The Voice of the Maltese No.211

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Issue 211

o: DOI-kevin abela

The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Fort nightly mag azine for the Diaspora Fortnightly magazine

September 10, 2019

On Sunday September 8 Malta commemorated the national Victory Day and the feast the birth of Our Lady. The day recalls the end of the Great Siege of 1565 and the end of World War II. President George Vella laid a wreath at the foot of the Great Siege Monument (inset top) in Valletta. Part of the celebration is also the traditional Regatta (inset left) that was won by Bormla. (Turn to pages 12 and 24)

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 10, 2019

National dignity Viva Malta!

This is the second part of a series of articles about the Maltese heroes who gave their all so that our homeland in the Mediterranean could become what it is today. A history to be proud of, and to celebrate, and one that must recognise the magnificent contribution made by our ancestors. In 1919 Malta was already in the grip of a depression that was to be a feature of its life for at least another 25 years, until the end of WWII and, to a marginally lesser extent, for a number of years



thereafter. However, not all Maltese were suffering from this economic depression. It was mainly, as usual, those of lower socio-economic backgrounds in particular who were the primary victims.

Let us not forget Malta’s part in the history of the world

t was this depressed state of the Maltese society, especially felt by the lower socio-economic groups that resulted in four Maltese giving their lives for what became perhaps the first step towards independence, 45 years later, and the formation of the Republic 10 years further on. Thousands of others risked theirs for the same intent: to express their anger at the way their British Imperial governors were treating them. The four victims of the Sette Giugno movement were: Lorenzo Dyer (Vittoriosa), Giuseppe Bajada (Gozo), Emmanuele Attard (Sliema) and Carmelo Abelo (Valletta). They must also be named and their names also must never be forgotten. The relationship between Sette Giugno, the uprising against the French and L-Assedju il-Kbir (the Great Siege) will be clearly explained in the next edition of the history of our forebears. A major part of that relationship lies in the naming of those Maltese and Gozitan heroes (pictured right) who gave their all for their homeland and for the future of their people on June 19, 1919. We must never forget that our Maltese forebears stood firm at every stage of our history and never took a backward step. They did live under oppressive regimes but when the time finally came, our people embraced their future and gripped it tightly with both hands. The evidence for this determination can be seen in the Malta of today. This does not mean to say, of course, that errors have not been made on the way and are not still being made, but look at the gains! I believe that Malta is currently at the gateway to an extraordinary future that is being fed by an upsurge in spirit and pride within the Maltese people. These reflections on our history give us some very clear indications as to how we have arrived at our current place. The story continues and I look forward to telling it. I certainly hope you

enjoy reading it. In the following instalments on Maltese heroes, I not only examine what their contribution meant for us as a people but also how our history has impacted on the world as a Giuseppe Bajada Carmelo Abela whole. I will also clearly spell out the relationship I see between the ‘Maltese irregulars' during the time of Sette Giugno, the Napoleonic revolution, the Great Ottoman Siege and World War Wenzu Dyer Emmanuel Attard II. A major part of that relationship lies in the naming, or more appropriately the lack of naming of those Maltese and Gozitan heroes who gave their all for their homeland and for the future of their people. We must never forget that our Maltese forebears stood firm at every stage of our history and never took a backward step.

The global significance of l-Assedju l-Kbir (the Great Siege) T he Great Ottoman Siege of Malta in 1565 was of far greater significance than many of us have realised. It was, on the surface, the attempt by the Ottoman Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent to finally destroy the Knights of St John and take the Islands of Malta and Gozo. However, the second and not insignificant objective was to open up the 'underbelly' of Europe. Once Malta was in his control there was ostensibly little to prevent his forces from invading Sicily, Italy and the European mainland and on to threaten England. Given that the FrancoOttoman alliance was in force at this time, the threat was substantial and very real. Consider the impact on the whole world if Suleyman had succeeded. Not only would the history of Europe have been changed but also global history would

have been impacted. A few hundred years later, the Far East was to be under the control of the British, Dutch and Germans. The French were not at that stage a colonial power in Asia or South East Asia. Africa was still intact. Europe did not start its aggressive partition and dominance of Africa for another 250+ years. If Suleyman had succeeded in his dominance of Malta and proceeded to the European mainland and conquered it, the globe would have been a geo-political mosaic far different to the one that occurred in the 1800 and 1900's. Christianity would likely have had a far different 'footprint' to that which it currently has. It is conceivable that European countries, with the exception of France, may not

have recovered adequately to be the imperial powers they were in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. The First and Second World Wars may never have erupted. The Soviet Union may never have been. Malta was to be Suleyman's stumbling block. His forces failed to take the Islands thus blocking his easier path to Europe. After losing the cream of his armed forces in The Great Siege, his subsequent attempts to attack Europe could never achieve as good an outcome for him. In fact he died a year later, in 1566, on the verge of his military successes in Hungary. If it wasn't for Malta, it can be thus argued the global timeline would have been hugely impacted and our world would now be completely different. *to be continued

‘Leħen li jibqa’ jinstema’

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday September 10, 2019


d-diriġenti ta’ The Voice of the Maltese, Joseph Cutajar li hu residenti f’Malta u Lawrence Dimech fl-Awstralja kellhom laqgħa twila u kordjali mal-Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin u l-Promozzjoni Kummercjali, l-Onor Carmelo Abela fl-uffiċċju tiegħu f’Palazz Parisio fil-belt Valletta li fiha ġew diskussi għadd ta’ punti interessanti Fost kollox ġiet diskussa l-importanza li jkun hemm komunikazzjoni aktar miftuħa bejn ir-rappreżentanti tal-Gvern u l-komunita` Maltija permezz tal-midja stampata u diġitali. Il-Ministru faħħar il-kontribut ta’ The Voice of the Maltese u r-rwol importanti li r-rivista għandha biex twassal laħbarijiet minn Malta imma wkoll biex tkompli tpoġġi l-ħtiġijiet tal-Maltin li jgħixu fl-Awstralja, fejn il-komunita’ għaddeja minn taqlib sħiħ u l-emerġenza u l-prominenza tal-ġenerazzjonijiet li spuntaw wara l-emigrazzjoni tal-massa,quddiem, l-awtoritajiet responsabbli Il-Ministru saħaq li anke fejn tidħol lgħazla tal-memberi godda tal-Kunsill talMaltin ta’ Barra din trid tirrifletti nħawi oħra fid-dinja fejn illum hemm jgħixu lMaltin, u wkoll ir-rappreżentanża tazżgħażagħ. Il-Ministru qabel mal-fehma li xorta għad għandna komunita ta’ emigranti li llum huma avvanżati fl-eta’` u għalhekk dawn għandhom il-ħtiġijiet ġodda tagħhom, ħafna drabi serji, li jridu jigu ffaċċjati. Meta qam il-punt dwar il-Consul on the Move intqal li issa li dan is-serviżż utli ilu li beda mis-sena 2016, wasal iż-żmien li l-

Id-diriġenti ta’ The Voice, Joseph Cutjar (xellug) u Lawrence Dimech (lemin nett) flimkien mal-Ministru Carmelo Abela fl-uffiċċju tiegħu

iStati ewlenin fl-Awstralja, bħal Victoria u NSW għandhom jibdew jieħdu l-vantaġġi ta’ dan is-servizz. Fost punti oħra li tkellimna dwarhom kien hemm ir-rwol importanti tal-konslijiet onorarji fid-diversi stati u s-servizzi li dawn jagħtu lill-komunita` u li dawn għandhom jiġu aġġornati, filwaqt li l-komunita` għandha tkun taf fejn qegħdin, u kif u x’servizzi jistgħu joffru. Fost kollox, li meta jkun hemm xi riżenji u jiġu maħtura oħrajn, il-komunita` għandha tiġi mgħarrfa. Issemmiet ukoll ilil-ħtieġa li r-rapprezentati tal-Gvern Malti mqassma malkomunitajiet fejn

Pittura tal-eks Prim Ministru Dom Mintoff flimkien ma’ bastun li kien juża fl-aħħar snin tiegħu għall-wiri fis-sala ddedikata għalih fil-Ministeru tal-Affarijiet Barranin

hemm jgħixu l-Maltin għandhom jieħdu sehem fir-riforma fil-kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta u li għandhom iwasslu l-appell talPresident ta’ Malta ħalli f’dan il-proċess tant importanti l-Maltin li jgħixu barra wkoll ikollhom leħen. Waqt il-laqgħa l-Ministru Carmelo Abela kien akkumpanjat mis-segretarju privat tiegħu, is-Sur Alessandro Mangion, u lCommunications Coordinator Ms Abigail Cremona. F’din l-okkażjoni, d-diriġenti ta’ The Voice gew ukoll meħuda jżuru s-Sala Dom Mintoff li ġiet inawgurata fil-jum ta’ qabel, mill-Ministru Abela fl-għeluq il103 sena mit-twelid tal-eks Prim Ministru ta’ Malta li bejn l-1971 u l-1981 kien ukoll jokkupa l-kariġa ta’ Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin. Fl-istess binja diġa` kien hemm ukoll sala ddedikata li Dr Giorgio Borg Olivier li hu wkoll, bejn l-1965 u l-1971 kien Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin.

Il-plakka b’dedika lillPerit Dom Mintoff fuq il-bieb tas-sala, u (lemin) fuq il-koxxa tal-bieb

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 10, 2019

Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers

Why you need a solicitor to prepare a Will


by PaulSant

ecided that it’s time to bite the bullet and finally get your will done? Great decision! Now what do you do? It’s simple – get legal assistance. Wills can be simple, and they can also be horrendously complex. The type of will you need will vary depending on your currently wealth structure, your superannuation, the structure of your home ownership and many other factors. What should you think about before you see the solicitor? 1. Who will be your executor? An executor is a person responsible for ensuring that your will is followed, that your assets are collected, debts paid, and the estate is distributed to your beneficiaries. This should be a person that you trust, and is also usually a beneficiary of the estate. You should also try and nominate a person that lives in Australia, and would be capable of carrying out the task. Nominating persons living overseas can be inconvenient and impractical. If you would like to nominate somebody that is not an executor, you may do so, and provide a small monetary gift to recompense the person for his or her time and effort. You may also nominate one or more persons as executor, and name substitutes. 2. What are your assets and liabilities? Usually, assets are not specifically mentioned in a will. This is because your assets and liabilities, when brought together on one group are called your “es-

tate”. However, in some circumstances assets should to be treated separately. For example, you may wish to pass on company shares to a particular child, or you may wish to create a trust over specific assets, or gift certain family heirlooms to particular persons. The options are endless, and without a solicitor by your side, you may never know how powerful and important a well drafted will can be. 3. Who will be inheriting your estate? The answer to this question is different for everybody. Gifts can be made to family members, friends, and charities. All sorts of requirements can be placed on gifts, including the age that child beneficiaries must reach before they can access their inheritance, whether or not the gift will be immediately accessible, and even the structure of the gift – for example, perhaps you prefer to gift an annuity that provides a stream of income for 10 years, rather than a lump sum amount. 4. Do you wish to identify a guardian for your children? Do you have children under the age of 18 years? You can use your will to create a written record of your preference of whom you wish to appoint as guardian of your minor children in the event that both parents pass away. Although not binding, this option is a great way to ensure that your intentions are known and therefore considered if the day ever comes.



