The Voice of the Maltese No. 207

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Issue 207

The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Fort nightly magazine for the Diaspora Fortnightly

July 2, 2019

St Julian’s one of Malta’s most popular vacation spots

One of the catering establishments close to Spinola Bay the popular vacation spot of Saint Julian's where the small town successfully blends its fishing village charm with its tourist centre

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Once a Maltese always a Maltese!


Anthony Cassar

have been living in Australia for well over 50 years. It took me time to find my feet in this large island/continent, but I got stuck in and eventually got used to life over here. I managed to raise a family to my wife and my heart’s content. I raised my kids, all three of them born in Australia reminding them all the time where I came from and that they have and should be proud that they have Maltese blood in their veins. I still feel emotional talking about my country of birth, Malta, and the reason why I left, that is to improve my wellbeing after a hard time in the sixties in Malta where it had been a case of not what you know but the people you know in order to ‘survive’ and lead a

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descent life. At the time I believed I had no future in the country I so loved, not for want of trying but for reasons beyond my family’s or mine. I put all this behind me when I settled in Melbourne but I never forgot what Malta meant to me. Therefore from the outset I made sure to instill in my kids a love for Malta. However, try as I did I could not convince my kids to get close to organisations making up the Maltese community. They seemed more intent on preserving their independence, overcome the prejudice they suffered for being a second generation Maltese in a society that looked at them as “wogs” and to study and work hard to achieve their status. During their school years and despite the obstacles some ‘locals’ tried to create for them, they never de-

nounced their heritage, overcame the obstacles, managed to achieve what they set out to do from the outset and kept describing themselves as Maltese. I am so proud of them! I am pretty sure that among the Maltese community there are many who went through such an experience and am as proud as me of their siblings’ achievements. Our love for Malta has prevailed. I am certain that those among the Maltese community in Australia who read Andy Busuttil’s recent series of articles in The Voice of the Maltese about “passing on the leadership of the Maltese/Australian community to the next generations, must have felt the same pride as this man when he said that, “You can take the man out of Malta but you can never, ever take Malta out of the man”. So very true!

One never abandons his roots


letter published in issue N. 204 of Lawrence Camilleri those born in Valletta, Floriana, and ĦamThe Voice of the Maltese where the run now either living abroad or outside Valletta-born reader congratulated their respective towns do their utmost to Valletta FC for winning the Maltese Football Championship, and visit and join the inhabitants of the respective towns and to feel more than that expressed his pride for coming from Valletta, has they belong during the celebrations commemorating their patron prompted me to make these comments. saints and to meet old friends. It is good of the writer to feel such pride with his heritage. It is So if anything, the parochial feasts in the towns I have mensomething all of us members of the Maltese community living tioned serve to cement the togetherness of those still living there abroad should feel for our country, and particularly for the town and those who find an excuse to visit to join in the revelry. Be or village we were born and bred in. I believe that this is most they inhabitants or just born there, they are so proud of their evident for those who were born in four specific towns in Malta, towns and would never deny their roots. namely, Valletta, Floriana, the Cottonera area (especially in I was also in Malta last year when the Valletta 19 Foundation Bormla) and Ħamrun. organised the so-called Il-Festa l-Kbira in Valletta. That day I Although my father comes from Birgu (Vittoriosa) I was born was impressed that beside the fact that in Malta’s capital the “citand spent my formative years in Bormla at a time when the au- izens” annually celebrate four separate parochial fests, at least on thorities looked at the inhabitants of the three cities of Birgu, that day they all came together to distinguish themselves, not only Bormla, and Isla, but especially Bormla as if we were second or with their love for their respective patron saints as depicted in the third class citizens. We were mostly regarded as incapable of giv- statues that were carried along Republic Street, but even more ing a contribution to the economy or that the children weren’t for the city itself. able to hold a respectable or top position in government departNo wonder that they also all come together to celebrate their ments. sports achievements. Out of frustration, I left the island to look for pastures new. I By the way, when it comes to sports, one should also congratuchose the UK and have been living in the Midlands for close to late Balzan for winning their first major honour, the FA Trophy 30 years where I have a very stable job and built a family. (as per The Voice report), by beating Valletta thus depriving them My love for my hometown in Malta was one of the reasons that of the double. I chose to live in the UK and not in a far The big traditional Malta festa (Il-Festa l-Kbira) with away country such as Australia, Canada or the statues of the four Valletta parishes last year the USA. The nearness of my new home in the UK with Bormla allows me to make frequent visits to Malta. I only missed flying back to Malta in my first three years in the UK when I was still trying to find my feet. When I attend Bormla’s annual parochial feast on 8th December I meet many old friends who like me live abroad but try their best not to miss this occasion. I also meet many others who live in other villages around Malta but always make it a point to celebrate with the Bormliżi. I also know for a fact that even most of

The Voice of the Maltese 3

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Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers

Bad Beneficiaries: Should they be

allowed to inherit from their victims?


by PaulSant

convicted murderer cannot inherit their victim's estate. However, the lines become blurred if the person: (a) Assisted in covering up the murder? (b) Accidentally killed the deceased? Or (c) Were held not guilty due to ill mental vv health? Essentially, whether the bad beneficiary will be prohibited from inheriting the deceased victim’s wealth depends on how “bad” their behaviour was. In other words, what was their level of culpability? Recent reporting of the murder of Annabelle Chen by her husband has attracted widespread attention to the mechanics of the “Forfeiture Rule”. Mr Chen’s daughter, Tiffany Wan, was found to have helped her father cover up the crime. She was convicted and imprisoned. She will become eligible for parole next month, and the spotlight has now fallen upon the Estate of the late Annabella Chen. Although Tiffany’s father has been denied any possibility of inheritance, Tiffany herself could potentially inherit her deceased mother’s estate. At the moment, there is no direct precedent to guide whether involvement in covering up the murder would be sufficient to block the convicted person from inheriting all or part of the estate. The situation is unclear and the result cannot be predicted. What is the Forfeiture Rule? There are two versions of the Forfeiture Rule: the common law version and the legislated additions. The common law version applies to cases

of murder and manslaughter but does not include the case of a person found not guilty of murder on the ground of mental illness. The Forfeiture Act 1995 was introduced to provide the Court with the discretion to apply or modify the operation of the forfeiture rule, as where “justice” requires. Section 3 defines the Forfeiture Rule as “the unwritten rule of public policy that in certain circumstances precludes a person who has unlawfully killed another person from acquiring a benefit in consequence of the killing.” The words “unlawful killing” are further defined as: (a) any homicide committed in the State that is an offence, and (b) any homicide that would be an offenence if committed within the State, and includes aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring such a homicide and unlawfully aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring a suicide. The common law forfeiture rule will continue to be strictly applied in the case of outright murder, and no opportunity to modify or temper the effect of the rule is offered by the Act. The Settree Case A recent example played out in the case of Re Settree Estates; Robinson v Settree [2018] NSWSC 1413. In this case, Scott Settree used a prohibited shotgun to shoot and kill his parents following an argument in the family home. The attack was unprovoked, and the Court itself made note that Mr and Mrs Settree were “blameless, loving parents”. Scott admitted to killing his parents, and admitted to intending to kill them, how-



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ever he was found not guilty by reason of mental illness and remains in protective detention as a result of orders made at the conclusion of his criminal trial. The deceased parents left wills that bequeathed their wealth to their two children equally. In total the estate was worth about $2 million dollars, and Scott was due to inherit half. The inheritance became possible because the common law forfeiture rule does not apply in the case of a person found not guilty of murder by reason of mental illness. Scott’s sister, Wendy, decided to skip over the application of the common law rule and turn to the additional legislative rules. Under section 11 of the Forfeiture Act, Wendy applied to the Court for orders that the forfeiture rule still apply to Scott even though he was found not guilty of murder by reason of mental illness. Section 11 specifically provides for the possibility of extending the application of the Forfeiture Rule to persons found not guilty of murder by reason of mental illness where the evidence addresses: (a) whether “justice” requires the rule to be applied as if the offender had been found guilty of murder; (b) Scott’s conduct; (c) the conduct of Scott’s deceased parents; (d) the effect of the rule upon other people, i.e. Scott’s children or other surviving beneficiaries; and (e) such other matters that the Court considers important. The Court ultimately decided that the Forfeiture Rule would be applied, however with a condition that an amount of $50,000 be set aside from each of the parent’s estates to be held on restricted trusts for Scott’s welfare. In coming to this conclusion, the Court considered the level of premeditation, Scott’s mental illness and the view that Scott’s deceased parents would not have wanted Scott left without any financial assistance. Conclusion Although the common law rule seemed to provide clear-cut results, the tempering effect of the legislative discretion cannot be ignored. Keeping up with strong public sentiment regarding notions of morality and justice is no simple task. We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Il-BOV u l-klijenti tiegħu fl-Awstralja


ara żmien twil fl-Awstralja, speċalment f’Melbourne u f’Sydney, il-Bank of Valletta kien waqqaf permanentement is-servizz bħala bank rappreżentattiv. Fil-fatt għalaq laħħar uffiċċju rappreżentattiv tiegħu f’Melbourne fis-7 ta’ Lulju 2017. Luffiċċju f’Sydney għalqu ħafna qabel. F’dawn l-aħħar gimgħat, il-Bank li għad għandu mijiet ta’ klijenti fl-Awstralja, infurmahom li minħabba l-Prevention of Money Laundering and Funding Terrorisim Regulation (PMLFTR) inħasset il-ħieġa li l-bank jikkonferma minn żmien għall-ieħor id-dettalji tal-klijenti tiegħu. Fil-fatt il-klijenti fl-Awstralja rċevew sett ta’ dokumenti f’ittri rreġistrati u ġew mitluba li dawn id-dokumenti jibagħtuhom lura lejn il-Bank f’Malta fi tlett ġimgħat mid-data li msemmija fl-ittra. Intqalilhom ukoll li jekk ma jsirx dan, il-kontijiet tagħhom se jigu mblukkati. Jekk il-klijienti fl-Awstralja ma jibagħtux lura d-dokumenti mwieġba kompluti u sodisfaċenti fi żmien xagħrejn mid-data tal-ittra, il-bank se jkun jista’ jtemm ir-relazzjonijiet u jagħlqilhom il-kontijiet. The Voice of the Maltese fl-Awstralja rċevejna ħafna tgergir dwar kif il-BOV qed għal darb’oħra jittratta mal-klijneti tiegħu fl-Awstralja wara li diġa` kien għalqilhom l-uffiċini tiegħu hemmhekk u qata’ ħesrem kull kuntatti li kellu mal-komunita` Maltija. Id-dokumenti ta’ madwar għaxar faċċatti li ntbagħtu lill-klijenti tal-bank, mhux daqstant faċli li jiġu mimlija. Filfatt wieħed mill-klijenti qalilna li wara li pprova jċempel lill-customer care tal-Bank - mingħajr lanqas biss irnexxeilu - kellu jmur għand avukat biex jitlob l-għajnuna tiegħu u weħel spiża ta’ $700 biex mela u approva dawn id-dokumenti. Minbarra t-tagħrif normali, f’dawn iddokumenti hemm anke dikjarazzjonijiet oħra dwar Source of Wealth, Individual Tax Residency Form u oħrajn. Dawk flaħħar iridu jkunu approvati bil-firma ta’ persuni professjonali. Dawk li tkellmu ma’ The Voice ħassew li ż-żmien mitlub biex jintbagħtu lura dawn id-dokumenti lillBOV ma kienx adegwat u setgħu saru xi arranġamenti fejn il-klijenti jistgħu jmorru għall-għajnuna u mhux biss li jċemplu Malta. Il-fatt li l-bank ħareġ stqarrija hekk ħarxa li wara ftit xhur jista’ jingassa lkontijiet bla ma qal x’jista’ jsir millflus xejn ma niżlet tajjeb mal-klijienti. Sadanittant il-BOV qalu li dan il-pass kellhom jeħduh minħabba liġijiet ġodda li daħlu fis-seħħ bħala kontroll kontra l-ħasil ta’ flus u l-korruzzjoni.

