The Voice of the Maltese No. 107

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The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Issue 107

o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e

August 4, 2015

The Ta’ Qali National Stadium

For a few days during the month of July the political agenda in Malta took second place as the other most talked about subject on the island, football stole the limelight. First, Birkirkara’s historic victory over English Premiership side West Ham United in a UEFA competition stole the show even though the Maltese were eventually eliminated in a penalty shoot-out. No wonder the National Stadium at Ta’ Qali inaugurated in 1980 (pictured in all its glory above) was the main focus. In the final stages of the month Malta’s draw in the same group as England in the preliminary round of the FIFA World Cup 2018 diverted the attention of the Maltese from another pastime, discussing the hottest month for decades, to talk about Malta’s FIFA World Cup fixture. It will be Malta’s third meeting on the football field against England since 1971. That first match took place at the former Empire Stadium in Gzira that was filled to capacity (right). What nostalgia! Here’s a chance to compare the old and the new stadiums. See also back page

The ‘old’ Empire Stadium at Gzira

Right: Malta captain Joe Cini (left) exchanging banners before the start of the match with England captain Alan Mullery in the European Championship clash at the Empire Stadium on February 3, 1971. At the time it was the biggest event in football history in Malta.

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 4, 2015

Cuts without proper Radio saga consultation The


he much-awaited confrontation between the delegation from the Maltese Community Councils of NSW and Victoria and the management of SBS Radio took place in the form of a video conference. At Melbourne Federation Square were Victor Borg, Prof Maurice Cauchi and Dr Edwin Borg Manche’, and at the Artarmon’s (Sydney) head office, Lawrence Dimech and Emanuel Camilleri. Mandi Wicks, Director, Audio & Language Content SBS, Lou Petrolo, Strategy & Community Engagement Manager, Audio & Language Content SBS in Melbourne and Todd Loydell, Head of Government and Regulatory Affairs, Corporate Affairs SBS in Sydney represented SBS Radio. After the meeting the Maltese delegation made these observations to The Voice of the Maltese. The Maltese delegation argued strenuously and persuasively against the cuts, reiterating the points that were made in their Joint Submission. They highlighted the outrage that the Maltese community feels at the latest SBS decision that will deprive the ageing Maltese community of any broadcasts in their mother tongue for five consecutive days each week from Sunday to Thursday. The Maltese community leaders criticised SBS for again failing to consult with the Maltese community before reviewing and deciding to discontinue funding of the two additional hours of Maltese programmes that SBS agreed to after considerable community protests two years ago. When in 2013 SBS reviewed its radio broadcasts schedule, savagely cutting Maltese programmes from nine to two hours per week, the largest reduction for any community, SBS had similarly failed to consult with the Maltese community before announcing its decision. At the meeting the Maltese delegation emphasised the unfairness of the criteria applied by SBS in reviewing the radio broadcasts schedule in 2013, particularly the very low weighting (only 15%) given to the ageing criterion in the assessment of community need. As the 2011Census clearly establishes, the Maltese community has a very high proportion of people over 65 years of age who rely heavily on SBS Maltese radio broadcasts for information relating to aged care services and other entitlements provided by the Commonwealth and State Governments. Information is also relayed to them in these broadcasts in relation to specific services provided and available to them through the Maltese community and religious organisations. Many of them rely on these broadcasts for their participation in community activities. It provides them with a sense of comfort and security and a quality of life that they would otherwise not enjoy. The Maltese delegation argued vigorously that, in the medium and long term, the present criteria needs to be revised to ensure that the present grave injustice to the Maltese community is not perpetuated. The SBS management representatives appeared to be receptive to the suggestion of initiating a revision of the criteria well before the 2016 Census data becomes available in order to give communities adequate time to provide their input prior to the next SBS Radio schedule

The representatives of the Community Council of NSW, Emanuel Camilleri (left) and Lawrence Dimech at the SBS Artar-

review due in the next couple of years. The Maltese delegation called on SBS to reconsider its decision in light of the arguments presented at the meeting and to reinstate the two hours of Maltese programmes in question until the next schedule review. The SBS management representatives assured the Maltese delegation that the views expressed at the meeting would be relayed back to the SBS Managing Director and the SBS Board. At the meeting the Maltese delegation presented a petition to SBS strongly protesting against the decision to cease funding of two hours of Maltese programmes on SBS Radio and calling upon the SBS management to reverse its decision and to reinstate the current number of four hours per week. Over three thousand signatures supporting the petition were gathered on paper and online in a relatively short period of two weeks. The petition is also being submitted to the federal Minister for Communications, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull together with representations made on the Maltese community’s behalf by various politicians.

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday August 4, 2015


The Voice of the Maltese sar jaf li Ωew© Konsli Onorarji tal-gvern Malti fl-Awstralja rriΩenjaw mill-kariga. Dawn huma, Dr Anthony V Sciberras f’Western Australia u Dr George A. Borg Olivier, wie˙ed mit-tlett Konsli Onorarji li hemm fi Queensland. Sar ukoll mag˙ruf li waqt li qed jeΩamina l-˙ariet kollha ta’ dawn ilKonsli Onorarji, il-Gvern Malti wasal biex i˙abbar min se jkunu dawk li se jservu f’Western Australia u fin-na˙at ta’ Brisbane fi Queensland.

An open letter to SBS Radio from the Voice of the Maltese P

rofessor James Judd from the Australian National University said that multiculturalism at the federal level is close to death. You, at the SBS Radio are administering the last rites. Placing emphasis on Australian-con tent only is contrary to the basic princi ple of multiculturalism. You are like an ostrich. You refuse to change your criteria on how to distrib ute fairly and equitably the valuable broadcasting time that the taxpayers have given you to administer and pro tect without fear or favour. You have chosen the easy way out. You have failed repeatedly to address the urgent need for radio audience sur veys and stuck to the analysis of the 2011 census giving largest communities 14 hours of radio a week. Then when it comes to accommodating smaller communities, instead of looking at the obscene allocation given to the bigger richer communities, you pick on us with a lousy two hours allocation a week. Are you for real? Do you think this is reasonable? Do you think that what you are doing is fair and just in a country that prides itself on a “fair go for all”? The Maltese community is up in arms again. At SBS Radio you are perpetuat -

ing a grave in justice because you be lieve in a criterion that has b e e n proven w r o n g and out of date. Your very own, Peter Khalil, director Corporate Affairs had stated in a public meeting in Melbourne on March 25th in 2014 that the way SBS went about in the distribution of hours was not advanta geous to the Maltese community and that decisions should not be taken mainly on the analysis of the Census. You have failed to conduct surveys to assess who in fact is listening to your radio programmes. The Maltese commu nity has collected thousands of signa tures in protest. Let us assure you that we are going to fight you all the way. Supported by many politicians, we are convinced that you are being unjust with a community that was one of the original eight com munities to have established SBS Radio 40 years ago.


Radio saga

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4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 4, 2015

Il-15 ta’ Awwissu fost l-akbar festi reli©juΩi u storiçi


l-festa reli©juΩa g˙andha post çentrali ˙afna fil˙ajja ta’ kull ra˙al f’Malta u G˙awdex, min˙abba li tikkommemora jum il-festa tal-qaddis jew qaddisa patruna. Kull tmiem il-©img˙a fix-xhur bejn Ìunju u Settembru jkun hemm aktar minn ra˙al wie˙ed li jisplodi f’çelebrazzjonijiet li jdumu g˙addejjin il-©img˙a kollha. Dawn il-festi Maltin huma rinomati g˙at-tiΩjin fit-toroq, ilpurçissjonijiet reli©juΩi, il-marçi tal-baned u l-gabbani tal-ikel. Barra dan, forsi aktar qabel minn issa, il-familji Maltin iΩejnu djarhom bl-a˙jar mod li jistg˙u, filwaqt li l-knejjes ji©u mdawla bid-dwal, kemm minn ©ewwa kif ukoll minn barra, fil-faççati. B’danakollu, minkejja l-estravaganza u l-meravilja ta’ dawn laffarijiet kollha, dan ma hu xejn g˙ajr t˙ejjija u introduzzjoni g˙all-gran finale meta l-jiem taç-çelebrazzjonijiet jil˙qu l-qofol tag˙hom f’wirja ta’ log˙ob tan-nar mag˙mul b’˙ila imlewwen, u rdieden vibranti tan-nar tal-art mag˙ruf a˙jar b˙ala l-©ig©ifogu. Imma forsi laqwa, u dik ewlenija fost il-festi tas-sajf hija l-Festa tal-Assunzjoni tal-Madonna, li ti©i ççelebrata fil15 ta’ Awwissu, mag˙rufa lokalment b˙ala l-Festa ta’ Santa Marija li ti©i fil-quççata tal-ista©un tas-sajf. Minbarra li ti©i ççelebrata f’diversi lokalitajiet madwar il-GΩejjer Maltin, b˙all-Mosta, il-Gudja, l-Imqabba, ilQrendi, Ó’Attard, Óad-Dingli u l-Im-©arr f’Malta, u fil-belt Victoria u Ω-Ûebbu© f’G˙awdex, hija wkoll btala nazzjonali importanti fil-kalendarju Malti. Filwaqt li xi w˙ud jiççelebraw il-festa tradizzjonali tar-ra˙al tag˙hom b’ammonti abbundanti ta’ ikel u muΩika, f’daΩ-Ωmien ukoll, li hu mag˙ruf g˙al meta li fil-biçça ‘l kbira l-fabbrika jag˙lqu g˙all-btajjel, dak li nsibuh b˙ala x-shutdown, eluf ta’ ˙addiema jkunu qed jistennewh. Ìeneralment, min˙abba li l-btajjel ikunu fuq perijodu twil, ta’ bejn ©img˙a u tnejn ˙afna jippjanaw jew xi safra inkella mawra sa G˙awdex. O˙rajn sempliçiment jie˙du vanta©© g˙al ftit ser˙an mir-rutina tax-xog˙ol ta’ kuljum u tul jiem xemxim igawdu l-ba˙ar sabi˙ u nadif tal-GΩejjer Maltin, u IΩda f’nofs dan il-kaos festiv kollu li ©©ib mag˙ha l-festa ta’ Santa Marija, innies ta’ spiss ikollhom it-tendenza li jinsew g˙aliex id-data tal-15 ta’ Awwissu

L-Ohio die˙el Malta b˙ala parti mill-Operation Pedestal f’Jum Santa Maria tal-1942. Il-vapur da˙al kwaΩi mfarrak bilmagni mkissrin ka©un tal-attakki mill-ÌermaniΩi u t-Taljani. Ûew© destoyers taw l-g˙ajnuna tag˙hom biex seta’ jΩomm fil-wiçç g˙all-bqija tal-vja©©. Wara l-kaptan tal-Ohio ©ie anke mog˙ti l-unur tal-George Cross. Wara li sbarka ttag˙bija, il-vapur ©ie mg˙erreq barra l-Port il-Kbir.

saret il-qofol tal-festi f’Malta. Donnu jinsew g˙aliex g˙andha g˙eruq daqstant fondi fil-psike Malti b˙ala okkaΩjoni ta’ çelebrazzjoni u g˙aliex hija sa˙ansitra

jirreferu g˙alih b˙ala La Battaglia di Mezzo Agosto (Il-battalja ta’ nofs Awwissu), kien fi triqtu g˙as-suççess sakemm il-konvoj ©ie bbumbardjat fi ftit jiem qabel kellu jasal Malta. Kien imperattiv li biex isostni lil Malta, r-Renju Unit kellu ta’ bilfors u akkost ta’ kollox iwassal il-provvisti lejn Malta. It-tama tal-Maltin dehret li qed tg˙ib fix-xejn, allura kellhom jistrie˙u fuq ilfidi tag˙hom. Bl-aktar mod iddisprat imma devot, il-©ens Malti talab lil Santa Marija g˙al miraklu. Sal-14 ta’ Awwissu 1942 kienu waslu tliet vapuri, iΩda ma kien m’hemm l-ebda sinjal tal-Ohio. Imbag˙ad fe©©g˙et l-g˙odwa tal-15 tax-xahar, il-Festa ta’ Tlug˙ is-Sema ta’ Marija, jew a˙jar Santa Marija, u l-bastiment Ohio, nofsu mg˙erreq finalment irnexxielu jid˙ol fil-Port il-Kbir, fejn sab jilqg˙uh folol kbar ta’ nies ixejru lbnadar IngliΩi u Amerikani u jkantaw g˙alenija d-diska patrijottika Rule Britannia. Min˙abba t-twemmin komuni li kien se˙˙ miraklu, il-konvoj baqa’ mag˙ruf b˙ala l-Konvoj ta’ Santa Marija u d-devozzjoni tal-Maltin lejn Santa Marija u lfesta tal-Assunzjoni tag˙ha kompliet aktar tissa˙˙a˙. Filwaqt li g˙al ˙afna l-Konvoj ta’ Santa Marija huwa biss ©rajja mill-passat glorjuΩ ta’ ©ensna, id-data tal-15 ta’ Awwissu g˙adha tg˙ix fil-qlub Maltin u fiΩΩminijiet moderni evolviet b˙ala okkaΩjoni kbira ta’ fer˙ u tgawdija ming˙ajr limitu u f’sensazzjoni tipikament Maltija. Mhux ta’ b’xejn jing˙ad li l-Assunta hija l-Padruna tal-GΩejjer Maltin.