Now at: 21 George Street

Parramatta Phone: 8599 8877

Also at: Level 4, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney. Ph: 8355 9999 Email: Maltese Spoken

5. Do you wish to include specific instructions regarding the burial or cremation? Although not compulsory, many people wish to use their will to record their instructions regarding the disposal of their body after death. In theory, this is the responsibility of the executor, so it would be prudent to have your intentions recorded in your Will as a “direction” to your executor. Your other option is to talk to your friends and family now. Tell them what your wishes are. 6. Will you be excluding immediate family members? And are you aware of the risks? Looming over the top of your Will, are the family provision rules. Under certain circumstances, family members can be entitled to challenge your will if you have left them out. Although the law is not as simple as that, by seeing a solicitor, you should be able to get a rough idea of whether there is a risk of your will being challenged and what the challenging process would entail. 7. Do you have a pet? Have you thought of who would look after your pet if he or she out-lived you? You can provide for this in your Will, in one of the following three ways: a. Gift your pet to a friend or charity; b. Give your pet and a sum of money to a friend or charity; c. Gift your pet to a friend or charity and establish a trust under your will where your trustee holds funds to be used for the benefit of your pet throughout your pet’s lifetime. Once you have thought about answers to all of those questions, turning that information into a legal valid will, that meets your needs, is tax effective and promotes the transfer of wealth that you intended is a technical task that should be entrusted to a solicitor. We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.

Tuesday September 10, 2019

The Voice of the Maltese 5

Ms Marie Louise Muscat (seventh from left) presenting the sponsorship for these information seminars and in return accepting flowers in appreciation from Frances Montesin and Sandra Grech.

MAYC - Maltese Welfare NSW Information session:

Personal budget and first homebuyers


special seminar aimed at the youths in our community, initiated by the Maltese Australian Youth Committee (MAYC) and the Maltese Welfare (NSW) was recently held at Greystanes. The subject was personal budget and first homebuyers. Marie Louise Muscat, a senior financial advisor from the Fiducian

Financial Services sponsors of these frequently held information seminars explained in simple language the subjects in focus. The organisers were disappointed by the attendance, but those present praised the skills of the speaker on the subject. The question and answer session was interesting and involved most of those present.

6 The Voice of the Maltese

‘Il-vapur tal-art’ (Il-Ferrovija) f'Malta

Tuesday September 10, 2019

Inċidenti u problemi finanzjarji

– Ir-raba’ parti –

- jiġi ntrodott it-tramm

Il-ferrovija kienet saret popolari mhux ftit għax ħafna bdew isibuha komda u f’ħin pjuttost qasir. Fil-festi kienet tagħmel vjaġġi żejda kienet ukoll iżżid aktar vaguni milli jkollha filjiem tal-ġimgħa. F’okkażjonijiet bħal dawn il-folol kienu jiffullaw u mhux darba jew tnejn kienu jinqalgħu xi inċidenti. Madankollu, ftit kienu l-inċidenti li xi nies tilfu ħajjithom minħabba l-ferrovija. Wieħed minnhom kien seħħ fit-3 ta’ Jannar 1904 meta kollettur tal-biljetti ma rnexxilux jitla fuq l-istaffa fil-ħin u safa mkaxkar bla ma ħadd intebaħ bih. Inċident l-ieħor kien dak fil fih, fit-Tre Re tal-1923 fil-Ħamrun xebba tilfet ħajjitha. Fl-1928 f’nhar San Ġużepp kien seħħ inċident ieħor. Għal din il-festa fir-Rabat kienu jitilgħu folol kbar ta’ nies minn irħula oħra. Din iddarba, wara li spiċċat il-festa, ħafna bdew jerħulha lejn l-istazzjon tal-Imtarfa biex jinġabru lejn id-dar. Xi wħud bdew jimbutttaw ħalli jippruvaw ikunu minn tal-ewwel li jirkbu. Ġara li fir-rassa żagħżugħ ta’ 23 sena ġie mbuttat għal fuq wieħed mill-vaguni u meta kien ipprova jitla’ żelaq bla ma ħadd induna. Il-ferrovija bdiet

Wieħed mit-trammijiet irikkeb in-nies fi Blata l-Bajda

miexja u żżagħżugħ spiċċa biex safa maqtul minnufih bejn ir-roti u PeterPaulCiantar l-linji. L-iffinanzjar tal-ferrovija sa mill-bidu kien xi ftit problematiku. Fl-1 ta’ April tal-1890, l-ewwel proprjetarji, il-Malta Railway Company Ltd fallew u l-ferrovija waqqfet is-servizz. Minħabba f’hekk kellu jidħol biex imexxi l-gvern billi investa fl-infrastruttura u reġa’ beda sservizz fil-25 ta’ Jannar tal-1892. Fl-1895 estenda llinji għall-kwartieri tas-sudati fl-Imtarfa wara l-Imdina li bdew jiffunzjonaw fl-1900. Fit-2 ta’ Lulju tal1903 ġie ffirmat ilkuntratt bejn il-Gvern Malti u Messrs John Martin MacCarthy and Joseph MacElroy biex fil-gzira jibda jaħdem ukoll itl-istazzjon mużew ttal- tramm, li għall-bidu ferrovija tal-Imtarfa kien jaħdem bejn ilBelt Valletta, it-Tlett Ibliet (Bormla-Birgu-Isla) u Ħaż-Żebbuġ, l-inħawi li ma kenux milħuqa mil-linja tal-ferrovija. Is-servizz tat-tramm beda jitqies li kien wieħed aktar effiċjenti minħabba li seta’ jwasslek aktar malajr u b’aktar kumdita`. Madankollu minħabba li kien jaħdem bl-elettriku mhux darba jew tnejn kien jieqaf f’nofs ta’ triq. Dan kien jaħdem ukoll fuq il-linji talferrovija. Iżda fit-tħaddim tas-servizz, il-kumpanji taż-żewġ mezzi ma kellhom xejn x’jaqsmu bejniethom. Kulħadd kien jaħdem għal rasu. It-tramm beda jaħdem fit-18 ta’ April, 1905 wara ċerimonja ta’ tberik fil-Marsa meta l-Isqof Pietro Pace bierek sittax-il tram, filwaqt li l-Gvernatur Sir Charles Mensfield Clark u Lady Clark qabbdu l-magni tal-ewwel żewġ muturi. Wara l-mistednin irħewlha fuq l-ewwel vjaġġ bit-tramm għall-Belt fost l-entużjażmu tal-poplu li nġabar matul it-triq. F’Malta kien hawn żewġ għamliet ta’ trammijiet, b’tal-prima b’żewġ sulari u bis-sedi tagħhom aħjar minn dawk tattieni klassi bis-sedi li kienu tal-injam. (Ikompli fil-ħarġa li jmiss)

The Voice of the Maltese 7

On Sept. 21 Malta commemorates 55th Anniversary of Independence Tuesday September 10, 2019


n a few days’ time, on September 21, Malta would be celebrating the 55th Anniversary of Independence (Jum l-Indipendenza), one of the five national holidays in the Mediterranean island. It commemorates the day in1964 when the country, that throughout its existence had a long and complex history that resulted in it being ruled by a plethora of foreign rulers, after 164 years gained independence from the United Kingdom. Malta had previously been ruled by the Phoenicians, Romans, Greeks, Arabs, Normans, Sicilians, Swabians, Aragonese, Hospitallers, French, and British”. Since classical times Malta has always been an area of interest, for its strategic location in the Mediterranean Sea. The island allowed for great international trade and a militarily strategic location, and was wonderful for navies to stop and rest. It was also a great base for military assaults from the air and the sea. The island's longest rulers were the Knights of St. John. They lost their control of the island after 250 years following an invasion by French forces led by Napoleon. While Malta might have been taken through force, the French did not treat locals wrongly. But despite this, the people of Malta, who were largely dominated and were loyal to two institutions: the aristocracy and the Church, regarded their policies as excessive. The Maltese people therefore revolted against the French in response to the policies enacted by

France in the occupation of 1799, and turned to Britain for help. Britain accepted Malta's plea since France was their enemy. The British forces blockaded the island and took it in 1800. The French occupation of Malta lasted from 1798 to 1800. Britain incorporated Malta into its empire, and the island was then built up as a fortress and made into the home of the British Mediterranean fleet. Being the home of the British fleet in the Mediterranean, in the Second World War Malta was devastated, but it never gave in. As a result of its stern resistance against the Nazis and Fascist Italians the British awarded Malta the George Cross for the bravery of its people, and promised to give the Maltese people independence. But it wasn't until the 21st September 1964 that full independence was granted to Malta then led by Prime Minister Dr George Borg Olivier. A decade later the British forces finally left the country after the defence treaty expired on 31st March 1979, which is celebrated as “Freedom day”.

Sette Giugno full feature film with Hollywood stars


he Sette Giugno 1919 riots that left four victims, are to be commemorated in a $2 million budget new and exciting local production in Maltese, titled Storbju (Just Noise) with the participation of two Hollywood stars, Harvey Keitel and Malcolm McDowell. Handled by Italian director Davide Ferrario, the film will soon start shooting in Malta. There is already widespread international interest in this film, with one of its producers and scriptwriter Jean Pierre Magro saying that the film would place Malta on the cinematographic map. Italian director Davide Ferrario said it was an honour for him to be making the first film in Malta about events that took

place in Malta itself, and that show how Malta became an independent country, and the conflicts and suffering that the Maltese went through to achieve their goal. Another producer, Pedja Miletic, said that many of the sets and costumes are ready, and that principal photography starts on September 14. By October 16 they hope to have it all wrapped up. Culture Minister Owen Bonnici said that the film, which will be part of the next Sette Giugno celebrations, would serve as an international platform for Malta. It would spread

Maltese doctor honoured rofessor Stephen Gatt, a Royal University of Malta MD graduate, P who has been residing and practising in Australia, has been honoured in Australia and the UK for his work in obstetric anaesthetics.

Professor Gatt, who emigrated to Australia 43 years ago where he lives with his wife, Alice, and their four children, was conferred with an Honorary Fellowship of the RCA, FRCA Honoris Causa, for extensive contributions to the field of anaesthesia internationally by the UK’s Royal College of Anaesthetists. The award was made for extensive contributions to anaesthesia and especially to obstetric anaesthesia. It follows last year’s award by the Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand of its highest honour – Honorary Life Membership – at its 2018 National Scientific Congress in Cairns in tropical Far North Queensland.

the story of Malta’s road to having its own Constitution with the rest of the world. Actors Harvey Keitel and Malcolm McDowell who will take part in the film along with a number of Maltese actors said they are eagerly awaiting their participation in this cinematographic production.

Tenor Joseph Calleja on Australian Tour in 2020


altese-born tenor and one of the island’s Cultural Ambassadors, Joseph Calleja, will be performing live at a number of diffrenet states in Australia in October next year next year (2020). In what will be his eagerly anticipated debut Australian tour, Joseph, one of the most exciting lyric tenors in the world today and described as the young Pavarotti will be joined by two of Australia’s best-loved artists, soprano Amelia Farrugia, who is also of Maltese heritage, and internationally acclaimed pianist Piers Lane. The performances will be held in Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, and Brisbane

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 10, 2019

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

Not anymore, please! Thank you Andy

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly magazine fortnightly tnightly magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese


N. Cardona, Sunshine Victoria writes: lad to learn that Malta is in the process of revising its constitution. I would think that some years have passed since Independence; hence, modern Malta could do with some changes, and those of us who live ouside of the country should take up the appeal by the President of Malta and contribute with suggestions. Elections with proportional representation should be modified, but most of all Malta must have one national day, not five as at present. We must celebrate a day that unites us. If the political parties cannot decide on that particular day, then let’s agree to have a Malta Day on a brand new day as long as it got the support of the nation. Maybe it will still not be possible to reach a consensus and full support, as there will always a negative element. Five national days? Not anymore please. Choose one and stick with it.

