The voice of the maltese No. 105

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The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Issue 105

o on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e

July 7, 2015

The traditional festa of Mnarja (2015) One of the oldest traditional feasts celebrated annualy in Malta is Mnarja that includes a Festival that starts late evening of the 28th at the Buskett Gardens with folk music, traditional singing (G˙ana), and of course Maltese local food, particularly rabbit, and local wine. The peak is then reached on the 29th, the feast of St Peter and St Paul. On this day an agricultural show, that falls under the jurisdiction of the Parliamentary Secretary for agriculture fisheries and animal rights is held with farmers proudly exhibiting their fresh produce.

In the afternoon, the attention is switched to the Telg˙a tas-Saqqajja in Rabat (Saqqajja Hill) where bareback horse and donkey races are held. This year was no exception as evidenced by a number of photos (courtesy of UnionPrint) taken at the Buskett that show not only the crowds at the Gardens but also the produce and some personalities. The feast of St. Peter and St. Paul is also celebrated in Nadur, Gozo, in the usual festive manner that is normally held in towns and villages all over the two islands. L-Imnarja is also celebrated in Australia.

SBS Radio and the Maltese community..see page 3

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 7, 2015

President tells CoE Parliamentary Assembly poverty is ‘unacceptable' O

n a visit to Strasbourg, in France, Malta President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca addressed the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe at a session that marked 50 years since Malta joined the CoE. She was given a great welcome not only at the session but also throughout her short stay in the city during which she also held talks with the Council’s leaders, and later inaugurated a part of the waterfront on the River Ill for Malta. On arrival, the President was welcomed at the Palais de l’Europe by Anne Brasseur, the President of the Parliamentary Assembly an also had meetings with Secretary General Thornbjorn Jagland. Addressing Council members at the Assembly, the President touched on various subjects, some of them humanitarian. She talked about the threat of terrorism, migration, poverty in Europe, domestic violence and equality. Mrs Coleiro Preca also thanked the Belgian presidency for the initiative taken in Brussels that gave special attention to the fight against terrorism, and pointed out that several Europeans have chosen to travel to countries like Syria and Iraq to join terrorist groups. The President said that this phenomenon should not only be fought by legal means but also by helping youths find their meaning in life through positive action. She said that the International Justice Institute, which was launched in Malta last year, is offering the necessary support to all concerned parties so that terrorism is fought with the rule of law. When it comes to the subject of migration, she said that more needs to be done to save people from the seas, and that the situation needed to be ad-

President Marie Louise Coleiro Preca addressing the CoE’s Parliamentary Assembly dressed in collaboration with Mediter- Rights, at the court premises, and in the ranean and North African countries. evening was hosted at a reception given The President also mentioned the in- by the honorary consul for Malta, Eric justices faced by women, noting that fe- Mayor Schaller. male participation in decision-making On the second day of her visit to the roles in politics is still low. “Women are city that forms part of the Alsace Restill discriminated against at the work- gion in Northeast France, President place,” she said. Marie Louise Coleiro Preca met Mr Mrs Coleiro Preca also spoke about the Roland Ries, Mayor of Strasbourg. rights of LGBTIQ persons and on the Among the subjects discussed was mineed for politics that promote these gration. Then in yet another meeting, rights. She also described this time with Snezana SamardzicThe President unveiling the the poverty situation in Eu- Markovic, the director general of name of the quay on River Ill rope as being “unaccept- Democracy within the Council of Euable.” rope, she discussed efforts to give a In the afternoon, in the greater voice to children and laws to lobby of the Chamber of safeguard them. She was congratulated the Parliamentary Assem- for her speech to the Parliamentary Asbly, the President inaugu- sembly the day before rated a photographic exhiLater in the day the President was inbition by Maltese photog- vited to take part in a symbolic cererapher Darrin Zammit Lu- mony during which she inaugurated a pi, and met the Maltese road, part of the waterfront on the members of the European River Ill after Malta. It was named Quai Parliament. de Malte “The Malta Quay”. In a hectic afternoon, she At the ceremony she spoke about the also had separate meetings long-standing relations between Malta with Nils Muizneks, the and France that dates back as the Commissioner for Human Knights of St John in the 16th century, Rights within the Council and recalled that the Maltese capital, of Europe, and Dean Spiel- Valletta, is named after a French Grand mann, President of the Eu- Master, who also became a hero during ropean Court of Human the 1565 Great Siege, Jean de la Valette.

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday July 7, 2015

SBS Radio applies the axe to the Maltese on Digital Radio SBS

(Special Broadcasting Service), have just announced that the SBS Radio Maltese digital only programmes, at 12.00 pm on Tuesdays and 2.00 pm on Thursdays on SBS Radio 3, will conclude next month, on August 6. The SBS Radio Maltese programmes on the analogue SBS Radio 2 schedule, at 12.00 pm on Fridays and 2.00 pm on Saturdays are to continue as normal. According to SBS Radio this change will bring the Maltese programme’s broadcast hours into line with allocations for languages of a similar size and need in Australia, as determined by the 2013 SBS Radio Schedule Review and 2011 Census data. During the 2013 SBS Radio Schedule Review, and following extensive community consultation, the Maltese language was allocated two programmes on the analogue schedule, on SBS Radio 2, plus two additional programmes on the digital SBS Radio 3 schedule. At the time, SBS indicated it was able to commit to the additional programme on SBS Radio 3 for a period of two years. TV News from Malta will continue to broadcast at 8.00 am every Thursday and Sunday on SBS 2, with catch up viewing available via SBS on Demand or How to listen to the SBS Radio Maltese programme, after August 6: Radio: SBS Radio 2: 12.00 pm Friday 2.00 pm Saturday Find your closest frequency here: Digital TV: SBS Radio 2 Online: Live and catch up listening at Mobile: SBS Radio App, on iOS and Android devices Social Media: &

The Voice of the Maltese says… Without given a reasonable excuse why they want to discontinue two hours from the existing meagre of four allotted to the Maltese community, SBS Radio once again have disregarded the very needs of our community and incorrectly has given more weight to its size as if the bigger the community the larger its radio audience. The Voice of the Maltese is now urging the members of the Maltese community, wherever they are in Australia to get behind their community leaders and with one voice lodge a protest in the strongest possible terms. We agree with the Maltese Community Councils of NSW and Victoria when during discussions with the management of SBS Radio last year concluded that the criteria for distribution of language programme time on SBS should include specific community needs and not merely the size of the non-English speaking date from the census. SBS Management has a habit on picking on smaller communities. We say to those running SBS Radio that if there is trimming to be made of the available SBS Radio hours, it must come from a reduction of the overgenerous allowance that it has provided to the larger ethnic groups and not from those they think they can easily kick around. Finally, the SBS Management should not treat the Maltese community as soft touch by wanting to discuss with them decisions already taken. Community consultations, when decisions have already been taken are a farce.

inbarra f’Malta, il-festa tradizzjonali M tal-Imnarja ti©i ççelebrata wkoll f’- Il-Festa tal-Imnarja pajjiΩi fejn hemm l-emigranti Maltin, b˙al fl-Awstralja u na˙iet o˙ra. Fl-Awstralja lfesta titfakkar l-aktar fl-istat ta’ NSW f’Ωew© postijiet prominenti. Fiç-Çentru La Valette ta’ Blacktown, ilfesta bdiet bil-quddiesa u wara saru l-wirjiet tal-˙axix, il-frott, it-tjur u affarijiet o˙ra. Din id-darba kien hemm ukoll log˙ob

mfakkra fl-Awstralja

g˙at-tfal, l-g˙ana minn Saver u s˙abu, daqq u Ωfin ma’ Sam Mifsud reçta qasira ma’ Greg Caruana u Joe Spiteri, u l-banda Maltija l-OLQP. Sadanittant, il- kumitat tal-festa ta’ San Nikola wkoll b˙as-soltu ççelebra l-festa,

mag˙rufa wkoll b˙ala ta’ San Pietru u San Pawl, fil-Parish Hall u madwar il-Knisja Good Shepherd ta’ Plumpton. Kien hemm kull xorta ta’ wirjiet agrikoli, u wirja wkoll ta’ karozzi u muturi klassiçi; sintendi, ukoll bl-ikel Malti u divertiment muΩikali. Kemm fi Blacktown u anke fi Plumpton attendew mijjiet ta’ Maltin, wie˙ed tassew jie˙u gost jara li l-festi tradizzjonali Maltin jkompli wkoll fost il-Maltin fl-Awstralja.

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Kif l-Awstralja waqqfet “id-dg˙ajjes illegali” bla ma ˙add jaf kif Jikteb Lawrence Dimech


eta taqra f’©urnali rispettabbli li l-mod kif l-Awstralja qed tittratta mar-refu©jati qed jag˙tiha fama ta’ “self-interested, uncaring nation” ma tistax ma tirriflettix dwar dak li qed ise˙˙ forsi wkoll tipprova tanalizza fejn wasalna u fejn se mmorru g˙all-©ejjieni. L-Awstralja hija l-akbar kontinent gΩira. Aktar minhekk, lejn inna˙at ta’ fuq hija assedjata minn ˙afna pajjiΩi ffullati bin-nies li ˙afna minnhom jg˙ixu fil-faqar jew ma˙kuma minn amministrazzjonijiet fejn id-demokrazija mhix ipprattikata. Dan kollu jwassal lillAwstralja li ti©i mpin©ija b˙ala pajjiΩ sinjur, “a˙jar”, b˙ala pajjiΩ fejn hemm ˙afna spazju iΩda mhux daqstant popolizzat. Dawk li qeg˙din ifittxu kenn a˙jar, mhux neçessarjament ji©u kollha mid-direzzjoni tal-pajjizi li kwaΩi ja˙btu mat-tramuntana talAwstralja. Dawn il-pajjiΩi joffru rotta u post addattat mix-xtajjiet tag˙hom g˙ad-dg˙ajjes mimlija nies iffittxu ©ejjieni a˙jar mill-Afganistan, mill-Iraq, mis-Sirja u minn o˙rajn, pajjiΩi li huma ma˙nuqa b’konflitti interni u nkwiet çivili. Tmenin fil-mija ta’ dawk li ja˙arbu pajjiΩhom huma minn pajjiΩi mhux Ωvilluppati. Kull sena, miljuni minn madwar id-dinja ja˙irbu minn djarhom min˙abba persekuzzjoni reli©juza, min˙abba il-kulur ta’ ©ildhom, etniçita’ jew min˙abba il-politika li jemmnu fiha. Sintendi hemm moviment ta’ refu©jati li jersqu lejn l-Awstralja skont il-li©i u skont ftehim internazzjonali. Dawn jg˙oddu g˙al madwar 20 elf fis-sena. IΩda lkumplikazzjonijiet, u©ieh ta’ ras u suspetti jibdew hekk kif jitfaççaw fl-orizzont dawk li jaslu b’modi suspettuΩi, b’modi illegali, u ˙afna drabi f’opri tal-ba˙ar li bilkemm

Vapur tal-qawwa tal-ba˙ar Awstraljana jeskorta dg˙ajsa tal-illegali jifil˙u jaslu sad-destinazzjoni u straljana kull dg˙ajsa illegali li terg˙alhekk jitolbu l-g˙ajnuna biex saq lejna. ji©u rmunkati lejn l-ewwel xtajta Fiz-zmien tal-˙akma Laburista possibbli. kien hemm politika iktar rilaxxata Mal-wasla tag˙hom dawn l-imse- u donnhom dawk li jmexxu dan itjkna li qeg˙din ifittixu aΩil jo˙olqu traffikar bla ˙niena ˙adu lkull xorta ta’ diffikulta` g˙al dawk vanta©© u l-“boats arrivals” Ωdiedu il-pajjiΩi li jrid jaccettahom skont sewwa g˙alkemm il-Gvern kien ftehim u regoli internazzjonali. qieg˙ed jibg˙at lil dawk li jaslu fi G˙alkemm tippriedka li dejjem Christmas Island, post dezolat fltosserva l-obligazzjonijiet tag˙ha Ocejan Indjan madwar 2,600 km f’dan il-qasam, l-Awstralja tadminn Perth f’WA. Fet˙u g˙add ta’ dotta metodi ˙arxa u kultant dubpostijiet o˙ra fl-Awstralja biex juΩi biex twaqqaf lil dawk li jaslu jakkomodawhom tant kemm bdew illegalment bid-dg˙ajjes wara jaslu spiss. vja©©i hekk perikoluΩi. F’Awissu tal-2012 il-Gvern AwL-Awstralja tg˙id ukoll li l-iskop straljan da˙˙al sistema fejn dawk ewlieni hu li teqred dan it-traffikar li jaslu llegalment kellhom ji©u xejn uman ta’ bnedmin vulnerabpproçessati fit-tielet pajjiΩ (excised bli. offshore place). Fl-2013 postijiet f’Kien il-Gvern Liberali ta’ John Manus Island u Nauru bdew Howard li ta l-ewwel eΩempju billi jilqg˙u dawk li jaslu b’mod illegali waqqaf id-d˙ul fl-Awstralja ta’ 438 fl-Awstralja. Min-na˙a tal-Gvern persuni mill-Afganistan li ©ew saldan kien ezerçizzju li qam kemxa vati f’ba˙ar internazzjonali milflus tant li hu stmat li l-Gvern vapur Norve©iΩ, MV Tampa Laburista nefaq $10 biljun f’˙ames f’Awwissu tal-2001. Din id-deçiΩsnin fuq border security ming˙ajr joni ˙olqot kontraversja kbira iΩda ma solva l-ebda problema. dak li g˙amel il-PM Howard ©ibed In-nefqa biex tie˙u ˙sieb dawk li is-simpatija tal-poplu, tant li jaslulek bid-dg˙ajjes illegalment rebb˙itu l-elezzzjoni. ©iet ikkalkulata li tla˙˙aq malIΩda wisq aktar minhekk dan l-in- $200,000 g˙al kull persuna li ti©i çident tat-Tampa serva biex ma Ωbarkata. Nafu li l-Gvern Awstralbaqax aktar politika komuni bejn jan i˙allas miljuni kbar kemm lilliΩ-Ωew© partiti ‘l kbar dwar dawk li PNG u anke lin-Nauru biex dawn jkunu qedi ifittxu aΩil, il-kenn mill- jaççettaw il-boat people li jkunu qilla u l-faqar u sfrattar f’pajridu kenn fl-Awstralja iΩda li ji©u jjizhom. mdawrin lejn dawn il-postijiet Wara l-inçident tat-Tampa beda sakemm jigu pproçessati. Jekk perijodu perikoluΩ fejn l-hekk imikunu veru refu©jati xorta sejj˙a “boat people”, klandestini, m’g˙andhomx dritt jid˙lu l-Awillegali sej˙ilhom li trid, saru balstralja. G˙all-finijiet taç-çittadilun politiku tant li spiççajna pajjiΩ nanza, anke Christmas Island b’Ωew© partiti ewlenin jivvintaw re- mhix mag˙duda iktar b˙ala gΩira goli l-aktar ˙orox u dubjuΩi, supAwstraljana. post skont li©ijiet internazzjonali biex iΩommu barra mix-xjtata AwG˙al pa©na 5

