The Voice of the Maltese No.197

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Issue 197

The Voice of the Maltese

February 12, 2019

Fortnightly magazine magazine for for the the Diaspora Diaspora Fortnightly

Valletta’s City Gate from inside the City

The entrance to the city of Valletta as seen from inside the city: as it is now (above) and (below): as it was in the early 1900s

In 2018 Malta registered an increase of 27.8% of tourists from Australia. According to NSO statistic the number of visitors from Australia was 45,859, which is 9,984 more than the previous year. Inbound tourism to Malta during 2018 reached a record 2.6 million (see page 13)

2 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday February 12, 2019

Passing on the leadership of the Maltese/Australian community to the next generations (2)

“Next generation has a deep, AndyBusuttil and abiding sense of being Maltese and connected with the homeland”


hile Malta is making great inroads into rescuing what it can from its cultural origins and generating and creating a cultural identity, it has been long in coming and many Maltese have not been exposed to anything that could approximate this experience. The one link with our history has been għana. However, while it is a musical form that is extraordinary and skilful, it has never been demonstrated to be one that inflames the passions of youngsters. I think it is fair to say that it is very much an ‘old country’ form that doesn’t cross the generations. Youngsters tend to not have the patience to sit through many verses of a song or listen to two competing għannejja. They want to be involved and active. When I have come across next gen Maltese here in Australia, especially when engaged in music and dance, I have been impressed with something that is so deeply embedded in them. While they may not engage in Maltese cultural activities here in Australia there is within them a deep and abiding sense of ‘being Maltese’, of being connected with ‘the homeland’. Wherever you go, amongst many young people there is a deep desire to ‘belong’ and I believe this comes from a cultural disaffection that is happening in many multi-cultural nations. We are different. We feel different, we may even look different and we so much want to belong to our host nation and at the same time we feel a dislocation that is almost spiritual in its intensity. I remember attending a talk by an Aboriginal elder at the Woodford Folk Festival in Queensland. He was addressing a large audience of mainly young Australians seeking a cultural belonging. His message to them was clear: “don’t try to be one of us. Don’t try to be something that you are not. Explore your own roots. Find out where you come from and honour that.” When we look at our young next gen Maltese, we often find that living side by side with this deep recognition of their origin is a gulf that separates them from it. It can often lead to a crisis of identity that can only at times be resolved by abandoning their roots and attempting to embrace everything about their host country. What I find when I take my band Skorba on the road and tour the various parts of Australia is something of a culture shock for non-Maltese, many of whom don’t even know

that our island nation even exists. They are stunned to discover that an archipelago whose main island is no more than 30 kilometres or so long and 15 or so wide can be saturated in archaeological and historical structures and events. A lifetime can be spent exploring this tiny archipelago. When it comes to studying, celebrating and enjoying its people, a lifetime is not enough. When it comes to next gen Maltese though, the impact can be quite different. I remember a young man I met in Brisbane at a concert being presented by 'Skorba'. We play music about the Maltese Archipelago and its history and present the music as an audio-visual production. We have produced a series of concerts and a CD about the Neolithic temples of Malta and Għawdex and we are currently in the process of launching another project about L'Assedju, The Great Siege of Malta in 1565. This young man was in the audience and I noticed throughout our presentation that he was in tears. At the end of the concert he came up to me and threw his arms around my neck and stood there sobbing. When I was finally able to talk with him, he told me he was third gen Għannejja from the Klabb Ghannejja Maltin of Western Suburbs (Melbourne) performing the old form of Maltese folk singing

Maltese/Australian. He also told me he was a great fan of 'World music' and that he went to many concerts of music from The Balkans, Asia Minor, The Middle East and Mediterranean countries. He had always very much and very deeply desired to hear music about what he regarded as his 'homeland', Malta. Hearing our concert was the trigger for his emotional outburst. He told me he was so happy to finally hear something about his home island and he couldn't control his tears. Even though he was so far removed in generations from Malta it was obvious that the islands still lived in the depths of his being.

(The third and final part of the article in the next issue)

The Voice of the Maltese 3

Tuesday February 12, 2019

Family Law and Tax: Careful of the Pitfalls!? Another service offered by The Voice of the Maltese providing legal information to our readers


by PaulSant

obody gets excited about having to pay tax… or least, the majority of people don’t feel happy about it. A famous exception is perhaps Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr who was quoted saying: “I like to pay taxes. With them, I buy civilization.” Well, if you don’t agree with the ‘civilisation’ being dished out by the current government, you might feel more aligned with the views of Thomas Jefferson who stated that “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.” Either way, taxes are a reality, nasty or nice, that each person needs to think about. What most people don’t realise however, is that taxes are an important consideration even when negotiating a family law property settlement with your former spouse. A property settlement should effectively untangle the web of family wealth built up over the relationship. This could mean transferring assets between spouses or between family owned companies, trusts and partnerships. The transactions can be complex, and there are a number of different types of taxes and duties that could apply to certain transfers. Capital Gains Tax If property is transferred from one person (whether an individual, company or trust) to another person, this is a ‘disposal’ of property. The buzzword here is capital gains tax (CGT). Usually, CGT applies to any change of ownership of an asset. However, if:

1. the asset is transferred between spouses/defacto partners, or from a family-run company or trust to a spouse; and 2. the transfer occurs because of a court order or formal agreement; an automatic rollover will apply to ignore any capital gains tax on the transfer. The spouse or defacto partner receiving the asset will also inherit the original cost base. Therefore, in the future, when the spouse finally sells the property, capital gains tax will be calculated based on when

the property was first purchased and not when the property settlement occurred. However, the CGT rollover is not always available. If for example the property settlement agreement provides for the asset to be transferred into a trust, the exemption is not likely to apply.

Stamp Duty A change of ownership of property will trigger a stamp duty liability for the person receiving the property. Generally, in NSW the recipient of the property will not have to pay stamp duty if the transferred is contemplated in Court Orders or a formal agreement after the breakdown in your relationship. However, things get much more complicated when you are transferring assets out

of a family-owned or run company. Transfers or Payments from family-run Company to a spouse Payments from Companies It is common for families to keep wealth tied up in family businesses. After separation, the parties might agree that certain assets are transferred out of the family company and to one of the spouses. If this is a scenario that you are considering, it is important that you get tax advice. In recent years, tax rulings have stated that cash payments or transfers of property from a private company to an individual in family law proceedings will be treated as the payment of dividends from that company. If the transfers are considered payments of dividends, then the transfer will be subject to income tax. This can have a huge impact on the net value of the asset or payment to the spouse expected to receive from the property settlement. Whether you revere or have a certain distaste for the tax man, just remember that although your marriage was between you and your partner, your separation has a third player involved.

Case Study: Ellison v Sandini Pty Ltd; FC of T v Sandini Pty Ltd & Ors 2018 In this case, husband and wife agreed The Full Federal Court agreed, and the that valuable mining shares held in a parties were ordered to pay the CGT trust (controlled by the husband) would amount. If the husband had complied be transferred to the wife as part of the with the Court Orders, the rollover property settlement. would have applied. After the Court Orders were granted, Lessons learned: the Wife asked her ex-husband to 1. Consent orders or settlement agreearrange to have the shares transferred to ments must be followed strictly. her family trust instead of transferring 2. The best time to get tax advice is bethem to her personally. The husband did fore agreeing on a property settlement. as he was asked. The ATO audited the 3. CGT roll-over will not apply to a transtrustee and determined that the CGT fer to a trust or company. For the CGT rollover would not apply, as the Family roll-over to apply, the CGT assets must Court Orders were not followed. go to the former spouse, personally.



Now at: 21 George Street

Parramatta Phone: 8599 8877

Also at: Level 4, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney. Ph: 8355 9999 Email: Maltese Spoken

We have provided you with an overview of the topic above but you should consult a professional for advice specific to your circumstances.

Deciżjoni xokkanti: L-MSSP

4 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday February 12, 2019

jirtiraw miċ-Ċentru Malti La Valette


ull nhar ta’ Sibt filgħaxija l-kappella ta’ San Franġisk fil-kumpless taċĊentru Malti La Valette fi Blacktown NSW tkun imballata bil-Maltin għall-quddies bil-Malti. Is-Sibt 2 ta’ Frar dawk li kienu preżenti ħadu xokk kbir meta Fr Lonnie Borg qralhom ittra miktuba minn Fr Ivano Burdian, il-Provinċjal preżenti tasSoċjeta` Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl li jservi fil-Provincial House ta’ Parkville Victoria. L-ittra moqrija ħasdet sewwa lil dawk preżenti, tant li nstema’ ħafna tgergir meta ntqal li Fr Noel Blanco li ilu jservi bħala direttur spiritwali għal erba’ snin-u-nofs ġie trasferit lejn Melbourne minħabba saħħtu u għalhekk fis-17 ta’ Frar spiċċat il-kariga tiegħu fic-Ċentru Malti. Iżda wisq aktar minnhekk is-Soċjeta` Missjunarja mwaqqfa f’Malta mill-Malti Mons Guzeppi Depiro, li wieħed mill-iskopijiet ewlenin tagħha kien li tieħu ħsieb il-komunita` Maltija barra minn Malta, se tispiċċa għax se twarrab kompletament miċ-Ċentru Malti ta’ Blacktown. Dan ifisser ukoll li l-Migrant Chaplaincy fid-djoċesi ta’ Parramatta li kienet ibbażata filkumpless ta’ La Valette fejn issaċerdot Malti kellu r-residenza tiegħu, se tintemm fil-21 ta’ April li ġej. Il-ħidma talMigrant Chaplaincy ma kienetx biss li tieħu ħsieb dawk li jmorru la Valette iżda wkoll tal-Maltin li jaqgħu taħt id-djoċesi ta’ Parramatta. Ir-raġuni wara

din id-deċiżoni ħarxa kienet li s-Soċjeta` ta’ San Pawl m’għandiex saċerdoti biex ikomplu jaqdu l-akbar komunita` Maltija fi NSW, jiġifieri dawk fl-inħawi talWestern Suburbs. L-MSSP kien ilhom imexxu s-servizzi spiritwali speċifikament għall-Maltin micĊentru La Valette għal dawn l-aħħar 29 sena. Iċ-Ċentru kien bdieh il-patri kapuċċin Fr Paul Baron li fl-1990 għaddieh lill-MSSP. M’hemmx dubju li qegħdin isiru sforzi ħalli b’xi mod jew ieħor il-kappella ta’ San Franġisk tkompli tiffunzjona, iżda qed jidher li mhux se jkun hemm saċerdot Malti. Il-komunita` Maltija ħadet

Is-sinjal li jindika l-kappella ta’ San Franġisk, u (xellug): il-kappella minn barra

din l-aħbar b’sogħba kbira u kif qalulna ħafna nies qrib ta’ La Valette dan kien xokk kbir li se jeffettwa mhux biss liċ-Ċentru u l-madwar iżda wkoll lil dawk tad-Dar taxXjuħ ta’ San Duminku li tinsab bieb ma’ bieb maċ-Ċentru u li dejjem jagħmlu użu mis-servizz tas-saċerdot Malti. Meta l-aħbar waslet għand il-Maltin li jgħixu f’Landillo u fi Greystanes kien hemm min saħansitra xerred id-dmugħ. Is-soċjeta` Missjunarja ta’ San Pawl ġiet imwaqfqa f’Malta fl-1910. Għall-bidu kienet iġġib l-isem ta’ Maltese Missionary of St Pawl. Fl-Awstralja l-MSSP għandhom il-provinċja f’Melbourne fejn imexxu diversi parroċċi u fejn għandhom għadd ta’ saċerdoti Maltin. Id-dar Ċentrali tal-MSSP f’Melbourne l-Awstralja hi biswit, anzi parti miċ-Ċentru Malti tal-MCCV f’Parkville. Barra d-djar li għandhom f’Malta l-MSSP għandhom ukoll dar fl-Italja u missjonijiet fil-Kanada, il-Pakistan, il- Peru, u l-Filippini. Jingħad li se jiftħu wkoll missjoni f’Kuba. Fi NSW kellhom ukoll filħarsien u t-tmexxija tagħhom il-parroċċa ta’ Horsley Park, tant magħrufa għallfunzjoni tal-Ġimgħa l-Kbira, iżda fl-2012 din telquha wkoll biex issa żammew biss id-dar li għandhom Id-Depiro House f’East Sydney f’East Sydney fejn hemm Fr Tarcisio Micallef.

