3 minute read

Malta and its contribution to ANZAC

*Continued from page 3


The reception was very warm with the Turkish Ambassador and his contingent in particular being very pleased to hear this song performed on this day, which is meant to heal and not proliferate the butchery and insanity of war.

For me, it was an event of enormous significance It was the first time that I had managed to perform in Malta and to do so in such a way was a high point in my musical career I remain eternally grateful to Joe for this He said he would help. And he did!

For those who are interested in finding out more about Gallipoli, the Maltese connection, my own story and reflections on the conflict and to hear the songs I mention plus others, visit my Anzac podcast, sit back and have a listen

I can't say I hope you enjoy it. It is not to be enjoyed It is a reflective and meditative presentation that I hope will put you in contact with the event itself and what it truly means and meant to the lives of so many people

So many lost their loved ones and so many died of broken hearts when they heard of the loss of their children It was, and will always be, one of the tragedies that is war; war that continues and never seems to end and is repeated over, and over, and over again https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/anz ac-concert-the-river-of-blood/id15021818 58?i=1000472010222

Is-sależjani mitt sena fl-Awstralja - tifkira

Nhar il-Ħadd 23 ta’ April żar lill-komunitá Sależjana fil-parroċċa ta’ St Marys NSW fl-Awstralja r-rettur maġġur tal-Kongregazzjoni Salesjana, Don Ángel Fernández Artime

Għall-okkażjoni saret quddiesa kkonċelebrata u wara kien hemm divertiment fil-Youth Centre faċċata tal-knisja parrokkjali Fost dawk li attendew u ltqagħu ma’ Don Angel kien hemm rappreżentanza mill-Għaqda ta’ Don Bosco f ’NSW (stampa fuq), li turi (mix-xellug): lil Joseph Zerafa, Don Angel, Emmanuel Zammit, Mark Caruana u Miriam Friggieri

L-okkażjoni kienet il-mitt sena mindu waslu s-Salesjani fl-Awstralja Ta’ min isemmi li kien is-Salesjan Malti, Fr Joe Ciantar, li rifes l-Awstralja fl-1938, li reġa’ ta l-ħajja lisSalesjani, li kienu qed jippjanaw li jitilqu l-missjoni tagħhom hemmhekk minħabba li ma qabdux art u kellhom ħafna dejn.

Fr Ciantar kien qassis dinamiku u ħadem bis-sħiħ biex tħallas id-dejn u kibru l-vokazzjonijiet

Q. My mother is a self-funded retiree selling her home and moving into a retirement village. She will have around $900,000 in surplus funds after this move. She has given my brother and me $200,000 each and invested the remaining funds Can she do this? Will we need to pay tax on this gift?

A As your mother is a self-funded retiree, she can gift any amount she wants as she is not a pensioner In Australia, we do not have tax on gifting, and therefore your brother, yourself and your mother will not need to pay any tax on this amount, which does not need to be shown on your tax return when lodging it

Q. My father is a widower, and all he has is myself and my two children as his family He is on a small part age pension and has offered to pay for my children’s school fees which amount to around $8000 annually. Can he do this, or will it affect his part-age pension?

A. . Pensioners can only gift $10,000 over one year or $30,000 over a five-year period Therefore, your father can pay for the school fees, and once he gives above the $30,000, which will be in four years, he will need to declare this to Centrelink His age pension should not be affected much, but he must still disclose this to Centrelink

Q. My husband and I are pensioners and plan to go overseas for four weeks. We have not been away from Australia since we retired and are unsure whether we can travel overseas and whether our age pension will be affected.

A. As you are now on the age pension, you must inform Centrelink every time you plan to travel overseas Your pension will not be affected as your trip is less than six weeks, but Centrelink needs to be informed of your overseas trip

Thisis a monthly service offered by The Voice of the Maltese in which Marie Louise Muscat from the Fiducian Financial Services helps our readers understand the complexities associated with financial planning If you need more advice send an email to Marie Louise via: maltesevoice@gmail.com.