Santa Marija

mhix sempliçi festa b˙all-o˙rajn btala pubblika. Il-jum huwa wie˙ed storiku. Kollox hu marbut ma’ dak li se˙˙ fil-15 ta’ Awwissu tal-1942. B˙ala l-unika baΩi ta’ kontroll tal-Gran Brittanja f’nofs il-Mediterran, fis-snin tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija, Malta kienet luniku ostakolu li kienu qeg˙din jiffaççjaw in-Nazisti ÌermaniΩi u l-Italja ta’ Mussolini fi triqithom biex ja˙mu lAfrika ta’ Fuq. Fix-xhur li wasslu g˙al Awwissu 1942, Malta kienet ibbumbardjata bis-sa˙˙a u bdiet tbati minn nuqqas kbir ta’ ikel, armamenti u provvisti o˙rajn. L-istrate©ija tal-potenzi tal-Assi li j©ibu lil Malta g˙arkupptejha ming˙ajr provvisti biex b’hekk ikollha ççedi g˙all-qilla tal-gwerra, deher li kienu qed ja˙dmu. Kienu jafu li jekk sal-a˙˙ar ta’ Awwissu 1942 ma kinux se jaslu l-provvisti fil-gΩira, Malta tabil˙aqq kien se ikollha ççedi. Il-provvisti kienu fi triqithom lejn Malta f’konvoj ta’ erbatax-il bastiment merkantili, bl-aktar wie˙ed importanti jkun l-Ohio, bastiment Amerikan b’ekwipa©© Brittaniku. Il-pjan imsejja˙ Operation Pedestal (li t-Taljani kienu

Tuesday August 4, 2015

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Maltese self-stereotypes in Malta and Australia H

uman beings the world over, in every culture and society that exists, strive to acquire a legitimate place for themselves in the world that justifies their existence. They do so by defining who they are, for others. Individuals may define themselves in terms of their occupation, social relationships, creed, and other social and demographic groups. In doing so, they fashion a social identity that describes who they are relative to other groups (Tajfel, 1981). They strive to define themselves in ways that legitimate who they are and their ways of existing, in an effort to negotiate a positive identity that can provide them with self-esteem. Self-esteem is the value we perceive of ourselves, the value that inheres out of how we define ourselves, who we are. Self-esteem accrues as a function of the groups we belong to. It matters whether an individual is classifiable as a member of a respectable social group or a denigrated one. Likewise, nationality matters inasmuch as it typifies individuals in terms of characteristics associated with one’s national origins in the eyes of others. More importantly, it matters in terms of how individuals define themselves in their own eyes. What does it mean to be Maltese? What features and characteristics do we believe typify us as Maltese? Which aspects of our Malteseness do we think are positive, and which ones negative? More importantly, given what we believe is positive and negative about being Maltese, are we left with a positive sense of our identity that makes us proud to be Maltese when we encounter different others? Or does our Malteseness leave us ashamed of whom we are? These are important questions; not least due to the fact that these identity constraints go on to determine our interactions with others. If we are proud to be Maltese, then

we will strive to protect our Malte- Following is Part 1 of a paper that seness in the face of GORDON SAMMUT PhD (Dept. of a challenge by oth- Psychology University of Malta) presented during the IV Coners. If we are vention of the Maltese Living Abroad organised by Malta’s Minashamed, we might istry for Foreign Affairs following findings from a study that opt to acquiesce all investigated Maltese identity amongst the Maltese in Malta and too readily with de- the Maltese in Australia. It inquired into how the Maltese permands plac-ed on ceive the positive and negative aspects of Maltese identity. us by others. In an era of immigration, globalisation, that respondents claimed typified the Malas well as European unification, these are tese.98 For the Maltese in Australia, the Maltese clearly relevant concerns (Giddens, 1991). And whilst obviously there are individual are Family orientated, Hardworking, Friedifferences in how we think about our- ndly, Helpful, Proud, Responsible, Reliselves, the social representation (Sammut gious and Respectful. On the other hand, the Maltese in Malta & Howarth, 2014) that we use for defining who we are provides us with the necessary listed the following negative features as resources to develop a social identity, and most typical of Maltese identity: StorbjuΩi to draw on the self-esteem associated with (loud/noisy), NervuΩi (short-tempered), Sindikajri (nosy/gossipers), G˙aΩΩenin it, in our dealings with others. In this paper, I report the findings of two (lazy), Óamalli (chavvy/trash), Arroganti studies that have been undertaken in an ex- (arrogant), Razzisti (racist/xenophobic), ploration of Maltese identity. The studies and Mo˙˙hom mag˙luq (closed-minded). For the Maltese in Australia, the negative address the two questions that have been raised in this introduction, that is, in what aspects of Maltese identity are: Indulgent, terms do we identify as Maltese, and what Competitive, Jealous, Stubborn, Blasphevalue do we attach to our national identity? mous, Impatient, Shifty and Gossipy. As Table 1 demonstrates, there is a higher I will consider each question in turn with reference to self-stereotypes (Sammut, correspondence in positive traits between the Sartawi, Giannini & Labate, 2014) two samples than there is in negative traits. amongst the Maltese in Malta and the AUSTRALIA MALTA Maltese in Australia. Positive Traits Self-stereotypes of the Maltese Hardworking Hardworking Helpful Helpful I will start by describing the terms reReligious Religious spondents have used to describe the MalProud Sociable tese in the two settings studied. Hospitable Respectful We asked respondents to provide us with Happy Friendly a list of features that typify the Maltese. Generous Family orientated We were interested in both positive and Honest Responsible negative features. Negative Traits Following saturation, we selected the eight most popular positive features and Gossipy Gossipy the eight most popular negative features Loud Indulgent Short-tempered Competitive Lazy Jealous Chavvy Stubborn Arrogant Blasphemous Racist Impatient Closed-minded Shifty Table 1: Self-stereotypes by the Maltese in Malta and the Maltese in Australia Table 1 suggests that the social representation of the Maltese held by the Maltese in Malta and the Maltese in Australia varies between the two contexts, but that there also is a degree of correspondence between the two. This was expected due to the fact that the social representation of the Maltese in Australia can be traced back to its origins in Malta. Since then, the two representations have circulated and adapted to a different sociocultural context marked by different intergroup relations. It is to this issue that we turn next. Part 2 in next issue

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 4, 2015

Malta’s National carrier named one of Europe’s top airlines or the fifth year running, Malta’s national carF rier, Air Malta has been named one of the top airlines in Europe, ranking sixth in the Best Regional Airlines in Europe category at this year’s Skytrax World Airline Awards, regarded as the 'Oscars' of the airline business. Passengers for this award were surveyed online between September 2014 and May 2015 with 18.9 million customer surveys completed, across a range of survey topics. The study for this award that is seen as the global

benchmark of airline excellence around the world, covered full-service and low-cost airlines and measured standards across 41 key performance indicators. More than 245 airlines, from the largest international airlines to smaller domestic carriers took part in the survey. Meanwhile, in a statement, Air Malta said it would be rolling out a number of initiatives aimed at putting customer at the heart of the organisation. It would be focusing more on enhancing the customer experience and showing that the airline 'cares more'.

Malta Europe’s hottest place in July


uring the week July 20-26, Malta was named the warmest place in Europe as the island baked in one of the hottest heatwaves for years. Early in the week the mercury peaked at 43°C, the highest July temperature recorded in Malta since the 1980s. Malta’s Met Office noted average temperatures of around 37°C which it said was 'considerably hotter' than usual for the time of year as high pressure hovered over the central Mediterranean. A spokesman for the Health Promotion Department said it was nice that the sun was shining and one could enjoy summer but it was very important to remember that rising heat does bring health risks. He went on to recommend people considering avoiding the sun between 11am and 4pm, to drink plenty of fluids and keep an eye out for children and the elderly. “It's important to make the most of the good weather but equally important that people don't get too much sun or heat and make themselves ill” he said, adding that it was advisable for people to drink between 1.5 and 2 litres of water each day, and larger amounts if one was exercising or during the hot weather. The temperature was to remain above average into August with

highs of over 35°C on a frequent basis'. Sizzling heat and oppressive humidity gripped Malta through July with some nights seeing 'low' temperatures hovering near 28°C. A number of Maltese Australians who are holidaying on the island and who spoke with The Voice said it makes a change coming from the worst wintry weather conditions for years particularly in Victoria and NSW where they had been enduring the freakiest of weathers and lowest temperatures for a great many years. “Basking in the Malta sun makes up for all the frustrations we have been enduring at home. It makes a change from the snow we had been having. We will try our best to enjoy the Malta sun, with moderation of course, but it is so interesting to be able to taste such contrasting weather,” Frank, told

The Voice while he and his wife were taking in the last remaining hours of daylight as the sun was setting at the Fra Ben beach in Qawra. In the meantime, statistics indicate that the number of tourists visiting Malta in the first four months of the year has risen by 5.6 per cent, according to new figures, prompting a Malta Tourism Authority (MTA) spokesman to say that Malta was outperforming most of Europe as tourist arrivals continue to grow at a faster rate. According to the World Tourism Organisation, international tourism demand continued to be 'robust', and prospects for the MayAugust period remained upbeat, with close to 500 million tourists expected to travel abroad during these four months. The MTA spokesman said that from the Maltese perspective, it was satisfying and encouraging to note that Malta's tourism performance during the first four months of the year showed such an increase in inbound visitors to Malta as it implies that its performance continues, to exceed the growth rates for both the entire World and Europe. It was ”proof that Malta is sustaining its trend of outperforming overall growth rates at global, continental and regional levels”, he said.

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday August 4, 2015

Steve and Tiana win House Rules the hard way S

ydney father-daughter duo Steve and Tiana Falzon, have won the reality show hosted by Johanna Griggs, House Rules 2015, an Australian competitive renovation game show which is screened on the Seven Network. Steve, a 47-years-old tradesman born in Sydney West of Maltese parents, and his daughter Tiana were both named victors and having the family’s $250,000 mortgage paid off during the nail-biter live grand final beating Queensland couple Ben Edgeworth and Danielle Russell. The winner was decided via a combination of judges’ scores and the public vote. It’s an outcome the novice renovators never expected, after struggling through the first half of the competition and narrowly avoiding elimination. “We’ve grown throughout the whole experience,” Tiana, 26, said. “We gave it everything we had to make it (to the finale).” Steve had bought the family house more than two decades ago in Mount Druitt but his wife Danielle died in 1996 with pneumonia when she was only 27. Struggling to deal with the unfathomable grief, the single father-of-two was forced to work relentless hours to keep a roof over Tiana and younger brother Andrew’s heads.

Father and daughter duo Steve and Tiana Falzon, winners of House Rules 2015

Mr. Falzon told the Mt Druitt Stan- pad. Each team had to transform the dard, “It has not sunken in yet; this garage of the other team’s house in is one of those feelings that is just so one last challenge and the Falzons surreal. I have always dreamt of came out on top by two points, with being mortgage-free but never a combined 19 out of 20 from the thought it would happen. I thought judges. I would be paying this place off for the rest of Media release my life.” The winning pair was Announcing the establishment of happy enough seeing A NEW Maltese Social Support Group the rundown family In the Shellharbour Local Government Area home in Mount Druitt For older people over the age of 65 years completely transformed into a modern The Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra Inc is proud to

The renovated house of the Falzon family

announce that a new Multicultural Social Support Group for older people from Maltese backgrounds, living in the Shellharbour LGA, will commence on the 5th of August. The Maltese Social Support Group is supported by the Australian Government Department of Social Services under the Commonwealth Home Support Program. A number of activities will be organised for the group including; u Morning tea and lunch from different cultures uSocial activities including local and regional events, festival and activities uDay outings and excursion of your choice u Cultural arts activities and events uGentle exercise and physical activities to assist with health and wellbeing u Be kept up- to- date with Community Guest Speakers who will present various topics which promote healthy ageing u Individual support and other lifestyle and leisure activities u Transport to and from the centre if needed u Assist clients with Referrals and accessing MY Aged Care Contact Centre We welcome our members of Shellharbour to join in and be part of this exciting new group The new programme begins: Wednesday from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm at Oak Flats Neighbourhood Centre 44 Fisher Street, Oak Flats For further information on how you can become a member of the group contact: MCCI Head office on 02 4229 7566 or Daiana on 0402 165 014, or the MY Aged Care Call Centre on 1800 200 422.

The programme will commence on Wednesday August 5

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 4, 2015

Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

SBS Radio is paid with our taxes

J.L. Vella, from Brunswick, Victoria, writes:

he July 18 issue of The Times of Malta, connecting with the Maltese Community vs. T Radio SBS latest saga made some very valid points but has also concluded that NGO’s both in Malta and Australia should consider sponsoring Maltese programmes on Australian SBS Radio to defray some of the broadcasting costs. Whoever is feeding this kind of argument to the Maltese daily has conveniently forgotten that SBS Radio is already financed by the very taxes we pay. A call for the Maltese Government to assist was aired in the wrong time when serious negotiations and various protests were going on. This is a matter for the Australian Federal Government. Maltese in Australia should all vent their anger towards that end by contacting their Federal Member of Parliament and not trying to divert attention. If SBS Radio becomes totally commercial it would be much harder for the Maltese programmes to survive.