The Voice of the Maltese 5

The Council for Maltese Living Abroad An appeal for assistance Tuesday February 12, 2019


he Government of Malta set up the Council of Maltese Living Abroad (CMLA) in 2011. Following the Convention of Maltese Living Abroad held in March 2010, the Government of Malta published a draft Bill proposing to set up a Council for Maltese Living Abroad. The Council is made up of a group of persons selected by Malta’s Government after taking into consideration the organisational set up of the Maltese communities overseas together with another person living in Malta The CMLA in session in the November meetings in Malta who is versed in matters relating to Maltese States of America, as well as the United Kingdom, France, living abroad. The Minister of Foreign Affairs chairs the Council. The the European Union, the United Arab Emirates and Malta. The members representing NSW are: Emanuel Camilleri majority of its members are from overseas. and Marisa Previtera. The Objectives of the Council are: During the annual two-day meeting held in Malta, the · To promote the quality of life of the Maltese communities Council members can bring to the attention of the Governabroad; · To strengthen political, cultural, economical and social ment of Malta their proposals from the Maltese community in NSW that they represent. ties between the Maltese communities abroad and Malta; I can be reached by email on or al· To facilitate the preservation of a cultural and linguistic ternatively, Emanuel Camilleri on You identity among the community; · To promote Maltese culture and in particular the teaching can tell us of issues affecting you as an individual, for your local Maltese community groups or associations that we of the Maltese language abroad; · To assist in the integration of the communities in their may not be aware of. These requests could be relevant to the needs of the Maladopted countries; · To analyse problems which Maltese communities en- tese community here in NSW or when visiting Malta. counter including issues relating to working conditions, MarisaPrevitera professional and educational training and recognition of qualifications obtained by Malta; · To advise the Minister of Foreign Affairs on any legislation or issue that can affect the interests of Maltese abroad. The CMLA is made up of fifteen members representing the different states of Australia, Canada and the United

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Malta with second highest increase in property prices

n the last quarter of IMalta 2018 (July-September) registered the sec-

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ond highest increase in property prices when compared to the second quarter (April-June), Eurostat’s index of property prices shows According to the index, prices of houses in Malta in the months under revue went up by 3.1%. Holland was the only country in the EU to register prices higher than Malta’s. However, on an annual basis, the increase in property prices in Malta was below the European Union average, with property prices going up by 4.3%. Increase in property prices were highest in Slovenia, where property went up by 15% annually, while in Holland the annual rate increased by over 10%. Five European Union countries reported a drop in prices. The biggest drop occurred in Italy, with the Eurostat index indicating that, property prices in Italy in the third quarter dropped by 0.8%.


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Fancesco Azopardi

6 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday Februart 12,, 2019

- kompożitur Rabti importanti N iftakar qisu l-bieraħ meta kważi ħamsin sena ilu, l-għarusa tiegħi (illum marti) għedtilha, “Ara, jiena ma nixtieqx ċurkett għall-għerusija iżda kotba. Ixtrili l-Groves Dictionary.” Dan hu sett ta’ kotba ħoxnin li jien insejħilhom ‘il-Bibbja tal-Mużika’. Naturalment, kien ikun jaqblilha li xtratli ċurkett tal-għerusija milli lkotba għax kienu ħafna ogħla fil-prezz. Tgħiduli x’għandha x’taqsam dan mal-Kompożitur Malti Francesco Azopardi? Għandha, għax dawn il-kotba kienu u għadhom gwida qawwija fl-istudji u r-riċerka tiegħi dwar il-mużika. Groves Dictionary of Music L-ewwel ma għamilt meta l-kotba waslu għandi kien li nfittex idwar il-kompożitur Francesco Azopardi (Azopardi ‘z’ waħda), li kien wieħed mill-uniċi żewġ kompożituri Maltin ikkwotati fil-Groves Dictionary of Music. L-ieħor kien Nicolò Isouard. Dwar Azopardi, id-dizzjunarju jsemmi li kien mir-Rabat, Malta. Inħossni kburi ħafna li noqgħod fit-triq fir-Rabat li hi msemmija għalih, Triq Francesco Azopardi. Meta fl-2005 lKunsill kellu orkestrina fi ħdanu, jiena kont tajt parir lissindku biex isemmiha għal dan il-kompożitur. Hekk sar, imma jekk niftakar tajjeb din l-orkestrina ntemmet qabel bdiet tiffunzjona. Għall-inqas il-ħsieb tiegħi kien wassal biex il-kunsill jagħraf l-importanza ta’ dan il-kompożitur Rabti, tant li mal-faċċata tal-uffiċċju poġġa lapida ta’ tifkira f’ġieħ Francesco Azopardi li kien joqgħod fi Triq l-Isptar qrib il-

PeterPaulCiantar post tal-kunsill lokali. Francesco Azopardi twieled ir-Rabat, fil-5 ta’ Mejju, 1748 u miet fis-6 ta’ Frar, 1809. L-ismijiet tal-magħmudija tiegħu huma Giovanni Battista Agostino Francesco Giuseppe. Importanti l-fatt li Francesco Azopardi ma kienx biss kompożitur, imma kien ukoll organista u aktar minn hekk surmast tat-teorija tal-mużika, tant li l- kompożitur famuż Luigi Cherubini jikkwota xi eżempji mill-‘musico prattico’ ta’ Azopardi. Dan ‘il musico prattico’ ġie maqlub għallFranċiż u ippublikat bil-Franċiż minn Nicolas-Etienne Framery (Paris 1786) bħala text-book ta’ introduzzjoni f’Pariġi minn Gretry. Il-bravu kompożitur kiteb ukoll ‘L’origine delle regole della muzica’ u kkompona wkoll għadd sabiħ ta’ mużika sagra, fosthom oratorju, ‘La Passione di Cristo’. Dan kollu hu kkwotat mill-Groves Dictionary of Music – Fifth Edition u hu editjat minn Eric Blom. Għalhekk qed ngħid li dan Francesco Azopardi kiseb fama internazzjonali. Maestro di Cappella Ta; min isemmi li n-Naplitani xtaqu lil Francesco Azopardi li jibqa’ magħhom, tant li offrewlu l-post ta’ Maestro di Cappella: imma hu ried jiġi lura Malta pajjiżu. Fil-fatt fl1774 meta kellu xi 26 sena, ġie lura Malta u nħatar organista tal-Katidral ta’ San Pawl fl-Imdina bid-dritt li jsir Maestro di Cappella. Dak iż-żmien Maestro di Cappella kien Don Benigno Zerafa (1726-1804). Warajh, fit-8 ta’ Diċembru, 1783 skont ilftehim, inħatar Francesco Azopardi li kien ukoll attiv fil-Knisja Konventwali tal-Kavallieri ta’ Malta l-Belt - ilKonkatidral ta’ San Ġwann.

Bħala kompożitur wieħed irid isellimlu bil-kbir għax ikkompona 250 biċċa xogħol mużikali li ‘l-parti kbira minnhom huma mużika sagra, fosthom 31 quddiesa, 76 salm, sitt magnificat u aktar minhekk, 16 il-Antifona u xogħlijiet għall-orgni għal żmien il-Milied. Barra hekk, Francesco kien ukoll wieħed mill-aħjar għalliema tal-mużika u fost l-allievi tiegħu kien hemm ukoll ilmagħruf Nicolò Isouard li kif semmejt, bħalu jidher fil-Groves Music Dictionary. Francesco Azopardi miet ir-Rabat. Jiena għandi għal qalbi ħafna rrekordjata fuq CD tquddiesa tiegħu, Messa De Morti, bid-data tal-1792. Dan ifisser li kitibha meta kellu 44 sena. Din il-quddiesa hija għal erba’ ilħna u hi esegwita minn Rosabelle Bianchi, Claire Massa, Frans Mangion u Albert Buttigieg, flimkien mal-Kor The Collegium Musicum u l-orkestra taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Dion Buhagiar. Hu recording li tassew jagħmel ġieħ lil dan il-kompożitur Rabti.

The Voice of the Maltese 7

Tuesday February 12, 2019

Ġieħ lill-Festa Maltija ta’ Latrobe Valley

Waqt il-preżentazzjoni. Mix-xellug: Is-SIndku Cr Graham Middlemiss, Mario Sammut, Frank Bezzina, Ray Ancilleri, Anita Butterworth, Luke Butterworth u Huss Mustafa, OAM, (Commonwealth Bank). (Absent): Thomas Libreri.


aqt iċ-ċerimonja tal-unuri f’Jum l-Awstralja ta’ din is-sena f’Kernot Hall Morwell, il-Festa Maltija ta’ Latrobe Valley ingħatat l-unur mill-aktar prestiġġjuż magħruf bħala The Community Event of the Year (2018) f’Latrobe City. Permezz tal-award ingħata għarfien mhux biss lill-kumitat organizzattiv, imma wkoll lil dawk kollha li ħadmu b’mod volontarju, u lil dawk li sponsorjaw l-attivita’. Dwar dan l-unur, The Voice of the Maltese tkellimna mal-moħħ wara l-organizzazzjoni tal-avvenment, il-Viċi Konslu Onoraraju għal Malta f’Latrobe Valley għal dawn it30 sena, Mario Sammut li qalilna li l-Festa Maltija f’Latrobe Valley, mhix xi ħaġa ġdida għal-lokal. Fil-fatt fl-1989 Mario kien diġa` organizza xi ħaġa simili, imma fuq skala iżgħar, blisem ta’ Festa Maltija fil-Kampanja li kienet ġibdet ħafna nies, l-aktar Maltin minn Melbourne. Dakinhar, minbarra l-ikel Malti u l-banda kellhom ukoll il-ġostra. Wara kien biss fl-2016 li sar tentattiv biex il-Festa terġa’ tibda issir, u taħt l-umbrella taċ-Ċentru Malti ta’ Latrobe Valley, din ilFesta saret, u kienet milqugħa tajjeb ħafna. Imma wara l-Festa l-kumitat kollu taċĊentru nbidel u deher li se terġa’ tispiċċa. Wara li f'Jannar tal-2017 Mario reġa’ nħatar President taċ-Ċentru, tħajjar jgħaqqad sotto-kumitat biex fis-sena ta’ wara jerġgħu jorganizzaw il-Festa. Il-ħsieb tie-

għu kien li l-kumitat ikun magħmul minn żgħażagħ mit-tieni ġenerazzjoni ta’ Maltin li jgħixu fil-Valley. Qalilna, “Ma stajtx sibt membri aktar addattati minn dawk li ħadmu għall-Festa b'ruħhom u ġisimhom. Il-kumitat ġie ffurmat minn Frank Bezzina, Thomas Libreri, Ray Ancilleri, Anita Butterworth u żewġha Luke, u sintendi jien.” Skont Mario dawn il-persuni qatt qabel ma kienu ħadmu flimkien u ma kellhom lebda esperjenza dwar kif se jorganizzaw din il-Festa. Barra minnhekk riedu jaraw kif se jiġbru fondi ħalli jagħmlu tajjeb għall-ispejjeż. “Kellhom jibdew jittalbu u jorganizzaw għadd kbir ta’ donaturi,(sponsors),” qalilna. Għal kwazi sena sħiħa l-kumitat kien jiltaqa’ aktar minn darbtejn fix-xahar, “imma mill-ewwel deher li l-membri tant kienu determinati u ħerqana li xejn ma kien se jaqtagħlhom qalbhom. “Il-Festa saret u kienet success kbir, anke aktar milli kien mistenni. L-għadd kbir ta’ nies li attendew issorprenda lil kulħadd, inkluż lill-Kunsill ta’ Latrobe li stqarrew li ma kienux imħejjija għall-għadd ta’ vetturi li ġew, tant li ma sabux fejn jipparkjaw u spiċċaw imlew it-toroq ta’ madwar Kernot Hall fejn saret il-Festa.” Mario żied jgħid li ġie stmat li l-folla li attendiet għall-Festa Maltija tal-2018 kienet ta’ tlaħħaq bejn it-tmienja u l-għaxart elef.