The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 7, 2015


L-awtoritajiet Awstraljani jg˙oddu l-flus li allegatament gew im˙allsla lill-kaptan taddghajsa li sfurzaw lura

Tony Abbott jifta˙ar li Ω amm il-weg˙da elettorali tieg˙u dwar l-immigranti illegali minn pa©na 4 Il-Prim Ministru Awstraljan ta’ b˙alissa, Tony Abbott kemm-il darba ddikjara li l-Gvern Awstraljan jag˙mel kull mhu possibli skont il-li©i biex iwaqqaf il-wasla talillegali lejn l-Awstralja u jifta˙ar li Ωamm il-weg˙da tieg˙u ta’ qabel l-elezzjoni “I will stop the boats”. Nifhem ukoll li fl-Awstralja b˙al ˙afna pajjiΩi o˙ra, inkluΩ Malta, ma jridux persuni li jaslulhom fil-pajjiΩ ming˙ajr ma jkollhom il-permessi me˙tie©a. Çerti gvernijiet g˙alhekk jaqbΩu l-obbligi nternazzjonali g˙ax jafu li politikament g˙andhom l-appo©© talma©©oranza. Ix-xena nbidlet kompletament ta˙t l-amministrazzjoni tal-Liberali g˙ax kemm ilhom fit-tmexxija mhux qeg˙din jag˙tu tag˙rif dwar dawk il-materji li huma jallegaw li huma “operational security matters”. G˙alhekk il-poplu m’g˙adux jaf kemm qed jaslu dg˙ajjes illegali u wisq iΩjed kemm minn dawn d-dg˙ajjes qed ji©u sfurzati lura b’forza mill-qawwa tal-ba˙ar Awstraljana. F’dawn l-a˙˙ar ©img˙at iΩda, il-midja skopriet kaΩ li jekk ji©i kkonfermat huwa tassew straordinarju u li

ma jag˙mel xejn ©id lill-Gvern tal-koalizzjoni Liberali/National immexxi minn Tony Abbott. Ìie svelat u allegat li l-Gvern qed joffri flus sostanzjali lill-kaptani tad-dg˙ajjes illegali biex dawn ire©©g˙u lura ddg˙ajjes tag˙hom lejn l-Indonesja. Il-Gvern Indonesjan ˙adha ferm bi kbira u qieg˙ed jipprotesta kontra din l-azzjoni msejj˙a “barbara u bla ebda ˙niena”. Aktar minhekk jekk dawn il-kaΩijiet ji©u pprovati l-Gvern Awstraljan ikun qed isir parti mill-istess akkuΩi li dejjem jag˙mel, ji©ifieri li qatt ma g˙andu jkun hemm “people smuggling” Il-movimenti tar-refugjati hi problema globali. IlÌnus Mag˙quda ˙abbret li 60 miljun persuna kellhom jitilqu minn jarhom min˙abba gwerer jew persekuzzjoni. Dan hu Ωieda ta’ tmien miljun f’dawn l-a˙˙ar 12-il xahar. Kul˙add jammetti li f’din l-era ta’ inçertezza u taqlib tin˙tie© azzjoni umanitarja globali ming˙ajr precedent. IΩda ma nafx meta se naraw xi azzjoni effettiva. Min-naha l-o˙ra jekk il-gvernijiet tad-dinja ja©ixxu b˙al ma qed ja©ixxi l-Gvern Awstraljan hemm possibilita` li l-ordni internazzjonali u l-obbligazzjonijiet fejn jid˙lu persuni li jfittxu l-aΩil titkisser u titfarrak.

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6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 7, 2015

We've all heard the expression "island time." But where's the best place to embrace it?

MALTA: “the Mediterranean’s Most Affordable Island”

by Gigi Griffis

When I think about my time on Malta, I think of bright blue skies, fields of rich green clover, and the sound of the ocean smashing against the cliffs - all only steps away from the well-worn stone streets of ancient cities and the chatty and perpetually kind people. And all of it - cities, coastal walks warmed and cheered by the seemingly endless sunshine, even at the height of winter. It turns out I'm not alone in these memories. When I asked expats why they moved their whole lives over to the tiny Mediterranean island chain of Malta, sunshine, sea, and the kind English-speaking population were the three most popular answers. And those answers make perfect sense. Despite its year-round warmth, Malta still manages to have distinct seasons. Winter is mild and the days are often sunny. But it's also decidedly green with fields of clover and other plant life spreading out, emerald, across the cliffs and between the towns, dotted by bunches of bright white chamomile and other small flowers. In summer, the hot days drive everyone to the water, where Malta is known as a diver's paradise. Malta is made up of five islands: the main island of the same name, the smaller Gozo, Comino, Cominotto, and Filfla. My favourite island is Gozo, the second-largest island in the Maltese island chain. It's just 25 minutes north of the main island by ferry and has a reputation for rural landscapes, quiet living, and a whole lot of retirees. Gozo's appeal is peace and quiet that's still close to urban convenience. It's still easy to get to the bustling capital of Valletta on the main island of Malta, an-

In the last issue of The Voice of the Maltese we reproduced the result of a popular website that in its annual Global Retirement Index placed Malta in seventh place in its top 10 retirement destinations in 2015. Today we have further proof of Malta’s enchantment in an article written by Gigi Griffis, an American writer living in Switzerland who likes to travel the world (together with her pint-sized pooch, Luna). After visiting and exploring the island she said she found it to be a serene island retreat where expats report living expenses as low as $1,800 a month. She said she found Malta to be the Mediterranean's Most Affordable Island. Much-travelled Gigi Griffis reveals the details of her findings the article we are reproducing below. cient Mdina, or Malta's international airport - each just a ferry and bus ride away. On Gozo, I woke up every morning to the sound of birdsong and the strong smell of thyme, which grows along the cliffs and often hangs drying in the Gozitan kitchens. I enjoyed long coastal walks, with only the sound of the ocean beating the cliffs and the occasional bleating of goats grazing above me. And still, I had everything I needed here. Victoria - the capital city - is a hive of activity, full of shopping centres, a sports centre, burger joints, and exceptional restaurants. It is the headquarters for just about everything on the island, and also has a hospital, two opera houses, and even an organic food shop. Victoria is also Gozo's bus hub (it's easy to reach from any other part of the island) and the top stop for most tourists who visit the island. The cost of living is good value on Gozo. A day-long bus ticket is just over $1- and only 50 cents if you're a resident over 60. The ferry costs $5 round-trip for visitors, $2 for permanent residents, and nothing for senior residents (with a special card from the transportation company). Grocery costs are reasonable, One of the most favwith milk and ourite views Gigi bread under $1, Griffis shot during eggs about $2, her stay in Gozo and a mid-range bottle of wine at about $6. Expats report living expenses here of between $1,800 and $2,400 a month, depending on their lifestyle. And don't worry about getting sick here, either. Maltese

The author Gigi Griffis started her business as a copywriter (writing for websites, brochures, video scripts, and advertisements) and content strategy, mostly for non-profits, universities, travel companies, and other companies with a focus on doing some good in the world. But when she started travelling, she started doing more travel and creative writing for magazines and online publications, and after about a year on the road, she realised she wanted to do the creative stuff full-time. Since then, she has been slowly transitioning out of her marketingminded writing business and into a creative-minded writing business. After over 15 years of travelling abroad she now mostly focuses on magazine articles and books. healthcare is very reputable - it's widely considered one of the best healthcare systems in the world - and costs are moderate. You'll find both public and private hospitals and clinics here. While most hospitals are located on the main island, Gozo also has one in Victoria. So if you're looking for a warmweather, Mediterranean island destination put Malta on your bucket list. With its Mediterranean waters; sandy beaches; sunny, warm weather; ancient cities; and low costs, it offers a rewarding, dream-worthy lifestyle.

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday July 7, 2015


ustralian film actor Chris Hemsworth, and his actress wife since 2010, Elsa Pateky, towards the end of June visited Malta for a short holiday, during which they also boarded the Oceana Ranger and spent a day with the crew on an ongoing expedition currently being carried out by Oceana to document previously unexplored the depths off the Maltese coast. It is the first time since 2012 when she became an Oceana ambassador that the 38-year-old Spain- born Elsa Pataky, who is also a model, and her 31-year-old husband visited the catamaran belonging to the international marine conservation organisation. Both Elsa and Chris were eager to help out with the on-board research and were particularly fascinated with the work carried Chris and Elsa on board the out using the remote un- Oceana Ranger in Malta, a shot derwater robot, which can shared by Elsa on Instagram reach depths of up to 1000 metres. Over the course of a busy day, they participated in life onboard with the team of scientists, ROV (remotely operated vehicle) operators and crew. After sending the ROV down, they observed the relatively unexplored seabed close to the island of Gozo first hand. Important footage was captured which will be analysed intensively over the coming months in order to evaluate the most expedition is part of the LIFE BaÓAR suitable forms of protection. for N2K project, co-financed by the EuIn her comments after the expedition, ropean Commission. The research aims Elsa said that it was amazing how lit- to uncover important geological and tle the seabed has been studied, even ecological regions to be protected as in the Mediterranean Sea, which is so Sites of Community Importance within close to civilization. “Most people are the Red Natura 2000 network. unaware of the incredible marine life Natura 2000 is a network of protected hundreds of metres below the surface areas throughout the European Union of the water,” she said. and it is considered the largest coherShe went on to say that one thing that ent group of protected areas in the shocked her whilst glimpsing the sea world. It aims at protecting Europe’s floor using the remote camera was the most vulnerable and threatened trash and impact of human activities species and habitats. in areas that should be protected. Meanwhile, although no publicity “We must listen to scientists more had been given prior to the couple’s and intensify our conservation efforts visit to Malta, they were found out beso we don’t lose such valuable biodi- fore leaving Malta on June 22. The versity before we even know about It." Australian actor who is mostly known - Elsa Pataky said. for his leading role in the movies Thor The Oceana 2015 expedition got under and Avengers, and his first Hollyway on June 1 to survey the unex- wood appearance in Star Trek in 2009, plored Maltese sea floor, particularly and Elsa, better known for her role in the submerged caves, sandbanks and the 2010 film series, Fast and Furious, reefs in order to identify the location stayed at the Casa Ellul boutique hotel and extent of selected habitats listed in in Valletta. Annex 1 of the Habitats Directive. The Early morning one day while he was

out exploring the streets of the Maltese capital. Chris, who is also Ambassador for the Australian Childhood got lost and could not find his way back to his hotel. However he managed to go to the Valletta police station where he asked for directions. Some of the police at the station could not believe their eyes when they saw the actor in front of them. But it seems that they made the most of it, and before escorting him to his hotel, they asked Chris, who on the silver screen flies across the galaxy with the help of Thor's iconic hammer, to pose with him for a photo, which he graciously accepted. Meanwhile, the couple reported to have been delighted with their stay and made very positive comments about the island. From Malta Chris, voted the sexiest man alive by People’s magazine in 2014, flew with his wife to London. The couple who have three children together, are currently spending time in Europe, with the Thor star expected to film The Huntsman, a sequel to 2012's Snow White And The Huntsman. After their visit to Malta, Elsa, took to Instagram to share a shot of the pair on the Oceana Ranger boat in Malta.

Australian actor Chris Hemsworth on Malta visit

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8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Have your say/Xi trid tghid? Your letters/ L-ittri tag˙kom ...