Fl-Awstralja jidher li mhux kulħadd l-istess

Sandra Gatt minn North Shore Victoria tikteb: nke jekk ilni ngħix fl-Awstralja madwar ħamsin sena, xorta ma nistax nifhem lil dan il-pajjiż u l-mexxejja tiegħu. Fejn għandhom x’jaqsm liġijiet importanti, bħal ngħidu aħna l-abort, l- ewtanasja u ċerti oħrajn hemm differenza taqsam bejn l-istati, qisu ngħixu f’pajjiż ieħor. Kif tista’ tifhem per eżempju li l-abort ma kienx peremess fi NSW izda f’xi stati oħra kien? Mela aħna mhux kollha xorta? Għaliex allura għandna federazzjoni? Meta se jkollna pajjiz wieħed,b’liġijiet kollha xorta u li jorbtu lil kulħadd?


Dr Hugh McDermott MP State Member for Prospect For issues concerning:

Ageing and disability - community services -education - environment - health - housing - planning - Police - transport - water

P: (02) 9756 4766 E:

2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164


Jane Grech from Fairfield NSW writes: wish to express my heartfelt thanks to The Voice of the Maltese, and especially to Andy Busuttil for his contribution to the magazine with his current series about the history of Malta. Many members of the Maltese community in Australia probably know Andy more for his musical skills as leader of the group “Skorba’, but the readers of The Voice also acknowledge him for his writing skills, and admire his love for Malta. As a parent I feel duty bound to advice others like me to treasure his current series and to suggest to their siblings to read it.

Very good example

Gejtu Deguara from Gowanbrae, Victoria writes: was very pleased to see a half-page advertisement from Ebejer and Associates Lawyers Pty Ltd in the last issue of The Voice of the Maltese. Ms Marlene Ebejer the principal lawyer is also the President of the Maltese Community Council of Victoria. She is an example for others to encourage and support this, the only Maltese magazine in Australia. P.S Mr Deguara is the ex-President of the MCC of Victoria.


Il-midja Maltija tinsina


Frank. Micallef, minn Enfield SA jikteb: ien wieħed minn dawk il-Maltin li ninżel Malta ta’ spiss issa li avvanzajt fl-eta’ u t-tfal kibruli, u meta nkun Malta jiddispjaċini ninntta li l-midja Maltija, laktar dik stampata tinjora kompletament lill-komunitajiet Maltin li jgħixu barra minn Malta. Dawn donnhom li jiftakru fina biss meta ssir xi traġedja, forsi għax jinsew li kważi hemm aktar nies ta’ dixxendenza Maltija li jgħxu barra milli dawk li jgħixu f’Malta. Waqt li dawn intesew iżda mbagħad jilmentaw għax f’Malta illum hemm jgħixu wieħed minn kull sebgħa li mhumiex Maltin.

Għall-attenzjoni tal-qarrejja

Il-qarrejja li jixtiequ juru l-fehmiet tagħhom dwar xi suġġett huma mħeġġa li ma jħallux għall-aħħar. Indirizzaw lemails lil L-ttri għall-pubblikazzjoni indikawhom: Letters to the editor.

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Tuesday September 10, 2019

An enchanting evening at the Girgenti


The Girgenti Palace

here are many places one can explore on a balmy summer night in Malta, but on this occasion, we headed towards Siggiewi. After detouring a few closed roads due to repairs we reached the fertile little valley of Girgenti and the Girgenti Palace. We joined other invitees to the Classics under the Stars held at this exquisite location under the patronage of the Prime Minister of Malta Dr Joseph Muscat and his charming wife, Michelle. Other attendees included Ministers and VIPs. The long walk from the main gate to the seating area resting on lush lawns and the large stage with two huge screens added to the anticipation of the evening. The Malta Philharmonic Orchestra, together with excellent vocals, regaled one with various classical music fitting the occasion. The finale, typical of a Maltese event finished with fireworks. If this exceptional well-organised event was organised elsewhere in the world, it would have attracted a high entrance fee. Here it did not. Only a voluntary donation in aid of animal welfare was requested. Stepping into this historical palace where Malta’s Prim Ministers spend quality time in the heat of summer was another experience. The Girgenti Palace built in 1625 as the summer residence by Inquisitor Onorato Viscont commands a strip of land confiscated from Matteo Falson known by the locals as the “Falzon Wizard” (is-Saħħar Falzun) who had been condemned as a heretic along with cleric Wenzu Falzon, also accused with him of witchcraft. Wenzu took a self-exile in France, He had nothing of real value left behind. Matti went into hiding in Sicily. Both were sentenced in absentia by the inquisition with representative ‘corps’. The palace has a simple layout, with its rooms arranged in a rectilinear layout. It has a plain façade, with few decorative elements. Its gardens are watered by a number of springs, the main one being that of Għajn il-Kbir, which also irrigates the valley of Girgenti below. In 1763 Inquisitor Angelo Maria Durini built a chapel close to the palace dedicated to St Charles Borromeo. The palace remained the summer residence of the inquisitors until 1798 when the Inquisition was abolished during the French occupation of Malta. It was subsequently used as a summer residence for the LieutenantGovernors of Malta. During World War II, some of the collections of the Palace Armoury were stored at Girgenti Palace for safekeeping, but the palace was left abandoned until betweem 1988 and 1990 it was restored and converted into the summer residence of the Prime Minister of

The St Charles Borromeo Chapel at Girgenti

Malta. The palace was included on the Antiquities List of 1925, and both the palace and its chapel are listed on the National Inventory of the Cultural Property of the Maltese Islands.


10 The Voice of the Maltese



Tuesday September 10, 2019

A version of this series in kitba ta’ English may be found in IVAN  the author's blog at: CAUCHI https://ivancauchi.


eta kont qed indur madwar l-Awstralja xi snin ilu u norqod f’tinda fid-disabitat, waħda mill-affarijiet li affaxxinatni kienet il-veduta billejl tas-sema, fejn minflok li wieħed jara xi kewkba ‘l hawn u ‘l hemm, jew jagħraf xi kostellazzjoni magħrufa, jiskanta bil-vista ta’ eluf ta’ kwiekeb waħda ħdejn waħda kważi ma jaqtgħu xejn. Dan jiġri għax ‘il bogħod miċ-ċentri tal-abitazzjoni fejn billejl jispikka d-dwal tat-toroq u tal-bini li ħafna minnu jintilef lejn issmewwiet, fid-disabitat ma jkun hemm l-ebda dawl ta’ xejn, għajr xi ħuġġieġa li tkun tkebbset biex issajjar xi ħaġa jew iżżomm daqsxejn sħun, u allura ma jkun baqa’ xejn li jtellef il-perspettiva mid-dinja tal-galassja tagħna, it-Triq ta’ Sant’Anna (Milky Way). L-osservazzjonijiet tal-ispazju mill-bniedem kienu kruċjali għaċċiviltà kif nafuha, ibda bl-iskoperta tas-sena solari, il-previżjonijiet tal-istaġuni u l-impatt ta’ dan fuq il-biedja, kif ukoll kunsiderazzjonijiet traxxendentali li wasslu għar-reliġjon. Fi triqti madwar l-Awstralja ltqajt ukoll ma’ strutturi ġganteski li għandhom x’jaqsmu mal-astronomija. Per eżempju, ħdejn Narrabri fi NSW, hemm l-Australia Telescope Compact Array tas-CSIRO, li jikkonsisti f’sett ta’ sitt antennas identiċi li jintużaw għall-astronomija bir-radju, tlieta minnhom jidhru fl-istampa, li hu uniku fl-emisfera tan-nofsinhar tad-dinja.1 Mhux ħafna bogħod minnu fi NSW hemm il-famuż teleskopju tar-radju b’dijametru ta’ 64 metru f’Parkes, li ntuża kemm ‘il darba biex isegwi diversi missjonijiet spazjali, inkluża Apollo 11 li wassal lill-bniedem fuq il-qamar.2 Kien hemm spinta aħħarija f’dan il-qasam bit-twaqqif tal-Aġenzija Spazjali Awstraljana f’Ġunju tal-2018. Għalkemm l-industrija spazjali fl-Awstralja ilha stabbilita u rrispettata għal għexieren ta’ snin, xorta nħass il-bżonn ta’ aġenzija li tittrasforma u tkattar din l-industrija biex titkabbar l-ekonomija, tispira u ttejjeb il-ħajja taċċittadini Awstraljani. Kien ta’ pjaċir għalija ninnota li anke Malta għandha ambizzjonijiet simili. Din il-gżira f’nofs il-Mediterran, farka kważi inviżibbli meta mqabbla mal-ikbar gżira-kontinent tad-dinja, ukoll għandha l-viżjoni li taħtaf l-opportunitajiet li jiġu mis-sistemi tal-ispazju. Il-vjaġġ Malti beda fl-2012 meta Malta ffirmat ftehim ta’ kooperazzjoni mal-European Space Agency. Imbagħad fl-2017 il-Kunsill Malti għax-Xjenza u t-Teknoloġija nieda l-politika nazzjonali Maltija għall-ispazju. Biha identifika x’tipi ta’ servizzi essenzjali li jkunu mistennija li jibbenefikaw, liema setturi fl-ekonomija jkunu involuti, x’investimenti fl-edukazzjoni jistgħu isiru u x’opportunitajiet oħra jistgħu jinħolqu.3

Il-gvern Malti wkoll iddeċieda li jinvesti fondi sostanzjali ta’ miljuni ta’ ewro biex ivara din l-inizjattiva.4 Diġà hemm sinjali ta’ ċaqlieq f’dan il-qasam ġdid għal pajjiż missirijietna. Iktar kmieni din is-sena, ġie mħabbar proġett ta’ satellita żgħira ħafna Maltija intenzjonata li tistudja l-karatteristiċi tal-jonosfera, il-parti tal-atmosfera bejn 60 u 1000km ‘il fuq mil-livell talbaħar. Dan hu l-ewwel proġett tax-xorta tiegħu fil-pajjiż.5 Huwa sinjal ċar tal-istat ta’ żvilupp ta’ pajjiż ċkejken bħal Malta, li mill-qirda tremenda tat-tieni gwerra dinjija, illum qiegħed iħares mhux biss ‘l hemm mill-orizzont iżda wkoll ‘l fuq lejn issmewwiet. Dan ma jfissirx li l-problemi kollha ta’ din l-art issolvew kollha u ma baqgħalniex x’nagħmlu ħlief li nfittxu sfidi ġodda. Problemi hemm bħal nuqqas ta’ spazju, vetturi privati żejda, problemi soċjali, immigrazzjoni għolja, firda politika, eċċ eċċ. Madankollu hemm lok li wieħed ma jikkonċentrax esklussivament f’li jintefgħu nnirien ta’ issa, imma li jinvesti f’attivitajiet li jrendu għall-quddiem, li joffru ispirazzjoni għall-ġenerazzjonijiet ta’ għada u li jiftħu limħuħ għal possibiltajiet ġodda. Jien nista’ biss nawgura suċċess lil art twelidi.