Maltese Australian family lawyer participates in Malta conference on how to avoid family disputes


altese Australian Accredited Family Law specialist Ms Marlene Ebejer (pictured right), who currently occupies the position of President of the Maltese Community Council of Victoria, was recently in Malta where she joined other family lawyers and professionals in a conference that discussed the procedural difficulties and the profession’s ethics aimed at lessening the suffering of families in crisis, and to avoid that family disputes end up in Court with the eventual complications for couples and their children coming out of separation and divorce proceedings. The conference that was held with the assistance of the Ministry for the Family, Children's Rights and Social Solidarity which said that the changes in family legislation should reflect the changes in society, brought together lawyers, judiciary members in Family Courts, Social Workers and psychologists from Australia, America and Malta. Together they discussed the proceedings in separation and divorce cases and the rights of couples and their children in such cases, which also include mediation. The conference also treated the legal ethics in such issues that contain great sensitivity for the parties involved. The conference that was also addressed by the Minister responsible for the portfolio, Dr Michael Falzon, also treated the legal ethics in such issues that contain great sensitivity for the parties involved. Marlene Ebejer, who runs the JAM community that organises such conferences annually to discuss the legal aspects regarding the family, was one of the main speakers. Addressing the gathering, Ms Ebejer said, that the family law conference deals with issues around children, divorce and property matters, and how the systems in Malta and in Australia work. It was also intended

to show how to deal with it when people separate when it comes to property matters, and also mediation instead of everybody going to court spending a lot of money. “We are looking at different alternative ways to resolve family disputes”, she said. The participants discussed the shortcomings and the difficulties encountered at the Family Court, and heard Minister Falzon say that, “the family legislation includes two concepts, one where change is needed and is updated according to realities in society,” and more important, “ that we are speaking about human relations and emotions, on realities we have to face and our obligations to protect the family”. He added that drafting of legislation that affects the family have to be adopted carefully and with great sensitivity because they concern the human life, including those most vulnerable. He stated that the child protection law that is currently in the parliamentary committee stage took time to be completed. It will come into force in a few months’ time.

New report aims to improve advocacy outcomes for migrant communities

The Voice of the Maltese 5

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he Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA) recently released a new report that acts as a guide for Governments on how to engage with new and emerging migrant communities. The report, titled New and Emerging Communities in Australia: Enhancing Capacity for Advocacy, also maps how new and emerging migrant communities currently represent their interests to government, and provides recommendations on how these communities can improve the effectiveness of their advocacy to decision makers. FECCA CEO Mohammad Al-Khafaji said it is essential that all of Australia’s migrant groups are able to effectively advocate to Governments and other stakeholders. “Almost one third of Australians were born overseas – a higher proportion than in the US, Canada, New Zealand and the UK,” he said. “Those figures include Australians who

were born in almost 200 different countries. While there are many large, established migrant communities, such as those from the UK, China, India and New Zealand, we are also seeing the growth of newer, smaller migrant communities. “The social and economic disadvantage that many migrant and refugee communities face – especially those Mohammad who are recently arrived – means it is Al-Khafaji important they have strong and effective advocates. “Effective advocacy helps Governments better understand the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities with the goal of improving outcomes for those individuals and to secure good outcomes for their commucommunities. nities.” “FECCA advocates on behalf of all culturally and linguistically diverse Australians, FECCA is the peak, national body reprehowever we also want to ensure Govern- senting Australians from culturally and ments know how to engage with these com- linguistically diverse (CALD) backmunities and grounds. FECCA’s role is to advocate and that all mi- promote issues on behalf of its congrant groups stituency to government, business and the are equipped broader community. Contact: 0434 307 with the tools 012 / dents aged between 6 and 15 years. Maltese students participated in one of nine different categories depending on their age in n 2018, more than 87,000 students visited Malta in order both primary and secondary to learn the English as a foreign language. The National schools. Office of Statistics, NSO has indicated that the largest This competition promotes inter- amount of students came from, Italy, followed by Germany est in mental mathematics. It pro- and France. vides students another In recent years Malta has also been hosting thousands of opportunity to reinforce their students for the same purpose from Colombia, Brazil, Arskills in number and mental cal- gentina and South Korea. The Federation of English lanculations through constructive guage schools in Malta, FELTOM, said that last year alone, play. students from Brazil numbered 4,300.

International Mental Maths Challenge

Maltese students place second


altese students achieved the best ever result in the 13th edition of the ‘Supertmatik Mental Maths Challenge’ by placing second. This outstanding result for Maltese students across primary and secondary schools was achieved in a challenge with the participation of 257,259 students of 45 nationalities. This annual mental mathematics international championship is a mathematics competition for stu-

87,000 visit Malta to study English


Julia will become youngest Maltese ballerina to perform at prestigious London theatres


n September, Julia Gauci, an 11year-old ballerina will become the youngest Maltese dancer to land a role in two live performances at London’s famous Sadler’s Wells Theatre and The Crescent in Birmingham. The dedicated young ballerina was chosen to perform following some tough auditions with a UK ballet company. #YASgurl! Julia will be joining the UK’s National

Youth Ballet for intense rehearsals in August to prepare for the live performances a month later. Her chance comes thanks to the BOV Joseph Calleja Foundation and Bupa Malta. Explaining her feelings at the chance, Julia said, “I’m really excited and happy about this opportunity – I have a lot of support and did my best to get here. I can now pursue my dream of becoming a professional ballerina.”

6 The Voice of the Maltese


s published in the last issue of The Voice, this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours list (on June 10) had no Malta-born awardees, but we discovered two personalities with Maltese sounding names that were awarded the Australian Medal as Members of the Order of Australia (AM). They were Australiaborn Anthony Michael Schembri, the son of a Kercem-born Gozitan father, and Dr Marguerite Evans-Galea, an Australian

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married to Charles Galea, also born in Australia, and whose parents were from Mosta, Malta. We are so proud of both of them. The Voice is now in a position to publish information we managed to obtain about Dr Marguerite Evans-Galea, who is a leading scientist and advocate for greater diversity and equity for women in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine).

Dr Marguerite Evans Galea A.M.

– an internationally recognised leading Scientist,

Women in STEMM Advocate, and Entrepreneur


r Marguerite EvansGalea is an internationally recognised and award-winning medical researcher recognised in the United States and Australia for her research leadership, particularly her contributions to the study of Friedreich ataxia and the development of gene therapies, and mentoring young scientists. She is an Executive Director of IMNIS – the STEM industry-mentoring network based within the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering, and also co-founder and CEO of Women in STEMM Australia, a volunteer- led gender diversity and equality advocacy organisation. She also holds honorary positions at Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and The University of Melbourne, and is Australasian Associate Editor with the Springer-Nature journal Gene Therapy. As a member of the Ministerial Council for Women’s Equality in Victoria, Dr EvansGalea actively applies an intersectional lens and an inclusive approach in developing practices and policies for those underrepresented in leadership. As an expert advisor to the Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) initiative with Australia’s National Academies, Dr Evans-Galea has designed structural reforms to increase the participation of women in the STEMM workforce, particularly in the mid- to late-career stages when the glass and bamboo ceilings become more evident. She mentors a Pacific leader within the Australia Awards Women in Leadership Initiative a programme hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. In her reaction to the award, Dr EvansGalea said, “It’s incredibly rewarding and motivating to be recognised in this way. It is an honour to work within the extraordinary Australian STEMM sector as a scien-

Mentoring Committee with the Postdoctoral Council. Moving on from her role as a medical researcher at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in 2016, she was appointed Executive Director of the prestigious Industry Mentoring Network in STEM (IMNIS). IMNIS connects early career researchers with influential industry leaders to foster a new generation of researchers capable of industry engagement, collaboration and career transitioning with confidence. Dr Evans-Galea has an unwavering commitment to empowering early career researchers and women in STEMM. In 2014, she cofounded the volunteer-run non-profit organisation Women in STEMM Australia, which aims to connect and advocates for women in STEMM, regardless of their discipline or profession. Along with other women Dr Marguerite Evans-Galea and men on the Women in tist, executive, entrepreneur and advocate.” STEMM Australia Executive, Dr Evans“The breadth and depth of talent, the Galea advises national organisations and global impact we have, the enormous po- government on actionable measures to retential of our emerging young scientists and tain and promote women in STEMM into the increasing role of STEMM women in leadership, and to drive systemic change so leadership, perfectly positions Australia to more women lead and excel throughout the lead research and development in a multi- STEMM ecosystem. Amplifying the work of hundreds of tude of innovation sectors.” She went on to say that it was, quite sur- women in STEMM groups and proreal to receive this welcome news, as it’s grammes around Australia, Women in not what anyone expects to find when STEMM Australia has increased the visibility of women in STEMM in Australia, opening an email. “I was initially overwhelmed and humbled providing role models and smashing stereothat someone would take the time to nom- types. “I did science to help people. As a country, inate me. So I thank them for seeing me and the important work that I’m privileged there are challenges we have yet to face, and we need all voices at the table to ensure to do,” Dr Evans-Galea said. Throughout her career she has demon- we brainstorm the best ideas, have robust strated a long-standing passion for mentor- debate, and come together to devise the ing, which began as a PhD student and best solutions. This is why advocating for continued throughout her postdoctoral women in STEMM is so important. It isn’t years at St Jude Children’s Research Hos- about you, it isn’t about me. It’s about all pital in the USA, where she chaired the of us,” she said.

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Il-ġnien sabiħ tal-Barrakka ta’ Fuq fil-kaptiali Maltija, Valletta

Madwar id-dinja ma’ Doris Mejlak D

oris Mejlak (fuq il-lemin) hija magħrufa sew fl-Awstralja, l-aktar f’Sydney bħala esperta f’dak kollu li għandu x’jaqsam mal-ġonna. Għal dawn l-aħħar tletin sena rebħet ruxxmanta ta’ premjijiet f’kompetizzjonijiet għal aħjar ġonna fi djar privati fid-distrett lokali ta’ Cumberland. Doris Micallef li twieled f’San Pawl il-Bahar f’Malta żżewġet lil Salvu Mejlak u emigraw lejn Sydney fl-1974. Hija regulari fuq il-programm Malti tar-radju SBS u żżur ħafna gruppi Maltin biex tkellimhom dwar il-kura tal-ġnien, xtieli u fjuri. The Voice of the Maltese tkellimna ma’ din il-Maltija ftit wara li kienet għadha kemm waslet lura minn vjaġġ memorabbli li tulu żaret għadd ta’ pajjiżi fejn kien hemm wirjiet ta’ fjuri kif ukoll ġonna magħrufa. L-ewwel waqfa tagħha kienet f’Chelsea Flower Show fejn amIl-ġnien ta’ Villa Rundle filgżira Għawdxija kif ikun mixgħul tard filgħaxija

mirat il-perfezzjoni tal-preżentazzjonijiet f’din il-wirja annwali ta’ fjuri kif ukoll kemm dawn in-nahat ta’ Londra jilqgħu ir-Rebbieha bilfjuri mżejna ma’ kull fejn tħares. Żaret ukoll Kew Gardens u Kensington, fejn kien hemm wirja ta’ fjuri tal-ħġieġ u papri kbar (ċinji) kif ukoll dak il-ġnien iddedikat lill-Prinċipessa Diana. Ma naqsitx ukoll li tagħti ħarsa lejn il-ġonna ta’ Buckingham Palace fejn tkellmet ma’ ħafna ġardinarja li kienu jippreparaw u jieħdu ħsieb dawk il-fjuri ta’ kull lewn u anke fwieħa. Doris marret ukoll l-Italja u żaret Bolonja fejn osservat kif isir ir-riċiklaċ tal-ilma f’monumenti u kif iżżomm il-fjuri. Kienet ferm impressjonata b’Villa Carlotta, ġnien ta’ kobor kbir li jmur lura madwar 300 sena, illum muzew. F’Lake Como rat s-sbuħija tan-natura u l-fjuri ta’ ħafna kwalitajiet. Izda ma kienux biss il-postijiet sbieħ li impressjonawha, għax anke meta żaret Malta osservat kif qed jinżammu r-roundabouts bil-fjuri u kif il-Barrakka ta’ Fuq saret tant sabiħa u tfewwaħ bi fjuri sbieħ. Ma setax jonqos li f’Malta żżur ukoll il-kampanja Maltija fejn tpaxxiet bil-bajtar tax-xewk, il-ħitan tas-sejjieħ, il-kappar u ssiġar tat-tin u tal-ħarrub u dawk ix-xtili ħergin mill-għeruq. F’Kemmuna wkoll sabet għaxqa fir-Rebbieha waqt li għoxiet b’Għawdex li jibbrilla bil-ħafna ġonna ikkultivati u tant sbieħ tiegħu. F’għajnejn Doris Mejlak, in-natura fir-Rebbieha toffrilek l-aqwa żmienijiet u dejjem tfittex biex taqsam mal-komunita’ Maltija dak li tara u l-ħajja tal-gnien u x-xtili li tgħix fihom.

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly magazine fortnightly tnightly magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name, e-mail address and residence of the writer, and be emailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

The Voice indeed a great read


Elettra Brown from Pendle Hill NSW writes: he Voice of the Maltese is an excellent magazine that provides a wealth of up-to-date information to the readers, especially the Maltese people. I enjoy the format, and also the many coloured photos, as I can easily find interesting regular articles such as Money Talks, Personality of the Month, Have your Say, Community News and others. The magazine is indeed a great read for both young and old as it provides something for both generations.