Proud to be Promoting Malta in the UK thanks to The Voice The Voice of the Maltese on nlliin ne e m ma ag ga az ziin ne e o

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via email by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

Frank Camilleri from Reading, Berkshire, UK writes:


was recently invited to an English friend’s house at Reading, one of those who is a regular reader of The Voice of the Maltese and I was requested to take with me some kind of literature about Malta as he had also invited along other friends of his from the UK I took with me a copy of a two-minute video about Malta that I recorded from Youtube showing Maltese tenor Joseph Calleja driving around the islands in a vintage sports car. Between one drink and another my friend put on the video that was produced by and promoting Air Malta last year. The guests were enthralled to hear the tenor talk about his childhood memories and that though he has travelled the world, still believes Malta to be one of the most “interesting, beautiful, warm, spiritual, historic” places in the world. At one time the comments by the‘Maltese ambassador’ Joseph Calleja about Malta, “that you cannot be interested in the history of human civilisation and not come to Malta” seemed to hit a cord with one of the guests, a history teacher, who said he was keen to visit the island. I felt so proud that I could promote Malta this way. It was then that this guest started firing questions at me about Maltese history. He is said he was sorry to say that he had never travelled to Malta. Yet he

While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

remembered reading that some of Malta’s temples dating back to thousands of years BC, (Gozo’s Ìgantija, Óagar Qim and Mnajdra I reminded him) dating back to much before Britain’s Stonehenge that they are so proud of. I then referred him to an article in the last issue of The Voice about the Óal Saflieni Hypogeum, and pointed out to him that if he is so interested in history it is a must that he should visit the island. He promised he would, most probably early September. Talk then also centred on Joseph Calleja who is widely considered as an international star following performance in the world’s leading opera stages. I am glad to say that what initially prompted this meeting was the interest we share in The Voice of the Maltese. So thank you all for this publication.

Jekk il-politiçi veru jridu jistg˙u jwaqqfu lill-ISIS Anthony Cassar minn Greenwich, NSW jikteb: ed nikteb b’rabja kbira u ddeçidejt li nag˙mel dan issa, minkejja li g˙ad jonqos aktar minn ©img˙a biex ti©i ppubblikata l-˙ar©a li jmiss ta’ The Voice. Fis-sa˙na li jien fiha anke ktibt lill-PM Tony Abbott, g˙alkemm ftit nistenna li se jag˙ti kasi. G˙adni kif smajt l-a˙barijiet dwar l-attroçitajiet imwettqa f’isem l-Istat Islamiku, li fil-verita` ftit nemmen li hu stat imma biss ©gajta ta’ estremisti, fit-TuneΩija, filKuwajt u fi Franza. Bdejt ng˙id bejni u bejn ru˙i, imma kif dawk il-pajjiΩi l-kbar li tant jippretendu li huma b’sa˙˙ithom ma jsibux tarf ta’ dawn l-iskart tad-dinja? Niftakar meta madwar sena ilu l-ISIS kienu ˙abbru li riedu jo˙olqu Kalifat u bdew juru l-mibg˙eda li g˙andhom lejn id-dinja u l-©nus, irrispettivament mirreli©jon jew kulur tal-©ilda. Dakinhar, il-mexxejja tal-pajjiΩi l-kbar, b˙all-Istati Uniti, ir-Renju Unit, Franza, ilÌermanja u anke ming˙alija ng˙aqad mag˙hom il-gvern Awsrtraljan, kienu ˙ar©u jsostnu dwar il-˙tie©a li dawn l-estremisti jitwaqqfu, u li kienu se jwaqqfuhom. Imma x’©ara minn dakinhar?


*tkompli f’pa©na 9

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday July 7, 2015

MP Conolly’s arguments about same-sex marriage misleading Chris Andrews from Melbourne, Victoria,writes:


was disappointed by the way the Riverstone MP, Kevin Conolly came all out against same sex marriage by claiming misleading phrases to put his arguments across and to give the impression that the only relationship worth having is between a man and a woman (The Voice No. 104). The MP seems to be living in a world of is own and only thinking about him and to score some points. As an MP representing the people he should also think about other people, who may be different, or were not that lucky to enjoy a relationship the way he wants it to be. He must only be assuming when he says that the best evidence available is that children thrive and prosper best when raised by both their biological parents. However, statistic shows that children being cared for by two persons of the same sex enjoy the same things as those belonging to a couple made up of a man and woman. But let us leave this out right now. It is very unfair of him to ask why governments would deliberately legislate to bring about social structures that would deny children the opportunity for the best chance in life. What Parliament would be legislating is same sex marriage. So it is wrong of him to bring this matter up. Let us not jump the gun. Same sex couples should have a right to marry for all the same reasons as their opposite-sex counterparts, including, for legal security, to publicly celebrate their commitment, and even to provide greater legal protection for their children, or simply because they are in love. Researchers at the University of Queensland found, after a national study, that 54% of Australian same-sex partners would marry if they had the choice, while 80% of Australians in same-sex relationships support marriage equality even if they do not wish to marry. The people elect MPs, therefore if removing discrimination from the

*minn pa©na 8

L-ISIS u l-politiçi Komplejt nitlef il-fiduçja lejn il-politiçi g˙ax minkejja d-diskorsi tag˙hom m’g˙amlu kwaΩi xejn u ˙allew lil dawn l-estremisti jwerwru ddinja. Hawn nistaqsi, imma kif dawn il-pajjiΩi, li g˙andhom tant armi sofistikati u suldati m˙arr©a ma qerdux lil

din il-©gajta? Meta se jg˙addu mill-kliem g˙all-fatti? Anzi ng˙id aktar minhekk. Dawn l-estremisti n˙olqu min˙abba l-politika Ωbaljata ta’ pajjiΩi b˙all-Istati Uniti fost l-o˙rajn, allura indirettament kienu huma li ˙olquhom. Issa meta se je˙ilsuna minnhom? Çert li jekk iridu jistg˙u jwaqqfuhom u g˙andhom jag˙mlu dan illum qabel g˙ada.

Marriage Act and ensuring equality for same-sex couples is what the people want these MPs should do their duty and help them A marriage certificate also allows married partners (traditional or otherwise) to easily prove their legal rights if challenged, for example in emergency situations. Another practical benefit of marriage is that it is a widely recognised legal relationship. Landmark research led by Lee Badgett, Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts, describes and quantifies some of these benefits in two different places that have allowed same-sex marriages for several years, the Netherlands and Massachusetts. She found that same-sex partners overwhelmingly, • felt marriage had increased their commitment and their sense of responsibility, and had generally strengthened their relationships • believed their children were better off after their marriage, chiefly through legal protection for those children and enhanced feelings of security, stability and acceptance in the children, and • felt participation and acceptance in their extended families and communities had increased because of their marriage Her conclusion was that, “Overall, the experiences of same-sex couples in two countries, the United States and the Netherlands, suggests that same-sex couples and their families are strengthened by a policy of marriage equality for same-sex couples.” Today I only mentioning a few benefits that come with marriage, traditional or same sex. There are so many more, but it would be unfair on the readers to take up so much space in this magazine. But anybody who is interested in learning more about them can get in touch with the Australian Marriage Equality Organisation. By the way, since I first writing this letter, the US Supreme Court ruled that it is legal for all Americans, no matter their gender or sexual orientation, to marry the people they love. The decision is a historic victory for gay rights activists. Australia should follow this example.

The Eagles should also remember Joe Cilia

Paul Debono from Fairfield, writes:

was so glad not just to be presI(Theent, but also to read the article Voice No. 104) about the Heritage Round during which the former Melita Eagles (today Parramatta) celebrated the occasion and for honouring the club founders and past administrators, coaches and players.

These people really deserve to be remembered as they helped give us Maltese an identity even in sport when we most needed it. Most of us regret that we are now losing that identity. One should also not forget other past players now living in Malta who are part of the Eagles’ history, particularly Joe Cilia. He too should be honoured.

10 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Perspettiva L-ener©ija fil-futur A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: http://www.ivancauchi.

Sar komuni f'diversi pajjiΩi ta' madwar id-dinja, li dawk li huma konsumaturi tal-ener©ija elettrika jinvestu f'apparat li ji©©enera l-elettriku mix-xemx, meg˙juna minn sussidji mill-gvern tal-pajjiΩ. Dan huwa minnu kemm fl-Awstralja, fejn kien hemm 1.4 miljun sistema installati sal-a˙˙ar tal-2014,1 kif ukoll f'Malta u bosta pajjiΩi o˙ra madwar id-dinja. Dan huwa fattur ewlieni wara t-tnaqqis fil-konsum tal-ener©ija elettrika fl-Awstralja fla˙˙ar ftit snin.2 Il-©enerazzjoni sostenibbli tal-elettriku tista' tg˙id li hi maqsuma bejn sorsi li huma kostanti, b˙all-ilma ma˙Ωun wara diga, u dawk li mhumiex kostanti, b˙ax-xemx u r-ri˙. Biex dawn tal-a˙˙ar ikunu jistg˙u jitqiesu b˙ala sostituti kompluti g˙all-©enerazzjoni minn sorsi mhux sostenibbli, b˙allfa˙am u Ω-Ωejt, irid ikun hemm mod kif ener©ija Ωejda (per eΩempju waqt il-©urnata, jew meta r-ri˙ qed jonfo˙) ti©i ma˙Ωuna u wΩata biss waqt il-lejl jew meta mhemmx ri˙. Diversi teknolo©iji ©ew proposti g˙al din il-˙aΩna temporanja, li tinvolvi bdil minn forma tal-ener©ija g˙al o˙ra. Per eΩempju, fil-batteriji, it-trasformazzjoni twassal g˙al ener©ija kimika; fil˙aΩna tal-ilma fl-g˙oli, issir potenzjal tal-gravità; f'diski ta' massa kbira jduru b'veloċità g˙olja, issir momentum angulari. G˙alkemm il-fiΩika ta' warajhom hija mag˙rufa, ma kellna lebda teknolo©ija li ©iet uΩata kummerçjalment b'mod estensiv g˙all-˙aΩna tal-ener©ija ©©enerata b'mod sostenibbli minn sorsi mhux kostanti. Dan wassal g˙all-argument li g˙alkemm lener©ija sostenibbli hija ideja tajba, xorta wa˙da jibqa’ jkun hemm il-˙tie©a tal-©eneraturi tradizzjonali (fa˙am, Ωejt jew nukleari) li huma biss jistg˙u jiggarantixxu l-provvista (baseload power). Dan jista' jinbidel dalwaqt. Ftit ©img˙at ilu, kien hemm dikjarazzjoni3 minn Elon Musk, Kap EΩekuttiv ta' Tesla Motors, kumpannija mag˙rufa li tipproduċi karrozzi lussuΩi u sportivi li ja˙dmu esklussivament bl-elettriku. Dan stqarr li aktar tard din is-sena, il-kumpannija tieg˙u se tkun f'poΩizzjoni li toffri batteriji li jkunu kapaçi ja˙Ωnu l-ener©ija li djar u intrapriΩi jkunu i©©eneraw bil-pannelli fotovoltaiçi. Kompla li ma jkunx hemm bΩonn iktar li jkunu mqabbdin malgrid, li hi s-sistema ta' distribuzzjoni tal-ener©ija elettrika. Fl-a˙˙arnett, bassar li sistema ta' batteriji g˙al dar tipika tkun faċilment ©ustifikabbli mill-prezzjijiet tal-elettriku fl-Awstralja. Naturalment, din hija biss previΩjoni, u din id-dikjarazzjoni saret minn min g˙andu interess, u g˙alhekk trid tittie˙ed b'˙afna kawtela. Madankollu, nista' ng˙id li ma sibtx dik l-istqarrija b˙ala xi ˙a©a ta' barra minn hawn. Aktar minn hekk, di©à bdejna naraw kumpanniji o˙ra b˙all-AGL joffru xi ˙a©a simili.4 Fl-Awstralja spiss nisimg˙u li l-prezzijiet g˙all-provvista talelettriku huma g˙oljin ˙afna, u li wa˙da mir-ra©unijiet g˙al dan huwa l-investiment Ωejjed fl-infrastruttura tad-distribuzzjoni, qisha ndurata bid-deheb.5 Investiment Ωejjed, jew bla bΩonn, huwa naturalment ˙aΩin, però investiment irid isir, g˙aliex b˙alissa g˙addejja rivoluzzjoni kbira fil-provvista tal-elettriku. B˙al ma semmejt qabel, aktar u aktar djar u intrapriΩi qed jinvestu f'pannelli fotovoltaiçi, u bil-mod il-

kitba ta’