Fil-Festa żżanzan il-luzzu Malti, li kien attrazzjoni kbira fost esebizzjoni ta’ mudelli ta’ bini Malti li kienet tinkludi fost l-oħrajn il-knisja talMosta, it-Teatru, il-palazz ta’ Selmun, Bieb ilBombi, u l-armi kollha tal-Gran Mastri tal-Ordni ta’ San Ġwann. “L-esebiti bellħu lil kulħadd bil-kwalita` tal- storja li għandha Malta.” Fejn għandu x’jaqsam l-ikel, il-pastizzi u l-qassatat, l-imqarrun u r-ross il-forn, limqaret, il-gbejniet tal-bżar, il-galletti, u zzalzett Malti ssoktaw joħolqu l-atmosfera ta Festa Maltija, kompluta bix-xarbiet popolari Maltin ta’ minerali u birra. Kien hemm ukoll il-kant minn Mark Andrew u Charlie Attard, u l-grupp lokali Destiny ta’ Thomas u Tessa Libreri li kantaw għadd ta’ kanzunetti Maltin. Kien hemm ukoll ġemgħa ta’ tfal bniet, li għalkemm mhumiex Maltin li fost iċċapċip sfrenat u ħafna dmugħ mill-folla taw interpretaw u iż-żifna tradizzjonali Maltija. “Għalhekk kien tassew xieraq li din ilFesta Maltija tingħata l-ġieħ li ngħatat f'Jum l-Awstralja 2019,” saħaq Mario.

Have your say/Xi trid tghid?

8 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday February 12, 2019

Your letters/ L-ittri tagħkom ...

The Voice of the Maltese for fortnightly tnightly magazine magazine

is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly magazine that specifically targets all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian and Maltese scenes. e magazine can also be read in flipbook format online. A pdf copy is also sent via email on request. If you require a printed copy we can also oblige. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP email address: Letters for publication in The Voice magazine, either in Maltese or English should include name and e-mail address of the writer and be e-mailed to:

Now you can also join us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese

The Maltese identity in Australia

Lawrence Scerri from Warrawong NSW writes I would like to congratulate the Maltese Community council of NSW in engaging with the big challenge of how to move forward with Maltese identity in Australia. It is great to see that a new group is to be formed to attract the second and third generation of Maltese Australians (The Voice of the Maltese January 15). This needs to be a united effort of Maltese from all states and territories in order to continue Maltese culture into the future. The majority of Maltese migration stopped in the mid 1970s. Last year marked the 70th anniversary of Maltese post WWII assisted passage migration. Most of the new generations of Maltese Australians do not speak Maltese and some have no personal connection to the islands. We need to ask Maltese Australians of the second and third generation what they want, what they like and what activities are needed to engage them. It is not organising the same events as we are used to for these

What they say about The Voice

Louis J. Vella, Millbrae San Francisco USA: Prosit, tassew, another interesting edition of The Voice of the Maltese, well done.

Doris Meilak from Greystanes NSW: Many thanks, I love the Voice of the Maltese, always look for it in my letter box. All the best. Mario Griscti from Ta’ Xbiex, Malta: L-ewwelnet is-sena t-tajba lilkom u lillfamilja tagħkom kollha. It-tieni u mhux linqas, grazzi ta’ The Voice of the Maltese, Ħarġa Nru 195. Kienet l -ewwel waħda tal2019 imma kontinwazzjoni ta’ gurnaliżmu ta’ dinjita`.

last 70 years but something unique and different. What is needed is an understanding of Australian and Maltese culture. There is no one solution or that one size fits all. Maltese community lives in Adelaide, Perth, Mackay Queensland, Gippsland Victoria, Central Coast NSW, Illawarra NSW, and Gold Coast, just to name but a few regions. What will the Maltese legacy be in the future? I congratulate the people of Gippsland Victoria who are establishing the first Maltese museum in Australia highlighting culture and heritage. Malta has a long history and a beautiful culture to be proud of and to share with the broader Australian community. We can stand on our own two feet to move forward and meet this challenge through communication and dialogue from all interested bodies; all concerned to achieve a better future.

The Voice helped me to make up mind

Mario Falzon from Sao Paulo, Brazil writes:

On a recent visit to Malta, I was amazed by the progress the island has made in the last few years. My contract at one of the largest Civil construction companies in Brazil based in Sao Paulo is up for renewal in the summer, but after what I witnessed in Malta during my visit I have decided to return home and involve myself in the present and future of Malta. What prompted me to spend the Christmas and New Year holidays in Malta was not only to see my relatives after seven years but reading the reports about the island carried in The Voice of the Maltese magazine. It helped me make up my mind. I wanted to see with my own eyes and to feel the atmosphere now being created on this tiny island. When I told friends in Malta that I too am an avid reader of the magazine, they were very surprised. I receive the magazine every fortnight from a Maltese friend in the UK, who, it seems forwards it as soon as it is published to not just me, but many others, who, he tells me, are interested in this beautiful island. There is this good feel factor in Malta right now, which is something that Brazil currently lacks. I make good money here, but life is not that easy and in recent weeks it has turned for the worse. Now the time has come for me to ease up and dive into a new lifestyle happy in the belief that I can enjoy my family and friends in a healthy environment. The only thing I will miss most about Brazil is their football.

The Voice of the Maltese 9

Ilek ma tagħmel xi kawlata (ikla jew taħwida)? Tuesday February 12, 2019


erti fehmiet li kellhom il-Maltin fl-imgħoddi, llum tassew idaħħkuk. Waħda minn dawn hi dwar il-kawlata (ikla tradizzjonali Maltija) li minn dejjem kienet waħda millikliet favoriti tal-familja Maltija, l-aktar fil-jiem tax-xitwa, għalkemm mhux biss. Kienet, u għada, platt komplut b’ammont kbir u varjat ta’ ħaxix, fażola, ftit għaġin u laħam tal-majjal (għalkemm mhux bilfors tuża dan il-laħam). Meta tistaqsi lil xi Malti biex isemmilek xi ikel tradizzjonali Malti, ħafna drabi donnu li l-aktar faċli għalih, u li l-ewwel jiġi ħalqu hu li jsemmi l-pastizzi. Għal dawk li huma intiżi fl-ikel Malti dan jiġi meqjus bħala insult. Jgħidulek li lpastizzi mhix “ikla” ta’ veru imma speċi ta’ iġri u ġerri li l-baranin isibuh bħala junk food, ta’ bla valur nutrittiv. Il-kawlata kienet u tibqa’ ikla ta’ veru. Flantik, mill-inqas darba fil-ġimgħa, kull familja kienet issajjarha. Kienet bnina u mitqiesha fost lorħos peress li l-ħaxix kien abbundanti fl-għelieqi Maltin. Kienu jemmnu li jekk jieklu l-kawlata fl-Ewwel tas-Sena kienu jagħmlu ħażin għax qed jiftħu s-sena l-ġdida b’dik li kienet ikla

Australia records hottest month ever in January


ith mean temperatures exceeding 30C (86F) for the first time, Australia recorded its hottest month ever in January. According to the Bureau of Meteorology the extreme heat, during the country's summer period, was "unprecedented”. At least five January days were among the 10 warmest on record, with daily national temperature highs of 40C. The blistering conditions caused wildfire deaths, bushfires and a rise in hospital admissions. It also led to the death of more than 90 wild horses. A few days before the end of January, rangers found dead and dying animals in a dried-up waterhole near Alice Springs, in the Northern Territory. The mean is the average between the average coldest temperature and average hottest temperature. Climatologist Dr Andrew Watkins said that heatwave conditions affected large parts of the country through most of the month, and records were broken for both duration and also individual daily extremes. Australia has increasingly endured hotter summer temperatures. Last year, Sydney sweltered at 47.3C its hottest day since 1939. More than 13 towns in the state of South Australia have seen heat records eclipsed with tmperatures in the north of Adelaide hitting 49.5C. Dr Watkins said that the warming trend that has seen Australian temperatures increase by more than one degree in the last 100 years also contributed to the unusually warm conditions. This comes at a time when across the Pacific, temperatures has plunged to -37C (-35F) in parts of North America due to a polar vortex.

“rħisa”. Sa kienu jgħidu li min jiekol il-kawlata flEwwel tas-Sena jista’ joqgħod żgur li se jibqa’ s-sena kollha jmexmex l-għadam talperżut. L-istess fejn għandhom x’jaqsmu lkaboċċi. Għalihom, li wieħed jibda ssena jiekol il-kaboċċi kien żball kbir għax (kien jgħidu) li se jgħaddi ssena li tkun ġejja jokrob u jilmenta bil-gwaj kollu li jista’ jiġi fuqu. Il-kawlata għadha popolari sallum u hi ikla li bħalissa, l-aktar filjiem kesħin li kellna f’Jannar u li jista’ jibqa’ jkollna fi Frar, flimkien mal-ministra, hi fost l-aktar ikliet popolari. Ta’ min jgħid li l-kawlata (imma mhux bħala ikel) daħlet ukoll fil-vokabolarju Malti biex ifisser att. Nużawha biex infissru xi taħwida kbira li xi ħadd ikun ħoloq. Ngħidu li jkun għamel kawlata nobis! Bħala ikla, dawk li forsi m’għadhomx midħla tagħha u jridu jippruvawaha, faċilment jistgħu jidħlu fuq xi sit tal-ikel Malti fuq l-Internet għall-ingredjenti varji meħtieġa u anke l-metodu kif issir. Ta’ min jippruvaha!

10 The Voice of the Maltese


Il-konverżjoni F

’Novembru tas-sena l-oħra John Chau, Amerikan ta’ 26 sena, ipprova jmur fil-gżira North Sentinel, parti mill-arċipelgu Andamar fil-Bajja tal-Bengal bejn l-Indja u Myanmar. Hemmhekk tgħix popolazzjoni żgħira li m’għandha l-ebda kuntatt mad-dinja, waħda mill-ftit li baqa’. Il-gvern Indjan kien għadda liġi li tipprojbixxi li wieħed iżur lil din il-gżira biex jipproteġi lill-abitanti, jew dawk li baqa’ wara lmard li kien introdott lilhom minn barranin oħra li kienu ppruvaw iżuruhom. Chau niżel tliet darbiet fuq il-gżira f’temp ta’ jumejn, kien mhedded kull darba minnhom u mat-tielet darba nqatel. Għaliex għamel dak li għamel? L-intenzjoni ta’ Chau, Nisrani evanġeliku, kienet li jwassal lil Ġesù lil min qatt ma sema’ bih. Din hi bi tweġiba għall-ordni ta’ Ġesù lid-dixxipli “Morru mela, agħmlu dixxipli mill-ġnus kollha, u għammduhom fl-isem talMissier, tal-Iben u tal-Ispirtu s-Santu”1. Allura x’għamel ħażin dan il-bniedem? Kellhom għalfejn joqtluh? Mhux slavaġ kienu u għadhom? Mhux bir-raġun iddeskriva l-post bħala ‘fortizza tax-xitan’, fejn ħadd ma kien għadu sema’ b’isem Alla?2 Intom x’taħsbu? Dak li għamel fil-fatt jagħmel sens? Immaġinaw ftit ix-xena, l-ewwel darba li resaq lejn ix-xatt, u xi abitanti qabdu jiġru lejh jgħajtu b’xi lingwa tagħhom. Hu kien għadu fil-kajjik, u għajjat lura (bl-Ingliż, naturalment), li jismu John, li jħobbhom u li Ġesù kien iħobbhom ukoll. Jien ma naħsibx li kien qiegħed jigdeb, imma taħsbu li xi kelma milli qal kellha, jew seta’ jkollha, kwalunkwe impatt pożittiv? Kieku fehmu xi ħaġa milli qal, jew kienu f’pożizzjoni li jifhmu, kieku kien ikun hemm xi tama li jiżviluppa xi djalogu intelliġenti, imma ċans ta’ dan kien żero. L-istrateġija ta’ Chau kienet ċara minn dak li kiteb il-ġurnata qabel ma nqatel: “Intom forsi taħsbu li jien miġnun f’dan kollu imma naħseb li hemm valur meta tiddikjara lil Ġesù lil dawn innies”. Fi kliem ieħor, kien se jagħmel minn kollox li jsemmalhom lisem ta’ Ġesù, u fil-fatt għamel dan fl-ewwel għaxar sekondi talkuntatt magħhom. Għandu raġun Chau jimmaġina lil uħud minn dawk li jaqraw fuq l-istorja tiegħu jaħsbu li huwa miġnun. Jien wieħed minn dawk li jaħsbu li kien miġnun, u patetiku u illuż ukoll, Alla jaħfirlu. Hemm mod u mod kif ixxandar ‘l Alla. Ġesù ma qalilniex biex nittrattaw lil kulħadd li m’għandux l-istess twemmin tagħna bħala imbeċilli, jew li neċessarjament qiegħed jgħix f’post ix-xitan għax m’għandhomx knisja u jmorru l-quddies. Kemm se ndumu nikkunsidraw lil dawk li għandhom skala ta’ valuri differenti minn tagħna, forsi espressi b’termini differenti