Having The Voice of the Maltese magazine online is also a great asset as it is always readily available to readers anytime on technological devices. I personally struggle to read the articles written in Maltese and only get to read a few sentences. However, I will keep enjoy reading the magazine as it is a great way to communicate and keep in touch with events here and in Malta. Thanks for keeping it going.

What is real, and what is fake news Skorba to play in Spiro Gatt from Tweed Heads NSW writes: ear Editor, social media has become a Victoria November Dterrifying nonsense, an absurdity. We Andy Busuttil from Blue Mountains NSW do not know what is reality or fake news


writes: hank you Alexia Cassar for your letter to the latest edition of The Voice of the Maltese regarding Skorba's recent performance at La Valette Social Club. Of course we do have plans to come to Melbourne and we have been invited by Marlene Ebejer of the Maltese Community Council of Victoria to perform in Parkville in November on the night of Saturday 16th. I will be writing an article for The Voice about this soon and also about my experience at La Valette. Skorba had a wonderful concert recently in La Valette and it was a delight as always to be surrounded by the warmth of my Maltese brothers and sisters in the audience. It was also a very special delight to have my 91-year-old mum, Georgina, in the front row of the audience. Of course in tears through the whole concert.

anymore. Facebook is easily hacked, thus causing lots of worries. We have types who can hardly use social media without misleading and destabilising intentions. Some even try to create divisions in our community by writing what comes into their minds without any type of verification. Because they get a few hits from the same circle of friends they think they are now qualified journalists. This is why publications like The Voice of the Maltese have a vital and essential role in our democracy to tell us the truth, to be balanced and impartial, which it truly is.

Mark Buttiġieġ and the Spartans Bar


D. Fendo from Guildford NSW writes: t may not be such an important issue but minor items tend to attract attention as well. In your story (issue June 4, p 18) Another Buttigieg to the fore, the Spartans Bar in Triq San Gejtanu Ħamrun was mentioned. It is not there anymore. How many people would remember this bar? I mention this because this was where the Ħamrun Eagles U/16 team used to meet. Ħamrun Eagles gave us Melita Eagles and Parramatta Melita Eagles in NSW.

Għall-attenzjoni tal-qarrejja

Il-qarrejja li jixtiequ juru l-fehmiet tagħhom dwar xi suġġett huma mħeġġa li ma jħallux għall-aħħar. Indirizzaw l-emails lil L-ttri għall-pubblikazzjoni indikawhom: Letters to the editor.

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Dewmien esaġerat Meta l-Konvenzjoni li jmiss? fil-posta bejn l-Konvenzjonijiet għall-Maltin li InijaJgħixu Barra minn Malta huma mistenu huma ħafna dawk li jkunu jridu jipMalta - Awstralja parteċipaw. L-ewwel konvenzjoni kienet

Tuesday July 2, 2019


l-Maltin fl-Awstralja ilhom ħafna jilmentaw dwar is-sistema tal-impustar talittri minn Malta. The Voice of the Maltese nirċievu tgergir li ħafna mill-ittri minn Malta għall-Awstralja qed idumu ħafna biex jaslu speċjalment fi żmien tal-Milied meta ruxxmata ta’ ittra jaslu ħafna jiem wara l-Milied u l-Ewwel tas-Sena u għalhekk il-messaġġ ikun tilef ftit mil-valur tiegħu. Dan l-aħħar kellna wkoll tgergir meta ittri rreġistrati impustati f’Malta fit-2 ta’ Ġunju waslu l-Awstralja 23 jum wara. Dawn kienu ittra ta’ mportanza legali kif ukoll stediniet għall-okażjonijiet important li biex impustawhom minn Malta swew aktar minn €7. Ċertament mhix rata baxxa. F’dawn iż-żmenijiet moderni meta hawn ajruplani bejn iż-żewg pajjizi fuq rata ta’ kuljum, din is-sitwazzjoni mhix aċċettabbli.

organizzata mill-Kummissjoni Emigranti ta’ Malta f’Lulju 1969. Kien hemm spazju ta’ 30 sena biex waslet Konvenzjoni oħra, din id-darba ħadha f’idejh il-Gvern ta’ Malta u organizzaha biex tkun parti mill-millenju lġdid, għalhekk saret bejn il-25 ta’ Jannar u l-1 ta’ Frar 2000. It-tielet Konvenzjoni saret f’Marzu 2010 fejn ittieħdet deċiżjoni li l-Konvenzjoni issir kull ħames snin. Minn dakinhar baqgħu jsiru mill-Gvern ta’ Malta u għalhekk ir-raba’ waħda saret f’April 2015. Għalkemm xejn għad mhu gie mħabbar uffiċjalment meta se ssir il-Konvenzjoni li jmiss, jidher li d-dati riservati huma dawk ta’ bejn il-5 u l-10 ta’ Ottubru 2020. The Voice of the Maltese għandna konnessjoni speċjali ma’ dawn il-Konvenzjonijiet għax wieħed mill-edituri tagħna, Lawrence Dimech mhux biss attenda kull konvenzjoni li saret

SMOM holds Bi-Annual conference in Sydney


he Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (ISMOM) held this year’s Australian Bi-Annual Conference in Sydney on the first weekend of June (1-2). On show during the conference were two vans acquired by the Order to distribute overcoats, bottled water, toothpaste and toothbrushes, hats, scarves and other sanitary items to the poor, the sick and the homeless throughout Sydney. In 1113 Pope Paschal II confirmed SMOM as a lay Catholic Order that propagates Brotherhood and Charity for the sick, the needy, the homeless and refugees. Its Grand Master is situated within the grounds of the Vatican and is subject to international law. He exercises sovereign function with all the prerogatives and privileges of a Head of State. The Order maintains diplomatic relations with more than 100 Nations worldwide and is also accredited (as just one of two entities) with a permanent observer status at the United Nations. The Maltese Government recently granted the Order the exclusive use of Fort St. Angelo in Birgu for a term of 99 years. Two of the knights: Confrere Paul Sant KMG (left) and Confrere Paul Zammit KMG, alongside one of the vans acquired by the SMOM

izda hu l-uniku presuna li ppreżenta studju f’kull Konvenzjoni. Il-Gvern Malti ħatar ukoll il-Kunsill talMaltin li jgħixu barra (CMLA) li l-aħħar li ltaqa’ f’Malta kien f’Novembru tas-sena l-oħra (fuq), huwa magħmul minn 15il membru li ġejjin minn għadd ta’ stati tal-Awstralja, il-Kanada, l-Istati Uniti talAmerka, Franza, l-Unjoni Ewropeja, lEmirati Għarab Magħquda u Malta. Iċ-chairperson tal-kunsill huwa l-Onor. Carmelo Abela, l-Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin u l-Promozzjoni tal-Kummerċ.

10 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday July 2, 2019

A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: https://ivancauchi.

L-ispjunaġġ ċibernetiku L

-ispjunaġġ huwa attività li biha rivali personali, kummerċjali jew militari jitkixxfu fuq l-avversarji jew għedewwa tagħhom biex isiru jafu dak li jkunu qegħdin jgħidu jew jagħmlu minn wara l-kwinti. L-attività titqies suċċess jekk l-intelliġenza li qed tiġi mfittxija tkun fil-fatt miksuba, u suċċess ikbar jekk l-att ta’ spjunaġġ ikun mhux magħruf minn dak li huwa lmira. Apparti l-metodi tradizzjonali fejn wieħed jistaħba x’imkien u josserva xi jkun qed jiġri, il-qari ta’ ittri u messaġġi miktuba, u tteħid bil-moħbi u mill-bogħod ta’ ritratti u vidjows, illum insibu wkoll is-sorvelja tal-mezzi tal-komunikazzjoni tat-telefon, il-messaġġi elettroniċi u l-apparat ta’ komunikazzjoni u ta’ kontroll awtomatiku. L-istudu ta' dawn tal-aħħar jissejjaħ ċibernetiku, u apparti li jwassal għal sorveljanza diskreta jista’ wkoll iwassal għal sabutaġġ strateġiku ta’ apparat importanti tal-għadu. F’dawn l-aħħar jiem, kien hemm eżempju ċar ta’ din l-attività meta l-President Amerikan Donald Trump ġie rrappurtat li approva attakk ċibernetiku li wassal għat-twaqqif ta' kompjuters Iranjani li jintużaw biex jikkontrollaw it-tfigħ ta’ missili u rokits militari.1 Dan kien bi tweġiba għat-twaqqigħ ta’ ajruplan ta’ sorveljanza mingħajr pilota (drone) mill-Iranjani li stqarrew li kien daħal fitterritorju tagħhom. L-Iran mhux l-ewwel darba li kien intlaqat minn attakk simili. Forsi tiftakru ftit snin ilu, kienet affettwat minn virus imsejjaħ Stuxnet li kien infetta u qered il-magni ċentrifruġjali li kien juża biex jirfina l-uranju, fil-programm nukleari tal-pajjiż li huma jistqarru li għandu skop ċivili, imma li pajjiżi oħrajn jissuspettaw li kellu għanijiet militari. Dan l-attakk kien proġett fi sħubija bejn l-Istati Uniti u l-Israel.2 Wieħed jista’ jqabbel dan l-aġir mal-akkużi mibdijin mill-Istati Uniti u aċċettati minn xi pajjiżi oħra inkluża l-Awstralja, li l-użu ta’ apparat mill-kumpannija Ċiniża Huawei fin-netwerks tattelekomunikazzjoni fil-pajjiż ikun theddida għas-sigurtà nazzjonali. Huwa ċar li din l-akkuża, irrispettivament jekk hix fundata fuq il-verità jew le, żgur li mhix ibbażata fuq argument morali. Meta l-Istati Uniti tgħid li ma tridx li jintuża apparat tal-Huawei fin-netwerks tal-pajjiż u tal-allejati tagħha, ma tgħidx dan għax lispjunaġġ ċibernetiku huwa minnu nnifsu ħażin u ta’ min jistmerru, imma għax tixtieq li l-ispjunaġġ ikun jista’ jsir biss mill-Istati Uniti. Fi kliem ieħor, l-Istati Uniti jidhrilha li għandha vantaġġ f’dan il-qasam, u trid li żżommu. Eżempju ieħor ta’ din il-mentalità hu evidenti fil-gwerra kummerċjali li bħalissa qiegħda sseħħ bejn l-Istati Uniti u ċ-Ċina. IlPresident Trump kien l-ewwel wieħed li impona dazji ġodda fuq prodotti ġejjin miċ-Ċina, u wkoll li wara xi żmien żiedhom. Kull

kitba ta’


darba li għamel dan, kien b’wiċċu minn quddiem javża lill-avversarji tiegħu biex ma jirritaljawx.3 Fi kliem ieħor, Trump biss jaħseb li għandu dritt li jagħti ddaqqiet fil-wiċċ. Għal bniedem li jitħabat tant biex jintgħoġob millvotanti Nsara fil-pajjiż, niskanta kif meta jkun qed jindirizza lill-Iranjani u ċ-Ċiniżi ma jikkwotalhomx lil Mattew 5:39, biex wara li Trump itihom bil-ħarta fuq il-ħadd tal-lemin, idawrulu lħadd tax-xellug. Mhux hekk nibqgħu! Ilu snin ċar li l-qawwiet il-kbar fil-politika internazzjonali qegħdin jinvestu, u bil-kbir, f’dan il-qasam, u mhumiex se jmorru javżaw l-għassa x’kienu kapaċi jiżviluppaw, u inqas u inqas fejn kien irnexxielhom jiddeffsu. Jien jidhirli li l-biża’ li pajjiż jista’ jiġi spjunat jew sabutaġġat minn sistemi ġodda tat-teknoloġija hija ġustifikata, imma mhix limitata biss għall-avversarji li wieħed jaf bihom u jirrikonoxxi llum. Jien nibża’ wkoll minn kapaċitajiet simili minn dawk li llum wieħed iqishom u jħares lejhom bħala ħbieb, jew anke allejati, u li għalhekk wieħed jafdahom iktar, jew kompletament, tant li forsi prekawzjonijiet li jittieħdu f’sitwazzjonijiet oħra fil-fatt ma jittiħdux. Xejn ma trid biex pajjiż jibdel it-tmexxija tiegħu, jibdel il-politika tiegħu domestika jew internazzjonali, u f’daqqa waħda tinduna li fuq medda ta’ żmien il-ħbiberija naqset, il-fiduċja kesħet, u tibda tistaqsi jekk il-valuri u l-interessi taż-żewġ naħat fil-fatt għadhomx jaqblu. Minn fejn se tibda jekk tkun trid tirrevedi jekk il-ħbieb fil-fatt kinux qed jispjunaw fuq xulxin ukoll? Jien naħseb li prekawzjonijiet f’dan il-qasam iridu jittieħdu kull fejn jintmessu sistemi mhux mibnijin minn persuni u organizzazzjonijiet li pajjiż għandu kontroll sħiħ fuqhom, jiġu minn fejn jiġu. Dan qed isir iktar u iktar diffiċli meta servizzi u prodotti ma jibqgħux vijabbli li jsiru minn pajjiż, u għalhekk industrija sħiħa tagħlaq u ma jista’ jsir xejn ħlief li jiġi impurtat iktar u iktar. Il-pajjiżi li m’għarfux l-importanza li jiġu mħarsa jew żviluppati industriji indiġeni, u m’għarfux l-impatt fuq is-sigurtà nazzjonali ta’ dan, jistgħu jiddispjaċihom bil-kbir ‘il quddiem b’xi esperjenza qarsa fejn wieħed ma kienx qed jistenniha.

