The Voice of the Maltese No.199

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Issue 199

The Voice of the Maltese (driven by the voice of its readers )

Fortnightly magazine for the Diaspora

Malta’s 2019 Colourful Carnival 2019

(See report and more photos on pages 6 & 7)

March 12, 2019

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Dr George Vella to be 10th President of Malta


ollowing Constitutional consultations and the unanimous endorsement by the cabinet and the Labour parliamentary group, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat nominated Dr. George Vella to be the next President of Malta. Dr. Vella, 76 from Zejtun, a medical doctor by profession and a former Foreign Affairs Minister and Labour Party deputy leader had a long history in public life, having represented Malta in the international sphere during his 40 years as a politician. He will be sworn in as the 10th President of the Republic of Malta on April 4 succeeding outgoing President MarieLouise Coleiro whose five-year term in office comes to an end on that same day. In making the submission, the Prime Minister said he was proud of the unanimous endorsement by the cabinet and

his Labour parliamentary group and that he was sure that Dr. Vella would be “another unifying figure for our people and country.” In addition to announcing Dr. Vella’s nomination, Joseph Muscat thanked outgoing President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca for her “sterling work” over the last five years. “Cabinet has unanimously resolved a vote of thanks to the President for her sterling work. We are glad that she will continue with her contribution towards Maltese society through the Foundation for Social Wellbeing,” the Prime Minister said. After initially criticising the Prime Minister for nominating Dr Vella, saying he wasn’t “able to resist internal partisan pressure, for him not to nominate someone from the opposing political camp, the Nationalist Party said that when Vella’s

Tuesday March 12, 2019

nomination for President comes before parliament it would put the national interest first and vote for him. The Democratic Party said the nomination of the President of the Republic was the prerogative of the Prime Minister and that this was formalised in Parliament.

Looking forward to the future with optimism


he 20th February 2019 marked the second occasion in which the Consul General of Malta for NSW, Mr Lawrence Buhagiar had a meeting with representatives of the younger generations of Maltese living in New South Wales. He met with Mr Antoine Mangion and Dr Shannon Said who have been quite

NSW Consul General for Malta Lawrence Buhagiar (centre) flanked by Antoine Mangion (left) and Shannon Said

active within the Maltese Community for many years. Mr Buhagiar expressed gratitude and satisfaction that since their first meeting way back in December last year, there seems to be a good flow of communication between members of younger generation of Maltese through The Voice of the Maltese magazine, email and the social media. Antoine and Shannon are now working with people willing to actively participate in future events organised by the Maltese Community and its association within NSW. The Consul General acknowledged the younger generations for their work. He said he looks forward to the future of the Maltese Community in NSW with optimism as it is through such involvement that one can guarantee the necessary continuity to the preservation of our Cultural Heritage that has been so much looked after by the first Maltese settlers and their subsequent generations in Australia. The Voice invites the younger generation of Maltese to participate within the community. Those interested are requested to contact Antoine Mangion and Shannon on their emails: and respectively

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday March 12, 2019

Għadna bil-mannara fuq rasna! Id-deċiżjoni tal-MSSP li jabbandunaw il-Maltin tal-Western Suburbs:


d-deċiżjoni li l-Missjunarji ta’ San Pawl jabbandunaw il-Maltin tal-inħawi tal-Western Suburbs billi jirtiraw wara 30 sena sħaħ miċ-Ċentru la Valette qajjmet dibattitu sħun fost ħafna fil-komunita` Maltija. Sakemm ġejna biex nippubblikaw din il-ħarġa ta’ The Voice of the Maltese kien għadu ma sar l-ebda progress u l-Maltin għadhom bil-mannara fuq rashom għax wara s-17 ta’ April (ix-xahar id-dieħel) is-servizzi reliġjużi bil-Malti miċ-Ċentru se jispiċċaw. Sadanittant il-kwestjoni taħraq laħqet ukoll il-midja f’Malta bit-Times of Malta fil-ħarġa tal- 20 ta’ Frar tagħti spazju ta’ nofs paġna lill-materja taħt ir-ras: MSSP’s departure leaves community aggreviated. Ir-rapport tiegħu Keith Micallef ibbażah fuq l-artiklu li ippubblikajna fil-ħarġa ta’ The Voice tat-12 ta’ Frar (Nru 197) taħt it-titlu ta’ Deciżjoni xokkanti: L-MSSP jirtiraw miċĊentru Malti La Valette. Min-naħa tiegħu l-ġurnalist tatTOM ikkuntattja lil Fr Mark Grima mill-kwartieri ewlenin tal-MSSP f’Ruma. Fr Grima qal lill-korrispondent li s-saċerdoti tal-MSSP flAwstralja qed jixjieħu u ħafna waslu biex jirtiraw, fil-waqt li l-vokazzjonijiet huma limitati. Żied jgħidlu li minħabba f’hekk is-Soċjeta ma kelliex wisq minn fejn tagħzel. “Jekk ikollna xi saċerdot Malti minn Melbourne jew naħat oħra li temporanjament ikun jista’ joffri s-servizzi tiegħu f’okkażjonijiet speċjali ma nara xejn ħażin li dan jista’ jiġri” qal Fr Grima. The Voice of the Maltese irċevejna ħafna emails dwar din is-saga. Mhux possibli li nxandru kull ma waslilna. Kien hemm minn argumenta li l-Isqof ta’ Parramatta għandu jgħin ukoll għax wara kollox Blacktown taqa’ fid-djoċesi tiegħu. Argument li donna spikka ħafna f’din is-saga kien li sSoċjeta` Maltija Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl inħolqot minn Mons Guzeppi Depiro prinċipalment biex tieħu ħsieb l-emigranti wisq aktar milli tieħu ħsieb parroċċi u għalhekk il-prijoritajiet tagħha għandhom ikunu lemigranti Maltin. Kien hemm ukoll min qalilna li fejn jidħlu l-awtoritajiet tal-knisja, ħafna drabi d-deciżjonijiet isiru mingħajr konsultazzjoni mal-komunita’. Żiedu jargumentaw li r-raġuni li s-saċerdoti xjaħu ma jreġix għax din hi attwalita’ li ilna nafu biha u għalhekk għandhom jittieħdu deċiżjonijiet ibbazzati fuq il-prinċipji ewlenin tas-soċjeta Maltija.

Monsinjur Ġużeppi De Piro, il-fundatur tas-Soċjeta` Missjunarja ta' San Pawl (lMSSP) li bdiet taħdem fost il-Maltin fl-Awstralja fl-1948

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Il-kappella ta’ San Franġisk fi Blacktown


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4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 12, 2019

Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers

Buying unbuilt properties in a declining property market – off the plan off the table? by PaulSant

It is always important to obtain legal advice when purchasing any type of property. With property prices currently decreasing in most areas in Sydney, we thought it would be suitable to bring your attention to the risks involved where you purchase a property “off the plan” – that is, a property that is not yet built. Whether your purpose for purchasing off the plan is to live in a brand new complex, or you are hoping to make a profit by selling the property after it is completed, you should consider the following issues carefully before entering into a contract. Risks 1. You are entering a binding legal agreement to pay a set amount. 2. The bank provides only pre-approval at this stage. Any home loan or mortgage will not come to exist until construction has finished. 3. If the property market drops, the bank may value the completed property at less than what you agreed to pay for it. 4. This may result in a shortfall of finance the bank actually provides, meaning you will have to come up with the difference in order to provide the amount you agreed to pay when the contracts were exchanged. 5. Construction may be completed sooner or later than anticipated, which can present issues with obtaining finance. 6. The developer or builders may fall into financial difficulty, or even bankruptcy. 7. Where numerous purchasers are unable to obtain finance to settle their purchases once construction is complete, a ‘fire sale’

may occur with properties being sold for whatever price will be paid for them. The banks then regard this as the value on completion. 8. Banks may have a cap on their lending ‘exposure’ in any one building, so if numerous purchasers apply for finance from the same bank, you may have to accept a lower loan to value ratio, which may result in a shortfall of finance and you will have to come up with the difference.

Tips and pointers You should carry out thorough market research and investigations about any area you are thinking about purchasing an off the plan property in. Are there other developments that may restrict the view? Is there a lot of supply in the area? If purchasing as an investment, what is the rental market like in the area? If purchasing to live in, what is the area like – is the location close to public transport, schools, or other amenities you require? Be sure to inspect the display home, models and plans meticulously. Ask your legal adviser whether changes can be made to fixtures and fittings such as the kitchen and bathroom – the plumbing may affect other properties and it may be that no changes are able to occur. Can you select appliances and design choices such as the stove or tiles? What is included in the price, and what is additional? Are changes allowed to the design of the property with or without your consent? Where possible, you should visit properties to gauge the quality and finish of works completed by the developer in charge of your property. It is important to do everything you can to



Now at: 21 George Street

Parramatta Phone: 8599 8877

Also at: Level 4, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney. Ph: 8355 9999 Email: Maltese Spoken

have an accurate measure of your expectations for when building is complete. Ask your legal adviser to identify where the contract allows the builder and/or developer to depart from what is proposed for the design, layout and finish of the property, so that you are aware of the scope of difference that is permissible.

Bankruptcy It can and does happen: developers go into liquidation before the completing projects. What happens if the developer for the project that your off the plan property purchase is a part of falls into financial troubles, goes into liquidation, or goes bankrupt? You should ask your legal adviser what contractual options you have if this occurs, whether you will get your money back, and what safeguards or guarantees the contract has about returning your deposit. Again, conducting research may reveal information about the developer that puts your mind at ease. They may have a high industry reputation, have completed a portfolio of developments, and been in the industry for a significant time. Your research may raise concerns – if the developer is new to the industry, and little information can be found about their experience. In either situation, be sure you know your rights under the contract – ask your legal adviser when and how the contract can be terminated, and what penalties you may incur.

Conclusion There certainly can be benefits to buying off the plan, where the property value increases, and you don’t incur interest or loan repayments until the construction has completed. Your equity increases before you incur the entire expense. However, you must bear in mind that purchase prices may be inflated as it is not uncommon for developers to offer agents increased commission or other incentives to ‘push’ their properties onto clients. When considering a purchase for an off the plan property, it is vital that you conduct in depth research, and, if satisfied with your findings, obtain legal advice about the contract. We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.

