, the management of Firenze Receptions and their waiting staff, and all those who attended. PaulVella

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6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Maltese film ‘Simshar’ to be released for Australian viewing T

he film Simshar, an all-Malta production, that was the first ever submission to the Academy Awards and received very good international reviews, is to come to Australia and will be screened for public viewing in a number of theatres nationwide - in the six states, New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania beginning October 1. Simshar, is a drama film directed by Rebecca Cremona. Based on Malta's worst fishing disaster, it is the true story of the Marsaxlokk fishing family that shocked the island in 2008. An 11-year-old and three other crew members, one of them a Somali, perished following an explosion on board the Simshar. The film was shot in 21 locations around the Maltese islands and showcases a lot of our customs. It is primarily in Maltese and has English subtitles.

(The trailer can be viewed here: It is the first time a Maltese film is being distributed in Australia, because of the very significant Maltese community in this part of the world. The film was selected as the first everMaltese entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 87th Academy Awards, but was not nominated. It received very good international reviews. Its release in Malta was extremely successful and it has already screened in Brussels, Portugal and Africa where it did very well and won several awards. Other screenings will be made in Canada, France, Germany, Macedonia, Cyprus and several other countries - both in prestigious festivals and as theatrical releases.

The release in Australia starts nationwide from the 1st October. Rebecca Cremona (above), director from the Kukumajsa Productions, who is also co-writer with David Grech will be arriving in Melbourne on September 21 for a promotional tour of Q&As, premieres and special screenings in the various states The more successful this release is the more likely it is that other Maltese films could be distributed in Australia.

Survey in WSJ finds Malta third best country for expats survey made by Expat Insider 2015 and released by the A expat social group InterNations that has been published in the Wall Street Journal found that Malta is the third best

rank high. Elaine Mulcahy, a 42-year-old native of Ireland who moved to Malta three years ago from her home in England was country for expatriates. The survey with 14,000 expatriates quoted telling the newspaper: “Malta has beautiful weather, with 170 nationalities was meant to find out who are the hap- loads of historic sites, and a reasonable cost of living.” piest and who were sad. Those in Malta were found to be The lifestyle is laid-back and Mediterranean. For instance, she among the happiest. spent a recent Sunday on a boat, swimming and enjoying the Malta is new to the list this year. It resulted in being the third sun, for about €20. In addition, English is one of the main lanmost popular country for expats. InterNations co-founder guages spoken, and it’s easy to set up businesses on the island Malte Zeeck said, “People just love the work-life balance” in she said. Malta. In addition, health care, safety, overall well being, caA 54-year-old American, Cheryl Morriston who said moved reer options, cost of living, great weather, and its reputation to Malta recently said Malta is “a sweet little paradise.” She as a little-known European Union tax haven also helped it added: “Part of me doesn’t want to tell you how it is for fear of making the island too crowded. There’s a fantastic lifestyle, filled with ease” in Malta. The overall ranking was determined by Readers and their relatives and friends are urged to register to the Malta Toua host of categories, including satisfacrism Authority (MTA) e-Newsletter in order to keep abreast with the positive tion with life in general, leisure options, news emanating from the Maltese Islands, particularly the tourism sector. ease of settling in, cost of education and To register go to: childcare, finding friends, and travel opThe MTA also has its own facebook page: tions.

Getting to know more about what Malta can offer as a tourist destination

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday September 1, 2015

CHARLES MALLIA - the Founder of the Institute for Seamen in Wellington MarkCaruana


et another Maltese ANZAC who joined the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces was Charles Mallia, son of Grazio Mallia and Angela Gatt, born in Senglea on the 8th June 1892. In his Malta passport application dat-ed July 21, 1910, he stated that he resided at 9 Sda Lampuca, (Lampuka Street) Paola and his intended destination was New York. Charles Mallia enlisted with the NZ forces on August 3, 1915 and was discharged three years later, on July 4, 1918. I first heard of Charles Mallia when I visited NZ in 2001 to do some oral history interviews. I later read an article titled “MBE & Papal Cross Medal Holder” in the newsletter of the Maltese Association of Wellington published by its president Anthony Micallef. Anthony wrote that “Charles was first attracted to America then Australia and finally New Zealand where he decided to make his home. The outbreak of the war 1914-18 found him in San Francisco, and on reaching his NZ destination he joined the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces. “Charles was sent to France, where he was badly gassed and bore the effects years afterwards during a long, painful illness.

A copy of one of the documents at the NZ archives about Charles Mallia listing his service with the New Zealand Expedition Force (the 1sr Battalion Wellington Infantry Regt.

Whilst on leave in England he met and married his wife Mary.” Out of four NZ Malta-born ANZACS, Charles Mallia is the only one who set-

I believe it is fitting to include what Charles Mallia’s grandson James wrote when he went to visit the captain who steered the SS Ohio to safety, in what is known in Malta’s contemporary history as the Convoy of Santa Maria. This is what he wrote: Mr. Roger Hill (1910-2001), ex-Lieutenant Commander Royal Navy, passed on to his eternal rest on May 4, 2001 in Arrowtown NZ aged 90. As Captain of the destroyer HMS Ledbury in the Malta Convoy of August 1942, Captain Hill played a major part in the success of getting the tanker OHIO through to Malta. Along with the destroyers HMS Penn and Bramham and the minesweeper Rhe, they nursed the slowly sinking OHIO into the Grand Harbour, where her most precious cargo was quickly discharged. Lt Commander Hill was also responsible for saving the lives of many merchant seamen when the merchant ship SS Waimarama was sunk by a direct hit. Repeatedly, he took his destroyer into the burning sea and rescued 33 seamen. Roger Hill also took part in the PQ 17 Convoys to Russia and the Normandy Invasion of June 6 1944. Among the many decorations, Lt Comm. received the DSC and DSP.

Malta Convoy Captain: A brave New Zealander with a strong Malta connection

James Mallia also had the pleasure of meeting Roger Hill when he made a special trip to Arrowtown in the South Island when on behalf of many fellow Maltese, he thanked him for his part in the Malta Santa Marija Convoy.

tled permanently in New Zealand. The other three (Cremona, Pillow and Camilleri) later moved to Australia. Charles, who went to sea at an early age, is best remembered for being the founder and president of the AMIC Institute for Seamen in Wellington in 1934, a work of the Apostleship of the Sea by the St Vincent de Paul Society. He had met and assisted many Maltese seaman who needed accommodation or a meeting place to socialise and feel at home. In this task, Charles was greatly assisted by Joe Saliba, Joe Borg and Nicholas Sammut. In 1937, Charles Mallia, then president of the committee of the Catholic Seaman’s Institute, was involved in the building of a chapel, and being a cabinet-maker by trade, he built the altar made of highly-polished kauri with a front panel presenting an almost perfect specimen of figuring. The tabernacle door is made of walnut. Anthony Micallef ends his article by saying, “Charles Mallia gave Malta, his country of origin, a wonderful name, and Maltese in NZ are proud of his example.” One of Charles’ granddaughters (that of his youngest son) married the grandson of Dame Whina Cooper who was rewarded for her services to Maoridom with an MBE exactly on the same day in 1953 as Charles.

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

Public Transport fares and Maltese-Australians

The Voice of the Maltese

Victor Borg from Birkirkara Malta, writes:

on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o

wish to comment about the article in the last issue of The Voice of the Maltese (dated August 18) re the situation in Malta when it comes to public transport. I have lived in Australia for almost 17 years, from 1960 to 1977, and then I returned to Malta where I have been living ever since. In the last 25 years I have visited Melbourne on a number of occasions. Each time I stayed there for six months. Though I had obtained a driver’s licence while I was living in Melbourne, every time I have visited the city I did not dare drive because the city has changed so much since I left. So I had to use public transport. This brings me to the issue raised in the magazine’s comments about Malta’s transport system when it comes to cheaper fares for travel by senior citizens. Every time I visited Australia I used public transport a lot. Although I am of senior citizen's age I could not benefit from reduced fares as Australians do, even when visiting the likes of Healsville sanctuary or the aquarium, because I was not in possession of a senior's card there. I have to say that I never obtained the Australian citizenship so did not have dual citizenship. As I have been a committee member of the Maltese Australian Association in Malta for a number of years, I had occasion to meet many Australian government members of parliament, including Victoria's Premier. Every time I brought up the issue about

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese


While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

whether there was a chance for us, who had paid our taxes like any Australian, that while visiting we could enjoy some of the benefits that Australians currently have, I never managed to get an answer. What I mean is, that although I wish for my fellow Maltese citizens in Australia to enjoy all the benefits that Maltese citizenship entails them to when they spend their holidays in Malta, when it comes to public transport they should not complain at not being able to make use of the KartaAnzjan. The situation is the same as in Australia. Editor’s note: All Australian citizens with an Austalian passport are entitled to full rights, including seniors card irrespective of residence.

Ingawdu daqs min jg˙ix f’Malta? Paul Mercieca, minn Fairfield, NSW

a˙seb li l-kummenti dwar it-Trasport Pubbliku f’Malta u l-benefiççji li w˙ud N minna fl-Awstralja nippretendu meta nqattg˙u btala f’Malta (The Voice Nru 108) qajjmu dibattitu. G˙all-inqas min-na˙a tieg˙i u ftit minn s˙abi li niltaqg˙u g˙al log˙ba boççi inkella nixorbu flixkun birra. Bqajt mistag˙©eb kemm hawn min jifli kull vers ta’ The Voice of the Maltese, u li jie˙du ˙afna milli jing˙ad b˙ala van©elu; ttieni g˙araft li tassew hawn min jirra©una. Hawn qbil, u ma jistax ikun li le, li fejn g˙andu x’jaqsam it-Trasport Pubbliku f’Malta, u kull benefiççju ie˙or tal-Maltin, bir-ra©un li kollha nixtiequhom, li juri li minkejja li ilna l-Awstralja g˙exieren ta’ snin, xorta g˙adna n˙ossuna Maltin. Biex ni©i g˙all-punt, donnu qbilna li min qed jistenna li meta jmur Malta jing˙ata b’mod awtomatiku l-hekk imsej˙a KartaAnzjan u jgawdi l-benefiççi kollha li toffri, jkun qed jitlob wisq u ma jkunx ©ust. A˙na fl-Awstralja ngawdu minn ˙afna benefiççi b˙ala anzjani, imma min re©a’ lura jg˙ix f’Malta u ng˙ata l-KartAnzjan, meta jigi jΩurna fl-Awstralja hawn li ma jgawdix il-benefiççi tas-seniors card, fosthom fit-trasport pubbliku. Bir-ra©un li l-KartAnzjan ting˙ata lil dawk li jg˙ixu Malta u qed i˙allsu t-taxxi hemm, allura ©ust li huma li jgawdu, f’dan is-sens mir-ro˙s tat-Trasport Pubbliku f’Malta. M’g˙andnix nistennew li g˙ax immorru btala f’Malta g˙andna ni©u ppreferuti f’kollox. G˙ax nie˙du g˙alina?