Referenzi 1., retrieved 22/8/2019 2. telescope/About-Parkes, retrieved 22/8/2019 3. Malta National Space Policy 2017; The Malta Council for Science & Technology 4., retrieved 22/8/2019

Koppja anzjana Maltija tinqatel f’inċident tat-traffiku f’Doonside

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Tuesday September 10, 2019


ewg anzjani Maltin li kienu prominenti fil-ħajja tal-komunita` Maltija fi NSW sfaw maqtula f’inċident traġiku tat-traffiku li seħħ fl-10 p.m. tal-25 ta’ Awwissu li għadda is-subborg ta’ Doonside. Il-koppja, Frank (Ċikku) u Carmen (Carrie) Sant kienu għadhom kemm ħallew iċ-Ċentru Malti La Valette fi Blacktown fi triqithom lura lejn id-darhom xi żewġ kilometri ‘l bogħod. L-inċident seħħ f’salib it-toroq bejn Crawford Rd u Coveny Street magħruf bħala post ta’ periklu, bi storja traġika. Carmen ta’ 81 sena mietet mad-daqqa, filwaqt li zewgħa Frank ta’ 83 sena miet ftit wara flisptar ta’Westmead. Il-koppja kien ilhom miżżewwġin 50 sena Frank, mill-Imġarr Malta u Carmen millMosta kienu l-ġenituri ta’ żewġt ulied. Hu magħruf li fil-knisja taż-Żebbiegħ limiti tal-Imġarr fejn għad hemm joqgħod ħu Frank ftit tal-jiem wara saret quddiesa għal ruħ il-koppja. Frank u Carmen kienu attivi kemm ficĊentru La Valette u anke fil-festa ta’ San Nikola ta’ Plumpton, bħala voluntiera. Il-midja fi Blacktown irrappurtat li residenti fl-inħawi kien ilhom żmien jagħmlu talbiet biex l-intersection issir aktar sigura u fil-fatt hu magħruf li ftit tal-jiem qabel ilKunsill kien iddeċieda li jirranġa l-intersection fejn sar l-inċident billi jibni

roundabout bi spiża ta’ $265,000. Ixxogħol hu ppjanat li jibda dis-sena ... ftit tard biex setgħet tiġi evitata din it-traġedja. Jumejn wara żagħżugħ Indjan ta’ 22 sena, Harjinder Singh tressaq il-Qorti ta’ Blacktown mixli li b’sewqan traskurat ikkaġuna l-inċident li wassal għall-mewt tal-koppja Sant. Huwa ma nagħtax pleġġ u baqa’

Obituary: Theresa Camilleri – 1947-2019


ħat-tielet sena wara l-oħra Antoinettee Caruana reġgħet ġiet eletta bħala President tac-Ċentru Malti La Valette fi Blacktown waqt il-laqgħa oenerali annwali li saret fiċ-Ċentru dan l-aħħar u li għaliha attendew 81 membru. Dan l-ikbar ċentru tal-Maltin fl-Awstralja għadu ferm attiv u l-fatt li kull pożizzjoni fil-kumitat ġiet ikkontestata juri li l-ħeġġa u l-interess għadu hemm kontra n-negat-


t is with sincere regret and heartfelt sadness that we announce the death of Theresa (Tessie) Camilleri, the wife of Emanuel, the Maltese Community Council of NSW President. Tessie passed away on Tuesday September 3 following a hard-fought battle with a prolonged illness. Tessie, nee Debattista, born in Msida 1947, would have been 72 next month. She was the eldest of four girls and two boys of Carmelo and Maria Debattista and came to Australia with her family at the age of 13 in 1961. She grew up in the inner suburbs of Sydney in Guildford. She married Emanuel on December 27, 1968. She leaves to morn her two daughters, Tanya Sullivan, her husband Matthew and children Rhys, Ethan, and Baily, and Lee Ann Patties who lives in Minnesota USA.

Xi tibdil fit-tmexxija taċ-Ċentru La Valette

tivita li nisimgħu minn xi wħud. Il-membri l-oħra eletti huma: V/President: Eddie Busuttil, Segretarja: Frances Fitzpatrick, Ass. Segretarja: Antoinettee Mangion, Ass. Kaxxier, u Anġlu Borg li wkoll gie maħtur bħala Membru għal għomru.

jinżamm arrestat sal-24 ta’ Ottubru meta lqorti tibda tisma’ l-kawża kontrih.

Vale Jimmy Fitzpatrick

t is with sincere Inounce regret that we anthe passing

away of James (Jimmy) Fitzpatrick, husband of Frances the current secretary of the La Valette Social Centre in Blacktown that occurred on Friday August 23. Jimmy was a long-time member of La Valette and an all-round volunteer loved and respected by all. Jimmy was born in St Joseph Street Valletta (Due Balli) on July 2, 1936. He arrived in Sydney on the July 3, 1963, married Frances Magrin and settled in Wentworthville and Greystanes NSW. They are the parents of two children, Joyce and Simon, a granddaughter, Bianca and a great granddaughter Cianna. The funeral was held at Our Lady Queen of Peace Greystanes followed by a wake at the Centre. The Voice offers its condolences to his family. May he rest in peace.

Il-kumplament tal-membru eletti huma: Greg Caruana, Ivan Cauchi, Andy Cutajar, Joyce Micallef, Michael Spiteri u Jimmy Zammit. Inqalet diffikulta` għall-ħatra ta’ kaxxier minħabba dak li spikka bħala “konflitt ta’ interess”, għalhekk il-ħatra ġiet posposta. Ir-returning Officer kien Antoine Mangion mgħejjun minn Frank Zammit u George Vella.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Roundup of News About Malta

Malta economy grows at more than three times EU average


uring the first half of this year, the Maltese economy grew by 4.7, sustaining the growth momentum recorded in the last five years. Nominal the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grew by 7.3 per cent. Growth in the first half of 2019 reflected a 5.4 per cent growth in the first quarter and a 4.0 per cent growth in the second quarter (April – June) according to estimates published by the National Office of Statistics. In the second quarter alone, the GDP increased by €204 million reaching slightly more than €3,275 million. The increase in economic activity resulted from almost every sector with the service sector increased its contributions to the GDP by more than €170 million. The manufacturing sector has grown by more than €4 million, while the contribution from the construction industry increased by €17 million. There was a slight decrease of €100,00 from fisheries and agriculture. It shows that year-on-year economic growth rate for the first half of 2019 continued to be more than three times the average growth rate of 1.4 per cent recorded in the EU. The Euro Area grew by 1.1 per cent during the same period.

Malta at low risk for money laundering


Tuesday September 10, 2019

n its annual index, the Basel Institute on Governance has given a good mark to Malta placing it in 113th place among 125 countries, with a low risk of money laundering. The detailed 39-page report gives the Maltese authorities the thumbs up in their efforts to defend Malta’s reputation in the financial services sector.

Malta celebrates Jum il-Vitorja


t the weekend, and especially on Sunday September 8, Malta commemorated Victory Day (Jum il-Vitorja), one of the island’s five national days, which is also the feast of the birth of Our Lady (Maria Bambina). Official activities in connection with this day were held over two days, on Saturday and Sunday, mostly on the actual day, the 8th, when the President of Malta laid a wreath at the foot of the Great Siege Monument in Valletta. This important day in the history of Malta recalls the end of the Great Siege of 1565 and the end of World War II. On this occasion a commemorative address was delivered on Saturday at the foot of the Great Siege Monument and a pontifical mass was celebrated by Archbishop Charles Scicluna at the Mellieħa church on Sunday, which was attended by the highest authorities on the island. Mellieħa, along with Naxxar and Senglea in Malta, and Xagħra in Gozo celebrate the feast of Maria Bambina. On the request of Malta’s bishops to Pope Frances, the feast of Our Lady’s birth, has been given the highest possible status within the Catholic Church and is being celebrated with solemnity (a feast day of the highest rank).

Tourism in April-June up by 5%

n the second quarter of this year (April-June) IwithMalta has registered a 4.6% increase in tourism Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi noting that

research has shown that tourist expenditure during this period exceeded €600 million, an increase of 7.3% over the previous year. However, hoteliers experienced a decrease of 2.6% of those who used hotel accommodation, while over the same period the use of private accommodation increased by 13%. MHRA research shows that occupancy in Five Star hotels dropped by 3.3% but increased by 0.2% in Four and Three Star hotels. Minister Mizzi said the Government wants to attract quality tourists and explained that the strategy up to 2025 is that the traditional tourist

markets should be consolidated but that new markets such as the United States, China, Japan and South Korea are to be penetrated. He promised an enhanced tourist product in tourist areas, and when it comes to the Sliema Strand, he said that it is to be regenerated. Meanwhile, Malta’s International Airport has recorded that during the month of August 823,000 passengers passed through the airport, which is an increase of 8.4% over the previous year.

EU Commissioner, NGOs praise Malta for coming to the rescue of migrants once again A

group of academic institutions and non-governmental organisations commended Prime Minister Joseph Muscat’s decision for Malta to pick up 356 migrants that had been stranded in international waters for two weeks between Malta and the southern Italian island of Lampedusa on board Norwegian-flagged charity ship Ocean Viking and to negotiate a solution with Six European Union countries to relocate them. After discussions with France and Germany Joseph Muscat said that France, Germany, Romania, Luxembourg, Portugal and Ireland agreed to accept the rescued migrants. Providing sanctuary to migrants and refugees is currently left to the goodwill of EU member states that come forward as the emergencies unfold. So NGOs called on other European member states to do more, reminding them of their legal, political and moral re-

sponsibilities, saying that external border member states cannot be expected to continue carrying the consequences of political inadequacy and deadlock at the European level. Meanwhile, European Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos praised Malta for being involved in the breakthrough. He said, “I would like to in particular commend the cooperation and support of the Maltese authorities who have once again, as they have in so many occasions in the past, shown concrete solidarity by offering the Ocean Viking to disembark in Malta," he said. “This proves once again the strong commitment of Malta to a European approach on migration in the spirit of solidarity and joint responsibility.” The first group of immigrants who were on board the Ocean Viking departed for France last Thursday.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday September 10, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

Minister Carmelo Abela in Russia, with (on left) Minister Sergey Lavrov and with former USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev (below)

Foreign Affairs Minister recalls historic Gorbachev-Bush summit in Moscow visit


uring a three-day working visit to Russia late last month, Malta’s Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Carmelo Abela not only held political talks on pending bilateral issues between the two countries and global issues with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Sergey Lavrov, but also

held an exchange of views with Mikhail Gorbachev, the former President of the USSR. This year marks the 30th Anniversary when Gorbachev, currently President of the International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies (The Gorbachev Foundation), visited Malta with then US President George H. W. Bush for the December

2-3, 1989 summit that led to the declaration of the end to the Cold War. The two world leaders met aboard the Soviet passenger liner Maxim Gorky in Marsaxlokk Harbour on a day marked by stormy weather and raging seas. In Moscow Minister Abela also attended the inauguration of an exhibition of a recently restored 18th century portrait of Empress Catherine the Great of Russia that normally adorns the Ambassadors’ Room of the Presidential Palace in Valletta. During the visit to Moscow the Minister presented a number of books in Maltese to the Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature that boasts a collection currently comprising about 5 million items, including books and periodicals, in more than 140 languages. He also visited works currently being carried out on a project comprising 5-star hotel and luxury residences that Corinthia is set to open in Moscow’s Ulica Tverskaya.