Referenzi 1. ?noredirect=on&utm_term=.335f6ff8c033, retrieved 26/6/2019 2. op/, retrieved 26/6/2019 [3], retrieved 26/6/2019

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Joseph Abela Scolaro... kien sinonimu

Tuesday July 2, 2019

mal-Banda San Gejtanu


insabu fl-għeqqel tat-tradizzjonijiet fil-Gżejjer Maltin, il-festi, li waqthom ingawdu tradizzjoni milisbaħ, il-baned u l-marċi li jsebbħu li jġibu bil-brijju. Surmastrijiet ta’ ħila li jikkomponu l-marċi jibqgħu jinbtu, imma l-marċi ftit antiki (tas-snin sittin u sebgħin) ma jintnesewx, wisq inqas is-surmastrijiet li kkomponewhom. Jekk mill-Ħamrun żgur li tinsa qatt lis-Surmast Joseph Abela Scolaro li f’April li għadda għalaq 40 sena mejjet. Hu twieled fid-9 ta’ Frar tal-1910 u miet fis-27 t’April, 1979. Lill-Ħamruniżi, l-aktar lill-ammiraturi tal-Banda San Gejtanu, ħallielhom diversi marċi tal-festa li għadhom ħajjin salġurnata tal-lum. Ħallielhom ukoll fuq kollox l-Innu l-Kbir (1947), kantata f’ġieħ San Gejtanu li tindaqq f’okkażjonijiet speċjali bħal xi anniversarju. Missieri dejjem kien jgħidli li dan l-innu hu xi ftit twil iżda sabiħ, bi stoffa mużikali mill-aqwa”. Is-Soprano Hilda Mallia Tabone kienet interpretatu, u ssemmi li fih versi talpoeta u ħabib ta’ Abela Scolaro, Dun Frans Camilleri. Lis-Surmast Abela Scolaro kont nafu xi ftit bis-saħħa ta’ missieri Karmenu li daqq ħafna miegħu; kull fejn kien ikun hemm Abela Scolaro kont issib ukoll lil missieri bit-Tromba Baxxa. Kellhom rispett rċiproku. Scolaro kien jaf sewwa lpjanu, allura li għalhekk il-kompożizzjonijiet tiegħu fihom armonija tajba, għax imnebbħa mit-testiera tal-pjanu. Għalkemm isem is-Surmast Abela Scoloro hu l-aktar marbut mal-Każin ta’ San Gejtanu (fejn kien direttur bejn l-1943 u l-1972), kien ukoll surmast-direttur tal-Banda Unjoni ta’ Ħal Luqa, ta’ Maria Mater Gratiae ta’ ĦażŻabbar u tal-Banda Leone tar-Rabat Għawdex. L-aktar li naf lil Scolaro meta kien surmast tal-Banda Unjoni ta’ Ħal Luqa. Izda llum ħlief xi ftit marċi tal-festa ta’ Scolaro ma nisimgħu xejn aktar. Naturalment, l-innu tiegħu għall-Banda San Gejtanu twieled biex ma jmut qatt. Bħala innijiet kbar, Abela Scolaro ikkompona wkoll ta’ Sant’Andrija, tal-Madonna taċ-Ċintura u talMadonna tal-Grazzja. Dun Frans Camilleri kien qisu l-id il-leminija tiegħu. Kien joħloqlu vrus mill-isbaħ li donnhom kienu jispirawh. Fost il-kitbiet ta’ Dun Frans li Abela Scolaro mmużika hemm, ‘Lil San Pawl Appostlu’, l-innu sabiħ għaċ-ċentinarju ta’ San Pawl, rebbieħ tal-kompetizzjoni u li għadu jitkanta, u l-innu magħruf fil-knejjes, ‘Quddiemek hawn miġbura’. L-ewwel impressjoni diretta tiegħi mas-Surmast Abela Scolaro kienet fil-bitħa tal-każin tal-Banda Unjoni ta’ Ħal Luqa. Kont mort hemm għall-prova fil-banda minflok missieri. Il-kalma li kienet tirrenja fih kienet tidher u tinħass sewwa. Kien jidderieġi bil-qiegħda imma xħin irid l-effetti qawwija kien iwarrab is-siġġu minn taħtu, jogħla ’l fuq u bil-bakketta f’idu jġiegħlek iddoqq dawk l-effetti li ried hu. Niftakar sew minkejja li għaddew aktar minn ħamsin sena. Nostalgija sħiħa. Niftakru f’dawk in-noti sbieħ tal-crescendo fit-tone poem ‘Filandia’ ta’ Sibelius, imżejna b’dik iż-żiffa sajfija fil-bitħa tal-każin, ftit qabel il-Festa ta’ Sant’Andrija. Naħseb li hawn is-Surmast kien ħa nota tiegħi u forsi xebbaħni ma’ missieri għax meta ried l-effett qawwi fil-mużika sabu. Deher li kien kuntent bija. Għaddew is-snin u meta fl-ewwel snin tal-karriera tiegħi,

ġurnalista mat-Times of Malta, stedintu għal intervista PeterPaulCiantar bir-ritratt b’kollox għall-paġna tiegħi ‘Classical Music Notes’ li introduċietni filqasam tal-mużika, kien aċċetta l-isedina. Is-Surmast Abela Scolaro ġej minn familja ta’ mużiċisti. Missieru Carmelo, li mingħandu ħa l-ewwel tagħlim tiegħu, kien surmast ta’ diversi baned. Kien ukoll il-fundatur talBanda tal-Istitut San Ġużepp, li magħha ibnu Joseph kien beda l-karriera fil-qasam tad-direzzjoni. Kellu wkoll lil zijuh Salvatore surmast tal-Banda San Gejtanu, u membri oħra tal-familja lkoll fil-mużika u midħla sewwa tat-Teatru Rjal. Missieru Carmelo miet meta Joseph kien għad kellu biss disa’ snin. Joseph xorta baqa’ miġbud lejn il-mużika, tant li kompla l-istudju tiegħu ma’ Luigi Vella u Angelo Abdilla. Kien jistudja l-pjanu u tħarreġ ukoll fl-armonija ma’ Carlo Diacono u ma’ Carmelo Pace. Abela Scolaro kien wieħed mill-ewwel studenti f’pajjiżna li beda joqgħod għall-eżamijiet tal-mużika. Għamel l-ewwel eżami tiegħu l-eta`ta’ 27 u baqa’ jagħmel eżamijiet oħra li wassluh għal diplomi fil-mużika. Fl-1950 kiseb id-diploma fil-mużika FLCM (Fellow of the London College of Music). Minbarra li kien kompożitur, Scolaro kien ukoll għalliem u minn taħt idejh ħarġu ismijiet magħrufa filqasam tal-mużika Maltija, fosthom il-Patri Agostinjan Albert Borg. Ilbaxx Joe Vella Bondin u ħafna oħrajn ukoll bdew l-istudji tagħhom talmużika miegħu. Magħhom hemm ħafna oħrajn. Abela Scolaro kien ukoll organizzatur tal-mużika għall-iskejjel statali. Dan kien l-għajxien ewlieni għallfamilja, u l-ewwel direttur tal-‘Chorus Melitensis’. Fl-1959 dan il-kor, li kellu fama kbira f’pajjiżna ħa sehem fil-festival tal-korijiet f’Wales. Joseph kien bniedem ċajtier u jaf jissoċjalizza. Fost ix-xogħlijiet mużikali tiegħu, minbarra l-marċi tal-festa ikkompona wkoll marċi funebri, innijiet u mużika sagra, fosthom quddies, overtures u ħafna aktar. Iżda ftit nafu li kien ikkompona wkoll mużika għal żewġ operetti. Fil-fatt kien iħobb ħafna l-opra u xtaq li l-istudenti tal-mużika japprezzaw ħafna aktar dan il-ġeneru mużikali. Tant li ħajjar lill-kumitat tal-każin tal-Banda San Gejtanu biex jikri ‘box’ fir-Radio City l-Ħamrun ħalli l-istudenti tal-banda jkunu jistgħu jattendu għar-rappreżentazzjonijiet operistiċi li kienu jsiru fit-teatru. Isem Joseph Abela Scolaro hu marbut l-aktar mal-Ħamrun fejn għix xi snin u nsibu triq imsemmija għalih. Kien miżżewweġ lil Margret née Cilia mill-Belt li kienet tinkoraġġih ħafna fil-mużika, tant li kienet takkumpanjah kull fejn imur. Il-koppja Abela Scolaro Kellhom żewġt ulied, Lino u Anna, li iżda ħadd minnhom ma kompla fil-mużika. Fil-fatt, ilmużika ta’ missierhom hi mxerrda fil-każini tal-baned fejn kien surmast-direttur u anke fl-Arkivji Mużikali tal-Katidral fl-Imdina.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

€110m. investment by medicinal cannabis industry would create 700 jobs supplement exports by €900m


wenty new projects of over €110 million by international investors in the sector of research and the production of cannabis for medicinal purposes are expected to create 700 new full time jobs in Malta and supplement the island’s exports by 2022 mainly to European Union markets by over €900M. This was stated by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat the main speaker at the Cannabis Europa conference, a forum that gathered entrepreneurs and professionals in the medicinal cannabis industry, at the Southbank centre in London. Dr Muscat said that Malta’s medical cannabis industry is relatively new, but successful, and within the year, some of these companies are projecting to start exporting medical cannabis from Malta to Europe as early as the first quarter of next year. He said he wanted to share with the forum a few ingredients that are making Malta “home to some of the biggest most innovative companies in the world in this sector.” The Prime Minister said that Malta is the smallest Member State of the European Union but also the fastest growing economy in Europe, pointing out that during the last five years, the average real GDP growth in Malta was over 7%, substantially outperforming the EU28 average which stands at around 2%. He also mentioned that European forecasts predict that Malta would sustain this growth in the foreseeable future, and that unemployment in Malta is at a record low. Dr Muscat said, “Contrary to some economic myths that fly around about our small island, the strength of our economy is a result of the diversity that lies within it. Aviation, advanced manufacturing, finan-

Prime Minister Joseph Muscat addressing the Cannabis Europa Conference in London

cial services, fintech, information technology, life sciences, the pharmaceuticals industry, remote gaming and tourism are all pillars that contribute almost in equal measures to our economy. “Instead of resting on these figures, which tell a success story, we are always seeking to add chapters to the Malta story. We are venturing carefully in new areas such as Blockchain and hybrids of the technology for diverse use, e-Sports, development of video games, as well as medical cannabis and other innovative pharmaceutical products. “Malta is a country open for business. The government has had an open-door policy to those coming with great ideas. But our

‘Mapping Tomorrow’: making AI part he Maltse government will be spending €40 million on a three-year strate- of Malta’s reality gic plan to digitally transform public


administration known as ‘Mapping Tomorrow’ and to introduce a strategic plan for Artificial Intelligence to become part of Maltese reality, he said. At the launch of the Strategic Plan Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said this was the next big leap forward, and that Technology will continue to be part of the government’s services and it will continue to invest in technologies such as BlockChain and Artificial Intelligence. The plan aims to improve the public administration services for citizens and businesses and to provide them with the necessary information or assistance they might need. The concept of the strategic plan, the Once Only Principle that is to be incorporated would offer one main portal where one could find all the relevant government services. ‘Mapping Tomorrow’ would highlight the importance of Artificial Intelligence. The Prime Minister said he was looking forward to continue working and studying how Artificial Intelligence, AI, could be implemented in society.

strength does not come from open doors only. It comes from being straightforward with businesses. We lay down the rules, strict and transparent regulations that offer a level playfield, without surprises. “That is what we did with the medical cannabis companies that approached us to set up their business in Europe, through Malta. This sector in fact already contributes to Malta’s economic growth.” He explained that it was just over a year ago, in April 2018, that the government enacted the bill of law to provide for the ‘Production of Cannabis for Medical and Research Purposes’, making Malta the first EU Member State to provide a holistic regulatory framework for medical cannabis. Since laying the rules in this specific bill, Malta Enterprise received 46 project applications, of which, 20 projects have been approved and issued with a Letter of Intent, and refused another 19 proposals, which proves that only the best, most innovative and reputable would be picked. Dr Muscat said that Malta’s priority lies in starting operations and exporting the first products out of Malta. The next level would be a research centre for medical cannabis. The Prime Minister maintained that, “the small size of Malta is part of its greatness. Malta is one big office sharing space where businesses have their own state-of-the art facilities, within minutes. Which means that our eco-system can go beyond one particular sector, which makes sharing of knowledge and innovation easier.”