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Alienated in the What is residence? Vince Vella from Castle Hill, NSW take note of the ruling of the Eurocountry of his birth writes: pean Court of Human Rights March 2003. In a constitutional case ell, well it comes down to res- that Prof Arnold Cassola of Swieqi Joseph Fenech from Cairns, North Queensland writes: idence all the time! The NP Malta instituted, the presiding judge W read your article in the 108th edition of the magazine did it and now the LP is doing the Iest.relating to public transport in Malta with great inter- same. It is ok when you are in oppo- gave a clear definition of residence, which stated, “Residence does not One feels great disrespect is being done to us exsition, but when you find yourself in government it is so different. But back to residence and what it means. May I remind the governments of Malta whomever they may be to

pats on this matter of fair treatment on public transport whilst in Malta. The current system of fares does nothing to encourage people like myself to promote this attitude to likeminded people in any way. In fact in many ways one feels alienated in his country of birth. As you are well aware the same issue reared its ugly head during previous regimes only to be humbled by European laws to the contrary. One might well ask why is it allowed to happen again? After the last episode a weekly ticket was €6.50. Now they recommend the best value for us "tourists" is the €21.00 weekly pass. If nothing else this is an insult to one’s intelligence. On the issue of the Tallinja Card, they have cut us out as pensioners from applying for the concessionary version by requiring proof of a KartAnzjan. One feels certain that you, as competent persons are well aware of these details but please allow me to vent my frustration to someone who understands and obviously cares. I am currently in the process of registering online for possibly my next best option of the adult version of the Tallinja card which costs €26 for a month with, I might add, some skepticism.

illi nista’ nifhem issa bix-xaraM banks tal-linja l-©odda f’Malta kul˙add se j˙allas l-istess, ji©ifieri

Mhux sewwa!

No consessions

Laura Tonna mill-Óamrun, Malta tikteb: if qed nifhem jien intom li toqog˙du barra minn Malta tridu ti©u f’Malta u tgawdu l-istess drittijiet li g˙andna a˙na, anke li tivvutaw. Ma na˙sibx li dan hu ©ust. Tridu wkoll li jkollkom il-KartAnzjan meta ma t˙allsux taxxi f’Malta. Il-kumpanija Spanjola li qed t˙addem il-karozzi tallinja tirçevi sussidju enormi mill-Gvern, ji©ifieri mittaxxi li qeg˙din in˙allsu a˙na li ng˙ixu f’Malta. Intom li ti©u hawn g˙al ftit m’g˙andkomx tippretendu konçessjonijiet. Óallsu kif i˙allas ˙addie˙or, b˙alna li m’a˙niex anzjani. Hekk hu ©ust u jg˙in lil Malta.


Farrkulna pajjiΩna! Tony Tanti minn Wyong NSW, jikteb:

a˙na l-Maltin b’çittadinanza Maltija li ng˙ixu l-Awstralja, b˙all- Pollaki, lIspanjoli, il-GermaniΩi, it-Taljani u dawk kollha li ji©u Malta g˙al xi erbat ijiem, bast huma membri ta’ pajjiΩi flUnjoni Ewropeja. A˙na li twelidna Malta stmati l-istess b˙alhom. Nixtieq naf x’˙adna biç-çittadinanza doppja fejn jid˙ol pajjiΩna mhux l-UE? Id-dispjaçir tieg˙i dej-

Emanuel Vella, Seven Hills NSW t is encouraging that somebody like ItheThe Voice is always on the side of migrants. Your fight for equal rights for the Maltese elders on the buses in Malta is valid but I do not agree that Australian/Maltese pensioners living in Australia and holidaying in Malta should receive the anzjani (seniors) concessions. I am sure that they will not mind paying the normal fare.

necessarily mean physical presence in a country, but could also be occasional presence”. Please do you only listen to the EU when it suits you? jem kien li passaport Malti f’pajjiΩi jiswa biss daqs dak ta’ Taljan, ÌermaniΩ jew IngliΩ. Hemm soluzzjoni wa˙da. B’passaport Malti f’pajjiΩna f’Malta g˙andu jkollna kull dritt g˙ax a˙na Maltin u fil-maggoranza tag˙na Maltin imwielda Malta. Ma tlaqniex minn Malta g˙ax ridna imma g˙ax fil-˙amsinijiet keççewna ‘l barra, ˙elsu minna g˙ax ma kienx hemm xog˙ol. Allura kif issa ni©u lura jqisuna daqs it-Taljani jew Germanizi li farrkulna pajjizna fl-a˙˙ar gwerra?

Absolute shame

Gejtu Deguara from Gowanbrae, Victoria writes: lot has been said and written about the cut in hours from the Maltese programmes at SBS radio, so I will only pass a short comment. Who is this clever executive at SBS Radio who left the Maltese with just one hour on Friday and one hour on Saturday and then absolutely nothing for the rest of the week? So the Maltese will not have any news for five whole days. Shame, absolute shame! Sorry SBS, we will stick to other community radio stations run by volunteers, like 3ZZZ 9.23 FM and others in Victoria.


10 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday September 1, 2015 A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://www.ivancauchi.

kitba ta’


Terroristi Maltin?


ed nist˙ajjilkom tg˙idu f'qalbkom, hawn biex ©ej? Irrid ng˙id millewwel li m'g˙andi 'l ˙add partikulari f'mo˙˙i li nista' niddiskrivih hekk. Però mhix ˙a©a ta' barra minn hawn li timma©ina sitwazzjoni fejn ikun hemm nies li ji©u deskritti hekk. Óalli nispjega ru˙i. Kont qed nara l-programm 60 Minutes fuq l-istazzjon kummerçjali Channel 9.1 Parti mill-programm kien jirrigwarda çittadin Awstraljan jismu Oliver Bridgeman, Ωag˙Ωug˙ li sentejn ilu sar Musulman u ftit xhur ilu qal lill-familja tieg˙u li kien sejjer l-Indonesja biex jag˙mel xog˙ol umanitarju, u minflok mar is-Sirja. Óafna nies u diversi ©urnali kkonkludew li Oliver Bridgeman... Oliver kien terrorista. Nies o˙ra li jafuh stqarrew jic˙ad kull irbit terrorli dan ma kienx fil-karattru tieg˙u. istiku; jg˙id li qed jag˙Ìurnalist irnexxilu jsibu fis-Sirja u ntervistah. mel fis-Sirja hu biss xoKuntrarju g˙al nies o˙ra li kellhom storja simili, g˙ol umanitarju Oliver ma tkellimx kontra l-Awstralja, ma qalx Jien nistenna li diversi Maltin b'qalbhom g˙adha tbaqbaq, anke kliem ta' theddid, ça˙ad li kellu rbit terroristiçi u stqarr li kull ma jekk emigraw f'pajjiΩi o˙ra, jit˙ajru jmorru lura lejn dik l-art qieg˙ed jag˙mel hu xog˙ol umanitarju man-nies tal-post li ˙elwa, biex jitqabdu g˙all-familji tag˙hom, ˙biebhom u l-pajjiΩ qeg˙din ibatu min˙abba l-gwerra çivili li ilha g˙addejja snin. Jien ma nafx jekk hux sinçier f'dak li qed jg˙id u jag˙mel, li tahom l-identità etnika. Dan it-taqbid aktarx jinvolvi l-vjolenza g˙alkemm ta kull impressjoni li kien. Jien ma nixtieqx nid˙ol u l-uΩu tal-armi, u l-parteçipazzjoni ma' xi forza armata li mhux f'dak il-mertu, imma rrid inqajjem il-punt li jekk dan il-persuna neçessarjament ikun uffiçjali jew formali, anke jekk ti©©ieled fil-fatt huwa sinçier, g˙alfejn g˙andha l-Awstralja tqisu li huwa favur l-awtoritajiet tal-post. X'ji©ri jekk is-sitwazzjoni tant te˙Ωien li l-gvern Awstraljan jidkriminali? Din tal-a˙˙ar tirriΩulta mill-Kodiçi Kriminali tal-Awstralja, li deçiedi li jΩid lil Malta b˙ala post proskritt b˙al ma hu al-Raqqa tg˙id li kull min sempliçement imur f'post li huwa meqjus fis-Sirja? Kif inhi l-li©i Awstraljana llum, jekk xi ˙add b'çittadinanza proskritt (b˙all-provinçja ta' al-Raqqa fis-Sirja2, ikun meqjus li doppja Maltija-Awstraljana jiddeçiedi li jmur Malta biex jiddeg˙amel offiΩa (ara Artiklu 119.2 tal-Kodiçi Kriminali), bil-konfendi lill-Maltin, ikun ukoll qed jikser il-li©i, sakemm ma ssirx segwenzi penali tag˙ha (10 snin pri©unerija). dikjarazzjoni skont l-Artiklu 119.8 li din il-persuna, jew klassi Hemm pieni iktar ˙orox, inkluΩ l-g˙omor il-˙abs, g˙al atti o˙ra. ta' persuni b˙alu, ma jkunux su©©etti g˙all-klawsoli ta' qabel. Il-li©i ssemmi eççezzjonijiet, inkluΩi jekk il-preΩenza tal-persuna U sakemm issir din id-dikjarazzjoni, x'ji©ri? U jekk ma ssir hijiex ta' natura umanitarja, jew li qed isservi lil gvern barrani qatt? In˙allu l-familjari tag˙na jitqattg˙u biççiet? inkluΩi l-forzi armati tieg˙u (imma mhux forzi o˙ra li qed jiddeHemm sitwazzjoni simili fis-Sirja, fejn persuni ta' etniçità Kurda fendu l-gvern), imma min ikun akkuΩat irid jipprova dan. qed imorru hemm mill-Awstralja u pajjiΩi o˙ra, mhux biex Fi kliem ie˙or, jekk l-akkuΩat ma jistax jipprova n-natura le©itjag˙mlu xog˙ol umanitarju, imma biex jiddefendu lil nieshom tima tal-preΩenza tieg˙u f'post proskritt (li fil-©enn ta' matul il- mill-avvanzi ta' SI.4 Il-Kurdi kienu wie˙ed mill-gruppi etniçi fisgwerra ta' min jistenniha li ti©ri), ikun hemm il-preΩunzjoni li Sirja u l-Iraq, li ©ew attakkati bl-a˙rax mit-terroristi ta' SI. S'issa, l-preΩenza tieg˙u ma tkunx le©ittima. l-gvern Awstraljan ma ddikjarax forzi armati Kurdi b˙ala le©ittimi wara xhur u snin ta' din il-gwerra çivili. Il-Maltin fejn jid˙lu? Hija sitwazzjoni tal-biΩa`, u tal-biki, g˙all-Kurdi-Awstraljani li Fl-Awstralja ma tantx jissemma li 330 kilometru biss fin-nofs- jiddeçiedu li jirriskjaw kollox g˙al art twelidhom, li jispiççaw inhar ta' pajjiΩ missirijietna, fil-Libja hemm gruppi ta' nies li jitqiesu terroristi g˙ax g˙andhom il-kura©© u l-qlubija li jiddehuma allejati ta' Stat Islamiku (SI) jew ta' gruppi terroristiçi o˙ra fendu lil nieshom. b˙al Al Qaeda. Dawn qed jag˙mlu minn kollox biex fil-kaos li Tkun sitwazzjoni tal-biΩa`, u tal-biki, jekk alla˙ares qatt ti©ri ln˙oloq wara l-waqg˙a ta' Muammar Gaddafi, jistabbilixxu renju istess sitwazzjoni f'Malta, u Maltin-Awstraljani ji©u fl-istess sitestremist IΩlamiku hemmhekk. wazzjoni. X'iridu li jixirfu ˙arsithom lejn dik il-gΩira çkejkna f'nofs ilHekk Alla g˙inna! Mediterran, u jittantaw iwettqu dak li ma rnexxielhomx jag˙mlu Referenzi dawk minn kalifat ie˙or ta' 500 sena ilu? M'g˙andniex xi ng˙idu, m'iniex qed nistenna xi ˙a©a b˙al din li 1.©ri fis-se˙˙, u b˙alissa l-g˙edewwa prinçipali tal-gruppi terror- ing-in-syria/ retrieved 24/8/2015 istiçi jidher li huma gruppi simili o˙ra 3, imma ejja nwarrbu dan 2.Ωmu g˙all-mument. claredarea-al-RaqqaProvinceSyria.aspx, retrieved 24/8/2015 Imma©ina sitwazzjoni b˙al dik, b'Maltin predominantement In- 3. jsibu ru˙hom wiçç imb'wiçç ma' segwaçi ta' SI li jemmnu li wants-mokhtar-belmokhtar-dead.php, retrieved 24/8/2015 l-uniçi nies li g˙andhom dritt jg˙ixu huma dawk biss li jaqblu 3.˙hom, u li ˙addie˙or tajjeb biss b˙ala skjav jew g˙all-mewt. and-what-may-happen-to-matt-gardiner/6051596, retrieved 24/8/2015

