The Voice of the Maltese No.289

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T h e Vo i c e o f T h e Vo i c e o f t h e M a l t e s e t h e M a l t e s e

Adoration of the Kings by Giuseppe Chiari (1564-1727) an Italian painter of the lateBaroque period, actively mostly in Rome

(We are for the Greater Malta) A fortnightly print and digital magazine
289 December 15, 2022
A Christmas special

Il-President tar-Repubblika Dr George Vella irid li kull Malti jkun kburi li hu Malti

F’dak li forsi hu l-aktar żmien li fih ikun impenjat fix-xena domestika, it-tifkira ta’ Malta Repubblika fit-13 ta’ Diċembru, u fl-attivitá tal-Istrina, ilġabra għall-Community Chest Fund (MCCF), filjiem tal-festi tal-Milied, il-President ta’ Malta George Vella ħeġġeġ lill-Maltin kollha għall-għaqda, u qal li ried li kull Malti jkun kburi li hu Malti F’diskors mirqum waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tat-48 Anniversarju ta' Jum ir-Repubblika, il-President George Vella ta ħarsa lura lejn minn xiex għaddiet Malta f ’dawn is-snin u lpassi li l-poplu Malti, meħlus mill-kolonjaliżmu rnexxielu jagħmel fl-oqsma tal-politika internazzjonali, spalla ma' spalla ma' pajjiżi akbar, u oħrajn iċken, fis-swali tal-Ġnus Magħquda, fil-Kunsill tal-Ewropa, u fora oħra internazzjonali, bħala pajjiż sovran li beda jerfa’ responsabilitajiet ġodda

Semma kif għat-tieni darba wara li saret Repubblika Malta se terġa’ tieħu postha fil-Kunsill tas-Sigurtà tal-Ġnus Magħquda. “ M'aħniex se mmexxu d-dinja, imma se nkunu wieħed mill-ħmistax-il pajjiż li fost responsabilitajiet oħra, jieħdu d-deċiżjonijiet għaż-żamma tal-paċi u s-sigurtà fiddinja”, qal

Semma li għadna kemm għaddejna minn pandemija li matul sentejn biddlitilna ħajjitna, ġagħlitna nirrealizzaw realtajiet ġodda, u ħallitilna effetti negattivi fuq l-ekonomija tagħna u ta' ħafna pajjiżi oħra madwar id-dinja

Imbagħad meta ħsibna li l-kbir kien għadda, u qed nittamaw li mmorru lura għall-ħajja normali ta' qabel, faqqgħet l-invażjoni tar-Russja fl-Ukrajna.

Semma waqtiet oħra li Malta għaddiet minnhom, u temm jgħid li kienet ix-xewqa tiegħu, bħalma kien ċert li hi talmaġġoranza tal-poplu Malti, li naraw lil pajjiżna jkompli jgħix fil-paċi, u jaħdem bis-sħiħ biex ixerred il-politika talpaċi u mhux tal-gwerer.

“Irrid nara pajjiż fejn isseħħ u tidher li qed isseħħ il-ġustizzja soċjali,” qal

Issokta jgħid li kif kellu ġieli qal ħafna drabi, hi l-ħolma tiegħu li jara aktar għaqda ġenwina fost il-Maltin u lGħawdxin.

“Fuq kollox nixtieq nara pajjiż fejn kull Malti jkun kburi li huwa Malti u pajjiż fejn tirrenja s-solidarjetà kuljum u dejjem”

Jisħaq dwar l-għaqda

Sadanittant, fit tmiem tal- attivita’ tal-President's Solidarity Fun Run jumejn qabel, il-President saħaq biex bħala poplu nerġgħu ningħaqdu u nkunu ġenerużi meta l-għada tal-Milied l-uffiċċju tiegħu jorganizza l-attivitá tal-Istrina

L-appell għamlu fi Pjazza San Ġorġ il-Belt Valletta quddiem eluf li kien għadhom kif ħadu sehem fil-mijxja, li wara sentejn reġgħet lura għall-forma tradizzjonali tagħha (ukoll maħsuba biex jinġabru l-fondi għall-MCCF), bil-mixjiet mibdija minn għadd ta’ nħawi f ’Malta Fil-mixja ħadu sehem ukoll il-Prim Ministru Robert Abela,

il-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni Bernard Grech u għadd ta’ membri parlamentari miż-żewġ naħat talKamra

It-tmiem tal-mixjiet kienu f ’Bieb il-Bombi l-Furjana, bil-parteċipanti jingħaqdu malPresident ta' Malta u s-Sinjura Miriam Vella u flimkien imxew sal-Belt Valletta Hemmhekk fi tmiemha, lPresident Vella qal li f'attività bħal dik jispikka l-ispirtu tassolidarjetà tal-poplu Malti u Għawdxi u li hi okkażjoni li tixhed dak li jgħaqqadna bħala poplu Malti u Għawdxi

Il-President George Vella waqt iċċerimonja ta’ Jum ir-Repubblika

Qal, “Inħossuna kuntenti li naraw lill-poplu Malti magħqud flimkien għaliex huwa poplu żgħir u s-saħħa tiegħu qiegħda fl-għaqda”

Temm itenni x-xewqa li kulħadd għandu jkollu f ’dan iżżmien tal-Milied, jiġifieri li ma nistgħux inħallu diviżjonijiet bejnietna, imma naraw li każi bħal dawn iġibuna flimkien u nkunu poplu wieħed magħqud

Onorati b’Ġieħ ir-Repubblika

Bħal f ’kull sena f'Jum ir-Repubblika, f'isem il-Gvern u lpoplu Malti l-President ta' Malta, ta ġieħ pubbliku lil għadd ta' Maltin li ddistingwew ruħhom f'oqsma differenti tal-ħajja b'ħatriet fl-Ordni Nazzjonali tal-Meritu jew fix-Xirka Ġieħ ir-Repubblika, jew bl-għoti tal-Midalja għall-Qlubija u talMidalja għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika.

Fiċ-ċerimonja ta' investitura fil-Palazz, il-Belt Valletta wara l-parata ċerimonjali f'Misraħ San Ġorġ, il-President George Vella ta ħatriet fl-Ordni Nazzjonali tal-Meritu lil seba' persuni, u lil għaxra l-Midalja għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika. Tlieta mil-persuni ngħataw il-ġiegħ wara mewthom. Il-President għamel dawn il-ħatriet fuq il-parir tal-Prim Ministru skont l-Att dwar Ġieħ ir-Repubbika fl-Ordni Nazzjonali tal-Mertu dwar l-għotjiet tal-Midalja għall-Qadi tarRepubblika

L-Ordni Nazzjonali tal-Mertu Kumpann

Is-Sa Dolores Cristina Dott Alex Sceberras Trigona Uffiċjal Prof Carmel Borg

Prof Michael Camilleri Dott Salvina Zrinzo Membru Kav Alfred Camilleri Cauchi Mro Archibald Mizzi

o u r r e a d e r s w i s h a l l o u r r e a d e r s a n d t h e i r f a m i l i e s a w o n d e r f u l a n d B l e s s e d C h r i s t m a s ! a n d t h e i r f a m i l i e s a w o n d e r f u l a n d B l e s s e d C h r i s t m a s ! M a y i t b r i n g y o u j o y , h a p p i n e s s a n d a l l t h a t y o u d e s i r e . M a y i t b r i n g y o u j o y , h a p p i n e s s a n d a l l t h a t y o u d e s i r e .

H a p p y C h r i s t m a s H a p p y C h r i s t m a s A l s o m a y t h e N e w Y e a r 2 0 2 3 b e o n e o f h e a l t h , h a p p i n e s s , A l s o m a y t h e N e w Y e a r 2 0 2 3 b e o n e o f h a l t h , h a p p i n e s s , w e a l t h , w i s d o m , p e a c e a n d p r o s p e r i t y . w e a l t h , w i s d o m , p e a c e a n d p r o s p e r i t y .

H a p p y N e w Y e a r H a p p y N e w Y e a r

Midalja għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika

Dott Anthony Abela Medici

Is-Sur Robert Arrigo*

Is-Sa Anna Bonanno

Is-Sur Saviour F Borg * Prof Simone Borg

Is-Sur Antonio P Briguglio Dun Gwann Caruana *

Inġ Karl Farrugia

Is-Sur Louis Fsadni Brother Edward Galea FSC * Ingħataw il-ġiegħ wara mewthom)

The Voice of the Maltese The Voice of the Maltese will now take a break will now take a break for the festive season for the festive season This is the last issue This is the last issue for the year 2022. for the year 2022. We will be back with the We will be back with the first issue for 2023 (No first issue for 2023 (No. 290) on January 10. 290) on January 10.

2 The Voice of the Maltese Thursday, December 15, 2022
T h e e d i t o r s o f T h e e d i t o r s o f T h e V o i c e o f t h e M a l t e s e T h e V o i c e o f t h e M a l t e s e w i s h a l l

Messaġġ mill-Prim Ministru ta’ Malta Dr. Robert Abela

Għeżież Maltin li tgħixu f ’artijiet viċin il-pajjiż li tant tħobbu u oħrajn f ’artijiet iżjed mbiegħda. Din is-sena kienet waħda dinamika li ratna nirritornaw għan-normalità ta’ wara l-pandemija u kienet waħda mimlija avvenimenti u ġrajjiet L- 2022 kienet ukoll sena impenjattiva għall-Gvern ta’ Malta

Komplejna fuq il-programm ta’ riformi tagħna fejn fost l-oħrajn introduċejna emendi fil-liġi talIVF li biha qed jiġu introdotti servizzi ġodda b’xejn u bihom ngħinu iżjed koppji ħalli jsiru ġenituri f ’pajjiżna Tajna wkoll drittijiet ġodda lill-ħaddiema u komplejna nżidu aktar spazji miftuħa għall-familji filwaqt li embarkajna bl-investiment ambizzjuż biex ikollna iżjed spazji ħodor fil-qalba tal-komunitajiet tagħna

Il-ħtiġijiet u l-aspirazzjonijiet taċ-ċittadini tagħna jibqgħu fiċ-ċentru tal-politika tagħna Quddiem sfidi globali, impenjajna ruħna bis-saħħa biex tajna anke stabbiltà filprezzijiet tal-enerġija u l-fjuwil Intervjenejna bħala Gvern biex nipproteġu lin-nies u se nkomplu nagħmlu dan anki ssena d-dieħla

Fuq il-front internazzjonali, mis-sena li ġejja, Malta se tkun qed tokkupa siġġu fil-Kunsill tas-Sigurtà tan-Nazzjonijiet Uniti Inħarsu ’l quddiem għal irwol importanti li fih nippromwovu l-paċi u s-sigurtà fuq livell internazzjonali