mod qed jid˙lu karrozzi li jie˙du kurrent elettriku mill-grid b'mod sporadiku - dan kollu qed jitfa' pressjoni kbira fuq grid li ma kienx iddiΩinjat g˙alhekk. Jien nistenna li se jkun hemm inklinazzjoni li ˙afna nies li g˙andhom il-pannelli fotovoltajiċi jie˙du vanta©© minn dawn il-batteriji biex jinqatg˙u komplatement mill-grid. Dan mhux neçessarjament Ωvilupp poΩittiv, anke jekk ikun ta' vanta©© ekonomiku g˙al min ikun jaqbillu jag˙mel dan. Sors: Aladdin Sal-lum, il-problema kienet li ma Solar LLC kienx hemm tekonolo©ija li kapaçi ta˙Ωen l-ener©ija fuq skala kbira. Jekk dawn is-sistemi tal-batteriji fid-djar isiru realtà u d-djar u l-intrapriΩi jibqg˙u mqabbdin malgrid, ikunu jistg˙u jkomplu jikkontribwixxu l-ener©ija Ωejda tag˙hom u jitnaqqas, jekk mhux jitne˙˙a l-bΩonn li l-kumpanniji l-kbar tal-ener©ija elettrika jipprovdu sistemi kbar g˙all-˙aΩna. Dan ikun pass kbir 'il quddiem sabiex il-pajjiΩ ikun jista' jafda iktar fil-©enerazzjoni tal-elettriku minn sorsi mhux stabbli. Mill-banda l-o˙ra, jekk id-djar u l-intrapriΩi jinqatg˙u g˙al rashom, dan il-vanta©© jitne˙˙a. Il-partit Liberali ta' NSW g˙adu kif reba˙ l-elezzjoni tal-istat bl-g˙ajta li jikri (lease) s-sistema tad-distribuzzjoni (l-hekk imsej˙a 'arbli u wajers') lil operaturi privati u qed jie˙u l-passi biex din il-politika tid˙ol fis-se˙˙. Il-partit Laburista g˙amel kampanja kontra dan billi qal li, fost l-o˙rajn, aktarx iwassal biex jg˙olli l-prezzijiet. Il-kumment tieg˙i hu li jekk min jixtri din is-sistema tad-distribuzzjoni semplçement jg˙olli l-prezzijiet, ikun qed i˙affer ittebut tieg˙u stess. Fil-fehma tieg˙i, il-biΩa ewlenija li jkollok sidien privati talarbli u tal-wajers, mhix li jog˙lew il-prezzijiet, imma li ma jibqg˙ux jinvestu bis-sens fl-arbli u l-wajers. Fil-fatt, hemm bΩonn investiment sostanzjali, min˙abba t-tendenza li l-©enerazzjoni tal-elettriku ma tibqax ikkonçentrata f'g˙add Ωg˙ir ta' ©eneraturi kbar, imma fuq g˙add kbir ta' ©eneraturi Ωg˙ar li w˙ud minnhom jistg˙u jipprovdu ener©ija Ωejda lura lejn il-grid u o˙rajn le. Dan jista' jwassal g˙al Ωbilanç fil-©arr talkurrent elettriku u diffikultà akbar fil-previΩjonijiet tad-domanda, li hu bΩonnjuΩ g˙all-ippjanar tal-grid innifsu. Dan huwa mudell kompletament differenti mill-img˙oddi u huwa riskju sostanzjali g˙all-operaturi l-©odda li g˙adhom iridu jintg˙aΩlu. Jien nawgura li l-gvern ta' NSW, u l-o˙rajn ta' stati u territorji o˙ra, joqog˙du attenti li ma jkunx hemm inçentiv biex dawk iddjar u l-intrapriΩi li nvestew fil-panneli fotovoltaiçi jinqatg˙u kompletament. G˙all-kuntrarju, irid ikun hemm mhux biss inçentiv li jibqg˙u imqabbdin, imma wkoll assigurazzjoni li l-operaturi jinvestu flinfrastruttura neçessarja biex isse˙˙ ir-rivoluzzjoni f'din l-industrija li huwa çar li di©à bdiet. Referenzi 1. Clean Energy Australia Report 2014, Clean Energy Council, p7 2. ibid., p24 3., retrieved 29/6/2015 4., retrieved 29/6/2015 5., retrieved 29/6/2015

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Hollywood film director chooses Malta for underwater action thriller H

Mary Pace-Feroud, Principal of the NSW Maltese Language School with the Hon. Victor Dominello MP

ollywood film director Luc Besson’s new action American-French thriller ‘The Lake’, featuring Sullivan Stapleton and also Oscar winner J.K. Simmons will soon start filming in Malta after producers have spent the past months building extensive sets at the Rinella film studios. Besson, director of ‘Lucy’ in 2014, who has teamed up with director Steven Quale for their new film, an Europa Corp production that is said to be one of the most expensive projects they’ve undertaken to date. They are reported to be spending up to €10 million in Malta alone. J.K. Simmons joined the supporting cast of the film that follows a group of Navy SEALs who attempt to solve an age-old mystery involving a treasure underneath a lake in war-torn Serbia. He will play the role of the Rear Admiral. The SEAL team will be played by Sullivan Stapleton, Charlie Bewley (Like Crazy) and Diarmaid Murtagh (Sons of Liberty). The film is said to require a lot of underwater work and scuba training, which Quale is actually pretty skilled at having worked with James Cameron on films like Titanic and The Abyss.

The languages of the State hold annual event


he New South Wales Federation of Community Language Schools held its annual dinner at the Cyprus Community Club in Stanmore. As always the hall was packed and the event was a very successful one. Besides the hundreds of representatives from NSW ethnic schools and organisations many other dignitaries also attended. They included Mr. Nickolas Varvaris MP, Member for Barton, officially representing the Hon. Tony Abbott MP, Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon. John Ajaka MLC, Minister for Ageing, Disability Services and Multiculturalism, the Hon. Victor Dominello MP, Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation. Also present the Linda Burney MP, Deputy Leader of the Opposition representing the Leader, Dr. G.K. Harinath OAM, Chairperson – Multiculturalism NSW, Mr. Stefan Romaniw, ex. director of Community Language Schools Australia, Ms. Josefa Sobski, Chairperson of the NSW Community Language Schools Board and many others. There was also a good representation from the Consular Corps in NSW, DEC officials, media representatives and other guests. Mr. Albert Vella, the president of the Federation welcomed the attendees from the many ethnic language schools and encouraged all present to keep on working hard.

To the delight of all, various schools presented folklore dancing and looked very colourful in their traditional costumes. A student Art Competition was judged and the first prize went to a student who sketched Mr. Dominello MP. The framed picture was then presented to the minister. It was a beautiful thought and gesture from this student as Mr. Dominello is always present at these multicultural functions and shows his continual support. Several dignitaries who showed great support for the Federation and encouraged all teachers to continue with their good work delivered speeches.

At this function, Mary Pace-Feraud, Principal of the school, and Ivan Borg, one of the teachers, represented the Maltese Language School NSW. The event ended with the distribution of certificates to all those who had a long service record in ethnic language teaching. Speaking to The Voice of the Maltese, Mary Pace-Feraud said the Maltese Community Council’s schools in NSW are still attracting more students than ever before. “What we need now are teachers” Anybody interested in the ‘job’ should contact: Mary on 02 96012189. For information also see advert page 22

Readers can now request a printed copy of The Voice In response to a number of inquiries, The Voice of the Maltese wishes to advice that we can now supply hard copies in colour of our magazine to our readers at a cost. Anybody interested in acquiring copies of the magazine can communicate with us personally or by email to: The magazine can also be delivered by post. As the cost of postage varies one is kindly requested to get in touch with us in order to work out the details.

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12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Roundup of News About Malta

Govt. endorses reforms that provide more incentives for women to rejoin workforce


n the last in the series of government consultation meetings titled ‘Gvern li jisma’ (A Government that listens), Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that while other countries are going for pension cuts, increases in national insurance and pushing up the retirement age, Malta wants to increase pensions. This is one of the proposed reforms by the pensions working group based on “wealth distribution”. The reforms being put forward to the government propose increases in a number of pensions, including the guaranteed national minimum pension, the widow’s pen-

on behalf of the government is said to be endorsing the majority of proposals being put forward, is set to give the pensions reform a push during the second half of this year. Acknowledging that for a number of years, women in our society were not being given their dues, he said that these reforms would be “feminist” as women would be the ones who would benefit most. Prime Minister Joseph Muscat (inset) He said they would be rewardaddressing the final consultation meeting ing hard work. In order to ension and workers with two part-time jobs, courage more women to re-join the amongst others. workforce, the government is proposing Describing it as “the next big priority”, that women are credited with five years of the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, who, national insurance

Malta political agreement with Italy re immigrants


lthough tens of thousands of people were migrating from Africa to Europe, the number of people arriving in Malta this year was just 92, the Prime Minister said at the consultation meeting when asked about migration. He added that this was due to a political understanding Malta had reached with Italy (Malta was giving them all the help it could and they understood the country’s limitations.

This situation, however, could change overnight, he said, but if it did, Malta could face Europe and ask for assistance as it had shown solidarity in practice and stood up to be counted when it accepted to take 300 of the numbers entering Greece and Italy. He warned that one should not let the feeling of sadness and anger brought about by the situation translate into racism and xenophobia.

‘Malta best example of move for better acceptance of gay communities’ S envoy on Human Rights for LGBTI persons Randy UBerry hailed Malta a leading example in the push for the rights of the LGBTI community and said it is the best

example of the global move towards the acceptance of LGBTI communities. Berry was speaking to members of various NGOs about their efforts and challenges faced in the local community at a meeting held at the President's Palace and co-hosted by the President's Foundation for the Wellbeing of Socialta and 56 other countries, including a number of EU member states such ety and the Gender Liberation group He explained that since his appointment as envoy in as the UK, France, Italy and Germany, have become prospective founding members of a new multilateral development bank, the Asian Infrastructure Invest- April 2015, he had prioritised a visit to Malta due to its ment Bank (AIIB), which will provide financial support for infrastructure devel- forays into the civil and legal rights of people from the opment and regional connectivity in Asia. It will have an authorised capital of 100 LGBTI community. Praising the community’s insistence on dialogue with billion US dollars and the initial subscribed capital is expected to be around 50 the leaders and policy makers of the country, the US spebillion dollars. Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, attended the inaugural ceremony of AIIB in cial envoy said, “Malta is being treated as an example by many other countries due to its stand on LGBT issues.” Beijing, and signed the Articles of AgreeExplaining that the Maltese comment that establish the bank as an internamunity had demonstrated its comtional organisation. mitment to the matter at hand by The purpose of the Bank is to foster susdelving into virtually unknown tainable economic development, create territories, he said a reform and wealth and improve infrastructure connecchange in attitudes is based on tivity in Asia by investing in infrastructure leadership and visibility. and other productive sectors; and to pro“Malta’s acceptance of the civil mote regional cooperation and partnership unions bill shows the country’s inin addressing development challenges by sistence on the Family as a central working in close collaboration with other and consistent aspect of society,” multilateral and bilateral development inhe said. stitutions. Berry agreed that education was The bank, which will be headquartered the best way to spread acceptance in Beijing, is expected to be officially esin society, as prejudice was born tablished at the end of 2015, after the inRandy Berry at the meeting of NGOs in Malta in the presence of of and motivated by ignorance dividual founding member states legally the U.S. Ambassador to Malta, Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley rather than hatred.. adopted the agreement.

Malta becomes founding member of multilateral development bank M

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta classifies best in eGovernment Internet Services ollowing a survey carried out among 33 F countries – 28 of them EU members – along with Iceland, Norway, Serbia, Switzer-


espite strong winds and somewhat rough sea, that could so easily have forced the cancellation of her swim, Michele Muscat, wife of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat showed resilience and successfully swam the Gozo channel for charity on June 27. Mrs Muscat braved the conditions and successfully completed her swim from Gozo to Malta to raise funds for the Marigold Foundation and the Malta Special Olympics team. It took her three hours 20 minutes to do the crossing and at the end of it, on the beach near the Cirkewwa quay she was greeted by her husband, their two young daughters and a crowd of well-wishers who applauded her feat. She jumped into the sea at Qala in Gozo

Michelle Muscat completes Gozo to Malta charity at 2.30 p.m. and arrived swim Malta around 5.50 p.m.

She was escorted along the way by a search and rescue launch and other boats. When she reached Comino she was joined by a number of swimmers from the Malta Special Olympics team, who have been named as beneficiaries, and together they all swam to Cirkewwa. Physically exhausted Ms Muscat expressed great satisfaction for managing to overcome the challenge. She is understood to have been training in preparation for the endeavour since November. The Marigold Foundation's purpose is to raise awareness of the challenges faced by society relating to social behaviour, health issues, special needs and education.

land and Turkey, the European Commission’s eGovernment benchmark exercise has classified Malta as a leader in Europe when it comes to services provided by the Government on the Internet. The report on Internet services provided by governments measures four indicators re delivery and performance and compares them with the services of the countries surveyed. Malta leads on all top-level indicators across the combined services measured. Top most of these indicators are availability and use, facilities and velocity of eGovernment. Malta obtained 95%, which is 22% more of the European average. It also obtained 97% on transparency, the process for distributing the service and personal information involved. Malta’s evaluation is 45% more than the European average. The report also examined the ability of governments to provide business and their citizens with access to public services online when they are abroad. In this instance Malta again classified first with 88% as against the European average of 50.5%. Lastly, the European Commission also surveyed the availability of a number of important technical elements for the distribution of eGovernment services, obtaining a 97% mark compared to the average for Europe of 50%.