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Two pictures 70 years apart. Filomena and Saver on their wedding day, July 7, 1945 (left) and today, celebrating 70 years of marriage

My Grandparents and their 70 years marriage pride:

Joy of love & my Family! I

n a typical Maltese rural village with rich farmland and vineyards situated in an isolated region, west of Mosta called Mgarr, 70 years ago a love story between my grandparents on my mother’s side nannu Saver Bugeja and nanna Filomena (nee Vella), began. They were married on July 7, 1945. At almost 90 years of age, in July, nannu Saver and nanna Filomena shared a celebration of their milestone of 70 years marriage, a historical event many of us may never really get to see in our lifetime. A large get-together was organised by our aunties, uncles and cousins in M©arr. So grand was this celebration, that to share their historical story, my grandparents where interviewed on Malta’s national television station, TVM Malta for its news bulletin. My visits to Malta always take me there by the love of my family, love of Malta and spending time with my grandparents. This is what makes my holiday memorable. The pride in my heart is indescribable! Over the years, my grandparents tell me that so many things have changed. In nine decades they have seen it all. They can tell it from the reality of what they have lived and what changes have occurred over time. Bin©emma Road M©arr where they live is very bare compared to years ago when there were so many people and everyone knew each other; all the families worked the land just as my grandparents themselves worked very hard in the fields to raise their family of nine children, includ-

ing my mother who is the eldest. Five of their nine children migrated to Australia. Like their predecessors in Malta, they worked the land, in NSW. My parents, Emanuel and Josephine were married on August 28, 1966, and immigrated to Australia in December that year. Initially they lived in Richmond with my dad’s brother, Uncle Joe, working the farm so they could save a deposit to purchase their own farm, in the outskirts of Penrith, NSW, which is still currently in the family. My parents had fifteen children, nine boys and five girls. Fourteen of them are still alive. A sister, mum’s first-born set of twins and her first-born girl in 1969, was only six days old when she died. She passed away in Hospital. Mum had two sets of twins in total. Sadly, our father died in 2007 at age 67. My mum, who celebrated her 69th birthday last August 10 (an avid reader of The Voice which she gets by post), now has 30 grandchildren and on November this year the next generation will begin as my oldest niece, who is 24 is pregnant and due to have the first great grandchild. It will be the first-born in the fourth generation to my nanna and nannu and the great, great, great great grandchild, as my mum is the oldest. that is a pretty exciting milestone! The same day as mum’s birthday this year coincided with my wedding anniversary. On that day two years ago my husband Eddie and I got married in Malta at the same church in M©arr where my parents and grandparents also took their marriage vows.

The Voice is not just a news portal We comment,..... We get your message across... We fight for your rights...... We believe in freedom of expression... and We are read in the right places.

Share it with the readers If you have a story to tell that you believe could make interesting reading and you would like to share it with The Voice of the Maltese readership, get in touch with us by email at:

I pray to God that just like my ancestors, my marriage lasts many years, living the M©arr motto-way of, “I may be small, but I am with big heart”. My grandparent’s marriage is a testament to that! CarolMoreno

(Link to TVM article about my grandparents: Carol Moreno and Eddie on their wedding day two years ago in front of the M©arr Church ...hoping to emulate Filomena and Saver perhaps?

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Roundup of News About Malta

An artistic impression of how the three AUM faculties at Dock No 1 in Cospicua would look like

New plans for AUM to be housed at Zonqor AND also Cospicua


n the past few days, the news that seems to have caught the imagination of most of Malta was that Bormla (Cospicua), is going to host a University after the Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat government announced that part of the campus of the American University of Malta (AUM), a capital investment of €104 by investors from Jordan, would be housed alongside the former No. 1 Dock. The government therefore seems to have found the best solution following protests to his original plans that the AUM was to be built at Zonqor Point, which most of it is regarded as ODZ ((outside development zone) land. In agreement with the investors, the campus would be split in two, a reduced site at Zonqor Point in Marsaskala and the rest in Cospicua. This is being seen as a just and fair solution. The most important thing is, that the AUM would still be housed in the south of Malta Addressing a press conference, Prime Minster Joseph Muscat explained that the building on the Zonqor site will include 13,000 square metres, which is within plan, and a further 18,000 that is ODZ (scaling it down from 90,000) that is, 80% less ODZ site than the original plan. Part of it would be built on land that currently houses the former national waterpolo pitch at Zonqor Point. The site will incorporate three university faculties and student dormitories. The foreshore will remain untouched. A new waterpolo pitch would be built along the

Marsaskala shoreline. Two faculties will be housed in the historic knights' warehouses alongside Dock 1 and the adjacent former British-built buildings, all of which will be restored. Public access to the area around the dock would be retained and additional buildings would be constructed in keeping with the area. Although some environmentalists still object to the site at Zonqor Point, generally, the public has accepted this decision that would generate much needed activity in the Cottonera area. In an immediate reaction, Front Harsien ODZ said that government's new proposal was better than the original proposal, but they still believed that it was unacceptable to use outside-development-zones land. The Prime Minister said the government had only two options; either go ahead with the project, or listen. “Not doing anything and abandoning the project was out of the question,” he said. He went on to say that for the first time ever a Maltese government held a consultation process with the public on where a project should be held. The consultation process An artistic impres- was an onsion of the AUM line solicidevelopment at tation of Zonqor Point ideas for a

The No. 1 Dock area at Cospicua as it is today

new site in the south. It produced over 600 comments that were whittled down to a handful of suitable sites. He said that the project would stimulate new economic opportunities for businesses in south of the island, which he pointed out “for once is benefitting from foreign direct investment.” On a visit to the sites, first to Cospicua and then Marsaskala where the AUM would be built, Joseph Muscat explained the benefits Malta’s economy would enjoy with this project. It would start by injecting €38m per year and increase to a peak of €85 million a year. He assured that the intention behind the development is for a university, and not for residential purposes. He mentioned that the previous administration had earmarked the site at Zonqor Point for a marine hatchery. At Marsaskala the PM also made a plea to the owners of the former Jerma Palace Hotel that is currently a dilapidated site, to regenerate the area that has been abandoned for a number of years. All along, Joseph Muscat has been underlining the importance of the project as Malta continues to diversify its economy and maintain economic growth. Education and health, he said, were strategic areas that the government had earmarked for growth. He said that in just over two years the government had attracted an investment of €500 million in education and health, including €200 million related to Barts in Gozo, the modernisation of St Luke's and the private hospital in Smart City, and this university investment.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Roundup of News About Malta

7-year-old defies the odds, aims to walk on his own


Credit agency Fitch reaffirms positive outlook for Malta


n its latest assessment report about Malta, credit rating agency Fitch affirmed Malta's ‘A’ Rating with a stable outlook, and expressed its view that Malta’s economic growth will continue to outperform its Eurozone peers while at the same time public finances would continue to improve. Gradual improvement of Malta’s public finances, strong economic growth and lower nominal interest expenditure were the key rating drivers. The issue ratings on Malta's senior unsecured foreign and local currency bonds have also been affirmed at 'A'. Fitch has also affirmed the country ceiling at 'AAA' and the shortterm foreign currency IDR at 'F1'. Fitch expects the fiscal deficit to continue in its downward trajectory mainly thanks to growth friendly consolidation. In welcomes the Government’s commitment to ensure fiscal sustainability through the adoption of the Fiscal Responsibility Act, remarking how this ‘will help guarantee confidence in the fiscal targets’. Fitch also acknowledged Malta’s strong economic growth on the back of falling unemployment, lower energy costs and steady credit growth. It expects this economic performance to persist in the coming years underpinned by strong investment, sustained growth in services sectors, and a structural shift in the economy towards higher value-added activities. Fitch also notes that the recent investment by Shanghai Electric Power Company has started to improve Enemalta’s financial position, ‘leading to reduced risk that contingent liabilities will crystallise’. The Rating Agency also remarked the positive institutional development during the last six months, with a single-supervisory framework now in place and the establishment of a resolution fund. Welcoming Fitch’s assessment, Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna, said, “Fitch Ratings’ positive assessment in terms of both the economic and fiscal outlook confirms our confidence in our ability to continue attaining our ambitious budgetary targets. “We are also pleased that the Government efforts to restructure government owned entities and pro-actively seeking to attract investment into new growth sectors are also being acknowledged.”

In the next issue.... Dr Yana Mintoff, eldest daughter of Dom Mintoff, the former Prime Minister and leader of the Malta Labour Party writes exclusively in the next issue of The Voice of the Maltese. Don’t miss it!

seven-year old boy, Liam Cocker, who doctors had said was dead when he was in his mother's womb, is continuing to defy the odds and looking forward to treatment in order that he may walk. The boy’s mother, Rachel told The Times that when she was pregnant with twins and was admitted to give birth by caesarean, she had been told by doctors that one of the babies, Liam, was dead, while the other baby was healthy. “Three days later they heard Liam’s heartbeat and both were born prematurely," Rachel Cocker said. Ethan died three days later, while Liam remained stable, and two weeks on, he started having fits.

Close to 7,000 increase in employment over 12 mths According to the National Office of Statistics (NOS), ETC, administrative records show that in a period of 12 months, from March 2014 to March this year, there has been an increase of almost 6,972 full time jobs while those registering for work decreased by 1,740. It shows that full time employment compared to the same month last year, increased by 4.3%, and that workers’ supply to the labour market increased saw an increase of 3.1%. The same data also shows that over a period of one year, the labour supply (excluding part-timers) increased by 3.1 per cent, reaching 174,030. The figure excludes part-time workers. There was an increase of 6,431 new jobs in the private sector at a time when Malta had 124,000 employees. Fifty-five of the new jobs were self-employed persons. Employment with Government stood at 44,000, mostly in the education and health sectors. The increase of women in jobs was almost double that of the percentage rate of the increase in men’s jobs. Government says there has been an increase of some 12,750 full-time jobs, and the private sector has seen an added 10,200 people in full-time employment since the beginning of the administration.

Then one day, the doctors told her and her husband Duncan, that the baby boy had contracted meningitis, and for the second time the parents were told Liam (pictured above) might die, or be disabled for life. However, after several interventions the infection was brought under control. More operations followed, including one to improve Liam’s eyesight. The parents sold their house so Liam, aged four, could undergo Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy in the UK, which was partly funded by the state. The operation decreased spasticity in the lower limbs in cerebral palsy patients, enabling the young boy to take a few steps. Now Liam is facing specialised therapy aimed at enabling him to walk independently. It will cost €6,000. Puttinu Cares Foundation has offered to help out but is not in a position to cover the full amount.