Malta an island that has got everything Clayton Bartolo from Adelaide writes: am just back from a great trip to my parents’ and my grandparents’ birthplace, the tiny but exceptionally beautiful Malta. I will never forget this holiday and will certainly make it a point to make Malta my focal point in the years to come. In the last issue of The Voice, my letter to the magazine was mistakenly credited to somebody else. Not that it worried me, but just for fairness sake, as I am the one who experienced the trip and enjoyed the events I mentioned. Back home I feel so refreshed, and I have not stopped singing the praises of this Mediterranean isle. I am now passing on


While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

my wonderful experience to other youths and who like me had not only ever visited Malta, but also some of them; Aussie of course, never knew it existed. As I said in my previous contribution to these pages, my primary interest in life, besides the family and my work, is music, and I feel so lucky to have had so many occasions to attend musical events on the island, starting with the Isle of MTV and ending with three more gigs all organised for free and all so well attended. It was so easy to make friends with other Maltese youths and quite a number of pretty Maltese girls at these events, but I also managed to form a bond with other youths from other European cities that either attended the Isle of MTV festival, or are studying the English language in Malta. Resulting from these contacts I am already planning my next visit, if not next year, the next, and if I am lucky enough in my new job I might even add a visit to some other European countries. I found out that Malta is within easy reach of the European mainland. No wonder so many Maltese find it so easy to visit Europe. One needs just hop on a plane and in less than a three-hour flight would be experiencing the food and the culture of another country. In just one trip, Malta has become my Mecca! Note: Apologies to Clayton and to Alfred Flask for attributing Clayton’s correspondence in the last issue to the latter.

Tuesday August 4, 2015

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Maltese Bishop and his congregation in Kenya under repeated attacks


Maltese priest, Joseph Alessandro, the Bishop of Garissa in Kenya (pictured right) leads his Christian congregation in uncertain times in the North East of the country that is repeatedly under attacks at the hands of Al-Shabaab militants who have killed hundreds. The Bishop who went to Kenya in the early 1990s, and who was shot by separatist militants on the Kenyan coast in 1993, forced to leave the country to receive medical attention, but eventually went back to Garissa five years ago more determined to return, was the subject of a news feature on the American basic cable and satellite television channel, CNN. In spite of the threats that arrive before every Sunday mass, Fr Alessandro says he would never consider leaving his congregation. “It's not a matter of choice,” he says. “It's our duty to remain here. Since we are appointed as bishops, we have to stay - not withstanding what happens - 'til there are no Catholics, it's our duty to stay.” The clergy in Garissa says that despite being too scared to sleep inside Garissa town and deciding to move themselves and their families across to the other side of the river to safety, the congregation is gaining in confidence and wants to return to normal. At Sunday Mass in Garissa's Cathedral Our Lady of Consolation, the benches are full. The congregation is praying under armed guard, particularly following the deadly attack in April, but they're praying nonetheless. In April this year, hundreds of students at Garissa University in the north of the country came under attack when Al-Shabaab militants from across the border in Somalia raided dormitories at the college. Separating Christian students from their Muslim classmates, the raiders killed 147 and wounded dozens more. Today, the university stands empty as in the wake of the attack; many students stopped attending their classes. It is reported that each Sunday brings with it new threats from AlShabaab with Garissa's Christians told that if they worshiped there they would die. One of those attending Sunday Mass, a Garissa resident and frequent visitor to the Cathedral, named as Patrick Gitau told CNN that despite the risks: “Every Sunday I'm here it's my cathedral. Yeah I'm here I was baptised in this church.” According to Fr Alessandro, before the Garissa attack, the school had 460 students. After the attack, only 300 reported back. “The others left Garissa or were scared to come back (to school) because

of the attack,” he said. However, he hopes that the institutions forced to shut down because of the threat of terror would soon reopen and that life would return to normal. “Now we are gaining confidence again - we have security on the compound for the school and even during the night for the sisters, for the priests.” The diocese has received words of encouragement from the Pope himself. At the invitation of the diocese, Bishop Alessandro said that the Pope added Kenya to his Africa trip in November, and says members of the congregation would be chosen to travel to Nairobi to meet him. For now though, he and his bishops are focusing on the daily task of keeping their flock safe as best they can. The bishop told CNN: “We are people of God, we are people of faith. God never abandons us and maybe in moments when we feel that we are left on our own. There are those moments that God might be very close to us. Even if we don't feel him.”

10 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday August 4, 2015 A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://www.ivancauchi.

kitba ta’



a nafx tiftakrux il-film Meet Joe Black (Iltaqg˙u ma' Joe Black) li ˙are© fl-1998, li kien fih l-atturi Brad Pitt u Anthony Hopkins. Kienet l-ewwel darba li ltqajt mal-idjoma 'çert daqs il-mewt u t-taxxi'. Dawn tal-a˙˙ar jin©abru minn dawk li jmexxu l-istat, biex ikunu jistg˙u jiffinanzjaw is-servizzi li joffri l-istess stat, u jekk min imexxi jkun bla skrupli, biex i˙axxen butu. Imma mhux dwar hekk nixtieq nikteb illum. Fil-˙mistax li g˙addew, il-Premier ta' NSW, Mike Baird g˙amel proposta biex ir-rata tal-GST tikber minn 10% g˙al 15%.1 Óadd ma jie˙u gost jitkellem dwar it-taxxa, u wisq inqas i˙allasha. Biss xtaqt nikkummenta ftit dwar xi termini relatati li spiss jissemmew. L-ewwel ˙a©a, x'inhi l-GST? Hija abbrevjazzjoni ta' Goods and Services Tax (taxxa fuq ilprodotti u s-servizzi), forma ta' taxxa li tin©abar ftit ftit f'kull stadju fit-tiswir talprodott jew servizz, minflok tin©abar f'daqqa fi stadju wie˙ed, b˙al tariffa tad-dwana, jew taxxa fuq id-d˙ul. Hemm diversi pajjiΩi li g˙andhom ilGST apparti l-Awstralja, b˙all-Kanada. F'pajjiΩi o˙rajn tissejja˙ VAT (Value Added Tax - taxxa fuq il-valur miΩjud), b˙all-pajjiΩi tal-Unjoni Ewropea, inkluΩa Malta. Fl-Awstralja, il-GST tin©abar mill-gvern federali, u titqassam kollha kemm hi lill-gvernijiet tal-istati u t-territorji. Il-vanta©©i ewlieni tag˙ha (g˙all-gvern) huma: * li tkopri l-biçça l-kbira tal-ekonomija (˙lief eskluΩjonijiet b˙all-ikel u s-sa˙˙a) b'mod ugwali, u mhux partijiet speçifiçi b˙at-tariffi fuq il-bejg˙ tal-proprjetà, jew it-taxxa fuq il-pagi (li jiskora©©ixxu dik l-attività, u g˙alhekk iwasslu g˙al tag˙wi© fl-ekonomija); * li tibda tin©abar ˙afna qabel ma l-prodott jew is-servizz ji©i mixtri mill-konsumatur fl-istadju tal-konsum. Il-kritika g˙al din it-taxxa hi n-natura rigressiva tag˙ha. Din ilkelma x'inhi - mela sejrin lura? Dan it-terminu jintuΩa biex jiddistingwi l-GST (u taxxi simili b˙all-VAT) minn taxxi 'progressivi' b˙at-taxxi fuq id-d˙ul. Bittaxxa fuq id-d˙ul, iktar ma wie˙ed ikollu d˙ul (jaqla’ flus), iktar i˙allas rata ta' taxxa g˙olja. Fl-Awstralja r-rati jibdew minn 19% sa 45%. F'˙afna pajjiΩi nkluΩ l-Awstralja, min g˙andu d˙ul baxx ˙afna ma j˙allas xejn taxxa fuq id-d˙ul. Bil-GST, kul˙add i˙allas l-istess rata (illum 10%), g˙andu d˙ul kemm g˙andu d˙ul u g˙ani kemm hu g˙ani. Jekk tqabbel kemm i˙allas taxxa ma kemm jaqla’ bniedem fqir u bniedem g˙ani, tara li tal-ewwel bil-GST jispiçça j˙allas iktar, (jew ˙afna iktar) proporzjonalment minn bniedem g˙ani2. G˙alhekk, il-GST tissejja˙ rigressiva. Taxxi progressivi jitqiesu miΩuri ta' ©ustizzja soçjali, u b˙ala xi ˙a©a poΩittiva (u ta' min jiΩdiedu) minn partiti politiçi xellugin. Jitqiesu b˙ala xi ˙a©a negattiva (u ta' min jitnaqqsu) minn partiti politiçi tal-lemin. Kif wie˙ed jistenna, dawn il-partiti g˙andhom

l-attitudni l-oppost g˙at-taxxi rigressivi. G˙al din ir-ra©uni, dejjem ikun hemm ©lieda politika meta l-GST (jew il-VAT) ikun se jidda˙˙al jew ikun se jog˙la f'pajjiΩ. Dan se˙˙ fl-Awstralja fis-sena 2000, meta l-partit Laburista oppona (ming˙ajr suççess) l-introduzzjoni tal-GST, u niftakar l-istess se˙˙ f'Malta fl-1995 meta l-partit Laburista oppona l-introduzzjoni tal-VAT, ne˙˙iha meta inqalbet il-folja u kellu jaraha ti©i reintrodotta meta l-folja nqalbet lura fl-1999. Kif g˙edna, fl-Awstralja r-rata tal-GST illum hi ta' 10%. Hija ˙afna iktar baxxa minn dik fl-UE, fejn l-inqas rata standard permessa tal-VAT hija ta' 15%3. Fil-prattika però, l-inqas rati huma talLussemburgu (17%) u Malta (18%), u l-iktar g˙olja huma tal-Ungerija (27%).4 Fi New Zealand ir-rata hija ta' 15%. Mill-banda l-o˙ra, hija iktar g˙olja mir-rata tal-Kanada li b˙alissa hi ta' 5%. Il-fatt hu li l-GST u l-VAT huma taxxi meqjusa li ji©©eneraw ˙afna inqas tag˙wi© mhux intenzjonat fl-ekonomija, ji©ifieri ma jiskora©©ux lil parti u jinkora©©ixxu lil parti o˙ra. Din naraha b˙ala xi ˙a©a poΩittiva, u l-proposta tal-Premier Baird, apparti li tipprovdi d˙ul g˙all-istati g˙al servizzi b˙al dak tas-sa˙˙a, g˙andha l-potenzjal li tnaqqas il-bΩonn ta' w˙ud mill-ammont meqjus kbir wisq (madwar 1255) ta' taxxi li jeΩistu illum fl-Awstralja u l-kumplikazzjonijiet tag˙hom. Madankollu, nemmen ukoll fil-©ustizzja soçjali, u g˙alhekk insostni li hemm bΩonn li nie˙du ˙sieb l-iktar batuti fis-soçjetà, b'kumpens sostanzjali u permanenti g˙al dawk li se jkunu spejjeΩ g˙oljin g˙alihom, u/jew tibdil fl-istess Ωmien f'taxxi progressivi o˙ra sabiex l-ekwità (ji©ifieri li timxi bil-fier ma min huwa fqir) ma tkunx mittiefsa. G˙alhekk, iridu ji©u kkunsidrati taxxi o˙ra u mhux nikkonçentraw biss fuq il-GST. Pakkett ta' dan it-tip ikollu l-approvazzjoni tieg˙i. Referenzi 1., retrieved 27/7/2015 2., retrieved 26/7/2015 3., retrieved 26/7/2015 4. VAT Rates Applied in the Member States of the EU; European Commission, Taxud.c.1(2015); 1 5. Australia's Future Tax System Report to the Treasurer; Ken Henry et al; 2009; Overview p.11

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Tuesday August 4, 2015

JOHN PILLOW: a Maltese who served in the NZ Army


n a previous issue, I wrote about Louis Cremona from Rabat Gozo who served as a NZ Rifleman and cook during WW1 and who I believed to be the only-known Maltese ANZAC from NZ at the time of writing. Louis Cremona was awarded the British War Medal and the Victory Medal for his services on the Western Front. As my research is on-going, I have now found another three Malta-born ANZACs from NZ and another born in New Zealand of a Maltese father and a Kiwi mother. With the help of Jan Donnelly an avid researcher and genealogist from Nelson NZ, I was informed that Louis obtained a Papaffy passage subsidy to migrate to NZ in 1906, together with his friend, a Valletta-born Maltese, John Pillow. Both travelled together on the same ship and arrived in Wellington NZ on March 5, 1906. Louis Cremona found work as a chef with the Cress Club, Masterton Hotel in the Wellington Region, while John Pillow found employment with the NZ Government as a civil servant. But, with a name like Pillow, was he Maltese? At the Malta National Archives, I located John Pillow’s application for a passport, dated Sept 23, 1905. In it he stated that he was born on the 21st November 1883 at Valletta and was baptised at the parish of St Paul. His father was the late Enrico Albert Pillow married to Teresa Azzopardi. At the time he applied for a passport, John Pillow resided at 17 Sda San Nicola Sliema. So John Pillow was born and grew up in Malta. The mere fact that he was successfully awarded a Papaffy subsidy is evidence of his Maltese nationality as this assisted passage scheme was available to young literate Maltese. In NZ, on April 15, 1914, John Pillow married a Catherine Marie Bradley, a NZ girl from Matamata, Waikato district. A few months later, on August 26, he enlisted with the NZ Field Ar-

by Mark Caruana tillery, 3rd Brigade and was soon promoted to the rank of staff sergeant (three chevron armband) with the regimental number 15/74. As staff sergeant he was responsible for administration and human resources in the army. John and Catherine resided at Kelburn and Days Bay in Wellington and in Tauranga. John Pillow started duties on August 24, 1914 and was discharged on the termination of his engagement December 13, 1918, i.e. he served for the duration of the war, one year in NZ and also three years overseas. With the NZ Field Pictured are copies of documents from the New Zeaand archives that attest to John Pillow’s progress both in the New Zealand Expedition Force and also the Field Artillery until his discharge