St Luke’s hospital to be transformed into ‘state of the art’ rehab centre


€200 million investment by Vitals Global Healthcare (VGH), the preferred bidders for the management and operation of St Luke’s Hospital, Karin Grech Rehabilitation Hospital in Gwardamanga, and Gozo General Hospital is expected to deliver a 180-bed “state of the art” rehabilitation hospital and a dermatology centre on the site of the former St Luke’s general hospital in Gwardamangia. The deal with the Singapore based company is expected to be signed by the end of the year with works on the three hospitals expected to start in 2016. Paliamentary Secretary for Health, Chris Fearne said the rehab ilitation centre in Gwardamanga would “provide the country with a full compliment state of the art hospital.” The former St Luke’s hospital which has been in disuse for 10 years. Right: an artist’s impression of the new hospital

Malta aims to become training hub in the aviation sector


ddressing the 4th Annual Mediterranean Business Aviation conference in Sliema, the Minister for Tourism Edward Zammit Lewis said that the Maltese Government not only acknowledges the contribution of the aviation sector to the Maltese economy, but is also determined to maintain the engagement with all stakeholders in order to introduce new initiatives to ensure further growth in this sector for the benefit of all those involved and our

economy at large. He said that thanks to its being one of the most stable economies and jurisdictions in the region, Malta has managed to reach out and serve as a reliable and trusted centre of excellence on the international stage. He pointed out that Malta sees itself as a liberal and progressive nation, creating a trade gateway for the expanding markets of the Mediterranean, the Middle East and Africa.

The Tourism Minister said that the main objective is to make of Malta a training hub where people from all over the world can come to learn or train in a wide variety of aviation jobs and disciplines. He said that his ministry has recently been working on establishing the National Aerospace Centre to strengthen Malta’s economy and contribute to increasing our country’s competitiveness in the aviation sector.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 7, 2015

L-Immigrazzjoni – Xaqq ta’ dawl J

idher li fl-a˙˙ar, wara ˙afna diskussjonijiet u battibekki bejn l-imsie˙ba tal-Unjoni Ewropea, hemm xaqq ta’ dawl fil-kwestjoni ta’ tqassim tal-immigranti. G˙alkemm g˙add ta’ pajjiΩi tal-UE baqg˙u jinsistu li ma jaççettawx li jkun hemm kwota fissa, tal-inqas intla˙aq ftehim li kwaΩi l-pajjiΩi kollha tal-UE jie˙du g˙add ta’ immigranti minn dawk ilpajjiΩi, prinçipalment l-Italja u lGreçja li fuq xtuthom qed jaslu eluf kbar ta’ immigranti. G˙idna ‘kwaΩi l-pajjiΩi kollha’ g˙ax l-Ingliterra u l-Irlanda ma ffurmawx parti minn dan il-grupp min˙abba li g˙andhom klawsoli fil-ftehim ta’ tis˙ib fl-UE li jippermetilhom li jibqg˙u barra minn dan il-ftehim, kif ukoll l-Ungerija li g˙andha nflus qawwi ta’ immigranti mill-pajjiΩi ©irien tag˙ha. Malta aççetat li tati kenn lil madwar 200 immigrant fis-sena. Filwaqt li l-Prim Ministru Malti, Dr Joseph Muscat, sejja˙ dan il-ftehim b˙ala wie˙ed storiku u qal li dan huwa speçi ta’ assigurazzjoni g˙al Malta. Min-na˙a tieg˙u l-Kap tal-OppoΩizzjoni sostna li g˙alkemm dan ilftehim kien wie˙ed poΩittiv, imma Malta setg˙et kisbet trattament a˙jar u ©iet inkluΩa mal-Greçja u l-Italja li ssemmew b˙ala Ω-Ωew© pajjiΩi li kienu se jqassmu w˙ud mill-immigranti li kienu waslu fix-xtut tag˙hom fil-pajjiΩi tal-Unjoni Ewropej. Il-Prim Ministru qal li Malta kienet

aççettat li tie˙u dawn l-immigranti, lewwel biex turi solidarjeta’ mal-pajjiΩi u tati eΩempju lill-pajjiΩi l-o˙ra. Barra minhekk, min˙abba li l-GΩejjer tag˙na jifil˙u g˙al dan l-g˙add ta’ immigranti, billi matul din l-a˙˙ar sena, grazzi g˙all-Italja, f’Malta dda˙˙lu biss 92 immigrant illegali, meta fissnin ta’ qabel kienu jid˙lu bil-mijiet.. jekk mhux bl- eluf, (bejn is-sena 2002 u s-sena 2014 da˙lu f’Malta madwar 19,000 immigrant illegali. IΩda l-akbar ra©uni g˙ax ©ie aççettat dan il-ftehim kien li dan iservi ta’ garanzija li jekk, g˙al xi ra©uni, lg˙add ta’ immigranti li jid˙lu fi GΩiritna jkun kbir, g˙andna garanzija li pajjiΩi tal-Unjoni Ewropeja jie˙du w˙ud minn dawn l-immigranti biex dawn ma jkunux ta’ piΩ Ωejjed fuq Malta. Na˙seb li vanta©© ie˙or ta’ dan ilftehim hu li l-200 immigrant li Malta hija lesta li tospita’ mhux se jkunu ©ejjin dirett minn xi pajjiΩ mhux mag˙ruf, g˙ax ikunu g˙amlu xi Ωmien fl-Italja fejn ikunu ©ew monitorati. Ikun tajjeb jekk fuq kollox il-Gvern Malti jasal g˙al ftehim li dawn l-immigranti jkunu mag˙Ωula skont il˙ti©ijiet li g˙andha Malta, g˙ax fuq kollox g˙andna çertu setturi taxxog˙ol u l-industrija li qed ikollhom i©ibu ˙addiema minn barra g˙ax m’g˙andniex Maltin li huma kwalifikati jew ma jaççettawx li jag˙mlu çertu xog˙ol.

Pupi bil-biljuni rbg˙in sen’ilu, fost l-g˙add ta’ fabbriki li E nfet˙u f’Malta, kien hemm dik ÌermaniΩa Brand International and Inmold Ltd (PlayMOBIL). Il-prodott tag˙ha – pupi. Dakinhar, ˙afna x’aktarx li ma tantx stennew xi ˙a©a minn fabbrika b˙al din. Imma g˙addew erbg˙in sena u dawn l-imberkin pupi ©abu r-risq lil din il-fabbrika li minn sena g˙all-o˙ra kompliet tkabbar il-produzzjoni tag˙ha. Tant li llum din tipproduçi madwar 100 miljun – iva mitt miljun - pupu fis-sena li sintendi lma©©uranza kbira tag˙hom ji©u esportati. Huwa stmat li matul dawn l-a˙˙ar 40 sena din ilfabbrika pproduçiet madwar tlett biljun pupu.

Razzista ©©ib kundanna u skuΩa

r-razzisti ssibhom kullimkien, ukoll f’Malta - fejn Inoranza. tiddomina r-reli©jon Kattolika - anke jekk f’miImma mhux ©ust li inçident bla sens li qajjmet mara g˙andu jtappan il-mod kif Malta tilqa’ lill-barranin. Ukoll jekk hemm min qed ikabbru g˙al ra©unijiet ovvji biex ixekkel il-progress. Din il-mara ©abet l-istmerrija ta’ kul˙add meta nsulentat lil ra©el barrani, student UngeriΩ ta’ kulur skur li kien bi kwietu, u ka©un t’hekk, il-pulizija, b’mod Ωbaljat uΩat Ωelu Ωejjed biex arrestatu. Ftit ˙in wara nies o˙ra taw il-verΩjoni vera u r-ra©el ©ie mitluq. Fl-istess waqt bdiet tfixxija g˙all-mara li qajjmet l-inçident u ˙arbet mill-post. Wara, il-Ministru g˙al-Libertajiet Çivili, Helena Dalli bag˙tet g˙ar-ra©el, u skuΩat ru˙ha f’isem il-

poplu Malti g˙all-mod razzist kif ©ie ttrattat.

l-2013 kien hemm 1019 il-persuna barranija li F kisbu ç-çittadinanza Maltija. Nag˙mluha çar, L-Awstraljani fuq quddiem dawn ma kisbux iç-çittadinanza ta˙t l-iskema li nieda l-Gvern dan l-a˙˙ar fejn wie˙ed jista’ jikseb iç-çitaddinanza Maltija billi joqg˙od g˙al diversi kundizzjonijiet u j˙allas somma mhux ˙aΩin ta’ flus ... il-famuΩa IIP li tant sar kjass dwarha. Dawn l-1019-il ru˙ kisbu iç-çittadinanza g˙al diversi ra©unijiet – Ωwie©, naturalizazzjoni, eçç. Numru konsiderevoli minn dawn kisbu ç-çittadinanza min˙abba li çertu pajjiΩi fejn hemm l-emigranti Maltin hemm il-possibilta’ ta’ çittadinanza doppja. G˙alhekk ma kienetx sorpriΩa li l-ikbar perçentwal ta’ persuni li kisbu ç-çittadinanza Maltija ©ej propju mill-Awstralja... ˙afna minnu riΩultat tat-twessieg˙ taç-çittadinanza doppja. It-tieni preferenza ta’ çittadini li kisbu ç-çittadinanza Maltija fl2013 huma mir-Renju Unit b’15.1% u warajhom mill-Istati Uniti b’7.7% ta’ çittadini kollha li kisbu çittadinanza Maltija L-g˙add ta’ çittadinanzi li n˙ar©u minn Malta huwa qatra f’oçejan ˙dejn dawk li ˙ar©u l-pajjiΩi kollha tal-Unjoni Ewropeja. Fl-

2013 f’dawn il-pajjiΩi, madwar 985,000 persuna ˙adu çittadinanza ta’ xi membru stat tal-Unjoni Ewropeja. Dan ifisser Ωieda ta’ 20% (163,000 persuna) meta mqabbel mas-sena 2012. Hemm 89% tan-nies li ˙adu ç-ċittadinanza m’humiex ċittadini Ewropej. L-akbar gruppi ta’ çittadini li kisbu ç-çittadinanza Ewropeja huma l-Marokkini b’madwar 86,500 çittadin, li 84% minnhom ©abu çittadinanza Spanjola, Taljana jew FrançiΩa. Warajhom hemm l-Injdani b’aktar minn 48,000 u t-Torok b’46,500. Madwar 41,700 AlbaniΩ kisbu çittadinanza Ewropeja b’95% jiksbu çittadinanza Taljana jew Griega. Mill-kontinent talAmerika t’Isfel, eΩattament fl-Ekwador, 40,400 persuna ©abu çittadinanza Ewropeja, b’95% jiksbu çittadinanza Spanjola. U qam plejtu s˙i˙ meta xi pajjiΩi tal-Unjoni Ewropea ˙asbu biex i˙ajru g˙add limitat ta’ çittadini mhux Ewropej biex ta˙t çertu kundizzjonijiet, fosthom li j˙allsu ammont ta’ flus, dawn ikun jistg˙u jiksbu ç-çittadinanza tal-Unjoni Ewropeja.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Mix-xena tal-˙ajja Maltija 2 Se nkun kemm jista’ jkun fil-qosor dwar dan is-su©©ett g˙ax huwa mpossibli li wie˙ed jikkummenta dwar dak li g˙addej b˙alissa fil-midja lokali jekk ma jiddedikax dan il-magazine kollu. F’˙ajti ma niftakarx qatt li kellna kampanja hekk qalila kontra l-Gvern mill-OppoΩizzjoni u minn sezzjoni tal-midja f’nofs le©islatura, daqs kemm g˙andna llum. Sintendi l-ftu˙ ta’ kampanja b˙al din minna˙a tal-OppoΩizzjoni qed twassal biex ilGvern jirrijttalja, biex issa ˙lief

Kelb Malti

Politika allegaz-zjonijiet ta’ abbuΩi, skandli, koruzzjoni ma tismax u ma taqrax. Óafna drabi jidher li kollox huwa orkestrat, g˙ax, f’dawn iΩ-Ωminijiet meta n-numru ta’ kummenti mill-qarrejja qed jiΩdiedu sewwa... tara li çerti qarrejja dejjem jikkummentaw kontra l-Gvern u o˙rajn dejjem favur il-Gvern. Kultant ji©ik id-dubju jekk fuq kollox hemmx xi klikka ta’ kumentaturi fuq kull na˙a li b’mod dirett jew indirettament

afna kienu jqisu l-kelb tal-fenek b˙ala kelb tipikament Malti, iΩda attwalÓ ment minn studju li sar dan l-a˙˙ar jidher li l-kelb li huwa tassew ta’ razza Maltija huwa dak tal-kaçça.

Fil-fatt il-Federazzjoni Kaççaturi, Nassaba u Konservazjonisti (FKNK) bdiet ˙idma biex il-kelb tal-kaçça ta' Malta jkun rikonoxxut uffiçjalment u f’beda proçess minn veterinarji u professjonisti biex jag˙mlu xog˙ol kemm xjentifiku kif ukoll ta' riçerka b'rabta mar-rikonoxximent tal-kelb talkaçça. G˙alkemm l-istudju li sar s’issa g˙adu fil-bidu, ©ie kkonfermat li lkelb tal-kaçça ta' Malta hi razza pura u unika g˙all-GΩejjer Maltin. Il-˙asra hi li l-g˙add ta’ klieb ta’ din ir-razza f’Malta huwa tassew limitat, g˙alhekk tajjeb li jsir sforz biex dan in-numru jikber g˙ax tkun ˙asra li din ir-razza tinqered.