Increase of €14.4 bn in FDI


nward Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Malta in the last two years increased by €14.4 billion: in 2013 it was €7.4 bilion and 2014 by €7.0 billion. It increased in all economic activities, with the financial and insurance activities being the main investment in manufacturing registered a marked increase of €38 million in 2014 following a notable increase of €101 million in 2013.

Maltese seaman on smuggling charges in Libya


Maltese seaman, Carmelo Grech, 60, a father of two, and owner/captain of a fishing trawler through the family company Gulf Fisheries Ltd, is to be arraigned in a Libyan court in Al Bayda on smuggling charges in Libya. Grech, with “strong links” to Libya, has have already been detained over two weeks. He will also be facing charges of carrying excessive amounts of cash. It is alleged that he was caught with more than €300,000 at

Labrak airport close to the city of Al Bayda. Forces loyal to the internationally recognised government of Tobruk arrested Mr Grech, along with a Jordanian and two Algerians. All four would be charged. Despite warning to locals by the Maltese Government not to travel to Libya, Grech is reported to have been travelling to Libya on a visa issued by the Libyan Embassy in Berlin representing the Tobruk government. His residence is listed as Misurata in Libya.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Ma kienx tlug˙ tax-xemx!

l-Konkatidral ta’ San Ìwann tal-belt, ji©bed lejh ˙afna nies. Iu ˙afna, U˙ud imorru hemm biex jaqdu d-dmirijiet reli©juΩi tag˙hom, l-aktar barranin, iΩuru dan it-tempju li ˙allewlna l-

Kavallieri ta’ San Ìwann biex jammiraw il-©miel tieg˙u. IΩda tliet barranin, tnejn ÌermaniΩi u Svizzeru marru jΩuru lpost g˙all-˙abta tal-4.00 a.m. Ma ˙abblux rashom g˙ax il-knisja kienet mag˙luqa. Li kien jinteressahom hu biss li jaraw ix-xemx tiela’. Mill-pjazza ta’ quddiem il-Konkatidral mhux se tara x-xemx tiela’, imma dawn kienu di©a` ippjanaw x’se jag˙mlu. Fil-jiem ta’ qabel kienu g˙addew mill-in˙awi u raw l-armar (lemin) li b˙alissa qed jintuΩa ˙alli issir il-manutenzjoni ta’ dan it-tempju. Malli waslu fil-pjazza xxabtu mall-armar u lestew ru˙hom biex jistennew ix-xemx titla’. IΩda minflok raw il-pulizija ©ejjin g˙alihom. Ma kienux indunaw li kien hemm allarm monitorat mill-g˙assa tal-Belt Valletta. Sintendi, malli l-pulizija nteb˙u li fuq il-bejt tal-Konkatidral kien hemm xi nies maljar marru jaraw x’©ara.

Finalment it-tliet turisti spiççaw il-Qorti, li b’xorti tajba g˙alihom ma tantx kienet iebsa mag˙hom, g˙ax immultathom biss €50 Euro kull wie˙ed.

Knisja antikwata? N a˙seb li smajtu jew qrajtu l-a˙bar li lArçisqof ta’ Malta, Mons Charles Scicluna, fil-jum tal-Festa ta’ Santa Marija stqarr li hu kien japprova t-talba li saritlu mill-kleru tal-Paroçça tal-Mosta biex din ting˙ata t-titlu ta’ BaΩilika. B˙alissa f’Malta u G˙awdex g˙andna tmien parroççi u Santwarju tal-Madonna (Ta’ Pinu) li i©ibu dan it-titlu: tal-Karmnu u San Duminku tal-Belt, Santa Liena ta’ Birkirkara, il-Bambina (Vittorja) tal-Isla, IlViΩitazzjoni tal-G˙arb, is-Santwarju ta’ Pinu (G˙arb), San Ìor© (ir-Rabat, G˙awdex), San Pietru u San Pawl (in-Nadur), u l-Bambina (Vitorja) Xag˙ra. Ftit jiem wara filwaqt li kien qed jiççelebra l-festa ta’ Santa Marija f’Had-Dingli (ilfesta hawnhekk issir fl-ewwel Óadd wara l15 ta’ Awwissu) l-istess Arçisqof, ˙abbar li dil-paroçça kienet se tittela’ g˙all-grad ta’ parroçça arçipretali, u allura minflok ma tkun immexxija minn kappillan, titmexxa minn arçipriet. Sintendi n-nies ta’ dawn iΩ-Ωew© parroççi

Turisti Maltin

ikwit nitkellmu u niktbu dwar l-g˙add ta’ S turisti li jΩuru l-GΩejjer Maltin u l-flejjes li j˙alluhom warajhom u ninjuraw g˙al kollox il-fatt li kull ma jmur l-ghadd ta’ Maltin li jΩuru pajjiΩi barranin kulma jmur dejjem jiΩdied. Spiçça dak iΩ-Ωmien li s-safar kien ristrett g˙al çertu klassi ta’ nies. Illum tkun fejn tkun tisma’ nies jiddiskutu dwar l-a˙˙ar safra tag˙hom. Dan hu rifless sewwa fl-a˙˙ar figuri dwar is-safar tal-Maltin, tant li hu kkalkulat li bejn April u Ìunju kien hemm Ωieda ta’ 15.3% ta’ Maltin li Ωaru pajjiΩ barrani meta mxebba˙ mal-istess xhur tas-sena l-o˙ra. Propju f’dawn it-tliet xhur ©ie kkalkulat li lMaltin nefqu kwaΩi €90 miljun, fil-btajjel tag˙hom.

Dun Rene` Camilleri

laqg˙u din l-a˙bar b’entuΩjaΩmu kbir. IΩda kien hemm min ˙ares lejn dan it-t˙abbir b’mod totalment differenti. Fost dawn kien hemm Dun Rene` Camilleri, Il-knisja tal-Mosta.. lekçerer mag˙ruf g˙al BaΩilka? fil-fakulta` tatTeolo©ija fl-Universita’ ta’ Malta. D’reazzjoni li ta lill-©urnal eletroniku, Dun Rene`qal li dan huwa sinjal ta’ knisja antikwata. Stqarr çar u tond li b’dawn il-©esti, fi Knisja antikwata li lkoll ˙sibna li mietet, tinsab ˙ajja u tferfer. Ûied li l-Arçisqof qed jing˙o©ob ma’ çerta sezzjoni ta’ nies u tal-kleru. “Imma assolutament mhuwiex dan li ne˙tie©u b˙alissa”. Sostna li l-Knisja di©a` g˙andha problema bit-tradizzjonaliΩmu Ωejjed, kif ukoll ta’ ©enerazzjoni ta’ qassisin Ωg˙aΩag˙ li qed juru sinjali ta’ konservatiΩmu li jbeΩΩa’. “Dawn, jiddispjaçini ng˙id, qed isibu r-ri˙ fil-qala b'din it-tip ta' Knisja antikwata li lkoll konna ˙sibna li mietet. G˙adu kemm kellna numru ta’ qassisin Ωg˙ar ˙afna li saru kanonçi. Dawn huma affarijiet barra minn Ωmienhom g˙alkollox u l-Arçisqof ma jistax jippromwovi dan it-tip ta' Knisja. Ng˙id 'ma

jistax' mhux g˙ax jien g˙andi xi dritt ninda˙allu kif imexxi, imma g˙aliex ir-responsabbiltà tieg˙u lejn il-Knisja u lejn dan il-pajjiΩ Ωgur titlob prijoritajiet o˙ra.” Dun Rene` Camilleri qal li m'g˙andniex g˙alfejn insa˙˙u l-Knisja tal-festi u t-titli, g˙ax dik di©à hija b'sa˙˙itha. “Pjuttost b˙alissa rridu nxammru biex nissettjaw prijoritajiet pastorali li l-Knisja jag˙mluha iktar dik li qed jo˙lom Fran©isku.” Din il-viΩjoni ta’ Knisja li tfittex it-titli u lpompa qed turta bil-kbir lil ˙afna qassisin u tbieg˙ed nies li di©à huma mbeg˙din mill-Knisja. Biex isa˙˙a˙ il-punt tieg˙u, sa˙ansitra rrefera g˙all-kitbiet tieg˙u ta’ meta kienet qamet il-polemika dwar it-tmexxija tal-eksArçisqof, Mons Pawlu Cremona. “Ma nifla˙x iΩjed nara Knisja li fiha qisni kkundannat biex inkun dejjem fl-oppoΩizzjoni. Dan mhux qed ng˙idu g˙alija biss. Meta sen’ilu saret ilkritika li saret g˙an-nuqqas ta’ tmexxija li kellna fil-Knisja, Ωgur li ˙lomna u xtaqna xi ˙a©a differenti. G˙adni qed nistenna biex niddeçiedi morniex g˙all-a˙jar, g˙ax s'issa m’hemm l-ebda sinjal,” temm jg˙id lekkleΩjastiku. Na˙seb li hawn ˙afna li jaqblu ma dak li esprima Dun Rene`. Forsi xi ˙a©a li ma semmiex hija li stqarrijiet b˙al dawn jistg˙u jo˙olqu piki Ωejda bejn il-parroççi u fost l-istess kleru. Fil-fatt malli l-Arçisqof ˙abbar l-approvazzjoni tieg˙u g˙at-talba tal-BaΩilka tal-Mosta (sintendi din biex issir irid ikun hemm l-approvazzjoni tal-Vatikan), kien hemm min di©a` qal, “min jaf x’se jg˙idu n-nies tanNaxxar”. *G˙al pa©na 15

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2

Knisja antikwata?

Wa˙da mill-festi ta’ dan l-a˙˙ar, Santa Liena ta’ Birkirkara

*minn pa©na 14 Veru li s’issa ma kellna, tal-inqas fid-deher, l-ebda protesta minn xi belt jew ra˙al, iΩda jekk wie˙ed i˙ares lejn l-img˙oddi Ωgur li jsib l-inkwiet kbir li kien inqala’ f’G˙awdex meta kien sar mag˙ruf li l-Isqof ta’ dak iΩ-Ωmien kien imbotta biex il-Parroçça ta’ San Ìor© tar-Rabat ting˙ata t-titlu ta’ BaΩilka. Fil-pront saru protesti min-na˙a tal-parruççani u l-kleru tanNadur... u l-biçça tant sa˙net li meta l-Isqof mar biex iΩur dan ir-ra˙al sab it-triq imbarrata b’˙ajt tal-©ebel... u meta xi Ωmien wara rnexxielu jΩur dan ir-ra˙al, il-karozza tieg˙u ©iet im˙a©©ra bil-pulizija sa G˙al snin s˙a˙ l-Isqof spiçça ma jΩurx din il-lokalita’... u allura fost kollox ma kienetx qed issir il-GriΩma tal-Isqof... biex meta attwalment g˙addiet il-kwestjoni kien hemm Ωg˙aΩag˙ li Malli l-kleru u nies tax-Xag˙ra raw x’kienu qed jag˙mlu nNaduriΩi biex jiksbu t-titlu ta’ BaΩilika, talbu g˙al dan id-dritt huma wkoll ...u hemmhekk ukoll qam l-inkwiet. Biex naqta’ fil-qasir, fl-a˙˙ar mill-a˙˙ar kollox ©ie solvut billi il-parroççi tan-Nadur u x-Xag˙ra ng˙ataw dan it-titlu. Mhux ta’ b’xejn li fejn jid˙lu l-BaΩilki, minkejja ç-çokon tieg˙u G˙awdex, qed jirba˙ lil Malta b’ 5 -4. Forsi issa jekk l-Mosta ssir BaΩilika jkollna d-draw.