Frenċ tal-Għarb u Karmnu l-Boqba

Tuesday March 12, 2019


iftakar sewwa ġej mill-Amerka, raġel xwejjaħ magħruf bħala Karmnu lBoqba biex joqgħod u jgħix fid-dar ma’ kuġintu Ġużeppa u ħuha Żaren li kienu z-zijjiet tiegħi, fid-dar li kellhom fi Triq ilKbira, Ħaż-Żebbuġ. Jidher li kien hemm xi ftehim li wara mewtu Karmnu jħalli kollox lilha u jagħtiha wkoll il-pensjoni, bil-patt u lkundizzjoni li tieħu ħsiebu. Issa sirt naf li għalkemm kien qatta’ xi 50 sena l-Amerka Karmnu l-Boqba, li kien magħruf bħala ġuvni xalatur, kważi ma kellu xejn imfaddal. Din iz-zija kienet xbejba tal-Mużew u baqgħet hekk kważi sal-aħħar. Kienet inħallet biss minn din is-soċjetà tad-dutrina meta ġie f’ħoġorha dan l-intrigu tal-kuġin tagħha. Kienet qalet dan se tagħmlu b’missjoni u b’karità u biex issalvalu ruħu! Għall-bidu kollox kien jidher sew iżda dan Karmnu, li kien irritorna Malta għax kien għadda minn attakk qawwi ta’ puplesija, u għalhekk nofs ġismu kien ipparalizzat, biżżmien beda jkun esiġenti ħafna. Kien irid konsultazzjonijiet mediċi minn xahar għall-iehor, ikel tajjeb u sustanzjuż - perfett mad-dieta, kolazzjoni blaħjar flakes eċċ. Fis-sajf kien ried villeġġatura, jew f’Baħar iċ-Ċagħaq inkella f’San Pawl il-Baħar. Imsomma. ried li jekk jista’ jkun ma jkun jonqsu xejn u z-zija Ġuż kienet tagħmel mill-aħjar li tista’ biex tikkuntentah. Bħala karattru, l-Boqba ma kontx taf fejn int miegħu; filli tajjeb, u filli jitlef il-boxxla u għaldaqstant ma jibqax jirraġuna sewwa. Mhux biss, imma meta kien jitlagħlu, kien ifajjar xi waħda ċara daqs il-kristall! Iz-zija Ġużeppa tgħidx kemm-il talba kienet tgħid biex tpatti għal dnubietu, saħansitra kienet tgħid li ġie mimli xjaten mill-Amerka. Kienet tieħu paċenzja kbira bih daqslikieku kien tarbija u forsi kienet tressqu biex jgħid magħha rrużarju mar-Rediffusion. Karmnu minn kollox kien jagħmel biex forsi jerġa’ jara lilu nnifsu xi ftit aħjar, tant li meta z-zija Ġużeppa qaltlu, biex imorru sa għand Frenċ talGħarb ħalli jfejjqu ma qalx le, u filfatt kienu marru. Krew karozza u kmieni filgħodu rħewlha lejn ilMarfa biex jaqbdu l-vapur għal Għawdex. Hekk kif waslu baqgħu sejrin l-Għarb għand Franġisku Fenech, magħruf Frenċ tal-Għarb bħala Frenċ tal-

The Voice of the Maltese 5

PeterPaulCiantar Għarb li kien jilqa’ n-nies bilkju fir-razzett tiegħu. Frenċ twieled fit-3 ta’ Diċembru tal-1892 wieħed minn 12-il wild tal-koppja Salvu u Beneditta Mercieca. Hu kien bidwi, għażeb u bniedem tar-ruħ. Kellu fama ta’ qdusija u f’ħajtu kien imfittex għad-duwa li kien jagħti magħmula minnu stess mill-ħxejjex. Kien jagħmel hekk biex ixerred id-devozzjoni lejn il-Madonna Ta’ Pinu. Iz-zija kienet qaltilna li meta daħlu fir-razzett, x’ħin Frenż ra lil Karmnu ma’ wiċċu tgħidx kemm qallu li mimli xjaten. Karmnu baqa’ ċċassat! Iz-zija Karmni Grima Ġużeppa qalet lil Frenċ li Karmnu issa kien qed jinbidel u anke kuljum jgħid irrużarju. Hawn donnu li Frenċ ikkalma u beda jisma’ l-weġgħat ta’ Karmnu l-Boqba. Talab fuqu u qallu biex jitlob, jgħid irrużarju u tah xi duwa - xi ħaxixa. Wara li niżlu lura lejn ĦażŻebbuġ Karmnu jidher li biddel xi ftit ħajtu (għall-inqas għall-ewwel) iżda l-kura tal-ħaxixa ma swiet għalxejn. Iz-zija tgħidx kemm xandret lil Frenċ tal-Għarb mar-raħal. Bdiet tgħid lil kulħadd li xħin Frenċ ra lil Karmnu millewwel għarfu li kien mimli xjaten mill-Amerka. Saħansitra kif rah fil-bieb Frenċ ried ikeċċih. Imn’alla li z-zija marret għandu bil-baġġ tal-Mużew u mgeżwra fl-għonnella! Ta’ min jgħid li dan Frenċ tal-Għarb jingħad li kien sema’ l-leħen tal-Madonna għal sitt darbiet iħeġġu biex ikollu devozzjoni lejn it-tbatijiet ta’ Kristu fil-passjoni. Imma Frenċ kien jaf il-bidu ta’ kollox minn Karmni Grima, xebba ta’ 45 sena mill-Għarb li fl-għaxra ta’ filgħodu tat-22 ta’ Ġunju, 1883 kienet ġejja mill-għalqa fil-limiti magħrufa ‘Ta Ġordan’ u kif waslet qrib il-Kappella ta’ Ta’ Pinu bħal semgħet leħen isejħilha, “Ejja! Ejja!”. Billi ma kien jidher ħadd, kienet se tkompli triqitha, meta reġgħet semgħet illeħen isejħilha, “Ejja llum, għax ma tkunx tista’ terġa’ tiġi qabel sena oħra”. Karmni Grima ma qalet lil ħadd dwar dak li semgħet f’Ta’ Pinu, u kien wara xi sentejn li fetħet qalbha ma’ Frenċ. Ftit ta’ żmien wara, f’Ottubru tal-1886, omm Frenċ, Vinċenza Portelli, ta’ 75 sena, kienet marida serjament. Uliedha għamlu wegħda mal-Madonna ta’ Pinu biex tfejjaq lill-ommhom li b’mod meraviljuż fieqet. Din il-ġrajja xegħlet lil Għawdex u lil Malta kollha. L-Isqof t’Għawdex ta’ dak iż-żmien, Mons. Pietro Pace, għarbel sewwa taħt ġurament lil Karmni Grima u l-istess lil Frenċ tal-Għarb li ta’ min jgħid miet fid-19 ta’ Mejju tal-1967. Hawn ukoll twieled is-Santwarju Ta’ Pinu f’Għawdex, li ħafna mill-kontribuzzjonijiet għalih ġew minn dawk li kienu jmorru għand Frenċ tal-Għarb biex jitolbu l-pariri tiegħu.

Il-Karnival ta’ Malta(2019): Turija ċara li qiegħed hemm biex jibqa’ 6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 12, 2019


l-Karnival ta’ Malta 2019 ġie, għadda u mar. Issa l-artisti u dawk kollha li ħadu sehem f’dan l-ispettaklu li pprovdew u li bih ferrħu lill-Maltin u litturisti li kull sena jkunu jistennewh, jistrieħu fuq il-frott ta’ xhur sħaħ ta’ tħejjija, jogħxew bil-kummenti mill-aktar pożittivi li waslulhom. Ħafna qrib ta’ dan l-ispettaklu ta’ kull sena jsostnu li tal-2019 kien l-akbar u lifjen Karnival li qatt sar. Anke l-fatt li ma baqax biss fil-kapitali Maltija Valletta imma nfirex f’għadd ta’ rħula li organizzaw l-ispettakli partikolari tagħhom, huma kuntenti bli għamlu. L-akbar spettaklu, kemm b’karrijiet u żfin u wkoll il-folol li jiġbed bl-isfilata fittoroq ewlenin talbelt u sa ċertu punt anke fil-Furjana fl-aħħar jum, nhar it-Tlieta li għadda, il-kuluri tal-karrijiet u lkostumi estravaganti taż-żeffiena li jipprovdu żifniet ikkoreografati fi Pjazza San Ġorġ hu xi ħaġa unika għall-gżejjer Maltin. Il-ħasda li ħadu d-dilettanti ġimgħa qabel iljiem proprja talK a r n i v a l bil-maltempata kbira li ħalliet ħsarat fl-inħawi kollha ta’ Malta, Mill-Karnival spontanju ta’Ħal-Għaxaq

Kevin Abela DOI

intnesiet hekk kif ħareġ kaw il-Karnivali spontanji uniċi ta’ Ħaltemp tajjeb biżżejjed Għaxaq f’Malta fejn ilu jsir għal madwar biex ma jtellifx festi. 150 sena, u n-Nadur f’Għawdex, imma Forsi l-unika festa li dawk tal-Ħadd filgħodu fil-Ħamrun fejn ħassar kienet għal karru laqqgħu l-baned, Santa Venera, Birżebbuġa wieħed li sofra ħsara u Ta' Xbiex ħaqqhom ukoll it-tifħir. kbira fil-grigalata u li Bħal dejjem dawk ta’ Ħal Għaxaq u nma kiex possibbli li tis- Nadur ġibdu lejhom spettaturi u wkoll nies sewwa fi-ħin. li għal darba fis-sena jinsew lilhom inJidher li din is-sena fushom u jxiddu maskri oriġinali, u żdiedu l-għadd ta’ kun- grotteski, u jibnu karrijiet żgħar. Ta’ Ħal silli lokali u organizzaz- Għaxaq u n-Nadur huma żewġ okkażjonizjonijiet li daħlu sew jiet li baqgħu jiġbdu l-eluf ta’ nies. fl-ispirtu bit-timbru Hu ċar li l-ġejjieni tal-Karnival ta’ Malta tagħhom ta’ din il-festa li beda fi żmien il-Kavallieri, qiegħed fil-pjazez ta’ għadd ta’ hemm biex jibqa’ u jkompli jikber. rħula u bliet Maltin u *ara aktar ritratti f’paġna 7 Għawdxin. Mill-Karnival spontanju tan-Nadur Veru li fost dawn, u bħal dejjem spikJason Borg DOI

Tuesday March 12, 2019

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 12, 2019

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

To thank Marie-Louise and Paul

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly tnightly magazine magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name and e-mail address of the writer and be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese


Chris Muscat from Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland writes: lease allow me to use this medium by way of thanking two of the magazine’s regular contributors, Marie -

True Maltese blood!!


Doris Cannataci from Sliema, Malta writes: ow I enjoyed reading Andy Busuttil's article!! True Maltese blood!! Let us hope that Maltese future generations will be able to say the same! Our parents and teachers used to instil love and pride for our country. I remember as a very small girl when I used to ask my mother to tell me about the Great Siege of Malta, she always used to end with this poem that she learnt when she was at school: MALTA MALTA FIOR DEL MONDO SOLIMAN TI VUOLE AL FONDO MA FU NOSTRA LA VITTORIA CON VALLETTA SABIAN GLORIA!!

X’nostalġija !


Joe Dimech minn Blacktown NSW jikteb: rajt b’interess il-kitba ta’ Paul Borg minn Penrith NSW dwar dak il-ħanut li kien hemm, int u dieħel Putirjal taħt ittaraġ. Qed ngħid għall-ħanut tal-kafe’ jew aħjar toqba fil-ħajt. Jien ukoll niftakru għax meta missieri kien jeħodni l-belt, l-ewwel waqfa dejjem kienet tkun kikkra te` minn dal-ħanut. Illum xjaħt iżda l-memorja għadha tajba. Prosit ta’ dan il-magazine li tassew jagħmlilna unur.

Louise Muscat (Money Talks) and Paul Sant (legal) for the advice they give to us readers in their respective fields. I wish to thank them, particularly because on two separate occasions their advice saved my day. I always regarded their contributions worth reading but never believed that some day I would also need to avail myself of this service in solving my probelms and put their advice into practice. As a member of the Maltese community in Australia, I am therefore also doubly grateful for The Voice magazine for giving space to these experts in order to help us with their sound advice and their readiness to put their knowledge at the disposal of the readers. I am equally proud that our dwindling community, that throughout the years has produced many professionals who have enriched our Maltese heritage in different sectors of the community, also has people such as them to call upon when needed.