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta Malta taking the lead in tackling climate change


alta is taking a leadership role in tackling climate change, by encouraging the commonwealth community especially the 31 small states out of the 53 countries, to make their voice heard on the adverse effects of climate change and to promote the implementation of the Agenda 2030 on sustainable development. Minister for Foreign Affairs Commonwealth Small States Centre of ExCarmelo Abela made the re- cellence. marks as he addressed the Minister Abela said that Commonwealth Commonwealth Symposium countries must send an important signal to on Climate Finance and Small stakeholders and citizens around the world States organised in Malta. He that the international community is serious added that Malta is proud to about addressing climate change and about be supporting small states on moving towards a climate-neutral economy. climate action through capacHe called on to the commonwealth comMinister Carmelo Abela ity building offered by the munity to reaffirm its commitment to the (right) with Tony Blair Paris Agreement as the essential multilateral framework governing global action to deal with climate change, and warned small island states that they are among the ones to suffer most from climate change as they are set to endure great material losses because of sea level and climate variability. inister for Foreign Affairs and This year’s theme, ‘Addressing inequaliHe pointed out that by 2050, through symTrade Promotion Carmelo Abela ties: building a world that leaves no one bediscussed with Tony Blair, former hind’, was chosen especially in view of the biotic societal and economic collective acPrime Minister of the UK and executive UN’s High Level Political Forum, to be tions, Malta is working on developing its Low Carbon Development Strategy, and chairman of the Tony Blair Institute for held in July. Global Change how Malta could increase Discussing the theme ‘In search of equal- transforming it into a low-carbon and cliits development footprint in Africa through ity: migration, forced displacement, and the mate resilient country. He also mentioned Malta’s initiative to new niches of cooperation that can result in SDGs’, Minister Carmelo Abela stressed a multiplier effect. the need for a comprehensive regional and eradicate completely the use of cars that deThe meeting was held in Brussels during global approach to migration, a balanced pend on fossil fuels, and noted, that the European Development Days (EDD), narrative on the phenomenon, and the di- notwithstanding its small size Malta is the leading forum on development that is rect involvement of youths to achieve last- going to be at the forefront of such green initiatives. organised by the European Commission. ing solutions. He concluded by reiterating the message he 30th anniversary of the Malta-based IMO In- that small island states like Malta provide IMO commemorates ternational Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) was ample proof that small states are in a 30th Anniversary commemorated at the IMO Headquarters (on June 25, unique position, because of their size and with Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat maintaining Malta’s continuing commitment to lack of major vested interests to contribute hosting such an important global institution, and IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim constructively and for the common good to highlighting IMLI’s firm commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. the work of the international community.

Talks on ways to increase Malta’s development footprint in Africa



Maltese social worker elected President of (GREVIO) r Marceline Naudi a social worker by profession, Head of the Department of Gender Studies within the Faculty for Social D Wellbeing at the Unversity of Malta, a feminist and public intel-

lectual of repute, has been elected as the President of the Council of Europe Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO). For four years, between 2006-2010, Dr Naudi had served as a member and Chairperson of the Commission on Domestic Violence. Subsequently, she was Malta’s representative on the Council of Europe ad hoc Committee on Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (CAHVIO), which drafted the Istanbul Convention. Following Malta’s ratification of the Convention, Dr Naudi was elected as a member and second vice-president, and two years later, became first vice president, of its Group of Experts, the GREVIO. She was reconfirmed as a member of this Group earlier this year, and has now been elected as its President. Congratulating Dr Naudi, Minister Helena Dalli, the Minister for European Affairs and Equality said she deserves this European

recognition for her work, as she is an expert in the field of gender equality and gender-based violence, and a long-time dedicated advocate for the rights of minorities and vulnerable persons.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Tirrenja l-inċertezza fil-PN


a tantx nixtieq intanbar dwar il-politika Maltija, imma fl-aħħar ġimgħat seħħew affarijiet li wieħed ma jistax jinjora u li kontinwament jisirqu x-xena fil-midja Maltija u wkoll fost id-diskursati. Qed ngħid għas-sitwazzjoni fi ħdan il-Partit Nazzjonalista b’riżultat tat-telfa kbira li l-partit ġarrab fl-elezzjonijiet tal-Membri Parlamentari Ewropej u talKunsilli Lokali, u wkoll tal-qasma bejn għadd ta’ fazzjoniet, fosthom tnejn ewlenin, kif jingħad, waħda tal-eks kap Simon Busuttil u l-oħra tal-mexxej attwali Adrian Delia (fuq il-lemin). Hi sitwazzjoni inkwetanti għall-aħħar mhux biss għal dawk li jappoġġjaw lil dan il-partit, it-tieni forza politika f’Malta, imma wkoll għal dawk li jħobbu d-demokrazija. Min verament iħobb id-demokrazija jrid li mhux biss Gvern sod ikun hawn, imma wkoll Oppożizzjoni qawwija li taf tieqaf lill-Gvern f’sens pożittiv ... u żgur li bħalissa f’Malta għandna Oppożizzjoni dgħajfa, mifniha bi kwestjonijiet interni u battibekki li saħansitra wasslu biex titressaq petizzjoni li titlob lillKunsill Ġenerali tal-partit li jitlaqqa’ ħalli jiddiskuti mozzjoni ta’ sfiduċja fil-mexxej ta’ dan il-Partit, Dr Adrian Delia. F’kontro-proposta, dawk li jappoġġjaw lill-kap iffirmaw ukoll petizzjoni li fiha qed jitolbu biex il-mozzjoni ta’ fiduċja/sfiduċja lanqas biss tintlaqa’. Isostnu li la Delia rebaħ it-tmun inqas minn sentejn ilu f’elezzjoni bejn it-tesserati tal-partit, huma biss ittesserati li għandhom il-jedd li jneħħuh. Il-qagħda hija aktar inkwetanti għall-fatt li anke hemm xi membri mill-grupp parlamentari fi ħdan il-PN li kull cans li jiġihom jitfgħu l-botti kontra l-kap tagħhom u kontra t-tmexxija li qed ipoġġuha responsabbli tal-akbar telfiet f’elezzjoni, anke

jekk din ma kienetx f’elezzjoni ġenerali. Rajna fost kollox ir-riżenja tal-president eżekuttiv, minħabba li qal li ħass li bħala membru fittmexxija kien fost dawk responsabbli għad-disfatta elettorali. Wara kien fost il-perċimes li organizzaw il-mozzjoni biex Delia jiġi diskuss mill-kunsill. Kien hemm ukoll ir-riżenja taċ-chairman eżekuttiv tal-midja tal-partit, Pierre Portelli li mbagħad fetħilha bil-goff kontra Jason Azzopardi, il-membru parlamentari tal-PN li l-aktar hu kritiku permezz tal-Facebook għat-tmexxija ta’ Delia. Ma jgħaddix jum li fih wieħed ma jismax jew ma jaqrax xi ħaġa ġdida li żżid ittellef is-serenita` fost il-partitarji tal-PN. Is-sitwazzjoni tant hi mwehra li saħansitra artikolisti magħrufa għall-appoġġ tagħhom lill-PN issa qed jiktbu li ‘Il-Partit Nazzjonalista jinsab f’agunija’. Hemm min saħansitra qed ibassar li jekk l-affarijiet ma jinbidlux, f’elezzjoni oħra il-Partit Laburista se jkollu rebħa b’maġġoranza ta’ anke żewġ terzi fil-Kamra tar-Rappreżentanti u allura jekk ikun irid jista’ saħansitra jibdel il-Kostituzzjoni mingħajr l-appoġġ tal-Oppożizzjoni. Stampa xejn sabiħa għal min irid jara li fil-pajjiż tirrenja ddemokrazija.

L-importanza tad- diversita` tas-soċjeta`fuq livell politiku


’intervent li għamlet waqt l-hekk magħrufa bħala lWomen Rule Summit organizzata mill-POLITICO, ġurnal li hu ffukat fuq it-tmexxija tal-istituzzjonijiet u l-politika Ewropea, il-Ministru Helena Dalli, il-Ministru għall-Affarijiet Ewropej u l-Ugwaljanza qalet li “Ir-rappreżentazzjoni tad-diversità tas-soċjetà fuq livell politiku twassal sabiex jissaħħu l-istituzzjonijiet”. Fl-istes waqt semmiet għadd ta’ miżuri li daħħal il-Gvern Malti f’dawn l-aħħar snin biex jippromwovi l-ugwaljanza bejn l-irġiel u nnisa. Saħqet li dawn il-miżuri ddaħlu grazzi għall-viżjoni femminsta talgvern u tal-appoġġ tal-Prim Ministru li minn dejjem ħeġġeġ politika favur l-ugwaljanza u l-emanċipazzjoni tan-nisa. Filwaqt li rrikonoxxiet li għad fadal ħafna aktar xogħol xi jsir f’dan ilqasam qalet li dawn il-miżuri wasslu ħalli tiżdied b’mod konsiderevoli rrata ta’ nisa fid-dinja ta-xogħol f’Malta, u li l-ambizzjoni tal-gvern għal Malta ugwali wasslet biex li issir ħidma biex jiżdied l-għadd ta’ nisa filParlament Malti u fuq il-bordijiet tal-gvern. F’dik li hi l-politika Ewropea l-Ministru Dalli tkellmet dwar il-bżonn li lbaġit Ewropew, jindirizza l-kwestjoni tal-ġeneru fl-oqsma kollha tiegħu ħalli l-ugwaljanza verament issir il-prijorità li jistħoqilha tkun. Żiedet tghid li hemm bżonn ta’ strateġija għal ugwaljanza bejn il-ġeneri li tkun torbot lill-Kummissjoni Ewropea u l-pajjiżi membri tal-Unjoni biex jippromwovu l-ugwaljanza bejn l-irġiel u n-nisa u jwettqu miżuri f’din id-direzzjoni.

Masterplan għar-Ramla l-Ħamra


ienu ħafna dawk li ħadu gost li l-Ministru għal Għawdex qed jippjana li waħda mill-aktar bajjiet imfittxija, ir-Ramla l-Ħamra żżid tissebbaħ u jogħla l-livell minn kull lat, tant li għadu kif tlesta l-hekk magħruf bħala masterplan ħalli jiġi mfassal bl-aħjar mod possibbli ma’ dawk interessati, fosthom operaturi li jagħmlu użu minn din iż-żona. Il-Ministru ta’ Għawdex Justyn Caruana qalet li kienet inħasset il-ħtieġa li l-Ministeru għal Għawdex ifassal ifassal masterplan dettaljat li permezz tiegħi jiġi protett issit u li jilqa’ għall-influss dejjem jikber ta’ viżitaturi. Id-disinn preliminari li qed jiġi propost se jiġi studjat u diskuss ħalli filwaqt li din il-bajja tkun protetta, tkun ukoll imħajjija għall-ġejjini. Il-Ministru qalet li din iż-żona hi ta’ importanza ekoloġika u storika għal Għawdex, għalhekk il-wirt naturali li jsawwar lil din iż-żona jrid jiġi protestt. L-għan tal-masterplan hu li jindirizza l-isfidi eżistenti, ewlenin fosthom l-immaniġġjar aħjar tat-traffiku u t-titjib tal-faċilitajiet peress li l-bajja tar-Ramla hi waħda millbajjiet Blue Flag.

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Ħati wkoll?

Fost l-aqwa fil-Franċiż



nkitbu ħafna artikli, intqal ħafna kliem fil-midja, smajna fehmiet differenti dwar il-qtil tal-blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia minn kemm ilu li nqatlet 20 xahar ilu, iżda x’aktarx li din l-ewwel darba li xi ħadd deffes fin-nofs li dawk li kienu jikkollaboraw mal-istess ġurnalista u tefa’ fuqhom ukoll parti mit-tort għal qtil tagħha. Hekk għamel it-Tabib Frank Portelli, eks-kandidat għat-tmexxija tal-Partit Nazzjonalista fl-2017 u magħruf għallkummenti kontroversjali li jagħti lillmezzi tax-xandir. Meta tkellem mal-portal Inews qal: “Min qagħad jimliha biex hi tikteb ċerti affarijiet hu responsabbli għall-mewt tagħha daqs min qatilha.” Filwaqt li reġa’ ppubblika filmat li kien diġà ppubblika s-sena li għaddiet, li fih ikkritika l-mod kif Daphne Caruana Galizia kienet tattakka bil-pinna tagħha lil

diversi persuni, f’kummenti mal-istess filmat Portelli qal li min kien jinstiga lillġurnalista biex tippubblika l-affarijiet li kienet tikteb huwa responsabbli tal-mewt tagħha daqs li kieku qatilha hu. F’aktar kummenti, dejjem referuti għal Caruana Galizia, żied jgħid li l-ġurnalista tilfet ħajjitha għal xejn. “Min daħħalha fin-nasba qattiela daqs li kieku sparalha hu,” żied jisħaq Portelli, li fl-istess waqt tenna li ħadd m’għandu jinqatel, “lanqas l-aktar bniedem li jiżra’ mibegħda.” Opinjoni kontroversjali, imma li xi ftit tas-sens tagħmel ukoll.