Tuesday February 12, 2019

A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: https://ivancauchi.

kitba ta’


minn tagħna, u prattiċi (għalina) kurjużi, li huma inferferjuri għalina u li għandna (jew għandu jkollna) missjoni li nġibu lil kulħadd jaqbel magħna? Jien m’għandix dubju mill-intenzjonijiet tajba ta’ missjunarji ta’ dan it-tip, u missjunarji kien hawn, u għad hawn, mijiet tal-eluf, u ta’ reliġjonijiet oħra wkoll, imma l-intenzjonijiet tajba mhumiex biżżejjed. Ġesù ma qalx biss lid-dixxipli biex ixandru lill-ġnus kollha, imma rrakkonta l-parabbola tas-Samaritan it-Tajjeb3. Din kienet parabbola, jiġifieri storja vvintata fl-istil uniku tiegħu b’intenzjoni ta’ tagħlima fuq il-morali. F’din il-parabbola, għallem kif kwalunkwe bniedem jista’ jagħmel ir-rieda t’Alla anke jekk ma jiffurmax parti mill-hekk imsejjaħ ‘poplu t’Alla’, jiġifieri l-Lhud ta’ dakinhar, u għal min hu Nisrani llum, l-Insara. Dawn l-attentati ferventi li nikkonvertu lin-nies akkost ta’ kollox ħsara jagħmlu u mhux ġid. Hawnhekk fl-Awstralja, hawn stejjer kemm trid ta’ missjonijiet fejn kienu jittieħdu nies aboriġini, x’aktarx tfal żgħar, fejn ma kellhomx għażla ħlief li jitgħallmu lingwa, kultura u reliġjon kompletament aljena għalihom, imġiegħla jisseparaw mill-familji u l-komunitajiet tagħhom, illum jissejħu ġenerazzjonijiet misruqa, li ġarrbu trawma inkredibbli fuqhom li l-effetti tagħha ilhom u jibqgħu iħossu għal għexieren ta’ snin. Il-konverżjoni tajba sseħħ meta wieħed jagħti xhieda ta’ dak li jemmen b’għemil tajjeb, xogħol fejjiedi u altruista, qalb miftuħa, empatija, kliem ta’ faraġ u widna lesta li tisma’. Meta ħaddieħor jara din ix-xhieda, jinnota l-attribwiti pożittivi tagħha speċjalment meta mqabbla mal-bqija tas-soċjetà, u jistaqsi mnejn sa fejn kienet ġejja, imbagħad wieħed jista’ jitkellem dwar it-twemmin li jispira din l-azzjoni. Konverżjoni matura, sinċiera u libera tista’ mbagħad isseħħ. Referenzi 1. Mt 28:19 2., retrieved 5/2/2019 3. Lk 10:25-37

Tuesday February 12, 2019


The Voice of the Maltese 11

PM’s wife wins BUPA award

Mrs Michelle Muscat (centre) flanked by Professors Stephen Montfort (left) and Alexander Felice at the BUPA Awards ceremony

he wife of Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, Mrs Michelle was among three personalities to be honoured by BUPA in the first edition of the awards ceremony organised by GlobalCapital, for their contribution to the health sector, research and philanthropy in Malta. The other two honourees are both medical consultants Mrs Muscat was honoured for her contribution to NGOs in the health sector. It follows another award she received last year as “volunteer of the year”. BUPA Malta has also honoured Professor Alexander Felice, a leading expert in thalasseemiam a genetic disorder that affects the producion of haemoglobin, and Professor Stephen Montfort was honoured for his outstanding contribution to research on asthma.

Need for balanced approach to managing migration Foreign Affairs Minister Carmelo Abela tells Mediterranean youth leaders:


xchanging views with participants of a week-long youth leadership seminar organised in Malta as part of the Young Mediterranean Voices (YMV), Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Promotion Carmelo Abela highlighted the need for a balanced approach to managing migration and for policies that facilitate positive outcomes from this global phenomenon He also pointed out the importance of investing in countries of origin in order to help create employment for their young citizens and called for the building of economies, not walls. The YMV is a regional programme launched in 2011 by the Anna Lindh Foundation and the British Council that is aimed at developing skills and opportunities for youth-led debate across the Mediterranean region and supporting youth to speak up and be heard. It is funded by the European Commission and co-funded by the Government of Finland and the World Bank Group. The seminar, in which 20 young people from 15 Mediterranean countries

took part, was coordinated by the Malta-based Mediterranean Academy for Diplomatic Studies (MEDAC). It was held in parallel with the 15th meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the 5+5 Dialogue on the Western Mediterranean that was hosted by Malta. Such seminars provide an opportunity for participants to engage with policy makers, international journalists, and personalities from civil society in training sessions in order to be able to lead across boundaries, shape media narratives, as well as reach out and advocate to policy makers. Minister Abela said that the decision to organise the youth leadership seminar at the same time as the 5+5 meeting allowed the young participants to cross paths and discuss with the highlevel delegations. He added that such a decision reflects Malta’s commitment to create a long-term platform and a safe space for youth-led debate and exchange. The issues tackled during the youth leaders’ discussion with Minister Abela included youth participation in

Photos: Reuben Piscopo (DOI)

Above: Minister Carmelo Abela addressing the youth leaders seminar, and (below left): youth leaders taking part in the discussion democratic life, migration, media responsibility for truth and accuracy, the easy movement of people in the Mediterranean, and environmental protection. When it comes to migration, the minister said that Malta is showing leadership and that the country fully adheres to its obligations under international law while responding to humanitarian needs. He believes that it has become urgent for the European Union to find a common way forward on both the internal and external dimensions of migration management. He also hailed intercultural dialogue as crucial to addressing conflicts, extremism, unemployment, and other challenges, from which no country is immune, and reiterated Malta’s firm belief in cross-boundary collaboration and support for multilateral cooperation and institutions.

12 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday February 12, 2019

‘Malta has one of the most dynamic economies in EU’ Roundup of News About Malta


n its half-yearly (its Winter 2019) forecast on the economic performance of EU member states the European Commission said it considers Malta as one of the most dynamic economies in the EU as it secured the highest forecasted economic growth rate in the EU for the years 2019 and 2020. The Winter Forecast also revised upwards the outlook from the Autumn Forecast. Indeed, growth is now expected to reach 5.2 percent this year and 4.6 percent in 2020. According to the European Commission, growth is being accompanied by buoyant private consumption, reflecting strong employment growth, increasing disposable in-

come, and a large accumulation of savings in recent years. The European Commission expects investment growth in Malta to pick up this year on the back of large-scale infrastructure projects in the health, tourism and real estate sectors. Nevertheless, inflation is expected to remain below the two percent EU threshold both this year and the next. On external trade, the EU Commission expects Malta’s current account surplus to remain large, reflecting the signifi-

Busy time for President


n the past few days Presi- that gave both sides the oppordent Marie-Louise Coleiro tunity to reaffirm the longPreca was kept very busy standing friendship between the as she was involved in impor- peoples of Malta and Tunisia. tant meetings abroad and in The talks in the respective Malta with leaders from differ- countries also centred on bilatent Mediterranean countries. eral co-operation in various During her meetings, always sectors with a number of foraccompanied by a number of eign companies, either to ministers and Maltese entrepre- strengthen their investments neurs, she had bilateral talks they already have or for others with the leaders intended to to invest in Malta and also the strengthen the friendship with possibility of investment by the respective countries. Maltese companies in them. In a few days the President During his visit to Malta Presmade state visits to Israel, ident Essebsi also had offical where she met President Reu- meetings with Prime Minister ven Rivlin, Palestine, for talks Joseph Muscat, Speaker Anġlu with President Mahmoud Ab- Farrugia, bas, and in Turkey, for talks and the with President Recep Tayyip O p p o s i Erdoğan. Back in Malta she- tion leadhostd Tunisia’s President Beji er Adrian Caid Essebsi during his state Delia visit, de- President Marie Louise Coscribed leiro Preca with Presidents Esas his- sebi (right), and (below): Pret o r i c a l sidents Abbaz and Erdogan

cant trade surplus of the internationally-oriented services sector. Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna stated that he was “impressed by the European Commission’s forecast that has once again revised upwards its forecast for Malta’s economy against a weaker external environment.”

Two international credit rating agencies affirm Malta’s stable outlook and positive prospects


n a matter of a few days, Malta received two positive credit rating report published by two internationally renowned credit rating agency, Moody’s and Fitch. Moody’s confirmed the A3 rating of the Maltese economy with positive prospects, while Fitch affirmed Malta’s sovereign credit rating at ‘A+’ with a stable outlook. In their report, Moody’s economists said that Malta’s credit profile balances its small economic size against its strong, recent economic performance with real GDP averaging 7.2% during 2013-17. They added that the relatively high wealth levels support the country’s shock-absorbing capacity. The economists also commented that fiscal consolidation and strong growth have helped to shift Malta’s budget into surplus since 2016. On these criteria they said they could confirm Malta’s rating at A3 level with positive prospects. As to Fitch agency, on its report it said that it attributes the ‘A+’ rating to Malta’s high income per capita, strong governance and human development indicators relative to peers, robust economic growth, and a large net external creditor position, amongst others. Fitch acknowledges that the strong private and public consumption is driving growth, with private consumption supported by low interest rates and strong employment and wages. It further notes that Malta’s budget performance has been stronger than similarly rated countries and is on an improving trend. Fitch acknowledges that Malta’s fiscal policy outlook is anchored by the Government’s commitment to a structural fiscal balance net of IIP revenues, with IIP revenues ringfenced for investment purposes. On the financial sector, Fitch acknowledges that the Maltese banks remain sound and well capitalised while on external trade. It notes Malta’s current account surplus driven by the growing services trade sectors, and further expects the trade surplus to be sustained in the coming years. In his reaction to the reports, Malta’s Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna stated that Moody’s ‘A3’ grade and “the ‘A+’ rating by Fitch continue to strengthen the view that the Government’s strategic vision for Malta “is being accomplished”.

The Voice of the Maltese 13

Tuesday February 12, 2019

Roundup of News About Malta MIA registers 4% 2018 another record year for increase in passenger tourism with 2.6m arrivals handling in January


ear 2018 was a record one for tourism in Malta with statistic issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO) indicating that between January and December 2.6 million tourists visited Malta, an increase of 14.3% on 2017. Total nights spent in Malta by inbound tourists went up by 12.5 per cent, reaching nearly 18.6 million nights. More important than that is the fact that total tourism expenditure for the whole year is estimated to have been €2.1 billion, which is 8% higher than that the previous year. In December alone, there was an increase of 11.0% at 122,759 compared to the corresponding month in 2017. The number of tourists from Australia has also increased by 27,8%. They totalled 45,859, an increase of 9,984 over 2017 when the number was 35,875. As one would imagine, they were mostly Maltese Australians visiting their relatives in Malta. Total nights spent by them was 472,067, which is 14.2% up on the previous year. The Voice of the Maltese magazine believes it has contributed to this increase. These figures prompted Tourism Minister Konrad Mizzi (pictured) to say that the trend indicates that Malta no longer suffers from seasonal tourism as the tourist growth rate January – June is now higher than the growth rate for the period July – September. The total shows that in eight years, since 2010, the total has almost doubled. The Minister said that the reason for this increase is the added new routes, a trend that will continue this year when the capacity between April and December would increase. He announced that in April other new routes are to be launched through Airmalta, Ryan Air, Wizz, Volotea and other airlines.


he Malta International Airport, MIA has reported a 4% increase in passengers in January over the same period last year. It said that in January it handled 366,000 passengers. It further stated that for the first time, passengers from and to Italy exceeded passengers from the British market. Figures indicate that the Italian market attracted to Malta over 82,000 passengers. After the introduction of flights in summer to various Spanish destinations the Spanish market registered the biggest increase of over 87%. The flights would continue to be operated in winter. Also in January the airport registered over 3,000 aircraft movements that carried more than half a million passengers.