Film ie˙or kbir dwar Malta minn G˙al direttur FrançiΩ I D

ax-xahar li ghadu kif beda, f’Malta se jibda jin©ibed film ie˙or minn dar talproduzzjonijiet FrançiΩa, l-UGC. Il-protagonista se tkun Malta, u fil-fatt il-film se jun jismu, ‘Immediate Boarding’ in Malta. Il-kummissjoni Maltija tal-films, (MFC) ikkonfermat li l-produtturi tal-film g˙aΩlu g˙add ta’ postijiet f’Malta fejn se ji©bdu xxeni. Fost dawn hemm it-tank tant mag˙ruf tar-Rinella fil-Kalkara, il-kapitali Maltija Valletta, il-Birgu, l-Isla u l-Park tal-Majjistral. Il-film huwa kummiedja b’kitba u direzzjoni ta’ Philippe de Chauveron, li s-sena lo˙ra kellu suççess kbir bil-film ‘Serial Bad Weddings’. Grazzi g˙all-inizjattiva tal-MFC, de Chauveron Ωar Malta s-sena l-o˙ra biex ikun jista’ jiΩviluppa l-iskript tal-film madwar il-lokalitajiet li g˙aΩel. Çertament li b˙all-film ta’ Brad Pitt u Angolina Jolie, grazzi g˙all-iffilmjar tas-sbu˙ija li toffri l-gΩira, dan il-film ukoll se jkun reklam ghal Malta u jippromwoviha b˙ala destinazzjoni turistika mal-udjenzi fl-Ewropa u lil hinn. Il-Ministru tat-TuriΩmu li huwa wkoll responsabbli mill-industrija tal-films, qal li ssettur tal-films qed jg˙in ˙afna lillekonomija Maltija. Il-fatt li din se tkun produzzjoni FrançiΩa se jΩid ikun reklam g˙al Malta, u li fil-fatt produzzjonijiet b˙al dawn jistg˙u jkunu l-aqwa mod kif ti©i rreklamata Malta. Fost l-atturi ewlenin se jkun hemm Medi Sadoun, mag˙ruf g˙as-sehem tieg˙u f’Serial (Bad) Weddings (2014) u Les Francis (2014). Se jkun hemm ukoll, Ary Abittan Vive la France (2013) u Coco (2009). ‘Immediate Boarding’ mistenni jo˙ro© g˙all-wiri fis-swali taç-çinema FrançiΩi f’Ottubru tal-2016.

darb’o˙ra l-festi

l-festa’ ta’ San Ìor© f’Óal-Qormi ilha li g˙addiet u gg˙addiet b’wiçç il-©id, talinqas f’jiem il-festa. IΩda kif ©ie rrapportat, jidher li mhux kollox hu sewwa f’din ilparoçça. Qed jo˙ro© fil-bera˙ li matul il-festa kien hemm l-inkwiet bejn il-kappillan (forsi l-kleru wkoll) u l-Kumitat tal-festi ta’ barra. Dan kollu propju se˙˙ fuq is-sandli tal-istatwa ta’ San Ìor© li tintuΩa waqt il-purçissjoni f’Jum il-festa. U g˙ax dwar is-sandli nist˙ajjilkom tg˙idu? Dan is-sandli m’hux parti ori©inali mill-istatwa, iΩda sar fl-1991 meta l-istatwa ta’ San Ìor© g˙alqet 250 sena. Biex sar is-sandli lkumitat tal-festi esterni kellu ja˙dem mhux ˙aΩin g˙ax dan huwa mag˙mul minn deheb ta’ 22 karat u allura tistg˙u ta˙sbu kemm iqum. Biss jidher li meta sar is-sandli ˙add ma ˙a parir dwar l-effett tieg˙u fuq l-istatwa. Issa, wara li sar restawr tal-istatwa jidher li r-restawratur qal lill-kappillan li jkun a˙jar jekk is-sandli ma jintlibisx g˙ax dan jista’ jikkawΩa ˙sara lill-istatwa titulari. G˙alhekk il-kappillan iddeçieda li s-sandli ma jitlibbisx f’ri©lejn San Ìor© f’jiem il-Festa (attwalment is-soltu dan jintuΩa biss f’dawk il-jiem), iΩda minflok jitpo©©a fin-niçça talistess qaddis g˙all-wiri tal-pubbliku. Sintendi, malli ˙ar©et din l-a˙bar kien hemm min qomos sewwa bil-kumitat talfesti esterni jo˙ro© b’petizzjoni biex dan ma jsirx. Il- petizzjoni qed ti©i mdawwra malparruççani ta’ Óal-Qormi biex jiffirmawha. Jidher li xi ˙add, biex i˙e©©e© lin-nies jiffirmaw ˙are© jg˙id li l-kapillan kien se idewweb dan is-sandli, u malli x-xnieg˙a waslet f’widnejn il-kappillan, dan ˙are© avviΩ li nqara waqt il-quddies li kien jg˙id li ma kellu l-ebda o©©ezzjoni g˙all-petizzjoni, iΩda ma kienx sewwa li dan isir permezz tal-gideb. L-avviΩ urta mhux ftit lill-kumitat tant li dan ˙are© stqarrija fejn ça˙ad u ikkundanna bl’ebda riservi l-avviΩ li sejja˙lu “malizzjuΩ”.

Ówejje© b˙al dawn ma jag˙mlux ©ie˙ u ©id lill-festi Maltin. Ûgur li din il-kwalita’ ta’ piki twassal biss g˙all-firdiet li ˙add ma jixtieqhom.

u o˙ra...

Kontraversja o˙ra, li tinqala ‘ ta’ kull sena fejn jid˙lu l-festi Maltin, hi tal-©arr tal-istatwa ta’ Santa Marija tal-Im©arr Malta. Kif spjegajt is-sena l-o˙ra, hi l-uΩanΩa ta’ dan ir-ra˙al li dawk li j©orru l-vara f’jum il-festa tag˙ha jridu joffru l-flus. Din l-offerta mhix wa˙da ndividwali, imma ta’ gruppi. Issir permezz ta’ speçi ta’ rkant fejn il-grupp li joffri l-aktar ikollu d-dritt li jerfa’ f’din l-Istatwa. Jekk wie˙ed jag˙ti ˙arsa lejn l-offerti fla˙˙ar snin, naraw li fl-2003 l-offertà kienet ta' Lm4,600, fl-2004 Lm3,000, fl-2005 la˙qet l-Lm4,900, u fis-sena ta' wara Lm3,100. Fl-2007, l-offertà telg˙et g˙al Lm4,500, fl-2008-€10,000, u fl-2009€12,000, Fl-2010-€8,100, fl-201-€10,500 u fl-2012-€5,000 Din id-darba l-offerta la˙qet it-€12,000, sebat elef aktar mis-sena l-o˙ra. IΩda minkejja li din id-darba ©ie deçiΩ li kwart tassomma ting˙ata lill-Hospice Movement, xorta hemm minn huwa kritiku ˙afna g˙al din it-tradizzjoni M©arrija.

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16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 1, 2015

A quick glimpse at Australia

Air strikes into Syria ISBS saga continues


here is no holding Australia when it comes to wars. There is a bipartisan approach when it comes to national security. Australia has received a formal request from the United States to expand RAAF air strikes into Syria. Bill Shorten of the Labor Party said that when it comes to fighting terror we’re all in this together. “Labor or Liberal, we’re all Australian first”. Green leader Richard De Natale said it appears that Australia was embarking on another mission internationally that had the potential to make the situation worse. “We’re going into this conflict, which is an incredibly complex and messy environment, saying that we’re somehow going to isolate IS, and completely ignoring that a quarter of a million Syrians have lost their lives thanks to the efforts of the Assad regime. “Australia needs a very clear strategy,

Richard De Natale and a very clear exit strategy. We’ve got none of these right now”. Australia will make a decision on expanding air strikes in the next couple of week but it is anticipated that they will again back the US.

n a letter released by Michelle Rowlands, Federal Member for Greenway (NSW) it was confirmed again that the main reason for SBS Radio not extending the programmes was financial. Michael Ebeid, CEO & Managing Director wrote: “we are unable to extend this two-year period of additional digital only programming, as SBS’s funding situation has worsened in the two years since the announcement with a further $55 million cut from the government in late 2014. “Unfortunately, in June this year, the Senate voted down the opportunity for SBS to earn an additional $28.5 million over four years in addition revenue through advertising, which has now left a material hole in our budget which can only be absorbed through cutting services.” Mr. Ebeid admitted that the Maltese community faced the largest adjustment of any language group with weekly programming declining from nine hours to two.

It’s that GST again Qantas huge profit ustralian airhe landmark tax summit of all State & Territory T Treasurers agreed that as from July 2017 all Alines’ chief goods bought from overseas will face a 10 per cent executive Alan good and services tax, the same GST tax as goods brought in Australia. Foreign businesses with a turnover of less than $75,000 will be exempt from the requirement to collect it the same way as are small Australian businesses. The Retailers Council said modelling undertaken by Ernest & Young showed the measure would raise more than $1 billion in its first year. Mr. Joe Hockey undertook to further investigate a proposal by NSW to lift the GST rate from 10 to15 per cent, and also a Victorian proposal to lift the Medicare levy from 2 per cent to 5 percent to fund the gap in state funding that will be left as the Commonwealth withdraws $80 billion of grants to state hospitals and schools to the next 10 years. Under the GST rules, every state and territory needs to agree before the rate or coverage of the tax can be changed.

Joyce hailed the airline's strongest profit since before the global financial crisis, which rocked airlines around the world. The underlying profit before tax Qantas CEO Alan Joyce for the 2015 financial year was $975 million, a $1.6 billion improvement on the previous year led by the airline's “best ever” second-half performance “We are halfway through the biggest and fastest transformation in our history,” Mr Joyce said. “Without that transformation, we would not be reporting this strong profit.” The result is in stunning contrast to last year's $2.84 billion loss and confirms the once struggling airline's transformation programme is succeeding Key points: Qantas makes $557m profit after mammoth loss last year Qantas credits cost-cutting programme for saving $894m over the year Reduced fuel costs save the airline $597m over the year The transformation programme is designed to cut 5,000 jobs and save $2 billion in costs. Qantas has said its cost-cutting programme has saved $894 million over the past year and allowed it to pay down more than a billion dollars in debt. However, the airline's accounts show that almost half of its total $1.2 billion cost reduction over the year was due to lower fuel costs, most of it would have been due to a 50 per cent slump in oil prices over that period. Qantas expects underlying fuel costs in 2016 to be no more than $3.94 billion.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday September 1, 2015

A quick glimpse at Australia

PM Abbott meets Mabo


he Prime Minister of Australia Tony Abbott undertakes an annual week-long tour of remote Indigenous community. This year he was the first PM to have visited the gravesite of land rights campaigner Eddie Koiki Mabo on Murray Island in the Torres Strait, far north Queensland. After visiting the gravesite, Mr. Abbott said: “Eddie Mabo was a warrior, not simply a strong man physically, but a strong man culturally and spiritually, who decided that he would take on the legal establishment”. “He would take on the previously settled view of Australian law, and good on him for having a go, and ultimately good on our system for being able to accommodate Eddie Mabo and the other plaintiffs' cry for justice.” One of Eddie Mabo's daughters Gail took Mr. Abbott to the gravesite of her father. She said her father fought for the acknowledgment of Indigenous rights, a journey that started with the Mabo decision and continues with the

push for Indigenous recognition in the constitution. Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion and Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister Alan Tudge accompanied Mr. Abbott for the week, along with secretary of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet Michael Thawley. A string of senior ministers joined him for shorter periods including Attorney-General George Brandis, Health Minister Sussan Ley and Social Services Minister Scott Morrison.