Malta worst polluted among the EU states

79% of people in Malta are homeowners Eplace urostat statistic puts Malta in first among the European Union early 79% of the people in Malta (that small in size, that is that not every single countries when it comes to the people


is 148,000 families) are homeowners, a European survey on income and living conditions has found. This is an increase of 28,500 since 2013 and up to last year. Less than 11% of the people reside in rented properties. The Eurostat survey concludes that the majority of homeowners, nearly 74% either did not take out a loan to buy the property or have paid up their loan in full The survey, carried out among 4,000 families, found that 3.4% of people in Malta reside in properties considered as

person has a room of his own; one-third of Maltese homes consist of five rooms. Less than 20% consider the expense of having a home as a major expense. In hi reaction to the results of the survey, Minister for the Family Michael Falzon said that these figures are significant, among others because over the past five years the number of habitable new houses has gone up by 31,600. He further stated that these are truly positive results, when one considers the population growth in recent years.

most exposed to pollution as 26.5% of Maltese said they were exposed to pollution and other environmental problems. Next after Malta comes Germany with 24.5% of Germans also complaining about pollution. On average, 14% of citizens in the EU member countries stated that they felt affected by pollution in their locality. The least affected with pollution are the citizens living in the Scandinavian countries of Denmark, Finland and Sweden, together with Croatia.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 10, 2019

Paniġierku tal-festa iqajjem polemika


eru li f’Malta lesti nqajmu polemika fuq kull ħaġa, u għalkemm l-akbar polemiċi daż-żmien iqumu dwar ilIl-prepostu ta’ Birkirkara, Mons. Pawl Vella politika, dan l-aħħar kellna polemika dwar priedka, xi ħaġa li x’aktarx li ilu ma jkollna minn żmien il-kwest- u mara. Min hu favur iż-żwieġ tal-persuni gay jew min daħħal joni politika-reliġjuża. din il-liġi attakka ż-żwieġ kif insibuh fl-Iskrittura. Hekk ġara, Dis-sena fl-okkażjoni tal-festa ta’ Santa Liena ta’ Birkirkara mhux kuntrarju.” mess lill-prepostu ta’ din il-bażilka, Mons Pawl Vella li jagħmel Iżda filwaqt li kien hemm ħafna li ppruvaw jiġġustifikaw li qal il-paniġierku, li minbarra s-soltu tifħir lil qaddisa patruna tal- il-Mons, mhux hekk l-eks-imħallef Dr Philip Sciberras li fillokal, mess punti oħra, fejn fost kollox qal: paġna tiegħu fuq Facebook kiteb hekk: “L-agenda progressiva qiegħda ċċaħħad lil bnedmin stess minn “Kristu tal-Bibbja kien jipproteġi lill-adulteri u lill-midinbin u prinċipju fundamentali li l-bniedem huwa maħluq minn Alla jistedinhom madwar il-mejda tiegħu. Mhux hekk il-prepostu ta' raġel u mara. Min ma jaqbilx ma’ dawn it-tagħlim jitwarrab mis- B'kara. It-ton ħaġġar ta' kliemu fl-omelija tiegħu minn fuq ilsoċjetà anke jekk hemm bżonn noqtluhom biex ma jkomplux ide- pulptu ma kellu l-ebda messaġġ kristjan iżda diżrispett waħħaxi jqu l-umanità.” u nuqqas ta' Għarfien ta' dik id-dinjita' li ħlejjaq b'orjentazzjoni u sesswali divers jixirqilhom. “Min il-kuxjenza tiegħu mhix f’postha, iwarrab lil min jgħid il“Il-ġudizzju tiegħu mhux biss ma kienx fih nitfa ta' mħabba lejn verità biex ikompli jgħassad fil-ħama ta’ dnubietu.” il-proxxmu iżda kien riċetta waħda ta' mibegħda. Kemm kellu Bilkemm li l-Mons laħaq lissen dan il-kliem, (il-paniġierku ġie raġun it-teologu Hans Kung meta kiteb illi jekk il-Knisja trid tirmxandar fuq il-mezzi tax-xandir), li ma nbidlitx f’polemika baħ il-fiduċja tan-nies bħala Knisja li sservi jinħtieġ li tagħmel qawwija. servizzi pastorali li jagħrfu jkellmu lill-fidili. Huma min huma.” Din il-parti mill-prietka ġiet interpretata minn bosta b’diversi modi fejn minn naħa kien hemm dawk li qablu miegħu u saħansitra ddeskriewh bħala “kliem profetiku, f'dinja li trid tagħmel li trid” u min-naħa l-oħra kien hemm min ikkundanna totalment dan il-kliem bħala “ta’ mibgħeda” u staqsew jekk l-Arċisqof kienx se jieħu passi. -- olemika oħra qamet f’Ħaż- versi qalulna biex nibdew Żabbar wara li fil-midja niġbru għalih. Uħud sostnew li l-kwotazzjoni ta’ Mons. Vella “nqalgħet mill“Nittamaw issa li ż-Żabbarin kuntest li fih inqalet tant li ġiet miftiehma b’mod totalment dif- lokali ħarġet l-aħbar li l-Arċipriet kien għamel dan l-appell: kollha jagħmlu l-almu tagħferenti minn dak li qal Mons. Vella nnifsu.” “infakkru li l-offerti tagħkom hom u jikkontribwixxu bi Inkiteb li... “Il-Monsinjur waqt li kien qiegħed jgħallem fil-Knisja Katto- minflok il-fjuri, din is-sena se ħġarhom ħalli dan il-proġett li lika, għallem it-tagħlim tal-Iskrittura li ż-żwieġ huwa bejn raġel jmorru biex jinbeda l-fond jiġi jiswa’ mhux ħażin, iseħħ. għall-bdil Filwaqt li l-fjuri quddiem talt a d - Grazzja hija drawwa sabiħa, damask l- tajjeb nikkontribwixxu għal a ħ m a r . dan il-proġett li jibqa’ jitĦ a f n a gawda għal ħafna snin, anke m i d - minn dawk ta’ warajna. ‘Il d a m a s k , quddiem se jkun hemm ens p e ċ j a l - velopes apposta fil-knisja". ment il-piKien hemm xi delettanti tallastri li festa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja ilhom mill- li ma tantx ħadu pjaċir b’dan l1880 (mal- appell. 140 sena), Iżda pront it-tweġiba tal-Arċispiċċa u priet li beda biex jgħid li żg ħ a l h e k k Żabbarin ma ġewx mitluba ma g ħ a n d u jagħmlux fjuri quddiem l-istatbżonn jinbidel. Di*ikompli f’paġna 15

..... u f’Ħaż-żabbar P

While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday September 10, 2019

Malta identifikata bl-akbar żieda fl-għadd ta’ infermiera li qed jiggradwaw fl-Ewropa


l-Eurostat identifikat lil Malta bħala l-pajjiż Ewropew bl-akbar żieda fl-għadd ta’ infermiera li qed jilħqu. Dan stqarritu d-Dekan talFakultà tax-Xjenza Medika fl-Università ta’ Malta, Dr Roberta Sammut, waqt riċeviment ta’ awgurju malinfermiera l-ġodda li sar fil Ministeru għas-Saħħa. B’kollox, mill-2009 sa din is-sena f’Malta se jkunu laħqu 1,175 infermiera ġodda. Fost dawn hemm 179 infermiera ġodda li kif jagħmlu l-aħħar eżamijiet se jkunu ggradwaw din is-sena. Id-Deputat Prim Ministru u Ministru għas-Saħħa Chris Fearne (fl-istampa fuq fin-nofs flimkien mal-infermiera) qal li żżieda fl-infermiera tawgura tajjeb għassettur tas-saħħa, u “huwa biss grazzi għar-riżorsa umana li nistgħu nibqgħu noħolqu aktar servizzi ġodda għall-ġid tal-pazjenti tagħna”.

Bejn iż-żewġ Gżejjer: sfida megħluba -aqwa sfida għal min jopera s-servizz is-sriebet ta’ karozzi fuq il-moll taċL tal-vapuri bejn Malta u Għawdex hija l- Ċirkewwa lesti biex jitilgħu fuq il-vapuri fi ġimgħa tal-festa ta’ Santa Marija meta eluf triqithom lejn Għawdex jew fl-Imġarr ta’ passiġġieri, ħafna minnhom bil-karozzi, jaqsmu bejn iż-żewġ Gżejjer. Ta’ kull sena l-midja kienet tirrapporta dwar

Ix-xitwa tagħmel tagħha? T

għid ix-xitwa għad qed ikollha l-istess effett fuq it-twelid tat-trabi, li kien ikollha snin ilu, meta d-djar ftit li xejn kienu msaħħnin? Qed ngħid hekk minħabba li l-aħħar statistika tal-Eurostat (taħt) turi kif il-Maltin huma l-inqas li jkollhom trabi fix-xhur ta’ Ġunju, Lulju u Awwissu, bl-istatistika tgħid kif, fl-2017 kien hemm 1.3 miljun tarbija li twieldu fl-Unjoni Ewropea bil-medja tkun 26.2%. L-ogħla rata ta’ twelid ta’ trabi fix-xhur tas-sajf ġiet irreġistrata fl-Islovenja u fl-Estonja b’5,528 u 3,760 tarbija rispettivament – 27.3%. Fl-2017 twieldu 4,319-il tarbija li minnhom kienu biss madwar kwart, jiġifieri 1,079 li twieldu f’Ġunju, Lulju u Awwissu. Malta kellha l-inqas rata– 25%.

Trabi mwielda fis-sajf tal-2017 (% ta’ twelid totali)

Għawdex lejn Malta, b’nies jistennew, kultant is-sigħat biex jaqsmu. Iżda jidher li din s-sena din il-problema ġiet solvuta għax-xhur tas-sajf (għalkemm jidher li se ikompli għal aktar żmien) billi l-Gozo Channel kriet, vapur ieħor. Tant li matul dawn il-jiem ta’ traġit enormi bejn il-Gżejjer, ħadd ma kellu jistenna aktar mis-soltu. Skont ċifri maħruġa mill-kumpanija Gozo Channel, matul il-ġimgħa ta’ Santa Marija 221,088 persuna u 61,328 vettura qasmu lfliegu. Il-Gozo Channel operat xejn inqas minn 904 vjaġġ bejn il-gżejjer, mingħajr skeda, biex hekk il-kumpanija setgħet tlaħħaq maddomanda ta’ kull min għażel lil Għawdex biex iqatta’ l-btajjel tas-Sajf.

Polemika wkoll f’Ħaż-Żabbar

*minn paġna 14

atwa tal-Madonna tal-Grazzja biex il-flus li soltu jintefqu fil-fjuri, jagħtuhom għallproġett tad-damask. Kompla biex jgħid li ż-Żabbarin, u kull min jixtieq joffri l-fjuri, għandu l-liberta kollha li jagħmel hekk. “Fil-fatt aħna persważi l-Madonna talGrazzja, anke dis-sena, bħas-snin limgħoddija, se tkun imdawra b’għadd sabiħ ta’ fjuri.” L-Arċipriet sostna li attawlament, iż-Żabbarin ilhom is-snin jikkontribwixxu fliskema msejħa “fjuri li ma jinxfux”.

16 The Voice of the Maltese

NSW Abortion Bill delayed


he Premier for the State of NSW, Gladys Berejiklian has delayed the abortion vote in the state’s upper house for several weeks in a last-minute attempt to bring calm to her party. Her intervention means the abortion decriminalisation bill will not be moved until Parliament resumes this month. The delay, designed to placate furious conservative MPs who believed the process had been rushed, means the bitter debate over abortion decriminalisation will continue. As the upper house started debating the bill, thousands of pro-life protesters gathered in Martin Place to listen to MPs and religious leaders who oppose the bill. The crowd chanting “abort this bill” and “love them both” were so loud they could be heard in the upper house chamber, where the bill was being debated. Former National Party leader Barnaby Joyce told protesters, “It’s so good to see so many people, of so many faiths, so united on this issue because it’s so important. “When you’re scared, is when you have to stand up. When you are going to be shouted down, is when you’ve gotta speak up. And it’s when there is total darkness, is when you will light one candle and start making a difference. Tonight, all you people … you are part of this. “If someone says, ‘Well I want my right to kill that baby’ – sorry you can’t have that right.” The former minister for women, Tanya Davies, said the issue had caused a “crisis

of government. I believe it is a crisis of government that we are facing, because my community is absolutely outraged that they have been shut out and denied any opportunity to participate in this process,” Ms Davies said. Ms Berejiklian also assured her colleagues in a party room meeting that there would be no more conscience votes in this term of government. Another key social issue that was due to be debated in this four-year term was euthanasia. Independent MP Alex Greenwich, who introduced the bill into the lower house, said he was “disappointed” with the delay. Labor’s treasury spokesman Walt Secord said Ms Berejiklian delayed the vote to “save herself”. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has warned the NSW Liberal Government that he will not allow the internal conflict over abortion to spill into the fed-

Tuesday September 10, 2019

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian eral arena. He told The Australian that while he had “conservative” views on the issue, it was not something that would come before the federal parliament. He said it was a legal matter for the state to resolve and was not an issue over which his government had any jurisdiction.