Southern EU Summit discusses issues of mutual concern for Mediterranean


he Southern EU Countries’ Summit just held in Nicosia, Cyprus, that was attended by Malta’s Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and the leaders of six more EU member countries whose shores overflow on the Mediterranean, namely Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain discussed issues of mutual concern for the region, including migration. Joseph Muscat said that the meeting proved to be an excellent and timely opportunity for the participants to not just debate but find long-term solutions both a clear understanding and unified approach to all the issues under review. One of the important issues discussed was immigration. All agreed that shared responsibility with those most affected by the current migration crisis, must underpin the EU’s migration policy, combined with effective reform of the Common European Asylum System. Particular importance was attached to strengthening relations and co-

operation between the EU and Arab world. Collaboration must also be intensified with partners outside of the EU, especially Africa, with an emphasis on economic development and stopping human trafficking networks. It was agreed in the final declaration that the Mediterranean region needed to be one of peace, stability, and prosperity, in the interest of Europe as a whole. Above all, the leaders present stated their countries’ commitment to the European project, and its common values, including the rule of law, freedom, democracy, and human rights. Other agreements in the declaration include support towards Cyprus’s reunification; the deepening of the Single Market and Economic and Monetary Union, bolstering the international role of the euro; the importance of trade for growth and job creation; and a climate change action plan, with all economies aiming to become low carbon, increasing renewable energy sources. Finally, the summit entrusted Malta with the hosting of the sixth Southern EU Countries’ Summit in June this year.

14 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday February 12, 2019

Suġġeriment radikali


lu jsir kliem dwar il-ħtieġa li l-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta tiġi eżaminata u li fiha jsiru dawk lemendi meħtieġa biex din tiġi aġġornata għażżminijiet tal-llum. Għal dan l-iskop kien inħatar kumitat koordinattiv dwar ir-Riforma Kostituzzjonali mmexxi mill-President tar-Repubblika, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca li jinkludi rapprezentanti talPartit Laburista u dak Nazzjonalista. Dan l-aħħar delegazzjoni tal-Alternattiva Demokratika ltaqgħet ma dan il-Kumitat u għamlet diversi proposti, fosthom dwar il-ħtieġa li ssir riforma fejn partiti, għad li jġibu biss 2.5% tal-voti ta’ Malta u Għawdex jingħataw rappreżentanza fil-Parlament. Illum is-sitwazjoni hi li anke jekk partit iġib għadd kbir ta’ voti f’kull distrett, imma fl-ebda distrett ma jkollu kandidat li jġib il-kwota, dawk il-voti ma jkunu swew xejn għal dak il-partit għax ma jkunx rappreżentat fil-Parlament. L-AD qed tipproponi li jekk meta wieħed jgħodd il-voti kollha li jġib partit fid-distretti kollha f’daqqa jirriżulta li għandu tal-inqas 2.5% tal-voti validi, jingħata siġġu fil-Parlament. Iżda x’aktarx li l-aktar proposta li nista’ ngħidilha karaġġuża tal-AD waqt il-laqgħa kienet li l-Kostituzzjoni ma tibqax marbuta mar-reliġjon Kattolika. “Il-Kostituzzjoni ta’ Malta għandna nqisuha bħala dokument ħaj li jirrifletti l-valuri u l-aspirazzjoinijiet tal-poplu Malti,” stqarr Carmel Cacopardo Chairperson tal-AD . Għalhekk, “Ir-riforma kostituzzjonali għandha tirrifletti dan il-fatt, għax il-pajjiż illum fir-realtà jħaddan pluraliżmu etiku u dan għandu jkun rifless fil-kostituzzjoni reveduta. Għaldaqstant, flok ma lkostituzzjoni tintrabat ma reliġjon waħda, dik Kattolika Appostlika Rumana, għandha tiddikjara rispett lejn kull reliġjon kompatibbli mal-istat demokratiku.” Bla dubju li din i-proposta se tqanqal ħafna diskussjoni, għax għalkemm iż-żminijiet inbidlu, u spiċċa ż-żmien ta’ meta jekk tmiss ir-rwol talKnisja fil-Kostituzzjon, tispiċċa fil-mira ta’ kulħadd, u l-ebda partit politiku ma kien jaqbillu dan, xorta għadd hemm dawk li jħossuha bi tqila li r-rwol tal-Knisja Kattolika fil-Kostituzzjoni b’xi mod jintmess. Issa nistennew ir-reazzjoni tal-Knisja u tal-partiti politiċi l-oħra għal din il-proposta, li kif poġġuta mill-AD tidher li tagħmel xi ftit sens.

Riżultati xejn sbieħ


r-riżultati li ħarġu mill-aħħar stħarriġ li għamlet il-Knisja fiddjoċesi ta’ Malta xejn m’huma sbieħ, l-aktar għal dawk li jagħmlu ħafna enfasi fuq ir-rabta bejn ir-reliġjon u l-attendenza għall-quddies fil-Ħdud u l-festi kmandati. Dan minħabba li fl-istħarriġ instab li huma biss 36.1% tal-Kattoliċi li jattendu lquddiesa ta’ nhar ta’ Ħadd. L-istampa tissokta tiċċajpar meta wieħed iqis li attwalment dawk li laktar jattendu huma ta’ ħamsin sena jew aktar (57.8%), imma mbagħad fejn jidħlu ż-żgħażagħ il-persentaġġ jaqa’ għal 6%, figura meqjusa tassew fqira li xejn ma tawgura tajjeb għallfutur tal-Knisja f’Malta. Il-persentaġġ jitla’ bi ftit għal dawk ta’ bejn is-7 u l-14-il sena. Hawnhekk wieħed irid jieħu inkunsiderazzjoni li ħafna tfal ta’ din l-eta jittieħdu’ l-Knisja mill-ġenituri jew in-nanniet tagħhom. Imma nistaqsi, u bħali x’aktarx oħrajn, kemm nistgħu norbtu r-reliġjożita’ mal-mawriet għall-quddies nhar ta’ Ħadd. Il-maġġoranza assoluta tal-kleru ssostni li hemm rabta’ kbira għax minbarra li dan huwa preċett tal-

Knisja, u allura minn ma jmurx ilquddies il-Ħadd ikun jgħix fid-dnub, in-nuqqas ta’ attendenza jfisser ukoll nuqqas ta’ sehem fil-kommunita nisranja, nuqqas ta’ smiegħ tal-kelma t’Alla, u nuqqas ta’ sehem fis-sagramenti l-aktar tal-Qrar u t-Tqarbin. Iżda jidher li dawk li ma jattendux għall-quddies ma jħossuhomx li huma maqtuha mill-Knisja għax millistess tħarriġ irriżulta li 95% tal-popolazzjoni temmen f’Alla filwaqt li 92% saħansitra jinsistu li huma Kattoliċi, 61% iqisu li r-reliġjon hija mportanti u 64 jemmnu li hemm ħajja oħra wara l-mewt.

... u l-istess fiż-Żwieġ L

-istess seħħ fiż-żwieġ, fejn f’dawn l-aħħar snin kien hemm tnaqqis fl-għadd ta’ koppji li żżewġu bil-Knisja, u żieda f’dawk li żżewġu biċ-Ċivil. Tant li fi tweġiba li ngħatat fil-Parlament intqal li fl-2018 saru 1,423 żwieġ biċ-Ċivil u 1,129 bil-Knisja. Biss hawnhekk wieħed irid jieħu jinnota li f’Malta żdiedu sewwa ż-żwiġijiet bejn il-barranin, kemm li jgħixu f’Malta, kif ukoll dawk li jiġi biex jiċċelebraw iż-żwieġ tagħhom fil-Gżejjer Maltin. Infatti, wara din l-aħbar il-Kurja ħarġet stqarrija fejn qalet li attwalment fejn jidħlu l-koppji Maltin, jew koppji fejn wieħed mill-għarajjes huwa Malti, lgħadd taż-żiġijiet bil-Knisja kien akbar. Skont din l-istqarrija kien hemm 1,119 Maltin jew fejn wieħed mill-koppja kien Malti li żżewġu bil-Knsija (dan billi kien hemm xi barranin li żżewġu bil-Knisja ukoll), filwaqt li l-għadd ta’ Maltin, jew fejn kien hemm wieħed mill-koppja kien/kienet Malti/Maltija kien ta’ 573. State Member for Prospect Dan ifisser li żewġ terzi taż-żwiġijiet talMaltin kien bil-Knsija. Imma b’danakollu, For issues concerning: tħares kif tħares lejn l-istħarriġ xorta jibqa’ Ageing and disability - community l-fatt li ż-żwiġjiet Sena Bil-Knisja Biċ-Ċivil bil-Knisja naqsu. 2010 1,547 740 services -education - environment Dan ċar minn 2017 1,208 1,394 health - housing - planning - Police dawn il-figuri: a 2018 1,129 1,423 transport - water Aktar ta’ tħassib il-figuri tas-separazzjoni. Matul l-2018 kienu hemm kważi erba’ sepP: (02) 9756 4766 arazzjonijiet kuljum. It-total kien ta’ 1,311 f’Malta u 47 f’Għawdex. Allaramanti għax E: huma aktar minn 50% taż-żwiġijiet li saru 2/679 The Horsley Dr, Smithfield NSW 2164 fl-istess sena.

Dr Hugh McDermott MP

The Voice of the Maltese 15

Tuesday February 12, 2019

Ir-radju RTK u l-midja tal-Knisja


afna jinterpretaw l-ittri RTK f’Malta bħala Radju tal-Knisja, imma l-isem propja huwa Radju ta’ Kulħadd. Biss mhux diffiċli li jkun hemm min jagħti dik l-interpretazzjoni għax fil-fatt dan ir-radju huwa mmexxi mill-Kurja u ħafna jqisuh bħala l-midja tal-Knisja. L-istess il-portal tal-aħbarijiet, Newsbook. Mhux darba u tnejn li kien hemm nies fil-politika li sostnew li dan irradju kien imxaqqleb lejn ċertu partit politiku, iżda x’aktarx li ħafna kienu jqisu l-akkużi bħala li jsiru s-soltu kontra kull sezzjoni tal-midja...insomma fuq kollox huwa diffiċli li wieħed jidher tassew indipendenti fil-klima politika ta’ Malta. Imma l-affarijiet ħadu xejra oħra meta fl-aħħar ġimgħa żewġ membri tal-kleru, li t-tnejn li huma kellhom x’jaqsmu mat-tmexxija ta’ dan ir-radju jew tal-Kurja, ħarġu, bejn wieħed u ieħor, bl-istess akkuża. L-ewwel li tkellem dwar dan ir-Radju kien Dun Ġorġ Dalli li kien fil-bord tad-diretturi li kien waqqaf l-RTK. Waqt il-programm Realta’ (Xandir Malta) meta tkellem dwar il-mod kif qed titmexxa l-midja tal-Knisja. Dun Ġorġ qal: “Oxxenità, oxxenità – Il-linja editorjali tal-RTK u ta’ Newsbook hija oxxena…clear biżżejjed jew tridni nkun clear aktar?” Mistoqsi għaliex jaħseb hekk qal li din mhix bilanċjata, u kompla jsostni: “Għax (il-midja tal-knisja) m’għandhiex linja bilanċjata, għax RTK mhux radju tal-Knisja ta’ kulħadd u mhux ta’ kulħadd.”

Dun Ġorġ Dalli (xellug) u Dun Rene`Camilleri ... sfiduċjaw il-midja tal-Knisja

Sostna li dawk li jmexxu din il-midja huma: “bodies li għandhom their mind set, dejjem jaħsbu li qed jagħmlu tajjeb…Mela jibqgħu sejrin hekk!” Ftit jiem wara kien l-eks Vigarju Episkopali għall-Evanġelizzazzjoni, Dun Rene Camilleri, li fil-programm Arena fuq One TV saħaq li meta wieħed jikkunsidra l-qawwa tal-midja llum, il-midja tal-Knisja hija "paġna sewda”. Kompla jisħaq, "naħseb li strateġikament u pastoralment, dan huwa żball li ninsabu fih." Attwalment Dun Rene’ u Dun Ġorġ kienu qed jiġu intervistati dwar listħarriġ tal-Kurja u ġew mistoqsija dwar x’jaħsbu li wassal għal dak irriżultat xejn sabiħ. Fid-9 ta' April tal-2017, il-gazzetta ILLUM kienet irrappurtat kif fost ittmexxija l-ġdida tal-midja tal-Knisja

kien hemm strateġisti tal-Partit Nazzjonalista, fosthom it-tifel ta' Austin Gatt, l-eks strateġista tal-PN Lawrence Zammit u Anton Attard li fl-2008 kien maniġer tal-kampanja tal-PN.