Spot On!


Mary Caruana from Seven Hills NSW writes ay I thank Carmen Barbara (The Voice, Feb 26 page 9) for her letter regarding the shocking news of the MSSP leaving the Maltese Centre La Valette and leaving the Maltese community without a Maltese priest. Ms Barabara was spot on and explained precisely the effect this will have on the Maltese elderly and the community in general. I understand that after 30 years of service you may face difficulties but you should not abandon a chaplaincy before you have secured a replacement.

Quantum leap?


Rose Tedesco from St Ives NSW writes: he letter by Tony Brincat from Brighton Victoria (in Issue No. 198 of The Voice) re the Art Council Malta is a worry. My question is how many Maltese artists living in Australia were invited to participate in Valletta 18? Why is it always a one way traffic? They sent us Strada Stretta, a colonial era play portraying the story of a brave English pilot and his mistress, so much for Maltese history! But then again it was the English that won the war not the Maltese.

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Carmel Mallia’s: My Latest Poems

Tuesday March 12, 2019


Dr Carmel Mallia: My Latest Poems: A collection of poems in five languages; self-published; 78pp; 2018.

r Carmel Mallia is one of Malta’s most prolific writers: author of several novels, poems and other important literary works. He is also the President of the local Esperanto Society. He excels in languages, particularly English, Italian and French, and of course Esperanto and Maltese. Lately Carmel he has been particularly busy with the issue of various works, one of which is a superb collection of his latest poems, the very title of this little book. This is indeed a collection of poems with a difference, written in the five languages. The treat is thus double: the sheer enjoyment of the poems themselves, which are typically himself, always going through various moods and

Maltese film Love to Paradise Free Screening, with Director Q and A


he Maltese-Australians’ Youth Committee (MAYC) in collaboration with La Valette Social Centre of Blacktown are pleased to present the screening of Love to Paradise at 3pm on March 31! Maltese Australian writer and director Julian Galea shot love to Paradise entirely in Malta. The film revolves around a passionate love story between American tourist Giovanni (Myko Olivier) and local Maltese artist Carmen (Marysia S. Peres), a confrontation with the truth, and a choice between Giovanni’s career and the love that changed him forever. The cinematography showcases the natural splendour of the Maltese Islands, whilst detailing the passion, excitement and experience of a couple surrounded by the breath-taking archipelago. For those who have wanted to appreciate the beauty of the Maltese Islands and connect with the heritage of their homeland, this film is for you! Afterwards Julian would be available for a Q and A session. Come along and make the most of this opportunity to engage with a Maltese Australian filmmaker who is flourishing in the industry and putting Malta on the map! The film is rated M (coarse language, sex scene).

styles; and furthermore there is the enjoyment of reading the various languages chosen for the production of the entire collection. These poems have been written within a long range of time and they reflect the poet’s experiences throughout his life. Much has been based on the classical Maltese style of poetry, but the other languages all go on a path of their own, being completely different from one another; Carmel Mallia every poem tells its own story. The collection takes off in English, with Strada Stretta as one of the best; follows Esperanto, Uragano, one of the finest; onwards to French, with the delightful Pourquoi?; Italian gives us the very beautiful Angeli and Maltese the hugely reflective Xjuħija. All the poems in this book are journeys in reality and human experiences, and in spite of being a small book, it is a tribute to both poetry and the beauty of languages which, I gather, Dr Mallia is still set on enhancing with his unique style of poetry and further experiences in life.

Alfred Palma

10 The Voice of the Maltese



Tuesday March 12, 2019

A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: https://ivancauchi.

kitba ta’



in hija kelma mislufa mill-Ingliż, support, u hija daqsxejn diffiċli li tispjega xi tfisser mingħajr ma tinftiehem ħażin. Per eżempju, id-dizzjunarju ta’ Aquilina jittraduċi support bħala rifed, felaħ, appoġġja, sostna, mantna, għen, kien favur u oħrajn. B’dankollu, wieħed jista’ jifhem li bniedem li jkun qed juri sapport lil ieħor, ikun solidali miegħu, jiddefendih għal kull m'għamel u jaqbeż għalih akkost ta’ kollox. U allura, wieħed jista’ leġittimament jistaqsi jekk bniedem għandux juri sapport lil ieħor meqjus li għamel xi ħaġa deplorevoli. Jien ngħid li hemm post għal dan, u b’wiċċek minn quddiem, imma qabel ma tmorru tfittxu t-tadam imnawwar biex tħaġġruni bih, ħalluni nispjega xi ftit. Il-kuntest ta’ dan kollu probabbli ndunajtu li hija d-deċiżjoni ta’ ħati li għadha kif ingħatat minn ġuri ta’ qorti f’Victoria lill-Kardinal Kattoliku George Pell li kien mixli b’abbuż sesswali ta’ żewġ subien, membri tal-kor, fil-Kattidral St Patricks f’Melbourne. Għal min għadu kif irritorna fid-dinja wara mawra fuq il-pjaneta Mars mingħajr aċċess għall-Internet, dawn l-istejjer, u ħafna oħrajn bħalhom, huma x-xhieda ta’ Kristu li qiegħdin nirċievu dan l-aħħar mill-Knisja Qaddisa Kattolika u Appostolika li nistqarru t-twemmin tagħna fiha kull nhar ta’ Ħadd. Ħafna ġew ixxukkjati mill-verdett, inkluż jien li simpatija malKardinal m’għandi xejn. Hemm min il-verdett ma jaċċettahx u oħrajn li infexxew jikkundannawh. Jien mhu se nagħmel xejn minn dan, ħlief li nfakkar li għad baqa’ l-appell x’jinstema u jinqata’. Is-suġġett huwa ieħor madankollu. Per eżempju, l-eks Prim Ministru Awstraljan Tony Abbott stqarr fuq ir-radju li Pell kien u għadu ħabib tiegħu, u kien kellmu bit-telefon dakinhar li l-verdett ta’ ħati sar pubbliku. Qal li kien iħoss għal Pell li kien ilu ħabib tiegħu għal ħafna żmien, u kien iħoss ukoll għall-vittmi ta’ istituzzjoni li suppost setgħu jafdaw.1 Għal din il-wirja ta’ sapport għal Pell, Abbott kien ikkritikat minn ħafna, inkluż mill-intervistatur tiegħu, Ray Hadley. Simili kienet it-tweġiba tal-Arċisqof ta’ Melbourne, Peter Comensoli, li stqarr li George Pell jibqa’ ħabib tiegħu u li lest li jmur jinvistah il-ħabs. Kompla madankollu li jifred din il-ħbiberija personali mill-atti ta’ ħsara li twettqu kontra individwi u komunitajiet mill-knisja.2 Dan jidhirli jien li hu l-punt ewlieni – li jista’ jkollok relazzjoni personali ma’ offensur, filwaqt li tikkundanna l-att ħażin u tagħraf il-ħsara li jkun twettaq.

Il-ħabsijiet ta’ NSW u tad-dinja kolha huma mimlija b’offensuri, kemm akkużati u kemm sentenzjati, li għandhom familjari u ħbieb tagħhom li jżommu kuntatt magħhom bit-telefon jew blittri, u ħafna minnhom iżuruhom, regolarment jew le, fiżikament fil-ħabs. Ma jfissirx li huma kuntenti bl-att kriminali li jkun twettaq. Naturalment mhux kulħadd ikun lest iżomm relazzjoni ma’ min ikun xellef difrejh mal-ġustizzja, u jien naf diversi li ġew abbandunati minn kull min kien qrib tiegħu. Irrid nagħmilha ċara li jien ma nlumx lil min jagħmel dan il-pass, għax ma nafx minn xiex ikun għadda – kulħadd għandu l-istorja tiegħu. Madankollu, relazzjonijiet personali miżmuma, anke meta wieħed jinsab f’qiegħ ta’ ħabs, ‘il bogħod u mistmerr minn kulħadd, huwa essenzjali biex jinżamm xi sens ta’ umanità f’dinja li f’ħakka t’għajn saret biss ħitan, bibien tal-ħadid jissabbtu u rutini riġidi tas-sigurtà. Għal min huwa Nisrani, tajjeb li niftakru l-istedina ta’ Ġesù: “kont fil-ħabs u ġejtu żżuruni”.3 U irridu wkoll ngħożżu ‘l dawk li ġew abbużati, nies miksura, ittraduti, ħafna drabi mċaħħda mill-ġustizzja, lanqas biss emmnuti wara kollox. Għal dawk li għadhom ħajjin, dawk li rnexxielhom jevitaw waqgħa fiċ-ċirku vizzjuż tad-droga jew is-suwiċidju, irridu nuru mogħdrija, widna li tisma’, appoġġ għal strutturi ta’ għajnuna għalihom u simpatija għat-triq twila u diffiċli biex ikollhom ġustizzja. Għalihom ukoll, sapport. Għalihom ukoll, l-istedina ta’ Ġesu flistess vers tal-vanġelu ta’ Mattew: “kont marid u ġejtu tarawni”.4 Referenzi

1., retrieved 5/3/2019 2., retrieved 6/3/2019 3. Mt 25:36 4. Ibid.

Malta’s achievements in women’s rights, LGBTIQ, and the integration of migrants Foreign Affairs Minister M

The Voice of the Maltese 11

Tuesday March 12, 2019

alta has made huge strides ahead in enacting legislation guaranteeing social and political rights across all sectors and strata of society. It is a legislation that covers such areas as family law, legal gender recognition, marriage equality, women’s rights, gender-based and domestic violence, access to assisted reproductive technology, minority rights, and child protection, among others. The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Carmelo Abela stated this at the High-Level Segment of the 40th Session of the United Nations’ Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva, where he also participated in a High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen. The United Nations and the Governments of Sweden and Switzerland convened the meeting in order to support the humanitarian response in Yemen and to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people Women’s rights Minister Abela highlighted the progress achieved by Malta on three specific issues, namely women’s rights, LGBTIQ people as well as the reception and integration of migrants. He recalled that in 2017 Malta set up of a Council for Women’s Rights, aimed at strengthening dialogue between the government and civil society and mainstreaming equality in all aspects of government’s processes. That same year Malta also ratified the Istanbul Convention, which was subsequently transposed into domestic legislation. In this regard, two main projects were launched as initiatives to implement action under the Convention. The Minister pointed out that in four years, the female employment rate in Malta went up by 13 per cent, from 47 per cent in 2014 to 60 per cent in 2018. He explained that this was not only due to Malta’s efforts in combating gender stereotypes and awarenessraising on gender equality. The country has been consistently empowering women through various initiatives and policies that favour their inclusion in the labour market as well as help families achieve a better work-life balance. LGBTIQ When it comes to the progress achieved with respect to LGBTIQ people, Minister Abela remarked that the advancements made by Malta from marriage equality to gender-neutral markers, the Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights recog-