Tul il-mandat tagħna fil-Kunsill tas-Sigurtà se nkunu wkoll qed nagħtu prijorità lit-tibdil fil-klima Id f ’id ma ’ dan se nkunu qed naħdmu b’mod sod fuq l-istrateġija tagħna favur id-dekarbonizazzjoni tal-ekonomija tagħna

biex nilħqu l-għan ta’ newtralità klimatika sal2050 Quddiem tbassir tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea li jgħid li l-ekonomija tagħna se tikber disa’ darbiet iżjed mill-medja Ewropea, aħna sodisfatti li ħidmietna qed tħalli l-frott iżda nibqgħu nemmnu li nistgħu nagħmlu iżjed biex il-ġid ikompli jasal għand kulħadd

Dan kollu jagħtina l-opportunità li nħarsu lejn l2023 b’mod pożittiv Sen’oħra wkoll Malta se tospita il-Logħob għall-Pajjiżi ż-Żgħar tal-Ewropa It-tħejjijiet għaddejin sew u nħarsu ’l quddiem biex Malta tilqa’ latleti u l-uffiċjali fi spirtu sportiv, ta’ ħbiberija u rispett

Is-sena 2022 għalmitna kemm aħna reżiljenti bħala poplu u bħala pajjiż u din ir-reżiljenza hija ċ-ċavetta kif se nilqgħu għall-futur

Aħna kapaċi ndawru l-isfidi f ’opportunitajiet Aħna kburin li aħna Maltin u persważ li intom ukoll tħossu dan is-sens ta’ kburija, intom fejn intom

Bħala Prim Ministru ta’ pajjiż li aħna lkoll inħobbu, jien kburi wkoll b’kull wieħed u waħda minnkom li qegħdin madwar id-dinja Tassew kburin bikom li qed tagħmlu anki isem għal pajjiżna Intom mhux biss parti mill-istorja tagħna iżda parti wkoll mill-preżent u l-futur tagħna

Inħares ’il quddiem li tibqgħu żżommu kuntatt ma ’ ħutkom Għawdxin u Maltin f ’pajjiżna u tressqu ’l quddiem ħsibijietkom Flimkien ma ’ marti Lydia u binti Giorgia Mae, nawguralkom l-isbaħ xewqat għal Milied ħieni u sena ġdida mimlija saħħa, ferħ u prosperità

Messaġġ minn Dr Ian Borg, Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin u Ewropej u l-Kummerċ

Inħossni kburi meta ningħata aħbarijiet bħal kif id-dijaspora Maltija, f ’diversi pajjiżi, qed tkompli semma leħinha u tħalli l-marka distinta u unika tagħha għaxxogħol, il-patrijottiżmu, u l-kontribuzzjonijiet kulturali, politiċi u soċjali għall-progress u l-ġid talpajjiżi rispettivi tagħhom.

Għal dan u aktar nirringrazzja lil kull wieħed u waħda li huma strumentali f ’din ir-rappreżentanza pożittiva ta’ pajjiżna lil hinn minn xtutna

Billi dan huwa l-ewwel messaġġ tiegħi lid-dijaspora Maltija bħala Ministru responsabbli għall-Affarijiet Barranin u Ewropej u l-Kummerċ nista’ nixhed li l-Ministeru tiegħi qed jaħdem bla waqfien fl-interess tal-Maltin li jgħixu barra

Nammetti li hemm nuqqas ta’ għarfien dwar ir-realtá u l-istorja tal-emigranti tagħna tul iż-żmien u għaldaqstant din is-sena komplejna ħidma li ma taqta’ qatt fejn fiha ffukajna dwar kif nistgħu nsaħħu din ir-relazzjoni malgħeżież li jinsabu barra minn xtutna

Iffukajna fuq għadd ta’ proġetti ta’ kwalità biex inkunu nistgħu ntejbu dan, fosthom it-tnedija tal-formola volontarja

għal persuni ta’ valur, immirata biex il-Ministeru jkollu reġistru ta’ Maltin barra minn xtutna li bil-ħidma u l-esperjenza tagħhom jistgħu jagħtu kontribut siewi lil pajjiżna.

Waqqafna l-Kunsilli Reġjonali sabiex nilħqu aktar Maltin mill-qrib, kif ukoll nehdejna l-apparat il-ġdid għall-Consul-on-the-Move li għandu jgħin biex dan isservizz jingħata b’mod aktar effiċjenti.

F’Settembru laqqajna wkoll l-ewwel Forum Virtwali għaż-Żgħażagħ Maltin li jgħixu barra minn Malta u f ’Ottubru kelli ukoll il-pjaċir li nilqa’ l-14-il Laqgħa Annwali tal-Kunsill Għall-Maltin li Jgħixu Barra Minn Malta, lewwel laqgħa fiżika wara assenza ta’ sentejn minħabba lpandemija

Din kienet l-ewwel opportunità tiegħi bħala Ministru għall-Affarijiet Barranin biex niltaqa’ ma ’ dan il-Kunsill u nisma l-esperjenzi varji u interessanti tal-membri Mgħandix ħlief kliem ta’ tifħir għal din il-ħidma li qed issir, li forsi veru ssir minn wara l-kwinti u ma tidhirx, imma hija waħda effettiva u li qed tħalli l-frott u xxerred reputazzjoni għolja ta’ Malta ma ’ pajjiżi barranin

Għalhekk huwa bix-xieraq li nieħu din l-opportunità ħalli nawgura lil kull wieħed u waħda u lill-familji tagħkom Milied ħieni u sena ġdida mimlija saħħa, paċi u prosperità

Thursday, December 15, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 3


nother year has flown away like a dream and once again we are at that time which, for many, is their favourite of the year, but also a time when one realises that time waits for no one and this inevitably makes us reflect on how the past year treated us, what went well, and what could have gone better

For me it was a very busy year, not only with the work at the office but also with numerous events that we, as diplomats representing our countries overseas, need to attend or participate in I am very happy that in 2022 I managed to visit South and Western Australia, not only meeting the authorities of the respective states but also, of course, the Maltese communities, delivering home the message that, even though these communities are smaller than those in Victoria and NSW, they are none the less equally important and close to our hearts.

H.E. Ms Jenny Cartmill High Commissioner for Australia in Malta

As the world emerges from the pandemic, it’s a shock to see how quickly the year has gone! And while we look forward to Christmas, we think especially of the people of Ukraine - peace would be the perfect gift.

At the High Commission, we’ve had a very full year Due to ongoing restrictions and health concerns, we couldn’t host our usual Australia Day event or ANZAC Day commemoration, but President George Vella honoured us with his presence at the two small symbolic events that we did hold We’re planning to return to normal next year, as it’s been a long time since we saw many of our friends and colleagues on these meaningful occasions

During the past year we focussed instead on increasing our online communication through Facebook and Twitter It’s a useful way to let you know what’s happening in the High Commission and to advise of Australian government policies and travel information We’d welcome your interest and comments on our posts

In March, I undertook mid-term consultations, returning to Canberra for work, and visiting the Maltese High Commission, Consulates General in Sydney and Melbourne, and Honorary

Certificate for M a l t a H i g h C o m m i s s i o n i n C a n b e r r a

Chief Minister Andrew Barr presented the High Commission of Malta in Canberra with a prestigious certificate in appreciation for participating in Windows to the World 2022

Gail Demanuele, the Charges d’Affaires at the High, Commission received the certificate on behalf of the HC during the ACT Chief Minister's Festive Season Diplomatic Reception (pictured).

During the presentation Minister Barr also announced Canberra’s international Engagement strategy.

H . E . M a r i o F a r r u g i a B o r g


A u s t r a l i a , N e w Z e a l a n d

With huge satisfaction I also mention that the Consul-onthe-Move exercise has now resumed, and between September and December we managed to conduct one exericise in all the usual states, as well as NZ I would like to thank my Deputy, Ms Gail Demanuele, and Consuls General, Lawrence Buhagiar and Chirelle Ellul Sciberras, as well as our honorary consuls for their commitment and hard work

Next year will be equally busy but exciting We look forward to 2023 with enthusiasm A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

Consul in Brisbane I was glad to have the chance to catch up with them, and business and community groups there and in Mackay in North Queensland - such a flourishing town with many Maltese connections

Back in Malta, it’s been great to meet a growing number of Australian/Maltese businesspeople through our business networking events Their fields include contact centre and back-office services, hospitality, gaming, fashion, and retail.

The entrepreneurial spirit is alive and well! Two-way trade is sure to benefit from the Australia-EU Trade Agreement: good progress on it is being made, with the 13th round of negotiations concluded in October 2022, and the next scheduled for February

It was wonderful to have a delegation in town recently from the Council of Maltese Living Abroad, and to host some for a meal It was a reminder of so many close links between our two countries: just this year, the winning Melbourne Cup jockey was of Maltese background, as was one of our World Cup goalscorers; and the brilliant tenor Joseph Calleja toured Australia

I know that 2023 will be an even bigger year for the AustraliaMalta relationship!

From all of us at the High Commission, we wish you a very happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year

Presiding over the ‘Premju Soċjetà Ġusta 2022’ award ceremony, Malta President George Vella said that every young or old person, with a visible or hidden disability, has the right to a dignified and most independent life possible.

“No one is a throwaway in our country, and everyone has a contribution to make,” President George Vella said as he appealed to all the people to keep this in mind and heart whenever they interact with people with disabilities

The Premju Soċjetà Ġusta was won by the Malta Paralympic Committee.

Minister for Inclusion, Voluntary Organisations and Consumer Rights, Julia Farrugia Portelli, whose ministry organises the ceremony, said that she was committed to reforms for the disability sector She announced that a public consultation is to be launched on two important laws - the Bill to protect Adults in Situations of Vulnerability and the Bill on Personal Autonomy

4 The Voice of the Maltese Thursday, December 15, 2022
i g h C o m m i s s i o n e r o f M a l t a i n
‘Everyone has a contribution to make’

Malta in festive mood for Christmas Malta in festive mood for Christmas

Christmas time in Malta is a highly celebrated festivity, not only due to its religious significance but also for its social importance The festive season is celebrated all across Malta and Gozo, and everybody loves to join in the events that take place throughout the islands

The preparations begin long before the date, however

There are several activities carried out in the Christmas period, which in Malta is known as ‘Il-Milied’

By far one of the most common practices that dominates the season is the tradition of the ‘Presepju’, (Nativity Crib) Several of them are set up in homes, but are also located around different parts of the island, in particular the most popular ones

The cribs depicting the nativity scene and often also showing typical Maltese landscapes, are decorated with figurines, called ‘pasturi’representing biblical figures, are an integral part of Christmas

This tradition can be traced back to 1617, when the first true Maltese crib was produced and displayed at the Dominican Friars Church in Rabat. Nowadays, the Maltese crib is an integral part of Christ

Parliament building and along Valletta’s main streets, while a traditional Christmas crib has been placed next to the main door of St John’s co-Cathedral, while St George’s Square is once again home to a magical atmosphere with projections on the façade of the historic Grandmaster ’s Palace

Throughout the month of December tourists and families with their kids have been enjoying the joyful atmosphere and several of them could be seen taking photos to preserve the experience

toine Farrugia, one of Malta’s foremost sculptors, at the Parliament building It consisted of artworks that portrayed a transformation of the Maltese Globigerina Limestone into what can be perceived as ‘almost paper ’

The stone is crafted so carefully and so precisely that at a first glance one could get the impression that the work was made out of paper – a technique reminiscent of the termb‘trompe l’oeil’

The festivities in Valletta will wrap up with the largest national New Year ’s Eve celebrations 2022/2023, when over 50,000 will gather at St George’s Square in front of the President’s Palace to give a warm welcome to the New Year in style presented by an outstanding line up of some of Malta’s top talent in the entertainment sector.

mas Eve procession in Malta, which was first organised in 1921 There are also exhibitions of ‘Presepji’ located around different parts of the island.