Tiġi mfakkra l-festa tal-Imnarja i tmiem il-ġimgħa li għaddiet f’Malta u F f’Għawdex (kif ukoll f’xi komunitajiet Maltin li jgħixu barra mill-Gżejjer Maltin, fosthom fl-Awstralja) ġiet imfakkra l-festa tradizzjonali, u waħda mill-eqdem festi, talImnarja, li mil-lat reliġjuż tfakkar ukoll ilfesta tal-Appostli San Pietru u San Pawl. Hawnhekk l-importanti l-festa liturġika filKatidral tal-Imdina. Bħas-soltu l-qofol tal-festa f’Malta kien fil-Buskett u l-inħawi, ir-Rabat u fl-Imdina, filwaqt li f’Għawdex, l-aktar fid-29, lakbar ċelebrazzjonijiet, bħas-soltu saru fin-

l-Maltin minn dejjem kienu magħrufa għattagħlim tal-ilsna barranin. Illum kull Malti jaf xi ftit jew wisq żewġ ilsna: il-Malti u l-Ingliż. Għadd sabiħ ta’ Maltin u Għawdxin jifhmu sewwa wkoll it-Taljan, mhux biss għax jitgħallmuh l-iskola, iżda wkoll minħabba li ħafna Maltin jsegwu programmi fuq l-istazzjonijiet tat-TV Taljani. Iżda hemm ukoll għadd ġmielu li jafu b’ilsna oħra wkoll, u wħud saħansitra jibrillaw fihom. Fost dawn insibu lil Reece Delia li għadu kif ikklassifika fit-tieni post f’kompetizzjoni internazzjonali ta’ kitba bil-Franċiż organizzata minn Alliance Française, istituzzjoni edukattiva tal-gvern Franċiż imxerrda madwar id-dinja kollha. Għalkemm il-Franċiż mhux popolari daqs itTaljan fost l-istudenti, xorta jinsab fuq quddiem fost l-ilsna barranin mgħallma fl-iskejjel Maltin. Dan l-aħħar pajjiżna għamel pass sostanzjali biex jintegra ruħu iżjed mal-lingwa Franċiża meta ssieħeb fl-organizzazzjoni internazzjonali tal-Frankofonija. Il-Ministru Abela, filwaqt li feraħ lil Delia għas-suċċess li għamel, saħaq li b’dan il-pass Malta qed tkabbar il-koperazzjoni ma’ pajjiżi li jitkellmu l-Franċiż b’mod speċjali dawk flAfrika. B’din is-sħubija pajjiżna u l-poplu għandhom iċ-ċans japprezzaw iżjed dak li għandha x’toffri l-kultura Franċiża.

Nadur, fejn iċċelebraw il-festa tal-patruni tar-raħal, San Pietru u San Pawl, u f’Villa

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Rundle, f’Victoria. Kull okkażjoni ġibdet l-eluf ta’ nies ta’ kull eta`. Bħal dejjem ma naqsux il-wirjiet tal-frott u l-ħxejjex, kif ukoll il-kompetizzjonijiet tat-tjur, fniek u annimali oħra, kif ukoll lisfilata taż-żwiemel bil-karettuni mir-Rabat għall-Buskett, u l-għana u ż-żfin folkloristiku, kemm matul il-lejl bejn il-Ġimgħa u s-Sibt, kif ukoll matul il-jum proprju talImnarja, is-Subt 29 fil-Buskett. Għalkemm din il-festa tradizzjonali baqgħet tiffoka fuq ħidmiet il-bdiewa u rraħħala Maltin, il-programm ta’ din is-sena kien fih ukoll tiżwieqa ta’ elementi tradizzjonali u dawk li jappellaw lill-ġenerazzjonijiet tal-llum. Fost kollox kien hemm il-premjazzjoni mill-President l-Eċċ. Tiegħu George Vella dawk li ppreżentaw l-aħjar prodotti (fuq).

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 2, 2019

State facing “new set of challenges” NSW Treasurer says in budget speech


n his 2019 Budget speech the NSW Treasurer Mr Dominic Perrottet (left) said the state faced a “new set of challenges” including the housing downturn that has wiped $10.6 billion off the state’s bottom line due to a fall in stamp duty. And $2.3bn has vanished from GST as consumers tighten their wallets. That’s seen the NSW Government final surplus this year to finish up at $802 million, some way down on the $1.4 billion predicted last year. Mr Perrottet said the state’s surpluses would average $1.7 billion a year over the next four years. But the surpluses will still be smaller than expected a year ago. To at least make up some of the shortfall, he said was many as 3000 “back office” public sector jobs would be axed. The Treasurer defended the cuts: “Let’s be fair dinkum; we have a public sector of 300,000 people so those accounts for one per cent of staff.

“It’s about making our Government fit for purpose not reducing any front-line services.” Mr Perrottet said his was a “state-building budget from a state-building Government”. He talked up the opening of the Sydney Metro Northwest and Newcastle Light Rail in the last few months and the construction of the Sydney Metro City and Southwest, Sydney Light Rail and West Connex motorway opening soon. The Government has also said it’s now committed $6.4 billion to the Sydney Metro West which will take driverless trains from the city to Parramatta via Sydney Olympic Park. That’s great, but the line is going to cost at least $10 billion with NSW keen on Canberra to make up the shortfall. Seniors across regional NSW will be eligible for a $250 per year subsidy towards fuel, taxi travel or NSW TrainLink tickets. There will also be a new energy rebate for independent retirees.

Euthanasia scheme in Victoria


ro-life supporters held a candlelight vigil outside Victoria’s Parliament House as the state’s euthanasia scheme becomes legal. Pro-life Victoria president Denise Cameron said the legislation had come into effect despite wide opposition within the medical community. “The Andrews Government has set in motion a regime that will legitimise suicide for our most vulnerable community members, devalue palliative care and pressure doctors into abandoning their medical ethic of first do not harm,” she said. Former AMA vice president Dr Stephen Parnis and former AMA president Mukesh Haikerwal say none of the concerns they raised when the Andrews Government introduced the legislation into the Victorian

parliament in 2017 have been addressed. They and fellow former AMA president, geriatrician Mark Yates, lobbied Victorian MPs at the time, warning the state would be heading down a “misguided, dangerous path” as assisted dying were made legal. Under the scheme, terminally ill Victorian adults who meet 68 criteria will be able to ask their doctor for a lethal combination of medication. As part of the criteria, patients must be of sound mind and have less than a year to live – under six months for those with neurodegenerative conditions. Their suffering must also be deemed “intolerable”, and they must make three, clear separate requests to die and be assessed by two experienced doctors.

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Dr Stephen Parnis Medical professionals are able to object conscientiously. Patients in Catholic hospitals would not be able to access the life-ending scheme just made legal and would need to seek the service elsewhere. Premier of the State of Victoria, Daniel Andrews said the bishops’ position was well known and he respected their different view: “But the law is the law, we had a debate, we passed those laws. Victoria is leading the way and we’re giving compassionate, dignified choices and options to people in terrible pain who have been denied those compassionate choices and options for far too long.”

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Seniors wait long for right home care M

ore than 129,000 older Australians are waiting for their approved level of home care, a sign federal Labor says underscores the failure of the Coalition Government to tackle this ongoing crisis. Labor’s ageing and seniors spokeswoman Julie Collins says the waiting list has grown from 88,000 under the Coalition. “Reforms to aged care were meant to give older Australians a choice to age at home, but these figures confirm the Liberals’ policy chaos has failed older Australians,” Ms Collins said in a statement on Saturday. She also noted that aged care has again been locked out as a cabinet position after the federal

election, a policy area which has had four different ministers since the Liberals were elected in 2013. She said older Australians deserve better. “Many older Australians are waiting more than 12 months for the package they have been approved for and some are waiting more than two years,” she said. The government’s latest Home Care Packages Program report (January-March 2019) shows 75,739 people were waiting on a home care package at their approved level and had not been offered access to a lower level package.

There were also 53,299 people who were waiting for a home care package at their approved level but who have been offered a lower level package. Of these people, 30,283 chose to take an offered package, 6355 were deciding on whether to take up a package, and 16,661 had not taken up their previous offer of a lower level package.

New NSW Labor leader McKay starts journey in “rebuilding faith and trust”


ewly elected NSW Labor leader Jodi McKay, 49, (left) says she is ready to start rebuilding voters' faith and trust in the party across the state. The Strathfield MP emphatically won the ballot against Chris Minns on Saturday to become NSW's new opposition leader, with 60.5 per cent of the vote, some three months after Michael Daley quit as leader following

Population explosion


he population in Australia has gone past 25.2 million helped by last year’s baby boom being an all-time high. The Australian Bureau of Statistics predicts that Australia could reach 30 million within a decade and Melbourne might overtake Sydney as the nation’s largest city by 2050. Last year 314,000 babies were born, 161,900 boys and 153,000 girls. Another factor in the population increase was fewer deaths. Sixty-one per cent of the population was driven by strong migration with an extra 248,00 migrants calling Australia home and fewer departures. An estimate between 193,850 and 201,705 new homes will need to be built every year over the next decade to cope.

Labor's state election loss. Ms McKay secured 29 votes to Mr Minns' 21 in the caucus and secured 63 per cent of 10,822 rankand-file votes. The former journalist said reaching out to rural NSW, western Sydney and multicultural communities would be a priority under her leadership, and education policy was a “critical issue”. “If I can leave one message to the people of NSW tonight - it is that you matter,” McKay said. “Labor, under my leadership, starts its journey in rebuilding faith and trust with you.” Ms McKay's election was a landmark moment in NSW politics, making it the first time the premier and opposition leader have both been women.

Offshore processing criticised


n a statement released via the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner, human rights experts slammed the Australian Government's offshore processing policies. “The situation of their indefinite and prolonged confinement, exacerbated by the lack of appropriate medical care amounts to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment according to international standards,” it read. UN experts urge Australia to immediately provide appropriate healthcare to more than 550 asylum seekers and other migrants who have been held in the country’s offshore facilities for the past five years without durable solutions. Authors included experts on torture and other degrading punishments, the right to physical and mental health as well as the general violation of human rights and self-determination. The group urged the Australian Government to provide 'appropriate' healthcare to those held in detention and to transfer those requiring urgent medical attention to Australia.

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija u dawk li matul is-sekli ħadmu għall-iżvilupp tal-ilsien Malti

Il-ħsieb wara din il-paġna hu biex il-qarrejja, l-aktar dawk ilMaltin li jgħixu barra u li kif inhu xieraq jinteressaw ruħhom dwar l-ilsien Malti, jiksbu għarfien ukoll dwar dawk in-nies li matul iż-żmien taw sehem għall-iżvilupp tal-ilsien Malti, kemm

mitkellem u wkoll miktub. Minbarra li nippubblikaw dak li qed isir jew sar biex jitkattar l-għarfien għall-Malti, qed inġibu wkoll il-bijografiji ta’ xi personalitajiet li taw sehemhom fl-oqsma tallingwistika u l-letteratura Maltija. Illum: Patri Ġuże`Delia

Kittieb, saċerdot u filosfu

Il-poeta tal-leġġendi


afna drabi minbarra b’isimhom proprja l-kittieba ta’ ċerta popolarita jibqħu mhux biss b’isimhom, imma wkoll b’dak li jiktbu, xi ħaġa li forsi tqarreb ħafna lejn in-natural tagħhom jew ta’ kitbiethom. Fost dawn Patri Ġuże`Delia, li ħafna ddeskirvewh bħala “il-poeta tal-ħlewwa”. Imma jibqa’ magħruf ukoll għal ħafna affarijiet oħra, fosthom ukoll, il-leġġendi. Patri Delia, kittieb, saċerdot u filosofu, twieled is-Siġġiewi fl-1 ta’ April tal-1900, it-tieni wild fost sitta, ħames subien u tifla, tal-koppja Franġisku u Ġużeppina (xebba Camilleri). Bħal ħafna tfal l-ewwel snin tal-edukazzjoni tiegħu ħadha fl-iskola Primarja tal-Gvern tar-raħal, fis-Siġġiewi. Imbagħad kompla l-edukazzjoni filKulleġġ ta’ San Alwiġi f’Birkirkara. Huwa żied javvanza fl-istudji tiegħu u wara li fl-1917 għamel il-Matrikola, daħal mal-Ġiżwiti biex qatta’ żogħżitu magħhom. Minn hemm intbagħat jistudja l-filosofija f’Bagheria, belt fil-komune ta’ Palermo fi Sqallija, u wara fi Granada, fi Spanja. Meta ġie lura Malta beda jgħallem filKulleġġ ta’ San Alwiġi, u ftit wara ntbagħat jissokta bl-istudji tiegħu fit-teoloġija f’Dublin fl-Irlanda. Huwa ġie ordnat saċerdot fl-1930 fl-eta’ ta’ 30 sena u xorta waħda baqa’ jistudja, din id-darba f’Ruma. Lura f’Malta għal darb’oħra, id-direzzjoni tal-Kulleġġ ħatritu prefett tad-dixxiplina u sentejn wara ngħata l-inkarigu għal