Abela at UN Human Rights Council

nised this as being the current global “gold standard”. In fact, for the third year running, Malta has maintained its top place on the ILGA-Europe Rainbow Index that reviews the human rights situation of LGBTIQ persons in 49 European countries. With an overall rating of 94 per cent, Malta remains the leading European country in protecting LGBTIQ persons in areas of equality and non-discrimination, family, hate crime and hate speech, legal gender recognition and bodily integrity, civil society space, and asylum. Furthermore, Maltese law protects from ‘conversion practices’ related to one’s sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. In September last year Malta launched the second national action plan on LGBTIQ focusing on the social realities that LGBTIQ people face, and the mainstreaming of their rights into society. It further focuses on ensuring that all government ministries and entities take responsibility in implementing the national action plan. Migration Minister Abela pointed out that Malta is also doing its upmost to improve its practices in the reception and integration of migrants. He said that being positioned along the Central Mediterranean Route, in 2018 Malta received 1,445 irregular migrants, while 2,045 first-time asylum applications were lodged. As a follow-up to one of the priorities of Malta’s Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2017, the country is working on improving reception conditions and capabilities. As a result it is dedicating more resources to asylum matters in order to quicken procedures while at the same time and as much as possible, doing away with detention. Furthermore, a Human Rights and Integration Directorate has been set up with the specific mandate of advancing areas concerning civil liberties, foreign communities, integration, and minority rights. He reminded the august gathering that in 2017 Malta launched its first integration that was described by the UNHCR’s Malta Of-

Minister Carmelo Abela addressing the UN Human Rights Council

fice as “a landmark achievement”. The Yemen situation At the High-Level Pledging Event for the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen, the Minister expressed Malta’s full support to the UN-led peace process and to the efforts of the UN Special Envoy, Martin Griffiths, for his engagement and for facilitating dialogue between the pertinent parties. He commended the humanitarian actors on the ground, who continue to deliver life-saving support to all those in need in very challenging circumstances, and welcomed the progress made on the redeployment of troops from Hodeidah by the Government of Yemen and the Houthis as a significant step forward in the political process. Minister Abela said that the dire situation has been going on for far too long and that it was unacceptable that people, anywhere in the world, are forced to live in horrendous conditions that present little to no prospects for a better life. He pointed put that the necessary funding and humanitarian assistance to UN agencies and other humanitarian partners in Yemen must be guaranteed to reach those affected. Malta has once again decided to make a financial contribution to help provide the Yemeni people with the much-needed support, and in this respect has pledged €50,000, which is equivalent to 10 per cent of the country’s Humanitarian Aid budget allocated for 2019, as its contribution.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 12, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

IMF, European Commission reports both “positive” about Malta’s financial stability


ithin a few days, the European Commission and the experts of the International Monetary Fund, IMF, published two separate independent reports about the financial stability of Malta that provide a general picture of the Maltese economy. Finance Minister Edward Scicluna described both as “positive” The conclusions in the IMF report are based on information available at the time of discussions by its staff with the officials of Malta on economic developments and policies January 16 - February 7. The detailed evaluation of the financial system was carried out at the request of the Maltese authorities. In its report the IMF said that Malta has been one of the fastest growing countries in Europe post-crisis, thanks to rapid rebalancing toward export-oriented services, notably remote gaming. And the authorities have recently started to explore new development areas around the blockchain technology. It stated that growth remains rapid and increasingly driven by domestic demand, but a cyclical peak may have been reached, the IMF has concluded. The IMF said that the financial sector in Malta is large compared to the economy and is strongly connected with the rest of the world, adding that while Malta has benefited from considerable financial inflows, the associated risks, especially related to money laundering and terrorism financing (ML/TF), need to be closely monitored and addressed. It was stated that key metrics suggest that the banking system in Malta is in good health, however, challenges exist. “Banks are well capitalised, liquidity is ample, and profitability is healthy. However, core domestic banks’ high exposure to property-related loans, together with the rapid house price appreciation, poses a risk,” it said. IMF pointed out that the significant share of non-resident deposits in international and noncore domestic banks makes them vulner-

able, but their exposure to the domestic economy is limited. While nonperforming loans (NPL) remain below the euro area (EA) average, there are pockets of distressed corporate loans that continue to impact banks’ balance sheet, the report states. Referring to the fight against money laundering, Finance Minister Edward Scicluna said that the Prof. Edward Scicluna Silvio Schembri fourth European directive on money laundering was already pensions sustainability – as it is not ready implemented and introduced in Maltese to increase retirement age. legislation way back in 2017. He added that The other recommendation concerns susoon Parliament is also expected to approve pervision of the financial sector on which two amendments that the Commission the Government is working hard especially pointed out and that the Opposition has with reforms in the MFSA and the increase agreed on in committee stage. in FIAU resources, among others. Scicluna noted that with regard to this diThe IMF directors also encouraged the rective, the Commission issued a warning Maltese authorities to maintain a prudent to 10 countries; Malta is not one of them. fiscal policy, and called for further efforts Both Minister Scicluna and Parliamentary to strengthen the structural fiscal position Secretary for Financial Services, Silvio excluding revenues from the Individual InSchembri said in a news conference they vestor Programme. They concurred that held jointly, that the last FSAP report on virtual financial asset service providers Malta had been carried out 17 years ago. should be supervised in line with the FinanThey added that it was the Government it- cial Action Task Force standards. self that last year requested IMF experts to In comments Opposition and Nationalist visit Malta in order to analyse and make Party Leader Adrian Delia said he was not suggestions on the strengthening of the fi- happy with the reports. In his view the Govnancial system stability. The experts found ernment is destroying Malta’s reputation and that the banking sector in Malta is solid but creating great difficulties for the economy, the warned on the increases in property prices banking sector and financial services. and related loans. He expressed concern that the reports It was pointed out that in a similar report “criticised Government because of the in 2013 the European Commission, had damage to Malta’s reputation”, and that it made six specific recommendations. Six is not “recognising the damage but is acting years later, they are down to two. The Gov- in an obstinate manner, because it benefited ernment disagrees with one of them – the Government and the chosen few.”

Helicopter service between Malta and Gozo could be back


n order to improve the connectivity between Malta and Gozo, the Government has announced that it would be bringing back the helicopter service between the two islands that would most likely be operating between International Airport and the heliport in Xewkija, Gozo. Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi made the announcement at the heliport in Gozo in the presence of Minister for Gozo Justyne Caruana. He said that a feasibility study on the viability of the service, based on various scenarios and models is being carried out, and that the Government’s company Medair, is in talks with a major company in the field of aviation, in order to try and form a subsidiary to operate the service aimed at the long-term sustainability of this service.

The government is also in talks with Airbus Helicopters about the use of an Airbus model for this service. Discussions are ongoing about two different options – a small model and a much larger one. Once they are completed, the service would be introduced, first as basic and then according to demand. The last service between Malta and Gozo stopped operating 12 years ago when the Spanish company managed it only operated it for 18 months.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday March 12, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta

American University of Malta inaugurated at Bormla’s No. 1 Dock O n Friday Prime Minister Joseph Muscat inaugurated the American University of Malta (AUM) in a state of the art building that was transformed from an area in Bormla (Cospicua) that is known as Dock Number 1. Prime Minster Joseph In two years, the building that previously Muscat inaugurating the served as part of the Drydocks, was restored AUM at Bormla to academic requirements, of the new university at a cost of €25 million, that is aiming to attract 4,000 students by 2029. When completed AUM will be an investment of over €100 million and would be the biggest ever private investment in education. Dr Muscat described the AUM as an investment in future generations. He said that the authorities have fully scrutinised and would continue to do, the credentials of this university that have been accredited by the Commission for Higher Education. Dr Muscat added that this project would have several positive effects on education, on the economy and the Cottonera area. The Prime Minister added that it was a pity “The contract binds AUM to recruit 4,000 so much damage was done to this invest- students five years after its completion, and ment before it had even started. they are well ahead. This is a pilot project - a trial run. It started with 15 students, and now there are almost 100. The target completion date is still six years away, and after that they have another five years,” Muscat said. He said that since the markets for the uniatest GDP data published by the NSO versity are the Persian Gulf and the Middle indicates that in 2018 the Maltese econ- East, in order for it to be formally recognised omy registered a growth of 6.6 per cent in by the governments of those countries, the 2018, thus securing Malta’s position as one first group of students had to graduate. of the fastest growing economies in the EU. In nominal terms, GDP in Malta grew by 8.9 per cent last year. Finance Minister Edward Scicluna welver the past few days, the Office of comed the report, as, “Malta’s economic the President and the President's growth for 2018 exceeded expectations Trust Foundation, in collaboration since actual real GDP growth was higher than projected by the Ministry for Finance, with the Government of Malta, hosted a the European Commission, the Interna- high-level trade delegation from China that tional Monetary Fund and various Credit participated in a successful Malta-China Business Forum, business-to-business sesRating Agencies”. For the six-year period from 2013 to 2018, sions and a series of constructive meetings average annual growth reached 7.1 per with the Prime Minister and ministers of cent, surpassing significantly averages government. Following their meetings many of the Chirecorded in the past two decades. nese companies expressed and also put forward proposals for Chinese companies comcollaboration with mitting themselves to their Maltese businesses and Corporate Social Responsithe Maltese Governbility in front of President ment. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca The trade delegation’s visit to Malta followed a request made to the President Trusts Foundation. The visitors came from of a wide spectrum of sectors, including financial services, energy, real estate, and tourism met local entrepreneurs to explore new sectors between the two countries.

Maltese economy in 2018 registers growth of 6.6%


"Once the first group of students graduate and AUM is formally recognised, recruitment will increase substantially," he said. US academic Professor Lou Walker, the AUM President, said the AUM wants to be the university of the future through the creation of innovative research models. It currently has 100 students from 25 countries. But extensive efforts are on going to attract more students for the 11 Bachelor courses and two courses at Masters level, which are expected to increase.