Share it with the readers of The Voice If you have a story to tell that you believe could make interesting reading and you would like to share it with The Voice of the Maltese readership, get in touch with us by email at:

Art-illery, he did two years as a sergeant and two years as a staff sergeant. He was discharged on termination of his engagement. John served in Egypt, the Dardanelles, Anzac and France. He was awarded the British War Medal and the Victory Medal. The 1928 Australian Electoral Roll

lists John and his wife Catherine as residing at Victoria Park, a suburb of Perth Western Australia. His occupation was given as storekeeper. He retired in 1958 and moved to Claremont, WA, then moved again in 1963 to Perth where he died five years later, in 1968 at Perth WA aged 80 years. Lest we forget.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 4, 2015

Roundup of News About Malta

Italians deported for alleged money laundering through gaming companies


he Malta Gaming Authority suspended six gaming licences, including those relating to Uniq Group Ltd and Betsolution4U Ltd that had been operating in Malta since 2011, while six Italian nationals were arrested. It followed a crackdown by Italian police on an entire online betting network of companies after Italian authorities reported that the notorious Calabrian mafia – the Ndrangheta – was using these companies based in Malta to launder massive amounts of dirty cash. The six Italians, who were living in Malta, were arrested under a European Arrest Warrant and deported to Italy on Saturday Reports in the Italian media said that a police inquiry showed that Poker tournaments in Malta were being used for the recycling of money derived from criminal activities, and hard cash obtained through illegal means was allegedly recycled through ‘legitimate’ gaming outlets in Italy, Malta and other countries. Malta Gaming Authority chairman Joe Cuschieri said that Malta reacted immediately when the European arrest warrants were issued. It was the only country to suspend the licenses for these. Mr Cuschieri insisted that Malta was a role model when it came to gaming regulations and to the seriousness of how checks and balances of license holders were carried out. Parliamentary Secretary for competitiveness Jose Herrera said that that the gaming industry in Malta had developed significantly over recent years and it was the first country to introduce a regulator for the sector. “One rotten apple, or in this case one alleged rotten apple, does not necessarily mean that the whole industry is corrupt,” he said. “Nevertheless, you can never know whether an individual may be tempted or not,” he stressed, adding that the number of rotten apples had remained rather low considering the volume of companies. He added that despite the strict due diligence processes currently in place, some companies might get on the wrong path after these processes would have taken place. He said that prior to the arrests, the gaming authority has been in talks to fine tune the

Investigators also implicate son of former PM Gonzi

Italian investigators have vaunted his presence as the mafia’s ability to infiltrate the highest levels of society. Meanwhile, in comments to local media, Dr Gonzi said his participation in the structure was limited to holding shares on behalf of a third party that was disclosed to the authorities and providing legal services to one of the companies last year, and that any statement that says something to the contrary is not well studied and reaching a conclusion without looking at the relevant facts in detail. Gaming Malta foundation that was set up with a view to promoting Malta as a leading licensing jurisdiction for gaming has encouraged the gaming industry to remain vigilant to ensure Malta’s reputation as a “home” to gaming is not threatened.

industry for months and was going to present a draft legislation in November to reorganise the industry and make it more efficient and transparent, regardless of the latest scandal. Meanwhile, former prime minister Lawrence Gonzi’s son Dr David Gonzi is one of 128 people listed in the investigation and a 700-page document submitted by investigators to the Reggio Calabria tribunal. His name emerged because of his shareholding, directorship in GVM holdings. Through his partnership in three of the companies, the Italian investigators place Gonzi at the heart of a pyramidal company etween January 2013 and June this year, 411 cycles of vitro structure behind fertilisation (IVF) were carried out in Malta, 81 of them at the the Italian gaming new IVF clinic within national hospital Mater Dei that began opcompanies regis- erating in January this year. tered in Malta. He The total amount of cycles resulted in 116 viable pregnancies with is the only GVM a global rate success of 28% that compares favourably with the last partner named. figures announced by the UK Human Fertilisation & Embry Authority (HFEA) in 2011, which was 25%. The government is now looking forward to evaluating the current IVF legislation, in the context of the results of the present regulations, to come up with new local legislation that would involve various sections of the Maltese community, as well as take into consideration sentences recently passed by the European Court of ocals are fed up with former eastern Europeans from countries Human Rights. now forming part of the EU, who have easy access to travel to A committee made up of professionals from the Ministry of Malta and commit criminal offences, mostly pick-pocketing. Health and Energy, the Ministry of Social Dialogue, Consumer AfA case in point was that of two Romanian men who were charged in fairs and Civil Liberties and the Ministry of Justice has been set Court with stealing 17 mobile phones and a tablet between July 4 and up in order to study and revise IVF. 24. A 52-year-old Romanian woman, also charged, admitted to hanAs part of the revision process interested parties and the general dling stolen property and was given a 13-month jail term suspended public are being invited to make suggestions in order to evaluate for two years. At their residence Police discovered the stolen phones the legal framework for IVF. that were wrapped and allegedly ready to be sent overseas.

Foreigners charged with theft of 17 mobile phones L

Malta: 28% success rate in pregnancies through IVF B

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday August 4, 2015

Roundup of News About Malta

Record 4.5m. passengers expected Fraudster rakes in €75,000 social benefits, reports to walk through Malta Airport 2015 in ccording to reports, a Maltese man alta International Airport is expectA being described as a serial fraudster has ing more than 4.5 million passencollected more than €75,000 in social bene-


gers to walk through its facilities by the end of the year, which is an increase of more than 200,000 travellers over 2014. When he gave an updated mid-year forecast recently, MIA chief executive Alan Borg said the company was experiencing record passenger numbers month after month and successfully increasing traffic in the non-peak months. He said that in the first half of the year, MIA hosted 1.9 million passengers, up by 127,765 – or 6.9 per cent – compared to last year, He went on to say that their revised forecast for this year takes into account several elements: the growth rate for the first six months, the positive start to summer and a cautiously optimistic view of the remaining quarters. “The really good news is that in just 10 years, traffic to Malta has gone up by almost 70 per cent, with the increase being spread evenly throughout the year and not just in the peak months. We’re confident we can keep increasing our traffic and help to sell Malta as a year-round destination,” he added. He said that the growth since 2005 was staggering, adding that it was the result of collaboration between MIA, the government and the Malta Tourism Authority Meanwhile, there was an increase of 4.5 per cent of inbound tourists when compared to the corresponding month of 2014. Total inbound visitors for June were estimated at 187,617. Of thee, 158,198 were carried out for holiday purposes, while a further 13,446 were undertaken for business purposes. Inbound tourists from EU Member States went up by 7.9 per cent to 158,271. Inbound tourist trips between January and June amounted to 763,458, an increase of 5.3 per cent over the same period in 2014. Total nights spent by inbound tourists went up by 3.2 per cent, reaching almost 5.5 million nights. Total tourism expenditure during this period was estimated at €625.6 million, 6.0 per cent higher than that recorded for 2014. Malta’s top market remained the UK, with 580,107 passenger movements in the first six

months of 2015, followed by Italy (with 396,427) and Germany (with 274,954). Air Malta remained the top airline, responsible for carrying 769,781 passengers in the first six months this year. Compared to last year, the national airline experienced a 3.2 per cent dip due to the losses from Libya (estimated to have been 60,000 passengers) and Russia (10,000 passengers). Both countries experienced political turmoil.

AFM’s second AgustaWestland helicopter

EU funds invested in AFM air force over 30 months, the Armed Forces mony of the second AW139, in the presence Imentofn justMalta's air wing has seen an invest- of Italian defence minister Roberta Pinotti, of €60 million, that will include three home affairs minister Carmelo Abela said

AgustaWestland AW139 helicopters, which cost over €13 million each, the training for pilots and the third King Air plane. Speaking during the inauguration cere-

81% of Maltese happy with Malta’s economic situation


alta has once again received a vote of confidence with a European-wide survey - carried out between May 16 and 27 in 34 countries and territories - showing that 81% of the Maltese regard the economic situation in the country as a good. This is up from 73% in the autumn. Only the Germans and the Danes are more positive than the Maltese on the health of their economy. Despite the lull in arrivals more than three quarters of the population considers immigration as the most important issue facing Malta with concern rising from 57% to 76%.

fits he was not entitled to, and is facing legal action. Reports in the Press quoted Government sources saying that the man, whose identity could not be revealed, was caught abusing seven benefits, including different pension schemes, as well as disability and sickness assistance in recent weeks. The reports also quoted a Social Solidarity Ministry spokeswoman saying that the Benefit Fraud Investigation Department had traced the abuse back to 2006, the year the department was first set up. The spokeswoman said the fraudster’s case was one of several recently concluded inquiries by the benefit fraud investigators, now taking legal action against him.

Immigration, cited by 23% of Europeans on average, is now the most important concern in four countries: Malta (76%), Germany (46%) and the United Kingdom (35%) and Denmark (35%). The Maltese are among the most likely to support for “a common European policy on migration”). Support is most widespread in the Netherlands (85%), Germany (84%), Malta (84%), Lithuania (82%), Luxembourg (82%) and Spain (81%), than in the Czech Republic (52%), Estonia (53%), Finland (57%) and Austria (58%).

that the government would be making further investments. “We believe a modern nation cannot function without a modern force,” he said, adding “the AFM carries the nations values at heart.” The investment, that would strengthen the country's ability to patrol its borders, is to be co-financed by the EU's external borders fund, Parliamentary secretary Ian Borg announced. He said that the amount to be allocated to Malta in EU funds for internal security, amounts to €75 million that would also finance among others, the construction of two new hangers and an operation centre. He said that the money obtained would therefore continue to build on the various actions that are currently being implemented. A third AW139 is expected to be delivered in 2016.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 4, 2015

“..hadd m’hu skart ghar-rimi” l-Isqof t’G˙awdex Mons Mario Grech


a mill-bidu tal-episkopat tieg˙u, l-Isqof ta’ G˙awdex Mons Mario Grech, sar mag˙ruf g˙ad-diskorsi skjetti tieg˙u, diskorsi li jolqtu fil-la˙am il-˙aj, u fattwali g˙alkemm kultant anke kontroversjali. Wie˙ed mill-a˙˙ar diskorsi tieg˙u, li ©ie rrappurtat fil-midja kien dak tal-omelija filQuddiesa tal-Pussess ta’ Dun Michael Curmi b˙ala Arçipriet tal-Parroçça ta’ Santa Margerita, Ta’ Sannat, G˙awdex. L-Isqof g˙amilha çara, (mhux g˙allewwel darba) li fix-xibka ta’ Pietru hemm wisa’ g˙al kul˙add... ˙add ma hu skart g˙ar-rimi. Mhux kompitu tal-qassis li ji©©udika, imma ta’ Alla. Nislet xi partijiet mid-diskors: “Fix-xibka li jifrex is-saçerdot hemm wisa’ g˙al kul˙add u ˙add mhu skart g˙ar-rimi. Huwa minnu li fil-Van©elu naqraw li “meta x-xibka jtel-lg˙uha x-xatt, ji©bru fil-kannestri dak li jkun tajjeb u jarmu l-˙aΩin” (Mt

13:48). Fil-verΩjoni bil-Grieg, Ìesù ma jg˙idx “˙Ωiena” fis-sens ta’ ©udizzju morali, imma l-kelma sapra’ tfisser dawk li t˙assru u nitnu g˙ax mietu (putrified) u g˙alhekk m’hemmx tama aktar g˙alihom – m’hemmx possibbiltà ta’ rkupru tag˙hom. Fi kliem ie˙or, ‘il˙Ωiena’ huma dawk li assolutament huma irreversibbli. Ûgur li l-midneb mhux f’din il-kategorija – fil-kannestru tas-sajjied hemm post g˙all-midneb ukoll. “ Fid-dg˙ajsa ta’ Pietru jitla’ wkoll ilmidneb, g˙aliex sakemm il-bniedem huwa ˙aj, dejjem tibqa’ t-tama li wie˙ed jista’ jirrevedi ˙ajtu. Fil-Knisja m’g˙andna naqtg˙u qalbna minn ˙add. Arçipriet, irridek tkun konvint b˙ali li fil-Knisja u fis-soçjetà ma jeΩisti ˙add li huwa ‘inutli’ jew ‘irrekuperabbli’ tant li taqta’ jiesek minnu. Nittama li qieg˙ed niftiehem. Hi x’inhi l-kundizzjoni tal-bniedem, jew l-g˙aΩla li