22), dik li ħafna qed iqisuha bħala laktar djamant reċenti fil-gżira Għawdxija, il-kantanta Michela Pace nhar il-Ġimgħa ltaqgħet ukoll malPresident ta’ Malta fil-Palazz ta’ Sant Anton. Fil-laqgħa l-President ferħet liżżagħzugħa għas-suċċess li kisbet, u qaltilha li għall-Maltin diġà hi rebbieħa, u konvinta li se tmur tajjeb meta tirrappre-żenta lil Malta fil-Eurovision. Sar magħruf ukoll li Michela se tirrekordja l-ewwel kanzunetti biex tingħażel dik għall-Eurovision.

kien jaħdem bħala maniġer mal-kumpannija P&O, sussidjarja tad-DP World li hi bbażata f’Dubaj. Paul inqatel fil-port ta’ Bossaso meta kien ma’ sħabu. Hu miet ftit wara fl-isptar fejn kien ittieħed għall-kura wara l-attakk fuqu. Huwa mifhum li Paul inqatel mill-gruppi terroristika li jrid ineħħi l-Gvern tas-Somalja u li jqies lill-kumpannija ta’ Dubaj bħala xkiel għall-għanijiet tagħhom. L-Al Shabab ħa r-responsabbilta` tal-qtil b’kelliem għall-grupp jgħid li l-attakk sar għax il-kumpanija P&O qed tokkupa l-port ta’ Bossaso. Il-katavru ta’ Paul Anthony se jinġieb għad-difna f’Malta.

vittma tal-Al Michela f’laqgħa mal-President Malti Shabab fis-Somalja ara li ftit tal-jiem qabel kienet il-jiem li għaddew aħbar li ħasdet lil W iltaqgħet mal-Prim Ministru FMalta kienet tal-qtil fis-Somalja ta’ Joseph Muscat f’Kastilja (ara paġna Paul Anthony Formosa ta’ 52 sena (fuq) li

16 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday February 12, 2019

My health record could be a lifesaver


y Health Record will mean better medical care and fewer hospital admissions for people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities (CALD), according to the national group representing Australia’s ethnic communities. Mohammad Al-Khafaji, acting chief executive officer of the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia (FECCA) said the record can bolster communication between medical professionals and people with low levels of English proficiency, leading to better health outcomes. “My Health Record is a tool that no

doubt will be a potential lifesaver for many CALD Australians, especially those with limited support and limited English,” he told SBS News. According to the 2016 census, 21 per cent of Australians speak a language other than English at home. He said Australians from CALD communities face some barriers to accessing medical care, including an unawareness of available translating services, a lack of information in community languages and actual or perceived racism among medical practitioners. He said that GPs are often the gatekeepers to specialised services, and the lack of awareness of this means that people may not access the services they need - in particular, if interpreting services are not used.

But according to Mr Al-Khafaji, having a record digitally accessible in one place without the need for extensive verbal communication will lead to better-informed treatment decisions, particularly for carers, older people and those with lower levels of English proficiency. He added that for those who travel overseas frequently, it is “reassuring to know they can access My Health Record at any place, at any time”. After January 31, an estimated 17 million Australians will have their record automatically created. Despite the benefits, it was important for all Australians to know they have an option to opt-out if they have concerns

Scathing assessment of the Banks in Australia 160,000 missed NBN


Kenneth Hayne (Left) and Josh Frydenberg with the report he three-volume report by the fleeced Australians of hundreds of Banking Royal Commissioner millions of dollars. Kenneth Hayne discovered a Commissioner Kenneth Hayne scathing assessment of their bad has ordered that greedy finance tibehaviour. Mr Hayne uncovered tans no longer be able to profit by years of systemic abuse of every- charging fees for no service and day customers by finance institu- seeks to bring an end to opportions which will lead to a tunistic hawking of insurance and once-in-a-generation overhaul of superannuation as well as a severthe industry. ing of the cosy relationship beSweeping changes to home loans, tween banks and mortgage brokers. insurance, financial advice and suDespite not committing in full to perannuation will seek to tip the the demand that mortgage brokers ledger back in favour of the cus- charge borrowers fees, Treasurer tomer after the report found Frydenberg pledged the governdecades of despicable behaviour ment would “go further” than the from financial institutions which overall recommendations.



enate scrutiny has revealed there were 157,268 missed NBN technician appointments in financial year 20172018. Oddly, previous evidence submitted by NBNCo to the Senate indicated there were 80,000 missed appointments between July 2017 and March 2018. It’s unclear how this figure surged to nearly 160,000 missed appointments in the space of just three months. Concerned about consistent complains by Maltese trying to install NBN, The Voice contacted the office of Michelle Rowland MP, Shadow Minister for Telecommunications and Member for Greenway for her comments. “Australians are reasonable and do not expect perfection – but they expect better than this. It is unacceptable that so many consumers and small business owners are losing hours out of their busy schedules, only to find technicians don’t show up,” she said. She added, “Consumers deserve better. Labor calls on NBNCo to act urgently improve its processes and communication with end-users to reduce the number of missed appointments and much better service.” She also made a promise that a Shorten Labor Government would establish an NBN Service Guarantee to improve the incentives for NBN to improve fault rectification timeframes and reduce missed appointments. “Less downtime, greater accountability and fewer missed appointments – that is what consumers deserve and what Labor wants to achieve.” Michelle Rowland MP told The Voice of the Maltese.

While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema

Email: Tel: (00356) 23497000

Tuesday February 12, 2019

How to spot a fake Y

ou may or may not have experienced the terrifying new tactics by criminals trying to get your hands on your money using the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). The nefarious tactic is known as “spoofing” and the ATO says it is now a common scam technique used by scammers in an attempt to “legitimise their interaction with vulnerable community members”. “The community should be aware that legitimate email domains and SMS origins can also be ‘spoofed’ by scammers,” the spokesman said. “Spoofing occurs on global telecommunications platforms and is therefore not an indicator of a compromise of the IT security controls within an organisation.” While the ATO regularly contacts taxpayers by phone, email and SMS, there are some telltale signs that it isn’t the

ATO. The ATO will not: – Send you an email or SMS asking you to click on a link to provide login, personal or financial information, or to download a file or open an attachment (as in the example provided) – Use aggressive or rude behaviour, or threaten you with arrest, jail or deportation; – Request payment of a debt via iTunes or Google play cards, prepaid visa cards, cryptocurrency or direct credit to a personal bank account; or – Request a fee in order to release a refund owed to you. If you are in doubt about an interaction you have had with someone claiming to be from the ATO, or you think you have fallen victim to an ATO Impersonation scam, you can call the department to verify it on 1800 008 540 between 8 am–6 pm, Monday to Friday.

Lost its way on climate change T

ackling climate change and wealth inequality are the main reasons former Liberal Oliver Yates (pictured right) decided to challenge federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg for his Victorian seat. The former Clean Energy Finance Corporation boss also wants businesses held to account for exploiting people and the environment for profit. Mr Yates lives in Kooyong - a Liberal seat since Federation in 1901 - and will join the ranks of liberalleaning independents challenging for coalition seats across the country. Mr Yates spent part of his youth in the regional electorate of Indi, which went to independent Cathy McGowan in 2013, and says voters want MPs who represent them. "People would say independents can't have a lot of influence because often they're in a minority in the lower house, but that's not been shown out," he said. Along with Ms McGowan, independent Kerryn Phelps won the Wentworth by-election following the retirement of Malcolm Turnbull. Wentworth had also been Liberal since 1901. Former world champion skier and barrister Zali Steggall has announced a run against Tony Abbott in Warringah. Both Dr Phelps and Ms Steggall cited climate change as a key factor in their decisions. “Zali and I have much in common - local, 'small-l' liberal and level-headed," Dr Phelps wrote in the Sydney Morning Herald. "It happened in Wentworth and it can happen in Warringah - Zali can win.” Dr Phelps got the benefit of Labor prefer-

ences in her run, and Mr Yates said he hoped Labor and the Greens would direct preferences his way.

The Voice of the Maltese 17

“Enough is enough on Manus”


he general secretary of the Catholic Bishop Conference of PNG and Soloman Islands, Fr Giorgio Licini (above), has just returned to Port Moresby from the island where he said three refugees attempted suicide during his two-day visit. A tearful Fr Licini said that these self-harm and suicide attempts, are a daily occurrence and that if nothing is done immediately, in the next few weeks “we are going to have people not only getting sick, not only getting crazy, completely, we are going to have people die.” Fr Licini was allowed to visit about 600 refugees detained in three facilities in the island's main town, Lorengau. Most have been detained on Manus for almost six years for trying to reach Australia by boat to seek asylum. Seven have died on Manus. “There is one, and only one, solution,” he said. “For the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea to tell the Prime Minister of Australia ... that enough is enough." Meanwhile, no more asylum-seeker children will be held on Nauru with the final four preparing to fly to the US with their families for resettlement They are the last of more than 200 children who had been held at the island’s processing centre when the Coalition won government in 2013. The Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, claimed it was vindication of the Coalition’s hardline border policy. When he took over as leader at the end of August, there were 109 children in immigration detention on Nauru.

Wasal il-Karnival ta’ Malta 2019 18 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday February 12, 2019


aslu l-jiem li ħafna kull sena jkunu qed jistennewhom u jfissruhom bħala tal-bluha, il-Karnival ta’ Malta, assoċjat max-xahar ta’ Frar imma li din is-sena se jibda flaħħar ta’ Frar u jissokta fl-ewwel jiem ta’ Marzu. L-avveniment li fih tispikka l-ħila tal-artisti Maltin se jsir fuq sitt ijiem, bejn il– Ħamis 28 ta’ Frar u t-Tlieta 5 ta’ Marzu. Anke jekk fin-nofs hemm il-kompetizzjoni f’disa’ kategoriji, u allura wkoll ir-rigali ta’ flus, b’danakollu l-għan ewlieni tad-dilettanti li għal xhur sħaħ jaħdmu bla heda u għal ħinijiet twal fuq ilkarrijiet, dawk tassew dilettanti jagħmlu li jagħmlu għax iħobbu d-delizzju u jieħdu gost juru l-kapolavuri tagħhom quddiem ilfolol, l-aktar fil-kapitali Maltija Valletta, li dejjem japprezzaw ħilet dawk li sena wara l-oħra joħorġu b’inizjattivi ġodda. Il-Karnival ta’ Malta hu fost l-eqdem okkażjonijiet ta’ brijju f’Malta li jmur lura kważi ħames sekli, fi żmien il-ħakma f’Malta tal-Kavallieri ta’ San Ġwann. F’din l-okkażjoni, għalkemm kemm dawk li jorganizzaw u wkoll dawk li jpoġġu l-ideat tagħhom fuq il-karru jippruvaw kemm jista’ jkun iżommu mat-tradizzjoni, imma fl-istess ħin ikunu kreattivi biex iżommu maż-żmien. Kull sena, l-artisti dejjem joħolqu xi ħaġa ġdida u wara li fl-aħħar snin ngħataw is-sinjal li anke jistgħu jużaw is-satira politika, m’għandux jonqos li din id-darba wkoll, se jkun hemm min jaapprofitta ruħu u jpoġġi fid-deher sitwazzjonijiet li matul is-snin ħolqu polemika. Il-Maltin huma magħrufa li “jieklu l-politika u l-polemika bilħobż”. Madankollu fil-jiem tal-Karnival donnhom jingħaqdu u

jkunu kapaċi li jidħku bl-istess politkanti li matul is-sena jkunu tant, jew ħabbew jew ikkritikaw. Mhemmx dubju wkoll li se jispikkaw il-kuluri fuq il-karrijiet u lmaskri, fosthom dawk grotteski, il-kostumi taż-żeffiena u ż-żfin innifsu, ħafna drabi oriġinali tal-membri tal-kumpaniji li jippreżentaw il-karrijiet. Imma l-Karnival ma jsirx biss fit-toroq tal-belt. Daż-żmien aktar minn qatt qabel, f’ħafna rħuli f’Malta u Għawdex isiru l-karnivali spontanji li fihom jieħdu sehem nies minn kull qasam tal-ħajja, li ħafna minnhom jinħbew wara l-maskra biex igawdu mill-brijju li huma stess għandhom il-ħila li joħolqu. (Aktar dwar il-Karnival 2019 fil-ħarġa li jmiss tas-26 ta’ Frar, jumejn qabel jiftaħ ir-Renju).