China Trade Mission visits Malta


They, along with members from the Maltese business community participated in the Malta-China Busines Forum that was addressed by President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca The President explained that she believes that such was an excellent opportunity to continue to build on the two countries’ strong legacy of bilateral relations that began in 1972 when former Premier Mintoff became was the first Western leader to visit the People’s Republic of China. MLCP said that while governments are excellent enablers and facilitators, it is people in business and entrepreneurs, who bring the necessary creativity and innovation, to create potential partnerships and collaborations. She also extended the Maltese Government’s invitation, for the business communities of both the countries to take advantage of the many opportunities that exist between the two. The Chinese companies have also committed themselves that, as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility, they would also be donating a small percentage of the profits of their Maltese business endeavours to social projects that the President's Trust Foundation is currently undergoing and others that it intends to carry out in the very near future.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 12, 2019

Fuq quddiem... fl-Impjiegi


ħal xahar wara l-ieħor fejn jidħol ix-xogħol Malta tinsab fuq quddiem meta mqabbla ma pajjiżi oħra sħabha msieħba fl-Unjoni Ewropeja. Imma xi ħaġa li ftit forsi ngħata każ tagħha, imma li hi ta’ importanza, l-fatt li kien hemm bidla fix-xejra ta’ kif qed jirriżultaw dawn il-figuri hekk tajbin f’dan il-qasam. Kien hemm żmien meta l-gvernijiet kienu jtaffu l-problema talqgħad billi joħoqlu xogħol mal-Gvern stess. Din is-sistema kienet tkun ikkritikata ħafna u bir-raġun, għaliex ż-żieda ta’ ħaddiema mal-Gvern, l-aktar jekk dawn ma jkunx hemm daqshekk bżonnhom, huma piż fuq il-finanzi tal-pajjiż u li jrid jagħmel tajjeb għalihom il-but tal-poplu. Fortunatament din is-sistema bdiet tinbidel u llum wasalna fi stat fejn l-impjiegi mal-privat qed jiżdiedu b’rata ferm aktar minn dawk mal-Istat. Infatti skont l-aħħar ċifri tal-Uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika f'Settembru tal-2018 l-impjiegi fis-settur privat

20 15 10

aktar minn 16-il miljun ruħ kienu qed ifittxu impjieg fost il-pajjiżi Ewropej, bi
























Renju Un.




intendi din iż-żieda fl-impjiegi qed twassal biex il-qgħad ikompli jonqos tant li Malta tinsab bis-sitt l-inqas rata ta’ qgħad fost il-pajjiżi kollha tal-UE Ċifri tal-Uffiċċju tal-Istatistika tal-Unjoni Ewropea, il-Eurostat, juru li f’Jannar li għadda Malta kellha s-sitt l-inqas rata ta’ qgħad fost il-pajjiżi kollha tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Ir-rata ta’ qgħad f’Malta kienet ta’ 3.8 filmija, in-nofs tal-medja fiż-Żona Ewro li kienet ta’ 7.8 fil-mija. Kienu biss ilPolonja, l-Olanda, l-Ungerija, il-Ġermanja u r-Reppubblika Ċeka li kellhom rata ta’ qgħad ftit inqas minn ta’ Malta. Min-naħa l-oħra, il-Greċja, Spanja, l-Italja u Franza kellhom l-ogħla rata ta’ qgħad fost ittmienja u għoxrin stat membru tal-UE. Malta kellha wkoll fost l-inqas rati ta’ qgħad fost iż-żgħażagħ ta’ taħt il-25 sena. Skont il-Eurostat matul Jannar li għadda,



... u nuqqas fil-qagħad

żdiedu b'10,388 għal 160,178 filwaqt li dawk fis-settur pubbliku (mal-Gvern) żdiedu b'1,235 għal 47,484. Dan kollu jfisser li l-impjegati mal-privat huma għaxar darbiet aktar minn dawk impjegati mal-Gvern. Ipparagunat ma’ Settembru tal-2017, dawk li jaħdmu għal rashom żdiedu b'1,350. Fl-istess żmien kien hemm żieda ta' 5.5% fl-ammont ta' nies f'impjieg (mhux part time) biex dan kien ilaħħaq il-209,475. Din iż-żieda kienet attribwita l-aktar għal żieda ta' 11,623 persuna li jaħdmu f'xi impjieg full time u tnaqqis ta' kważi 659 persuna li m'għandhomx impjieg. L-akbar żieda kienet irreġistrata fost impjiegi professjonali, xjentifiċi u attivatijiet tekniċi, kif ukoll fil-qasam amministrattiv. L-Impjiegi part time, minn naħa l-oħra, żdiedu b'4%, l-aktar fissetturi professjonali, xjenifiċi u attivitajiet tekniċi kif ukoll fl-impjiegi, fl-arti u d-divertiment.

kważi tlettax-il miljun minnhom fost il-pajjiżi li jħaddnu l-munita Ewro.

Unur ieħor prestiġġjuż għal Għawdex


ħat-tielet sena wara l-oħra Għawdex rebaħ unur prestiġġjuż fil-fiera magħrufa tatturiżmu ITB f’Berlin fil-Ġermanja. Il-Premju li jingħata mill-organizzazzjoni internazzjonali li tippromwovi turiżmu sostenibbli hu tal-Best of Communities and Culture. Il-Ministru għal Għawdex Justyne Caruana uriet sodisfazzjon għall-unur internazzjonali, li, qalet, se jkompli jiżdied fil-kullana ta’ premijiet internazzjonali li Għawdex rebaħ tul dawn l-aħħar snin. Hu wkoll konferma kif l-istrateġija li qed jaħdem fuqha l-Ministeru għal Għawdex qed tħalli r-riżultati mhux biss bl-għadd ta’ State Member for Prospect viżitaturi imma issa anke bil-konferma ta’ dan l-unur. Sadanittant, kif qed isir b’attivitajiet fi For issues concerning: kważi kull tmiem il-ġimgħa, nhar is-Sibt 16 Ageing and disability - community ta’ Marzu se jsir l-hekk magħruf bħala Lejl services -education - environImkebbes meta bejn is-6pm u nofs illejl ment - health - housing - planning aktar minn 30,000 xemgħa se jinxtegġlu fittoroq taċ-Ċittadella li għandha tagħti glorja - Police - transport - water lill-belt medjevali ta’ Għawdex. Se jsiru wkoll esebizzjonijiet artisitċi, inP: (02) 9756 4766 izjattivi storiċi, dħul b’xejn għall-mużewiE: jiet kollha fiċ-Ċittadella, divertiment u 2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164 attivitajiet għat-tfal.

Dr Hugh McDermott MP

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday March 12, 2019

Resqin l-Elezzjonijiet

... għall- MEPs u l-Kunsilli Lokali


-elezzjoni tal-Parlament tal-Unjoni Ewropeja u dawk tal-Kunsilli Lokali qed joqorbu sewwa. Diddarba, għall-ewwel darba, se jkollna wkoll magħhom l-elezzjonijiet għall-Kunsilli Lokali kollha. Oriġinarment l-elezzjonijiet kienu jsiru fi gruppi ta’ Kunsilli u allura matul il-leġislatura parlamentari (ta’ ħames snin) kienu jsiru aktar minn elezzjoni waħda. Biss ftit tas-snin ilu ġie deċiż li dawn jibdew isiru lkoll f’daqqa u jsiru fl-istess jum li jsiru dawk għall-Parlament Ewropew. Kif se jibda jsir minn din id-darba, mhux biss jiġu ffrankati eluf ta’ Ewro, imma wkoll jonqsu l-kampanji elettorali li mhux biss ta’ kważi kull sena, u li huma ta’ piż finanzjarju u loġistiku fuq il-partiti politiċi, imma wkoll ta’ stress fuq il-poplu. Għax ngħiduha kif inhi, fil-kultura poltika Maltija l-kampanji elettorali jġibu tensjoni qawwija fost faxxa kbira ta’ nies. Issa l-kampanja bdiet tirranka sewwa, bil-kandidati tal-partiti għall-Unjoni

Ewropeja diġa mħabbra ( għalkemm filwaqt li l-Partit Laburista qal li l-lista tiegħu hija kompluta, il-Partit Nazzjonalista jidher li għad għandu l-bibien miftuħa). Min-naħa tal-PN ftit tal-jiem ilu ħabbar il-kandidatura ta’ David Stellini li bħalissa hu membru parlamentari tal-partit elett L-estremista Norman Lowell minn Għawdex. Jidher li ġie ‘imħajjar’ joħroġ għal din l-elezzjoni ħalli l-Partit ('Brain, not ego') u Arnold Cassola. TalNazzjonalista jkollu kandidat ġej minn aħħar kien se jikkontesta mal-partit li Għawdex. Skont rapporti f’xi gazzetti, il- mexxa għal żmien twil, l-Alternattiva PN kien qed isibha diffċli jsib kandidat imma wara kwestjoni fil-Partit dwar labort, irriżenja mill-partit u ddeċieda li minn Għawdex. Min-naħa l-oħra jidher li l-partiti għad- joħroġ indipendenti. Fl-aħħar elezzjoni hom qed jiġru wara xi nies biex joħorġu tal-PE Cassola kien qrib ħafna li jiġi elett. Interessanti l-fatt li mal-Alleanza ta’ bħala kandidati għall-kunsilli lokali. Fl-elezzjonijiet għall-Parlament Ewro- Bidla se jikkontestaw żewġ neputijiet ta’ pew jidher li mhux biss se jkollna aktar ex-Prim Ministri, Ivan Grech Mintoff, inkandidati mill-aħħar elezzjoni ta’ ħames neputi ta’ l-eks PM Dom Mintoff u Resnin ilu, imma wkoll aktar partiti poltiċi. becca Dalli Gonzi, in-neputija tal-eks PM Hekk barra l-Partit Laburista u dak Naz- Nazzjonalist Lawrence Gonzi. zjonalista, diġa ħabbru li se jkollhom kandidati, il-Partit Demokratiku, l-AlRebecca Dalli Gonzi u Ivan Grech Mintoff ternattiva Demokratika, LAlleanza tal- Sadanitant, il-Parlament Ewropew ippubblika lBidla, u l-Im- ewwel projezzjonijiet tiegħu għall-elezzjoni ta’ perium Europa Mejju li ġej. Qed ibassar li l-PN se jġib 36.4% taltal-estremista voti u b’hekk jitlef it-tielet siġġu tiegħu, fl-waqt li lemini Nor- l-PL se jirbaħ 62.7% tal-voti u jkseb erba’ siġġijiet. man Lowell. Attwalment fl-aħħar elezzjoni simili l-PL kiseb Jidher li se il-maġġoranza tal-voti, u kien biss għal ftit voti, jkun hemm ma rnexxielux itella’ r-raba’ MEP. Dan prinċipalukoll għadd ta’ ment seħħ għax jidher li għadd ta’ votanti ma k a n d i d a t i vvutawx għall-kandidati kollha Laburisti u allura i d i p e n d e n t i : fis-sistema Maltija,fejn jidħol il-wirt tal-voti, ilfosthom An- voti li beda bihom il-PL naqsu sew lejn tmiem iltoine P Borg għadd tal-voti.

Stħarriġ ieħor ...


a semmejna l-istħarriġ, tajjeb li ngħidu wkoll li dan l-aħħar saru żewġ stħarriġ mill-midja lokali, mill-Maltatoday u ieħor minn it-torċa. Mhux se nidħol fid-dettalji, imma nirrimarka biss li miż-żewġ stħarriġ ħareġ li d-differenza ta’ appoġġ għall-partiti baqgħet tati maġġoranza kbira lill-Partit Laburista. Iżda l-aktar riżultat sinifikanti kien dwar ilmexxejja tal-partiti, fejn id-differenza bejn Dr Adrian Delia u Dr Joseph Muscat kompliet tikber, b’Delia saħansitra jmur lura meta mxebbaħ ma’ stħarriġ li sar qabel. Biex taqgħad, filwaqt li l-PN mexa tikka ‘l quddiem, il-mexxej tiegħu kompla sejjer lura, li sintendi kebbes il-kritika ta’ dawk li jsostnu li Dr Delia qed jitfa’ l-Partit Nazzjonalista lura.