The same can be said for Christmas Trees, not only inside homes, but also in various places and open areas where giant trees are decorated with baubles, lights and tinsel! They mostly invite the public to place presents under the trees that would later be handed to needy children

After an absence of two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Christmas time with all its daily activities, has become one of the most sought after periods in Malta, especially in the capital, Valletta with the Valletta Cultural Agency (VCA) literally letting its hair down to make sure that all those visiting it will be able to take in the festive mood of Christmas.

Christmas trees have been installed near

As part of the m o n t h - l o n g programme of events, Republic Street and M e r c h a n t s Street in particular have taken new hues, while South Street, now synonymous with artistic installations all year round also has been offering surprises galore, with more in store for its visitors

Special festive events will keep on running till 31st of December Until then, the VCA would have organised over 25 events spread over 25 days in the city They include marching bands, stilt walkers, choirs, and music performances by several popular groups mostly with children in mind, but not only

On the 21st, award winning The New Victorians would be performing seasonal religious songs and contemporary non-sacred music, including original compositions

Early in December, until the 11th, one could witness a most interesting sculpture exhibition titled It’s All Paperwork by An-

How could one mention Christmas and some of its traditions without speaking about family? This is a time when the whole family can come together to celebrate and share a meal

Following true British tradition, the highlight of the Christmas family lunch is the roast turkey (Dundjan) and the Christmas pudding, (Pudina tal-Milied)

Nowadays, a good number of families avoid the hassle of Christmas lunch at home, by organising their meal at one of the many restaurants on the islands In the evenings they might also enjoy plenty of activities in the bars across the island

Thursday, December 15, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 5

In our issue of 16th August 2022 The Voice of the Maltese, revealed exclusively that id-'Dar tax-Xjuh' in Blacktown NSW was to be sold Officially, we can now confirm that St Dominic's Home for the Elderly, built for and by the Maltese in early 1980, will be closed in early January 2023.

The spokesperson of the Congregation of the Dominican Sister of Malta in NSW, Melbourne-based Darryn Borg, told us that after serving the local and surrounding communities of Blacktown for over 36 years, the mounting pressures of delivering residential aged care to the elderly on many fronts had forced a decision to close the facility

The facility is working hard with the residents and their families to find alternative solutions and assist its hard-working staff in finding new employment

Speaking on behalf of the said NSW Congregation, Darryn Borg said that “while the home (initially built in the early 1980s) was a leading edge independent living facility at the time, today the higher acute care needs of the elderly entering residential aged care requires a facility of a very different layout and accompanying resources.

“Further, the very public Government funding and staffing issues in aged care have placed enormous pressures on the

Fatal blow for the Maltese in NSW

Id-Dar tax-xjuħ tal-Maltin in NSW is to close down

An awful Christmas present

Congregation's limited resources, concluding in the decision to close the facility on 15th January 2023 ”

No new residents will be admitted to the facility as all efforts are presently focussed on a compassionate closure of the facility Following the closure and sale of the property, the remaining Dominican Sisters of Malta will return to their homeland, having dedicated their working lives to the care of the elderly

In his statement, Mr Borg did not mention what would happen to the complex after closure The new owners/developers may turn the site into residential flats.

The situation of the Dominican nuns in Melbourne, where they run a similar home for the elderly, is unclear.

We understand that the nuns tried to employ professionals to help them manage the home, but apparently, they were let down several times No new providers were interested in carrying on, so they closed down

Professor Stephen Gatt, who was the Chairman of the Directors of St Dominic's Home for the Elderly for many years, told The Voice, "I regret that so many years of

hard work by so many good people in NSW are now seeing the efforts of the community of NSW come to nought.

"Every attempt to find a solution has been blocked by the 'specialist consultants'; I am angry and sad that it has come to this with the loss of employment to our loyal workers and displacement of our dear residents. This is an abomination Shame"

Miriam Friggieri, the President of the Maltese community Council of NSW, told The Voice that this is very distressing news and yet another blow to the Maltese community in Western Sydney.

It was hoped that the home would be taken over and allowed to continue to take care of the needs of the residents, but now all hope is gone

“My heart goes out to the current residents who will now have to be accommodated elsewhere in unfamiliar surroundings, especially to the Maltese residents who will no longer be in the care of the Maltese nuns,” she said

The Friends of Providence House NSW,


are proud to offer a 14 Night Group Tour departing from Madrid and travelling on to visit iconic attractions in Madrid, Lisbon, Fatima, Santiago, Lourdes, Barcelona and much more. Finishing in Barcelona you can then fly Malta or another European City before heading back to Australia

The tour departs 29 May 2023.

For more details: Jim Borg 0418 825 591 or Karen at Breakaway Travel on 9622 7799

6 The Voice of the Maltese Thursday, December 15, 2022
in conjunction with Breakaway Travel & Tours
We apologise to our readers that due to lack of space in this issue, we had to forego the article about Australia’s third Prime Minister, John Christian Watson. The series will be resumed in the first issue of the New Year. P l e a s e N o t e . . .
Fati ma, L o urd es & S h ri nes o f S p a in

Two millennia of Christmases

F r o m S a i n t P a u l t o S a i n t N i c h o l a s : i n M a l t a

Ishare my name with an Apostle you may be familiar with from Maltese tradition and history In about 60AD, Saint Paul had been declared an antinomian, for holding views that reject law and opposed moral, religious or social norms (arising from ‘gossip’ Paul taught people to forsake Moses, not to observe Jewish customs, and defiled temples by bringing Gentiles inside)

Paul captivated the public and began telling his story, but some in the audience did not like what he said Paul was ordered to be questioned by flogging He exercised his Roman Citizen right to appeal unto Caesar and was escorted safely to Caesarea Maritima (Israel) where he was kept prisoner, before setting sail to Rome.

As fate had it, a violent storm intervened and the ship Paul and around 274 other passengers were sailing to Rome on, wrecked at Melita on the Maltese coast

The passengers and Paul swam to land, where history records indicate the locals were ‘unusually friendly’ to Paul Why? As depicted in artworks, a poisonous snake, a viper, bit Paul on the hand. The locals expected this was god’s justice not allowing him to live, despite having escaped from the sea, but on seeing him shake the snake off his hand and suffer no injury or illness, rather than drop dead, they saw him in a different light, rather than saying he must be a murderer, saying he was a god.

At this time, Malta had been under control of the Romans since around 218BC

Under the control of Rome, Latin became the official language of Malta Saint Publius, the first Bishop of Malta, received Paul and others from the shipwreck, with kind and entertaining hospitality

Publius’ father was ill and after a visit from Paul, his fever and dysentery abated Paul then cured others from Malta who were ill. Publius and the Maltese honoured Paul and stocked the ship with provisions for when they left, for Paul to appeal his heretical declaration in Rome

Now, as this is a legal page, under Roman Rule, Malta and the surrounding islands were eventually declared a Municipium and a Foederate Civitas The Latin term civitas was the social body of cives (citizens) united by LAW The law binds citizens together, giving responsibilities to the citizens, in return for rights of citizenship

Civitas can be described as a collective contract, binding all citizens together Not unlike the legal systems underpinning much of the world today.

Saint Nicholas

You may have heard Coca-Cola in-

vented the Santa Claus in a red suit, which was distributed around the globe from the early 1930’s by way of advertisements. We are not going to go into debunking that myth today, but rather, touch on some other ‘myths’ historians have gleaned in relation to the original Santa Claus, that is, Saint Nicholas of Myra (born in Turkey on 15 March 270)

History refers to Nicholas’ wealthy parents dying when he was young, leaving him an orphan and devout Christian who used his inheritance to assist the needy, the sick and the suffering, had a love for children, and desire to protect sailors and ships

Some accounts refer to Nicholas hearing of a devout man who had three daughters he could not afford dowries for At that time in history, daughters in such a situation who could not afford a dowry to marry often only had one option for employment Nicholas did not wish to make his charity a public affair, and secretly threw purses with gold coins through an open window in the house

Certainly there has been a recent push from Malta’s National Literary Agency for schools to teach children the true identity of Father Christmas, where in modern times, and particularly with younger generations, Christmas and Santa can all too easily promote consumerism and materialism

Saint Nicholas died on 6 December 343 The anniversary of his death continues to be a day of celebration, St Nicholas Day

Back to the present

As author of the legal page in The Voice, it would be remiss of me to wish you all a Merry Christmas without some general advice for consideration in the New Year Luckily, in modern times, access to a lawyer is not as difficult as it was in the times referred to above

For All Your Legal Needs Now at: level 4, 87 Marsden Street


Phone: 8599 8877

Also at: Level 4, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney. Ph: 8355 9999

Email: paul sant@longtonlegal com au Maltese Spoken

We generally yearn to look out for our loved ones during our lives, and ensuring they are looked out for after our death is quite a simple process

If you do not have a Will in place, or if you have assets in Australia and Malta, and have done a Will only in Malta or only in Australia, I would urge you to contact my office to schedule an appointment

Our Parramatta office is now located at level 4, 87 Marsden Street, accessible via lift.

Our office will be closed for this holiday season from 6 00pm on Friday, 23 December 2022 and returning at 9.00am on Monday, 16 January 2023

Tuesday, December 15, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 7
LONGTON LEGAL Another service offered by
Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to
Saint Nicholas Saint Paul

Voice of the Maltese


The Voice of the Maltese

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes.

e magazine can be read in flipbook or PDF format online. A pdf copy is sent via email on request. Hard copy subscription is also available at a cost.

Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP Rt email address:

Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to: maltesevoice@gmail com

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

say/Xi trid tghid?

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

Issa s-sorijiet se jħalluna wkoll

J J Tanti minn Prospect NSW jikteb:

Tassew fraħt meta rajt ir-ritratt tassinjura Marisa Previtera mal-Isqof Teuma ta’ Għawdex fi żjara li għamlitlu meta kienet Malta, u qrajt dwar it-talba li għamlitlu biex jibagħtilna mank qassis/patri Malti, għax kemm l-Isqfijiet u kif ukoll is-superjuri tal-Kongregazzjonijiet jidher li għalihom m’ aħniex ta’ importanza daqs il-missjonijiet

Izd’issa jidher li jmissu xi ħadd għamel talba oħra ħalli jingiebu l-Awstralja wkoll xi sorijiet minn Malta Għal dawn ukoll hemm nuqqasijiet?