No free movement UK-Australia he Australian Prime Minister Scott ment with New Zealand was unique “and T Morrison said NO to a proposal that it’s not one we would probably ever conwould allow Australians to live and work in template extending out beyond Australia

the United Kingdom without a visa after Brexit. British Prime Minister Johnston wants a common travel arrangement similar to what Australia and NZ have. There was also a push for a wider freedom of movement between Commonwealth countries. The Australian PM said that the arrange-

and New Zealand”.

Sydney big slide ydney has lost its S mantle as the property investment

capital of Australia for dwelling under $500,000 with Brisbane and Melbourne now becoming the top-ranked cities. Nearly a third of industry experts surveyed by comparison side Finder nominated the Queensland capital as the best city to invest $500.000 in property – possibly because properties in that range are much harder to find in Sydney. The latest Finder RBA Cash Rate Survey found Melbourne shared the top spot with Brisbane, with 27% of experts and economists voting for the two cities, Sydney and Canberra received 14 % of the vote. Meanwhile, Reserve Bank of Australia governor Philip Lowe kept the cash rate on hold at one per cent, but economicts expect he will cut rates again before the year’s end.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday September 10, 2019

Australia at the G 7 for the first time


hen the leaders of seven of the most powerful countries met in the coastal French city of Biarritz recently to discuss global issues, Australia was there for the first time. Though not having a seat at the G7 table, Prime Minister Scott Morrison attended the three-day summit as an observer after a short visit to Vietnam alongside the Indian, Chilean and South African leaders. “Australia's participation was an opportunity to share our Indo-Pacific perspective with the world's leading democracies,” Mr Morrison told reporters in Canberra. The G7 comprises of France, Germany, Britain, Italy, the United States, Canada and Japan and its meetings are known for awkward photo-ops and tense handshakes between leaders, however the seven leaders’ economies represent 58 per cent of global wealth. But according to one international relations expert Mr Morrison's invitation to the G7 summit is significant. The official invite may have come from French President Emmanuel Macron, however it's a sign of the importance of Australia's relationship with the United States, especially as tensions flare over the trade war with China. The possibility of Australia being promoted

Aussie PM Scott Morrison (left) at the G7 with Donald Trump to the main group, making it a Group of Eight once again, was floated earlier this year. The idea was sparked by a global ranking of countries' capabilities prepared by London think tank the Henry Jackson Society that put Australia eighth, ahead of Russia which was booted out when it annexed Crimea in 2014.

Cardinal Pell’s case to the High Court


ardinal George Pell is to take his case to the High Court, setting the scene for a final legal battle over the senior Catholic cleric's child sex abuse convictions. He is determined to pursue his last avenue of appeal after receiving unanimous advice from his legal team that the dissenting opinion of Victorian Supreme Court Justice Mark Weinberg provided reasonable grounds to have his convictions overturned. Cardinal Pell, 78, failed in his bid to overturn his convictions for sexually assaulting two teenage choirboys, when the Victorian Court of Appeal split 2-1, the majority decision keeping the cardinal in jail. Two senior judges believed the evidence of Cardinal Pell’s sole surviving victim, whom a jury found was sexually assaulted in a sacristy at St Patrick’s Cathedral in 1996 and again at the cathedral the next

Cardinal George Pell year while a choirboy. The third appeal judge, Mark Weinberg, disagreed, believing Cardinal Pell should have been acquitted of all charges. Justice Weinberg couldn’t exclude the possibility that some of what the man, now in his 30s,

and a proud Australian. Mr Fischer, who was educated by the Jesuits at Xavier College in Melbourne, had a long and distinguished career in the New South Wales and Australian parliaments. At the federal level, he served as leader of the National Party of Australia during the 1990s and deputy prime minister and trade minister under John Howard between 1996 and 1999. He had earlier served in the Australian Army during the Vietnam War. Archbishop Coleridge, president of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference,

“Tim was a man of many interests and with many talents, but those of us who have known him will remember most his warmth, his humanity and his strong conviction to pursue what is right,” he said. In 2008, the Labor government appointed Mr Fischer ambassador to the Holy See. During his tenure (2009-12) Australia’s first saint, Mary of the Cross MacKillop, was canonised. In 2012 Mr Fischer (right) was made a Knight Grand Cross in the Order of Pius IX, one of the Church’s highest honours.

Vale Tim Fischer, a proud Catholic any paid tribute to former ambassa- said Mr Fischer was a larger-than-life perM dor to the Holy See Tim Fischer who sonality who throughout his career was died recently. He lived as a proud Catholic genuinely dedicated to service.

had said was concocted. The Vatican offered qualified support for Cardinal Pell, declaring that it would review its position on Australia’s most senior Catholic once all avenues of appeal were exhausted. Meanwhile, Australia’s bishops issued statements following the ruling. Australian Catholic Bishops Conference president Mark Coleridge said the bishops “believe all Australians must be equal under the law and accept (the recent) judgment accordingly”. “The bishops realise that this has been and remains a most difficult time for survivors of child sexual abuse and those who support them,” Archbishop Coleridge said. “We acknowledge the pain that those abused by clergy have experienced through the long process of the trials and appeal of Cardinal Pell. We also acknowledge that this judgment will be distressing to many people.”

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 10, 2019

Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija u dawk li matul is-sekli ħadmu għall-iżvilupp tal-ilsien Malti

Figura importanti fil-letteratura Maltija kien ġurnalista filmidja Maltija, anzi pijunier f’dan il-qasam li bis-saħħa tiegħu għadd ta’ żgħażagħ bdew din il-professjoni wara li tħarrġu minn taħt idejh. Anton Cassar iżda kien ukoll kittieb letterarju

u wkoll strumentali biex grazzi għalih ħafna huma wkoll setgħu jimirħu fil-kitba għax offrielhom l-ispazju fejn jekk riedu, setgħu juru t-talenti tagħhom u jwasslu kitbiethom lil-eluf kbar ta’ qarrejja permezz tal-ġazzetti li kien imexxi.

Anton Cassar - ġurnalist ta’ stoffa, integru u maħbub


nton, kif kien magħruf minn kull min kien midħla tiegħu, kien bniedem imżejjen b’karatteristiċi sbieħ u importanti li bniedem jixtieq ikollu. Kien serju, professjonali u integru f’ħidmietu u maħbub minn dawk kollha li ħadmu miegħu jew kienu xxurtjati li setgħu jgħidu li kienu ħbiebu. Sakemm miet baqa’ jgħożż il-professjoni u jżejjen b’kitbietu l-ġurnali, kemm jekk dwar materji politiċi, soċjali u anke ta’ interess storiku. Imma kiteb ukoll għadd ta’ kotba frott l-esperjenzi li għadda minnhom u li kienu ferm imfittxija. Anton Cassar twieled Għawdex fit-18 ta’ Frar tal-1924 imma trabba l-Marsa Malta fejn kien attiv f’ħafna għaqdiet soċjali, laktar tal-banda, kif ukoll reliġjużi u filantropiċi. Hu miet fl-eta`ta’ 90 sena fit-30 ta’ Ġunju 2014. L-ewwel tagħlim tiegħu Anton ħadu fliskola primarja tal-Marsa u wara, bħal ħafna oħrajn ta’ żmienu ssokta bl-istudji tiegħu fis-Seminarju tar-Rabat f’Għawdex. Aktar tard ġie lura Malta u kompla jistudja fis-Seminarju tal-Arċisqof f’ Malta. Ħafna, l-aktar tal-familja, kienu jaħsbu li se jtiha għas-saċerdozju, imma fit-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija serva fl-11th HAA Regt., RMA, u fl-1946 daħal jaħdem fl-istamperija Allied Malta Newspapers Ltd bħala qarrej tal-provi tal-ġurnal bil-Malti ferm popolari dak i-zmien, Il-Berqa. Wara biss sitt xhur ġie maħtur bħala wieħed mill-edituri tal-ġurnal responsabbli mil-letteratura u kien fost l-ewlenin li firex l-għarfien fost dawk li fi żmienu kienu qed jikkultivaw l-ilsien Malti, fosthom il- Prof. Ġużè Aquilina, Mons. Pietru Pawl Saydon, Anton Buttigieg, Erin Serracino Inglott, Kelinu Vella Haber, Karmenu Vassallo, itTabib Ġużè Galea, u Ġorġ Pisani. Fl-1960 ingħaqad mal-Union Press talGeneral Workers Union u kien fost lewlenin li għamel popolari l-ġurnali ta’ din l-istamperija meta stabbiliet ruħha fi Triq in-Nofsinhar, il-belt Valletta. Il-ħila tiegħu kienet diġa`magħrufa u malajr ġie nkarigat imexxi, l-ewwel ilgazzetta ta’ nhar ta’ Ħadd, It-Torċa, u fl1962 welled il-gazzetta bil-Malti ta’ kuljum, l-Orizzont. Inċidentalment, l-Orizzont immexxijja minn Anton tat id-daqqa tal-mewt lill-Berqa li ftit wara sparixxiet

mix-xena. Sena wara laħaq ukoll il-kap tal-pubblikazzjonijiet tal-Union Press, u fl-1967, inħatar segretarju amministrattiv talistess kumpannija. Permezz tal-ġurnal li kien imexxi rnex-xielu wkoll jagħti bidu għallMoviment Qawmien Letterarju u ta nifs ġdid lil-letteratura Maltija billi kien jagħti wisgħa fil-ġurnal lill-kittieba li qabel kienu jsibu l-bibien għal kitbiethom magħluqa. Anton innifsu kien imsieħeb f’għadd ta’ għaqdiet letterarji, fosthom fix-Xirka għatTixrid tal-Ilsien Malti kif ukoll tal-Akkademja tal-Malti. F’ittra li kien kiteb lil Anton fl-1946 ilpoet nazzjonali, Dun Karm Psaila, dan qallu: “Nittama li inti tkun wieħed minn dawk iż-żgħażagħ imħeġġa li jħobbu lil Malta fl-iżvilupp tagħha morali, intellettwali u soċjali.” Jingħad li kien bis-saħħa ta’ Anton li nġibed l-aħħar ritratt tal-Poeta Nazzjonali Dun Karm waqt li kien qed iħejji artiklu speċjali f’għeluq id-90 sena tiegħu. B’Anton ewlieni fost il-mexxejja talUnion Press, ħafna żgħażagħ li ftit qatt setgħu jaspiraw li jsiru ġurnalisti, raw il-ħolma tagħhom isseħħ. Ħejjijhom filmixja ġurnalistika tagħhom u bil-għajnuna ta’ ġurnalist ieħor ta’ esperjenza li bħalu beda mal-Allied Malta Newspapers u miegħu ssieħeb fl-Union Press, Pawlu Carachi, il-ġurnaliżmu Malti ħa spinta kbira ‘l quddiem, l-aktar il-ġurnaliżmu investigattiv. Ta s-sehem tiegħu ukoll filkummissjoni tal-etika ġurnalistika u kien viżjonarji fil-kitba xellugija f'Malta. Anton kien membru fundatur tal-Banda Trinità Qaddisa tal-Marsa u sa mill-1957 kien il-president tagħha. Kien maħbub minn kulħadd u apprezzat ferm għassehem tiegħu. Kulħadd kien jafu bħala bniedem attiv f'għadd ta' għaqdiet soċjali, kulturali u politiċi.