Port Mimli

iΩ-Ωmien li s-Servizzi IngliΩi kienu fl-aqwa tag˙hom... fiΩ-Ωmien meta l-preΩenza F navali fil-GΩejjer Maltin kienet notevoli, Ωjara f’wa˙da mill-Barrakki tal-Belt kienet issa˙˙rek tara l-Port il-Kbir mimli kif kienu jg˙idu ‘biççiet tal-ba˙ar’ (g˙ax g˙al idjoma Maltija l-ikbar aircraft carrier kien ‘qoxra’ jew ‘biçça tal-ba˙ar’, imma mbag˙ad frejgatina, speçjalment jekk tintuΩa’ fit-ti©rijiet tal-Vitorja, kienet ‘opra’). Telqu l-IngliΩi u minn dak iΩ-Ωmien rarament tara daqshekk bastimenti fil-Port il-Kbir. Biss kultant dan ji©ri wkoll. Dawk li fl-a˙˙ar jiem xefqu lejn il-Port il-Kbir Ωgur baqg˙u msa˙˙rin jaraw ˙ames vapuri tat-turisti (cruise liners) ta’ kumpaniji differenti f’dan il-Port li ©abu mag˙hom mawar 14,000 passi©©ier, minbarra mas-6000 membru tal-ekwipa©©. Il-passi©©ieri ma kienux biss mill-Ewropa imma wkoll mis-suq Amerikan u KanadiΩ. Ix-xena fil-Port kompliet tisbi˙ billi tnejn mill-vapuri kellhom jitrakkaw in-na˙a tal-Kottonera u l-passi©ieri mbag˙ad in©abu bid-dg˙ajjes lejn Xatt-il Belt. Il-kapitali Maltija kienet mimlija daqs bajda bit-turisti billi l-parti l-kbira ta’ dawk li ©ew bil-vapuri spiççaw igawdu r-rikkezza turistika tal-belt Valletta. Sintendi dawn ikontribwew biex l-g˙add ta’ turisti li qed iΩuru Malta bil-ba˙ar kulma jmur ikompli jiΩdied. Infatti bejn April u Ìunju li g˙addew l-g˙add ta’ cruise liners li waqfu Malta Ωdiedu b’xejn inqas minn 66.4% fuq l-istess perjodu tas-sena li g˙addiet, waqt li fl-ewwel sitt xhur tas-sena Ωdiedu b’39.9% fuq l-ewwel sitt xhur tal-2014. Fil-fatt huwa mistenni li l-g˙add tat-turisti li se jkunu ©ew Malta bil-cruise liners sa tmiem dis-sena se jkun ila˙˙aq 640,000 li bejniethom mistennija j˙allu fil-GΩejjer tag˙na mat-€82 miljun.

jag˙mel, hemm postu f’din ix-xibka, ji©ifieri f’din il-komunità ekkleΩjali.” Ûied jg˙id.. “Mhux kompitu jew responsabbiltà tag˙na li nag˙Ωlu bejn il-˙ut tajjeb u dak ˙aΩin. Kif jg˙id Ìesù, din l-g˙aΩla hija f’idejn l‘an©li’ li fi tmiem id-dinja jo˙or©u jifirdu l˙Ωiena mill-©usti. Fi kliem ie˙or il-©udizzju n˙alluh g˙al Alla. G˙alhekk mhux xog˙ol tag˙na li noqog˙du nikklassifikaw in-nies u nqeg˙duhom f’kategoriji – dawn tajbin u dawk ˙Ωiena, dawn jistg˙u ji©u fil-laqg˙at tal-komunità u lil dawk neskluduhom u n˙alluhom wara l-bieb! “A˙na min a˙na biex nag˙mlu dawn il©udizzji? G˙alhekk, Arçipriet, illum meta qed nibag˙tek biex f’isem Kristu tie˙u ˙sieb pastorali ta’ din il-komunità, nag˙tik il-mandat biex tifrex ix-xibka u qis li fiha tilqa’ lil kul˙add, ˙add eskluΩ, g˙ax m’hawn ˙add li huwa mitluf. Ilkoll nistg˙u nirrevedu l-˙ajja tag˙na u nikbru fl-intimità ma’ Ìesù.. “Meta Ìesù jg˙id li s-Saltna tas-Smewwiet tixbah lil xibka li fiha jin©abar kollox, dan g˙andu interpretazzjoni o˙ra. Meta jg˙id li fix-xibka jin©aba ‘kollox’, Ìesù qed jg˙id li flimkien mal-˙ut fix-xibka jaf ikun hemm ˙afna ‘imbarazz’– injam, ˙adid, ˙wejje© bla uΩu, u o˙rajn – li l-bniedem ikun difen fil-qieg˙ tal-ba˙ar. “Allura meta jtellg˙u x-xibka fuq ix-xatt, is-sajjied inaddaf ix-xibka mhux mill-˙ut imma mill-imbarazz. Hekk ukoll fix-xibka li hija l-komunità ekkleΩjali: fiha hemm wisa’ g˙all-bnedmin kollha u m’g˙andna nwarrbu ebda persuna, imma g˙andna wkoll çertu ‘imbarazz’ li mhux biss m’g˙andu ebda siwi, imma huwa ta’ xkiel. Int taf li jien nixtieq ˙afna li nnaddfu xxibka tal-Knisja mill-˙afna mbarazz li n©ama’ matul is-snin. Naf li din mhix missjoni ˙afifa, g˙ax hemm ˙afna, mhux biss lajçi, li ma jifhmunix. Jien nara li jekk in˙allu din ix-xibka mg˙obbija kif inhi blimbarazz, hemm il-periklu li x-xibka tiççarrat u nitilfu l-˙ut kollu.” Dan l-a˙˙ar paragrafu huwa sinifikanti ˙afna u jaqbel ma dak li l-istess Isqof kien lissen Ωmien ilu fejn irrefera g˙al çertu reli©joΩita’ u attitudni ta’ çert nies, inkluΩi membri tal-kleru, li forsi ming˙ajr ma jirrealizzaw bl-attitudni tag˙hom qed jag˙mlu ˙sara u mhux ©id lill-Knisja.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday August 4, 2015

Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2

6 miljun Ewro Il-Qag˙ad ikompli

aqshekk kienet in-nefqa tal-Gvern fir-referendum idher li x-xejra poΩittiva fis-settur taxD dwar il-kaçça li sar ftit taΩ-Ωmien ilu. Mn’alla li dan irJ xog˙ol Ωammet ir-ritmu li qabdet f’- jonqos referendum sar ma dak tal-elezzjonijiet g˙all-Kunsilli dawn l-a˙˙ar xhur g˙ax imqabbel ma’ Lokali g˙ax tal-inqas in-nefqa g˙amlet tajjeb ukoll g˙al dawn l-elezzjonijiet. Sintendi din in-nefqa ma tinludix il-flejjes li ˙ar©u dawk involuti fir-referendum u l-elezzjonijiet tal-Kunsill lokali, imma dak li ˙allas il-Gvern. In-nefqa kienet imqassma hekk: €4.6 miljun f'arran©amenti u t˙ejjija g˙ar-referendum u €1.4 miljun flus li t˙allsu lill-Air Malta b'rabta ma’ dawk li ©ew jivvutaw. Meta ˙ar©et l-a˙bar ta’ din in-nefqa, kien hemm min sa˙ansitra qal li kienet nefqa Ωejda, “Irmejna Sitt Miljuni” (FKNK – G˙aqda tal-Kaççaturi). Min-na˙a l-o˙ra taxSHOUT (li kienu kontra l-kaçça fir-Rebbieg˙a u li nsistew li jsir ir-referendum) sostnew, li “a˙na nibqg˙u nesi©u li b˙ala demokrazija m'hemmx prezz. ..... Xorta nsostnu li lpoplu kellu dritt jesprimi l-opinjoni. Ma n˙ossux li m'g˙andux jing˙ata dan id-dritt min˙abba l-ispiΩa”. L-ispiΩa kienet tinkludi wkoll €244,016 f'salarji lill-impjegati, €953,545 fi ˙lasijiet lill-assistent kummissjonarji, €1.6 miljun lil ˙addiema temporanji, €194,784 fi ˙lasijiet marbutin ma' servizzi ta' dawl, materjal u tiswijiet, €441,263 fi ˙lasijiet g˙al servizzi fl-uffiçini, €387,722 g˙attrasport, €46,801 g˙al servizzi ta' informazzjoni u €734,894 fi ˙lasijiet g˙al ospitalita`, apparat u servizzi b'kuntratt. Min-na˙a tag˙ha l-Air Malta t˙allset €1.3 miljun. Meta taqra dawn il-figuri tibda tistaqsi, jekk hux possibli li n-nefqa fuq elezzjoni, referendum eçç tkun inqas. Per eΩempju hemm bΩonn li jin˙ar©u daqshekk flus biex jitqassmu l-voti – li jitqassmu mill-pulizija, meta dawn jistg˙u jitqassmu mill-posta... U jekk tassew irridu niffrankaw il-flus ma jistax wie˙ed jivvota billi jippreΩenta l-karta’ tal-identita’ u hekk ji©i ffrankat mhux biss l-ispejjeΩ tat-tqassim tad-dokument tal-vot, imma anke l-istampar u t-t˙ejjia tal-istess dokument? Hemm bΩonn li f’kull kamra tal-voti barra r-rappreΩentanti tal-Kummissjoni tal-Elezzjonijiet, ikun hemm ukoll rappreΩentanti tal-Partiti Politiçi, liema rappreΩentanti huma m˙allsa mill-istat u mhux mill-Partiti? Imbag˙ad xi ng˙idu g˙al meta jsir l-g˙add tal-voti? Fis-seklu 21 tg˙id ma nistg˙ux nsibu sistema elettronika li barra li tati r-riΩultat aktar malajr, fl-istess ˙in ma tkunx te˙tie© dawk il-mijiet ta’ nies li huma nvoluti fl-g˙add talvot

Ìunju 2014, matul Ìunju din issena dawk li jirre©istraw g˙axxog˙ol naqsu b’1542. Çar li kien hemm tnaqqis f’kull età. L-akbar tnaqqis kien fost persuni li ilhom jirre©istraw aktar minn sena. L-g˙add ta’ persuni b’diΩabilità li kienu qed jirre©istraw ukoll naqqsu b’84. B’hekk ©ew g˙al 409. L-ir©iel b’diΩabilita` jammontaw g˙al 79.7 % tan-nies li jirre©istraw b’diΩabilita`. Mhux ta’ b’xejn li fl-a˙˙ar statistika ma˙ru©a mill-Eurostat, Malta kellha t-tielet l-inqas rata ta' qg˙ad fl-Unjoni Ewropea (5.5%), wara l-Ìermanja (4.7%) u r-Repubblika Çeka (4.9%). Fl-istess xahar, Malta kellha wkoll fost l-inqas rati ta' qg˙ad

fost iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙. Fil-fatt l-inqas rati ta' qg˙ad fost iΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ kienu osservati fil-Ìermanja (7.1%), Malta (10.0%), l-Estonja (10.1%), id-Danimarka u l-Awstrija (it-tnejn 10.3%). Skont stqarrija tal-Eurostat, meta mqabbla ma' sen’ilu, irrata tal-qg˙ad fl-Unjoni Ewropea f'Ìunju naqset f'21 pajjiΩ membru, Ωdiedet f'˙amsa u baqg˙et l-istess fi tnejn. L-akbar tnaqqis kien re©istrat fil-Litwanja (minn 10.9% g˙al 8.5%), Spanja (minn 24.5% g˙al 22.5%) u l-Portugall (minn 14.3% g˙al 12.4%). Ir-rata medja tal-qg˙ad fl-Unjoni Ewropea f'Ìunju kienet ta' 9.6%, ji©ifieri tnaqqis ta' 0.6% fuq Ìunju tal-2014.

G˙awdex fuq quddiem i tkun fuq quddiem fejn tid˙ol lL istatistika mhix dejjem a˙bar tajba. Propju f’dan il-kaΩ Ωgur li dak li ˙are© mill-istatistia ˙add ma jie˙u G˙awdex pjaçir bih, min˙abba li din l-istatika tolqot l-ghadd ta’ delitti li saru filGΩejjer Maltin. Skont l-istoriku tal-kriminolo©ija, Eddie Attard G˙awdex g˙andu wa˙da mill-akbar rati ta’ qtil fil-GΩejjer Maltin meta wie˙ed jie˙u f’kunsiderazzjoni l-popolazzjoni ta’ din il-GΩira. Infatti f’dawn l-a˙˙ar 20 sena f’G˙awdex kien hemm tmien omiçidji, fosthom ˙amsa li saru bejn 2001-2004. B˙ala lokalita’ ndividwali l-akbar g˙add ta’ diletti saru l-Belt, filwaqt li lImdina hija l-unika lokalita’ li qatt ma sar delitt fiha.

Fiex wasalna! spressjoni li tismag˙ha ta’ sikwit, aktarx minn xi anzjani meta E j˙arsu madwarhom u jxeb˙u dak li qed ji©ri llum ma dak li kien ise˙˙ f’Ωog˙Ωithom. Kultant lil dawn iffakruhom li Ω-Ωminijiet inbidlu u li je˙tie©ilhom ja©©ornaw mag˙hom. IΩda na˙seb li dak li se˙˙ dan l-a˙˙ar fiç-çimiterju tal-Addolarata (ta˙t) tassew jixraqlu l-espressjoni “f’hix wasalna”. G˙ax li omm tmur f’dan iç-çimterju fuq il-qabar ta’ bintha fl-okkaΩjoni tat-12-

il sena mill-mewt tag˙ha, tpo©©i bukkett fjuri fuq dan il-qabar, u ftit tal-˙in wara tmur qariba tal-istess mejta u ssib li l-bukkett insteraq minn fuq il-qabar mhix xi ˙a©a li tistenniha. Tassew tal-mist˙ija! Tassew fiex wasalna!