Issa li d-Dumnikani ddeċdew li jbiegħu il-binja tagħhom f ’Sydney u jmorru lura Malta, min jaf x’se jiġri mid-dar tax-xjuħ tad-Duminkani wkoll li hemm f ’Melbourne? Din se tinbiegħ wkoll? Ir-riżultat huwa bonanza ta’ miljuni kbar għas-sorijiet f ’Malta wara li dawn id-djar

T h e M S S P a n d N S W

Lawrence Scerri from Wollongong NSW writes:

It was heart breaking to read in the media of the departure of the Missionary Society of St Paul, Maltese priests from Canada, Toronto

In NSW, the MSSP have left Horsley Park Parish, and in the last few years also the St Francis of Assisi Chapel at La Vallette Social Centre in Blacktown The Sydney city chapel of St Paul is still serviced by Fr Tarcisio Micallef.

However, no one has come to help him in his senior years

What is the future of the MSSP in NSW? Will it be like that of Canada and the Maltese community left without a Maltese pastor? It is indeed a minefield of need and neglect

u l-artijiet li nbnew fuqhom tħallsu filmaġġoranza kbira tagħhom mill-flejjes talkomunitá Maltija f ’Melbourne u f ’Sydney Tgħid se joħorġu b’xi stqarrija oħra dwar dan is-suġġett?

Mhux missjoni wkoll?

Harry Mifsud minn Fairfield NSW jikteb:

Bħallikieku li l-qassisin, patrijiet u sorjiet Maltin li jħallu pajjiżhom biex jagħtu servizz lill-komunitajiet Maltin flAwstralja, il-Kanada u l-Amerka, dawk mhux missjoni jkunu qed jagħmlu.

Anzi f ’dawn il-pajjiżi li semmejt, xogħol ir-reliġjużi jkun ferm aktar faċli, u ċertament wisq aktar komdu milli meta meta jmorru f ’pajjiżi indiġeni fl-Afrika jew inkella f ’pajjiżi fejn hemm mhux biss ilfaqar imma wkoll periklu għal ħajjithom fl-Amerika t’Isfel jew dik Ċentrali

Fejn hemm il-komunitajiet Maltin ikollhom ferm aktar kumditá, u ċertament li dejjem ikunu aktar stmati Allura għala tant naqsu mill-Awstralja u l-Kanada speċjalment? Dawn mhux merħla bħall-oħrajn?

W h y n o t C r i n g i l a ?

M Marks from Windang NSW writes:

I refer to the letter by F Zammit from Albion Park NSW (The Voice No. 288 Dec.1) in reply to mine regarding the name “Maltese Headquarters NSW & Friends” and the George Cross Falcon Club of Cringila NSW

The reply showered much praise on the President of the club, Mr Parnis (which I am sure is justified) than he sheds light on the exact meaning of the ambiguous, cryptic and misleading name, The Maltese Headquarters NSW & Friends.

Was such a name added to the constitution? I am so pleased that the GC FC of Cringila is doing so well

8 The
Thursday, December 15, 2022
P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e
Pr i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a P r i n t & D i g i t a l m a g a z i n e z i n e
Thursday, December 15, 2022
The Voice of the Maltese

Mhix sempliċement tradizzjoni

Il-Milied f ’Malta huwa meqjus mill-poplu bħala żmien speċjali u wkoll spiritwali Imma forsi l-aktar mis-Soċjetá tadDutrina magħrufa bħala l-MUSEUM li tfakkar l-okkażjoni tat-twelid ta’ Ġesú Bambin b’ċertu fervur ġej mit-tradizzjoni maħluqa mill-fundatur tas-Soċjetá, San Ġorġ Preca 100 u sentejn ilu Turi wkoll kemm dakinhar ra ‘l bogħod Fost kollox hemm il-purċissjoni mequsa bħala dimostrazzjoni, tat-tfal mat-triqat ta’ kull belt u raħal f ’Malta u Għawdex jġorru fuq spallejhom statwa żgħira tal-Bambin tarbija L-ewwel purċissjoni uffiċjali kienet saret fit-toroq tal-Ħamrun fl-24 ta’ Diċembru tal-1921, 14-il sena wara li Dun Ġorġ, kien waqqaf ilMUSEUM Kienet ħarġet mill-post magħruf bħala l-Mużew ilKbir fi Triq Atoċja quddiem il-Knisja tas-Samra Dun Ġorġ ried li ma tkunx sempliċi purċissjoni, iżda fi kliemu stess dimostrazzjoni, b’kant sabiħ u paċi kbira Ried li ssir dimostrazzjoni bil-Bambin.

Interessanti li Dun Ġorġ kien għażel li fisser il-purċissjoni bħala dimostrazzjoni, kelma li llum hi aktar marbuta ma’xi protesta Kienet tramba li għażel din il-kelma għax Dun Ġorġ kien ta’ natural kwiet u umli li dejjem ippriedka li “l-istorbju ma jagħmilx tajjeb, u dak li hu tajjeb isir mingħajr storbju u mingħajr ftaħir ” Ma riedx biss li tkun purċissjoni, imma li turi lill-Bambin Ġesú fit-toroq biex ifakkar lin-nies xi jfisser tassew il-Milied Skont is-Segretarju tas-Soċjetá tal-Mużew Ruben Pace, din ilmanifestazzjoni kienet saret fiż-żmien meta l-poplu Malti kien għadu mequs bħala wieħed ferm reliġjuż Imma Dun Ġorġ kien beda josserva li wħud kienu bdew jiffesteġġjaw il-Milied sempliċement bħal xi ħaġa aktar kulturali jew tradizzjnonali Kien determinat li jemfasizza li l-Milied kien dwar Ġesú

Użanza mill-isbaħ li wkoll iddaħlet fost l-imsieħba tal-MUSEUM fis-senin bikrin, hi li bħala rigal, fil-Milied bħala premju t-tfal jingħataw jew grotta, tal-karapesta, li ġeneralment jagħmluha s-

soċji tal-Muzew, inkella, skont l-etá, xi statwetta zgħira jew ktieb Kienet ix-xewqa ta’ Dun Ġorġ li kull familja, l-aktar dawk filbżonn, fi djarhom ikollhom maxtura bil-Bambin li tfakkarom għaliex kienet il-festa

Ta’ min jgħid li fis-snin ta’ wara l-purċissjoni ta’ lejlet il-Miliet kienet bdiet issir fl-irħula kollha ta’ Malta u Għawdex u anke f ’pajjiżi barranin fejn hemm is-Soċjetá tad-Duttrina, fosthom flAwstralja, l-Ingilterra, l-Albanija, il-Polonja, il-Perú, u Kuba

Hu wkoll importanti wieħed jgħid li s-Soċjetá tad-duttrina kienet u hija strumentali li fil-knejjes f ’Malta u Għawdex tinżamm ittradizzjoni tal-priedka minn tifel jew tifla fil-quddiesa ta’ Nofsillejl, għax iħabirku biex jgħallmuhom il-priedka Għalkemm priedka ma ddaħlitx minn tal-Mużew. Saret fl-1847 f ’Ħal Luqa. Naħseb li dak li xtaq il-qaddis Dun Ġorġ aktar minn mitt sena ilu, illum jifhmu kulħadd, u l-fatt li ħsiebietu xterdu ma’ tant pajjiżi turi l-kobor ta’ dan il-bniedem li bis-semipliċitá kollha tiegħu rnexxielu jkun daqstant konvinċenti

10 The Voice of the Maltese Thursday, December 15, 2022 Suite 8, 23 Terminus Street, Castle Hill NSW 2154 9899 7211 alex hawke mp@aph gov au alexhawkeau AlexHawkeMPMitchell
Suite 8, 23 Terminus Street, Castle Hill NSW 2154
Authorised by Alex Hawke MP, Liberal Party of Australia,
FEDERAL MEMBER FOR MITCHELL Il-purċissjoni ta’ lejlet il-Milied mittfal tal-Mużew
Thursday, December 15, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 11
Authorised by Chris Mimms, Steve Kamper, Mark Buttigieg, Julia Finn, Hugh McDermott, Stephen Bali, MichaelDailey, Greg Warren, Guy Zangari, Sophie Cotsis, and Nick Lalich, Funded using Parliamentary Entitlements

Roundup of News About Malta

2023 EU-Med-9 summit in Malta

Next year Malta will be hosting the Med-9 summit. Prime Minister Robert Abela announced it at the end of the recent EU Med-9 summit at Alicante in Spain, attended by eight of the nine EU Mediterranean leaders

The Prime Minister told journalists he believed the occasion would be an essential forum to bring to the attention of other member states particular realities of Malta and show the island’s skills to organise such an important forum

It is also a sign of confidence in Malta for the strategies, changes and reforms it has implemented in recent months that are being transformed into more confidence expressed to our country

It will be the second time since June 2019 that Malta has organised this summit

The Prime Minister said that Malta has always promoted Mediterranean issues and would continue to do next year Despite the fact that the energy challenge is a current issue in every country, he said that Malta would not ignore another important issue, that of immigration

The summit was also attended by the European Commission’s President Ursula von der Leyen and the European Council’s

Customs officials in Malta have seized 19 cars stolen from Canada that arrived in Malta on their way to Dubai hidden in containers. It is the third time that stolen cars from Canada were seized in Malta It resulted from a joint operation by the Maltese and Canadian Police

To date, Maltese Customs have seized 78 cars stolen from Canada that were being smuggled to other countries through Malta in 43 containers.

Thanks to the Malta customs officials, the Canadian Police managed to issue charges against nine suspects concerning vehicle thefts and recovered 59 cars seized in Malta in 33 containers

The summit discussed the energy crisis resulting from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and addressed ongoing measures to address it, with the Prime Minister saying that the energy crisis was leaving an impact on every country He described the Maltese government’s subsidising energy prices as a wise decision.

At the end of the summit, the participants called on the European Union to develop a more flexible gas price cap mechanism than the recently proposed cap of 220 euros ($232) per megawatt hour.

The call further highlighted divisions within the EU over the proposed cap Last month the bloc proposed a cap of 275 euros, but this met with considerable opposition Several EU members want no price cap at all

New state of the art ITS campus

Malta keeps investing in tourism through the Malta Tourism Authority, the latest being the new ITS Campus at Smart City that will accommodate 2,500 students, which is double the amount that it is accepting today

When the Prime Minister visited the campus that is under construction he said that this state of the art facility would improve even further Malta's tourism product It would be able to achieve something like this because of its strong economy.