13-il sena sħaħ – fosthom fissnin tat-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija li jmexxi l-kulleġġ minn Rettur. Fl-istess waqt baqa’ wkoll jgħallem il-Malti u l-Latin. Deċiżjoni importanti li ttieħdet mit-tmexxija tal-Kulleġġ fuq inizjattiva ta’ Patri Delia fi żmien il-Gwerra kien li l-bini jaqa’ taħt il-ġurisidzzjoni tas-Superjur Ġenerali Wlodimir Ledochowski biex hekk il-kulleġġ kien l-uniku bini proprjeta` talĠiżwiti f’Malta li ma ġiex użat għal skop ta’ gwerra. Ftit tas-snin wara l-gwerra Patri Delia li għal xi żmien kien ukoll ir-Rettur tal-kulleġġ tan-Novizzi f’Loyola House fin-Naxxar, ġie maħtur bħala l-ewwel provinċjal tal-provinċja tal-Ġiżwiti f’Malta, li dam jokkupaha għal sitt snin, sal-1953. Kien ukoll għal xi żmien Superjur u Direttur Spiritwali fir-residenza ta’ San Filippu fl-Isla, Direttur Spiritwali f’Mount St Joseph fil-Mosta, u tal-Għaqda tal-Għalliema (l-MUT), u rrappreżenta lill-Knisja fil-Bord tal-Edukazzjoni. Hu kien iħobb ħafna t-tagħlim tal-ilsien Malti u l-letteratura Maltija, u kellu ġibda kbira lejn ix-xogħlijiet ta’ Dun Karm Psaila. Tant li wasal sa anke ittraduċa għall-Ispanjol “Il-Vjatku tal-Poeta Nazzjonali. Patri Delia innifsu kien kittieb prolifiku, fosthom fil-poeżija, u għamel żmien membru attiv talAkkademja tal-Malti. Kien jinteressa ruħu al-1839 ħadd ma seta’ jistampa jew ixandar xejn filfl-ilsna kollha, gżejjer Maltin mingħajr il-permess tal-awtoritajiet fosthom dawk ċivili? Dan kien ifisser li f’Malta ma kienx hawn stampersemitiċi, u kien iji u gazzetti li setgħu jiġu ppubblikati. jikteb tajjeb Il-libertàtal-istampa tal-1939 ġabet avvanzi kbar fid-dritħafna wkoll biltijiet ċivili tal-Maltin għax minn dakinhar bdew joħorġu Latin, l-Ingliż, għadd imdaqqas ta’ gazzetti, l-aktar bit-Taljan u xi oħrajn il-Grieg, it-Talbl-Ingliż. jan u l-Ispanjol. Ftit wara bdew jidhru wkoll xi ġurnali bil-Malti li setgħu Imma l-ilsien jilħqu lin-nies komuni. Dan minkejja li l-Malti kien għad Malti kien lm’għandux ortografija waħda u uniformi u ftit li xejn kien imħabba ta’ jiġi studjat. Ħafna minn dawn il-gazzetti kellhom tema ħajtu u dlonk satirika-umoristika. taha għal kitbiet Dawn il-ġurnali kellhom sehem importanti fl-iżvilupp bil-Malti, kemm tal-lingwa u tal-qari bil-Malti patrijottiku u wkoll reliġjużi.

Kont taf li…. S

Għal tlett darbiet rebaħ il-Premju Letterarju Nazzjonali Fost waħda mill-aktar poeżiji li jibqgħu miftakra hemm dik lil ħuh Beneditt, “Tiftakar Ħi?” Kienet poeżija mill-aktar popolari li ħafna minna għadna niftakruha, speċjalment il-bidu tagħha… Taktakar ħi, meta fuq bejt weħidna… Permezz tal-kitbiet tiegħu kellu l-ħila jwassal messaġġ morali fost il-qarrejja. Bħala bniedem imwieled is-Siġġiewi, kważi ta’ kull sena fil-festa tal- padrun talraħal San Nikola, kien jikteb xi poeżija. Fost il-ħafna ħiliet tiegħu Patri Delia kien ukoll predikatur tajjeb, imma forsi l-aktar li jibqa’ magħruf hu għal-leġġendi li kien jikteb, kollha b’xi messaġġ jew tagħlima. Uħud minnhom ippubblikahom fi ktieb fl1958 li tant kien popolari li nħataf u kellu jiġi stampat ħames darbiet. X’aktarx li m’hawnx persuna li qed taqra u li għandha ‘ fuq minn 50 sena li ma tiftakarx millinqas waħda mil-leġġendi tiegħu. Patri Delia kiteb ukoll għadd ta’ kotba, fosthom, Meta toħlom il-Qalb, Gesu` qed Iħabbat, Nimxu wara Ġesu`, Il-Ħabib tarRuħ, Mill-Ilma tal-Ħajja, Frak tad-Deheb, Ġesu`u Jien, u Qawmien u Ħajja. Patri Delia miet ta’ 80 sena fid-29 ta’ Settembru 1980. Wara mewtu ġie mfakkar mhux bis f’raħal twelidu fis-Siġġiewi, fejn anke inbena mafkar, u triq ġiet imsemmija għalih, imma wkoll ġew imsemmija toroq oħra f’Ħal Balzan u oħra fil-Mosta. (Fil-ħarġa li jmiss nippubblikaw waħda mil-leġġendi ta’ Patri Delia)

Maltese broadcasting group receives Certificate of Appreciation from 3ZZZ

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Tuesday July 2, 2019


adio 3ZZZ Community Radio in Melbourne, Victoria, that broadcasts in over 60 different languages, including Maltese is this year celebrating its 30th Anniversary of Broadcasting. As part of the celebration, on June 14 it held a Dinner Dance and a Certificate Giving Ceremony Night at the station at Albert Street, Brunswick that was attended by most groups to receive their certificates. The station’s President, Mr George Salloum and George Zangalis spoke of the work the 400 plus volunteers do in providing the listeners with quality programmes and gave a brief history of the station. Mr George Zangalis said that without volunteers this could not have happened. Then certificates were presented to each broadcasting group. Presenters were Ms Natalie Suleyman, Labor Member for St. Albans and daughter of one of 3ZZZ Council members, Hakki Suleyman, from the Turkish Cypriot Group; Mr Tim Read, Greens Member for Brunswick; Ms Bronwyn Halfpenny, Labor Member for Thomastown and a 3ZZZ Ambassador; and Mr Mark Riley, The Deputy Mayor of the City of Moreland. As the Convenor of the Maltese programmes, Mr Paul Vella, was broadcasting his Friday programme, fellow broadcaster, Liz Phillips accepted the Certificate in the name of our Group from Mr Mark Riley. Ms Rajdeep Kaur Kang was MC. Group, Paul Vella (Convenor), Mario Sammut (Deputy Convenor), and Liz Phillips. Between them they can boast of 60 years of broadcasting. Mario Sammut, with 35 years broadcast-

ing experience, started on radio 4EB in Queensland and then on 104.7 Gippsland FM before joining 3ZZZ in Melbourne. Apart from that, Mario, who lives in Morwell and makes a two-hour journey to Melbourne and back every time to present his programme, also produces a breakfast programme in English and a Maltese programme on Gippsland FM. Paul Vella has been with 3ZZZ for 23 years, while Liz Phillips is the station’s newest, for the last two years. The Maltese Broadcasting Group produces three programmes: Monday and Friday 5-6 pm and Saturday 10-11 am. They

The Maltese broadcasters with Mr Mark Riley (second right), the Deputy Mayor of the City of Moreland . From left): Salvina Vella, Paul Vellaand Liz Phillips. Inset is Mario Sammut can be streamed live and on the 3ZZZ website or “on demand” for a whole month. The links are sent by email to listeners posted on Facebook. It has listeners in Melbourne and interstate as well as overseas, including Malta, USA, UK, France and Canada.


The 3ZZZ presenters at the 30th Anniversary Certificate Giving Ceremony Night at the station being addressed by Mr George Zangalis

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Black plastic can’t be recycled – but we’ve just found a way to use the carbon in renewable energy Alvin OrbaekWhite

(Senior Lecturer in Engineering and Sêr Cymru II Fellow, Swansea University)


he big problem with plastics is that though they last for a very long time, most are thrown away after only one use. Since plastics were invented in the 1950s, about 8,300m metric tonnes (Mt) have been made, but over half (4,900 Mt) is already in landfill or has been lost to the environment. In 2010 alone, an estimated 4.8 to 12.7 Mt went into the oceans. Only a small proportion of the hundreds of types of plastics can be recycled by conventional technology. But there are other things we can do to reuse plastics after they’ve served their original purpose. My research, for example, focuses on chemical recycling, and I’ve been looking into how food packaging can be used to create new materials like wires for electricity. Why can't all plastic waste be recycled? In chemical recycling you use the constituent elements to make new materials. All plastics are made of carbon, hydrogen and sometimes oxygen. The amounts and arrangements of these three elements make each plastic unique. As plastics are very pure and highly refined chemicals, they can be broken down into these elements and then bonded in different arrangements to make high value materials such as carbon nanotubes. In theory, the only side products from doing this should be oxygen and hydrogen. How we can turn plastic waste into green energy Carbon nanotubes are tiny molecules with incredible physical properties. Think of a piece of chicken wire wrapped into a cylinder. This is what the structure of a carbon nanotube looks like. When carbon is arranged like this it can conduct both heat and electricity. These two different forms of energy are each very important to control and use in the right quantities,

depending on your needs. For our new study, we took plastics – in particular black plastics, which are commonly used as packaging for ready meals and fruit and vegetables in supermarkets, but can’t be easily recycled – and stripped the carbon from them, then built nanotube molecules from the bottom up using the carbon atoms. Nanotubes are 80,000 times thinner than a human hair; in fact they are virtually as thin as DNA strands. But being made of carbon-carbon bonds also gives them diamond-like strength. They are so strong they’re considered the ideal material for a proposed space elevator. Nanotubes have already been used to make conductive films on touchscreen displays, and their pliability has made them ideal for flexible electronics too. They have also been used to develop fabrics that create energy when you move, and NASA has used them to prevent electric shocks on the Juno spacecraft. In addition, they were recently used to create antennas for 5G networks. New use for nanotubes We’ve been specifically making carbon nanotubes because they can be used to solve the problem of electricity cables overheating and failing. Across the world about 8% of electricity is lost in transmission and distribution. This might not seem like much, but it is low because electricity cables are short, which means that power stations have to be close to the location where electricity is used, otherwise the energy is lost in transmission. Many long-range cables (which are made of metals) can’t operate at full capacity because they would overheat and melt. This is a real problem for a renewable energy future using wind or solar, because the best sites are far from where people live. I’ve spent several years learning what’s important to get the best electrical performance from carbon wires. To do this I first specialised in creating the highest quality nanotubes using the most appropri-

ate methods to make best the conductor. I mapped out the best reaction conditions that gave us the ability to use black plastics as a feedstock. Now we have been able to use nanotubes to transmit electricity to a light bulb in a small demonstrator model. In the long run I plan to make high purity carbon electrical cables using waste plastic materials. And I am currently working to improve the nanotube material’s electrical performance and increase the output, so they are ready for large-scale deployment in the next three years. We can turn CO2 in the air into new materials – but don't expect that to stop climate change Sticking to my motto of “no carbon left behind” we are also developing news ways to quickly and economically convert plastics using this chemical recycling method. Any carbon that escapes our process is a loss to us, and could be a pollutant. So we aim to keep this to an absolute minimum by capturing the carbon after each step using chemical scrubbers to capture carbon from the exhaust gas so it can be upcycled again and again, until we’ve used as much of the original carbon as physically possible. We are also looking at using other forms of carbon waste to make nanomaterials. Plastics are a known problem, but there are lots of other carbon materials such as tyres, papers, paints, solvents, and refrigerants that don’t always have an end of life plan. The plastics problem is growing at the rate of plastic use, with only a very small amount of them being reused. But our research shows that we can use today’s problem to make tomorrow’s materials. Courtesy

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday July 2, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Central Coast Santa Maria Festa

St Mary of the Cross Mackillop Parish Warnevale (cr Minnesota & Sparks Rd) Woongarrah Sunday August 11 from 3 pm until fireworks at 6 pm Dinner Dance on August 10 at Helekulani Bowling Club 50 Natuna Avenue Budgewoi from 6 pm to 11pm For more information contact Charlie 439 399 98 or 0404 194 020

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Learn Maltese! Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.