Statistika tal-UE qed tagħti vantaġġ lill-PL

... u dwar il-faqar M

inn stħarriġ ieħor, din id-darba mill-uffiċċju tal-Istatistika Malti, irriżulta li Malta rreġistrat l-inqas rata ta’ persuni mċaħħda mill-aktar affarijiet bażiċi tal-ħajja minn kemm ilha tinġabar l-istatistika fl-2005. Din hi n-nofs ta’ dik li kienet fl-2013 u ferm aktar baxxa mill-medja Ewropea ta’ kważi 14%. Ċifri tal-uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-istatisika juru li fl-2013 kien hemm 39,000 ruħ li kienu kkunsidrati li għandhom deprevazzjoni materjali, jiġifieri li ma jaffordjawx erba’ minn disa’ nefqiet fosthom li darba iva u darba le, jieklu laħam jew ħut. Fl-istess ċifri ntwera li dawn naqsu għal 14,000. Madankollu minkejja dawn ir-riżultati pożittivi, kien hemm żieda marġinali ta’ 0.7% ta’ nies li huma mċaħħda minn ċerti affarijiet bażiċi. Jidher li din iż-żieda hi riżultat tal-għoli tal-kera u diffikulta biex ċerti nies iħallsu d-dejn (loans) li jkollhom. Sintendi kif jiġri s-soltu, spiċċajna b’naħa waħda tgħid kemm f’din il-materja morna ‘il quddiem, filwaqt li n-naħa l-oħra titkaża bl-għadd ta’ dawk li jinsabu fil-faqar.

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 12, 2019

Cardinal Pell to appeal the conviction on three grounds


ardinal George Pell 77 years is appealing his child sexual abuse convictions on three grounds, including a “fundamental irregularity” that prevented him entering a not guilty plea in front of his jury. The Court of Appeal released Cardinal Pell’s grounds for appeal against his December conviction for sexually abusing two 13-year-old choirboys at St Patrick’s Cathedral in East Melbourne when he was archbishop in 1996. “There was a fundamental irregularity in the trial process because the accused was not arraigned in the presence of the jury panel as required,” the appeal, filed by Cardinal Pell’s barrister Robert Richter

QC, reads Cardinal Pell also aims at the reliance of the jury on only one victim’s evidence. “The verdicts are unreasonable and cannot be supported, having regard to the evidence, because on the whole of the evidence, including unchallenged exculpatory evidence from more than 20 crown witnesses, it was not open to the jury to be satisfied beyond reaniversity of Notre Dame Australia vice- sonable doubt on the chancellor Celia Hammond (left) is to re- word of the complace Julie Bishop as the Liberal candidate for plainant alone,” his the West Australian seat of Curtin. Ms Ham- first appeal ground mond, is the daughter of retired WA Chief Dis- says. trict Court judge Kevin Hammond. If the Court of ApPrior to commencing as an academic in the peal accepts that, it Notre Dame University law school in 1998, Ms could dismiss the Hammond worked as a legal practitioner in pri- case. He also argues vate practice in Western Australia and as an ac- County Court Chief ademic lawyer at other universities. She was appointed Judge Peter Kidd vice-chancellor of the Catholic university, which has campuses erred in preventing in Fremantle, Sydney and Broome, in 2008. the defence from The Notre Dame University website said Ms Hammond “is pas- using a “moving visionate about Catholic higher education, with its commitment to sual representation” the harmony of faith and reason, to the rigorous pursuit of truth of its argument, and wisdom within a Catholic moral framework, and to the pro- claiming the events vision of a culture and community that is conducive to the devel- were impossible. opment of the whole human person”. Prosecutors obIn 2017, Ms Hammond received an honorary doctorate from the University of Portland for her work supporting Catholic education jected to the visual, comparing it to the in Australia. Two more senior Ministers announced their retirement weeks video game Pacman. out from the next Federal election. They are, Christopher Pyne Cardinal Pell, who is after 26 years in parliament and Defence Industry Minister Steve in custody, is exCiobo, after 17 years in Parliament. Liberal Craig Laundy is pre- pected to pursue the appeal after he is pared to quit politics.

Replacement for Julie Bishop


While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

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Cardinal George Pell with a police escort coming out of court sentenced on March 13. June 5 and 6 have been set as the days the Cardinal can challaneg his conviction in the state’s highest court. Following news of Pell's conviction bishops and priests across Australia addressed their congregations at Masses. Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP, who succeeded Cardinal Pell as Archbishop of Sydney, told Mass-goers that the legal process regarding the Cardinal was not complete, “so I cannot comment on it. I understand and echo public anger at any crime committed by church personnel. I urge people not to draw any final conclusions until the appeal judges have had their chance to review this matter’’. He said some people had raised serious questions for the appellate court to examine. He added: “If we are too quick to judge, we can end up joining the demonisers or the apologists, those baying for blood or those in denial.’’ Melbourne Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli told a subdued congregation at St Patrick's Cathedral that the Catholic Church in Melbourne has reached a “moment of Golgotha’’, the site of Christ’s crucifixion near Jerusalem. The archbishops repeated apologies to victims who had suffered at the hands of clergy and other church personnel. (see also commentary in Maltese titled Support about the Cardinal on page 10)

No rain for 7 years


he remote north-western NSW town of Bourke that has a population of 2,500, is drying and dying. It has not seen meaningful rain in seven years and some of the families are said to be living lives off bottled water when they can afford it. The town is on the cusp of entering stage five restrictions for the first time. That means no washing cars or watering lawns.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

Tuesday March 12, 2019

Last asylum-seeker children leave Nauru


he last four children living in Australia’s asylum-seeker processing centre on Nauru have been flown to the United States for resettlement. Immigration Minister David Coleman said they were the last of 2000 children living in detention when the Coalition formed government in 2013. “We got them all out,” he said in a statement. “This is something the government has been working on for some time, quietly and in a way that would not impact our border protection policies.” The departure of the children and their families brings the number of refugees to have been resettled in the US under a deal with Australia to 493. Another 265 refugees have been assessed but rejected by the US under its extreme vetting policy. At the moment, 394 asylum-seekers remain on Nauru and 580 on Papua

New Guinea’s Manus Island. “Almost six years of detention on Nauru has created a mental health crisis on the island, and the government still has no secure future for them,” Refugee Action Coalition spokesman Ian Rintoul said. But Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton says Australians have been “conned” into believing medical care on Nauru and Manus Island is not being provided to those who need it. “We’re being conned at the moment,” he said. The true story of Manus and Nauru is going to come out at some point.” In 2016, the Papua New Guinea Supreme Court ruled that the detention of asylum seekers on the island was unconstitutional. Now, a group of lawyers acting on behalf of the men are claiming they are still being detained unlawfully. A team of lawyers acting on behalf of 550 asylum seekers and refugees trapped on Manus Island will `launch a fresh legal bid in the country’s highest court, aimed at getting the men off the island. The Manus Island processing centre at Papua New Guinea’s Lombrum Naval Base was closed in November 2017 after a PNG Supreme Court ruling found the detention of asylum seekers and refugee unlawful. But despite this, hundreds of asylum seekers remain living in compounds on the island. The men, many of who are without travel documents, need to request permission to leave the island and must abide by a curfew which states they must return to the compound, where they were moved following the closure, by 6 pm and not leave again until after 6 am. An artist's impression of the proposed campus in Blacktown

Blacktown to have a catholic University


he Australian Catholic University is set to open a new campus in western Sydney, with plans to start classes in Blacktown City as early as next year. ACU announced Blacktown Council’s university partner to establish a campus in the heart of Blacktown. The university will invest $220 million in the fit-out of an interim building and two permanent, high-rise buildings in Warrick Lane. It will open ACU College at an interim building in Main St, Blacktown, offering diplomas, certificates and executive education short courses in 2020. Undergraduate and postgraduate programmes are expected to begin the following year. The interim campus will occupy several floors of the council-owned building in Main St while construction on two highrise campus buildings in the Warrick Lane precinct is underway, with a scheduled opening of 2024. ACU will establish four faculties at the Blacktown campus, including: education and arts; health sciences; law and business; and theology and philosophy. Mayor Stephen Bali said the announcement was four decades in the making and would form part of the council’s estimated $76.5 million CBD redevelopment project. Australian Catholic University V/Chancellor and President Prof Greg Craven looked forward to opening a campus in

Blacktown. “By 2036 half of Sydney’s population will live in western Sydney yet currently only 18% of university places are in western Sydney,” Professor Craven said. “An ACU campus in Blacktown will stand at the cultural and geographical heart of the community,” he said. “We will strive to serve Blacktown’s diverse local student body by providing innovative, quality higher-education courses as well as state-of-the-art physical spaces

for study, recreation and reflection.” He said ACU’s plans to develop a campus in western Sydney began in 2015. Blacktown will become ACU’s third campus in greater Sydney after Strathfield and North Sydney. The university also has campuses in Melbourne, Brisbane and Canberra. It is estimated 54,000 tertiary students live within 30 minutes of Blacktown. In the Blacktown region, we have the largest population of people of Maltese descent.

Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija

18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 12, 2019

ktar regoli u tagħrif uffiċjali dwar kif wieħed għandu jikteb il-Malti skont kif A maħruġ mill-Kummissjoni fi ħdan l-Akkademja tal-ilsien Malti f’Malta. Dan hu żieda mat-tagħrif li diġa’ tajna f’għadd ta’ ħarġiet li għaddew. Jittratta dwar L-Or-

tografija ta’ Neoloġiżmi Anglo-Sassoni u Rumanzi fil-Malti. Wara li rajna l-ewwel tliet regoli li fuqhom tfasslu l-aġġornamenti u l-forom tal-ortografija, f’din il-ħarġa se nkomplu b’aktar regoli.

Ċ. Regoli Partikulari

5. Kliem li fl-ilsien barrani jispiċċa bis-suffiss ‘ia/iu’ Kliem bħal dan fil-Malti jibdel l-‘ia/iu’ f’‘ja/ju’ jew ‘ija/iju’ skont il-fonetika u s-sillabar tal-kelma. Jgħinna wkoll is-sillabar meta nżidu xi suffissi mal-kelma. Hekk: proprju – prop-rja-ment serju – ser-ja-ment industrija – in-dus-tri-ja-liz-zat Awstrija – Aw-stri-jak fantasija – fan-ta-si-ja Is-suffiss ‘ija/iju’ qatt ma għandu jinkiteb ‘ijja/ijju’ – ‘fantasija’ u mhux ‘fantasijja’, ‘anestesija’ u mhux ‘anestesijja’. Nota: Irid isir xogħol iktar dettaljat fuq din ir-regola, u kull kelma tingħata l-ortografija tagħha. Iżda din ir-regola għandha tibqa’ u kliem ta’ din il-forma jinbena fuqha.


ing k r b ill hbac w or cas b a ly L he M4 n O kt bac

A better deal for Granville Authorised by Kaila Murnain, Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch), 9/377 Sussex Street, Sydney 2000

6. Kliem li fl-ilsien oriġinali jinkiteb bil-konsonanti ‘s’ (ħafna drabi mlissna bil-ħoss ta’ ‘ż’) u fil-Malti jista’ jieħu l-ħoss ta’ ‘s’ jew ta’ ‘ż’. Kliem bħal dan għandu jsegwi l-fonetika, u mhux kif jinkiteb fl-oriġinal. Lanqas hawn ma jreġu r-regoli ta’ ħsejjes ta’ konsonanti bil-ħoss/bla ħoss qabel konsonanti bil-ħoss/bla ħoss (cp. Aquilina VB = BB, BV = VV). Għandna ninnutaw: (a) Dan il-ħoss (s/ż) meta jkollu vokali kemm qablu u warajh ma joħloq l-ebda diffikultà– diżarm, miżinfurmat, biżestili, fantasija, Inkwiżitur. (b) Dan il-ħoss, meta jiġi f’tarf il-kelma għandna niktbuh kif inħossuh meta l-kelma nżidulha suffiss li jibda b’vokali – deċiż/deċiżi, ġeluż/ġelużi/ġelożija. (ċ) Meta dan il-ħoss jiġi fil-bidu jew ġewwa kelma jinkiteb skont il-fonetika – żvilupp, żvantaġġ, sfratt, spjega, fantażma, Ġesù, Ta’ Ġieżu, żbandut, skartat. (d) Is-suffiss ‘iżmu’ għandu dejjem jinkiteb biż-ż– Komuniżmu, Soċjaliżmu, Konservatiżmu, ideoloġiżmu. (Nota: Imma mbagħad, nużaw is-suffiss ‘ist/a’: komunist, soċjalist, artista). Nota: Niċċaraw iż-żewġmanjieri kif tinkiteb il-kelma ‘kas’ fil-Malti. Meta din għandha tifsira ta’ attenzjoni, tinkiteb ‘kas’ u żżid is-suffissi pronominali ‘kasi, kasek, kasu, eċċ.’; meta għandha t-tifsira ta’ inċident (Eng. case), tinkiteb ‘każ’, bil-plural ‘każi/każijiet’. 7. Il-ħoss fonetiku ‘dz’ Għalkemm fil-Malti niktbu żona (ħoss: dzona), per tradizzjoni, fi kliem ieħor, dan il-ħoss dejjem inkiteb zz: gazzetta, organizzazzjoni, mazza, magazzin. Għalhekk, għalkemm nistgħu nħalltuh mal-ħoss ta’ zz fil-kelma ‘mazzit’, dan issimbolu għandu jinżamm.