Anton C assar

Fl-1996 ingħata l-premju tad-deheb għall-kontribut kbir tiegħu fil-ġurnaliżmu professjonali u fl-istess sena ngħata wkoll il-Midalja għall-Qadi tar-Repubblika. Dakinhar intqal dwaru, li ġie onorat “għall-impenn tiegħu kemm bħala ġurnalista kif ukoll fil-qasam letterarju u huwa xhieda tal-kontribut li ta lil-lingwa Maltija.” Fl-1999 Anton ingħata wkoll il-Gold Award fil-Ġurnaliżmu bħala apprezzament għall-ħidma ġurnalistika tiegħu fejn ingħad li “kien strumentali fit-twaqqif talġurnali ewlenin li ħallew impatt fuq ix-xena lokali, kif ukoll rawwem u ħejja żgħażagħ ġurnalisti stabbli.” Minbarra fil-ġurnaliżmu, Anton kien ukoll magħruf bħala awtur ta’ bosta pubblikazzjonijiet, fosthom: L-Għanja tażŻgħożija (1980), Ir-Russi jitkellmu bil-Fjuri (1984), Il-Gwerra Ċivili ta’ Spanja (1987), Il-Compact (1991), Il-Ballata tal-Marsa (1993), Il-Konkordat (2004), Bejn iż-Żerniq u l-Għabex ta’ Ħajti (2008) u l-awtobiografija: Ħajti Mhix Kollha Ward u Żahar (2009). Anton kienn ukoll magħruf għall-mixjiet tiegħu u minbarra kitbiet dwarhom, għal xi żmien kien ukoll protagonista f’sensiela ta’ programmi dwar mixjin fil-kampanja fuq it-Televiżjoni.

L-ewwel 75 sena tal-Għaqda tal-Mużika San Gejtanu (Ħamrun)

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday September 10, 2019

Ktieb tal-Professur Raymond Mangion


rib il-festa li kellhom ftit talġimgħat ilu, l-Għaqda tal-Mużika San Gejtanu, il-Ħamrun, nehdew ktieb li għalkemm hu dwar għaqda mużikali partikolari, joffri case study għaliex il-każin, u l-Għaqda, li dwarhom inktieb il-ktieb minn Raymond Mangion, Professur fl-Universita` ta’ Malta, kien fiċċentru tal-iżvilupp politico-soċjali importanti tal-ġens Malti u l-aktar fil-ħamsinijiet u s-sittinijiet. Il-ktieb, riċerkat b’reqqa kbira, jagħti wkoll sfond importanti dwar l-istorja tassubborg tal-Ħamrun. Bl-aktar b’mod dokumentat jagħti l-oriġini tal-isem ‘Il-Ħamrun’ u jsolvi darba għal dejjem problema toponomastika. Hu wkoll ktieb monografu importanti biex fi zmien 13-il sena oħra anke jsir il-kumplament, jiġifieri l-aħħar 50 sena tal-każin. Il-każin għandu storja interessanti. Għal xi żmien fit-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija kien anke serva ta’ Qorti, u wara l-istess gwerra fih beda wkoll il-moviment tal-Malti. L-awtur jgħid li l-ġrajja tal-Għaqda talMużika ta’ San Gejtanu ma tistax tinfired mill-kwadru usa tal-istorja tal-Ħamrun kif ukoll ta’ Malta li huma eqdem fiż-żmien u jmorru għexieren u sħansitra sekli, u lanqas mill-iżvilupp tas-subborg. Li nebbaħ lil Raymond Mangion li jikteb dan il-ktieb kien l-eks Segretarju ta’ San Gejtanu, għal ħafna snin, illum mejjet, isSur Robert (Bertie) Gauci, li lejn l-aħħar tal-2005 kien wera x-xewqa li tinkiteb u tkun ippubblikata l-istorja fl-okkażjoni tal100 sena mill-fondazzjoni tal-Għaqda. L-awtur, Ħamruniż li trabba fil-każin fejn kien jieħdu missieru Spiru fi ċkunitu, aċċetta u mill-ewwel beda jirriċerka u jin-

L-awtur, il-Prof Ray Mangion (xellug) jippreżenta kopja tal-ktieb L-Għaqda talMużika San Gejtanu, il-Ħamrun lill-Prim Ministru Dr Joseph Muscat f’Kastilja seġ il-ktieb, riżultat ta’ erba’ snin ta’ riċerka, mużikali u tal-kultura inġenerali fil-pajjiż. Fost kollox, f’dan il-każin immilitaw polili jiġbor fih l-ewwel 75 sena tal-ġrajja talGħaqda. It-tama tal-Professur Mangion hi tiċi ewlenin, fosthom żewg Presidenti tarli dak li għamel hu jkun ta’ ispirazzjoni għal Repubblika, Dr Anton Buttigieg u skulari oħrajn ħalli jissoktaw jibnu fuq dak il-Professur Guido de Marco. li qed jippreżenta f’dan ix-xoħol voluminuż Il-ktieb, b’638 paġna, ġie sponsorjat minn u l-istorja sħiħa tissokta tintiseġ fil-ġejjieni. Alfsons Ltd (Alphons u Robert Farrugia) u L-Għaqda tal-Mużikali San Gejtanu li ddedikat lil Robert “Ta’ Fonzu”, u jista’ twaqqfet fl-1906 hija waħda mill-formaz- jinxtara billi wieħed jikkuntattja lillzjonijiet mużikali ewlenin f’Malta u ilha Għaqda tal-Mużika San Gejtanu, 703 hekk għal aktar minn mitt sena. Tat kon- Palazz Thiene Triq il-Kbira San Guzepp, ribut kbir fit-tfassil u fil-mixja tal-arti Ħamrun Malta HMR 1014.

Hectic time for FRG team with Coming Home Concert Tour


he past two months have been massive for the Fr Rob Galea (FRG) team! It had the first part of the Coming Home Concert Tour in three cities and five huge days ministering to the students of the Sandhurst Diocese at the Ablaze Youth Days. These days were an opportunity for the Catholic students to encounter Jesus through Word, music and the Holy Eucharist. Ablaze Youth Days were held in towns across the Sandhurst diocese and were collaboration with the Catholic Education Office, FRG Ministry, and the Youth Ministry Office for thousands of Grade 5 - Year 11 students from our Catholic high schools. Fr. Rob and the FRG Ministry band also ran a music tour across some states of Australia. The Coming Home concerts were attended by hundreds of people in Melbourne, Sydney, and Shepparton. They were so blessed to proclaim Jesus through music.

Why Go to The Festa ?

20 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday September 10, 2019


(Secretary OLQP Festa Committee 2019)

esta, Festival, Fiesta…. Doesn’t matter where in the world you come from this word means feast, party, holiday or CELEBRATION! For us Maltese it means celebration of the religious kind; it is a village feast, whereby all the villagers get together as one community to celebrate their parish patron. A tradition that has been celebrated for hundreds of years with praise, band marches, dancing in the streets, fireworks and food. We are proud to say that it is the essence of our religious heritage. When we visit Malta or Gozo especially during the summer we will most definitely be drawn to these celebrations, in fact other than going back home to visit the family, most of us plan our trips to be there during our village Festa so that we can be a part of these beautiful celebrations. When our families migrated to Australia, they missed those celebrations, that drew everyone close together as a community. So as not to miss out, as Maltese community we came together to bring a little of Malta and Gozo to our community here in the land of Oz. Festa for us here is about tradition, that needs to be kept alive. So, we need to celebrate our tradition and come together as a community, introduce our children to these traditions so they will learn about our culture and our religious beliefs. There are quite a few Festa celebrations in different parishes throughout our state. We have many opportunities to be part of these parties, festivals or celebrations. Join in, have fun and celebrate your parish patron just like you would back home. It’s a tradition we need to keep alive! Viva Malta u Viva l-Festi Kollha

Dokumentarju tal-PBS

jirbaħ unur fl-Iskozja


d-dokumentarju “Pass Pass għal Ausch-witz” (Step by Step to Auschwitz), koproduzzjoni bejn il-PBS u Flash Productions li ntwera fuq TVM, rebaħ l-unur tal-Ġurija bħala l-aħjar dokumentarju tax-xahar (Best Documentary of the Month) fil-festival Internazzjonali TMFF (The Monthly Film Festival) ta’ Glasgow, l-Iskozja. Id-dokumentarju b’direzzjoni ta’ Jonathan Farrugia wera l-esperjenza kiefra li għaddew minnha eluf ta’ nies filkampijiet ta’ konċentrament f’Auschwitz fit-tieni gwerra dinjija. Is-success u rikoxximent jippremja liddirettur Jonathan Farrugia li ħadem malPBS fuq din il-koproduzzjoni, kif ukoll lill-ġurnalista Joe Dimech li ppreżentah, u lit-tmexxija tal-PBS. Id-dokumentarju rebaħ fost kompetizzjoni ma’ tnejn oħra, wieħed minn Izrael u ieħor mir-Renju Unit. TMFF huwa festival li jsir kull xahar gewwa Glasgow mill-2015. Il-gurija li hi magħmula minn diretturi tal-films, produturi ta’ dokumentarji, scriptwriters, muzicisti, u kritici ta’ films.

OLQP FESTA Greystanes Sunday, Sept. 29

Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, 198 Old Prospect Rd Greystanes

3.30pm: Mass celebrated in English. After Mass Procession of the Statue of Our Lady Queen of Peace 4.30pm: Short Fireworks. 5.15pm: Maltese Cultural Association of NSW Choir performing at the George Preca Centre. 5.30pm: Performance by Our Lady Queen of Peace Maltese Band. 6.30pm: Musical Performance by OLQP Primary School Band. 7.15pm: Musical Performance by Our Lady Queen of Peace. 8.30pm: Fireworks Display Food Stalls – Amusements – Rides – Entertainment – Fireworks – Market Stalls Like us on Facebook

e next issue set for September 24 From the next issue, The Voice of the Maltese magazine will return to normal, that is, published at two-weekly intervals. erefore issue No. 212 full of interesting features and news analysis that has established it as the most sought-after publication by the Maltese Diaspora, will be published on September 24

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday September 10, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Maltese Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco (NSW) 32nd Annual Dinner Dance

Saturday 12th October from 7.30 pm at Mandavilla Function Centre Horsley Park. Music: by Joe Apap. Book early. Contact Marlene on 02 9631 9295

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Learn Maltese! Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.

Teachers urgently needed - Paid positions

For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 or Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

Please Note:

Anybody interested in advertising on The Voice of the Maltese magazine in order to reach the widest audience possible, partcularly among the Maltese diaspora is requested to write for details to:

Avviż lill-qarerjja

Tixtieq ikollok kopja f’idejk ta’ The Voice?


nfakkru lill-qarrejja li The Voice of the Maltese, mhux biss magazine online, iżda wkoll l-uniku tax-xorta tiegħu fl-Awstralja li wkoll jiġi ippubblikat. Huma ħafna dawk li ilhom li approfittaw ruħhom minn dan u abbonaw biex anke jibdew jirċevu kopja pprintjata bilposta d-dar bi ħlas. Minħabba l-bogħod li hawn fil-kontinent Awstraljan, il-ħlas tal-posta minn stat għallieħor tvarja, għalhekk dawk kollha li jixtiequ li jibdew jirċevu kopja pprintjata tal-magazine kull darba li joħroġ biex ikunu jistgħu jżommuha f’idejhom, huma mħeġġa biex jabbonaw għal sena ħalli jagħmlu żgur mill-kopja Biex dan isir wieħed l-ewwel jibgħat email lil fejn jitlob tagħrif dwar il-ħlas ta’ abbonament għal sena fl-istat fejn jgħix. Imbagħad jekk ikun irid jissieħeb ma’ dawk kollha li mhumiex kuntenti biss li jaqraw il-magazine online, imma wkoll li jkollhom kopja tiegħu, jgħarrafna.