The new building, being co-financed by European funds with an investment of €60 million, will include 58 classes, 21 specialised laboratories, an indoor pool and a sports centre, three restaurants, three bars, a cafeteria, and a library

It will also offer new specialised courses that it was unable to offer on the old campus It will also have the necessary facilities for more than 300 staff members, with 400 parking spaces and a hall that can accommodate more than 300 people

Tourism Minister Clayton Bartolo said that this building would support the existing demand there is in this industry by training local human resources “It will offer a strong foundation that would continue to encourage more young people to choose hospitality as a main career," Bartolo said

President Charles Michel Italy’s Prime Minister failed to make it as she was ill.
12 The Voice of the Maltese Thursday, December 15, 2022
Maltese Prime Minister Robert Abela (left) with some of the leaders that attended the Alicante Summit in Spain
T h e M a l t e s e C o m m u n i t y C o u n c i l o f N S W ( M C C ) , t h e u m b r e l l a b o d y o f v a r i o u s M a l t e s e a s s o c i a t i o n s i n N S W , w h i c h h a s b e e n s e r v i n g t h e N S W M a l t e s e c o m m u n i t y f o r 5 5 y e a r s , w i s h e s e v e r y b o d y a v e r y h a p p y , a n d H o l y C h r i s t m a s w i t h v e r y b e s t w i s h e s f o r a s a f e a n d p r o s p e r o u s 2 0 2 3 Customs seize stolen cars

Roundup of News About Malta

Continued access to medicines for all

In the margins of the EPSCO Health Council, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Health Chris Fearne had a meeting with the European Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides (right) that focused on securing continued access to medicines for all EU citizens, irrespective of the market size Minister Fearne underlined the fact that the current barriers currently hindering access to medicines in certain Member States should be addressed without delay, including language barriers

During the EPSCO Council meeting Fearne emphasised the importance of the joint procurement exercise for the COVID-19 vaccines, which has saved thousands of lives

He said that as health ministers, the priority should be the provision of better healthcare to the citizens; therefore, it was important to explore how the joint procurement exercise could be widened to include orphan or cancer drugs

DBRS agency, IMF confirm Malta’s progress

International rating agency DBRS has confirmed Malta’s long-term outlook at A and stable It noted that while the country’s GDP growth would slow in 2023, it would still remain higher than in most other EU peers

Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has found Malta's economic recovery remarkably strong, noting that after the pandemic, Malta registered among the highest economic growth rates and among the lowest inflation rates in Europe

DBRS pointed out that Malta’s removal from the FATF greylist after just one year was encouraging and meant the negative impacts of greylisting would be contained It said that due to the government’s decision to subsidise energy prices the size of Malta’s public deficit, would remain among the EU’s highest

However, DBRS believes, that given its track record of fiscal management, the government’s plan to reduce the deficit to under three per cent by 2025 is “credible”.

The agency said that the support measures in the energy subsidy plan “have played a key role in shielding the private sector from the pandemic and energy shocks as well as limiting potential persistent effects.”

Although public debt levels have risen rapidly as a result of support measures during the COVID-19 pandemic and war in Ukraine, the 55 1% of GDP level registered at the end of 2021 “still remained below the Maastricht benchmark of 60 0% of GDP and well below the EU’s aggregate 87 9% of GDP,” DBRS said

It said Tourism has been recovering at a faster rate than expected and the sector picking up should help Malta rebalance its external position

It also noted that Malta’s banking system has relatively few ties to Russia and local banks have strong liquidity and capital.

Thursday, December 15, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 13 02 9580 9349 markcoure com au Oatley@parliament nsw gov au

Għal jiem sħaħ il-Knisja Maltija m’għamlitx reazzjoni uffiċjali dwar l-emenda li ressaq il-Gvern, għalkemm xi membri prominenti tagħha, fosthom l-Isqof ta’ Għawdex, tkellmu b’mod negattiv dwar dak li kien qed jipproponi lGvern Iżda meta l-qiegħa bdiet tisħon sewwa, u saħansitra tħabbar li kienet se ssir dimostrazzjoni nazzjonali kontra dak li qed jipproponi l-Gvern, l-Isqfijiet qalu tagħhom

F’nota pastorali iffirmata mill-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna, l-Isqof ta’ Għawdex Anton Theuma u l-Isqof Awżiljarju Joe Galea Curmi ħarġu nota pastorali fil-Knejjes

Dawn sostnew li din l-emenda ma titkellimx biss fuq is-sitwazzjoni ta’ omm li tkun f ’periklu li tmut minħabba t-tqala tagħha Meta jkun hemm periklu ta’ dat-tip, ittobba dejjem jippruvaw isalvaw lill-omm u lit-tarbija, meta ma jirnexxilhomx isalvawhom it-tnejn, isalvaw lill-omm.

Żiedu jgħidu li kull meta sar hekk tul issnin, qatt ma nħolqu problemi legali għallommijiet jew għat-tobba, u ma kienx hemm bzonn ta’ tibdil fil-ligi biex l-omm tkun salvata jekk tkun fil-periklu tal-mewt.

L-emenda tibqa’ tiddomina

e r o u s a n d h e a l t h y N e w Y e a r 2 0 2 3 .

O u r as s o c i a t i o n lo o k s f o rw a rd t o n ex t y ea r t o c o nt i n ue o u r wo rk a nd s er v e o u rc o m m u ni t y . S t a y s a f e a n d e n j o y y o u r f a m i l y a n d f ri e n d s .

Komplew li din l-emenda ddaħħal xi ħaġa ġdida għax titkellem ukoll dwar sitwazzjonijiet fejn mhux il-ħajja tal-omm filperiklu izda s-saħħa tagħha, u tipproponi li tista’ tħares is-saħħa billi toqtol ħajja umana ġdida

“Dan ifisser abort,” qalu l-Isqfijiet “L-istorja ta’ għadd ta’ pajjizi turina li l-abort daħal proprju bl-uzu ta’ din il-kelma “saħħa”, kif qed jiġ i propost fl-emenda Din hi ħaga serja ħafna Aħna nafu li fejn issaħħa teħtieg kura, għandha tingħata kull kura meħtiega, u fejn l-omm għandha bzonn l-għajnuna, għandha tingħata kull appogg li teħtieġ Imma ma għandekx toqtol ħajja umana biex tħares is-saħħa ta’ xi ħadd ”

Għalhekk appellaw lill-poplu kollu biex isemma’ leħnu favur il-ħajja f ’kull waqt tagħha, mit-tnissil sal-mewt naturali. Appellaw ukoll lill-Parlamentari biex l-għażla

tagħhom tkun favur il-ħajja u mhux favur il-mewt


Il-Partit Nazzjonalista Ii ħareġ b’ruħu u ġismu kontra l-emenda, ħeġġeġ kemm felaħ lill-poplu biex jingħaqad ma’ dawk li kienu se jipprotestaw kontra l-emenda u mmexxiha mil-Kap tagħhom Dr Bernard Grech, ħafna deputati tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, kemm tal-preżent u wħud tal-passat, ingħaqdu mad-dimostranti fil-Belt jipprotestaw Mad-dimostranti ngħaqad ukoll l-Arċisqof Mons Charles Scicluna u ma għadd ta’membri tal-kleru u sorijiet

Fid-dimostrazzjoni kien hemm ukoll leks-President ta’ Malta, Marie Louise Coliero Preca li indirizzat lill-folla *Għal paġna 15

a t a n t x i n ħ o b b n i t r a t t a l - i s t e s s s u ġ ġ e t t f ’ ħ a r ġ a w a r a lo ħ r a , i m m a l - m i d j a l o k a l i t a n t g ħ a d h a q e d t i d d o m i n a l - k w i s t j o n i t a l - e m e n d a l i r e s s a q i l - G v e r n g ħ a l - l i ġ i l i f i lp r e ż e n t t a g ħ m e l l - a b o r t i l - l e g a l i , l i n ħ o s s l i n k u n q e d n o nq o s j e k k m a n s e m m i x e j n d w a r d a n . PO Box

14 The Voice of the Maltese Thursday, December 15, 2022
Richard Spiteri 0407 202 167 (02) 9659 0900 Castle Hill Seven Hills Windsor and all suburbs “Let Our Family Help You Through” Ħalli l-familja tagħna tgħin lillfamilja tiegħek –O n b e h a l f o f t h e C o m m i tt e e a nd m e m b e rs o f t h e M a l t e s e W e l f a r e ( N S W ) I nc I w i s h y o u a l l a H o l y , J o y o u s C h ri s t m a s a n d a P r o s p
Titkellem il-Knisja
Mix-xellug: l-Isqof ta’ Għawdex Anton Theuma, lArċisqof Charles Scicluna u l-Isqof Joe Galea Curmi
5332, Greystanes LPO, NSW 2145

Fi stqarrija l-Partit Nazzjonalista qal li jistenna li Robert Abela jirtira l-Abbozz ta’ Liġi li bih jintroduċi l-abort f ’pajjiżna ladarba m’għandux mandat tal-poplu biex jagħmel dan. Qalu li Robert Abela għandu jieqaf jipprova jimponi liġi li ddaħħal l-abort f ’pajjiżna meta jaf li l-maġġoranza tal-

poplu Malti u Għawdxi hi kontra d-dħul tal-abort f ’pajjiżna

Qalu li Robert Abela għandu għażla waħda quddiemu: dik li jirtira l-abbozz. Min-naħa tiegħu l-Prim Ministru tenna li jekk ikun hemm bżonn u "sa fejn possibbli" lest li jiċċara l-

Il-Kap tal-Oppożizzjoni Bernard Grech ikkritika bil-qawwi din l-emenda filliġi u waqt id-dibattitu fil-Parlament irrefera għall-każ tal-mara Amerikana Andrea Prudente, li f ’Malta ma ġietx operata biex ittemm it-tqala li ma kienetx viabbli

Qal: ”Mara Amerikana li kienet tqila vvjaġġat iktar minn 20 siegħa ajruplan biex

emenda li qed tkun diskussa fil-Parlament Għamilha ċara li l-emenda titkellem fuq żewġ prinċipji, ilħarsien tal-ħajja tal-omm jekk tkun f'periklu waqt it-tqala u lħarsien tas-saħħa tal-omm "jekk tkun f'periklu gravi " Dawn huma prinċipji li l-

Gvern mhux se jaħrab minnhom.

Id-diskussjoni ma tistax twassal biex jitneħħa xi wieħed minn "dawn il-prinċipji kardinali," jiġifieri l-protezzjoni talħajja tal-omm (punt li dwaru jaqbel kulħadd) u l-protezzjoni ta' saħħitha jekk tkun f'periklu gravi

tiġi Malta; qaltilna, għall-babymoon.” Riedet tagħmel abort It-tobba u n-nurses tagħna, għax prudenti ” aktar prudenti minnha, irrifjutaw li jagħmluh dan.”