8. Is-suffiss barrani ‘-zione’ Fil-Malti dan is-suffiss jinħass ‘zjoni’, jew ‘zzjoni’, jew ‘żjoni’. (a) Meta dan is-suffiss ikollu vokali qablu għandu dejjem jinkiteb biz-‘z’ imtennija – edukazzjoni, intwizzjoni, istruzzjoni, oġġezzjoni. b) Meta dan is-suffiss jiġi wara konsonanti għandu jinkiteb b’‘z’ waħda – intenzjoni, manutenzjoni. (ċ) Meta l-ħoss tal-konsonanti ‘z’ huwa ta’ ‘ż’ għandu jinkiteb ‘żjoni’ – reviżjoni, diviżjoni. *Fil-ħarġa li jmiss nittrattaw dwar kliem fl-ilsien barrani u dak oriġinali

The Voice of the Maltese 19

Successful Festa ta’ Ġenerożoita` 2019 at La Valette Social Club in Blacktown

Tuesday March 12, 2019


he Friends of Providence House NSW once again held the “Festa ta’ Generożita” in aid of Id-Dar TalProvidenza (Malta) at the La Valette Social Centre on February 24, which combined fundraising with entertainment. This was the third such function. All three have proved very successful and very well patronised. The programme opened with the MC, Marisa Previtera welcoming and bringing the audience to order for the National Anthems of Malta and Australia performed by the MCA Choir. She then invited Jim Borg, the Co-coordinator to deliver his welcome message. He thanked up-front all those who had helped in one way or another, especially the La Valette Centre for making the Hall available and looking after the refreshments for the performers, Breakaway Travel Blacktown for their sponsorship, all the performers for giving their time and talent voluntarily and all those present for their support.

Lawrence Buhagiar, ConsulGeneral for Malta in NSW

A section of the crowd that attended the activity

He acknowledged the main guests namely, Lawrence Buhagiar, Consul-General for Malta in NSW and Godfrey Sultana, representing La Vallette Centre and George Vella of Breakaway Travel. Lawrence Buhagiar and Godfrey Sultana both delivered a short message of encouragement. Two other messages, one from HE Charles Muscat, High Commissioner for Malta in Canberra and another from Fr Martin Micallef, Director of Id-Dar TalProvidenza were shown and very warmly received. Then for four hours, the audience was entertained by a bevy of talented performers namely, the MCA Choir, Natasha Tatarinoff, Britney & Katelyn Vella, Martin & Brianna Vella, Charlie Muscat, Alee and James Cassar. In between, we managed to have some fun with the Chocolate Wheel. Thanks to Bill and Mary Schembri, Marisa, Miriam and all the ticket sellers it proved to be a great success. A ‘memorabilia pack’ donated by Troy Cassar-Daly was also auctioned, while Miriam Friggieri and Emanuel Vella each presented a donation on behalf of the Maltese Cultural Association and St Nicholas Festa Committee respectively. Right after this Charles Muscat got the people up and dancing with his lively brand of music. The final part of the entertainment programme was filled with James Cassar and

Alee, who showed their incredible talent with an impeccable performance. The afternoon wrapped up with various presentations to sponsors, helpers, and performers. A final note of appreciation goes to all those who promoted this function namely, The Voice of the Maltese, 2GLF 89.9 FM, SBS, and WOW FM community radio programmes. All had a good afternoon of fun and over $9,000 was raised. It is anticipated that a “Concert of Appreciation” would be organised in the not too distant future. (Report: Jim Borg & Marisa Previtera)

The organisers, Jim Borg flanked by (left) MiriamFriggieri and Marisa Previtera

The organisers of the Festa along with the entertainers and members of the Maltese Cultural Choir

Scientists develop diet planned “to save lives” 20 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday March 12, 2019

group of 37 scientists from around the world, a You can still have a couple of mix of experts from farming to climate change to portions of fish and the same of nutrition, were brought together as part of the chicken a week, but plants are EAT-Lancet commission. They took two years to come up where the rest of your protein with their findings that have been published in the will need to come from. The reLancet. searchers are recommending Beside making for an interesting reading, the renuts and a good helping of searchers’ findings include very important advice to the legumes (that's beans, chickpeas world’s population that is now around 7.7 billion, a figand lentils) every day instead. ure that is expected to reach 10 billion around 2050 and is They are also making a major expected to keep on climbing. push on all fruit and veg, which The Voice of the Maltese has received a copy of a report should make up half of every Prof. Walter Willett with the findings prepared by the EAT-Lancet Commission plate of food one eats. on Healthy Diets From Sustainable Food Systems and believes that as a service to our readers, it is important that we publish a summary of the report. The EAT-Lancet Commission Commission haired by Prof. Walter Willett and Prof. Johan Rockström, brought together 19 Commissioners and 18 co-authors from 16 countries in various fields including human health, agriculture, political science and environmental sustainability EAT is a global, non-profit foundation established by the Stordalen Foundation, Stockholm Resilience Centre and Wellcome Trust to catalyse a food system transformation. The researchers have developed a diet that will prevent about 11 million people dying each year. It is also intended to feed 10 billion people, and all without causing catastrophic damage to the planet. That number is largely down to cutting diseases related to unday of chicken healthy diets such as heart attacks, The diet in detail 6. Carbs - whole grains like bread and rice strokes and some cancers, that are If you served it all up this is what 232g a day and 50g a day of starchy vegnow the biggest killers in develyou would be allowed each day: etables oped countries. 1. Nuts - 50g a day 7. Dairy - 250g - the equivalent of one In his introduction to the report, 2. Beans, chickpeas, lentils and other leguglass of milk Prof. Walter Willett MD hddmes - 75g a day 8.Vegetables -(300g) and fruit (200g) Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public 3. Fish - 28g a day The diet has room for 31g of sugar and Health said: “Transformation to 4. Eggs - 13g a day (so one and a bit a week) healthy diets by 2050 will require 5. Meat - 14g a day of red meat and 29g a about 50g worth of oils like olive oil. substantial dietary shifts. Global consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes will Healthy eating that is flexible and enjoyable have to double, and consumption of foods such as red meat and sugar will have to be reduced by more than 50%. Prof Walter Willet believes that this diet has a tremen“A diet rich in plant-based foods and with fewer animal dous variety, “You can take those foods and put them tosource foods confers both improved health and environgether in thousands of different ways. We're not talking mental benefits.” about a deprivation diet here, it is healthy eating that is Scientists who have been trying to figure out how to flexible and enjoyable.” feed billions more people in the decades to come seem to This plan requires changes to diets in pretty much every have come up with an answer - "the planetary health corner of the world. For example, Europe and North diet" – that does not completely banish meat and dairy, America need to cut back massively on red meat, East but requires an enormous shift in what we pile on to our Asia needs to cut back on fish, and Africa on starchy vegplates and turning to foods that we barely eat. etables. If you eat meat every day then this is the first biggie. For The researchers say there might be many options necesred meat you're looking at a burger a week or a large sary to persuade one to switch diets; one of them could steak a month and that's your lot. by taxes on red meat.

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday March 12, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Australian High Commission on facebook; HC on twitter


he Australian High Commission’s in Malta has its own Facebook page, while the High Commissioner has a Twitter account. Both can be accessed by the readers. The High Commission’s Facebook: The Commissioner’s Twitter handle:

Grand Parenting has become an important part of our later life. What are the Legal and Social obligations? Can we become part or full-time grand parents? Ways to understand each one’s role within the family unit. These and other relevant questions will be discussed at our next Information night

The Joys and Challenges of Grand Parenting Wednesday March 27 at 7.30pm at St George Preca Rooms, OLQP Church Old Prospect Road, Greystanes MAIN SPEAKERS: Solicitor Paul Sant & Counsellor Carmel Gauci Discussions will include looking after (or caring) for children by uncles, aunties etc All are welcome - Free admission – Light refreshments. English/Maltese spoken For more information phone (02) 9631 9295

L-aħbarijiet tal-PBS (Malta)

Il-PBS ta’ Malta tforni lill-SBS fl-Awstralja bis-servizz tagħha, imma l-qarrejja xorta mħeġġa biex jidħlu filwebsite tal-istazzjon Malti: għallaħbarijiet kemm bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż Il-website hi aġġornata tul il-jum kollu.

Catholic Breakfast Group

Invitation to our 2nd Quarterly Catholic Breakfast Group

Our Lady Queen of Peace Band is organising heavily subsidised music lessons for all ages 8 and up, at any level. Lessons will be arranged for small groups or private tuition for anyone interestd in learning a concert band instrument with the aim of becoming a Band Member

To register your interest or for more information

Antoine - 0405 233 144 - Roderick - 9670 2020 -

Venue: NSW Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney. Date: Monday March 25 Arrival of guests at 8:00am – Seated by 8:15am Concluding at: 9:30am followed (for those who have the time) by an opportunity to mix, mingle, and network up to 10:15am departure. Purpose: Camaraderie, Sharing of ideals, and reinforcing our Catholic Beliefs. Guest Speaker: Miss Lana Turvey-Collins, National Plenary Council Facilitator, Plenary Council 2020 Topic: Preparations for the Plenary Council 2020 Seating: Limited number. Please get in early Reply: by not later than March 18 (Please confirm ASAP as our last breakfast was sold out) For more information contact Paul Zammit and/or staff at (02) 9223-4300 or 0419 444 135; mail

Proudly presents one of Malta’s best Showmen!