Xorta fuq quddiem

˙as-soltu l-©urnal B Malta Today g˙amel st˙arri© dwar is-sa˙˙a politika tal-partiti u tal-mexxejja tal-istess partiti. (Fl-a˙˙ar ˙ar©a ta’ The Voice di©a` ssemma imma din id-darba nistg˙u nid˙lu aktar fid-dettal dwar dan l-ist˙arrig li ©ie meqjus ferm importanti.) L-ist˙arri© sar meta lGvern, u partikularment ilPrim Ministru Malti, jinsab ta˙t baraxx ta’ akkuΩi, mill-OppoΩizzjoni u parti mill-midja, ta’ abbuzi, sa˙ansitra korruzzjoni, ta’ protesti dwar l-ambjent, speçjalment il-bini ta’ Universita` fil-ponta taΩ-Ûonqor, u g˙alhekk ir-riΩultat li ˙are© kien fih kemm sorpriΩi, kif ukoll dak li wie˙ed jista’ jsejja˙ affermazzjoni. Is-sorpiΩa ewlenija kienet li minkejja dawn l-attakki kollha l-Prim Ministru, Joseph Muscat xorta baqa’ 13-il punt fuq il-mexxej tal-PN, Simon Busuttil. F’dan l-ist˙arri© ˙are© li 38.90% ta’ dawk li wie©bu g˙all-ist˙arri© qalu li jafdaw aktar lil Joseph Mus-

cat. Dan juri tnaqqis Ωg˙ir ta’ Ωew© punti anqas milla˙˙ar st˙arri© li sar f’Marzu li g˙adda. Simon Busuttil ©ibed lejh ilfiduçja ta’ 26.3% filwaqt li 14.9% qalu li ma jafdaw lil ˙add, 19.9 qalu li ma jafux. Dan ifisser li filwaqt li Muscat naqqas b’Ωew© punti mill-a˙˙ar st˙arri©, Busuttil baqa’ bejn wie˙ed u ie˙or fejn kien. 39.90%

Min-na˙a l-o˙ra ©ie kkonfermat dak li kien mistenni, li g˙add imdaqqas minn dawk li qabel kienu jivvutaw g˙all-Partit Nazzjonalista, iΩda fl-a˙˙ar elezzjoni vvutaw Labour, issa re©g˙u lura lejn il-PN. Infatti, skont dan list˙arri©, id-distakk bejn iΩ-Ωew© partiti minn 8% naqas g˙al 5%, li jfisser li l-vanta©© ta’ 35,000 vot li kellu l–Partit Laburista niΩel g˙al 21,000. Terz ta’ dawk li bidlu l-preferenza tag˙hom kienu ivvutaw lill-Partit Laburista fl-2013 iΩda ivvutaw lill-Partit Nazzjonalista f’ 2008. 26.3%

huma imexxija mill-istess partiti politiçi. Il-˙asra hi li çertu kummentaturi qed jaqg˙u f’attakki personali mhux biss fuq nies politiçi, iΩda anke fuq kummentaturi o˙ra... u l-kliem li jintuΩa’ kultant huwa tassew baxx. Na˙seb li wasal iΩ-Ωmien li l-©urnali jag˙mlu xi ˙a©a biex jikkontrollaw çertu lingwa©© u attakki personali. Veru li g˙andu jkun hemm il-liberta’ tal-kelma, iΩda ma na˙sibx li g˙andna naççettaw illibertina©©.


inkejja l-batibekki ma jaqtg˙u qatt filM qasam politiku, wie˙ed jie˙u n-nifs meta jsir jaf li kollox ma kollox, il-Maltin g˙al xahar wara l-ie˙or qed jg˙idu li qed i˙arsu b’ottimiΩmu lejn il-futur. Dan jo˙ro© minn st˙arri© li tag˙mel ilKummissjoni Ewropeja ta’ kull xahar fost il-pajjiΩi tal-Unjoni Ewropeja. F’dan list˙arri© ˙are© li skont l-azjendi u l-konsumaturi Maltin u G˙awdxin, g˙at-13-il xahar wara l-ie˙or, pajjiΩna, Malta, g˙andu fost l-og˙la livell ta’ ottimiΩmu fost il-pajjiΩi kollha taΩ-Ωona Ewro. Skont l-a˙˙ar st˙arri© li sar f’Ìunju kien hemm ottimiΩmu fuq l-andament tan-negozju prattikament fis-setturi kollha talekonomija f’pajjiΩna. Jispikka kif, g˙at-tielet xahar wara l-ie˙or, l-ottimiΩmu li esprimew l-operaturi fis-settur tal-bejg˙ kien l-og˙la qatt osservat mindu beda jsir dan l-is˙arri©, tlettax-il sena ilu. Fost l-operaturi fis-settur tal-kostruzzjoni ©ie rre©istrat it-tieni l-aqwa livell ta’ ottimiΩmu osservat kemm ilu jsir dan l-ist˙arri©. Fl-istess ˙in, l-azjendi Maltin fis-settur tasservizzi komplew jesprimu l-og˙la livell ta’ kunfidenza ekonomika minn fost l-operaturi kollha f’dan is-settur fil-pajjiΩi kollha talUnjoni Ewropeja. Óafna operaturi Maltin fil-qasam tas-servizzi sostnew li l-qag˙da tag˙hom tjiebet u li g˙andhom aspettattivi a˙jar g˙ax-xhur li ©ejjin. G˙alhekk qalu li se jkomplu jΩidu l-˙addiema. Ìie osservat titjib ukoll fost l-azjendi industrijali. Il-familji fil-GΩejjer Maltin huma fost ilftit fl-Ewropa li qed jg˙idu li s-sitwazzjoni finanzjarja tag˙hom qed titjieb u qed jistennew aktar titjib fix-xhur li ©ejjin. L-ottimiΩmu fost il-familji huwa tali li dawn qed jistennew tnaqqis akbar fil-qg˙ad, anke meta dan di©à niΩel g˙all-inqas livell fl-istorja ta’ pajjiΩna.

L-inqas qag˙ad fl-istorja

ejn g˙andu x’jaqsam il-qag˙ad f’Malta, F b˙alissa dawk li qed jirregistraw g˙axxoghol huwa l-inqas li fl-istorja. Çifri tal-Uffiççju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika (NSO) juru li sal-a˙˙ar ta’ Mejju l-qg˙ad kien ta’ 5,333 mqabbel mas-7,141 tal-istess xahar is-sena lo˙ra. Barra minhekk, skont l-Ewrostat Malta g˙andha t-tielet l-inqas rata ta’ g˙ad flEwropa, wara l-Ìermanja r-Renju Unit.

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 7, 2015

A quick glimpse at Australia

The top are getting richer ccording to a new report by the AusA tralian Council of Social Services, Anglican, the Salvation Army and St Vincent de Paul only one fifth of Australian households – the top fifth – earn an average of $232,000. On average, they earn five times as much as the bottom fifth. The wealthiest fifth of Australian households own an astonishing 70 times as much as the poorest. The top fifth of households own an average of $2 million each, the bottom fifth less than $44,250 each. The report finds that the top are getting richer much quicker. In eight years to 2012, the top fifth’s wealth jumped 28 per cent but the bottom fifth’s just 3 per cent. The good news is that inequality is not as extreme in Australia as in United States or the UK. The tax changes over the 2000s, particularly tax cuts that have largely benefitted people on higher incomes, have reduced the progressivity of the tax system and its effectiveness in reducing inequality.

The Pope on climate change


oliticians from across the political spectrum and Catholic Church leaders have welcomed Pope Francis’s major encyclical on the environment. The Catholic pontiff (pictured left) bemoans “weak international political responses” to environmental issues. They expect the encyclical to have a significant impact on the Australian climate change debate. The president of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Archbishop Denis Hart, described the encyclical as a “clarion call” to all global leaders including Australia’s to take stronger leadership on climate change. Tony Abbott, Australia’s PM studied for the priesthood in his youth. At least eight of his cabinet ministers are Catholic. The PM said last year that coal was good for humanity and said recently he wished the Howard government had never implemented the Renewal Energy target. Malcolm Turnbull said that in his view it was a very significant move by the Pope to make the church more relevant to young people. Green leader Richard de Natale said he hoped this is Tony Abbott’s come to Jesus moment on climate change.

Bureaucrat Thawley in controversy over China op bureaucrat Michael Thawley T (pictured) who was a key adviser to John Howard and is now secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and the Cabinet dismissed any prospect of China leading the world. Mr Thawley told the Crawford Australian Leadership Forum at the Australian National University that the economic giant was neither willing nor able to solve global problems. “China won't help you produce a solution,” said Mr Thawley, addressing the “China will get in the way or get out of the way.” Former Prime Minister John Howard

has moved to defuse the controversy over Michael Thawley's statement, saying the official has played a key role in developing Australia's relationship with Beijing. Mr Howard said it was “one of the most ridiculous propositions” that Australia had to choose between having a strong relationship with the US or China. “It should be the constant aim of Australian foreign policy to ensure that relations between the United States and China never reach such a point where Australia feels under any pressure to make any kind of choice,” he said. “And I hope the time that I spent in of-

fice, advised a lot of the time on foreign policy matters by Michael Thawley, represented something of a metaphor for believing that we could develop very close relations between Australia and both of those two critically important nations.” Mr Howard echoed Mr Thawley's earlier observation that shared values were the key to strong relationships, which Australia had with the US but not with China. “Nothing that I experienced when I was Prime Minister, and nothing that I've experienced since, has altered my view that the things that bind nations together more tightly than anything else are shared values and shared philosophies,” Mr Howard said.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday July 7, 2015

A quick glimpse at Australia

Largest ever settlement

Tony Abbott at Question Time at Parliament House

his is a histoT rical moment for victims of in-

The ABC and the PM


he PM does not hold back when he thinks he is on a populist issue. Recently when referring to the latest edition of Q&A the ABC flagship programme aired every Monday from 9.35pm he screamed “heads will roll” and asked the ABC “which side are you on?” while describing it as a “leftie lynch mob”. He also announced a government inquiry into the programme. Meanwhile, while acknowledging it was a mistake to allow former terrorist suspect Zacy Mallah to appear on air on Q&A anchored by Tony Jones, the ABC managing director Mark Scott fired back at Tony Abbott by pointing out that the ABC is not a state broadcaster and has a duty to air confronting views and its independence from government must be jealously guarded. He said the ABC is on the side of

Partial victory for the Treasurer


he Treasurer of Australia Joe Hockey was awarded $200,000 in a defamation case against Fairfax Media. Federal Court Justice Richard White found that he was defamed by the words “treasurer for sale” on a poster and two tweets but ruled that The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, and The Canberra Times had not defame him by publishing a series of articles on May 6, 2014 about a Liberal Party fundraising body, the North Sydney Forum. The articles the Judge concluded were of “considerable public interest”. Judge White awarded Mr. Hockey $120,000 damages for the Herald poster and $80,000 for the two tweets from The Age’s Twitter account.

Australia “and the part we play, what we do for the side, is a vital one, central to our culture and our democracy – that of being an independent public broadcaster. I hope no one seriously wants the ABC to be a state broadcaster.” Mr. Scott said, “I feel that Q&A has all the potential of being a 20-plus year franchise for the ABC, so we need to treat it with care same as Four Corners - they are an enduring part of Australian public life.” The Prime Minister had a few days before declaring in Parliament House, “I want to say publicly thank you to the ABC, I do not normally say thank you to the ABC, but I have to say Australia is indebted to you in this instance”. The PM was referring to Sarah Ferguson’s extraordinary TV serial The Killing Season, a full three hours which exposed the relationship between Gillard/Rudd and others in the Labor Party.

stitutional abuse” said David Hill former ABC boss and Australian soccer administrator (right). Mr. Hill wrote a book about his experiences at farm school. Adults who were physically and sexually assaulted as children at the notorious Fairbridge Farm School in Molong central western NSW have been awarded $24 million in the largest compensation payment for survivors of institutional child abuse in Australia. More than 150 former child migrants brought the class action against the federal and state government and the Fairbridge Foundation, which run the scheme promising a better life overseas for underprivileged British children. The settlement was criticised as the defendants dragged out legal action at an estimated cost of $10 million to the taxpayer. This has been 21 times in the Supreme Court over seven years, bogged down and stonewalled by the defendants. An estimated 130,000 children were taken from Britain and sent to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Zimbabwe as part of British migration scheme; 1200 were sent to the Footbridge Farm School in Molong, which operated from 1938 to 1974. What happened at Fairbridge was described as sickening and terrifying.

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230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 Ph: 9671 4780 Email: Twitter: @mrowlandmp

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 7, 2015 Mr John Aquilina being escorted to the Palace (left) and receiving the official salute (below)

Mr John Aquilina and is wife Ann flank the Bangladesh President at the presentation of credentials

HC Aquilina presents credentials to President of Bangladesh


alta and Bangladesh wrote a new page in their respective histories when John Aquilina UOM, accompanied by his wife Ann, presented his credentials to His Excellency, President Md. Abdul Hamid, as Malta’s first High Commissioner to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.The Ambassador of Croatia, and the High Commissioners of Ghana and of Uganda also presenting their credentials. Upon arriving at the Presidential Palace gates, Mr Aquilina was escorted by a mounted guard of eight brightly uniformed guards on sterling steeds. After taking the official salute, he was invited to inspect the ceremonial ‘Guard of Honour’, and was then es-

corted inside the Palace. Mr Aquilina told The Voice: “I was somewhat stunned by the magnificent turnout and the procedural precession with which everything occurred. It was a pleasant surprise, as at no time had I expected the ceremony to be so elegant and elaborate.” On presenting his credentials, and on the promptings of the President, Mr Aquilina gave him a brief description of Malta. He also extended to him the warm greetings of Malta’s President. In return the President asked him to convey his warmeswishes and the cordial greetings of the people of Bangladesh to HE Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca and the citizens of Malta.