Teachers urgently needed - Paid positions

For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 or Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

For Sale:

Indoor Double Crypt with accessories. Pinegrove Minchinbury Padre Pio Stage F. Available Immediately New .. Never Used. Mob: 0412030978

Stedina lill-komunita`

Il-Maltese Chaplaincy javżaw li din is-sena ċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-Vitorja filKatidral ta' St Mary's f’Sydney se ssir fit-8 ta' Settembru. Fis-2.30 pm tibda l-purċissjoni, u wara ssir ilquddiesa bl-Malti u bl-Ingliż. Aktar dettalji jingħataw ‘l-quddiem. Fl-istess waqt qed ifakkru li f’każ li ikun hemm xi tfal li jixtiequ jieħdu sehem fil-purċissjoni billi jilbsu xi kostum Malti jew tal-preċett iċemplu u jħallu d-dettalji tagħhom. Għal kull tagħrif wieħed iċempel lil Fr Tarcsio Micallef MSSP: 9380 8398.

Xaghra Association of NSW Inc. Annual Tal-Vitorja Dinner Dance

Saturday, 21 September 2019 Come & Join us at Balmoral Function Centre, 47-49 Balmoral Rd, BLACKTOWN from 6:30pm onwards 5 Course Meal, beer, wine & soft drinks, tea/coffee Entertainment by Roc-A-Tac & Giuseppe Verdi Brass Band Contact: Josephine/Ray: 0439 974 182 or, 0448 100 034 M'Ann Teuma: 4579 6771 Vicki Micallef: 0425 210 436

La Valette Social Centr e

La Valette Social Centre Inc. 175 Walters Road, Blacktown Tel. 96225847

Every Thursday: Maltese Respite Care Service 10.15 a.m.: Mass in Maltese in the Main Hall Morning Tea and Lunch, Bingo and Boċċi Everybody is wlecome Every Saturday: Kitchen and Bar open from 5.00 p.m. Traditional Maltese cuisine, rabbit, ravioli and pastizzi; Boċċi from 6.00 p.m. Live Dj from 6.00 p.m. Bingo starts at 8.00 p.m. with jackpot from $100 to $500 DJs Emanuel Grech and Sam Mifsud (alternate Saturdays) Last Saturay of month: Għana Night with Saver Bonanno and friends ___________________________________

MASS TIMES: Saturday: St Francis Chapel: 5.30 p.m. Sunday: St Dominic’s Chapel: 9.00 a.m.

AUSTRALIAN HC on facebook & twitter

he Australian High Commission’s in Malta T has its own Facebook page, while the High Commissioner has a Twitter account.

Both can be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: The Commissioner’s Twitter handle:

L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tagħha, imma l-qarrejja xorta mħeġġa biex jidħlu fil-website tal-istazzjon Malti: għallaħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż Il-website hi aġġornata tul il-jum kollu.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday July 2, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n

MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.

On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)

Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.

SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month

in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips

Join us and make new friends.

Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each

Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.

VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

L-MCCV qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għal għalliem/a tal-ilsien Malti Min japplika jrid ikollu għarfien sew tal-Malti, miktub u mitkellem.

Dan xogħol volontarju (bla ħlas).

Min hu interessat jibgħat lapplikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lil: Għal tagħrif ieħor ċemplu fuq 0412 115 919. Ħalli nnumru tat-telefon u nċemplulek lura.

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee

Remaining main events for 2019

Sunday October 20: Fete Saturday Nov. 9: Dinner Dance Sunday December 1: Feast

Events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Sports on 2 pages

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Maltese clubs kick off UEFA 2019/20 Club commitments July 9


our Maltese football clubs will kick off their commitments in the 2019/20 UEFA club competitions this month. Valletta play in the Champions League, while Balzan, Gzira United an Hibernians feature in the UEFA Europa League. In First Qualifying Round of the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Malta Champions VALLETTA first travel to Luxembourg to face Dudelange on June 9 and then play the return at home on July 16 Were Valletta to beat their opponents, in the Second Qualifying Round they would meet either Hungary’s Ferencvaros or Ludogorets of Bulgaria If they are eliminated Valletta play in the third round of the UEFA Europa League against Nomme Kalju (Estonja) or Shkendija (Maċedonia). In the UEFA EUROPA LEAGUE, with matches in the First Qualifying Round to be played on July 11 and July 18, BALZAN first play Domzale in Slovenia in the first round and if they qualify meet Sweden’s Malmoe or Ireland’s Ballymena in the next round GZIRA UTD were drawn to meet v Hajduk Split (Croatia) in the first round and if they qualify to the next round they face either Ventspils (Latvia) or Teuta (Albania). HIBERNIANS’ first commitments in the same competition are two matches against Belorussia’s Shakhtyor Sologorsk, the first away from home. If they qualify they face Denmark’s Esbjerg in the Second Qualifying Round. Second Qualifying Round played July 25, August 1.

This year’s marks 40th Rolex Middle Sea Race Start of the 2018 Rolex Middle Sea Race. Photo: Rolex/Kurt Arrigo


his year’s Rolex Middle Sea Race organised by the Royal Malta Yacht Club (RMYC) has still almost four months to go. The 40th edition starts on Saturday, October 19, however, the notice of race is online and entries are open. In fact, around 30 yachts from 12 countries have already registered to participate, in step with the pace set in 2018 and heralding the prospect of another bumper crop of entries. Last year, was a significant year for the Rolex Middle Sea Race as the organisers celebrated the 50th anniversary of the founding of this extraordinary race with a record fleet of 130 yachts and Commodore Godwin Zammit said they endeavour to build on the legacy of the past and look to the future. He explains that this is the most important race in the RMYC’s. As the reputation continues to spread each year, the race attracts new boats. The Rolex Middle Sea Race has always drawn a mix of professional and Corinthian, local and international, first-timers and serial participants. Two of the standout entries so

Australia in joint bid to hold 2034 FIFA World Cup


ustralia and Indonesia are exploring the possibility of a joint bid to host the 2034 FIFA World Cup after officials from Football Federation Australia (FFA) and their Indonesian counterparts discussed the bid during the Asean Football Federation Council meeting in Laos recently. FFA has confirmed it has held discussions with the Indonesia Football Association

(PSSI) about the possibility of the joint bid. It comes days after the Thai prime minister, Prayuth Chan-ocha, said at a news conference in Bangkok, that 10 countries from the Asean bloc, including Indonesia, would bid for the tournament. Australia failed in its bid to host the 2022 tournament (won by Qatar). It has also bid to host the Women’s World Cup in 2023.

far for the next event are old hands. Lee Satariano and the crew of Maltese entry Artie III are two-time overall winners of the race, in 2011 then again in 2014. Both races were won on Satariano’s J/122, with local legend Christian Ripard as co-skipper. This year, the team is stepping up the pressure on itself and its rivals. The all-carbon Judel/Vrolijk designed HH42 entered this time is serious racing weapon, with Satariano saying they are really looking forward to the race. They have two main aims, firstly, to be at the front of their class and, hopefully, the overall standings, and secondly, to have some fun. The second headline entry is the return of George David’s American Maxi, Rambler that last year secured a fourth consecutive line honours victory, eclipsing the three successive wins of Esimit Europa II (2010 – 2012) and Benbow (I975-77). That was David’s fifth such success, when combined with his all-conquering debut with a previous iteration in the Rambler dynasty. In the storm-ridden race of 2007, David and his crew took the overall win, along with line honours and setting a course record, which stills stands today. The largest entrant for the moment is Farfalla, the 31.78m Southern Winds, only a couple of metres shorter than the largest ever: the 35metre Nikata, which competed last year. At a mere 11-metres, Swedish yacht, Blur is currently the smallest entry.

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Sports on 2 pages

Tuesday July 2, 2019

Euro Games Minsk 2019

Malta just makes a presence


articipation for Malta in the 2nd European Games 2019 in Minsk, in Belarus (June 22-26) proved much too tough for Jeremy Saywell (Judo), Mikela Galea (Shooting) Alexander Smyth (Cycling) and Eleanor Bezzina, (25m Pistol shooting) against some of the world’s best athletes, Olympians and Olympic Medallists. Shooting The Games did not start well for Mikela Galea. Her shotgun failed to arrive in time for her to practice before her scheduled competitions in the first two days when she competed for a qualifying place in the final. Her inexperience and lack of training prior to competition showed against the pool of highly experienced shooters. She performed better on the second day when the score for entry in the final was very low at 107. Judo Jeremy Saywell drew Ukrainian Georgii Zantaraia, the 3rd seeded judoka at the

NPL Vic:

Sensational injury time win for Gully


Avondale FC 1 Green Gully 2 n a sensational finish Green Gully snatched all three points in injury time with a goal by Gully’s leading scorer Alex Salmon. Players had a lot of difficulty staying on their feet after a second half torrential downpour, but Salmon had no such trouble after being played through on goal. He kept his composure and slid the ball past the Avondale keeper to give Gully a 21 win over the league leaders. Avondale had taken an 8th minute lead through Liam Boland, but the Greens were on level term at halftime through an Andy Brennan 43rdminute tally. Green Gully 3 Port Melbourne Sharks 3 *The visiting Port Melbourne Sharks must have left the Green Gully Reserve flattened after conceding an injury time goal that gave Green Gully a hard-earned 3-3 draw. Gully trailed 2-1 at half time and played with 10 men from the 40th minute mark on when Hall was sent off. Port went 3-1 up after 62 minutes, to all but have the game wrapped up. Gully rode their luck at times keeping Port at bay, but to their credit they fought bravely to make it 3-2 with 13 minutes remaining, and when Alex Salmon scored his second goal for the match to earn his side a share of the points the Gully faithful were ecstatic.

Games. Zantaraia threw Jeremy for an Ippon and then won the European title by beating Italy’s Matteo Medves. Cycling Alexander Smyth, the only cyclist allocated to Malta at the event, took part in the 180km Road Race along with another 140 cyclists. He managed to keep his place in the main group of a brutal race that saw nineteen cyclists not finishing, and eventually placed 95th Place. Women’s 25m Pistol Eleanor Bezzina, Gold Medallist at the Montenegro GSSE and flag bearer in Minsk was the last Malta athlete to compete, in the Women’s 25m Pistol Qualifications. She failed to qualify for the final finishing 30th from a field of 35 shooters

George Cross celebrate


State League 1 North-West

CS George Cross 1 Sydenham Park SC 0 eorge Cross celebrated the opening of their new stadium at City Vista Court in fine style by toppling league leaders Sydenham Park 1-0. The league’s cellardweller applied a lot of pressure on the Sydenham’s defence and it told in the 53rd minute when a Sydenham defender lobbed the ball into his own net. The Georgies wasted several opportunities to wrap up the match in their best performance this season. They were was rarely troubled, with goalkeeper Ryan Gauci having an easy afternoon, and the big home crowd liked what they saw from the team and the club’s new facilities.

*The previous week’s match vs Banyule City game was postponed due to the heavy conditions at Chaplin Reserve. It will be played at a later date.

The Team Malta Contingent (athletes and officials) at the Euro Games 2019

with a score of 565 (282 in precision and 283 in Rapid.) The winning shooter from Germany obtained a total score of 589. NPL 3 NSW Men’s

Parramatta deserved a much better result


Parramatta E 1 Stanmore Hawks FC 3 fter last week’s outstanding victory over Sydney University SFC last weekend, the Eagles supporters were buzzing for Saturday’s mouth-watering match at the Melita Stadium against the league leaders, Stanmore Hawks FC that the Hawks won by 31, a defeat the Eagles did not deserve. The match was played at a fast pace and it was difficult to distinguish between the two teams as the new look Eagles side caused the leaders numerous headaches and even took the lead on 52 minutes through Alusine Fofanah. Numerous other chances for the Eagles, who displayed top-level football for the first sixty minutes, went begging. Sadly, second half changes proved Parramatta’s undoing as they conceded three soft goals in the 65th, 76th, and 85th minute. Parramatta stay in 12th position, third from bottom six points from the bottom team and two from the team immediately below them. Parramatta E 2 Sydney University SFC 0 *Parramatta Eagles were able to recall that winning feeling after they registered their first win in four games in Round 16 with a 20 victory against Sydney University at Melita Stadium. Ahmad Elrich put them ahead with a cracking effort from outside the box on 40 minutes. They then continued to dominate in the second half and doubled the score through Mark Symington in the 50th minute.

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