Çimeterju g˙all-annimali

in-negattiv ng˙addu g˙all-poΩittiv. G˙ax inqisa b˙ala a˙bar M poΩittiva l-fatt li g˙all-ewwel darba fil-GΩejjer Maltin se jkollna çimiterju g˙all-bhejjem. S’issa kull min g˙andu qattus, kelb jew xi annimal ie˙or qed isib diffikulta’ biex jara kif se jiddisponi mill-fdal tal-annimali meta jmutlu. Issa wara li ng˙atat l-approvazzjoni tal-MEPA dak li jkun jista' jiddisponi u jidfen l-annimal tieg˙u b'dinjità f’çimiterju propju tal-annimali li se jsir f’Ta’ Qali. Fih se jkun hemm il-façilita’ li l-katavru tal-annimal ji©i kremat. L-irmied wara se jitpo©©a f'urna fejn is-sid se jkollu lg˙aΩla li jew jidfen l-urna f'kompartimenti apposta fiç-çimiterju f'Ta' Qali nkella jag˙Ωel li jie˙u l-urna d-dar. B'kollox iç-çimiterju se jkun jesa' madwar 11,000 karkassa, li huwa biΩejjed biex jaqdi lesi©enzi nazzjonali.

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 4, 2015

A quick glimpse at Australia Labor front benchers during the 2015 National Conference at the Melbourne Convention Centre

Those opposing “refugee tow-back” try to disrupt the conference

What happened at the ALP Conference?


t the ALP 47th triennial national conference held in Melbourne, Labor leader Bill Shorten has called for an Australian Republic within 10 years. “Let us make this the first decade when the head of state is one of us”. A resolution was passed that a future Labor government appoints a minister or parliamentary secretary with responsibility for promoting a republic. The conference also decided that turn-back the boats will be the policy of the next Labor Government. The conference was told that if they persist with the present policy that is based on emotions and not results they would lose the next election. The question of turn-back is an incendiary one within Labor amid concerns about the humane treatment of asylum seekers and deep reservations about Abbott’s government’s hardline and ultra-secretive approach however; this is regarded as a shrewd policy U-Turn to neutralise the Abbott government ob-

session with security and its success in stopping the peoplesmuggling boats. Shorten pledged to double Australia’s annual humanitarian refugee intake to 27,000 by 2025, abolish temporary Protection Visas and reinstate the UN refugee Convention in the Migration Act to respond to the greatest global humanitarian crisis since World War 11. The ALP will commit a further $450 million to the United Nations refugee work in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, and lead development of a regional “humanitarian framework”. It was felt that the ALP needs to get away from the attitude that any display of compassion is viewed as weakness. Regarding same-sex marriage the ALP Conference agreed that it would make it law within the first 100 days in Government. Mr. Shorten said that love between two people was personal and sacred and should not be subjected to political partisanship.

Cardinal Pell casts doubts on the Pope


early 18 months after Cardinal Pell (on left) was brought to the Vatican by Francis and given a mandate to reform the City-State’s banking affairs. The Australian Cardinal gave an interview to The Financial Times, casting doubt on the Pope's landmark document.

“It’s got many, many interesting elements. There are parts of it which are beautiful,” he said. “But the Church has no particular expertise in science … the Church has got no mandate from the Lord to pronounce on scientific matters. We believe in the autonomy of science,” Cardinal Pell told the FT. In the Papal Encyclical, Laudato Si': The Care of our Common Home, released in June, Francis called for global action on climate change and criticised world leaders for not addressing the issue urgently enough. While the Pope won praise from environmental activists, others have argued he should not be wading into the political and scientific debate. Until now, Cardinal Pell had remained quiet on the contents of the Encyclical, despite gaining a reputation in Australia as a climate change denier. In 2011, he clashed with the then-head of Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, Greg Ayers, who said the Cardinal was “misled” in his climate change views.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday August 4, 2015

A quick glimpse at Australia

The gift of life!

Brrrr! It’s cold, very cold

Sisters Amanda (left) and Loretta

f you live in NSW Australia would have felt it. July Iwasyou the chilliest in 17 years, since 1998. This cold front is expected to continue into August, though it is unlikely they will match the fronts in mid-July that help set up the cool patch. Sydney’s rainfall in July was 47 millimeters, or just under half the average.

n her 30th birthday, O two years ago Amanda Cassar tragically lost her

baby six months into her pregnancy and was told that due to medical complications she would never be able to have more children. She has a daughter Paige. The loss resonated with 48-year old Loretta Farrugia who agreed to act as a surrogate mother. After the sisters consulted the doctors and family they decided to go ahead. There was a difference of 17-years and at age 48 years Loretta was one of the oldest in the state. The gift of life, a baby girl named Alyssa was born at Epworth Freemason hospital in Melbourne. According to the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority, the majority of surrogates for Australian couples are based overseas because of the high cost and suitability. “Sisters are certainly not unheard of and the first ever surrogate in State of Victoria in 1988 were sisters surrogates but surrogacy itself is not very common” said Louise Johnstone from VARTA.

Multiculturalism close to death

Sydney hit a million ydney’s median is now higher than S the average house prices in London and is fast approaching New York’s. Lowest interest rates since 1960 and the investor frenzy has seen Sydney’s median house prices smash through the magic $1 million mark for the first time. The median house price has increased by almost $200,000 in a year or 22.9 %, which is one of the highest annual growth rates ever recorded by the city exceeded the boom time results in 2001 and 2001. For those seeking to buy their own home the price has more than doubled the increase in wages over the past 25 years. More than 30 per cent of family income is now required to meet median loan repayments, breaching a common only accepted housing affordability threshold. The average price per sq. m is highest in Monaco where for 14 sq. m you pay $71,988, in Hong Kong for 16 sq. m you pay $61,191, in Sydney for 34 sq. m $29,849, in Rome for 56 sq. m $17997 and in Melbourne for 95 sq. m you pay $10,667.


ddressing the University of Western Sydney’s Adv., Anne Aly from Curtin University said: “Right wing extremism is emerging as an equal, if not greater threat than Muslim radicalisation in Australia. Violent extremism isn’t just a Muslim problem in Australia. The numbers are staggering and growing in rightwing extremism.” Deputy Commissioner Nick Kaldas, the police force’s spokesman on cultural diversity, listed far-right extremism and marches and rallies “which encourage divisive notions of us and them as some of the biggest challenges facing his troops”. Mr. Kaldas said there is definitely activity on the extreme right wing of politics using events around the world to justify rallies in Australia. Reclaim Australia has held many rallies already around Australia.


Dr James Jupp, director of the Australian National University’s Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies told the same conference that multiculturalism was “close to death” under the current government. He said states were still championing the concept but federal government’s decision to move immigration away from social services and into customs and border protection signaled its death at federal level Dr Judd also said that the Labor Party had also “slackened off a great deal in recent years” and played a very limited role in the development immigration and multicultural policy. Keysar Trad, chairman of the Islamic Friendship Association took aim at right-wing columnists and shock jocks, saying they “take no responsibility for the hostile environment they have created”.

Australian Republic

he new chair of the Australian Republic Movement or the ARM Chair is journalist and author Peter FitzSimons. The man who wears a bandanna is married to Nine Network Today show host Lisa Wilkinson. Yhe new chair wrote that Australians still draw their hereditary Head of State from the most elite family on the planet, living 25,000 km away in a palace in London.

“No Australian child will ever be good enough to fill that role because they are not born to that family. I am you are, we are Australian and we must call that for what it is – not right, and simply not fair. We can gently, and respectfully, extricate ourselves from the ties that bind, so that we can become a freestanding republic beneath the Southern Cross.”

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230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 Ph: 9671 4780 Email: Twitter: @mrowlandmp

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 4, 2015

MHC hosts Malta Red Cross Director General The Malta High Commission in Canberra hosted cocktail drinks at its residence in honour of Ms. Paulette Fenech, Director General of Malta Red Cross, who along with Deputy High Commissioner Dr. Joseph Pirotta attended the Fourth Commonwealth Red Cross and Red Crescent Conference on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) July 20-23 at the Realm Hotel in Canberra. Mr. Leonard Blazeby, Head of Mission of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Australia, was HC Mr. Charles Muscat (centre back) and Mrs Victoria Muscat together with the guests among the selected group of guests, hosted at the HC’s reception. Dr. Joseph Pirotta (first left). Mr. Leonard Blazeby, and which included Mr. and Mrs. Kanti Ms. Paulette Fenech are pictured centre. Mrs. Amanda Pirotta (second from right) Jinna and Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Squair, Malta, namely, Dr. Terry and Mrs. Debbie and was supported by the British Red Cross President and Treasurer, respectively, of Dwyer, Brig. Peter Evans and Mrs. Evans and the Commonwealth Secretariat. The conference discussed international the Royal Commonwealth Society, Mr. and Dr. Jennifer Dunlop. Mr. Blazeby spoke briefly about the humanitarian law with the Red Cross Red and Mrs. Gordon Selleck, Dr. and Mrs. Michael Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Commonwealth Conference just held in Crescent Movement and focused on the Australian Capital, outlining the work strengthening protection for victims of Hobbs. Also present were Knights and Dames of of ICRC in preparation for the Conference armed conflict. the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order to be held later in the year in Geneva. The High Commissioner, HE Charles of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes and Muscat welcomed Ms. Paulette Fenech and thanked her for representing Malta at SERATA TA GHANA the high level meeting. On her part, Ms FIL-KLABB TAL-ÓAMRUN Fenech spoke briefly about the challenges (848, Ballarat Road Deer Park Melbourne) of the Malta Red Cross and expressed her Se ssir lejla ta’ GÓANA nhar il-Óadd gratitude to Dr. Joseph Pirotta for attendFRIDAY (August 14): 6.30 pm: Confes16 ta’ Awwissu, 2.00 pm – 5.00 p.m. sions in Maltese & English followed by ing the Conference and the High CommisWara jkun hemm is-soltu divertiment. Holy Rosary; Presentation Of Flowers By sioner and Mrs. Muscat for honouring her Il-klabb jifta˙ mis-1.00 p.m. the Faithful to Santa Marija, and Solemn with a reception at the residence. Mass. Afterwards a merry band march Dr. Pirotta also acknowledged and Ejjew isimg˙u l-a˙jar g˙annejja u amid a Fireworks Display and the continuthanked Ms Fenech for her participation l-a˙jar kitarristi ta’ Sydney ation of Marian Marches at the Hall. and collaboration during the Conference. D˙ul b’xejn. Tkunu tistg˙u tixtru ikel SATURDAY (August 15): 6.00-12.00 am: Representatives from 35 Commonwealth u xorb Malti mill-kçina u l-bar tal-klabb. The SANTA MARIJA ASSUNTA ANnations participated at the conference that G˙al aktar tag˙rif çemplu lill-presiNUAL DINNER DANCE at the Lakeside was co-hosted by the Australian Red Cross, dent George Zahra: 0407 434 651 Banquet Convention Centre with the the Australian Government, and the ICRC,

Festa Santa Marija Assunta 2015 Programme

Programme for the Festa tal-Vitorja at Greystanes (50th Anniversary) Wednesday 23, Thursday 24 and Friday September 25: Triduum of the Festa: 6.30pm: Rosary; 7.00pm: Mass. Saturday, September 26: 9.45am: Confessions. 6.00pm: Solemn Concelebrated Mass in English with Maltese hymns. Principal Celebrant, Fr Paul Marshall, Parish Priest, accompanied by Fr Suresh Kumar, Mons. Carmelo Refalo, Fr Simon Cachia and Fr Paul Cahill O.Carm. At the conclusion of the Mass the Rosary will be recited and Benediction will be given. Sunday, September 27: 3.30pm: Solemn Concelebrated Mass by Monsignor Carmelo Refalo, accompanied by Fr Paul Marshall, Fr Suresh Kumar, Fr Simon Cachia, Fr Tarcisio Micallef mssp, Fr Benedict Sant mssp and Fr Noel Bianco mssp. Monsignor Carmelo Refalo will deliver the Panegyric. Joe Galea will sing hymns during the Mass in Maltese. The procession, accompanied by the statue of Our Lady of Victories and devotees takes place at the conclusion of the Mass. Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band will take part in the procession. 6.00pm: First musical program by Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band. 7.00pm: Second musical program by Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band. 8.30pm: Fireworks display.