Xaghra Association of NSW Inc. Annual Tal-Vitorja Dinner Dance

Saturday, 21 September 2019 Come & Join us at Balmoral Function Centre, 47-49 Balmoral Rd, BLACKTOWN from 6:30pm onwards 5 Course Meal, beer, wine & soft drinks, tea/coffee Entertainment by Roc-A-Tac & Giuseppe Verdi Brass Band Contact: Josephine/Ray: 0439 974 182 or, 0448 100 034 M'Ann Teuma: 4579 6771 Vicki Micallef: 0425 210 436

La Valette Social Centr e

La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847

Every Thursday: Maltese Respite Care Service 10.15 a.m.: Mass in Maltese in the Main Hall Morning Tea and Lunch, Bingo and Boċċi Everybody is wlecome Every Saturday: Kitchen and Bar open from 5.00 p.m. Traditional Maltese cuisine, rabbit, ravioli and pastizzi; Boċċi from 6.00 p.m. Live Dj from 6.00 p.m. Bingo starts at 8.00 p.m. with jackpot from $100 to $500 DJs Emanuel Grech and Sam Mifsud (alternate Saturdays) Last Saturay of month: Għana Night with Saver Bonanno and friends ___________________________________

MASS TIMES: Saturday: St Francis Chapel: 5.30 p.m. Sunday: St Dominic’s Chapel: 9.00 a.m.

AUSTRALIAN HC on facebook & twitter

he Australian High Commission’s in Malta T has its own Facebook page, while the High Commissioner has a Twitter account.

Both can be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: The Commissioner’s Twitter handle:

L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tagħha, imma l-qarrejja xorta mħeġġa biex jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti: għallaħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż Il-website hi aġġornata tul il-jum kollu.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday September 10, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n

MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.

On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)

Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.

SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month

in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips

Join us and make new friends.

Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each

Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.

VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

Maltese Community Council of Victoria Inc.

L-MCCV qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għall-pożizzjoni ta’ għalliem/a part-time tal-ilsien Malti fil-binja tagħhom f’14 Watt Street, Sunshine, Victoria. L-applikanti għandu jkollhom għarfien sew tal-Malti kemm miktub kif ukoll mitkellem. Ibgħat applikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lill: Għal tagħrif ieħor ċempel fuq 0412 115 919. Ħalli nnumru tattelefon u nċemplulek lura.

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee

Remaining main events for 2019

Sunday October 20: Fete Saturday Nov. 9: Dinner Dance Sunday December 1: Feast

Events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Sports on 2 pages

Tuesday September 10, 2019


George Cross’ move from a Third World ground to a modern stadium

t the start of some of the seasons I – Part Two – found themselves homeless and were mentioned in the first part of this forced to play the opening four home series, George Cross club had no ground games of the season at Green Gully Reserve, Kim available and at times the future looked bleak. Reserve in Altona, BT Connor Reserve in ReserSuch was the case in 1978 when George Cross voir and Seaford Reserve in Frankston.

With no ground of their own GC labelled as ‘the Gypsies’

Is it any wonder that during this period George Cross were often labelled as the ‘Gypsies; ‘Nomads’ or ‘Wanderers’? George Cross followers were becoming despondent with the lack of direction and the inability to settle down and were fast losing hope of ever seeing their club have a permanent home ground. They believed this was something not likely to happen in their lifetime and unfortunately for many this was the case. Most seasons the club played at Olympic Park, as their home ground but by late 1970’s the football headquarters had become far too expensive and it was at this stage that George Cross ventured to the western side of town. In 1981 George Cross played the opening game of the season at Selwyn Park, in Albion, but after only one game there, an agreement was reached with Sunshine City to move to Chaplin Reserve. As history shows George Cross and Sunshine City became very friendly and tied the knot in 1983 to form a new club that became known as Sunshine George Cross. Chaplin Reserve became the club’s new permanent home ground and every fan was relieved and happy that at long last George Cross had a home. This venue was

The 1977 George Cross State League championship winning team

to remain the club’s home for the next 38 years. In 1997 the club purchased Chaplin Reserve for $250,000, but the uncertainty that surrounded the ground’s future restricted any plans to make the many badly needed renovations needed at this venue. When the sale of the ground was first mooted in 2001 many supporters feared the worst, that is, that the club would once again be homeless. The sale of the ground dragged on and on and by the time this piece of land was sold 15 years later, many were glad the deal was over and done with. During this period of uncertainty members and supporters were often promised by different councils that certain areas were to be allocated to the club for a future home ground. None of these ever eventuated and when the news first broke of a potential deal for a home ground with the Melton City Council these same supporters remained sceptical having heard such announcements so many times before. On this occasion the club administration worked diligently and professionally on the proposed Caroline Springs project, but never at any stage did it release statements to the media boasting of what was being

planned. by VictorBrincat This often frustrated supporters, but as the result shows it was done in the best interest of the club. When the time was right to break the news the building committee did it professionally. On Wednesday March 16, 2016 they urged every senior and junior player and their parents, as well as every member to attend a meeting held at Westwater Hotel in Caroline Springs. What they revealed that night appeared too good to be true and many truly believed this would be another ‘pie in the sky promise’. When contracts were awarded in October 2017 hope of this becoming a reality increased and when in February 2018 work commenced on the project there was little doubt this was the real deal. The official launch was made in April 2018 when club officials, members of the local council and the media held a launching ceremony where many speeches were delivered about the project. By this time there was little doubt the impossible was about to commence and become possible. Some two years after that important meeting at the Westwater Hotel, the juniors began training at the new centre and for the first time in the club’s long history the juniors and the seniors would be playing and training at the same venue. On Sunday June 23 this year it was the Under 10s and the Under 11s that had the honour of playing their first matches at this magnificent venue. The senior team made its debut on the synthetic turf on June 30 when it faced top of the table Sydenham Park. The crowd estimated to be well in excess of 1,000 saw Caroline Springs George Cross turn on the style to upset their more fancied opponents 1-0. Starting life at the new stadium with a win and the team’s performance on the day matched the new classy surrounds. The fans liked the way the team performed and enjoyed the new and comfortable facilities. (to be continued in the next issue)

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Sports on 2 pages

Tuesday September 10, 2019

Narrow defeat for Malta at the end of a gallant performance


obody entertained much hope of Malta getting any points from the away double header in the EURO 2020 Group F qualifiers against Norway and Romania, and in fact the national team lost narrowly both games played in a span of three days. Malta lost 2-0 at the Ullevaal Stadium against Norway, and 1-0 in Ploiesti on Sunday against Romania. However, most were satisfied with the performances, particularly against Romania in which the Maltese players game a gallant performance and came very near to getting a draw. In the end, Malta lost to a Puscas header at the start of the second half, but created enough scoring opportunities to merit an equaliser. The overall performance was certinly one of the best played by a Malta national team away from home. Three days earlier in Oslo two goals from dead-ball situations after long throws punched the Malta defence for Norway’s 2-0 victory. The hosts Malta’s Football had taken control from the outset as the Premier League Maltese lay low and defended, at times he 2019/2020 Premier League football rather desperately. season in Malta kicked off with some Sander Berge and Joshua King (from a surprise results and a shocking defeat for penalty scored the goals. Both were the re- Champions Valletta who started their title sult of Håvard Nordtveit's long throws. defence with a 2-3 defeat against Premier’s Norway should have scored more goals debutants Santa Lucia. Overall it was a good but for goalkeeper Bonello’s performance. day for the promoted teams as the other two, Malta’s only response was a few threaten- Gudja and Sirens, both also making their ing moves in the second half. debut in the top flight, picked up points. The second day also produced some unHISTORIC: Malta U-21s obtained a historic result in the UEFA U-21 (Grp 8) Champi- expected results but Valletta recovered with onship when they figured in a scoreless away a 3-1 win over Sliema, while Floriana have draw against Northern Ireland in Ballymena. shown they mean business after wins over Next they play in Ukraine on Tuesday Birkirkara and Balzan.


Shock for Valletta in season’s opener

Bormla make it 20 National Regatta wins


ormla were in dominant form as they achieved their 20th victory in the traditional 8th of September Regatta at Malta’s Grand Harbour on Sunday. They won both the Open (with a total of 88 points) and the B category (with 64 points) and in the end were deservedly presented with the coveted shield. Marsamxett and Senglea shared second place in the Open, while Marsa and Marsa and Senglea finished secind and third repectively in the B category.

Green Gully just miss out on final series

NPL Vic: Green Gully 0 Bentleigh Greens 1 ne solitary goal scored by Bentleigh Green’s Daniel Stynes three minutes before half-time was enough to see his team advance further in this season’s final series while at the same time put an end to



Green Gully’s season. Gully were unfortunate when Matthew Fletcher was injured after 23 minutes and took no further part in the game. Gren Gully finished fourth, a point out of the final series zone.

George Cross wrap up season on a high

aroline Spring George Cross rounded up the season on a top note with a 2-1 victory at City Vista Stadium over Keilor Park. The game was littered with crude fouls, resulting in nine yellow cards to Keilor players and five to George Cross’. GC controlled the match and led 2-0 at half time with goals by Ethan Gage (11th)

Goalkeepeer Henry Bonello saves against Romania. He proved to be Malta’s hero in both matches

and Andre Lopes (34th). Keilor reduced the arrears on 37 mins.

* In the previous game George Cross lost 21 at home to North Sunshine Eagles. Francesco Stella scored George Cross’ only goal. Georgies finished the season fourth in the standing.

But for Sliema and Birkirkara the season’s openers proved fatal, with two defeats, while Birkirkara’s coach John Buttigieg became the first casualty by quitting his post. Balzan kicked off with a win over Sliema but then went down to Floriana Promoted Gudja and United won points in draws, while Sirens obtained a win. Day 2 Day 1 RESULTS Sta Lucia v Valletta Hibernains v Gudja U Balzan v Sliema W. Gżira U v Ħamrun S. Floriana v Birkirkara Mosta v Tarxien R. Senglea A. v Sirens

3-2 1-1 2-1 0-0 1-0 4-0 1-1

Valletta v Sliema W. Hibernians v Tarxien Floriana v Balzan Senglea v Birkirkara Gzira Utd v Sta Lucia Ħamrun S. v Gudja U Sirens v Mosta

3-1 4-1 1-0 1-0 0-0 2-2 4-3

Just a point from the last two


ith Parramatta FC’s 2019season all but over, Tony Basha’s men did their best to finish on a high, but all they could get in their last two outings were a 2-2 draw with top 5 side, Bankstown United and a 3-0 loss at Melita Stadium against Camden Tigers. At Bankstown they were denied certain victory when the referee called back an own goal scored ten minutes from time. In their final match against the Tigers they were totally outclassed 3-0 by the visitors in a frustrating afternoon.

APIA win NPL NSW title


eanwhile, APIA Leichhardt Tigers have ended nearly three years of championship heartache with an incredible 2-1 extra-time grand final win against Sydney United 58 in front of over 6,500 spectators at Bankwest Stadium to win the National Premier Leagues NSW. After suffering heartbreaking back-to-back grand final defeats in 2017 and 2018, APIA earned the title they so desperately wanted to win with a tireless 120 minutes (after extra time) performance.

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