Id-diskors li ġie meqjus insensittiv dwar is-sitwazzjoni ta’ din il-mara u li żżufjetta b’kunjomha, wassal għal kritika qawwija minn diversi nħawi Taħt it-tilu “An important debate, cheapened”, L-Editur ta’ ta’

Il-President Emeritu qalet li hi u żewġha jinsabu ferm imħassbin bl-emendi li ressaq il-Gvern u filwaqt li ċċarat li hi taqbel malkunċett u l-prinċipju tagħhom, sostniet ukoll li "din l-emenda kif inhi ma sserraħx moħħ in-nies li mhux dieħel l-abort "

Coleiro Preca sostniet li għaliha l-ħajja ma għandhiex kulur politiku u lanqas dimensjoni reliġjuża, imma hi kunċett fundamentali u valur suprem, kemm jekk hija l-ħajja tal-imwieled jew fil-ġuf

The Times sostna li Grech iddegrada ddiskussjoni dwar lemenda u li kellu jitlob apoloġija. “He needs to understand the dangers of jumping on the populist bandwagon to score political points by

stigmatising a woman, ” qal.

L-Editur tal-Maltatoday bit titlu “Not fit for the purpose ” sostna li l-mod ta’ kif Grech ipprova jiżżufjetta b’kunjom Prudente, biex jipprova jirbaħ argument akkost ta’ mara vulnerabbli kien tal-mistħija. Temm li Grech li ma jsibx problema jirredikola mara b’dan il-mod, huwa ‘unfit for purpose ’

L-editur tat-Torċa iddeskriva d-diskors ta’ Grech bħala wieħed li baqa’ jikxef l-istess “attitudni u aġir ta’ min ilu s-snin jaħseb li jista’ jiddetta hu biss, anke jekk quddiem ġudizzju tal-poplu baqa’ l-art ”

Min-naħa tiegħu l-Moviment Graffitti saħansitra sostna li Bernard Grech għandu irriżenja u li l-PN japoloġizza għall-mod kif indirizza mara li kellha tgħaddi minn sitwazzjoni fejn tilfet it-tarbija tagħha.

Thursday December 15, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 15
The Cordina Family would like to wish you and your family a Happy, Safe & Healthy 2023 We look forward to seeing you in the coming year. Cordina Chicken Farms Factory Outlet Direct to the Public M o n d a y t o F r i d a y 7 . 0 0 a m - 3 . 3 0 p m S a t u r d a y 6 . 0 0 a m - 11 . 3 0 a m 104 Magowar Road, Girraween NSW 2145 Call: 02 9912 1752 Full Range of Fresh and Frozen Poultry D a i l y s p e c i a l s 1 0 % d i s c o u n t t o S e n i o r C a r d H o l d e r s ( e x c l u d i n g a l r e a d y r e d u c e d i t e m s ) O ff - s t r e e t p a r k i n g w i t h d i s a b l e d a c c e s s . . . 104 Magowar Road, Girraween NSW 2145 Call: 02 9912 1752 Id-Dimostrazzjoni / Minn paġna 14
I l - K a p t a l - O p p o ż i z z j o n i j a q l a ’ k r i t i k a ħ a r x a

Secure jobs, better pay bill

The federal Labour government is heralding its industrial relations reforms as a Christmas present for the Australian economy after the laws were ticked off by the lower house

Employment Minister Tony Burke (right) said passing the laws signalled the day parliament decided to get wages moving “After a decade of deliberate wage suppression under the Liberals and Nationals, Australian workers need a pay rise, and these new laws will deliver,” he said.

The Secure Jobs, Better Pay bill passed in the Senate and was voted up by the government-controlled chamber, with 78 votes for and 42 against The laws would simplify bargaining, put an end to exploitative job ads promoting work for less than the legal minimum, and stop pay secrecy clauses, the minister said They will also put gender pay equity into the Fair Work Act

The government plans to deliver a

second round of workplace reforms next year to close loopholes undermining job security, wage growth

The Macquarie Dictionary has released its annual with 'teal' taking out the committee's choice award and 'bachelor's handbag' attracting the most votes in the people's choice category

'Truth-telling' was named as the award's first-ever runner-up, with the judges flagging it as being indicative of how 2023 may unfold

The Macquarie Dictionary's list is limited to new words and meanings added to the dictionary in the past year

The contenders are broken down into different categories that are then voted on by a committee before 20 finalists are released to the public

This year's winner, teal, refers to an independent political candidate who holds generally ideologically moderate views but supports strong climate action and prioritising integrity in politics

The people's choice winner, the bachelor's handbag, is simply a supermarket takeaway chicken, named for the fact it requires no preparation before eating and often comes in a small plastic bag with a handle, resembling a handbag

The runner-up, is defined as: “the act of relating the facts of a situation, exclusive of any embellishment or dilution applied as justification for past actions”

Fines worth millions of dollars issued to thousands of people in NSW for breaching COVID-19 restrictions are being withdrawn by the state's revenue agency

The words of the year Covid-19 fines fiasco

lars will also be refunded to those who have already paid the fines

NSW Revenue says 33,121 fines will be scrapped following a landmark decision in the Supreme Court that found details of the offences were insufficient.

Millions of dol-

A total of 62,138 COVID-19-related fines were issued in NSW during the pandemic, meaning roughly half will no longer be valid. Justice Dina Yehia accepted the evidence given that the fines were not valid because they did not include a sufficiently detailed description of the offences Katherine Richardson, SC, who appeared for the plaintiffs called for an immediate refund

16 The Voice of the Maltese Thursday, December 15, 2022

Former PM Scott Morrison censured

Labor in Federal Parliament took the unprecedented step of passing a censure motion against Scott Morrison, the former Prime Minister, over his decision to appoint himself to five ministerial portfolios during his time as prime minister The motion passed 86 votes to 50.

Andrews abstained from the vote

A report by former chief justice Virginia Bell into the saga found Mr Morrison undermined public trust in democracy and enabled a “culture of secrecy and cover-up”

Liberal MP Bridget Archer broke ranks to condemn her former boss, labelling his actions “an affront to democracy|, while frontbencher

Labor win Victoria for the third time

ederal Liberals pledge to learn from the party's defeat in Victoria as Labor claims the result is a rejection of a “brand that has become ugly and cynical”

Labour led by Daniel Andrew (right) won for the third time despite a plunge in its primary vote and double-digit swings against it in Melbourne's north and west The result marks the second time Matthew Guy has led the coalition to an election drubbing, spelling an end to his time in the top job

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese hailed Daniel Andrews' third election victory and lashed out at a "scare campaign run not just by the Liberal Party"

But in a fiery defence minutes before the vote, Mr Morrison refused to apologise for his “entirely necessary” actions, claiming criticism was made in the “calm of hindsight” and calling his censure by federal parliament “political intimidation”.

He left the chamber soon afterwards, along with most Coalition MPs, and was not present to hear his successor Anthony Albanese describe his actions as an “abuse of power and a trashing of our democracy”

Censure motions are parliament’s way of formally expressing disapproval in an MP, and are decided by a vote in the Chamber They can be used to condemn a party as a whole, usually the opposition, or an individual sitting in either house

Thursday, December 15, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 17
R i t a Z a m m i t O A M a n d
P a u l Z a m m i t K S B O A M F A I C D w i s h a l l o u r f r i e n d s i n t h e A u s t r a l i a n - M a lt e s e c o m m u n i t y a M e r r y C h r i s t m a s 2 0 2 2 a n d a h e a l t h y , s a f e a n d p r o s p e r o u s 2 0 2 3

I t - t i ż j i n u l - p re s e p j i t a l - M i l i e d

F’paġni oħra f ’din il-ħarġa diġá ttrattajna b’mod ġenerali dwar l-importanza li l-poplu fil-Gżejjer Maltin jagħti lillMilied Semmejna wkoll xi tradizzjonijiet, jew drawwiet, mhux biss reliġjużi imma wkoll ġenerali Hemm ħafna aktar użanzi li jispikkaw u li ta’ min isemmi.

Il-Maltin jieħdu dan iż-żmien bl-akbar serjetá, kemm bħala Nsara, u bħala xalaturi u jibdew it-tħejjijiet għall-Milied u tal-Ewwel tas-Sena sa minn kmieni f ’Novembru Drawwa interessanti li daħlet mhux wisq snin ilu hi t-tiżjin tat-toroq mhux biss fl-ibliet, imma f ’għadd ta’ toroq fl-irħula tażżewġ gzejjer, l-aktar fit-toroq ewlenin.

Iż-tiżjin ma jsirx biss permezz ta’ karti dekorattivi u dwal ikkuluriti mdendlin ma’ festuni Saret ukoll drawwa li fil-pjazez ewlenin jiġu nstallati s-siġar tal-Milied (Christmas Trees), ġieli anke min ikollu litwal siġra Ħafna galleriji wkoll jiġu mdawla b’bozoz żgħar ta’ kuluri vivaċi jteptpu sa min x’ħin tinzel ix-xemx salgħada filgħodu

Hemm imbagħad dilettanti li jibnu presepju żgħir fid-dar jew xi wieħed kbir f ’xi garaxx. Daż-żmien ġeneralment ikunu talkartapesta (dejjem artistiċi u b’xi xena Maltija) imma mhux bil-gagazza li kien ikun aktar reali

Għad hawn l-eluf li jmorru jduru l-bliet u l-irħula ta' Malta biex jaraw il-presepji li jkunu għall-wiri Din xi ħaġa li bdiet, l-

aktar b’pasturi mekkanizzati, 75 sena ilu flIstitut ta’ Ġesú Narzarenu fiż-Żejtun (taħt)

Dan il-presepju (kobor 8.23m x 6.1m) għadu jaħdem bl-istess makkinarju oriġinali li kien bena ċertu Pawlu Pavia fl-1947 u li għal 60 sena baqa’ jieħu ħsiebu L-idea oriġinali ta’ presepju kbir f ’dan il-post kienet ta’ zijuh, il-Monsinjur Emmanuel Galea, li kien id-direttur tal-istitut Wara li l-presepju nfetaħ għal-pubbliku, x’aktarx li ma kienx hemm persuna f ’Malta f ’dik is-sena u f ’dawk ta’ wara li ma żuruhx jistagħġbu b’dak il-kapolavur. L-aktar fil-jiem ta’ qabel u dawk ta’ wara l-Milied, kienu jiġu organizzati żjajjar minn kull

raħal u ż-Żejtun kien ikun miżgħud bixxarabankx Familji sħaħ kienu wkoll iżuruh privatament.