Tequila Brothers & the Maltese United Brass Band providing the entertainment SUNDAY (August 16): FESTA DAY. 2.00 p.m.: Concelebrated High Mass by Canon Fr. Karm Borg Emeritus parish priest, of St Peter Chanel. He will deliver the homily and a short Panegyric in Maltese. Other priests will participate along with the Philippine “Pangate Pinoy” choir. 3.45 p.m.: Weather Permitting a Procession with the statue of Santa Marija accompanied by the Malta-Gozo Concert Band Inc amid a fireworks display. After procession the same band and DJ Domenic” will entertain. For Purchase of D/Dance tickets: Frank Mintoff: 9363 5325; Frank Galea: 9314 4231; Bill Deguara: 9366 9956; Joe Attard: 9361 1396; Doris Bonello: 9745 9934; Christine Attard: 9364 5049 Members $60 Per m’ship; Non Members: $65; Children U/12: $45. Food & drinks would be available for sale

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday August 4, 2015


(1929--2009) Poeta u edukatur li ˙adem biex jara l-Ilsien Malti miexi ‘l quddiem

awlu Aquilina, li kien mag˙ruf b˙ala poeta u g˙alliem, Pnhartwieled fis-Si©©iewi, f’dar ftit passi bog˙od mill-pjazza it-28 ta’ Awwissu tal-1929. Huwa studja fis-Seminarju

tal-Arçisqof fil-Furjana u fis-St Michael’s Training College. Pawlu g˙ix ˙ajtu kollha fis-Si©©iewi. Kien iben burdnar tal©ebel, li dak iΩ-Ωmien kien juΩa l-karettun, sakemm korra serjament. Pawlu baqa’ mag˙ruf g˙all-im˙abba tieg˙u lejn dan ir-ra˙al. IΩΩewwe© f’dan ir-ra˙al u anke wliedu twieldu fih. Beda b˙ala g˙alliem fl-iskejjel Primarji tal-Gvern sakemm fl1957 in˙atar b˙ala scriptwriter tal-programmi tax-xandir g˙all-iskejjel fit-Taqsima tax-Xandir Edukattiv fid-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni (DOI). Kien ukoll wie˙ed minn li kienu jiktbu l-a˙barijiet, l-press releases. Hemmhekk qatta’ tlett snin, sakemm fl-1978 in˙atar assistent surmast u tmien snin wara, fl-1986 huwa la˙aq surmast, kariga li baqa’ fiha sakemm irtira erba’ snin wara, fl-1990. Pawlu Aquilina jibqa’ mag˙ruf b˙ala poeta l-aktar bix-xog˙lijiet ippubblikati f’Mill-Bera˙ talG˙elieqi (1992), L-G˙anja Tieg˙i Pawlu Aquilina lil Óal Xluq (2002), Er©a’ Semmag˙li l-G˙anja (2006) u L-G˙anja Tieg˙i lil Óal Kbir (2008). Xog˙lijiet o˙ra tieg˙u huma Hawn Twieldet u Tibqa’ T˙abbat Qalbi (2004) u Is-Si©©iewi u t-Toroq Tieg˙u.

Aquilina ˙adem bis-s˙i˙ biex jara lIlsien Malti miexi ‘l quddiem u kien koeditur ma’ ÌuΩè Diacono fl-edizzjoni riveduta tad-dizzjunarju IngliΩ-Malti (5 volumi) ta’ Dun Karm Psaila (19911993). Huwa ˙a ˙sieb ukoll it-traduzzjoni mill-IngliΩ ta’ A Saint in a Hurry, iddramm storiku-reli©juΩ El Divino Impaciente tal-poeta Spanjol José Maria Pemán, fuq talba ta’ Patri ÌuΩè Delia. Traduzzjonijiet o˙ra tieg˙u huma ta’ St Vincent de Paule’s Residence for the Elderly - The medico-social record (1994) ta’ Dr Paul Cassar; Il-ÓobΩ Malti - Is-Seng˙a tal-Furnar (1994) tal-Monsinjur Hubert Chiron u A Guide to the Passion - 100 Questions About the Passion of The Christ (2004). Aquilina ta s-sehem tieg˙u fl-g˙aqdiet tal-Malti u xandar bosta programmi edukattivi g˙at-tfal tal-iskola. Mexa filpassi ta’ Patri ÌuΩè Delia, i˙obb il-le©©endi, jg˙ix il-fidi u dejjem kien jikteb fir-rivisti tal-festa ta’ San Nikola tas-Si©©iewi – ˙afna drabi xi poeΩija dwar il-Qaddis Tawmaturgu. Huwa miet fid-29 ta’ Jannar 2009. B˙ala g˙arfien g˙al dak li wettaq f’˙ajtu fir-ra˙al tasSi©©iewi, l-aktar min˙abba li b’kitbietu mexxa ‘il quddiem laspetti kulturali, soçjali u storiçi, il-Kunsill Lokali tas-Si©©iewi flimkien mal-G˙aqda Kulturali tar-ra˙al, fi Frar tal-2012 tah ©ieg˙ billi ddedikalu monument fi Triq il-Fawwara (fuq).

Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb Illum il-Partiçelli



’din is-sensiela li tant qed tintlaqa’ tajjeb millqarrejja, llum se nibdew nittrattaw,

1. Il-kelmiet: ma’, lil, xi ©o, ta’, bi, fejn, b˙al, sa, fi, g˙al, bla, kieku, hawn, li, minn, eçç. huma Partiçelli. 2. Il-Partiçelli jitqassmu f’: a) Mag˙Ωulin (we˙edhom): fi, jekk, biex, hekk. b) Mag˙qudin (ma’ o˙rajn): g˙alhekk, sabiex, dalwaqt, g˙aliex ... 3. Il-Partiçelli jistg˙u jkunu:

Readers can now request a printed copy of The Voice

a) PrepoΩizzjonijiet. EΩ.: fuq, qabel, ma’, g˙and, lil, ta’, minn, ming˙ajr, wara, ˙dejn, bla, biex, eçç. b) Avverbji. EΩ.: meta, hekk, bosta, issa, ©ewwa, ftit, iva, le, anqas, biss, hawn, hemm, ecc. ç) Kon©unzjonijiet. EΩ.: iΩda, jew, u, g˙ax, mela, jekk, li, kieku, eçç. d) Interjezzjonjiet. EΩ. jalla, ejja, ja˙asra, o, miskin, a˙˙, ajma, ja. 4. Il-Partiçelli li jistg˙u jitqassru huma: a) ma’, ta’, sa, li jsiru m’, t’, s’ quddiem kelma li tibda b’vokali, g˙, jew h. EΩ.: m’ommi, t’g˙onqu, s’hemm. b) bi, fi, xi li jsiru b’, f’, x’, qud-

diem kelma li tibda b’vokali, g˙, h jew b’konsonanti wa˙da. EΩ.: b’idi, f’g˙alqa, x’hemm, b’rasek. 5. Il-Partiçella xi ma titqassarx meta: a) tkun tfisser wa˙diet. EΩ.: xi tifel, xi ktieb, xi ˙elwa. b) ma nafux eΩatt fuqiex qeg˙din nitkellmu. EΩ.: G˙adda xi ra©el minn hawn. 6. Xi Partiçelli jistg˙u jing˙aqda mal-artiklu. Dawn huma: bi, fi, ma’, ta’ sa, ©o, dan, din, minn, lil, g˙al, b˙al, li jsiru: bil-, fil-, mal-, tal-, sal-, ©ol-, dal-, dil-, mill-, lill-, g˙all-, b˙all-. Aktar dwar il-particelli f’˙arg’o˙ra

In response to a number of inquiries, The Voice of the Maltese wishes to advice that we can now supply hard copies in colour of our magazine to our readers at a price. So anybody interested in acquiring copies of the magazine can communicate with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post. As the cost of postage varies one is kindly requested to get in touch with us to work out the details.

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 4, 2015

Community News La Valette Social Centre

Il-Festa tal-Vitorja: mill-Fathers Maltin

Bus for Festa Sta Marija Central Coast

Il-Kommunita` Maltija hija mistiedna g˙all-festa tradizzjonalital-Vitorja (li ilha ssir 51 sena), nhar il-Hadd 13 ta’ Settembru. Fis-2.30 pm tibda l-purcissjoni u ssir il-quddiesa fil-Katidral ta’ St Mary’s College Street Sydney. Predikattur: Fr Noel Bianco MSSP.

175, Walter Road Blacktown NSW SUNDAY August 16: Bus Leaves from Greystanes at 8am and at 8.30 from La Valette. Lunch at Wyong Leagues club at your own expense or bring you own. Cost: $25 includes Coach, Morning tea. 2p.m.: Mass; 3 pm: Procession, Afterwards,weather permitting Fireworks. Bus leaves after the fireworks For booking see Frances or any of the committee members. For information phone the Centre 9622 5847

The Voice is not just a news portal;

We comment,..... We get your message across... We fight for your rights...... We believe in freedom of expression... and We are read in the right places.

Ejjew u ©ibu mag˙kom il-bnadar jew standardi tal-g˙aqda tag˙kom. Il-familji li g˙andom xi tfal jew Ωg˙aΩag˙ li jkunu jrridu jilbsu kostum Malti jew tal-preçett, biex jie˙du sehem fil-purçissjoni jçemplu lil Antoinette Mascari 9899 1938 jew 0438 639 986. Tarcisio Micallef MSSP (Chaplain g˙all-Komunita` Maltija fl-arcidjocesi ta’ Sydney)

G˙id lil s˙abek Jekk g˙andek xi ˙bieb li g˙ad mhumiex jirçevu The Voice of the Maltese u ta˙seb li jkun jinteressahom, ibg˙atilna l-email address tag˙hom ˙alli nibag˙tuhulhom

Maltese Cultural Association of NSW Inc.

Presents an afternoon of entertainment showcasing our top

Young Maltese Talent in Concert

James Cassar, Stacey Saliba, Martin Vella, Alee, Emmanuel & Miriam, and Dianne Camilleri. Wentworthville Leagues Club on Sunday August 30 at 2.00 p.m. Tickets: Adults $15; Children U/14: $10. For bookings contact: Jim Borg: 9636 7767; Doris Caruana: 9636 2295; Charles N. Mifsud: 0421 662 298 Proudly sponsored by: Wentworthville Leagues Club and

Our Lady of Victories Parish will be holding a Parish Feast Dinner Dance. We hope that you, your family and friends can join us on what promises to be a most enjoyable evening. OUR LADY OF VICTORIES, HORSLEY PARK  PARISH FEAST DINNER DANCE to be held at  MANDAVILLA FUNCTION CENTRE (The Horsley Drive, Horsley Park)

On Saturday September 5 at 7.00 p.m. Cost: Adults $65 per person; Children 3-10 yrs $45 Price includes 3-course meal, antipasto,  pastizzi, beer, wine, soft drinks, tea/coffee Raffle & Lucky door prizes. Entertainment by Charlie Muscat and Joe Xuereb Make up a table of 10 or more on your own. Book early as seating is limited. For bookings contact: Mario Bartolo: 0432886946; Parish Officer: 96201242 Our Parish Feast will be celebrated on September 20th Hope to see you all there for a community celebration

Holroyd Veterans of World War One Exbibition to commemorate the ANZAC’s at the Maltese Community Council of NSW Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre, 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill (next to Parramatta West Public School) September 5 and 6 from 10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. Open days at the Centre to coincide with Malta National Day (8th September) Contact Emanuel Camilleri 0409 744 376

The Maltese Guild of SA Inc Cordially Invites You to

The Feast of Santa Maria For 2015 Tuesday August 11: Mass at 10.30 am at the Guild Hall celebrated by Fr. Gabriel Sunday August 16: from 12.15 pm Celebrating The Feast of St. Mary at The Maltese Cultural Centre 6, Jeanes Street Beverley Lunch: Free for members, ravioli Followed by dessert. Non Members $10, Children $5 There will be TV flash backs of festivities of Santa Maria from Malta Between 2-4 pm Music for entertaiment to celebrate the event. One must book for lunch, with Joe Briffa on 8254 6988 / 0421 791 327, Rita Bornhoeft on 8248 1008 or 0401 860 632, Mary Craus on 8281 2329 or 0420 699 617 or see anyone from the committee. ALL WELCOME

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday August 4, 2015

Community News The Xag˙ra Association of NSW Inc. INVITES YOU TO :

Tal-Vitoria Dinner Dance Gues of honour: Rev. Mons. Carmelo Refalo (Archpriest of Xag˙ra) Date: Saturday September 19 Time: 6.30 pm onwards. Venue: Balmoral Function Centre 47-49 Balmoral Rd., BLACKTOWN Food: 5-Course Meal, beer, wine & soft drinks

Entertainment: Roc-A-Tac & Giuseppe Verdi Brass Band Contact: Josephine/Ray: 9627 4182, Mob: 0439 974 182 M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641

Fuq Radju Malta ( kull nhar ta’ Ìimg˙a fis-2.30 p.m. TippreΩenta Josephine Zammit Cordina

Programm tal-Festa ta’ Santa Marija

Il-Grupp Festa Santa Marija se jorganizza il-festa talAssunta, l-Óadd 9 ta’ Awissu, fiç-Çentru Malti La Valette b’dan il-Programm: ➢ Fit-3.00 pm Quddiesa kkonçelebrata minn Fr Tarcisio u Fr Benedict Sant mssp, bis-sehem tal-kor ta’ La Valette ➢Wara to˙rog il-purçissjoni akkumpanjata mil-banda OLQP li ddoqq marçi Marjani, flimkien marruΩarju mqaddes. ➢Imbag˙ad issir wirja ta’ log˙ob tan-nar minn Malta, u l-banda tesegwixxi programm tal-festa ➢Il-Mifsud Brothers jiddevertuna b’kanzunetti u b’marçi popolari ➢Il-mistiedna speçjali Stacey Saliba tkanta g˙add ta’ kanzunetti popolari. Il-Klabb ikun miftu˙ mis-1.00 pm ilquddiem biex wie˙ed ikun jista’ jixtri ikel u xorb Malti

Computer Class for the Elderly The Maltese Community Council of NSW is conducting a computer class at Maltese Resource Centre 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill 2145 NSW every Friday between 10.00 a.m. and 12.00 For more information contact Em. Camilleri: 0409 744 376


MALTA DAY On Sunday August 16 at Casey Hall on Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters on the GOLD COAST Qld. from 10.30 am- 4.00 pm This will be a Maltese style fiera, a festival with a variety of traditional dishes, including Fenkata (rabbit stew), timpana (baked macaroni), ross il-forn (baked savoury rice), pastizzi, and a selection of traditional cakes and sweets, including the much-loved ricotta cannoli, imqaret and the soft drink Kinnie. Other attractions will include: Live entertainment, raffles, displays,folklore music and DVD’S of MALTA and it’s history. Entry is free. Everybody is invited. Bring along family and friends. For further information contact: Margaret Grima on 55763441or Judith Padovani on 55290654

METD Committee Are holding the

Maltese Elderly Thanksgiving Day

22nd Anniversary Luncheon on Wednesday October 7 Venue: St Stephen Serbian Orthodox Church Hall Corner of Woodstock Ave & Hyatts Rd Plumpton Start time: 9.00 a.m. – Finish 3.00 p.m. We start the day with morning tea, followed by Mass A special lunch and dessert will be served and live entertainment Will be provided by well-known Maltese entertainers till 3.00 p.m. Donation: Frail Senior – FREE, Carer - $25, Active Senior - $45 Contact: Doris Pocock 0419 420 915, Lina Magro 9629 4046, Maria Cilia 0431 800 720, Maggie Vella 9621 3125 Our Elderly are forever grateful for this very special day. MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Teachers Wanted (Paid positions)

Classes are available for students from 6 years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Classes at: HORSLEY PARK - SEVEN HILLS - LUDDENHAM For more information and enquiries Call Mary on 9601 2189 Or email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 21, 2015

Tinteressak il-kitba?