Discussion about Malta and the mutual hope that the relationship between the two countries would continue to grow and prosper continued later in the day. The Maltese HC informed the President that in his meeting with H.E. Dr. Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury, Speaker of the Parliament of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh said she would be attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM). He also informed him that it was the earnest wish of the Government of Malta that a large delegation from Bangladesh, led by H.E. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, and including a substantial delegation of Bangladeshi businessmen and women would attend.

Happy Retirement for Fr. Michael Gatt fter 47 years of stellar priestly service to the community Perth’s Christmas HelpA Father Michael Gatt has chosen to retire. According to line. For the past 23 Canon Law he could have retired two years earlier (aged 75) Christmases, he has led

but opted to soldier on because he enjoyed his pastoral work as a parish priest at Osborne Park. Fr. Gatt was released of his duties as a parish priest on Sunday June 28 but continues to work as a Diocesan Priest in the Perth Archdiocese. He also intends to continue, even expand his Christmas helpline. Fr. Gatt’s new accommodation will be at a new private residence at Nollamara. Fr Gatt was ordained by the late Sir Michael Gonzi, Archbishop of Malta, at St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta Malta in 1968. Previous to his entry into the seminary Fr Gatt completed two years regular service with the Royal Air Force. After ordination he was sent to London for pastoral training and then to Perth in 1971 to be appointed Maltese Migrant Chaplain, a position he continues to hold today. He later also held Chaplaincies to the RAAF (31 years) and Hollywood Repatriation Hospital (11 years). But 44 of his 47 years as a priest were mainly served in parishes, both metropolitan and regional – Swanbourne (3), Victoria Park (3), Moora (2), Gingin-Chittering (6), Manning (10) Osborne Park (15). Fr. Gatt is most recently known for his establishment of

a team of volunteers operating the Christmas Help-line that assists people in emotional distress and for which he was presented with the Saint George Preca Award for Community Service by the Maltese Professional and Business Association of Western Fr. Michael Gatt Australia. Those wishing to contact Fr. Gatt can do so on his new contact details. Email:; Help-line: gattline@bigpond. com; Website:; Tel. (08) 9440 5379 The MPBA congratulates Fr. Gatt for his wonderful achievements and wishes him a fruitful and joyful retirement.

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday July 7, 2015


(1895-1971) StudjuΩ Bibliku utraduttur tal-Kotba Mqaddsa fil-Maltin

L-isem tal-Monsinjur Pietru Pawl Saydon jibqa’ g˙al dejjem marbut mat-traduzzjoni tal-Kotba Mqaddsa fil-Malti u malilsna Semitiçi. It-traduzzjoni tal-Iskrittura Mqaddsa mill-ilsna ori©inali kienet biçça xog˙ol li ˙add qablu ma kien da˙al g˙aliha u swietlu tletin sena s˙a˙ ta’ ˙idma u dedikazzjoni. Kien ˙a ˙sieb ukoll jid˙ol g˙all-ispiΩa kollha tal-pubblikazzjoni. Saydon twieled fl-24 ta’ Lulju tal-1895 fiΩ-Ûurrieq. Tg˙allem fl-iskola primarja tar-ra˙al u s-Seminarju. Wara l-eΩamijiet tal-Matrikola, da˙al l-Università biex jistudja g˙al qassis u ggradwa fil-Letteratura, fil-Li©i Kanonka u fit-Teolo©ija. Ìie ordnat saçerdot fl-20 ta’ Settembru tal-1919 fl-età ta’ 24 sena u mar Ruma fl-Istituto Biblico biex jispeçjalizza fl-Istudji Bibliçi minn fejn kiseb il-Liçenzjat flIskrittura Mqaddsa. Fl-1931, meta Saydon kien g˙ad kellu biss 36 sena, in˙atar Professur tal-Iskrittura Mqaddsa, talLhudi u l-Grieg Bibliku fl-Università ta’ Malta u baqa’ f’din il-kariga g˙al 33 sena. Kienu snin ta’ ˙idma u riçerka bla waqfien u ˙a sehem f’kungressi internazzjonali fl-Ewropa, fosthom Ruma (1932); Brussell (1938); Pari©i (1948); Ruma u Norfolk (1952); Kopenhagen (1953); Cambridge u Louvain (1954); Birmingham (1955); Strasburgu (1956); Munich (1957); Brussell (1958); Louvain u Oxford (1959); Dublin (1961). Wie˙ed ma jkunx jiΩbalja meta jg˙id li kien bis-sa˙˙a tal-istudji bibliçi u tal-istudju tal-ilsien Lhudi li Saydon beda jinteressa ru˙u fl-ilsien Malti. Kien attiv ˙afna fl-G˙aqda tal-Malti (Uni-

versità) u mexxieha g˙al g˙axar snin. Barra minhekk ˙a wkoll ˙sieb jo˙ro© il-Le˙en il-Malti. Fl-1945, flimkien malProfessur Ìużè Aquilina, Pietru Pawl Saydon ˙admu biex jing˙ata ddottorat fil-lettratura Maltija lill-Poeta Nazzjonali un Karm, xi ˙a©a li qatt qabel ma kienet ing˙atat. Is-su©©eriment Il-bolla ddedikata tag˙hom intlaqa’ u ç-çerlil Pietru Pawl Saydon imonja fejn Dun Karm, ta’ 74 sena, ing˙ata d-dottorat saret fit-2 ta’ Ottubru tal-istess sena. Fl-1946, il-Qdusija Tieg˙u l-Papa Piju XII g˙aΩlu b˙ala Cameriere Secreto bit-titolu ta’ Monsinjur u fl-1951 l-Arçisqof ta’ dak iΩ-Ωmien, Mikiel Gonzi offrielu kanonikat tal-Kattidral, iΩda Saydon g˙aΩel il-˙ajja tal-istudju minflok dik tal-unuri. Fit-12 ta’ Novembru 1966, l-Università Rjali ta’ Malta tatu lgrad ta’ Duttur tal-Letteratura (Hon. Causa) b˙ala g˙arfien tax-xog˙lijiet kbar tieg˙u. Saydon kien bniedem uman g˙all-a˙˙ar. Kien qrib ˙afna talbdiewa ta’ Beng˙ajsa fil-kappella çkejkna tal-Kunçizzjoni u dejjem tal-kontribut pastorali tieg˙u fil-parroçça taΩ-Ûurrieq fejn miet fit-22 ta’ Marzu tal-1971, fl-g˙omor ta’ 76 sena. F’Jannar tal-1988, 17-il sena wara mewtu, Pietru Pawl ©ie onorat mill-Gvern meta ©ie mag˙Ωul b˙ala wie˙ed mill-personalitajet Maltin li kellu bolla (tal-25c) iddedikata g˙alih. FiΩ-Ûurrieq f’belt twelidu, bix-xieraq, hemm ukoll triq iddedikata g˙alih.

RiΩultat tat-ta˙ri© dwar l-A©©ettivi

Biex tikteb Malti tajjeb Il-Pronom 6.Il-Pronomi MehmuΩin jing˙aqdu ma’ nom, ma’ verb u ma’ partçella. ma’ Nom a) ordinarju huma: i, ek, ok, u, ha, na, kom, hom. EΩ.: qalbi, qalbek, qalbu, qalbha, qalbna, qalbkom, qalbhom. b) li jispicça b’ejn, ajn, huma: ja, k, h, ha, na, kom, hom. EΩ.: idejja, idejk, idejh, idejha, idejna, idejkom, idejhom ma’ Verb a) li jispiçça b’konsonanti huma: ni, ek, u, ha, na, kom, hom.

(ikompli mala˙˙ar ˙ar©a)

EΩ.: sabni, sabek, sabu, sabha, sabna, sabkom, sabhom b) li jispiçça b’vokali jew (w) huma: ni, k, h, ha, na, kom, hom. EΩ.: rani, rak, rah, raha, rana, rakom, rahom. ma’ Partiçella a) ordinarja huma: i, ek, u, ha, na, kom, hom. EΩ.:lili, lilek, lilu, lilha, lilna, lilkom, lilhom. b) li tispiçça b’ejn huma: ja, k, h, ha, na, kom, hom. EΩ.: lejja, lejk, lejh, lejha, lejna, lejkom, lejhom. (Fil-˙ar©a li jmiss nittrattaw xi rqaqat.)


l-a˙˙ar ˙arga ippreΩentajna speçi ta’ ta˙rig g˙all-qarrejja li jsegwu din il-pa©na u tlabnihom biex i˙oΩΩu sing tal-A©©ettiv fis-sentenzi li pprovdejna. Ir-riΩltat kellu jkun dan: Salvu rikeb Ωiemel ©errej ˙afna. Rajt stampa sabi˙a ferm. Kemm hu d˙uli dak il-bidwi qasir. Xtrajt larin© ˙elu. Ìibli ftit ilma frisk. Iz-zija tatni kelb sufi. Dak l-iskrivan twil g˙andu xag˙ru qastni u g˙ajnejh Ωoroq. Óabibi xtrali ktieb Ωg˙ir. L-ajruplan biex ittir lejn g˙al Malta huwa wie˙ed kbir.

The Voice is not just a news portal;

We comment,..... We get your message across... We fight for your rights...... We believe in freedom of expression... and We are read in the right places.

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Community News The Xag˙ra Association of NSW Inc. INVITES YOU TO :

Tal-Vitoria Dinner Dance Gues of honour: Rev. Mons. Carmelo Refalo (Archpriest of Xag˙ra) Date: Saturday September 19 Time: 6.30 pm onwards. Venue: Balmoral Function Centre 47-49 Balmoral Rd., BLACKTOWN Food: 5-Course Meal, beer, wine & soft drinks

Entertainment: Roc-A-Tac & Giuseppe Verdi Brass Band Contact: Josephine/Ray: 9627 4182, Mob: 0439 974 182 M'Anne Teuma: 9627 4641


MALTA DAY On Sunday August 16 at Casey Hall on Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters on the GOLD COAST Qld. from 10.30 am- 4.00 pm This will be a Maltese style fiera, a festival with a variety of traditional dishes, including Fenkata (rabbit stew), timpana (baked macaroni), ross il-forn (baked savoury rice), pastizzi, and a selection of traditional cakes and sweets, including the much-loved ricotta cannoli, imqaret and the soft drink Kinnie. Other attractions will include: Live entertainment, raffles, displays,folklore music and DVD’S of MALTA and it’s history. Entry is free. Everybody is invited. Bring along family and friends. For further information contact: Margaret Grima on 55763441or Judith Padovani on 55290654

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday July 7, 2015


(25-27 Lake Ave Cringila NSW 2502, (02) 4273 0906 Seniors’ Day Every Monday Home-made cooked two-course meal, tea and coffee Bingo and dancing lessons Computers available for usage. Cost only $5.00. Sponsored by MCCI Illawarra. Phone 42 746121 and leave a message

St Helena Maltese/Aust. SC Programme for the rest of 2015

JULY 18: (Saturday): Function at Albion AUGUST 21: (Friday): Feast Mass at Ardeer AUGUST 22: (Saturday): Feast dinner dance at Melrose AUGUST 23: (Sunday): 35th Anniversary feast at Ardeer SEPTEMBER 19: (Saturday): Functioin at Albion OCTOBER 24: (Saturday): Function at Parkville OCTOBER 25: (Sunday): AGM meet at Parkville NOVEMBER 14: (Saturday): Function at Holy Eucharist DECEMBER 19: (Saturday): Xmas function at Melrose. (For bookings or more information phone Victor: 0412 99 13 25)

Maltese Association – Hobsons Bay Inc. NEIGHBOURHOOD CENTRE

21-31 Collins Avenue, Altona East, Victoria 3025 Tel: (03) 9391 – 7359 Fax: (03) 9391 - 7359 Il-Maltese Association Hobsons Bay Inc. se jg˙addu tmiem il-©img˙a f’Mulwala, NSW. Tluq miç-çentru f’21, Collins Ave. Altona East nhar is-Sibt 4 ta’ Lulju fis-7.00 a.m. G˙al aktar tag˙rif wie˙ed g˙andu jçempel lil Joe fuq: 0400357001, jew lil Carmen: 0413 386 714

BALLU TA’ SAN GEJTANU B˙al kull sena Il-Klabb tal-Óamrun se jorganizza Il-ballu ta’ San Gejtanu Nhar is-Sibt 18 ta’ Lulju fis-7.00 pm fil-klabb f’100 Jackson Street, Marsden Park. Ikun hemm ikla ta’ 3-korsi biddeserta. XORB MHUX INKLUZ. (Birra, inbid u soft drinks jinxtraw mill-bar) Ikun hemm divertiment ma’ Tony Fenech and the Heartbeat. Donazzjoni $45.00 Ghal kull tag˙rif u biljetti çemplu: George: 0407 434 651 Ghalhekk ejjew iddevertu mag˙na u b’hekk tkunu qeqed tappo©©jaw ilklabb taghkom.