Xi snin ilu ’Għawdex bdiet l-użanza talpresepju ħaj Bethelem f ’Għajnsielem li għad kif ġiet inawgurata t-13-il edizzjoni,li tixhed is-suċċess ta’ dan li sar attrazzjoni ewlenija fil-Gżejjer Maltin. Mifrux fuq medda ta' 20,000 metru kwadru u b'aktar minn 100 attur, il-presepju joffri taħlita ta' tradizzjonijiet u snajja' lokali flimkien ma' dak kollu li wieħed ġeneralment jassoċja mal-presepju tradizzjonali Malti. L-organizzaturi jingħataw l-appoġġ kollu millMinisteru t’Għawdex

18 The Voice of the Maltese Thursday, December 15, 2022
Authorised by Paul Scully MP, G2,51 Crown St, Wollongong, NSW 2500 using parliamentary entitlements November

Il-Pulizija tqarreb lejn il-komunitá

Bil-pulizija jkunu eqreb lejn il-kommunità, il-Korp tal-Pulizija organizza Community Engagement Event filPjazza Indipendenza ( ItTokk) fir-Rabat Għawdex Mibarra li l-pulizija kellhom għall-wiri vetturi differenti tagghom, mutur, u ix armi mis-sezzjoni tasSpecial Intervention Unit, membri mis-sezzjoni talforensika taw dimostrazzjoni relatata mat-teħid tal-marki tas-swaba

Il-Pulizija qassmu wkolll xi materjal ta’ tifkira lit-tfal preżenti li wkoll kellhom loppportunità li jirkbu fuq iż-żwiemel tal-Kavallerija u jilagħbu u jieħdu ritratti mal-klieb tal-pulizija

‘ I l - F e r ħ t a l M i l i e d f i T f u l i t i ’

Bit-titlu ‘IlFerħ talMilied fi Tfu l-artist Għ George Apap tella’ wirja ta’ akkwarelli li se tibqa’ miftuħa għall-pubbliku filBanca Giuratale firRabat Għawdex sas27 ta’ Dicembru F’din il wirja l-artist qed juri xeni minn tfulitu f ’Għawdex fi

Mill-Gżira Għawdxija

żmien il-Milied fil-lħamsijnijiet Mal-akwarelli hemm ukoll għall-wiri kollezjoni ta’ kartolini tal-Milied maħdumin bl-idejn mill-istess artist, presepji 3D u ġabra ta’ kartolini tal-Milied li l artist innifsu kien iġemma meta fi ċkunitu kien jgħix filg ż i r a G ħ a w d x i j a Hi wirja inteessanti li w i e ħ e d jagħmel tajjeb li jżur

Thursday December 15, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 19
Charles Spiteri
w o u l d l i k e t o e x t e n d t h e i r b e s t w i s h e s f o r a H o l y C h r i s t m a s a n d t h e v e r y b e s t f o r y e a r 2 0 2 3 t o t h e M a l t e s e c o m m u n i t y i n A u s t r a l i a
Shaun Bonett CEO & Managing Director
Membri tal-grupp tal-pulizija flimkien mal-ispettur Rodienne Bartolo Haidon (fin-nofs) waqt l-attivita’ magħrufa bħala l-Community Engagement Event li saret f ’Għawdex L-artist George Apap flmkien ma’ wħud mill-akwarelli tiegħu

When they meet, you can feel the energy

Whilst the Maltese Community Council of NSW is well aware of the future challenges in our community, they are fully engaged in the present difficulties facing our ageing community

They coordinate and support several active ageing groups spread around the NSW region, which cover a vast area It has become a tradition once a year They successfully manage to get the groups together to feel this energy, this enterprise, to thank them and keep their enthusiasm alive

It was a magical day at the spacious La Valette Centre in Blacktown. They came from Llandilo, Botany, Daceville, Fairfield, Greystanes, Merrylands, Parramatta, the Sutherland and St George’s area and other districts It was a show of unity, camaraderie, and above all, united, that we are one community when we work together

The President of the MCC, Miriam Friggieri, could see that the gathering in front of her was being well looked after She appealed for ongoing unity so that we could

The group leaders from NSW FROM LEFT: Connie Degbriele (Daceville), Salvina Falzon (Merrylands), Charlie Mifsud (Sutherland), Dorothy Gatt (Fairfield), Helen Azzopardi (Liandilo) Frances Montesin (Greystanes), Marisa Previtera, Fred Carabott (West Parramatta) and Miriam Friggieri

keep punching above our weight So we can keep providing much-needed services and support to the Maltese community

She thanked Marisa Previtera, the initiator

and coordinator of this annual event, and all the other volunteers and group leaders for their continuous support

Charles Muscat provided the entertainment. This singer knows how to cater for the Maltese by playing a constant string of popular songs The La Valette Chef ’s Lounge provided the food It was a lovely five hours of fun, information, dancing and music for 170 attendees.

The Maltese Community Council of NSW is an umbrella body of legally constituted Maltese associations with their head office at 59b Franklin Street corner Young Street West Parramatta NSW They have just re-elected their executive committee for 2022/23 as follows: President: Miriam Friggieri, V/President: Antoine Mangion, Secretary Marisa Previtera, Ass Secretary: Annmarie Thind, Treasurer: Michael Zammit, Ass. Treasurer: Neville Zammit and PRO: Sandra Grech

20 The Voice of the Maltese Thursday, December 15, 2022
Charles Muscat in session

l-Kappillan tal-Maltin Fr Tarcisio Micallef MSSP jistieden lil kull min irrid jattendi għaċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Milied filKappella ta’ San Pawl De Piro House Stanley Street Sydney nhar is-Sibt 24 ta’ Dicembru Il-funzjoni u l-quddiesa jibdew fl-10.00 pm Il-Ħadd 25 ta’ Dicembru 2022 fl-10 00 am fl-istess kappella jkun hemm quddiesa bħal kull nhar ta’ Hadd

Ejjew niccelebraw it-twelid ta’ Sidna Gesu` flimkien f ’atmosferra Maltija

Għal xi tagħrif ċemplu lill-Fr Tarcisio Micallef MSSP 02 9380 8398

Fl-istess jum, Fr Tarcisio Micallef se jqaddes ukoll il-quddiesa tal-Milied fis7.00 pm fil-Kappella taċ-Ċentru ta’ La Vallette f ’Walters Road Blacktown Kulħadd mistieden jattendi Għal tagħrif: La Vallette Social Centre 02 9622 5847

Imut it-tabib Daniel Micallef

Nhar il-Ġimgħa 9 ta’ Diċembru tħabbret il-mewt tal-eks Ministru tal-Partit Laburista u eks Speaker tal-Parlament, it-tabib Daniel Micallef, fl-età ta’ 94 sena

Imwieled ir-Rabat Malta fit-8 ta’ Ġunju tal-1928, Daniel beda l-istudji tiegħu fil-Kulleġġ San Alwiġi u wara fl-Università ta’ Malta, minn fejn iggradwa bħala tabib fl-1955 Wara mar jistudja l-Isvizzera

The Maltese Cultural Association of NSW wishes the Maltese community and the readers of The Voice of the Maltese a Merry Christmas and good wishes for the New Year full of warmth, good health and cheer. Nixiequ l-Milied it-tajjeb lil kulħadd.

Huwa kien ġie elett għall-ewwel darba fil-Parlament fl-1962 mal-Partit tal-Ħaddiema Nsara, u fl-1971 mal-Partit Laburista, filwaqt li kompla jiġi elett fl-elezzjonijiet ta’ tal1976, l-1982, u l-1987

Bejn l-1982 u l-1986 serva wkoll bħala l-President tal-Kamra tar-Rappreżentanti (1986 u l-1987), wara bħala l-Ministru talEdukazzjoni u l-Ambjent mal-Prim Ministru Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici

Spiċċa mill-parlamentari fl-1992, u wara serva bħala Aġent President ta’ Malta, Ambaxxatur ta’ Malta għas-Sante Sede, u membru fil-Kunsill tal-Ewropa

Fl-2001, huwa ngħata l-midalja bħala uffiċjal tal-Ordni Nazzjonali tal-Mertu f ’Jum ir-Repubblika

Thursday, December 15, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 21 On behalf of the Zammit Ham and Bacon staff, we would like to wish all a happy and holy Christmas and New year Z a m m i t H a m & Z a m m i t H a m & B a c o n C u r e r s P t y L t d B a c o n C u r e r s P t y L t d Factory: 10-14 Hallmark St. Pendle Hill N.S.W. 2145 Dispatch: 131-133 Ballandella Rd. Pendle Hill N.S.W. 2145 Mail: P.O. Box 104, Pendle Hill N.S.W. 2145 Tel: (02) 9896 4511 Fax: (02) 9631 8506 Gold: Leg Ham Bone In (Christmas Ham) Gold: Rindless Full Rasher Bacon Gold: Short Cut Bacon Gold: Sopressa Salami Smallgoods & Charcuterie Champion Website: www zammitham com au
Quddies tal-Milied mill-Kappillan tal-Maltin
Fr Micallef

Australia: Christmas fun in the summer

Australia falls in the southern hemisphere which means, its winter is in June-July while December-January is peak summer season The celebrations on December 25 are outdoors thanks to the great, sunny weather and people dress up in breezy, summery dresses to enjoy a day out Australians like to gather on Christmas Day Some might attend church on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day – there’s bound to be a church near that one can visit.

They often celebrate Christmas Day by enjoying a Christmas lunch or dinner with their closest family and friends The menu includes traditional Christmas treats as well as barbeque. Many host one in their lawn or backyard with their loved ones The meal usually also consists of a selection of hot and cold dishes, including fresh seafood, but also roast turkey, and Christmas pudding

Australian homes may not necessarily have a Christmas tree but one can find flower decorations thanks to the wonderful bloom during this time of the year Many outdoor events are also organised for people to get together and celebrate the festival.

It’s common practice to give and receive presents in Australia, generally kept between family and friends, or a small gift or card to somebody to show appreciation to Brisbane

Brisbane’s King George Square is home to a massive Christmas tree leading-up to Christmas City Hall is also lit up with animated projections telling fun Australian Christmas tales


In Melbourne, the Carols by Candlelight

on Christmas Eve is a charity music event that is televised across the country.

Carols by Candlelight takes place at Sidney Myer Music Bowl and all proceeds go towards Vision Australia’s charity work. One catch the event free-toair on Channel 9

The famous Federation Square becomes Christmas Square for the festive season, complete with a 16-metre Christmas tree, Santa’s workshop, free music performances, and awesome restaurants and bars


One can celebrate Christmas cheer with food, rides and ‘snow’ play at Santa’s Fun Fair that runs until early January 2023

The Christmas Lights Spectacular at Hunter Valley Gardens that runs until late January features the Southern Hemisphere’s largest light display, as well as fair rides including a Ferris wheel and swing chair


Christmas at Twilight encompasses the best of Christmas with a huge range of events There’s endless entertainment with free performances under the enormous Christmas tree in Victoria Square.


Through shopping and eating locally, Canberra is encouraging everyone to celebrate in a community-based manner. Check out the unique art installations or explore the

decorations in City Walk One can also view local performances and parties Hobart

Throughout December, the Tasmanian capital hosts various community Christmas carols – free events where one can listen to traditional Christmas songs


The city has its own calendar of events happening throughout December One can admire the Christmas tree at Smith Street Mall, visit Santa’s Village or Fun in the Parks, and sing along with Carols by the Sea at the Nightcliff Foreshore

New Zealand

In neighbouring New Zealand Christmas also falls in the summer season It is a public holiday Many prefer going to the beach and camping there to ring in the festival while others celebrate at home

Carol services take place everywhere in New Zealand They have parades parades where one can spot Santa in bigger towns where one can spot Santa as well It has its own special carols and people gather before lunch to open Christmas presents together.