Don Bosco Festa without the procession

he annual festa of Don Bosco has T taken a different direction as it is now held in conjunction with the parish of Our

Lady of Victories at Horsley Park NSW that after many years was under the direction of the MSSP is being run by the congregation of St Michael the Archangel. The celebration started with a solemn mass that was celebrated by Fr Carmelo Sciberras OAM, who is also the secretary and spiritual director of the Past Maltese Pupils of Don Bosco (NSW). The parish

priest Fr Dominic Karnas CSMA assisted him. Fr Carmelo also delivered the homily in which he spoke about the power of prayer. This year the usual procession with the statue of the saint that normally takes place at the end of the mass, was not held partly because of the heat and the difficulties faced by the elderly members of the group. Instead, and with much more devotion a para-liturgy session was held at the foot of the statue with those present gathered in

solemn prayer and songs. The festa continued at the Marion Hall where members and friends attended for the usual reception. At the end of the celebration, Mark Caruana, the President of The Past Pupils & Friends of Don Bosco and his committee thanked all those who assisted in organising this annual occasion. Members of the association are remindinded that membership for the next three years is now due.

Tagħrif dwar il-kitba Maltija

Tuesday February 12, 2019

The Voice of the Maltese 19

ktar regoli u tagħrif uffiċjali dwar kif wieħed għandu jikteb il-Malti skont kif A maħruġ mill-Kummissjoni fi ħdan l-Akkademja tal-ilsien Malti f’Malta. Dan hu żoeda mat-tagħrif li diġa’ tajna f’għadd ta’ ħarġiet li għaddew. Jittratta dwar L-Or-

tografija ta’ Neoloġiżmi Anglo-Sassoni u Rumanzi fil-Malti. Wara li rajna l-ewwel tliet regoli li fuqhom tfasslu l-aġġornamenti u l-forom tal-ortografija, f’din il-ħarġa se nkomplu bil-bqijja tar-regoli.

B. Regoli Fundamentali

Aktar regoli: 4. Hemm, iżda, għadd ta’ kliem, l-iktar mill-Ingliż, u inqas fl-ilsna Rumanzi, li ħoloq xi diżgwid fost il-kittieba u lgħalliema – biex ma nsemmux nuqqas ta’ direzzjoni l-iktar mix-xandara u mill-istampaturi. Dan x’aktarx hu kliem li, jew għadu rari fil-Malti (aircraft-carrier, contour, chassis, high-tension), jew iktar imdorrijin niktbuh f’ilsna oħra (snooker, boxer, skates). F’dawn il-każijiet, ħafna mill-problemi jinqalgħu mhux għax ir- regola tal-fonetika Maltija ma taqdix tajjeb biex kliem bħal dan jingħata sura Maltija, iżda għax, jew, i. min ikun qiegħed jikteb, irid jikteb skont il-preferenza tiegħu; jew, ii. uħud joqogħdu jfittxu t-tnissil u l-etimoloġija tal-kelma u jippruvaw isegwu regoli ortografiċi/grammatikali bar-

Printed copies of The Voice of the Maltese available at your home by mail

ranin; jew iii. ma jridux jaċcė ttaw ir-regoli tal-fone etika Maltija. 5. Għaldaqstant, nagħmluha ċara li kelma barranija ssir Maltija, u tinkiteb skont regoli fonetiċi Maltin, meta i. tkun daħlet fil-Malti mitkellem u ma tiksirx regoli ortografiċi Maltin; ii. toqgħod għar-regoli grammatikali tal-Malti, bħal p.e., tieħu plural Malti, tikkonjuga ruħha, iżzi̇d prefissi/suffissi Maltin. 6. Jibqa’ xi kliem missellef li ma joqgħodx għar-regoli ta’ hawn fuq (para. 5) jew għax ikun għadu ġdid ħafna, jew għax l-użu tiegħu hu limitat ħafna, jew inkella għax hu isem proprju. Kliem bħal dan jiġi ttrattat iktar ’l isfel (f’paragrafu 11). S”HANE WASALT 7. Fl-aħħarnett, għandna dejjem infakkru, li għandna nagħmlu differenza bejn l-ilsien mitkellem u dak miktub. L-Ilsien Miktub għandu dejjem ikun, kemm jista’ jkun, mirqum fil-għażla tal-kliem, espressjonijiet u idjomi – saħansitra fil-ġurnaliżmu u iktar f’dik li hi letteratura. Fejn hemm kelma Maltija li taqdi l-iskopijiet kollha talħsieb tal-kittieb, din għandha tingħata preferenza fuq kelma barranija (eż. televiżjoni u mhux television, Estmi u mhux Baġit, ajruport u mhux airport). Dan li ntqal hawn fuq għandhom ikunu r-regoli bażiċi li fuqhom għandna nfasslu ortografija Maltija għal kliem ġdid fil-Malti. *Fil-ħarġa li jmiss nittrattaw REGOLI PARTIKULARI

Proverbji (qwiel) Maltin

ħalkemm ġieli ppubblikajna xi proverbji, fuq talba ta’ G xi qarrejja, llum qed nerġgħu nippubblikaw uħud. Fost dawn hemm xi wġud li ġieli ppubblikajnihom, imma


e are now in a position to arrange for you to receive a printed full-colour hard copy of The Voice of the Maltese at home every fortnight (24 publications) at the low cost of $120. (Australia only, other countries by request). A printed copy would be an ideal present for mum, dad or a relative who either do not have Internet access or are not computer literate. Anybody interested should contact us on: for further information. We are not only an online publication, but also print on demand.

hemm oħrajn għall-ewwel darba. Agħder għax ma tafx fiex tiġi Agħti jekk tiflaħ qabel ma jagħtuk Iddardarx l-Għajn li tixrob minnha Baqra tajba tinbiegħ f’pajjizha Hanqa ta’ ħmar qatt ma telgħet is-sema Fejn tħobb il-qalb jimxu r-riġlejn Tbus l-id li tixtieq maqtugħa Ġid il-bieżel kielu l-għażżien Tgħatti x-xemx bl-għarbiel Iż-żmien hu l-akbar għalliem Il-Kelb il-mismut, kull ilma jaħsbu misħun Agħlaq il-bieb qabel ma taħrab id-debba Kelb rieqed la tqajmux Min ibakkar jaqbad il-pluvieri minħhajr ma jsaffar Bil-kelma t-tajba toħrog il-far mit-toqba Li tgeddez il-nemla ġġorru il-ħamla ħhidli ma’ min tagħmilha u ngħidlek x’int Qis mitt darba u aqta’ darba Il-bniedem jipproponi u Alla jiddisponi Il-ġarra gejja u sejra sa fl-aħħar tinkiser ( Darb’oħra ntukom oħrajn)

20 The Voice of the Maltese

Australian history and the Christian Connection:


n New Year’s Eve 1999, an estimated two billion television viewers around the world watched Sydney’s spectacular millennium celebrations. Sydney was to host the Olympic Games in 2000 and the city was the centre of national and global attention. At the climax of the celebrations, just after midnight on January 1 2000, the Harbour Bridge was lit up with the word Eternity. The huge crowds clustered around the harbour foreshores applauded as one. Somewhere in their inner being they recognised the significance of this single mighty word. Eternity was the legacy of a former misfit in Sydney society who got a new start in life in 1930 when introduced to the teachings of Jesus. His name was Arthur Stace. Have you ever been in despair? Asked yourself the question “Is this as good as gets?” Arthur was a genuine “Aussie battler”, and life had not always been kind to him. However, after becoming a follower of Jesus in mid-life, he went from a derelict drunkard to an upstanding citizen and national celebrity. Australia during the Great Depression of the 1930s was a traumatised and divided country. One in every three men was out of a job. Many poor families were evicted from their homes and hundreds of thousands of people lived on the edge of starvation. Governments of all stripes were at a loss as to how to meet the economic crisis. The situation of 45-year-old Arthur Stace seemed especially hopeless. All his life he had battled poverty and alcoholism. Born in the slums of inner Sydney to irresponsible parents, he was given up by his mother at the age of seven and sent to live in Goulburn in foster care. At 14 he started work in a dangerous coalmine at Port Kembla; a few years later, back in Sydney,

Arthur Stace


Tuesday February 12, 2019

Harbour bridge with 'Eternity' illuminated sign December 31 1999

he fell into crime. At one stage he worked for his sister’s brothel. After serving as a stretcher-bearer in World War One, Arthur returned to Sydney in 1919 a sick and shattered man. The 1920s passed in a blur. He became addicted to “grog” (alcoholic drink), and, by his own admission, spent as much time in the gutter as out of it. The “coppers” (police) lost count of the number of times they arrested him for drunkenness and vagrancy. He spent many a night sobering up in the cells of the Darlinghurst or Redfern police station before being kicked out the next morning. On August 6 1930 Arthur was at the end of his tether. It was bleak winter’s evening when, with a few of his down-out-out mates, he took himself along to St Barnabas’ Anglican church on Broadway. The minister there, Rev. RBS Hammond, promised everyone who came to his meetings a cup of tea and a rock cake. But first they had to listen to a sermon. We do not know exactly what Hammond preached that night. But we do know the effect his words had on Arthur. Straight after the service Arthur left the church, crossed over into nearby Victoria Park, and got down on his knees. He prayed: “God, God be merciful to me a sinner”. It is a fact of history that, from that moment, Arthur was a changed man. In his words, “God really met me that night in the park!” Consider his achievements over the next 37 years. He gave up alcohol straight away, a miracle in itself. So-called “cold turkey” cures are very rare. He held down several responsible jobs, including one in the 1950s as a caretaker and lift-operator at the city offices of the Australian Red Cross. He toiled for decades in charitable work for unemployed, alcoholic and mentallyill men, initially under R.B.S. Hammond’s

supervision but ultimately on his own initiative. He married at the age of 57, and enjoyed nineteen happy years with his wife. He was a strong committed Christian, worshipping at St Barnabas’ on Broadway and later at the Baptist Tabernacle in Burton Street, Darlinghurst. He studied the Bible rigorously and became a respected prayer-group leader. He preached the gospel in the “open air” on the streets of Sydney each Saturday for over twenty years, and also spoke at countless churches by invitation. By far his most famous achievement was as a graffiti artist. Almost every day for 35 years, from November 14 1932, Arthur spent hours chalking a single-word sermon – “Eternity” – on the pavements of Sydney. He had been inspired by a talk on Isaiah 57:15 delivered by the great Australian Baptist evangelist, John Gotch Ridley. Arthur was a modest man, and for 24 years he wrote “Eternity” in secret. Finally, in June 1956, the press broke his story to the general public. By the time he died, in 1967, Arthur’s was a beloved household name across New South Wales. His legend lived on, culminating in the use of Eternity on January 1 2000 during Sydney’s millennium celebrations. Arthur’s life has also inspired Australian artists in numerous genres: painting, poetry, opera, song, tapestry, sculpture, film, the novel. The New South Wales parliament changed the law to permit the use of chalk on public footpaths (“Arthur’s law”). The true story of Arthur Stace is stranger than fiction. His life is a testament to the saving power of the Gospel for those who believe. Roy Williams, author (with Elizabeth Meyers) of Mr Eternity: The story of Arthur Stace (Acorn Press, 2017) - DIDUNO

The Voice of the Maltese 21

Tuesday February 12, 2019


A visit to the Green Gully SC Complex

t was an honour to accept an invitation for lunch from Dennis A. Venes, the President of the Green Gully Soccer Club. My wife and I met him at the club’s complex at Keilor Down. I last met with this man with a vision two years ago. Prior to lunch, I was given the opportunity to have a look around this Complex. The first thing that caught my eye was how clean and inviting the whole area is. We had been here before with the St. Sebastian Association of Victoria who currently use of these premises for its social nights. I could see a lot of changes since my last visit, including the completely new restaurant that is now open for business. The club is trying to encourage our Victorian Associations in general to make a note of this for future day trips for lunches etc. Be-

sides the “pokies” this club also holds weekly Bingo sessions on a Thursday night eyes down at 7.30pm. Mr Venes’s wish is for the younger generation to get involved with the club’s soccer programmes. Green Gully Soccer Club was established as Ajax Soccer Club in 1955 by Maltese immigrants in honour of the famous Ajax youth team that took Malta by storm when it represemted Floriana FC. The Victorian club also adopted their familiar green and white playing strip. In 1966 the club was renamed Green Gully Ajax SC when it moved to its current home ground at Green Gully Reserve in the West of Melbourne suburb of Kealba.