THE MALTESE CULTURAL ASSOCIATION OF NSW Ian James Vella – JANVIL in a brilliant Entertainers Show supported by Australia’s own popular Maltese singer Stacey Saliba on Sunday March17 at 2.00pm “Starlight Room” - Wentworthville Leagues Club

FOR BOOKINGS CONTACT: Dorothy Gatt: 9636 1834; Monica Ledger: 9896 0712 Charles Mifsud 0421 662 298

Donation: Adults $25; Children u/15yrs: $10 PROUDLY SPONSORED BY

94 Main Street, Blacktown: Tel: 02 9622 7799

Wentworthville Leagues Club 50 Smith Street, Wentworthville

Tel: 02 8868 9200

Community Wheels Inc.:

Connecting you with your community

Community Wheels is your local community organisation that provides door-to-door transport services to eligible people (+65 yrs old) to: * attend medical appointments * go shopping (including assisting clients with shopping bags) * meet a friend for a chat or coffee, and *go on bus tours etc. Available in the Parramatta City Council and parts of Cumberland Council areas. For information call: 88681400

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday March 12, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n

MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.

On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)

Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.

SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month

in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips

Join us and make new friends.

Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each

Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.

VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

L-MCCV qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għal għalliem/a tal-ilsien Malti Min japplika jrid ikollu għarfien sew tal-Malti, miktub u mitkellem.

Dan xogħol volontarju (bla ħlas).

Min hu interessat jibgħat lapplikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lil: Għal tagħrif ieħor ċemplu fuq 0412 115 919. Ħalli nnumru tat-telefon u nċemplulek lura.

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee

Main events for 2019

Sunday March 10: Fete Sunday June 30: L-Imnarja Sunday October 20: Fete Saturday Nov. 9: Dinner Dance Sunday December 1: Feast

Events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Sports on 2 pages

Tuesday March 12, 2019

Critical shortage of football pitches across NSW T

he critical shortage of playing fields across New South Wales has become so desperate that some football clubs have been forced to turn away many budding young footballers. The Sutherland Shire Football Association, the sport’s biggest association in Sydney with more than 18,000 players, has had to put eligibility criteria in place due to the shortage of facilities and local demand to play. “It’s a sad day when you are forced to say no to a young boy or girl who just wants to join a club and play the game with their friends – it’s not fair but in some cases, we simply don’t have the capacity anymore,” Stuart Hodge, Football NSW Chief Executive Officer said. To address the future of the game Football NSW, Northern NSW and Capital Football have undertaken a comprehensive NSW/ACT facilities audit to determine the current state of play, develop a plan for the future and provide decision-makers with a clear picture of where there is the greatest need. A key finding of the 10-month audit was that, based on current participation and annual growth ra- es, by 2030 Football in NSW will be 700 pitches short and will need to work with Councils and Governments to find additional fields of play for as many as 120,000 participants. The findings demonstrated that 45% of all pitches had no irrigation and/or drainage, resulting in pitches becoming unplayable. Loss of training nights and


match days in some areas is as much as 25% resulting in a less enjoyable football experience and uneven competitions when many matches are cancelled. The most comprehensive report of its kind also found that: · Just 54 pitches are synthetic · 32% of playing grounds have no lighting · 42% have lighting which is considered inadequate for football · Only 41% of playing fields have irrigation and drainage · 45% have no irrigation at all The data also provides a clear indication of which are the priorities in each association, club, venue, facility and the estimated cost of works. Mr Hodge said the greatest need is for synthetic fields and floodlights that would ensure year-round use, not just for football but it will also allow us to collaborate with other sports. Mr Hodge added that every football field from Byron Bay to Albury has been audited with some astounding results. Football is the biggest participation sport in the State with more than 350,000 players registered to play the

• The 2018 Football Facilities Audit, Football NSW found that the sport will need an additional 700 full sized pitches over the next 11 years in order to cope with the demand • The audit was conducted over 10 months by Football NSW, Northern NSW and Capital Football by world-renowned Melbourne based sports consultancy company, Inside Edge • Utilising their Sports Facility Audit software, just over 1000 facilities - totalling some 2,284 pitches - were identified throughout NSW and the ACT • The software allows each organisation to drill down and identify data and needs specific to their territory • Football in NSW is expected to have more than 350,000 players registered in 2019 • 45% of all pitches have no irrigation and/or appropriate drainage • Loss of training nights and match days in some areas is up to 25% • There are only 54 synthetic turf pitches in New South Wales and none of these are in regional areas • Victoria has the same number of synthetic pitches but with one-fifth of NSW/ACT’s playing numbers. • 32% of all pitches do not have any form of lighting • Of the pitches which do have lighting 42% are below what is considered adequate for football training and matches by Australian Lighting Standards • The NSW Government’s recent Active Kids program showed that almost 167,000 children received the $100 registration rebate - almost three times the next ranked sport • The average player-to-pitch ratio was 155:1 across the state • In some areas of metropolitan Sydney, such as the Sutherland Shire, this blows out to as high as 280:1 • Many clubs are full and have to turn new players away due to the limited number of pitches at their disposal on which to play games

Stuart Hodge world game this year across NSW. They will play across 1,000 sites and 2,284 pitches, with an average of 155 players using each football field across a season. In some areas, like the Sutherland Shire, the ratio of players-topitches is as high as 280 to 1. Northern NSW Football Chief Executive Officer, David Eland, has urged the NSW Government to provide the necessary support from the $1b Regional Development Fund. He said the lack of quality and quantity of football fields could prevent further growth of the game. “Football engages with so many individuals in every suburb across NSW, therefore facilities at the grassroots levels are so crucial, and we need action now. For football, indeed any sport, facilities are the lifeblood of the local community, and improving the quality and increasing the quantity of infrastructure across NSW will see social and health benefits filter through to all participants,” he said.

Promising start for the

Parramatta Melita Eagles kicked off the 2019 NPL3 season with a convincing 2-0 win over one of the competition favourites, Dunbar Rovers FC. They managed it with a great display in front of a decent crowd at Melita Stadium. On the half-hour the Eagles lost pacey attacker, Justin Micallef, with an ankle injury to be substituted by Zak Elrich, who made an almost instant impact, scoring eight minutes later to put the Eagles ahead at half time. The Eagles continued to search for goals after the interval and on 77 minutes, another substitute in Zac Watters doubled the lead to seal the campaign’s first victory.

Hyundai A-League Results

Day 21 Melbourne V v Newcastle J 0-2 Melbourne C v Perth Glory 2-2 CC Mariners v Wellington P. 2-8 2-0 Brisbane R v W. Sydney W 1-4 Sydney FC v Adelaide

24 The Voice of the Maltese

Sports on 2 pages

Tuesday March 12, 2019

Back-to-back losses Hibernians, and Valletta for are back sharing lead A Green Gully Ajax


fter a successful start to the season Green Gully suffered back-to-back defeats, at Kingston Results - Day 20 he ding-dong battle 1-1 draw by Ħamrun who Heath against Bentleigh Greens, and last weekend for the Premier keep hoping to win a place in in front of their own fans against Dandenong City. Hibernians v Ħamrun S 1-1 League title in Malta a European competition by 3-0 Valletta v Pieta Bentleigh Greens 3 Green Gully 1 3-1 keeps delivering results that virtue of a top-four place finGzira U v Senglea *In the first match Bentleigh proved superior 3-1 make one believe that the ish. Sliema W. v Mosta 2-0 two-horse race between Valletta had the easiest of throughout and scored two goals in a three-minute Birkirkara v Tarxien burst midway through the first half to take a stran0-0 reigning Champions and victories, by 3-0 over bottom Balzan v Floriana glehold on the match. Gully pulled a goal back on 2-0 Hibernians could be on team Pieta, while Gzira Qormi v St Andrews going up till the very end. United stay third six points the stroke of half-time from a Nick Kalmar freekick but Bentleigh ended the match as a contest Results - Day 19 They are once again sharing behind the top two. with a third goal on 50 minutes. Sliema are four points furHibernians v Tarxien 5-0 top billing after Hibernians 2-1 dropped the two-point lead ther behind and one point Valletta v Balzan Green Gully 2 Dandenong City 3 4-1 they held prior to Round 20, ahead of Birkirkara and now Gzira U v Qormi *In a sensational first half Green Gully twice led Birkirkara v St Andrews 2-0 while Valletta had no prob- three better off than Ħamrun. only to be pegged back on both occasions. Four Sliema W. v Ħamrun S 2-1 lem pushing Pieta to the Balzan continue to slip down first half goals and two red cards gave supporters 3-2 brink of relegation. Mosta v Pieta H. the latter after their scoreless good value for money. Gully were in front after 1-0 Hibernians were held to a draw against Floriana. Floriana v Senglea 10 minutes from Alex Salmon. City replied 10 minutes later. But Jay Davies put Gully again ahead on 24 minutes only to concede the leveller four minutes later. A player he next programme of the Premier in the UEFA Nations League Malta suffered from each side was sent off before half time League championship (Day 21) will a 3-1 away defeat and figured in a 1-1 draw and on the change-over, Dandenong scored the winning goal (57th min) with Poljak be played this week (March 12-13- at the National Stadium. 14). Then the competition makes way for The coach believes that this time Malta notched his hat-trick. Malta’s first two 2020 UEFA Euro quali- could win more points against the Faroe Isfiers. The campaign starts with two home lands and noted that the team’s opening * FFA Cup Rd3: Yarraville G. 2 Carol. Springs George Cross 3 games from Group F at the National Sta- match could be most crucial. dium scheduled for March 23 and 26. He has a limited number of players he can (After extra-time) A goal in the second period of extra-time Malta first hosts the Faroe Islands on choose from, and it looks almost certain that from James Kemal saw George Cross go March 23, then three days later hosts a much if fit, he would once again be calling on stronger opposition in Spain. Michael Mifsud, who will turn 38 in April, through to the fourth round of the FFA Cup. Prior to these games, national team coach an age that few players would be hoping to They led with an early goal from Hugh Undy, Ray Farrugia acknowledged that Malta is in be in a competitive team, let alone represent- but the lead lasted only one minute before a very tough group that also includes Swe- ing one’s country in an important interna- Yarraville drew level. The Cross regained the lead in the secong half with a Dominic Swinden, Norway, and Romania. However, he tional competition. said that he and his players are looking forHowever, if he is called up to lead the at- ton, goal but Yarraville forced extra-time only ward to the challenge. tack, Mifsud is prepared to try and deliver. the Georgies to snatch a dramatic winner. Farrugia said that all the games against the There isn’t much choice and there are very Promising start for the Eagles (See p 23) group opponents would be difficult, but few viable alternatives for the position. added, “we have to be positiv, believe in our capabilities and be prepared to work even harder to further raise our standards.” He added that this is what one expects from everyone involved with the national team, and that, perhaps primarily, includes the players and the national team’s coaching wnety-eight athletes and their coaches cial Olympics organisation in Malta, which is staff. are in Dubai preparing to represent Malta the largest non-government organisation in One has to be realistic and say that the only team Malta can hope to win points against in the forthcoming World Special Olympics sport for persons with disability. Special Olympics Chairperson Michelle are the Faroe Islands. At least on paper, the to be held March 14-21. The Maltese athletes who left Malta for Muscat said that the athletes are well-prerest of the teams in the group could be beDubai on Friday (pictured below) will be pared for their diverse challenges. Their paryond Malta’s reach. In the recent meetings with Faroe Islands among 7,500 athletes from more than 190 na- ticipation is the result of the organisation’s tions at the event. They come from the Spe- collaboration with the Marigold Foundation.

Malta to face Faroe, Spain in 3 days


28 athletes to represent Malta in Abu Dhabi World Special Olympics T

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