Barbeque is another fun ritual of Christmas Big helpings of desserts bring a festive end to the Christmas celebrations

Malt ese Senior s So cia l We lfar e Day Gr o ups

Llandilo Maltese


Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at the Llandilo Community Hall, 257 Seventh Avenue, Llandilo 11am to 1 00 pm Group holds regular Information Sessions/Workshops & Bus Trips

Group Leader: Helen Azzopardi

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors

Meets every second Friday of the month Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10 30am to 12 30 pm

Group Leader: Salvina Falzon

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors

Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month Group meets in St Theresa’s Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights from10 am to 12 noon

Group Leader: Dorothy Gatt Maltese of Bankstown

Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month in the Bankstown CBD area Every other 3rd Thursday an outing Enquiries call: Sam Galea 0410 269 519.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Meets the last Wednesday of the month in Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Join us and make new friends Group Leader: Doris Scicluna

The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group

Meets every first Wednesday of the month in July, September, November & December and in February, April & June 2023 From 10:00am to 12noon at the Miranda Community Centre 93 Karimbla Rd cnr Kiora Rd Miranda Meetings are interesting & informative Membership is free, so is Morning Tea/Coffee/Cake.

*(All Groups are coordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Contact the MCC Welfare Offi-

Outings every other month Come & make new friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud JP Phone (mb 0421 662 298)

Greystanes Maltese Seniors

Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Parish Centre Our Lady Queen of Peace (OLQP) Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon

Group holds regular Information Sessions/Workshops & Bus Trips Gro-up Leader: Frances Montesin.

Men’s Group

Meets every last Tuesday of the month at the MCC Centre at 59b Franklin Street Parramatta West (next to the Primary School), from 10 to 12 noon Discussion, information and renew friendship. Pastizzi, Kinnie etc. available Contact Fred or Laurie 9631 9295

cer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (Cnr Young St) Parramatta West NSW.

22 The Voice
Thursday, December 15, 2022
of the Maltese

C o m m u n i t y N e w s C o m m u n i t y N e w s

A division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc Established in 1999 Learn about the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and the amazing history of the magnificent Mediterranean islands of Malta and Gozo Classes available for beginners and those who already have a confident grasp of the Maltese language Adult and Children’s classes available

All classes are online. Positions available for people who can assist with teaching the Maltese Language Call Lisa for an information package on 0419 418 547 or email mls@mccnsw org au


Radio programme for the Maltese

Every Sunday 11 am to Noon.

An hour filled with information and news. On-demand: au/on-demand

L a V a l e t t e S o c i a l C e n t r e

Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847

New year ’s Eve Dinner Dance, Saturday 31 December from 7.30 pm with the Marimba Band. For tickets phone the Centre 9622 5847

T u n e i n t o T u n e i n t o R a d i o a n d R a d i o a n d T e l e v i s i o n T e l e v i s i o n

Listen live on ethnic-radio/ 97 9 FM Melton: Tuesday 6 00pm to 8 00pm Maltese Program Presenter: Miriam Vella Live streaming on


2GLF FM 89.3 Maltese Voices with Marthese Caruana: Sundays 10:00 am to 11:00am One hour of Maltese talent, songs from Maltese artists

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Mondays 78pm and Fridays 6-7pm Maltese Program. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

2GLF FM 89.3 Maltese Community Council programme: Sundays 11 00am to 12:00pm News from Malta, music, information, culture, interviews, community notices and topics of interest. Listen live on

Please Note

I f inte rested i n adve rti si ng in T he Voi ce of the Maltes e m agazi ne i n orde r to re ac h the widest audience possible, partcularly among the Maltese diaspora, you are requested to write for details to:

www 893fm com au or On Demand on www 893fm com au/on-demand/ WOW-FM 100.7: Tuesdays 6pm to 9pm Maltese program with Joe Borg and Michael Mallia. Listen live on www wowfm1007 com au

VOX FM 106.9: Mondays 5pm to 6pm Voice of Valletta – Illawarra Maltese program presented by Louis Parnis Live streaming on www voxfm org au


4EB FM 98.1: Tuesdays 6:00am to 8:00am; Presenter: Lucy Stewart Music, news from Malta, topics of interest, song requests, community announcements Live streaming on www 4eb org au or On Demand on www 4eb org au/shows/program-billmalti-global-maltese/


5EBI FM 103.1: Maltese Community Radio Program from Adelaide Sunday: 7 00am; Monday: 8 00am; Monday: 6 00pm Presenters: Bernadette Buhagiar and Ron Borg. Listen live or On Demand on www 5ebi com au

Thursday, December 15, 2022 The Voice of the Maltese 23
Friday 12:00pm Listen on Digital Radio or Live Streaming on www sbs com au/radio/ or on TV Channel 38. On Demand and podcasts on www sbs com au/maltese SBS TV: SBS TV news from Malta every day at 4 30 pm on Channel 35 also on demand VICTORIA
92 3FM: Mondays 5-6pm, Fridays 5-6pm and Saturdays 10-11am Presenters: Paul Vella, Mario Sammut, Liz Phillips Listen live on www 3zzz com au 98.9 North West FM:
SBS RADIO: 97 7 FM Tuesdays 12:00pm;
o n S u n d a y 1 8 D e ce m b e r ! For more
Christmas festival
entertainment visit lavalette com au or call 02 9621 5847

S p o r t s S p o r t s

Final: France v Argentina M o ro c c o m a k e h i s t o r y a n d A r a b / A f r i c a n p e o p l e p ro u d

Could it be Messi’s dream come true?

The stage is set and Qatar 2022 is on the brink of becoming Argentina captain Lionel Messi’s World Cup The 35-year-old, in his fifth World Cup, will be playing in his second final when he faces France in the FIFA world Cup final on Saturday

Messi (left) shone as he scored his fifth goal of Qatar 22 and set the other two for Alvarez in the 30 semi-final win over Croatia. Now he needs to produce another super human effort to defeat two-times defending Champions France to fulfil his dream

The Argentine, one of the world’s best ever footballers, has never won the game’s biggest prize Several people would be happy for him if he were to finish his journey in World Cups by winning it on his record 26th appearance in the World Cup

He has won the Ballon d'Or a record seven times and been named Fifa Best Men's Player once

Other honours include four Champions Leagues, 11 top-flight titles and Copa America glory with Argentina in 2021

The World Cup is the one glaring omission, Argentina having lost to Germany in the 2014 final in Brazil.

France will be vying for their third title, and the second one in successionafter beating Morocco in the other semi, in which their opponents carried the fight to the very end

France took a fifth-minute lead through Theo Hernandez but were then pinned in their own half, especially in the first 20 minutes of the second session They were made to struggle as Morocco missed chances, until 11 minutes from the end when Randal Kolo Muani scored their second 44 seconds after coming on as a substitute to end Morocco’s historic run.

There have been several shock results leading to Sunday’s FIFA World Cup final in Qatar But Morocco’s 1-0 victory over Portugal in their quarter final, by which they made history as the first African country to reach the semi-finals has proven to be the greatest

That victory continued Morocco's improbable run that generated an outpouring of pride in the Arab and African world during the first World Cup to be staged in the Middle East.

The feat was described as a seminal moment in World Cup history, with an African nation finally advancing to the levels typically only reached by European or South American teams

Cameroon in 1990, Senegal in 2002 and Ghana in 2010 all reached the quarter-finals but got no further.

Off the field, the Morocco squad, coached by a Frenchborn, Walid Regragui and containing 14 players born abroad, seems to have united the Arab world, inspiring displays in

Arab identity from fans in different countries

They had earlier topped a group that included secondranked Belgium and fellow semi-finalists Croatia, and then took down two of Europe's heavyweights in Spain - after a penalty shootout in the Round of 16 - and Portugal

Before meeting France in the semi-final their defence had yet to concede a goal by an opposition player at this year's World Cup The only one they allowed was an own-goal.

Hibs win Super Cup

Hibernians FC beat Floriana 5-4 in a penalty shootout to lift the BOV Super Cup 2022/2023 for the fourth time since its inception in 1984, the second time against Floriana following the 1994 event, which was also decided on penalties

The BOV Super cup is played between the Champions and the Trophy winners the previous season. For the first time the match took lace at the Gozo Stadium

Hamrun end Round 1 seven ahead

While the world’s top 32 international football teams have been tasked with trying to win the 22nd FIFA World Cup in Qatar, domestic league competitions not involved in the world festival were intent on keeping their bread-andbutter leagues going So has Malta

Malta had to find kickoff times that were consistent with the matches in Qatar

Ronaldo leaves Qatar in tears

Thefive-time Ballon d'Or winner, Christian Ronaldo, 37, is to finish his career without capturing the World Cup or ever getting to the final. No wonder he was seen heading right off the field after the final whistle of Portugal’s quartr-final defeat against Morocco crying as he walked down the tunnel. He did not even start the match but came on as a substitute

Due to that, and as could be expected, interest in the league greatly slummed. Hamrun taking such a commanding lead at the top of the league ladder so early in the season did not help either.

Close to the end of the first round of the league campaign over, Hamrun were already enjoying a 7-point lead over their nearest challengers,

In their last outing before the World Cup and Malta’s two international friendlies, way back in November, Hamrun suffered their only defeat thus far, 2-4, against lowly Zebbug Rangers That was only regarded as a hiccup for the Spartans; nobody was expecting them to drop many such points and in fact in their next match they found no difficulty in beating relegationthreatened Sta Lucia Then on Sunday they rounded up the first round with another victory, a narrow but important 1-0 success over Gudja United Defending Champions

Hibernians then faced Floriana on Monday. They narrowly won the game 1-0 to keep themselves as Hamrun’s main challengers in the runner up position, but still seven points be-

LATEST RESULTS Day 13: Ħamrun S v Gudja U Gzira U v Zebbug R Hibernians v Floriana Birkirkara v Balzan Mosta v Sta Lucia Valletta v Marsaxlokk Sirens v Pieta H Day 12 Ħamrun v Sta Lucia Hibernians v Sirens Birkirkara v Pieta H Balzan v Gzira U Mosta v Zebbug R Gudja v Valletta Floriana v Marsaxlokk

1-0 2-0 1-0 2-1 2-1 2-1 1-0 2-0 1-0 5-1 1-0 2-0 1-0 1-1

hind. Birkirkara and Gzira United, come next. two points further behind

It may turn out that with the Spartans still expected to hold on to their comfortable lead, Most of the interest might centre on who could finish runners-up.

League ladder after 13 games: 34 pts Hamrun; 27 Hibernians; 25 Birkirkara, Gzira U; 23 Mosta; 20 Gudja U; 19 Floriana; 18 Valletta; 17 Balzan; 15 Sirens 14 Marsaxlokk; 7 Zebbug R’ 4 Sta Lucia; 4 Pieta H

24 The Voice of the Maltese Thursday, December 15, 2022
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