Ix-Xalata tal-Maltin at Portarlington


n a beautiful summer Victorian day on January 27, the Maltese Own Band Philharmonic Society with the assistance of the Portarlington Cricket Club (thanks to Peter Evans and his committee) and the Greater City of Geelong Council organised an enjoyable and very successful typical

Maltese outing (xalata Maltija). The hard work put in by Louis Mercieca and in particular Joe Portelli and Danielle Ward-Smith along with the rest of the MOBPS committee paid off. I was reminded that the last such occasion at this location was held 20 years ago. I am glad I

Reports and photos EmmanuelBrincat

was able to attend. The recently appointed Consul General for Malta in Melbourne, Mario Farrugia-Borg, along with his partner Joanne and his family attended the event that also included a bingo session. As usual on such occasions food was in great abundance and the members of the Portarlington Cricket Club that manned the canteen were kept very busy. Later in the afternoon, the Maltese Own Band Philharmonic Society, under the direction of its the musical director Mario Cassar performed popular marches and other musical arrangements. The organisers were so satisfied with the turnout, that they told The Voice of the Maltese that they are already planning an even better Xalata tal-Maltin in 2020.

22 The Voice of the Maltese

Tuesday February 12, 2019

Michela għand il-Prim Ministru


l-kantanta żagħżugħa Għawdxija Michela Pace stqarret li r-rebħa tagħha fl-ewwel edizzjoni Maltija tal-X Factor ftit tal-jiem ilu, li wkoll se ttiha ċ-ċans li tirrapreżenta lil Malta filEurovision Song Contest, kisbitilha popolarità li qatt ma kienet tistenna. Dil-popolarita`anke wasslitha tikseb invit biex tiltaqa’ mal-Prim Ministru Joseph Muscat f’Kastilja. F’din il-laqgħa Michela, li grazzi għar-rebħa tagħha anke se tingħata wkoll kuntratt millkumpanija Sony, kienet akkumpanjata mill-ġenituri tagħha u minn uffiċjali tal-PBS u l-organizzaturi ta; X Factor Malta. Il-Prim Ministru feraħ lil Michela u awguralha aktar suċċess fil-ġejjieni u fl-appuntaenti li għandha waqt li qed tħejji għall-Eurovsion, li se jsir f’Mejju f’Tel Aviv, l-Izrael.

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s Community Wheels Inc.

Connecting you with your community

Our Lady Queen of Peace Band is organising heavily subsidised music lessons for all ages 8 and up, at any level. Lessons will be arranged for small groups or private tuition for anyone interestd in learning a concert band instrument with the aim of becoming a Band Member

To register your interest or for more information

Antoine - 0405 233 144 - Roderick - 9670 2020 -

Community Wheels is your local community organisation that provides door-to-door transport services to eligible people (+65 yrs old) to: * attend medical appointments * go shopping (including assisting clients with their shopping bags) * meet a friend for a chat or coffee, and *go on bus tours etc. Available in the Parramatta City Council and parts of Cumberland Council areas. For information call 88681400

THE MALTESE CULTURAL ASSOCIATION OF NSW Proudly presents one of Malta’s best Showmen!

Ian James Vella – JANVIL in a brilliant Entertainers Show supported by Australia’s own popular Maltese singer Stacey Saliba on Sunday March17 at 2.00pm “Starlight Room” - Wentworthville Leagues Club FOR BOOKINGS CONTACT: Dorothy Gatt: 9636 1834; Monica Ledger: 9896 0712 Charles Mifsud 0421 662 298

Donation: Adults $25; Children u/15yrs: $10

PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Wentworthville Leagues Club 50 Smith Street, Wentworthville

94 Main Street, Blacktown: Tel: 02 9622 7799

Tel: 02 8868 9200

Join us on Facebook: roups/thevoiceofthemaltese

MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc.

Learn Maltese!

Classes are available for students from six years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island.

Teachers urgently needed - Paid positions

For more information and enquiries Phone 9601 2189 or Email: Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

The Voice of the Maltese 23

Tuesday February 12, 2019

C Co om mm mu un ni it ty y N Ne ew ws s

Tu n e i n t o Ra d i o a n d Te l e v i s i o n

MELBOURNE: on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5-6 pm, Fridays 5-6 pm and Saturdays 10-11am. MELBOURNE: on 98.9 North West FM, every Friday 6.00 - 7.00p.m. and Mondays 7.00 to 8.00pm. Presenter: Emmanuel Brincat.

MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 (93180930): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merħba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator – Ray Anastasi On SBS Radio Day Time Analogue and Digital Tuesdays and Fridays: 12:00-13:00 97.7fm SBS 2.

On Demand: Ethnic Maltese Council 11am)

Il-Ħadd 11.00 am: l-aħħar aħbarijiet minn Malta, mużika, tagħrif, kultura, avviżi u suġġetti ta’ interess. UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link:

To tune into digital radio you need a receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard via digital TV.

SBS MALTESE NEWS: L-Aħbarijiet on SBSTV twice a week nationwide; Sunday 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32) Thursdays at 8.00 am on SBSTV32. SYDNEY: listen to the MCC radio programmes on 2GLF FM 89.3. Isma’ l-programm tar-radju bil-Malti mill-Kunsill Malti ta’ NSW minn fuq listazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. (Jista’ wkoll jinstema’ On Demand minn fuq l-Internet:

Maltese Seniors Social Welfare Day Groups

Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Meets on the last Tuesday of the Month. Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1 pm. Group meets in Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights at Maltese of Bankstown 10 am. Group meets 3rd Wednesday of month

in the Bankstown CBD area. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Every other 3rd Thursday an outing. Have to contact our Welfare Officer for Enquiries call: Sam 9534 2357 an appointment. For all information and referral matters call Censina Cefai: 02 Greystanes Maltese Seniors 439 000 12 or 0414 267 652 Meets on the second Monday of each month at the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Meets the last Wednesday of the mon- Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon th in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 GenThe Sutherland & St George eral Bridges Crescent, Daceyville.

Daceyville Maltese Seniors

Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips

Join us and make new friends.

Maltese Group

Meets every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm.

Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meetings/Get Togethers are interestMeets every second Friday of the ing, informative & entertaining, so month: Miller Room, Memorial Av- come Join us and make new Friends enue Merrylands from 10.30am to For more information contact our Co12.30 am ordinator: Llandilo Maltese Seniors

Meets on the first Wednesday of each

Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) 9501 5525 – mobile 0421 662 298.

*(All Groups are co-ordinated by The Maltese Community Council of NSW) with a sponsorship from Multicultural NSW. Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on 0414 863 123. The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young St) Parramatta West NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School).

SBS Radio 2 on Channel 38. Programmes can be accessed online (live or catch up) at: and via mobile phone, using the SBS Radio app. For television news from Malta SBS2 TV 32 ( (Viceland) on Thursdays and Sundays at 8am.

VIVA MALTA on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford Central Coast NSW. Aired on Thursdays every fortnight from 6 pm -7 pm. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming: BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Programme on 4EB on Tuesdays 6.00 -8.15am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm

L-MCCV qed jilqa’ applikazzjonijiet għal għalliem/a tal-ilsien Malti Min japplika jrid ikollu għarfien sew tal-Malti, miktub u mitkellem.

Dan xogħol volontarju (bla ħlas).

Min hu interessat jibgħat lapplikazzjoni bid-dettalji akkademiċi lil: Għal tagħrif ieħor ċemplu fuq 0412 115 919. Ħalli nnumru tat-telefon u nċemplulek lura.

Saint Nicholas Festa Committee

Main events for 2019

Sunday March 10: Fete Sunday June 30: L-Imnarja Sunday October 20: Fete Saturday Nov. 9: Dinner Dance Sunday December 1: Feast

Events are held at the Good Shepherd parish hall, 130-136 Hyatts Road, Plumpton NSW

24 The Voice of the Maltese


Tuesday February 12, 2019

PMESC on right trek towards success


he enthusiasm currently prevailing in the Parramatta FC (Melita Eagles) as preparations are on-going in order for the team to regain its rightful place and win promotion back to NPL 2 NSW. With the new season fast approaching, the board is leaving no stone unturned in order to build a competitive team. To do so a professional approach is needed and the Melita board is all out to prove themselves by providing the Eagles’ supporters with a team they could be proud of. Surprisingly, despite suffering successive relegations that have put pressure on the board members, with hard work, PMESC have still managed to recruit people who are capable of providing the fans a sense of belonging. Hopefully, those supporters who seemed to have deserted the team in the past few seasons will return to refresh the spirit that once made the Eagles one of the top teams in NSW. As a start, it is imperative for the club to make an effort to obtain promotion. The Appointment of Tony Basha as the club’s Operations Manager was one of the best decisions Hyundai A-League taken thus far. Among his iniRESULTS Day 18 Melbourne V v Perth Glory 1-2 tiatives for the Brisbane R v Sydney FC 2-1 club, through Melbourne C v Adelaide 1-1 his AustralasNewcastle J v Wellington P. 1-1 ian Soccer AcaW. Sydney W v CC Mariners 2-0 demy (ASA) RESULTS Day 17 he recently anPerth Glory v Wellington P. 3-0 Sydney FC v Melbourne C 2-0 nounced that 4-3 Adelaide v Brisbane R the club has CC Mariners v Melbourne C2-3 entered into W. Sydney W v Newcastle J 1-5 what has been

The ASA new training facility at Clyde, in Sydney’s west

described as an exciting partnership with Singapore Premier League side, Geylang International FC. Under this partnership, one player per season from the academy would be offered a full-time professional playing contract with one of Asia's fastest growing football clubs. Speaking at the launch in Singapore Tony said, “We are committed to providing professional pathways for footballers with this partnership, further opening doors for players in our full-time academy programme.” He added that whether via the NPL competition or through its overseas partnerships in Asia and Europe, the ASA that Tony himself founded, is at the forefront of player development and placement in overseas playing opportunities. Meanwhile, Tony and ASA recently inaugurated their new $A1million Australasian Sports Centre in Clyde. He said it was his own experience living on the streets of

Parramatta Melita Eagles’ Tony Basha (centre) holding a Geylang shirt at the annoucnement of the sponsorship agreement

,Sydney as a teenager that inspired him to build new the football training facility in Sydney’s west, only five minutes from Merrylands and Parramatta.

Malta Premier League football

A Valletta- Hibs two-horse race?


ith Gzira keep dropping points, the Premier League Championship in Malta is close to becoming a two-horse race between defending Champions Valletta and Hibernians who currently share the top spot in the league ladder. RESULTS - Round 17 Both now stand Valletta v Qormi 3-1 on 40 points after v Gzira U 1-0 Hibernians in- Hibernians flicted the first Birkirkara v Floriana 0-0 defeat on Gzira, Ħamrun S v Tarxien R. 3-0 to widen the gap Sliema W. v St Andrews 1-1 0-0 with third-placed Balzan v Mosta 2-1 Gzira to six Senglea v Pieta H. Results - Day 16 points. 2-0 In the last two Valletta v Birkirkara rounds Valletta Hibernians v Floriana 1-0 1-1 and Hibernians Gzira U v Sliema W collected six Ħamrun S. v St Andrews 3-0 2-1 points by win- Senglea v Balzan 2-0 Mosta v Tarxien ning their last 2-0 Qormi v Pieta H. two matches. Valletta beat Birkirkara and then Qormi, while Hibernians got the better of Floriana and Gzira. Meanwhile, Ħamrun Spartans are putting a claim for a Europe place along with Birkirkara with two more victories over St Andrews and Tarxien, while Sliema only managed two draws under interim coach Ian Woods. Another high-ranking team, Balzan are also disappointing. A change of coach, with Jacques Scerri replacing Marko Micovic after a surprise 2-1 defeat against Senglea, and a draw with Mosta did them no good and their hopes for fourth place are diminishing. Senglea are making a strong bid to improve their standing and there is a lot of hope for them after four successive victories. Their chances for survival have improved considerably. Pieta and Qrmi are the two bottom teams.

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