18 Day Fly – Cruise – Stay – Tour Commencing September 19, 2015 Visiting Perth – Bali – Thailand – Malaysia – Singapore. Fantastic Tour – Great value – All inclusive from $3650 p/p Proceeds to be donated to Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Malta. For brochure or bookings call Jim Borg on (02) 9636 7767. Note: Donations to Id-Dar tal-Providenza can now be made in Australia at any Commonwealth Bank. A/C Name: Friends of Providence House NSW BSB: 062 416 A/C No. 10199448 This will save you the normal bank fees. Please supply name and address so an acknowledgement can be issued. Proudly supported by: Cnr Main & Campbell Sts, Blacktown. Contact George Vella Tel (02) 9622 7799

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Community News Tune In to Radio and Television

Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merhba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programme Sunday at 11am 2GLF FM 89.3, or

Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Il-programm ta’ sieg˙a nhar ta’ Óadd fil11.00 a.m. ikun fih l-a˙˙ar a˙barijiet minn Malta, muΩika, tag˙rif, kultura, avviΩi u su©©etti ta’ interess g˙all-Maltin Listen to John Borg & Glenn Cassar every Saturday at 1.00 p.m. on RADIO 2RRR 88.5FM or on the Internet - ON DeMAND

On SBS Radio - Day Time Analogue Digital Tuesday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Friday: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is on demand: by station name not frequency. Digital In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Pro- radio can also be heard on digital TV. gram on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38 and SBS. Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm present FMwavelength. Digital radio the UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in can also be accessed by a smart phone to link: and/or by going online at HYPERLINK: Maltese Programmes on TV and Web, The GDAY MALTAUSSIE SHOW VIVA MALTA on TVS is broadcast in Sydney VIVA MALTA on Central Coast Every Saturday at 2pm. Radio: July 16 and 30; August 13 and Repeats on Mondays 5 pm and Tues17 - from 6 pm -7 pm on COAST FM days 7.30 am 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford NSW. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Watch direct via HYPERLINK: Web streaming on:; L-A˙barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2


Meetings of Day Care Maltese Groups in NSW Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month from10:00am to 12 noon. The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights.

Maltese Seniors Central Coast Group Meetings for Maltese living at the Central Coast: are held every second Monday of each month from 10 am to 12 at Wyong RSL, cnr Anzac & Margaret Street Wyong. For more information Tel: 02 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652

Malta Society of New Zealand

We now have a Facebook page that former members are invited to join. It is: Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland: /Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland/ 396193070527203?ref=hl. It is open to all who have an interest in the Maltese culture.

The Maltese Language School of NSW Ótie©a ta’ G˙alliema tal-Malti

L-iskola tal-Malti ta NSW sa tifta˙ klassijiet ©odda fil Western Suburbs ta' Sydney g˙attag˙lim tal-lingwa Maltija. G˙alhekk hemm il-˙tie©a ta’ g˙alliema ©odda (l-g˙alliema jit˙allsu). Dawk kollha li jixtiequ jg˙allmu lMalti g˙andhom japplikaw billi jibag˙tu email lill:

Wanted: Teachers of Maltese language

The Maltese Language School of NSW is planning to open new classes in the Western Suburbs of Sydney in the teaching of the Maltese Language. We need new teachers (paid positions) for these classes. Those who are interested in teaching this languageshould apply:

L-ahbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

G˙alkemm il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lillSBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tag˙ha, ilqarrejja m˙e©©a li x’˙in iridu jid˙lu fil-website: u jsegwu la˙barijiet ta’ Malta. Din tkun a©©ornata l-˙in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise˙˙u. Mhux biss, imma min irid isegwi dak li jkun g˙addej, kull filg˙odu ˙in ta' Malta fuq il-website jittellg˙u wkoll l-a˙barijiet tal-jum ta' qabel.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Greystanes Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Come and join us and make new friends.

Meets on the second Monday of the month n the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to 12.30 am

Llandillo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of the month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm.

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining. Come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street Mays Hill NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School)

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Sports 1 The death of a legendary athlete: Ron Clarke Just over two weeks ago, legendary athlete and former Gold Coast Mayor Ron Clarke died at the Allamanda Hospital in Southport after a short illness. He was 78. Despite maintaining a strong fitness regimen throughout his life, Ron Clarke had been struggling with his health and was not as mobile after an accident since his retirement from public life in 2012. He was injured during a regular walk along the Broadwater about a year ago. However, his recent poor health was related to ongoing challenges with heart and kidney disease. Clarke was regarded as one of Australia’s best middle and long distance runners, setting 17 world records during the 1960s. They included 12 during a remarkable 44day tour of Europe in 1965, nine years after he had been invited as a 19-year-old to light the Olympic flame at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. He also competed at the 1964 Tokyo and 1968 Mexico City Olympics but only returned with bronze from the 10,000 metres in 1964. That was later corrected when the great Czech runner Emil Zatopek, in an amazing gesture, gave one of his four Olympic Gold medals to Clarke, “not out of friendship but because you deserve it”. But the race which the multi-world record holder is probably best remembered for was the 10,000m at the 1968 Mexico Olympics. He damaged his heart and was rescued by Australian team doctor Brian Corrigan as he collapsed after challenging for the lead. A family friend said that the athlete hurt

his heart in Mexico in 1968 and it wasn’t until 1981 that it was properly diagnosed. It led to complications with his heart and kidneys. Clarke will also be remembered for being at the centre of one of the greatest acts of sportsmanship. As the 1956 Games approached, Australia was pinning its hopes on a lanky 1500m runner called John Landy. He was already the world mile record holder when he took part in the mile at the national titles in Melbourne. A young Clarke, the junior national 1500m champion, fell with two laps remaining, and Landy was forced to hurdle his fallen comrade. Landy’s spikes clipped Clarke. With Clarke prostrate on the track, Landy turned to check if his mate was okay and to say sorry. When Clarke said he was fine, Landy rejoined the race but was some 40m from his rivals. Landy caught the rest of the field and won. It is still labelled as one of the greatest acts of sportsmanship ever seen. The moment has been immortalised in bronze with a sculpture watching over the entrance to Melbourne’s sporting precinct at the corner of Swan St and Punt Rd.

Ron Clarke (left) is seen here with the Australian flag together with Paul Lapira (right), a Maltese middle distant runner and popular identity around the famous beaches of the Gold Coast. Ron Clarke had then received a copy of the book “Telqu ghal g˙onq it-triq” by Lawrence Dimech Clarke was not only an incredible athlete but helped lead the Gold Coast and secure the 2018 Commonwealth Games. That was one his last major political achievements as mayor. Clarke was Mayor of the Gold Coast for two terms from 2004. After stepping down from council he was unsuccessful running as an independent in the State seat of Broadwater in the 2012 State election. Ron Clarke is survived by his wife Helen, sons Nicolas and Marcus and grandchildren Natasha and Sebastian. His daughter Monique, 49, died in 2009.

Birkirara sign former Italian international altese FA Trophy winners Birkirkara made what could be the biggest Msigning in football’s summer transfer window in Malta by reaching an agreement with the former Italian international striker, Fabrizio Miccoli, 36 (pictured below), on a one-year deal. Miccoli, who played 10 times for Italy after making his international debut in a friendly against Portugal in 2003, has also played for Juventus, Fiorentina, Palermo and Perugia in Italy, and Benfica in Portugal. After signing for Birkirkara (on a free transfer) he said he wanted to forget his last disappointing season in the Serie B with Lecce that made him want to retire, and instead end his career in Maltese football “with a smile”. Giovanni Tedesco, Birkirkara’s new coach, a former teammate of Miccoli at Palermo and Perugia, is understood to have played a key role in persuading him to join the stripes. Now he is hoping he could win with him.

Holroyd Veterans of World War One Exbibition to commemorate the ANZAC’s at the Maltese Community Council of NSW Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre, 59b Franklin Street, Mays Hill (next to Parramatta West Public School) September 5 and 6 from 10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. For more information contact Emanuel Camilleri 0409 744 376

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 7, 2015

Sports 2

Malta sides kick-off UEFA Europa League commitments

Early goals down Balzan; Valletta, B’Kara hope on


he start of the football season must have come much too early for Malta’s representatives in the UEFA Europa League as none of the three participants managed a win the first legs of the First Qualifying Round. Two of the sides, Balzan, who were making their European competi- Rijad Bajic (second right) celebrates scoring his first goal against Balzan tion debut, were downed 2-0 at home, while quisition from Valletta, midfielder Ryan Valletta lost 2-1 away in Wales. Birkirkara Fenech was carrying a suspension from his managed a scoreless draw at the Hibernians days with Valletta. Another new signing, Stadium. All three will try to do better in re- former Floriana goalkeeper Valerio Senatore sat this one out. turn ties on Thursday Otherwise Balzan had no complaints. Balzan v Zeljeznicar

irst in action were Balzan. The task was F much too tough. With hardly a threeweek break, after achieving a top-four finish last season, there wasn’t ample time for them to get into any sort of rhythm for their tie with Bosnia-Herzegovina champions FK Zejeznicar. To add to their woes, they could not make use of their best player and one of the Premier League’s top scorers last season, Bojan Kaljevic who was ruled out with an injury. The other foreigner who also did so well last season, Giacomo Piccione was not available as he is on trial in Poland, JP Mifsud Triganza returned to Valletta after a year’s loan spell, and Balzan’s top local ac-

Football: PS4 NPL 1 NSW


Newtown AFC v Valletta

alletta and Birirkara were next to take V the stage. Valletta played against Newton AFC in Wales and were beaten 2-1.

Over the two legs, Valletta have high hopes of qualifying to the next round, as in the return tie in Malta that away goal could prove precious although locals still believe that Valletta might not need this rule as they should be better than their opponents. Getting eliminated by such a team would verge on the disastrous. Way back in 1999 Valletta managed their only qualification of a European competition, the UEFA Champions League after facing another Welsh team, Barry Town. Against Newtown at Latham Park, Valletta finished with 10 men after Ian Azzopardi was redcarded on 85 minutes, and then got beaten with a stoppage time goal scored by Jason Oswell. Newton had also opened the scoring on 40 minutes through Luke Boundford, their second goal in a European competition, but Valletta levelled through Jason Oswell (10) scoring Newtown’s winning goal against Valletta Jhonnattan Benitez in the 73rd minute. Then came the sending-off incident for Sydney U 58 crowned two yellow cards and the decisive goal. It Waratah Cup Champs was Newtown’s first-ever win in Europe with a close ydney United 58 may be 12 and the second He will miss the return on points below Blacktown City Thursday at the Hibernians Stadium.

The Eagles of 5 points clear

arramatta City drew its rescheduled match at the Melita Stadium against Manly Utd by 2-2 and then at the same home ground lost their next match (Round 16) against Sydney Utd by 1-2. The Eagles of Parramatta showed little signs of fatigue despite their midweek efforts against Manly United. They gave a plucky performance but failed to stop Sydney U. putting an end to a four-game losing streak. Parramatta enjoyed a live-ly start, but created little in the way of clear-cut chan-ces. Sydney opened the scoring when Panni Nikas converted a spokick before doubling his and United's tally only six

They were beaten by a much better side that got their goals through a brace by Rijad Bajic inside 13 minutes. Now they face an uphill battle in the second leg at Sarajevo this Thursday.

minutes later range finish. Parramatta got their consolation tally from a diving header by Shayne Ardle but United held on for a win. With all teams having played 16 matches, Parramatta stand on 13 points, six ahead of bottom team Marconi. Th next match (Round 17) is scheduled for Sunday July 12. Results Round 16 Parramatta v Sydney U 1-2 Brownrigg v Sutherland S. 3-2 APIA v Blacktown C 1-1 Manly U v Marconi S. 4-1 South Coast v Blacktown S 0-3 Rockdale CS v Sydney O. 2-1

PS4N PL2 NSW - Rd 15 Bankstown B. v Mounties W 3-2

S in the PS4 NPL 1 NSW league

ladder, but still managed to beat the leaders 1-0 in a tense final at Valentine Sports Park to win the 2015 Waratah Cup. Blacktown City paid the ultimate price for a defensive lapse in the 85th minute that allowed Chris Triantis to score the decsive goal and secure the silverware for United 58. The Waratah Cup is a knockout cup competition is run by Football NSW for teams from the NPL NSW, NPL NSW 2, NSW State League Division One, NSW State League Division Two and many semi-professional association clubs within New South Wales.

Birkirkara v Ulisses

better result was expected from A Birkirkara’s home tie with Armenian side Ulisses, but as it turned out, despite

dominating for long stretches they did not take any of the scoring opportunities they created and paid dearly for their shortcomings in front of goal. Birkirkara were without five regulars but still looked the better side. However, they missed so many chances and in the end the result of a 0-0 draw favoured Ulisses. The return tie at Yerevan, with the incentive of facing Premier League side West Ham United in the next round is not beyond the Maltese side. West Ham a 3-0 first leg advantage over Andorra’s Lusitans.

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