The Vatican failed to show leadership on sex abuse

The future of the inquiry in doubt


rime Minister Tony Abbott reiterated the royal commission into trade union corruption will continue even if Mr. Dyson Haydon QC took the decision to remove himself. As we went to press the $80 million dollar inquiry has been delayed waiting for a decision by Mr Haydon. The Unions are claiming that the commissioner could be biased as he accepted to address the annual Sir Garfield Barwick Lecture which has strong links to the Liberal Party of Australia. The Unions are claiming that Mr Haydon accepted an invitation to speak to a Liberal Party event suggests a political allegiance and that he only withdrew after being tipped off about a possible media interest. Dayson Haydon is an Oxford-educated former High Court Judge. The silk acting on behalf of the National Construction Union is John Agius.


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former auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney, and an architect of the church's response to abuse claims, told a royal commission no one wanted to tackle the issue of clerical sexual assault. Bishop Geoffrey Robinson also said that Cardinal George Pell had “destroyed” a unified Australian response to victims and that the Vatican failed to show leadership on the issue of clerical sexual abuse. The 78-year-old, who is undergoing chemotherapy for terminal cancer, told the royal commission sexual abuse had been covered up by the church and suspect priests were moved between parishes due to a failure of leadership within the church. When abuse claims surfaced internationally in the 1990s, Pope John Paul II did not immediately condemn the issue, Bishop Robinson told the commission. “What we got from him was silence,” he said. “Bishops were loyal to the silence.” He told the commission the Catholic Church's current leader, Pope Francis, has also failed to show authority on the issue of sexual abuse. “We still haven't had that kind of leadership, not even from Francis,” he said. Pictured above: Bishop Geoffrey Robinson arriving to give evidence at the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse in Sydney

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Adam Scicluna to play Juan Peron In musical production Evita


dam Scicluna, the well-known entertainer of Maltese descent has been chosen to play the role of former Argentine President Juan Peron in the spell-binding musical production, Evita that will have a five-day run at the Sutherland Entertain-

ment Centre in NSW between September 9 and 13. Adam who is an accomplished singer says he is very proud to have been chosen to be part of the production and a cast of incredible talent, particularly those in the two

professional leading roles of Evita and Che. About his role as Juan Peron in the production, Adam told The Voice of the Maltese, “I am thoroughly enthralled to present this mysterious and complex character, combined with a legendary score.”

Imut il-˙abib ta’ kul˙add, Emmanuel (Laurie) Spiteri Il-Komunita` Maltija n˙asdet bil-mewt g˙al g˙arrieda ta’ Emmanuel (Laurie) Spiteri li miet fl-eta’ ta’ 91 sena fit-8 ta’ Awwissu li g˙adda. Emmanuel kien bniedem eΩemplari, ˙abib ma’ kul˙add u ˙abrieki ˙afna. Huwa kien attiv ˙afna u g˙all-eta` tieg˙u kien jg˙a©©bek bix-xog˙ol li kien jag˙mel fil-Komunita`. G˙al dawn l-a˙˙ar 15-il sena Emmanuel serva b˙ala president tal-Maltese Ex-Services Association of Victoria fejn kien membru ta’ din l-g˙aqda sa mit-twaqqif tag˙ha fl-1956 u membru eΩekuttiv milll-1978 sakemm fl-2000 in˙atar president. Fis-snin kollha li kont ilni naf lil Emmanuel ukoll b˙ala ˙abib, dejjem nafu attiv u j˙obb dak kollu li hu Malti. Kien ukoll semmieg˙ regulari tal-programmi Maltin fuq ir-radju f’Melbourne, u kien ikun minn talewwel li jattendi g˙al-laqg˙a ©enerali ta’ kull sena talGrupp Xandara Maltin tar-Radju Komunitarju f’Melbourne 3ZZZ li tieg˙u kien membru. Is-Sibt ©img˙a qabel miet kien çempilli biex jiskuΩa ru˙u li din id-darba ma setax jattendi. Kien ukoll bniedem çajtier. Xi ˙a©a li kien dejjem isemmi kienet li meta minn xi daqqiet kont in˙allilu xi karti fil-pigeon-hole li kellu fiç-Çentru Malti ta’ Parkville, biex jiççajta kien jg˙idli “˙alliha fit-toqba tal-beççun!”

b˙ala referenza g˙all-pigeonhole. Kull sena, flimkien mall-kumitat tieg˙u, kien jorganizza quddiesa ta’ tifkira tal-G˙otja talGeorge Cross lil Malta fl-1942. Wara l-quddiesa Emmanuel Spiteri kienet issir çerimonja ˙dejn il-mafkar tal-George Cross barra ç-Çentru Malti ta’ Parkville. Kont ukoll issibu minn ta’ quddiem biex jorganizza lkontin©ent tal-veterani u l-familji tag˙hom u mag˙hom kien jie˙u sehem ta’ kull sena fil-març talANZAC Day f’Melbourne. Emmanuel kien imexxi wkoll il-grupp tal-Maltese ExServices Association ta’ Victoria wara l-bandiera Maltija bil-kliem “We served 1914-1918, the Nurse of the Mediterranean, and 1939-1945, the Unsinkable Aircraft Carrier”. Ta’ kull xahar dejjem kien ukoll jattendi il-laqg˙at talKunsill Malti ta’ Victoria u jipprova jie˙u parti billi jag˙ti l-idejat tieg˙u. Fit-3 ta’ Mejju ta’ din is-sena, kif kien mist˙oqq, Emmanule ing˙ata Çertifikat ta’ Apprezzament millKunsill Malti ta’ Victoria g˙as-servizz tieg˙u lill-Komunita`. Bix-xieraq li ftit jiem wara mewtu saret quddiesa funebri fiçÇentru Malti li kienet iççelebrata minn Fr Dr Victor Shields, mssp u Fr Emmanuel Adami, mssp. G˙aliha attendew madwar 200 ru˙, familjari u ˙bieb tieg˙u. Kemm it-tfal u nneputijiet tieg˙u ˙adu sehem fil-qari waqt ilquddiesa u fl-a˙˙ar stajna nsegwu ˙ajtu permezz ta’ ritratti. Ag˙tih, O Mulej, il-mistrie˙ ta’ dejjem. Emmanuel Spiteri (quddiem) flimkien mal-familja tieg˙u biç-çetifikat li ng˙ata tlett xhur qabel miet mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ Victoria b˙ala apprezzament g˙all-˙idma lill-komunita`



The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday September 1, 2015

PATRI DONAT SPITERI (1922-2011) Teologu u g˙alliem tal-Istudji Bibliçi)


atri Donat Spiteri twieled il-Marsa fit-13 ta’ Ottubru 1922. Ing˙aqad mal-Ordni Fran©iskan u la˙aq Saçerdot Kapuççin fit-13 ta’ Marzu 1948. Huwa ntbag˙at jistudja t-Teolo©ija fl-Università Pontifiçja Gregorjana f’Ruma l-Italja, fejn kiseb il-Liçenzjat u Dottorat fitTeolo©ija. Studja l-Iskrittura Mqaddsa fil-Pontificio Istituto Bibblico u l-Liçenzjat fl-Iskrittura Mqaddsa. Ìie lura Malta fl-1954 u beda jg˙allem lill-istudenti Kapuççini. Bejn l-1958 u l-1967 kien kappillan tal-Parroçça tat-Trinità Qaddisa, fil-Marsa fejn ˙a ˙sieb ukoll li jinbena ç-Çentru Parrokkjali San Piju X tal-Marsa. Kien ukoll kappillan tal-Parroçça ta’ Lourdes, San Ìwann bejn l-1983 u l-1991. F’San Ìwann ukoll ra li j˙alli ç-Çentru Parrokkjali San Ìużepp fejn ikunu jistg˙u jiltaqg˙u lg˙aqdiet. Óa ˙sieb ukoll ir-restawr tal-kappella ddedikata lil Santa Margerita, f’San Ìwann. Bejn l-1966 u l-1988, kien g˙alliem u Professur tal-Istudji Bibliçi fil-Fakultà tat-Teolo©ija fl-Università ta’ Malta, fejn fl-1958 flimkien mal-Prof. Rev. Karm Sant u o˙rajn waqqfu l-G˙aqda Biblika Maltija li tag˙ha kien president. Fost kollox, l-aqwa opra ta’ din l-G˙aqda kienet il-pubblikazzjoni tal-Bibbja bil-Malti, li x-xog˙ol fuq it-traduzzjoni tag˙ha beda fl-1966 u baqa’ g˙addej sal-ewwel pubblikazzjoni, fl-1984. Minn dak iΩ-Ωmien ’l hawn il-Bibbja ©iet riveduta. It-tieni edizzjoni ©iet ippubblikata fl-1996, wara reviΩjoni li ˙adet ˙ames snin. Peress li t-tag˙lim u l-ispjegazzjoni tal-Bibbja kienu u baqg˙u sal-a˙˙ar il-missjoni ta’ ˙ajtu, kellu sehem kbir fittwaqqif ta’ ‘Dar il-Bibbja’ fil-Furjana b˙ala Çentru Bibliku. Huwa wkoll awtur ta’ g˙add ta’ kotba b’temi teolo©içi tal-Bibbja fosthom il-Ktieb tas-Salmi, Dizzjunarju Bibliku – Temi Teolo©içi, l-Evan©elji ta’ San Mattew u San Luqa, il-Ktieb tal-Atti tal-Appostli u ˙afna kotba o˙ra ppubblikati mill-G˙aqda Biblika Maltija. Patri Donat kiteb ukoll artikli f’gazzetti u rivisti u anke xandiriet dwar l-Iskrittura Mqaddsa. Dar anke l-parroççi kollha ta’ Malta u G˙awdex jag˙mel korsijiet Bibliçi. Min˙abb li l-Bibbja kienet saret ˙a©a wa˙da mieg˙u, f’Jannar

tal-1974 ˙are© g˙allewwel darba l-Kliem il-˙ajja, ktejjeb ta’ g˙ajnuna g˙all-qari tal-Bibbja u pa©na çkejkna kuljum b’silta mit-test talKotba Mqaddsa, li jo˙ro© kull erba’ xhur. Hu kien ukoll l-Editur u d-Direttur Ìenerali ta’ Kliem il-˙ajja, ktejjeb li wara aktar minn 38 sena g˙adu jitqassam fid-djar f’Malta u G˙awdex u anke fost l-emigranti Maltin. Patri Donat Spiteri Sal-lum mal-20,000 kopja ta’ Kliem il-˙ajja jitqassmu bl-idejn bl-g˙ajnuna tal-voluntiera. Hu ˙a ˙sieb ukoll li f’g˙eluq it-30 sena tal-pubblikazzjoni jinfet˙u librerija u uffiççju ta’ Kliem il-˙ajja fil-Kunvent tal-Kapuççini fil-Furjana. Patri Donat ©ie onorat b’Ìie˙ il-Marsa u Ìie˙ San Ìwann millKunsilli tal-Marsa u ta’ San Ìwann, u fit-13 ta’ Diçembru 2009 ing˙ata l-Midalja g˙all-Qadi tar-Repubblika mill-E.T. il-President ta’ Malta Dr George Abela. Patri Donat Spiteri OFMCap miet fid-19 ta’ Diçembru 2011 flg˙omor ta’ 89 sena. Il-funeral sar fil-Parroçça tat-Trinità Qaddisa, il-Marsa, u ndifen fiç-çimiterju tal-Addolorata fil-qabar tal-Patrijiet Kapuççini. G˙alkemm mag˙ruf b˙ala Iben il-Marsa, f’San Ìwann fejn serva b˙ala kappillan u kien ferm ma˙bib, ©iet inawgurata g˙alih pjazza bl-isem ta’ Misra˙ Patri Donat Spiteri.

Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb Illum Il-Vokali tal-Le˙en F’din is-sensiela, illum se nag˙tu nispjegaw dwar ilVokali tal-Le˙en.

ti©i bΩonnha (i.e. il-Likwidi u xi o˙rajn) EΩ.: L-istatwa mhux li statwa; nilag˙bu mhux nilg˙abu.

1. Din hija dik il-vokali li tid˙ol filkelma biex tg˙in xi konsonanti li tkun se titlef le˙enha meta tkun se ta˙bat bejn Ωew© konsonanti o˙ra. EΩ.: nitilqu flok nitlqu; par imsielet minflok par msielet.

4. Il-Vokali tal-Le˙en titqieg˙ed filbidu ta’: a) kliem li jibda b’Ωew© konsonanti fejn l-ewwel wa˙da tkun likwida jew mtennija, meta ja˙btu: i) fil-bidu tas-sentenza. EΩ.: Imsiemer kbar irrid. ii) wara kelma li tispiçça b’konsonanti. EΩ.: tliet im˙aded; kif iltaqa’. iii) wara l-punte©©jatura. EΩ.: ˙ar©u, ilwew u re©g˙u waqfu b) l-artiklu meta ja˙bat bejn Ωew© konsonanti. EΩ.: inΩilt il-ba˙ar; mort ix-xatt.

2. Il-konsonanti li l-aktar ji©u bΩonn il-Vokali tal-Le˙en huma lkonsonanti likwidi: (l-m-n-r-g˙). EΩ.: niΩloq iΩda niΩolqu; jibg˙at iΩda jibag˙tu. 3. Il-Vokali tal-Le˙en toqg˙od dejjem quddiem dik il-konsonanti li

5. Il-Vokali tal-Le˙en titqieg˙ed ©ewwa: a) verb trilitteru bit-tieni konsonanti tal-G˙erq Likwida meta titqieg˙ed fil-plural tal-Imperfett (Present) jew tal-Imperativ. EΩ.: nifir˙u minn fera˙; itolbu minn talab. b) verb kwadrilitteru bit-tielet konsnanti tal-G˙erq Likwida meta jitqieg˙ed fil-plural tal-Imperfett (Present) jew tal-Imperativ. EΩ.: in˙abirku minn ˙abrek; çaqalqu minn çaqlaq. 6. Il-Vokali tal-Le˙en taqa’ meta qabilha ta˙bat kelma li tispiçça b’vokali. EΩ.: Ridna mmorru. Ûbalja l-bieb. (Darb’o˙ra l-Aççent)

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Community News ReadeRs please note If you are not rece iving the V oic e of th e Maltese re gula rly you are kindl y request ed t o l e t u s kn ow. d o t he sa me i f y ou h a ve c ha n ge d your emai l a ddress. Kee ping you r ad dr e sse s upd a te d i s very import ant to us.

Iç-Çittadini jkomplu fl-2016

La Valette Social Centre

Il-kumpanija tat-teatrin fi NSW l-Awstralja, “Ic-Cittadini” jixtiequ jfakkru li s-serati tag˙hom se jibdew mill-gdid fis-sena 2016. Skond Doris Caruana, il-president tal-kumpanija, b˙alissa jinsabu weqfin min˙abba li hemm xi atturi li jinsabu fuq btala f’Malta.

Festa tal-Vittorja

Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) Saturday October 24: 28th Annual Dinner Dance at Mandavilla Function Centre 1788 The Horsley Drive Horsley Park from 7pm. Music by Joe Apap. Dress: semi formal. For booking: Marlene: 02 9631 9295

175, Walter Road Blacktown NSW SUNDAY September 13: Festa tal-Vittorja at St Mary’s Cathedral. Bus is being organised to St Mary’s Cathedral. Bus leaves centre at 12 noon Cost is $20.Booking is necessary. For any information and booking call the Centre: 96225847; Frances 0412320432 or Antoinette 96712992

Join us on our facebook page: ups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Il-Festa tal-Vitorja: mill-Fathers Maltin


Il-Komunita` Maltija hija mistiedna g˙all-festa tradizzjonali talVitorja (li ilha ssir 51 sena), nhar il-Óadd 13 ta’ Settembru. Fis-2.30 pm tibda l-purcissjoni. Wara ssir il-quddiesa filKatidral ta’ St Mary’s College Street Sydney. Predikattur: Fr Noel Bianco MSSP. Ejjew u ©ibu mag˙kom il-bnadar jew standardi tal-g˙aqda tag˙kom Il-familji li g˙andom xi tfal jew Ωg˙aΩag˙ li jkunu jrridu jilbsu kostum Malti jew tal-preçett, biex jie˙du sehem fil-purçissjoni jçemplu lil Antoinette Mascari 9899 1938 jew 0438 639 986. Tarcisio Micallef MSSP (Chaplain g˙all-Komunita` Maltija fl-arcidjocesi ta’ Sydney)

You may be wondering how you can be assisted when it comes to:

SEPTEMBER 16, 17, 18 at 6.30 pm: Days of preparation: Exposition of the blessed Sacrament, Rosary and Benediction followed by Mass SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 19 at 6.00 p.m.: Vigil Mass followed by procession with the statue SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 20: Festa programme from 2.00 pm.: Rosary Procession with Our Lady of Victory Statue. Afterwards various entertainment, disco for kindergarden children, food, soccer matches and other games. OLQP Band will attend. 8.45 pm: Fireworks display.

The Maltese Guild of SA Inc Cordially Invites You to

THE MALTA NATIONAL DAY Dinner Dance SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 12 (Entry Start at 6.30pm, 7pm to 12.00am)

Sponsored By BASETEC SERVICES Pty. Ltd. How can we, as parents and grandparents hear more about these issues, have them explained to us in simple terms?

Maltese Welfare NSW Inc. Once again is here to support and guide you through these challenging times.

Wednesday September 2 from 7.30 p.m.

San Gorg Preca Hall at our Lady Queen of Peace Church Old Prospect Rd, Greystanes NSW 2145 Ms Colleen Nicholas Dip. Couns. MACA, MAIPC from Connection Counselling will guide us through during our information nights. Free Entrance. All welcome. Tea & Coffee served Fiducian Financial Services PTY Ltd ABB 46094 765 134 AFSL and Australian Credit LKicence 23110

At the Sicilian Function Centre 45A O.G. Road KLEMZIG 5023

Entertainment by: OUR GOOD FRIENDS “THE GOD FATHERS” FROM ADELAIDE Featuring our Local Maltese Singer Stacey Saliba Attendees to be seated in the Hall from 6.30pm

Catering by The Sicilian Club includes: 4-course dinner with drinks: beer, wine and soft drinks included in Price

Price: Financial Members $55, Non Members $65 For bookings or any information phone: Our Office on Tuesday’s only from 9am to 2.45pm on 8243 0860; the President: Joe Briffa: 8254 6988/Mob 0421 791 327; v/president Mary Craus: 8281 2329/Mob 0420 699 617; Secretary Rita Bornhoeft: 8248 1008/Mob 0401 860 632, or anyone from the Guild’s Committee.

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Community News The Xag˙ra Association of NSW Inc. INVITES YOU TO :

Tal-Vitoria Dinner Dance Gues of honour: Rev. Mons. Carmelo Refalo (Archpriest of Xag˙ra) Date: Saturday September 19 Time: 6.30 pm onwards. Venue: Balmoral Function Centre 47-49 Balmoral Rd., BLACKTOWN Food: 5-Course Meal, beer, wine & soft drinks

Entertainment: Roc-A-Tac & Giuseppe Verdi Brass Band Contact: Josephine/Ray: 9627 4182, Mob: 0439 974 182 M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641

Readers can now request a printed copy of The Voice In response to a number of inquiries, The Voice of the Maltese wishes to advice that we can now supply hard copies in colour of our magazine to our readers at a price. So anybody interested in acquiring copies of the magazine can communicate with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post. As the cost of postage varies one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details.

Programme for the Festa tal-Vitorja at Greystanes (50th Anniversary) Wednesday 23, Thursday 24 and Friday September 25: Triduum of the Festa to be led by special visitor Mons Carmelo Refalo, Archpriest of Xaghra, Gozo: 6.30pm: Rosary; 7.00pm: Mass. Saturday, September 26: 9.45am: Confessions. 6.00pm: Solemn Concelebrated Mass in English with Maltese hymns. Principal Celebrant, Fr Paul Marshall, Parish Priest, accompanied by Fr Suresh Kumar, Mons. Carmelo Refalo, Fr Simon Cachia and Fr Paul Cahill O.Carm. At the conclusion of the Mass the Rosary will be recited and Benediction will be given. Sunday, September 27: 3.30pm: Solemn Concelebrated Mass by Mons. Carmelo Refalo, accompanied by Fr Paul Marshall, Fr Suresh Kumar, Fr Simon Cachia, Fr Tarcisio Micallef mssp, Fr Benedict Sant mssp and Fr Noel Bianco mssp. Mons. Carmelo Refalo will deliver the Panegyric. During Mass Joe Galea will sing hymns in Maltese. The procession, accompanied by the statue of Our Lady of Victories and devotees takes place at the conclusion of the Mass. Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band will take part in the procession. 6.00pm: First musical program by Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band. 7.00pm: Second musical program by Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band. 8.30pm: Fireworks display.

METD Committee Are holding the

Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day

Holroyd Veterans of World War One Exbibition to commemorate the ANZAC’s at the Maltese Community Council of NSW Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre, 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill (next to Parramatta West Public School) September 5 and 6 from 10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Open days at the Centre to coincide with Malta National Day (8th September) Contact Emanuel Camilleri 0409 744 376

Computer Class for the Elderly The Maltese Community Council of NSW is conducting a computer class at Maltese Resource Centre 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill 2145 NSW every Friday between 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 For more information contact Em. Camilleri: 0409 744 376

22nd Anniversary Luncheon on Wednesday October 7 Venue: St Stephen Serbian Orthodox Church Hall Corner of Woodstock Ave & Hyatts Rd Plumpton Start time: 9.00 a.m. – Finish 3.00 p.m. We start the day with morning tea, followed by Mass A special lunch and dessert will be served and live entertainment Will be provided by well-known Maltese entertainers till 3.00 p.m. Donation: Frail Senior – FREE, Carer - $25, Active Senior - $45 Contact: Doris Pocock 0419 420 915, Lina Magro 9629 4046, Maria Cilia 0431 800 720, Maggie Vella 9621 3125 Our Elderly are forever grateful for this very special day. MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW

A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Learn Maltese!