Community News FRIENDS OF PROVIDENCE HOUSE NSW ANNOUNCES: 18 Day Fly – Cruise – Stay – Tour commencing September 19, Visiting Perth – Bali – Thailand – Malaysia – Singapore. Fantastic Tour – Great value – All inclusive from $3650 p/p Proceeds donated to: tal-Providenza, Malta. Trid Id-Dar tirreklama? For brochure or bookings call Jim Borg on (02) 9636 7767. Note: Donations to Id-Dar tal-Providenza can be made in Australia at any Commonwealth Bank. A/C Name: Friends of Providence House NSW BSB: 062 416 A/C No. 10199448 This will save you the normal bank fees. Please supply name and address so an acknowledgement can be issued. Proudly supported by:

Cnr Main & Campbell Sts, Blacktown. Contact George Vella Tel (02) 9622 7799

You may be wondering how you can be assisted when it comes to:

How can we, as parents and grandparents hear more about these issues, have them explained to us in simple terms?

Maltese Welfare NSW Inc. Once again is here to support and guide you through these challenging times.

Wednesday September 2 from 7.30 p.m.

San Gorg Preca Hall at our Lady QQueen of Peace Church Old Prospect Rd, Greystanes NSW 2145 Ms Colleen Nicholas Dip. Couns. MACA, MAIPC from Connection Counselling will guide us through during another of our information nights. Free Entrance. All welcome. Tea & Coffee served

Fiducian Financial Services PTY Ltd ABB 46094 765 134 AFSL and Australian Credit LKicence 23110

Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) Sunday August 30: A 45km cruise on the Hawkesbury River, including a onehour stopover at Bobbin Head. Mini-bus leaves Wenty Leagues Club at 9.30am; Returns 5.00-5.30 pm same place. For more information contact Joe Galea on 0415 477 254 or 4332 2165 ----------------------------Saturday October 24: 28th Annual Dinner Dance at Mandavilla Function Centre 1788 The Horsley Drive Horsley Park from 7pm Music by Joe Apap. Dress: semi formal For booking: Marlene: 02 9631 9295

Join us on our facebook page: /thevoiceofthemaltese

Anniversary: Programme for St Helena Maltese/Aust. SC 35th the feast of St Helena Melbourne AUGUST 21: (Friday): 7.30 p.m.: Mass in English by Fr. Edwin Agius mmsp at Croatian Catholic Church, Fitzgerald Rd, Ardeer. Later refreshments in the Hall while the Maltese United Brass Band will entertain with lively marches. AUGUST 22: (Saturday): Gala Dinner Dance at Melrose Receptions, Tullamarine, the VIBES Band in attendance and the KATOOMBA DANCERS will perform a spectacular show followed by the Maltese United Brass Band. AUGUST 23: (Sunday): 3.p.m.: Mass at

the Croatian Catholic Church at Ardeer Celebrated by Bishop Hilton Deakin and three Maltese Priests, followed by the Benediction and the Procession. After the Procession there will be a huge Fireworks Display, to be followed at the hall with a spectacular show featuring THE VINCENTS, who will entertain everyone with 50’s, 60’s, 70’s Rock & Roll music. During breaks DJ DOMINIC will entertain. For more information phone Victor on 0412 99 13 25 or Mary Abdilla on 03 (9370 51 64)

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday August 4, 2015

Community News Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Mer˙ba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Saturdays 6 to 8 a.m. Martese Caruana presents Nostalgia Music; Sundays from 10.00 - 11.00 am: Il˙-na Maltin. Both available on demand. Follow same procedure as for MCC programmes, except select programe in reference. In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil11.00 a.m. ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin Listen to John Borg & Glenn Cassar every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet - ON DeMAND

On SBS Radio - Day Time Analogue Digital Tuesday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard on digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38 and SBS. Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is the present FM wavelength. Digital radio can also be accessed by a smart phone and/or by going online at HYPERLINK:, Maltese Programmes on TV and Web VIVA MALTA The GDAY MALTAUSSIE SHOW VIVA MALTA on Central Coast on TVS is broadcast in Sydney Radio: August 13 and 17 - from 6 pm Every Saturday at 2pm. Repeats on 7 pm on COAST FM 96.3 Community Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am Radio in Gosford NSW. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Watch direct via HYPERLINK: Web streaming on:; L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2


Meetings of Day Care Maltese Groups in NSW Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month from10:00am to 12 noon. The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast Group Meetings for Maltese living at the Central Coast: are held every second Monday of each month from 10 am to 12 at Wyong RSL, cnr Anzac & Margaret Street Wyong. For more information Tel: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

Malta Society of New Zealand

We now have a Facebook page that former members are invited to join. It is: Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland: /Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland/ 396193070527203?ref=hl. It is open to all who have an interest in the Maltese culture.

The Maltese Language School of NSW Ótie©a ta’ G˙alliema tal-Malti

L-iskola tal-Malti ta NSW sa tifta˙ klassijiet ©odda fil Western Suburbs ta' Sydney g˙attag˙lim tal-lingwa Maltija. G˙alhekk hemm il-˙tie©a ta’ g˙alliema ©odda (l-g˙alliema jit˙allsu). Dawk kollha li jixtiequ jg˙allmu lMalti g˙andhom japplikaw billi jibag˙tu email lill:

Wanted: Teachers of Maltese language

The Maltese Language School of NSW is planning to open new classes in the Western Suburbs of Sydney in the teaching of the Maltese Language. We need new teachers (paid positions) for these classes. Those who are interested in teaching this languageshould apply:

L-ahbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a li x’˙in iridu jid˙lu fil-website: u jsegwu la˙barijiet ta’ Malta. Din tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u. Mhux biss, imma min irid isegwi dak li jkun g˙addej, kull filg˙odu ˙in ta' Malta fuq il-website jittellg˙u wkoll l-a˙barijiet tal-jum ta' qabel.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Greystanes Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Come and join us and make new friends.

Meets on the second Monday of the month n the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandillo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of the month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm.

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining. Come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street Mays Hill NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School)

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday August 4, 2015


Malta drawn with England in 2018 FIFA World Cup qualifiers


alta is to face England, Slovakia, Scotland, Slovenia and Lithuania, in the 2018 World Cup European Zone qualifiers. The draw that was made at St Petersburg's Konstantin Palace in Russia placed it in Group F. It will be the third time Malta has faced England since 1971, the first two in that same year in the 1971 European Championship qualifiers with England winning 1-0 in Malta and 5-0 at Wembley Stadium. The other meeting was a friendly international at the Ta’ Qali Stadium in June 2000 with England winning 2-1. The road to the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia was laid out for 141 teams from across the globe in a Preliminary Draw in front of a global TV audience of approximately 94.8 million. The draw itself - overseen by Jérôme Valcke, FIFA's Secretary General - also produced its fair share of fireworks, with Spain-Italy and Chile-Brazil on the first South American matchday just a couple of the mouth-watering games left to tantalise the beautiful game's billions of fans. The dates for Malta’s group have already been decided. Malta will kick off the preliminaries on September 4 2016 with a home game against Scotland. It then England away on October 8 that same year and in Malta on September 1, 2017 Malta’s other commitments are set for: 2016: October 11 v Lithuania (A); Nov. 11: v Slovenia (H). 2017: March 26 v. Slovakia (H); June 10: v Slovenia (A); September 4 v Scotland (A); October 5: v Lithuania (H); October 8 v Slovakia (A). AUSTRALIA is drawn in ASIA ZONE Group B with Jordanm Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Bangladesh

It’s Decision time for Parramatta

PS4 NPL 1 NSW The Eagles struggle in a three-way face-off


ith three rounds to go (three for Parramatta) there is no shortage of drama to be resolved this month. The race for finals football embroils no fewer than seven teams; the relegation struggle sees Parramatta FC (Melita Eagles), Rockdale and Marconi in a three-way face-off. The previous round’s shock loss to Parramatta FC rocked Bonnyrigg but a similar reversal for leaders Blacktown City against Sydney Olympic Saturday balanced the scales. Now, after their 1-0 win over Parramatta Sunday, APIA have become Blacktown City’s main challengers for the top position. After a shock loss to South Coast APIA beat Parramatta with an 80th minute Ucchino goal. In this match the Eagles once again showed promise after the previous round’s fight back when they pulled a victory from the jaws of defeat against Bonnyrigg. In a comeback they scored a remarkable four second-half goals

to overturn a 3-1 half-time deficit at Melita Stadium. Then they managed to find an extra gear in the second half to score four goals without reply through a Daniel Rezo penalty and goals by Luke Grima, Aram Tayebi and Marco Sama. That win coincided with the return from a long-term injury of captain Patrick Gatt and provided them with much-needed club championship points. Now nine points separate them from bottom team Marconi Stallions.

Fabrizio Miccoli turns to celebrate after scoring Birkirkara’s winning goal against West Ham at the Ta’ Qali Stadium

Birkirkara in historic feat Eliminated in Penalty-shooting contest irkirkara were a credit to their hopes looked even rosier. Three minutes into the second Maltese football when they B beat English Premier side West half of extra time, Birkirkara Ham United 1-0 at the Ta’ Qali Stadium only to lose the twolegged tie 5-3 in a penalty shootout at the end of extra time of the return leg of the Europa League’s second qualifying round. The two teams were level at 1-0 on aggregate at the end of 120 minutes following the Hammers’ 1-0 win the previous week so penalties decided the tie. Birkirkara were deserved victors in Malta. They took a 14th minute lead through former Italy international striker a Fabrizio Miccoli and were full value for their lead they held on to for the next 106 minutes. At times they even went agonisingly close to getting a second all-important goal. The Maltese side upped their game and though West ham had more ball-possession Birkirkara created the better chances and when just before half time the Hammers were down to 10 men with the red carding of Tomkins,

RESULTS: Round 20 Round 19 APIA v Parramatta 1-0 Parramatta v Bonnyrigg 5-3 Bonnyrigg v Blacktown S. 2-1 Blacktown C v Marconi S 1-0 Manly U v Sydney U 58 5-0 Sutherland S. v Manly U 0-1 Marconi S. v Sutherland S 1-2 Sydney U 58 v Rockdale 0-1 Sydney O v Blacktown C 4-0 South Coast W v APIA 1-0 Rockdale S. v South Coast W. 1-3 Sydney O v Blacktown S 3-2 PS4N PL2 NSW: Mounties v Sydney U. 2-2; Fraser Park v Mounties W 1-1

*In the weekend Parramatta’s U18 and U20 teams won both their games 1-0. Next they play a catch-up game at Melita Stadium against Blacktown Spartans on Wednes-

day and then against Rockdale Suns on Sunday at 3pm. These two games could determine if the Eagles will remain in the National Premier League or face demotion.

were also reduced to ten men with the sending off of defender Mauricio Mazzetti for a second yellow card. In the end, a short lapse in the shoot-out when Nicola Vucanac skied his shot from the spot and with Diego Poyet striking the decisive penalty for the Hammers for 5-3 saw to their elimination. That must have saved West Ham’s faces. Birkirkara did Malta proud with a magnificent show of football that stretched their much more quoted opponents to their limitand. Beating the Premiership side was indeed a feat. They even came close to obtain a historic qualification as the first team from Malta to qualify to the third round of a European club competition. Second-half goals down Hibs In the same week, a 5-1 defeat for champions Hibernians in Israel ended Malta’s participation in UEFA competitions for the season. Hibs had beaten Maccabi Tel Aviv 2-1 in Malta but the away heavy loss gave the Israelis a 6-3 aggregate score. The final tally does not do Hibernians justice. They were only a goal down at the end of the first half and even managed to level the score seven minutes into the second through Rodolfo Soares. Maccabi regained the lead six minutes later from a penalty and then scored three more for a flattering victory.

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