Classes are available for students from 6 years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Classes at: HORSLEY PARK - SEVEN HILLS - LUDDENHAM For more information and enquiries Call Mary on 9601 2189 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Community News Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Saturdays 6 to 8 a.m. Martese Caruana presents Nostalgia Music; Sundays from 10.00 - 11.00 am: Il˙-na Maltin. Both available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil11.00 a.m. ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin

Listen to John Borg & Glenn Cassar every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet - ON DeMAND On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38. The radio programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta - SBS 2 TV on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am. Maltese Programmes on TV and Web VIVA MALTA The GDAY MALTAUSSIE SHOW VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 on TVS is broadcast in Sydney Community Radio in Gosford Central Every Saturday at 2pm. Repeats on NSW. Aired every fortnight from Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am 6 pm -7 pm (Next is September 10). Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Watch direct via HYPERLINK: Web streaming on:; L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBS2


Meetings of Day Care Maltese Groups in NSW Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month from10:00am to 12 noon. The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Come and join us and make new friends.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandillo Maltese Seniors

Malta Society of New Zealand

We now have a Facebook page that former members are invited to join. It is: Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland: /Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland/ 396193070527203?ref=hl. It is open to all who have an interest in the Maltese culture.

The Maltese Language School of NSW

The Maltese Language School of NSW invites applications for Maltese language classes at the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre located at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young Street) Mays Hill (next to Parramatta West Public School). Both young and adult students may apply. For more information contact Mary Pace-Feraud on 9601 2189 or email:

L-ahbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a li x’˙in iridu jid˙lu fil-website: u jsegwu la˙barijiet ta’ Malta. Din tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u. Mhux biss, imma min irid isegwi dak li jkun g˙addej, kull filg˙odu ˙in ta' Malta fuq il-website jittellg˙u wkoll l-a˙barijiet tal-jum ta' qabel.

Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining. Come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast

Meets on the second Monday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm.

You need to contact our Welfare Officer for an appointment. For all information and referral matters one should call: Tel: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW(next to West Parramatta Primary School)

Tuesday September 1, 2015

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Sports on two pages Young Jade Colver-Vella to represent Australia in World Karate Championships


ade Colver-Vella is to represent Australia at the Junior World Championships to be held in Jakarta in November. This follows her successful participation in the recent National Karate Championships in South Australia where she won three gold medals and for the fourth year in a row has become National Champion in her category. It all means that Jade’s hard work to achieve her goals has paid off. She returned home with Gold in her weight division – Kumite Individual Female Cadets under 54Kg; in the Open weight division-Kumite Female Cadet Open (14/15yo), and

in the teams’ event – Team Cadet Female Kumite. The announcement that she would be representing Australia in Jakarta came at the end of the tournament. It was a two-year goal for Jade, which involved training six days a week, and lots of sacrifices and dedication. She has persevered to achieve her ultimate wish but now she still has about three months of hard work ahead of her. The Voice wishes Jade, the granddaughter of Caesar and Phyllis Vella of Melbourne, the very best of luck for the World Championships. PaulVella

Two wins earn Bonnyrigg place in fter two rounds, only win. South CoA Bonnyrigg Whi- NSW Men’s 1 final ast Wolves lost both White Eagles, the onof their matches. ly ones to have won both their matches, secured a place in the final to determine the PS4 NPL NSW Men’s 1 championship. After beating APIA 3-1 away in the previous round, on Sunday they also defeated Blacktown City away, 2-0 for maximum points. As the finals got underway, the other three in contention all suffered a defeat after two rounds. Sydney Olympic first defeated South Coast 2-0 and on Saturday lost 1-0 at APIA, for the latter’s

In the next round on Saturday, September 6, Blacktown City entertain APIA, for a place in the final match against Bonnyrigg that could decide the championship on September 13. Spirit FC were promoted to this division replacing Marconi who were relegated. hereas Green Gully wrapped up their commitments in the PS4 NPL Victoria, Birkirkara and Valletta could the other team also established still be there though Birkirkara by Maltese immigrants in Victocould only draw 2-2 their second ria, Sunshine George Cross, game against Tarxien after win- won’t finish their commitments ning the first game against until September 12. Naxxar 4-0. Valletta won their They finished the season with matches, 3-0 against promoted an overwhelming 4-1 home vicSt Andrews and 1-0 against tory at the Green Gully Reserve Sliema, who are still seeking against Avondale FC. their first points. They came from a goal down Newly promoted Pembroke and to win with goals by Alun Mosta managed to win both their Blumgart and Liam Boland games; Pembroke first against penalty) in the first half, MatQormi and the seven-goal thriller thew Breeze, and Luc Jeggo. Sunshine George Cross who against fellow promoted team St Andrews, by 4-3, and Mosta play in the Victoria Championship (PS4 NPL 1 West), still against Floriana and Qormi. Floriana, Sliema, Naxxar, have two matches to go to the Qormi and St Andrews are still end of the championship. In their latest outings, George pointless from two matches. Cross figured in a scoreless Round 1 away draw against Bendigo, and Hibernians v Balzan 1-1 then on Saturday they lost 0-1 at Gilmar Silva Ribeiro (H); Aleksandar Vujacic (B) Birkirkara v Naxxar L. 4-0 home to Richmond. They still Fabrizio Miccoli, Vito Plut, Gareth Sciberras, have two more rounds to go to Paul Fenech Valletta v St Andrews 3-0 the end. They currently occupy Njongo Priso 2, Federico Falcone; seventh position in the league Tarxien R. v Sliema W. 2-0 ladder with occupy seventh poLAyrton Azzopardi, Carlos M Hevia Mosta v Floriana 2-1 sition in the league ladder with James Brincat, Saviour Fidelis (M); Steve Bon- 31 points from 26 matches. nici (F) It is worth pointing out that Pembroke A. v Qormi 2-1 Gustavo Villalobos 2 (P); Clifford Gauci (Q) George Cross, founded in 1947

Jade Colver-Vella

Green Gully wrap up season in style by Maltese immigrants, was one of eight clubs from Victoria to Could still be the same in Malta W have participated in Australia’s n the opening two days of National Soccer League (before O the 2015/16 Premier the A-League took over). League season in Malta, last

year’s top teams have once again given the impression that they would once again be in the thick of it. Balzan, fourth last year, who inflicted the only defeat on champions Hibernians are showing that they were not just a oneseason wonder. In their first match have now held Hibs to a 1-1 draw thanks to a goal deep into stoppage time by Aleksandar Vujacic. Gilmar da Silva Ribeiro had given Hibs the lead on 57 minutes. Balzan then defeated Naxxar 2-0, while Hibs got the better of Floriana in a keenly contested match by 2-1 RESULTS:

Round 2

Hibernians v Floriana


Birkirkara v Tarxien R.


Valletta v Sliema W.


Clayton Failla (pen), Marcelo Dias 72 (H)

Vukanac 2; Miccoli 30 (B); Joao Pedro (12 pen), Baker 64 (T)

Federico Falcone

Balzan v Naxxar L.


Mosta v Qormi


Pembroke A. v St Andrews


Godwin Mensha (pen), Edison Bilbao

Saviour Fidelis

Maltz 2, Bardsley, O’Brien (P); Sehitaj; De Nguidjol; Desira Buttigieg (SA)

Waterpolo: San Giljan again Champions after 20 years

Twenty years after winning their last championship, in 1995, San Giljan again won the title without needing the points from their last game on Saturday against neighbours and their nearest challengers, Neptunes, who lost their penultimate match against Sliema 10-12. They would still have been in contention had they won that match. As it turned out, they handed the title to San Giljan on a plate as they entered the last match five points behind the champions. For San Giljan the season has been quite successful. They won the League and Cup double after defeating Neptunes in the final of the KO the previous week. On Saturday San Giljan lost their final match against the victors any good.

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 1, 2015

Sports on two pages

The Eagle with football passion in his veins P

atrick Gatt is a leader on and off the field. His exuberant personality is an added bonus for his beloved Parramatta FC, formerly Parramatta Melita Eagles, one of the oldest football clubs in NSW. Season 2014 saw the Eagles promoted to the Premier League (PS4 NPL NSW Men’s 1) however, the first season back with the big boys proved to be difficult. They managed to avoid relegation finishing 13 points ahead of the bottom team, Marconi. In the Club Championship classification they also finished 18 points above the bottom team. Patrick Gatt may have played his last game for the club against Manly FC. He twice cleared off the line with his goalkeeper beaten. Last season he also scored the goal that wrapped up promotion. Talking to The Voice of the Maltese, Patrick was very proud to say that he played around 150 first-grade games for both Parramatta FC and Blacktown City and also captained both teams. Having done this at the two clubs he considered it as having fulfilled his potential. At age 13-18 Patrick played for the Melita Eagles youths, then moved to Parramatta Power and made some first-grade appearances. He was then asked to play for Blacktown City Premier NSW League for five years during the clubs most successful period. At the same time, in the off-season he also played in South Australia for two years. He also played in Malta when Parramatta Melita Eagles organised the inaugural cultural tour to Malta in 1999. He returned to Parramatta Melita for five years and helped the Maltese communitybacked club to promotion from Super League to Premier League. It is worth noting that Patrick has held the position of captain with all the clubs that he has played for Dealing with the retirement issue, Patrick

told The Voice that he still believes he has something to offer. “I will play somewhere because I have the passion in my veins. I now have a young family and Melita Stadium is far from where I live. We train three nights a week. I will be finishing my Premier League career with Parramatta Melita. My hope is to be back in a coaching capacity at some stage. I will always be available if Melita and/or the coach need me”. Looking back at season 2015 in the major competition, Patrick Gatt said that on a personal note, it wasn't difficult to adjust. “I knew what to expect as I have played at that level for a long time. As a team though, the biggest thing to adjust to is that you have to be more clinical in front of goal and unfortunately we were poor at this aspect this year”. Looking forward to next season Patrick said that Parramatta definitely need to sign so-me quality players in all areas of the team who would be able to contribute with their skill but also bring leadership qualities and the right attitude. For him, the most memorable game of the past season was “coming back from 3-1 down against Bonnyrigg White Eagles. To win was amazing but the final game against Manly at Cromer Park was unforgettable. The defensive effort over 90 minutes was outstanding with promotion/relegation on the line.” In week 22, the Football NSW website, named the Eagles’ captain and goalkeeper Turnbull in its best elevPatrick Gatt with Parramatta en. It said that Eagles coach Franco Consertino “Parramatta cap-

Patrick Gatt in full flight towards helping to save the Eagles from relegation

Patrick’s football career atrick Gatt started playing at Winston P Hills at the age of five, until he was 11, and was awarded the club player of year in his final year with this club. He then progressed to Granville Association for two years and was very successful receiving various awards and representing the club in different age levels on the same day. At the age of 13 he was picked to play at Melita in the Premier Youth League. This was a very rewarding time for him and the club. Winning premierships and the U/15 state championships was a highlight. He left Melita when he was 18 to play for Parramatta Power U/20. They won the competition on the clubs inaugural year. Patrick was captain and at the end of the season made his first appearance in the senior team in the NSL.

tain Patrick Gatt would’ve been a happy man on Sunday afternoon as he led his side to victory and safety in the PS4 NPL NSW Men’s 1 competition”. Gatt has been at the heart of the Parramatta defence all year and has been an inspiration to his teammates. He finally thanked all those associated with Parramatta FC particularly his fellow players and coach Franco Consertino. In his other life Patrick is married to Benedicte. They have a one-year-old daughter Milyana. He is the National Sales Manager at Hahn Healthcare, Sydney Area and the son of Lawrence and Nathalie Gatt of Umina Beach NSW.

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